Subclasses - Kickstarter Alpha Draft

by KibblesTasty

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Table of Contents
Class Subclass Page
Barbarian Path of the Raging Mind 2
Barbarian Path of the Exosuit 3
Bard College of Thunder 4
Cleric Mystery Cult 6
Druid Circle of Nightmares 7
Fighter Tech Knight 9
Monk Way of the Soul Blade 11
Paladin Oath of Sanity 13
Ranger Specialist 15
Ranger Mind Reaper 16
Rogue Gadgeteer 17
Sorcerer Aether Heart 19
Sorcerer Planetouched Origin 20
Warlock The Ancient Intelligence 21
Warlock That Which is Beyond 23
Wizard Order of Creation 25
Wizard Order of the Unknown 26

Path of Raging Mind

The Path of the Raging Mind is a Barbarian that expresses their fury as a telekinetic manifestation. Their mind is so powerful that in its rage it warps the world around them. This is a psionic manifestation of a barbarians ability to focus their fury, and in battle this fury is weaponized as a deadly force that can fling about weapons and enemies alike.

They have to struggle with control... until the unleash themselves upon the battlefield, wreaking havoc in all that stands in their way.

Mental Strength

This subclass often represents strength of mind, rather than raw brawn, but does not use Intelligence - this is because that applications of your mental strength are generally via telekinesis, not academic application, and Strength continues to better mechanically represent how it functions, but consider if your Character's physical strength is more of a representation of their telekinetic abilities when using their Strength ability score.

Even prior to taking this path, perhaps the character strength came from the instinctive use of their telekinesis at short range, only learning to manifest it beyond the range of their touch as they take this Path.

Telekinetic Fury

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, when you enter a rage, you can telekinetically project your rage onto the world around you. All melee weapons gain a thrown 30/60 property for you. This range is reduced to 15/45 if the weapon has the heavy property and increased to 60/120 if the weapon has the light property.

You can apply your Rage bonus damage to damage rolls made by thrown weapons, and can gain advantage from Reckless Attack on attacks made with thrown weapons.

At the start of your turn, while you are raging, you can call a number of weapons or tiny objects equal to your proficiency bonus within 60 feet to you, as long as they are not being worn or carried. You call these to your hands or to telekinetically orbit around you until the end of your turn (after which they fall to the ground). Weapons telekinetically orbiting you can only be used when throwing that weapon. At the end of your turn (or if your rage ends) all orbiting weapons drop to the ground around you.

Distant Grasp

Additionally at 3rd level, you can manipulate small objects within 30 feet with your mind as if using your hand to interact with it, though have disadvantage on any checks relating to Dexterity when doing so.

You can use this power to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You cannot Attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds in this manner. You can move an item you are controlling in this way up to 30 feet during your turn.

While raging, the amount of pounds you can lift with this ability increases to 20 times your Barbarian level.

Forceful Mind

Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to use Telekinetic Force. The DC for your Telekinetic force is 8 + your Strength modifier + your Proficiency bonus. When you take the attack action, you can use Telekinetic force in place of an attack. While you are Raging, you can add your Strength modifier and Rage bonus damage to damage done with Telekinetic Force.

Telekinetic Force

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You smash a target creature you can see or object with your mental power. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage and be shoved 5 feet in a direction of your choosing or be knocked prone.

Interference Field

Additionally at 6th level, while you are raging, you and all allied creatures within 10 feet of you are considered to have half cover against ranged weapon attacks, as your telekinetic powers distort the area around you.

Collateral Damage

Starting at 10th level, when you use Reckless Attack on a thrown weapon, you can target an additional creature within 5 feet of the first target using the lower of the two dice rolled for the reckless attack as the attack roll.

Fling Foes

Starting at 14th level, you become the epicenter of the battlefield, fling targets about. When you hit a target with weapon while raging, you can knock them 5 feet directly away from you on hit, and when you use Telekinetic Force while raging, you always apply the Hurling modifier (as if using 2 psi points) shoving the target an additional 20 feet in a direction of your choice.

Additionally, all medium and smaller objects and creatures that you are holding become improvised weapons for you, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage, with the thrown 20/60 property. To throw an unwilling creature, you must have it grappled, and you cannot throw it beyond its normal range.

Whenever you shove or throw a creature into another creature, both creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

Path of the Exosuit

A truly unique Path, this is often defined by its exact nature, but such a nature varies widely. Perhaps it is a lost piece of technology, such as long dead Warsmith's cast off armor that has developed strange properties, perhaps it is an alien symbiont of some kind, with goal or objective (perhaps as simple as harmlessly feeding off your rage or your foes).

You can select one of the options from the table below or work your DM to make an entirely new concept. It can be biological or mechanical in nature, or could even be part of your race or origin. Perhaps it is something you find or something you make, but whatever its origin, it grants you terrifying capabilities on the battlefield.

Example Exosuit Table
d6 Suit Description
1 A complex machine that expands from a
small metal ball.
2 A symbiotic strange creature that envelops you,
stored in your blood.
3 A crystalline suit that phases into existence
from a gem-like pendant.
4 A set of mystical runes that cover your body.
5 A mechanical armor that becomes
integrated in your body
6 A sentient set of armor that walks around,
equipping itself to you in combat.
Invention or Artifact?

In general, this path represents a character coming into contact with a highly advanced and powerful exosuit. Increases in powers represent the character becoming proficient with its abilities or recovering them or the character becoming strong enough to support those systems being used. Invention would typically be more represented by an Inventor Warsmith.

But this is a role-playing game! Do what fits for your character! A combination of backgrounds, ability scores, feats, and subclass can represent a huge range of characters.


Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you become bonded to the exosuit, though need not necessarily always be wearing. You are permanently connected to it in some way, and even if it is lost or destroyed, it recovers itself through its bond to you.

In its dormant state, it has a small collapsed form, or no form at all (based on its nature). When you enter a rage, it activates it, becoming a complete suit of armor. It subsumes whatever armor you are wearing when it activates, adopting the AC of that armor (if you are not wearing armor, it has the AC of your Unarmored Defense). In addition, it grants you following properties:

  • Regenerating Armor: Your exosuit protects you from blows, reducing the damage you take by your Proficiency bonus.
  • Iron Fists: If you are not carrying anything in your hand, it becomes a weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage with the Light property.
  • Smashing Force: Whenever you succeed a shove or grapple check, the target creature takes 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
Damage Reduction and Resistance

Note that Damage Reduction is tallied before resistance. So, if you have a damage resistance of 2 and resistance to damage and take 10 damage, you reduce that to 8 damage, and than half it for resistance, taking 4 damage.

Empowered Movement

Starting at 6th level, your integration with your exosuit grants you new movement options. You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed, and the distance you can jump is tripled.

Power Fist

Additionally at 6th level, when you make an attack roll with your Iron Fists, you can choose to forgo adding your Proficiency bonus to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you can add double your Proficiency bonus to the damage roll.

Heavy Lifting

Starting at 10th level, while you are raging, when you are moving a grappled creature, your speed is no longer halved.


Additionally at 10th level, once per turn during your turn, if your movement of another creature is stopped by moving it into an large or larger object, a small or larger creature, or piece of terrain, the moved creature and what it collides with takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 10 feet moved prior to collision.

Infinite Leap

Starting at 14th level, while you are raging, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Manner of Flight

The manner of your flight can vary depending on the nature of your exosuit. Mechanical ones may have boosters while biological ones may sprout wings.

College of Thunder

Some Bards grow in talent, weaving beautiful ballads that move their listeners to tears. Some bards just turn up the volume. The college of thunder is a Bard that delves into the technology and innovation offered by magic and technology and their intersection to upgrade their instruments, creating devices capable of reaching an audience far and wide... whether the audience wants to hear it or not.

Lacking in subtlety, these bards are viewed as innovators and pioneers by themselves, and generally a large pain in the ears by most others.

Dramatic Cantrips

At 3rd level when you select this college, you gain the ability to cast thaumaturgy and thunder note.

Harsh Chord

Starting at 3rd level, expend a use of bardic inspiration to play powerful chord that sweeps outward. Each hostile creature within 30 feet of your must make a wisdom saving throw. A creature takes thunder damage equal to your bardic inspiration die + your bard level on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one. Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on spells triggered by this damage are made with disadvantage.


Additionally at 3rd level, you gain access to an expanded spell list. You learn the following spells at the following levels, and they do not count against your spells known. The following spells are considered bard spells for you even if they don't normally appear on the Bard list.

Bard Level Spells Learned
3rd level thunder waveK
3rd level shatter
5th level thunder pulseK
7th level echoing lanceK
9th level sonic shriekK


Starting at 6th level, when you deal thunder damage to a target, you can add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt. Additionally, you can use your Bardic Distraction again after completing a short or long rest.

