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# The Oozemorph, Version 0.4 A human sneaks through a noble's mansion, searching for valuables and priceless antiques. The sound of a guard dog's bark comes from behind, the thief turning around to find he's surrounded. When all seems lost, he gives a smirk and sinks into a nearby grate, making a clean get away. An unarmed half-orc marches into an arena, waving his arms into the sky to rile up an anxiously awaiting crowd. He bares his teeth as a number of opponents appear before him. His arms outstretch and shift into the form of war axes before he cleaves through the wave of foes. A gnome approaches a large ogre, the latter laughing menacingly. With a chuckle of his own, the gnome dodges the ogre's strikes before wrapping his strange and malleable body around his oversized foe. Oozemorphs, like sorcerers, are inherently magical beings. They do not choose their strange physiologies, being born with it or altered by magical forces. In either case, their semifluid-forms and transformative capabilities can make them skilled adventurers. ### Oozemorph Origins Becoming an oozemorph is not an easy task. One can not simply learn the skills necessary or research methods to alter their body so freely. Oozemorphs are often instead gifted with their unique abilities. Perhaps an individual was altered by wild magic in a truly strange and fantastical way, or maybe an alchemical compound altered their very genetic makeup. Alternatively, someone may have been transformed into one by another oozemorph, altered through absorption and reconstruction. In rare cases, some oozemorphs have linages tracing back to creatures from the Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze, being born with their powers as a result. ### Living On Once an oozemorph awakens, their lives change forever. Keeping their original forms is a struggle at first, making their newfound abilities very obvious. This can lead them to be ostracized or feared, leading many to hide in moments when their humanoid guises fail. If given the time to survive, however, an oozemorph will often find their powers much more manageable. In many cases, their powers might prove to even be invaluable to their original ways of life. Being able to create simple tools from their own bodies can lead to streamlined crafting sessions, while warriors will rarely turn down a sword that they can call upon at any time. With more drastic transformations, more powerful uses become apparent. After mastering their newfound abilities, an oozemorph might not only find themselves welcomed into communities, but greatly relied upon. Alternatively, one might start to thrive on the fear they create or even go mad with their ever growing power... turning into the monstrosities they resemble, though with the intelligence of their original form. \columnbreak ### Creating an Oozemorph An important start to creating an oozemorph character is asking how and when their amorphous form awakened. Do they have ooze-like heritage? If so, their powers and form could have awakened due to a traumatic effect, or perhaps they've had those powers since birth. Was it a sudden transformation, such as a polymorph spell gone wrong or a hag's wicked brew? Or perhaps they were an ooze from the beginning, awakened by a wizard's magic spell. Whatever the case, becoming an oozemorph is not a process one can train for. Their nature as an oozemorph speaks of some grand event in their past, or that of their ancestors. Then ask how your character deals with their new abilities. Do they make every attempt to hide their ooze form? Have they become increasingly secretive and defensive about strange habits? Or perhaps they've embraced it as a new part of themselves. If so, how? Do they find their new form fun, or is it more of an awakening to the monster within? Once an individual becomes an oozemorph, they can never not be one again outside of divine intervention or the aid of exceptionally powerful magic. Naturally, a change to who they were as a person would follow. #### Quick Build You can make an oozemorph quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest score, followed by Strength. Second, choose the outlander background. ___ > ##### Multiclassing and the Oozemorph > If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the *Player's Handbook*, here's what you need to know if you choose Oozemorph as one of your classes. > > **Ability Score Minimum.** As a multiclass character, you must have at least a Constitution score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already an oozemorph. > > **Proficiencies Gained.** If oozemorph isn't your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as an oozemorph: light armor. > > **A Catalyst.** A character cannot simply become an oozemorph through desire alone. A catalyst such as the ones listed earlier must occur. Consult with your DM if your character can awaken to oozemorph powers. \pagebreakNum
