One Piece Compendium of Might Menaces

by FragSauce

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One Piece Compendium of
Mighty Menaces

Kozu­ki Oden

“ There will nev­er be Samu­rai as mon­strous as him again... ”

— Kaido about Oden

Kozu­ki Oden was the daimyo of Kuri in Wano Coun­try and the son of the for­mer shogun Kozu­ki Sukiya­ki, be­ing a mem­ber of the Kozu­ki Fam­i­ly. He was the hus­band of Kozu­ki Toki and the fa­ther of Momono­suke and Hiy­ori. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, he was the leader of a group of leg­endary and pow­er­ful samu­rai known as the Nine Red Scabbards, with all of them serv­ing as his re­tain­ers and most trust­ed al­lies.

For 5 years of his life, Oden set out to sea and be­came a pi­rate, serv­ing as the 2nd di­vi­sion com­man­der of the White­beard Pi­rates and lat­er be­com­ing a mem­ber of the Roger Pi­rates. Af­ter find­ing Joy Boy's trea­sure on Laugh Tale, Oden jour­neyed home and made it his goal to open Wano's bor­ders to the world by fi­nal­ly tak­ing his fa­ther's place as Shogun.

Kozuki Oden

large human, chaotic neutral

  • Armor Class 22 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 415 (32d10 + 239)
  • Speed 45ft

28 (+9) 24 (+7) 25 (+7) 19 (+4) 23 (+6) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Dex +15, Int +12, Cha +12
  • Skills Athletics +17, Acrobatics +15
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 27 (105,000 XP)

Will of the Samurai (Recharges on a Shor or Long rest): If Kozuki Oden is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, it regains 221 hit points, in addition he can now use his mythic actions until he takes a short or long rest.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kozuki Oden fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Kozuki Oden has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Ryuo. Kozuki Oden weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. Kozuki Oden makes 2 attacks using Ryuo Infused Slash and then uses either Togen Shirataki, Gun Modoki or one of his mythic actions if unlocked.

Ryuo Infused Slash. Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit 41 (4d12+15) slashing damage

Togen Shirataki. Each creature in a 120 feet cone from Kozuki Oden must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 78 (12d12) force damage, taking half on a success. This ability deals double damage against terrain and objects.

Gun Modoki. Kozuki Oden moves 60 feet in a direction of his choice, this movements doesn't provoke opportunity attacks, and each creature he comes within 10 feet of he can make a Ryuo Infused Slash against.

Mythic Actions

Kozuki Oden can only take these action if he has used Will of the Samurai.

To­gen Tot­su­ka. Melee weapon attack: +19 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit 93 (12d12+15) slashing damage, if a creature takes damage from this an has fewer than 100 hit points left, they are reduced to 0 hit points.

Gun Modoki. Kozuki Oden moves 60 feet to a creature within range, this movements doesn't provoke opportunity attacks, he then makes a Ryuo Infused strike against that creature with advantage. If the attack hits all his attacks have 15 feet reacg for the next minute.


Oden was a very large and mus­cu­lar man of tow­er­ing height, stand­ing in at 382 cm. He had long, wild hair of black col­or that was no­tably gath­ered into a large, flat, cir­cu­lar plane at the top, and also in­clud­ed a prom­inent wid­ow's peak and trian­gu­lar side­burns. He had rel­a­tive­ly sharp, black eyes whose in­ner and out­er corners were marked by black jags go­ing down and up re­spec­tive­ly, and above a pair of prom­inent, high­ly arched eye­brows. He had a mid-sized, slight­ly hooked nose, a large, ex­pres­sive mouth, and a broad chin. Even dur­ing his late teen years, Oden looked just like a full grown man. Dur­ing the five years be­fore his demise, he grew a short goa­tee.

For clothes, Oden typ­i­cal­ly wore an or­ange ki­mono, leav­ing most of his legs ex­posed; the ki­mono had two yel­low cres­cent moon de­signs on it. Oden also wore a large pur­ple and white nio-da­su­ki tied around his shoul­ders that ran down his back. He would of­ten al­ter­nate be­tween this and a sim­i­lar longer ki­mono, with his 3 nio-da­su­ki worn as a belt and tied in the front. Oden also wore his swords, Enma and Ame no Habakiri, across his left waist tucked in­side an obi belt. While par­ty­ing with the White­beard Pi­rates, he wore a light col­ored shirt, dark col­ored pants, and a crown on his head.


Oden was an im­mense­ly skilled and pow­er­ful swords­man, hav­ing de­vel­oped his own vari­a­tion of Ni­to­ryu, which Oden him­self called as Oden Ni­to­ryu (おでん⼆⼑ 流 Oden Nitōryū

Even at age 9, Oden could fight against an en­tire yakuza gang in the Flower Cap­ital un­til the age of 10 where he al­most killed some­one. At age 18, he was able to strike down the mas­sive beast hailed as the Moun­tain God with a sin­gle at­tack. Kin'e­mon stat­ed that Oden was able to fight against all of the out­laws, ronin, and the re­gions most dan­ger­ous crim­i­nal, Ashu­ra Doji (some­one not­ed to be worth 100 men in bat­tle) af­ter an en­tire night of bat­tle. Dur­ing his ad­ven­tures with the Whitebeard Pi­rates, Oden was able to eas­i­ly sink a large pi­rate ship by cut­ting it in half.

Due to his ad­ven­tures with the White­beard and Roger Pi­rates, he was stat­ed to have grown stronger than be­fore to where he was the only in­di­vid­ual to wound the nigh-in­vul­ner­a­ble Kai­do in his Myth­i­cal Zoan drag­on form caus­ing him to fall to the ground and be per­ma­nent­ly scarred, but couldn't deal an­oth­er blow due to be­ing tricked by Kurozu­mi Hig­urashi who dis­guised her­self as a kid­napped Momonosuke. Even Kai­do ac­knowl­edged Oden as the strong­est samu­rai, and stat­ed his belief that there will nev­er be an­oth­er samu­rai who could match Oden. Bu­sos­ho­ku Haki:

Oden was an ex­treme­ly pow­er­ful mas­ter of Bu­soshoku Haki, which is known as "Ryuo“

Sakazuki AKA Fleet Admiral Akainu

large human, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 21 (Magma Skin)
  • Hit Points 416 (32d20+80)
  • Speed 35ft

37 (+8) 22 (+6) 28 (+9) 22 (+6) 23 (+6) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Str +15, Con +16, Int +13, Wis +13
  • Skills Athletics +15, Perception +13
  • Damage Resistances cold
  • Damage Immunity Non-magical weapons, fire
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 23
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 22 (41,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Sakazuki fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Molten Aura IF Sakazuki has less than half of his maximum hit points left, any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of him will take 13 (2d12) fire damage.


Multiattack. Sakazuki makes 2 attacks using Magma Fist.

Magma Fist. Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 25ft, one target. Hit 42 (5d12+10) Fire damage

Ryusei Kazan (1/day) Sakazuki casts Meteor Storm with a DC of 22.

Inugami Guren Each creature in a 90 feet cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 52 (8d12) fire damage, taking half on a success.

Bonus Actions

Dai Funka each creature in a 120 feet long and 10 feet wide line must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 26 (4d12) fire damage, a creature that succeeds takes half the fire damage.

Meigo Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 38 (3d12+19) Fire damage, the hit creature must also succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take further 110 (20d10) fire damage. a creature who fails the saving throw and is reduced to 0 hit points by this attack is instantly killed.


„Un­der the com­mand of fleet ad­mi­ral Sakazu­ki, Ma­rine Head­quarters has be­come an even more pow­er­ful "army of jus­tice"

Sakazu­ki, for­mer­ly known by his ad­mi­ral alias Akainu, is the cur­rent fleet ad­mi­ral of the Marines, suc­ceed­ing the pre­vi­ous fleet ad­mi­ral, Sen­goku. Upon be­com­ing his fleet ad­mi­ral, one of Sakazu­ki's first de­ci­sions was to re­lo­cate Ma­rine Head­quar­ters into the New World in prepa­ra­tion for the New Pi­rate Age. While he is a strong and ca­pa­ble leader who has done well to con­sol­i­date the pow­er and pres­tige of the Marines, Sakazu­ki would be best cat­e­go­rized as an ex­trem­ist and high­ly dog­mat­ic. He is an adamant be­liev­er in Ab­so­lute Jus­tice and is ruth­less in his main­te­nance of it, his de­rived mot­to be­ing "Thor­ough Jus­tice" (徹底的な正義 Tet­teit­e­ki na Sei­gi?). He has a stern, dead-se­ri­ous dis­po­si­tion, is grim, ex­pres­sion­less, and is the most ruth­less out of three ad­mi­rals. He most­ly sees the Marines as an ex­ten­sion of him- 6 self and his own be­liefs, will­ing to kill those who dis­agree with him, and show­ing little if any care for peo­ple placed un­der his charge. While this has made him extreme­ly pow­er­ful and feared among Pi­rates.

Devil Fruit

Sakazu­ki ate the Magu Magu no Mi, a Lo­gia-type Dev­il Fruit that lets him cre­ate, con­trol, and trans­form into mag­ma. This mag­ma is ex­treme­ly hot, high­ly ex­plo­sive, and thus well-suit­ed for com­bat, al­low­ing Sakazu­ki to burn, melt, and de­stroy anything in his path—in fact, among all Dev­il Fruits, Sakazu­ki's is said to of­fer the greatest at­tack pow­er.

Sakazu­ki's pri­ma­ry method of com­bat is con­vert­ing his arms into mag­ma to launch burn­ing punch­es (or clawed thrusts) that can eas­i­ly pen­e­trate hu­man bodies, dras­ti­cal­ly en­large his arms to throw for­ward gi­ant mag­ma fists meant to reach en­e­mies far­ther away, and even launch mul­ti­ple mag­ma fists as a bar­rage of me­teor-like pro­jec­tiles, dev­as­tat­ing the bat­tle­field. Oth­er­wise, he has been seen shap­ing his mag­ma fist into a fanged dog head; a nod to his an­i­mal alias.

Even at a ra­tio oth­er­wise for­midable Lo­gia´s stan­dard, Magu Magu no Mi possess­es in­cred­i­ble pow­er. The main strength of this Dev­il Fruit is that it al­lows the user to pro­duce mag­ma to at­tack their op­po­nents with. The in­tense heat can vapor­ize an ice­berg in­stant­ly and boil the sea­wa­ter that the mag­ma lands in. With this pow­er run­ning for a ten day bat­tle, it was strong enough to per­ma­nent­ly change the weath­er of one half of an is­land into a blaz­ing in­fer­no.

Phys­i­cal Abil­i­ties

Sakazu­ki's phys­i­cal prow­ess is im­mense, as be­fit­ting an ad­miral. His raw strength was enough for him to go up against and clash even­ly with White­beard in close quar­ters, the "Strong­est Man in the World“.


Sakazu­ki is an in­cred­i­bly tall, light-skinned, un­usu­al­ly mus­cu­lar man, the most muscu­lar of the for­mer ad­mi­rals. He's about as tall as his fel­low ad­mi­rals, with a squareshaped face, very pro­nounced fa­cial fea­tures, and short black hair. He stands at 306 cm (10'), mak­ing him taller than oth­er mas­sive Hu­mans. He usu­al­ly wears a stan­dard Ma­rine cap and sports a crim­son, dou­ble-breast­ed suit, dec­o­rat­ed with what ap­pears to be a pink rose on his left but­ton­hole. Un­like many high-rank­ing Marines, he does not wear a tie, but in­stead leaves his light red col­ored flower-patterned shirt un­but­toned, show­ing his mus­cu­lar neck and part of his tat­too. He wears black gloves and black shoes. The right side of Sakazu­ki's Neck and Face are scarred, and a chunk of his right ear is miss­ing. In ad­di­tion to his in­juries, he also grew a mus­tache and goa­tee. Sakazu­ki wears a flo­ral pat­tern shirt un­der­neath is Red Suit. He wears the stan­dard Ma­rine cap, though un­like his pre­de­ces­sor's, it does not have the life-sized seag­ull on top. He is also fre­quent­ly seen smok­ing a cig­ar


Sen­goku ap­pears to be an ex­ceed­ing­ly proud, en­light­ened, and in­tel­li­gent man who was loy­al to the World Gov­ern­ment and, up un­til the cover-up of the Im­pel Down in­ci­dent, nev­er ques­tioned or­ders from them. He also will not ac­cept any rea­son for let­ting a crim­i­nal go, and also has a habit of get­ting very ir­ri­tat­ed with fail­ure. His mot­to is "Reign­ing Jus­tice" (君臨する正義 Kun­rin­su­ru Sei­gi), in that he pri­or­i­tizes up­hold­ing jus­tice over all things, al­though he cer­tain­ly does not shy 9 away from ac­tions that fall un­der the code of Ab­so­lute Jus­tice. From his view, the Sev­en War­lords of the Sea are just pi­rates, though he notes how valu­able they can be when the time comes.


