Theros NPC Names

by Amazon9398

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Theros NPC Names

A set of NPC name tables for Theros inspired campaigns.

Male Names, Table 1

d100 Name Meaning
1 Abantes Moves forward
2 Abderos A friend of Hercules
3 Abreas Man
4 Achilles Thin-lipped
5 Adeimanthos -
6 Adelphios Dearest Brother
7 Admetos Untamed, Untameable
8 Adonis Handsome, Lord
9 Adrastos Not inclined to run away
10 Aetios Eagle
11 Agamemnon Unbowed
12 Agapios Love
13 Agellos Angel, Messenger
14 Agenor Heroic, Manly
15 Agis To lead, to guide
16 Agon Conflict, struggle, contest
17 Agrapios -
18 Aiantides Son of Ajax
19 Aias Mourner
20 Aietes An ancient king of Aia
21 Aigaion Stormy One
22 Aiolos Changeable, Variable
23 Airipos -
24 Aison To be, That which is made
25 Ajax Eagle
26 Aktis -
27 Aktor -
28 Alastor Man's Defender
29 Alektor Rooster
30 Aletes Achiever, Peacemaker, Truth
31 Alexios Defender
32 Alkibiades Strength, Force
33 Alkon -
34 Alopex Fox
35 Amphion Son of Zeus
36 Anastasios Resurrection
37 Anaxagoras Master or Lord of the assembly/marketplace
38 Anaximander The king of the strong, The lord of the manly
39 Andras Man, Warrior
d100 Name Meaning
40 Aniketos Unconquered, Unconquerable
41 Ankos -
42 Antikles Against glory
43 Apollodoros Gift of Apollo
44 Aratos A son of Asclepius
45 Archidamos Master or Origin/Source of the people
46 Ardos -
47 Aristaios Best
48 Aristophanes Of perfect appearance
49 Arybbas -
50 Aster Star
51 Asterion Starry
52 Astrapios The lightninger (a nickname for Zeus)
53 Atos Father
54 Automedon Self-ruler
55 Bakchios Filled with divine presence
56 Balios Dappled, piebald
57 Bardas -
58 Barnabas Son of encouragement/consolation
59 Belos Lord
60 Boethos Refers to a high-priestly family.
61 Bracerdas -
62 Brasidas Boiling
63 Brison -
64 Bubares Buffalo, Ox
65 Bulis -
66 Chalkon -
67 Charon Of keen gaze
68 Cheimonas Winter
69 Chersis Dry land
70 Chremon -
71 Chromios Colorful
72 Damades -
73 Damais -
74 Damianos Tame, Subdue, Control, Conquer, Rule over
75 Danaos -
76 Daniil The gods are my judge
77 Davos -
78 Deimos Dread
79 Deinomenes Terrible strength
80 Demophanes Light of (or brings light to) the people
d100 Name Meaning
81 Demophilios Friend of the people
82 Demosthenes Vigor of the people
83 Dimokrates -
84 Diodoros Gift of Zeus
85 Diokles Glory of Zeus
86 Dion Child of heaven and earth
87 Dolios Crafty, Deceitful, Treacherous
88 Doreios -
89 Doreius -
90 Doriskos -
91 Dorykleidas -
92 Drakios Snake
93 Drakon Dragon, To see clearly
94 Duris Farmer, Earth-worker
95 Echemos -
96 Echion Viper
97 Edonos -
98 Egertes Vigilant
99 Eionios -
100 Elpenor One of Odysseus's men

