Glyph Mage

by Tertanum

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Glyph Mage

Glyph Mage

A kindhearted elf dashes over to the fallen dwarf and quickly sketches a protective ward on the ground. She gulps as she sees the mind flayer entering her glyph, and not even flinch when an arrow hits him between his eyes. Oops.

As the evil wizard gathers all his strength and hurls a large fireball towards the weakened party, a halflings closes her eyes as bright white markings appear on the ground around her. As the dust from the explosions settles the wizard watches in awe to see all members still standing, readying their next attack.

Hogard the Great is a renowned glyph mage, called a hero by many for driving back the demonic invasion and being present during the battle of Tendor. He is however also greatly feared among farmers, for that man has no regard for lawn maintenance.

Arcane Artists

Often confused for ordinary wizards, glyph mages too spend years studying the arcane. They however focus their research on a particular field of magic, glyphs. Glyphs are magical fields created by runes that hold powerful magical effects, stemming from the artistical mind of the mage. Apart from researching spells, these mages also spend years practicing glyphing, an art of drawing these runes on the ground around them with incomprehensable agility.

Glyph mages are known for being double edged swords. Whereas their supportive magic is powerful, it also has the potential for great destruction. Glyph magic is notoriously hard to focus on one target, and rather allows everyone in range to benefit for the effects. Due to this disadvantage, many adventuring parties are hesitant on inviting a glyph mage to join them. Glyph mages that master strategic use of their spells however, are indispensable powerhouses.

Practical information

The Glyph Mage is a tactful and challenging intelligence based support class. Requiring the players to be strategic and insightful themselves.
This class is intended for experienced players who are in search for new and refreshing class ideas that are challenging to play. This class features a completely new, and complicated spellcasting mechanic, a long list of new spells, a revised concentration mechanic, as well as multiple spellcasting systems used simultaneously.
Whereas the Glyph Mage has potentially insanely powerful abilities, they do, unlike other support classes, not differentiate between friend an foe. A lucky orc or insightful beholder may step in your runes and benefit from the same effects
As a disclaimer: This class is created with the intent of being far more complicated than what D&D usually strives for. It might create extra game lag or leave the rest of the table utterly confused of your actions. Always discuss with your DM before taking this class, and make tracking your abilities your responsibility, rather than that of the DM!

Creating a Glyph Mage

When creating a glyph mage it is important to consider your characters reason for becoming a glyph mage rather than a more common wizard. Did you want to put your artististic inclinations to good use? Did you want access to magic that is more supportive than destructive, or could you not succeed on the verbal component of usual spellcasting during your studies?

Glyph Mage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ─Minor Rune Slots─
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Glyphs Known Maximum Active Glyphs Rune Points 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +2 Glyph Casting, Artisan 6 1 3
2nd +2 Nimble Artist 6 1 6
3rd +2 Runic Style, Altered Shaping 7 1 9
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 7 1 12
5th +3 Minor Rune Infusements 8 2 15 2
6th +3 Runic Style feature 8 2 18 2
7th +3 Eye for Art, Nimble Artist (10ft) 9 2 21 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 9 2 24 3
9th +4 Runic Style feature 10 3 27 3 2
10th +4 Runic Recharge 10 3 30 3 2
11th +4 Virtuoso 11 3 33 3 2
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 11 3 36 4 2
13th +5 12 4 39 4 3 1
14th +5 Nimble Artist (15ft) 12 4 42 4 3 1
15th +5 Runic Style Feature 13 4 45 4 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 13 4 48 4 3 2
17th +6 Nimble Artist (20ft) 14 5 51 4 3 3 1
18th +6 Runic Recharge 14 5 54 4 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 15 5 57 4 3 3 2
20th +6 Runic Genius 15 5 60 4 3 3 2

Quick Build

You can make a Glyph Mage quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Intelligence, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second, choose the sage background


Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Glyph Mage level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Glyph Mage level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor

Weapons: Simple weapons

Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies, one type of artisan's tools of your choice

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence

Skills: Choose Three from Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Investigation, Performance, Perception, Sleight of Hand.

Starting Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in adition to the equipment granted by your background:
  • any two simple weapons of your choice
  • a light crossbow and 20 bolts
  • your choice of leather armor or scale mail
  • calligrapher's supplies and (a) scholar's pack or (b) dungeoneer's pack or (c) explorer's pack
  • a glyphbook
If you choose to forgo this starting equipment, you start with 5d4 x 10 gp to buy your equipment
How to play a glyph mage

A Glyph Mage spends their combat drawing runes on the ground to buff their team and hinder opponents. It is encouraged to use a battlemap that can be written on, and have the player draw the glyphs on the battlefield. The DM could increase or decrease the power of the effects based on the quality of the drawn runes.