Sen­goku is a tall, fair-skinned, and mus­cu­lar man with a long, braid­ed goa­tee and a mus­tache. He is usu­al­ly seen along­side his pet goat. His cap cov­ers his hair, which is set in a large afro. His afro was re­vealed af­ter us­ing his Dev­il Fruit pow­ers and hav­ing his cap knocked off. He typ­i­cal­ly wears black-rimmed glass­es and a white and gold full Ma­rine ad­mi­ral uni­form that is adorned with medals. The most dis­tinctive fea­tures of this uni­form are a life-size seag­ull on top of his cap, and his oversized Ma­rine coat which he wears like a cape. His coat has the kan­ji for jus­tice, in blue, em­bla­zoned on the back, and has unique col­ored cuffs, with his be­ing white.

Devil Fruit

Sen­goku ate the Hito Hito no Mi, Mod­el: Daibut­su, a Myth­i­cal Zoan-type Dev­il Fruit that al­lows him to trans­form into a gi­ant gold­en Bud­dha and a hu­man-Bud­dha hybrid at will. This pow­er is the source of his nick­name, "Sen­goku the Bud­dha". A num­ber of Marines claimed that they have nev­er seen him use this pow­er be­fore the war. The main strength of this Fruit is that it al­lows the user to trans­form into a gi­ant, liv­ing, gold­en Bud­dha, gain­ing an ex­treme boost in strength to match the increased size. In this form, Sen­goku's limbs grow out of pro­por­tion, giv­ing him ab- 10 nor­mal­ly large arms and rel­a­tive­ly tiny legs. His en­tire body takes on a sol­id gold hue, in ad­di­tion to a full and hy­brid trans­for­ma­tion that are avail­able to all Zoan Dev­il Fruit users, he can use palm thrusts to launch pow­er­ful shock waves.


large human, Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 22 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 415 (32d10 + 239)
  • Speed 35ft

28 (+9) 24 (+7) 25 (+7) 19 (+4) 23 (+6) 22 (+8)

  • Saving Throws Dex +15, Int +12, Cha +12
  • Skills Athletics +17, Acrobatics +15
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 26 (90,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Sengoku fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Sengoku has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Sengokus weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. Sengoklu makes two mighy punch attacks. If he is in Daibutsu Form he can make 3 attacks.

Mighty Punch. Melee weapon attack: +17 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit 22 (2d12+9) slashing damage. If in Daibutsu form, this attack deals an extra 32 (5d12) damage and have an additional 20 feet reach.

Daibutsu Form(1/day) Sengoku enters his Buddha form for up to 1 hour. While in this form he can use his Mythic Actions and when he enters the form he gain 100 temporary hit points, and his size is increase to Gargantuan.

Mythic Actions

Sengoku can take these action in his Daibutsu Form.

Buddha Stomp Sengoku stomps the ground sending out a shockwave in a 120 feet cone, any creature caught in the cone must succeed on a DC 25 Strength saving throw or take 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone, on a successful save a creature takes half damgage.

"I'll ex­e­cute you my­self!" Melee weapon attack: +22 to hit, 25ft, one target. Hit 150 (20d12+20) Bludgeoning damage. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this attack they instantly die, if they survive they are pushed 50 feet back.

Monkey D Garp

"There's no de­fend­ing against the Fist of Love! Bwah ha ha ha!"

Mon­key D. Garp is an ex­treme­ly fa­mous and pow­er­ful Ma­rine vice ad­mi­ral. He is the fa­ther of Mon­key D. Drag­on, the pa­ter­nal grand­fa­ther of Mon­key D. Luffy, and the adop­tive grand­fa­ther of Port­gas D. Ace. Garp is an ec­cen­tric but car­ing man, who is loy­al to both his crim­i­nal fam­i­ly and the Ma­rine Head­quar­ters, who he has served for decades. He is loud, bois­ter­ous, ex­uber­ant, and over­all acts in a sim­i­lar man­ner to his grand­son. He has a habit of falling asleep dur­ing con­ver­sa­tions and can be ab­sent-mind­ed. Un­like many Marines, Garp does not be­lieve that a per­son's lin­eage de­ter­mines their path. On a sim­i­lar note, he does not be­lieve that be­ing la­beled a crim­i­nal nec­es­sar­i­ly makes someone a bad per­son. Al­though Garp want­ed his grand­sons to be­come marines, he en­trust­ed their care to a moun­tain ban­dit whom he had re­fused to turn over for pros­e­cu­tion. Al­though Garp will ul­ti­mate­ly com­ply with Ma­rine HQ's most se­ri­ous or­ders, he high­ly val­ues his free­dom and fam­i­ly, of­ten to a point where he bends the rules to ac­com­mo­date these val­ues.


A tes­ta­ment to his strength is that he was one of the very few peo­ple to be con­sidered a ri­val to the "Pi­rate King" Gol D. Roger and he was of­fered the rank of Ad­miral sev­er­al times throughtout his life. It should be not­ed that those who hold the rank of Ad­mi­ral are re­gard­ed as the World Gov­ern­ment's "Great­est Mil­i­tary Powers" and are the strong­est in­di­vid­ual fight­ers with­in the World Gov­ern­ment structure and the Marines. In terms of com­bat, Garp has had sev­er­al decades worth of ex­pe­ri­ence, in both com­bat and nav­i­gat­ing the harsh­est oceans with­in the volatile "New World". Along­side Roger, he fought and pre­vailed against the very pow­er­ful Rocks Pi­rates, which con­sist­ed of three fu­ture Em­per­ors, earn­ing him the ep­i­thet of "Hero of the Marines". He was also well known for cor­ner­ing and fight­ing Roger many times. Roger also stat­ed that he and Garp had al­most killed each oth­er on nu­mer­ous oc­ca­sions. As an­oth­er true tes­ta­ment of sheer pow­er, Garp de­feat­ed and near­ly killed Don Chin­jao in the past with a sin­gle punch, whose boun­ty was worth over 500,000,000 Beli and was said to be able to split a con­ti­nent with a head­butt.

Be­ing a Ma­rine vice ad­mi­ral and the com­mand­ing of­fi­cer of the 153rd Ma­rine Branch, Garp pos­sess­es lead­er­ship skills and is well re­spect­ed by many among the Marines, hav­ing men­tored many oth­er prom­inent fig­ures in the Marines, in­clud­ing for­mer Ad­mi­ral Kuzan.

He is able to throw iron can­non­balls like base­balls at speeds high­er than if they were fired from an ac­tu­al can­non, break through brick walls and can­non stands with his fists, and both car­ry and throw a gi­gan­tic ball and chain many times big­ger than a War­ship. Garp also has a mon­strous punch­ing pow­er at his dis­pos­al, with his ep­i­thet, "Garp the Fist", vouch­ing for the tremen­dous pow­er of his punch­es. He claimed to have crushed eight moun­tains dur­ing his train­ing to face Chin­jao. Enhanced with Haki, Garp could even dent Chin­jao's Haki en­hanced drill-shaped head, which was pow­er­ful enough to split the Jew­el Ice Sheet.

Aside from the cannon­balls he throws and a gi­gan­tic iron ball he keeps on a chain, Garp is also a tremen­dous­ly pow­er­ful and skilled hand to hand fight­er. Garp has a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on us­ing pow­er­ful punch­es. The great­est tes­ta­ment of his skill is de­feat­ing Chin­jao, a im­mense­ly pow­er­ful mas­ter of Has­shoken, in a sin­gle Haki-en­hanced punch.


Garp is a tall, tanned, broad-chest­ed, mus­cu­lar old man. He has a beard and a scar over his left eye. Garp is avice ad­mi­ral that have spe­cial shoul­der-pads, gold­en and blue where­as the stan­dard col­or is blue and red. In his free time or va­ca­tion, Garp of­ten wears san­dals, a red trop­i­cal shirt and light-col­ored shorts. He some­times 11 pairs this shirt with black trousers and boots.

Monkey D Garp

large human, neutral good

  • Armor Class 23 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 520 (40d10+300)
  • Speed 40ft

30 (+10) 24 (+7) 26 (+8) 19 (+4) 21 (+5) 24 (+6)

  • Saving Throws Str +18, +Dex +15, Cha +14
  • Skills Athletics +19, Persuasion +14, Intimidation +14
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 28 (105,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Monkey D Garp fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Monkey D Garp has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Monkey D Garps weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. Monkey D Garp makes 3 attacks using his Haki Fist or Genkot­su Me­te­or.

Haki Fist. Melee weapon attack: +19 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit 41 (4d12+15) bludgeoning damage

Genkot­su Me­te­or. Ranged weapon attack: +19 to hit, 300/900ft range, one target. Hit 42 (5d10+15) bludgeoning damage

Genkot­su Ryu­sei­gun(3/day) Monkey D Garp throws 1000 cannonballs which rain down upon an area. He chooses a 30 feet radius that is within 500 feet of him. Any creature in that area must succeed on a 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 42 (5d10+15) bludgeoning damage, or half damage on a success.

Toku­dai Tekkyu(1/day) He swings a giant cannonball on a chain around him to build up momentum before throwing it. Any creature taht is within 15 feet of him must Succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw or take 41(4d12+15) bludgeoning damage, on a failed save the creature is also knocked 15 feet away. He then throws the cannon ball to a point within 500 feet where it expldoes in a 30 feet radius and any creature caught in the explosion must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 82 (15d10) force damage.

Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom

Char­lotte Lin­lin,bet­ter known as Big Mom, is the cap­tain of the Big Mom Pi­rates and one of the Four Em­per­ors rul­ing over the New World, as the only fe­male member. She is the ma­tri­arch of the very large Char­lotte Fam­i­ly, whose many chil­dren make up the in­frastructure of her crew. Big Mom suf­fers from an un­known dis­ease dubbed as an "Eat­ing Dis­or­der" (⻝いわずらい Kui­wazu­rai?) known as Hunger Pangs in the Fu­ni­ma­tion subs, in which she be­comes ob­ses­sive­ly fix­at­ed on a "Sweet Theme", and will go on a crazed ram­page in search of the food she wants to eat.

She has suf­fered from this dis­or­der since be­fore she was 5 years old, be­ing the rea­son she was ban­ished from her home coun­try, and why she is so hat­ed by the gi­ants, due to her de­stroy­ing one of their vil­lages and killing Jorul dur­ing a ram­page. While in this state, she will de­stroy any­thing and every­thing in her path, in­clud­ing her cas­tle, her sub­or­di­nates, and even her own chil­dren, un­til she eats the food she wants. When ram­pag­ing, her pupils be­come crazed and swirly.

Once her crav­ings are sa­ti­at­ed, she be­comes more af­fa­ble and re­tains no mem­o­ry of her ac­tions dur­ing her ram­page. De­spite hav­ing this dis­or­der for most of her life, it seems she is com­plete­ly un­aware of this psy­chosis.


Stem­ming from her love for sweets, Big Mom is ex­treme­ly fond of hav­ing tea par­ties which she dear­ly looks for­ward to from the bot­tom of her heart as not­ed by Jinbe. Thus, Big Mom is ex­treme­ly gen­er­ous to peo­ple who at­tend her tea par­ties, joy­ful­ly of­fer­ing a large va­ri­ety of pas­try del­i­ca­cies and ex­trav­a­gant drinks for them to eat and drink as much as they want and can be mur­der­ous­ly enraged if her tea par­ties are ru­ined in any way. -Pride- Big Mom is very ar­ro­gant and proud of her sta­tus as an Em­per­or and the queen of Tot­to Land. Big Mom views her­self su­pe­ri­or and con­fi­dent in her abil­i­ties that she doesn't want any out­side help as she be­rat­ed her sec­ond son, Katakuri, for in­ter­fer­ing when con­fronting Dan­ger­ous En­e­mies. Big Mom is very pride­ful of her pi­rate fleet and im­age.

