##### Rings 73-100
| d100 |Effect | d100 | Effect
| 73 | Ring of the Eyes |74 | Ring of Spikes|
| 75 | Ring of False Death| 76 |Prismatic Ring |
| 77 | Ring of Spinning | 78 | Ring of Sustenance |
| 79 | Ring of Breath | 80 | Ring of Localization |
| 81 | Ring of Translocation | 82 | Ring of Clapping |
| 83 | Ring of Shattering Blows | 84 | Ring of The Legion |
| 85 | Ring of the Tooth | 86 | Ring of Arcane Sight |
| 87 | Ring of Water Influence | 88 | Ring of Air Influence |
| 89 | Ring of Fire Influence | 90 | Ring of Earth Influence |
| 91 | Ring of Bubbles | 92 | Ring of Fickleness |
| 93 | Ring of Purification | 94 | Ring of Overwhelming Health |
| 95 | Ring of The Genie | 96 | Ring of Cursed Regeneration |
| 97 | The Ring of Solomon | 98 | Ring Soul Containment |
| 99 | Ring of Imitation | 00 | Sovereign Ring |

#### Ring of Magic
*Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)*
This ring reads as incredibly magical, showing traces of Evocation, Divination, and Conjuration behind it. If Identify is cast upon it, the caster takes 2d6 psychic damage and the spell fails.
The secret of the ring is that it does not actually do anything. All of its magic goes into making it look as magical as possible, without actually doing anything #### Cursed Ring of Seeking *Wondrous item, Very Rare*
This ring cannot be removed without a Remove Curse whenever you make a ranged attack(including spells), the attack will target the nearest creature(presumably the wearer) #### Ring of Bureaucratic Wizardry *Wondrous item, Very Rare*
This ring cannot be removed without a Remove Curse if the wearer of this ring attempts to cast a spell, they must fill out paperwork to requisition the arcane/divine power necessary to cast. This paperwork appears directly in front of them(Prepared by the DM). their turn than automatically ends. If they finish their paperwork correctly before their turn comes again, they may cast their spell. Once per day, the player may requisition a form of disringment, (DC20 Persuasion check) to remove the ring. #### Cursed Ring of Wishes *Wondrous item, Very Rare*
This ring cannot be removed without a Remove Curse As soon as someone utters the words "I wish", followed by a command, you must make a DC 16 WIS save, or be compelled to do whatever they were told to do. This works a maximum of 3 times, and after the third time the ring falls off, with it's magic still intact. #### Ring of Spell Storing *Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)*
Whenever a spell is cast within 5ft of the wearer, the ring stores that spell inside of it. That spell is countered. The next time a spell is cast within the rings range, the stored spell is cast with targets(if any) chosen at random. If the spell has a radius, it is centered upon the wearer of the ring. Then, the new spell is stored inside the ring. #### Cursed Ring of Karma *Wondrous item, Very Rare*
This ring cannot be removed without a Remove Curse Whenever the wearer is damaged, the source of the damage takes damage equal to half the damage dealt. Whenever the wearer deals damage, they take damage equal to half of the total damage dealt. This damage to the wearer or the opponent cannot be resisted or negated. \columnbreak

Cursed Ring of Seeking(2)
#### Rings of The Broken Chain
*Wondrous item, legendary*
These rings register as magical, but have no effects on the wearer. There are 50 different copies of this ring around the world, each a part of a chain that bound an unknown monster to this plane. It is said that if a man collects all 50 rings and brings them together, he can summon and control that monster at will. If you have attuned to one ring, attuning to another does not count as attuning to a magical item. Each provides a small power that grants a glimpse of the greater artifact. For example:
- Ring of the Broken Chain #12: The wearer of the ring gains +4 on CHA checks made primarily in Sylvan
- Ring of the Broken Chain #18: The wearer of the ring gains advantage on all CON checks made against poison
- Ring of the Broken Chain #23: The wearer of the ring gains the ability to talk to spiders at will
- Ring of the Broken Chain #26: The wearer of the ring gains +1 on all saving throws against spells cast by clerics.
- Ring of the Broken Chain #32: Once per Long Rest, the wearer of the ring may burn all restraints from their person.
- Ring of the Broken Chain #45: The wearer of the ring gains +3 on DEX saving throws against restrain.