Amplified Antics

Additionally at 6th level, you can cast vicious mockery or thunder note with a range of self, effecting all creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you. Once you do this, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.

Reverberating Echo

At 14th level, when expend a spell slot to cast a spell that deals thunder damage, you can cast that spell again on your next turn without expending a spell slot, but the damage it deals is halved.

Thunder Spells

Thunder Note

evocation cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a cymbal)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You emit a crashing bang with a localized point of intensity targeting a creature within range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 thunder damage and become deafened until the start of their next turn. This attack ignores cover.

This spell's damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Echoing Lance

4th-level evocation

  • Classes: Occultist, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You emit a targeted burst of intense sonic energy at a target within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On failure, they take 3d8 thunder damage and becomes stunned for the duration by the intense sound. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and is not stunned.

At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target, on failure, they take an additional 1d8 thunder from the echoes within the mind.

Sonic Shriek

  • Classes: Occultist, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self(120-ft cone)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous.

You emit a sonic blast covering a huge area. Each creature in a 120 foot cone must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d8 damage if they are within 60 feet of you, or 3d8 damage if they are further than 60 feet from you. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.

Thunder Pulse

3rd-level evocation

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self(15-foot cone)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You gather sonic energy and can expel it in shockwaves for the duration. Until the spell ends, you can use an action to emit a shockwave in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d8 thunder damage and being knocked 10 feet away from you on a failed save, or half as much damage and not being knocked away on a successful one.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.


Mystery Cult

While most clerics follow defined gods who seek to convert others to the cause, those of the Mystery Cults often intentionally obscure their faith with esoteric references and cloaked intentions. No less devoted than their more classically divine peers, they are not merely Warlocks, but people of true faith in their end their dark and unknown deities.

Standing at the blasphemous confluence of divine and psionic power, they are almost universally condemned and feared, often shrouding their nature and abilities with mystery and working to esoteric goals.

Domain Spells

Cleric Level Feature
1st cause fear, dissonant whispers
3rd augury, detect thoughts
5th fear, nondetection
7th compulsion, summon creepy thing*
9th dominate person, modify memory
Summon Creepy Thing

The book will provide some alternatives to summoning spells that aren't part of the SRD. You can assume this would be something similar to a spell that summons an aberration, and use that for playtesting.

Silent Language

Starting when you choose this domain at 1st level, you can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

Uncanny Insight

Additionally at 1st level, as a reaction to being hit by an attack, you can add your Wisdom to your AC until the start of your next turn, including against the triggering attack.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Invoke Betrayal

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to influence the mind of a target within range. When a creature within 30 feet makes an attack roll, you can force that creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On failure, you can direct the attack at another creature within range.

Esoteric Rites

Starting at 6th level, you can develop your faith in one of the following ways, unlocking special powers as a reward for your conviction. You select one of the following features. You can select additional Esoteric Rites at 10th and 14th levels.

Gift of Tongues

You learn Deep Speech. If you already know Deep Speech, you gain one additional language of your choice. You can use this esoteric language as your verbal components, and creatures can no longer successfully identify a spell you are casting.

Contested spell casting checks to interfere with your magic is made with disadvantage (such as counterspell), and must make a check even if they would normally automatically succeed.

Gift of Prophecy

When you close your eyes, you can see flickers of the future. You regain one expended use of Uncanny Insight when you complete a short rest.

Gift of Mystery

You learn one psionic power of your choice. The psionic power of the Discipline becomes a 1st level spell for you. When you cast it using a spell slot, you cast it as if expend psi points equal to the spell slot level spent (for example when casting as a 1st level spell, you cast it as if empowering it with one psi point).

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

Dark Truth

Starting at 17th level, your mind is inured to the horrors in which you deal, the veil cast aside from your eyes.

  • You are immune to psychic damage.
  • You gain a truesight of 60 feet.

Circle of Nightmares

Druids are often thought of as the guardians of the natural order and having a deep connection to the creatures of the land. Sometimes that connection goes horribly wrong. A druid of this circle has found their mind entangled with the horrors of the beyond, their natural connection to nature and its beasts becoming warped by the dark dreams.

Druids of this circle may be haunted by the horrifying terrors they see, but many simple find the minds inoculated to it (perhaps by a touch of a madness) and treat horrifying and twisted aberrations and abominations with the same approach other druids might take to vicious and wild animals, treating them with pragmatic understanding and empathy.

Sometimes their connection even seems to be mutual.

Circle Spells

At 2nd level, you learn the message cantrip. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of the Nightmares Spells table. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Druid Level Circle Spells
3rd alter self
5th mutateK
7th black tentacles
9th contact other plane

Eldritch Mutation

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature as a bonus action to take on an eldritch mutation born of your twisted nightmares, rendering a piece of them into reality through the warping of your flesh.

When you use this feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your druid level and select between Eye Stalk or Grasping Tentacles. This Eldritch Mutation selected lasts for 10 minutes. It ends early if you dismiss it as an action, are incapacitated, or use this feature again.

Eye Stalk

When you manifest this mutation, and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns while it lasts, you can target a creature you can see within 60 feet and make a roll on the following table to shoot a random eye ray at them.

1d6 Effect
1. Fear Ray The targeted creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the start of your next turn.
2. Telekinetic Ray The target creature must make a Strength saving throw or be moved 10 feet in a direction of your choice.
3. Slowing Ray The target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the slow spell until the start of your next turn.
4. Petrification Ray The target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or be restrained until the start of your next turn.
5. Enervation Ray The target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier necrotic damage.
6. Disintegration Ray The target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier force damage.

Controlled Madness: Each time you use a Wild Shape to assume this mutation, you can select the effect of the eye ray instead of rolling a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Grasping Tentacles

When you manifest this mutation, and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns while it lasts, you can lash out with these tentacles. You can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 10 feet. On hit, the target takes 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier bludgeoning. In place of making this attack, you can initiate a grapple against making a Wisdom (Athletic) check with a range of 10 feet. If the check succeeds, you can continue to use Wisdom (Athletics) to maintain and contest grapples targeting that creature. You can have a number of creatures grappled this way equal to your Wisdom modifier, and need at at least 1 free tentacle to take the bonus action attack.

Note: Vulnerable Limbs!

As per the Sages, a creature you are grappling can attack you regardless if you are in its normal attack range by attacking the limb grappling you.

Aberrant Mutations

Starting at 6th level, you can cast mutate without expending a spell slot. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Faceted Forms

Starting at 10th level, you can gain both an Eye Stalk and a Grasping Tentacle when expanding a use of Wild Shape on Eldritch Mutation. While you have both mutations manifested, you can use the effect of them as an action or bonus action.

Additionally, you deal an additional die of damage with your Enervation Ray (2d8 + your Wisdom modifier), Disintegration Ray (2d10 + your Wisdom modifier), and Grasping Tentacle (2d6 + your Wisdom modifier).

Piercing Eyes

Starting at 14th level, while you have an Eye Stalk from Eldritch Mutation, you have truesight with range of 60 feet.

Mutation Mastery

Additionally at 14th level, when you cast mutate, you can select 1 additional property (as if casting the spell 1 level higher).



3rd-level transmutation

  • Classes: Druid, Occutlist, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (something from an extinct animal)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.

You manipulate the nature of your body with magic temporarily giving it new properties. You can select three of the following properties:

  • Your body becomes malleable and amorphous. You have advantage on saves and checks against grapples and the restrained condition, you do not suffer disadvantage from squeezing into smaller spaces, and you can squeeze through openings two sizes smaller than you.
  • You grow one additional appendage. This appendage serves as an arm and a hand, though it can take the shape of an arm, tentacle, or similar appendage.
  • You extend the length of your limbs, giving you a 10 foot reach on melee attacks, touch spells, and object interactions.
  • Your flesh hardens, your base AC becomes 14 + your dexterity modifier if it is not already higher.
  • You grow more resilient, adapting against one external threat. You gain advantage on one type of saving throw of your choice.
  • You adapt your body to an aquatic environment, sprouting gills and growing webbing between your fingers. You can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Your body grows ablative armor. You gain temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting modifier at the start of each of your turns.
  • You can grow one size larger or smaller.
  • You sprout wings. You gain a flying speed of 30 feet.
  • You grow a natural weapon; this weapon can have the statistics of any martial melee weapon and takes on a form vaguely reminiscent of it without the thrown property. You have proficiency with this weapon, and are considered holding it. You can use your spellcasting modifier in place of your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls with this natural weapon. The natural weapon is magic and you have a +1 bonus to the attack and damage rolls you make using it.

