Player Guide: The Fall of the Golden Star

by LunaGore

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The Fall of the Golden Star



Welcome and thank you for your interest in this homebrew campaign! In this player guide, you will find all you need to know and all that your character would know about the world.

This campaign will not be the normal ruleset for 5e and will have its difficulty increased to a point where thinking before acting will get your further and possibly save you from a painful experience for your character or even death! Here are some of the topics that may pop up in the campaign: Captivity/Kidnapping, Treason, Poverty, Starvation, Torture, Xenophobia, Ritual Sacrifice, and others.

Please read through and familiarize yourself with the information provided here, there is also a calendar showcasing the months, holidays celebrated by your people, and a map available for you to make note of your party's location or places visited.

The Golden Rule

Always remember everyone is here to have fun, and that your actions will impact the entire group. Be considerate and courteous.

For example, if another player is talking to an NPC and you’re growing bored, don’t just kill that NPC, have your character say that all this talk is getting nowhere and suggest an alternative (that alternative might be suggesting killing the NPC to intimidate them – but don’t just go ahead and do it right away.)

My Role As GM

I'm not here to "win" against the PCs, my job is to tell a story, give options, and be the narrator of your story! This world is fairly open and will not have anything that you must do, you can ignore 100% of the information I provide and create your own adventure if you wanted.

I just make it happen.


This is a roleplay heavy grimdark setting within a fantasy realm where magic is commonplace and Gods live among mortals meaning there's always a power struggle between the beings who inhabit it.

Your adventures will take place in a wider world where events are always moving and the clock is always ticking.

If you find 3 plot hooks, the plots that you don’t follow will progress over time, and those involved could achieve their plans because you haven’t stopped them, same applies to those in need who might fail without your help.

This will, of course, lead to new possible adventures, but don’t always assume an adventure you skipped will still be there waiting for you when you decide to pursue it.


You are free to use the characters from other campaigns, inspiration from video games, or you can make a new character based on the information provided in this handbook for this world.

It is your responsibility to know your character’s background, personality, and actions/spells.


No restriction on alignment, however, do realize your actions have consequences and the world around you is ever moving and if you go on a murder spree and there are witnesses you will be remembered and maybe even hunted even more than you were before! Ya convicts.

Word of Warning

Your character can be evil, but it's not fun if you don't get along with the party. Your actions can have consequences, too. You can be evil without plotting to destroy the world.

Evil simply means...

“What’s in it for me?”

Encounter Types

As originally stated this campaign will be roleplay heavy, there will be times for rollplay when combat is unavoidable or you've poked a beehive one too many times. Please take note to size up your enemies before you engage, think of this as a video game with leveled areas with moving NPCs that will be too powerful for you but will also provide you better rewards.

Will the fight be worthwhile in the end to risk your lives?


As mentioned above, the goal of the enemy NPCs is not to be fodder for you. They are going to behave as realistically as possible and they will have goals and desires.

Because of this, they will do things like summon reinforcements, or attempt to flank you and pick off your lightly armored party members, or even use the world around them to give themselves an advantage.

Creative Solutions

Never assume that there’s only one way to approach a problem. Even if I’ve only written a single way for you to approach a task, I want you to talk and come up with inventive ways to get around the problems I put in front of you.

Creative Solutions (cont.)

I might set up an encounter where it just looks like you need to assault a tower and fight your way up. But if you want to retreat and contact the local engineer to build a trebuchet you can wheel up and use to bring the tower down – go for it!

I might be caught off guard and need a couple of minutes to work it out, and we may need to play just using a battle grid without a map for that encounter, but I will try to say “yes” to as much as possible.

This also applies to some encounters that cannot be won through strength of arms. Just because there’s a demon guarding the door, that doesn’t mean you should or even could fight it. It could be you have to bargain with it or lure it away to proceed.

Be aware of the types of creatures you can comfortably handle in combat, and be wary of rushing in against something more powerful than yourselves.

And this applies generally too, feel free to think outside the box and suggest radical things. It might mean that all the material I’ve prepared for the night is useless, but we’ll figure it out and roll with it.


Similar to thinking outside of the box, I encourage you all to get into character and roleplay as much as possible.

It can be awkward at first and you may just want to speak in 3rd person like this.

“Grogg attacks the kobold.”

But over time – when you are comfortable doing it – I’d love for you to embrace and become your characters. Act how they would act and make decisions they would make, even if they aren’t decisions you would make.

Once we’ve played some games and settled in, I will be rewarding players who try to RP (try being the keyword. You don’t have to be amazing at it, it’s the willingness to try I’m looking for).

When we're all comfortable and settled into our characters I may begin to take what you say as being in-character so mind what you talk about amongst the group as it might be heard by someone without earshot and cause an unintended effect.