##### The Oozemorph | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Ooze Traits | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:| | 1st | +2 | Oozemorphing, Morphic Weaponry, Slime Resilience | — | | 2nd | +2 | Shift Appearance, Integrate Equipment, Ooze Traits | 2 | | 3rd | +2 | Amorphous Nature, Ooze Form Evolution | 2 | | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Increase | 2 | | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 3 | | 6th | +3 | Acidic Strikes | 3 | | 7th | +3 | Fluidic Humanoid, Amorphous Nature feature | 3 | | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Increase | 4 | | 9th | +4 | Corrosive Retaliation | 4 | | 10th | +4 | Elemental Affinity | 4 | | 11th | +4 | Cleansing Ooze | 5 | | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Increase | 5 | | 13th | +5 | Amorphous Nature feature | 5 | | 14th | +5 | Greater Oozemorphing | 6 | | 15th | +5 | Perfected Form | 6 | | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Increase | 6 | | 17th | +6 | Truley Formless | 7 | | 18th | +6 | Amorphous Nature feature | 7 | | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Increase | 7 | | 20th | +6 | Ever-shifting | 8 |
## Class Features As an oozemorph, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points ___ - **Hit Dice:** 1d10 per oozemorph level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 10 + your Constitution modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d 10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per ranger level after 1st #### Proficiencies ___ - **Armor:** Light armor, medium armor, shields - **Weapons:** Simple weapons - **Tools:** None ___ - **Saving Throws:** Constitution, Strength - **Skills:** Choose two from Arcana, Athletics, Intimidation, Medicine, Stealth, and Survival \columnbreak #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - Any simple weapon of your choice - A light crossbow and 20 bolts - *(a)* a dungeoneer's pack or *(b)* an explorer's pack If you forego this starting equipment, as well as the items offered by your background, you start with 2d4 × 10 to buy your equipment. ### Oozemorphing At 1st level, you have awakened to your oozemorph abilities. This permanently converts your default form into that of a protoplasmic blob with the same volume and weight as your original body. In this form, you are immune to critical hits and cannot be knocked prone but you cannot hold objects or use items that must be worn. You can still attune to and stay attuned to worn magic items, however. While in ooze form, you can continue to supple vocal, somatic, and material components for spells, generating simple limbs for those purposes. Despite this drastic change to your body, you retain a basic knowledge of humanoid forms and how to use them. As an action, you can assume your original humanoid form. In your humanoid form, you regain use of any objects that must be worn and can once again hold objects. As a bonus action, you can assume your ooze form once more. In either form, your creature type is considered both ooze and that of your race for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as *bane* weapons and a ranger's favored enemy). Additionally, in either form, you have the ability to move through spaces as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. Items that could not fit through these gaps cannot go with you. You can assume your ooze form at any time as a bonus action, and revert to it when are unconscious or within an area of antimagic. When you revert into your ooze form, you equipment merges into your body unless you are within an area of antimagic, at which point it falls to the ground. You have the ability to alter and change your form in a variety of ways. Your access to this ability is represented by a number of morph points equal to your oozemorph level + your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You can spend these points to fuel various oozemorph class features. These morph points regenerate after a long rest. \pagebreakNum ### Morphic Weaponry Starting at 1st level, as an action, you can expend a morph point to form a natural weapon somewhere on your body. These can be claws, fangs, horns, or even resemble a martial weapon such as a sword emerging from your arm. Your unarmed strikes with these morphic weapons deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage on hit, as appropriate to the natural weapon you chose. This die changes to 1d8 at 8th level and 1d10 at 16th level. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your morphic weaponry. These weapons always have the light property. Regardless of the form of these weapons, you are considered proficient at using them. As a bonus action, you can change the form of your morphic weapons, changing their damage type to one of the available types as well. If you are in your ooze form and possess a non-magical weapon, you can replicate its shape, letting you use its properties and damage die in place of your normal attacks. This feature lasts a number of hours equal to your character level. Once that limit is met, the weapons melt back into your body. ### Slime Resilience Also starting at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. While in your ooze form, you may choose to wear your armor's AC instead, despite not being able to wear it. Additionally, while in ooze form, as a bonus action, you can expend a morph point to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. These hit points are lost upon regaining humanoid form. You may only gain temporary hit points from this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest. ### Shift Appearance At 2nd level, you hone your ability to change and alter your form. As an action, you can expend a morph point to transform your humanoid form's appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape must be the same as your original pre-oozemorph form; if it was bipedal, you can't use this feature to become quadrupedal, for