In spite of her ar­ro­gance, she does give some ap­pre­ci­a­tion to her en­e­mies. Big Mom also has no fear of her fel­low Em­per­or and old time acquain­tance, Kai­do, de­spite him be­ing called the Strong­est Crea­ture in the World and renowned for his in­vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. She was un­fazed by Kai­do's threats to kill her if she came to Wano, even dar­ing him to try. Dur­ing her cap­tiv­i­ty on Oni­gashima, Big Mom re­mained au­thor­i­ta­tive and pride­ful, urg­ing the Beasts Pi­rates to keep feed­ing her and ask­ing King to join her crew de­spite be­ing cuffed with sea­st­one and him hav­ing at­tacked her ship be­fore.

Busi­ness Savvy

When calm and think­ing ra­tio­nal­ly, Big Mom pos­sess­es a rather busi­nesslike mind­set and strong­ly be­lieves that a pi­rate must ac­cept no com­promis­es or de­lays for some­thing they want. This even ex­tends to her al­lies and crew; should one of them choose to leave her crew or cut ties with her, Big Mom forces them to give up some­thing pre­cious to them as com­pen­sa­tion, un­car­ing of their rea­son for leav­ing to be­gin with. Sim­i­lar­ly, she ex­pects all cit­i­zens of Tot­to Land to sac­ri­fice por­tions of their life­span as the price of re­sid­ing in her coun­try, fur­ther illus­trat­ing her de­sire to be com­pen­sat­ed for every­thing she pro­vides. While Big Mom does not take much in­ter­est in mon­ey and trea­sures com­pared to sweets, she does have a strong lik­ing in col­lect­ing spe­cial trea­sures that are rare and leg­endary such as the Ta­mate­bako, as shown when she learned than an in­trud­er broke into her trea­sure room, her first con­cern was the Ta­mate­bako.


An ex­treme­ly ruth­less and un­sta­ble woman, Big Mom is in­fa­mous for destroy­ing coun­tries over slight in­frac­tions (though most of­ten when they fail to make their month­ly pay­ment of sweets), dis­re­gard­ing any and all rea­sons for the fail­ure while ra­tio­nal­iz­ing that she de­spis­es peo­ple un­able to keep their promis­es, which makes her a hyp­ocrite as Big Mom her­self does not keep her own promis­es. Gener­al­ly, there are two things she dis­likes: bit­ter treats, and in­vi­tees not show­ing up for her tea par­ty. Demon­strat­ing her­self to be im­mense­ly bru­tal, she does not for- 15 give those who refuse in­vi­ta­tions to her tea par­ties, and she will kill peo­ple precious to the ab­sen­tee as a "present". She does not ac­cept ex­cus­es of any kind, even if it was giv­en in ad­vance, nor if the rea­son was as im­por­tant as at­tend­ing a loved one's fu­ner­al. When it comes to deal­ing with en­e­my pi­rate crews, Big Mom specif­i­cal­ly in­structs her chil­dren and oth­er sub­or­di­nates to give her en­e­mies false hope be­fore crush­ing their spir­its as bru­tal­ly as pos­si­ble. On the oc­ca­sion that she does up­hold her promis­es and deals, if the oth­er par­ty fails to up­hold or goes direct­ly against their part in the agree­ment, Big Mom will dis­play im­mense rage and will not hes­i­tate to in­flict the worst pun­ish­ment upon them.


The Homies are cre­at­ed by Big Mom's Dev­il Fruit pow­ers; as such, they are very loy­al to her. She spends most of her time around her food-based homies, whom she fre­quent­ly eats, and while they may be afraid of death, they will not mind be­ing eat­en as long as their fla­vor is ap­pre­ci­at­ed. De­spite their loy­al­ty, homies are not above ques­tion­ing Big Mom, such as when she goes on one of her crav­ing rampages and threat­ens the lives of civil­ians and oth­er homies.

This loy­al­ty par­tial­ly stems from fear, as homies nat­u­ral­ly fear Big Mom's pow­er­ful soul and will be forced to obey any­one who holds her Vivre Card since it also ex­udes the es­sence of her pow­er­ful soul, which only they can sense. Out of all her homies, Big Mom seems to be most fa­mil­iar with her bi­corne hat, Napoleon, which acts as an ad­vis­er or in­for­mant by keep­ing her up to date on re­cent oc­cur­rences and her plans.

Howev­er, even Napoleon is not above ques­tion­ing Big Mom, as demon­strat­ed when it begged her to stop her sense­less vi­o­lence dur­ing her ram­page in Sweet City. Napoleon, Zeus, and Prometheus are three spe­cial Homies cre­at­ed from Big Mom's own soul frag­ments, grant­i­ng them a high­er lev­el of pow­er than oth­er Homies, and they even sleep in the same room as her, act­ing as her body­guard and at­tack­ing any­thing that dis­turbs her


Big Mom is a round, obese old woman with a chin of­ten hid­den by her tor­so. She has an enor­mous physique, stand­ing at 880 cen­time­ters or just shy of 29 feet tall, which is the largest known height for any hu­man. She has mod­er­ate­ly round, orange eyes, prom­inent eye­lash­es, and wears thick pur­ple eye­shad­ow. She has a very wide mouth with full lips sport­ing red lip­stick, large, round teeth, and a long, thick tongue that of­ten sticks out. She also has long, curly, and wild pink hair that falls half­way down her back, as well as a long beak-like nose, and plump, round cheeks. She also sports a tat­too on her left shoul­der and arm, con­sist­ing of a large, stan­dard-shaped red heart framed by thin lines curled at their bot­tom ends, which all tops a far small­er heart. Big Mom wears a large pink bi­corne hat bear­ing a Jol­ly Roger on the front. Named Napoleon, has two crossed sabers in­stead of crossbones, pos­sess­es small­er lat­er­al flame pat­terns, and is im­bued with a frag­ment of her soul, caus­ing its skull to change ex­pres­sions and talk to Big Mom. On its top, the hat is edged with a thick yel­low streak, it has a strip snap-fas­tened to it, and beneath it is a light, pol­ka-dot­ted ban­dana fas­tened around Big Mom's head. Big Mom also dons a pink dress with red pol­ka dots and white ruf­fles on its neck­line and hem­line, with a wide, rip­pling white cape at­tached to its back that falls to the ground. The Out­fit is com­plet­ed with dark blue high heels, one turquoise pearl wrist­band on ei­ther wrist, and gold­en, jew­eled rings on all her fin­gers.

Abil­i­ties and Pow­ers:

Big Mom has im­mense su­per­hu­man phys­i­cal strength, demon­strat­ed by her abil­i­ty to climb tall build­ings de­spite her mas­sive size, throw punch­es with tremen­dous de­struc­tive pow­er, and hurl Prometheus with ex­treme force us­ing only a sin­gle arm. She was al­ready born with her un­nat­ur­al strength, as seen when she killed a large bear in­stant­ly with a sin­gle smack, mere­ly in­tend­ing to scold the an­i­mal, as well as broke sev­er­al of a gi­ant's bones by try­ing to slap a mos­quito on their back, all when she was just 5 years old. She is able to de­stroy cities, sink ships, and re­sist 17 can­non and gun fire with­out re­ceiv­ing a sin­gle in­jury. It is said that no weapon can pierce her skin. She is also able to grab Prometheus, put him in her hair and ride on him for a long pe­ri­od with­out get­ting any burns de­spite Prometheus be­ing a miniature sun. Be­sides her tremen­dous strength and dura­bil­i­ty, Big Mom's body also pos­sess­es oth­er ab­nor­mal char­ac­ter­is­tics. Her me­tabolism seems to be ex­treme­ly fast, which can lim­it her en­durance. While suf­fer­ing from a crav­ing for wed­ding cake, she quick­ly burned through her ex­cess fat, be­com­ing much slim­mer mere hours af­ter the crav­ing fit had start­ed. While she is sig­nif­i­cant­ly more ag­ile in this skin­nier state, her skin seems to be­come much less durable, as she re­ceived su­perfi­cial burns and bruis­es af­ter be­ing struck by her homie Zeus' dis­charged light­ning, which she had with­stood with­out is­sue while in her heav­ier state. This, how­ev­er, seems to be a sec­ondary ef­fect of her crav­ings, as she was able to fight Kai­do for two days with­out get­ting slim­mer or weak­ened while in her nor­mal state of mind. Her sense of smell also seems to be ex­treme­ly acute, as she was able to catch the wed­ding cake's scent de­spite the ship car­ry­ing it be­ing sev­er­al miles away and bare­ly vis­i­ble in the hori­zon.

Dev­il Fruit:

Lin­lin ac­quired the pow­ers of the Soru Soru no Mi, a Para­me­cia-type Dev­il Fruit that al­lows her to man­i­fest peo­ples' souls as an ethe­re­al sub­stance that she can grab hold of, so long as the in­tend­ed vic­tim feels fear. She can then steal the soul from the vic­tim, tak­ing away their life­span by an amount of her choos­ing. She can take a per­son's en­tire re­main­ing life­span, thus killing them in­stant­ly, or she can just take part of that per­sons re­main­ing life­span, leav­ing their life­span that much short­er.

How­ev­er, this abil­i­ty has no ef­fect on those who do not feel fear, as shown when Big Mom was un­able to take away Jinbe's life­span be­cause he was not afraid of her. Big Mom can also in­fuse the stolen souls into ob­jects to give them life, turn­ing them into be­ings called homies, which act as her ser­vants. Near­ly anything can be made into a homie, in­clud­ing an­i­mals, plants, min­er­als, liq­uids, fur­niture, food, build­ings and even in­tan­gi­ble things such as fire or air. Any­thing made into a homie gains hu­man-like at­tibutes, such as the abil­i­ty to walk and talk.

The only things that can­not be made into homies are peo­ple and corpses. She can also cre­ate in­car­na­tions of her own soul that will com­plete the task of col­lect­ing souls. In ad­di­tion to cre­at­ing homies from the souls she has tak­en from oth­ers, Big Mom can use frag­ments of her own soul to cre­ate "spe­cial homies", which are far more pow­er­ful than reg­u­lar homies due to be­ing made from her in­cred­i­bly pow­erful soul. Her spe­cial homies con­sist of Zeus, a thun­der­cloud sum­moned with her left hand; Prometheus, a sun sum­moned with her right hand; and Napoleon, a bicorne she wears on her head. These three spe­cial homies are Big Mom's most pow­er­ful weapons.

Zeus and Prometheus can un­leash ex­treme­ly pow­er­ful light­ning bolts and flames, and Big Mom can also com­bine their pow­ers to ma­nip­u­late the weath­er and cre­ate mas­sive storms. She can also ride ei­ther Zeus or Prometheus to fly through the air at high speed. Napoleon can tele­path­i­cal­ly re­ceive in­for­ma­tion from oth­er homies and re­lay it to Big Mom, and can also re­veal a re­tractable blade and hilt, al­low­ing him to trans­form into a sword with dev­as­tat­ing of­fen­sive pow­er, which he can use to both at­tack on his own or be wield­ed by Big Mom in com­bat.

Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom

Huge humanoid, chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 20 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 655 (50d20+130)
  • Speed 30ft

32 (+11) 18 (+4) 30 (+10) 26 (+8) 20 (+5) 30 (+10)

  • Saving Throws +Dex +13, Con +19, Wis +14
  • Skills Athletics +20, Persuasion +19, Intimidation +19
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 30 (155,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Linlin fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Linlin has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Linlins weapon attacks are magical.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the linlin's choice within 120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the linlin is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the linlin's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Tamashii no Kuni If linlin is reduced to 0 hit points, she doesn't die or fall unconscious. Instead, she regains 300 hit points. and become empowered for 1 minute, during this time she has a 120 feet flying speed, +3 AC and can use her mythic actions.


Multiattack. Linlin uses her Soul Pocus and then uses 2 of her special homies. if she has used Tamashii no Kuni she can replace Soul Pocus with one of her mythic actions.

Soul Pocus. Choose a creature within 120 feet, that creature must succeed on a DC 25 Charisma saving throw, if they fail linlin can give them an order that they must follow, if you don't follow that order they take 110 (20d10) psychic damage, and their maximum health is reduced by the same amount until they finish a long rest, if the creature is frightened of linlin they have disadvantage on the saving throw and take double damage if they fail.

Special Homie: Zeus. Melee weapon attack: +20 to hit, 15ft, one target. Hit 24 (2d12+11) bludgeoning damage plus 19 (3d12) lightning damage, on a hit the struck creature must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or become stunned until the end of linlin's next turn.

Special Homie: Prometheus. linlin casts Fireball as a 5th level spell with a DC of 25, she is immune to the damage from the spell.

Special Homie: Napoleon. Melee weapon attack: +20 to hit, 15ft, one target. Hit 24 (2d12+11) slashing damage. the struck creature and any creature in a 60 feet cone behind it must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or take 19 (3d12) force damage, taking half on a successful save.