For the duration of the spell, you can use an action to change one or all of the properties, losing the benefits of your previously selected properties and gaining the benefits of the new selected properties.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th or higher, you can select one additional property from the list of options, with one additional property per spell level above 3rd.

Tech Knight

A Tech Knight believes that it is neither brains nor brawn that determine the best fighter, but the combination thereof.
Why limit yourself to what nature has provided you
when you can supplement your combat superiority in
unique and inventive ways
that give you the edge?

You build and innovate on the
cutting edge... and use that edge to
hew through your foes. There
are few things more
dangerous than
weaponized creativity in
the hands of someone that knows
how to use it.

A Tech Knight could be called an
inventor that opened the door of
innovation, found the deadliest thing
they could invent, and closed it once more,
but that wouldn't be accurate - they innovate
continuously, improving their art, just with a highly specialized focus.

Some perhaps adventure and fight to test their weapons, others perhaps turned to innovation to overcome some obstacle or seek to change the world, and others still care little for the science and engineering of the weapon, and merely cobbled together something to annihilate their foes.

Brutal Invention

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you build
a devastating new weapon to help you dominate the battlefield in a unique way. You can build one weapon.
Select one weapon from the below list:

Weapon Damage Properties
Chainblade 2d4 slashing Versatile (3d4), Special
1d8 bludgeoning Light, Special.
Repeating Hand
1d6 piercing Ammunition (30/120), Light, Special
1d8 bludgeoning Finesse, Thrown (30/90), Special
Transforming Weapon Varies Two-Handed, Heavy, Special

You gain proficiency with the selected weapon. Only you have proficiency with this weapon. If your weapon is lost or destroyed, you can remake it over the course of 4 hours spending 25 gold pieces of materials.

Special Properties

Chainblade: When you roll damage dice for this weapon, you can reroll as many damage dice as you would like once per attack, but you must use the new roll any dice rolled. After hitting an attack with this weapon as part of the Attack action, if you have additional attacks you can make as part of the action, you can forgo them to deal an additional 3d4 slashing damage per attack forgone.

Ramming Gauntlet: When you make an attack roll, you can choose to forgo adding your Proficiency bonus to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you can add double your Proficiency bonus to the damage roll.

Repeating Hand Crossbow: This weapon does not require a free-hand to load, as it has a built-in loader. Once per turn, if you make an attack with this weapon as part of the Attack action, if you do not have disadvantage on that attack, you can give yourself disadvantage to make a single additional weapon attack with this weapon as a bonus action (also at disadvantage).

Ricocheting Weapon: When this weapon is thrown you can target two creatures within 10 feet of each other, making a separate attack roll against each target; the damage dealt is halved for targets hit after the first. This weapon returns to your hand after you make an attack with it using the Thrown property. When you create this weapon, you can choose for it deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning damage.

Transforming Weapon: When you gain this weapon, select 3 simple or martial weapons. This weapon can transform between any of those weapons as a bonus action. When you convert the weapon, it becomes overcharged with power, and the next time you roll damage with it before the end of your turn you deal an additional 1d4 lightning damage. Select the damage type when creating this weapon from bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or lightning damage.

Rev Up

When hit an attack with your Brutal Invention, you can overcharge with an effect based on your Brutal Invention selection, granting it an additional benefit:

  • Reckless Power (Chainblade): The weapon's damage dice become d6's for that attack (including the special property if activated).
  • Excessive Force (Ramming Gauntlet): The target is knocked 10 feet backwards.
  • Full Auto (Repeating Hand Crossbow): You immediately make a single additional attack as part of the same action, making the attack with disadvantage; this disadvantage cannot be canceled out.
  • Overcharge (Transforming Weapon): You deal an additional 2d4 lightning damage.
  • Hypervelocity (Ricocheting Weapon): The weapon bounces to an additional target.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, regaining all uses on a short or long rest.

Weapon Improvement

Additionally, over the course of a long rest, you can destroy a +1/+2/+3 magic weapon to transfer the bonus to attack and damage rolls to your Brutal Invention weapon. At the DMs discretion, other properties can be transferred (it is recommended that most cannot, but a final decision is up to the DM).

Changing Your Invention

If a player wishes to change their Brutal Invention, it takes 1 full day of down time, working for at least 8 hours. You can change any option that requires a selection in this manner.

Tinker's Proficiency

Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Tinker's Tools. If you already have proficiency in Tinker's tools, you can select another artisan tool to gain proficiency in.

Contingent Options

At 7th level, you extend your innovation of the art of war to give yourself a unique advantage from your gear. For any option that has a spell save DC, your save is 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. Select one of the following options:

  • Charged Armor: As a bonus action, you can juice your armor with power with the effect of lightning charged.
  • Rocket Boots: As a bonus action you can activate these to give yourself a jumping distance equal to your movement speed until the end of the turn. You take no fall damage from this movement, but creatures of your choice within 5 feet of where you land take 2d4 fire damage. Alternatively, you can use this to cast feather fall targeting only yourself.
  • Belt: You can use this to cast enlarge/reduce without expending a spell slot.
  • Flame Thrower: As an action or in place of an attack as part of the Attack action, you can use this to cast burning hands as a 2nd level spell without expending a spell slot.
  • Force Shield: You can deploy a temporary field field, with the effect of casting shield.
  • Thunder Grenade: As an action or in place of an attack as part of the Attack action, you can use this to cast shatter without expending a spell slot.

You can use the selected item once, after which you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Implements of War

Starting at 10th level, you can select one of the following, or one additional selection from Brutal Invention or Contingent Options.

  • Returning Chain: When you throw the weapon at a target 30 or less feet away, you can return the weapon to your hand. If the weapon doesn't have the thrown property, it gains the Thrown (10/30 property).
  • Grappling Hook. As an action or in place of an attack as part of the Attack action, you may target a surface, object or creature within 20 feet. If the target is Small or Smaller, you can make a Strength (Athletics) grappling check to pull it to you and grapple it. Alternatively, if the target is Medium or larger, you can choose to be pulled to it, however, this does not grapple it. Attacks of opportunity generated by this movement have disadvantage.

Reactive Armor

Starting 15th level, you can tune your armor during a long rest to grant specialized defense. At the end of a long rest, select one damage type and gain resistance to that damage type until the end of your next long rest.

Arms Race

Starting at 18th level, you can select two additional options from any of Brutal Invention, Contingent Options, and Chains of War (two options total, selected from any of those features).


Lightning Charged

2nd-level evocation

  • Classes: Artificer
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a piece of once used lightning rod)
  • Duration: 10 minutes

You channel lightning energy into a creature. The energy is harmless to the creature, but escapes in dangerous bursts to other nearby creatures.

Every time that creature strikes another creature with a melee attack, a spell with a range of touch, is struck by another creature with melee attack, or ends their turn while grappling or being grappled by another creature, they deal 1d6 Lightning damage to that creature.

Once this spell has discharged 6 times (dealing up to 6d6 damage), the spell ends.

At Higher Levels: The spell can discharge damage 2 additional times (dealing 2d6 more total damage) before the spell ends for each slot level above 2nd.

Way of the Soul Blade

Monks of the Way of the Soul Blade are monks who have learned to harness and focus their ki, using their inner will and focus to control psionic powers - primarily into a blade of pure Psionic power: a Soul Blade.

Soul Blade

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you've learned to focus your ki into a psionic blade. As a bonus action, you can create a blade of pure scintillating psionic energy. The blade you create this way most typically takes the form of a knife-like blade projecting from your fist, but you can shape it however you choose. You can choose to create multiple blades, but any blade you are not holding vanishes at the end of your turn and must be resummoned.

Regardless of the form it takes, the weapon is a monk weapon for you, deals 1d8 psychic damage, and has the light, finesse, and thrown(20/60) properties.

Psionic Ki

Additionally at 3rd level, you gain the Telekinetics Discipline; this can be found under the Disciplines list of the Psion class. You can use ki points as psi points, with a limit of 1 ki point. This limit increases to 2 ki points at level 5, 3 ki points at level 9, 4 ki points at level 13, and 5 ki points at level 17. The DC for your psionic abilities is equal to your Ki save DC.

If your character has both Psi Points and Ki Points, those are added together into one pool and can be used interchangeably. Your Psi Limit (and the limit you can use Ki Points as Psi Points) becomes your Psi Limit + one third of your Monk levels rounded down.

When you use your action on a psionic power or to cast a spell using this feature, you can make one attack with an unarmed strike or monk weapon as a bonus action before the end of your turn.

