Devil Hunter (DMC Class)

by devastatar636

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The Devil Hunter Class

The Devil Hunter

Monstrous beings surround a family, having slaughtered the rest of their town. The creatures move in, bladed appendages raised, only for a white-haired man to land before them, a large sword held in his hand. He grins, holding out a hand and beckoning tauntingly.

A woman screams in fear as a horrific creature looms over her, claws raised to end her mortal coil. In moments, however, hundreds of lines appear on its body. A man in a long coat sheathes his blade, the creature exploding into pieces as he slams the weapon home.

Twisted creatures slaughter the innocent as they flee, the city guard helpless to stop these beings of pure evil. But as all seems lost, a boy rolls back his sleeve to reveal a strange, glowing arm with which he begins hurling the creatures away, cutting others down with the large blade in his other hand.

These individuals are Devil Hunters, beings who, through blood or ritual, hold the powers of infernal beings with which they protect others from their predations. The loss of loved ones, the pursuit of power, or even the desire to protect one's family can drive a man to choose this path, but be warned: The life of a Devil Hunter is one of solitude.

Demonic Heritage

Most Devil Hunters were born with the potential, some would even say the destiny, to join the profession. Typically, these individuals are born from the union of Devil and Humanoid, or as the progeny of such an individual. These individuals are different from birth, though they may appear as any other of their race. A good indication of one such individual, however, is their hair. Almost invariably, a born Hunter will have snow-white hair, as if born with albinism, though they display none of the other traits of such. These individuals also tend to have the most tragic backgrounds - their fiendish parent typically not being present for any number of reasons leading to their Humanoid parent's death at the hands of the former comrades their fiendish parent betrayed.

Self-Taught Masters

A Devil Hunter's combat style is almost always unique to them, developed over years of experience without formal training. As such, they may use unorthodox moves, or even miss basic counterattacks that such training would have granted. They make up for this, however, with inhuman reflexes and reaction times, as well as the otherworldly strength and speed their demonic powers grant. Part and parcel of this unorthodox fighting style is the ability to use any weapon, even those a properly trained fighter may not be able to.

Part 1 | Introduction

Class Features

As a Devil Hunter, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Devil Hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Devil Hunter level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: All Weapons
Tools: None

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Investigation, Perception, Performance, and Religion.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Leather Armor, Hand Crossbow, and 20 Crossbow Bolts
  • (a) A Two-Handed or Versatile weapon, or (b) two One-Handed weapons
  • (a) A book documenting your studies of demons, or (b) A keepsake from your Devil parent
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

The Devil Hunter

Level Proficiency
1st +2 1 Hunter's Instinct, Demonic Power
2nd +2 2 Stinger
3rd +2 3 Hunting Style
4th +2 4 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 5 Extra Attack, Enemy Step
6th +3 6 Launch, Rapid Switching
7th +3 7 Hunting Style feature, Stinger Improvement
8th +3 8 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 9 Charged Shot
10th +4 10 Split, Launch Improvement
11th +4 11 Hunting Style feature, Stinger Improvement
12th +4 12 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 13 Rapid Strike, Charged Shot Improvement
14th +5 14 Extra Attack (2)
15th +5 15 Hunting Style feature, Stinger Improvement
16th +5 16 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 17 Demonic Weapons
18th +6 18 Ability Score Improvement
19th +6 19 Hunting Style feature
20th +6 20 Demonic Bloodlust
Part 2 | The Demon Hunter Table

Hunter's Instinct

Having fought Demons since before you became a Hunter, you have developed a unique knack for combating them. At 1st Level, you have advantage on saving throws against effects from Fiends and Undead, and can no longer be Charmed by them.

Demonic Power

You have gained a pool of Demonic Power. This infernal energy can be channeled into your weapons or your body, allowing you to achieve feats beyond most humanoids. Your Devil Hunter level shows the amount of Demonic Power you have access to, as shown in the Demonic Power column of the Devil Hunter table.