All creatures(including allies, not the wearer) within 10 ft of the wearer take 1d6 necrotic damage at the end of the wearer's turn whenever the ring is worn. When the ring has stolen 100hp, that damage increases to 2d6. When the ring has stolen 200 hp, the next time a creature would die from that damage, the ring shatters, and the soul inside possesses that body, zombifying it. The zombie will attempt to flee asap, and return to menace the party at a later date. #### Ring of Planar Anchoring *Wondrous item, legendary*
The wearer cannot leave the Material plane. #### Ring of Rings *Wondrous item, legendary(requires attunement)*
The wearer of this ring can attune to an additional magical item. #### Ring of Backwards Movement *Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
-6 INT,-2 CHA, +4 STR, +4 CON, Your face seems to develop a more pronounced bone structure, and the wearer develops a slight hunchback. The wearer gains proficiency in clubs. #### Ring of Bait *Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
The wearer is superhumanly irresistible to animals and danger. Double the natural encounter rate.
#### Ring of Flesh *Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
every day, you gain 1d6 maximum hit points. DM only: After the first 3 days, these growths start to disfigure your face and body. you gain -2 to charisma until remove curse is cast. After a week, you gain a 3rd hand, but it is not controlled by, you, and mostly grabs things at random. After 2 weeks, you start to grow a second head, one filled with mouths and eyes where they shouldn't be. This head grows to full size in another week, and if it grows to full size, you lose control of your body, and the DM assumes control of your character #### Ring of Paranoia *Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
A ring that constantly shouts out warnings of ambushes, which are mostly incorrect. If you continue to wear the ring, you take -4 to concentration checks and -2 to intelligence and wisdom saves, however the wearer cannot be surprised, and gains +4 to initiative and perception. \columnbreak #### Ring of the Trees *Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
This ring cannot be removed without a Remove Curse The wearer of the ring can speak to the trees and learn from them. The trees will delude you with requests to water them more, protect them from infestations, and ensure that their seeds spread more than the other trees. They will provide information, but cannot move or provide physical aid in any way. #### Ring of Soul Containment(Occupied) *Wondrous item, Legendary(requires attunement)*
As Ring of Soul Containment, except the ring is currently occupied by a former occupant, who will upon your taking of the ring, institute a mental compulsion to not take the ring off, WIS save(DC17). This psychic can attack you once per day, to slowly cripple your mind for 2 wisdom dmg per day. If your wisdom gets to 0, the psychic possesses you, and your DM assumes direct control over your character. This ring can be cleared by a Remove Curse cast upon it, which will release the occupant as a hostile Ghost.
#### Ring of Animal Hatred *Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
Allows you to speak with animals, and inadvertently offend all of them. You are able to make yourself understood, but you are hated by them automatically. -8 to Persuasion checks with animals, +2 to intimidate checks. #### Ring of Negative/Positive Fate *Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)* Whenever the ring is positive, and you would fail a saving throw by 2 or less, instead you succeed. The ring then turns to the negative. When the ring is negative, whenever you would succeed a saving throw by 2 or less, instead you fail. The ring then turns to the positive.

Ring of Planar Anchoring(3)
#### Troll-kin Ring
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
The ring functions exactly like a Ring of Regeneration and grants Fast Healing 1, however for every hit point healed by the ring the wearer becomes a little more troll-like.
- If the ring has healed a quarter of your hit points in total, you start to notice you have patches of scales, and strong repugnant body odour.
- If the ring has healed half of your hit points in total, your hands become claws, or claws go up one damage die, more patches of scales and you feel angrier than usual.
- If the ring has healed three quarters of your hit points then 60% of your skin is troll-like scales, granting a natural armour bonus (+1) and you have to pass a will-save or Frenzy when you take damage. In a Frenzy you gain all benefits and drawbacks of a Barbarian rage, but you continue to attack every round whilst you are able, attacking allies if unable to attack enemies.
- If the ring heals all your hit points you become a full half-troll, taking the half-troll template, plus frenzy, and you are now an NPC under control of the DM, until cured.

Ring of Cold Resistance(4)
#### Ring of Last Chances
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Whenever you would be put at 0 health or below, instead you may take your next turn now, taking the damage that you would take at the end of the turn.
#### Ring of Literacy
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
While wearing this ring, you have +4 on any intelligence check related to languages, and you learn languages at x3 speed.
