Star Domain Cleric

by CottonMagik

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Star Domain Cleric

The heavens above have always caught the attention of the mortals below. Some clerics devote themselves to gods of the heavens in a life of celestial enlightenment. Among those clerics, some find themselves as followers of the Star Domain, particularly channeling their connection to the stars that dot the night sky.

Star Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1st faerie fire, sleep
3rd augury, scorching ray
5th fireball, daylight
7th fire shield, sickening radiance
9th wall of light, dream

Star Motes

When you choose this domain at 1st level, when you cast a cleric spell of 1st level or higher you gain a small invisible star mote that orbits your body. You can have a number of star motes orbiting you up to your proficiency bonus. As a bonus action, you can throw any number of star motes at a creature within 120 feet of you. The effect is based on if you designate the creature as an ally or an enemy.

Ally. The target gains 2d4 temporary hit points for every star mote thrown. Starting at 11th level, you can instead choose to heal the target instead of granting them temporary hit points.

Enemy. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 radiant damage for each mote.

Hit or miss, the motes are consumed after being thrown.


When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain 30 feet of darkvision, or if you already have darkvision, the range on it is extended by 30 feet. For each Star Mote that you have orbiting you, this darkvision range is increased by another 30 feet. If you have 4 or more star motes orbiting you, you can see through magical darkness as well as nonmagical darkness.

Channel Divinity: Stellar Spell

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to harness the power of the stars, altering a spell that you are casting.

When you cast a spell that deals radiant, fire, or cold damage, you can change the damage type of the spell to another on the list. If you do not change the damage type, the spell instead gains additional damage equal to your wisdom modifier. The spell then gains an additional affect based on the final damage type:

Radiant. The creatures who are affected by the spell make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are blinded until the start of your next turn.

Fire. The spell deals an additional damage die of fire damage.

Cold. The creatures who are affected by the spell have their movement speed halved until the start of your next turn.

Eyes to the Stars

Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to radiant damage.

You also no longer need to sleep, and cannot be put to sleep by any means. In order to gain the benefits of a long rest, you need to spend the time instead doing only light activity.

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

Duality of the Stars

You gain the ability to tap into the wonderous and destructive duality of the stars.

Wonderous You wish upon a shooting star. You can cast the Wish spell with a spell slot, and when you do you immediately reach your maximum number of Star Motes.

Destructive You bring about the end of a star. You can cast the Ravenous Void spell with a spell slot, and you can move about in it freely without suffering any of its drawbacks.

Once you cast either of these spells with this feature, you can't cast them again in this way until you finish a long rest.

Homebrew by: Cotton Majyk

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