You can spend this power to fuel various Demonic features. You start knowing three such features: Devilish Dodge, Demonic Strike, and Infernal Leap. You learn more Demonic features as you gain levels in this class.

When you spend Demonic Power, that portion becomes unavailable until you finish a Short or Long Rest, at the end of which you recharge your energies and are ready to fight again.

Some of your Demonic features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Demonic save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma or Constitution modifier

Devilish Dodge

When you are targeted for an attack, you can spend 1 Demonic Power to move 5 ft. at a high speed, imposing disadvantage on that attack. This ability can be used after the attack is rolled, but must be used before the result is confirmed. The movement included in this ability cannot move you out of range of the attack, and does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Demonic Strike

When you make a melee attack, you can spend 1 Demonic Power to channel that energy into your weapon, gaining advantage on that attack roll. This ability can be used after the attack is rolled, but must be used before the result is confirmed. If the attack hits, you also inflict an additional 1d4 Force damage on that target.

Infernal Leap

You can spend 1 Demonic Power to increase the height or distance of one of your jumps by 10 ft. Beginning at 6th Level, you can also use this ability to leap 10 ft. into the air while falling, resetting your fall height to the peak of this jump.


Beginning at 2nd Level, you can unleash your devil-given aggression when you attack. When you take the Attack action on your turn to make a melee attack, you can charge forward 5 ft. This movement is not part of your normal movement, and does not provoke opportunity attacks, but the attack itself is made with a -3 to hit due to your reckless movement. If the attack made as part of Stinger hits, the target must make a Strength saving throw against your Demonic Save DC or be knocked prone or pushed 10 ft. away from you (your choice). From 7th Level, you can move 10 ft. instead of 5 and your recklessness results in a -2, and from 11th Level an enemy who fails the saving throw can instead be stunned until the end of your next turn and your recklessness results in a -1. At 15th Level, you can choose to spend an extra Demonic Power when the attack hits to force all three results on a failed save.

Hunting Style

When you reach 3rd Level, you develop your own particular methods of fighting demons and devils. Choose from the Trickster Style, the Dark Slayer Style, the Angelo style, or one from another source. Your choice grants you additional features when you reach 3rd Level and again when you reach 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th Level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 18th Level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score past 20 using this feature.

Enemy Step

At 5th Level, you have developed a method of using your supernatural athleticism to avoid being surrounded. As part of your regular movement, you can attempt to vault over an enemy in your path. Make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against the enemy's AC. On a success, you move to the other side of that enemy without provoking opportunity attacks. On a failure, you instead fall prone on the other side of that enemy, and provoke opportunity attacks with that movement.

Extra Attack

Also at 5th Level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 14th level in this class.


Beginning at 6th Level, when you make an attack with a weapon you are wielding with two hands, you can swing the weapon upward in an attempt to launch the enemy into the air. Make an Athletics check against the enemy's AC. If the enemy is of a different size class, the DC of this check increases by 5 for each size class above yours, and decreases by 5 for each size class below. On a success, the enemy is launched 10 ft. into the air, landing prone at the end of your turn. While Launched by this ability, creatures other than you are considered prone. At 10th Level, you can also launch yourself the same distance when you do.

Part 3 | Class Features

Rapid Switching

Also at 6th Level, your style has developed to allow you to seamlessly switch between weapons in your arsenal. Sheathing and drawing weapons no longer costs an action.

Charged Shot

Beginning at 9th Level, you can channel your Demonic Energy into your ranged weapons. You can use your bonus action to charge a shot from a ranged weapon you are holding, funneling up to 5 Demonic Energy into it. When you fire this weapon, hit or miss, the energy is expended. If the Charged Shot hits, the target takes 1d6 Force damage for every Demonic Energy channeled into the shot.

When you reach 13th Level, enemies hit by a Charged Shot must also make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Demonic Save DC. On a failed save, the enemy is pushed back 15 ft., takes an extra d6 of Force damage for each Demonic Power spent, and is stunned. On a successful save, the enemy takes half of this damage and suffer no other effects.