Art of the Soul Blade

Starting at 6th level, your expertise with the blade allows you to control it in unique and powerful ways.

Extended Blade

You can expend 1 ki point to give your Soul Blade the Reach property until the end of your turn.

Psionic Flurry

When you make a Flurry of Blows, you can make the additional attacks with your Soul Blade.

Soul Strike

When you take the attack action, you can focus. Make a single attack using your action (forgoing any additional attacks gained from Extra Attack) to ignore all armor a creature has and treat its AC as 10 + its dexterity. On a hit, the creature takes additional damage equal to your wisdom modifier.

Power of the Mind

Starting at 11th level, your Psionic abilities manifest more completely, giving you greater control and power in your psionic abilities.

Ethereal Sweep

When you use Extended Blade, you can sweep or stab through multiple creatures with a single blow. Once per turn, when you make an attack with your Soul Blade, you can make a single additional weapon attack with your Soul Blade against another creature within range.

Consumptive Blade

Whenever you kill a creature with your Soul Blade that has an Intelligence of 6 or higher, you can use your reaction to draw in part of their Psionic essence. You regain 1d4 hit points and 1 expended ki point.

Empowered Discipline

When you use your Discipline, you can expend 1 ki point for free without exhausting the ki point on empowering the Psionic Power granted by the Discipline (this cannot be used on the spells granted by the Discipline).

Transcendent Blade

Starting at 17th level, your Soul Blade becomes a peerless weapon. You can add a +1 to its attack and damage rolls. You can choose for your knife to affect inanimate material, causing it to gain the Siege property and deal force damage to it when you choose. Reactions that parry or block to add Armor Class against an attack are ineffective against attacks made with the Soul Knife.

Additionally, critical strikes from your weapon rend the soul of the target. If a creature would have less than 50 hit points after taking damage from your critical strike, the creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On failure, its Charisma becomes zero and it dies.

Soul Blade Quirks

The following are some optional quirks for a player of this Way

      d6       Quirk
1 You carry around a bladeless sword hilt for your Soul Blade blade.
2 You occasionally attempt to cut fruit with your Soul Blade.
3 You refer to your actions as the will of the living Ki.
4 You view killing things with your psionic powers as evil, but killing things with your Soul Blade as perfectly okay.
5 You have endless platitudes about temperance and control.
6 You practice obscure martial art form stances every morning.
Soul Blade Magical Items

A Way of the Soul Blade monk without a magical weapon would quickly find themselves eying a +1 Quarterstaff and discarding the main focus of their subclass, so consider giving a Way of the Soul Blade Monk the following one of the items as other players start acquiring magic items:

Psi Focus Crystal

Wondrous Item, Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare

Embedded in a ring, bracelet, bladeless sword hilt, or similar item, this small gem seems to have minimal value to the casual observer, but has perfect psionic resonance.

While carried by a Way of the Soul Blade Monk, that monk can use this crystal to focus a purer Soul Blade, adding +1/+2/+3 (based on rarity) to attack and damage rolls with their Soul Blade.

Telekinesis Discipline

Telekinesis is the ability to interact with physical objects and energy with your psionic powers.

Telekinetic Hands

When you gain this feature, you can manipulate small objects within 30 feet with your mind as if using your hand to interact with it. You can use this power to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You cannot Attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds in this manner. You can move an item you are controlling in this way up to 30 feet during your turn.

You can spend 1 or more psi point to increase how much you can lift by 100 pounds per psi point spent for 1 turn.

Telekinetic Force

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You smash a target creature you can see or object with your mental power. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage and be shoved 5 feet in a direction of your choosing or be knocked prone.

You can spend Psi Points up to your per use limit to add the following modifiers to Telekinetic Force (you can add multiple modifiers). The points must be spent when choosing the target of the power.

Hammering (1+ psi points): The target takes +1d10 bludgeoning damage for each point spent.

Hurling (1-3 psi points): The target is shoved +10 feet in a direction of your choosing for each point spent.

Crushing (2 psi points): The target is restrained until the end of its next turn if it fails its saving throw.

Zone of (1-3 psi points): You can target all creatures in a 5 foot radius. The radius doubles for each point spent (5 ft., 10 ft., 20 ft.).

Alternate Effects

Additionally, when you learn the Telekinesis psionic discipline you can use your Psionics feature to cast the following spells as per the rules defined in the feature:

Points Cost Alternate Effects
1 jump, catapult, thunderwave
2 levitate, dust devil, shatter
3 fly, erupting earth
4 orbital stonesK, resilient sphere
5 telekinesis, wall of force

If a spell can be cast at a higher level, you can spend an additional psi point to cast it at that higher level.

Oath of Sanity v1.2

The Oath of Sanity is the oath of someone that has survived exposure to the horrors that lay beyond the veil, or perhaps someone that has prepared for them through a mystical order, a forgotten tradition... or particularly vivid and over active imagination.

While most who have glimpsed into the Far Realm suffer instant and irrevocable madness, these Paladins have glimpsed beyond and sworn to remain sane, no matter what the cost. They reject shielding their fragile mind from what they've seen in a comforting shroud of madness.

An Oath of Sanity Paladin will usually seem to others as true neutral or lawful neutral following obscure codes incomprehensible to those who haven't experienced a brush with the beyond, their morality coming in blue and orange rather than black and white. Almost universally they are dedicated to preventing the threats beyond from consuming the material world and shattering the fragile minds within.

Tenets of Sanity

  • Order. Never act on random or chaotic impulses. These are the cracks of madness.
  • Vigilance. Never let your attention wander, lest you miss the signs of madness.
  • Discipline. Never indulge in a lapse of behavior, your habits keep you safe from madness.
  • Solemnity. Your work is terrible. Never take pleasure in it. That leads to the comfort of madness
  • Sanity. No matter what, never give into madness.

Oath Spells

You gain oath Spells at the paladin levels listed.:

Level Spells
3rd detect magic, protection from good and evil
5th see invisibility, nullify effectK
9th dispel magic, remove curse
13th banishment, dimension door
17th banishing smite, dispel evil and good

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Turn the Aberrant: As an action, you can make any aberration or undead, provided that it's within 30 feet and that can see or hear you, make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

If the creature's true form is concealed by an illusion, shapeshifting, or other effect, that form is revealed while it is turned.

Deny the Supernatural: Immediately after you deal damage to a creature with your Divine Smite feature, you can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action to attempt to strip the target of its powers. The target must make a Charisma saving throw or be unable to cast spells or use psionic abilities until the end of it's next turn.

Active Mind

Beginning at 7th level, you can save against effects that allow you to save at the end of your turn at the start of your turn instead.

Starting at 18th level, you can use your reaction to extend this benefit to another creature you can see within 30 feet that starts their turn under an effect they can save against at the end of their turn.

Constant Vigilance

Starting at 15th level, you can no longer be surprised, and your passive perception remains the same even while unconscious so long as you have at least 1 health.

Additionally, when you roll for initiative, if the total result of your roll is less than your passive perception, you can replace the result with your passive Perception value.

Clarity of Purpose

At 20th level, as an action, you can fully perceive the world around you for what it is, shattering the foul magics that bind and piercing the veils that hide, unrelenting and focused, gaining the following benefits for 1 minute:

  • You can gain truesight with a range of 120 feet.
  • You are immune to psychic damage.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against magical or psionic effects.
  • When you strike an enemy with a Divine Smite you can choose to cast dispel magic on the target as a bonus action without expending a spell slot. If the level of the spell slot spent on Divine Smite was higher than 3rd level, you cast dispel magic at the level of spell slot spent.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

New Spells

Nullify Effect

2nd-level psionic

  • Casting Time: : 1 reaction, which you take when you are forced to make an Intelligence, a Wisdom, or a Charisma saving throw
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 round.

You gain advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws until the start of your next turn. You also gain resistance to Psychic and Force damage until the start of your next turn.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can roll an additional d20 as part of your advantage roll. If you cast this at the 5th level or higher, it grants immunity to Psychic and Force damage for the duration.

Oath of Sanity Quirks

The following are some optional quirks for a player of this Oath to choose from - these can be either preexisting, signaling their inevitable path toward this Oath, or appear over time due to the influence of their experiences. It is recommended that your roll twice on the quirk on table... this Oath rarely results in individuals that would be considered normal.

d12 Quirk
1 You refer to others as sheltered little lambs. They have no idea.
2 You talk to yourself to help you stay sane in stressful times. The second personality can be reassuring to have around.
3 You compare how bad anything could be to eldritch monsters ending reality.
4 You occasionally bark out "constant vigilance!".
5 You keep a list of people you suspect will betray you.
6 You frequently change your plan to throw off mind readers.
7 You never turn your back on a portal.
8 You are deeply suspicious of anyone casting spells on you, even if they are buff or heals.
9 You don't believe in coincidence. It's always cosmic forces conspiring. You might be right.
10 You have one hundred and one superstitions.
11 You frequently try to explain the danger of perfectly normal activities in great depth.
12 You keep a tin lining on your helmet.