Mythic Actions

Linlin can take these actions once she has used Tamashii no Kuni

Co­gnac. linlin sets Napoleon ablaze with Prometheus for 1 minute, her napoleon attacks now deal an extra 13 (2d12) fire damage, and she can use her other mythic actions.

Ha­ha­ba (requires Cognac) Each creature in a 60 feet cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 19 (3d12) force damage plus 19 (3d12) fire damage and be knocked 60 feet away. on a successful save a creature takes half damage and isn't knocked away.

Haha no Hi (requres cognac) Melee weapon attack: +20 to hit, 15ft, one target. Hit 30 (3d12+11) bludgeoning damage plus 30 (6d12) fire damage damage

Maser Ho (1/day). each creature in a 120 feet long line that is 10 feet wide must succeed on a DC 25 dexterity saving throw or be instantly killed, on a success a creature instead takes 110 (20d10) force damage.

Edward Newgate aka Whitebeard

“ It'd be a shame if you died here, kid. If you still want to wreak havoc on this sea, bear my name on your back and go wild as much as you like! Become my son!“
— White­beard tells Ace to join his crew

Ed­ward New­gate, more com­mon­ly known as "White­beard", is the cap­tain of the White­beard Pi­rates and wide­ly known as the "Strong­est Man in the World" and the "Man Clos­est to One Piece" af­ter Gol D. Roger's death. Ed­ward New­gate was a cheer­ful and care­free per­son dur­ing his younger years, prior to com­mand­ing his own ship and be­com­ing known as White­beard. Due to being an or­phan who grew up in pover­ty, New­gate had a strong de­sire for a fam­i­ly, which he saw as the great­est trea­sure one could have. He was not ashamed of this wish, which was con­sid­ered strange and hu­mor­ous among his pi­rate peers.

His reign on the sea, rep­u­ta­tion, and fore­bod­ing pow­er made him seem­ing­ly over­confi­dent and fear­less. A dis­tin­guish­ing fea­ture of White­beard's na­ture was his high moral stan­dards: he nev­er for­gave the death of a crew­mate by an­oth­er, and believed that a man could not live with­out some form of hon­or code. White­beard was un­der­stand­ing and for­giv­ing of his sub­or­di­nates, go­ing to great lengths to res­cue any who were in great dan­ger, no mat­ter the cost. White­beard was nat­u­ral­ly protec­tive of his fam­i­ly and did not tol­er­ate the idea of let­ting a crew­mate join someone else's crew, es­pe­cial­ly a ri­val one. In fact, the no­tion of sep­a­rat­ing him­self from just one of them and for a short time in­fu­ri­at­ed him. Even if he did ac­cept do­ing so, it was re­luc­tant­ly and while show­ing much an­noy­ance.

White­beard con­sid­ered every sin­gle mem­ber of his crew, as well as his sub­or­di­nate crews, his "sons". His strong love for his crew and sub­or­di­nate crews traced all the way back to be­fore he even had a crew, when he stat­ed that the one thing he want­ed more than any­thing was a fam­i­ly. Any crewmem­ber from White­beard's crew who killed an­oth­er crewmem­ber were to be hunt­ed down by the com­man­der of that for­mer crew mem­ber's di­vi­sion. White­beard's strong stand against crew­mate killing was based on his fa­ther­ly stance over every mem­ber of his crew; as a re­sult of this treat­ment, the whole crew af­fec­tion­ate­ly re­ferred to him as "Pops" or "Old Man" (オヤジ Oy­aji?, an in­for­mal vari­a­tion of "fa­ther"). How­ev­er, White­beard did not force com­manders to hunt down way­ward crew mem­bers if he had an un­easy feel­ing about the sit­u­a­tion; in the case of Black­beard, White­beard tried to make an ex­cep­tion and stop Ace from hunt­ing him down, but Ace did so any­way for the sake of Whitebeard's hon­or.


White­beard is an ab­nor­mal­ly large man, with a height of 666 cm (21'10"). Un­like oth­er large-sized hu­mans, how­ev­er, he is well-pro­por­tioned. He had a long face, ploughed be­cause of the ad­vanced age with many wrin­kles around his eyes, and many scars run­ning along his chest, and was very mus­cu­lar. The mus­cles on his bi­ceps seemed to grow big­ger when­ev­er he used his quakebased pow­ers. Like all of his men, he had his own Jol­ly Roger tat­tooed on his back.


White­beard was giv­en the ti­tle of the "strong­est man in the world" for his phys­i­cal pow­er, which is far su­pe­ri­or to even a gi­ant. White­beard pos­sess enor­mous amounts of sta­mi­na and en­durance; no mat­ter how much damage he took through­out the bat­tle, White­beard con­tin­ued to press for­ward and fight. Dev­il Fruit: White­beard ate the Gura Gura no Mi, a Para­me­cia-type Dev­il Fruit that al­lowed him to cause quakes and gen­er­ate pow­er­ful shock­waves. This pow­er is con­sid­ered to be the strong­est Dev­il Fruit pow­er with­in the Para­me­cia class. Accord­ing to Sen­goku, White­beard had the pow­er to de­stroy the world. He had the pow­er to send in­cred­i­bly pow­er­ful shock­waves through the air, cre­at­ing cracks in the air it­self in the process. These shock­waves pos­sess dev­as­tat­ing of­fen­sive might, be­ing able to clash even­ly with the Magu Magu no Mi, the Dev­il Fruit with the highest at­tack pow­er out of all the Dev­il Fruits. He could use these shock­waves to quick­ly take down mul­ti­ple en­e­mies over a wide­spread area or take down a sin­gle

tar­get with ter­ri­fy­ing ef­fec­tive­ness, even Gi­ants. He could also use his shock­waves de­fen­sive­ly, as their vast raw pow­er could eas­i­ly stop in­com­ing at­tacks. He could also gen­er­ate strong vi­bra­tions from his body that could eas­i­ly shat­ter ice. An en­tire is­land and the sur­round­ing sea be­ing tilt­ed. He could use his pow­er to shake, rup­ture, and tilt the land­scape it­self. By strik­ing at the gen­er­al area with his quake pow­ers, he could cause large earth­quakes and, un­der the right cir­cumstances, mas­sive tsunamis.

His quakes would cause se­ri­ous dam­age and al­ter­ations to the sur­round­ing land­scape, de­stroy­ing build­ings, cre­at­ing large crevices in the ground, and push­ing up frag­ments of the ground into new rock for­ma­tions. He could even "grab" the sur­round­ing area it­self and tilt it, de­scribed as mak­ing the en­tire sea tilt. White­beard could use his pow­er to en­hance his phys­i­cal at­tacks by sur­round­ing his hands and feet with con­cen­trat­ed quake bub­bles. These quake bub­bles would re­lease a small but pow­er­ful shock­wave on im­pact, great­ly in­creasing the de­struc­tive pow­er of his melee at­tacks. He could also sur­round the blade of his polearm with a quake bub­ble, great­ly in­creas­ing its de­struc­tive pow­er as well.

Edward Newgate aka Whitebeard

large humanoid, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 20 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 755 (50d20+230)
  • Speed 30ft

32 (+11) 18 (+4) 28 (+9) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 22 (+6)

  • Saving Throws +Dex +13, Con +18, Wis +15
  • Skills Athletics +20, Persuasion +15, Intimidation +15
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons, thunder
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 29 (155,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Edward fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Undying Will. When Edward is reduced to 0 hit points, he can keep fighting for 1d4 rounds before passing out. During this time he deals double damage with all his attacks.

Magic Resistance. Edward has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Edwards weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. Edward makes 3 attack with his Nag­i­na­ta Raset­su. He can choose to replace one of the attack with another action from the list below.

Nag­i­na­ta Raset­su.* Melee weapon attack:* +20 to hit, 15ft, one target. Hit 41 (4d12+15) slashing damage.

Kaishin. Every creature in a 120 feet cone must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or take 26 (4d12) thunder damage an be pushed 60 feet away from edward, on a successful saving throw a creature takes half damage and is only pushed 10 feet away.

Kab­u­to­wari One creature within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or take 52 (8d12) thunder damage and be stunned for 1 minute. on a successful saving throw the creature takes half damage an isn't stunned. a stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns ending the effect on a success.

Shi­ma Yurashi. (1/day) Edward casts either the Earthquake or Tsunami spell with a DC of 25, he is immune to the effects of these spells when cast using this feature.

Whitebeard Prime

large humanoid, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 26 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 1355 (50d20+730)
  • Speed 60ft

36 (+13) 20 (+5) 32 (+11) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 22 (+6)

  • Saving Throws +Dex +15, Con +21, Wis +16
  • Skills Athletics +23, Persuasion +16, Intimidation +16
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons, thunder
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 34 (155,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Edward fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Undying Will. When Edward is reduced to 0 hit points, he can keep fighting for 1d4 rounds before passing out. During this time he deals double damage with all his attacks.

Magic Resistance. Edward has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Thunderous Armament. Any creature that hits whitebeard with a melee attack takes 13 (2d12) thunder damage.

Armament Haki. Edwards weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. Edward makes 3 attack with his Nag­i­na­ta Raset­su. He can choose to replace one of the attack with another action from the list below.

Nag­i­na­ta Raset­su.* Melee weapon attack:* +23 to hit, 15ft, one target. Hit 52 (5d12+20) slashing damage.

Kaishin. Every creature in a 120 feet cone must succeed on a DC 26 Constitution saving throw or take 39 (6d12) thunder damage an be pushed 60 feet away from edward, on a successful saving throw a creature takes half damage and is only pushed 10 feet away.

Kab­u­to­wari One creature within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 26 Constitution saving throw or take 65 (10d12) thunder damage and be stunned for 1 minute. on a successful saving throw the creature takes half damage an isn't stunned. a stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns ending the effect on a success.

Shi­ma Yurashi. (4/day) Edward casts either the Earthquake or Tsunami spell with a DC of 26, he is immune to the effects of these spells when cast using this feature.

World Shatter. (1/day) Every creature or object within 5 miles must succeed on a DC 29 Dexterity or take 110 (20d10) magical bludgeoning damage, a creature takes half on a successful save. Building and objects automatically fail the saving throw and takes double damage. Creatures that are within 10 feet of white beard when he uses this feature also takes double damage.


As one of the Four Em­per­ors, Kai­do is one of the four strong­est pi­rates alive, renowned as the "Strong­est Crea­ture". No­tably, he has a boun­ty of 4,611,100,000,Beli which is the high­est known boun­ty of any pi­rate cur­rent­ly alive and third high­est in his­to­ry, sur­passed only by the boun­ties of the late White­beard and Gol D. Ro­ger. As the Beasts Pi­rates' Gov­er­nor-Gen­er­al, Kai­do has au­thor­i­ty over a mas­sive, 20,000-strong pi­rate or­ga­ni­za­tion, and due to his al­liance with Orochi, he and his crew en­joy au­thor­i­ty over and co­op­er­a­tion with thou­sands of Wano's samu­rai forces serv­ing Orochi.

Kai­do is a mer­ci­less, ag­gres­sive, and con­fi­dent war­rior who nev­er miss­es an op­por­tu­ni­ty to gain an ad­van­tage in war. He suf­fers from bouts of ap­a­thy and boredom, har­bor­ing a gen­er­al sense of un­con­cern for most things in­clud­ing the very na­ture of the world and the lives of him­self and his sub­or­di­nates. He keeps a grumpy dis­po­si­tion with lit­tle plea­sure and ex­cite­ment in his life and is con­stant­ly frown­ing most of the time. As such, he craves ex­cite­ment and chaos, want­i­ng to start the largest war in the world be­cause he felt it was too mun­dane. This reck­lessness, cou­pled with his ap­par­ent in­abil­i­ty to die, has caused Kai­do to make at­tempted sui­cide his hob­by.

Kai­do has a very pos­i­tive view on death, think­ing that it is the mo­ment a per­son achieves true glo­ry. As such, he ad­mires those who die fight­ing un­til the end, such as Gol D. Ro­ger, Ed­ward New­gate and Kozu­ki Oden. Kai­do becomes ex­cit­ed when bat­tling en­e­mies who can ac­tu­al­ly stand toe to toe with him, though he like­wise feels im­mense dis­ap­point­ment when they fail to de­feat him. A drunk­en Kai­do drowns his sor­rows. Kai­do is a heavy drunk­ard who loves to drink sake, which caus­es his mood to change er­rat­i­cal­ly. For ex­am­ple, he quick­ly went from be­ing melan­cholic over his in­abil­i­ty to in­crease the num­ber of his Gifters and ful­fill his dream of hav­ing a crew con­sist­ing of only Dev­il Fruit users to be­coming an­gry and vi­o­lent, bru­tal­ly beat­ing his sub­or­di­nates and curs­ing Luffy and Law.

