Paladin: Oath of the Shishō

by jack1spade

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Paladin: Oath of the Shishō

Patience and Guidance

A Shishō can be many things to many people. A mentor. A teacher. A father. A caregiver. A Shishō is above all, one that helps to guide people. Not just in the development of skills and techniques, but morals, purpose, and self growth.

A Shishō masters themselves first and, by doing so, helps others to grow. Many Shishō have retired from a life of war or crime and sought a peaceful path. Others continue to take up arms when the need arises. Some are stern guardians of their homes and don't actively seek out students, but always seem to find them.

Each one who would call themselves Shishō walks a path of enlightenment through the practice and perfection of an art that was not meant for violence. This gives them focus, purpose, and sets the foundation for their teachings. They may be cooks, butchers, carpenters, gardeners, farmers, woodcutters, stone carvers, or anything they have chosen to devote themselves to.

Oath Features

Tenets of the Shishō

  • Peace: Seek a peaceful path. Never strike first in battle.
  • Guidance: Do not seek to lead, seek to guide. Only give orders in matters of life and death.
  • Humility: A general who shouts his rank is no true general. Speak quietly and trust the wisdom of your words to carry strength.
  • Loyalty: Even foxes speak truth to foxes. Those you would call allies deserve loyalty and truth.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath Spells

Level Spells
3rd Bless, Compelled Duel
5th Augury, Warding Bond
9yj Mass Healing Word, Motivational Speech
13th Death Ward, Faithful Hound
17th Legend Lore

Channel Divinity

At third level, when you select this Oath, you gain options for your Channel Divinity.

  • Oshieru (Teach): You may expend your Channel Divinity to add your Charisma Modifier to Ability Checks made by you and your allies for the next minute. This does not apply to Saving Throws made during combat.
  • Chūshin (Center/Focus): You may expend your Channel Divinity to send your guidance out to your allies, instructing them on how to direct their attacks. Allies within 30 feet of you who can hear you may choose to re-roll any 1s they roll on damage from attacks. This lasts for one minute.

Aura of Calm

Starting at 7th level, you are able to keep your allies alert and focused, prepared for action at a moment’s notice.

You have advantage on initiative and cannot be surprised.

Additionally, you and all allies within 10 feet have advantage on saving throws against traps and hazards. At 18th level the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

I Am The One You Want

You know that to teach, you sometimes must lead. Starting at 15th level, you can single out a single enemy and demand them to attack you over all others.

As a bonus action, you may declare a challenge to one opponent within 30 feet who can see and understand you. That enemy must make a Wisdom Saving throw versus your Spell DC. If they fail, they must attack you each round or flee, using their movement and action to move away from you for the next minute. They cannot make an attack or use a spell that does not include you in the effect. Likewise, you cannot make an attack that does not include your chosen enemy.

If any of your allies target them with an attack or includes them in a harmful spell of any kind, this effect is broken. It also ends if you attack an enemy that is not under the effects of this ability. You may use this ability on multiple enemies, but must select each one with a new use of the ability.

You may use this a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier. You regain all uses of this ability when you complete a Long Rest.

Stand of the Shishō

When times are dark and chaos is all around, it takes a brave person to stand up calmly and face that chaos. As an action, you may enter the Shishō’s Stand. This has several benefits.

  • If you are within 5 feet of an enemy, all allies within 30 feet have Advantage on the first attack roll they make against that enemy each round.
  • If an ally within 30 feet of you takes damage, you may choose to take half of that damage.
  • You and all allies within 30 feet gain the benefit of your Channel Divinity: Chūshin.

Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest.


Shishō is a japanese term that means many things, but is a combination of teacher, master, and mentor. It is a term of respect given from student to teacher and is not one that is tossed around carelessly. It would be bad form to call yourself a Shishō, but the more well known Sensei would be appropriate. This has been inspired by wise mentor characters from pop culture. Like the chef in Midnight Diner, Obi Wan Kenobi, or Auron from FFX. Lastly, while it was inspired by a Japanese word or concept, I didn't select Asian images because people of Asian ancestry are not inherently magical and this concept can apply to different fantasy races as well.

If you like the template, please check out ThinkDM for more content.

I do not own the images contained in this document. I did a google search for slimes and these are what came up. I am doing my best to give credit. Thanks to GM Binder.

art credits

  • The first image of the chef seems to be owened by Fantasy Flight Games and I saw it here.
  • Blacksmith girl by Avetino . on ArtStation.

Paladin: Oath of the Shishō is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.”


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