instance. As an action, you may also alter this form at any time. This transformation can last a number of hours equal to your character level. Each hour after this duration, you must succeed at a DC 15 Constitution save or revert back to your original humanoid form. This save DC increases by 1 for each additional hour spent maintaining the appearance. \columnbreak ### Integrate Equipment Starting at 2nd level, you can absorb a weapon or set of armor, making it an integral part of your being. You absorb such an item by performing a special ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. if the item requires attunement, you must be attuned to it to perform this ritual and you cannot break attunement while it is part of you. You can't affect an artifact or sentient item in this way, but you can absorb other magical items. When you have a weapon absorbed through this feature, you can apply its magical and ordinary properties to your morphic weaponry. When you have a set of armor absorbed through this feature, while you are not wearing armor, you may choose between its AC and your slime resilience's AC, regardless of form. Additionally, you gain your absorbed armor's magical benefits, if any, regardless of which AC you are using. You may only have one weapon and only one set of armor absorbed through this feature at a time. The weapon and armor are reformed and ejected from your body if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon or set of armor, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to one of them. ### Ooze Traits Your practice with your new form has granted you new abilities, supernatural skills that are unique even among otherwise similar oozemorphs. At 2nd level, you gain two ooze traits of your choice. A list of the available options can be found further in this section. When you gain certain oozemorph levels, you gain additional traits of your choice, as shown in the Adaptations column of the Oozemorph table. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the traits you have and replace it with another trait that you could learn at that level. If an ooze trait has prerequisites, you must meet them to obtain it. You can obtain the trait at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class. ### Amorphous Nature At 3rd level, you begin to find your own path as an oozemorph, choosing from the list of available natures. Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 3rd level and again at 7th, 13th, and 18th level. ### Ooze Evolution Also at 3rd level, your ooze form gains a climb speed of 10 feet. Additionally, it gains blindsight of 60 feet while retaining your original vision. \pagebreakNum ### Ability Score Increase When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat. ### Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. ### Acidic Strikes Starting at 6th level, your morphic weaponry and unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 acid damage, and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. The additional damage die for your acidic strikes becomes 1d8 instead of 1d6 at 10th level. ### Fluidic Humanoid At 7th level, your ability to change form allows you to quickly recover when disorientated, reshaping to right yourself. You cannot be knocked prone in your humanoid form. Additionally, you retain any temporary hit points gained from your slime resilience feature, even while in humanoid form. ### Corrosive Retaliation Starting at 9th level, you gain a grasp on how to make your body more acidic. As a reaction, if you are touched or hit with a melee attack by a creature within 5 feet of you, you can deal 1d8 acid damage to the attacker. Any nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood used in that attack corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal or wood that hits you is destroyed after dealing damage. Additionally, you gain resistance to acid damage and can also eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood or metal in 1 round. ### Elemental Affinity At 10th level, your form becomes attuned to an elemental force. Choose one of the following: cold, fire, or lightning. You gain resistance to that damage type and may substitute it for acid in your corrosive retaliation an acidic strikes features. ### Cleansing Ooze At 11th level, your ooze-like body grants you new defenses. You are immune to disease and acid damage. \columnbreak ### Greater Oozemorphing Starting at 14th level, you've honed your shifting powers dramatically, allowing you to form unique body parts. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 or more morph points to alter your body for 10 minutes, or until you dismiss the change as a bonus action. For each morph point you spend, you can gain one of the following benefits of your choice, the effects of which last until the transformation ends: - You sprout a pair of wings made of ooze from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your walking speed. - You gain a number of aquatic features, gaining a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. - You can increase or decrease your size by one category as per the *enlarge/reduce* spell. You cannot change size by more than one category with this feature. - You gain a prehensile tail or tendril capable of holding and grasping objects. This does not grant you an extra attack and any action done with this limb that requires high dexterity, such as the use of tools or keys, is done with