Beginning at 10th Level, When you make a melee attack against an enemy at a lower height than you, you can bring your weapon down with great force. Roll the attack with disadvantage. This attack increases your critical hit range by -1 for every 10 ft. above the enemy. If you were in the air when you made this attack, you immediately land on the ground, and half of any fall damage you would take is transferred into damage to the enemy instead. When using Split, vertical distance is not factored into your melee range.

Rapid Strike

From 15th Level, one strike can become many. When you hit an enemy with an attack, you can choose to split the damage between four attacks. When you choose to use this ability, roll the original attack's damage, then roll four more attacks on the same target before that damage is inflicted. On a hit, you inflict a quarter of the original attack's damage, rounded up. On a critical hit, this damage is doubled. If the original attack was made using Stinger or Launch, resolve those effects before you resolve this ability.

Demonic Weapons

From 15th Level, while you have Demonic Power, your weapon attacks become magical, and gain a +2 to hit and damage. In addition, any Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage you inflict becomes Force damage instead. In addition, any attacks you make against Fiends have advantage and inflict double damage.

Demonic Bloodlust

At 20th Level, your Demonic Power threatens to overwhelm even you as you become an unending fountain of energy. Whenever you start a fight with less than 10 Demonic Power, you can regain any amount of Demonic Power until you have a maximum of 10. At the end of that battle, you take 1d8 Psychic damage for each Demonic Power regained this way. If you are using a form sustained by Demonic Power at this time, you instead take half as much damage.

Hunting Styles

Devil Hunters vary wildly in methods, actions, and motivations, and this difference is never more stark than in their methods of combating their foes. Maybe you are a Trickster, enjoying nothing more than frustrating your foes as you show off your moves before finally allowing them to meet their end at your blade. Perhaps you are a Darkslayer, to whom slaying Demons is merely a means to an end - that end being the accruing of more power for whatever purposes you intend. Or perhaps you are an Angelo, whose desire to defend others informed your choice to slay the most heinous beings known.

Different Hunters have different abilities, most focussing around combat effectiveness. Tricksters are versatile, with more general abilities to prepare them for a variety of situations. Darkslayers tend to focus more on a single weapon, to the point where their melee weapon can be used just as effectively at range. Angelos control the battlefield, their grasp able to pull enemies to them and away from allies - or pull themselves toward enemies to deliver a mighty blow.

Part 3 | Class Features

Trickster Style

You focus primarily on versatility, with a stronger focus on not taking damage. As a result, you are more adept at dodging, though you may be less effective at killing or controlling enemies than a Darkslayer or Angelo.

Trickster's Dodge

Starting at 3rd Level, your Devilish Dodge can now be used against effects that require a saving throw to inflict damage, granting you advantage on that saving throw. If you use Trickster's Dodge against an effect that inflicts half damage on a successful save, you take no damage on a successful save, and only half damage on a failed save.

Trickster's Resistance

Also at 3rd Level, you have resistance to Fire and Poison damage, and have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.


At 7th Level, you have developed a technique to strike at long range. As an attack, you can spend up to 3 Demonic Power to hurl a blade of energy from your weapon. All creatures in a 15 foot line must make a Dexterity saving throw or take that weapon's damage plus 1d4 Force damage. The length of this line increases by 15 ft. for each Demonic Power spent on this ability past the first.

Devil Trigger

Starting at 11th Level, you can spend 5 Demonic Power as a Bonus Action to unleash your Devil Trigger, a manifestation of your true, Demonic form. Until the start of your next turn, you are immune to Fire and Poison damage, resistant to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage, and cannot be poisoned. In addition, when you first use your Devil Trigger, enemies within 5 ft. of you are pushed back 5 ft.. When you hit an enemy with a weapon attack while using Devil Trigger, that enemy takes an additional 1d6 Force damage. At the start of your turn, if your Devil Trigger would end, you can spend 5 Demonic Power as a Free Action to sustain it until the start of your next turn instead. When your Devil Trigger ends, you become vulnerable to Fire, Poison, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage, and have disadvantage on saving throws against being poisoned. These changes last until you complete a Short or Long Rest.