Ranger: Specialist

Specialists are rangers that innovate their technique and equipment in equal measure. Deadly and clever, they keep their opponents guessing what is coming next.


At 3rd level when you select this archetype, you gain proficiency with Tinker's Tools. If you already have proficiency with Tinker's Tools, you can gain proficiency with another artisan tool of your choice.

Trick Shots

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to create special pieces of ammunition. You can have a number of these special shots equal to your proficiency bonus, recreating expended ones during a short or long rest.

You can select from the following options for your special shots. You can make multiple copies of one shot, or select multiple different shots, as long as the total equals your proficiency bonus. You can swap out any unspent ones for other options during a short or long rest.

Binding Shot

Instead of doing damage, this shot turns into a Net when striking the target. The net gains additional hit points equal to your Ranger level.

Flash Shot

When this shot hits a target, it emits a brilliant flash of light. The target and creatures within 15 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw or become blinded until the start of your next turn.

Explosive Shot

When this shot hits a target, it emits an explosion. The target and creatures within 10 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 thunder damage.

Guided Shot

When fired, this shot tracks its target. This attack is made with advantage, and ignores cover, including complete cover, as long as there is a path to the target you are aware of that requires the shot to travel less than the maximum range of the weapon used.

Rocket Shot

The attack's range is doubled, and on a hit the target takes an additional 1d12 damage from the attack.

Spell Shots

Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to infuse special shots with magical abilities. You have a pool of these shots equal to your Wisdom modifier, recreating any expended shots during a long rest. As a bonus action, you can expend a spell slot infusing one of the spells from the following table into one of these shots.

The spell doesn't trigger immediately, but triggers on impact. You can shoot the shot at a point within range or a creature. Regardless of whether the attack hits or misses the creature, the effect imbued in the shot is triggered at a point of your choice adjacent to the creature.

If the spell affects a line or cone, you can select the projection of the area from the point. If a spell requires concentration, it uses your concentration as normal.

Spell Slot Level Infused Spell Options
1st fog cloud, burning hands
2nd darkness, shatter
3rd fireball, sleet storm
4th black tentacles, ice storm
5th cloudkill, synaptic static*

Empowered Shots

Starting at 11th level, whenever you make a Trick Shot or Spell Shot to deal damage to a creature, that creature takes an additional 1d8 damage.

Grapple Shot

Additionally at 11th level, you gain the ability to fire special shots with a range of 30 feet that carry a cord that immediately pulls to their location. As an action or attack as part of the attack action, you can make this shot against a creature, surface, or object. This shot does no damage, but on a hit, if the creature or object is small or smaller, it is immediately pulled up to 30 feet toward you. If the creature is Medium or larger you are pulled 30 feet toward it.

Endless Innovation

Starting at 15th level, if you start your turn without a Trick Shot, you can create a trick shot as a bonus action.

Mind Reaper

Mind reapers are terrifying creatures, whatever the form they take. Most often they stalk stories to frighten children or ancient myths, some walk the material plane seeding fresh new tales of terror. A ranger that has developed psionic powers, becoming the ultimate predator of all thinking creatures.

Some use these powers to spread fear, savoring the terror of their victims. Others use their powers to dispense what they view as justifice, stalking down and reaping only those they believe have earned such a grim fate.

Mind Reaper Spells

Ranger Level Spell
3rd cause fear
5th detect thoughts
9th fear
13th confusion
17th dominate person

Psychic Reaper

At 3rd level, you learn to imbue your attacks with lingering psionic energy.

As a bonus action, you can deal 1d8 psychic damage to a creature you have hit with a weapon attack since the start of your last turn.

Telepathic Communication

Additionally at 3rd level, you can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

Reaper's Intrusion

Starting at 7th level, you gain the Telepathic Intrusion psionic power. You gain a number of psi points equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining them on a short or long rest. You can use these points to empower your Telepathic Intrusion or cast spells granted by the subclass.

When you take the Psychic Reaper bonus action, you can use Telepathic Intrusion as a bonus action in place of the usual effect.

Telepathic Intrusion

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You assault the mind of a creature you can see directly. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or take 1d8 psychic damage. If the target fails the saving throw, it has disadvantage on attacks made against you until the start of your next turn. You can choose to deal no damage to the creature when it fails its saving throw.

You can spend psi points up to your Ranger Level divided by three (you can add multiple modifiers). The points must be spent when choosing the target of the power.

Rending (1+ psi points): The target takes +1d8 psychic damage for each additional point spent.

Terrifying (1 psi point): The target is frightened of you until the end of your next turn if it fails its saving throw.

Meddling (2 psi points): You make one creature invisible to target creature or cause the creature to see something that is not there with the effect of minor illusion until the start of your next turn if it fails its saving throw.

Overwhelming (3 psi points): The target is stunned until the end of its next turn if it fails its saving throw

Reaper vs Intrusion

Psychic Reaper offers no saving throw, and consequently deals guaranteed damage in the cases you can use it. Telepathic Intrusion deals the same amount of damage and causes additional effects, but gives the target a saving throw. One is not always better than the other, though when spending psi points the Telepathic Intrusion can offer far more damage and utility at the corresponding higher risk that it might fail.

Amplified Anguish

Starting at 11th level, whenever you deal psychic damage to a creature, you deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage

Mind Hunter

Additionally at 11th level, when you've dealt psychic damage to a target, you gain the ability to see that target as if by blindsight as long as it is within 120 feet of you until the end of your next turn.

Taste of Fear

Starting at 15th level, you have advantage on attacks against creatures that are frightened of you. You regain 1 expended psi point when a creature dies while frightened of you.

Psionic Adaptation

Additionally at 15th level, you can expend your spell slots in place of psi points when using a psionic power, with a spell slot counting as an equal number of psi points.

Rogue Gadgeteer

Swinging from a grappling hook before dropping a smoke bomb, rigging a stubborn lock to blow, or rejiggering traps to spring on those that set them, the Gadgeteer lives by fast paced innovation and thinking outside the box on the fly... sometimes literally.

Specializing tools that let themselves in and out of trouble, they don't fight fair, relying on things that go "boom", "zap" or "whirr". They live on the edge of their own explosions, though often rewriting the story in later retellings that they doffed their darkened goggles as they walked away slowly,
omitting the singed seat of their trousers and yelping.

Gadget DC

Your gadgets are a combination of innovative mechanical parts and magic. You use your Intelligence for gadget based effects when they refer to a spell attack roll or spell save DC.

Gadget DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Gadget modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Tinker's Knack

When you choose this presence archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with tinker's tools. If you already have proficiency with tinker's tools, you gain expertise with tinker's tools (if you already have expertise with tinker's tools, select another tool of your choice).

Grappling Hook

Starting at 3rd level, you've mastered both the creation and use of your most important gadget, the grappling hook. As an action or with the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action, you may target a surface, object or creature within 20 feet. If the target is Small or Smaller, you can make a Strength (Athletics) grappling check to pull it to you and grapple it (automatically succeeding against objects that are not being worn or carried unless the DM sets a difficulty for a particularly complicated scenario).

Alternatively, if the target is Medium or larger, you can choose to be pulled to it. This automatically succeeds, but this does not grapple it, though if it is a surface or large object, you can choose to hold onto at the point you grappled if there is something to grab onto. Attacks of opportunity generated by this movement have disadvantage.

Pyrotechnic Gadgets

Additionally at 3rd level, you gain access to an important arsenal of things that explode. Forgoing some subtlety for firepower, you gain the following options:

Smoke Bomb: As an action, you can use this to cast fog cloud centered on yourself without expending a spell slot. It lasts a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier and does not require concentration. When you cast fog cloud In this way, you can set the radius at 5, 10, 15, or 20 feet.

Explosive Surprise: As an action you can toss explosives at a point within 30 feet. Creatures within 5 feet of the target point must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Gadget DC or take damage equal to your Sneak Attack damage. If you are hidden from a creature, it makes the Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. This counts as dealing Sneak Attack damage.

Shaped Charge: As an action, you can place a charge on an object, building or surface within 5 feet. At the start of your next turn, the charge detonates, dealing damage equal to your sneak attack to the object, build or surface it was placed on, and half as much damage to any creature within 5 feet of it.

Unlimited Uses?