#### Ring of Partnership
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Whenever you are wearing one of the rings, you know the location of the other ring. Once per day, you may cast Scrying on the location of the other ring. If you gain this ring in a random loot, roll for it's partners location:
| d8 | Location |
| 1 | An abandoned shipwreck off the nearest coast |
| 2 | Buried deep in a dragon's Hoard |
| 3 | In a closet within a ruined castle |
| 4 | On the hand of a goblin chieftain |
| 5 | In the belly of some large beast |
| 6 | Extremely deep underwater |
| 7 | On the hand of an elven prince |
| 8 | The Scrying fails, the ring is on another plane |
#### Signet Ring
*Wondrous item, Common*
A ring from a powerful noble house. It is slightly heated, adding 1 fire damage to all unarmed strikes made by you. This can allow you to fake information and edicts from that house, or can be pawned off for 250 gp.
#### Ring of Transparency
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, when you press this ring up against an opaque surface, it will turn a channel up to 10 feet long transparent, with diameter equivalent to the ring's size.
#### Ring of Mental Fortitude
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
You gain +4 to WIS, INT and CHA saves
#### Ring of Physical Fortitude
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
You gain +4 to STR, DEX and CON saves
#### Ring of Crystalized Healing
*Wondrous item, Uncommon*
If crushed and eaten, this restores 2d8+2 health. This can be done as a bonus action
#### Ring of the Edged Discus
*Wondrous item, Uncommon*
When thrown, this ring enlarges into an edged discus. An edged discus is an Exotic weapon with Finesse and a Thrown range of 30/90 that deals 1d10 slashing damage when used. After being thrown, it returns to the thrower.
#### Ring of Speed
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
You have +2 on Initiative rolls, Dexterity saving throws and an extra 10ft movement speed.
#### Ring of Sunlight
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, every sighted creature within 10ft of the wearer is blinded for the next round, unless they make a DC 12 dex save. If any of those creatures have sunlight sensitivity, they take an additional 1d10 radiant damage and are blinded for an additional round.
#### Ring of Ramming
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
All unarmed strikes using this ring gain an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage(These strikes must be made with a hand)
#### Ring of Signatures
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
Any document stamped by this signet ring will have +8 to any checks to convince people that it is official.
#### Ring of Good and Evil
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
If you twist the ring left, all good creatures within 5ft of the rings wearer take 1d6 necrotic damage. Twist the ring right, all evil creatures within 5ft of the rings wearer take 1d6 radiant damage. The wielder may twist this ring at will. Twisting this ring costs a standard action.

Ring of Ramming(5)
#### Ring of Boldness
*Wondrous item, Common(requires attunement)*
While wearing this ring, you cannot be frightened
#### Ring of Smoke
*Wondrous item, Common*
When crushed, this ring spreads into a dust cloud with a 10 ft radius. All attempts to hit targets in that dust cloud are made with disadvantage.
#### Ring of Upwards Movement
*Wondrous item, Common(requires attunement)*
The user can go levitate upwards at a speed of 20ft per round. They cannot levitate downwards through this ring.
#### Ring of Farsight
*Wondrous item, Uncommon*
This ring, when extended, allows the wearer to see up to a quarter mile
#### Ring of Trustworthiness
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
All deals ended by a handshake by the wearer are enforced by a Geas with a duration of one year. This penalty affects both the wearer and the other party.
#### Ring of Vermin Brotherhood
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
The wearer can talk to, and gains a natural affinity with vermin. +4 on all Persuasion checks against rats, pigeons, etc cetera.
#### Ring of Vampirism
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
The wearer may rotate this ring clockwise to activate it. When activated, the wearer takes 1d6 necrotic damage and gains resistance to all non-magical sources of damage. At the beginning of each round where the ring is activated, the wearer takes 1d6 necrotic damage.
#### Ring of Alignment
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
The wearer has a gift for architecture, and gains an appreciation for straight building lines. +4 on all INT checks regarding architecture. Their alignment cannot be changed.
#### Ring Aflame
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
All items passed through this ring will instantly be set on fire. If worn as a ring, the wearer takes no damage from their finger being set aflame. The wearers unarmed strikes deal 2 extra fire damage.
#### Ring of Luring
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, target creature must make a WIS saving throw (DC 16) or be forced to do whatever they can to obtain the ring as quickly as possible. This effect ends if the ring is destroyed.