Male Names, Table 2

d100 Name Meaning
1 Elpidios Hope
2 Epiktetos Acquired, Gained
3 Epizelos -
4 Eppie Good repute, Well-spoken
5 Erastos Beloved
6 Eryx Boxer
7 Eteokles Truly glorious
8 Eubolos Good counsel, Wise in counsel
9 Eudoxos Good repute, Honored
10 Euneas -
11 Euripides The one who moves fast and quick
12 Evagoras -
13 Evandros Good man
14 Evios -
15 Exandros -
16 Exekias -
17 Galeos Shark
18 Gergis -
d100 Name Meaning
19 Gorgos Grim, Fierce, Terrible
20 Gotarzes -
21 Gryllos A comic animal-human hybrid
22 Hades Unseen
23 Hagias Devoted to the gods, Sacred
24 Harmodios -
25 Harpagos One that carries off rapidly
26 Harpalos -
27 Heitor Holding fast
28 Hektor To check, Restrain
29 Helios Sun
30 Helmetos -
31 Heraklides Descendant of Hercules
32 Heremos -
33 Hermes Cairn, Pile of Stones, Boundary marker
34 Hermippos Swift Horse
35 Herodianos -
36 Herodion Song of the hero, Hero song, Heroic one
37 Herodotos Given to the hero
38 Hierax Hawk, Falcon
39 Hiero Holy
40 Hiketaon -
41 Hipparchos Excellent Horseman, cavalry general
42 Hipparinos -
43 Hippias -
44 Hippoklides -
45 Hippokrates Horse power
46 Hippolytos Stampeding horses
47 Hipponax Master of the horses
48 Hirpes -
49 Homer Security, Pledge, Hostage
50 Hormenos Energetic
51 Hyakinthos Hyacinth flower
52 Hyllos -
53 Hypateos The supreme one
54 Hyperion The high one
55 Hyrtakos -
56 Idaios -
57 Ikaros The one who reaches the sky
58 Ilios Sun
59 Ilos Joyous
60 Imbrios -
d100 Name Meaning
61 Imbros -
62 Iobates -
63 Iokaste (Traditionally female) Shining Moon
64 Iphiklos Twin of Hercules
65 Iphistos -
66 Iphitos -
67 Itylos -
68 Kadmos One who excels, from the east, ancient
69 Kalesios -
70 Kaletor Deer's Head
71 Kalliaros -
72 Kallias Beauty
73 Kallikles -
74 Kallinos Beauty
75 Kallipedes -
76 Kallipos Beautiful city
77 Kallisthenes Beautiful strength
78 Kalon Ideal beauty
79 Kameiros -
80 Kandaules Hound choker
81 Kantor Clerk, chanter
82 Kapaneus Arrogant
83 Karenos -
84 Karipos -
85 Karneades -
86 Karpophoros The fruit-bearer
87 Kasambos -
88 Kasos -
89 Kastor Beaver
90 Kebalinos -
91 Keleas -
92 Kephalon -
93 Kepheos Rock, stone
94 Kerkyon Evil spirits
95 Kimon Sleepy
96 Kinyras -
97 Kittos -
98 Klaasr People's victory
99 Kleobis Son of a priestess
100 Kleon Renowned

Male Names, Table 3

d100 Name Meaning
1 Kodros Glorious, Renowned, Illustrious
2 Koinos Shared by all
3 Kolotos -
4 Konon Raise the dust, fast, rapid
5 Koragos -
6 Korax The beak of a crow
7 Kosmas Universe, Decency, Order, Beauty
8 Krantor -
9 Kristos Bearing Christ, Anointed
10 Kritobulos -
11 Kybernetes Steersman, guide or governor
12 Kyberniskos -
13 Kyknos Swan
14 Kyrillos Lordly
15 Kyrios Lord or Master
16 Labdakos -
17 Labros -
18 Lagos Hare
19 Laios -
20 Lampos Glitter or Shine
21 Laodike Justice of the people
22 Lasos -
23 Lasthenes -
24 Lavrentios Wreathed/Crowned with laurel
25 Leandros Lion man
26 Legoras -
27 Leiandros Lion man
28 Leikritos -
29 Leitos One who embarks on a journey
30 Lelex -
31 Lemnos -
32 Leodekes -
33 Leonidas Lion
34 Lethos Hidden, Forgotton
35 Lichas Friend of Hercules
36 Loxias Crooked
37 Lukos Wolf
38 Lygdamis -
39 Lykaon Wolf
d100 Name Meaning
40 Lykaretos Virtuous light or Skillful wolf
41 Lykophon -
42 Lykoris (Commonly Female) Twilight
43 Lysander Liberator
44 Lysanias That drives away sorrow
45 Lysanios -
46 Lysis To unbind
47 Machaon Son of Aesculapius
48 Makar Blessed
49 Makarias Blessed
50 Makarios Blessed
51 Maleos -
52 Mantios -
53 Markos Dedicated to the God of War
54 Maron -
55 Mastor -
56 Matullos -
57 Mausolos Much blessed
58 Medon Lord or Ruler
59 Megakles Great glory
60 Megakreon Great Ruler/Lord/Master
61 Megareus -
62 Megistias The greatest one
63 Melampos -
64 Melanippos Black horse, Black knight
65 Melanthos Black Flower
66 Melas Black, Dark
67 Meleagros Black/Dark Land
68 Meliboios -
69 Melite (Commonly Female) Honey
70 Melites -
71 Memnon Resolute, Firm, Balance
72 Menandros Strong Man
73 Menelaos Withstanding the people
74 Menexinos -
75 Menon -
76 Mentes -
77 Meriones -
78 Mesaolios -
79 Methepon Pursuer
80 Methodios Companion traveler
d100 Name Meaning
81 Metiochos -
82 Metrobios -
83 Meurios -
84 Midas Turned everything he touched to gold
85 Midylos -
86 Mikkos Small, Little
87 Mikythos -
88 Milanion -
89 Misenos Drowned for hubris
90 Moliones -
91 Monomachos He who fights alone, Gladiator
92 Morsimos -
93 Moschion Young calf, Small calf
94 Myron Myrrh, Fragrant oil
95 Myrsinos -
96 Myrtilos -
97 Narkissos (Derived from numbness)
98 Natakas -
99 Nautios -
100 Neleos Unmerciful, Relentless

