Fantonica Primer: Part 1

by Kayoe

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Fantonica Primer


It is in this age you find yourself, an age filled with wonder. The elder races have begun to reclaim their former glory. The younger races have matured, and an active economy stretches across all of Fantonica. And while conflict and battle is hardly rare, it has also been centuries since open war has plagued the lands. A myriad of alliances and factions exist, friend and foe plot and scheme, and the region of Fantonica is ripe for action.

Equip yourself for adventure, seek allies and knowledge, and head out into a rich world of dungeons, towers, and crypts. Learn skills, Develop Beholder Inc. and amass riches and fame, establish reliable connections and avoid hostile takeover. Assume the position of a blind half-elf cartographer, a gnome decisionist with terrible anxiety, or an illiterate dwarven secretarian.

Inhabitants of Fantonica

Nunheim (Dwarven Capital)

Originally Nunheim was an underground Elven fortress and city built by Elion Virmoira. However, a decade long war between a neighboring orc tribe had taken its toll on Elion's people, so he decided to retreat to the Vandor Forest where his kin reside.

Though the realm was no more, a chipper young dwarf by the name of "Roughed Up" took up residence in the caves, claiming it and its treasures as his own in payment for the sufferings of his people. Over the past 50 years, Nunheim has grown to a substantial population of over 200,000 dwarves. They have since adopted the name **Iron Boars** due to the large tusks they adorn in battle.
Similar to the structures of many underground Dwarven cities, Nunheim consists of many miles of caves and tunnels of various shapes and sizes carved through the rock, possibly limestone. It has three Great Halls centered around the other tunnels and caves, where King **Roughed Up** sits upon his throne.

Major Cities


Thornbor is inhabited by the "Elderbellies". A clan of misunderstood Dwarves that spend most of their time attempting to perfect a special alchoholic beverage known as "Storm Brandy". It's been said that one sip of the liquid will provide you with the strength of a giant! Thornbor was built along the banks of a crystal clear river and is truly a gorgeous trade center. Its grace is matched by the backdrop of tall mountains which have helped shape the city to what it is today.

Thornbor has a booming economy, which is mainly supported by the constant sea trade as it's a prime stop for rest before heading into the frigid north towards the dwarven capital, Nunheim.


Maggrom is inhabited by "The Fearless Forged". A dominion of proud Dwarves that had built their city upon the only pure ore-laden cave system in the region. Oddly enough, Maggrom isn't built into a mountain range like you'd expect from such a rich resource. It's settled among the shimmering grasslands, just north of Thornbor.

Maggrom has an advanced economy which is supported by advanced weaponsmithing, armorsmithing, and trade. Hence why they've adopted the name "Fearless Forged" as their blacksmithing skills are praised across the land.


The Wailing Ice Fields

A small area in the tundra with incredibly powerful winds that never cease and always blow directly downward. A DC 14 athletics check is required to not be knocked prone, the check can be remade every hour. The wind makes every part of the tundra magically difficult terrain. The tundra has many steep drops from the constant force of air pushing against the ground.

The Dinsa Steppe

The final resting place of the last known dragon "Dinsa, The Puny". From a distance you can make out the fossilized bones of a great beast embedded within the side of the steppe. The air is filled with the scent of wildflowers.

Important Figures

Varhoid "Roughed Up" Tuskborn

Varhoid is near the end of his reign, about to enter his 345th year of life and the 30th year of his rule. He is thought to have been the driving force behind the reduction in hostilities over the previous few decades.

Lilly Tuskborn

She was born at the edge of vast mountains. She was an adventurer many years ago and she formed a blood bond with her brother, Varhoid. She used her abilities to travel the world and help people.

Inhabitants of Fantonica

Vandor (Elven Capital)

Vandor rests at the center of a thick forest called Thelneas or "Forest of Elegance" in Elven. For thousands of years, Vandor was fought for and protected by the Elves, gnomes, and other races such as Satyr. Roughly a century ago, a powerful surge of nature magic rose up from the center of they valley, strengthening the druids of Vandor and enchanting the forest.

The center of Vandor abuts a large central peak, with a massive tree where the Vandor Council resides. The city radiates out from here. The city center is surrounded by a large wall of thick vines, wood and stone created by the druids, with two massive oaken doors on the eastern end. Two large tree golems usually rest at this entrance which is almost always open.

The elves do not sleep, but rather hibernate for 500 moons every 200 years. Every settlement has elaborate sleeping chambers decorated with intricate flowery strokes going back thousands of years; before going to sleep, an elf makes another stroke. Disturbing an elf's sleep is considered a grave offense to the entire elvenkind.