Availability and Absences

With us all being busy and living so far from one another, getting together is difficult.

So we will be using a dedicated channel within my "Pen and Wyvern" discord/guilded server to organize and arrange game days.

It is your responsibility to keep an eye on the chat for dates and plans.

If you don’t know about a game that’s happening, it will be because you’ve not kept an eye on the chat.

I will post a suggestion date or two for a game in discord/guilded server and as soon as 50% of the players say yes to a specific date, that’s the date we’ll be playing.

If 50% or more of the players are available to play, we play. The only time this won’t apply is if we are in a multi-part adventure and need everyone present.

Sometimes this means we’ll be playing more random encounters without “main story” threads because not everyone is present, but it means we can play more regularly.

Character Death

Sooner or later, one or more of your characters is probably going to die. Remember that enemy NPCs want to win, which means in most situations they are trying to kill you. If you go into an encounter unprepared or end up separated and surrounded, you could die.

Character deaths aren’t the end though, and a character dying certainly doesn’t mean the campaign is over. If you have sufficient contacts or resources and a character dies, the party could decide to take the body and seek out a solution to bring you back. Or they may decide to journey into hell itself to bring you back. A God might even intervene and grant you your life in exchange for your service.

Or you could just be dead.

Don’t assume that your character will be brought back to life by some mystical means if you charge alone into a room without doing any recon and get stabbed to death by goblin children.

What happens to that character after their death is going to be a combination of your party’s ingenuity, and how the story of your death played out.

If you died valiantly holding a corridor against a swarm of undead so your friends could escape, there’s a greater chance a God might pay attention to that action.

90% of the time though, character death is going to mean that character is dead and gone, and the player will need to roll a new character. This character can be connected to your previous one somehow (ex: an avenging family member) or could be totally unrelated, it’s up to you.

Once you’ve made your new character they will be introduced to the party in the most natural way possible, and everything will continue as normal.

But remember that death is always a possibility, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the game.

The Fall of the Golden Star

History & Lore

Continent of Wanell

Wanell is one of two supercontinents on the planet of Waerg. Current nations include the Kingdom of Cernunnos, Kingdom of Blackheart, and the Kingdom of Ashlands. In earlier eras, there were several nations that controlled different regions of Cernunnos that have since been assimilated into City-States, and the nation where Ashland now resides was wiped due to the Death of the Golden Star.



The north is a mostly temperate climate that goes through all the seasons. The lands far north are frigid ice lands mostly inhabited by giants and snow elves. Going south large coniferous pine forests break into the warm canopy of the deciduous forest. Throughout forests are areas of grasslands, wetlands, and rainforests sprinkled throughout. Most of the land to the far east is inhabited by city-states with the original population of the Kingdom residing within the Province of Halvmåne on the west coast.

Cernunnos: Home to many races, and ruled by the Goddess Lun-Aus within the Province of Halvmåne, County/Capital of Nattehimmel.

South, Southwest

Large swampland that covers most of the nation's landmass making it difficult for the inhabits to live in most areas. Regardless of the many horrors that also call this area home, such as all assortments of slimes, zombies, and evil mages, the people of Blackheart live within the dense land formations of the wetlands and travel further into the swamps to perform funeral rites. The corpses are left on top of sarcophagus with their belongings inside. These burial sites can be found scattered throughout, though, they usually go missing or seemingly disappear overnight.

Blackheart: Home to grey skinned giant-kin with gaunt faces and gaunt faces, and ruled by Rowena Darkholm; Matriarch of House Darkholm of Coldforge.

East, Southeast

The nation rests on a crater terraformed into a plateau over many generations. The area where Asheborne sits has been altered by divine magic from mostly woodlands into a semiarid desert that gradually returns to Mediterranean forests towards the coast and border. People from all over swarmed these outlawed lands; merchants from the Free Islands, citizens from the nation to the far eastern continent, and a few optimistic sorts from Cernunnos who now make up the population of this desert nation.

Ashland: Home to merchants, scavengers, an assortment of vagabonds, and ruled by Hero-King William Fenwick; the Champion that conquered the Ashelands, founder of Asheborne.

Death of the Golden Star

The golden star represented the Goddess Nayeli who is believed to be dead or dormant since the falling.

After the crash the area now known as the Ashelands was turned into what people would assume to be a barren desert. The nation that once sat at the crash site was obliterated, no life of any kind survived the initial burst of energy. Many centuries pasted and many adventuring parties attempted to explore at the heart of it all but none returned. Eventually someone returned and spoke of their discovery of new minerals, ore, and creatures years later. People were still weary of the area due to the effects of prolonged exposure had on anything living that dared cross the order.

