Toriel's Campaign Setting

by EleKTriiK

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Campaign Setting

A resource for those dwelling Toriel


WELCOME, if you're reading this then you are most likely a player at my table! Or for some obscure reason, you are interested in using this setting, no matter why welcome to tag along for a dark ride. You will find the world of Toriel, a labor of love and passion made possible by the player that keeps me interested in the world's greatest roleplaying game.

This guide will teach you more about Toriel, a place that draws inspiration from high fantasy, dark fantasy, and other genres alike. Inside this ever-growing book, you'll find a source of knowledge about this world we are crafting together. This is my first project of this kind, I keep on learning with every page I create, and hope to improve every day.

Oh, and welcome to Toriel. We’ll see what you'll achieve…


Ch. 1

Welcome To Toriel

Toriel is a place of wonder, from the vast sand sea where enormous to the jungle home of the dinosaur, the landscape of Toriel is formidable. There are always quest to take on for adventurers, mercenaries, and other wannabe heroes, as sadly, this world is full of horrible monsters.

Ghouls, feeding on the dead body of the local cemetery, giant spiders expelling kobolds from their cave as they prepare for the birth of a new giant spider queen. All the above are the common day of any adventurers in Toriel, but, it is important to keep in mind the grim aspect inherent with such a world, heroes are many, but threats are even more common, and for every villager saved, there are most likely two other villagers that died as no one was there to save them.

The world of Toriel blends the tropes of many fantasy genres, and the player should find the unique tropes of sword and sorcery.

Before embarking on this unforgiving land, it is important to define a few features of Toriel and this setting.

High Magic

"Everyone always has some kind of luck charm, a trinket, holy symbol or some item of power, they don't even realize how much the weave influence their daily life"

—Darvik, Darvik's notes

Toriel is a land of magic, it is a high magic setting, and such a setting have advantage and drawback. In Toriel, magic items are quite common, the world itself is infused with so much weave, any creature can, to a certain extent do magic.

Smith, from even the most remote location, can more often than not create uncommon magic items, infusing the blade with ghoul's blood, fairy dust, or other magical components to give the blade its magical properties. and even rare items can potentially be found and crafted in bigger cities.

A concept, called by the savant and wizard of Toriel as 'The power of words' try to explain one of the influences of magic on this world. Someone, about to die, cursing its assassin, pouring his very been into each of his words in his final breath will probably create a real curse, expert in that domain are bards.

The first and major drawback of such a common presence of magic, is the interference with some divination spell, detect magic in a major city, will make so many aura intertwin, blend and go over each other that it may be hard to even walk properly for the spell duration. Other divination spells might be deviated due to a powerful spell, item, or curse.

A dangerous Land

Civilization keeps on expanding, and most villages are within a few hours of walk of each other in most civilized areas, but other places, like Green earth deep jungle, or the frozen kingdom ice plain will let you walk for days without any hint of civilized land, those unforgiving places often avoided by caravan, and other traveling groups. In villages and small towns, travelers are often met with suspicious gazes by locals who have never left the isolation of their home village.

Relentless threats assault humanity. Vicious creatures hunt wandering children and armed travelers alike, many of whom are never heard from again. Usually, the bigger the uncivilized region, the bigger the threat.

Travel is a perilous endeavor. Armored columns of merchant caravans transport goods, nervously guarded by mercenaries who refuse to deviate from known roadways. More often than not, the roads far from creatures lurking in the woods are those where bandits are met.

The creatures plaguing the land are not only on hidden in those wild regions, but some live under our very feet, cave reaching so deep they land in the Underdark, are often connected by a twisted network of tunnels, nests, and rooms spreading across the continent.

Some other creatures enjoy the comfort of civilization, as terrifying as humanoid can be by their very nature, some rare, but incredibly dangerous monsters manage to hide their true form in the mass of people.

God touched Land

Toriel pantheon is the same as the usual forgotten realm pantheon, including minor deities, and other auxiliary pantheon. Despite the lack of original creation for the pantheon, the lands of Toriel are still graced by their influence.

Many believe in the god, and their influence on this world, it could be through divine interventions, miracles, and other exceptional events, or just the very act of seeing a cleric or paladin casting a spell and harnessing divine power.

A lot of the civilized land are religious, in various forms, and to various gods, but most populations venerate one or more deities, and, for each divine force, there is an equally powerful dark force. While the demons are rather rare, seeking chaos and pure destruction, fiends are more common. Hiding among the people, they gaze over the mortals, seeking a victim, harnessing souls for the ever-growing army of the nine hell.

Ch.1 | Welcome to Toriel

Dragon Overlord

Toriel is a land of monsters and magic, some of those monsters, living for thousands of years, have harnessed power beyond mortal comprehension.

And, the most noticeable and most beloved of those monsters are the dragon. The tales of which are only legends, their kind disappearing ages ago, but their heritage still survive and influence the world in many ways. Their corpses, scales, teeth claw, or whatever might be left of one of those creatures still carry incredible power.

The dragons in Toriel are gargantuan been, the shadow of a flying dragon could cover a whole city, and a big one, a flap of their wing could create hurricanes.

Dragons are an example of some, albeit rare, being that influence the world around them thanks to their very power, many lives depending on them, and most of those lives not even realizing it. But dragons aren't the only powerful being, from ancients vampires to elder elemental, those been can rival the power of the majestic dragon.

A Shared World

This is your world too, the story we tell in Toriel is thanks to the common work of both players and dungeon master, the story, epic moment, and fun memories wouldn't be achievable without the union of the two.

Ch.1 | Welcome to Toriel

Ch. 2

Races of Toriel

This chapter Hopes to provide information for the most common races in the world of Toriel, if you lack information on the race you were looking for, you can assume it is like in the classic forgotten realms Setting.

Most Races were not civilized, at least not with the common and modern definition of the world a thousand years ago. But the alliance, war, treason, and other event forged most races and kingdom in the way they are nowadays, each of said Races Carrying been the herald of this history.

Tana's Empire Races


“The dwarf is stoic. The elf is wise. The gnome is cunning. And humans? They can’t make up their mind, so they try to be all of these things at once.”

— Kessler, Sharn bard

No doubt humans are the most common in Toriel, from the tundra up north, to the vast desert to the south, they can be found in most locations. Most Humans live within Tana's Empire, the vast land to the west. Tana's empire has been mostly under human dominion. It was their adaptable nature and adventurous mindset that quickly led them to expand. Despite been one of the youngest races of the realm, and short-lived, they managed to survive and grow.

By the time the great kingdoms of the elves and the mighty Dragonborn realized the violence that inevitably follows the humans, it was already too late. The eyes of the human leaders fell greedily on the prosperous lands of the elves and dragonborn. The Great Reunion had begun and humans were here to stay. Different tribal armies marched simultaneously west, and south; no land was safe. Unable to unite or react in time, the elven and dragonborn monarchs watched as human warriors swarmed and usurped their lands. The human race emerged victorious after years of bloodshed.

In victory, they showed mercy to the elder races. They dismantled the elven kingdoms, pushing them deeper in the forests. They left some degree of freedom to the dragonborn, mostly to avoid any civil war. forcing them to accept a certain form of dominion. The humans would have stopped at nothing, if conflict from within had not forced their armies
to a halt. Having exterminated all the other kingdoms, the warlords turned against each other, each claiming
the High Throne that would later become the
Imperial Throne of Tana the one who managed to
unite the human and to claim the throne.

Having shorter lives to live than the other races, their old hatreds have faded, and they are now more receptive to other races. But elves live long, and even if most are fine with the current reign, some rare still hold a grudge.

Long before the era of the dragon, humans were incredibly developed, This is a time, that even the elf did partially forget. Back then, their greed for power was already overwhelming, driving them to experiment with forces beyond the limit of mortals. This is said to have caused their extinction, not only the humans, but most of the Living been on those land vanished, causing great change to Toriel, as the dragon and giant started to claim the lands, a war that would last century, and cause everyone one else to hide in hear. This is referred to as the Great Extinction.


The offspring between elves and human is quite common, and half-elf started to appear during the great reunion.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel


Ancient and Wise, elves were dwelling the forest of Toriel as far as any mortal can remember. Their long history was mostly lost with the great extinction, as the elves were entirely wiped from the material plane, too close to the source of destruction to survive. Thankfully, the feywild cousin of the elf, such as the Eladrin, and Celadrin survived in this other plane, and soon, helped the few High and Wood elf left to survive during the era of dragons.

Tall, graceful, and extraordinarily beautiful, they claimed the forest and river lands to the west (except for the Grugach, a subrace that dwells the three-barrel woods, and are closely related to dryads), Constructing Megima from the ruins of their ancestor, hiding it from the dragon and giant with their high magic deep within the wood.

Blessed with keen eyesight and a great talent for archery, they have created a long-lasting tradition of rangers and druids to protect their kingdoms from outside threats. Their deep knowledge of the woodlands further complimented their deadly and silent armies, making them a force to be reckoned with, but their number lacking to face the army of the humans during the great reunion.

The great reunion cost the elves dearly. Their kingdoms were forced into submission, and a great part of their forest was turned to ash. Even though their bows were precise, they were outnumbered and unable to defend themselves on all fronts as war-hungry armies burned their sheltering forests.

Some elves, refusing to be ruled by the humans, lived for decades as nomads, trying to hide in the forests on the outskirts of the human civilization. And to this day, rare groups of elves keep on fighting this way.

Sea Elves

The aquatic sea elves were not as affected by the great cataclysm, and even if their number were reduced, their isolation underwater protected them from the war opposing the dragon and the giant, that was taken to the land, where the giants were able to fight.

They are more common Near God's domain to the south, where the close underwater city welcomes them, and they can exchange with the local land-based population with ease.

Dark Elves (Drow)

The dark eves in Toriel are confined within the night island. When the great cataclysm struck the elves, a great number of elves on the night island survived. But the Cataclysm, partially magic in nature, had caused a change in the weave, and the survivors were not able to utilize the elven high magic anymore.

Their cities were destroyed, as the dragons and giants started to fight, forcing them to hide deep underground. Somehow, they were still crossing the path of blood craving dragon, always pushing them deeper, until they reached the Underdark. This dark places, at first hostile, was still not as bad as the outside world, and for a thousand-year, they were forced to adapt to this place.

Their skin growing dark at first, sensitive to light, but better adapted to the condition they had to live in, losing their hair color at the same occasion. Their darkvision improving, and slowly, they were able to build a new kingdom in the Underdark.

It is common knowledge that everything coming from the underground, is dangerous and hostile, every child learns that with the various stories he is told. Thanks to that teaching, drow are feared, their dark skin, and the knowledge of their homeland, make them a source of stories to make children cry.

Even other elves dislike the drow, due to their disconnection with high magic.

Due to their origin, and history, drow are one of the very few that were able to keep traces of history before the great cataclysm, but as the isolated, hated race they are, accessing this knowledge ain't an easy feat.

Elven Hair

Many elves hair change with the season, shifting color with nature, this change can be more or less visible depending on the individual but is generally common among the elves

But, the drow, forced under the earth for centuries, lost their connection to the season, and therefore, lost the pigment in their hair. All drow have white hair.

Shadar Kai

The shadar-kai, also called shadow fey, are the elves living in the shadowfell, when elves draw origin from the feywild, it is strange to see elves in a plane such as the shadowfell. The shadow fey are adapted to this environment, as they two spend ages in those lands. The reason driving them her is long forgotten, as shadar kai were there even before the great cataclysm.

The pallor of their skin, and their lack of apparent emotions, come from their adaptation to this plane. They serve the raven queen, their divinity, and their city was built around the great mountain at the top of which it is supposed to appear regularly. Their role, well known to interplanar travelers, was to ensure some form of balance in the plane that is the shadowfell.

Following their near extermination in an attempt to create a philosopher's stone by a vampire living nearby. They were reduced to a few dozen representatives of their species, and their large cities now erased from the map, they began to adopt a less sedentary lifestyle.

Since this incident, they are now sworn enemies of the vampires, and they dedicate their lives to ensure the balance of power with these so-called vampires.

Shadar-Kai name: Shadar Kai have a common naming habit, the first name followed by the last name which is generally extremely short, the two separate by an '

Example: Zealdrin’at, Tom’el, Nael’an

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel


The dragonborn, are not the children of the dragon, any who dare to make that mistake will have to fear their wrath. Dragonborn were created by the dragons, as slaves, and tools of war. When the dragons were going to the front, fighting the giants, the dragonborn were forced to create their armor, to prepare their spell component, to stitch the wounds of those coming back. And when you know the sheer size of a dragon, you know this is a task that was painfully long, and hard. Doing the tedious work the kobolds were too weak to achieve, but contrary to the kobold, the dragonborn were not thrilled by a life of enslavement. Unable to escape, they had to support this state until the end of the war.

When the great reunion started, human forces marched south, to the dragonborn territory, driving them to the desert. They were weak, ages of enslavement didn't lead them to any accomplishment, and the dragonborn leader realized there was only one way for his race to survive and prosper, and struck a deal with the Empire. They would surrender their lands and become members of Tana's empire, as long as they could govern themselves independently.

The human knew to agree and to keep their word, as an enemy that has nothing to lose is far more dangerous. And when the dragonbon and their land were fully indexed to Tana's empire, they kept a certain degree of freedom.

For years, the dragonborn were hated and feared, those who did survive during the era of dragon horrified by their draconic look. However, the hatred the dragonborn nourished toward the dragon was even stronger, in over only 2 generations, they managed to be accepted.

Having a lifespan similar to humans, the day where they were feared and rejected are forgotten. But one thing was carefully taught to young dragonborn, transmitted over the generation, a deep hatred for the dragons. Dragonborn share and transmit other important value in their society, concepts such as community, freedom and the ability to keep a promise is extremely valued among dragonborn.

Dragonborn Color

Dragonborn skin color and breath weapon aren't necessarily connected, the dragonborn, born thanks to powerful dragon wizard, they were infused with various power from dragons of various origin, their power mixed and blended, making for unusual mixe of breath weapon and color into the dragonborn nation.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel

"Their breath weapon is quite the interesting ability, the way they expulse this power from their throat is a sight to behold. I can only imagine how terrifying dragons were."

—Arnold Vizier

Lightfoot Land Races


The great cataclysm affected the Halfling like most other races, a great deal of the population was annihilated, Forcing the Halfling back into a tribal state, no matter what was their ancient civilization. During the era of the dragons, they fell silent, hiding from the war.

Numerous tribes of halflings, spread around the lands during the dragon era, started to gather in a bigger tribe, forming town and city, soon joined by the gnomes and verdan, they took on a form of independence by declaring themself a kingdom, and grow into the civilized people we know now.

Shorter and weaker in stature than dwarves, halflings are a peaceful race, that tends to appreciate life as it comes. What most of these tiny folk seek in life is a place to settle in peace and with people they like and love. They enjoy good music, fine food, and a good laugh as often as possible.

This does not mean that this race shuns adventuring. Tales of halfling rogues or scholars, seeking ancient and hidden knowledge, are some of the most famous there are.

Unlike gnomes, however, they care little for jewels or inventions. halflings, after they lost most of their history during the great cataclysm, understood the importance of history, and bookkeeping. Halflings use the lore they gather to build impressive libraries on specific subjects. Within the countless volumes of these libraries lie the generations of knowledge pertaining to the halflings' passions, from cooking to brewing, bee keeping, and much more.

Halfling tends to call humans, elves, or whatever is a normal size "biggy", "stickman" and other fancy names, but on the other hand, halflings are so often called "Half men" that it becomes almost logical that such namecalling goes both ways. Halfling composes the vast majority of the population in the Lightfoot Land, where they share the lands with other small creatures such as gnomes and verdans.


Ingenious and full of energy, gnomes are considered to be distant descendants of the fey. Slightly shorter than the halfling, and with long pointy ears similar to the elves, this small-framed race compensates for the lack of muscle with ever working brains and a great aptitude for invention. Even though their inventions have a bad habit of blowing up, no one can stay mad at a gnome. Their cheerful attitude, curiosity, and humor put the gnomes among the most likely to have a good feast or a carefree dance.

Apart from their joyful side, they have created some of the most impressive mechanical wonders of Toriel. Some gnomes, in the elemental plane of air, managed to build flying ship, when other back on the material planes, made the prototype of flintlocks. Those inventions are all reputed to be results of gnomish brilliance, but the secret of their invention is kept within the Lightfoot land. If you are looking for a gnome in a populated city, you just have to wait for the explosion to guide your steps.

During the great cataclysm, gnome settlements were annihilated, similarly to the elves, they were almost entirely killed, thankfully, some tribes, in the feywild, came back to the material plane, and new tribes of gnomes could grow, hiding from the dragons.

During that era, the gnomes were those discovering the Dragonite, and its fairly explosif use, their ingenious minds hatching a plan to win against the dragon. But as expected, this attempt was short-lived, the gnome considered as an ally of the giant were hunted down by the dragon and their followers, forced to seek shelter among the halfling.

Since the union of halfling, gnome, and verdan under the common banner of the Lightfoot Land, they keep on creating new wanders, work of mechanical art. Activating those inventions with a mix of magic and mechanical engineering.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel


Standing at various sizes, the verdan are often mistaken for goblin or small green half-elf. Far from the elder races, verdan are a recent natural creation. The goblin, known as the highly adapting monsters they are, drifted from the Green earth at the end of the era of dragons, settling toward the east of the soon-to-be Lightfoot land.

Settling on the side of the eastern lake, they achieved the peaceful life they were looking for. When the gnomes and halfling united they joined the union.

But over the years, the Goblin changed, mutating at an incredible path, even for a goblin. By the time they joined the union with the gnome and halfling, their skin was turned the color of jade and their blood began to flow black. Soon after, their ears grew pointed, and they gained a limited form of telepathy.

Some think such event did occur due to the influence and powers of local dryads

Because the verdan have not dwelled long in the world, they are still discovering new things about themselves. Chief among these discoveries is that their physical forms change as they age, signifying that the mutative power of influencing them is not done with them. They soon learned that their kind were fated to eventually undergo a dramatic, painful, and random growth spurt that sees them transformed to hobgoblin size over a period of days.

At the same time, many verdan undergo changes in coloring as they age. Male verdan typically have little to no hair, while females sport shocks of wiry hair that they try to tame in a variety of styles. But the color of any verdan’s hair, skin, and eyes can transform from their original jade tones to pale white, deep ebon, or any other shade in between. A verdan’s ears also undergo numerous spontaneous alterations over their lifetime, from the typical range of point and peak seen among the elves, to huge ears that sweep back from the head like wings, and which are often pierced behind the head with a single ring to keep them from flapping about.

Without a cultural identity or memory of their own, the verdan quickly adopted the cultural practices of gnomes and halfling.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel

Frozen kingdom Races


Ancient and dauntless as the mountains they call home. Unlike the elves, the dwarves built their kingdoms deep within the eastern mountains of what is now the Frozen Kingdom. Adept with metalworking and jewel crafting, the dwarves created countless cities in the Mountains.

During the Great Cataclysm, Dwarves had the same fate as most other races, the vast majority of them were wiped from existence. the survivor barricaded themself within the fortresses of their cities, Knowing the human caused this cataclysm, they have grown to mistrust every other race.

The veins of mithril and gold were rich beneath these mountains and dwarven crafters quickly became extremely talented in those domains, keeping their art a secret. Their rich mines were not a secret, but few tried to fight the dwarves, as their army was strong, and their craftmanship was famous. During the time of need over the years, dwarven miners dug deep in the mountains, until they laid eyes upon a new metal which was impenetrable to the arrows; Adamantine.

With the discovery of Adamantine in 434 AD, the dwarven kingdom opened up to the outside world, trading the newfound mineral. With armor and weapons of impeccable craftsmanship, their product sold easily, and the dwarves grow closer to the people of the Lightfoot land and to the Goliath. Said Goliaths were the first that came when the dwarven kingdom opened up.

The goliath leader striking a deal with the dwarves, and securing the tundra up north. The dwarves, not using this land anyway, and having a mutual comprehension with the goliath looking for peace, easily agreed to their presence. Some older dwarves still think they would be better off alone, as they say, it is easier to move a mountain than a dwarf.

A recent lineage conflict with the royal family was yet another proof of the bad influence of other races on the dwarves, and many believe they should go back to total isolation. Dwarves are relatively long-lived and hard to work, Valuing community, their community, above all.

Dwarven blackpowder training. You have proficiency with Blackpowder weapons when you reach 3rd-level.


The Goliaths of Toriel are tall, daunting, yet peaceful people. Adapted to the coldest climates, the goliaths are rarely seen as they settle on land no one else would dare to go.

the history of goliath, during the great cataclysm, or before is unknown, as they have mostly oral traditions, but what we know is that they used to be part of the tribes in the green earth, but the constant fight and lute for power wasn't to their taste. They started to move, looking for a place to settle. The lands to the south were too hot for them, and after years as a wandering tribe, finally, they found the Dwarves.

Goliath being peaceful folk, and dwarves secluded folk, a mutual agreement closely emerged, the goliath would take the tundra, up north of the Frozen Kingdom, where they would settle without bothering the Dwarves. Ever since, most of the goliath live in those lands, traveling mostly to trade with the dwarves.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel

Geen Earth Races

The green earth is a cosmopolitan land, to say the least, gathering what many other might call monstrous races into lands too dangerous for other to dare to colonize. Organizing into a collection of tribes of various races, they now are under a common banner for foreign politics, but this alliance doesn't go further than that.

Among the race of the green earth, very few had civilization before the great cataclysm, and with oral tradition, their history was lost with the years.


Centaurs are tall creatures, with the upper half of an elf, and the lower half of a horse. Those horselike creatures love wide spaces and the freedom to travel. As much as they can, centaurs run — in Green earth wild plains, Hot savanna, and verdant forest. They race the wind, hooves thundering and tails streaming behind them, and are the embodiment of freedom. The tribe, running with the wind for days on end, often end up crossing the frontier to the Lightfoot land, or sometimes even to Tana's empire.

Alignment. Centaurs are free creatures, generally refusing humanoid law, and as such are generally Chaotic.

When the great cataclysm happened, and rift from the feywild opened up for the nome and elves to go through, centaur tagged along, curious to explore the vast land of the material plains. Unlike elves or gnomes, centaurs are not descendent of the fey but are full-blown fey.

As such Centaurs sense the interconnectedness of the natural world. Thus, they celebrate family and community as microcosms of that greater connection. They have a strong clan identity.

They tend to have friendly relations with the elves and gnomes they meet, able to sense their fey heritage.


Goblin occupy an uneasy place in a dangerous world, and they react by lashing out at any creatures they believe
they can bully. Cunning in battle and cruel in victory, goblins are fawning and servile in defeat.

Goblins know they are a weak, unsophisticated race
that can be easily dominated by bigger,smarter, more organized, more ferocious, or more magical creatures.
Their life are short, and as such, they seek to trap and
enslave any creatures they encounter, but they flee
from opposition that seems too daunting. For miles
around their lair, they employ pit traps, snares, and
nets to catch the unwary, and when their hunting
patrols encounter other beings, they always look
for ways to capture their foes instead of killing

Few goblins run up against the fringes of society, and the result varies greatly. Rare are those who manage to adapt to those kinds of places, as such, very little goblin can be found in tana's empire or the lightfoot land. Goblins are highly adaptative, as the verdan prove, and it is extremely hard to define common features for those creatures.

Everything, from their skin color to their average height and build change from a tribe to another.

Their endeavor made them known, they are known as weak creatures, but not to underestimate, as their weakness is only met by their cowardness. But the rare goblinoids found in cities are generally far from the standard expectation for those creatures.


Bugbear are generally part of a goblinoid tribe, often as their master thanks to a power difference. And as such share a similar treatment by common folks.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel


Hobgoblin are tall goblinoids, loosely resembling goblin, but are the complete opposite. When goblins are known to be cowardly, cowardice is more terrible to hobgoblins than dying, for they carry their living acts into the afterlife. A hero in death becomes a hero eternal.

Hobgoblins hold themselves to high standards and respect the law, their law above all. Hobgoblins have conquered the south of the Green earth, and share the land only with the Loxodon and wandering tribe willing to pay for passage. Their strict morals leading them to keep an impeccable army at all times.

Hobgoblin might lack the strength or will for destruction of orcs and minotaurs, but their army is organized, their frontiers are safe, and their city is kept far from the assault of other tribes. Hobgoblin society evolved to this harsh, lawful society after the great cataclysm. The incident wiping most of their population, they were on the edge of extinction.

The survivor had to be extremely careful, and have a strong set of rules to survive during the era of dragons, and those traditions evolved over the year, to become the society they know have. Boat Wright, their capital, looks like any other civilized land, and prosper, as the Hobgoblins offer safe passage across the Green earth for a fee.

Thanks to their mannerism, and the safe trading route they offer, hobgoblins are appreciated by both Tana's empire and the Lightfoot Land. Hobgoblins are not necessarily evil and are extremely lawful, as such, they are accepted in most major cities. Of course, villages and small towns might not have the same opinion, as they lack the education to know the hobgoblin good behavior.


Kalashtar are a compound race created from the union of humanity and renegade spirits from the plane of dreams — spirits called quori. Kalashtar are often seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion for others.

After the great cataclysm, very few humans survived, and some of them, turned toward spirit, seeking power and help, those turned over the year, into kalashtar. Not necessarily found in the Green earth, the kalashtar are a wandering tribe, walking across Toriel, seeking ways to connect to their spirit.

Every kalashtar has a connection to a spirit of light, a bond shared by other members of their bloodline. Kalashtar appear human, but their spiritual connection affects them in a variety of ways. Kalashtar have symmetrical, slightly angular features, and their eyes often glow when they are focused or expressing strong emotions.

Kalashtar can’t directly communicate with their quori spirits. Rather, they might experience this relationship as a sense of instinct and inspiration, drawing on the memories of the spirit when they dream. This connection grants kalashtar minor psionic abilities, as well as protection from psychic attacks. All of these quori dream-spirits are virtuous, but some are warriors and others are more contemplative. Typically, a kalashtar knows the name and nature of their spirit, but some may know nothing of their spirit or the source of their psychic gifts, such as an orphan kalashtar raised among strangers.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel


Only a fool looks at the lizardfolk and sees nothing more than scaly humanoids. Their physical shape notwithstanding, lizardfolk have more in common with iguanas or dragons than they do with humans, dwarves, or elves. Their dismal swamp homes might lie hundreds of miles from the nearest human settlement, but the gap between their way of thinking and that of the smooth-skins is far greater.

Mostly located in the northern swamp and marsh of the Green earth, the lizardfolk are many, the various tribe regrouping similar-looking individuals. From the crocodile-like folk, the bulky and massive Balcksacle, and the small and cunning Poison dusk, the lizardfolk are various and dangerous.

At their core, lizardfolk view other humanoids with an indifference verging on pity. Born into the world lacking stout scales and sharp teeth, it’s a wonder they have managed to survive for so long. The typical human would barely make it through a day in the swamps.

Their primal nature and feeding habits cause them to be feared by common folks.


The humanoid elephants called loxodons are often oases of calm in the busy streets of Hobgoblin city. They hum or chant in sonorous tones and move slowly or sit in perfect stillness. Their serene wisdom, is a tremendous asset to the hobgoblins, that value their well been.

The great cataclysm did to those creatures like to any other. But by the end of the era of the dragons, the hobgoblin started to march over the south of the green earth, The Loxodon resisted, but not for long. Soon, the Hobgoblin forced them into servitude. But been over the years, the condition of Loxodon improved, and to this day, they are full-fledged citizens of the hobgoblin cities.

After two generations, the loxodon do still remember the act of the hobgoblin but hold no grudge, as yesterday enemies, is today friend.

Loxodons tower above most other humanoids, standing over 7 feet tall. They have the heads—trunks, tusks, ears, and faces—of elephants, and hulking bipedal bodies covered by thick, leathery skin. Each of their hands has four thick digits, and their feet are the flat-bottomed, oval-shaped feet of elephants.

Like that of an elephant, a loxodon’s trunk is a useful appendage. In addition to providing a keen sense of smell, the trunk can be used to lift and carry even heavy objects. The trunk can be used to carry both food and liquid to the mouth and can even act as a snorkel.

Loxodons are tireless, patient artisans. Although they make nurturing spiritual leaders, their gift for stonework is so ingrained that they are often at a loss when they try to impart that knowledge to others. An enormous part of the hobgoblin city has been built by the Loxodon, and the architect guild of Tana's empire count an unusually high part of Loxodon in their rank.

Loxodons believe in the value of community and life. Loxodons believe that the members of a group have a responsibility to look out for each other. Once they have bonded with other individuals in any capacity, loxodons devote themselves to maintaining that bond. They coordinate their efforts and are often willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the group. They expect reciprocal loyalty and commitment from the other members of their communities and can be severe in their disappointment when their trust is betrayed.


The minotaurs are strong in body, and courage. They are at home on the battlefield, willing to fight to their death. They combine a burning fury in battle with enormous strength.

Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Their horns range in size from about 1 foot long to great, curling weapons easily three times that length. They often ornament their horns with metal rings or sheathe them in metal to protect them from damage.

Manes of shaggy fur extend down minotaurs’ necks and powerful backs, and males have long tufts of hair on their chins and cheeks. Their legs end in heavy, cloven hooves. Minotaurs are born with long, tufted tails.

Minotaurs love battle. they tend to vent their outrage through violence, but they aren’t generally quick to anger. They are passionate, loving their friends and partners fiercely, and they laugh loud and long at good jokes.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel

Like orcs, minotaurs are seen as brutal, senseless monsters. It is rare to meet a minotaur in a civilized land, as even the few not striving in battle are hated and mistrusted.

Magical Habitat. The known minotaur tribe lives in a magic giant mushroom Forest. And as such, their relation to magic is rather special. They burned down any mushroom surrounding their tribe and camp, like the savage they are, but the high weave concentration in the area still manages to affect them.

As such, minotaur sorcerers (generally wild magic) are fairly common, but very few utilize this power.


When the great cataclysm struck the orcs, the survivor had to seek help, and they found it with the demons. Orc, before the great cataclysm, Were closer in build to elves and were quite common among the cities of the ancient civilization. But, when they had to survive, and to struck deal with demons to survive, they were transformed, their memories erased, their form twisted and deformed by demonic power, their skin turning red.

With that newfound power, the orc survived the dark age of the dragon era with ease, but this power came at a cost, the peaceful orcs were turned into beasts of slaughter, seeking blood and destruction. Some orc learned the secrets of druidic magic from a dying dragon and were able to escape the demonic influence, other, kept on thriving in the savagery.

Two prominent groups of orcs have survived into the present age:

  • The Red Fang are the red-skinned orcs, savage, brutal and powerful, those chaotic orcs dream of dying on the battlefield, and bathe in the blood of their enemies. Many believe their red skin is the result of those bloody combat. The Red Fang are servants of the demons and devote their life to the chaotic goal of demonkind.

  • The Horse-Skull are the green-skinned orc, hunters in the hot savanna, they are known traders, even if still hostile to strangers at first sight, they are open to talking, an important skill for traders. In addition to their trading skill, their name come from a certain hatred of horse, they judge them weak, and unable to carry their proud warrior. The Horse-skull warriors and hunters have wyvern. Taming a wyvern is a right of passage to warriorhood in the horse skull culture. Those orcs keep the secret of their druidic heritage.

Orcs are seen as brutal, chaotic creatures, and are mistrusted by common folk in most civilized lands, a few manage to be seen in major cities, living a normal life, but they can't escape the people's judgment and racism.


Half-Orc are seen just like usual orcs. A half-orc, even from the Red Fang tribe, will always have green skin, as the demonic power does not carry to half-bred.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel


Shifters are sometimes called the weretouched, as they are the descendants of humans and lycanthropes. Whatever their origins, shifters have evolved into a unique race. They are humanoids with a bestial aspect; while they can’t fully change shape, they can temporarily enhance their animalistic features — a state they call shifting. Each shifter walks on the knife’s edge between the wilds and the world around them. Do they embrace their primal instincts or the path of civilization?

Early in childhood, they develop their shifting ability and grow animal-like features even when not shifting, ranging from an abnormal hair implementation to animal-looking ears at all times, or tails. This transformation is said to be an expression of their inner nature, a wild community-centered wolf, an agile free cat, a selfish rat, a stubborn boar...

Shifter community are centered around this ability to shift, the closer your shifting get you to an actual lycanthropic transformation, the higher ranked you are in shifter society. Despite the existence of an important tribe of wandering shifter in the green earth, many smaller communities exist in other parts of the world, such as Tana's empire, or the Lightfoot Land, they generally do their best to blend in with the locals, hiding the few animal features and pretending
to be humans.


What many tortles consider a simple life, tortles sadly
cannot experience it, bound to slavery by the yuan-ti, very
few are the tortle who enjoy a sense of freedom. Tortles are born in the jungle, as soon as they’re able to walk on two legs, they are put to work by the Yuan-ti.

A tortle hatches from a thick-shelled egg and spends the first few weeks of its life crawling on all fours. Within a year, the young tortle becomes an orphan. A young tortle and its siblings inherit whatever work or task its parents couldn't achieve, a yuan-ti master having right over the child of its slaves.

Tortles hatch multiple eggs, and at least one of them usually is kept by the Yuan-ti Priesthood to serve as living sacrifices later on.

Tortle are seldom found out of the jungle. Slavery lasting for centuries now, little is left of their original civilization.

Some lucky tortle manages to escape the grasp of the yuan-ti, running away in an attempt to live a better life, but even fewer are those managing to escape the jungle alive. As such, the torlte are not well known by most people, and a tortle character might strike the common folk as a surprising thing to come across, but people tend to feat what they do not know.

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel


Hailing from the giant tree within Green earth, tabaxi are feline-like humanoids driven by honor and curiosity. Most tabaxi remain in their homeland, content to dwell in the branch of the giant trees, their clans prospering safely up there. These tabaxi hunts for food, craft goods, and trade with the few that dare to come on their lands.

Tabaxi value honor and power. They might seem like chaotic been, jumping from branch to branch, running in the wild plains, but they value fair play and when it isn't to hunt, they'll never attack an opponent in the back.

A few tabaxi wander far from their homeland, those wandering tabaxi are mercurial creatures, trading one obsession or passion for the next as the whim strikes. A tabaxi’s desire burns bright, but once met it disappears to be replaced with a new obsession. Objects remain intriguing only as long as they still hold secrets.

These wanderers keep to civilized realms, preferring to bargain instead of pursuing more dangerous methods of sating their curiosity. However, they aren’t above a little discreet theft to get their claws on a particularly interesting item when an owner refuses to sell or trade it.

Outside of the green earth, tabaxi are not the most common, and folks from small village and town will surely wonder what kind of creature came to their place if one was to travel so far away, but they are not necessarily perceived as bad, at least no more than any stranger.


Leonin, while mechanically different, is considered like Tabaxi in this setting, living among them, and considered as the same race.


The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are an ancient civilization. Ages ago, during the dragon era, they prayed their god for protection, and a new god arose for the Yuan-ti, Sseth, granting them protection during the era of dragons. They didn't had to hide from the flying beast, prospering when others were hiding.

The bodies of all yuan-ti have a mix of humanlike and snakelike parts, but the proportion varies from individual to individual. their society is a caste system based on how snake-like they are. The vast majority of yuan-ti fall into three categories — abominations, malisons, and purebloods — while the mutated broodguards and exceedingly rare anathemas have their place in the hierarchy as well.

The yuan-ti have abandoned their humanity and consider non-serpentine humanoids to be lesser creatures, barely more civilized than common apes. Only the high priest can reproduce with humans. The offspring of which will be the next high priest.

An Empire Within the jungle. The yuan-ti are among the richest in the mortal world, accumulating power and goods for thousands of years, they were able to progress during a time where the other races were forced to hide. As such, they spread their dominion over the jungle, enslaving the tortles.

Due to their history, and the fact they were still expanding during the dragon age, secrets of the ancient civilization are kept by the yuan-ti. Many believe dark rituals and dark magic are among the Yuan-ti collection of forgotten knowledge.

Similarly, the Yuan-ti are keen to dominate the entire Green earth, maybe even more, and this is no secret. It is not known if they plan on using those ancient artifacts to do so, but Lightfoot land and Tana's Empire do keep an eye out for such a threat.

The snake people are evil been and do not hesitate to enslave others for their benefit. A striking example is the fate of the tortle, reduced to slave for the yuan-ti, or as a component in dark ritual for their God Sseth. They are said to be emotionless been, and as such, they exhibit behavior and use tactics that exemplify that outlook (or lack of one).

A Dark God. Every Yuan-ti Pray Sseth, the yuan-ti god, or demon, the exact nature of this been is unknown. This god protected them

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel

Other Races

The races described so far are those commonly found in Toriel's kingdom and empire. However, there are many other creatures in the world. Here’s a brief overview of some of these other races and what you might do with them.


Aasimar are heritage of celestial walking Toriel's land. More often than not, they're not the direct child of a celestial, but in their distant lineage. Sadly for them, they carry no visible mark of their heritage, and as such, receive the same treatment as any human.


Firbolg tribes cloister in remote forest strongholds, preferring to spend their days in quiet harmony with the woods. When provoked, firbolgs demonstrate formidable skills with weapons and druidic magic.

Firbolg inherit traits from the giant, with which they share a bloodline. As such, other creatures tend to hate or fear them, the dragon and giants have caused so much damage during the era of the dragons, most societies hold a grudge against anything representing one of the two.


Shorter than a halfling but of similar build, this orange-skinned humanoid has a reptilian head with pointed, dog-like ears. In its hand it wields a dagger big enough to serve it like a short sword.

Ancient devotee of dragons, kobold still praise them and hope for their return. Intelligent and cunning, they lay tap to slay their foe as they often lack the physical strength to do so. Due to their praise to dragon kind, kobolds are hated by most people, even more by dragonborn, who were slaves to the dragon.

Simic Hybrid

Simic hybrid are incredibly rare, so much so that the number of simic hybrid existing is something you can count on your fingers. The creation of Emilis Emka, a halfling scientist, simic hybrid are the result of her experimentation on the creation of life and on the process of resurrection without the use of magic, or at least nothing past the weave already present in our surrounding.

Only one of her creations so far was deemed successful, but one of her past failures was, not known to her, not that much of a failure, and was brought to life with a relatively important delay.

Simic hybrid are rather horrific-looking, Eimlis Trying to improve humanoid ability during her experimentation, giving them twisted body. Their pale blue skin is almost semi-transparent, and some kind various deformation can grow as they age.

Age. Simic hybrid are born from dead human baby, the crude process brings them to life, but they age at an accelerated rate, especially in their childhood. They can grow from a baby to an adult in a few years. This process slows once they reach adulthood, but not by much, and a simic hybrid is cannot expect to live more than 15 years.


To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every eye: this is the lot of the tiefling. Tieflings know that this is because of more often than not ancient fiendish lineage, they are the living proof of the devils hiding among us.

Their appearance and their nature are not their fault. But those horns, tails, and tainted skin cause them to be accountable for the crime of their parents.

Slightly more common in major cities, where fiend lurking among humans, mating and creating tielfing are also more common.


Warforged are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical fluids serve as their muscles, wrapped around a framework of steel, darkwood, or stone. Armored plates form a protective outer shell and reinforce joints. The precise materials and build of a warforged vary based on the purpose for which it was designed.

Warforged are living puppet, armored puppet that is, but still puppet. a warforged can arise in various circumstances, from armored puppet been in a zone of highly condensed weave, slowly infused by it and sparkling with a new life and a conscious of their own, or be the result of the transference of powerful wizard consciousness into a been of metal and wood. Often resulting in only a partial transfer.

Gnomes are to thanks for their body, as seen similar awakening happening to other kinds of object, they created this fabulous body. The creation of such a body is a work of art, taking years to complete, and gnome do not know the secret to creating life in the body they create yet.

Traces of older warforged have been found, from the first civilization, or at least they were named similarly and had the same core principle, even if the physical resemblance ain't striking.

Warforged, due to the process of creation, are incredibly rare, and as such, the common folk tends to mistrust them.


Other races, like genasi, or Aarakocra are most common in other planes, like Aarakocra and the plane living in the elemental plane of air.

What about kenku, or tritons? there's a place for everything in Toriel, but it may not have been created yet, this world keeps on expanding with each player, with each idea brought to the table. And as such, don't hesitate to ask for more information about the race you're interested in, to complete this guide!

Ch.2 | Races of Toriel

Ch. 3

Class of Toriel

Adventurers specialize in their abilities and outlooks based on the culture in which they train and advance. Characters in the world of Toriel are influenced by many powers, delving into areas others might avoid. As you play with these classes, reflect on how the common folk that the characters interact with accept and react to them. Are these powers visible to bystanders when they are used? If so, do they mimic or even outright exemplify the types of powers used by the monsters that the commoners fear?


Toriel is a high magic world, most children will manage to at least make sparkle with the power of their mind, and the weave is an ever-present element, influencing the lives of all the inhabitants of this world. in such a world, many ways of catalyzing the weave exist, yet those using mechanical devices and other technological options are rare.

Alchemist of all artificer are probably the only common one, as the trade of potions is a ver lucrative one. But the long and careful brewing of usual alchemist is far from the mad mixing inherent to alchemist artificer.

"A gnome I tell you! Towering far above us, even a Loxodon wouldn't be that tall, he was on, or rather in a strange steel golem, piston and gear turning with each of the gnome's movement... It was terrifying, I never thought I could be so afraid of a gnome"
—Darvik, Darvik's notes


After the great cataclysm, many populations were on the edge of extinction, and with the era of dragons, those populations were forced to survive in the wilderness, forming relatively primitive tribes. During this time of despair, the gods were not the most helpfull, and many turned to the old way.

The barbarian path are born from the ancient tribal tradition, from the life in the wild so many were forced to have. And those traditions, so important to the survival of many, were transmitted from generation to generation, living up to this day.


Toriel is a World full of wander and magic, more or less any creature, can poor his very soul into something to have effect similar to casting a spell. This process ain't necessarily conscious, but is very demanding, both physically and mentally.