Class Features

As a Glyph Mage, you gain the following class features, which are summarized in the Glyph Mage table

Glyph Casting

Glyph Mages are often mistaken for wizards, but they could not be more wrong. Whereas almost every wizard has taken an hour to two to drawn a ritualistic glyph at least once before, a Glyph Mage has focussed its studies on runic magic, and has learned to quickly sketch large glyphs on the ground, creating small or battlefield altering effects that effect both allies and enemies

At 1st level you can imbue one object, weapon, or body part with ruinic magic, making it your Glyphing tool. Performing this ritual requires you to spend one hour focussing on the item. This can be done during a short rest. Your Glyphing tool counts as a calligrapher's supply for any check made with it for glyphing. You can make another Glyphing tool by performing this ritual on another object. Your Glyphing tool will cease being a Glyphing tool if you die or if take one hour to break the bond, or if you create another Glyping tool.

You gain 3 Rune Points at 1st-level, which will increase as you gain levels in this class as shown in the Rune Points column in the Glyph Mage table. These rune points are used to create, maintain, and alter glyphs you create.

As an action on your turn, you can choose to glyph. When you do, for the rest of your turn, whenever you stand in a 5ft by 5ft square or hexagon, from now on referred to as a tile, you can draw runes on the ground within that tile, or on a tile adjacent to that, with your mind magically engraving some of the smaller details of a magical glyph. You can glyph a maximum amount of tiles equal to your dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and 1 extra tile per 10 feet of movement expanded to do so, up to a maximum of twice your usual maximum amount of tiles You cannot glyph on walls. You must be within 5th of the ground to glyph it.

You may only take the glyphic action once on each of your turns.

When sketching the runes, you alter the fabric of reality, leaving a glowing trail where your Glyphing tool has touched a surface. Your sketches become non-magical and loose all properties after 1 day, but the marking remain. You cannot remove the runes you drew.

Starting at 1st level, you have a glyphbook containing 4 glyphs you can create on the ground. The amount of glyphs in your glyphbook increases as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Glyphs Known column in the the Glyph Mage table. The glyphs you can choose form are detailed at the end of the class description.

You prepare a list of Glyphs that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of Glyphs from your Glyphbookequal to your intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus (minimum of one).

Your Glyphbook

You carry a Glyphbook on you. Although you know what you want to draw, glyphs are complicated and detailed, so having a reference in your book is essensial to be able to create functioning glyphs.
Copying a Glyph into the book. When you find a glyph made by another Mage, you can add it to your Glyphbook. Copying the glyph requires patience and a keen eye for detail, as well as practice to produce shapes another Mage has created. Copying the glyph costs 50gp x the minimum Rune Points required to cast it, as well as 5 hours x the minimum Rune Points required to cast it.
Replacing the book. You can copy a glyph from your own glyphbook into another book - for example, if you want to make a backup copy of your Glyphbook. This is just like copying a new spell into your glyphbook, but faster and easier, since you are familier with own techniques. You need spend only 3 hours and 50xp per minimum Rune Point required to cast it.
Losing the book. If you lose your glyphbook, you can make a glyphbook containing the glyphs you know from your class levels. Any glyphs you found during your journeys are lost, and you will have to find new ones.

You can change your list of prepared glyphs when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of glyphs requires time spend studying your glyphbook and memorizing the strokes with your glyphing tool: at least 5 minutes for each glyph on your list.

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your glyphs. In addition, you use your intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Every glyph you draw has a minimum area, as specified in the glyph's description. You are required to have glyphed in every tile of this area. This area serves as the source of your glyph and will be referred to as the central glyph. The central glyph may not be smaller than indicated in the glyph's description, but may be bigger, provided it is still square (so a 1x1 glyph may be made as a 2x2 glyph) After finishing the central glyph, you may draw runes in a circumference around the glyph. This circumference must be closed before you can activate the glyph. The area within the circumference will be included in the spells effect. See the example below.

You can activate any number of completed glyphs using a bonus action by expending Rune Points equal to the minimal Rune Points required + 1 Rune Point per 5 tiles the area has been increased from the minimal range, rounded up. See the example on the previous page.

The minimal Rune Points Required is determined by the size of the central glyph.

