Faetastic Fantasies

by Dodst

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Faetastic Fantasies

Aasimar Subraces

When you choose the subrace of your aasimar character you can choose the following option in addition to those in the Player’s Handbook.

Nature Aasimar

Nature aasimar are selected by the divinity of nature to protect the wilderness from the encroaches of civilization to the best of their abilities, to enact the will of the forests whevere it need be, and to speak for the trees. From a young age, a nature aasimar feels attraction towards the plants and animals that grow around them, and the plants and animals come forth to the aasimar to bask in it's presence.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Gaias Restriction. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing plants around you to grow rapidly, and act as a defense for you.

Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, plants grow up within a 15 ft. radius centered on you, causing difficult terrain for any hostile creatures that enter the radius. In addition, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra piercing damage to one

target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra piercing damage equals your level and is considered magical.

Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Dwarven Subraces

When you choose the subrace of your dwarf character, you can choose the following option, in addition to those in the Player’s Handbook.

Fiodhglic Dwarves

As a fiodhglic dwarf, you are thinner and taller than other dwarves. With a range of skin colorations, and often housing traits of a fey touched being, such as spots of fur, animal tails, and growths of plant-life, your appearance is vastly different to the more commonly found hill and mountain clans of the material realms.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in-
creases by 1.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.

Hunters Burst. Your movement speed increases by 5 ft.


When you choose the subrace of your halfling character, you can choose from the following options, in addition to those in the Player’s Handbook.


As a rootongue halfling, you're evolved from generations of lives amongst the undergrowth of the Feywild. Some say that roots have darkling blood. A rare sighting in the material realms, rootongues tend to leave the fey with important missions, or under contract by higher fey beings.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score in-
creases by 1.

Body of Light. You can cause your skin to produce light, as if you had cast the light cantrip on yourself. you can enable and dismiss this feature as a bonus action.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.


As a quickfoot halfling, you're desended from a union of the feywidl's quicklings and your primarily halfling heritage. Coming with tints of purple and blue within their skin, you are fast on your feet, and tend towards quick thinking and reactions.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in-
creases by 1.

Quickfoot. Your base walking speed increases to 35 ft.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.


"You could call them my cousins if you weren't aware of my

history. When the firbolgs first broke off from the ordning, they sought a new way by focusing on nature. Some firbolgs took this a step further by migrating to the realms of the feywild, mingling with the faeries and starting alliances with the courts. Unfortunately for a few clans, they made the mistake of jesting the Summer Queen, and were changed into bearlike monsters, fleeing into the woods of the feywild and becoming even more reclusive then most firbolg clans."

-- Morberos, A Meeting of the Seasons

Firbears are furry, bear-like humanoids, often mistaken for transformed werebears, if not for their abnormally large size. The firbears are the descendants of a lineage of cursed firbolg, forever transformed to be more animalistic than the rest of their brethren.

Curse of the Summer Queen

When the firbolg first started migrating to the feywilds, they held a conference with the gathering of the fey courts. The conference was to petition the fey courts to allow them to settle within their kingdoms, seeking a migrant status and not being treated as foreign invaders. These meetings were successful for the most part, and many firbolgs were allowed to move their clans to the feywild and start over. Unfortunately for one clan at the meeting however, they unwittingly offended the Queen of Summer, Samhradh, when they failed to perform the correct court etiquette, and inadvertently offending her while they were at it.

In retaliation to this grave offense, she used her fey magics to curse the clan of firbolgs. Their heads transformed into that of bears, and their bodies grew a layer of brown fur. Distraught at their newfound bodies, the clan fled into a secluded part of the feywild, isolating themselves, and refusing to talk or trade with anyone other than other firbolgs.

Over generations, the Firbears grew accustomed to their new forms, growing comfortable with their bearlike features and inevitably forgoing their grudge with Samhradh. Those still quite reclusive, they are now open to trade and interactions with the many creatures of the feywild, and will leave their clans for missions and callings.