Pyrotechnic Gadgets are balanced around the assumption of unlimited use and Rogues typically speaking do not have rest gated resources, but practically speaking their supply is not truly infinite, just higher than generally makes sense to be worth tracking. If you would like a number to track, you can use Proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifer uses of Pyrotechnic Gadget per short rest.

Clever Inventions

Starting at 9th level, you expand your selection. Select two of the following options:

Gliding Cloak

You make a cloak that allows you to glide when falling. When you fall more than 10 feet and aren't incapacitated, can spread this cloak to reduce your falling speed to 30 feet a round and take no falling damage. While falling in this manner toward the ground under normal gravity, you can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot you descend.

Mechanical Arm

You create a mechanical arm, giving you an extra hand. This mechanical arm only functions while it is mounted on gear you are wearing, but can be operated mentally without the need for your hands. This mechanical arm can serve any function a normal hand could, such as holding things, making attacks, interacting with the environment, etc, but does not give you any additional actions.

Mechanical Familiar

You can create the blueprint for a small mechanical creature. At the end of a long rest, you can choose to create a mechanical familiar based on it, and cast find familiar spell without expending a spell slot. The familiar's type is Construct. This construct stays active until you deactivate it or it is destroyed. In either case, you can choose to reactivate it at the end of a long rest.

Sight Lenses

You create a set of lenses you can integrate into a set of goggles, glasses, or other vision assistance that allow you to see through darkness and obscurement. You can see through fog, mist, smoke, clouds, and non-magical darkness as normal sight up to 15 feet.

Among the Blasts

Additionally at 9th level, when you successfully avoid damage from an area of effect with your Evasion feature (including from your own effects), you can use your reaction up to your movement speed to the edge of the effect. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Deadly Surprise

Starting at 13th level, your technical expertise expands. The radius of your explosive surprise becomes 10 feet, and you can select one additional option from Clever Inventions.

Gadgetsmith Integration

At your DMs discretion, you can select an upgrade from the Gadgetsmith list that requires 9th level or lower for your additional gadget.

Ultimate Improvisation

Starting at 17th level, you can solve a wide array of problems with your Gadgets at a moment's notice. Over the course of 1 minute you can construct a gadget capable of casting any spell of 4th level or lower on the Wizard or Inventor list. This gadget lasts until used, or you construct another gadget (dissembling it in the process).

You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier before you must complete a long rest to create additional improvised gadgets with the feature.

Aether Heart Origin v1.1

Sorcerers of this origin are fueled by a deep connection to raw arcane energy, their soul touched by the raw stuff of the weave itself. Most of them don't understand their connection to this power, but they can wield it with innate ease, manipulating magic by force of will alone.

Sometimes this is artificial in nature - a warforged drawing power from the arcane heart, for example - while other times this marks an individual that was exposed to the raw essence of aether, becoming infused and intrinsically linked to it. They are characterized by an easy affinity of warping magic and ease of manipulating it in its raw and purest forms.

Variant: Origin Spells
Sorcerer Level Spell
1st magic missile
3rd arcane conduit*
5th aether lance*
7th dimension door
9th wall of force


When you choose this origin at 1st level, your aether heart gives you several advantages. You have resistance to Force damage, and can serve as your own arcane focus.

When you reach 3rd level, you automatically gain the Empowered Spell metamagic option, and can use it without spending Socerery Points a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.

Overcharged Metamagic

Starting at 6th level, you can unleash the power that rages within your heart. When you modify a spell that deals damage with your Metamagic options, you can add your Charisma modifier to one damage roll of that spell.

Arcane Fuel

At 14th level, you gain immunity to force damage. When you would take force damage, you regain health equal to half the damage you would have taken. You can gain a maximum amount of hit points this way equal to your Sorcerer level, after which you no longer gain additional hit points until you complete a short or long rest.

Additionally, you learn the spell dispel magic if you do not already know it. It does not count agaist your spells known. When you successfully cast dispel magic or counterspell, you regain an expanded Sorcerery Point (if you are not currently at your maximum) as you draw in the remnants of the broken magic.

Tap Power

At 18th level, you can tap the power that surges through to replenish your magic. As a bonus action, you can expend one hit die and regain Sorcery Points equal to the number rolled + your Charisma modifier. Once you do this, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

Aether Heart Origin Quirks

The following are some optional quirks for a player of this Origin

      d6       Quirk
1 Standing in a high magic area feels like a pleasant sunbathing.
2 Your eyes turn pale and glowing for several hours after using magic.
3 You are addicted to using magic.
4 You have difficulty using magic when sad.
5 You sometimes see things as they appear to the weave.
6 You idly weave strands of magic around your hands while waiting.



evocation cantrip

  • Classes: Sorcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You hurl a mote of arcane energy at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d4 force damage.

This spell's damage increases by 2d4 when you reach 5th level (4d4), 11th level (6d4), and 17th level (8d4).

Arcane Conduit

2nd-level transmutation

  • Classes: Sorcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute.

You tap directly into the arcane weave. For the duration, you have resistance to all magical damage besides Force damage.

At the start of each of your turns while tapped into this power, you and all creatures with 5 feet of you take 1d4 Force damage.

Aether Lance

3rd-level evocation

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self (30-foot line)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You gather a raw aether in your hand and expel it in a lance of raw power. Each creature in a line takes 8d4 force damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 3rd.


Planetouched Origin

Connected to planes beyond their own, these sorcerers find the walls between the planes thinner, they pull power from beyond them or step through them with greater ease.

Perhaps they were born in the ethereal plane or became connected to an outer plane, they now find themselves with one foot in the material and one foot beyond.

Variant: Origin Spells
Sorcerer Level Spell
1st flickerK
3rd misty step
5th blink
7th dimension door
9th teleportation circle


Starting at 1st level, when you draw on your magic the planar walls begin to weaken for you. After casting a spell of first level or higher, you can use Phase Rift as a bonus action.

You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.

Phase Rift

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You step through space traveling up to 10 feet in a straight line leaving a spatial tear behind. You can pass through creatures but cannot pass through objects, buildings or terrain more than 4 inches thick. Any creature in the path of this tear must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 force damage.

Phase Out

Starting at 6th level, whenever teleport or cross a planar boundary, you can choose to be invisible until the start of your next turn.

Sorcerous Rifts

Starting at 14th level, you can cast Phase Rift as an action at will. In addition, when you use Phase Rift, you can expend a sorcery point to make it both Long and Disruptive, causing you to move an additional 10 feet and deal an additional 1d8 damage to creatures that fail their save against it.

Ethereal Control

Additionally at 14th level, you can expend 1 sorcerer point to reroll the value of a die rolled for blink or flicker. Once you do this, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

Planar Collision

At 18th level you, you can draw planes together causing them to smash together devastating results. Select a plane to intersect the one you are on, you cannot select the plane you are currently on. As an action, you can spend 5 sorcery points to cause the planar intersection to occur at a point you can see within 120 feet, causing effects to occur based on the table below in a 30 foot radius sphere around the chosen point. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.

Plane Effect
Shadow The area is plunged into darkness and cannot be illuminated by natural or magical means.
Fey Magic in the area goes haywire. Casters in the area must succeed a Charisma saving throw when casting a spell, or a random spell from their spell list of that level or lower is cast (at the level of the spell they were trying to cast). Damage and healing dice are maximized for spells cast in the area.
Fire The area is incinerated by fire. All creatures that end their turn within the area take 10d10 fire damage. This damage ignores resistance.
Ice The area freezes over. Creatures that end their turn within the area must make a Constitution saving throw take or take 3d12 cold damage and become stunned, frozen in ice.
Earth The area becomes filled with stone and earth, shoving all creatures out of it outward from the center. If this would trap them into a wall they take 3d12 bludgeoning damage and are shoved to the closest free space.
Radiant All creatures that end their turn in the area take 6d6 radiant damage. All living creatures that ned their turn in the area are healed for 3d6 hit points.
Far All creatures that end their turn within the area must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 3d12 psychic damage and be affected by the effects of the confusion spell.

Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.



1st-level psionic

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, when you would take damage
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 round

You flicker between the material and ethereal plane. Until the start of your next turn, each time you would take damage, including the triggering attack, roll a d4. On a 2, you gain resistance to that instance of damage. On a 4, you don't take any damage.

The Ancient Intelligence

You have made a pact of sorts with an intelligence that defies normal understanding; its aims are mysterious and often incomprehensible. This being could be an artificial intelligence of some lost race of ancients with fabulous technology, perhaps a high ranking modron overmind - perhaps even an ancient lost rogue one, perhaps an Inventor of another era whose last act was to upload themselves in a incorporeal form, or perhaps it something more alien, the ancient navigation system of a mind flayer ship that has gained sentience.