This effect was first documented by wizard scholar in "The curse of the common farmer" a book describing the ability of common folk, and other people lacking education or proper magic training to achieve a certain degree of power, mostly taking the form of curses.

Later on, it was discovered that this process was not limited to malefic curses, artist were fairly common examples of the newfound "Power of the Word", Catalysing the surrounding weave with their art thanks to an intense degree of concentration and focus.

Bard, originally referencing a poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition, have slowly took on a new meaning.

Nowadays, Bards in toriel are the master of the "Power of the Word", not necessarly fully understanding it, they are people that are able to use various form of art to fuel their magic. This can take one various form; Drawing, Dance, Song, Story telling, or Tattoo.

Ch.3 | Class of Toriel


The gods’ presence is more powerful than ever, with the ever-expanding society, the follower are numerous, and cleric and paladin alike harness this divine power, using it to canalize the weave and betow graces upon this dark world. The god bestowing you with power call upon you to project their power into this world, to spread their word and knowledge.

The people were starving for guidance after the era of dragons, especially the humans, now the church as a very important role in Tana's empire. Even in the Lightfoot land or the frozen kingdom, the influence of the god can be felt, and numerous church and temple alike exist.

As a wielder of divine magic, you may use that hunger to bring hope and light to the world, or you could twist it to your advantage. you are the living proof of the influence of your god on this world.

Cleric are fairly common in Toriel, especially in Tana's empire, which is highly religious, as most acolyte posse basic magic ability, and as such can be considered as some kind of cleric.


Druidic magic is rare knowledge. Humans only have two places to learn druidic knowledge. The hidden village of druids within the highlander mountains, or the Far village in the arctic land up north. The elves, hold many druidic secrets, and the verdan are the proud keeper of this knowledge in the lightfoot land. Many tribes in the green earth know some extent of druidic ritual, but the horse skull orcs probably keep the strongest druidic tradition.

These are not the only places for learning, but druids and rangers that emerge from here are considered to be among the elite. As a druid or ranger, you must keep in mind that your power is harnessed from the weave slowly infusing nature over time.

Druid are individual who are taught how to harness a part of this power, fueling their various abilities.


A human in clanging plate armor holds her shield before her as she runs toward the massed goblins. An elf behind her, clad in studded leather armor, peppers the goblins with arrows loosed from his exquisite bow. The half-orc nearby shouts orders, helping the two combatants coordinate their assault to the best advantage.

A dwarf in chain mail interposes his shield between the ogre’s club and his companion, knocking the deadly blow aside. His companion, a half-elf in scale armor, swings two scimitars in a blinding whirl as she circles the ogre, looking for a blind spot in its defenses.

A gladiator fights for sport in an arena, a master with his trident and net, skilled at toppling foes and moving them around for the crowd’s delight—and his own tactical advantage. His opponent’s sword flares with blue light an instant before she sends lightning flashing forth to smite him.

All of these heroes are fighters, perhaps the most diverse class of characters. Questing knights, conquering overlords, royal champions, elite foot soldiers, hardened mercenaries, and bandit kings—as fighters, they all share an unparalleled mastery with weapons and armor, and a thorough knowledge of the skills of combat. And they are well acquainted with death, both meting it out and staring it defiantly in the face.

"It's easy, what does sound more threatening: Some small fragile guy with sparkling fingertips if he snaps or someone with a heavy plate and a large axe running up at you? There's no need for magic if you believe in metal and strength and there's no better feeling than eating up a whole fireball without even flinching. Sure, it burns a little at the first time, but you will get used to it and all of your friends will thank you for saving them. Train hard, hit hard and endure the pain. But however, as my father once said: "If they hit you hard, just hit them back HARDER"."

—Hardah Red Fang
Ch.3 | Class of Toriel


Her fists a blur as they deflect an incoming hail of arrows, a half-elf springs over a barricade and throws herself into the massed ranks of hobgoblins on the other side. She whirls among them, knocking their blows aside and sending them reeling, until at last she stands alone.

Taking a deep breath, a human covered in tattoos settles into a battle stance. As the first charging orcs reach him, he exhales and a blast of fire roars from his mouth, engulfing his foes.

Moving with the silence of the night, a black-clad halfling steps into a shadow beneath an arch and emerges from another inky shadow on a balcony a stone’s throw away. She slides her blade free of its cloth-wrapped scabbard and peers through the open window at the tyrant prince, so vulnerable in the grip of sleep.

Whatever their discipline, monks are united in their ability to magically harness the energy that flows in their bodies, while not spellcaster (generally), monks are still master of the weave, as the energy flowing inside them come from the weave infusing every creature over time. Whether channeled as a striking display of combat prowess or a subtler
focus of defensive ability and speed, this energy
infuses all that a monk does.


The gods’ presence is more powerful than ever, with the
ever-expanding society, the followers are numerous,
and cleric and paladin alike harness this divine power,
using it to canalize the weave and betow graces upon
this dark world. The god bestowing you with power call
upon you to project their power into this world, to spread their word and knowledge.

The people were starving for guidance after the era of dragons, especially the humans, now the church as a very important role in Tana's empire. Even in the Lightfoot land or the frozen kingdom, the influence of the god can be felt, and numerous church and temple alike exist.

As a wielder of divine magic, you may use that hunger to bring hope and light to the world, or you could twist it to your advantage. you are the living proof of the influence of your god on this world.

Just like CLeric, a paladin harness divine power, often seen as god's hand, champion, or striking forces.


Paladin in Tana's empire receive a title of knight if they were not already part of a knighthood.

Ch.3 | Class of Toriel

"It would be unable to think rangers out of the world. From hunters and shepherds roaming the forests providing the masses with food to specialized city guards manning the highest towers and most dangerous patrol routes. The rangers know their area till the last insect and use their environment be it forest or urban to their advantage. They form conclave protecting civilizations most exotic needs. Like the horizon walkers of Holypertuis, Protecting the city's precious portals making trade with the plane of fire possible."

—Nesiven Rose


Druidic magic is rare knowledge. Humans only have two places to learn druidic knowledge. The hidden village of druids within the highlander mountains, or the Far village in the arctic land up north. The elves, hold many druidic secrets, and the verdan are the proud keeper of this knowledge in the lightfoot land. Many tribes in the green earth know some extent of druidic ritual, but the horse skull orcs probably keep the strongest druidic tradition.

These are not the only places for learning, but druids and rangers that emerge from here are considered to be among the elite. As a druid or ranger, you must keep in mind that your power is harnessed from the weave slowly infusing nature over time.

Ranger play an important role in Toriel, keeping the balance between the force of nature and civilization. The various conclave each having specific task, from keeping the danger lurking in the depth of the Underdark where they are, or making sure planar rift are kept under control, their mission are many.


Signaling for her companions to wait, a halfling creeps forward through the dungeon hall. She presses an ear to the door, then pulls out a set of tools and picks the lock in the blink of an eye. Then she disappears into the shadows as her fighter friend moves forward to kick the door open.

A human lurks in the shadows of an alley while his accomplice prepares for her part in the ambush. When their target — a notorious slaver — passes the alleyway, the accomplice cries out, the slaver comes to investigate, and the assassin’s blade cuts his throat before he can make a sound.

Suppressing a giggle, a gnome waggles her fingers and magically lifts the key ring from the guard’s belt. In a moment, the keys are in her hand, the cell door is open, and she and her companions are free to make their escape.

Rogues rely on skill, stealth, and their foes’ vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation. They have a knack for finding the solution to just about any problem, demonstrating a resourcefulness and versatility that is the cornerstone of any successful adventuring party.

Ch.3 | Class of Toriel


Golden eyes flashing, a human stretches out her hand and unleashes the dragonfire that burns in her veins. As an inferno rages around her foes, leathery wings spread from her back and she takes to the air.

Long hair whipped by a conjured wind, a half-elf spreads his arms wide and throws his head back. Lifting him momentarily off the ground, a wave of magic surges up in him, through him, and out from him in a mighty blast of lightning.

Crouching behind a stalagmite, a halfling points a finger at a charging troglodyte. A blast of fire springs from her finger to strike the creature. She ducks back behind the rock formation with a grin, unaware that her wild magic has turned her skin bright blue.

Sorcerers are those with inherent and magical ability, quite common in the world of Toriel, where the weave is an ever-present element. Yet some sorcerer draw their power from exotic bloodline or ancient lineage instead. One can't study sorcery as one learns a language, it is a power bestowed upon people at birth, potentially activating and revealing itself much later on, but the ability to be a sorcerer or not is a birthright.

Wild Magic

Of all the sorcerer bloodline, wild magic is the most common, as it reflects the chaotic infusion of magic by the surrounding weave at birth.


With a pseudodragon curled on his shoulder, a young elf in golden robes smiles warmly, weaving a magical charm into his honeyed words and bending the palace sentinel to his will.

As flames spring to life in her hands, a wizened human whispers the secret name of her demonic patron, infusing her spell with fiendish magic.

Shifting his gaze between a battered tome and the odd alignment of the stars overhead, a wild-eyed tiefling chants the mystic ritual that will open a doorway to a distant world.

Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as fey nobles, demons, devils, hags, and alien entities of the Far Realm, warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their power.

Warlock are rare, most likely because they tend to not make themself known as warlock. People tend to believe those who choose to bargain with the devil are evil been, hoping to spread death and disease.

Many entities in Toriel can serve as a warlock patron, but it is important to think of what do you give this entity in return for your power? Wealth ? the life of those you slay? perhaps you have to make a daily ritual or yearly sacrifice?

Pact with the devil

No matter the entity the warlock strike a deal with, it will be seen as evil and maleficent and called "the devil". Warlock are feared, misunderstood, and hated by most folk as they carry knowledge and power that shouldn't be in mankind's grasp.

Ch.3 | Class of Toriel


Clad in the silver robes that denote her station, an elf closes her eyes to shut out the distractions of the battlefield and begins her quiet chant. Fingers weaving in front of her, she completes her spell and launches a tiny bead of fire toward the enemy ranks, where it erupts into a conflagration that engulfs the soldiers.

Checking and rechecking his work, a human scribes an intricate magic circle in chalk on the bare stone floor, then sprinkles powdered iron along every line and graceful curve. When the circle is complete, he drones a long incantation. A hole opens in space inside the circle, bringing a whiff of brimstone from the otherworldly plane beyond.

Crouching on the floor in a dungeon intersection, a gnome tosses a handful of small bones inscribed with mystic symbols, muttering a few words of power over them. Closing his eyes to see the visions more clearly, he nods slowly, then opens his eyes and points down the passage to his left.

Wizards are supreme magic-users, defined and united as a class by the spells they cast. Drawing on the weave of magic ever-present in Toriel, wizards cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, and brute-force mind control. Their magic conjures monsters from other planes of existence, glimpses the future, or turns slain foes into zombies. Their mightiest spells change one substance into another, call meteors down from the sky, or open portals to other worlds.

The main school of wizardry are taught in the various wizard academy across Toriel, each academy representing one of the main schools.

School of Divination

The school of divination is probably one of the hardest school to learn in Toriel, at least when it comes to the main school of magic. The flow of the weave is so often disrupted by various means, even unwilling one, divination wizard can have a hard time exercising their art.

School of Necromancy

The school of Necromancy is not necessarily badly perceived, as any kind of healing magic is considered part of this school. But the dark art that call upon the spirits, dark forces, or that raises the deads are illegal in Tana's empire, the Lightfoot land, and the Frozen kingdom. Anyone using necromancy to practice this kind of magic will be considered evil by the common folk, and will probably be hunted by local authorities.

Ch.3 | Class of Toriel

Ch. 4

Realms of Toriel

Tana's Empire



The empire was founded by Tana the first, king of the men, and of the numerous warlord of the various human community. Tana's empire was officially founded in 100 AD, and the various war and conflicts stopped in 129 AD. The humans, always eager for power were seeking places to conquer once the era of dragons was over, soon, they were united under a common banner and fought the elves and dragonborn.

By the time the great kingdoms of the elves and the mighty Dragonborn realized the violence that inevitably follows the humans, it was already too late. The eyes of the human leaders fell greedily on the prosperous lands of the elves and dragonborn. The Great Reunion had begun and humans were here to stay. Different tribal armies marched simultaneously west, and south; no land was safe. Unable to unite or react in time, the elven and dragonborn monarchs watched as human warriors swarmed and usurped their lands. The human race emerged victorious after years of bloodshed.

The elves blessed with keen eyesight and a great talent for archery. Their deep knowledge of the woodlands further complimented their deadly and silent armies, making them a force to be reckoned with, but their number lacking to face the army of the humans during the great reunion. The great reunion costing the elf dearly

The dragonborn forces were driven to the desert, and the dragonborn leader realized there was only one way for his race to survive and prosper, and struck a deal with the Empire. They would surrender their lands and become members of Tana's empire, as long as they could govern themselves independently.

This Great Reunion allowed the human to take advantage of the resources of the entire west, The Human peoples were behind their warlods in an attempt to improve their conditions. Having exterminated all the other kingdoms, the warlords turned against each other, each claiming the High Throne that would later become the Imperial Throne of Tana the one who managed to unite the human and to claim the throne.

Having shorter lives to live than the other races, their old hatreds have faded, and they are now more receptive to other races. The vast majority of the population in the western forest are elves, keep what's left of the wood as verdant as possible, and human grow to respect this.

For years, wild group of elves fought a guerilla against the human army. The founding of the empire changed the face of the territory as we know it, the construction of the great trade routes, and later aqueducts having brought much to the countries.

Tana's empire has seen some dark ages, the internal conflict in between warlords to claim the emperor title were ferocious, and the newly conquered race often had groups of independentist more than willing to fight. Those conflicts rise anew when Gaendur Tana, the second emperor of the nation, took over the power after Ulfar, the first emperor. Gaendur Reign last from 139 AD to 589 AD, but for long, it wasn't peaceful, rising tension both from the elves and the humans. Thankfully, of the centuries, he managed to improve the relations between the two.

The third Emperor, Charles I, didn't helped. The country was going through rough phases. The massive volcanic eruption caused famine all over the empire, and the emperor was forced to make terrible decisions for the prosperity of the country in the long run, sacrificing countless lives. The exorbitant taxes serving the almost insane policy of improvement directed by the king. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that it is also thanks to the fund that he collected that the titanic work for the construction of aqueducts and trade road was carried out.

Today, Tana is a beacon of power and hopes for humans, elves and dragonborn alike, if it isn't for the tension near the frontier with the Green earth, the empire have never seen better days.

If it is not the Great Reunion, unifying the empire, and regular conflict with their neighbors of Green Earth (which at the time was not yet considered as a single entity) the empire has known only a few wars, the military power it had developed during the unification of the country been enough for the intimidation. Conflicts with the different tribes of Green Earth had nevertheless been a regular feature, war replaced with guerrilla warfare, preventing the empire from organizing itself properly, and from expanding east. The borders with the green earth are an unfamiliar area.

The situation is nevertheless improving, the ancient ban of lizardfolk, goblin, and other monsters alike lifted by the current emperor, Charles III. Wishing for a trading empire, he welcomes everyone willing to trade and do business.

Tana's Empire Timeline : Link

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel


An empire is a form of state, composed of different territories and peoples, assembled by force and ambition. Among these peoples, some may be constituted as kingdoms. A kingdom is generally made up of a people with a relationship of loyalty to its king.

Tana's Empire is as the name suggests, an empire, regrouping the kingdom of elves, humans and their various lords, and dragonborn under a common sovereign and common rules. But, the emperor generally possess multiple other titles, including the title of the kind:

Example: Emperor Charles III Tana, king of the men, ruler of the elves and dragonborn, Tamer of the ancient elven art, The divine hand of Waukeen, and seeker of fortune

The emperor or empress is the sovereign of all the people in Tana's empire. Serving initially as a figure of authority and reference for the people, the emperor is also the supreme commander of the armies and has the final say in the politics of the country. It is a decision being taken with the help of advisers, experts in different fields. In addition, the emperor is also considered as a divine force, graced by the gods.

The emperor and his family are considered sacred, the church having an important place in the country, and thus attacking a sacred being is only punishable by death. As the emperor's family is generally very active politically. Charles III's wife for example also serves as chief advisor.

The people of tana have been for the most part, very religious, they tend to respect the emperor, even when they do not like him, at least for his celestial aspect. This is thanks to the first emperor, who had to ask Waukeen for favors to win the battles to claim the throne.

The king let his decision be known to the people thanks to public announcement, sending stone transmitting his exact words all over the country/ Said decision are done thanks to regular meetings of advisers to choose the next political maneuver. Taking into account the opinion of the people in a distant manner, the common folk never get to intervene on politics, only those with a noble title can.

Due to the empire's history, and its sheer size, It cannot be entirely managed by a single man. and is subdivided into 5 duchies and kingdom:

  • Kingdom of Vale, ruled by the Tana family, currently Charles III Tana, the capital of which is the city of Holypertuis. The duchy range from the forest of the Vale to the south, to the elven forest to the west, and to Tall tree to the north and east.
  • Duchy of High Zephyr, ruled by the Windrin family, currently Valencia Windrin, the capital of which is the city of Windrin. The duchy is located southeast of the highlander mountain and does contain said mountains.
  • Duchy of Freed, ruled by the Reiter family, currently June Reiter. The duchy is located up north, and covers the forest to the north and the tundra.
  • Duchy of Buchais, ruled by the Helicos family. The duchy takes over the roaring plains and wasted cliff.
  • Kingdom -o qwir, ruled by the elves and their queen Manael Tana, the capital of which is the city of Megima. The duchy takes the entire eleven forest, and the snowy land at the extreme west.
  • Kingdom Reza Flames, ruled by the dragonborns, the capital of which is the city of Iongual. The duhcy is located in the southern desert.

The lords of each duchies being in charge of enforcing the emperor's orders and missives. The emperor marriages are generally made with a dukedom to strengthen the links (that of Windrin being the most powerful). The country favors trade and lives partly thanks to that, whether it is the sale of magical objects, or food products, the empire is a commercial nation.

The Noble hierarchy goes as follows:

  • Emperor
  • King
  • Duke: possessor of a duchy
  • Lord: possessor of a lordship
  • Marquis
  • Count
  • Viscount
  • Banneret (knight and squire)
  • Baron
Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



Tana is a highly religious empire, its law dictated by the gods, and those who dare to go against the law go against the church itself. Immoral acts are punishable by law, and the sanction are based on ordinal.

The suspect has to prove the gods choose him, and therefore he isn't guilty. Thus, there are different tests of ordeal, such as:

  • The hot water ordeal. The suspect must dip his hand in a basin of boiling water to retrieve a ring, if the wounds are in good condition three days later he is innocent.
  • The cold water ordeal. The suspect is thrown, tied up, in a blessed/holy river, if he sinks, the holy water accepts it, and he is innocent (but may die because he is drowning), if he floats, he is guilty.
  • The ordeal of bread and cheese. The accused alone must eat a whole banquet, if he vomits, he is guilty.

Despite the apparent cruelty of the system, the people are mostly satisfied with it. Believing it is god judgment, god can never be wrong.

There are also judicial duels, of course, this being generally chosen by nobles or knights (there is a market for champions to win judicial duels).

Dragonborn and Elves Justice

The process is fairly similar with the dragonborn, but the ordeal are called Trial by fire, frost, acid, poison, lightning, or thunder and the process is slightly different, but for a similar result

The elves are not as strict with the notion of justice, more chaotic, they tend to be less punitive. But when they do so, they might ban you for life, or remove your ability to interact with the weave entirely, a sanction that might not seem as cruel, but are far more awful for long-lived races.


People of Tana's empire boast to be honorable combatant, but the humans, making for the majority of the population are not what one may describe as honorable, they are proud of what they achieved and eager for more yes, but honorable...

Tana's empire is highly religious, with the Waukeen church been the most important one, been respectable in front of the god is generally associated with honor. Therefore, despite relatively poor attempt, the people of tana do try they best to stay true to this common valor. The different churches generally transmit notions such as 'to be attentive to each other' and 'to act for the common good', helping to stir the people in the correct path.

Dragonborn and Elves Valour

The valor of those people might vary from the bulk of Tana's empire, they do share an interest in Justice and honor but are more driven by other principles.

Dragonborn. Community, Freedom, and Trust

Elves. Community and Nature

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel


The various kingdom, duchy, and other lands under Tana's empire dominion form a single entity and act as one when it come to relation with a foreign country. the lightfoot land are the privileged economic partner, indeed the country has been trading with them for many years now, and their bond are strong.

Tana's empire has very few relations with the frozen kingdom and the little trading they do is done thanks to the Lightfoot lands.

Here are the various economic and peace pacts of the empire:

  • Tana's Empire & Lightfoot land: exclusive trade exchange agreements (prohibition to sell to the frozen kingdom, lightfoot buying magical raw materials and objects, and selling their inventions)
  • Tana's Empire & Brass city (fire plane): Trade and free passage agreement (brass city providing materials for the creation of magical objects)
  • Tana's Empire & Hobgoblin Empire (Withing Green earth): Non-aggression pact

The peace treaty with green earth was once general, but a recent caravan of diplomats and other representatives of the nation informed the emperor of the Yuan-ti lack of respect for the treaty. A new one was signed, specifically with the Hobgoblin, which can be trusted to follow such agreement. This new one only concerns the Hobgoblin and Loxodon. The others races of the Green earth are not banned, but there is no specific collaboration with them.

Meanwhile, the border is very well guarded, and it is the one place where there are the most outposts and forts.

The empire can often be coveted if only because of the vastness of the land under its control. Discussions between factions to be able to establish this kind of treaty and other agreements usually take place thanks to a delegation sent to one of the two countries.

The majority of the country's trades are made in the southern creeks, allowing the transport of goods by boat, or by land with the major trade routes of the south. Thus, there is an important migratory flow in the south, which is often frowned upon by the border people who are used to seeing the Green Earth peoples trying to attack them.


The people are divided into 3 categories. The noble, the clergy, and everyone else, often referred to as the third estate.

The Third Estate. The third estate is the most common caste, anybody who isn't part of a religious order or a noble is part of the third estate, but despite this numerical advantage, it is the category with the less power and grasps on the politics of the empire. They represent the bulk of the nation, not the brain.

The Noble. The noble and third estate rarely mix, as noble enjoy privileges the peasant dream of. The taxes are not the same for noble, the judiciary ordeal are rarely as cruel toward them, they are first for any kind of trading, business, and business. Only noble and member of the clergy can partake in political scheming, and only noble and member of the clergy can take on higher rank in the army. they represent the smaller caste.

The Clergy. The clergy represent all people part of a religious order, part as in ‘active’ member of said religious order. They are in some way the link between the noble and the third estate. The higher-ranking member of the clergy play an important role in political and military concerns, and are often noble. The Clergy can also grant noble title to some of its members.

There is and will always have tension, the third estate will always complain about the privilege of the clergy or the noble. But so far nothing too serious, especially in the current condition. An era of prosperity. The people are not laking food, and are decently looked upon.

The elves might remember the day of Charles I, during which, people were starving, and rising against the power. Too weak to overtake the empire, the situation cooled off over the years. And nowadays as described previously, it is rather peaceful.

It stays that way also thanks to the empire's powerful armies. The troops are composed of professional soldiers, meaning those fighting were trained to do so, and as such, with its quite impressive scale, Tana's empire army is a force to be reckoned with.

The lower rank of the army is filled with people of the third estate when knights and higher-ranking commandants and such are noble or acolyte. Even intermediate rank are generally took on by minor Baron, knight and such, as the high investment necessary to obtain such a position (the material, armor, weapons etc.. being very expensive) is incredibly high.

Military service was compulsory in the past, but it is no longer active since the reign of Manael Tana. Since politicians and other advisors are already nobles living in opulence, and remaining among themselves, corruption is less common than one might think and is severely punished by the church. But if there is one domain in which the noble are talented, it is to hide a secret, including from the church.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



The exchange of goods and service is done thanks to the various merchant and is overlooked by either the church of Waukeen. The tendril of the church expanding all around the empire, controlling its economy, influence the value of goods. Tana's Empire is focused on trading, most of it being internal to the nation. The various taxes and fee merchant have to pay providing a stable base for the empire's wealth.

Supply and demand, this is thanks to that core principle that the value of something is defined. If people don't care for it and it's easy to make, it is cheap, if people want it, and it’s hard to get, it is valuable. This appreciation of value allows for price fluctuation over time.

Said prices are expressed in golden ecu, the common money. Tana was a pioneer to implement this common coin with the Lightfoot Land. The two, already long economic partners, teamed up in 642 AD to create this common money. Originally intended only for the two countries, its usage started to spread.

Soon ancient and new economic partners of both nations started to adopt the copper, silver, golden, and platinum ecu. In a few dozen years, the ecu was the common money all over Toriel, its use even spreading to outer planes.

Those Common coins referred to as ecu, the word quickly adopted many variants in local slang, from coins to pieces or even the common denomination of cp, sp, ep, gp, and pp. For centuries, the coins of each country, or even region were different, making it a hassle to deal with for traders and merchants alike.

Tana's empire's old coins bearing the head of their first emperor, and shaped into a circle. Mixing copper, silver, electrum, and gold coins.

Coins in the Empire

The ancient coins can still be found, and are still valuable, but they might not be accepted everywhere.

The Magic Academy keep an impressive collection of Yuan-ti coins for magical research purpose

The Electrum ecu is only made in Tana's Empire, as other countries do not use the electrum, and are generally a mark of the noble.

This centralized money is produced by the gnomish bank. And they are the only ones mandated to create the ecu. Of course, counterfeit can be found, and it is said that gnomes are developing a system similar to the ancient civilization coins, testing with divination magic to identify the coins. This would make it much harder to counterfeit the coins.

As for the regulation of said money, it is handled mainly by the eastern trader's Alliance, the church of Waukeen holding a grudge against the alliance as they share the very little right of control over this money.

Traders and other entities can be a target of bandits and thieves, their pocket full of gold, or even platinum ecu, they take their money to the bank in escort group, but many lurk in the shadow, waiting for an opportunity to strike! The Banks spread through the empire are interconnected, under the common name of "Imperial bank". Layers of abjuration and divination magic protecting their vault, the money, and other valuable sealed in the bank are sent into an extradimensional space.

This important magic system allows banks of the empire to be connected. Therefore, an item you did put in the bank in Holypertuis, can be retrieved in Megima's bank for example.

With all those protection, very few are the successful robbery, the groups who try to take on such challenge need expertise in espionage, Divination, Conjuration, Abjuration, Planar traveling and Thievery, and such team is not commonly found.

The noble have to right to borrow a certain amount of money from those banks, the exact amount determined by the bank, depending on the relation between the bank and the noble.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Commerce and Fiscality

Merchant, Shopkeepers, and Traders alike have to oblige by certain rules to be accredited to work in Tana's empire. A merchant has to pay a monthly fee to the church of Waukeen, This amount depends on the type of goods sold, the size of the shop, and the profit, but can generally be summarized by: A fixed value plus 10% of their turnover.

In addition to this fee to the church of Waukeen, the good the merchant buy and sell are taxed by the state, their benefit is similarly taxed by the empire. All of this amount for quite a sizable amount of money the merchant has to pay each month or year. The church deals with the recovery of this money, even for taxes, and links the empire and the traders.

Other that have to oblige by those taxes are the trader and company bringing goods and products from a foreign country, may it be importation of mineral, or cargo of dark wood. Those exotic products have to oblige the normal taxes in the empire, and additional taxes on foreign products.

With the grasp of the church on the economy, merchants in Tana's empire do not need a trader alliance or guild, nor have they the right to create one. But the church is also here to provide valuable help and regulation. The church can link traders to warehouses, helping them to store their goods, similarly, they can create a connection between merchants and those bringing the product they need.

It is the church that regulates the market, tries to avoid forced scarity to inflate prices, and to watch for lack of competition. Of course, as the authority regulating those behaviors, no one above watch over them, and with their grasp on political power, no one dares to speak against the church when it starts manipulating the market.

Regulation on planar traveling artifact

After a major incident in Holypertuis, breaking the portal linking it to the elemental planes, paralyzing a whole section of the economy for days. The Commerce of object related to planar traveling is now highly regulated


The common folk with approximately 1 gold ecu per day, slightly less to be precise. This value can decrease even more in isolated villages, and secluded towns.

When the vast majority of people live with this kind of money, other boasts, spending what common folk earns in weeks, in a single night at the inn. The noble of the empire partaking in grandiose parties, and other reunions costing hundreds, if not thousands of coins.

The noble in tana's empire represent only 2% of the population and account for the vast majority of the rich of the country. This small portion of the population account for 95% of the wealth. A noble greatest privilege is his wealth.

This difference in wealth is often reflected in the daily routine and job of the people. When the poor have to be farmers, smith, and other artisanal jobs, the noble tend to lead trading companies, to be architects, scholar of magic, and engineers.

tax on wealth

In what is said to be a benevolent act of justice, the empire taxes the rich, at least those that aren't noble, a lot more than the hard-working common folk. Of course, this primarily serves an economical purpose and not a benevolent redistribution of wealth.

Stay long enough in a modest inn, and you'll hear the peasant complain about the misery they live in, about those noble who do not deserve their ecu, they'll explain in great detail their vision of the economy, but let loose a purse of coins in said tavern, and all those drunk philosophers will forget their valor of wealth redistribution, and throw fists at each other to keep the coins.

Tana's empire been an economic and trading empire, focusing on those aspects for years, as become extremely wealthy, and do not have to shy when compared to the other country of the realm.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Emperor Family

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



Tana's empire is large and vast, The verdant forest that once covered the horizon were burnt during the great reunion, the ash of the destructive path of humans making for fertile ground, on which generations would grow wheat, corns, and various other plants. Nowadays, the verdant plains stretch far beyond sight, the wind hurling and the grass shifting with it.

From the snowy and cold land to the north, northwest, to the wide green expanse to the south and southwest slowly turning into a rocky wasteland, and the large plains surrounding the capital holypertuis. Tana's empire is a landscape with many relatively flat green terrain to take advantage of.

Those spaces, fertile and wide are suitable for agriculture. The plains surrounding a village are always dedicated to the growth of the various group, feeding the locals.

Livestock are often wandering in enclosed fields, with relative freedom as their owner pay attention to hungry wolves coming in to steal his possession.

It is thanks to those wide fields and to those livestock that the cities have something to eat. The farmer and other peasants working in those fields making a living selling part of their production. Of course, like any other business, it is taxed, even more so as more often than not, a farmer ain't the owner of the land he is own; The ability to own land reserved to noble. The Third Estate 'mercifully’ allowed to stay.

Farmer in the kingdom of Vale

the land surrounding Holypertuis is connected to a vast network of aqueducts, which supply the majority of the region with water. This water is said to be holy, and the local farmers are blessed with always healthy crops and verdant fields.


The Vast sand-covered land to the south where lie the dragonborns are the only desert on the continent, the other one being on the remote night island. An equally as desertic place is the vast wasteland to the southwest, where next to nothing dares to dwell.

The southern desert, home of the dragonborn, is an ocean of sand, dangerous and rare monsters dwelling in those shifting dunes. While not suited for agriculture, the place still manages to hold numerous cities and people, mainly condensed on the upper part of the desert, closer the lush plains. The ability of dragonborn to survive in such environment contributes to their reputation as mighty and brave people.

The dragonborn in the region relly a lot on the local trading route, the most important connection to the sea is near the desert in one of their city. With such connection, they can easily use this opportunity to trade numerous goods and live mainly thanks to that.

Ionguale, the dragonborn city, is based on the largest oasis found in the desert, and underwater spring alimenting it and providing the city a source of fresh water.

The Wasted cliff on the other hand is a largely inhabited mesa, even the duke possessing those lands do not dare to send troupes to clear them, as only the most ferocious of monster can survive out there.

This land was the theater of great fight opposing dragons and fire giants. Their wrath destroying everything in its wake, their strike devastating the land with each blow, when the war was over, only fire was left, the land so scarified, no plants would grow on it from this point onward.

Dangers: Extreme Heat, quicksand, blinding sandstorm, Mirage (hallucinatory Terrain)

Frigid Night

Despite the burning hot climate during the day, the desert, except the wasted cliff, tends to be incredibly cold during the night. Additionally, weaker monsters that do not dare the see the light of the day, wander those land during the night.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel


The large mountain tower over the nation, a protecting wall from the outside threats, the craggy rocks and steep flank to the east make for a natural frontier, the large river separating Green earth and Tana's empire been an added protection. A well-appreciated one. the highest part of the pic been covered in eternal snow.

The Highlander mountains surround the Insatiable Lake, has a claw grasping on the body of water, its sharp feature and dangerous inhabitants make for a hostile place in the heart of Tana's Empire. making for the highest mounts in the west. As the highest mountains, eternal snow covers their top.

The place inaccessible to giants was the home of dragons during their era. As such, the mountains are connected by a complex network of caves, in which many kobolds live, thrilled to know they live where the dragon used to be.

Inaccessible to most, those mountains hide many secrets. Among them is one of the human druidic clans. But rumors of a town filled with orcs, goblin, and the like, hiding within the mountains are growing in Windrin.

The Wasted cliff.. cliff, might also qualify as mountains, the land, cracked suddenly dropping unaware adventurers hundreds of feet in the air to certain death.

The rare village in those land, receive specific treatment when it comes to tax collection and other affairs necessitating trips from an agent of the empire. Most of that rare settlement been centered around a mine or cave to explore and pull wealth from, generally, no uncommon minerals are found tho.


"The trees rise like a palisade against the sky. Your eyes only penetrate a few yards into the dense, shadowed foliage. Things stir within the deep reaches of the wilds, their rustlings, and calls reaching your ears even here on the edge of the forest.

Most of the land of the empire was once covered by lush forest and verdant woods. The great reunion destroyed an important part of those forests, but, with time, tree grew again in some regions, and the land, where it isn't large expanse of grass, is generally covered by the dense and dark forest. The shadow of their foliage making for a dimly light place, in which many beasts and monstruosities hunt for food.

The so-called elven wood, to the west, is home to the elves, but the fey touched creature are expert in woodland movement and have grown to a mutual understanding with the forces of nature. The forest is still unhostile to those who leave the main roads.

The wood of the vale is one of the wildest land in Tana's empire. When the human were conquering the elves, and burning the woods, some elves seek shelter further south, back then, both the wood of the vale and the elven forest where connected. The local dryad, hearing the story of those elves called upon the power of the green enchantress, sovereign of dryads. And with her fantastic power, they were able to protect this forest, banning mankind from their land.

To this day, those wood are still under their protection, and the whistling of arrows striking the air as any human dare to approach make sure said humans know this place is still forbidden to their kind.

This restriction does not apply to elves or other races, but the dryads, protecting those wood are hostile toward intruders, warning them, whispering elven word telling them to turn around

Up north, Tall tree is a good description of those woods, the large tree towering above the frigid land. The wood earned by cutting those trees is often used to make ships, resistant to water, and not rotting, it makes for perfect naval construction material.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Océan, Sea and Lac

The empire, because of its size, has the largest marine territory, the wild and terrifying water surround the land are hostile, monster dwelling in those water know no limit, to their size and power.

The legend of twisted abomination lurking in the deep, created by the chaos of the wasted cliff run many in the calamity coves. Sailor of all kind now to never lose sight of the coast, or they'll be too far to be saved. In addition, the countless storm, and frequent typhon make for a well-named area.

The small lake connected to the cove, near's god's domain, is quite the opposite, home of an underwater city, and the sea elf, the turquoise water, and the nice beach make for a place of comfort.

The mermaid path, on the other hand, has a strange mix of creatures swimming in its water. The merfolk living in their underwater city to the northwest of the path, closer to tana's empire.

Their evil cousin, the merrow hunting in the water further south, only rivaled in cunning by the siren, flying creature jumping from water to air, this path is dangerous. Yet the numerous boat that have to cross the place have secured a trading route among the dark water.

Another notable place is the crystal sea or crystal lake, the name varies. As the sun rises in the morning, the lack takes on the aspect of a shining reflection of this world, almost like a portal to the feywild. It's surface glimmering and inspiring bards from all around the world sing love and beauty. This incredible appearance comes from a formation of crystals, growing on the bottom of the lake, refracting the light, which bounces between the various crystal before coming back up in a beautiful display of color.

Due to the presence of this mineral, the lake is a source of tension, as both habitant of the green earth, and Tana's empire wish to mine it. Those highly magical crystals been valuable resources to craft magic items.

The vast water surrounding the empire are not all well know, but they are feared, as sailor know they hide monster far more dangerous than those walking our lands.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Lightfoot Land


Numerous tribes of halflings, spread around the lands during the dragon era, started to gather in a bigger tribe, forming town and cities, soon joined by the gnomes and verdan, they took on a form of independence by declaring themself a kingdom and grow into the civilized people we know now.

As ancient tribes, they didn't conquer most of the wilderness, and the vast lands were filled with monsters and unspeakable horror. Thankfully, their reunion made them stronger, the gnome ingenuity, the halfling courage, and the goblin (verdan were not yet fully transformed) combined allowed them to push the border of civilization, the villages, and town closer to this untold border with the wild always on the lookout.

The unification of those races was made official only once the majority of the land was safe, in 434 AD.

This declaration gave rise to many conflicts between the peoples of the new kingdom, and those of the free Green Earths. The countless raid, and plundering of the towns bordering Green earth been a mark of those conflicts.

The combined power of the halflings, gnomes, and the new verdans, made for a sufficient power to resist the onslaught of the conquering minotaurs and orcs. Years of fighting the dangerous monsters of the vast lands of their territory made for quite a powerful army, and a force to be reckoned with.

This military prowess of the Lightfoot land came in handy more recently, with the conflicts against the frozen kingdom. Most likely the most impacting war of recent history for the people of the lightfoot land.

Despite this rather recent conflict, the Lightfoot Land Evolved a lot over the years, with great trade routes snaking through the landscape, their economy is stable, and the constant progress in science and other magical discovery make sure they always have things to sell.

The people of this kingdom unifying willingly, the regent never had to face revolution or civil war. The population is well aware of the importance of being strong, holding together against the threats, and this mindset was still strong even with the cruelest of leaders. A leader, as bad as it may be, is better than no leader at all.

The Royal family, the Greyhard, are halfling, or at least for the most part. Various marriages and other mingling over the generations mixed the royal bloodline and may have created tensions, as demonstrated by the conflict with the frozen kingdom.

Said Royal family rule with an iron fist, its authority uncontested. The taxes are high, and politics is centered on the expansion of their technology. Said technology providing goods to trade for an economical aspect, but also an advantage for their army.

Lightfoot Land Timeline : Link

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel


The lightfoot Land is a kingdom, Under the influence of the Greyhard family, the royal family. The same King (or Queen) rule over gnomes, hallfings, and verdans without distinction, and this since the creation of the lightfoot land.

To be more exact, the Greyhard family was ruling over those people before the official unification but gained the status of royal only with the official unification. The unification laking official a system of caste already existing back when there were still tribes but putting on new names on those titles, such as the noble caste.

Nowadays, the system of caste, and political system greatly improved, still rather restrictive in its access, it brought numerous change, most of them in favor of the population.

The Royal family still maintains the strongest power and has the final say on any decision. But there is now an intricate political system helping that decision making process.

  • The assembly. An assembly of 500 members is elected by the people and represents them, tho only noble can be part of this assembly. This assembly proposes changes, laws, taxes, and other regulations. These proposals are then sent to the Grand Council.
  • The Great Council. It is a council of 5 people, each representing an important domains; science and education, trading and economy, culture and tradition, military, justice. The member of this council are also noble, and most often part of an incfluencial organization or family. They debate on the proposal sent by the assembly, modify it, and send it back to the assembly. When this game of back and forth is over with the agreement of both the great council and the assembly, the proposition is sent to the King (or Queen).
  • The King or Queen. He has the final word, can once again amend it and send it back, or decide to apply it as it stands. The King has the supreme power of decision and decides everything in the end, during a crisis, he can even edit the law without having to use the whole system.

This system, sometimes controversial as it is only accessible to noble, has slowly evolved over the year to become what it is. The great council was created during the unification, long before it was made official, as representant of each tribe were gathering for the decision-making process and discussing with the already powerful Greyhard family.

Slowly, the member of the great council became experts in various domains instead of representant of tribes, and as the population was begging for a better grasp on the politics, the assembly was created.

Royal Succession

The firstborn of the royal family is always destined to become the future King or Queen of the nation.

The current Queen, Tulia Greyhard, is half-dwarf, and her birth and rise to power provocked the conflict with the dwarven kingdom.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



The population of the Lightfoot land understands the value of organized civilization, may it be to face the threat together, or to provide a common set of rules for all of its inhabitants. Early on, kids in the nation are taught to respect authority. Despite a lack of school (the education of the wealthy is handled thanks to private tutors), the children of the nation learn quickly to obey the law. Of course, some deviant becomes criminal like in any other nation, but people lean toward the respect of the authority in the lightfoot land.

Gnomes tend to be the most chaotic of all the races living in the lightfoot land, their fey origin giving them a natural inclination for chaos with various tricks, and pranks.


Science is seen as extremely important. An example of which are the various school of magic, the resources given to this institution been far greater in the Lightfoot Land, and Darvik, the founder of the Academy of magic, regrouping the various school of magic, was a gnome. The politician know the value of technology in its various form; magical experimentation, crop growing field, mechanical engineering. The domains of application of Science are numerous.

This emphasis on science is made keeping in mind the gods of Toriel, it would be damageable to provoke their wraith.

Yet very few experimentations are banned. Necromancy, as in the art of playing with the dead, not the magic school ain’t illegal, it is not well perceived, but not fully illegal as long as you don’t raise the dead, or corrupt/capture souls. Similarly, the contact with lower plane, ain’t illegal, but is restricted, and need to be done under the control of the local authorities.