Round Trip

At 15th Level, you can connect your Demonic Power with your weapon's and hurl it at a foe at the cost of 3 Demonic Power. Make a ranged weapon attack with your melee weapon against a target within 60 ft. of you. On a hit, your weapon is lodged into that enemy for three of its turns. At the start of each of its turns, that enemy takes damage from the weapon equal to the damage the weapon would inflict if you were wielding it, can make a Strength save against your Demonic Save DC to remove the weapon, and must make a Constitution save against your Demonic Save DC or be stunned until the start of its next turn if it failed to remove the weapon. Removing the weapon in this way causes the target to take extra damage equal to half of the weapon's regular damage. At the end of the enemy's third turn, or if the original attack missed, your weapon returns to your hand, inflicting its base damage to anything that fails a DC10 Dexterity saving throw between you and the target's current location.

Part 4 | Hunting Style: Trickster

Sin Devil Trigger

At 19th Level, your inner demon's power rises to unbelievable heights. When you would pay 5 Demonic Power to maintain your Devil Trigger form, you can instead use your Bonus Action and pay 10 Demonic Power to enter Sin Devil Trigger. This form increases your resistance to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage to full immunity. In addition, your critical hit range increases to 19, and all Force Damage you inflict is doubled. In this state, you gain a flying speed of 60 ft. Also, while using Sin Devil Trigger, your Demonic features do not consume Demonic Power, your Stinger's range becomes 20 ft., and any enemy that comes within 10 ft. of you must make a Charisma saving throw against your Demonic Save DC or be frightened of you until your Sin Devil Trigger ends. This form lasts until the start of your next turn. When leaving a Devil Trigger state, you no longer suffer the downsides of leaving a Devil Trigger state. When using Split while flying in this state, all of the fall damage is inflicted to the enemy, instead of dividing it between the two of you.

The Luce

Also at 19th Level, while in Sin Devil Trigger, you can unleash your incredible Demonic Power as a devastating barrage of ranged attacks. Make 12 ranged weapon attacks using your Devil Hunter Save ability on targets within 60 ft. of you, inflicting 2d6 Fire damage with each hit. You choose the targets for these attacks as you make them, and you add your ability modifier to the damage of these attacks.

Part 4 | Hunting Style: Trickster

Darkslayer Style

Your focus is on pure power, in the form of overwhelming damage and speed. As a result, you are most adept at outright killing your opponents, though you may be less adept at staying alive or controlling enemies than a Trickster or Angelo.

Darkslayer's Blade

When you choose this Style at 3rd Level, you choose one Versatile weapon type to specialize in. When you strike an enemy with your Darkslayer's Blade weapon, you inflict an additional 1d4 damage of that weapon's damage type. In addition, your Darkslayer's Blade weapons cannot be broken while you wield them, except by a critical hit from another Devil Hunter. In addition, as a bonus action, you can spend up to 2 Demonic Power to summon two spectral copies of your Darkslayer's Blade for each Demonic Power spent, each targeting an enemy within 30 ft. of you. Make a ranged spell attack against each target using your Charisma or Constitution modifier, inflicting 1d8 Force damage on a hit. From 11th Level, you can spend up to 4 Demonic Power on this technique instead.

Darkslayer's Resistance

Also at 3rd Level, you have resistance to Force and Necrotic damage, and have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed.

Darkslayer's Speed

At 7th Level, you have developed your style in such a way as to enable significantly increased mobility. This grants you the following Demonic Features:

Air Trick

You can spend 1 Demonic Power to instantaneously move to a location within 5 ft. of a hostile creature within range of your movement speed. This does not count as part of your regular movement, and does not provoke opportunity attacks. You can only use this ability once per round.

