
by Wikilast

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Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory

Longsword, two-part Artifact (requires attunement)

Excalibur, was one of the majestic and most powerful of Divine Constructs and a Holy Sword forged at the very beginning of the multiverse. Excalibur is legendary for that it was connected to King Arthur, of Camelot. It was also the sword Lucifer wielded to battle the Darkness.

  • Blessed Weapon. While wielding this magical weapon you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. Any Fiend, or Aberration hit by it takes additional 1d8 radiant damage.
  • Blessing of Magic Resistance. The sword grants an advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
  • Blessing of of the Wind King. As an action You can call upon the strength of the wind to create a 10ft wide and 30ft long lance of air that functions as a fifth level thunderwave spell DC 18 which You can use to propel Yourself forwards or upwards at great speeds up to four times your regular movement. Once You used this feature, You must finish a short or a long rest to do so again.
  • Blessing of the Fey. You can make the Excalibur Invisible as a bonus action. You will get a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on your attack rolls for that turn, after which it will become visible again. You can use this ability 3 times per day.

Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia.

The hallowed scabbard of Excalibur. It bequeaths limited immortality through constant regeneration, as well as preventing physical deterioration caused by aging.

  • Gift of Immortality. While attuned to this weapon You cannot die of old age and the magical effect that would cause you to age have no effect.

  • Gift of Restoration. Cuts, broken bones and destroyed organs will regenerate over time. You regain 1d6 Hit Points at the beginning of your turn. When You are attuned to this weapon You have advantage on death saving throws.

  • Gift of Life. You can bestow The blessing of Avalon to a creature, that You are touching, as an action. If You do so, You won't be able to benefit from it's regenerative properties which are transferred to the chosen creature which can regenerate up to a third of its total hit points, this way. You can reclaim it after you finish a short rest, but can not use it in this way again until the next dawn.

  • Gift of Absolute Defense. As a reaction, you can create an Invincible sphere of force around You that creates a total cover in 20 feet diameter that blocks all projectiles and physical phenomena like for example a tsunami or dragons breath, but doesn't protect against attack that require WIS, CHA or INT save. The barrier lasts for a turn or until the harmful effect, that forced the reaction, is stopped, up to a maximum of a minute. This property can be used again after a long rest.

  • Blessing of divine sense. Once attuned to Excalibur You are able to sense the presence of otherworldly beings. Those creatures have disadvantage on their stealth checks against You.
Artifact of the Gods

After attuning to Excalibur You will gain:

  • 2 minor beneficial properties

Weapon's true name

As an action, You can speak the weapon's name. When activated, it converts magical energy into light that is then released as an extremely destructive wave of energy on the level of Divine Thaumaturgy which is 150 feet long and 10 feet wide. Any creature caught in the blast must make a DC 18 Constitution or Dexterity saving throw or suffer 12d6+20 radiant damage, or half as much on a successful save. Otherworldly beings have a disadvantage on this saving throw and structures can be damaged by it. All allied creatures who witnessed the attack gain the effect of the Heroism spell for one minute. The modifier for this effect is Charisma. This ability can be used only once per seven days.

Credits to the artists!

The artist is unknown :(

The artist is unknown :(

(If You know the artists please let me know so that I can add some links to their socials and names)

KurosakiSasori-kun: Arthur Pendragon FGO (https://www.deviantart.com/kurosakisasori-kun/art/Arthur-Pendragon-FGO-700825929)


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