Justice is modern in the Lightfoot Land, The authorities try to understand the case, evidence are extremely important, and there is an order of importance for evidence

Confessions, Witnesses, Material evidence, Oath


Over the years, the Kingdom managed to build many relations. Their history influenced many of their contact with other nations over the years. A summary of the important pact, and can be found below:

  • Tana's Empire & Lightfoot land: exclusive trade exchange agreements (Tana’s empire is prohibited to sell to the frozen kingdom, Lightfoot land buy magical raw materials and items, and sell their inventions)
  • Lightfoot land & Hobgoblin Empire: Trade agreements (Lightfoot land buy raw materials)
  • Lightfoot land & Aaqa (plane of air): Trade agreements (Lightfoot land sell the inventions of artificier devices, such as airships)
  • Lightfoot land & Frozen Kingdom: Trade agreements (Lightfoot land buy raw material, and sell inventions to the frozen kingdom)
  • Lightfoot land & Frozen Kingdom: Non-aggression pact (technically still at war)

Lightfoot land and Tana’s empire built strong relations over the years, mainly thanks to trading, and are now economical partners.

As for the Lightfoot land and the Hobgoblin empire, their relation is not as old, and the constant tension with other tribes of Green earth can make their relation sometimes tense.

When it comes to their relation with the frozen kingdom, the relation are extremely conflictual since the war begun. With the non aggression pact, trading was possible again, but limited, thankfully for the lightfoot land, their pact with tana’s empire, preventing them to trade with the frozen empire, make them a privileged partner.

Those agreements and pacts are possible thanks to delegations of representatives who are sent or received in the country to discuss.

When it comes to trading route and flow of wealth, Lightfoot land managed to place themselves as a central force in the eastern economy. The trade routes snaking through the kingdom connecting them with their partners.

But, due to the tension, the borders are heavily secured, and crossing them is not possible with the necessary papers.

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The people of the Lightfoot land are united against the threat to their nation, fighting, and dyings as one. Of course, they prefer era of peace, but they know the world is a dangerous place, especially when you tend to not be taller than 1.5 meters.

Most conflicts are on the border of the nation, as the various tension with the Green earth pushes invading minotaurs to try and plunder the bordering village, the Lightfoot land outpost and army often have to face them. As the Yuan-ti send spies and other agents to influence their behavior, the authorities are on the lookout for them.

But, the tension with the frozen kingdom is still present, despite the non-aggression. The war is very likely to stay until Queen Tulia dies, her mixed heritage preventing the tension from totally fading. Every person or caravan coming from the north has to go through a detailed inspection, and papers are necessary to be allowed from one side to another.

This ongoing war, named the blood war, is due to the birth and access to power of the current queen. As the Lightfoot land law state, the firstborn of the royal family is destined to become king (or queen).

Queen Tulia Greyhard mother was the previous queen, but her father is the king of the dwarves, Trone Frozen, and as such, the dwarves wanted her to stay as a high member of the Frozen family. This created a conflict of interest, tension rising when Tulia Greyhard came back to the Lightfoot land.

The target of multiple kidnapping attempts, she stood strong, and accessed the power, and became the queen, this was the spark of the war, and for years to come, the dwarves poured down from the mountains, slaughtering those who dare to face them, as a revenge from the treason of Tulia Greyhard.

The country army gathered north, stopping the invading forces. A new law, making obligatory a period of 2 years serving the army was created and applied. And the population eager to defend their land were not demoralized. The inventions of the gnomes finally been put to use, the war changed when canons were introduced, their use, still limited, was the proof of Lightfoot land military power.

Corruption of the noble

It is quite common for members of the assembly, or members of the great council to be invited to party, and great banquet to discuss the latest law, generous donation been offered to those noble, as a hidden way to pay them for their choice.

This kind of behavior is severely punished by the royal family.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



The Eastern Trader's Alliance watch over the merchant of the east, influencing the commercial exchange in the whole region, the Eastern Trader's Alliance is not to underestimate. The great council, impacting each of the country's decisions, as a seat for someone in charge of the economy and trading in the country. This person is the head of the Eastern Trader's Alliance.

Recent Event pushed the current leader, Verna BrushToople, to be banned from the country, her title revoked. Therefore, the Eastern Trader's Alliance is currently undergoing internal conflict for succession.

The price of goods, like in tana's empire, is defined thanks to supply and demand. Having a system similar to their main foreign trading partner make exchange much easier.

Lightfoot land was, with Tana's empire, the original creator of the common ecu. It is them that, after years of economical partnership with tana's empire, started the idea of a common monetary system. It is the gnome who made the first ecu.

And as the gnome were those designing those coins, they keep on the exclusive right to cast those coins. Or rather, the Eastern Trader's Alliance has the owner ship of the only legal coins foundry. Of course, counterfeit can be found but inspired by coins of the ancient civilization, such as those previously found in Yuan-ti hand, gnomes are working on imbuing the ecu with divination magic, making their copy much harder due to the identification provided.

The ancient coins of the Lightfoot Land were square or triangular coins, with a hole in the middle, and overall smaller than the empire coins. Mixing copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins.


The ancient coins can still be found, and are still valuable, but they might not be accepted everywhere.

Electrum Ecu are not accepted in the Lightfoot Land

The bank in Lightfoot land isn't as independent as one may think. The headmaster of the Eastern Trader's Alliance ending up as a member of the great council, he ends up having a grasp and certain control on the banks. In addition, the Trader's alliance owns half of the coins foundry, the other half being the bank property.

Said banks are used for the same purpose as everywhere else, storing valuable resources, and use protection just as strong as those found in Tana's empire. In addition to the magic protecting the vault, sets of traps make it a dungeon for the rare that could penetrate the extradimensional vault.

The vault uses an extradimensional vault, and valuable deposited in one bank can be retrieved in any other bank of the country.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toreil

Commerce and fiscality

Merchants, shopkeepers, and other traders often have to follow a certain set of laws, in order to work. A shopkeeper in the Lightfoot Land as to be part of the eastern trader's alliance or to pay a monthly fee to the alliance to be allowed to sell his products. Even if the member of the great council expert in economy and trading is the headmaster of the Trader's Alliance, other members of the great council can call out the alliance if it misbehaves, and offer the assurance to trader over the realm that the trader's alliance do not abuse its power.

Alliance support merchant in the Lightfoot land, even those that aren't part of the alliance, of course, the benefit won't be as important if you're not part of the alliance, but at least, thanks to regulation about competition, or created scarcity, it assures equal chance to most merchants.

Benefits such as connection, equipment, etc. are reserved to the Alliance member.

As for the specific, the ability of a merchant to buy a product or sell another one often depends on his shop, as except for a few exceptions, merchants are rather free when it comes to the product they can sell and buy.

But depending on the nature of goods it sells (common gear, magic item, jewelry, etc.) the taxes won't be the same. Overall, a merchant in the Lightfoot land as to give 5% of its benefits to the trader's alliance each year.

Thankfully for the merchant in the lightfoot land, foreign traders and products go through a much harder taxation process, making local commerce able to compete.


On one hand, a regular halfling, gnome, or verdan in the lightfoot land earn around 1 gold ecu per day, the exact amount varies depending on the area and job of course.

On the other hand, a small percentage of the population (around 1.5%) is noble, and has a grasp on political power. But, thankfully, a bigger percentage, (around 5%) of the population is considered rich.

Thanks to their inventions, trade, and other methods, some Common folk managed to become important business man, scientists, and other prestigious titles. Those Bourges manifest in high society, mixing the arrogance of the nobles, and the lack of manners of a peasant.

loan to inventors

If requested, inventors can get a loan from the bank, with little to zero interest.

This is thanks to the kingdom's support for an engineer, scholar, and other inventors alike to develop their craft.

Even if, asking most peasants, they'll go for hours and hours about the inequality of this world. None of them would refuse some coins, nor would they refuse to access the shining world reserved to those with enough money to buy good wine and fine dress.

Lightfoot Land use the genius of its people to create wander and miracle. To do so, they require components, buying them from tana's empire or the frozen kingdom, but they production are famous across Toriel.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toreil

Royal Family

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



As for the vast majority of land in Toriel, it is composed in majority of plains and forest, and the Lightfoot land is no exception, green expanse expanding past the horizon, the lush grass covering the hills, a group of almiraj can often be seen, running through the grass, or group of axe beak can be crossed running through the tall grass.

Surrounding the various villages and towns, the fields take on golden color when the morning light shines on the crops, the country been self-sufficient when it comes to food resources, the various rivers forming high up in the mountains irrigating the fields, may it be from the frozen kingdom or the mountains to the west, allowing for the production of various cereals.

Other rivers keep the plains, forest, and other natural regions lush in the south. Three major rivers regrouping at Oakhearth, the capital, in the south.

Livestock is also common, but not as much as in tana’s empire, for example, the small people tend to eat less meat.

To the north, the snowy plains are mostly inhabited by gnomes, their joyful nature warming their heart against the cold weather. All of this free space allows for quite a nice place for the strange gnomish invention.

Axe Beak

Axe beak originate from the plain in the south of the Lightfoot land and are used over the world as reliable mounts


The country posses 3 mountain ranges, 4 depending on the definition of the border, and therefore 4 according to the cartographer of the Lightfoot land.

To the south, mountains stretch vertically, making a visual landmark for the eastern border of the forest. Named the Traveler’s Peak in reference to the nearby forest name (the Traveler's Dream). The village in those mountains are agglomerated around the wavy road going through those mountains, and often really on back and forth with villages in the forest to exchange food, mineral, etc.

The mountains the west, bordering the green earth, make for natural protection against the minotaur, and due to their proximity with the dangerous Green earth, are free of any village.

The Mountains, north of oakhearth, are home to numerous Verdan villages, those villages are not exclusively verdan, but with the recent change to their nature, they tend to isolate themselves to the east.

The large mountain range to the northwest makes for more hostile terrain, and a sort of natural limit between the snowy plains/forest and the rest of the lands. But this didn’t manage to prevent villages, essentially of gnomes, to implement in those cliffs.

The variety of mountains, from the rocky peaks in the north to the flatter massif in the south makes many Halffling agile climbers.

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The large mountain makes for impressive rock formations on those land, but the majority is covered in forests when it isn’t vast plains. The sound of wood cracking echoing in the forest as the wind hurls between the leaf, the forest dark and ominous almost menacing, as footstep can be heard far away…

The great forest to the east is the residence of the Verdan, many villages dotting those lands, but it is also the home of dryads (not the same kind as those found in the wood of the vale in Tana’s empire) gracing the forest with lush vegetation and ever-growing tree. This makes it grimmer looking as the dense foliage prevents most light from coming through.

The Traveler's Dream to the south is a noticeable forest, its intriguing name coming from the appreciable weather and life condition. The forest is on the southern finister, it was cleaned of most monsters by the locals, and living in those wood is a relatively peaceful experience, at least in comparison to the rest of Toriel.

Finally, the most up north forest transitions to snow and ice the further you go. The large spruce tree standing tall against the element, The snow piled at the top falls on anybody who dares to hit the tree, and the strong wood is often used for the various inventions of the gnome and other inventors.

Ocean, Sea and lac

As always, people tend to live close to the coast, as access to water is essential to life. However, from the many hills and valleys that stand in the way, the Lightfoot people are not known for their seafaring prowess.

Some maritime settlements exist, and deal with traders coming from the sea, a know trading route goes through the sea. But except for that purpose, the lightfoot land isn’t focused on maritime activities as it already has enough trouble on land.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Frozen Kingdom



During the age of dragons, the dwarves, like all other races, were severely damaged. A huge part of the population was annihilated in a snap of the fingers. The survivors, aware of the danger that the humans who caused this cataclysm represented, took refuge in the mountains, barricading themselves and fortifying the accesses. In their isolation, they developed a bitterness for the humans, but more generally for all foreigners, seeing them as responsible for this cataclysm.

Despite the difficult beginnings, their nation remained united, and they exploited the land in which they had isolated themselves, mining the gold and mitral present in the mountains, developing an underground kingdom. They developed a gift for using the minerals they recovered and managed to acquire a reputation as formidable smiths and jewelers.

Despite all this, times were sometimes hard, especially when the dragons, during a war effort, settled in the nearby mountains. Preparing for the worst, the king ordered resources to be allocated to the war effort. The miners dug deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth. There they discovered monsters that no one wanted to know about, and put their armies to good use, but this was not in vain, as they discovered, much later in 434 AD, the adamantine.

This fabulous metal was impenetrable to arrows and other projectiles and confident in their strength, they finally dared to leave their mountains. It came as a shock to the dwarves when they realized that the dragons were gone, the war was over, and societies of various races had sprung up all over the world. Despite their bitterness for others, they opened up to others, accepting the Goliaths in the icy plains that make up the north of their territories and began to open up to discussion and exchange with the halfling.

The trade of their new metal developed, and thanks to the support of the gnomes, they developed a weapon capable of piercing armor while being constituted, the blunderbuss.


This weapon was especially useful to penetrate armor, but it was not developed outside of the frozen kingdom. And due to its price, few of even dwarven soldiers possess this weapon.


Weapon, Common

Cost: 750gp, 2d6 piercing damage, 10lb., Ammunition, range(20/30), Loading, Two-Handed, Martial

Blunderbuss fire projectiles with ear-splitting noise, shredding armor with deadly force, they are heavy, and hard to manipulate, but can penetrate even adamantine.

When fired, the BlunderBuss emit a deafening crack audible 300 feet away. Unfortunately, the Blunderbuss becomes useless when wet. If the BlunderBuss is exposed to heavy rain, submerged, or drenched in water by a similar means, then it cannot fire. A character cannot use this weapon again until they complete a short rest in dry conditions.

When making an attack with this weapon, you must use your Strength modifier for both the attack and damage rolls.

When you take the attack action and successfully hit a creature with the blunderbuss, measure the weapon’s Scatter range from the square (or point of impact) that the target you hit occupies. All creatures other than the original target that fall within the weapon’s scatter range must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Scatter DC. Upon a failed save, they take damage equal to the ability score modifier you used to hit with the weapon (minimum of 1). Damage dealt this way is piercing.

Scatter Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Strength modifier.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Nevertheless, their opening also attract new conflicts, the dwarves getting along well with the small people of Lightfoot land, the borders opened, and the exchanges were numerous, so much so that the king fell in love with a halfling. The king loved her unconditionally and fought the noble families in order to marry her. Their union gave birth to a young daughter, Tulia. The birth sealed a new union, and the dwarf people, at first reluctant, cherished the child, for nothing in the world they wanted to see her leave. However, the laws of Lightfoot land said otherwise, and the child became the queen of Lightfoot land, abandoning the dwarves.

The coronation of the young Tulia triggered the fury of the dwarves, and their armies marched south to reclaim the royal child. The conflict was bloody, but the gnomes, halfling, and verdan held their ground, and together they faced up to it. As the years went by, the fighting calmed down, the conflict lessened. And the king's remarriage, this time to a dwarf, eased tensions even more.

Nowadays, the 2 countries still fight the blood war, but a non-agreesion pact has been concluded for the moment, and some exchanges can be resumed. But on both sides, everyone knows that this war will only really end with the death of Tulia Greyhard and Trone Frozen, the current king of the dwarves.

The frozen kingdom is under the control of one of the noble families. Indeed, 7 noble families share the control of the dwarf kingdom's mountains, each one exerting its authority on its mountain, but the king has a more global pepper, supervising the activities of the different families. Thus, the family in place for this role has often evolved over the years, we can think in particular of the Icebeard having reigned from 2AD to 615 AD. The dwarves are very attached to this system, respecting the name of these families and what it represents.


As the name suggests, it is a kingdom, ruled by a king, and unified against external threats. The king, a member of one of the 7 noble families, has the power to make decisions and represents all dwarves in these decisions. Of course, he is supported in this task by a group of advisors.

This group of advisors is composed of representatives of each of the noble families, as well as other experts in their fields, such as the treasurer, or the general of the army. It is with the support of these advisors that the king makes his decisions.

The members of each noble family usually hold the majority of these important positions, such as manager of the mines or keeper of the great libraries. Only the nobles can hold important positions

Frozen Kingdom Timeline : Link

Thus, with the support of this advice, the kingdom evolves and reacts to the different events that impact it. Of course, in times of crisis, an advisor can be called in earlier, or the king can make decisions alone. This was especially the case at the beginning of the blood war against lightfoot land.

The country is organized in such a way that only the nobles have access to the management of the most important domains. Nevertheless, this system is appreciated by the population, which admires the families reigning on the mountains.

Kingdom name

The kingdom takes on the name of the leading family, nowadays, the king is part of the frozen family, so the kingdom is called the frozen kingdom, but if the Icebeard family was to take over again, it would be called the Icebeard Kingdom.

There are 7 noble families in the frozen kingdom, the leader of each one ruling over one of the mountain cities.

  • Frozen Family. They rule over the capital, the mountain city of Montmend.
  • Icebeard Family. They rule over the mountain city of Kaghrihm.
  • Amberforge Family. They rule over the mountain city of Vurnwohrum.
  • Hardheart Family. They rule over the mountain city of Vul Darum.
  • Orewar Family. They rule over the mountain city of Dugh Dural.
  • Zultik Family. They rule over the mountain city of Bhaghbuldar.
  • Cascogne Family. They rule over the mountain city of Mern Kuldor.
Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel


Some would call dwarves selfish and ethnocentric, but ask a dwarf, and he will tell you that he knows the importance of a united nation in the face of danger and that only the land he walks on will protect him and his comrades.

Moreover, dwarves also have high esteem for honor, dare to insult the honor of a dwarf to receive a punch in the face at best, and a judicial duel if it was a noble. Most dwarves attach particular importance to the glory that a profession can give them, or that an action can bring them. Thus, the hard work of the dwarves in the mines becomes a competition for the one who will have the honor to bring back the most ores, the craftsmen putting their honor at stake with the making of each new workpiece, etc...

The justice of the land is a two-tiered system, with conflicts between common folks being settled in the courts, where a noble judge, based on what everyone says. Alternatively, there might be a judicial duel. But if the conflict involves the nobles, then the large families are called to judge, and this almost always takes the form of a duel to wash their honor.

The troublesome part comes when a common folk dares to bother a noble, the latter often related in some way or another to a judge, can easily force the commoner to be found guilty. This more often than not lead to the cultrip crumbling under debts, languishing in prison, and losing any honor he had.

Dwarves are also rather religious, but their culture and belief push them to work rather than pray, but some dwarven festivals and celebrations revolve around their gods.

Purple Worm

Dwarves have an interesting pantheon, one of their god, the god of hydromel, ale, and other similar beverage is portrayed as a bulky dwarf, standing on a throne, said throne serving as a saddle to ride on a purple worm, the many barrels of beverages of the god strapped further back on the purple worm body.

Thanks to this, dwarves have a certain veneration of purple worms, of course, they fight those who dare to intrude their city, but as much as possible, they try not to disturb those monsters.


From a diplomatic point of view, the dwarves extended themselves to the outside world only belatedly, at least compared to most other nations.

Therefore, the only official treaties of the nation are with the goliaths, now living on their territory, and with Lightfoot Land.

  • Frozen Kingdom & Golitah: Alliance
  • Frozen Kingdom & Lightfoot land: Trade agreements (Lightfoot sell magic objects to the frozen kingdom and buy raw material)
  • Frozen Kingdom & Lightfoot land: Non-aggression pact (technically still at war)

When it comes to their relation with the lightfoot land, it is conflictual since the war began. With the non-aggression pact, trading is possible again, but limited. The Frozen kingdom spent centuries in isolation, so they are autonomous and can sustain themself despite the very little trading.

When the dwarves have to discuss and make an agreement, they never send a delegation, but rather wait for one to come to their mountains, as they prefer to have the upper hand in political discussion.

The only trading international trading route of the kingdom connecting them to Lightfoot Land, but due to the tension, the borders are heavily secured, and crossing them is not possible with the necessary papers.

Apart from the trading with the kingdom further south, there is little transit, and even migrants are rare, especially with the tension at the border.

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The war with Lightfoot land is still going on, and the dwarf armed forces are still standing by for a potential assault, potential revenge from the time they marched south. Therefore, crossing the border requires authorization and motive, as well as detailed inspection, as both nations want to avoid spies and terrorists.

This war, called the War of Blood, is unlikely to end officially until the death of the Dwarf King, Trone Frozen, and the Queen of Lightfoot Land, Tulia Greyhard. And those because, both father and daughter are incredibly stubborn, neither will give in or admit to any past wrongdoing.

Indeed, the current war is due to the birth of Tulia Greyhard, daughter of Frozen Trone, and Leana Greyhard. The union of the representatives of the two nations did not seal a lasting union but was the spark of a war to come.

The king, Trone Frozen, had to fight for years to be allowed to marry, but the marriage was short-lived, as young Tulia's mother died in childbirth. With the death of their queen, the people of lightfoot land claimed the child's right of succession, but the dwarves refused to let the child take the throne.

Nevertheless, the child managed to return to her mother's land, rising tensions between the two nations. Each claimed the girl as part of their royalty. The mixed-blooded child, inheriting her father's character, decided to take what was due to her, and ascended the throne, becoming the queen we know today.

The war began, as dwarf armies swept through the southern lands, unleashing the fury of their nation on all who crossed their path. The dwarven armies spread out to face the dragons, the simple halfling, gnomes, and verdan were no real threat.

The Lightfoot Land forces gathered in the north, stopping the invasion as best they could, suffering many casualties, while the dwarves, though stymied, suffered few deaths. But the problem was the endurance of the locals. Defending their land, every soldier that fell was replaced, while the dwarves were tired of the fighting.

Finally, the gnomes used cannons, and the adamantium armor of the dwarves began to fail, and the current status quo of the war began.

In addition to this historical conflict, many internal tensions exist between the noble family, as they fight for power, hoping to become the next king, this is more evident when the king gets old, as their fight becomes quite obvious. Thankfully for the folk of the Frozen kingdom, the frozen family has been there for 2 generations now, providing some kind of stability, at least if the next generation is also a member of the frozen family.

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Most of the trade and other transactions are done between members of the kingdom, given the rather limited international openness of the kingdom, this is quite understandable. Nevertheless, some ways are the same as in other kingdoms, for example, the definition of the value of a good is done according to its rarity. Of course, other factors can influence this value, like a monopoly for example.

In addition, the dwarves have adapted the common currency system, and use the ecu.

The Frozen Kingdom coins, their ancient coin were showing the symbol of the family ruling the mountains under which they were created, the shape varying from a perfect circle, to oval. Mixing copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins.

This currency is regulated by the gnomes, nevertheless, during their conflicts with Lightfoot land, the dwarves have created an independent organization of management of the currency, the organization is not officially recognized at the international level, but makes faith among the dwarves.

As a result, dwarf coins are often subject to detailed inspection by banks, which consider them counterfeit if they were made by dwarf forges.

The centralization of this currency is done in the royal vault. This room dedicated to the accumulation of goods serves as a bank, and each of the mountain nations has a similar room. It holds the vast majority of the wealth of the dwarves living in this mountain, and the banks of the kingdom are not centralized. This impractical system has been made in order to guarantee the security and potential independence of each mountain in the event of a new apocalypse.

But, these treasure rooms work like banks, it does not include modern comforts such as borrowing, at least for individuals. Professionals can apply for a "royal investment fund".

Commerce and fiscality

The businesses within the kingdom are as diverse and varied as anywhere else. However, there are no alliances or associations that carefully monitor trade, instead, the leaders of each mountain city are in charge of regulating trade in the cities. Thus, taxes can vary from one mountain to another, creating trade flows that are quite specific to the dwarf territories.

This creates a rather uneven form of competition, however, due to the relative independence of each mountain city, it is difficult to do anything about it.

These taxes are paid to the state, or to be more precise, to the noble family in charge of the city where the taxes are paid. A percentage will necessarily go to the crown, but the majority benefits the family reigning over the city, in the hope that this money will be used for the improvement of the city and the kingdom.

In fact, much of this money goes into the pockets of the nobles, but what is left is indeed used to develop the cities and the kingdom.


The small population represents a majority of the population and lives with about one gold coin per day. This amount may seem ridiculous, especially compared to the lifestyle of the nobles, and the few dwarves who can boast of being rich.

The majority of the people work in what we would call manual jobs, killing themselves to bring glory and honor to their name, and the rich benefit from this work effort. Nevertheless, despite the obvious inequality, no revolution is rumbling.

Of course, listening to the tavern stories, you can hear the miners complaining about their conditions, the blacksmith complaining about the delays, and the innkeeper complaining about the taxes. But it is almost the nature of a dwarf to be grumpy and complain constantly.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Royal Family

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



Once past the immense mountains, home of the dwarves, one arrives in the great snowy plains extending to the ocean further north. The uniform white of the plains leaves nothing to envy the other northern regions, and the creatures living there are renowned for their resistance and having a strong constitution. Thus, it is suspected that under such conditions, breeding or agriculture is not possible for the goliath, living here. therefore, their population hunt and fish for food (mainly hunt due to the ice making it hard to fish).


The mountains are surely the most important part of the kingdom, the immense steep mountains, houses of the dwarf being more than famous, the different mounts covering a large area. The legends say that these mountains are the remains of the body of an ancient god, which explains the many primary resources found there.

Indeed, the majority of the kingdom of Frozen lives in the mountains, Mountmend being the capital, and the most notable city. But there are 7 mountain cities in the kingdom, each under the dominion of a different family. Those 7 cities constitute the vast majority of dwarven infrastructure, as very few villages and towns exist outside of those main cities.

The country derives much of its wealth from its mining operations. It has everything from the solid stones needed to build buildings to the rarest minerals used in the manufacture of legendary artifacts.

Necropolis, connected to the grey waste and the city of the dead in the Shadowfell, is hidden deep in one of those mountains


the forests are scattered, covering the foot of the mountains and especially present at the southern border, providing an additional source of food for the peoples of the kingdom. the immense Fir trees are covered with snow most of the year.

Ocean, Sea and Lac

The icy waters surrounding the kingdom, are not very suitable for navigation, due among other things to the presence of huge ice floes, making navigation difficult, the few coastal villages not relying on fishing.

it is immense iceberg are nevertheless the habitat of species more than interesting, at least from a biological point of view, because the inhabitants do not want to rub shoulders with them. One of the Icebergs being known to contain the Frozen Corpse of a White Dragon.

The Frozen Cove at the west is the only water that can be suitable for fishing depending on the time of the year and is shared with the lightfoot land

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Green Earth



The Green earth has a chaotic history, been a land of wild and dangerous monsters, where only the strongest of tribe can dwelve, their written history is rare, and hard to recover.


The Yuan-ti refuse to share their history, filled with secrets, the kind historian and other searchers crave for, but they are known to be the keeper of the jungle secret. Their society is highly religious, and the high priestess reign over the people. The yuan-ti are among the richest in the mortal world, accumulating power and goods for thousands of years, they were able to progress during a time where the other races were forced to hide. As such, they spread their dominion over the jungle, enslaving the tortles.

Due to their history, and the fact they were still expanding during the dragon age, secrets of the ancient civilization are kept by the yuan-ti. Many believe dark rituals and dark magic are among the Yuan-ti collection of forgotten knowledge.

Similarly, the Yuan-ti are keen to dominate the entire Green earth, maybe even more, and this is no secret. It is not known if they plan on using those ancient artifacts to do so, but Lightfoot land and Tana's Empire do keep an eye out for such a threat.

The snake people are evil been and do not hesitate to enslave others for their benefit. A striking example is the fate of the tortle, reduced to slave for the yuan-ti, or as a component in dark ritual for their God Sseth. They are said to be emotionless been, and as such, they exhibit behavior and use tactics that exemplify that outlook (or lack of one).

Every Yuan-ti Pray Sseth, the yuan-ti god, or demon, the exact nature of this been is unknown. This god protected them

Hobgoblin Empire

Most other tribes lack written history, except maybe for the hobgoblin empire. Their record mainly focusing on their law, and military action, we know of the state of the region they populated over the years. Hans-Jürgen was their first emperor, starting to rule over the hobgoblin when the rules were established enough to define the union of hobgoblin as an empire, but it was only later, once the era of dragons was over, that they started to conquer the south of the Green earth, with Günther Wilhelm as their emperor. Their expansion leading them to march on all the land east and south of their mountains, their troops organized, beating any who dare to face them, mostly wandering tribes of goblin, shifter, and Kalashtar.

Nowadays, the hobgoblin empire is stable, defending their frontier tirelessly, and providing a safe traveling route for merchants of both Tana's empire and the Lightfoot land, they also managed to stroke trading agreement with those nations, and are a growing power of the Green earth.

Hobgoblin value law above all, and have an important place for martial prowess, due to this mentality, the emperor is often challenged, other hobgoblins, judging themself worthy of the title coming to fight him. Those fights take the form of multiple challenges, the contestant having to beat the current emperor in every single one of them to become the new emperor. Those challenges are designed to test the intellect, strength, and leadership ability of a candidate.

Despite their first, successful expansion granting the hobgoblin an impressive territory, they have eyes on the north, looking at the lands occupied by orcs and minotaur, but now to wait for a better moment, for their armies to be stronger before facing those foes.

Other Tribes

Many tribes missing opportunities, may they be economic, military, or political, and some of those tribes wish to get a better grasp on the affair of this world. In order to fix this issue, an official union of some of those tribes was declared. This unification gathering the Yuan-ti, The Horse-Skull Orc, the Tabaxi, The hobgoblin empire, and a tribe of lizardfolk under a common, banner.

But, with the many conflicts with the green earth, some pacts and deals have been directly addressed to the hobgoblin empire, and rumors say they are about to quit this union.

Overall, this union made numerous conflicts arise in between the tribe part of it, conflict mainly for decision making power.

As for the exact territory of the Green earth, the border is not clear, most of the wildlands in the center of Toriel are designed by this common name, but any vast untamed land could easily end up with a similar nickname.

Green Earth Timeline: link

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Regent and valour

The regime is technically the most democratic there is, each people being independent, and political decisions are voted on at annual meetings by the leaders. But some peoples, such as the Yuan-ti, are known for their shenanigans to ensure that their voices are heard. So each tribe chooses its leaders differently, each being independent and having their valor. Talking about Valour, one that is shared by all the tribes is Liberty, otherwise, they wouldn’t stay in Green Earth.


Centaur are fey, and as such, are under the dominion of an archfey, answering the call of a fey court. Nevertheless, they run in the material plane, and even if they keep on answering the call of the archefey, they have their manner in this plane.

They have a tribe leader, he serves as the one in charge when important decisions are made, and is elected by the archfey. Every year, the leader has to report the action of the tribe each year to the court of fey.

The centaur are one of the nomad tribe of the Green earth, as expected for a tribe of centaur, creature enjoying freedom and the vast expanses of this world, it can be hard to find them as they travel great distances.

Their valor, Freedom and Community reflect this. Their passion for the vast plains and their ability to freely travel is reflected in the freedom part, and the community part reflects their protection of the people of this land from conflicts that would get out of hand.

Tortle enslavement

The centaur are far more comfortable in the vast plains to the south, the dense jungle making it hard for them to roam those lands, they couldn't prevent the enslavement of tortles.


The many tribes of goblin tend to follow a similar pattern, the strongest of them bully the other into submission, at least until a goblin strong enough take him out, due to this process, some goblin tribe are lead by a non-goblin, such as a bugbear. The leader has all the power, many of the tribe members try to defy his authority, but once they get punched hard enough, they tend to agree with the leader's decision. The goblin that do not like that system, but lack the strength to do anything about it leave, at least if they are brave enough to, in an attempt to find a new place to live.

The goblin lack real valor, or standard to hold their people to, but if one had to find something to fit them, it would probably be survival. Goblin are well aware of their weakness, this knowledge is reflected in all of their action, and in their organization, but they do everything in their power to survive, been cowardly, fleeing, or accepting the authority of anyone stronger to survive. As such, their ability to adapt and survive is quite spectacular.

Hobgoblin Empire

The hobgoblin Empire is as the name suggests an empire, therefore, an emperor reign over the empire with a fist of iron. The empire has been under hobgoblin dominion, this emperor is a hobgoblin, and he is trusted to make the correct decision for the empire, the selection process for the emperor been extremely selective, the hobgoblin have total faith in their emperor. In addition, the hobgoblin appreciation for law and order help to create a stable political system.

This emperor receives advice from the council of war, a regrouping of people with a high rank in the hobgoblin society, including mostly general of hobgoblin army, but a few Loxodon, as the empire recognize their wisdom.

The emperor title is something that is won among hobgoblin, and doing so requires candidates judging themself worthy and willing to challenge the emperor to face him in multiple challenges. The candidate has to beat the current emperor in every single one of them to become the new emperor. Those challenges are designed to test the intellect, strength, and leadership ability of a candidate.

Their valor, law and order perfectly reflect the hobgoblin mentality, they know the importance of society and of been organized and value this above everything else, not only hobgoblin law, but they tend to also closely follow the law of the place they are in, at least if they do not come to conquer it. For a hobgoblin, it is thanks to those valor they can survive and progress as a society.

The loxodon, conquered by the hobgoblin do not necessarily value those valor as highly, but appreciate them, especially as they know that, following the established law, they'll be treated as proper citizens of the empire.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Kalashtar are human-looking people, highly connected to spirit, called quori. They all share a connection with a spirit, and those spirits guide them in their life, as such, they do not have a king, emperor, or other kinds of leader, but are all connected by this common link to the spirits.

As such, those spirits might be considered leader of the tribe. The exact nature of those spirits is unknown, but nothing says they are not organized to lead the Kalashtar. No matter the exact nature of those spirits, the kalashtar tend to follow their guidance and are united doing so.

This strange society mainly work thanks to the very limited population off kalashtar, very few humans who turned to the spirit after the great cataclysm were gifted with the ability to communicate with them.

Due to this special organization, there is no strict value they try to hold onto, but their link to each other, and the strong bond they share with the spirit make them a strong community. This could be described as their valor, community


Lizardfolk are primal tribes living in the swamp, the many tribes spread in the region are similar, and are generally differentiated thanks to physical attributes (the bulky one in one tribe, the crocodile looking one in another). Each tribe has a leader, and this leader has total power and acts with the help of an advisor.


Minotaur are brutal. Thriving in battle, willing to fight to their death, they care very little about leadership and similar concept, the strongest becomes the leader, and bring the warriors of the tribe to great battles. The immense area they claim as their territory allows for plenty of battle opportunities.

In the last decade or so, the leader of the minotaur started to undergo some kind of transformation, becoming chosen of Baphomet, his power and strength massively improving as if the demon were slowly extending their influence to the minotaur, but their violent nature ain't a consequence of this change, that's for sure.

As a violent group of individuals, living for the glory of battle, their valor can be summarized as Fight till your death.


Red Fang. Fierce warrior, the leader is chosen as the one graced with the most demonic power, and therefore the stronger of them. Valuing the strength above all, he crushes any attempt to contest him with violent repression, and lead his tribe to multiple raid and plundering of neighboring tribes.

The demonic influence on this tribe can be perceived in their valor, as it is chaos and destruction, the Red Fang working for the demon's best interest without even necessarily knowing it, their tribe influenced for centuries now.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Horse-Skull. Traders and Druidic adept, the orc of this tribe have a king. This title is hereditary and provides the right to lead the tribe, but this leadership is done with the advice of the great Druid of the tribe, the advisor of the king.

The valor of the Horse-Skull are also incredibly related to their history, keeper of ancient druidic secrets, they consider this task as the most important one of the tribe, as such, their valor is keep the druidic knowledge. This ancient heritage has been their most valuable possession, but this doesn't mean they totally prevent access to this knowledge, only that they grant access to it only to those they judge worthy of knowing it.


The shifter society is a cast society, the rank in said society are based on the ability of a were-touched's ability to shift. The closer this shifting bring him to a full lycanthropic transformation, the higher ranking the shifter is.

As expected with this ranking, the leader is more often than not a full-blown lycanthrope. Leading the tribe as they wander the land, shifter tend to have a strong bond with each other.

This is even more true nowadays, a large portion of shifter used to leave to Tana's empire, but the church inquisition against lycanthrope annihilated them, and the survivor escaped back to their original tribe.

Shifter maintains strong links with the wilderness, but as expeditions from the church were hunting them, children of cursed creatures, they had to run and hide, even in the Green earth. It isn't uncommon to find shifter living with other tribe or population, hiding as best as they can.

This time hiding as if they were the pray is now reflected on their valor, conserve your shifting and hide your shifting. Those teached early on to young child developing their natural ability, is meant to protect them, this blessing made them the prey of the church of Waukeen, and they better hide it, yet they should do their best to conserve this shifting, to keep this flame alive, as it is their heritage.

Ritual of the Purple Fruit

There is a rare ritual among shifter to change cast, this ritual, known as the ritual of the purple fruit is rare, as the components are rare and expensive. But a shifter drinking the strange mixture falls unconscious, his soul interacting with the curse in an astral way. Many perish with this, but those who survive become full-blown lycanthrope (the type of which depending on the shifter).


The catpeople live south of the jungle, where the edge of the jungle, the savanna, and great plains meet and where giant trees dot the land. Their city, built on top of those trees oversee their territory.

The reagent is designed for his strength, every year there is a trial, where anyone can challenge the king. The winner is the king for the year to come.

The current King is probably one of the ones that have stayed at this place the longest, as it’s been more than 20 years that he is there. The king receives advice from the elder tabaxi, and with their help, decides for the whole tribe.

Tabaxi are people that tend to be curious, always searching for new things to do, new way to explore the land, or to do mundane tasks in unusual ways, as such one of their valor is curiosity, as it is seen as a great proof of health to be curious.


The yuan-ti, wealthy and powerful have clear intention of expansion. To achieve those dreams of expansion, and their maleficient need for corruption, they slowly try to spread their influence over the green earth. Leader of the recent unification, they keep on influencing it member, creating conflict between them, and gaining better control of the situation.

To accomplish their role, they are lead by the high priestess, their society been highly religious, she serves both as an intermediate to their god and as a leader, transmitting the word of Sseth to its people.

This high priestess is always a woman, her child, wish is always a daughter, will become the future high priestess once her mother will die. Said death is a ritual, as the high priestess gives herself to the god with a bloody sacrifice when her daughter becomes old enough to lead.

But this is a rather rare event, as only the chosen of the god will be able to provide the high priestess with a child.

The valor of their nation reflects their mentality and dream, Pray Sseth, Exploit the weaker, and Spread the Yuan-ti influence are what could be described as their valor, as most Yuan-ti oblige by those.

Vampire and Yuan-ti

Yuan-ti have different moral guidance, some may call them emotionless. But as such, they appreciate higher vampires as wise elders instead of fearing their wrath. This in addition to their old tradition as lead to a friendship with some high vampire. The name of those vampires are transmitted from high priestess to high priestess

The tortle used to live in the jungle on their own, but the yuan-ti forced them to become slaves. The tortle were not necessarily the best warrior, and the snake people cunning got them easily enough.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel


The faction has no real allies, because of the diversity of the peoples there, they cannot agree to create stable and lasting alliances. Nevertheless, a peace treaty has nevertheless succeeded in being concluded with Tana's Empire. But due to the lack of respect for its condition, the treaty didn't last long, and a new one was concluded specifically with the hobgoblin empire.

Similarly, a trade agreement was signed between the hobgoblin empire and the lightfoot land :

  • Tana's Empire & Hobgoblin Empire: Non-aggression pact
  • Lightfoot land & Hobgoblin Empire: Trade agreements (Lightfoot land buy raw materials)

The chaotic organization of these lands poses many problems for the implementation of such agreements. And the Hobgoblin empire comes out of this as a stable nation to communicate with for other countries, as such, the two important pact and agreements have been signed with the hobgoblin empire instead of the union of some green earth tribe.

Of course, other trades and diplomatic agreements exist with the neighboring nation, but they are not important enough to be part of the official paper.

Some brave merchant, often from underground networks, trade with the Horse-Skull tribe in order to bring back wyvern to sell in Tana's empire

Caravan of Tabaxi often travel to the hobgoblin empire to sell their good and buy other, the hobgoblin empire then uses those goods, or can try to sell it back to the lightfoot land or Tana's empire merchant passing by.

Even if many tribes part of the recent union of the Green earth agree that centralized power would be a great step forward, no one accepts that another tribe could potentially guide them. An annual inter-tribal council is usually held in Orrinshire, the Yuan-ti preferring it to take place in their city, where they have more control, rather than in the hobgoblin city of Boatwright.

The majority of goods flows take place in the south, the hobgoblin providing a safe road from tana's empire to the Lightfoot land against a fee. The Hobgoblin empire is also developing an impressive float, the ships primarily serving as cargo ships, can double as military vehicles if necessary.

The south is also a great place of migratory transitions, the passage by Green earth being obligatory to join lightfoot land and Tana's empire without taking the boat.

Of all the tribe and faction part of the green earth, the hobgoblin are with no doubt the most powerful militarily, despite the unknown variable of the yuan-ti hidden power, the hobgoblin army represents a force to be reckoned with, and their empire is also the most populated, as it count both the hobgoblin and the loxodon. But the yuan-ti and their total control over the jungle can probably be seen as those with the largest territory, and they are also the wealthiest.


As explained before, the conflict and tension between the tribe of the green earth are many.

The Red Fang orcs and minotaur always looking for blood keep on attacking any neighboring tribe, making the life of Horse-Skull orcs, Tabaxi, and the hobgoblin empire much more difficult.

The Yuan-ti keep on trying to infiltrate and influence others, provoking chaos and conflict in an attempt to take over their tribe, enslaving them in the future. This task revealing itself to be harder than expected when some of those tribes (like minotaur or red fang orcs) already thrive in chaos and conflict.

The Hobgoblin tirelessly defending their border, making sure their empire stay safe, and under their control, often fighting off Red Fang raid or minotaur raid.

The annual inter-tribal council does condemn those orcs, but as all tribe aren't part of this reunion, it is hard to influence most of those provoking those conflicts without provoking a total war.

In addition, corruption and other modern political shenanigans are all found in those councils, mainly thanks to the yuan-ti cunning action.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



Trading in the Green earth largely vary depending on who you trade with, but some core principal stay the same. The rarity of a product affect its value, and this for all kinds of item, magic, crafted good, natural products.. whatever it is, the rarer it is, the more expansive it is. Due to the lack o connection with other economies, at least for most tribes of the Green Earth, the rarity of product is evaluated very locally.