The possibilities are endless, but whatever its nature, it can grant you sufficiently advanced knowledge that for all intents and purposes is fabulous magical power.

Expanded Spell List

At 1st level, the Ancient Intelligence lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The Ancient Intelligence Spells table shows the spells that are added to the warlock spell list for you:

Ancient Intelligence Expanded Spells
Spell Level AI Spells
1st identify, seeking projectileK
2nd animate objectK, locate object
3rd clairvoyance, crushing singularity
4th arcane eye, locate creature
5th arcane handSRD, commune

The Contraption

At 1st level, you gain access to a device granted to by your patron that grants some access to their vast knowledge, systems, and power. Your contraption is a Tiny object, and you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

Form of the Contraption

The form of your contraption can vary based on your selection of Pact, perhaps even adapting with its alien technology to suit your pact choice, taking the form of an exotic alien weapon, data storage device, or even unique familiar for Pact of the Chain (a DM can allow you to select "Construct" as the creature type of your familiar, for example, or Consider if the Contraption is perhaps the source of your Eldritch Blasts or other Warlock magical effects.

While you are possession of the contraption, you gain the following benefits:

Auto Caster

You can offload some of your spells to the Contraption. You can select one spell from the Ancient Intelligence Expanded Spells or the following list: comprehend languages, tongues, or scrying. You must be of a level that you could normally select the spell as a spell known.

You can cast the selected spell without it being among your spells known. You gain another spell you can cast this way at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th levels. You can cast one spell stored in your autocaster without expending a spell slot.

Once you do so, you cannot cast the spell without a spell slot until you complete a long rest, but can still cast spells stored in this way by expend a pact magic slot of equal or greater level to the spell as normal.

Firing Solution

Your contraption begins to develop the best way to hit a target. You can use it cast true strike as a bonus action; true strike does not require your concentration when cast in this way.

You can do this a number of times equal to your Spellcasting Modifier before you must complete a short or long rest to do so again.

Calculation Time

Note that true strike grants you advantage on your next turn, even when cast as a bonus action.

If the contraption is destroyed or you lose it, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and the previous vessel is destroyed if it still exists. The contraption may vanish in a flash of light when you die.

Ancient Invention

Starting at 6th level, your patron grants you another fragment of their vast power in the form of a gadget or tool. Select from one of the of the following:

Mechanical Arm

You create a mechanical arm, giving you an extra hand. This mechanical arm only functions while it is mounted on gear you are wearing, but can be operated mentally without the need for your hands. This mechanical arm can serve any function a normal hand could, such as holding things, making attacks, interacting with the environment, etc, but does not give you any additional actions.

Gliding Cloak

You make a cloak that allows you to glide when falling. When you fall more than 10 feet and aren't incapacitated, can spread this cloak to reduce your falling speed to 30 feet a round take no falling damage. While falling in this manner toward the ground under normal gravity, you can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot you descend.

Save State

Starting at 10th level, as a bonus action you can cause your Contraption to record your existence. Record your hit points, location, and any conditions you are affected by. At the start of your next turn, your current hit points, location, and conditions are returned to the saved state in a flash of light. If you die while having your save state, you can make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw (making the check as if you were alive) when the start of your next turn would have been. On success, you return as normal. On failure, you remain dead.

Once you use this, you cannot use this again until you complete a long rest.


Starting at 14th level, you can at the start of your turn (no action required) you can synchronize yourself with your Contraption, entering a cold and logical mental state of absolute focus until the start of your next turn. While in this state of synchronization, you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions.
  • You can cast a spell with the casting time of 1 action as 1 bonus action.
  • Gain advantage on all Wisdom and Intelligence ability checks and saving throws.

You can be synchronized for a number of turns equal to your Spellcasting modifier, after which you cannot use this feature again until you complete a long rest.

Variant Warlock: Intelligence.

The designers of 5e noted that it was originally their intention to make the Warlock an Intelligence caster, and that making Intelligence the Warlock Spell Casting modifier doesn't break anything.

With the approval of your Dungeon Master, this subclass may be a thematic fit for an Intelligence based Warlock who studies their Contraption and tries to understand its knowledge and secrets.

Ancient Intelligence Familiar

The following is an expanded Pact of the Chain familiar option for a Warlock of this Otherworldly Patron.

Drone Swarm

Tiny swarm of Tiny Constructs, unaligned

  • Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
  • Speed 0 ft., fly(hover) 30 ft.

2 (-4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 1 (-5)

  • Saving Throws Intelligence +5
  • Skills History +5, Medicine +4, Perception +4
  • Damage Resistances Fire, Cold, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
  • Damage Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Exhausted
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 14
  • Languages Common
  • Challenge 1

Innate Spellcasting. The Drone Swarm's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: mending, minor illusion


Zap. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 3) lightning damage.

Ancient Intelligence Invocations

Eldritch Invention

Prerequisite: 7th level

You can select an additional Ancient Invention, selecting an option you did not select when you took the feature.


That Which Is Beyond

Your patron is defined by its sheer incomprehensibility to the mortal mind, an existence that is the very anathema of sanity itself, where any attempt to truly describe its nature is the gibbering of a mad man.

The most tame examples of these may have names or euphemisms that mortals know them as, while others may be concepts that most mortal minds remain blissfully incapable of knowing the existence of.

The patron need not be aware of your existence or invested in it for their power to have affected you, fundamentally warping your mind and granting you powers. Most that would have this opportunity have their mind shattered, left tattered and insane by the experience, but you've managed to hang onto some semblance of sanity and wield the power grafted into your mind.

That Which is Beyond Expanded Spells
Spell Level AI Spells
1st dissonant whispers, hideous laughter
2nd detect thoughts, psychic drainK
3rd delve mind, sending
4th black tentaclesSRD, summon aberration
5th dominate person, synaptic static

Opened Mind

Starting at 1st level, your mind has interacted with something that is incompatible to a mortal understanding, forcing it to be opened and adapted to new ideas and powers. You gain the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

Psychic Onslaught

Additionally at first level, when targeting a creature with a Warlock spell or attack roll, you can use your Telepathic Intrusion on them as a bonus action, assaulting them on both a physical and psychic level.

You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses on a long rest.

Telepathic Intrusion

Psionic Power

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You assault the mind of a creature you can see directly. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or take 1d8 psychic damage. If the target fails the saving throw, it has disadvantage on attacks made against you until the start of your next turn. You can choose to deal no damage to the creature when it fails its saving throw.

Gibbering Terror

Starting at 6th level, when you use the Telepathic Intrusion power, you always add the Terrifying modifier, causing the the target to be frightened of you until the end of your next turn if it fails its saving throw.

When they fail the saving throw by 5 or more, they additionally lose the ability to speak while frightened in this way, gibbering in fear in confusion.

Alien Mind

Additionally at 6th level, you have advantage on saving throws against being magically charmed or frightened.

Rebound Intrusion

Starting at 10th level, if a creature attempts to read your mind, you can make a Wisdom saving throw against the effect even if it would normally not allow a save. If it would normally allow a save, you have advantage on the save. If you succeed the save, you can instead read their mind, as if by the detect thoughts spell (this effect does not require concentration, but lasts only until the end of your next turn, and targets only the creature that attempted to read your mind).

Additionally, you gain resistance to psychic damage, and when a creature deals psychic damage to you, it takes an equal amount of psychic damage.

Unleashed Psyche

Starting at 14th level, you gain enough mental control to form the twisted nightmares that dwell within your mind into the world. As an action, targeting a point within 60 feet you spawn a malignant otherworldly nightmare, taking the form of a twisted aberration of terror.

The first time a creature other than you is within 20 feet of it during their turn (including starting their turn there), they must make a Wisdom saving throw. On failure they take 4d8 psychic damage and become frightened of it.

The spawned nightmare lasts until the start of your turn, when it fades away unless at least on creature has failed their saving throw against its effect, in which case it persists for another round (indefinitely until no creatures fail their saving throw against it, after which it fades away at the start of your next turn).

Once you unleash this ability, you cannot do so until you complete a short or long rest.

That Which Lies Beyond Familiar

The following is an expanded Pact of the Chain familiar option for a Warlock of this Otherworldly Patron.

Flickering Madness

Tiny aberration, unaligned

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 1 (1)
  • Speed 30 ft.

1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Intelligence +5
  • Skills Deception +4, Insight +4
  • Damage Immunities Cold, Necrotic, Poison Psychic, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks.
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12
  • Languages Telepathy 60 ft.
  • Challenge 1

Abstract Existence If a creature attempts to make an attack roll against the Flickering Madness, it must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On failure, the attack fails and the target becomes frightened of the Flickering Madness until the end of its turn. Additionally, it can attempt to hide using a Charisma (Deception) check in place of a Dexterity (Stealth) check.

