Arkanian Offshoot Race for SW5E

by Blueskyline

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Arkanian Offshoot

Visual Characteristics

Skin Color White blue tinted
Hair Color White blue tinted
Eye Color Brown, blue
Distinctions Rare pointed ears and unique eye colors

Physical Characteristics

Height 5'1" +2d8"
Weight 130 lb. x(2d4) lb.

Sociocultural Characteristics

Homeworld Arkania
Language Basic, old Arkanian

Biology and Appearance

Arkanian Offshots are bipedal near humans with white skin and hair. Although designed from the Arkanians they posses none of the physical traits. Pointed ears are rare, but often indicate force sensitivity. They are stronger and more dexterous, but have weaker immune systems.

Society and Culture

Arkanian Offshots were created as a workforce to mine the rich Arkanian gem mines. Mixed from the base genetics of the Arkanians, with elements of human and Sephi. The Offshots were strong and nimble, but were very susceptible to diseases and illnesses. After the mines were finished the question of what to do with the offshots was raised. Most scattered across the galaxy look for new work and new homes.

Offshoots are more humble than their creators, who saw them as lesser beings, and often work hard to prove their place in the galaxy.


Arkanian shoot names are often made from old Arkanian words.

Male Names. Gorman

Female Names. Edessa, Jarael, Zadawi

Surnames. Vandrayk

Arkanian Offshots Traits

As a Arkanian Offshots, you have the following special traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age. Arkanian Offshots reach adulthood at 14 and rarely live past 55 standard years.

Alignment. Arkanian Offshots are generally kind and humble due to the persecution from their creators and their drive to prove themselves.

Size. Arkanian Offshots typically stand 5 to 6 feet tall and generally weigh about 150 lbs. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Arkanian Brilliance. Whenever you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw using Intelligence, you can choose to add 1d4 to the result. You can choose to do this after the check is rolled, but before the DM determines if you’ve passed or failed the check. You cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.

Hard Worker. You have proficiency in one tool of your choice, and proficiency in athletics.

Weak immune system. You have disadvantage on constitution saving throws against disease and poison.

Languages. All Arkanian Offshoots can speak, read, and write both Basic and Arkanian (Albeit with a distinct accent).

ART CREDIT | Drawn and inked by Dustin Weaver Colors by Michael Atiyeh

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