While drunk, Kai­do may be­come more de­struc­tive by ac­ci­dent since he ends up car­ing lit­tle for his sur­round­ings, to the detri­ment of his own crew and their op­er­ations. In fact, Kai­do is such a ha­bit­u­al drinker that he even dis­likes be­ing sober at any giv­en time.

With the goal of wag­ing an all-out "fi­nal war" against the World Gov­ern­ment, Kai­do ul­ti­mate­ly seeks to form the strong­est pi­rate crew con­sist­ing only of Dev­il Fruit users; so he ac­tive­ly seeks out for­midable man­pow­er in the New World to recruit into his grow­ing army, in­clud­ing Su­per Rook­ies like Basil Hawkins, Scratch­men Apoo, and X Drake. Rather than kill those who re­sist him, he at­tempts to break their spir­it through tor­ture and forced la­bor un­til they ei­ther die or sub­mit to his cause. Kai­do also has an in­ter­est in find­ing the An­cient Weapons and the One Piece for his cause; hav­ing tak­en a Road Poneg­lyph un­der his own­er­ship and ruth­less­ly hunt­ing down Kozu­ki Momono­suke as well as his three re­tain­ers, Kin'e­mon, Raizo, and Kan­juro, in the chance that Kozu­ki Oden may have im­part­ed some knowl­edge to them.

Kai­do is known to be hard to rea­son with and not usu­al­ly open for ne­go­tia­tions or ex­cus­es, mak­ing it un­wise to pro­voke or un­der­es­ti­mate him; this is enforced dra­mat­i­cal­ly when Don­quixote Doflamin­go, a for­mer War­lord of the Sea and for­mer World No­ble known for his fear­less at­ti­tude, be­came dis­turbed at the prospect of an­ger­ing Kai­do when he be­came po­ten­tial­ly un­able to ful­fill his end of their busi­ness deal. One of his crew­mates lat­er stat­ed that Kai­do would be very angry once he heard the news of the SMILE Fac­to­ry's de­struc­tion. This un­rea­son­able at­ti­tude caused a group of Kai­do's sub­or­di­nates in­clud­ing X Drake to at­tempt to de­liv­er the news of Doflamin­go's de­feat to the Em­per­or from a dis­tance rather than ap­proach­ing him in per­son. De­spite this, Kai­do is not com­plete­ly un­rea­sonable as he some­times lis­tens to his sub­or­di­nates and is ca­pa­ble of al­ly­ing with a fel­low Em­per­or that he pre­vi­ous­ly threat­ened to kill. Kai­do is ex­treme­ly cru­el, even to­wards chil­dren. Af­ter mur­der­ing Kozu­ki Oden, he vi­cious­ly in­sult­ed Oden right in front of his son Momono­suke, adding mock­ery

to Momono­suke's sor­row and hope­less­ness. Adding to this, he bru­tal­ly at­tacked Tama, and left her for dead. Kai­do blunt­ly in­formed Queen about Ko­murasa­ki's "death" while ca­su­al­ly laugh­ing at Queen's de­spair over the death of his idol and lat­er found amuse­ment upon see­ing Orochi's spite­ful ex­e­cu­tion of Ya­suie as well as his ally's cru­el­ty in feed­ing his own cit­i­zens faulty SMILE fruits. As an abu­sive father, Kai­do also has no qualms beat­ing up his daugh­ter Yam­a­to since child­hood, show­ing that even his own child is not spared from his vi­o­lence and wrath. In spite of his bru­tal, sav­age rep­u­ta­tion, Kai­do is prag­mat­ic enough to avoid con­flict that could dev­as­tate his forces and ter­ri­to­ries. When Big Mom at­tempt­ed to in­vade Wano Coun­try, Kai­do feared it would be­come an all-out war and fu­ri­ous­ly or­dered his crew to stop her, es­pe­cial­ly af­ter be­ing aware that Big Mom's pow­er­ful chil­dren were ac­com­pa­ny­ing their moth­er.

This was true even in the past, when Oden re­turned to Wano Coun­try from his jour­ney. Kai­do agreed with Orochi to trick Oden into sub­mis­sion by mak­ing a fake deal with him, giv­ing him­self time to re­in­force his army. Kai­do even ad­mit­ted to be­ing un­sure of fight­ing Oden dur­ing the time of their first meet­ing, ac­knowl­edg­ing the daimyo's in­fa­mous bold na­ture.

While Kai­do is vi­cious and ruth­less to his en­e­mies, he does have some form of honor. When he met Big Mom again for the first time in decades, he told his men to take her Sea­st­one cuffs off be­fore try­ing to kill her, strict­ly pre­fer­ring to fight his ene­mies fair and square de­spite hav­ing an eas­i­er chance to kill his fel­low Em­per­or in a weak­ened state. When a mem­ber of the Beasts Pi­rates seem­ing­ly cap­tured Kozuki Momono­suke (in truth Kurozu­mi Hig­urashi in dis­guise) as a hostage to dis­tract Oden, Kai­do only took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to strike Oden down be­cause he did not know of the sit­u­a­tion un­til af­ter­wards. In­tol­er­a­ble of foul play in re­gards to his own bat­tles, he killed Hig­urashi for in­ter­fer­ing re­gard­less of her be­ing one of Orochi's clos­est sup­port­ers, and upon Oden suc­cess­ful­ly sur­viv­ing be­ing boiled alive in oil for an hour while hold­ing up his re­tain­ers dur­ing his ex­e­cu­tion, Kai­do was solemn­ly im­pressed by Oden's strength and willpow­er. As a last sign of re­spect, he in­formed Oden about Hig­urashi's demise while apol­o­giz­ing for her in­ter­fer­ence in their battle and opt­ed to kill Oden him­self with a gun­shot.

Over­all, Kai­do has been said to have only lost sev­en bat­tles in his life­time and has only been in­jured twice. As stat­ed dur­ing his in­tro­duc­tion, peo­ple con­sid­er it a cer­tain­ty for Kai­do to win any one-on-one bat­tle he takes part in, and even most groups and armies have lit­tle abil­i­ty to take him down. When the daimyos re­belled, Kai­do crushed them, and when hun­dreds of samu­rai went to Oni­gashima to at­tack Kai­do ten years ago, they were all killed. Be­fore the fight on the rooftop in Onigashima even be­gan, Kai­do was con­vinced that only a small hand­ful of peo­ple (at the time not in­clud­ing fel­low Em­per­or Big Mom) were ac­tu­al­ly ca­pa­ble of fight­ing him se­ri­ous­ly.

Dur­ing his fight against the Red Scab­bards at Oni­gashima, Kai­do was hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ties deal­ing with the Scab­bards im­me­di­ate­ly in his Drag­on form, but eas­i­ly over­pow­ered them all while in his hu­man form, in­clud­ing the two Mink Kings, In­uarashi and Neko­ma­mushi, whose strength both rough­ly ri­vals that of one of Kai­do's top men, Jack, and who both at the time, were in their Su­long forms. Kaido also took on the Gecko Pi­rates 23 years ago and slaugh­tered all of them ex­cept for their cap­tain Gecko Mo­ria


Be­fit­ting his bulk, Kai­do is leg­endary for his supreme phys­i­cal pow­er as the strong­est crea­ture in the world. He is ca­pa­ble of swing­ing his kan­abo hard enough to send a nor­mal-sized per­son fly­ing into the dis­tance in one blow. Kai­do also clashed with Big Mom con­tin­u­ous­ly for one to three days, and emerged with­out any in­juries or signs of fa­tigue, show­ing an in­cred­i­ble amount of sta­mi­na.

While the Red Scab­bards were able to ac­com­plish the rare feat of draw­ing blood from him with their swords and at­tacks, these wounds were shown to have very little if any ef­fect on him. He could with­stand hav­ing his own im­mense­ly de­struc­tive Bolo Breath redi­rect­ed at him by Raizo's Maki Maki no Mi, as well as as­saults from Neko­ma­mushi and In­uarashi's Su­long en­hanced at­tacks, Kawa­mat­su's Amanogawa, Izo's Dan­giri­g­an, and Kikuno­jo's Zanset­su-gama, ul­ti­mate­ly re­quir­ing Kinemon, Den­jiro, In­uarashi, and Ashu­ra to fo­cus and co­or­di­nate their To­gen Tot­suka at­tacks to­geth­er at his scar to fi­nal­ly in­flict sig­nif­i­cant dam­age. How­ev­er, Kai­do him­self stat­ed that the in­juries were still shal­low in com­par­i­son to when Oden inflict­ed him with a mas­sive scar. This dura­bil­i­ty has giv­en Kai­do the rep­u­ta­tion of being un­able to die.

He has been caught and tor­tured 18 times, and peo­ple as power­ful as the Marines and oth­er Em­per­ors have at­tempt­ed to ex­e­cute him 40 times, only to fail as Kai­do sur­vived every sin­gle at­tempt be­cause every sin­gle ex­e­cu­tion weapon broke when be­ing used on him.

ably, Kai­do has jumped from 10,000 me­ters from the sky onto the ground, cre­at­ing a mas­sive shock­wave strong enough to sink a large ship near­by, and emerged only with a headache; it has even be­come a hob­by for him to at­tempt sui­cide, only for it to fail. The first known time he ever suf­fered a sig­nif­i­cant in­jury was in a bat­tle against Kozu­ki Oden, a legendary samu­rai who was dual-wield­ing two of the twen­ty-one Great Grade swords, Enma and Ame no Habakiri, gain­ing a scar on his body. Kai­do wields a gi­ant kan­abo made of dark-col­ored met­al, stud­ded with sharp spikes, as his weapon of choice, which he al­ready pos­sessed dur­ing his ap­pren­tice days in the Rocks Pi­rates. Bran­dish­ing the weapon with his mas­sive strength, Kai­do can se­verely in­jure and send foes fly­ing far dis­tances with im­mense force, in just sin­gle blows.

Kai­do is a mid­dle-aged man who cuts an im­pos­ing fig­ure due in equal mea­sure to his great height 8m and mus­cle bulk, eas­i­ly dwarf­ing nor­mal hu­mans. Over­ly topheavy in build, he has a broad, well-mus­cled tor­so with wide-set shoul­ders, mus­cular arms, and some­what out-of-pro­por­tion legs; far less heav­i­ly built than his arms yet about the same length (with his feet much tinier than his hands).

Kai­do's head, atop his bulky neck, is dis­pro­por­tion­al­ly small as well (small­er than his hands) and has a mas­sive pair of gray-white, sharp-point­ed horns come out of its sides, curv­ing slight­ly to the front, then up­ward.

He has a longish face with a heavy, hair­less brow ridge top­ping sharp, of­ten blood­shot eyes (par­ent to small, yel­low iris­es), plus a hook nose and a large, full-lipped mouth. Kai­do is near-al­ways seen frown­ing and is mod­er­ate­ly wrin­kled: par­tic­u­lar­ly prom­inent be­ing his crow's feet be­low his eyes, fore­head lines, and laugh lines from al­ways sneer­ing.

His black hair con­sists of an un­ruly, most­ly swept-back mane down to his his mid-back, which forms dis­tinct­ly flat, rec­tangular locks of which some fall down near the front, over his ears, or jut up­ward. His fa­cial hair is neat, done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mus­tache that pairs with a spiked goa­tee across his chin. Right of his defined abs is his only scar: a mas­sive, re­cessed X-shape whose up­per points reach to his pec­toral, giv­en to him by Kozu­ki Oden. 20 years lat­er, Ro­ronoa Zoro would add an­oth­er scar to Kai­do's chest that runs from the top left point of the scar from Oden to near his left shoul­der.

Kaido Human Form

Huge humanoid, chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 24 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 375 (30d20+60)
  • Speed 40ft

34 (+12) 18 (+4) 32 (+11) 22 (+6) 24 (+7) 30 (+10)

  • Saving Throws +Dex +13, Con +20, Wis +16
  • Skills Athletics +20, Persuasion +19, Intimidation +19
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 31 (155,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kaido fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Kaido has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Kaidos weapon attacks are magical.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the Kaido's choice within 120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the Kaido is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the Kaido's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Unleash the Beast (1/day). When kaido is reduced to 0 hit points he can unleash his ultimate form, he transforms himself into his Human Beast form, which lasts for 1 hour or if he is incapacitated, after he has used this form he gain 1d4 levels of exhaustion.