Male Names, Table 4

d100 Name Meaning
1 Neokles -
2 Neritos -
3 Nestor Returner, Homecomer
4 Niarchos -
5 Nikandros Victory of a man
6 Nikanor Victorious army, Unconquerable, Strength in victory
7 Nikasios Victorious
8 Nikolaos People's champion
9 Nikomedes To ponder victory
10 Nisos -
11 Nyktinos -
12 Nymphikos -
13 Nymphodoros The gift of his young wife
14 Ochealos -
15 Odainathos -
d100 Name Meaning
16 Odios -
17 Oenios -
18 Okealos -
19 Okytos -
20 Oliatos -
21 Olympikos -
22 Olympiodoros Gift of Olympus
23 Onetor -
24 Onias -
25 Onomakles -
26 Onomastos Famous, "Having a name"
27 Orkos Oath
28 Orneos -
29 Paios -
30 Palaimon Wrestler
31 Pallas (Commonly female) Wisdom
32 Panagiotis All-Holy
33 Pandaros All-hunter, Panther
34 Panionos -
35 Parmenion Perservering, He who is a constant presence
36 Patroklos Glory of the father
37 Pausanias Cease sorrow
38 Pedasos -
39 Peiros One who pierces
40 Peisandros -
41 Peisirrhodos -
42 Pelagon Of the ocean
43 Pelenos -
44 Pelios -
45 Peneloas -
46 Perdix Partridge
47 Perikles Exceedingly glorious
48 Perimos -
49 Periphas Conspicuousness
50 Perseus Avenger/Destroyer
51 Phaelos -
52 Phaido He who gives the light
53 Phaidon He who gives the light
54 Phalaris -
55 Pheidon -
56 Pheimos -
57 Phelikles -
58 Phidias Seeker of wisdom and knowledge
59 Philaon -
60 Philemon Kiss
61 Philiskos Little friend
62 Philistos -
63 Philoetios A cowherd
64 Philogos Loves to study/argue
65 Philokles Friend of Glory
66 Philoktetes Killed Paris
67 Philokypros Lover of Cyprus
68 Philolaos Friend of the people
69 Philometer Mother-loving
70 Philon To love
71 Philotas Friendship
72 Philoxenos Lover of foreigners
73 Phintias -
74 Phormio -
75 Photios Light
76 Phylas -
77 Pigres -
78 Pithekos Ape, Monkey/ Trickster, Dwarf
79 Pithias -
80 Pitholaos -
81 Pittakas -
82 Pittakos -
83 Pixodaros -
84 Plestios -
85 Podarkes -
86 Polemon -
87 Polyas -
88 Polybios -
89 Polydektes -
90 Polydios -
91 Polypemon -
92 Polyphontes Slayer of many
93 Polyxeinos Hospitable and kind to strangers
94 Ponteus -
95 Poseidon Husband/Lord of the Earth
96 Potamon River, Stream
97 Pratinos -
98 Praxis (Traditionally female) Practical
99 Praxiteles Works towards the goal
100 Prexinos -