Central Glyph Rune Points
1x1 1
2x2 2
3x3 4
Central Glyph Rune Points
4x4 6
5x5 10
6x6 15

Your central glyph may not be obstructed by terrain, such as pillars, but you can glyph your circumference around it, including it in the spell's effect. You can glyph underneath creatures of any size, as long as they are not incapacitated. As long as the creature is not willing to be gryphed underneath, make a calligrapher supplies check against that creatures AC to determine if you can gryph underneath it.

Multiclassing as glyph mage

If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the Player's Handbook, here's what you need to know if you choose Glyph Mage as one of your classes.
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class.
Proficiencies Gained. If Glyph Mage isn't your initial class, you gain proficiency in: light armor, medium armor, calligrapher's supplies
Spell slots. The spell slots system can be combined with the Minor Rune Slot system. First, subtract 4 from your levels as Glyph Mage. Than half the result (rounded up) and add this to the appropriate levels from other classes to determine your available spell slots. Ignore negative results.

Runic magic is nutoriously unstable, requiring you to be constantly stabilising completed runes. At the beginning of each of your turns, for each active rune, make an intelligence saving throw DC 8 + half the amount of Rune Points used to cast it, maximum of DC 20. When you fail the save, you may expend the minimum Rune points required to cast that glyph to keep it active, or the glyph will break. Everyone in the glyph will take 1d6 physchic damage. Broken glyphs can be reactivated by expending the Rune Points equal to the glyphs casting cost. All active glyphs break when you are unconscious or you die.

You can use your bonus action to deactivate any number of glyphs, this will not cause the glyphs to break and no damage will be dealt. These glyphs can also be reactivated by expending the same amount of Rune Points as the first time the glyph van activated.

The area of effect of several glyphs may overlap,and the central glyph (as specified in the spell description) may overlap with another glyph's area of effect, but a central glyph cannot overlap with other central glyphs.

You regain all expended Rune Points when you complete a longrest.

The image on the left show the possible central glyph sizes. This class was balanced around using a square battlemap. When using hexagons, two options are listed for the 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 tile Glyphs. The left option gives the rounder option. This will result in 2x2 and 3x3 glyphs to be easier to cast, but 4x4 to be harder to cast. The right option matches amount of tiles of the square battlemap. Discuss with your DM which option will be used. The options for 5x5 and 6x6 glyph casting will be 1 tile more difficult to cast when using hexagons.


You've had a lot of practice drawing glyphs, runes, as well as other sketches. Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency in performance checks related to drawing.

Additionally, you may add your intelligence modifier to all checks made with your calligrapher's tools.

Nimble Artist

Lesson 1 of glyph casting: 'Finish the glyph before the orc finishes you'. During your studies and while practicing, you have learned to be agile on the battlefield, not letting your drawing slow you down.

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your bonus action to use the disengage or dash action. You can use this feature an amount of time equal to your your Dexterity modifier and regain all uses on a short or long rest.

Additionally, while taking the glyph action, you get 5ft of additional movement.

This bonus to movement increases to 10ft at 7th level, 15ft at 14th level and 20ft at 17th level

Runic Style

Glyphing is a form of art, and every artist has a personal style. At 3rd level, you get to choice a Runic Style, representing what approach you have to glyphing, and your connection to the magical nature of the runes you draw. The Runebender, The Runesmith and The Runetracer are detailed in this class description.
Your Runic Style grands you features at 3rd, 6th, 9th and 15th level

Altered Shaping

Experimentation has taught you that certain runic shapes can expand the range of an activated glyph. Starting at 3rd level, you can add to the circumference of a finished glyph by glyphing the tiles you want to add. You can alter the circumference of your rune by expending 1 Rune Point for every 2 tiles added to the effects area, rounded up. Also add these extra Rune Points to the casting cost of the spell.
The maximum number of extra tiles = half the total glyphs area, rounded up. You must glyph every tile you wish to include in the area's effect. Any additions to the glyph must be connected to another part of the glyph to be activated.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Minor Rune Infusements

Even completed Glyphs are not completely filled, there is still room for small additions. At 5th level, you learn to create such additions by infusing the circumference with tiny runes, to create minor additional affects to your glyphs.
Starting at 5th level, you gain an amount of Minor Rune Slots as shown in the Glyph Mage table. While glyphing, you may inscribe runes along the circumference of your Glyph.

Your glyphbook may contain a number of Runes equal to the amount of glyphs known as indicated by the Glyph Mage table, choosing from the Minor Rune list at the end of this class description. Just like glyphs, you can copy any runes you find into your glyphbook. Doing so costs 50gp + 1 hour x the Runes level, or half as much when copying from your own book to another.