The hobgoblin empire and the Tabaxi. Both accept the common ecu, this is mainly thanks to the hobgoblin empire, been an important obstacle on the main trading route, the empire has many trading opportunities, and switched to the common ecu. The tabaxi, often trading with them, quickly followed.

The Yuan-ti. The Yuan-ti had kept mountains of gold from the ancient civilization, and always used those as their own. small square with the corner cut off, an arcane symbol was stamped on them, the effect of which was later found to be for identification purpose.

The Horse Skull and Goblins. They do not value gold or ECU, and when trading, will ask for services or other good to exchange.

Ancient Coins

The ancient coins used in the Yuan-ti city are still valuable even in Tana's empire, the Hobgoblin empire or Lightfoot land, but won't be accepted by most merchants, and you'll have to trade them at a bank.

When the common ecu used by the hobgoblin empire and Tabaxi is created by the gnomish bank, the only one legally mandated to create the ecu. The Yuan-ti count on their reserve to fuel their economy, trading mostly with underground networks dealing in slavery, and rare components found only in the jungle.

Yuan-ti. When it comes to banks, or way to hold those valuable, the Yuan-ti stockpile the coins in their temple, the amount of treasure found in those temples been quite inconceivable.

Hobgoblin Empire. The hobgoblin empire, which uses the common ecu, created actual banks. Those banks, regulated by hobgoblin law manage currency deposited by their client, and also regulate any potential to abuse the system.

Similarly, the hobgoblin empire has part of the imperial advisor dedicated to the economy, providing wise feedback on taxes, trading regulation, and other similar problem.

Sadly for the inhabitant of the hobgoblin empire, their bank, will extremely secure, didn't had the technology to develop extradimensional space for their vault yet, and as such, all banks vault are not connected. But magical protection is still applied to any banks, and numerous guards make sure they are safe.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Commerce and fiscality

There are no alliances, churches, or organizations overseen trade in the Green earth, the yuan-ti tend to accumulate wealth with no real intention of spending it yet, but the hobgoblin have plenty of regulation.

Currently, in the Hobgoblin empire, 20% of the turnover of any transaction has to go to the state as a tax. In addition, foreign goods receive an additional 10% tax on the price of any goods.

Additionally, merchants, shopkeepers, and other traders have to follow a set of laws, in order to work. Those laws, dictated by the Emperor are made with the intention of providing the Empire with wealth to fuel the plan of the emperor, such as the construction of an armada of ships.

With the lack of overarching structure except for the Empire itself, small groups of merchants tend to gather, hoping to lower renting cost, to help each other with paperwork, and to have support when in need to pay the fee.

The empire also oversees the merchant for any kind of abuse, as those are severely punished, may it be creating scarcity, or the lack of competition.


Hobgoblin Empire and The Tabaxi. The common folk in the hobgoblin empire or in the Tabaxi tribe live with around 1 gold ecu per day. This value can change depending on its job, location etc.. of course

The wealthier population of the empire tends to not boast or display their wealth, but this wealth is a mark of their success, and as such, they are generally higher ranking in the hobgoblin society, just like military officer. They represent a rather small portion of society, around 5% to 10% of the population.

The modest population envies the wealthier of course, but the hobgoblin empire is such that they think this wealth is obtainable with hard work. Over the years, a myth of "work hard and you'll become wealthy" has been created, pushing the population to work instead of complaining.

Yuan-ti. Meanwhile, the common Yuan-ti folk live with what could be valued as 3 gold ecu, this amount takes into account the charge they have to pay to maintain their slaves, but this generally represents a few silver a day.

The Yuan-ti, probably thanks to their accumulated wealth, tend to be wealthy, exploiting the others to make sure they keep a comfortable lifestyle.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel



The vast plains stretch as far as the eye can see in the south of the Green earth, the sun burning the grasses of the savannah, creating an orange-yellow sea swaying in the wind. Further north and south, the grass regains its color, the green tussocks growing to impressive heights in which the most dangerous of predators can roam.

Those lands are home to the Orcs and minotaur.

In addition, we must not forget the swamps to the north, above the jungle, the peat letting the adventurers daring to penetrate it sink to the knees, slowing down their movement while the locals know how to move, making for perfect natural traps. The thick fog covering the region preventing the perception of any threat before it is too late.

Nevertheless, this is where the Lizzardfolk are known to live, them and some goblin tribes. Both of them manage to move around in these places without any problem and live from hunting and fishing.

The country generally benefits very little from agriculture, because of the diversity of the people who live there, and the fact that few of them are sedentary, the inhabitants of Green earth live by hunting, gathering, and fishing.


There are 4 main assembly series in the green lands, each rather specific, but most are not habitated due to the dangerous nature of those mountains.

The most southern one, inhabited by the Hobgoblin, is the place of passage of the merchants and travelers between the empire of Tana and the Hobgoblin empire. Thus, in spite of the steep cliffs, and the height of these peaks, many passages exist, and villages are scattered in the more clement places within this mountain. These villages are mainly used as stopping points for those crossing the border and live mainly from this activity.

Those mountains also offer natural resources, the capital city of the Hobgoblin empire, BoatWright been on the side of the mountains, numerous mines exploit those resources, to latter sell those to traders and merchant passing by.

In the middle of the savannah, a large rock formation is unmistakable. The sharp rocks and the treacherous nooks and crannies make this place one of the most dangerous, where no one dares to live, only terrifying monsters of their power are able to live there.

Further east, the mountains, serving as a border with lightfoot land make for a natural obstacle to the minotaur craving for plundering, but due to their proximity with another country, and the tension at the border, those mountains are free of any village.

Finally, the mountains at the southwest of the jungle, making this already hostile forest even more complicated to cross. These mountains are also uninhabited and serve as a natural habitat for many creatures.

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The forests make up once again, a huge part of the territory, the vast shaded areas delimiting the territories, and sometimes having quite exceptional properties.

Whispering wood. The southernmost forest, it is an integral part of the Hobgoblin empire, but the vast wooded expanse it constitutes is probably one of the most complicated places for the Hobgoblin army to secure perfectly. Because of this, some goblin tribes manage to live in the heart of the forest. Moreover, this wood is also used as a raw material for the empire, and for its expansion, whether it is for the construction of fleets, or the enlargement of its cities.

Mushroom Forest. To the east of the savannah, giant mushrooms appear. These, generally between four and six meters high, constitute a very strange forest. The spores they give off, of a magical nature, make this area one of the most magically charged places, so any magic used in the heart of this forest is likely to create some... unexpected events. The Minotaur, who settled in the middle of this forest, burned the land, hoping to get rid of the effect of the mushrooms around their camps, seeing this as another enemy to be destroyed. However, the mushrooms grow back faster than they can be burned.

Tree above the clan. Finally, further north, shortly before the jungle, a collection of trees, called tree above the clan by the Tabaxi living in those trees, can be designated as a forest. The few trees compensated by their immensity, rising 80m to 100m above the plains. Their wood is extremely rare, due to the scarcity of these trees, but also due to the difficulty of extraction, resistance to fire, and impacts, its uses can be multiple.

Calames Jungle. The name comes from a deformation of the word calamity by the language of Yuan-ti. Indeed, the human population used to call this jungle the jungle of calamities. Covering a huge portion of the territory, the dense jungle is home to many monsters, including dinosaurs, replacing the more common beasts. As a result, the jungle is one of the most dangerous places, and as if that wasn't enough, the inhabitants of this place, the Yuan-ti, are not the most friendly. Their capital, Orrinshire, is hidden within the jungle. Many legends of powerful sorcerers hiding in tombs buried under vines and vines within the jungle exist, and inspire some adventurers to get into this jungle.

Ocean, Sea, and lac

The mermaid path has a strange mix of creatures swimming in its water. The merfolk living in their underwater city to the northwest of the path, closer to tana's empire.

Their evil cousin, the merrow hunting in the water further south, only rivaled in cunning by the siren, flying creature jumping from water to air, this path is dangerous. Yet the numerous boat that have to cross the place have secured a trading route among the dark water.

Another notable place is the crystal sea or crystal lake, the name varies. As the sun rises in the morning, the lack takes on the aspect of a shining reflection of this world, almost like a portal to the feywild. It's surface glimmering and inspiring bards from all around the world sing love and beauty. This incredible appearance comes from a formation of crystals, growing on the bottom of the lake, refracting the light, which bounces between the various crystal before coming back up in a beautiful display of color.

Due to the presence of this mineral, the lake is a source of tension, as both habitant of the green earth, and Tana's empire wish to mine it. Those highly magical crystals been valuable resources to craft magic items.

Ch.4 | Realms of Toriel

Ch. 5

Alliance, Guild and Cult

Academy of magic

The schools of magic are spread through the lands and kingdom, forming the academy of magic

At the heart of every major city, is a wizard's school, a nexus for scholars wishing to study the weave, Independent enough to let the most ingenious and curious of them run wild experimentations. The various wizard school spread across the land have, once combined, an impressive collection of dangerous and rare items, keeping them safe and studying their powers. Founded by Darvik, back when learning magic was still done by independent tutors or union of local mage, the various school lives up to the shining vision of its founder, to be "a beacon of knowledge".

But, the university magic isn't pristine, tainted by rumors of cruel experimentation, treasure hunting, and profiteering. Many priceless relics recovered from the first civilization ruins have disappeared from the university vaults and found their way to the black market. It’s an open secret that some scholars, professors, and even students at the university have ties to smugglers and thieves.

Scholars and professors of the various school of magic are nonetheless very respected, generally noble, or coming from richer families as a year of scholarship costs 300gp. In addition to the power brought by the amount of money their family has, they know how to bend the weave as they like, and are not to joke with.

Eight schools of magic exist within Toriel, some variation and alternative schools may have grown, but only the 8 major schools of magic are represented by the magic academy and are the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation.


The academic world is relatively small, each of the wizard school is closely related under and follow the same set of rules. But in addition to those, the academy of magic have other connections. You might parlay such relationships into assistance from academies and institutions, such as the following organizations:

  • The Adventurer's Guild. While there is no official agreement between any wizard schools and the adventurer's guild, they have a mutually beneficial relationship, the university asking for adventurer's assistance to recover certain relics, but unleashing dozen of wizards and other spellcasters, eager to adventure in this world.
  • Library of Oakhearth. The Library of Oakhearth boasts the greatest collection of learning in the Lightfoot Land. It is common to see the scholar of the local school of Transmutation spend hours in the library corridor. Some higher-ranking wizards might even access the library's precious scroll collection to borrow a spell scroll to copy.
  • Oakhearth Observatorium. It is unfortunate for the scholar of the school of divination that the greatest observatorium is in Oakhearth, as it means they have to travel days to access it, but it is a price worth paying to access this place perfectly suited for astral observation. It is also common to see scholars from the school of Conjuration coming from Megima to have a better understanding of our plane and its tie with other planes.
  • Whispering Qwir. The Bard's college is a rival of the local school of conjuration, as both secretly teach part of the ancient art of baldesinging. More so, the school of Conjuration keeps refusing insight on its teaching or method to the local bards and agents of the bard's College.

Scholar Benefits

As a cholar of one of the schol of magic, you gain the following benefits:

  • Compensation. The university pays accomplished wizard for the work you do on its behalf. The nature of your employment influences how you are paid. On average, the university pays each member of your group 1 gp per day, or enough to sustain a modest lifestyle. Or you might be paid a bounty for each ancient artifact you bring back from your adventures and give to the university.
  • Documentation. Each member of your group has identification papers that include your affiliation with the university, which carries some clout in academic circles. The university also secures documentation, letters of introduction, and traveling papers for you if your work requires them.
  • Research. Research might be part of your group’s job, but your patron has abundant resources to facilitate it. You can call in a favor to delegate the work of researching lore (a downtime activity described in the Player’s Handbook or Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) to a colleague, contact, or research assistant. You’re responsible for covering all expenses occurred as part of this research, and the DM determines the success, failure, or other possible results.
  • Resources. Most universities have extensive libraries and museums, which you have access to. You can call in a favor to gain access to resources that are generally not on exhibit—dangerous relics or possibly magic items, spellbooks, and the like. Additionally, the faculty of your university might make it possible for you to consult with experts in various fields—so long as you can coax them away from their work.
  • Training. Because you’re associated with the university, you receive a discount on any education you wish to pursue. When you undergo training as a downtime activity (as described in the Player’s Handbook or Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), you pay only one-half the normal cost, assuming that what you are studying is something the university teaches. Training in languages or you can gain proficiency in the Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion skills by this method, as if you were learning a language. A character can only learn one of these skills in this way.
Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Scholarly Missions

TThe various school offer missions to those working for them, often tied to one of the current experimentation or research of the school, various mission can be proposed, ranging from archeology within ancient ruins, to acquiring material component for rare rituals, learning more about this land history, or exploration and documentation of Toriel vast land.

Academics live and die by their reputation. Some stand as embodiments of their fields of expertise, others might be considered con artists who stigmatize whole academic fields.

Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Adventurers guild

The adventurer’s guild has a reputation as a collection of helpful and good-hearted adventurers. Members who tarnish the guild’s reputation can no longer take advantage of the guild’s benefits.


The Adventurers’ Guild headquarters are located in most major cities in the world, from the capital of tana’s empire to oakheart. An adventurer’s guild is often the physical and social center of its district. Part quiet library, part comfortable inn, part active gymnasium, and part rowdy tavern, the guildhall contains practically every facility adventurers could need to train, study, and socialize. The neighborhood around it caters to adventurers’ other needs with its variety of shops and services.

Allies and Enemies

Relationships with most of the guild’s allies are based on business and built on upstanding reputations. Ultimately, though, the guild is a loose affiliation of groups, and organizations that have a good relationship with one of those groups might not transfer their good will to another. The following groups do brisk business with members of the Adventurers’ Guild:

  • Temple of Oghma (god of knowledge). A group of acolytes, worshiping Oghma and specializes in translating texts. It also provides legal services for adventurers in trouble.
  • Tana Mercenary’ Club. A fierce rivalry simmers between the adventurer’s guild and the mercenary club, probably due to the way both can be hired for sometimes similar jobs. Sometimes the rivalry can be described as almost friendly, but the mercenary club occasionally escalates it with vandalism of the adventurer’s guildhall or even physical (but usually nonlethal) attacks on guild members in dark alleys.
  • Oakheart Watch. oakhearth is protected of the greatarmor Garrison and Watch Commander Lian Halamar. Halamar has no love for adventurers and is happy to catch guild members on the wrong side of the law. Especially since adventurers got away with killing a few of his guards, and breaking into a private lab.

Adventurer's Guild Benefit

As members of an adventurers’ guild, your group gains the following benefits:

  • Accommodations. Guild members can stay at the guildhall. The room is comparable to one you’d find in a comfortable inn, but at a modest price (5 sp per day).
  • Dues. These benefits require the monthly contribution of 5 gp paid to the Adventurers’ Guild, tho, adventurers who do quest for the guild do not have to pay this monthly fee. These dues fund the guild’s services and activities.
  • Information. An adventurers’ guild headquarters makes a good place to learn about topics relevant to adventurers’ interests. If you need to find someone who’s knowledgeable about the Green earth, for example, the guild’s headquarters is a good place to look.
  • Referrals. The guild can recommend hired services to its members at a 20 percent discount, drawing on other guild members’ experiences to provide honest, reliable, and skillful hirelings.
  • Training. The adventurer's guild is full of scholar, expert swordsmen and other knowledgeable tutors. When you undertake the training downtime activity (as described in the Player’s Handbook and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), the training takes half as long if its one of expertise of the guild member, such as language, weapon and armor, or or you can gain proficiency in the Investigation, Perception, or Survival skills by this method, as if you were learning a language. A character can only learn one of these skills in this way.

Guild Adventures

Among its various services, the Adventurers’ Guild offers a launchpad for all manner of adventures. Potential employers bring all manner of work to the guildhall, posting messages or seeking out those with specific fields of expertise. Guild members also relate news about opportunities via word of mouth. Such jobs might resemble those assigned by any other patron. Without a patron directing your assignments, your group is free to pursue its own goals, whether you’re seeking wealth, struggling against evil, pursuing a personal vendetta, or simply reacting to disastrous events around you.

History and creation of the guild

The adventurers' guild, despite its omnipresence and usefulness in our world, is a fairly recent grouping. Indeed it is only 247 years ago that Jaskier Tourtefoin founded the guild. The adventurers as we know them already existed, but he had the idea to create a structure grouping them together, allowing to easily deposit quests and making it easier for adventurers to find quests. Soon, because of the usefulness of this grouping, and because of the achievements of the members of the guild, the influence of the guild spread. Today, the guild is a pillar of Tana’s Empire, and many official guild buildings are established all over the country, and even in surrounding countries such as the lightfoot land.

Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Church of Waukeen

The Church of Waukeen is the most commonly spread across Tana's empire, which seems quite fitting when you know how much the empire relly on trading for its economic prosperity. But, the church in tana's empire, spread its dominion far beyond the portfolio of its goddess. Highly involved in politics, justice, and military affair, the Church of Waukeen has a grasp on most important matters in Tana's empire. Therefore, your group may be working for the church in many and various ways. But no matter the mission, it will be under the title of 'war against the forces of evil'.

As templars of Waukeen, you have distinctive tabards with Waukeen symbol to wear over your other clothing or armor. the church of Waukeen is also the only entity, besides high noble, able to make you an actual knight, and you likely receive this title after working for them for long enough.

As Templar of the church, you represent the striking force of the church, you are those facing the evil power standing against Waukeen, and protecting the citizens from the horrifying threat lurking in the dark. The church normally mostly focusing on administrative work, and economical affairs, you are part of the rare elite fighting evil.

Hierarchy. The church of Waukeen is represented in politics as the cardinal is a privileged advisor of the emperor. seven commanders govern the knights, templar of Waukeen under the Grand Master’s leadership: one for each kingdom or duchy under the empire dominion, one for foreign lands, and one for the seas. Their assistants carry the title of marshal, but no real division of rank exists beneath them.

Knights templar are free to wander the world in pursuit of the order’s aims. When leaving the jurisdiction of one commander and entering that of another, it is a knight’s responsibility to promptly report to the commander of the new area, in case that commander has a pressing need for a knight to perform a mission. The commanders try to keep each other informed about where knights are operating and what they are doing, but this system works better in some places—and between some commanders—than others.

Allies and Enemies

THe church, due to its position, influence and power, as many enemies and allies. Many are obligated to respect and pretend to love the church, but other, are known enemies, especially of the templar. Since the order of knights templar is sworn to exterminate supernatural evil, such creatures are always hostile when they recognize a knight templar. The following groups are in direct relation with the church.

  • Temple of Oghma (god of knowledge). A group of acolytes, worshiping Oghma and specializes in translating texts. It also provides legal services for adventurers in trouble.
  • The emperor. The church representing the gods influence in the empire, they have an important political power, and the emperor is an allie of the church. The current emperor Charles III views loyalty as mutual: as long as an agent’s loyalty is irreproachable, Charles III is willing to exercise his considerable power on that agent’s behalf.
  • Eastern Trader's Alliance. A fierce rivalry simmers between the church of Waukeen and the Eastern Trader's Alliance, both fighting for power over the economy.
  • Fiends and Undead. Unnatural beings loathe templars, as they represent everything these foul creatures despise—light, life, hope, and good. These menaces sometimes go to great lengths to trap and destroy templars, and fiends take particular pleasure in corrupting the faithful to evil.
  • Lycanthropes. All types and alignments of lycanthropes have a particular hatred for the Church of Waukeen, thanks to the systematical extermination of their kind and a crusade that nearly exterminated their kind over a century ago. Shifters are uncomfortable with the templars for the same reason.

Church of Waukeen Benefits

With a religious order as your group’s patron, you gain the following benefits:

  • Divine Service. In times of need, your group can appeal to the priests of your faith for magical aid. A cleric or druid of your faith who is of sufficiently high level will cast any spell of up to 5th level on your group’s behalf, without charge. The priest even provides any costly material components needed for the spell, so long as you can demonstrate your need and are in good standing with the church.
  • Equipment. Each member of your party has a holy symbol or druidic focus, even if it isn’t needed for spellcasting. Each of you also has a book containing prayers, rites, and scriptures of your faith.
  • Proficiencies. Each member of your party gains proficiency in the Religion skill, if the character doesn’t already have it.
  • Resources. You can leverage the church’s extensive contacts to locate exotic materials for crafting, spell components, or magic items, or buyers for them (a downtime activity in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything). You can locate or sell legal commodities using the guild’s resources, and any prices tip in your favor by 10 percent.

Other Religious Orders

In addition to the Templars of Waukeen, several other groups might sponsor your party, such as the following organizations:

  • Corellon's sword. This elite order of elven priests and warriors from Megima is sworn to destroy all evil undead.
  • Circle of the Eternal Flame. This ancient druid sect seeks to defend nature against aberrations, fiends, and undead.
Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Dark Lanterns

The Dark Lanterns is the intelligence division of the emperor, an organization sworn to defend the kingdom of Vale from its enemies and dispense justice in the name of the emperor. As the secret servants of the emperor, members of the organization are granted the authority to conduct intelligence operations on foreign soil, execute covert missions across the globe, and prevent national secrets from falling into the hands of rival intelligence agencies. The Dark Lanterns also have an unwritten license to eliminate any creature that threatens their nation, its sovereign, or its citizens.

Based in Holypertuis, capital of the empire, and beating heart of magical item trading. Salomon Gendi, the emperor's close friend, serves as the leader of the Dark Lanterns, His unorthodox method might not seem the most effective, but yet, propelled him to the head of the Dark Lanterns. Subordinate spread across Tana's empire, in Windrin, Megima, and Ionguale.

Small, temporary field offices are sometimes established to coordinate missions outside the empire; these offices double as safe houses for agents in trouble, and they are designed to be wiped clean at a moment’s notice if discovered by local authorities.

Agents. The King’s Dark Lanterns includes around 500 agents operating within Tana's empire borders and roughly one-fifth that number stationed abroad. They often work in teams, sometimes they recruit local talent, often under false pretenses, to help them accomplish their missions in foreign lands.

Allies and Enemies.

By their nature, espionage agencies must be cautious in choosing their allies, and the Dark Lanterns is no exception.

  • The emperor. The Dark Lanterns, serve the emperor of Tana, and he is their greatest advocate and ally. The current emperor Charles III views loyalty as mutual: as long as an agent’s loyalty is irreproachable, Charles III is willing to exercise his considerable power on that agent’s behalf.
  • Duch Valencia Windrin and Duch June Reiter. As Duch under the emperor's influence, they are obligated to accord full credit to the Dark Lanterns, exercising their power in their favor if necessary.
  • Whipsering Qwir. As a competiting espionage agency within the empire, the relation with the bardic college are tense, the college questioning the Dark Lanterns motivation, and voicing an opinion against them. The bard college is to thank for the dark reputation of the Dark Lanterns.
  • Foreign Nations. Every nation knows the Dark Lanterns serve as an espionage force and do their best to track the movements of Dark Lantern agents within their borders. Foreign governments treat Dark Lantern agents with care to avoid sparking an international incident, but they are quick to arrest Dark Lantern agents suspected of wrongdoing.

Dark Lanterns Benefits

You gain the following benefits when your group’s patron is an espionage agency:

  • Assignments. Your agency might assign you specific tasks at any time. You have wide latitude regarding how you carry out a task, and your assignments can sometimes be very broad and require considerable time to complete.
  • Expense Account. You have access to an account maintained at the banks. You can use this account to pay your daily living expenses, as well as for purchasing anything you need for completing your missions—equipment, transportation, bribes, and so on. Your normal spending limit is 100 gp per month for each member of your group. If you exceed that, your agency asks you to account for the month’s expenses, and they might require you to pay back the excess if you can’t justify it. You can’t carry over an unused amount from one month to the next, and your access to this account can be cut off at any time if you abuse it or fall out of the agency’s good graces. The agency is aware of every time you access the account and where you are when you do so.
  • Identification. Your agency provides you with identification papers establishing your true identity, and you also have ready access to false papers and matching travel documents showing different identities, when you need them for a mission. (Any time you enter a foreign nation, it is a good idea for you to do so under a false identity.)
  • Powerful Friends. An espionage agency, by nature, has a long reach and a lot of power to make things happen behind the scenes. You can call in a favor for a wide range of benefits: A legal case against you might be suddenly dropped. A rival might disappear. A much-needed magic item might be delivered to you. These favors can provide significant short-term benefit, but they can also come with equally significant long-term repercussions—which might lead to entirely new missions.

Types of Espionage

Espionage activities can be classified in three broad categories: counterintelligence, covert action, and intelligence gathering. Your party might focus on one of those areas, or perhaps you’re the team that handles situations that other teams bungle.

Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Eastern Trader's Alliance

The Eastern Trader's Alliance is a powerful consortium of merchants, traders, and shopkeepers who work together for mutual benefits. Such alliance hates to waste precious resources, and those working for them are required to be effective, after all, this is all just business.

The alliance covers a swath of business ventures, may it be blacksmiths, jewelers, carpenters, tailors, alchemists, scribes, sages, etc. all merchants are obliged to at least pay a monthly fee to the guild in the country.

The higher-ranking member of the alliance also get a better grasp on politics, as they get closer to the chief of the guild, sieging at the great council.

Eastern Trader's ALliance Benefits

As member of the Eastern Trader's Alliance, you gain the following perks. These perks require a monthly contribution of 5 gp paid to the alliance. These dues fund the alliance’s services and activities.

  • Equipment. You can requisition the use of specialized tools, laboratories, libraries, or other crafting space and equipment to use within a build owned by the alliance. When you make an ability check with a set of artisan’s tools using the guild’s equipment, add double your normal proficiency bonus to the check.
  • Resources. You can leverage the guild’s extensive contacts to locate exotic materials for crafting, spell components, or magic items, or buyers for them (a downtime activity in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything). You can locate or sell legal commodities using the guild’s resources, and any prices tip in your favor by 10 percent.
  • Training. The guild retains knowledgeable tutors in subjects pertinent to its interests. When you undertake the training downtime activity (as described in the Player’s Handbook and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), the training takes half as long if you are studying a subject the guild specializes in. The DM decides if the guild has tutors available for a given subject.

Eastern Trader's Alliance Quests

As a member of the guild, you’re called on to ply your skills in the organization’s service. You are required to undertake various tasks, either for the guild’s benefit or on behalf of an influential client. Competition is fierce in the business world, and the challenges presented by rivals or circumstances can pressure you into dealings you find distasteful.

Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Mercenary Club

The mercenary club serves a similar purpose to the adventurer guild and is a competiting agency. It lacks the international reach, of the adventurer guild, as other mercenaries regroupment compete with the guild in other nation. For example, a group, rather similar to the mercenary club, called the 'Curved sword Agency' proposes the same kind of services in the Lightfoot land.

The Mercenary, not as regarding about the kind of job, do find many work opportunities when they are not in direct competition with the various adventurers, they are paid by bandits to plunder isolated village, or paid double by a merchant to protect them instead.

Due to the variety of their job, most of them on the edge of what's legal, guards and authorities tend to not see them as nicely as adventurers.

Except for a headquarter in Windrin, the mercenary club lack hall in the various village, but its member, scattered across the empire, have the reputation to gather in specific inns, where they can be found and talked to for jobs.

Allies and Enemies

Relationships with most of the guild’s allies are based on business and built on upstanding reputations. Ultimately, though, the guild is a loose affiliation of groups, and organizations that have a good relationship with one of those groups might not transfer their goodwill to another. The following groups do brisk business with members of the Adventurers’ Guild:

  • Criminal syndicat. Due to the lack of attention of the mercenary for the exact nature of the job, they can often be hired by criminal and similar groups, with which they maintain a relatively good relationship. A mercenary is less likely to be ganged on by thieves and the like.

  • Adventurer's guild. A fierce rivalry simmers between the adventurer’s guild and the mercenary club, probably due to the way both can be hired for sometimes similar jobs. Sometimes the rivalry can be described as almost friendly, but the mercenary club occasionally escalates it with vandalism of the adventurer’s guildhall or even physical (but usually nonlethal) attacks on guild members in dark alleys.

Mercenary Club Benefit

As members of a mercenary club, your group gains the following benefits:

  • Armory. You can purchase nonmagical weapons and armor at a 20 percent discount at a facility associated with your club. You can buy magic items, but you receive no discount.
  • Contraband. You can leverage the club’s extensive contacts in underground shop, and have access to poisons or narcotics. You don’t receive a discount on these goods, but you can always find someplace to purchase them.
  • Training. The mercenary club is full of spellcaster, expert swordsmen, and other knowledgeable tutors. When you undertake the training downtime activity (as described in the Player’s Handbook and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), the training takes half as long if its one of expertise of the club member, such as language, weapon, and armor, or you can gain proficiency in the Insight, Intimidation, or Survival skills by this method, as if you were learning a language. A character can only learn one of these skills in this way.

Mercenary Adventures

Mercenaries can take on the mission on adventurers, but in addition to those notice boards, they can take offers from other sources, such as criminal, or political work for dukes, kings, and other powerful people alike.

Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Soldiers of the Qwir

The various Guards, and other authorities in most cities, towns, and villages are part of the military forces of a country. Your group serves as a team of soldiers, guards, or as the local watch, or under their authority, a group dedicated to combat missions or other dangerous tasks. No matter the exact nature of your group, you are now under the under of a commander and have missions to oblige to.

Guards, Soldiers, and other representatives of the authority serve as the highly disciplined and structured guardians of the town, city, duchy, or even nation you're in. Strict tiers of command ensure coordination between branches of the force.

The Soldiers of the Qwir are the elven guards and soldiers posted in Megima and the elven wood, They are among the more effective soldiers of the empire, and are the law enforcers of the Elven kingdom. It is said that Qwir Soldiers are what's left of the ancient elven armies, and the legend of their exploit are still heard in bards song.

Guards of the Qwir all have elven longsword that they use as their weapon of choice for melee combat.

Allies and Enemies

Queen Manael Tana. As part of The elven kingdom military forces, the Soldiers of the Qwir can count on the support of the crown.

Soldiers of the Qwir Benefits

As representant of the authorities, you gain the following perks.

  • Armory. You can purchase nonmagical weapons and armor at a 20 percent discount at a facility associated with the barracks your associated with. You can buy magic items, but you receive no discount.
  • Chain of Command. You are part of a hierarchy that provides you with orders. If you cause trouble in your own nation, you answer to your officers, not local law enforcement.
  • Official Access. Your rank in the military force grants you access to places that are off limits to civilians. With your commander’s permission, you can enter dangerous training grounds or military installations, like an army’s regional headquarters or a repository of top-secret intelligence. You can also request that your commander grant you authority to act in their name or provide access to experts or leaders higher in the chain of command.
  • Orders. You undertake your missions at the direction of a commanding officer, who expects your absolute obedience. These missions have clear and precise goals, leading you on the path of adventure. In rare cases, you’re trusted with open-ended tasks that afford you leeway in interpreting orders.
  • Salary. Each member of your group earns a regular salary or share of the military force’s spoils. The amount varies depending on your organization and your position within it, but at minimum you enjoy a modest lifestyle. You receive a small salary (as little as 1 sp per day) and food and housing on a military base. Or you receive 1 gp per day but rely on that money for room and board. With higher rank comes higher pay. As an officer, you maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Soldiers of the Qwir Missions

As member of the Soldiers of the qwir, the wide ranging work calls for both power and subtlety. Your missions could run the risk of shattering a fragile peace. Or perhaps your group’s missions pit you against rival mercenary companies, armed resistance fighters, and monsters drawn to the presence of bloodshed.

Other Military Forces

Tana's Empire, with its scale, has many and various military forces, but every nation has its military forces. In addition to the Soldiers of the Qwir, the following groups number among the forces most likely to make use of a team of adventurers:

  • Emperor's Guards. The Emperor's Guards are elite fighters, tasked with the protection of the emperor and of its castle in Holypertuis. They represent the best and strongest of the nation combattant.
  • Windrin Guards Garnison. Guards of the duchy of Windrin.
  • Oakhearth Watch. The guards of the capital of the lightfoot land, are under the common banner of Oakhearth Watch.
  • The Red March. Among the tribes of the Green earth, The Red March is the hobgoblin army, a powerful and united force.
  • The United Lightfoot Forces. The technologically evolved people of the lightfoot land use clever devices and canons to fight and are famous.
Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Whispering Qwir

The whispering Qwir, (in the common language, the Whispering Rose) is the intelligence division of the elven bardic college, an organization sworn to protect elven interest. But despite this oath, they do not necessarily work exclusively with the elven ruler, tho they will never work against said ruler, or do any work that might cause trouble to elves. members of the organization conduct intelligence operations under private contracts and execute covert missions across the globe. As a relatively independent organization, they do not possess any license to eliminate threats, but do so anyway, as they developed incredible skill over the years to hide their passage.

Based in Megima, capital of the elven kingdom, and more precisely, within the bardic college. they have contacts spread across the world, allowing them to have a global impact. But most of their agents are within Tana's empire.

Agents working for the Whispering Qwir, are private collaborators, and know the risks, but if they are compromised, the Whispering Qwir will cut any contact, and destroy any evidence of communication. Due to this, the exact number of their allies and agent is unknown, and constantly change.

Allies and Enemies.

By their nature, espionage agencies must be cautious in choosing their allies, and the Whispering Qwir is no exception. Its most trustworthy allies include the following facets of the Brelish government:

  • The mercenary club. The Whispering Qwir tend to work with mercenaries, buying their help on missions, avoiding direct link with their operation thanks to that intermediate partner.
  • Queen Manael Tana. As the current queen of the elf, and former empire, she knows of the Qwir, and often requests their help for intelligence gathering, providing support and financing in exchange for their service.
  • The Dark Lanterns. As a competiting espionage agency within the empire, the relation with the Dark Lanterns are tense, the Dark Lanterns questioning the Whispering Qwir motivation.

Whispering Qwir Benefits

You gain the following benefits when your group’s patron is an espionage agency:

  • Assignments. Your agency might assign you specific tasks at any time. You have wide latitude regarding how you carry out a task, and your assignments can sometimes be very broad and require considerable time to complete.
  • Expense Account. You have access to an account maintained at the banks. You can use this account to pay your daily living expenses, as well as for purchasing anything you need for completing your missions—equipment, transportation, bribes, and so on. Your normal spending limit is 100 gp per month for each member of your group. If you exceed that, your agency asks you to account for the month’s expenses, and they might require you to pay back the excess if you can’t justify it. You can’t carry over an unused amount from one month to the next, and your access to this account can be cut off at any time if you abuse it or fall out of the agency’s good graces. The agency is aware of every time you access the account and where you are when you do so.
  • Identification. Your agency provides you with identification papers establishing your true identity, and you also have ready access to false papers and matching travel documents showing different identities, when you need them for a mission. (Any time you enter a foreign nation, it is a good idea for you to do so under a false identity.)
  • Powerful Friends. An espionage agency, by nature, has a long reach and a lot of power to make things happen behind the scenes. You can call in a favor for a wide range of benefits: A legal case against you might be suddenly dropped. A rival might disappear. A much-needed magic item might be delivered to you. These favors can provide significant short-term benefit, but they can also come with equally significant long-term repercussions—which might lead to entirely new missions.

Types of Espionage

Espionage activities can be classified in three broad categories: counterintelligence, covert action, and intelligence gathering. Your party might focus on one of those areas, or perhaps you’re the team that handles situations that other teams bungle.

Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Criminal Syndicate

There is a highly organized network of criminals in Tana's empire, its influence expanding past the border and into the green earth. The members of this unnamed network are various, as is their activity. From assassination to robbery, many crimes are done by members of this loose organization.

You started to learn about this network, new inductees looking to make your mark and earn the thrust of the syndicate. Perhaps your group works for the syndicate against your will: you owe them big for a job gone wrong, for killing the wrong person, or simply for being born into a family that’s already in conflict with powerful, unscrupulous people.

The syndicate is an underground organization, they hide from justice, but their activities are many, some members are good-hearted people fighting for something they think right, other are just thief and assassin.

Criminal Syndicate Benefits

With the criminal syndicate as your group’s patron, you gain the following perks.

  • Assignments. The syndicate doesn’t pay you directly, but it assigns you to particular tasks on behalf of its clients or the organization. Someone hires the syndicate to perform a task (such as an assassination), and the syndicate passes 85 percent of the fee on to your group. If the aim is to enrich the syndicate (such as by pulling off a heist), you have the privilege of keeping 85 percent of what you steal. Other syndicates take more or less than a 15 percent share, at the DM’s discretion.
  • Contraband. You have access to your syndicate’s business in contraband, such as poisons or narcotics. You don’t receive a discount on these goods, but you can always find someplace to purchase them.
  • Fences. Members or associates of your syndicate are skilled at disposing of stolen goods, and you have access to this service as well. Fences are useful for selling not just illicit goods but also expensive items such as works of art and magic items. In the case of magic items, this allows you to delegate the work of finding a buyer (a downtime activity described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) to the fence. When using the syndicate’s fences, you run no risk of a double-cross or other mishap in finding a buyer, but the syndicate takes 20 percent of the sale price as a finder’s fee.
  • Safe Houses. The syndicate maintains safe houses or other secret hiding spots across a wide region. Your group knows how to locate these nondescript redoubts and can maintain a poor lifestyle in one for no cost. Revealing a safe house, whether purposefully or by accident, causes you to lose favor with the syndicate and may see you banned from using them.
  • Syndicate-Owned Businesses. The syndicate owns several businesses, primarily as fronts for laundering money. When you buy from one of these businesses, you get a 5 percent discount. The DM decides what goods and services are available.

Criminal Syndicate Quests

Your work as a syndicate member involves more than simple street swindles or pickpocketing. Someone with your skills cooperates with others for greater purposes that offer both dangerous risks and splendid rewards. The law of the land is your most persistent enemy, but other criminal syndicates challenge you as well—or become your targets.

Ch.5 | Alliance, Guild and Cult

Disciple of Decay

Racial Makeup

The cult is mainly contrived of humans, half-orcs, orcs, with some of the other races mixed in, but at a lesser amount. However, Half-orcs are the predominant make up of the group.

Origin Story and Organization

The disciple of decay formed after a tragic event, some unknown forces left a wake of desolation, and certain persons were attracted to this power. These individuals sought the source of this power out, begged the source of this chaos to follow him, and were allowed to.

As their numbers grew, ranks were created, each with its purpose. some handling the day-to-day operations and recruitment of the cult. Other propagating terror in name of the entity they worship.

Recruitment, Mission & Goals

The Disciples of Decay seek to spread their master's teachings. They disguise who they are and speak kindly to strangers. If you are to look closely, you will see a tattoo on their left forearm of an X in a circle clutched by a dragon's claw. This could also be in the form of a talisman hanging around their neck.

Cult of Zuth

Racial Makeup

The cult is mainly made up of humans, half-elves, and a smattering of elves


These druidic worshipers revere the great dragon Zuth, honoring the beast as a living, breathing deity.

The cult of Zuth exists to predict and document Zuth's arrivals, to give warning to those in its path, and to obstruct all efforts to prevent Zuth's rampages of destruction.

Their indifference to suffering caused by zuth has caused many to hate the cult, driving them beyond the barest edges of civilization. As a result, the cult's numbers have dwindled over the centuries. It is the opinion of the cult's members that their motives are sorely misunderstood; their intentions are help not harm. Many people reject this narrative, and some nations have outright banned the practice of worshiping Zuth. Others kill cult members on sight, seeing them as a protector of a brutal force that begets great suffering.

Zuth's existence is usually in question by cult outsiders. Most mortal beings regard the stories of Zuth as complete fiction concocted by a fanatical cult.

Ch. 6

Toriel's Geography

Tana's Empire

Holypertuis — Capital

Holypertuis is the capital of the Empire of Tana, a family succeeding one another for many generations in power. The city is built around a large central spring, often described as sacred and as having healing properties (hence the Holly in the name of the city). In addition, the city is a mainstay of the empire's trade, those with the border town of Boatwright. The city, despite its geographical position not necessarily advantageous for trade, is so important for several reasons. Some resources can only be found in the area, and the city has some things that can be hard to find, portals to the elemental planes of fire, water, air and earth, portals connecting Holypertuis to the major cities in its plans, making the city a prime and accessible location for trading in magical items.

From a military point of view, the city has, of course, an effective means of defence, but because of its role in trade and its international usefulness, few people are hostile.

The city is in the form of a concentric circle, with large roads connecting up to the 4 cardinal points where a huge wall protects the inhabitants from outside dangers. There are only 4 openings in this wall, the 4 gates at the end of the avenues these avenues being centered around the huge aqueducts. The first circle, where the spring emanates from, and to which only the nobles have access, is the great central castle, this one surrounded by flourishing gardens gives then place to the rich district and has large squares with important buildings (such as the adventurers guild, or the hall with the elements, building with the immense elementary portals) the further one moves away towards the walls, the poorer the houses become and the less the roads are maintained, the districts directly stuck to the wall being known as the low bottom of the city and the badly frequented district.

Patrols around the aqueducts are still frequent, as Holypertuis is the source supplying a large majority of the area above, with the villages around the city flourishing with life thanks to the water supplied to them, and providing a majority of the food consumed by the city.

And as you'd expect in such a large city whose main source of income is the trade in magical objects... There's a story that in the rather sophisticated sewage system, there's a hidden side of the city where a large black market would allow us to get what no one could even imagine.

The sewers were built by Akhator Baltazar, a great architect also known for his work in the magical field, he has long studied how to use magic for construction. But this great architect disappeared 70 years ago, after almost finishing the sewers, the legend tells that he would live in this very hidden part.

The dungeon, in the centre of the city, contains within its walls most of the nobles and other great names of the prestigious society. In spite of an emperor, more than willing to advance the people, the royal court and the nobles still have many advantages, from tax reduction to additional rights.

The royal family is now composed only of the king and the queen, who are still called emperor and empress in an honorary capacity, but are officially king and queen, and have been for several generations as the whole empire is united. The royal family serves as a figurehead for the small people and makes many of the country's important decisions, the empress having become a wise adviser to the king, and you can hear the drunk sexist in the inn complaining about her role in the politics. Members of the royal court and more npc of this court can be found here.