They must spend at least one hour a day in pristine natural surroundings or they begin to wither and will eventually die.


Temple of the Golden Leaf

A temple to the Lord of the Forest, hidden from all but the most perceptive, nestled in the center of a circular group of 16 white oak trees. Markings in druidic warn of the dryads who keep the temple grounds. An offering of water from a naiad's pool ensures safe passage through this region.

The Ethereal Sentinels

A training ground for up and coming paladins and clerics. This area within Vandor features a training ground, study hall, dormitories, and chapel. In the center of is a massive, ancient tree with vibrant golden leaves.

Important Figures

Queen Kayoe Fardreamer

Kayoe believes that the elves of Vandor are the only hope for the future of the natural world. Kayoe is warm and inviting to those she knows. She has a love of nature and is sometimes known to be short with people who do not conform to the natural world.

Prince Adren Fardreamer

Prince Adren was taught the power of nature and the importance of protecting the forest. He is the only Vandorian to complete both the druidic & sentinel training before entering hibernation. Adren is a quiet soul and doesn’t enjoy conversation or interaction with others. He finds that people are too busy and too self-involved to truly desire to learn anything new.

Inhabitants of Fantonica

Kaladim (Leviathan Orc Capital)

Built on a fortified island not too far off the coast, Kaladim is known for whaling, unfriendly fisherman of every race, face, and creed. Kaladim has high walls protecting it from the local fauna, but raiding parties go out weekly to keep the overall rat population to almost manageable levels. An open bounty exists for any rat catchers who wish to bring back heads for gold.

Many races owe their existence to the primordials, being of immense power over the elements. Orcs in particular believe that they were birthed from the womb of Leviathan, created deep below the waves and born in the seafoam on the shores of the Clarecaster Ocean. As such, most if not all Orcs owe fealty to the Primordial of Water, and worship her in all facets of life.

Residents are fiercely protective and proud of their town, and will defend it's honor from any slight. Due to the immovable loyalty from it's people, the island has received the nickname "Iron Island".

Important Figures

Bula the Loyal

Bula has a bit of a temper. She's very protective of her friends and will go great lengths to protect them. She's very loyal and always keeps her word. She also runs a small shop where she exchanges various types of rare meats as a reward for rat pelts.

Major Cities

Whaleshield Settlement

A small orc settlement built around an old shipwreck that closely resembles a beached whale. Many people live inside of the ship, including the mayor who lives in the former captain’s quarters. There are also some tents and makeshift shelters around the ship.


A small port trade city ran by Bula the Butcher. The town's known for being a rising shipping hub, built at an ideal local between two trade hotspots. However, any outsiders must fulfill one requirement for entrance. A magic item will cut off their left hand and preserve them in jars. The hands can easily be reattached later, but if the city guard notices you committing a crime the hands are pricked with poison, killing the individual in a matter of hours.


The Pond of Sadness

A small lake with pitch black water. Despite looking disgusting the water is magically refreshing and can neutralize very powerful acids. The lake water is used in many heart medications.

Inhabitants of Fantonica

Tuskcut ( Troll Capital)

Tuskcut opens into the Kreltarott Jungle in an area that is barren and dangerous, with several small clusters of huts and shops. Many of the towns artisans live outside of its walls within range of the guards for the town, although they rarely need to call on them for aid. Travelling to the northwest through the Mountains of Rott eventually leads to the Laughing Lion Plains and lands beyond. Traveling east through Ogutt Swamp eventually leads to the Desert of Marrow and Daleport and the lands to the northeast.

The history of Tuskcut is poorly kept. What is known is largely unimportant and hardly illuminating. This was the last city to be built before the mighty Troll King Krelta fell, and is now the last troll city standing. At first, the city's inhabitants were untouched by the Mountains of Rott. They tried to keep things as best as they could. However, each generation grew worse until the Trolls were much as we find them today. In the time since they reached this nadir of intelligence, the city had fallen to pieces. The once proud structures, decorated with tribal carvings and depictions of heroic conquest, have fallen. The structures that have taken their place pale in comparison. The Trolls have stagnated, little changes, little happens. Their minds are so limited and broken they barely notice.