Soon, however, the Goddess Lun-Aus deemed the area as more hospitable and announced the "Battle for the Ashelands" declaring whoever survives and lay claim to the desert shall be the champion and become the hero-king of the new nation.

This is where the Kingdom of Ashland rose from the depths of sand and became the epicenter of trade second only to the Free Islands of the Merchant guild.

Pantheons of Wanell


The Red Moon [CN]

Lun-Aus is known for her looks and fondness of mortals and wants only for their happiness. She is revered for her skills hunting wild game and has been named the Huntress of the Crescent Moon.

Domains: Moon, Nature, Death


The Golden Star [CG]

A trickster of sorts, Nayeli is known for playful pranks, jokes as well as song and dance. It is rumoured that she is the mother of the fey creatures known as saytrs.

Domains: Sun, Joy, Life


The Songtress [NG]

A beautiful mermaid that protects the waters surrounding the Free Island of the Merchant guild. Her songs serenade her followers soothing the waters during storms so that they can find their way to shore.

Domains: Sea/Ocean, Life, Fortune


The Undying Queen [LE]

She isn't a God of any sort but is worshiped as one by her people, and only the people of the swamp see her as more than a tyrant queen with daemon blood.

Domains: Death, Decay, Pride


The Frost Mother [LN]

Controls the frigid cold of the north, she is often called the mother of seasons as nothing else would exist without her cooling winds she sends from the north.

Domains: Cold, War, Order


The Old Father [NE]

An ancient God who is no longer worshiped by the many, he is known as the father of all things but has lost his way and became the father of literal nothingness and represents the void in memories long forgotten.

Domains: Tradition, Death, Tempest


The Water Spirit [CG]

Resides mostly in lakes and rivers, especially if a waterfall is nearby. Often mistaken as a siren with their alluring looks and voice. Is a frequent patron to the Goddess Lun-Aus' bathhouse.

Domains: Water, Lust, Fey


The Warchief [LN]

A remnant from before the city-states of Cernunnos were founded, he was worshipped by those who were at war with neighboring nations and would appear on the battlefield charging into battle on his warthog.

Domains: War, Glory, Strength


The Envious [N]

Often depicted as a crying maiden in all white with a veil covering her face. She's mostly seen on misty quiet nights and can be heard singing a melancholy song under the moon light.

Domains: Pain, Charm, Envy


The Pack Fiend [CN]

A boisterous but good spirited God of the Hunt, he has an affinity with pack animals that are used during hunting parties such as dogs, wolves, and other loyal beasts.

Domains: Skill, Wilderness, Animal


The Daemon Lord [LE]

The birth father of all daemon born beings within the world. He has many wives and when seeking new blood he snatches women from their homes and takes them back to his home plane to birth his children for eternity.

Domains: Death, War, Suffering


The Liar [CE]

Known for the many wars, cataclysms, and other catastrophic events he's caused due to his lies and trickery. Sometimes appears as a jester to rulers, a whispering advisor, or an advisor from another region.

Domains: Trickery, Hatred, Illusion

Common Holidays

Festivals, Holidays, etc

The people of Wanell enjoy celebrating festival holidays, the deaths or birth of their people, and the history of their land.

Below is a list of common holidays celebrated by the majority of the population, this is not a complete list and you may find in your journey some holidays you're not familiar with.
Holiday/Event Date Description
Sigil of the Golden Star 27, Golden Star Celebration and remembrance of the day the Golden Star fell and the Goddess Nayeli fell silent to her followers.
Festival of the Ashlands 3, Dwarf Blue Full day affair for the people of Ashland to celebration their Hero-King, the founding of Asheborne, and the Battle of the Ashelands. One of the most popular events is the Champion Games.
Creation Day 1, Morning Star Also known as Day of Titans is the celebration of the creation of the five continents spread across Waerg.
Ancestor Feast 4, Divine Blessing An ancient holiday first practiced by the elder races as a remembrance of their ancestors and has been transformed into a day to celebrate the life of a generation.
Harvest Festival Last Seed Each year before the winter everyone gathers their most delicious produce, fruits, and meats for a grand feast that lasts up to a month.
Light of the Red Moon 1, Red Moon Celebration of the birth of the Goddess Lun-Aus after her ascension.
Day of the Golden Star 1, Golden Star Celebration of the birth of the Goddess Nayeli after her ascension.
Merchants Week Midyear The merchants of the Free Islands dock on the shores of Wanell for a week as they setup grand bazaars selling wares from all around the world.
The Great Migration Hearthfire The trees.. they're alive! The forests seem to get up and move around the continent before the month of the Sleeping Star towards the spine of Cernunnos.
Carnival of Music Midyear A bard troupe travels across the world and ends up on Wanell around the same time as the merchants setup their grand bazaar. They only visit large cities or places that offer adequate accommodations.
Miracle Fest 15, Dwarf Pink The people of Cernunnos travel to the Queens castle to have a small miracle bestowed upon them for good faith.
Tribute to the Frost 28, Sleeping Star A holiday that made its way from the far north where you pay tribute to the Goddess of Frost to ensure she does not engulf the world in everlasting snow and cold.