The Coliseum is a huge place, at the south, where events are daily, and the population come to enjoy the show, there is a bit of everything, from the classic gladiator fighting to justice dueling and dinosaur racing. Most of the events are a bit bloody, but the public loves it, and are willing to pay to see that. Most events are open for candidature, but there is a fee to be able to participate.

The guild hall is located not far from Holypertuis Castle and close to most points of interest. The large guild building stands proudly on a public square, with the standards of the various squads floating in the wind. Entering the ground floor is a huge hall teeming with adventurers from all levels, talking about various quests and monsters on the various tables scattered in front of a huge wooden quest board. Further to the right, a staff manages the bar where the adventurers take orders and helps new recruits find their place. Behind this large hall are a few rooms that can accommodate the adventurers at a low cost. The first floor is administrative, mainly filled with offices, and a lounge to chat with representatives of various faction or even adventurers and quest givers.

In the cellar is the storage of the guild's drinks and equipment.

link to interactive map of holypertuis: link

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Ionguale — City

The city is the main place of the dragonborn part of tana’s empire, it’s quite like it’s own capital. The huge aqueduc providing most of the country in water don’t go any futher than Ionguale. it’s the city the futher south that is alimented in water. and a trade road follow the aqueduc. The city is very active, all travelers and trader of the region have to stop there, to buy supplies, trade goods, get something to drink etc… Even if the city is mainly habitated by dragonborn, the position as the main city in the desert make it a place were a lot of species meet, ranging from caravan of tabaxi to steam propelled gnome vehicule. Thanks to this affluence of people, the city live well, the people spending their money in town making the economy very active in the place.

constructed in a large ‘pit’ in the desert, the water naturally accumulate in the center of the city, creating a lake, this lake is the main feature of the city. Next to the lake, is a huge tower, far from been a simple tower, it is the duc house, the noble dragonborn leaving in it been the ruler of the city, and for a lot of people, they are ruler of the overall region, their authority been almost as high as king charle itself.

in addition, another coloseum can be found in town, technicaly, it is the original one, the idea inspired holypertuis after. but as the dragonborn are a race placing honor before anything else, you’ll mainly find judiciary duel, and honorable fight in this coloseum.

Dragonborn, in the desert south of Tana's empire, have develloped special ship to sail the sand sea.


Large Vehicle (10ft. by 5ft.)

  • Creature Capacity 2 crew, 2 passengers
  • Cargo Capacity 0.2 tons
  • Travel Pace 4.5 miles per hour (108 miles per day)

11 (+0) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 0 0 0

  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


On its turn, the sandship can take the move action below. It can't take this action if it has no crew.

Move. The sandship can move using its sails.


  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 50

Movement: Sails

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 25; -10 ft. speed per 10 damage taken
  • Speed (sand) 40 ft.; 10 ft. while sailing into the wind; 50 ft. while sailing with the wind
Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Large Sandship

Gargantuan Vehicle (40ft. by 15ft.)

  • Creature Capacity 6 crew, 10 passengers
  • Cargo Capacity 5 tons
  • Travel Pace 5 miles per hour (120 miles per day)

20 (+5) 6 (-2) 17 (+3) 0 0 0

  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious


On its turn, the large sandship can take the move action below. It can't take this action if it has no crew.

Move. The large sandship can move using its sails.


  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 250 (damage threshold 15)

Movement: Sails

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 100; -10 ft. speed per 25 damage taken
  • Speed (sand) 45 ft.; 15 ft. while sailing into the wind; 60 ft. while sailing with the wind
Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Megima — City

Megima is well known for been the ancient elf capital. Megima is a lovely, natural city very modern in the world of Toriel. They have clean water supply thanks to the river, which is an essential part of the city, efficient energy and a protection system that does no harm to the environment thanks to elf high magic. The buildings were all created with natural materials. Anything they borrowed they placed back. This city also holds a flying trade system thanks to a portal to the elemental plane of air. Megima is way above its time and a very friendly city to visit.​ It is also one of the rare elf city that is known to the public and easily accessible

the city is over a giant river after the mountains, the water creating huge waterfall on the cliff. the city is one of those beautifull elf city, in wich everything seem magical and almost feerique. Overgrown magic crystal coming out of the castle on the very edge of the cliff, the egend saying it was an ancient spelljammer and that it’s still ready to take off, but no one know except the elves.

Windrin — City

Windrin is an important city in the empire, strategically placed on the main access to the south, the city intercepts all the merchant and traveler, therefore, the city is quite active commercially. The CIty is, as the name suggests, under the influence of the Windrin family, an important duchess of the empire, especially since their last-born daughter ended up as the queen when she married Charles III. Windrin is also famous for its jewelry, its proximity to the crystal lake lead them to regularly sending expeditions to acquire the underwater crystal. with this combination of strong commerce and unique resource, Windrin is an ever-growing city that extends its influence.

The city is next to a river coming from the insatiable lake, the mountain west can be seen above the wall surrounding the city. The city itself is on hills, and the elevation of said city is an important factor, the castle is built on the highest spot of the hills, and generally, the higher the building, the more noble or rich it is. The protective wall surrounding only the upper part of the city, most of the population living out of those walls, and the various and large market are agglomerated near the trading road.

The castle of the Windrin family is as said before, on the higher part of the hill, watching over the city. The noble family ruling over the city tries to make sure said city prosper, this is good for all the people, but it is known that this effort for prosperity is mainly due to the family’s daughter’s new position, in an attempt to look good to gain more power. Windrin Family members can be found here. The castle is mainly composed of high towers, similar to mage and wizard tower, even the dungeon is mainly round and high. The higher you are in the castle, the closer to the duchess.

link to interactive map of windrin: link

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography
Galena — Town

A small town on an important road between Holypertuis and Megima, due to its place on an important trading road, the town as the advantage of being quite active, trading, and selling its products. The town uses the large plain to produce a lot of wheat, seed, germ, etc… The wide aqueduct coming from Holypertuis alimenting the region in water.

The village is mostly centered on a place, in which the caravan stop and trade. There is also a church of Chauntea near this city place, especially with agriculture been so important in town.

The village is located in a wide plain, a few collections of tree here and there create shady copses were the occasional hunter can look for boar or rabbit. the main town is surrounded by the cultivated plain all around except to the south, where the main road passes by and the aqueduct comes to water the area.

The Townhall oversees the whole city, been located just after the main place were the trading is done, not far from the trading hall, the church of Chauntea. except that most of the houses are the classic poor medieval house, and a few less frequent houses are further from the city, usually farmer living closer to their plantation, or the secluded cabin of the hunter to the east.

Galeo — Town

Galeo is a small town lost in the mountains, the town lives mainly from fishing and subsidies from Holypertuis, in fact, the town is under the jurisdiction of Holypertuis, which ensures the maintenance of the place because it also serves as a front post against the potential danger of the mountains.

the small village is mainly active near the port, the narrow road passing through the mountains linking the village to the rest of the world.

Geographically, the city is located on a small plateau northwest of a lake in the middle of the mountains. The place is difficult to access, and the inhabitants of the place are cut off from the rest of the wave, indeed it takes a week to reach Holypertuis, subsidies, and tax collections are only fortnightly there.

Monster Town — Village

Lost in the middle of the highlander mountains, this village is extremely hard to access and rarely figure on the map. tho, recent raid from windrin garnison have revealed its position, intelligent monsters of the region gather here in order to try and live in peace. the village is built on an ancient dragon cave. the creature like the kobold and other not used to light tend to live in this underground part of the city, when other build fortification and hunt above. of the various monstrous race habitating the region, kobold were those there for the longest and know best the area.

Raskam — Village

The small fishing village known as Raskam is a well-known crossing point for some adventurers, in fact, it is the closest village to the Giant island. Being extremely far north in quite extreme weather conditions, and rarely visited, the inhabitants can often seem, like the climate: very cold.

The village is mostly centred on its small port, the main activity of the village being fishing, there is also a Bahamut church in the village, the villagers praying to the dragon gods for protection against the giants.

The village is located in a small cove, a hill on the left side of the cove houses the wooden church which is used for the prayers of the villagers. Most of the village is at the bottom of the cove, in the centre is the mayor's house next to the well. The only tavern in the village is the building closest to the port, being lit day and night and offering (limited) comfort to its customers, and a warm atmosphere well appreciated. Last notable building, the house of the healer Liliane is opposite the mayor's house, on the other side of the well, it is, by the way, the only house with a small brown plantation on the side, mostly roots used for remedies.

Wayward — Town

Wayward is a small town in the southern part of Tana's empire. It is built on the ruins of an ancient battle field between humans and dragonborn, and its population swear loyalty to the warrios who died there. They have several fesitvals to appease the spirits and in turn the spirits protect them from the more wild or inhuman ones. The warriors of the village are called Barbarian of the ancestral warrior, and can call upon those spirits to help them in battle. The spirits grant them inhuman force, and supernatural power.

It is thanks to that village tradition that Barbaric warrior going on a path to commune with spirit of ancient warrior are said to be on the path of the ancestral warrior.

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Lightfoot Land

OakHearth — Capital

The city, as a capital, is necessarily an important city, and the commercial exchanges are numerous, the inventions of the whole country often pass through here before being sent back to the neighboring countries, so, these transactions are the main source of income of the city. In addition to this, there is a growing labour force, working in various workshops to be able to manufacture more and more things directly on the spot.

The city is located in the middle of plains and valleys, with a large river nearby providing water for the inhabitants and irrigating the fields. The city is located on a position a little higher than the surrounding hills, giving a strategic position, and the three main roads leading out of the city allowing a large flow of goods and people into the city.

The city has expanded over the years, the city has spread far beyond its walls. There are 5 different neighborhoods in the city.

  • Bigtree, (purple) being the old quarter, the old buildings extending mostly within the walls.
  • Greyhard’s Barrel, (pinkish-red in the north) being the very rich and noble district, always within walls, it is a little north of Jama el fna.
  • Polder Bolder, (yellow in the north) being the neighborhood of the nouveau riche, rich merchants and talented inventors having settled around the castle but outside the walls as the space inside was already filled.
  • Guéliz, (orange) to the south, stretching slightly outside the walls, is a modest neighborhood, historically the neighborhood was mostly inhabited by peasants, but nowadays, the lower classes are mostly there.
  • Sidi Kaouki, (reddish in the south) is the poor and working part, the majority of the inhabitants of this district are workers and are rather poor.

A beholder was laying in a dungeon under the castle, influencing the place as the effect of its presence where noticied by the locals, thankfully, a group of adventurer took the monster down, saving the city from great danger. The existence of this dungeon was known to the royal court, but it was believed to be unsued for the most part. The original purpose of this place was for prisoners and to stop unwanted creature from the Underdark to creep on the inhabitants of the castle.

A giant colossus, something you can see from a distance and that allows you to easily make out where the city is, is above the entrance of the city. it is a gnome invention, probably there greatest so far as the colossus is a construct, and serve the defense of the town in case of extreme danger.

Link to interactive map: link

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography
MappleBridge — Village

Poor fisherman village, it mainly live thanks to farming and fishing. the village got a general store and a fish market in addition to the inn. every Friday there is a market where the local farmer sells their product.

the town is next to the sea, surrounded mainly by plains dotted by trees here and there that what can be describe as a small forest, enough to have a few wild animals and to potentially hide a strange monster as the inhabitant have sadly experienced.

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Frozen Kingdom


The city is mostly populated by magi, undead and otherworldly beings such as Grey Hag and vampires, surely one of the most cosmopolitan cities, it is nevertheless unknown to the general public except in legend. The city is centered on a powerful artifact that makes it impossible to find if you are not guided by someone who has been there before, and most of the city center is filled with markets, where you can find everything from philacters for lich, to the classic Grey Hag soul larvae, the city subsists on trade, and the fact that it is a revolving platform to reach places like the Shadowfell and the Greywaste, makes it difficult to find a place to live.

The geography of the town can be described as follows, a large central hole in which the majority of the market is located, and the buildings containing the inter-dimensional portals. Surrounding rocky overhangs contain the houses of the inhabitants, and, numerous pipes with suspicious liquid passing through above the central hole, carrying unknown materials. The governor's house of the city magically floats above all this, offering some protection.

The city is mostly populated by the aforementioned beings, and one of the great events known to the city, was the intrusion of the guild mages in the upper levels of the city, even if they can't access the center of the city, their intrusion has totally disrupted the local security system, that's why the magic of the central crystal has since been reinforced.

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Green Earth

Orrinshire — Yuan-ti — City

Orrinshire is one of the biggest city in the green earth, in the middle of the jungle, this city is home to the yuan-ti. The city activities are centered around the huge temple dedicated to their god (and with a dungeon underneath). Temple behind which is the main market of the city, then smalls and humble stone houses make for most people habitation. The city lives thanks to its trading, from dinosaur sold on the black market, to the rare gem the yuan-ti extract from the jungle, the environment is rich in resources but extremely dangerous.

The city is lost in the middle of the jungle, and difficult to access if you are not used to travel in jungles. as you approach the city, it is surrounded by ravines, waterfall running from the temple to sink in the ravines. the limited access provided by the wooden suspended bridge allows for an easy to defend city, especially as a siege is hard to achieve with the jungle wildlife killing those that would want to ___ underneath the temple lie a dungeon, it is said to have powerful magic items that only the wisest and bravest would be able to access.

Brav Tog — Orcs, Horse-Skull — Village

This orc tribe is rather friendly, especially compared to other orc tribes. They’re a trader tribe, exchanging goods or services for other good of services, especially known for their wyvern, which they also sell. The village live thanks to that, and of course, the hunt provide the food in case trading wouldn’t be enough.

The village is in the middle of the Savanah, wall of pointy wooden beam surrounding the village, offering medium protection, that and the huge amount of various wyvern flying around. in the center of the village is a fighting pit, one with a sort of wooden structure on top of it, to prevent wyvern to escape for the ritual taming for new warriors. except for this fighting pit, houses are scattered all around this central pit, and around the border of the pit sometimes, the orcs put their supply crates and built quick makeshift shop when traders come.

Votar — Orcs, Red Fang — Village

Those savage relly mostly on plundering and stealing to get the resources they need, sometimes hunting too, they’re mainly known to take what they want from others.

The village of the red fang is not far from the village of the horseskull. situated in the savannah plains, the only noticeable geographic feature is the overgrown mass of random junk and tree on the north part of the camp, providing natural protection on this side. Except that, those orcs don’t even feel the need for a protective wall, knowing most won’t even try to attack them. a big road going through the village, passing by the middle, the various house scattered around this road. but it is noticeable that there is a fire camp that is most often lit close to the road, on the left, fire camp after which you can find the blood-covered fighting pit. the house of the tribe leader just next to the pit.

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography
Tree Above the Clan — Tabaxi — Town

The first thing you see when entering the city tranks to the makeshift elevator going up and down the tree is the souk , colorful tents selling various goods, ranging from a few magic items to ink and paper and going through spices and food. Thanks to this, the tabaxi trade sometimes with the yuan-ti and hobgoblin. Most of the time, they refuse to trade with the orcs, even with tribes like the horseskull that are not pure savage. In addition to trading, they of course hunt, and even have what some may call cultivated land. it isn’t anything like what you might expect, but branches of the tree that grow fruits in huge quantities, those areas are then reserved to gather those fruits.

south to their territory, is the savannah, the orange dried grass, and the acacia tree. North to their area, the jungle start to grow thicker and thicker. But they are in this very special place, a transition between those 2 biomes, in which the grass is green, but the vegetation is overall still rare except of course their giant tree. The origin of those giant trees is unknown, but one thing is sure, they are a wonderful creation of nature, the tree being so massive the whole tabaxi city is one top of one. The race decided to live in those cause the incredible tree resistance provided them a good shelter against the other races, especially thanks to their ability to climb.

Gorebull Wonderland — Minotaur — Village

The minotaur relly on plundering and stealing to get there goods, as well as hunting in case there is no one to steal from.

as you continue to the east part of the savannah, the landscape evolve, giant mushroom starts to appear, until they create something similar to a forest, home to the magic beast as it is said that those mushroom have special properties. within this forest, lay the minotaur town, an area of death, you can quite easily know you’re getting closer to their town as you’ll find bone laying around, and the vegetation dies, the minotaur preventing the mushroom from influencing them by simply making sure nothing can grow in a small area around there town.

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Night Island

Othrond cheb- ammen — City

hidden in the desert, the entrance lead to a dungeon protecting a direct tunnel to the city in the underdark. Once adventurer get pass the trap and labyrinthic tunnel leading further down in the earth, they reach the underdark. a long tunnel, branching out to various places. but those follow the correct pass end up in othrond cheb- ammen.

Light seem to sip through crack in the rocks, and to come from the surface, but it’s only an illusion, only the reflection of rare crystal create this sun like light, illuminating the underground rivers, plant and mushroom, making them slightly glow. but pay attention as you follow the river to the city, it will suddenly drop into an abyssal void, a side tunnel may lead you directly in the city.

The name

The name of the city is the elvish translation of "the fort that keep us", named as such as this place saved the drow after the great cataclysm.

When most city have rivers crossing them, othrond cheb- ammen have cliff, leading to an abyssal void, where no one would dare to even look. The center of the city, is a temple to the spider queen, and overall, the city look normal, bridge crossing over the void, trading area, habitation area, etc. The city is impressively huge, and when you think about it, it’s quite normal, it as to welcome the whole drow race in only one place. therefore, it is also very guarded.

The city is heavily military, both for defense, and for the drow getting deeper to get the wealth that they then sell to those brave enough to trade with them. except this small trading of rare ores, or magical item, the city is mainly auto sufficient.

Ch.6 | Toriel's Geography

Ch. 7

Planes of Toriel

Ethereal Plane

“What is the purpose of the Ethereal Plane? The question has plagued scholars for countless generations, but the question helps to frame the discussion around the Ethereal Plane. Its comparison to a great waveless sea is not without merit, with the shallow or border sections touching the Material and Inner Planes while the Deep Ethereal holds undreamt of mysteries and dangers, and in this comparison we find a potential answer. Is the Ethereal Plane the breeding ground of existence itself? Certainly demiplanes spawn in the Deep Ethereal, giving us glimpses to the raw potential contained in those gray depths. Was the Material Plane once a demiplane like the others, adrift in the waveless sea? We may never know for sure, but the Ethereal Plane holds wonders and mysteries like none other.”

—Lillandri the Moon Mage

The Ethereal Plane is a realm out of phase with the rest of the multiverse. In this way, it is similar in minor ways to the echo planes (Shadow, Faerie, and Dream), but the Ethereal Plane is more than a mirror of the Material Plane. Where it touches the Material Plane and the rest of the multiverse, in a region known as the Border Ethereal, the gray vapors and swirling mists obscure the natural features of the Material Plane but do not offer substantial differences.

Savvy planar travelers view the Ethereal Plane as simply a means to an end, a plane to visit when you want to get somewhere else. In this way, it shares several traits with the Astral Plane, and these two are known as the transitive planes for this exact reason. But the Ethereal Plane holds more than just a mode of planar travel.

The Border Ethereal can offer sanctuary to travelers seeking a quick escape from the Material Plane, but other creatures have adapted to use this tactic as well. The most common are ghosts, who exist in both the Border Ethereal and the Material Plane and can “manifest” in one or the other as a means of defense and attack. Ethereal filchers, thought eaters, xill, and all manner of other creatures call the Ethereal Plane home, and those that live off the flesh of living things learn to hunt in the Border Ethereal.

Beyond the region of the Border Ethereal, the plane becomes deeper, and here is where it earns its nickname as the “waveless sea.” The Deep Ethereal is a fathomless, endless region of dark gray misty tendrils, and it’s there that the demiplanes of the multiverse reside. What creates them? Who creates them? Powerful wizards and clerics are known to create small demiplanes, but the bigger ones have more mysterious origins. Who created the Nightwalker Pit, the Demiplane of Chains, or the Engulfing Hunger? What sustains them?

Other regions in the Deep and Border Ethereal are just as mysterious, such as the Pyramid of the Lost, the Tower of Iron Will, and the ghostly metropolis known as Bleakmore. Travelers that find themselves lost in the waveless sea of the Ethereal Plane can encounter plenty of mysteries and dangers to keep them interested in the fog-shrouded plane.

Highlights & Impressions

Echoes of Life. Most visitors interact with the Ethereal Plane in its “shallow” end, the Border Ethereal, and here the plane reflects a shadowy, indistinct echo of the adjacent plane. Everything is washed out in shades of gray before dissipating into nothingness at a short distance, but the actions and movements of creatures on the adjacent plane can be viewed while on the Border Ethereal. They appear as wispy, shadowy versions of their original forms, but this strange effect – a stronger echo than the echo planes like the Plane of Shadow – is very disconcerting for travelers at first.

Protomatter. Beyond the Border Ethereal, the Deep Ethereal is a vast gray realm of possibility. Elemental chunks float in globular chunks known as protomatter, and these eventually combine with other chunks and germinate into demiplanes. Protomatter is a strange substance comprised of all the elements at once – It’s solid, liquid, gas, and flame all at once, constantly morphing and remorphing as it drifts through the endless gray sea

Slow Weightlessness. Physical form has no direct impact on the Ethereal Plane, and the best way visitors have to describe this sensation is a feeling of weightlessness. Creatures on the plane can move up, down, left, and right through otherwise solid echoes on the adjacent plane, though moving up or down is somewhat more taxing due to the unusual nature of the Ethereal Plane. Gravity extends to the Border Ethereal, however, so unattended objects fall though at a slower rate. Everything moves at a slightly slower pace, as if moving through thick mud.

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“The Plane of Faerie, sometimes referred to as the Feywild, is a vibrant echo of the Material Plane, and in this it is similar to the Plane of Shadow. Along with the Plane of Dreams, these echo planes coexist with the Material Plane, highlighting and accenting different aspects, and for the Feywild, life, nature, and its various dangers are pushed to extreme levels. The seasons are varied and static, changing from one to another in stark contrast in varying regions, and the capricious archfey that rule over it all have their own petty squabbles and political discourse. Lost relics and overgrown ruins of ancient primordial elven people litter the Feywild, but travelers should be warned that rarely are these treasures left unprotected.”

—Lillandri the Moon Mage

On the other side of a thin planar barrier surrounding the Material Plane sits a place of wonder and beauty, terror and darkness, hope and fear. It is the realm of ancient archfey and powerful elves from times long since passed where the seasons stand frozen at the whim of bickering fey courts. This is the Plane of Faerie, also known as the Feywild, and it is a place of terrible beauty and glittering shadows.

Like the Plane of Shadow and the Plane of Dreams, the Plane of Faerie is an echo of the Material Plane, sitting like an overlay over the entire plane. In certain areas known as ley lines the border becomes blurred, and in other regions spontaneous gates and portals open up allowing free travel between the two. Capricious fey creatures, from sprites and pixies to hags and quicklings, populate the realm. Many owe allegiance to one of the faerie courts, including the Summer Court, the Gloaming Court, and the Winter Court, but not all do, and some actively work against the powerful archfey that rule these powerful organizations.

Fey are not the only inhabitants of the Plane of Faerie. Long ago, a race of giants pierced the planar veil and marched a mighty army through with intents to conquer the lush and bountiful land. They were not successful, and for their transgression they were cursed. These fomorians lurk in the darkness and shadows of the Feywild now, striking against all native creatures with as much power as they can muster, and their ruined fortresses still dot the landscape.

The Plane of Faerie is a place of natural danger, where the weather can turn deadly with no warning and the beasts of the forest prey on travelers with malice and hunger in their hearts. Time is a strange thing in the Feywild as well, and some travelers that leave find that more or less time has passed since when they left. For immortal fey creatures, this isn’t a problem, but mortal short-lived creatures can find their lives wasting away the instant they leave. This is one of the many reasons travelers to the Plane of Faerie end up staying. There’s also an intoxicating flavor that permeates the plane, and for non-fey it can prove an addicting experience. It’s difficult to describe – the air is thicker, more alive, and all scents and aromas are enhanced a hundred-fold. Beyond this olfactory enhancement, the very land of the Feywild is lush and vibrant, filled with life and beauty, but there’s always a trick in the Plane of Faerie. Sometimes, a verdant forest clearing dappled with pure sunlight turns mortals into gold, as is known to happen in the Golden Glade, while in the vast swamp known as Murkendraw creeping yellow vines obey the commands of the hag covens that fill the region, choking and pulling down travelers.

Treasures abound in the Plane of Faerie as well, relics from ancient kingdoms of primordial elves known as eladrin. The Scepter of Starlight, the Diamond Staff, and the Leaves of All Seasons all originated from the Feywild and have found their way across the multiverse at one point or another, yet they always seem to find their way back to the Plane of Faerie.

Highlights & Impressions

Vibrant Life. The Feywild is a plane of vibrant life in all forms. Flowers are full and enormous, the grass is lush, and the air teems with electric energy. Bird sing beautiful melodies from barely hidden branches that fill the air with songs that shift subtly between a chorus of joy to discordant notes of sadness. A gentle breeze blows through at all times, rustling trees and carrying the sweet scent of powerful flowers. Everything in the Plane of Faerie is alive and almost humming with energy.

Striking Colorations. Everything in the Plane of Faerie is colored with a palette from a mad painter with no singular vision on the canvas. The grass is electric green and shifts to shades of blue and red with the breeze, and a valley filled with flowers contains every color in the rainbow. The colorations of the objects around the Feywild shift with the emotions of nearby travelers, the stronger the emotion the stronger the color variance, so that a person in deep mourning over the loss of a loved one creates a color ripple of blue, black, and violet wherever they go, while the thrilling touch of a romantic interest can shoot rays of red and pink through the surrounding foliage. The unsettling vibrancy of the color to otherwise mundane objects chills travelers from the Material Plane and reminds them that they are in a very different realm.

Dream-like Wonder. To an outsider, the Feywild is a plane of shimmering beauty as if seen through a thin gauze, and that thin gauze ripples and changes with each breath and blink of the eye. A flower may suddenly grow eyes and wink, while a bird’s song could whisper the words of a long lost loved one before vanishing on the wind. There is a very real sense of wonder that infuses everything on the Plane of Faerie, creating moments that seem pulled directly from a dream.

Cycle of Time

Time is a strange thing on the Plane of Faerie. The sun does not set if it is risen, and the moon does not wax while it is in the air. Time passes normally for creatures in the Feywild, though it can be difficult to mark its passage considering the unusual and stagnant cycles of day, night, and the seasons. Leaving the Plane of Faerie, however, is when time can catch up to a non-native suddenly.

Time behaves differently on the Plane of Faerie than it does on the Material Plane or elsewhere in the multiverse.

Some powerful archfey have the ability to reverse this effect, though none do it out of charity. Parties that find great lengths of time have passed may need to deal with one of the archfey courts in order to regain their lost time.

Fey ancestry and Time Hazard

Some race of the material plane, such as the elves or gnomes, came back to the material plane after the great cataclysm thanks to the feywild, but what took a centuries on the material plan, might have take thousands of years in the feywild to grow back and numerous enough to try and send some population back to the material plane.

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“The Plane of Shadow, also referred to as the Shadowfell, is an echo of the Material Plane. It overlaps the known world but it remains separate, and a great gloom and sense of dread holds sway over its gray, shadow-filled landscape. It is the opposite of the Plane of Faerie, and there is strong evidence to support the two echo planes are linked in some ephemeral way. I surmise that the Plane of Shadow is a byproduct of the Negative Energy Plane influencing the Material Plane, and that it represents a decaying of the natural order inherent to all things and places in the multiverse. Certainly the prevalence of necrotic energy and undead horrors in the Shadowfell lends credence to this theory.”

—Lillandri the Moon Mage

Gloom, despair, hopelessness, and loss are just some of the words that can be used to describe the feelings that weigh down travelers that enter the Plane of Shadow. It is an echo of the Material Plane, but it holds only a dark reflection filled with darkness and a creeping sense of being watched. Forests hold sinister shadows, mountains loom taller and more ominous, and everywhere the natural order seems twisted and bent towards a darkly malevolent end.

The nature of the Plane of Shadow draws evil and undead creatures to it, and this attraction has led many planar scholars to link the realm to the Negative Energy Plane. There certainly seems to be some truth to this connection, and it’s worth noting that the Plane of Faerie – another echo plane, but one filled with vibrant and often violent life – seems just as strongly linked to the Positive Energy Plane. Are these two sides of the Material Plane the result of the Positive and Negative Energy Planes? Or are the Positive and Negative Energy Planes a result of the Shadowfell and Feywild? Debates continue in scholarly circles.

From a more conventional standpoint, the Plane of Shadow is a place where fell creatures dwell, and its location on the other “side” of the Material Plane makes its interference much more common than other decidedly evil outer planes, such as the Abyss or the Nine Hells. A pervasive gloom in a forlorn crypt, the shadow cast by a tombstone in the moonlight, or the yawning darkness beneath a creaking gallows all can contain portals to the Plane of Shadow, allowing monstrous creatures to slip between the cracks and wreak havoc.

The Shadowfell is also the home to the Domains of Dread, unique and isolated realms locked away from the rest of the plane by insidious Dark Powers. These unknown macabre masters of darkness draw powerful men and women away from the Material Plane at their darkest moment, trapping them and their lands.

Highlights & Impressions

Dark Mirror. As an echo plane, the Shadowfell is a dark and twisted mirror of the Material Plane. This mirroring is broad and can easily become distorted – a forest of lush trees in the Material Plane may be a gnarled wood of dead branches, or a mountain may hold innumerable caves filled with darkness and chilling winds. Cities on the Plane of Shadow are gloomy places where inky pools gather in otherwise empty streets and sinister alleys.

Perpetual Twilight. No sun or moon hangs in the sky over the Plane of Shadow. Instead, a perpetual twilight blankets the land in shades of gray and black, bathing everything in monochromatic tones that heighten the sense of dread throughout the entire plane. Time passes here but there’s little to mark its passage, though occasionally a noteworthy event – such as a full moon – may create a disturbing equivalent in the Shadowfell, something most view as a sign of ill portent.

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Monarch of Shadow

THe monarch of shadow is an ancient entity, almost godlike when it come to its power and influence, it manipulate the shadow and soul, his name given due to his abilities. Nourrishing on the soul of those slain in the shadowplain, he cage them, and force them into a now shape, the shape of shadow monsters.

THis ability to suck on soul, to siphon the life force of creature is said to be correlated with the power influencing the mind and spirit of those dwelling in this plane. Combined with effect from the negative plane, it sparks madness in the adventurers who dare to enter this plane.

And, a monster famous from this plane, is the shadow, and example of the creation of this monarch, let loose as they were not powerful enough for him to bother. His ever growing army composed of the twisted shadow of the soldiers he deem worthy.

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Plane of Air

“Of all the Inner Planes, the Plane of Air is easily the most pleasant. Endless azure skies punctuated by multicolored clouds above and below with absolutely no end in sight – it truly is a sight to behold. Islands of earth and ice float through the air and provide enough stable ground for travelers to put their feet down every once and a while, but the real joy comes in soaring across the boundless blue. And if you can avoid the nosy djinn or the lifethreatening storms of colossal size, all the better.”

—Astromarchus the Sage

The Plane of Air is the most hospitable of all the Inner Planes, and because of that sees the most traveler traffic from across the multiverse. All manner of creatures visit, sometimes without even realizing it – perhaps as a result of the increased traffic, more natural portals and vortexes exist to the Plane of Air than almost any other plane. Flying creatures of all variety seek out the endless azure skies of this realm, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its dangers.

Navigating the plane requires the power of flight, but contrary to most rumors falling is not really a problem. Where is there to fall to? If a creature or object in flight loses its ability to fly while in the air, it simply hovers or is picked up by one of the strong wind gusts that permeate the never-ending sky. Larger objects, such as the various earth motes that dot the azure landscape or even a sailing ship, generate their own gravity, but escaping those bounds can be deceptively easy. Being stranded and caught in one of the dangerous storms that pepper the plane in regular intervals is the real danger.

Because of its relative safeness, the Plane of Air is home to a large variety of creatures. Many Material Plane natives with the ability to fly can be found around, but the true masters of the realm are the djinn. They keep magnificent castles built upon solid clouds, and most can be depended upon to do the right thing when pressed – but not all. Navigating the Labyrinth Winds without a guide can be frustrating for travelers, but only by doing so can such wondrous sites be visited, such as the cloud city of Calypso, the Citadel of Ice and Steel that serves as the home to the Great Caliph of the Djinn, the realm of Aaqa and its aarakocra guardians, the massive Storm of Chaos, or the mysterious Borealis Radiance.


Mainly inhabited by Aarakocra, this important city of the plane of air stand high on an enormous flying island, a chunk of land coming from the plane of earth. The city is very industrial, electricity ionize the air around its core, as it is powered by a living storm. Some say it is an elder elemental. This energy inducing core allow for a city of wander, divided in multiple districts, from the docks, where flying ship bring in and out numerous goods, to the habitation part closer to the core.

Thanks to its structure, the city is quite easy to access, and multiple airship make back and forth trip to bring traveler lacking flying speed to this island from other places. The center of the city vibrant and active. Such as inn cooking flying insects, which is said to be extremely tasty, or the shops providing numerous trinket.

Highlights & Impressions

Never-Ending Sky. The most obvious and pertinent feature of the Plane of Air is its lack of ground and sun. The brilliant azure sky is everywhere at all times, and unimpeded a visitor could see for miles and miles. Multicolored clouds drift through the space, creating a brilliant prismatic panoramic view in some views, but the absence of a ground or ceiling is disorientating for nonnatives.

Constant Wind. Wind constantly blows in all directions across the Plane of Air, creating updrafts and downdrafts within the blink of an eye. It is omnipresent, and sometimes its howling can make conversations difficult. Skyship sailors have learned to “feel” different breezes differently, so that a particularly experienced sailor can tell when the wind is going to shift directions before it does. Or so they claim, at least.

Everything Flies. In order to survive on the Plane of Air, a creature has to possess the ability to fly. The native species of the plane include numerous birds of all kinds, along with insects and winged beasts, but flying through the region are other unusual creatures. Schools of winged fish maneuver through the Labyrinth Winds, and some cloudstone islands hold tribes of winged apes.

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“The Underdark? A child’s toybox compared to the twisting labyrinths, caves, passages, and wonders of the Plane of Earth. In the Underdark, there’s an innate sense of the world above that colors the experiences of travelers and inhabitants, but this does not exist on the Plane of Earth. It is suffocation and brutality defined and stands as one of the least hospitable of the Inner Planes. Still, the realm is ripe with treasures and secrets buried beneath the rock and stone.”

—Astromarchus the Sage

Plane of Earth

Earth is a fundamental component of the multiverse and perhaps the most visible to most inhabitants of the Material Planes. Continents, islands, mountains, hills – these are all concrete examples of this ubiquitous element across the realms, and it shows up in all of the other Inner Planes as well in one form or another. And the root for all that rock and dirt is the Plane of Earth.

Much of this plane is solid mass making it difficult for non-native creatures to move around or even breathe. However, limitless tunnels, passages, and caves wind their way through the stony realm, the result of both incursions from other Inner Planes and determined digging efforts by the native creatures. The dao, genies of the earth, are the cruelest of slave drivers and constantly seek out veins of rich minerals and ore to adorn their fabulous abodes.

Getting lost in the Plane of Earth is perhaps the greatest threat to travelers beyond a collapsing tunnel or marauding beast as there is no clear indication of any cardinal direction. Tunnels wind up and down, cross between each other, and cut into massive caves with no discernable pattern or thought. For travelers willing to risk the journey, however, great treasures and wonders can be found, whether it’s the prize opal Koh Nur in the center of the dao’s Sevenfold Mazework or searching the chaotic Tunnels of Madness for the Heart of All Mountains or trying to escape the infamous Salt Dungeons of the Great Khan.

Highlights & Impressions

Cave After Cave. The Plane of Earth is a titanic sprawling complex of tunnels and caves created both from natural effects and deliberate hands. The caves are filled with stalactites and stalagmites, though water is a rare sight – what then creates these natural formations? No one knows the answers for sure, and most simply believe they rise and fall from the will of the plane itself. Any cave feature in the Material Plane can be found on the Plane of Earth even if it has no logical explanation.

Strange Sounds. Sound travels strangely in the endless underground of the Plane of Earth. Echoes bounce around expansive natural caves, distorting wildly before traveling down tunnels miles away from their original source. Drips, drops, cracks, groans, crashes, collapses, and more all can be heard at times, some close by while others far away.

Stagnant Air. The incredible weight of limitless rock and stone stifles the very air. Earth and air are diametrically opposed elements, and perhaps because of this the breathable air in the Plane of Air is stale and stagnant at most times. It’s usually not hostile enough to cause problems but it’s definitely something travelers notice immediately upon arrival. Even in the largest caves, such as the Great Dismal Delve, the air carries a foul taste noticeable to outsiders.

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Plane of Fire

“The very concept of fire, one of the most fundamental elements of existence, is born and reborn in a never-ending cycle on the Plane of Fire. It is a landscape of ashen black sand and grit, pitted and gutted by gouts of flame and the burning eye of the overhead sun, with an impossibly great sea of heaving conflagration, dotted by islands and continents of scorched rock burnt black. Ash and smoke fill the air, and though that raging semblance of a sun hangs in the sky, shadows and darkness permeate the landscape. It is a realm hostile to life, yet life thrives here, and dies, and is reborn again, just as a flame can die and reignite.”

—Astromarchus the Sage

The Inner Planes are comprised of the universal building blocks of existence - earth, air, water, and fire. There is so much more to these planes of existence than just their dominant trait, and each holds a wealth of treasure, danger, and excitement just waiting to be discovered. And, for the unwary, death, which the Plane of Fire carries in abundance.

Elemental monsters live and die in the scorched wilderness of the Plane of Fire, the most common of which are the elementals themselves. These living columns of flame are simple animals of the plane with lowintelligence, though some of the larger ones do exhibit greater semblances of thought that propels them further towards sentient beings.

At the top of the elemental chain are the Elemental Lords of Fire. Massive, powerful, and ancient, there are only a handful of known lords but they each command legions and move with deliberate purpose and thought. Imix is the most well-known, largely for the cults that have spread across the multiverse worshipping the primal power of destruction, but the others are just as formidable. Though ever present, the threats are still not enough to stop the curious and brave from seeking the Eye of Murzak, the Crimson Shield of the Ashen Palm, or plundering the storied depths of the Obsidian Tower, the Everburning Forest, or the Treasure Vaults of the Fire Giant God.

Only ender elemental are able to compete in power with the various elemental lord, The great elder phoenix roaming in the plane of fire, is said to be an equal to the elemental lord.

City of Brass

The fabled City of Brass, home to the greedy efreet, offers shelter within its bazaars and marketplaces from the constant dangers of the land. However, foolish travelers are just as likely to end up with a knife in their back from some scheming merchant in the city’s streets as they are to burn to death in the scorching heat of the wilderness.

The city of brass, is a powerfull trading hub of the elemental plane of fire, and a portal, connecting it directly to Holypertuis in the material plane, make for important economic route to be created between those two place. The elemental plane of fire, creating powerful magic item, infusing them with the power inherent to the plane.

THe city is also know for another kind of trade; slaves. Efreet are cruel genie, and enslave the weaker, forcing them to work for their ever growing need of wealth. They are similar to humans in this aspect, probably one of the reason why they are able to trade with Tana's empire so much.

Highlights & Impressions

Hazy Air. The incredible heat generated by the Plane of Fire distorts vision, especially in the larger wilderness regions of the Cinder Wastes and the Sea of Fire. Objects become warped, elongated, or even elastic as the heat ripples just barely visible in the air. Groups traveling overland across the Cinder Wastes may see mirages appear as well, which exist as reflections of the crimson sky on the incredible temperature of the air. Perhaps some monsters in the wilderness have learned to use this effect to their advantage.

Always Thirsty. The Plane of Fire attacks water directly, evaporating it at a quicker rate than one would normally expect. Non-native creatures find themselves thirsty almost immediately as their mouths dry up and their skin becomes dry and flaky. This effect is just cosmetic and doesn’t impact the amount of water they must consume while traveling, but creatures that travel to the Plane of Fire that naturally live underwater – such as tritons and sea elves – immediately feel the effect all over their bodies.

Constant Heat. It stands to reason that the plane comprised entirely of the element of fire would be hot, but the heat on the Plane of Fire takes many shapes that some find surprising. Burnberries, for example, are not hot to the touch but are incredibly spicy in flavor, while scorch onions are an angry red color and actually get searing hot the longer a person holds them. Every natural element of the Plane of Fire possesses a level of heat nearly unheard of anywhere else in the multiverse.

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“The greatest ocean in all the Material Planes is but a drop of water compared to the fathomless depths of the Plane of Water. I believe that it is the source of all water in the multiverse, that at some point every raindrop and every stream began in this watery paradise. But, just like any body of water, the real interesting things are located below the surface, where fantastic treasures and creatures swim in an aquatic wonderland that is both calming and terrifying at the same time.”

—Astromarchus the Sage

Plane of Water

shadowed darkness, and wondrous life, all combined into one of the most recognizable elements across the multiverse. Life flourishes in this plane, which many travelers can relate to on some level – after all, most Material Plane worlds have seas and oceans, so it’s too hard to imagine a vast, endless version of it.

But the Plane of Water holds so much more, and it is one of the most hospitable of the Inner Planes to natural life (second only to the Plane of Air). With a little magic, travelers can dive into the Sea of Worlds and seek out the wonders and treasures of the Great Coral Forest, the wrecks of lost ships in the Graveyard of Sails, the reckless and arrogant halls of the marid genies in the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, or even trade goods and services under the icy dome of the City of Glass. Deeper still lies dangerous lairs of cold, unyielding monsters, such as the Fathomless Caves and the Trench of Death.

Sahuagin, marid genies, kuo-toa, merrow, and all manner of other creatures occupy the Plane of Water, and some have built cities and bases beneath the waves. And while most of the planar activity is underwater, contrary to most beliefs, the Plane of Water has a surface, and this surface is broken by several islands. The most famous of these islands is the Isle of Dread, surrounded by a fierce storm that extends to many Material Planes, which has the capability to draw in ships and strand them. The island itself is a dangerous, jungle-filled wilderness with great dinosaurs competing for food.