Male Names, Table 5

d100 Name Meaning
1 Priam Redeemed
2 Priskos The old one
3 Prokopios One who progresses or advances
4 Proktos (Possibly derogatory) Anus or Hindparts
5 Proteos Primordial, Firstborn
6 Prothous -
7 Proxenos Public Guest
8 Prytanis Ruler, Lord
9 Pylaios One who stands at the gate, One who enters
10 Pylartes -
11 Pylenor Man at the gate, Gatekeeper
12 Pythagoras He who meets with Apollo
13 Pytheas Epithet of Apollo
14 Pythogenes -
15 Rasmos Short form of Erasmus (Beloved)
16 Rhadamanthos Showing stern and inflexible judgement
17 Rhexenor Breaking armed ranks
18 Sabyllos -
19 Sargon Legitimate, True
20 Sarpedon A Trojan soldier
21 Satyros God of the woods, Goat-footed
22 Serios Nickname for a grave, sober person
23 Silanos -
24 Skiron -
25 Skirtis -
26 Skylax Young dog, puppy
27 Sokos Stout, Strong, Made of Amber
28 Sokrates Unwounded power
29 Sophanes -
30 Sophos Clever, Skilled
31 Sosipatros -
32 Sostratos Safe army
33 Stentor Loud-voiced
34 Straton Army
35 Stupideo -
36 Sylon -
37 Talos Talon, Claw
38 Taureas Bull
39 Tekton One who works with wood
d100 Name Meaning
40 Telamon Father of Ajax
41 Telemenes -
42 Telephos Far-shining
43 Tellias -
44 Temenos Sacred
45 Terillos -
46 Testikles Witness my glory
47 Testiklos -
48 Teukros An Archer
49 Teutamos -
50 Thaletas -
51 Thalysios -
52 Thanos Shortened form of "Athanasios" - Immortal
53 Thaulos -
54 Theo Brave, God
55 Theodekles -
56 Theodoros Gift of God
57 Theomestros -
58 Theoros Summer
59 Theos -
60 Theramenes Hunter's spirit, Strong hunter
61 Theras (Possibly Female) Untamed
62 Theron Hunter
63 Thespis -
64 Thessalos -
65 Thestor -
66 Thorax Breastplate, Cuirass, Corslet
67 Thrasyllos -
68 Thyestes -
69 Thymotes Spirited
70 Thyrsos -
71 Timagoras Esteemed Orator
72 Timaios Honor
73 Timolos -
74 Timon Respect
75 Timonax -
76 Timotheus Honoring God
77 Timoxenos Honored foreigner
78 Tiro Young solider, Beginner
79 Tirynthios -
80 Tisandros Seeks vengeance or retribution
d100 Name Meaning
81 Titormos -
82 Tityros Satyr or a shepherd's pipe
83 Tolmides -
84 Trechos -
85 Triton God of the sea
86 Trophos -
87 Tros Founder of Troy
88 Trypho Softness, Delicacy
89 Tundareos -
90 Tychaios -
91 Vettias -
92 Xanthippos Yellow horse
93 Xanthos Golden-haired
94 Xenokles Glorious foreigner/guest
95 Xenothon Strange man
96 Zagreus Great hunter
97 Zeno Gift of Zeus
98 Zephyros West wind
99 Zetes Son of Boreas
100 Zeuxis -