Animalistic Nature

The curse of the Summer Queen did more to the firbear than change their appearance. The curse had the adverse effect of changing the very nature of the cursed clan to be less civilized and more animalistic, causing the firbear to act upon some primal instincts that other creatures, and other firbolgs, would never act upon.

The curse caused the firbear to act similar to other bears, changing some of their habits, desired foods, and even forcing them to act more primal in stressful situations. The firbear now eat a diet of plants, animals and bugs. They revel in eating fish and honey, to the point where firbear clans settle near rivers, and have been known to be beekeepers, and are capable of eating relatively raw food, though they are known to cook.

Beyond this, they act like normal civilized people, not partaking in the hibernation of their animal kin, and staying active during the winters. They fashion tools, and plan elaborate contraptions to make their lives easier, and speak the common tongue, though they retain the ability to coerce animals with works like their uncursed firbolg cousins.

Firbear Names

Firbears are a variant of the firbolg, and as such, will adopt elven names when they must deal with outsiders, although, as is with all firbolg, the concept of names strikes them as strange. They know the animals and plants of the forest without formal names, and instead identify the forest's children by their deeds, habits, and other actions.

By the same token, their tribe names merely refer to their homes. When dealing with other races, firbolgs refer to their lands by whatever name the surrounding folk use, as a matter of tact and hospitality, but among their own kind they simply call it "home."

At times firbears adopt the nicknames or titles outsiders give them under the assumption that those who need names can call them whatever they wish.

Firbear Traits

Your firbear character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. As humanoids related to the fey, firbears have long lifespans. A firbear reaches adulthood around 30, and the oldest of them can live for 500 years.

Alignment. As people who once followed the rhythm of nature, and see themselves as it's guardians, firbear are typically good. Their innate connection to the wild, as caused by their transformative curse, does cause them be be a bit more chaotic than their cousins.

Size. Firbears are between 7 and 8 feet tall and weigh between 240 and 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Firbear Magic. You can cast cause fear and heroism (targeting yourself) with this trait, using Wisdom as your spellcasting ability for them. Once you cast either spell, you can't cast it again with this trait until you finish a short or long rest.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Speech of Beast. You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.

Wild Child. Once per long rest, you can enter an animalistic frenzy. While in this frenzied state, your Strength-based attacks roll are done at advantage, and you are resistant to piercing damage. This frenzy lasts a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan, and Giant.


"As I took in the site before me, I found myself allured by

presence of the lady sitting at the table. She sat there, with skin as fair as if she was made of moonlight herself. It took me a moment to realize she was, in fact, glowing; letting off a dim light comparable to that of the full moon on a cloudless night. I quickly got over my enamored self, and sat down at the table, ready to start the discussion with the other fey in the room. Perhaps I could ask more of her later at the banquet of the solstice."

-- Morberos, A Meeting of the Seasons

Fey from the moon, giving off a glow of moonlight, as a show of their origins and birthright. As beautiful as the elves, and wise as the dwarves. The lunarrans hold an air of divinity around them as they walk through their streets, and ponder on their thoughts, seeking a lesson from every encounter.

The moon children, as they are known, love nature and magic, art and artistry, music and poetry, and the good things of the world. Sharing many traits with the elves, it is their range of skin tones, and common horns or antlers that give away their origins.

A Culture of Renaissance

Within Mystramm, there exists a lunar realm known as Ghealach. which can be accessed by diving into the waters of a lake or ocean during highmoon, when the celestial body of the feywild reaches the highest position in the twilight skies.

Once there, you will see a realm of fauna that glows moonlight, and structures that are more artistic than practical.

Given their extensive lifespans, and relatively constant isolation, the lunarran have taken the time to hone their skills with architecture, creative writing, music, drama, dance, and many more arts, crafting a society that appears beautiful, placing precedence on the study and improvement of these skills as well as studying different schools of thought, with many settlements housing schools and universities where scholars gather to house debates and share theories on the ways of the world, theology within the realms, and other philosophical topics that cause the mind to think.