You prepare a list of Minor Runes that are available to you to cast by choosing them from your glyphbook. You can prepare a number of Minor Runes equal to your intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus (minimum of one). The Runes you prepare must be of a level for which you have Minor Rune Slots.

You can change your list of prepared glyphs when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of glyphs requires time spend studying your glyphbook and memorizing the strokes with your glyphing tool: at least 1 minutes for each glyph on your list.

When you active a glyph with Minor Runes along the edge, expend a Minor Rune Slot of the rune's level or higher. If you can or do not expend a Minor Rune Slot while activating a glyph, the glyph will still activate, but the Minor Runes will not. You cannot activate the Minor Runes until you active the entire Glyph. When you reactive a glyph, you do not need to expand the Minor Rune Slots again.

Your glyph may have 1 Minor Rune effect per size category of the central glyph. So a 2x2 central glyph may contain up to 2 Minor Rune effects. Each effect can only be infused once per glyph.

The Minor Rune Infusements feature uses the same Spell Save DC as the Glyph Casting feature.

When a feature requires you to have the spellcasting or pactmagic feature, this feature can also be used. When casting a spell this way, you must expend a minor rune slot of the appropriate level.

Eye for Art

Merely looking at runes may tell a keen eye about its creator. You have seen enough runes during your studies that you can draw conclusions merely by investigating a glyph.

Starting at 7th level, you gain advantage on history and investigation checks regarding runes and glyphs.

Runic Recharge

Starting at 10th level, you learn to concentrate deeply on yourself and force some runic magic to be pulled from deep within yourself, allowing you to use it.
When you take a short rest, you may expend any number of available hit dice to regain 1d6 Rune Points

Starting at 18th level, you learn to reabsorb some of the runic magic within your glyphs. Whenever you deactivate a glyph, you regain half the minimum Rune Points required to cast it (as is specified in the glyph's description), rounded down.


Mastery takes practice, and practice is all you have been doing.

Starting at 11th level, you can get advantage on a check made with your calligrapher's supplies

You can use this feature an amount of time equal to half your intelligence modifier rounded up per long rest.

Runic Genius

Beginning at 20th level, you have mastered the art of Glyph casting. So much so, that you have succeeded at drawing one in your mind.

You can activate the rune in your mind for 1 minute. Doing so costs 15 Rune Points. While the rune in your mind is active, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your intelligence score increases by 4, to a maximum of 24
  • You can glyph the area around you using your mind as a glyphing tool. You may psycicly glyph the ground within 20 feet of you.
  • You are under the effect of the Haste spell.
  • The maximum amount of tiles you may glyph on a turn, and the amount of tiles you may glyph by expanding additional movement are doubled.

After this effect has ended, you gain a massive headache. You have disadvantage on all intelligence saving throws until you finish a short or long rest.

After activating this ability, the Glyph Mage can't do so again until he or she finishes a long rest.

Runic Styles

The Runebender

A Runebender has a deep connection to the energy within activated glyphs. Runebenders specialize in altering completed glyphs, ensuring allies to be protected and preventing the wrong folk from benefitting from his or her work.

Rune Changer

Starting at 3rd level, you are particularly good at expanding glyphs. When you use the altered shaping feature, you can glyph 3 tiles per extra Rune Points expanded. Furthermore, the maximum number of extra tiles increases to the total glyphs area.

Glyph Channeling

You have learned to harness and bend the power of activated glyphs.

Starting at 6th level, as a reaction, you can grand the effects of a glyph within 30 ft of you, to a tile within 30 ft of you. This tile becomes glyphed automatically, and does not count as an addition done by altered shaping.

This 1x1 glyph fades at the beginning of your next turn. You can use this feature an amount of time equal to your intelligence modifier. You regain all uses upon completing a long rest.

Runic Exclusion

Starting at 9th level, when glyping a circumference, you may also glyph tiles included in the area, to exclude them from the effect. You cannot exclude tiles from the central glyph.

When the glyph is already activated, you may use your reaction to exclude any number of glyphs from the effect, doing so will cost 1 Rune Point per 2 tiles excluded, rounded up. You may not exclude tiles from the central glyph this way. You may this use this feature an amount of times equal to your intelligence modifier, and regain all uses upon completing a long rest.


Phychic Shaping

Starting at 15th level, you are one with the energy of your activated glyphs.

When you draw extensions to your glyphs, you can do so with your mind rather than your glyping tool. You can glyph the ground anywhere within 30ft of you. You can only do this to expand activated glyphs using the altered shaping feature. Doing so costs 5ft of movement for every 2 tiles glyphed.