disadvantage. ### Perfected Form At 15th level, your body's ooze and humanoid forms have become nearly indistinguishable in terms of ability while also ignoring the flow of time. Your humanoid form gains a climb speed of 10 feet and blindsight of 60 feet while retaining your original vision. Additionally, you cannot suffer the frailty of old age, can't be aged magically, and no longer need food or water. Finally, both your ooze form and humanoid form gain a +2 to AC. ### Truely Formless Starting at 17th level, you've learned how to alter your humanoid form with no effort. You can use your shift appearance feature without expending morph points, and the transformation does not have a time lime limit. ### Ever-shifting At 20th level, you're ability to twist and turn your shape becomes legendary. You no longer need to expend morph points for any of your class features or ooze traits. This feature does not apply to amorphous nature features. \pagebreakNum ## Amorphous Natures Each oozemorph is inherently unique, finding different unique ways to utilize their new abilities. The amorphous nature you choose represents your unique path. ### Apex Assimilator Many oozemorphs hone their skills simply to improve themselves, only occasionally learning from and taking in their surroundings. Some oozemorphs, however, use their ability of absorption to reach new heights. The oozemorphs who follow this path not only consume the enemies they defeat, they make their powers their own. #### Skill Acquisition Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to consume certain dead creatures to acquire their abilities. As an action, you can expend 3 morph points to assimilate the corpse of a defeated creature with a challange rating equal to or less than half your oozemorph level. This process takes a total of 1 minute for e When you do, you temporarily acquire one of features listed in the beast's monster block of your choice. You can expend a morph point at any time to use this ability as if you were the creature that originally possessed it, following the same rules and restrictions. You cannot acquire a legendary action, lair action, innate spellcasting, or magical resistance from this feature. After a number of days equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) have passed, you lose access to this assimilated ability. The maximum amount of abilities you can acquire and keep at a time from this nature is equal to your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency modifier (minimum 1). If you attempt to acquire another ability beyond this limit, you forget the earliest acquired ability in your list. You prepare the list of features that you have available to use. To do so, choose a number of absorbed features that you have equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). For example, if you have a Wisdom modifier of 3, your prepared list can include three features. You can change your list of prepared features when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of features requires time spent in introspection analyzing them: at least 1 minute per feature level for each spell on your list. #### Skill Memorization Starting at 7th level, you've gained the ability to permanently learn the abilities of other creatures. During a long rest, you can select one of your assimilated abilities. This ability becomes a permanent feature for you. Permanent abilities do not count towards the number of temporary abilities you have. You can only make a number of abilities equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) permanent. Once this limit is reached, you must forget one of your abilities in order to attempt to make another one permanent. \columnbreak #### Quick Assimliation Starting at 13th level, you can quickly assimilate a creature to cause fear in others. As an action, you can expend a morph point to consume the corpse of a defeated creature with a challange rating equal to or less than half your oozemorph level. You may roll one of that creature's hit die and regain that much health. Creatures surrounding must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier or become frightened of you for two turns. You cannot acquire one of the creature's abilities through this feat. #### Legendary Assimilation Starting at 17th level, select a monster type from which you have successfully learned an ability. You may now memorize abilities from that monster type, and can acquire legendary actions from them as well. You may only acquire one legendary action at a time, and may not memorize it. You still may not acquire lair actions, innate spellcasting, or magic resistance through your skill acquisition and advanced assimilation features. ___ > ##### Exceptional Abilities > Some monster abilities are notorious for being incredibly powerful. The shadow (*Monster Manual*, p269), for instance, has an ability called Strength Drain that can be an immense threat to even high level players, despite the Shadow's low challenge rating. To compensate, a DM might choose to make such abilities impossible to learn, or more difficult by adding a Constitution check. Alternatively, such as in the case of a Shadow, such a creature may not leave a usable corpse, dissipating or disintegrating. If a DM does not wish to do this, it's recommended that they be careful in choosing which enemies to put the party against. > > \pagebreakNum ### Grasping Mimic While any oozemorph can alter their shape to some degree, many are far