The culture of the lunnarans is so steeped in thought and art, that it has created a class system where the unimaginative, and those who lack skills in creativity are considered lesser by the people, and are often shunned for their incapabilities.

Divine Union

The lunarran are different than most denizens of the feywild, in the sense that they can trace their lineage centuries back to when ancient fey and celesitals propagated what would become the first lunnarans. At the time, the moon of Mystramm housed a singular city known as the Lunar Embassy, where the first of the archfey would meet with celestials and discuss laws, peace treaties, and trade with the races of the heavens. As time went on, and more and more fay and celestial delegates settled in and around the Lunar Embassy, the interactions of delegates changed from co-workers, to that of casual citizens, and eventually the two races intermingled until there were more lunarran than any other race.

The Lunar Embassy, now known as the city of Oidhche, home of the Court of Clear Nights, is still used by the fey and celestials to broker political debates and topics to this day, though the entirety of the moon now acts as a independent kingdom, with it's own Archfey overlooking the domain. The Archfey Rionnagh watches over the delegations and assures that neither side causes a ruckus within her domain, and from time to time travels down to Mystramm to partake in gatherings of the Fey Courts.

Shades of the Night Sky

The lunarran come in a variety of colors. Various shades of blue, from light to dark, along with the pale whites are the most commonly seen among the race. Additionally, you can find lunarran who bear skin as dark as the pitch black sky, or a more purple skin tone, comparable to the skies of the early morning or late evenings.

On rare occasions, you can find lunarrans with skins of light red and orange shades, but there are no documented cases of any lunarrans with dark red or orange skin tones. Beyond this, lunarran eyes follow a similar color range though never dark shades, and often glowing. The most common eye color is pure white.

Races | Lunarran

Kith Markings

Beyond skin tones, lunarrans often are adorned with unique markings across their bodies. The kith markings are bodily art pieces depicting family lineages and clan heritages. A lunarran's kith markings change by the generations, as new pieces to their ancestral stories are added through marriage and accomplishment, and are added to the kith markings of the younger generations. A lunarran starts getting their kith markings around 100 years after birth, with their family tattooing them with markings of their ancestors, specific accomplishments of their forefathers, and symbols depicting the clans they come from.

The ancestry kith markings are completed by the time that a lunarran reaches adulthood on their 270th birthday. Once their coming of age ceremony is completed, a lunarran will continue to earn markings throughout their extensive lives. Markings depicting occupations, educations, fields of study, and accomplishments.

The Kith Mark origins table can serve as inspiration for creating a history of occupations and accomplishments for your lunarran character.

Kith Mark Origins
d8 Marking's meaning
1 You hold a lesser occupation. While necessary to the function of the lunarrean's society, you are looked down upon by the more artistic of your peers.
2 You are a master craftsman. Through an architectural achievement, or beautiful sculpture, you have gained notoriety amidst your people.
3 You have become famous among the city states for your glorious work with colors. Thanks to your paintings Lunarrians can bear witness to the many colors of the other realms that are so rare amidst the pale white glow of the moon.
4 A bard and a poet. You have sifted through tales of centuries long past and crafted an epic story retelling the exploits of forgotten lunarrans from the warring era, granting you great acclaim amidst the historians and the philosophers of the high society.
5 A prestigious graduate of one of the many universities of the lunarran cities. You have extended you pool of knowledge deep into a field of study, and have come back with grandiose revelations that will propel the field further.
6 You are a delegate, One of the rare few lunarrans who spend extensive amounts of time leaving the moon to work with either the celestials or the fey courts. While not a position most strive for, your knowledge and capabilities in ensuring the peace of the moon is held in high regard.
7 Your thoughts are seeked by many, for your words hold within them deep wisdom, and your teachings help propel the betterment and enlightenment of the lunarran people. You have been recognized by the people as a grand philosopher.
8 You are a warrior. Your markings are looked upon with disdain by the sheltered of the cities, but your job is most necessary, having completed many important battles, and aided in fights for the celestials and fey.