Female Names, Table 1

d100 Name Meaning
1 Abia God is my father
2 Agafya Good, Kind, Noble
3 Agape Love, Charity
4 Agaue Illustrious, Noble
5 Agave Illustrious, Noble
6 Agnes Pure, Holy
7 Agnete Chaste, Sacred
8 Aigle Radiance, Light
9 Aikaterine Pure
10 Aillo -
11 Ainia One who is swift
12 Airla Ethereal
13 Airlea Ethereal
14 Akantha Thorn
15 Akanthe -
d100 Name Meaning
16 Alektrona Amber, Shining, Radiant, Incandescent
17 Alena Tower
18 Aletha Verity
19 Alexandra Defender of men
20 Alkestis Valiant, Strength, Power, Bravery
21 Alkibie One who has exaggerated power
22 Alkippe Strong horse
23 Alkmene Might of the moon
24 Alkyone Kingfisher
25 Althea Healer, Wholesome
26 Alyona Bright and shining light
27 Alyx Defender
28 Amalthea Tender goddess
29 Amaryllis Sparkle, Shine
30 Ambrosine Immortal
31 Amphitrite Sea goddess
32 Anais Gracious, Merciful
33 Anastasia Resurrection
34 Andrea Manly, Virile
35 Anemone Windflower
36 Anthousa Flower in blossom
37 Antianeira A match for men
38 Anyte -
39 Aoide Song
40 Aphaia Sweet maiden
41 Apollonia Destroyer
42 Apphia Productive, Fruitful
43 Arete Excellence, Moral virtue
44 Aretha Excellence, righteous
45 Arethousa Quick water
46 Aristomache The best at battle
47 Artazostre -
48 Aspasia Welcome, invite
49 Astra From the stars
50 Astraia Star
51 Atalanta Equal in weight
52 Atropos Unalterable, inflexible
53 Augos -
54 Auxesia Growth
55 Berenike Bringing victory
56 Bremusa Raging female
57 Briseis Slave of Achilles
58 Bryce -
d100 Name Meaning
59 Charis Grace
60 Chrysanthe Golden flower
61 Chryseis Chryses daughter
62 Chrysis Gold vessel
63 Circe Bird
64 Damalis Calf, To tame, Gentle
65 Danai Of the Danaans
66 Daphne Laurel tree, Bay tree
67 Debora Bee
68 Deianira Man destroyer
69 Deinomache Terrible battle
70 Delia Born on the island of Delos
71 Delphinia Dolphina
72 Demeter Earth mother
73 Dianthe Flower of the gods
74 Dido Dido
75 Diona Mother of Aphrodite
76 Dionysia God of wine and revelry
77 Dorika Gift of God
78 Drucilla Strong
79 Echo Reflected Sound
80 Efimia Good to speak
81 Eileithyia Goddess of childbirth
82 Eirene Peace
83 Elene Sun ray
84 Elpis Hope
85 Elysia From the blessed isles
86 Endeis In the earth
87 Erato Lovely
88 Erinna Spring
89 Eriobea -
90 Eritha Flower
91 Ermete Messenger of the Gods
92 Erykios -
93 Euanthe Blooming, Flowery
94 Eudoxia Good fame or judgement
95 Eulalia Well-spoken
96 Europa Wide face
97 Eurydike Wide justice
98 Euthalea Flower, Bloom
99 Eutychea Fortunate
100 Evadne Well or good

Female Names, Table 2

d100 Name Meaning
1 Gaia Land, Earth
2 Gaspar (Seemingly Male) Treasurer
3 Gelon (Seemingly Male) Laughter
4 Genesis Birth
5 Georgia Farmer
6 Georgianna Farmer, Merciful
7 Gyke -
8 Hagne Pure, Chaste, Holy, Sacred
9 Harmothoe Sharp nail
10 Hathor The house of Horus
11 Hebe Youth
12 Hekate The far reaching one
13 Helen Light, Bright
14 Hemera Day
15 Hermea -
16 Hero demi-god
17 Hestia Hearth
18 Hydna -
19 Hygieia Health
20 Hypatia Highest
21 Hypsipyle Daughter of Thoas
22 Iara Water queen/Small Butterfly
23 Ianeira Water spirit
24 Ianthe Violet flower
25 Iokaste Violet tinted clouds
26 Iola Violet colored dawn
27 Iolanthe Violet flower
28 Iris Rainbow
29 Isidora Gift of Isis
30 Ismene Knowledgable
31 Kalanthe Beautiful flower
32 Kalisto Most beautiful
33 Kallidora One given the gift of beauty
34 Kallikleia Beautiful glory
35 Kalliope Beautiful voice
36 Kallipateira Beauty of the father
37 Kallisto Most beautiful
38 Kallistrate Beautiful army
39 Kassandra Unheeded prophetess
d100 Name Meaning
40 Ketokhloe -
41 Kirke Bird
42 Klotho Spinner
43 Klymene Praiseworthy might
44 Korinna Girl, maiden
45 Korinne Maiden
46 Kreusa Princess, Lady, Mistress
47 Kyanea -
48 Kybele The mother of all gods
49 Kydoime -
50 Kymone A darling daughter
51 Kyniska Female puppy
52 Kynna -
53 Kyra Lord
54 Lalage To chatter or babble
55 Laneira Water spirit
56 Laodoke Justice of the people
57 Larissa Cheerful or lighthearted
58 Leandra Lion woman
59 Leda Woman
60 Leto Happy, Joyful
61 Lexa Man's defender
62 Lydia Beautiful one, Noble one
63 Lyra Lyre
64 Lysandra Liberator, Emancipator
65 Lysistrate Loose army
66 Maia Great, Mother
67 Margeta Pearl
68 Marpesia The robbed one, snather, gobbler
69 Marpe Mythical amazon
70 Melania black, dark
71 Melanippe A nymph
72 Melita Honey sweet
73 Melousa -
74 Minthe Mint
75 Molpadia Death song
76 Monia Single, Only
77 Myrrine Myrrh
78 Myrto Myrtle
79 Narkissa Daffodil
80 Nausikaa Burner of ships
d100 Name Meaning
81 Neema Young
82 Nephele Cloudy
83 Nikaia Victory of the people
84 Nir Field
85 Nymphodora Bride's gift
86 Nyx Night
87 Obelia Needle
88 Odessa Angry man
89 Okaleia Quick
90 Okyale -
91 Okypous -
92 Olympia From Mount Olympus
93 Otonia -
94 Pantariste The best of all
95 Peitho To persuade, To convince
96 Penthesila Mournful grip
97 Persephone Bringer of destruction
98 Peta Rock
99 Petra Stone, Rock
100 Phaidra Bright