Trick Down

You can spend 3 Demonic Power when you are targeted by an attack to instantly move up to 10 ft. in any direction. If you are still within range of the attack when you finish moving, you impose disadvantage on that attack. Otherwise, the attacking creature loses that attack as they are considered to have missed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. You can only use this ability once per round.

Slayer's Strike

Your Demonic Strike ability now also increases your critical hit range by 1 and inflicts an additional 1d4 Force damage if it hits.

Devil Trigger

Starting at 11th Level, you can spend 5 Demonic Power as a Bonus Action to unleash your Devil Trigger, a manifestation of your true, Demonic form. Until the start of your next turn, you are immune to Force and Necrotic damage and cannot be Charmed. In addition, when you first use your Devil Trigger, enemies within 5 ft. of you are pushed back 5 ft.. When you hit an enemy with a weapon attack while using Devil Trigger, that enemy takes an additional 1d10 weapon damage. While in this state, your movement speed increases by 10 ft. At the start of your turn, if your Devil Trigger would end, you can spend 5 Demonic Power as a Free Action to sustain it until the start of your next turn instead. When your Devil Trigger ends, you become vulnerable to Force and Necrotic damage, and have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed. These changes last until you complete a Short or Long Rest.

Judgement Cut

At 15th Level, you have developed a technique allowing you to utilise your blade even more effectively than before, and at range to boot. When you hit an enemy with your Darkslayer's Blade weapon, you can spend 1 Demonic Power to immediately select 4 5 ft. squares within 30 ft. as a bonus action. Any creature within those squares must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Demonic Save DC or take Force damage equal to your weapon damage. These squares do not have to be separate, and can occupy the same space.

Part 5 | Hunting Style: Darkslayer

Sin Devil Trigger

At 19th Level, your inner demon's power rises to unbelievable heights. When you would pay 5 Demonic Power to maintain your Devil Trigger form, you can instead use your Bonus Action and pay 10 Demonic Power to enter Sin Devil Trigger. In this form, your critical hit range increases to 18, and all Force Damage you inflict is doubled. Also, while using Sin Devil Trigger, your Demonic features do not consume Demonic Power, your Stinger's range becomes 20 ft., and any enemy that comes within 10 ft. of you must make a Charisma saving throw against your Demonic Save DC or be frightened of you until your Sin Devil Trigger ends. In this form, you gain a flying speed of 90 ft. and are not affected by weaker obstacles. While flying, materials up to and including 15 ft. of stone are instantly destroyed as you attempt to pass through them. This form lasts until the start of your next turn.

When leaving a Devil Trigger state, you no longer suffer the downsides of leaving a Devil Trigger state. When using Split while flying in this state, all of the fall damage is inflicted to the enemy, instead of dividing it between the two of you.

Judgement Cut End

Also at 19th Level, you have developed your Judgement Cut into a devastating area-effect technique. As an action while in Sin Devil Trigger, you can sheathe your Darkslayer's Blade and spend 5 Demonic Power to charge your attack. Then, as a reaction, you unsheathe your weapon and fill a 15 ft. radius sphere centered on you with attacks. All creatures except yourself within this radius must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Demonic Save DC, taking Force damage equal to double your weapon damage on a failed save and being stunned until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, they instead take half damage and suffer no other effects.

Part 5 | Hunting Style: Darkslayer


Angelo Style

You became a Devil Hunter not to protect yourself, but to protect others. You seek power not for yourself, but for the sake of others. You focus on controlling the positioning of enemies relative to yourself and others, and this is exemplified in your signature Devil Bringer arm.

Devil Bringer

When you choose this style at 3rd Level, your offhand is permanently transformed into a demonic forearm. This allows for an expanded repertoire of Demonic abilities, of which you start with Buster and Snatch. You cannot use any Devil Bringer ability unless your offhand is free.