Lunarran Names

Lunarran culture has become poetic over centuries of refinement. As a direct cause of this, lunarran names tend to relate to celestial bodies, divine characters of the heavens, epic poems, ancient songs, or mythical objects of desire.

The following are some examples of popular lunarran names.

Male Names: Apolune, Delmos, Europa, Ganymede, Oberon, Phobos, Proteus, Thalassa, Titan, Triton

Female Names: Ambrosia, Ariel, Callisto, Celestria, Cynthia, Elara, Io, Selene, Titania, Umbriel

Lunarran Traits

Beings descended from lunar celestials

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score in-
creases by 2.

Age. Lunnarrans mature slower than other races, maturing at 270, at which point they wont appear to physically age until their death, living upwards to 1500 years.

Alignment. Like their goddess, they are compelled towards good. However, some may lose their way and do evil.

Size. Lunarrans are comparable in height and stature to humans, but tend to grow a bit shorter. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Artcunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of artwork, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Races | Lunarran

Radiant Presence. The Lunarran are capable of casting light where there is none. As a bonus action, you can emit moonlight from your body for 1 hour, shedding dim light in a 15 ft. radius centered on you. This effect ends early if you're knocked unconscious or you dispel this effect with a bonus action.

Trance. Lunarrans don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that other races get from 8 hours of sleep. Additionally magic can’t put you to sleep.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and Sylvian.

Subrace. The lunarran have four distinct subraces: bloodmoon lunarran, Crescent lunarran, lán lunarran, and the waning lunarran. Choose one of them for your character.


Kin of the blood moon, the bloodmoon lunarran clans are descendant from the purebred warriors of the ancient times, during the wars of the lunar city-states. Though the era of war has long since been forgotten to the history books of the modern eras, and are only used for the epics written by the scholars of the day, their descendants still maintain some of the unique traits that had been developed at that time today.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score in-
creases by 1.

Arcane Disruption. Bloodmoon lunarrans are born with the ability to hamper the powers of magic users, which proved useful during the warring periods of the moons powers. Starting at 3rd level, you can take an action to touch a creature within 5 feet of you. The creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be rendered unable to cast spells until the end of their next turn. Any spells that they were concentrating on also end on a failed save. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Lunarran Weapon Training. You have proficiency with glaives, scimitars, and shields.


Kin of the crescent moon, the crescent lunarran clans are more accustomed to the dark sides of the moon, often living in cities where the radiant lights of dawn rarely touch. The descendants of ancient assassins of the night, their cultures still train in the arts of stealth and death, with their poems and paintings depicting legendary lunarran assassins, and famous kills from their war torn histories.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score in-
creases by 1.

Night Cover. You are proficient in the Stealth skill.

Quick Step. Starting at 3rd level, you can take a bonus action to magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


Kin of the full moon, the lán lunarran clans embody the full power of the radiant night sky. The dominating clans of the city of Oidhche, and the Court of Clear Nights, the lán embroil their past times in art and poetry, propelling the lunarran's overall culture, and wisdom forward by the generations. Of the many lunarran clans, they feel the deepest connection to the moon, and are sure to make it known.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score in-
creases by 1.

Lunar Navigation. You can tell the direction from the moon. You have advantage on ability checks related to navigating using the position of the moon.

Riders of Moonbeams. You are able to ride the beams of the moon. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the jump spell once per long rest, and when you reach 5th level, you can also cast the levitate spell once per long rest. Wisdom as your spellcasting ability for these spells, and you require no material components.


Kin of the waning moon, the waning lunarran clans are the lunarrans that are closest to the celestials, in turn gaining some heavenly traits, and often being propped up for their beauty within the lunnarran's society. Found scattered throughout the many cities of the moon, their appearance is the rarest among the many clans of the lunarrans.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score in-
creases by 1.