Female Names, Table 3

d100 Name Meaning
1 Phainna -
2 Pherenike Victorious one
3 Phila Loving
4 Philomela Lover of music
5 Philomena Friend of strength
6 Phoibe Radiant, Shining one
7 Phratagoune Fragile
8 Phryne Toad
9 Phyllis Greenery
10 Pisto Warrior
11 Pleiades Doves
12 Polyhymnia Many praises
13 Praxilla Action, Sex
14 Prokne Dark spotted
15 Psyche Breath
d100 Name Meaning
16 Rhene One who smiles often
17 Rina Peaceful
18 Rino (Typically Male) One who conquers
19 Roxana Dawn
20 Sapphire Sapphire
21 Sappho Sapphire
22 Selene Moon
23 Semele Mother of Dionysus
24 Sinis -
25 Sophia Wisdom
26 Sophronia Wise
27 Sotera Savior
28 Styx Shuddering
29 Tatygete Long necked
30 Teispyte -
31 Terpsichore Delight in dancing
32 Tethys Grandmother of the Ocean
33 Thalassa Sea
34 Theodora Gift of God
35 Theodosia God's gift
36 Theophania Epiphany
37 Thraso Confidence, Courage, Bold
38 Thyia One who sacrifices
39 Timo God's honor
40 Timosa I did
41 Tisiphone Avenging murder
42 Toxophile -
43 Tyro Nymph
44 Valaska -
45 Xandra Man's defender
46 Xanthe Blond haired
47 Xenia Hospitality
48 Zenobia Life of Zeus
49 Zoe Life
50 Zosime Viable, Likely to survive
51 Zona Girdle, Belt
52 Zopheras -
53 Acantha Thorn, Prickle
54 Aella Whirlwind
55 Alektos Unceasing
56 Artemisia Perfect
57 Andromeda Leader of men
58 Antigone Unbending
59 Ariadne Most holy
60 Astraea Star maiden, Starry night
61 Chloros Pale green
62 Chryseos Golden
63 Damaris Calf, To tame, Gentle
64 Despoina Lady
65 Dione Goddess
66 Elektra Amber, Shining, Incandescent
67 Euadne Good, Holy
68 Eudora Good gift
69 Eunomia Good order
70 Hekabe Worker from far off
71 Helene Shining light
72 Hermione Well born, Stone
73 Hippolyte Having loosened horses
74 Iphitheme Comely, Goodly
75 Ino White goddess
76 Iole Violet colored dawn
77 Iphigenia Strong born, Born to strength
78 Ianessa -
79 Iphianassa Strong queen
80 Karme To shear
81 Kassiopeia Cassia juice
82 Kharmion Delight, Coral, Maiden
83 Kleio Glory
84 Kleopatra Glory of her father
85 Klytie Renowned, Famous, Splendid, Excellent
86 Kynthia From Mount Kynthos
87 Kore Maiden
88 Megara Great
89 Melpomene To celebrate with dance and song
90 Nemesis To give what is due
91 Niobe Fern
92 Ourania Heavenly
93 Phaenna Bright, Shining
94 Polymnia Abounding in song
95 Theia Goddess, Divine
96 Ada Noble, Happiness
97 Lede -
98 Callianeira Sea spirit
99 Orithyia Woman raging in the mountains
100 Eris Strife

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