The treasures and sites of the Plane of Water are there for travelers willing to brave the monsters and dangers of an endless sea of unrelenting change.

Highlights & Impressions

Water, Water Everywhere. Below the surface of the Sea of Worlds, the Plane of Water is a vast endless ocean suffused with its own light. The brilliant azure waters are clear and pure unless tainted by some force, but there is a discernable “up” and “down” in the ocean – above the waters are lighter, and below the waters are darker. Waterbreathing creatures from other planes immediately notice the clean quality of the Plane of Water as well.

Stream of Bubbles. Bubbles of endless sizes rise up constantly from the depths of the Plane of Water, the result of any number of thousands of possibilities. These harmless effects ebb and flow to the events that have happened elsewhere on the plane, and many native creatures have legends about them. Locathah believe them to be moments of history from somewhere deeper below rising to greet the surface, while sea elves view them as warning signs.

Pull of the Current. The currents on the Plane of Water constantly pull and tug invisibly at beings in the water. They are less whimsical than the winds on the Plane of Air and more steady, though they can still shift and turn with surprising speed. Following a current is the fastest way to travel underwater, but most predators realize this as well.

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Border Elemental Planes

“Imagine for a moment that the four Elemental Planes of the multiverse form a sphere, with each plane rolling into one another. This is an oversimplification of course, but it helps to illustrate the nature of the border elemental planes, or paraelemental planes as they’re referred to in older texts. Where each plane “touches” another, a distinct realm is created. It’s worth noting that this behavior is quite unique in the multiverse – there are no other similar border planes known to exist anywhere! Each of these border elemental planes holds its own dangerous properties and creatures, but for the most part these planes are not as expansive or as settled as the core four. Exploration is not recommended for the weak of body or will.”

—Astromarchus the Sage

Wild and unruly, the border regions between the Elemental Planes create distinct realms that act as a hybrid between the neighboring regions. Where Air and Water meet, the Plane of Ice is created; the border of Fire and Earth creates the Plane of Magma; the meeting of Earth and Water results in the Plane of Ooze; and the combination of Air and Fire births the Plane of Ash. These realms are smaller in scale than the core four, yet remain expansive nonetheless – they are still each larger than most Material Plane worlds!

Some planar scholars say that the Border Elemental Planes are relatively new in the multiverse, which is why they don’t have dominant species of genies. Others say that the constantly shifting nature of the Elemental Planes keeps these border regions from settling, resulting in regular patterns of activity that is unsuited to the formation or continuation of intelligent species. Certainly there are native creatures in these planes, but they tend toward the animalistic in nature rather than intelligently civilized, though certain exceptions exist (mephits, for example, but they generally lack the discipline to craft lasting legacies).

It has been theorized that the core energy types – fire, acid, cold, and lightning – are birthed from the Border Elemental Planes and not from their core Elemental Plane counterparts. Like many things in planar lore, the truth is likely never to be known and the facts remain debatable in scholarly circles. For example, the cold energy type certainly makes sense to originate from the Plane of Ice, and it’s not too far of a leap to connect acid to the Plane of Ooze. But how is fire a byproduct of the Plane of Magma? And though lightning is common on the Plane of Ash, it is not what most consider a dominant trait of the plane. Debates continue.

The Border Elemental Planes still contain enough adventure potential to lure travelers and bands of heroes to its inhospitable lands, though. Whether searching for the lost Halls of Blazeheart in the Plane of Magma, running from the frozen terrors in the City of the Elder Things on the Plane of Ice, hunting for the secrets of the Slime Lord Tombs in the Plane of Ooze, or picking through debris across the Battlefields of Smoke on the Plane of Ash, excitement and treasures abound for those brave enough to seek them out.

Highlights & Impressions

Raging Elements. The four Border Elemental Planes sit at the crossroads of the Inner Planes, and their very existence is the result of powerful elemental forces clashing on an almost inconceivable scale. The individual elements of each Border Elemental Plane are constant presences, from the titanic waves slamming into the icebergs on the Plane of Ice to the fiery tornadoes whipped up on the Plane of Ash.

Constant Change. Nothing is static in the Border Elemental Planes. Even the Plane of Ice, which most picture as simply frozen in place, is a place of constant and never-ending change, from water to ice and back to water again. Mud bubbles and flows on the Plane of Ooze, roiling lava eats away at porous earthen tunnels on the Plane of Magma, and billowing choking clouds fill the skies of the Plane of Ash. Everything is in motion on these planes, far more than the Inner Planes.

Strange and Wild. The awe-inspiring and raw elemental forces that create the Border Elemental Planes find a way to surprise travelers in new and strange ways. Whether it’s a brilliant multi-colored icicle forest on the Plane of Ice, a towering mountain of sludge on the Plane of Ooze, sticky lava that clings to the ceiling of a vast cavern in the Plane of Magma, or twinkling shards of obsidian dancing in a firestorm on the Plane of Ash, there’s always something amazing to see here. Some of it may only last a moment and then be gone.

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Crossing the Border

Crossing the border from a plane to another is technicaly just as simple as making a step, but the brutal conditions, the raging element, and the equipment needed to survive into a plane or another make it much harder to make that leap of faith.

Experienced sailor and guide charge enormous amount of gold for a safe passage. The price ranging from 100 gp all the way to 2,000 gp per passangers. This price is due to the risk of such trip. Any of those back and forth could be the end of their career, their ship, or other vehicle, crashing in the elemental plane of ice, as they desperatly attempt to save their life, using their scroll of "Word of Recall".

If you through those were expensive, few adventurous captain propose service, taking you to other inner plane, or echo of the material plane such as the Feywild or Shadowfell. Their ship, equiped with a magic energy core, is based on a concept similar to an amulet of planes. Sailing to the edge of the elemental plane they're in, the magic core pulse, the ship flickering between the ethereal plane and between the elemental plane faster and faster. Suddenly as the flickering continue, the landscape change, the ship now blicking between the echo of the material plane and the ethereal plane. After some manoeuvering, the ship can stabilize in its destination.

This kind of travel is very challenging, recquiring an expertise far beyond most sailor reach to maneuver the vehicle correctly as it blink. But once successful, you're in another plane. Such ship are also the target of fly spell, or rather modyfied version of it, to be able to get out of the new plane. But the conception of those rare ship is incredibly expensive, justifying the prices, starting at 5,000 gp per passanger

But, like it is possible to step from an elemental plane to another. It is also possible to go from the the Elemental plane to the material plane, or its echo. The shadowfell is easily accessed through the plane of air, crashing down in the dark reflection of the world. When on the other hand, the feywild is easily accessed through the plane of earth, digging up to find the verdant reflection of the feywild.

Ch.7 | Planes of Toriel

Outer Plane

Plane past the astral sea are outer plane, those represent concept and idea, instad of physical element. FOr example, the nine hell, home of the devil, represent law and evil, when the abyss represent the chaotic will for evil of demon.

As such, those planes shift and change according to the powerfull been ruling over them. Mount celestia adapt to each of the celestial dwelling on it, and the plane of law, mechanus, is an eternal maze of gear put together in a perfectly organized patern.

Ch.7 | Planes of Toriel

Ch. 8

Toriel's Lore

The Orrin Civilization (Ancient Civilization)

An advanced civilization

Despite the great cataclysm, traces still exist of an ancient civilization, called "Orrin". All traces of this civilization date from before the great cataclysm, and we can thus estimate that it was there before this one. From further research we quickly learn that they are even the cause of this cataclysm.

These traces are mainly composed of ancient ruins, buried, trapped and difficult to access, very few of these ruins have been explored, and texts dealing with the subject are rare because of the obvious lack of information.

The oral traditions of certain cultures have allowed historians to learn more, but unfortunately these sources cannot be considered reliable, whether it be the fabrications of the dwarves, or the potential lies of the Yuan-ti.

Nevertheless, it is sure that the Orrin civilization was very advanced, whether from a magical or scientific point of view, for example, skeletons of what could be considered warforged were found in one of the few explored ruins.

Due to this incredible mastery of magic of this ancient civilization, some tend to believe that he mastered perhaps spells of new 10 or more, nevertheless, this theory is not the subject of a consensus among the scientific community.

Many spells used today, and constituting the solid bases of the most common magics, have been reconstructed from extracts found in excavation sites, the walls covered with runes explaining the handling of the weave.

Similarly, some monstrosities that now populate the land are artificial creations (notably the manticores). We think that these creations were experiments of the Orrin, freed after the cataclysm, they became wild, reproduced and constituted new species.

Draconic Influence

This civilization lived in a very different time than ours, before dragons were feared and hated as they are today. On the contrary, dragons were full-fledged members of this civilization, and often important ones, ruling cities and kingdoms.

Humanoids worshipped dragons, these absolutely powerful beings, offering them protection and knowledge in exchange for their worship, and in exchange for their offerings, a mutually beneficial relationship was in place between the dragon subspecies that enjoyed human contact, and the humanoids that worshipped them.

In the present day, when these majestic creatures are extinct, it is difficult to imagine a time when dragons were common, roaming the skies freely. Some subspecies were of course more hostile to humanoids, but lived in more isolated places, avoiding conflict.

In addition, it is important to note that dragons are immortal creatures and have a very slow growth. Thus, dragons at that time were not all as ancient and powerful as today, and therefore not as gigantic.

Ch.8 | Toriel's Lore

Great Cataclysm

Nevertheless, it is obvious that this civilization, succumbed to its greed, in a quest for ever-increasing power, something must have caused their downfall, much more than just their deaths, it created a cataclysm such as this one to entirely change the face of this world for the millennia to come.

Theories as to the exact experience that caused their demise are numerous.

Was it an attempt to transform a wizard into a celestial power?

Or perhaps the creation of a philosopher's stone, having consumed the souls of living beings for its creation?

Whatever the exact experiment, it caused the destruction of the world as it existed. Humanoids no longer ruled the land, in fact, few mortal races survived, only vile creatures, strong enough to resist, could survive, the land becoming wilder and more hostile than ever.

In the midst of all these monsters of power, 2 species have managed to pull their weight. Having survived the cataclysm, the dragons and giants began to become the new rulers of these lands.

Ch.8 | Toriel's Lore

Dragon's Era

Dragon and Giant dominion

Thus, the era of the dragons began, despite this name, the giants were also an important part of the governor of Toriel, but the impact and power of the dragons pushed the generations to name this era after them.

After the great cataclysm, as the lands of this world returned to a more primal state, the two species became the natural leaders. Although other monsters of immeasurable power existed, the dragons and giants were the most numerous, at least in comparison, and they were also the ones with the most penchant for dominating the land.

Dragons and giants were already inhabitants of these worlds during the era of ancient civilization. Giants shared the land with humanoids, and dragons, revered by many, were often pillars of civilizations and cities.

It is precisely these conditions that pushed them to conquer the lands after the disappearance of the humanoids. Whether it is the dragons, too used to dominate the inferior races, or the giants rich of new territories.

For hundreds of years, this situation remained as it was, conflicts of this kind provoked some fights between dragons and giants, but nothing too important, nevertheless, the tension was growing.

The few humanoid tribes in the territory of these creatures who had not been forced into a tyrannical regime, whether it was the dragons looking for subjects to worship and serve them, or the giants playing with them, often using the tribes they came across as future food.

Nevertheless, each year that passed, the dragons were more avaricious of wealth, that it is economic, spiritual or cultural (gold, work of art, knowledge), of this fact, they exerted a strong pressure on the giants, in the hope to obtain more of these treasures which they sought.

On their side, the giants, happy to freely walk the vast lands, always wanted more territories, pushing them to enter the domains under the influence of dragons.

This phenomenon became worse and worse, adding to the already existing tensions, until a war broke out.

A squadron of storm giants marched into the mountains, tracking down a monster with a very particular taste, a future meal of choice for these soldiers. Their tracks led them to the cave of a white dragon, which, not appreciating the intrusion, killed them all, in its rage, it descended the mountain, hovering until the village of the giants, its menacing shadows falling on the village. He started a real massacre, wiping the village off the map.

The giants heard about the massacre, and sent more troops on a punitive expedition, killing the snow-colored dragon in his sleep.

The dragons in turn heard of the events, and each began the systematic slaughter of the giant villages near their territories, and of course the giants responded, and it quickly became an all-out war.

Ch.8 | Toriel's Lore

The war

The giants were organized, with the village leaders quickly organizing themselves into commanders, and a hierarchy was established within the giants according to their roles in each tribe (this hierarchy is separate from, and in addition to, the hierarchy between the different giant races).

The representatives of each sub-race of giant met to make decisions, trying to find the best strategies to fight these terrible enemies.

The dragons were more independent from each other, acting on their own, but as the years of war went by, they organized themselves, coordinated their attacks, and countered the tactics of the giants.

Knowing that they lacked strength, they relied on a varied arsenal, using many siege engines, and ranged weapons against flying threats, all of which were equipped with mace, swords and other tools for killing in close combat.

The dragons, well aware of their advantages in the air, did their best to stay there, having to fight only the giant clouds, possessing spells that allowed them to fly.

Heavy armor protected the giants from some of the effects of the dragons' devastating breath, moving in formation so that they could raise their shields against the coming attacks, the new generations being trained in the art of war from a young age.

Dragon's armor

A single instance of draconic armor was found in the frozen kingdom. The leftover pieces of an impressive size, were made to fit the dragon shape, but only small portion of the full armor where found.

Said armor, made of adamantine, would be pricelss if it was found in its entierty, and some adventurers still look for the missing parts to this day.

As the battles progressed, new ways of killing were discovered, the dragonite created during the most terrible battles could be used as an explosive against the scaled beasts, the magic of the giants would try to ground them, or many giants would try to hurt them.

Giant troops were made up of large numbers of individuals, as there was strength in numbers, especially when faced with the devastating powers of dragons.

Each sub-species of giant had its own particularities, affinities with magic, and its own abilities, and the specializations of each troop depended greatly on this. Nevertheless, these troops were often made up of giants of different origins in order to be able to counter the dragons more effectively.

Distinctive Sign

The giants used to have a symbol on their armor, showing that they belonged to a particular village. Villages that could not forge armor often had tabards to wear over it instead.

Ch.8 | Toriel's Lore

The dragons were similar in this respect, with each dragon subspecies having its own particularities and abilities. However, it was very rare to see dragons in groups, as the power of one dragon was often more than enough to make a sizeable enemy to giant armies.

The battlefields, initially located on the borders between giant and dragon territories, quickly spread to the four corners of the globe, with dragons covering huge spaces quickly, and giants being scattered everywhere. Making many places the theater of war horror.

Communication between the two sides was possible, and attempts at peace did exist, missives brought to the dragons to arrange a discussion were delivered, and sometimes accepted. Unfortunately, neither race was willing to give anything up to the other, and so the war continued.

The giants, in the course of many battles, used many tricks and other tactics to try to gain any advantage against the dragons. However, if these tactics failed, it usually meant the death of the entire squad.

Dragons also used traps and other tactics to make it easier for themselves to get away, especially since such a plan, even if it failed, was much less likely to result in death for the dragon.

Prisoners were not the most common thing, on both sides, a victory usually meant the total slaughter of the enemy forces. The rare prisoners were usually used as slaves.

The ranks within the giants were formed very quickly out of necessity, and the relationships between the different ranks of the giant army could be conflicting, but the new officers were given the position not because of the luck of being a village chief, or anything else before the war, but because of their abilities, and their prowess in battle.

The hierarchy among the dragons was much simpler, almost rudimentary. The more senior a dragon was, the more authority he had, and dragon society has always worked that way, and continued to do so during the war.

The war although total, and forcing the majority of the population of both races to fight, was not necessarily appreciated by all, some rare dragons, or giants, did not appreciate the impact of this war on the Toriel, or on either race. But these differing opinions were a minority.

The death of each dragon was a significant event, the draconic population was very limited, and as the war dragged on, each side was coming to an end.

The giants, despite their best efforts, could not win, and were pushed to the far north, forced to isolate themselves on an island, now called Giant Island. The dragons, almost being, enjoyed a well-deserved rest, meditating on the atrocities committed during this war.

This finally gave the humanoid tribe the opportunity to flourish, and to recolonize this world, giving way to the modern age.

Ch.8 | Toriel's Lore

Modern Age

Common Language

The common language is a mix of various other language, from human slang, to elven poetry and some draconic curse. It is rather fluid, and easy to pronouce for dragon and man alike. Due to the various race thar originated it, le language do keep some rather gluttural sound for some expression, mainly curses. Any sound can have two tone, making for varied meaning with word that may sound similar to strangers.

While not the most simple, the language evolution made it the most popular over the year, taking on the name of common language. Originating in tana's empire, the language was formed after the great reunion, when the conflict stopped, the people of the empire had to find way to talk with each other. The humans, adaptative as they are, and short lived, took a few generation to adapt, but with this adaptation, this language, mixing the root of the various culture in the empire, appeared.

Tana's empire been a trading and economic influence over the world, this language slowly spread, it is far from been yet the common language everywhere despite the name. the secluded dwarves speaking very few word of common for example, or the warrior tribe of the green earth having only basic notion of common.

The writting of common is much more formal, most folk unable to read or write anyway, the grammar, and orthographe was created academicly, and therefore is more formal and follow strict set of rules.

The common tongue keep on evolving, especially as it spread, it grow, adding new vocabulary to its dictionnary, borrowed from the various group speaking it.

The regional languages still exist, except maybe for the humans, taking on variation of common, most races kept their tradition mostly in their specific language.

Common in Politics

Due to the nature of politic to exchange with other country, it became normal to use common for politics, even for local affair. And it is badly perceived to not use common in this field of operation.

The language, even if widespread, is mainly know oraly. Very few peasant know how to write and read, as the education necessary to know those is too expensive for them. Nevertheless, the great nation of Toriel do keep written record of their history, especially since the great cataclysm wipped most of their knowledge of the past, they know to keep written traces of important event.

Ch.8 | Toriel's Lore

Ch. 9

Science and Magic


Science, magic, and religion are interconnected in Toriel, The world so influence by the ever-present magic, everything is, more or less loosely, connected to it. What science do, is indirectly with the use of magic, the gods impact the world with their power, power which are magical in their very nature. Of course, those are different kinds of magic, and many do not even call it magic, but as they are influenced by the weave, it can be considered as such.

If magic was considered a science, it would certainly be the most practiced of them all. The study of the various scientific domains are often made in relation with studies of magical effect, and as such, most scholars are some kind of spellcaster, and those research are often made under the influence of the Academy of magic. The information gathered by those research, are compiled in books, stored in the library of the various school, spreading the information is relatively quick thanks to the use of sending stone and similar magic. The finance for such research are given by the academy (or sometimes by the state in the Lightfoot Land). This wealth gained thanks to the incredible inscription fee.

Science in Tana’s Empire

Scientist, will not persecuted, are looked over by the church, which makes sure they do not cross any boundary with their research.


In the world of Toriel there are 5 elements, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Weave. This fifth element is the fabric of magic, not fully understood, yet, it is known to be the vector of any spell, of god’s influence, and many technologies. Different in nature, it ain’t material, you cannot see it, touch it or interact with it except with the use of magic.

Dragonite. There are many wonders and matters with magical properties over the world. A good example of which is dragonite, and glowing dragonite. Found on ancient battlefields from the War between the giants and dragons, this rock is the product of extended exposure to the dragon power, and to the dragon breath. The glowing dragonite variety is highly explosive, in a blast of energy unleashed all the power accumulated when it was created. The Dragonite, older, had time to stabilize and make for a formidably strong matter.

As strong as the dragonite is, it is brutal and hard to work with. More often serving for shield or structure like reinforcing a ship mat than for armors.

Adamantine. A matter, far easier to work with than dragonite, and even stronger is adamantine. Only found In dwarven mines, it is hard to get hands onto it but make for incredible armor, shield, and weapon that can withstand the strongest hit and go through the best of magical protection.

Mithral. Looking for something lighter? Mithral is as strong as steel yet as light as fabric, far more common than adamantine, it is not something any mine can produce and is still quite expensive.

Crystal. Crystal, coming from the so-called crystal lake, catalyze the weave, making for formidable ingredient and component for magic items or spells, Harvested only in the crystal lake, they are something multiple nation fight for, and therefore, the price for this component tends to be quite high.

Moonstone. Moonstones are gem-like rock, graced by the gods, and often used as material components for spells, essentially abjuration spell. They are mainly harvested in mountains up north, in snowy regions.

Meteorite-Ore. Sometimes, a chunk of spaces fall onto the material plane, their provenance unsure, those material tend to have special properties, and as such, have been used. Meteorite Ore is a general name for most ore and minerals gathered on a meteorite. Often used to reinforce steel swords, it makes for lighter, yet stronger swords.

Deep Lead or Dimeritium. Deep Lead, also called dimeritium is a special metal which suppresses magical power. It was stated that being shackled causes unpleasant side-effects for the mages.

Three quarters of all dimeritium is produced in the northern Frozen kingdom

Shadow Steel. Shadow Steel is said to require souls to be produced. According to rumours, the souls are torn into pieces using dark spells and transformed into a raw spiritual essence of pain, which takes a pitch-black sheen reflecting no light. Weapons made from it cannot be resisted by conventional metals. They cut through the spiritual essence of living flesh, discharging excruciating pain into the victim. The rare survivors of these weapons report levels of pain that can render a person inert for hours.

Despite all those fabulous matters, most equipment and build are made with far more common material, mainly due to the cost of such material.

But chemistry tackle many other subjects, and scientist, many of them are wizard, still work to understand the universe, concept such as void do not exist, everything is believed to have at least the weave wandering around. Light ain’t a particle, nor a wave, but is seen as a possible state of the weave, and many other physic and chemical problems are explained thanks to it.

Ch. 9 | Science and Magic


Doctor, and healer alike are rare and scattered, often seen as scammer, most of the actual healer are acolyte, and member of a church, as they are entrusted to use spells of the school of necromancy for this purpose only.

Providing attentive care to the wounded, in secluded areas, it is common to see herbalists, shaman, and druid take on the role of local healer. This generally constitutes the majority of their activity, even if those using spells (all except herbalist) tend to also receive various more mundane requests.

Most of those healers do not have a very deep knowledge of anatomy, relying mostly on their magic, or their knowledge of herbs to cure the disease. Most of those knowledgeable about the anatomy of a creature, tend to not be interested in healing them, but in opening them.

As for any serious wound necessitating heavy operation, only a powerful spellcaster can save someone from this tragic fate, and it is rare to see something like this happening. Cleric and Druid with those kinds of power are rare, and would generally ask for pricy compensation.

Disease most often strike regions that lack major city, with powerful spellcaster to eradicate them, and spread from those starting point. The origin from those regions make for a much slower spreading rate, at least at the beginning. This comportment is due to the relative accessibility to disease-curing magic. Tho, a few cases of highly contagious, magic-resistant diseases appeared over the centuries.

Doctors in the Lightfoot Land

Most healers in lightfoot land are acolyte, but doctors are becoming more popular, as an alternative to classic spells, and are quickly spreading, those crafting various healing potion slowly becoming what people refer to as plague alchemist.


The most important, and usually studied subject of biology is life, its origin, its creation. Even nations, such as the lightfoot land, not necessarily focused on religion, agree to say life is of celestial origin.

The ability of some spellcaster, or the weave to spark life in golems, warforged, and others is still something scientific disagree on the exact origin, is the weave a celestial creation, and therefore, those birth would also be of celestial origin or was the weave prior to the gods, but their influence on this world give this element the ability to create life? To this day, no one knows how to answer.

Emilis Emka, this young halfling scientist was said to be crazier than a gnome, for years her various research were unsuccessful, yet recently she did it.

With the help of adventurers, she managed to create life from scratch, and without casting a single spell.

This is terrifying.

Ch. 9 | Science and Magic


The weave is the fifth element, and one constituting everything in Toriel, it is the element thanks to which magic exists. When a spellcaster extends its wand and whispers an incantation, he bends and disturbs the flow of the weave to create a magical effect.

As an ever-present element of this world, it influences everything, slowly infusing it with magic. Nature itself is infused with this power, this relation is neither good nor bad, it just is. The flora and creatures evolving with these influences, growing sometimes stronger, sometimes more intelligent, sometimes with magic ability, the effects are many.

Man discovered magic firstly thanks to inherent magic ability, sorcerer, and the like. Those people, gifted with a particular ability to manipulate the weave at birth were the first spellcaster. Soon, understanding this kind of power would be useful, they were studied, used. Thankfully, even if the ability was inherent to some, it was possible to learn to master the weave.

Elves, humans, and other races alike had similar learning process for this and developed different kinds of magic. A well-known example is the elven high magic.

Magic in the world of Toriel is incredibly powerful, the weave as the ability to create life. The ability to create golem and semi-living creatures alike was well known, but warforged, fully sentient, and independent been, are also magical creations.

Due to its presence everywhere, magic is tied to all domains, including Science and Religion. Gods influence the words thanks to the weave, and most technological creation work, at least partially, thanks to the weave.

The Various Research, and thesis done on the weave, are the work of the academy of magic, responsible for the various schools teaching spellcasting through the world, they also invest a lot of time and money in research on the subject.


But to this day, no one fully masters the weave. for example, there is no recorded instance of 10th level spell or higher, even if it is believed that the great cataclysm was caused by something of this power level.

Spell are classified in 8 different schools, more precision and detail can be added to each spell, but all correspond to one of those 8 school: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation.

Abjuration. Magical spells and effects within the school of abjuration are primarily designed for protection and shielding. Don’t be fooled however, some Abjuration spells can pack quite a punch.

Conjuration. The School of Conjuration deals with creating objects and creatures, or making them disappear.

Divination. The magical School of Divination is centered around revealing and granting knowledge and information to the caster. Useful for reading ancient scripts, identifying magical items, and seeing invisible enemies.

Enchantment. Spells within the School of Enchantment are designed to manipulate the mental state of the target. This entire school is very similar to hypnotism, where the affected creature may act completely differently than how they normally behave.

Evocation. Casters within the school of evocation unleash a raw magical energy upon their enemies. Whether it be flames, ice, or pure arcane energy.

Illusion. The School of Illusion is concerned with manipulating the various senses of people and creatures. This could be vision, hearing, or other various senses such as body temperature.

Necromancy. In general, think of spells within the School of Necromancy as manipulating the ebb and flow of different creatures’ “life energy”, or the balance of energy between life and death. This can come across in the form of helping resurrection, or draining necrotic damage.

Transmutation. Casters who study within the School of Transmutation are able to manipulate the physical properties of both items and people. This could be something simple – such as turning copper into gold.

Spell Scroll

In Toriel, spell scrolls are slightly different. The parchment, imbued with weave carries the necessary power to cast a spell, and the arcane runes and glyphs on its surface catalyzing the weave to make the correct spell.

Spell Scroll

Scroll, Varie

A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. You can read the scroll and cast its spell. Casting the spell by reading the scroll requires the spell’s normal casting time. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost. If the spell require a saving throw or an attack roll, use Intelligence as your spellcasting modifier.

If the spell is of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an arcana check to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.

Ch.9 | Science and Magic

Ch. 10

Monsters of Toriel


The dragons in Toriel are different from what a person might imagine in many ways. These majestic creatures are immortal, at least they do not fear the passage of time, but an injury can be fatal.

There are three main categories of dragons. The chromatic, metallic, and gem dragons. The most common being the chromatic and metallic, representing evil and good respectively (while gem dragons are generally neutral).

They are an ancient race, but unfortunately, few representatives still exist, so ancient that they were among the first creatures to populate Toriel, their lineage so old that their influence changed the shape of this world, even before the great war against the giants.

The last representatives of this species live hidden in their dens, or change into humanoid form, blending into our society.


Dragons were inherently magical beings, and in no case should dragons be considered reptiles, despite obvious similarities such as a scaled epidermis and reproduction by laying eggs. In fact, they were more akin to feline creatures than reptiles, particularly in regards to their posture and movements, as well as being inherently warm-blooded and an eye composition similar to felines, although far more complex. A good example of this was the placement of the legs: dragons also tended to place their rear foot where their front foot was previously, much like most stalking feline predators.


All dragons were omnivorous and could eat almost anything, thanks to their innate elemental nature that allowed them to consume and digest all sorts of food, including substances that wouldn't qualify as food to other living creatures. Most dragons preferred a carnivorous diet, but a few of them had developing unique dietary habits. Metallic dragons, for instance, preferred to eat primarily inorganic fare.

Most dragons usually consumed half their own weight in meat every day. Dragons seldom got fat, as their bodies converted all the eaten food into elemental energy, storing it for later use. Much of this stored energy was expended using their breath weapons and when their bodies changed because of them advancing in age. When eating inorganic materials, dragons needed to eat as much as its own body weight per day to maintain healthy bodies.

In some instances, dragons also ate magic items. These instances were rare however. While dragons could "inherit" the magical properties of some magic items for a day or so, and as such this would had some tactical value, few dragons would resort to do such a thing unless they were starving to the point of death.


The number of eggs a dragon laid each brood depended on its race, but was usually low, between one and three. Thanks to their shape-shifting, dragons could also cross-breed with virtually any other creature, creating a half-dragon. The most commonly heard of were in the humanoid races, particularly with human and elves. Any combination was possible, however, even with devils or angels.


As for their senses, which varied slightly depending on the species, dragons were superior in most ways to other creatures - like any predator, they had exceptionally acute senses, which only increased with age. Dragons had excellent depth perception and comparably good peripheral vision, able to see twice as well as a human in daylight; they had great night vision, and were able to see even when conditions had no light to offer, though not in color. Dragons could also pick up scents very well, utilizing both their sensitive nose and forked tongue, much like a snake. Their hearing was on par with human hearing, although their minds could filter what noise it hears. Dragon taste was also refined, although they did not respond well to sweet flavors, and most dragons didn't discuss why. They were able to eat almost everything, but each race had a preferred diet; some preferred flesh, other to eat precious metals or gems, and so forth. Of all its senses, a dragon's sense of touch is the only one to decrease with age, due mostly to the development of thick, hard scales.

Dragons were capable of blindsense, the sense in which eyes, ears, and other senses were used to detect invisible persons or objects.


Never steal from a living red dragon's treasure hoard.

Dragons became stronger as they grew older; they also became larger, more resistant to damages and magic, had a more dangerous breath, and a great deal of other enhanced aspects. Older dragons could cast draconic magic, such as spells with just a few words, and oftentimes they didn't need long and complex ritual involving words, gestures and components like other wizards, and they radiated a mystical fear aura around themselves. After a millennium or two, a dragon reached his maximum development.

All dragons had some innate magical abilities, but they varied from race to race. Metallic dragons were often able to shapechange into small animals or human forms, and used this ability to secretly help or watch over humans. Dragons also had some innate powers upon the element they are linked to. For example a red dragon, who breathed fire, had some control over other flame.

Ch.10 | Monsters of Toriel


There are two type of vampires, but the vast majority of people is totaly unable to differenciate them, as they are similar enough for the common folk to be unable to tell the difference. The existence of such a distinction is not even know by most people.

The first type is a curse, vampirism as a curse is the one people commonly think about. The blooddriking vampire feed on the blood of its prey, and is bite carry the curse, similarly to lycanthropie.

The other type of vampire is an actual race of independant monster. Many subspecies exist, each with their own specificity, but those do not transmit any form of vampirism.

Vampirism as a curse

The curse of vampirism can be transmitted, or created in many ways. It is similar in some aspect to a curse of lycanthropie, as a bite can spread the influence of the curse, creating vampire spawn, puppet under the control of the vampire lord.

The theory on the origin of the curse are many. It is probably extremly old, like other similar dark ritual such as those turning a wizard into a lich. Maybe it was created on purpose by powerful ancient spellcaster, getting inspiration from actual vampire (the race) to try and achieve immortality. Or maybe, the folklore around vampire pushed people to curse each other, and the power of word slowly twisted those curse, those word, to create this.

The exact source of this curse is unknown, the effect and transmission of the curse has been detailled over the year. As stated previously, the bite transmit a small portion of the curse, just enough to transform a creature into a vampire spawn, and corrupt his mind into submission. However, a willing vampire lord may proceed to a ritual, during which he bite someone before he let the same person drink his blood, doing so will create a new vampire lord.

However, this transmittion is extremly rare, as the transformation take month, if not years to complete, the effect of the curse slowly developping in the subject as he let more of the dark need of vampirism take over him.

Said dark needs are an evidence of the curse/malediction aspect of this. The curse created with dark and evil intent, those affected tend to grow dark desires, unable to resist those desires, their thoughts are tourmented and tortured until they succomb to this dark side. Another evidence of this been a curse, with restriction associated, is the unability of those vampire to enter a place without been invited first, or their weakness to running water.

Vampire as a race — True Vampires

Coming from other worlds, many vampires haunt fables and legends, from their inferior representatives (like Mula, Fleder, Garkain), even attacking beasts, and whose frightening stories are told to children, to the prestigious higher vampires, not even needing blood to survive, and being totally immortal and timeless beings, the vampire society is diverse and varied. At the top of their society, the higher vampires dominate and control, not necessarily being malicious beings, they occupy their infinite existence to learn more and more about this world. some of them even having important role in nowadays world.

Those vampire differenciate themself in 3 categories, lesser, intermediate, and higher.

Lesser vampire. Lesser Vampire are those unable to shapeshift, those who have to hide in dark alley, lurk in sewer and ancient temple and lure they prey in. Such as Ekimmara, Ekimmara Scourge, Fleder, Protofleder, Garkain, Alpha Garkain, Vargheist, Ancient Vargheist, Varghulf

Intermediate vampire. Intermediate vampire are those able to shapeshift, they still recquire blood to survive, but are foten more cunning, and able to hide among humanoid. Such as Alp, Deathwail Alp, Bruxa, Night Mother Bruxa, Katakan, Nekurat, Mula

**Higher vampire. Higher vampire are shapeshifter too, spending the vast majority of their time in an humanoid form, they are the strongest of all vampire, and control those under them. Higher vampire do not need blood to survive. They are four type of high vampire: Blood Caller, Death Weaver, Feral King, Night Blood.

Ch.10 | Monsters of Toriel

Ch. 11

Toriel's Pantheon


God of Life

Lawful Good

Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, is the guardian of all life in the world of Toriel. She was one of the rare dragon, an emerald dragon, choosen by the gods to become one of them, and was empowered by them to protect life in Toriel, and to act as a Mediator between Bahamut and Tiamat.

Alexstrasza loves all living creatures and protects them, and only those who menace the dragon or the world face her wrath.

Dawn of the Dragon-God

In Toriel's ancient past, the Dragon God were old and powerful dragons who where blessed with godly power, may they have been empowered by gods who saw successor, or took this role by force.

Alexstrasza, her brother Dralad, and her younger sister Ysera were the only three survivors of their clutch. Ysera was sick and smaller than average, and Alexstrasza watched out for her. Alexstrasza was one of the more intelligent of her clutch and when one of her clutch brothers went missing, Alexstrasza searched to find him and met with Malygos. The two were attacked but fought off the threat, following this lead, the two dragon found Alexstrasza brother, dead.

Like the other dragons of this era, long before the great cataclysm Alexstrasza would gather under the command of Talonixa. While her sister believed that peace could made with Zuth a dragon afflicted with a disease, a curse only afflicting dragon, and growing stronger and stronger.

Alexstrasza knew that fighting was the only option, however, she vowed to not fight like Talonixa. When Ysera was given a chance to speak her idea of peace, Alexstrasza was worried about Talonixa's reaction. But when Ysera stood up to talk with Talonixa, treator used this occasion to join Zuth. Malygos witness of the betrayal and subsequent devouring by Zuth, would return to the others only to find Ysera and Talonixa in conflict over the fate of those bitten by Zith, afflicted by the curse. Alexstrasza found herself agreeing with Talonixa over the issue, the bitten would have to be quarantined or killed for the safety of everyone else.

Alexstrasza would then later save her sister from Zuth, after Ysera tried to plead peace even as the dragon army fought the elemental Zuth was conjuring. As Zuth began to fight the proto-dragon army, the god started to watch over this conflict, with interest. Some time after, Malygos found his way to the two of them, afflicted by the disease. Briefly succombing to the hunger for flesh, he attacked Ysera, but thanks to Alexstrasza intervention, Ysera was able to recall him to his senses and Malygos was then cured by the ancient god of life, blessed against the disease.

Alexstrasza, Ysera and Malygos joined with the other powerful dragon, the hunt Zuth once and for all. Forcing him to retreat in a cavern were all five dragon (Aliexstrasza, Malygos, Neltharion, Nozdormu Ysera), except for Ysera, began the battle against Zuth, who had grown larger and even more mutated than before. When Zuth suddenly expanded in size without warning, Their attack could no longer harm him. With a flap of wings, Zuth called up a massive wind that scattered the fighters. Ysera suddenly appeared and Zuth attempted to devour her, but Neltharion silenced his laughter with a mighty blow, pulled Zuth to the ground and began to mercilessly beat him even as Zuth began mutating further - as he began to resemble an elemental.

In the battle, Zuth ripped Neltharion lower jaw, Malygos moved to save him, examining the bloody mess as Zuth roared in triumph and grew ever larger. This bolstered the fighter, that, in a final attempt to protect everything they held dear, and blessed by the old gods, banished Zuth from existence.

After such a feat, the five dragon were blessed with godly power, agreeing to protect Toriel. Channeling the power of the ancient gods, they could access to godhood themself.

War of the Ancients

Alexstrasza was one of the three dragon god that fought the demons of the Abyss during the War of the Ancients. It was also in that war that the black dragon Neltharion deceived his fellow dragons, using the Dragon Soul (also now known as the Demon Soul) to steal a portion of their power. During the battle; Alexstrasza was captured by the demon, thank to Neltharion betrayal, the demon could hold the dragon god captive within the abyss, were she spent countless years, as their slave. But Neltharion wanted to see her suffer, and created a plan to bring her out of the abyss, only for her to witness the destruction that her power utilized by the demon had brought to this world. The caravan moving her was attacked by Neltharion,part of his plan, but with the help of her former mate, Alexstrasza was set free, and then rejoined the remaining Aspects Nozdormu, Malygos, and Ysera.

Meanwhile, the human took the Dragon Soul, and destroyed it, putting an end to the war of the ancients with the defeat of the demons.

For some time after, Alexstrasza and her fellow red dragons were at peace, but over time they began to argue about how best to shelter and protect the world. The rise to power of humans and other races left many believing that these new people were dangerous and should be destroyed, while others of Alexstrasza's ilk felt they should be educated to teach them right from wrong.

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With the rise of mortal like humans, elves and dwarves, the dragon's ability to shapeshift allowed them to be within the mortal, and the Visage Day ceremony was officialy created. A ceremony dring which a dragon take on his first humanoid form.

The Battle of Life and Death

In the highlanders mountains, Alexstrasza confronted Neltharion. After several minutes of battle, Neltharion and Alexstrasza fell towards the ground, this event is said to be the cause of the formation of the insatiable lake, clutched in each other's claws. Alexstrasza, exhausted and gravely injured, was found laying on the ground in her humanoid form, while Neltharion fell out of sight beyond the crest of the mountain.

Calen who likewise took elven form (who is Alexstrasza child), raced to the dragon god's side. Her voice wavered as she explained that the Earth Warder was dead. Like a phantom, the gigantic form of Neltharion rose up behind them. Calen exclaimed "he lives!" and the wounded Alexstrasza forced herself to sit up, stating that it was "impossible" for Neltharion to have survived the wounds she dealt him. Neltharion set the ground at his feet aflame and glowered over the group. Calen moved to put himself between his mother and Neltharion, taking his true form again. But he was completely dwarfed by the Black dragon godly power. Realizing he stood no chance of defeating Neltharion, Calen darted back and forth, shooting fireballs, in an effort to distract him while Alexstrasza escaped. He later stated that this was a partial victory, as Neltharion was gravely wounded and would need to go into hiding to recuperate.


Caelestrasz (Calen in his drow elf shape) is an ancient dragon and a child of Alexstrasza. He was taken captive by giants at the begining of the war against the giants, it his believe his capture, along with the emerald Merithra and the silver Arygos played an important role in the war between the giants and the dragons. All three were cursed, and Calen suffered a Curse affecting his shape, forcing him to stay in the guise of a drow, weak and powerless for the rest of his day. This captivity, an attempt to affect the dragon gods close of those dragons was an at that greatly increaed the tension between dragons and giants, and was descisive in the begining of that war.

After years of torture and suffering, he was freed by the end of the war. Now living freely, he is still stuck as a drow, and those long years of pain made him grow bitter and bitter, turning evil as he try to gain back more and more of his draconic power.

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God of the Mind


Arygos is an ancient silver dragon and offspring of Malygos. In his early day, he fought against a basilisk, the festering wounds were deep, and Arygos could feel the effect of the petrification starting, he knew his magic, as powerful as it was, was not enough to staunch the petrification that began to slowly radiate outward from his wound. Eventually, his back left leg went numb and then still.

As his mobility began to suffer, Arygos took to more contemplative studies. In his meditations and explorations, he began to work past his limitations as he mastered the power of his mind. Though he could not stop the progression of the curse that was slowly turning him to stone, he was able to learn to project his spirit into the Astral Plane. He discovered that as he wandered this plane, time stood still for his body — and his ailment.

In this way he has preserved his life, spending increasingly greater lengths of time wandering the Astral Plane to delay his encroaching petrification. To protect his corporeal form, Arygos relies upon a network of informants he has recruited in the ancient Orrin civilization. Most are unaware of his affliction. He meets with them through illusions and remains in contact through their dreams. Should the need arise, he can erase their memories to continue to keep his secrets safe.

The heart of the Desert

With the great extinction, Arygos had to seek out new ways to exist, to connect with the material plane, as he grew strong, he became the heart of the desert south, or more specifically, the shifting sand itself. His mind suffering from the isolation, making those dwelling in the desert fall in despair, the desert was named the Desolation Desert. As such, Arygos no longer resembled one single entity unless it was viewed as the entire desert. The core of its domain centered around his Original body, the source of his power, is still hidden among the shifting dunes.