Wanellian Calendar

Map of Wanell

Kingdom of Cernunnos

Brief History

During the reign of the tyrant king, the Kingdom of Cernunnos mostly controlled the western coast of Wanell before expanding and conquering surrounding nations throughout. The expansion ended when the tyrant king was killed by his own military but all seized nations were converted to city-states and remained under the control of the crown.

Throughout the year's many families rose and fell before the Cromwell bloodline came into power by proof of their right to the throne with the divine powers bestowed upon them through planar trials. Now the throne is controlled by descendants of Cromwell within the Whitetail bloodline. The throne is ruled by twin sisters Lun-Aus and Nayeli.


The capital city of Cernunnos which resides in the old county (now province) of Halvmåne, here the royal castle sits atop a hill overlooking the seafoam sea.

A large and prosperous city home to many people and an abundance of wildlife. Many travel to view the queen's animal sanctuary where she keeps rare animals bred for medicinal purposes. The capital is also known for some of the world's most renowned artisans of their craft, most notably bakers.

City-States of Cernunnos

Many centuries ago the tyrant King of Cernunnos sought to take over the whole of Wanell. He succeeded, for the most part, but before he could take over all of the nations he was usurped (and killed) by the ancestors of the Cromwell bloodline. The old nations are now city-states that are mostly independent of the rule of the crown.

City-State of Hwen

Engineered inside a thicket and is home to humans lead by Warlord Lockwood. This settlement wasn't built by a thicket by accident, as it has precious gems, which is of great importance to the economy of Hwen.

The economy is breaking, which is mainly supported by alchemy, armorsmithing, and tailoring. But their biggest strengths are elaborate blacksmithing and rare herbalism.

City-State of Ecrin

The metropolis of Ecrin is home to humans leads by Director Lamkins. It resides near the now dormant volcano within the spine of Cernunnos and was cast from a lava stream that was used to craft an ancient forge designed by the elves almost a century ago.

Ecrin has an advancing economy, which is mainly supported by animal training, mining, and alchemy. The metropolis is home to some of the most intricate jewel crafters and has the strongest defense of all the city-states.

City-State of Meckotarq

Erected on the peak of a river, the crossroad of Meckotarq is home to gnomes lead by Officer Merbibus. This crossroad was built by a river for its comfortable seasonal weather, which is of great importance to the people of Meckotarq as it allows for them to grow many crops year-round.

Meckotarq has a revolting atmosphere with its gloomy wooden rooftops, half-rotten walls, and absolute silence which gives it a crude look. The crossroad has an old watermill that was built by the giants of the north before they abandoned the area. Despite how it looks Meckotarq has a healthy economy, which is mainly supported by engineering, crafting, and herbalism.

City-State of Grozlik

Set on the Southern side of a forest, the village of Grozlik is home to halflings lead by General Fizink. The forest nearby has many ancient burial grounds that lead into the mountain which the people of Grozlik have made a living from excavating and chronologizing in books.

Their main export is medicine from rare herbs only grown around the mountain near burials and as well as their cooking and farming.

City-State of Frosthold

Originally a strategically placed fort with adjacent town within the cold north, now a bustling megalopolis lead by Galirig a dwarven engineer. The surrounding area has a dark history making the people very superstitious.

The builds look worn with its galvanized steel rooftops, faded granite walls, and large cobwebs, Frosthold has an almost ominous atmosphere. One of their main attractions is a large sauna designed by pirates before the old nation took over and built up the fort. The city-state is known for its wine brewing, woodcrafting, and intricate tailoring.

City-State of Darkwell

Stationed at the ecotone before the frosty north and is mostly home to an assortment of humans and eladrin lead by Davey. To the north are caves and mountains with ore deep within their hearts, thankfully the snow elves designed a system of mines.

City-State of Darkwell (cont.)

The city-state has a very mundane inward appearance with its blackened rooftops and blackened walls, but the wooded areas around it have many scary and dangerous animals giving off a more eerie feel. Despite the dangers, many people come for their gorgeous leatherworking and highly skilled animal breeding.

People of Cernunnos

From the elder races that control the northern lands to the roaming goblins and gnolls that terrorize the wilderness, the inhabitants of Cernunnos represent a diverse mix of races.

Some of the most notable races are:

Humans: Although the youngest they almost make up the majority of the population. The humans of Cernunnos come from all over and bring with them a variety of skin tones, heritage, and culture unlike any other.