more skilled, forming themselves into complex forms. From a simple chest to an elaborate clock, oozemorphs that have the grasping mimic nature are able to change far more than just their humanoid appearance. #### Object Mimicry Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to alter your form in increasingly complex ways. By expending a morph point, you can alter your body into the shape of any object you have seen or know how to make. The size of which increases with your oozemorph level, as shown in the Object Mimicry table. Your creature size and the cost of the transformation increases with object size, also shown in the Object Mimicry table. ##### Object Mimicry | Level | Area Limit | Morph Points | Creature Size | |:---:|:-----------:|:--:|:-----------:| | 3rd | 5-foot cube | 1 | Medium | | 7th | 10-foot cube | 1 | Medium | | 13th | 15-foot cube | 2 |Large | | 17th | 20-foot cube | 3 | Gargantuan | While in this state, you retain the ability to move and attack so long as your form would allow it. For instance, if you are taking the form of a table, your legs can function as simple limbs for the purposes of grabbing and grasping items. If your form is hollow, like a treasure chest or barrel, for instance, you can sense inside of you with blindsight. If a creature has not seen you transform into your current form or move while in your current form, any checks they make to determine your true form are performed with disadvantage. If a creature fails a check to determine your form, and you possess the *engulfing grapple* ooze trait, you may immediately use it to engulf the creature that has entered your space, foregoing a Dexterity saving throw from them. \columnbreak #### Adhesive Grip Also at 3rd level, you have advantage on attack rolls against any creature grappled by you. #### Gaping Maw Starting at 7th level, you become a deadly force while grappling a foe. As a bonus action, by expending a morph point, you can extend a gaping maw from your body to attack to a creature you're currently grappling. The creature must make a Constitution check with a DC of 10 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency modifier. The creature takes 1d8 piercing damage plus 1d6 acid damage on a success, and half as much on a failure. #### Budding Mimics Starting at 13th level, you can create a separate, miniature version of yourself. As an action, you can remove a part of your ooze to create a bud by expending a morph point. This miniature duplicate is a tiny ooze with an armor class of 5 + your Dexterity modifier, 10 hit points, and a speed of 15 ft. It can take the form of any tiny object you have seen or know how to make, and you can sense through it, but it cannot attack. The bud disappears when it drops to 0 hit points. You may have a maximum of buds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) at a time. #### Immutable Form Starting at 17th level, your form cannot be changed unless you allow it. You cannot be affected by any spell or effect that would alter your form unless you choose to be. \pagebreakNum ### Living Panacea An oozemorph's very being is something of an alchemical catalyst, at least to those who know how to properly utilize it. An oozemorph with the living panacea nature not only excels at this, they turn their very body into a potion with properties to aid others. #### Healing Touch Starting at 3rd level, your slime takes on healing properties. You can expend any number of morph points and touch a creature to restore 5 hit points per morph point expended. Alternatively, you can expend a morph point to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single touch, expending morph points separately for each one. #### Natural Alchemist Also at 3rd level, you you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies. You may perform checks related to alchemist's supplies even when tools are not available, using your own body as a catalyst. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses alchemy tools. #### Potion Creation Starting at 7th level, you can create potions from your own ooze. By expending a morph point, you create a potion with one of the following effects: - The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to 2d4 + your Constitution modifier. - The drinker is cured of one disease, or a poison affecting it is neutralized. - The drinker gains a +1 bonus to AC for 10 minutes. - The drinker's body is transformed as if by the alter self spell. The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes. These potions last a number of days equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), after which they become inert and useless. #### Restorative Nature Starting at 13th level, you can resurrect the fallen through your healing touch. By expending two morph points, you may cast either *lesser restoration* or *revivify* without material components. #### Vibrant Elixer Starting at 17th level, your body is brimming with healing energy. By expending three morph points, you may cast either *greater restoration* or *raise dead* without material components. Once you cast either spell with this feature, you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. \pagebreakNum ## Ooze Traits If an ooze trait has prerequisites, you must meet them to obtain it. You can obtain the trait at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. Unless mentioned otherwise, all ooze traits can be used regardless of your current form. #### Acidic Arrow *Prerequisite: 5th level* You've learned how to create a bolt of caustic slime. As an action, you may expend a morph point to cast the spell *Melf's acid arrow* once without expending a spell slot. #### Awaken Ooze *Prerequisite: 14th level* By studying your own mind, you've learned the secret to granting oozes intelligence. You may cast the spell *awaken* once without expending a spell slot, targeting an ooze instead of a beast or plant. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. #### Bestial Ooze *Prerequisite: At least 2 levels in Druid* You've learned to alter your beastial shapes with your ooze powers. When using the Druid's Wild Shape feature to transform into a beast, you may expend a morph point to count your oozemorph levels as druid levels for the purposes of determining the beast's maximum CR. When you do, you are considered an ooze in addition to a beast. #### Elemental Arsenal *Prerequisite: 11th level* Your body has gained affinity with another element. Choose one of the following: cold, fire, lighting, poison, or thunder. You become resistant to that type of damage and may choose to substitute it for the damage type for your elemental affinity feature and any derived features or traits. You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different damage type. #### Extension of Self You have trained yourself to create miniature, life-like creatures from your body. You learn the *find familiar* spell and can cast it as a ritual by expending a morph point. Any familiar created through the use of this feat is considered an ooze instead of a celestial, fey, or fiend. \columnbreak #### Engulfing Grapple *Prerequisite: 11th level* You can morph your body to surround and engulf the body of another creature, mimicking the hunting technique of the gelatinous cube. As an action, you can expend a morph point to attempt to engulf a creature that is of the same size or smaller than you. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 10 + your Strength modifier. On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of you. A creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw. On a failed save, you enter the creature's space, and the creature is engulfed. The engulfed creature is restrained and when you move, the creature moves with you. You may choose to do 2d6 acid damage to a creature upon engulfing them, then again during the start of each of your turns so long as the creature remains engulfed. And engulphed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a Strength check with a DC of 10 + your strength modifier. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of you. #### Hardened Shell You've learned how to harden your outermost layer of slime. You can cast *mage armor* on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. #### Hearty Slime You're exceptionally resilient, even for an ooze. Whenever you regain hit points, you treat any dice rolled to determine the hit points you regain as having rolled their maximum value. #### Living Focus The magic that altered you was exceptionally strong, leaving traces of latent power. You learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Additionally, you can serve as an arcane focus for any spells you cast. #### Magic Sense Your inherently magical nature allows you to sense magic. You can cast *detect magic* at will, without expending a spell slot. \pagebreakNum #### Mitosis *Prerequisite: 14th level, small size or larger* If you would be subjected to slashing damage equal to half or more of your current hit points (minimum 10), you can expend two morph points to instead split into two identical copies of yourself. These copies are one size smaller than you, and possess a maximum health pool half of yours. The copies can reunite after at least two rounds have passed, reforming with a combined health pool. Their morphic weapons deal 1d4 regardless of your original morphic weaponry damage and they cannot cast spells. These copies can also be divided by this trait so long as they are small size or larger. If a divided copy is reduced to 0 hit points, it immediately evaporates. Only the last copy remaining is allowed to make death saves. After five minutes have passed, the copies with the least amount of health will immediately collapse into lifeless piles of sludge and your single remaining body's health pool and weapon damage returns to normal. If your remaining body can reach them, it can reabsorb the piles to regain the health they would've possessed. #### Ooze Baloon *Prerequisite: 8th level* You can absorb large amounts of air, inflating yourself. You can cast *levitate* on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. #### Ooze Empathy Your new form has made you more attuned with other oozes, allowing you to communicate simple ideas to them. You can attempt to improve the mood of an ooze with an Intelligence score of 4 or less. As an action, perform a DC 12 Animal Handling check. If you succeed, the ooze becomes friendly to you and your allies. If the ooze is not sapient, you impart it with a modicum of intelligence to allow it to respond to your commands. #### Phosphorescent You're capable of illuminating your body. As a bonus action, you can cause your body to emit bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Being completely covered with something opaque causes your light to be blocked. As a bonus action, you may cease emitting light. #### Ranged Weaponry *Prerequisite: 11th level* Your training