Important Figures

Kragmaw the Butcher

Kragmaw is sometimes referred to as the destroyer of two empires. When he began his campaign against the dwarven kingdom of Nunheim he began the fall of his own kingdom of Tuskcut, but also he stopped the dwarves from giving aid to the elven empire against the ever increasing Vandorian Elves. Many historians surmise that if the dwarves had not been pulled into war with the Trolls, their help would have allowed the old elven empire to flourish instead of retreating into what's now known as the Vandor Forest


Hills of Shade

Shadows grow too long on this barren savannah, where scavengers prowl and roost. The inhospitable landscape is scattered with many wide, low tombs of giants, sealed and protected with terrible elemental curses.

Inhabitants of Fantonica

Daleport (Fantonica Trade Hub)

Daleport is considered by most to be the hub of Fantonica for a variety of reasons. It is the mercantile center of the continent, since it holds the only port with a regular boat to Nunheim.

It holds facilities for most of the artisan trades, and most budding craftsman travel to Daleport to take advantage of the readily available facilities. Daleport is also the hub for traffic of all sorts. A plethora of races travel its streets to go to their guilds and the shops, as well as to the boat to Nunheim.

It is even said that the more sinister travelers that dabble in the dark arts of necromancy travel through the sewers to reach most of the same destinations. Guild Halls for all classes except the Rangers, Druids, and Shamans are present within the city.

Important Figures

Sir Lucan Dragonweaver

Initially slated to become part of the Daleport Guard, it was noted that the chief trainer of guardsmen was at the time unable to make room for him, and therefore he was inducted into the Order of the Shattered Helm - an unusual situation as it was usually the policy of the knights to only accept those of noble blood.

As they often do, the Order of the Shattered Helm received a vision with the local priest compelling them to launch a crusade against the Vandorian Elves. Heeding what they assumed to be the call from their god, Phitrus, God Of Truth, the order rallied behind and led their assault into Vandor Forest. Lucan, meanwhile, was left in charge of the remaining knights - which proved woefully inadequate for the defense of the city.


Crowned-Bear Grasslands

While there are numerous nomadic camps in the plains, the region’s major city is Daleport. During the day, temperatures rise rapidly; it is necessary to pack in as much water as possible, as the ponds in the region are frequented by territorial creatures.

Orcs have dominated the grasslands for most of its history, although they were driven back during the Battle of Defiance. In recent times, however, they are again presenting a nuisance to travelers through the region. One will also encounter various scaled lizards and insects, such as basilisks and bears. Predators lurk near any source of water, particularly savanna lions.

Cryptbone Forest

What once was called "Birchwood Forest" has recently become a much more dangerous, dark place. In days past, it was a quiet woods where an intrepid explorer could find many things of interest, but now it is overrun with the undead. Over time the trees have slowly mutated into pure bone. Plants cannot grow there and the only native residents there are undead. The forest is well known for harboring hags since bone is a common ingredient in many of their potions.

Aggrot (Grung Capital)

Deep within the Ogutt Swamp of Southern Fantonica, the Grung have made a home. In a dramatic siege over three centuries ago, the Grung conquered the Troll city of Aggrot, forcing the survivors to take refuge in what is now known as Tuskcut.

Unfortunately due to the Mountains of Rott, the generations of trolls have since forgotten all about their lost home and have since befriended the Grung. With their dedicated worship of Phitrus, The God of Truth. The Grung have fast developed into a proud and principled race. Closely following his teachings and reflecting his attitude and nobility, they are known as a truthful and honest people among those who have encountered them.

Aggrot is a vast array of tunnels that connect between the ruins themselves and the upper tunnelways that eventually lead to the Ogutt Swamp. It is also the battleground between the living Grung, led by King Swamprunner, and the undead who have taken over most of the deepest ruins, led by their Ghoul Lord.

Important Figures

King Swamprunner

King Swamprunner defends the halls of Aggrot against the troll menace as well as the undead ghouls that continuously pour from the lower halls. Stories are told of his ferocity in battle whilst dual wielding ancestral spears against all manner of evil creatures that would threaten his brethren.

Rana Gnatpoker

Rana is the last member of "The Eternal Bloom", the sentry division of Aggrot. Her division was slain by a rogue manticore roaming the border of Ogutt Swamp & Dogsbody Highlands. She wields a woven trident and bow, and carries trinkets from her fallen brethren.


Grung Grotto

Many of the grung commune is only accessed through a series of subterranean pools, swimming submerged against the current. Surfacing in the final pool, it opens into a wide-domed cavern filled with the harvested parts and trophies of kills, into the center of which a narrow waterfall streams. This atrium opens onto several passageways that lead out to various secret exits within the Ogutt Swamp.


Coming Soon

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