Elves: One of the oldest races to inhabit the continent of Wanell and the leading race of royalty that call Cernunnos home. They can be found in the original cities of the Kingdom as landowners, scholars, and advisors to the crown.

Dwarves: The most prominent skilled workers in the civilized world making up the majority of engineers, crafters, and miners in their communities.

Halflings: Studious and curious folk the Halflings are revered for their bookkeeping but are still treated like children due to their mischievous and cheeky nature.

Giants: The ornery sort, very stuck in their ways in terms of tradition and mostly reside in the frosty north or within the Kingdom of Blackheart. Rarely do they share the same space as other races unless traveling for provisions.

Gnomes: Even greater engineers than the dwarves and of smaller stature but bring bigger hassle due to their rather large egos that seem to fill an entire room. Very inquisitive creatures with an unquenchable desire to tinker which is both a strength as well as a weakness.

Culture of Cernunnos

Cernunnos culture is a mixed bag of treats, a melting pot of several centuries of individual culture all coming together under a single banner. Some areas are class-based holding the social class of your bloodline above all else, while others may focus more on tradition or knowledge.

Some of the major classes that are recognized throughout Cernunnos are:

Royalty & Nobility

As the titles imply this class makes up the upper echelon of "divine" bloodlines. Those within this class don't have to worry about their next meal, education, or being subjected to the lottery during wartime. They normally own land and control towns or villages.

Scholars & Merchants

Professors, engineers, and entrepreneurs. Those who are book smart and fast talkers are revered for their innovative ideas and are the leading factor in economic or technological booms within their communities.

Clan Leaders

Old habits die hard and so does tradition. Clan leaders and their communities live by their ancestor's teachings and don't take kindly to outsiders especially those who try to steer the younger generations away from their way of living.

Commoner & Others

Here is where everyone else comes together, whether they're a farmer, a thief, or nomads they all have their story and way of life that is perfectly unique and different.

A Kind Tyrant

Before the war that united many nations into the Kingdom of Cernunnos a lot of the people were slaves and were set free by the King. It is said to be one of the few good things he's done before his undoing.

Kingdom of Blackheart

A Kingdom in the swamp

No one quite knows the origins of the grey giants or how they came about establishing a kingdom with the swamps but they all know and worship the daughter of the Daemon Lord, Mother of the Greys, Rowena Darkholm. She seemed to of appeared of thin air with her followers in tow and they erected crude walls to keep outsiders from seeing what was happening within.

The Cult of Blackheart although not well received is well known throughout Wanell. It is by far one of the most heart-wrenching, blood-curdling, and anger-inducing denominations to have ever existed to the people of Wanell which only gives into the reason for their hatred towards the grey giants even more. Rituals frequently involve torturing and mutilation of their kin, impossible trials of faith, and cannibalism of the deceased.

Queen Rowena is one of seven known daughters of the god Silvanus, and it rumored that she possesses the power to teach the ancient art of blood magic but she only bestows this knowledge onto her most faithful subjects and uses them as assassins to handle her bidding within their borders or as spies within the other kingdoms.


Coldforge is the largest self-sustaining settlement that exists within the inhospitable swamplands of Blackheart. The architecture is gloomy with its deadwood rooftops, decayed walls, and large graveyard giving it a morbid atmosphere. Scattered throughout the surrounding marshes are stone sarcophagi and shrines dedicated to Queen Rowena.

The settlement has existed for almost as long as Cernunnos with a dark history revolving around evil gods, daemons, and the blood arts making them one of the least liked kingdoms on Wanell. Despite their history and xenophobic nature they produce some of the strongest weapons and have a fairly popular ancient brewing technique for dark beer.

Power Struggle

Rumors are surfacing about dissent within the swamp kingdom, a small rebellious sect planning to kill the queen and anyone who follows the cults old ways. They seem to be working with another rebellious group whose name is currently unknown.

People of Blackheart

Few races outside the grey giants exist within the borders of Blackheart and if they do they live as close to the border as possible. The swamp and marshes are an excellent place to hide for fugitives but usually aren't worth risk due to how difficult it is to traverse let alone make any suitable shelter in. Dangerous carnivorous creatures thrive in this environment and have evolved to withstand the harsh elements.

Similar to the beasts of the wilds the grey giants have also adapted giving them their pale grey skin and superior poison and disease tolerance, a gift believed to have been bestowed upon them by the great Daemon Lord himself.

Customs & Practices

Funerals in the swamp are almost treated like feasts, the dead are celebrated and sometimes eaten by their surviving family but only had the body has properly begun to decompose and rot. They decorate the tombs with the most prized possessions of the deceased as an offering to them in the next life, or if they were a traitor of sorts they may be subjected to being turned into an undead and forced to serve the family they wrong for as long as their corpse can hold form.

