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# Sacred Oath # Oath of Revelry The Oath of Revelry calls to those who seek to inspire hope and joy in others. Whilst they are trained and experienced warriors, they know that violence is only useful for removing corruption, but healing from said corruption requires something more. Oath of Revelry paladins can be dancers, singers, musicians, or any other type of performer. The only constant is that they use their performance to life the spirits of others. #### Tenets **Propagate Hope.** You must become a beacon of hope, inspiring those in despair.
**Comfort and Well Being.** You must comfort those who have experience misfortune. You must care for the wellbeing of others.
**Minimise Violence.** Violence should only be a last resort. ### ## Bonus Proficiencies *3rd-level Oath of Revelry feature*
You gain proficiency in Performance and one musical instrument of your choice. Additionally, you can use your chosen musical instrument as a spellcasting focus for your paladin spells. ## Channel Divinity *3rd-level Oath of Revelry feature* When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
**Gaiety.** You can use your Channel Divinity to bring joy and cheerfulness to all. As a bonus action, you grant yourself a +5 bonus to Charisma (Performance) checks for the next hour.
**All Eyes on You.** You can use your Channel Divinity to execute an enchanting, eye-catching performance. As an action, you begin your performance, charming nearby creatures. Hostile creatures within 20ft of you must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. Creatures that fail their save are charmed for the duration of the performance. Charmed creatures have their speed reduced to 0 and they are incapacitated.
Creatures that succeed their save or if a charmed creature receives any damage, they are immune to the effects of the performance. On subsequent turns, you can use your action to continue the performance for another turn, if you don’t take this action the performance ends. The performance can last up to 1-minute. >Artwork by Beto Lima
Subclass by DNDBlue | Version 1.3 \columnbreak
## Aura of Revelry *7th-level Oath of Revelry feature*
You emanate an aura of revelry while you’re not incapacitated. You and any creature of your choice that starts their turn within Aura of Revelry range has their speed increased by 15ft for 1 turn. The aura’s range is 10ft and increases to 30ft at 18th level. ## Vivacity *15th-level Oath of Revelry feature*
Nothing can stop your high-spiritedness. Your movement ignores difficult terrain. Additionally, you gain expertise in the Performance skill. ## Grand Performer *20th-level Oath of Revelry feature*
You become an unstoppable beacon of joy and liveliness. As a bonus action, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute: * All attack rolls made against you are made with disadvantage. * You can use your Channel Divinity: All Eyes on You as a bonus action, instead of an action. This extends to using your bonus action to prolonging the performance. * You cannot be restrained. * The movement speed bonus provided by Aura of Revelry increases from 15ft to 30ft.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.