Monster Hunter Racial Feats

by MusicalWalrus

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Troverian Trade Secrets

Prerequisite: Troverian

After years of modding and adjusting and tinkering, your work has paid off! You figure outjust the right balance, just the right place to add that little bit of extra power:

  • You may spend an hour of downtime during a long rest adjusting gear to suit your needs as only a Troverian can: You may add a single additional monster material slot to any weapon, armor, or trinket.

  • Because of the upkeep required to alter equipment, you may only have one extra slot on any piece of gear at one time; if you use this ability again, the old slot you installed falls into disrepair and ceases to function, potentially destroying the installed monster material.

  • Your extra slot follows all standard prerequisites for adding monster materials to gear

Troverian Ingenuity

Prerequisite: Troverian

Someone told you those pieces were too volatile to ever place that close together on a blade. You disagreed, and found a way to make it work:

  • Increase your Constitution or Wisdom by 1, up to a maximum of 20.

  • After extensive tinkering, you have overcome some limitations of material placement: you may place multiple materials of similar type into a single piece of gear (multiple materials with additions to damage, multiple materials which utilize runes, etc). Only one material of each type will be active, but you may now swap active materials as an action, potentially allowing you to swap between something like fire and cold resistance as an action

Felyne Luckycat

Prerequisite: Felyne

Some people say cats have 9 lives. You don't, but you do feel the fates at your furry back:

  • Increase your Wisdom or Charisma by 1, up to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain a single luck point. if you already have luck points, this is added to the total pool. Whenever you make an attack roll, ability check, saving throw, or roll on the carving/capture table, you can spend this luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, saving throw, or roll on the carve/capture table. You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you; Roll a d20, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours. If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled. You regain your expended luck point when you finish a long rest, but may not use a luck point on a carve or capture roll for a creature which was killed prior to your long rest.


Prerequisite: Grimalkyne or Melynx

You've become an expert with your sticky little cat-fingers... er... paws:

  • Once per long rest, when you take the attack action on your turn, you may use a free hand to make a special unarmed melee weapon attack. If you make multiple attacks on your turn, this attack may replace one of them. If the attack hits, you do no damage and instead may attempt a carve check against the creature’s carve DC. If you succeed, gain the lowest possible item on the creature’s carve table.

  • If the creature does not have a carve table or a carve DC, you instead may choose to snatch one item the target is holding, and it is now equipped in the hand used to make the attack.

Wyverian Research Prowess

Prerequisite: Wyverian

you've lived a long time, and you've learned a lot. Knowledge can be an incredible source of power

  • Increase your Intelligence by 1, up to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track, trailblaze or recall relevant biological information regarding the creature type which was selected as the subject of your "Expert" feature

Wyverian Hunter's Accumen

Prerequisite: Wyverian

You've spent more years in the field than some creatures have been alive, and your intuition regarding the creatures of this land is unrivaled

  • Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom by 1, up to a maximum of 20

  • Once per short rest, on your turn, as an action, you may attempt an insight check on a creature you can see, with a DC equal to either the creature's carve DC or passive deception, whichever is higher. if you succeed, you learn one of the following pieces of information of your choice:

  • If the creature is below half of its current hit points

  • If the creature is below one quarter of its current hit points

  • The creature's highest ability score

  • The creature's lowest ability score

  • One of the creature's damage resistances or immunities (if any)

  • One of the creature's condition immunities (if any)

Tribal Craftsman

Prerequisite: Boaboa, Gajalaka

Mask good! Fix mask! You incorporate some of the monster scraps you've managed to acquire into your tribal mask, allowing you to add an additional color of trim.

  • When you acquire this feat, select an additional Tribal mask trim or tusk color. Your current mask, and future masks you may craft, now count as this color in addition to the original. When using your Gaja Knife or Boa Javelin, pick from one of the two colors you have when you make the attack.

  • While wearing your mask, you have an additional +1 AC, and have advantage on Charisma (intimidation) checks

Notes on the Mask

You cannot fit a whole monster part into your mask, but when you upgrade it, the new look should reflect your strength. Does it have Nergigante spikes? maybe it's coated in tufts of Teostra fur. You're a great warrior! What have you managed to slay? Show the world!

Secret Tribal Brewing

Prerequisite: Boaboa, Gajalaka

The body-affecting poisons you use have been passed down through your tribe. You leave your mark on the brew, generating your own concoctions.

  • You gain proficiency with the poisoner's kit. If you are already proficient with the poisoner's kit, you may add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

  • The DC for your Boa javelin or Gaja knife increases by +1

  • Once per long rest, you may use an action to coat any weapon or piece of ammunition with a viscous liquid that is an opaque color, similar to the color of your mask’s tusks or trim. When a creature is hit by a coated weapon or piece of ammunition, they take damage as normal, and must make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the creature is afflicted with the condition based on your mask's color and lasts for the duration listed in the appropriate mask table. This coating lasts until a creature has been hit, or until 10 minutes have passed, at which point the viscous liquid dries and flakes off.

Royal Elder Resilience

Prerequisite: Elder Dragonborn, 8th level or higher

Other creatures bow before you. Revered as you are, your draconic heritage places you a cut above the rest

  • Choose one ability score. Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain immunity to one damage type listed under your Draconic Resilience feature

  • If you possess an appropriate "Ancestry" feature, gain immunity to one of the listed conditions.

  • If you possess a natural armor, raise its AC by 1


Prerequisite: Dragonborn or Elder Dragonborn

One of your ancestors, born of this world, has blessed you with a superior elemental breath weapon

  • Increase your Strength or Constitution by 1, up to a maximum of 20

  • When a creature fails their saving throw against your breath weapon, they are inflicted with a condition until the end of your next turn, based on the damage type as shown in the table below:

Damage Result
Fire Any creatures which fail the saving throw are considered ignited as if by the tarred condition
Acid Slick
Lightning or Thunder Thunderblight
Cold Iceblight
Poison Waterblight

Boom! Shakalala

Prerequisites: Shakalaka

Gunpowder is rare in the wild, and your tribe has perfected the art of stretching it as far as possible.

  • Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20

  • When you activate or trigger any type of bounce or barrel bomb, they deal an additional die of damage.

  • On a hit, you may cause a bomb thrown by you to deal 1d6 thunder damage to all creatures in a 5 ft radius around the target, or target location


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