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> ##### Rites > "... > Rites may also be used to cast unprepared spells of 5th level and below with the ritual tag or a casting time of 1 minute or longer by spending the amount of Rites needed to cast that level of spell and adding 10 minutes to the casting time." > -[The Seeker (page 3)]( ##### The seeker strives to be the ritual and slow casting specialist. Being able to cast unprepared spells, with an associated lengthy casting and cost of Rites, helps keep the utility and flavor of this class in line. ##### On the right is a list of seeker spells that meet criteria to be cast unprepared by using Rites. \columnbreak ## Unprepared Spells That May Be Cast Using Rites ##### 1st Level - Alarm - Animal Friendship - Ceremony - Comprehend Languages - Detect Magic - Detect Poison and Disease - Find Familiar - Gift of Alacrity - Identify - Illusory Script - Purify Food and Drink - Unseen Servant ##### 2nd Level - Augury - Beast Sense - Fortune's Favor - Locate Animals or Plants - Prayer of Healing - Silence - Speak with Animals - Wristpocket ##### 3rd Level - Clairvoyance - Galder's Tower - Magic Circle - Phantom Steed - Tiny Hut - Tiny Servant - Water Breathing - Water Walk ##### 4th Level - Divination - Fabricate - Hallucinatory Terrain - Private Sanctum ##### 5th Level - Commune - Commune with Nature - Contact Other Plane - Dream - Legend Lore - Reincarnate - Scrying - Telepathic Bond - Teleportation Circle