As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Demonic Power to summon a spectral arm in the shape of your Devil Bringer to lift an enemy and slam them to the ground. The target must make a Dexterity or Strength saving throw, and does so with advantage if they are larger than you and disadvantage if they are smaller. On a failed save, they are lifted and slammed into the ground, taking damage as if they had fallen 20 ft.. In addition, the enemy is knocked prone. If the enemy was already prone, they automatically fail their saving throw against this ability and must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.


As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Demonic Power to summon a spectral arm in the shape of your Devil Bringer to grab a creature within 15 ft. of you. If the creature is the same size as you or smaller, they must make a Strength saving throw or be pulled to a space within 5 ft. of you. If the creature is larger than you, you are pulled to a space within 5 ft. of them instead. In both cases, the moving creature provokes attacks of opportunity.

Angelo's Resistance

Also at 3rd Level, you have resistance to Radiant and Cold damage, and have advantage on saving throws against being Blinded or Deafened.

Enemy Aegis

Starting at 7th Level, when you use Buster or Snatch, you can choose to hold your target in front of you, provided they are your size or smaller. When an enemy makes an attack, you can make a Dexterity saving throw, with a DC equal to the AC of the enemy you are holding. On a success, you move that enemy in front of the attack, changing its target to them instead. On a failed save, you drop the enemy if you are hit, allowing them to escape. An enemy can make a Strength saving throw against your Demonic Save DC to escape this hold at the end of its turn. Alternatively, you can choose to terminate this hold yourself, slamming them into the ground as if using Buster. You must spend 1 Demonic Power at the start of your turn to maintain your hold on your Enemy Aegis, otherwise they escape as if they had succeeded their saving throw.

Part 6 | Hunting Style: Angelo

False Trigger

Starting at 11th Level, you can spend 4 Demonic Power as a bonus action to unleash your False Trigger, a facsimile of a Devil Trigger. This manifests as a spectral being that floats above you, mirroring your movements with its own weapon. Until the start of your next turn, whenever you roll an attack, the spectral form also rolls an attack with the same modifiers, inflicting 13 (1d10+7) Force damage on a hit. While using this form, you are resistant to nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage. At the start of your turn, you can spend 4 Demonic Power as a Free Action to sustain this form until the start of your next turn, if active. When this state ends, you become vulnerable to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage until you complete a Short or Long rest.

Devil Breaker

Beginning at 15th Level, your Devil Bringer grows in power. You can now use the Snatch Traversal and Snatch Strike techniques.

Snatch Traversal

Your Snatch technique can now grasp terrain, pulling you toward it at high speed. In addition, the range of your Snatch technique increases to 30 ft. in all use cases.

Snatch Strike

When you use Snatch, you can now make an attack with your weapon on the target as a part of the same action. If the enemy was pulled toward you, the attack is the same as if you had attacked an adjacent enemy. If you were pulled toward the enemy, you inflict an additional 2d6 weapon damage. Regardless of which option is used, you make this attack with disadvantage

True Demon

At 19th Level, you can finally manifest your true demon form. When you would pay 4 Demonic Power to maintain your False Trigger form, you can instead use your Bonus Action and pay 8 Demonic Power to enter True Demon form. While using True Demon form, your Demonic features do not consume Demonic Power, your Stinger's range becomes 20 ft., and any enemy that comes within 10 ft. of you must make a Charisma saving throw against your Demonic Save DC or be frightened of you until your True Demon form ends. In addition, whether you are in this form or not, your Devil Bringer arm returns to its original form. Instead of a demonic arm, you now manifest two spectral arms from your shoulder blades that rest their hands on your shoulders when not in use. In this position, they resemble wings. These arms can stretch to utilise Snatch, and are strong enough to utilise Buster and Enemy Aegis. Because this move is being performed by two arms now, Buster now inflicts damage as if the target had fallen 40 ft. In addition, since these arms take the place of your Devil Bringer arm, you can now use these abilities while holding something in your offhand.

Part 6 | Hunting Style: Angelo


Artwork, concept, and inspiration from the Devil May Cry series


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