Path of the Battlerager (Revised)

by AgenderArcee

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Primal Path: Path of the Battlerager (Revised)

Battlerager Armor

At 3rd level, you learn to use spiked armor to become a living weapon. While you are wearing spiked armor, your can make spiked gauntlet attacks. These are simple melee weapons that deal piercing damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you aren't wielding any other or weapons when you make the attack roll, the d8 becomes a d10.

In addition, while raging, you can attempt to grapple as a bonus action. When you succeed on a skill check to grapple a creature, and at the start of each of your turns if you are still grappling that creature, it takes piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, as long as you are wearing spiked armor and raging.

If your spiked armor is a magic item, your spiked gauntlet attacks and grapples deal magical damage. If this magic armor grants a bonus to Armor Class, that bonus is also applied to your attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes, and to the damage you deal when grappling.

Reckless Abandon

The fury of battle fortifies your spirit. Beginning at 6th level, when you use Reckless Attack while raging, you also gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). They vanish if any of them are left when your rage ends.

Battlerager Charge

Beginning at 10th level, you can plow into enemies like a spiky ball of death. While you are wearing spiked armor and raging, if you move at least 15 feet in a straight line and then hit a creature with a spiked gauntlet or succeed on a grapple check, you can tackle that enemy to the ground, knocking them prone and dealing 1d4 piercing damage + your Strength modifier + your rage damage.

Spiked Retribution

Enemies that get close to you may find themselves pulled   into a thorny deathtrap. Starting at 14th level, if a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to attempt to grapple that creature.

In addition, when you succeed on a skill check to grapple   a creature, the creature is also restrained for as long             as it remains grappled.

Spiked Armor

Spiked armor is a rare type of medium armor made by dwarves. It consists of a leather coat and leggings covered with spikes that are usually made of metal.

Cost: 75 gp

AC: 14 + Dexterity modifier (max 2)

Stealth: Disadvantage

Weight: 45 lb.

Artist Credit

Igor Ersh


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