Multiattack. Kaido makes 2 attack with his Kanabo and then uses either Raimei Hakke or Haoshoku Haki Strike

Kanabo. Melee weapon attack: +21 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 33 (2d20+12) bludgeoning damage.

Raimei Hakke. Kaido move to a creature within 60 feet without provoking opportunity attacks, he then makes a Kanabo attack with advanatage which deals an extra 19 (3d12) lightning damage on hit.

Haoshoku Haki Strike. Melee weapon attack: +21 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 33 (2d20+12) bludgeoning damage. on a hit the creature must also succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute, the target can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn ending the effect on a success.

Bu­soshoku Haki. For the next minute Kaidos attacks have an extra 50 feet reach.

Dragon Form (1/short or long rest). Kaido casts "Shapechange" on himself without any components, when he casts the spell with this feature he can only transform into an Ancient Red Dragon.

A tat­too of dim-red seg­ments re­sem­bling rep­til­ian scales, in­di­vid­u­al­ly bor­dered in or­ange, goes from his left pec­toral down the front of his left arm, end­ing in cor­re­spon­dence to the wrist with a white (dark in the manga), tra­di­tion­al­ly-shaped skull on the low­er fore­arm. Cloth­ing-wise, Kai­do dons a blue-pur­ple, feath­ered, sleeve­less over­coat draped on his shoul­ders, and be­low a laven­der, tight-fit­ting, open shirt with long sleeves. He has a black bracelet with gold­en (dark in the man­ga) spikes above each wrist. Uphold­ing said shirt is a thick, off-white belt of laid rope fes­tooned with a pair of 34 white, hang­ing shide in the front. More out­ward­ly from be­low the rope hang two ad­di­tion­al pieces of fab­ric: rec­tangular, hemmed flaps (which may be the bot­tom of said shirt) that each have, from two hemmed holes at their bot­tom, a short, thick, gold­en torus chain at­tached to them­selves. Two yel­low straw cords are be­low the shi­me­nawa, serv­ing as waist­bands to se­cure a short, hang­ing row of thin, red ribbons. Fi­nal­ly, the rest of his low­er wear con­sists of sim­ple, bag­gy pants of graygreen col­or, tucked be­low the knees into sim­ple, black boots.

Kaido Human Beast Form

Huge humanoid, chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 26 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 455 (20d20+245)
  • Speed 50ft, fly 70ft

36 (+13) 18 (+4) 32 (+11) 22 (+6) 24 (+7) 30 (+10)

  • Saving Throws +Dex +13, Con +19, Wis +14
  • Skills Athletics +20, Persuasion +19, Intimidation +19
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 32 (175,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kaido fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Kaido has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Kaidos weapon attacks are magical.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the Kaido's choice within 120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the Kaido is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the Kaido's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.


Multiattack. Kaido makes 3 attack with his Kanabo and then uses either Raimei Hakke or Haoshoku Haki Strike

Kanabo. Melee weapon attack: +22 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 34 (2d20+13) bludgeoning damage.

Raimei Hakke. Kaido move to a creature within 60 feet without provoking opportunity attacks, he then makes a Kanabo attack with advanatage which deals an extra 26 (4d12) lightning damage on hit.

Haoshoku Haki Strike. Melee weapon attack: +22 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 34 (2d20+13) bludgeoning damage. on a hit the creature must also succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute, the target can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn ending the effect on a success.

Bu­soshoku Haki. For the next minute Kaidos attacks have an extra 50 feet reach.

Bonus Action

Bolo Breath (recharge 5-6). Kaido exhales fire in a 200-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 117 (26d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Kaifu Each creature within 20 feet of kaido must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 36 (8d8) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Tatsumaki. Each creature of Kaido's choice within 60 feet of him must make a DC 21 Strength saving throw or be pulled 60 feet towards Kaido, when this feature pulls a creature within 10 feet of kaido, he can make an attack against the creature with his Kanabo.


"Red-Haired" Shanks, com­mon­ly known as just "Red Hair", is the chief of the Red Hair Pi­rates and one of the Four Em­per­ors that rule over the New World. Shanks is a for­mer mem­ber of the leg­endary Roger Pi­rates, the only pi­rate band to suc­cessful­ly con­quer the Grand Line, start­ing out his pi­rate ca­reer on said crew as an appren­tice along­side Bug­gy be­fore form­ing his own crew af­ter Gol D. Roger's death. Shanks is an ex­treme­ly laid-back man, pre­fer­ring to take his time by trav­el­ing around the world with his crew while en­joy­ing him­self as op­posed to rush­ing from 36 one place to an­oth­er. Shanks can be sur­pris­ing­ly se­ri­ous and ma­ture while deal­ing with cer­tain top­ics, which runs op­po­site to his nor­mal, fun-lov­ing per­sona. It has been not­ed that he has prob­lems re­lax­ing while in en­e­my ter­ri­to­ry, caus­ing his Haoshoku Haki to burst out of his con­trol, even though, out­ward­ly, Shanks ap­pears fine


Shanks is a tall man (just un­der two me­ters), well-built, tan-complex­ioned, and in the prime of his mid-adult­hood. Among the Four Em­per­ors past and present, he stands out as the small­est, most nor­mal-sized by far, the oth­ers being var­i­ous de­grees of in­hu­man­ly pro­por­tioned. On his face re­sides a sec­ondary trade­mark: a triple set of par­al­lel, lin­ear scars that pass ver­ti­cal­ly, at an an­gle over his left (un­touched) eye, re­vealed to have been giv­en to him by Black­beard some un­known time be­fore the start of the se­ries. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, Shanks' left arm is miss­ing from be­low the del­toid, as a re­sult of him sav­ing Luffy from a Sea King when the future Straw Hat cap­tain was just a child. Clothes-wise, Shanks used to wear a cer­tain straw hat ob­tained from Gol D.

Shanks aka Red Hair

medium humanoid, chaotic neutral

  • Armor Class 28 (armament haki)
  • Hit Points 855 (50d20+330)
  • Speed 60ft

26 (+8) 36 (+13) 28 (+9) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 30 (+10)

  • Saving Throws +Dex +22, Con +18, Wis +15
  • Skills Acrobatics +22, Persuasion +15, Intimidation +15
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons, thunder
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 32 (200,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Shanks fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Shanks has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Shanks weapon attacks are magical.

Incredible Speed. Shanks can take 2 actions every turn.


Multiattack. Shanks makes 3 attacks with his Saber

Saber Strike Melee weapon attack: +23 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 44 (3d20+13) Slahsing damage.

Conquerors Gaze Shanks uses his Conquerors haki on a creature within 120 feet, the creature must succeed on a DC 28 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened, charmed or both (Shanks choice) by Shanks for 1 hour. This effect only ends if Shanks wants it to or if shanks deals damage to the creature.


Riposte. If shanks is hit by an attack, he can roll 1d10 and add it to his AC against that attack, if this causes the attack to miss he can then make 1 Saber strike as part of the same reaction if the creature is within range.

Dracule Mihawk

“With­out sub­tle­ty, a sword is but an iron bar.“

— Drac­ule Mi­hawk on Yoru

Drac­ule "Hawk Eyes" Mi­hawk is a world-fa­mous pi­rate who holds the ti­tle of "Strong­est Swords­man in the World". Mi­hawk is most­ly very se­ri­ous. He rarely smiles, and he has only been seen laugh­ing twice so far. He nev­er un­nec­es­sar­i­ly reveals emo­tions on the bat­tle­field, even when some­thing un­ex­pect­ed hap­pens. He dis­plays a sense of hon­or as he rec­og­nizes and re­spects the swords­man's code. He is also un­afraid to ref­er­ence his ti­tle of "Strong­est Swords­man in the World" in re­lation to him­self, in­di­cat­ing a high lev­el of con­fi­dence in his own abil­i­ties. Mi­hawk takes pride in his swords­man­ship, be­liev­ing that a nick on his sword is a blem­ish to his pride. Mi­hawk is se­lec­tive and whim­si­cal when it comes to ful­fill­ing his du­ties as a War­lord of the Sea, as ev­i­denced by his his­to­ry of poor at­ten­dance at War­lord sum­mons, as well as his de­ci­sion to hunt and ha­rass some pi­rates over oth­ers.

Zeff spec­u­lat­ed that the rea­son Mi­hawk at­tacked Don Krieg and his men might have sim­ply been be­cause they dis­turbed his nap. Mi­hawk ad­mit­ted that the only rea­son he fol­lowed them all the way back to East Blue from the Grand Line was to kill time. Al­though Mi­hawk is nor­mal­ly pas­sive when deal­ing with oth­ers, he can come off as rather blunt and cold at times. When Per­ona was cry­ing over Mo­ria's pre­sumed death, Mi­hawk cold­ly told her to leave, say­ing her cry­ing was an­noy­ing him. This was also shown again when he did not tell her that he found out about Mo­ria be­ing alive while stat­ing he had no rea­son to do so.


Mi­hawk is a tall lean man with black hair, a short beard, mus­tache and side­burns that point up­wards. His nick­name comes from his strange­ly col­ored red eyes, which re­sem­ble a hawk's eyes. He wears black and red or­nate cloth­ing with a cru­ci­fix pen­dant that hides a lit­tle dag­ger, which gives him the ap­pear­ance of a Span­ish swords­man.

His at­tire con­sists of a wide-brimmed black hat dec­o­rat­ed with a large plume, and a long, open black coat with no shirt un­der­neath, with red, flower-pat­terned sleeves and col­lar. He wears light pur­ple pants held up by a dec­orat­ed belt and tucked in­side over­ly large boots in com­par­i­son to his leg size. He wears a ko­gatana around his neck, ap­pear­ing as a gold­en cross-shaped neck­lace, and car­ries his sword Yoru on his back when he is not us­ing it

Abil­i­ties and Pow­ers:

Mihawk is one of the most pow­er­ful pi­rates to ap­pear so far, pos­sess­ing in­cred­i­ble skill in bat­tle. So far, it has only been in­di­cat­ed that his abil­i­ties are from pure skill and pow­er. This makes Mi­hawk one of the few known War­lords whose strength is based sole­ly on nat­ur­al abil­i­ties. He de­feat­ed all but one of Don Krieg's fleet of 50 ships and 5,000 men by him­self just be­fore a storm struck. Mi­hawk's strength is so great that Don Krieg ac­cus­es him of hav­ing the pow­er of a Dev­il Fruit. He has also re­mained un­harmed thus far through­out the entire se­ries, de­spite par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Sum­mit War of Marine­ford, in which many of the world's most pow­er­ful peo­ple suf­fered in­juries. He was also a ri­val to one of the Four Em­per­ors, fur­ther demon­strat­ing his abil­i­ties.

Part of Mi­hawk's abil­i­ties as the most pow­er­ful mas­ter swords­man in the world is due to his im­mense su­per­hu­man phys­i­cal strength, which he sup­ple­ments in his mas­tery of swords­man­ship. Mi­hawk's sword strikes are ex­e­cut­ed with tremen­dous pow­er, able to eas­i­ly cre­ate im­mense­ly pow­er­ful com­pressed air slash­es with a mas­sive range, enough to split large bat­tle­ships and a moun­tain of ice with ease. He was also able to stop Zoro, a for­midable swords­man with enor­mous strength, with only a sin­gle dag­ger that he held with one hand


Yoru is one of the strong­est swords in the world, ranked as one of the 12 Supreme Grade sword­s.It is a "Black Blade" (黒⼑ Kokutō) that is cur­rent­ly owned by Drac­ule Mi­hawk. Yoru's hilt is more than suit­able for two-hand­ed use at al­most half the blade's length. The ban­dage-wrapped grip has on its top a large and round cabo­chon of blue col­or to serve as the pom­mel, be­ing set into a cir­cu­lar, gold­en mount. The gold­en cross­guard is ex­treme­ly long to the sides, such that on Mi­hawk's back, es­pe­cial­ly seen from the front, the sword re­sem­bles a cru­ci­fix.