Spider Climb. The Abstract Madness can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Folding Space. The Abstract Madness can pass through a gap in a surface, as if becoming two dimensional along a surface.

Arcane Vulnerability. If the Flickering Madness casts a spell, it loses its damage immunities until the start of its next turn.

Innate Psionics. The Flickering Madness's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At Will: message, vicious mockery

Ancient Intelligence Invocations

Psionic Intrusion

Prerequisite: 7th level

You gain 2 psi points you can use to apply Telepathy Discipline modifiers to your Telepathic Intrusion. You regain these psi points on a short or long rest.

Wizard Tradition

Order of Creation

Wizards that belong to this order of thought seek to advance the application of magic through the merger of mechanical and magical prowess. They share much in common with Inventors in mindset, but delve deeper into the knowledge of magic, relying more heavily on it to power their mechanical inventions, and in turn creating mechanical inventions that more primarily serve to further their magic.

They often seek to look beyond tradition and common knowledge, to seek out new spells and new ways of doing things. The value of new research and new technology is often more than dusty old tomes unless those dusty old tomes contain secrets of those who had reached the heights they seek in ages gone by.

Crafting Fundamentals

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in tinker's tools.

Arcane Automaton

Starting at 2nd level, you apply your skills of magic and creation to forge a small mechanical helper. You learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a special ritual. When you cast it this way, its material component becomes tinker's tools (they are not consumed when casting it). When you summon your familiar, it gains the traits for the creature selected as well as the following additional traits:

  • Its type becomes construct.
  • It acts on your turn.
  • It gains temporary hit points when summoned or at the end of a long rest equal your Intelligence modifier + your Wizard level.
  • As long as it is within 30 feet of you, you can cast spells as if you were in its position.
  • Select three Wizard cantrips you can cast. Your familiar can cast these cantrips, casting a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier (casting them as a 1st level caster). It regains all uses when you complete a long rest.
Automaton Appearance

Most arcane automatons look like a mechanical version of the creature selected for find familiar, but it can have any appearance as long as that appearance maintains the necessary configuration to have the traits it has.

Arcane Gadget

Additionally at 2nd level, when you prepare spells for the day, you can turn them into arcane gadgets. Select spells with a casting time of 1 action, 1 bonus action, or 1 reaction. These spells do not count against your spells prepared, but you build them into tiny gadgets. You expend the spell slot as normal for casting the spell spell, and can choose if you expand any material component with a gold cost to incorporate it into the gadget (if the material component is not consumed, it can be reclaimed after the gadget is used).

Subsequently a creature holding the gadget can use the gadget to cast the spell; they do not require verbal or somatic components, but do require material components if they are not included in the gadget. The gadget loses its power if you use it to cast the spell, if you complete a long rest, or if you regain the spell slot expended to create it (such as with Arcane Recovery).

You can prepare up to a number spell slot levels this way equal to your Intelligence modifier bonus (for example, if your Intelligence modifier is +3, you could prepare three 1st level spells or one 3rd level spell this way).

Creatures other than you can use your arcane gadgets. When they do so are treated as if they cast the spell though it uses your spellcasting modifiers. If the spell requires concentration, they must pass an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC of 10 + the spells level to cast the spell using the gadget. On failure the spell fizzles and is lost. Any spell cast by the gadget ends when the Wizard recovers the spell slot spent to create the arcane gadget.

Imbued Gear

Starting at 6th level, select a 1st or 2nd Wizard spell, and create an item capable of casting that spell. You can cast this spell once without expending a spell slot, regaining the ability to cast it again when you complete a long rest.

If the spell targets only you, has a duration of more than 10 minutes, and does not require concentration, it lasts until you complete a long rest instead of its normal duration.

Extended Duration Spells

The spells that fit this criteria for expanding their duration include include:

  • 1st Level: disguise self, false life, mage armor, longstrider
  • 2nd Level: darkvision, continual flame, see invisibility

Reverse Engineer

Additionally at 6th level, you gain the ability to reverse engineer the arcane magic of magic items. You can learn a spell from a magic item that can cast a Wizard spell as you would from a scroll, though the magic item is not destroyed in the process.

Clever Creation

Starting at 10th level, your familiar summoned through the Arcane Automaton feature gains proficiency in two skills of your choice and can activate a spell from an Arcane Gadget without making an Intelligence (Arcana) check even if the spell requires concentration, as long as the spell is 2nd level or lower. You can change what skills your familiar is proficient in when you summon it with find familiar again.

Creator's Vision

Starting at 14th level, when you summon your familiar from your Arcane Automation feature, you can forge it into new forms limited only by your creative vision. Select two of the following additional properties for it:

  • It becomes medium or large (your choice).
  • It gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed (if it doesn't already have one).
  • The number of temporary hit points it gains when summoned or at the end of the a long rest becomes equal to your your Intelligence modifier + twice your Wizard level.
  • It can cast its cantrips as a 5th level caster, and regains half the uses of its cantrip casting when you use your Arcane Recovery feature.
  • It gains 30 foot blindsight.
  • It gains proficiency in one skill of your choice.

You can select the same properties or new properties to replace them when you summon your familiar again with find familiar.

Wizard Tradition

Order of the Unknown

To the order of the unknown, a cautionary tale where everyone went mad is called "a lead". These strange folk delve what is best left forgotten, seeking answers to questions best left unspoken.

Sometimes compelled down the path by some grave purpose, sometimes by nothing more than an insatiable curiosity, and sometimes even stumbling upon it by accident, what is always true is that once set on this path, few find themselves able to leave it.

Wizards that go this path master Psionics, but master it in a completely different way and uniquely Wizardly way, bringing psionics into their frame of reference of ordered spells slots and diligent study.

Study of the Unknown

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you delve into the systematic study of psionics, select one Discipline from the Psion class to begin your studies with.

The psionic power of the Discipline becomes a 1st level spell for you. When you cast it using a spell slot, you cast it as if expend psi points equal to the spell slot level spent (for example when casting as a 1st level spell, you cast it as if empowering it with one psi point).

When you begin the study of new Disciplines at 6th level, 10th level, and 14th level, you gain Disciplines power as a 1st level spell following the same rules.

These psionic power spells are branded into your mind, and always prepared but do not count against your spells prepared for the day.

Secondary Power

Starting at 2nd level, the power of the psionics you study begins to seep into your mind, bleeding in from your studies of its mysteries.

This starts to poison your mind with a minor psionic madness from the table below, and you can tap this power to use one of your psionic power spells gained from the Study of the Unknown to cast it without expending a spell slot, but as if you had spent a spell slot equal to half your Wizard level (rounded up).

Once you do this, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest, or use your Arcane Recovery Feature.

Psionic Madness
1d6 Quirk
1 You occasionally hear what you think are the thoughts of others as whispers.
2 Small objects float near when you aren't paying attention.
3 You occasionally see the world as a ghostly afterimage.
4 You hear creatures talking that aren't nearby.
5 You see eyes in the sky, particularly at night.
6 You have the dreams of a different person.

Psionic Magic

Additionally at at 2nd level, Spells that belong to the psionics school are considered Wizard spells for you and on the Wizard spell list for the purpose of adding or copying them to your spell book, and the gold and time you must spend to copy them into your spellbook if you find a version you can copy is halved.

Branching Studies

Starting at 6th level, you can study a second psionic Discipline. You gain its power as a 1st level spell roll again on the Psionic Madness table.

Psionic Transparency

Additionally at 6th level, your understandings of the nature of Psionics means you do not have disadvantage when attempting to use counterspell or dispel magic against psionic effects, and you gain proficiency with the Psionics skill (which functions similar to the Arcana skill, but applies to Psionic effects).

Psionic Adept

Starting at 10th level, you can study a third psionic Discipline. You gain its power as a 1st level spell roll again on the Psionic Madness table.

Detached Mind

Additionally at 10th level, the power of your mind strengthens transcending and its connection to your physical state. When you must make a Constitution or Death saving throw, you can replace it with an Intelligence saving throw. Once you do this you cannot do so until you complete a short or long rest.

Four Fold Master

Starting at 14th level, you begin your studies of a 4th Discipline, unlocked more and deeper secrets. You gain its power as a 1st level spell and roll again on the Psionic Madness table.

Cognitive Shadows

Additionally at 14th level, you gain a blindsight of 30 feet, but can only see creatures with an Intelligence score of 6 or higher with this sight. This sight can see creatures in the ethereal realm within range.


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