The people of Blackheart also love to braid or drear their hair and incorporate small animal bones, bits of metal, and sometimes fungi into their intricate hairstyles during ceremonies.

Kingdom of Ashland

From Fire & Ash

The battle was very grandiose, people from all walks of life lined up to lay claim to the uncharted sands of the Ashelands after the Goddess Lun-Aus petitioned for those brave enough to bring back life to the land that was once the home of many before the fall of her sister's star.

Many perished to unfathomable creatures, wild magic, and not-so-friendly competition. The battle lasted years and many more lives were added to the ones lost centuries ago.

Finally, a champion emerged from the ashes of the fallen and declared the lands as the Kingdom of Ashland, and founded the grand city of Asheborne. The hero-king rapidly expanded the city, some districts being more prosperous than others but never interfered with their growth directly because he believed that anyone who wishes to live in a kingdom that was created through blood and tears should bring their own fortune into their lives.


The grand city isn't much different from other kingdoms capitals but the way it is run is peculiar. Asheborne builds onto of itself when going through phases and a lot of builds get repurposed or scrapped for new developments.

Between districts, you may find yourself stepping on the hot sand, cobblestone, or even paved marble which breaks up the cohesive nature that you would expect from a city, especially a capital of a kingdom. However this is by design as each district serves a purpose, the people in each district have a purpose or skill of some sort which contributes to their communities status within the city and directly impacts how it looks.

Future Champions

Rulers of Ashland are not born through royal blood but through the trials held during the Festival of Ashland. During the festival the current hero-king oversees the games and challenges the last standing combatant to a duel and if he refuses for fear of his life he forfeits rights to the crown and is striped of their title of champion. They are not banished by force but most will seek exile or face humiliation.

Adventurers Coalition

The people of Ashland are a hodgepodge of adventurers, mercenaries, merchants, and scavengers. After the battle ended they united under the hero-king and made their homes and businesses within the grand city of Asheborne.

Much like the Free Islands there needed to be some sort of code to be followed by all adventurers seeking to explore the untouched desert of Ashland and make a name for themselves. With this common thought, the coalition was born and is the central hub for all would be adventurers to get a start and take up requests from those with the coin to post on the board.

Districts of Asheborne

Old Town - The original town that established Asheborne.

Castle Ward - Newly built central area of Asheborne with the kings castle.

Silk Alley - A grand bazaar where merchants and artisans of high quality have their stores.

Copper Fair - Middle-class citizens live and shop here, very cozy area within the city.

Tanners Park - Common folk skilled in husbandry, woodwork, and other crafts sell their goods here.

Gloomreach - A place ruled by thieves and other criminals.

Greenmire - This district is only known for housing the adventures coalitions headquarters.

The Orchard - Shanty town surrounding the city.

Appendix: Quick Reference

Actions in Combat

A compiled list of things you can do while actively in combat and how they work during a round or your turn.

INTERACTION: A minor action, Must be something simple like kicking a small stone, planting a banner, open/close a door, or even drawing or sheathing your weapon.

ATTACK: Make a melee or ranged attack.

CAST A SPELL: Spell must have a casting time of 1 action.

CLIMB ONTO BIGGER CREATURE: Athletics or Acrobatics vs. Acrobatics. If successful, you climb on and treat target’s space as difficult terrain. Target may take an action to make an Athletics check against your Athletics or Acrobatics to dislodge you.

DASH: Move extra distance equal to your current speed.

DISARM: Attack roll vs. target’s Athletics or Acrobatics. No damage on success, but target drops held item. Attack has disadvantage if target item is being held in both hands.

DISENGAGE: Your movement this turn does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

DODGE: Attacks made against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn. No longer applies if your speed drops to 0 or you are incapacitated.

ESCAPE GRAPPLE: Athletics or Acrobatics vs. Athletics.

FIRST AID: DC 10 Medicine to stabilize dying creature.

GRAPPLE: Replaces one attack. Athletics vs. Athletics or Acrobatics. On success, target becomes Grappled. Cannot be used on creatures more than one size larger than you.

HELP: Give target advantage on next ability check they make before the start of your next turn, or on an attack against a creature within 5 feet of you before the start of your next turn.

HIDE: Make a stealth check to become hidden.

MARK: Can mark target in addition to melee attack. Your opportunity attacks against marked target have advantage until start of your next turn and do not use your reaction. You are still limited to 1 per turn.

OVERRUN: Athletics vs. Athletics to move through an opponent’s space. Advantage if larger than target, disadvantage if smaller.

READY: Ready an action to use later when a certain trigger occurs. Using this is a reaction and does not interrupt the trigger. Spells require concentration until they go off.