The Runesmith

The Runesmith knows his way around the blade. He studied the art of infusing his gear with their runes, temporarily enhancing armor, weapons or shields.

Warrior Progidy

When you take this Runic Style at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and shields.

When you take the glyphing action on your turn, you may use your bonus action to take the attack action (one attack only). The weapon you use to attack must be your glyping tool to use this feature.

Engraved Runes

Starting at 6th level, you may engrave runes in armor, weapons or shields. Doing so costs 1 minute working on the object. The runes stay on the object until you take a long rest.

Some of the Minor Runes specified at the end of this class description have a sword, shield or armor symbol next to them. These are the runes you can engrave on equipment. The effect of the rune is then stored in that item. When it is activated, treat the item as if it is within a glyph containing the rune.

The player carrying the item may activate the runes effect at any time using a free action, after which it will deactivate. The rune will be active until the end of their next turn. Engraving a piece of equipment requires you to expand a Minor Rune slot of the appropriate level.

You may use your bonus action to reactivate any number of deactivated runes within 30ft of you. Doing so requires you to expand a minor spell slot of the appropriate spell slot for every one of them.

You may engrave a number of equipment pieces equal to your proficiency bonus, provided you have the required amount of Minor Rune slots to do so.


Starting at 9th level, you have learned how to glyph the armor or weaponry of yourself or your allies in the heat of battle.

When you stand within 5ft of an ally, you may use 15ft of movement to glyph a piece of equipment they are wearing. That glyph does not count towards your total active glyphs, and you do not need to make intelligence saving throws to keep them stable.

Glyping someone's equipment costs Rune Points equal to the minimal glyph cost as indicated in the table below * you amount of turns you want it to be active for. This duration needs to be determined beforehand.

Each piece of equipment may only hold 1 glyph and each glyph may only be active once at a time. The maximum number of imbued equipment equals half your proficiency bonus rounded down. You cannot deactivate a piece of engraved equipment before it's duration wears of.

The table below indicates what effects you can glyph onto a certain type of equipment

Deeply Engraved

Starting at 15th level, players wearing gear enchanted with the Engrave Runes feature, may activate those runes twice instead of once before they become inactive.

Blackglyping Table

Cost Weapons Armor Shields
1 +1d4 Force damage Reduce Bludeoning, Slashing and Piercing damage by 1 +1d6 against being grappled
1 Weapon gains the reach property Shine dim light in 15ft radius Gain 3 temporary hp on start of turn
2 On hit: Str save. Prone on fail +1 AC +1 AC
2 Weapons gains thrown property and returns to hand at end of turn +3 Stealth As action: deal 1d6 force to everyone in 5ft radius
3 Under the effect of the elemental weapon spell Resistance to one type of damage Shield does not have to be held, floats in front of wearer.
3 On hit: Strength save. Pushed back 10ft on fail +1d6 on concentration checks +1d4 on saving throws
4 Advantage on Hitting. Max once per turn Attacker takes 1d6 Force damage on hit When attacker misses: Str save. pushed back 10 ft on fail
5 +2/+2 Wearer is under effect of the Blur spell If a save would have you take half damage, take no damage instead

The Runetracer

The Runetracer is deeply in touch with their surrounding, feeling the fabric of air and the flow of water. They have learned to trace glyphs in the air rather than on the ground, creating quick but temporary magical effects.

Protective Glyph

Starting at 3rd level, you learn to sketch a fleeting rune in the air, temporarily protecting an ally. You can use your reaction to grant a creature within 30ft of you +1d4 on their next ability check or saving throw. You can use this feature an amount equal to your intelligence modifier, and regain all uses on a long rest.

Nature's Flow

Starting at 6th level, you learn to draw quick glyphs that draw power from the nature around you. Whenever you can choose a new rune for your glyphbook, you may instead learn a spell from the druid's spelllist with the instantaneous duration for which you have Minor Rune Slots. You can cast those spells by expending a Minor Rune Slot as if they were Spell Slots. The spellcasting ability for those spells is intelligence.

Air Glyping

Starting at 9th level, you learn how to create more stable glyphs in the air. You can now draw your major glyphs in the air, or vertical objects, such as walls.

The maximum size of the central glyph is a 1x1 tile glyph. You cannot increase the glyphs size by making a circumference,

The effect of the glyph occurs in a 15 ft line starting at the glyph. You can increase the line's length by 10ft per extra Rune Point spend to cast it. When activating the glyph, you can choose which side of the glyph the effect takes place.

The glyph is only active for until the beginning of your next turn, after which it will disappear

The sky is the limit, so why limit yourself to the ground? - Gray Galeforce, Runetracer

Improved Air Glyphing

You have become proficient in Air Glyphing and can glyph larger runes in the air.