#### Ring of Vibration
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
If rung against any material object(unarmed strike), that object will start to vibrate, and eventually shatter. The ring shatters upon use.
#### Ring of Protection+1
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
This ring gives you a +1 deflection bonus to AC
#### Ring of The Pack Mule
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
Treat the wearers carrying capacity as if they were one size category larger
#### Ring of Longsword Mastery
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
The wearer has a +2 bonus to attacks with Longswords
#### Ring of the Displacer Beast
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, when an attack would hit the wearer, the wearer can use a reaction to "Blink" to another location up to 5ft away, causing the attack to miss.
#### Ring of the Constrictor
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
The ring looks like a snake swallowing its own tail. If taken off and thrown at an enemy, it turns into a Giant constrictor snake and attacks them. Once a minute has passed, the snake turns back into a ring and cannot be summoned until the wearer takes a long rest.
#### Ring of the Ouroboros
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
Whenever you would be damaged by your own magic or attacks, instead you are healed for that amount.

Ring of Protection+1(6)
#### Ring of the Bull
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
Whenever you take the charge action, you can move an extra ten feet and deal an extra 2 dmg.
#### Ring of the Pack
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
A silver ring with a wolfs head on it. It grants the wearer Pack Tactics-The wearer has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wearer's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
#### Ring of the Faithful Dead
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
If the wearer dies while attuned to this ring, they cannot be contacted, resurrected or animated by magic short of a wish.
#### Ring of Eyes
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, the wearer can spend a standard action to choose a beast within their line of sight. The wearer gains the ability to see through that creatures eyes for the next hour.
#### Ring of Spikes
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
If the wearer has a natural armor rating, that rating increases by 2. Any armor that the wearer also wears will have to be retrofitted for the spikes that increase their natural armor. These spikes take one long rest to grow, and will fall off within a day if the ring is taken off.
#### Ring of False Death
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Once per short rest, you can activate this ring to take on the appearance of any common undead(Zombie, skeleton, ghoul, etc cetera)
#### Prismatic Ring
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
While casting any spell, you may have it deal 2 less damage per spell level to exchange fire, acid, radiant, necrotic, cold, lightning, force or thunder damage with any of the previously mentioned types.
#### Ring of Spinning
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Once spun on its side, this ring will not stop spinning, unless stopped by an outside force.
#### Ring of Sustenance
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
You do not need to eat or drink while you wear this ring
#### Ring of Breath
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Your lungs are automatically filled with air while you wear this ring. This immunizes you to air-based poisons and allows you to breathe underwater.
#### Ring of Localization
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
The wearer automatically learns the local regions accents and culture, and can pretend to be local.
#### Ring of Jumping
*Wondrous item, Uncommon(requires attunement)*
You can jump up to 20 ft upwards from a standing position
#### Rings of Translocation
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
A pair of rings. Once per long rest, the wearer may spend a reaction to switch positions with the other wearer. If the wearer is being attacked, the other wearer takes the attack in their place. However, the other wearer can use their reaction to swap back if they do not want to take the brunt of the attack. Both rings must be worn and attuned to in order to swap.
#### Ring of Clapping
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Whenever the wearer claps and utters the command word, "Boom", a localized earthquake will emit from the wearer, with radius equal to their strength modifier multiplied by 5ft. it deals 2d6 points of force damage to everyone within the radius, and makes the radius difficult terrain. They can make a dex save for half damage with a DC equal to 8+proficiency+STR mod
#### Ring of Shattering Blows
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Whenever the wearer gets a critical hit against an opponent, instead of dealing damage, they can choose to attack their opponents weapon. This attack shatters that weapon.
#### Ring of The Legion
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Everyone who wears this ring gains +1 to all of their ability attributes. However, this ring has a history, that can be obtained with a DC 15 History check. It was a standard-issue ring among The Iron Legion, a group of Human Supremacists that engaged in various attacks on non-human settlements in the past century. They eventually disbanded, but many care about them in one way or another. Most people who see this ring will automatically have their opinions soured of you, and depending on your power, will either not serve you or have you kicked out. However, a very small few will see this and approve, granting you access to more opportunities.

Ring of Eyes(7)
#### Ring of the Tooth
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
A large tooth is attached to the front of this ring, still wet with venom. It grants an extra 1d6 poision damage to all unarmed strikes using this hand. This tooth is removable, and is currently the tooth of a large snake. The ring may use up to one tooth, and automatically keeps the tooth producing venom. If the tooth is swapped, it adds additional poison equal to the poison damage of that creature.