SHOVE: As Grapple, but can choose to push 5 feet away or knock prone. Can try to shove aside to another space within 5 feet of you, but roll at disadvantage.

TUMBLE: Acrobatics vs. Acrobatics to move through an opponent’s space.

Exhaustion & Conditions

Level Effect
1 Disadvantage on ability checks
2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
4 Hit Point maximum halved
5 Speed reduced to 0
6 Death

BLINDED: Automatically fail sight-dependent checks, disadvantage to your attacks, advantage to hostile attacks.

CHARMED: Cannot hurt or attack the charmer. Charmer has advantage on social ability checks.

DEAFENED: Automatically fail all hearing-dependent checks.

FRIGHTENED: Disadvantage on checks and attacks while source of fear is in line of sight. Cannot deliberately move closer to source of fear.

GRAPPLED: Speed reduced to 0, no bonuses apply. Ends when grappler is incapacitated, you escape, or you are forcibly separated. Grappler can move with you at half speed.

INCAPACITATED: Cannot take actions or reactions.

INVISIBLE: Heavily obscured while hiding; you still make noise and tracks. Advantage while attacking, hostiles have disadvantage.

PARALYZED: Incapacitated, cannot move or speak. Auto-fail Strength and Dexterity saves. Hostiles have advantage. Attacks that hit you from within 5 feet are automatic critical hits.

PETRIFIED: Your weight increases tenfold. You are incapacitated and unaware of your surroundings. Hostiles have advantage. Auto-fail Strength and Dexterity saves. Resist all damage, poison, and disease.

POISONED: You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.

PRONE: Can only crawl at half speed until you stand up. Attacks have disadvantage. Hostiles have advantage within 5 feet and disadvantage over 5 feet. Standing up uses half of your base movement.

RESTRAINED: Speed reduced to 0. Your attacks and Dexterity saves have disadvantage. Hostiles have advantage.

STUNNED: Incapacitated, cannot move, and speaks haltingly and in fragments. Auto-fail Strength and Dexterity saves. Hostiles have advantage.

UNCONSCIOUS: Incapacitated, prone, cannot move or speak, and unaware of surroundings. Auto-fail Strength and Dexterity saves. Hostiles have


In the midst of battle sometimes you need to mitigate incoming damage by using natural, magical, or other forms of cover.

HALF COVER: +2 to AC and Dexterity saves. 3/4

COVER: +5 to AC and Dexterity saves.

TOTAL COVER: Cannot be directly targeted.


HIDING: Stealth vs. Perception (if searching) or Passive Perception (if not searching) . Cannot hide while engaged in melee.

LIGHTLY OBSCURED: Disadvantage on Perception check.


Travel & Resting

Pace Hours Day Effects
Fast 4 miles (6.4 km) 30 miles (48.2 km) -5 penalty to passive Perception
Normal 3 miles (4.8 km) 24 miles (38.6 km) ——————
Slow 2 miles (3.2 km) 18 miles (28.9 km) Able to use Stealth

FORCED MARCH: At the end of each hour, a character must make a Constitution save with a DC of 10 + the number of hours over 8 they have traveled that day. Failure gains them a level of exhaustion.

SHORT REST: 1 hour. Spend hit dice to regain HP.

LONG REST: 8 hours. Regain full HP and half of your maximum hit dice

Donning & Doffing Armor

Category Don Doff
Light 1 min. 1 min.
Medium 5 min. 1 min.
Heavy 10 min. 5 min.
Shield 1 action 1 action

Concentration & Spellcasting

Some spells will require your undivided attention or the effect will end. Here is a short list of things that can break your concentration.

CASTING ANOTHER SPELL THAT REQUIRES CONCENTRATION: You cannot concentrate on two spells at once. You can, however, cast spells that do not require concentration while concentrating on a different spell.

TAKING DAMAGE or OVERWHELMING DISTRACTION: Make a Constitution save with a DC of 10 or half the damage you took, whichever is higher. If you fail the saving throw, your concentration ends. Make a separate saving throw for each source of damage.


Spellcasting Requirements

I won't require you to carry any components for spells you're able to cast normally but for spells such as resurrection of any sort will require some components to keep things lively.

SPELLCASTING FOCUS: Can replace material component. Holy symbol must be held or worn visibly.

VERBAL COMPONENT (V): Cannot cast while gagged or in area of silence.

SOMATIC COMPONENT (S): Must have free use of at least one hand to perform gestures.

MATERIAL COMPONENT (M): Must have specific components required by the spell on their person. If components are consumed by the spell, must provide enough components for each casting. Must have one hand free to access the components.

A CLEAR PATH TO THE TARGET: Target cannot be behind total cover. If you try to cast an area of effect spell with something in the way, the area of effect begins on the near side of the obstruction.