Necromantic Dowse. As the descendant of the celestial delegates, you have developed the unique power to sense for the dreaded creatures of the demon lord of undeath. Starting at 3rd level, you may take a bonus action to become aware of any undead creatures within 120 feet of you. You get a vague idea of their location, though you are not aware of anything regarding their status. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you
can use it again.

Races | Lunarran


"I admit to being quite disappointed when I first came to meet

with the spriggan. If I were a naive child of the city, or an uncultured farmer who rarely left the reaches of civilization the idea of a sentient walking tree would have been mind-boggling, and exciting, however eons of traversing the planes, and conversing with gods and fiends alike have left these ancient eyes numb to most of the secrets the universe still has to offer. This being said, it was when the elders of the spriggan started disclosing their heritage and histories to me that I truly became immersed in their existence."

-- Raueif Viatorem, Notes on the Feywild

Deep within the enchanted forests of Mystramm--where even the most civilized of the fey dare not go--the ghosts of the orderning make their home. Next to no mortals have ever met a spriggan, and few fey still hold contact with the reclusive race. Appearing to be a living part of the forests themselves, the spriggan can only be seen when they wish to be seen, and can easily remove any threats to their habitats when provoked, though do so as a final resort.

Forgotten Giants

In times forgotten, the spriggan were giantkin, weaker than the likes of the firbolg and goliaths with whom the spriggan were closer to within the ordning. During the war between giants and dragons, the spriggan were positioned within the feywild, seeking allegiances on behalf of the storm giants from the fey lords that resided there.

Unfortunately, the Spriggan were abandoned by their kin within Mystramm, and over generations of missteps with the courts of the fay, and the magics of the realm, they were transformed into the tree-like humanoids they appear as today, abandoning the giantkin outright in anger of the betrayal they feel, and acting against the natural denizens of the realm they now call home as petty revenge for the curses that have permanently transformed their species from the powerful beings they once were to the musks of wood they have become.


With a history wrought with betrayal and malefactors, the generations of spriggan grew up learning and inheriting the hatred of their ancestors towards all who have wronged them. Due to this form of upbringing, the spriggan hold an undying grudge against both fey and giants alike, and have grown to remember all accounts against them, and to pay people back, albeit in a more mischievous way more often than not.

Having found themselves more connected to the plant-life around them has helped to soothe their cultural anger over the years, changing them to be more fey-like themselves, with their desire to gain vengeance through simple pranks and shocking surprises. New grudges are easily forgotten with a simple unexpected gust of wind, or the replacing of a woman's child with a changeling, but their deep grudges towards the courts of orderning will always remain with their people, until the archfey have been duped into obscenity, and the giants have been cursed to a similar fate.

Guardians of Troves

Given their extensive lifespans, many Spriggan find purpose in their life by guarding hidden glades, cave entrances, or forest ruins, and any form of treasure they can find, no matter how insignificant. Spriggan who chose a life of guarding, will spend months and years, hidden around their grounds, waiting to attack any and all travelers who seek to explore or take their treasures, becoming extremely hostile whenever the chance appears.

Spriggan who chose to spend their extensive lives guarding these places, may eventually die where they stand, if ever you find a burrow underneath roots, a tree within an abandoned temple, or a single gold coin in a branch, you may be looking at the remains of an ancient spriggan.

Plant-like Beings

Spriggan, through their curses and mutations, have become and Asexual species, alike the trees they now impersonate. When not hiding, the humanoid forms of the spriggan vary in shapes and sizes, but it should be noted towards the mistaken thoughts of other humanoid races, that a spriggan appearance is a mimicry of other humanoids, and any growths they have are unrelated to any sexuality they hold.