Arygos power influencing the desert, the rare treasure present within the ruins of the ancient civilization in the desert, infused with the dragon's power, are said to be cursed, as they spread the dragon's influence over this world. Those possessing those treasures are plagued with enigmatic dreams, and visions of the dragon.

Arygos Rise to power

Arygos's rise was initiated by Scarlet Briar, a dragonborn who had gone mad after hearing its whispers in 521 DB after gathering a legendary treasure from the desert's ruins, eventually being shown "images of destiny." Following ideas she believed to be her own, Scarlet gathered magical items, Arygos consuming their magic to grow stronger while Scarlet was being taunted by Arygos's constant whispers. Arygos's influence was growing physically and mentally changing those exposed to his power, awakening their psionic abilities.

In 527 DB Scarlet finished her preparations and Arygos grew strong enough to rise to godhood, the blood of his father, god of magic, Malygos the spell weaver, helping in the process. Though Scarlet died in the process, her death was said to send the final spike of power necessary for Arygos to fully access his new powers.

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God of Flame

Chaotic Evil

Athazor the Lord of Cinder, is a red dragon, and the god of flames and destruction. Obessed by those before him who accessed godhood, he plotted to become the god of flames. He live for the destruction, and enjoy seing the world burning.

Dawn of the Dragon-God

In Toriel's ancient past, when the dragon hero were fighting Zuth, Athazor was just a wirmling, eyeing the hero with a growing obsession. When the main hero of the sotry were fighting Zuth directly, he was part of the bulk of the forces, facing the cursed dragon fearlessly. Soon, he was recognized as an incredible warrior among the dragon, young, yet his flames were burning hotter than anyone else. But this recognition wasn't enough, Athazor was jaleous of the dragon who fought Zuth directly, who accessed godhood, and with the sight of his elder gaining such power, he had a new objectif.

War of the Ancients

When the Demons entered Toriel during the War of the Ancients, Athazor fought again, now an adult dragon, he was unmatched in strength and skill. Yet this wasn't enough to drive the demon away, and the dragon god had to step in again with the dragon soul. But the artifact was corrputed, and Nelthrarion bratyed the dragon god. This was enough to drive Athazor crazy, he hated the dragon god, who were week enough to fall for such a trick, he had to get stronger by any mean to show them how to act as a god. With the war of the ancients ending, Athazor went on a quest for power, burning to ashes any resistance on his path,leaving a trail of smoke and cinder. This is when he gained the Title of Lord of Cinder. During his adventure, he aquired many knowledge, and many power. The mortal fearing his wrath, giving him everything they had to try and drive him away. In his quest for power, he faced the strongest of demon, challenged the wiser of angel.

Challenging the god

Despite all the power he aquired, when he finaly challenged the gods, it wasn't enough, the god of flames and destruction nearly killing him, leaving him alive in an act of pitty. But, this was probably the god's biggest mistake, Athazor grievly wounded, had been infused with the god's sacred flame. From his wound, the scared flames sarted to spread, covering the dragon's scale and body, granting him yet another power. Once healed, Athazor faced the god of flames again, wth his new found immunity to the sacred flame, the fight against the god was rather balanced, the dragon launching himself towards his prey and striking with speed and rage, wounding the god and overpowering him with his fiery breath, his flames expending outward, lurking over everything in the dragon's sight, the flame fading from a bright yellow, to an almost white color as they reached incredible temperature.

Athazor won, the fight causing the previous god of flames to use so much of his power, the consequences of this battle were felt all over toriel, large fire starting in numerous region, falmes all over the wolrds flickering and exploding outward. But the flames of this world had a new master, a new god.

Ch.11 | Toriel's Pantheon


Archdevil, Queen of Hell

Lawful Evil

Somewhere in Hell's great lake of fire is a hidden island made of pure gold. An ever-growing mountain of gold coins, chalices, idols, and other glimmering finery rises from the flames, and at its top is a majestic golden throne. Atop that throne rests a dragon — but although Fury is known as the Dragon Queen of Hell, she rarely assumes draconic shape. Those who dare to gaze upon her majesty see a woman of unbelievable strength and beauty. Seven feet tall, she is draped in an ash-black dress that crackles with tiny flames like smoldering coals. Her skin is tanned, and patches of golden scales burst seemingly at random across her face, arms, and slender, powerful legs. An unruly mane of crimson hair cascades down her back and a pair of onyx horns curl from her brow, just as wings of smoke and flame emerge from her back.

Fury was once a mortal dragon who ruled over a longforgotten kingdom of the ancient world. In those days, she was known as Feth'razaal Goldenhide, because her ebony-blue scales were studded with the golden tribute she demanded from her subjects. In time, however, her hunger for power and wealth surpassed her subjects' ability to pay homage, and she exacted tribute another way: by claiming the souls of the dead. As her once-great realm fell into decline, Fury hoarded more and more souls until she was the queen of naught but ruins and bones.

It was then that she was visited by Asmodeus, King of Hell.

The King of Hell admired Feth'razaal's vast bounty of souls, and greeted her on one knee and offered her a band of Hell-forged gold. He sought her hand in marriage and she accepted his proposal. Feth'razaal knew that the King of Hell could not be trusted, and she knew that his proposal was a selfish gesture prodigiously stuffed with false humility, but she was flattered despite her better judgment. She took the pleasing shape of one of Hell's greatest warriors, the mighty Erinyes, and wedded Asmodeus in his great citadel. She vowed silently to match her treacherous new husband scheme for scheme, and wrest power from him just as he sought to undo hers.

But the game grew wearisome after centuries of play. The artifice of love and loyalty wore thin for both Asmodeus and his queen. Feth'razaal's disgust for the selfish, arrogant, and oft-distant King of Hell grew boundless, and one day she confronted Asmodeus on his iron throne. She took his ring from her talon, popped it in her mouth like a sweet, and spat the molten gold — melted by her dragonflame — in Asmodeus's face, then departed, vowing one day to claim Hell as her own and rule it as its rightful queen. Asmodeus was stunned for only an instant before he rose in fury and demanded his wife's head on a platter, but in that instant of shock, Feth'razaal had already gathered her numerous allies within the courts of Hell and flown from her old palace.

Feth'razaal discarded her old name — one which had been tainted by centuries of false love — when she broke her vow with the King of Hell and took on a new title that encompassed her boundless ambition and wrath: Fury. In the intervening eons, Fury carved out a mighty domain within the inferno and named herself an archdevil. Many of the souls she claimed as a mortal dragon millennia ago now loyally serve her as fiendish warriors, preferring the devil they know over the tyrannical rule of Asmodeus. Others take mortal form and venture into the world of the living to steal and pillage gold or souls to deliver tribute to their queen — just as they did in life. Someday, Fury knows she and her armies will grow powerful enough to dethrone Asmodeus once and for all. Until then, she is content to bide her time and live in luxury as Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell.

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God of Booze

Chaotic Good

Montbasignac is the dwarven deity of carousing, brewery and booze, representing the more festive side of the Stout Folk. He is represented riding a purple worm, carrying barrel of beverage, and legeng tell the story of his passage in dwarven tavern and inn. Often beloved by bard for the jovial atmosphere related to that god, some barbairan also whorpship him as a god who don't fear the futur.


God of Knowledge

Lawful Neutral

Those that have survived an audience with Kiennavalyriss report that she is an elegant and imposing dragon. The scintillating pattern of her opalescent scales is magnified by the intense illumination within the Alabaster Halls, and she bears a celestial heritage that shines brightly within her eyes. Her mother, a dragon, is enshrined in many myths as the servant and romantic partner of a now-forgotten exarch of the God of Knowledge. When her mother was cruelly slain by a band of malfeasant ratcatchers, the duty of safeguarding the lore of the library fell to Kiennavalyriss.

The divine blood that burns within Kiennavalyriss is slowly consuming her. Growing more zealous in her missions. She views the library now as her legacy, But, with the death of the former god of knowledge, slain with the great extinction for allowing the mortal access to forbidden knowledge, she accessed godhood, as the new god of knowledge.

A Trove of Secrets

Unlike many other dragons, Kiennavalyriss does not hoard wealth. Her treasured possessions are the countless books, scrolls, clay tablets, and other assorted writings that she has recovered and collected over her many millenia. The secret histories of countless mortal races are written upon them. There are ancient spells, dead languages, and the true names of devils hidden upon the shelves of her vast library. This collection also includes written copies of every conversation that Kiennavalyriss has had with visitors to her library.

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God of the Void

Chaotic Evil

Kur is believed to be the very first black dragon and is the eldest of the dragon god. Long before Zuth was a threat, long before other dragons access godhood, Kur was filled with primal power, a power so strong, that he was challenging the gods with his very own existence, a power such that space itself was bending around him.

The gods attempted to push the ancient dragon underground, to push him far from their affair, concerned with his power. But, out of spite or desperation, the great dragon kidnapped the goddess of the void, asking to be freed from their torment. He would not free the goddess until she met his demands. The goddess agreed to Kur's price, casting him into the void. But, Kur expected duplicity, knowing full-well what the goddess would do, and took her with him.

In this eternal void, in this infinite place, the two fought, and after a long battle, Kur came out victorious, now graced with the power of the goddess, and becoming the first black dragon god.

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God of Magic

Lawful Good

" The sinuous dragon rises from the water, a seemingly endless serpentine beast covered with crystalline scales of purest azure. The wings, looking too small to carry such a massive creature, are slick, and they shimmer as they reflect the light. "

Malygos is one of the most ancient creatures living on Toriel. Mystra, the goddess of magic once granted the dragon a portion of her vast power. From then on, Malygos would be known as the Spell-weaver, the guardian of arcane magic and hidden arcanum. When mysta was slain by another god, Malygos arised as the new god of magic.

Malygos is a leviathan with small wings. His body is covered with crystalline scales of pure silver. His body shone with shifting colors that change constantly from blue to silver as his is surrounded by weave.

After the great cataclysm, many dragon believing that the spellcasters of the mortal races were responsible for all of Toriel's troubles, Malygos helped the dragon in their war against the giant, in an attempt for dragon to rule over this world to prevent mortal accident again.

Malygos is tasked with the protection of the nexus, a well tapping into the astral plane, from which the weave flow into this world, his avatar using the nexus as his lair, and hoarding the most powerful and unique artifact in this world.

Dawn of the Dragon-God

In Toriel's ancient past, the Dragon God were old and powerful dragons who where blessed with godly power, may they have been empowered by gods who saw successor, or took this role by force.

Alexstrasza, her brother Dralad, and her younger sister Ysera were the only three survivors of their clutch. Ysera was sick and smaller than average, and Alexstrasza watched out for her. Alexstrasza was one of the more intelligent of her clutch and when one of her clutch brothers went missing, Alexstrasza searched to find him and met with Malygos. The two were attacked but fought off the threat, following this lead, the two dragon found Alexstrasza brother, dead.

Like the other dragons of this era, long before the great cataclysm Alexstrasza would gather under the command of Talonixa. While her sister believed that peace could made with Zuth a dragon afflicted with a disease, a curse only afflicting dragon, and growing stronger and stronger.

Alexstrasza knew that fighting was the only option, however, she vowed to not fight like Talonixa. When Ysera was given a chance to speak her idea of peace, Alexstrasza was worried about Talonixa's reaction. But when Ysera stood up to talk with Talonixa, treator used this occasion to join Zuth. Malygos witness of the betrayal and subsequent devouring by Zuth, would return to the others only to find Ysera and Talonixa in conflict over the fate of those bitten by Zith, afflicted by the curse. Alexstrasza found herself agreeing with Talonixa over the issue, the bitten would have to be quarantined or killed for the safety of everyone else.

Alexstrasza would then later save her sister from Zuth, after Ysera tried to plead peace even as the dragon army fought the elemental Zuth was conjuring. As Zuth began to fight the proto-dragon army, the god started to watch over this conflict, with interest. Some time after, Malygos found his way to the two of them, afflicted by the disease. Briefly succombing to the hunger for flesh, he attacked Ysera, but thanks to Alexstrasza intervention, Ysera was able to recall him to his senses and Malygos was then cured by the ancient god of life, blessed against the disease.

Alexstrasza, Ysera and Malygos joined with the other powerful dragon, the hunt Zuth once and for all. Forcing him to retreat in a cavern were all five dragon (Aliexstrasza, Malygos, Neltharion, Nozdormu Ysera), except for Ysera, began the battle against Zuth, who had grown larger and even more mutated than before. When Zuth suddenly expanded in size without warning, Their attack could no longer harm him. With a flap of wings, Zuth called up a massive wind that scattered the fighters. Ysera suddenly appeared and Zuth attempted to devour her, but Neltharion silenced his laughter with a mighty blow, pulled Zuth to the ground and began to mercilessly beat him even as Zuth began mutating further - as he began to resemble an elemental.

In the battle, Zuth ripped Neltharion lower jaw, Malygos moved to save him, examining the bloody mess as Zuth roared in triumph and grew ever larger. This bolstered the fighter, that, in a final attempt to protect everything they held dear, and blessed by the old gods, banished Zuth from existence.

After such a feat, the five dragon were blessed with godly power, agreeing to protect Toriel. Channeling the power of the ancient gods, they could access to godhood themself.

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The War of the Ancients

During The War of the Ancients when the demons opened a portal to the material plane to allow their armies access to the world of Toriel, the Dragon God congregated at the lair of Alexstrasza to discuss the coming invasion and what part they should play in defending the world. Neltharion proposed that to end the invasion of demons, the dragonflights should create a weapon with which they could eradicate the demon armies.

Neltharion persuaded Malygos to aid him in convincing the other Great Aspects to lend a part of their power to create the weapon, the Dragon Soul. The artifact was a simple unassuming golden disc created by Neltharion. The Dragon Soul was to be used as a weapon against the demons. All the Dragon God contributed a bit of their power in creating the Dragon Soul with the exception of Neltharion. Through the disk, Neltharion was able to magically take control of all other dragons including the other Dragon Gods.

During one of the final battles the Dragon Gods called all of the dragons together and flew toward the battle. With ease, a crazed Neltharion, destroyed the demons by using the Dragon Soul—now known as the Demon Soul—against them. The other Aspects tried to stop Neltharion. Malygos' flight surrounded Neltharion in an attempt to take the Demon Soul from him. With a single command, they were engulfed by the magic of the Demon Soul and were pulverized. Malygos was also terribly injured, both mentally and physically.

He felt deep guilt for his role in convincing the other Dragon Gods to infuse their powers into the Demon Soul. He traveled to his lair around the nexus, where he hid for millenia. Feelings of remorse paralyzed him. During ages following the War of the Ancients, he was rarely seen by the other Dragon God. His body was a caricature of his former self.

The Nexus and the Arcanomicon

Despite his isolation, Malygos stay the keeper of the Nexus, and guardian of the Arcanomicon. The Arcanomicon was given to Malygos ages ago by the former god of magic, the Arcanomicon has been continuously updated and revised by the silver dragons over the long years of Malygos' seclusion. The artifact allowing him to locate and tap into each sources of magical power within this world. A resulst of this accumulation of power, the nexus, a well for the weave into this world, as grow stronger and stronger. The consequences had been violent, dangerous, and deadly. The world's crust had splintered, and the resulting unstable rifts had torn the very fabric of the astral plane. This made the weave flow in incredible amount on the material plane, making everything partially magical, the plant, the beast, the monster, many become blessed by the weave.


Coldarra is a floatting island to the north, home of the nexus, it is inaccessible without the ability to fly.

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God of Dream

Lawful Good

The emerald dragon Merithra of the Dream is a child of the Dragon god Ysera. She was taken captive under a mortal form by giants at the begining of the war against the giants, it is believe her capture, along with the red Caelestrasz and the silver Arygos played an important role in the war between the giants and the dragons. All three were cursed, and Merithra suffered a curse of eternal slumber. This captivity, an attempt to affect the dragon gods close of those dragons was an at that greatly increaed the tension between dragons and giants, and was descisive in the begining of that war.

After years of this eternal slumber, were the giants realized the dragon demi-god was impossible to kill, her godly power awakening and growing stronger each day protecting her, Marithra was rising, in her dream to godhood, becomming the god of dream.

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God of Death

Chaotic Evil

“Pain... Agony... My hatred burns through the cavernous deeps. The world heaves with my torment. Its wretched kingdoms quake beneath my rage. But at last... The whole of Toriel will break... And all will burn beneath the shadow of my wings.”

— Neltharion

Neltharion the Destroyer, formerly known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder (pronounced "nehl-THAW-ree-uhn"), was once empowered as a god of the earth and the deep places of Toriel. However, driven mad by the Old Gods, he turned against the other dragon god during the war of the ancients. Eventually abandoning his title of god of Earth in favor of being the god of Death. Becoming one of the greatest terrors of the known world, his name too became one whispered with a feeling of fear and contempt among both mortals and dragons. The black dragon involved himself in the War against the giants, he also took part in multiple conflict such as the great reunion; adopting the form of the human Lord Daval Prestor in order to destroy the elves. As a human, Prestor was said to be tall, with a slim figure, black hair and clean-shaven hawklike features that were the subject of gossip among the ladies of King Terenas' court.

Dawn of the Dragon-God

In Toriel's ancient past, the Dragon God were old and powerful dragons who where blessed with godly power, may they have been empowered by gods who saw successor, or took this role by force.

Alexstrasza, her brother Dralad, and her younger sister Ysera were the only three survivors of their clutch. Ysera was sick and smaller than average, and Alexstrasza watched out for her. Alexstrasza was one of the more intelligent of her clutch and when one of her clutch brothers went missing, Alexstrasza searched to find him and met with Malygos. The two were attacked but fought off the threat, following this lead, the two dragon found Alexstrasza brother, dead.

Like the other dragons of this era, long before the great cataclysm Alexstrasza would gather under the command of Talonixa. While her sister believed that peace could made with Zuth a dragon afflicted with a disease, a curse only afflicting dragon, and growing stronger and stronger.

Alexstrasza knew that fighting was the only option, however, she vowed to not fight like Talonixa. When Ysera was given a chance to speak her idea of peace, Alexstrasza was worried about Talonixa's reaction. But when Ysera stood up to talk with Talonixa, treator used this occasion to join Zuth. Malygos witness of the betrayal and subsequent devouring by Zuth, would return to the others only to find Ysera and Talonixa in conflict over the fate of those bitten by Zith, afflicted by the curse. Alexstrasza found herself agreeing with Talonixa over the issue, the bitten would have to be quarantined or killed for the safety of everyone else.

Alexstrasza would then later save her sister from Zuth, after Ysera tried to plead peace even as the dragon army fought the elemental Zuth was conjuring. As Zuth began to fight the proto-dragon army, the god started to watch over this conflict, with interest. Some time after, Malygos found his way to the two of them, afflicted by the disease. Briefly succombing to the hunger for flesh, he attacked Ysera, but thanks to Alexstrasza intervention, Ysera was able to recall him to his senses and Malygos was then cured by the ancient god of life, blessed against the disease.

Alexstrasza, Ysera and Malygos joined with the other powerful dragon, the hunt Zuth once and for all. Forcing him to retreat in a cavern were all five dragon (Aliexstrasza, Malygos, Neltharion, Nozdormu Ysera), except for Ysera, began the battle against Zuth, who had grown larger and even more mutated than before. When Zuth suddenly expanded in size without warning, Their attack could no longer harm him. With a flap of wings, Zuth called up a massive wind that scattered the fighters. Ysera suddenly appeared and Zuth attempted to devour her, but Neltharion silenced his laughter with a mighty blow, pulled Zuth to the ground and began to mercilessly beat him even as Zuth began mutating further - as he began to resemble an elemental.

In the battle, Zuth ripped Neltharion lower jaw, Malygos moved to save him, examining the bloody mess as Zuth roared in triumph and grew ever larger. This bolstered the fighter, that, in a final attempt to protect everything they held dear, and blessed by the old gods, banished Zuth from existence.

After such a feat, the five dragon were blessed with godly power, agreeing to protect Toriel. Channeling the power of the ancient gods, they could access to godhood themself.

As a Dragon God

Now the caretaker of the continents of Toriel, with domain over the earth and the deep places of the world, Neltharion used his power with wisdom and benevolence, forging mountains and rivers for the benefit of mortal races. His lair was located in a mountainous region (now called the highlander mountains) near the ancient elf city within the wood of the vale, where he stored the artifact he was hoarding. In peaceful times, Neltharion was renowned for his wisdom and power and became known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder, a great protector of the land. Malygos, now the Spell-Weaver and the Aspect of magic, was his closest friend.

Ch.11 | Toriel's Pantheon


Although he was revered as a Dragon God, Neltharion silently chafed at what he felt was a burden that had been inflicted on him; though he could command the entire weight of Toriel itself, that same weight constantly pressed on his body every waking moment, the load making him feel suffocated to the point that he felt his very spirit unraveling. Neltharion believed that he must bear this burden alone, but ultimately found it to be too much, and began to resent the charge placed upon him.

Then came the madness that destroyed Neltharion's mind, changing him and his kind forever and leading to the creation of the powerful item known as the Dragon Soul, later the Demon Soul. The inner-voices convinced him that he could have power beyond his imagination with this artifact. The voices made him paranoid of even his own kind. Neltharion began to yearn for a world dominated by black dragons — a world in which the other dragon kind ceased to exist and Ysera and Alexstrasza would be his petty slaves for mating. Knowing he couldn't defeat the other dragon god alone, he started to create the dragon soul, forged with his blood and empowered by Neltharion's magic, the simple disc was magically shielded so that the other Dragon Gods could not see within it. There was an evil within the disc, some taint of his madness, though its exact nature is not known.

Neltharion also instructed his follower to experiment with ways to merge the elements into a binding ore. He believed it would be the ultimate tool in his rise to power.

War of the Ancients

When the Demons entered Toriel during the War of the Ancients, Neltharion saw the opportunity to complete his Dragon Soul. He first captured demons and added their powers to the Dragon Soul. Neltharion then convinced Malygos to help him with the other Dragon Gods. All of them agreed to give a portion of their powers to the Dragon Soul. Neltharion proposed that the Dragon Soul disc could be a weapon of great power to destroy the demons. Unknown to the rest, Neltharion was the only one who did not give of his powers to the Dragon Soul.

Neltharion, the Dragon Gods and their dragon kind flew toward the demon armies. The dragons awaited Neltharion's first attack. He grabbed the Dragon Soul and by channeling his destructive power through it destroyed thousands of demons with one swing of radiant magic. The Dragon Gods watched in horror as Neltharion also killed some of their kind and other allies along with the demons. Neltharion revealed the depths of his betrayal at last. Now with the disc at his command, he wanted all races and the demons to see his power and to bow to him. The Dragon Gods attacked Neltharion in an attempt to take the Dragon Soul from him and to reason with him in hopes of determining the cause of his perfidy. A swing of the Dragon Soul paralyzed all dragons and the Dragon Gods in mid-air, rendering them unable to move or speak. Neltharion then struck out at the Dragon Gods, destroying many and scattering them far across the land. With the help of this power, he captured Alexstrasza.

Neltharion's betrayal struck a great blow to the Gods, and their fear of being destroyed or captured like Alexstrasza kept them in seclusion. In desperation, the Dragon Gods shielded themselves and hid to become undetected even by each other.

Rise of the Destroyer

The growing corruption in Neltharion's heart warped his body, as the dragon began taking a more demonic appearance. Neltharion's body cracked open, revealing his molten heart, and acid and poison flowed off his chest. His eyes became aflame in green, demonstrating the magnitude of his power and the depths of his evil. With his power growing stronger, he killed the former god of death, taking on his role and power. Thus was Neltharion the Destroyer born, and the Dragon Soul was renamed the Demon Soul.

Neltharion returned to his lair in what would later be known as Highlander mountains. His proximity to the Demon Soul was ripping his body apart, Ordering his follower to mine the adamantine of this mountains, and to forge him and armr, and armor to serve as a vessel to contain his raging powers and keep them in check, which were then placed on his body. Only the adamantium plates bolted to his spine kept the power from destroying his body. and his lower jaw, ipped in the fight against Zuth, was also replaced.

The demon, betraying the destroyer, took the demon soul, and used its power to enlarge to portal to the abyss, allowing their amries to poor into Toriel. In an attempt to distract the demon, and to get the artifact back, Neltharion plotted to have Alexstrasza moved, planning to torture her even more once he got the artifact back, But, with the intervention of the other dragon gods, she was freed, and, the demon soul was stolen from both the demon and Neltharion by Nozdormu futur self, with a human wizard. The demons armies were defeated after shortly after.

Neltharion vowed to destroy most life and to wreak havoc on the planet. With his powers over earth, Neltharion caused volcanoes to rise along with the destruction already caused by the Portal to the abyss implosion, sinking a whole continent below the ocean. After the war he retreated to his lair in the mountainous region, and entered a deep slumber. He needed time to recover from his wounds caused by the Demon Soul and to regain his strength.

Ch.11 | Toriel's Pantheon

The Battle of Life and Death

In the highlanders mountains, Alexstrasza confronted Neltharion. After several minutes of battle, Neltharion and Alexstrasza fell towards the ground, this event is said to be the cause of the formation of the insatiable lake, clutched in each other's claws. Alexstrasza, exhausted and gravely injured, was found laying on the ground in her humanoid form, while Neltharion fell out of sight beyond the crest of the mountain.

Calen who likewise took elven form (who is Alexstrasza child), raced to the dragon god's side. Her voice wavered as she explained that the Earth Warder was dead. Like a phantom, the gigantic form of Neltharion rose up behind them. Calen exclaimed "he lives!" and the wounded Alexstrasza forced herself to sit up, stating that it was "impossible" for Neltharion to have survived the wounds she dealt him. Neltharion set the ground at his feet aflame and glowered over the group. Calen moved to put himself between his mother and Neltharion, taking his true form again. But he was completely dwarfed by the Black dragon godly power. Realizing he stood no chance of defeating Neltharion, Calen darted back and forth, shooting fireballs, in an effort to distract him while Alexstrasza escaped. He later stated that this was a partial victory, as Neltharion was gravely wounded and would need to go into hiding to recuperate.

Lord Daval Windrin

After millenia of slumber, Neltharion, took on a mortal guise, and enjoyed himself in the conflict of the great reunion. Posing as Lord Daval Windrin, he managed to make himself popular with the other Warlords, and for a while had a strong influence in the war decisions.

Lord Windrin was a minor noble, dispossessed and without backing, who came from the north. He came from one of the most mountainous and obscure regions of what is now known as Tana's empire, after his tiny domain had been destroyed. He and a handful of his close family traveled by foot — no mounts, not even any servants or guards — to the join the human's army. Although no one had heard of him prior to five years before the reat Reunion, Windrin claimed many lands, and played an important role in the war. He fought for the position of Emperor, but, without using his draconic abilities, he was defeated, and the Tana's family accessed the throne.

After this failure t access to the throne, Lord Daval Windrin vanished under unusual circumstances, with his chateau abandoned and his servants gone, oher human took on the Windrin name.

Ch.11 | Toriel's Pantheon


God of Poison

Chaotic Evil

Noxia is a very special black dragon. Unlike any other dragon, she was taken by the god of poison, and was born to be a subject of his experimentation. The dragon naturally strong constitution, and the black dragon resistance to acid would let the god of poison experiment various kind of toxin. Yet, noxia wasn't immune to poison, and was tortured by the god of poison for years, even centuries. The poison, not strong enough to kill her, did let her understand the true meaning of suffering. The various twisting her body, forcing her to shed scale, her skin, thin and corroded ozzing a green poison, deadly fumes surrounding Noxia.

But, as she grew and survived those experimentation, her might also grew. Raised among the gods, and experimented one, she was a dragon unlike any other, and when she reached the adult stage, she faced the god of poison. Knowing her physical strength or the poison she was now able to control would be useless, she plotted in secrets. After year of planning, the trap was ready, and soon, the god of poison was weakened, and trapped. Noxia revealed herself as the master of this plan, enjoying the slow and painful torture she was subjectating her former master too. Keeping him alive, she was soon knew as the Mistress of Venum, gaining godly power, and thriving when watching the former god of poison loosing all of his power.

Legend say, the almost dead god, powerless, is still locked within Noxia lair, which became the new god of poison, the scream of horror echoing through the plane as Noxia keep torturing him, peeling his skin off, burning his flesh, letting his lungs rot.

Ch.11 | Toriel's Pantheon


God of Time

Lawful Neutral

Nozdormu the Timeless One, Guardian of time, is one of the dragon god empowered to watch over Toriel. As a god of tie, knowing the order of the event related t this dragon can reveal difficult.

Dawn of the Dragon-God

In Toriel's ancient past, the Dragon God were old and powerful dragons who where blessed with godly power, may they have been empowered by gods who saw successor, or took this role by force.

Alexstrasza, her brother Dralad, and her younger sister Ysera were the only three survivors of their clutch. Ysera was sick and smaller than average, and Alexstrasza watched out for her. Alexstrasza was one of the more intelligent of her clutch and when one of her clutch brothers went missing, Alexstrasza searched to find him and met with Malygos. The two were attacked but fought off the threat, following this lead, the two dragon found Alexstrasza brother, dead.

Like the other dragons of this era, long before the great cataclysm Alexstrasza would gather under the command of Talonixa. While her sister believed that peace could made with Zuth a dragon afflicted with a disease, a curse only afflicting dragon, and growing stronger and stronger.

Alexstrasza knew that fighting was the only option, however, she vowed to not fight like Talonixa. When Ysera was given a chance to speak her idea of peace, Alexstrasza was worried about Talonixa's reaction. But when Ysera stood up to talk with Talonixa, treator used this occasion to join Zuth. Malygos witness of the betrayal and subsequent devouring by Zuth, would return to the others only to find Ysera and Talonixa in conflict over the fate of those bitten by Zith, afflicted by the curse. Alexstrasza found herself agreeing with Talonixa over the issue, the bitten would have to be quarantined or killed for the safety of everyone else.

Alexstrasza would then later save her sister from Zuth, after Ysera tried to plead peace even as the dragon army fought the elemental Zuth was conjuring. As Zuth began to fight the proto-dragon army, the god started to watch over this conflict, with interest. Some time after, Malygos found his way to the two of them, afflicted by the disease. Briefly succombing to the hunger for flesh, he attacked Ysera, but thanks to Alexstrasza intervention, Ysera was able to recall him to his senses and Malygos was then cured by the ancient god of life, blessed against the disease.

Alexstrasza, Ysera and Malygos joined with the other powerful dragon, the hunt Zuth once and for all. Forcing him to retreat in a cavern were all five dragon (Aliexstrasza, Malygos, Neltharion, Nozdormu Ysera), except for Ysera, began the battle against Zuth, who had grown larger and even more mutated than before. When Zuth suddenly expanded in size without warning, Their attack could no longer harm him. With a flap of wings, Zuth called up a massive wind that scattered the fighters. Ysera suddenly appeared and Zuth attempted to devour her, but Neltharion silenced his laughter with a mighty blow, pulled Zuth to the ground and began to mercilessly beat him even as Zuth began mutating further - as he began to resemble an elemental.

In the battle, Zuth ripped Neltharion lower jaw, Malygos moved to save him, examining the bloody mess as Zuth roared in triumph and grew ever larger. This bolstered the fighter, that, in a final attempt to protect everything they held dear, and blessed by the old gods, banished Zuth from existence.

After such a feat, the five dragon were blessed with godly power, agreeing to protect Toriel. Channeling the power of the ancient gods, they could access to godhood themself.

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The War of the Ancients

Nozdormu was missing at this time because he was trapped in a time anomaly caused by the Enemy Gods. At the end of the war, upon the destruction of the portal to the abyss and the halting of the Old Gods' attempt to trap Nozdormu, he was freed from his entrapment. He assisted the other Dragon god, placing and enchantment upon the elves, the elves would now age incredibly slowly.

During the great cataclysm, the Nozdormu tried to save the mortal, teleporting the mage that caused the incident back in the past with him, ending up at the end of the war against the Demons. The human he teleported helped to end the war, destroying the Dragon Soul artifact. This marked one of the few (if not the only) tumes the dragon god allowed the timeline to be altered, in the that the world would be better without de invasion of demons. After their mission was complete, Nozdormu returned the human mage and himself to the present. The sanctity of the timeways had been upheld, but it would not be the last time that anomalies would appear in history. Nozdormu became obsessed with unraveling the mystery of what - or who - was responsible. He disappeared into the timeways for an unknown amount of time.

Cleric of Time

Nozdormu once rescued a helpless mortal, that took it upon himself to thank the god, venerating him, and became the first cleric of the god of time. Nozdormu granted him immortality as a Watcher, tasked to bear witness to the history of Toriel as one of his agents.

Ch.11 | Toriel's Pantheon


God of Storm

Lawful Good

Umunairu is a dragon of storm and sky, but not a true dragon. Her slender serpentine form swims through the heavens, borne aloft on delicate wings. Lustrous feathers cover her body, reflecting and refracting the light around her. Those that have seen her describe her as a force of nature - like a flash of lightning in the night sky, the setting sun before a storm, a dancing aurora, or a fading rainbow.

But, when the ancient gods needed an army of celestial champions, Umunairu willingly sacrificed her spirit to birth the couatl. The couatl were imbued with a fragment of Umunairu's draconic might, and appearance and Umunairu received a gift in return. As long as even one couatl lives, she will never know a natural death, and will be a goddess, the goddess of storm.

This boon is not without drawbacks. Over the intervening centuries, the population of couatl has begun to dwindle. A portion of Umunairu's memory is lost with each of her children that passes from the mortal world. The confusion this causes coupled with the sorrow and rage she experiences with the realization of each new loss has left her temperamental. The storms around her reflect this inner turmoil, making much of the landscape surrounding her lair an inhospitable place.

Perched high above civilization, she is content to remain apart. Her interests rarely intersect with the world in such a way that she harms it. She watches as many of her children as she can. When they are threatened, she views this as a personal affront, visiting unrelenting retaliation against those that draw her ire. But, she help and bless the brave adventurers who save her children.

Conflicted Spirit

Umunairu's Always seem to be marked by complex or unclear motives. Working with or against her almost always involves untangling a dense web of conflicting emotions and delicate perspectives as the goddess loose more and more of her mind.

Ch.11 | Toriel's Pantheon


God of Passage

Lawful Neutral

In ancient times, the dragon scribe Vanadon served the goddess of the dead and protected her endless Book of the Dead, a massive tome which, thanks to his diligence, bore the names and final words of all creatures who ever have died, and who ever will die. Vanadon served his goddess dutifully for millenia. Neltharion already betrayed numerous of the dragon god at this point, and was spreading his corruption among powerful dragons, influenced by the earth warden, Vanadon faced the god of death alongside Neltharion, consumming the endless Book of the Dead to greatly lower the dark lady of death power, and took its power into his own body, transforming himself into the Living Book of the Dead.

From now on, the names and last words of the dead instantly inscribed themselves upon his milky-white scales. When he emerged, with paper-white scales covered in endlessly shifting patterns of black scrawling, he became known as Vanadon-Necroth, the Scaled Book of the Dead. Now recognized as the god of Passage, all mortal are destined to face him. He became beloved by the undying gardens' heroic inhabitants as a keeper of the memories of the dead.

Though the loremaster Vanadon once kept his library open to all creatures, he has grown paranoid during the war after the war of the ancients. His archive-lair was once a majestic castle that towered over the passing dead soul, but Vanadon-Necroth transported his entire archive-lair elsewhere, leaving only the crumbling, gutted structure of his once-magnificent castle in its wake. His godly power also grant him the power of perfect recollection and all information he adds to his infallible intellect is instantly inscribed upon his ivory scales.

Now, the Archives of the Dead drift on the waves of the endless Astral Plane, tethered to the bones of a dead god of memory, whose name is forgotten to all but VanadonNecroth himself. Within this arcane fortress, VanadonNecroth stores and maintains all of the physical tomes and scrolls he collected in his long life-which has also inscribed the details of countless spells from all disciplines of magic upon his scales. Though he no longer needs physical records of his accrued knowledge, he takes pleasure in reading and re-reading his favorite scrolls.

Vanadon Lair

Vanadon-Necroth prefers to be left alone to guard the records of the dead in peace, but every few generations he welcomes powerful mortal travelers to his home. Some come for simple reasons, to learn the final words of an ancient ancestor — possibly revealing the location of a hidden treasure or an arcane secret. Others come seeking the names of ancient heroes who have been lost to time so that they might be resurrected to aid them in their quests.

Vanadon-Necroth's archives are a dungeon of twisting passages, filled with traps, undead and construct servitors, and arcane wards made to deter all but the most determined knowledge-seekers from reaching his sanctum.

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God of Nature

Chaotic Good

Ysera is the god charged with keeping watch over the flowering wilds of Toriel. She provide guidance and wisdom to all who revere nature, acting as mentor to the druids of Toriel.

Dawn of the Dragon-God

In Toriel's ancient past, the Dragon God were old and powerful dragons who where blessed with godly power, may they have been empowered by gods who saw successor, or took this role by force.

Alexstrasza, her brother Dralad, and her younger sister Ysera were the only three survivors of their clutch. Ysera was sick and smaller than average, and Alexstrasza watched out for her. Alexstrasza was one of the more intelligent of her clutch and when one of her clutch brothers went missing, Alexstrasza searched to find him and met with Malygos. The two were attacked but fought off the threat, following this lead, the two dragon found Alexstrasza brother, dead.

Like the other dragons of this era, long before the great cataclysm Alexstrasza would gather under the command of Talonixa. While her sister believed that peace could made with Zuth a dragon afflicted with a disease, a curse only afflicting dragon, and growing stronger and stronger.

Alexstrasza knew that fighting was the only option, however, she vowed to not fight like Talonixa. When Ysera was given a chance to speak her idea of peace, Alexstrasza was worried about Talonixa's reaction. But when Ysera stood up to talk with Talonixa, treator used this occasion to join Zuth. Malygos witness of the betrayal and subsequent devouring by Zuth, would return to the others only to find Ysera and Talonixa in conflict over the fate of those bitten by Zith, afflicted by the curse. Alexstrasza found herself agreeing with Talonixa over the issue, the bitten would have to be quarantined or killed for the safety of everyone else.

Alexstrasza would then later save her sister from Zuth, after Ysera tried to plead peace even as the dragon army fought the elemental Zuth was conjuring. As Zuth began to fight the proto-dragon army, the god started to watch over this conflict, with interest. Some time after, Malygos found his way to the two of them, afflicted by the disease. Briefly succombing to the hunger for flesh, he attacked Ysera, but thanks to Alexstrasza intervention, Ysera was able to recall him to his senses and Malygos was then cured by the ancient god of life, blessed against the disease.

Alexstrasza, Ysera and Malygos joined with the other powerful dragon, the hunt Zuth once and for all. Forcing him to retreat in a cavern were all five dragon (Aliexstrasza, Malygos, Neltharion, Nozdormu Ysera), except for Ysera, began the battle against Zuth, who had grown larger and even more mutated than before. When Zuth suddenly expanded in size without warning, Their attack could no longer harm him. With a flap of wings, Zuth called up a massive wind that scattered the fighters. Ysera suddenly appeared and Zuth attempted to devour her, but Neltharion silenced his laughter with a mighty blow, pulled Zuth to the ground and began to mercilessly beat him even as Zuth began mutating further - as he began to resemble an elemental.

In the battle, Zuth ripped Neltharion lower jaw, Malygos moved to save him, examining the bloody mess as Zuth roared in triumph and grew ever larger. This bolstered the fighter, that, in a final attempt to protect everything they held dear, and blessed by the old gods, banished Zuth from existence.

After such a feat, the five dragon were blessed with godly power, agreeing to protect Toriel. Channeling the power of the ancient gods, they could access to godhood themself.

War of the Ancients

Ysera was one of the Dragon Gods that gave some of her power to the Demon Soul, not knowing Neltharion would betray the Aspects.

The Battle of Life and Death

At the behest of Ysera, Malygos and Nozdormu grudgingly agreed to come out of their lairs and fight Neltharion. Due to the power they had given to the Demon Soul, but they were no match for the Black dragon god — until Alexstrasza joined, bringing Neltharion down as the other dragon god were retreating.

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Ch. 12

Variant Mechanics


From punishing afflictions to poetic justice, curses are synonymous with dark fantasy. Within Toriel, curses are powerful incantation, reserved to those who've been wrong to bestow upon their foe. The power of word make it possible, for even non spell cater to curse someone else with enough evil intent and if the wrong was bad enough, and therefore, it is common to find people with weaker curse. But the greatest and darkest curses are reserved to the rare who dare to face true evil.

Curses channel dark emotions and vengeance, and grow in power when cast with spiteful intent. Woe befalls the fool who takes hag pacts lightly.


The first component of a curse is the pronouncement, which amounts to a threat. It promises suffering to those who dare to perform or have already performed a specific offensive act. The pronouncement can be a standing warning against taking some action, or it could be a declaration in the moment. The following examples suggest just a few possible pronouncements:

  • A widely spread story explaining that a particular action tempts terrible punishment
  • A warning spoken on the cusp of a deadly battle, assuring dire consequences for the victorious
  • A poem, rhyme, or song foretelling doom
  • A carved epitaph on a gravestone discouraging robbers
  • The last words of a dying person—either a powerful villain or a wrongly slain innocent
  • Swearing a vow to refrain from or undertake some action on pain of great suffering

Curse strength Table

Curses are spells of dark emotions and twisted fate, gaining power depending on the circumstances of their use. A curse cast with the dying breath of a betrayed lover will bear considerably more power than a run-of-themill curse.

Knowledge of the target Save Modifier
Secondhand -10
Firsthand -5
Familiar 0
Target's Transgression Save Modifier (only the highest applies)
Broke a deal +2
Sworn Enemy +7
Egregious betrayal +10
Desecrated your home +8
Spiteful envy +5
Defiling a sealed tomb +12
Desecrating a temple +15
Stealing a treasure that is meaningful to an entire culture +20

These are examples of modifiers for curses, based on the relationship between the caster and the target. A GM can modify or expand these to suit the needs of their game.