In par­tic­u­lar, the guard con­sti­tutes a thick, con­tin­u­ous bar per­fect­ly right-an­gled to the blade, flat on all sides with a rec­tangular cross-sec­tion, but on each end be­ing forked; re­curved up and down like a cross mo­line. Cen­tral­ly along the front and back sides of the guard are rec­tangular grooves filled with a swirly sprig re­lief for de­tail. The groove on each side is bro­ken in the mid­dle where a rather large, red cabo­chon is set in on each forked ter­mi­nal of the guard, again on both sides, are more such red stones, this time in trios. Through Mi­hawk's un­par­al­leled swordsman­ship, Yoru yields im­mense pow­er, with its own­er eas­i­ly cleav­ing asun­der large struc­tures, from a war galleon to an enor­mous moun­tain of ice, with mere­ly sin­gle swipes of the blade.

His swings un­leash in­cred­i­bly po­tent, com­pressed air­waves that can trav­el long dis­tances while re­tain­ing their slic­ing pow­er, even hun­dreds of me­ters away. Yet while po­ten­tial­ly car­ry­ing such phe­nom­e­nal force, Yoru is also gen­tle, enough for Mi­hawk to de­flect the course of bul­lets aimed at him with but a slight touch of the blade and to send out in­cred­i­bly ac­cu­rate, well-placed "fly­ing slash­es" that can present a men­ace from any dis­tance. The afore­men­tioned is de- spite Yoru's great weight, in­fer­able from its for­midable size, as Mi­hawk bran­dish­es the sword ef­fort­less­ly with both one and two hands, as though it was a mere ex­tension of his arms

Dracule Mihawk

Medium humanoid, neutral

  • Armor Class 22
  • Hit Points 455 (20d20+245)
  • Speed 50ft, fly 70ft

18 (+4) 28 (+9) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws +Dex +17, Con +13, Wis +14
  • Skills Acrobatics +20, Persuasion +19, Intimidation +19
  • Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Mihawk fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Mihawk has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Armament Haki. Mihawk weapon attacks are magical.

Quick and Nimble. Mihawk can jump up to 20 feet even without a running start and opportunity attacks against him are made with disadvantage.


Multiattack. Mihawk makes 2 attack with his Kogatana or Yoru.

Kogatana. Melee weapon attack: +17 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit 20 (2d10+9) piercing damage.

Yoru. Melee weapon attack: +19 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 35 (3d12+9) Slashing damage.

Bonus Actions

Koku­to Is­sen Every creature in a 60 feet line that is 5 feet wide must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 26 (4d12) slashing damage, taking no damage on a success.

The World's Strong­est Slash (1/ short or long rest). One creature within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or be reduced to 0 hit points, on a successs the creature instead takes 110 (10d10) slashing damage.

Koku­to Saku Mihawk enters a defensive stance, until the start of his next turn if a creature tries to make a melee attack against mihawk he can use his reaction to make an attack of his own against the creature before their attack, if the attack hits the creature, that creatures attack automatically misses mihawk.


King the Con­fla­gra­tion is an All-Star of the Beasts Pi­rates, Kai­do's three clos­est confi­dants known as the Dis­as­ters. He is part of a yet-to-be-iden­ti­fied race that is oth­erwise con­sid­ered ex­tinct. King is a stern man who gen­er­al­ly keeps a cool head, being rarely seen show­ing strong emo­tion. He is of­ten ex­treme­ly rude to­ward and crit­i­cal of crew­mates, con­stant­ly de­rid­ing his fel­low All-Stars, es­pe­cial­ly Jack, for their per­ceived fail­ures. Ac­cord­ing to Queen, King is also a "tor­ture-lov­ing per­vert" Show­ing ini­tia­tive and seem­ing good at mak­ing big de­ci­sions un­der pres­sure, King per­son­al­ly en­gaged Big Mom and her crew to keep them from en­ter­ing Wano despite not be­ing or­dered to do so by Kai­do. Lat­er in Big Mom's pres­ence, King showed him­self to not be in­tim­i­dat­ed by her, de­spite his sur­prise at her sur­vival, even blunt­ly re­fus­ing her of­fer to join her. King even took the ini­tia­tive to sum­mon the To­birop­po af­ter hear­ing Kai­do was look­ing to ad­dress a prob­lem with Yam­a­to, and act­ed con­niv­ing by fram­ing the sum­mons as one from Kai­do due to know­ing the To­birop­po would not an­swer to him. While loy­al to his crew, King has no qualms about be­tray­ing even long-stand­ing al­lies who are out­side of their di­rect or­ga­ni­za­tion, es­pe­cial­ly if it is per­ti­nent to Kai­do's plans, as he lent his sword to Kaido to de­cap­i­tate their ally Orochi, whom they had been friend­ly with for over two decades


King is an ex­treme­ly large man who tow­ers over nor­mal hu­mans, though still stand­ing a fair bit short­er than Kai­do and fel­low All-Star Jack, at a height sim­i­lar to Queen's. While less wide­ly built than the oth­er two All-Stars, King is bet­ter-pro­por­tioned than ei­ther, be­ing well-mus­cled and broad in the shoul­ders (but not over­ly top-heavy like Jack) with long limbs.

No­tably, a plume of fire ever ris­es from his back, be­fit­ting his ep­i­thet. King's nat­ur­al ap­pear­ance is a mys­tery, see­ing as he keeps him­self clad in a dark uni­form that bares no skin. Its bot­tom layer is a form-fit­ting, gimp-like body­suit made of black/dark-blue leather, with lighterblue, white-stud­ded leather bands tied var­i­ous­ly around. Vis­i­ble of such gar­ment are the head and neck ar­eas, the lat­ter hav­ing a zip­per in the mid­dle and two of said bands left and right. The head por­tion, a full-faced mask, leaves only two holes for King's nar­row, red­dish eyes (be­ing ful­ly black around the eyes, oth­er­wise dark blue). Be­low the eyes is leather of flame-like shape flank­ing a cen­tral, tri­an­gu­lar strip of light blue to mark off the nose, mouth, and chin sec­tion (also be­set with studs).

Top­ping the eyes are blue-lensed, gray-rimmed gog­gle pieces and on each side of the head, con­nect­ed by a stud­ded base, is a large, black, horn-like spike. Five more such spikes, only small­er, are lo­cat­ed fur­ther on top upon a light-blue band that runs coro­nal­ly into an­oth­er one po­si­tioned like a head­band, and crossing yet an­oth­er that goes sagit­tal­ly, with air­holes around. King's dark-blue pants, pos­si­bly part of the suit, each have three stud­ded leather bands wrap around their up­per halves plus a ring of the same ma­te­r­i­al on each knee, and go in­side black, high-heeled boots (once again with stud­ded straps), the high shafts of which end fold­ed over, in stud­ded jags.

On top of the body­suit is a dark-blue, dou­ble-breasted leather jack­et, ten-but­toned in gold with notch lapels that have red, square skull patch­es (edged in gold) sewn on, and where­from white ruf­fles emerge. Run­ning straight down each side of the waist are two col­umns of yet more studs, and flat, two-part shoul­der pads (black and dou­ble-trimmed with studs) are present on each side, down the up­per arms with three curved spikes atop ei­ther (the out­er ones the big­gest).

The tight sleeves of the jack­et (each with two ad­di­tion­al, studcov­ered bands top­ping thin­ner strips along with three very small, white spikes above the wrists) are cuf­f­less, end­ing in black gloves. Fi­nal­ly, King has a pair of large, black-feath­ered wings sprout from his back. Though it is un­con­firmed if they are nat­ur­al, their dis­ap­pear­ance with King's pter­a­n­odon trans­for­ma­tion may im­ply that they are. In his full pter­a­n­odon form, the afore­men­tioned flames fur­ther en­gulf his back.

Powers and Abilites

In terms of bat­tle prow­ess, King is one of the Beasts Pi­rates' three strong­est warriors next to Queen and Jack; like Queen's, King's boun­ty ex­ceeds 1,000,000,000,Beli il­lus­trat­ing his fear­some rep­u­ta­tion. A vet­er­an pi­rate, King has been part of the Beast Pi­rates for at least 23 years, and was al­ready con­sid­ered among the strong­est mem­bers back then. King car­ries a large katana on his right hip, be­fit­ting his size. It sports a plain-round, gold­en tsu­ba, a match­ing gold kashira and ko­jiri, with tsu­ka-ito of dark-or­ange color form­ing rhom­bus gaps to show the lighter-or­ange hilt wrap­ping be­low. It is sheathed in a saya of the same or­ange as the tsu­ka-ito, and be­low its mouth are two red cords with hang­ing, tuft­ed ends, with ad­di­tion­al red bands around the lower parts of the saya.

Devil Fruit

King ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Mod­el: Pter­a­n­odon, an An­cient Zoantype Dev­il Fruit that al­lows him to trans­form into a full pter­a­n­odon and a hu­manpter­a­n­odon hy­brid at will. When trans­formed, he is more clad in flames than usu­al and gains the abil­i­ty to fly. His full Beast Form is pow­er­ful enough to ei­ther vi­o­lent­ly push back or in­flict sig­nif­i­cant dam­age upon what­ev­er King flies into, be it peo­ple or even mas­sive ob­jects, such as an en­tire ship.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, his long, pointy beak po­ten­tial­ly yields im­mense pierc­ing. King uses his abil­i­ty for bat­tle, name­ly aer­i­al com­bat (apart from the pow­er's gen­er­al suit­abil­i­ty for flight-based trav­el). In his full Beast Form, he is able to fly into ob­jects with im­mense speed and force, po­ten­tial­ly dam­ag­ing them great­ly in the process. When fly­ing into the Queen Mama Chanter, such midair col­li­sion (with a flam­ing kick in the ani­me) knocked the enor­mous ship back with enough force to throw off Big Mom her­self.


large human, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 20
  • Hit Points 333 (18d20 + 144)
  • Speed 30ft, 40 fly

28 (+9) 12 (+1) 26 (+8) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Str +15, Dex +6, Con +14, Int +6, Wis +8
  • Skills Athletics +15
  • Damage Resistances cold
  • Damage Immunity Non-magical weapons, fire
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 18
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If King fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Veil of Flames When another creature hits King with a melee attack they take 10 (2d10) fire damage.


Multiattack. (human form) King makes 2 attacks using Katana then uses fire wave.

Katana. Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 22 (2d12+9) Slashing damage

Fire Wave. Every creature in a 30 feet cone must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 26 (4d12) fire damage, on a successful saving throw a creature takes half damage.

Ancient Form. King transforms into his pter­a­n­odon form, while in this form he has 80 feet flying speed, his AC is decreased by 2, and he can use his pter­a­n­odon multiattack.

Multiattack. (pter­a­n­odon form) King makes 1 attack with his beak and 2 attacks with his claws.

Beak (pter­a­n­odon form). Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 35 (4d12+9) Slashing damage

Claws (pter­a­n­odon form). Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit 22 (2d12+9) Slashing plus 9 (2d8) fire damage.

Char­lotte Katakuri

Char­lotte Katakuri is the sec­ond son and third child of the Char­lotte Fam­i­ly. Katakuri is a calm, se­ri­ous, and dili­gent man who de­votes him­self to pro­tect­ing his fam­i­ly and crew and achiev­ing their ob­jec­tives. He fre­quent­ly uses his ad­vanced Ken­bun­shoku Haki to quick­ly ad­dress any prob­lems or threats that he fore­sees, and when­ev­er pos­si­ble he will work to change the fu­ture he fore­sees and stop the prob­lem be­fore it hap­pens.

Katakuri makes sure to waste no time in accom­plish­ing his tasks. Katakuri is quite bru­tal when at­tack­ing op­po­nents to en­sure they are quick­ly neu­tral­ized, and will use his weapons to in­flict grue­some wounds with im­puni­ty. Katakuri's haste to re­solve prob­lems can some­times work against him, though, as his at­tempts to change the fu­ture may not achieve his in­tend­ed result. Katakuri is al­most al­ways calm even in the most per­ilous of sit­u­a­tions, as it is nec­es­sary for his mind to be clear in or­der to uti­lize Ken­bun­shoku Haki. If he is taken by sur­prise or fore­sees some­thing ter­ri­ble in the fu­ture, he is shown to lose color on his face and he may some­times shout, but he does not pan­ic. When it comes to judg­ing his op­po­nent's pow­er, Katakuri is nei­ther boast­ful nor meek and so will blunt­ly point out when an op­po­nent is clear­ly in­fe­ri­or to him (to the point of en­cour­ag­ing them to flee while they can) but will also no­tice if they pose a se­ri­ous threat or are im­prov­ing their abil­i­ties, and he will even com­mend en­e­mies who demon­strate im­pres­sive strength or tac­ti­cal ma­neu­vers.