with your natural weapons now allows you to detach them from your body for limited periods of time. You can expend an additional morph point to transform one of your currently existing morphic weapons into a projectile. It disappears after you use it, dissolving away regardless of whether it hit its mark or not. \columnbreak #### Regenerative *Prerequisite: 5th level* You naturally regenerate. At the start of each of your turns, you regain 1d6 hit points. Your health cannot surpass its maximum as a result of this trait, and you cannot heal through this trait if you are at 0 hit points. You can only regenerate a number of times per day per your oozemorph level. #### Rubbery Bounce Your slime allows you to bounce others away. In place of an Attack action, you can shove a creature that's adjacent to you up to 10 feet away in a straight line. #### Simple Mimicry You've practiced altering your form by taking the shape of basic objects, giving you mimic-like abilities. While in your oozemorph, you can remain motionless to appear to be an ordinary puddle, rock, or similar natural object. While in your human form, you can remain motionless to appear to be a wet statue. Additionally, as an action, you can disguise yourself as an object of your size or smaller, such as a table or treasure chest. #### Sticky Grasp Your slime allows you to place your enemies right next to you, or save your allies from trouble. Once per turn, in place of an Attack action, you may reach out and grab a creature that's up to 20 feet away from you. Make a ranged attack using your Dexterity modifier. On a success, you pull the creature up to 10 feet closer to yourself. #### Sticky Strike Your slime is adhesive enough to slow your foes. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with your morphic weaponry, you can reduce that creature's speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn. #### Sleepless Slime Your ooze-like nature allows you to function without sleep. You no longer need to sleep. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as reading a book and keeping watch. \pagebreakNum #### Spider Climb Your sticky ooze allows you to grasp and climb with ease, even when in a humanoid form. You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down and on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. If you don't yet have the ooze evolution feature, your ooze form also gains a climb speed of 10 feet. #### Tool Replication *Prerequisite: proficiency with a tool or instrument* Your skill at reforming has become more precise, letting you replicate artisan's tools or a musical isntrument. Choose one tool or instrument you are proficient with. You can perform checks as if you had that tool or instrument, even if you don't have the object at hand. You can select this trait multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different tool or instrument. #### Transparent You can make your body incredibly transparent, like that of a gelatinous cube. As an action, you can expend a morph point to become completely transparent. While you are transparent, even when you are in plain sight, it takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot you if you have neither moved nor attacked. A creature that tries to enter your space while unaware of you is surprised by you. If you also have the *engulfing grapple* ooze trait, you may immediately use it to engulf the creature that has entered your space, foregoing a Dexterity saving throw from them. \columnbreak #### Watrery Stealth You can blend in with clear liquid, disappearing while submerged in water like a slithering tracker. While underwater, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide, and you can take the Hide action as a bonus action. Additionally, you can now breath underwater. #### Wave of Ooze *Prerequisite: 14th level* You can conjure a massive slime tsunami. As an action, you can expend an morph point to form an enormous wave of ooze. Each creature within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier. A creature that fails on its saving throw takes 3d6 damage of bludgeoning damage, as well as 3d6 acid damage or the damage type granted by your elemental affinity feature (your choice), and be knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone. #### Writhing Tendrils *Prerequisite: 14th level* You've learned how to form your slime into a mass of writhing tentacles. As an action, by expending a morph point, you may cast *Evard's Black Tentacles* once without expending a spell slot, centered on yourself. You are not affected by its damage, and its 20-foot square follows your movement so long as you maintain concentration. You can't use this feature more than once until you finish a long rest. \pagebreakNum
Inspired By Pathfinder
This class was heavily inspired by Pathfinder's Ooozemorph archetype for the Shifter class, both of which were published in ***Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness*** from Paizo, Inc. Thank you to the many authors of that book: Alexander Augunas, John Bennett, Robert Brookes, John Compton, Dan Dillon, Steven T. Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Jeffery Swank, and Linda Zayas-Palmer
Cover Art: [Skiorh](
##### More Credits Thank you to the Discord of Many Things server for giving feedback on balancing and features. ___ Also, a huge special thanks to my friends on my personal Discord server for giving me advice, ideas, and support! This wouldn't exist without you!