#### Ring of Arcane Sight
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Whenever a spell is cast within 40 ft of the wearer, the wearer knows about the spell, and gains a +2 circumstance bonus against any saves the spell would require.
#### Ring of Water Influence
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, the wearer can cast Fog Cloud as a 1st level spell. The wearer can breathe underwater as though it were air.
#### Ring of Air Influence
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, the wearer can cast Featherfall as a 1st level spell. The wearer has advantage against all gas-based poisons.
#### Ring of Fire Influence
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, the wearer can cast burning hands as a 1st level spell. All fire damage the wearer would take is reduced by 1.
#### Ring of Earth Influence
*Wondrous item, Rare(requires attunement)*
Once per long rest, the wearer can cast Animal Friendship as a 1st level spell. The wearer has +2 to nature and survival checks.
#### Ring of Bubbles
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
The first amount of damage the wearer takes every minute is negated by the ring. (A minute is 10 combat rounds)
#### Ring of Fickleness
*Wondrous item, Very Rare(requires attunement)*
At the start of every long rest, roll on this d100 ring table. The ring becomes this ring until another long rest is taken
#### Ring of Purification
*Wondrous item, Legendary(requires attunement)*
5ft around the wearer is under a perpetual Purify Food and Drink effect
#### Ring of Overwhelming Health
*Wondrous item, Legendary(requires attunement)*
Whenever you heal an ally for more than their maximum health, they gain the remainder as Temporary HP.
#### Ring of The genie
*Wondrous item, Legendary(requires attunement)*
While wearing this ring, you can speak its Command Word as an action to summon a particular Djinni from the Elemental Plane of Air. The Djinni appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 120 feet of you. It remains as long as you concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell), to a maximum of 1 hour, or until it drops to 0 Hit Points. It then returns to its home plane. While summoned, the Djinni is friendly to you and your companions. It obeys any commands you give it, no matter what language you use. If you fail to Command it, the Djinni defends itself against attackers but takes no other actions. After the Djinni departs, it can't be summoned again for 24 hours, and the ring becomes nonmagical if the Djinni dies. The Djinni cannot regain health in any fashion. Pg 144 on monster manual (has already taken 44 damage from previous owners of the ring)
#### Ring of Cursed Regeneration
*Wondrous item, Legendary(requires attunement)*
Whenever the wearer goes below 0 hp, they return to full health, but they lose 2 constitution permanently. This damage cannot be healed by any means short of a wish.

Ring of The Genie(8)
#### The Ring of Solomon
*Wondrous item, Artifact(requires attunement)*
The wearer of the Ring may spend an action to make a Concentration check(DC 20). If they succeed, they summon a CR 1 or less extraplanar entity(Celestial, Elemental or Fiend). The wielder must succeed on that check at the start of the creatre's turn or that creature is freed from the wielder's control. The wielder may increase the CR of the summoned creature 1, but this increases the DC of the concentration check by 2. The wielder may have as many creatures as they want, and there is no duration to their duration.
#### The Ring of Soul Containment
*Wondrous item, Legendary(requires attunement)*
Whenever you die while wearing this ring, your soul enters the ring. This makes any resurrection attempts 50% cheaper if the caster has possession of the ring. You can telepathically speak to anyone wearing the ring. The ring can only hold one soul, and if the ring is occupied, the previous occupant is ejected to their respective afterlife.
#### Ring of Imitation
*Wondrous item, Legendary(requires attunement)*
Whenever this ring is worn, it gains the powers of the three nearest magic rings within 100 feet
#### Sovereign Ring
*Wondrous item, Artifact(requires attunement)*
No other magic rings can be used within 100 feet without the permission of the wearer.
### Art Cited:
1. Mark Winters, Ring of Three Wishes, Wizards of the Coast
2. Sage Ring, Dark Souls III
3. Justin Andrew Mason, Ring of Shifting Stars
4. Ring of Winter, Wizards of the Coast
5. Ring of The Ram, Wizards of the Coast
6. Ring of Steel Protection, TorchTorch Merchandise
7. Ring of X-ray Vision, Wizards of the Coast
8. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, The Blue Fairy Book