He takes care to nev­er un­der­es­ti­mate his op­po­nents' abil­i­ties, and rather than en­ter­tain the ac­ti­va­tion of a new abil­i­ty he is quite prag­mat­ic and will pre­vent his op­po­nent from ac­ti­vat­ing it. Al­though he works to elim­i­nate en­e­mies ef­fi­cient­ly, Katakuri is ul­timate­ly an hon­or­able fight­er who prefers to fight fair­ly and heav­i­ly re­spects op­po- nents who can match him. Thus, he ab­so­lute­ly de­spis­es re­ceiv­ing as­sistance in a fight, and will even yell at a sib­ling if they in­ter­fere in his bat­tles. If he finds that he in­flict­ed a wound on some­one due to out­side as­sistance, he will give his own body the same wound to com­pen­sate for it and even the play­ing field.

To cope with the stress­es of his po­si­tion, Katakuri takes reg­u­lar light meal breaks, known as me­rienda, where he feasts on his fa­vorite food of dough­nuts and drinks tea. Katakuri has loved dough­nuts since he was a child, to the point of eat­ing them so of­ten that he caused his mouth to ar­ti­fi­cial­ly ex­pand. Eat­ing dough­nuts puts Katakuri in a state of bliss, and dur­ing his me­rien­da he has been shown voic­ing his love for them out loud in very in­ti­mate lan­guage. Katakuri keeps his me­rien­da ex­treme­ly pri­vate as he lies on his back and re­lax­es dur­ing it, which is a stark con­trast to his sib­lings' view of him as some­one who nev­er lies down. The me­rien­da is a very im­por­tant part of Katakuri's rou­tine and so he will be­come quite an­noyed if some­thing keeps him from do­ing it at the al­lot­ted time. When his fight with Luffy made his me­rien­da late, Katakuri be­came will­ing to for­go his usu­al dili­gence and at­tempt­ed to quick­ly fin­ish off his op­po­nent by bury­ing him in mochi, not tak­ing the time to make sure Luffy had died.


Katakuri is an ex­treme­ly tall, large, and mus­cu­lar man with short spiky crim­son hair and two sym­met­ric scars on both sides of his face. He stands at near­ly three times nor­mal Hu­man height, and is slight­ly taller than his younger triplet broth­ers, Dai­fuku and Oven, who are in­cred­i­bly tall them­selves. He has long legs, with his thighs be­ing equal­ly as long as his low­er limbs.

His mouth, which is usu­al­ly cov­ered up, con­tains sharp pel­i­can eel-like teeth and is ca­pa­ble of ex­panding to an enor­mous size. He has sharp, in­tense, crim­son eyes, high­ly arched eye­brows, and prom­inent low­er eye­lash­es un­der each eye. He wears a mas­sive light ragged scarf that cov­ers his mouth and reach­es his shoul­ders. He also wears a torn leather vest with "CHARLOTTE" on the back that ex­pos­es most of his tor­so, dark gloves and pants, a belt with a skull-shaped buck­le, and spiked boots with spurs. His tor­so is very de­fined, hav­ing prom­inent ab­dom­i­nal mus­cles cov­ered in pink tat­toos, and he wears spiked bracelets on his arms as well as knee pads with a sin­gle spike on them.

Abil­i­ties and Pow­ers

As Sweet Com­man­der, Katakuri's au­thor­i­ty in the Big Mom Pi­rates is sec­ond only to his moth­er's, and as Tot­to Land's Min­is­ter of Flour, he holds au­thor­i­ty over Ko­mu­gi Is­land. In com­bat, Katakuri has proven him­self to be ex­treme­ly for­midable. His boun­ty of 1,057,000,000­Be­li shows how dan­ger­ous he is con­sid­ered by the World Gov­ern­ment, and Capone Bege of the in­fa­mous Worst Gen­er­a­tion has like­wise de­clared him a mon­strous threat. Ac­cord­ing to his crew­mates, Katakuri is the strong­est of the Three Sweet Com­man­ders, the strongest of Big Mom's chil­dren over­all, and thus the most ca­pa­ble mem­ber of their crew aside from Big Mom her­self; Dai­fuku even stat­ed that, were Big Mom to die, Katakuri's skills would make him the most wor­thy of suc­ceed­ing her as cap­tain of the Big Mom Pi­rates.

Katakuri has been called a "mon­ster" for his strength ever since he was a child, and un­til his first loss against Luffy, he was said to have nev­er lost a sin­gle bat­tle through­out his life—his long and per­fect record of vic­to­ry described by Oven as "leg­endary“. Not­ed to be the strong­est of the Three Sweet Com­man­ders, Katakuri pos­sess­es tremen­dous phys­i­cal strength, be­ing able to flick jel­ly beans with such ex­treme force and ve­loc­i­ty that they act like bul­lets. Even from a very far dis­tance, Katakuri can kill a man stand­ing atop a gi­gan­tic wed­ding cake with a flicked jelly­bean. Katakuri is ex­treme­ly fast and pos­sess­es ex­traordinary re­flex­es. Mogu­ra: Katakuri wields a tri­dent named Mogu­ra in bat­tle.

When not in use, he keeps the tri­dent in­side his mochi body. Katakuri is ex­treme­ly skilled in wield­ing his tri­dent Mogu­ra, which he uses in con­junc­tion with his Dev­il Fruit pow­ers and phys­ical prow­ess to per­form dev­as­tat­ing thrusts. He can twist his arm with his pow­ers to de­liv­er a pow­er­ful drilling thrust, ca­pa­ble of cre­at­ing deep holes in walls and shatter­ing thick pil­lars, and cause a fa­tal wound to a hu­man body


large human, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 20
  • Hit Points 333 (18d20 + 144)
  • Speed 30ft, 40 fly

28 (+9) 12 (+1) 26 (+8) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Str +15, Dex +6, Con +14, Int +6, Wis +12
  • Skills Athletics +15
  • Damage Resistances cold
  • Damage Immunity Non-magical weapons, fire
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 22
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 21 (25,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Katakuri fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Kaga­mi Mochi The area within 30 feet of Karakuri is considered difficult terrain, Katakuri can turn this feature on and off as a bonus action.

Vigilant. Katakuri can't be surprised.


Multiattack. (human form) Katakuri makes 2 attacks using Mochi Tsu­ki.

Mochi Tsu­ki. Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 30ft, one target. Hit 27 (2d12+14) Piercing damage

Ken­bun­shoku Haki Katakuri casts the the "Foresight" spell on himself, allowing him to see into the future.

Bonus Actions

Zan Giri Mochi. Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 30ft, one target. Hit 40 (4d12+14) bludgeoning damage. on hit the creature is also grappled by Katakuri.

Yana­gi Mochi. Any creature within 20 feet of Katakuri must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 26 (4d12) bludgeoning damage.


Mochi Dogde Katakuri adds 5 to his AC against one attack that would hit him.

Marshall D. Teach AKA Blackbeard

Marshall D. Teach, most commonly referred to by his epithet Blackbeard, is the captain-turned-admiral of the Blackbeard Pirates and currently one of the Four Emperors. He is also the only known person in history to wield the powers of two Devil Fruits.

He started out his pirate career as a member of the Whitebeard Pirates' 2nd division until he murdered Thatch, the 4th division commander, for the Yami Yami no Mi and defected. Prior to the two-year timeskip, he briefly held a position among the Seven Warlords of the Sea after defeating and handing Ace over to the Marines, before resigning upon returning from Impel Down with Level Six prisoners to strengthen his crew. His actions resulted in him being considered a part of the Worst Generation along with the Eleven Supernovas, and he received the title of Emperor after slaying Whitebeard during the Summit War of Marineford and stealing his Gura Gura no Mi power, and for also defeating the Whitebeard Pirates during the timeskip and taking the majority of Whitebeard's territories, with the island of Hachinosu acting as his base of operations.

Due to his actions, he can be considered a minor antagonist during the Jaya and Post-Enies Lobby Arcs, the tertiary antagonist of the Impel Down Arc, and one of the main antagonists of the Marineford Arc, the Summit War Saga, and the remainder of the One Piece series.


Blackbeard is an extremely tall man, being exactly twice Luffy's (pre-timeskip) height. He has a massive build as his body is round with relatively thin limbs. He has a big mouth with several broken or missing teeth (though sometimes he does have a full set, which is an inconsistency error made by Oda), a pronounced crooked nose and a very large and hairy chest and torso. Long, thick, woolly black hair falls down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandana, and a small scruffy black beard (hence his epithet) grows around his jawline. As the series progresses, his beard becomes longer and scruffier.

At his first appearance in Mock Town, Teach wore an open buttoned white shirt with rolled up sleeves, green trousers with black line patterns, a yellow sash around his waist and classic black swashbuckler boots complete with large bronze buckles.

During his raid on Banaro Island, he had added a large black and gold captain's coat over his attire, along with white beads on each wrist as bracelets and rings with gemstones on all of the fingers of both his hands (similar to his predecessor, Crocodile).

At the Seven Warlords meeting at the Marine Headquarters, he added a pair of necklaces of red as well as golden-yellow and blue beads to his dark orange sash (dark yellow in the anime) and a traditional black tricorne hat over his grey bandana, as well as switching to a red shirt, while wearing his captain's coat like a cape. He also has three flintlocks and a flask tied to his sash around his waist.

In SBS Volume 63, Oda drew the Seven Warlords of the Sea as children. Teach is shown wearing a baseball cap with a rolled up long sleeve shirt and green shorts. He is also wearing black curled tip shoes, and unlike his usual cheerful expression, is crying for an unknown reason.

After the timeskip, Teach has grown a long beard that he has split into multiple sections, very much like his real life basis. He also wears golden hoop earrings and the same black tricorne with a yellow bandana with red polka dots. He switches to a light purple shirt with a black captain’s coat with red linings. He has a red and white feather with a purple flower on the side of his tricorne. He has an orange plume alongside with his coat. He now wears dark blue pants with light blue floral designs on them. He also now dons a pair of sunglasses.

At Hachinosu, Teach wears flamboyant pants, a belt instead of a sash, a new coat along with a feather cape, and a new hat with feathers and his Jolly Roger.

Abilities and Powers

As a member of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World, Blackbeard is recognized as one of the four strongest pirates in the world.

Even before becoming an Emperor, Teach was an immensely powerful pirate even for a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates and Warlord of the Sea. At some point in his life, Teach once fought Shanks and gave him the scars on his left eye, with Shanks admitting that the injury did not occur because of carelessness. Their battle led Shanks to cautiously recognize Teach as an extremely dangerous menace. After the Summit War of Marineford, Blackbeard proved to the Five Elders that he had a one-step lead to usurp the empty Four Emperors position that Whitebeard once held, which eventually came to fruition.

During the timeskip, he has gained mass notoriety with his bounty being 2,247,600,000, showing how dangerous he has become. However it should be noted that out of all the Four Emperors, his bounty is the lowest.

The most prominent feats of Teach's incredible power was defeating three commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates: Portgas D. Ace, Thatch, and later during the Payback War, Marco, the new Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. After the time-skip, he and his crew fought against the Revolutionary Army and destroyed their base. It is also stated that they briefly fought against CP-0. Ace once stated that Blackbeard could have been a commander when he was recommended for the position, thereby proving that his strength was equivalent with any of the other commanders, which is extremely notable, as he had not yet eaten a Devil Fruit.

Marshal D. Teach AKA Blackbeard

large human, lawful neutral

  • Armor Class 22
  • Hit Points 466 (32d20+130)
  • Speed 35ft

38 (+9) 22 (+6) 28 (+9) 22 (+6) 23 (+6) 24 (+7)

  • Saving Throws Str +15, Con +16, Int +13, Wis +13
  • Skills Athletics +15, Perception +13
  • Damage Immunity Non-magical weapons, necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
  • Senses passive Perception 23
  • Languages common
  • Challenge 23 (50,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Blackbeard fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Eyes of Darkness. Blackbeard can see perfectly in darkness and magical darkness in a range of 300 feet.


Multiattack. Blackbeard makes 2 attacks using Magma Fist.

Shadow Fist. Melee weapon attack: +15 to hit, 25ft, one target. Hit 42 (5d12+10) Necrotic damage

Black Hole (1/day).* Any creature of blackbeards choice that is within 120 feet must make a DC 23 Strength saving throw, on a failed save a creature takes 32 (5d12) force damage, and is pulled 30 feet towards blackbeard, if a creature is pulled to a space within 5 feet of blackbeard they take double damage. a creature who succeeds the saving throw isn't pulled and takes half damage.

Bonus Actions

Dark Veil Blackbeard casts the Darkness spell.

Armor of Darkness (1/day). Blackbeard casts the Shadow of Moil spell.