You can now also glyph 2x2 and 3x3 central glyphs in the air. You can only glyph the air at a height you can reach. Every tile you glyph costs 5ft of movement.

Additionally, you can expand the duration of 1x1 air glyphs by expanding Rune Points equal to its casting cost.


1x1 Glyphs

RaKale's Protection

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Everyone within the glyph has resistance to a damage type of your choice. You must choice the saving throw when glyphing the central glyph.

This resistance changes to immunity if the glyph was cast as at least a 4x4 central glyph.

Furious Heart

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

All attacks originating from within the glyph deal an additional 1d4 force damage.

This damage increases by 1d4 for each size the central glyph increases (so 2d4 for a 2x2 glyph and 6d4 for a 6x6 glyph).

Guardian's Ward

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Every creature within the glyph has advantage on a saving throw of your choice. You must choose the saving throw when glyphing the central glyph.

You may choose an additional attribute for each size the central glyph increases.

Zone of Inaccessibility

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Whenever someone tries to enter the glyph, they must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or fail to do so for the rest of the turn. If someone starts their turn in the glyph, they must succeed on a wisdom saving throw, or be pushed out in the nearest direction and take 2d8 force damage.

Starting at 13th level, you may expand thrice the Rune Points to cast this glyph and make it impossible to physically pass through the wall.

Glyph of Alertness

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Every creature within this glyph may take up to two reactions each turn. If they have them, they may also take an additional legendary action. Alternatively, when glyphing the central glyph, you may choose for creatures to have no reaction and one legendary action less.


  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Whenever a creature enters the glyph or starts their turn there, they must make a wisdom saving throw or have their movement speed reduced to 0.

Continues Stroke of Brilliance

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Every creature within the glyph has advantage on up to 2 skills of your choice. You must choose the skills when glyphing the central glyph.

You may choose two additional skills for each size the central glyph increases.

Upius' Simplified Communication

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Every creature within the glyph can telepathicly communicate with creatures within 30 feet of them. The creature spoken to must speak the language to understand the message. It must be in the glyph itself if it wants to talk back.

If this glyph was cast with a central glyph of at least 3x3, the creature spoken to does not need to understand your language but must speak at least 1 language.

If it was cast with a central glyph of at least 4x4, the creature does not need to be able to understand any language to understand you, but will not be able to communicate back.

Eqix' Focus

  • Level requirement level 5
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Whenever a creature within the glyph must make a concentration check or a save to keep a glyph active, they may roll a 1d6 and add the roll to the result.

Curse of Haemophilia

  • Level requirement level 5
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Every creature within the glyph is unable to gain (temporary) hit points.

Eye of the Watcher

  • Level requirement level 13
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 1
  • Minimum Area: 1x1

Every creature within the glyph benefits from the effects of truesight

2x2 Glyphs

Curse of Weakness

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 2
  • Minimum Area: 2x2

Creatures within this glyph gain vulnerability to a damage type of your choice.

Avira's Fake Quicksand

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 2
  • Minimum Area: 2x2

The inside of the glyph counts as difficult terrain.

Vex' Hex of Bane

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 2
  • Minimum Area: 2x2

Whenever a creature within this glyph makes an attack roll or saving throw, they must roll a 1d4 and subtract that number from the roll.

Blood Shield

  • Level requirement level 5
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 2
  • Minimum Area: 2x2

Whenever a creature within this glyph takes damage, it gains 1d4 temporary hp.

This gain increases by 1d4 for every 2 sizes the central glyph increases.

Uganis' Temporal Guidance

  • Level requirement level 9
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 2
  • Minimum Area: 2x2

Every creature within this glyph may take an additional bonus action on each of their turns.

Spacial Displacement

  • Level requirement level 13
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 2
  • Minimum Area: 2x2

All attacks from outside the glyph to the inside of the glyph are made with disadvantage

3x3 Glyphs

Earthern Shielding

  • Level requirement level 1
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 4
  • Minimum Area: 3x3

Every creature within the sphere benefits from the effects of half cover as slabs of stone protect them

Itrix' Zone of Forgotten Wings

  • Level requirement level 3
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 4
  • Minimum Area: 3x3

Every creature within the glyph has a flying speed equal to their walking speed.

Enchantment of Revitalization

  • Level requirement level 5
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 4
  • Minimum Area: 3x3

Everyone who starts their turn in this glyph gains 1d6 health.

This gain increases by 1d4 for every size the central glyph increases.