Surprising Traversers

Spriggan, or sometimes named barkborn by outsiders, rarely leave their habitats, and tend to be uncooperative and downright rude to any and all other sentient creatures. There are rare times however, where a spriggan forms a bond with a traveling creature and sets out to enjoys a brief time with them before their new friend's death, or explore the lands following the destruction of the habitat they call home.

Displaced spriggan are the most common wanderers of the spriggan kind. The habitats that spriggan prefer to settle down within, and often are born into, are magical in nature. From deep within uncharted territory of Mystramm's wilderness, to the magical forests that pop up around the realms, a spriggan will seek to settle in a location such as these. Spriggan will refuse to settle in locations where civilization is too close, and also tend to avoid setting nearby other spriggan, only meeting with their kin during winter solstices where they will discuss their histories and any events that may have befallen on them.

Tricked spriggan are those who have recently run into a fey creature and despite their best efforts have been forced into a contract with them to complete a task or hand over their treasure. After these spriggan free themselves of the rules of the fey, they will seek the fey out to return the favor for the newly formed grudge they now hold.

And on a few rare occasions, wise spriggans will sense that they are required through omen and greater forces to traverse the lands by what is known as the ancients calling. These spriggan will often relearn how to interact within society as necessary to complete the new tasks so that they may return to their habitats as quickly as possible.

The Spriggan Adventurers table can serve as inspiration for determining why a spriggan character decides to travel.

Spriggan Adventurers
d6 Reason for Adventuring
1 Seeking a treasure, sanctuary, or something of a similar nature that they can settle down to protect.
2 Displaced by a forest fire or other disaster that left your habitat in an unlivable state.
3 Run off by a strong dragon or demon who took your treasure.
4 Tricked into a quest by a fey being.
5 Personal quest obtained through omens.
6 Traveling to settle a grudge with a creature that has wronged you.

Spriggan Names

The Spriggan don't follow the typical naming conventions of the humanoid races, often earning names based off of their likeness to different species of trees, or terms related to their habitat.

Spriggan Names: Beechbranch, Cicada's Click, Maidenhair, Sycamoresong, Treebeard, Winterpine, Willowone

Spriggan Traits

Your Spriggan character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age. Spriggans age at a similar rate to trees, reaching adulthood after 30-40 years, living for around 1000 years and transforming into a tree upon their natural death, where they're new bodies will grow more, forever stranded in the place of their demise.

Alignment. Spriggan are quite passive, however they are quick to anger. Spriggan are more often than not true neutral.

Creature Type. You are a Fey.

Size. Spriggan are massive in size, reaching from 7-8 feet tall. Your size is medium.

Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

False Appearance. While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a small tree. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when outdoors or in nature.

Fire Aversion. Due to you being made of wood, you are extremely flammable, and hold a fear of fire in your wooden heart. When you take fire damage, you have disadvantage on any checks made to maintain concentration, and you cannot heal for the next round.

Natural Armor. Due to your thick skin, your body acts as a protective cover for you. While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a Shield and still gain this benefit.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Speech of Beast and Leaf. You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with beasts and plants. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all Charisma checks you make to influence them.

Spriggan Magic. Starting at 3rd level, you learn the enlarge/ reduce spell, targeting yourself. You can cast enlarge/ reduce without expending a spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it this way again. You can also cast this spell using any spell slots you have. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and your choice of either Giant or Sylvan.

Variant Creature Type

With your DM's permission, you can change the creature type of your spriggan character to plant.


Created by Nicholas H.
Contributors: Jory C., Kegan C.
Proofreaders/Balancers: David D.D., Nicholas H.

Art in Order of Appearance

"Ash" by Carolina-Eade
"Dragoborne: Aldienne, Verdant Protector" by Sebastian Horoszko
"Moon Godlike" by arnaerr
"Portrait of moon godlike for my friend" by Polina Popova
"Moon godlike fanart" by Anna Helme
"Groot" by Matias Trabold Rehren
"Dervish Melandru Avatar" by KEKAI KOTAKI