Overlapping Spells

Spells can only overlap with different spells. While two instances of one spell overlap, the version of the spell with the higher numbers is applied.

Death & Dying

As you know this campaign will not allow much room for error so death is a very real thing that can happen depending on your actions or inaction.

INSTANT DEATH: If you drop to 0 HP and there is damage remaining that exceeds your maximum HP, you die instantly.

DEATH SAVING THROWS: If you start your turn with 0 HP, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, you succeed; on a 9 or lower, you fail. At three successes, you are stabilized; at three failures, you are dead. A natural 20 counts as 2 successes, a natural 1 counts as 2 failures.

DAMAGE WHILE DYING: You suffer a saving throw failure if you take damage while dying.

STABILIZING: Stable creatures do not make death saving throws and regain 1 HP after 1d4 hours.

Special Movement

LONG JUMP: Up to Strength score in feet with 10 foot running start and half that distance with a standing start. If landing on difficult terrain, DC 10 Acrobatics or fall prone.

HIGH JUMP: Up to 3 + Strength mod feet with 10 foot running start and half that height with a standing start.

FLIGHT: If a flying creature is knocked prone, has its speed reduced to 0, or is otherwise prevented from moving, it falls and takes 1d10 damage for every 10 feet it plummets. The ability to hover or magical means of flight negate this.

UNDERWATER COMBAT: Creatures that do not have a swim speed have disadvantage on melee attacks not made with a dagger, shortsword, spear, or trident. Ranged weapons cannot hit beyond their normal range, and have disadvantage unless they are crossbows, nets, or javelin-type throwing weapons. Creatures immersed in water have resistance to fire damage.

MOUNTED COMBAT: A willing creature that is one size larger than you and physically capable of carrying you can serve as a mount. You can mount or dismount a creature within 5 feet of you once during your move, though this costs half your movement speed.

If an effect moves your mount against its will or you are knocked prone while you are mounted, make a DC 10 Dexterity save or be thrown off. You have advantage on this check if using a saddle. If your mount is knocked prone, you may take a reaction to land on your feet; otherwise, you fall prone within 5 feet of your mount.

A mount that is not acting independently moves as you direct it, and may take the Dash, Disengage, and Dodge actions. A controlled mount can act on the turn you mount it. If the mount provokes an opportunity attack while you’re on it, the attacker can choose to either target you or the mount.


FALLING: Falling deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet you fall, up to 20d6.

SUFFOCATING: You can hold breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 30 seconds). Afterwards, you can last a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) but drop to 0 and starts dying at start of your next turn afterwards.

FOOD: You need 1 pound of food per day. Half rations count as half a day without food. You can go without food for a number of days equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). Afterwards, you take a level of exhaustion at the end of each day without food.

WATER: You need 1 gallon of water per day, 2 in hot weather. Half water requires DC 15 Constitution save; if you fail, you take a level of exhaustion at the end of the day. Not drinking any water causes an automatic level of exhaustion at the end of the day. If you already have a level of exhaustion, take 2 levels instead.

Abilities & Skills

STRENGTH: Athletics

DEXTERITY: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth

CONSTITUTION: Concentration

INTELLIGENCE: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion

WISDOM: Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival

CHARISMA: Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion



  • Attacking an unaware target
  • Attacking a blinded, paralyzed, restrained, petrified, stunned, or unconscious target
  • Attacking a prone target in melee
  • Flanking


  • Attacking while blinded, frightened, poisoned, prone, or restrained
  • Attacking a prone target at range
  • Attacking a dodging target
  • Perception checks in lightly obscured environment
  • Ranged weapon attacks while engaged in melee
  • Ranged weapon attacks at long range

Vision & Area of Effect

BLINDSIGHT: A creature with Blindsight can perceive its surroundings without seeing them, within a specific radius.

DARKVISION: Within a specified range, a creature with Darkvision sees dim light as if it were bright light. Additionally, it sees all darkness as dim light, though it can only perceive shades of gray.

Type Area Covered
Cone Size ÷ 10 (round up)
Cube or Square Size ÷ 5 (round up)
Cylinder Radius ÷ 5 (round up)
Line Length ÷ 30 (round up)
Sphere or Circle Radius ÷ 5 (round up)

Solve the mystery of a fallen Goddess

The Fall of the Golden Star is a campaign setting is built to be played using D&D 5e ruleset.

When in Wanell don't judge a book by it's cover, as you discover the world isn't always what it seems at first look and someone you may see as an enemy may turn out to be an invaluable ally.

In this grim dark world your [insert text], [insert text], and even your [insert text] will be challenged. As you travel you may experience bandits, dangerous beasts, legendary creatures, and the harsh elements of the world.

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