Eqix' Safeguard

  • Level requirement level 9
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 4
  • Minimum Area: 3x3

Whenever a creature within this glyph must make a saving throw, they may roll a 1d8 and add the number to their roll.

This bonus increases to 2d8 if this glyph was cast as a 5x5 glyph or larger.

Glyph of Anti-energy

  • Level requirement level 9
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 4
  • Minimum Area: 3x3

Whenever a creature within this glyph succeeds on a fail throw that would cause them to take damage, they take half damage instead. If they succeed on a saving throw that would cause them to take half damage, they take no damage instead.

Imaganis' Zone of Storing

  • Level requirement level 17
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 4
  • Minimum Area: 3x3

This glyph can have the effect of up to 3 other active glyphs within 120 feet of you. If one of those glyphs break, it was also break in this glyph. The other effects will continue.

This glyph will also copy all the Minor Rune Infusements active on the other glyphs, as well as the Minor Runes infused when casting this glyph. Each Minor Rune can only be active once.

4x4 Glyphs

Enchantment of Perseverance

  • Level requirement 5
  • Minimum Rune Points Required Range
  • Minimum Area: 4x4

Every creature within the glyph cannot be blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified or stunned. Any of these conditions previously present end provided they started less than 1 day before.

Cloak of Invisibility

  • Level requirement level 9
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 6
  • Minimum Area: 4x4

Every creature within the glyph is invisible to creatures outside of the glyph. They can be detected by an investigation check against your Spell Save DC.

Unreachable Hex of Hurtful Halting

  • Level requirement level 9
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 6
  • Minimum Area: 4x4

Whenever someone enters this glyph, they must make an wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they teleport to the other side of the glyph (in a straight line in the direction in which they entered) and take 2d6 psychic damage for each 5 feet traveled this way. On a success they can enter the glyph. If a creature on the inside of the glyph attempts to leave it, they must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they teleport to the other side of the glyph and stay on the inside, dealing 2d6 psychic damage for every 5 feet traveled this way

Temporal Halt

  • Level requirement level 13
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 6
  • Minimum Area: 4x4

Everyone within the glyph must succeed on a wisdom saving throw at the start of their turn of forgo their turn.

5x5 Glyphs

Death's Respite

  • Level requirement level 13
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 10
  • Minimum Area: 5x5

Nobody within in glyph can have their hp reduced below 1.

Raquels Will of Time

  • Level requirement level 13
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 10
  • Minimum Area: 5x5

Every creature within the glyph may take an additional action on each of their turns. A second spell may be cast using this turn.

Uforn's Phantom Form.

  • Level requirement level 17
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 10
  • Minimum Area: 5x5

All attacks against creatures within the glyph are made with disadvantage. They also have advantage on all saving throws.

6x6 Glyphs

Izafeus' Ultimate Protection

  • Level requirement level 17
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 15
  • Minimum Area: 6x6

Every creature within the glyph is immune to all damage types originating from outside the glyph.

Anti Magic Glyph

  • Level requirement level 17
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 15
  • Minimum Area: 6x6

Within this rune, all other sources of magic are extinquished. Spells can't be cast, summoned creates disappear and magic items become mundane. The rulings for the Antimagic Field apply for this glyph.

Black Glyph

  • Level requirement level 17
  • Minimum Rune Points Required 15
  • Minimum Area: 6x6

Every creature who starts their turn inside the glyph takes 15d6 necrotic damage. Every creature who starts their turn within 60 feet of the central glyph must make a strength saving throw or be pulled 15 feet towards the closest part of the glyph. Any movement away from the glyph costs twice as much movement, and any movement towards the glyph is doubled. This also counts for non voluntary movement (except for the 15 feet of this spell). Any creature within the central glyph cannot escape it except for via teleportation.

Minor Runes

1st level

Rune of Fleet Footwork

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Every creature within the glyph gains 5 feet of walking speed.

When you glyph this spell using a Rune Slot of 2nd level or higher, this bonus increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 1st

Rune of Binding

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Any creature moving into this glyph must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or have their speed reduced by 10 feet.

Rune of Force

  • Minor Rune level: 1

All melee weapon attacks gain the following property:

Once per turn, when you hit someone with a melee weapon attack, you can make that creature make a strength saving throw. On a failure they will be pushed back 5 feet.

Rune of Restoration

  • Minor Rune level: 1

All healing done within this glyph is increased by 1.

The bonus healing is increased by 1 for every level slot used to cast this rune above first.

Rune of Ruination

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Every creature that starts their turn within this glyph takes 1d4 damage.

They take another 1d4 damage for each level slot used to cast this spell above first.

Rune of the Bear

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Every creature within the glyph deals an additional damage on their attacks

This damage increases by 1 for every level slot used to cast this rune above first.

Rune of the Frog

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Creatures within this glyph gain double the jumping distance.

Rune of Shackles

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Creatures within this rune must expand their full movement instead of half their movement to get up from being prone.

Rune of the Berserk

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Every creature within the glyph gain +1/+1 on unarmed strikes and may use a 1d4 as damage die.

Rune of the Spiked Shield

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Whenever a creature wearing a shield is missed by a melee attack by 2 or less, the attacker takes 2d6 piercing damage.

Rune of Bashing Shield

  • Minor Rune level: 1

Every shield within the glyph has the following property:

Forceful shove: you gain advantage on the shoving a creature feature while using this shield, and can push the target back 10 feet instead of 5 feet.

2nd level

Rune of Accuracy

  • Minor Rune level: 2

All weapons within the glyph gain a +1 bonus on hitting and damage.

Rune of the Sharp Mind

  • Minor Rune level: 2

Creatures within this glyph gain +1d4 on concentration checks.

Rune of the Rock

  • Minor Rune level: 2

Creatures within this glyph have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone or pushed back.

Rune of Chains

  • Minor Rune level: 2

All melee weapons within this glyph gain the reach property as runic chains form on their handle. If they already have the reach property, the reach increases by 5 feet.

Rune of Withstanding.

  • Minor Rune level: 2

Creatures within this glyph cannot have their maximum hp reduced.

Rune of the Slayer

  • Minor Rune level: 2

All non-magical weapons within the glyph count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.

Rune of Inspiration

  • Minor Rune level: 2

Creatures within the glyph may roll a 1d4 and add the result to a roll for a skill of your choice when glyphing the rune.

Rune of the Turtle

  • Minor Rune level: 2

Every creature within the glyph may subtract 1 damage of every damage type whenever they recieve damage.

This increases by 1 for every slot level used to cast this rune above first.

Rune of Comprehension

  • Minor Rune level: 2

Creatures within this Glyph understand all languages.

3rd level

Rune of the Mountain

  • Minor Rune level: 3

Every creature within the glyph gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Rune of Gravity

  • Minor Rune level: 3

Whenever a creature starts their turn within this glyph, they must succeed on a strength save or be knocked prone.

Rune of Warding

  • Minor Rune level: 3

Every creature within this glyph gains +1d4 on their saving throws.

Rune of Rejuvenation

  • Minor Rune level: 3

Every creature within the glyph gains 1d6 temporary hit points at the beginning of their turn.

Rune of Power

  • Minor Rune level: 3

The DC of spells and effects cast within the glyph are increased by 1

Rune of the Hawk

  • Minor Rune level: 3

Ranged weapon attacks to do not impose disadvantage when shot at long range.

Rune of Salvation

  • Minor Rune level: 3

When this glyph breaks, every creature within the glyph heals for 2d6 instead of taking damage.

4th level

Rune of Time

  • Minor Rune level: 4

Whenever a creature leaves a glyph, they benefit from it's effects until the beginning of their next turn, as if a 1x1 version of the rune is underneath them and moves with them.

Rune of Enhancement

  • Minor Rune level: 4

When glyphing the rune, choose an ability score. Every creature within the runes gain a +1 bonus on that ability score.

Rune of the Wall

  • Minor Rune level: 4

It is impossible to teleport into the glyph. And creatures must expand the remainder of their movement to move into it.

Rune of Duration

  • Minor Rune level: 4

You gain advantage on the intelligence saving throw to keep this glyph active.

Rune of Resistance

  • Minor Rune level: 4

Every creature within the glyph has resistance to one damage type of your choice. You must choose was glyphing the rune.

Rune of Indefatigability

  • Minor Rune level: 4

Weapons within this glyph deal full damage to creatures resistant to their damage types, and half damage to creatures immune to their damage type.


Cover Art: Mateusz Mizak
Glyph Battle (page 2): Jiamin Lin
Explanatory images page 4 & 5: Tertanum
Spirit Broker (page 7): Aozorize
Riven (page 8): Jason Chan (Riot Games)
Tifalenji (Page 9): Gerald Parel & Nico Lee Lazarus
Illusory Defenses (page 10): Property of Opus Artz
Sigil Tracer (page 10): Dan Scott (MTG)
Oghma Infinum (page 12): Minomi9
Icons, Minor Rune slots: Property of IconArchive, free commercial distribution allowed.


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