Triggering Event

Curses often have no immediate effect upon casting. Curses lie dormant within a target until they complete a task or action that satisfies their triggering event. For example, a target cursed with the curse of ravenous hunger will suffer no effects until they consume their next meal. Upon completing the Triggering Event, the target will automatically start the effects of the curse at stage 1.

Stage Progression

While curses are dangerous magic, they take time to reach full power. Curses develop in 3 stages. As a curse progresses through the stages, it becomes more harmful to the afflicted. Whenever a cursed creature fails an escalation check, they advance to the next stage of the curse. The effects of a new stage are in addition to those of previous stages. If an effect contradicts another, use the effect from the greater stage.


Escalation represents the curse gaining power as time goes on. At dawn once a day, a cursed creature must make an escalation check to see if their curse escalates. To pass, a creature needs to roll an unmodified d20, and obtain a score greater than the number of checks they have made on this stage. On a failed save, the cursed creature applies the effects of the next stage of the curse, in addition to any previous stages.

For example, a creature who has just been cursed makes an escalation check the following dawn. They must roll greater than a 1. The next day the DC will increase to 2, and so on. If, on the 5th dawn, they roll a 5 or less, the curse escalates to the second stage. They apply any new effects and reset the DC to 1.

The remove curse and greater restoration spell, will delay the escalation check as long as suppresses the burden of the curse

Curse Stage

All curse may not have 3 stage and a culmination, some curse only have a first stage, other only a third stage showing how hard it is to get rid of them.

Ch.12 | Variant Mechanics


All curses have a culmination. This is the final intent of the curse, and often involves transforming the victim into a twisted creature, barely resembling who they once were. Culminations are truly evil effects and are almost always permanent. When a creature fails an escalation check at stage 3 of a curse, they apply the effects of the curse’s culmination. They continue to apply the effects of the previous stages, but cease making escalation checks. Once a curse’s culmination has been reached, it can only be cured with the use of a wish spell.


Sometimes a curse can be ended by making restitution to a wronged party (or their closest kin in the case of a death) or reparation if something was stolen or destroyed. The resolution might be declared as part of the pronouncement, or it may be left to those who suffer the curse to make amends on their own. Research and divination can offer clues or even reveal the exact steps needed to resolve the curse.

While more general curses can lifted by a remove curse spell, more specific or dramatic curses can’t be permanently lifted through spells beyond the first stage, and cannot be llifted by a greater restoration spell beyond the second stage.

Magic can offer temporary respite, though. A remove curse spell cast on the victim of such a curse suppresses the burden for 1 hour. A greater restoration spell suppresses the burden until the victim finishes a long rest. Death usually ends a curse, but the curse returns in full force if the cursed character returns to life without resolving the curse.

Persistent Curses. When a curse is resolved, its effects usually end immediately. Some more insidious curses might linger beyond the resolution but can then be removed by a remove curse spell or similar magic if the victim succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw when the spell is cast. If the save fails, it can be repeated after a specific interval passes, usually 1 month, with the curse ending on a successful save. Adjust the DC of a particularly weak curse to 10 or that of a stronger one to 20.

Here are some examples of curse resolutions:

  • Protecting a loved one dear to the person who laid the curse from some dire threat
  • Returning every piece of a stolen treasure hoard, down to the last copper coin, to the place where it once rested
  • Slaying the head of a dynasty that has long held power in the region
  • Accomplishing a seemingly impossible task, such as raising a castle above the clouds or making the sun cross the sky in a different direction
Ch.12 | Variant Mechanics

Curse Descriptions

The following curses are a few suggestion of curses. The circumstance in which the curse can be bestowed on a character depend on the Dungeon Master, as well as the resolution of the curse.

Curse of the Snake Man

This curses inflict the target with a twisted transformation, slowly turning them into a snake person. The target must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 15), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The next time the target kill a reptile or reptilian creature, the skin of the cursed creature start to flake off.

Stage 1. The cursed creature arm are covered in green scales, their tongue forks and their eyes turn serpentine.

Stage 2. The cursed creature chest and back are covered in green scales and they loose any body hair. The cursed creature has disadvantage on charisma check.

Stage 3. The cursed creature leg become weak and start to merge. The cursed creature’s speed becomes 10, unless it was already lower.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists and becomes a Giant Constrictor Snake. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

Curse of Conceited Obsession

This curses inflict the target with an obsessive selfinfatuation. The target must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 17), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed and is unaware of this. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The next time the cursed creature looks into a mirror or reflective surface, it spontaneously cracks.

Stage 1. The cursed creature is compelled to stop and admire themselves whenever they see their own reflection.

Stage 2. The cursed creature becomes obsessed with looking for and finding its own reflection wherever it goes. Additionally, the cursed creature has disadvantage on attack rolls.

Stage 3. The cursed creature is driven to find or, if necessary, build a location where it can see its own reflection from many angles. The cursed creature is compelled to remain in this location and admire itself. Additionally, attack rolls against the creature gain advantage.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes a Weeping Willow. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

Curse of Damned Aging

This curses inflict the target with withering and horrific aging. The target must make a Strength saving throw (DC 15), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The next time the target changes clothing, they find multiple wrinkles, grey hairs and liver spots they did not previously have.

Stage 1. The cursed creature is compelled to rest when the occasion permits it, becoming lethargic and lazy.

Stage 2. The cursed creature becomes feeble as their muscle mass begins to deteriorate. The cursed creature has disadvantage on Strength saving throws.

Stage 3. The cursed creature starts to age rapidly, becoming decrepit. The cursed creature’s Strength score becomes 6, unless it was already lower.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes a Body Snatcher. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

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Curse of Foul Blight

This curses inflict the target with a putrefying and stinking pox. The target must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 15), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The target searches their backpack, clothes drawer, or wherever else they store their garments, they find an infestation of insects.

Stage 1. The cursed creature is afflicted with a minor cough. Whenever they speak more than a few words at a time, they break into a fit of coughing.

Stage 2. The smell of putrescence lingers in the air around the cursed creature. Food and drink quickly spoil, jewellery tarnishes, and wood rots within 10 feet of the cursed creature. Additionally, the cursed creature has disadvantage on Charisma saving throws.

Stage 3. The cursed creature’s skin becomes riddled with pock marks, pustules, and lesions. Insects flock to the cursed creature, infesting their clothes. The cursed creature’s Charisma score becomes 6, unless it was already lower.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes a Plague Carrion. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

Curse of Ill-Fated Fortune

This curses inflict the target with lethal bad luck. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 16), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The next time the target walks through a doorway or up a flight of stairs, the target stubs their toe, bruising it badly.

Stage 1. The cursed creature falls victim to minor inconveniences and bad luck. Shops they wish to visit close just as they arrive, equipment breaks at inconvenient moments, and other unfortunate events befall them.

Stage 2. The cursed creature becomes a beacon of bad luck as otherwise harmless setbacks become increasingly dangerous. For example, objects constantly seem to be placed in their way. Additionally, the cursed creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Stage 3. The cursed creature becomes dangerously accident-prone, as even the simplest tasks have unforeseen life-threatening consequences. The cursed creature’s Dexterity score becomes 6, unless it was lower already.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes a Herald of Calamity. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

Curse of Insatiable Greed

This curses inflict the target with a bitter and self-destructive greed. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The next time the target completes a long rest, they notice they have lost a valued item.

Stage 1. The cursed creature becomes compelled to steal trinkets they do not own.

Stage 2. The cursed creature finds a secret place to start stashing their hoard, and becomes anxious about leaving the location of their hoard for extended periods of time. Additionally, the cursed creature has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.

Stage 3. The cursed creature is driven to transform their hoard into a labyrinth of possessions and treasure they have stolen. The cursed creature cannot leave this labyrinth. Additionally, the cursed creature’s Wisdom score becomes 6, unless it was already lower.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes a Verminous Abomination. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

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Curse of Lost Sentiment

This curses inflict the target with the loss of memories and horrific madness. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw (DC 15), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The next time the target sleeps, they suffer nightmares of a person they treasure abandoning them.

Stage 1. The cursed creature begins forgetting events that have occurred within the past few days, as well as the names of acquaintances.

Stage 2. The cursed creature forgets all but their closest companions. The curse begins creating twisting the creatures mind, creating delusions of hidden threats and scheming rivals. Additionally, the cursed creature has disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws.

Stage 3. The cursed creature completely forgets their closest companions, who they are, and any goals they once possessed (including curing the curse). The curse twists their mind into madness and fabricates delusions of a great conspiracy only the cursed creature can prevent. The cursed creature is compelled to take any action they believe necessary to uncover this conspiracy. Additionally, the cursed creature’s Intelligence score becomes 6, unless it was already lower.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes a Dream Whisperer. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

Curse of Ravenous Hunger

This curses inflict the target with painful and unending starvation. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 16), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. While eating their next meal, the target bites their tongue and their mouth fills with blood.

Stage 1. The cursed creature is gripped with an insatiable appetite.

Stage 2. The cursed creature becomes compelled to eat inappropriate items such as coins, flowers, glass, dirt. Additionally, the cursed creature has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws.

Stage 3. The cursed creature becomes ravenous and is compelled to consume the flesh of humanoids. No other food will satiate its starvation. The cursed creature’s Constitution score becomes 6, unless it was already lower.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes a Bloated Gastromorph. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

Curse of Uncontrollable Wrath

This curses inflict the target with an uncontrollable temper and lust for violence. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 17), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Triggering event. The next time the cursed creature wields a weapon or spellcasting focus, an old wound of theirs reopens.

Stage 1. The cursed creature becomes easily agitated and aggressive.

Stage 2. The cursed creature becomes obsessed with violence. The thrill of solo battle intoxicates them, and their demeanour toward their allies sours as the curse grows. The cursed creature cannot benefit from the spells or abilities of allies.

Stage 3. The cursed creature is driven to insatiable bloodlust, unable to rest while there are enemies to slaughter. The cursed creature cannot complete a long rest.

Culmination. Upon failing the final escalation check, the cursed creature twists into a deformed figure and becomes an Avatar of Slaughter. If the creature is a player character, they become an NPC under the GM’s control.

Curse of the Grave Robber

This curses inflict haunt the target with a dark creature. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Stage 3. Each character that gains the curse is hunted by a wraith that appears at sunset and vanishes at dawn, pursuing the single-minded goal of slaying the cursed individual. The wraith manifests in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of its victim. Destroying the wraith grants a temporary reprieve; it doesn’t reform for 10 days. You can scale this curse for lower- and higher-level characters by choosing another kind of creature.

Curse of the Dying Combattant

This curses inflict the target with vision of its victim. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16), which is modified by the Curse Strength Table. On a successful save, the target becomes aware that somebody attempted to curse them. On a failed save, the target becomes cursed. Upon the completion of this curse’s triggering event, the target automatically advances to stage 1 of this curse.

Stage 3. The cursed creature has disadvantage on attack rolls brought on by brief, sporadic bouts of confusion.

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Unfortunately, this world is not spared by the numerous known diseases that we can imagine, and those in addition to some diseases of magical origin. One can think in particular of the diseases that the Garkain spread, necrotizing the tissues, creating pustules of stench all over the body of the victim and spreading with the simple approach of one of the victims. And this sadly is just an example of the disease that can spread on those lands

You'll find below a few known and well documented disease

Seven Shades of Malcanthet

This venereal disease is not lethal but has indirectly caused many deaths. The Queen of Succubi Malcanthet is said to be responsible for the appearance of this disease, hence its name. Stimulating lust to extremes, it is rumoured to have prevented city garrisons from defending the walls on several occasions, allowing fortified cities to be taken easily where a years-long siege was expected. The exact propagation vector of the disease is not known with certainty as several variants—or shades—of the disease seem to coexist, strangely appearing in a region only to spontaneously disappear some time later. Rumours have it that dark bargains are signed in the shadows to unleash the Seven Shades and trigger unrest ahead of bolder political or military moves. After prolonged physical contact with an infected creature, a humanoid must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, becoming infected with the Seven Shades of Malcanthet on a failed save. If a creature's saving throw is successful, they become immune to the Shades for 24 hours.

An infected humanoid is overcome with carnal urges and becomes charmed by all non-hostile humanoids that interact with them.

The Seven Shades of Malcanthet can be removed by any method that cures diseases. The disease ends on its own after 2d4 days.

Faith Cough

“The Light of Corellon shall protect those who truly have faith.” This is the official statement from the elven kingdom about this virulent flu. Although not lethal, it is known to strike on a regular basis, constantly resurfacing when it was thought to be eradicated. Many rumours say that it doesn’t strike equally among the populations of Toriel, sparing the elves and going after their enemies.

This reputation is probably erroneous considering the heavy toll taken by the Faith Cough among the poor all over Toriel, with the exception of the Kingdom of the Qwir within Tana's empire, which seem to be miraculously spared… If a humanoid comes within 5 feet of an infected creature they must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, becoming infected with Faith Cough on a failed save. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, they become immune to Faith Cough for 24 hours. Creatures infected with Faith Cough have disadvantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks and all constitution checks. Faith Cough can be removed by any method that cures diseases. The disease ends on its own after 2d6 days.

The Weeping Pox

Originating in the once prosperous town of Vandeguard, where it suddenly appeared under mysterious circumstances, the Weeping Pox is by far the worst disease ever released on Toriel. It has spread quickly through Toriel despite the attempts of Tana's Empire to contain it to Vandeguard. At first a sick person will be subject to fever causing sharpened senses, overexcitement, and a sense of wellbeing. But soon these symptoms will transition to delirium, burning fever, insatiable thirst, and oozing lesions that give the illness its name. Nearly all who contract the disease die shortly after. Most people succumb to the pox in a few days, while the most resilient may hold on for almost two weeks.

The Weeping Pox is transmitted between humanoids both by close contact and as an airborne virus. If a humanoid comes within 5 feet of an infected creature they must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, becoming infected on a failed save. If a creature makes physical contact with an infected creature, this saving throw is made with disadvantage. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, they become immune to the Weeping Pox for 24 hours.

A creature infected with the Weeping Pox must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw each day at dawn. On a failed save, the creature’s Constitution score is reduced by 1d4. If a creature’s Constitution score is reduced to 0 then they die.

Known to the Yuan-ti and only a select few others, the cure to the Pox is a closely guarded secret. The Yuan-ti are willing to sell a vial of the antidote to those who know how to ask, for an exorbitant price or a costly favour.

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Catriona, named after the Nilfgaardian ship that brought it to the Northern Kingdoms, is a disease which is extremely similar to the Bubonic plague and is, in fact, the Bubonic plague. It also became known as the Red Death.

During her escape from the world of Aen Elle, Ciri traveled through the time-space continuum and one of her stops was probably medieval Europe in our world during the plague epidemic in the 14th century. She entered a port town which could be Genoa or some other Mediterranean port. She was immediately repelled by the place because there were the corpses of people and animals lying in the streets.

There were also many burned buildings marked by white crosses and many fleas. She escaped to another point in the time-space continuum, but before she was able to do so, a few fleas stuck to her jacket. Her next stop was another unnamed port town. She was able to discern that the port lays in Nilfgaard. She decided to quickly leave this place as well, but just before the next time-space jump, one of the surviving fleas fell from her jacket and made itself comfortable on an old sewer-rat. This rat boarded an old dirty hulk which set sail that very evening for Cintra. The name of the hulk was Catriona. Later in the Saga, there is small note about a dying tomcat who had caught a rat which left that hulk.

A year after the Battle of Brenna, the Red Death reached the city of Maribor, in the largest outbreak of the disease up to that point. Most of the physicians and priests fled the city during the epidemic, likely exacerbating the situation. Among those who stayed were Milo "Rusty" Vanderbeck and Iola the Second, who treated the diseased, undeterred by the lack of a cure. They both became infected. Rusty died in Iola's arms, and Iola died alone four days later.

St. Lebioda's Hospital in the Temple Quarter of Vizima is filled with the victims of Catriona, and Shani spends her time trying to help them in Chapters II and III. She probably works in the hospital during Chapter IV, as well, but Geralt is no longer in Vizima to witness this.

According to the old women in the Outskirts, when the plague first came, the first to go were the cats and dogs, then the rats and finally the people. Apparently, the lack of food even drove some of the more desperate to cannibalistic and necrophagic acts and many ghouls were created as a result.

Glossary Entry Catriona A disease which quickly spread through all the northern countries after the war with Nilfgaard. Those who suffer from catriona die a terrible death - their convulsions become stronger each day, they vomit blood and mucus, and have bloody diarrhea. After a fortnight or so they die in agony.

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Dropping to 0 HP

Whenever a player character is reduced to 0 hit points and brought back, they are brought back with an additional level of exhaustion.

Additionaly, if an effect reduce a player character to 0 hit points in a single hit, such as a tower falling onto the character, a deadly blow from a dragon, etc. It suffer a Lingering Injury, rolling on the following table if the circumstance do not already dictate which type of injury will be suffered.

d20 Injury
1 Lose an Eye. You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and on ranged attack rolls. Magic such as the regenerate spell can restore the lost eye. If you have no eyes left after sustaining this injury, you’re blinded.
2 Lose an Arm or a Hand. You can no longer hold anything with two hands, and you can hold only a single object at a time. Magic such as the regenerate spell can restore the lost appendage.
3 Lose a Foot or Leg. Your speed on foot is halved, and you must use a cane or crutch to move unless you have a peg leg or other prosthesis. You fall prone after using the Dash action. You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks made to balance. Magic such as the regenerate spell can restore the lost appendage.
4 Limp. Your speed on foot is reduced by 5 feet. You must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw after using the Dash action. If you fail the save, you fall prone. Magical healing removes the limp.
5–7 Internal Injury. Whenever you attempt an action in combat, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you lose your action and can’t use reactions until the start of your next turn. The injury heals if you receive magical healing or if you spend ten days doing nothing but resting.
8–10 Broken Ribs. This has the same effect as Internal Injury above, except that the save DC is 10.
11–13 Horrible Scar. You are disfigured to the extent that the wound can’t be easily concealed. You have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Magical healing of 6th level or higher, such as heal and regenerate, removes the scar.
14–16 Festering Wound. Your hit point maximum is reduced by 1 every 24 hours the wound persists. If your hit point maximum drops to 0, you die. The wound heals if you receive magical healing. Alternatively, someone can tend to the wound and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check once every 24 hours. After ten successes, the wound heals.
17–20 Minor Scar. The scar doesn’t have any adverse effect. Magical healing of 6th level or higher, such as heal and regenerate, removes the scar.
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Alcohol and Drugs

Drugs exist and are used in this world, such as opium, which use is well known in artistic circles because the drug 'opens the mind' in addition to recreational properties. The different tobacco smoked with pipes are also common, and available at all levels of the population (we differentiate very well the social classes by the pipes they use). Or the hallucinatory mushrooms which are sometimes used for recreational purposes by the populations, or used in certain tribal rites to open new perceptions, and to come into contact with certain entities.

Similarly, alcohol consumption is part of the daily life of many adventurers.

No country regulates those product besode the taxes on their trade.

A character can consume a number of alcohol drinks equal to his Constitution modifier without suffering any negative effect. Each additional drink will force the character to make a Constitution saving throw against the booze DC.

Booze save DC = 10 + the number of alcoholic drink consummed.

A character failing this Constitution saving throw is drunk, and gain the poisonned condition.

Additionaly, a character drinking a number of alcohol drinks equal to his Constitution score will pass out an suffer a level of exhaustion.

Drugs work exactly in the same way. Consuming drugs with direct effect require the character to make a Constitution saving throw to resist the effect.

Trippy mushroom

Some hallucinatory mushroom cause effect similar to illusion spell like hallucinatory terrain.


Some substance, such as drugs, are quite addictive. If a character consumes an addictive substance a number of times equal to their Constitution modifier plus 1 (minimum of 1), they become addicted to it. So a creature with a Constitution score of 16 will become addicted after consuming it for the fourth time. An addicted creature must consume the addictive substance every 24 hours or have disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks and saving throws. The addiction lasts until the creature is targeted with a greater restoration spell, or after 30 days of not consuming the addictive substance.

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Hazardous land

Countless are the tales of traveler, looking to cross desert, to go through snowy toundra or to battle their way in a storm. Far more than beasts and monsters, you can't outrun a desert, you can't fight a blizard, they always win.

Traversing hazardous lands

It is common to cross dangerous land to access places, the road snaking through the woods, plains and other biome are long, and those brave enough to try and find shortcut might encounter those natural hazard. In addition, cetain region are known to be dangerous and hazardous, even in habitated area, region up north might suffer Regular blizard, mountains may suffer regular rockfalls, etc...

Most of those in those landscape do not want to stay in those dangerous places. Those journey generally do not take over a week by foot without a stop at a safe place or some kind of settlement, but, with ship, mount, caravan, etc... those travel time can be greatly shortened.

Environmental Hazards

In this section you can find new environmental hazards, which follows similar rules as traps or lair actions. To determine the DC and damage, use the following tables.

Hazards Save DCs and Attack Bonuses
Hazard Danger Level Save DC
Setback 10-11
Dangerous 12-15
Deadly 16-20
Damage Severity by Level
Character Level Setback Dangerous Deadly
1st-4th 1d10 2d10 4d10
5th-10th 2d10 4d10 10d10
11th-16th 4d10 10d10 18d10
17th-20th 10d10 18d10 24d10

Hazard Examples

Here is a list of new hazards ready to use in your campaigns. Each hazard has one or more hazard danger levels which determine the DC for the checks and the damaged they deal.

Avalanches, Rockfalls and Mudslides

Any Level of Hazard

A typical avalanche (or rockslide) is 300 feet wide, 150 feet long, and 30 feet thick. Creatures in the path of an avalanche can avoid it or escape it if they’re close to its edge, but outrunning one is almost impossible.

When an avalanche occurs, all nearby creatures must roll initiative. Twice each round, on initiative counts 10 and 0, the avalanche travels 300 feet until it can travel no more. When an avalanche moves, any creature in its space moves along with it and falls prone, and the creature must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw, taking 1d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

When an avalanche stops, the snow and other debris settle and bury creatures. A creature buried in this way is blinded and restrained, and it has total cover. The creature gains 1 level of exhaustion for every 5 minutes it spends buried. It can try to dig itself free as an action, breaking the surface and ending the blinded and restrained conditions on itself with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. A creature that fails this check three times can’t attempt to dig itself out again.

A creature that is not restrained or incapacitated can spend 1 minute freeing a buried creature. Once free, that creature is no longer blinded or restrained by the avalanche.


Setback Hazard

The area affected by a blizzard is considered difficult terrain. When a creature without proper shelter is in the area affected by the blizzard for one hour, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking cold damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. If a creature is wearing warm clothing, it has advantage on the saving throw.


Any Level of Hazard

A tremor shakes the area; each creature on the ground in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

The hazard level is determined by the proximity to the epicenter or the intensity of the earth tremor:

  • Setback. Far from the epicenter or light earthquake.
  • Dangerous. Near the epicenter or moderate earthquake.
  • Deadly. Very close to the epicenter or severe earthquake.
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Elemental Cloud

Any Level of Hazard

This cloud is made with elemental essence. When a creature enters the cloud, it must make an appropriate saving throw, taking damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud must roll another saving throw. In the desert, majority of the elemental cloud are red.

Cloud Color Damage Type Saving throw
Black Necrotic Constitution
Cyan Cold Constitution
Gray and Yellow Lightning Dexterity
Light Green Acid Constitution
Purple Psychic Wisdom
Red Fire Constitution
White Force Intelligence
Frigid Water

Deadly Hazard

A creature can be immersed in frigid water for a number of minutes equal to its Constitution score before suffering any ill effects. Each additional minute spent in frigid water requires the creature to succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures that are naturally adapted to living in ice-cold water.


Dangerous Hazard

Similar to a blizzard, the terrain affected by the hailstorm is considered difficult terrain. When a creature without proper shelter is in the area affected by the hailstorm for one hour, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking cold damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.

Insect Swarm

Setback Hazard

A cloud of swarming insects fills a 20-foot-radius sphere. The swarm moves at 20 feet on each round. When a creature enters the cloud, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes piercing damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud must roll another saving throw. A creature cannot be damaged by the insect swarm if it’s wielding a torch or if it is at least 5 feet from a fire.


Deadly Hazard

The lava is considered difficult terrain. Any creature that enters the lava takes fire damage. A creature that ends its turn in the lava takes fire damage.

Lightning Storms

Dangerous or Deadly Hazard

The DM rolls a d100 to determine if any creature is hit by a lightning. This check can be made at the beginning of each turn during a combat or in any time while the party is not in combat.

d100 Number of Creatures
1-50 0
51-70 1d4
71-80 1d6
81-90 1d8
91-100 1d10

The creatures hit by a lightning are determined by the DM, and any creature in the area under total cover from above cannot take damage.

Magma Eruptions

Dangerous Hazard

Magma erupts from a point on the ground, creating a 20-foothigh, 5-foot-radius geyser. Each creature in the geyser's area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Poison clouds and Spores

Setback Hazard

When a creature enters the cloud, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that ends its turn in the cloud must make another saving throw.


Deadly Hazard

A quicksand pit covers the ground in roughly a 10-foot-square area and is usually 10 feet deep. When a creature enters the area, it sinks 1d4 + 1 feet into the quicksand and becomes restrained. At the start of each of the creature’s turns, it sinks another 1d4 feet. As long as the creature isn’t completely submerged in quicksand, it can escape by using its action and succeeding on a Strength check. The DC is 10 plus the number of feet the creature has sunk into the quicksand. A creature that is completely submerged in quicksand can’t breathe (see the suffocation rules in the Player’s Handbook).

A creature can pull another creature within its reach out of a quicksand pit by using its action and succeeding on a Strength check. The DC is 5 plus the number of feet the target creature has sunk into the quicksand.

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Setback Hazard

When a Large or smaller creature enters the rapids its pushed 30 feet way in the direction of the water flow and it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take bludgeoning damage. Any creature caught by the rapids can make a Strength (Athletics) check to swim out of the rapids.


Setback Hazard

Razorvine is a plant that grows in wild tangles and hedges. It also clings to the sides of buildings and other surfaces as ivy does. A 10-foot-high, 10-foot-wide, 5-foot-thick wall or hedge of razorvine has AC 11, 25 hit points, and immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and psychic damage.

When a creature comes into direct contact with razorvine for the first time on a turn, the creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (1d10) slashing damage from the razorvine’s bladelike thorns.

Rogue Wave

Dangerous Hazard

A large and unexpected wave that can be extremely dangerous. When a creature is hit by the rogue wave, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. The rogue wave, along with any creatures in it, moves in a straight line at a speed of 50 feet per turn, and any Huge or smaller creature inside the wall must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take damage. The wave damage is reduced by 1d10 on each subsequent round. When the damage is reduced to 0, the wave ends.

A creature caught by the wave can move by swimming and it can make a Strength (Athletics) check to swim out of the wave.


Dangerous Hazard

Any creature in the sandstorm must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the sandstorm ends. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature cannot be blinded by the sandstorm if it’s wearing goggles or something that protects its eyes.

Any check that relies on sight is made with disadvantage for the duration of the sandstorm.

Slippery Ice

Setback Hazard

Slippery ice is difficult terrain. When a creature moves onto slippery ice for the first time on a turn, it must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.

Thin Ice

Dangerous Hazard

Thin ice has a weight tolerance of 3d10 × 10 pounds per 10-foot-square area. Whenever the total weight on an area of thin ice exceeds its tolerance, the ice in that area breaks. All creatures on broken ice fall through.

Unsteady Ground

Setback Hazard

The floor in the area is considered difficult terrain. Any creature on the ground that starts moving on its turn while in the area must succeed on a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone. If a creature uses a Dash action, it must make another check.

Spell Equivalents of Natural Hazards

Numerous spells emulate the wrath of nature, and you can use spell effects to represent a variety of natural hazards. The Spells as Natural Hazards table presents some common environmental dangers and the spells you may use to approximate them.

Natural Hazard Approximate Spell
Ball lightning Chromatic orb
Blizzard Cone of cold, ice storm, sleet storm
Earthquake Earthquake
Falling debris Conjure barrage, conjure volley
Flood Control water, tsunami
Fog Fog cloud
Lava bomb Fireball, produce flame
Lightning Call lightning, lightning bolt
Meteor Fireball, meteor swarm
Mirage Hallucinatory terrain
Pyroclastic flow Incendiary cloud
Radiation Blight, circle of death
Smoke Fog cloud
St. Elmo’s fire Faerie fire
Swamp gas Dancing lights
Tidal wave Tsunami
Toxic eruption Acid splash
Toxic gas Cloudkill, stinking cloud
Thunder Thunderwave
Volcanic lightning Storm of vengeance
Whirlpool Control water
Wildfire Fire storm, wall of fire
Windstorm Gust of wind
Ch.12 | Variant Mechanics

Environmental Hazard by Terrain

In the following section you can find survival considerations and hazards for various terrains. You can combine different terrains to create a more dynamic (and probably more deadly) environment


Cold and Extreme Cold. The temperatures in this environment are lower than other places, and you need proper gear for resisting this temperatures. Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, you must follow the rules of extreme cold.

Extreme Cold (DMG, P.110)

Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the cold must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures wearing cold weather gear (thick coats, gloves, and the like) and creatures naturally adapted to cold climates.

Food Scarcity. It's hard to find food like plants and creatures due the low temperatures. All the checks for foraging and hunting have a DC equal to 20.

Shelter. In general, the arctic areas are vast frozen plains with big glaciers and rocks, making it difficult to find a natural shelter.

Environmental Hazards
Hazard Notes
Avalanches Only near mountains
Elemental Cloud Cyan clousd only
Frigid Water
Chasms and Ice Cracks Use the pits trap (DMF, P.122)
Slippery Ice
Thin Ice


Darkness and Light. Most of the natural caves don't have light sources, so anyone who enters must bring their sources of light and fire for warmth, cooking and in some cases, defense. A caves might have some light sources, such as groups of fluorescent fungus or other dangerous light sources, like lava.

Orientation and tracking. Inside a cave it's almost impossible to determine where's North: lots of caves are just tunnels connected, making it more difficult to create an accurate map of it.

Flooding. Some parts of the caves might be close to a water source or any other liquid that can quickly fill a room.

Environmental Hazards
Hazard Notes
Earthquakes Might cause rockfalls
Elemental Cloud
Unsteady Ground


Heat and Extreme Heat. The opposite of the arctic terrain, temperatures in this environment are higher than other places, and you need enough water supplies for resisting the heat. Whenever the temperature is at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, you must follow the rules of extreme heat.

Extreme Heat (DMG, P.110)

When the temperature is at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the heat and without access to drinkable water must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional hour. Creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage on the saving throw. Creatures with resistance or immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures naturally adapted to hot climates.

Shelter. In general, the desert areas are just sand and rocks (in some areas they might be some scattered shrubs), making it difficult to find a safe campsite.

Strong Wind. A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind must land at the end of its turn or fall. A strong wind in a desert can create a sandstorm that imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Water Scarcity. Finding water in a desert is extremely difficult, unless you're near an Oasis. All checks made for getting water have a DC equal to 20

Environmental Hazards
Hazard Notes
Elemental Cloud Mostly red clouds
Ligtning Storms
Ch.12 | Variant Mechanics

Forests and Jungles

Density. Sometimes is hard to walk through a forest due the great number of plants, trees and vegetation. In most of the cases, you can't walk in a straight line through the forest.

Orientation and tracking. Inside a forest, the trees covers the sky, making it hard to determine where's North, and depending the density of the forest it might be harder to keep a track.

Sight and hearing. It might be more difficult to see or hear your surroundings because the density of the forest, the tree shadows, obstacles (such a fallen tree) and the sound of the trees and vegetation moving with the wind.

Environmental Hazards
Hazard Notes
Earthquakes Might trees to fall
Elemental Cloud
Insect Swarms
Ligtning Storms Might cause a forest fire
Poison Clouds and spores

Lakes, Rivers and Ocean

Orientation and tracking. In the middle of the ocean or under a storm, it's difficult to determine the cardinal points without the proper tools.

Shipwrecks. In the ocean, lakes and even in rivers there're rocks, icebergs, and more that can damage or destroy a ship or boat.

Water streams. The river streams can change drastically depending on the terrain around the rivers, like the terrain elevation, inclination and waterfalls

Environmental Hazards
Hazard Notes
Elemental Cloud
Hailstom Ocean near artic Zones
Frigid Water Ocean only
Lightning Storms
Rapids Rivers only
Rogue Wave Ocean only


Alltitude. When you're traveling at altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea level, you must follow the high altitude rules.

Strong wind. A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind must land at the end of its turn or fall.

A strong wind in a desert can create a sandstorm that imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

High Altitude (DMG, P.110)

Traveling at altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea level is taxing for a creature that needs to breathe, because of the reduced amount of oxygen in the air. Each hour such a creature spends traveling at high altitude counts as 2 hours for the purpose of determining how long that creature can travel.

Breathing creatures can become acclimated to a high altitude by spending 30 days or more at this elevation. Breathing creatures can't become acclimated to elevations above 20,000 feet unless they are native to such environmentsclimates.

Environmental Hazards
Hazard Notes
Avalanches, rockfalls and mudslides
Lava Near Volcanoes
Lightning Storms
Magma Eruptions Near Volcano
Unsteady Ground


Clean water. Swamps are characterized by having slowmoving and stagnant waters, being harder to find drinkable water. Drinking stagnant water might cause diseases.

Warmth. The swamps are wet and soggy, so finding dry resources for making a fire it's almost impossible.

Low visibility. Mist, fog and lowlands are common in this terrain, and they reduces the visibility of any creature.

Environmental Hazards
Hazard Notes
Elemental Cloud
Insect Swarms
Poison Clouds And Spores
Unsteady Ground
Ch.12 | Variant Mechanics

Special Terrains

In the wilderness, there're places that have been touched by ancient magic or energies for centuries, creating a persistent effect on those lands. Here're some ideas for creating special terrains you can add to flesh a particular zone in the wild

Blood Rock

This area was part of old and forgotten ceremonial sacrifices, a massive battle between armies that fought for centuries or the place where a powerful otherwordly creature was slain. The area is covered by stones with a red tone, bones covered by dirt and mud and dry blood. Any creature standing in this area can score a critical hit on a 19 or 20.

Long-Term Effect: A creature must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each hour. On a failed save, the creature must use its action each round to attack the nearest creature it sees. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make a new Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the effect ends until another hour passes.

Death Circle Ruins

This area surrounded by dark stone pillars is infused with necrotic energy. Any healing effect, such as a cure wounds spell only heals half the total amount in this area.

Long-Term Effect: A living creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour. On a failed save, its hit point maximum is reduced by 1d6. To recover the reduced hit points, the creature must spend 1 hour outside the area covered by the death circle ruins.

Defiled Ground

The dark energy fills this area, attracting undead creatures to this area. Any undead creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls while standing in the defiled ground. Additionally, when an undead is reduced to 0 hit points, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, the undead creature rises with 1 hit point on its next turn. If an undead is reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage, it cannot roll for rising again.

Long-Term Effect: A creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour. On a failed save, it takes 5 necrotic damage.

Desecrated Ground

Some cemeteries and catacombs are imbued with the unseen traces of ancient evil. An area of desecrated ground can be any size, and a detect evil and good spell cast within range reveals its presence.

Undead standing on desecrated ground have advantage on all saving throws.

A vial of holy water purifies a 10-foot-square area of desecrated ground when sprinkled on it, and a hallow spell purifies desecrated ground within its area.

Grab Grass

This thick, tough grass grows in areas constantly touched by Feywild magic that clings to characters and creatures that falls prone. An area covered by grab grass is considered difficult terrain, and any creature that falls prone in this area must make a Strength (Athletics) check to stand up (DC 10).

Life Circle Ruins

This area surrounded by white stone pillars is infused with pure life energy. Every 1 minute, any living creature that begins its turn in the area regains 2 hit points.

Long-Term Effect: Any living creature that stays in this area for 1 hour can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed or poisoned.


Due to planar energy, a powerful artifact or some other factor, this terrain boosts certain types of energy related to one plane. Pick one damage type from the following list: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Psychic or Radiant. Any attack that deals the chosen damage type deals an extra 1d6 damage of that type.

Sacred Shrine

A sacred shrine is dedicated to a particular deity, infusing with divine energy the area nearby. A creature that shares the deity's alignment gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls while standing in the area covered by the shrine.

Long-Term Effect: A creature that has a different alignment to the deity's alignment must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each hour. On a failed save, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures that shares the deity's alignment. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make a new Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the effect ends until another hour passes.

Ch.12 | Variant Mechanics

Ch. 13



While some creature parts are useful fresh from the carcass, many require some alterations before their full potential can be realised. As crafting is a very natural complement to harvesting, an entire chapter has been devoted to its rules here.


In order to craft a harvested item into a usable item, it must be worked on by a skilled crafter. Crafters are specialised professionals with the knowledge to turn raw materials into something usable.

Crafters also need to have the right equipment and tools in order to craft an item, more detail in the detailled section of each craft.

Magic Item Crafting Time and Cost

Item Rarity Workweeks* Cost*
Common 1 50-100 gp
Uncommon 2 100-500 gp
Rare 10 500-5,000 gp
Very Rare 25 5,000-50,000 gp
Legendary 50 50,000+ gp

*Halved for a consumable item like a potion or scroll. This guide uses the rules for crafting in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything as the basis for the crafting rules presented here. More detailed guide can be found in the specific crafting section later in this chapter and are prioritized over this general rule.

Crafter Skill

Not all crafters are created equal. While a village blacksmith may be good at fixing scythes and making nails, if you hand them a dragon scale, the best you will get back is a ruined dragon scale and an apologetic look. If you have high quality materials, you're going to need a high quality crafter.

While under the base rules, anyone can craft anything so long as they meet the base proficiency requirements, crafters are differentiated based on their proficiency bonus. A crafter may craft any item whose rarity is equal to or below their proficiency bonus as outlined in the Crafting Skill Proficiency table.

Generic Ingredients

Above and throughout the document, you will see that ingredients are referred to by generic tags like "common curative reagent" rather than specific natures. For example, you may harvest magical herbs, and find Kingsbane in the forest, a poisonous plant. For the purposes of crafting, this can be recorded simply as a "common poisonous reagent" and used as such in crafting.

This greatly simplifies the process of crafting and recording what your supplies are. Narratively speaking, a skilled alchemist can render down the ingredients they want to use in the form they need.

Each crafting profession will have some profession wide materials that are used in their recipes - reagents for alchemy, metals for blacksmithing, etc.

Some very rare and legendary items will have specific ingredients; this is for flavor rather than balance, though is up to your DM.

Crafting Skill Proficiency
Proficiency Bonus Item Rarity Description
+2 Common Usually an apprentice, assistant, or self-taught practitioner. Knows how to use the tools properly but has little skill with more difficult materials and no ability to make new ideas.
+3 Uncommon A craftsmen that serves their village or works in a specific role within their profession. Knows a few things very well, but most likely would not be able to understand the complexities of more exotic materials.
+4 Rare The highest level of skill that most ordinary people could hope to attain. Capable of establishing a good trade in a city or in service of a noble. Experienced in almost all aspects of their profession and can work with some confidence on rarer materials.
+5 Very Rare While hard work and dedication is always valuable, only a few people possess the inherent talent to push the limits of their craft farther than ordinary people. These talented individuals can be considered masters of their art; capable of not just reproduction, but innovation.
+6 Legendary An absolute master of their art. Most likely was either an adventurer in their past, or learned their trade from a supernatural force, as this would be the only way for them to become accustomed to the legendary materials that they work with. Capable of crafting any item that falls under their profession.
Ch.13 | Crafting

Quick Summary

Each step will be outlined in more depth, but the following is serves as a summary and reference the process.

  • Find the item you would like to craft on a crafting table.
  • Consult your DM to confirm that item exists and has the default rarity in their game. This system is a tool, it does not supersede worldbuilding.
  • Determine the related tool and ability on the table below:
Profession Related Tool Related Ability Score
Alchemy Alchemist's Supplies
Herbalism Kit (limited)
Blacksmithing Smith's Tools Strength
Cooking Cook's Utensils Wisdom
Enchanting non
(arcana proficiency required)
Tinkering Tinker's Tools Intelligence
Jewerly Crafting Jerweler's Tools Dexterity
Leatherworking Leatherworking Tools Dexterity
Poisoncraft Poisoner's Kit Intelligence
Scribing Calligrapher's Supplies
(arcana proficiency required)
Tailoring Weaver's Tools Wisdom
Tattoo Artist Painter's Supplies Dexterity
Tinkering Tinker's Tools Intelligence
Wand and Staff Whittling Woodcarver's Tools
(arcana proficiency required)
Woodcarving Woodcarver's Tools Dexterity
  • Use the related tool and related to skill to determine your crafting modifier using the following formula:

Crafting Modifier = your Related Tool proficiency bonus + your Related Ability Score modifier (your choice).

What to Count?

Your crafting modifier includes expertise in a tool if you have it, but you cannot add any temporary bonus to it (such as guidance, Bardic Inspiration, or other similar features). In general, you should assume that no advantage or bonus applies to a crafting roll outside of the ones specified within this sytem.

  • Gather the required materials.

Materials can looted from humanoids, harvested from more monster, purchased at stores, or gathered from the wilderness. The specifics of any material and where it can be found is covered in the materials section.

  • Begin crafting! You can make progress in 2 hour increments. For each 2 hours spent, make a crafting roll and compare the result to the DC listed for the item.

Crafting can take place during down time, quick breaks, or even during your long rests. Plan your crafting time accordingly to the type of crafting you want to do - most can be done in small increments of 2 hours, while some (like Alchemy) need to be completed in one sitting.

An item crafting time generally depend on its potion crafting time depend on its rarity

Item rarity Carfting Time
Common 2 hours
Uncommon 4 hours
Rare 6 hours
Very Rare 10 hours
Legendary 14 hours
  • On failure, no progress is made. If you fail three times, the crafting fails and all materials are lost.
  • On success, 2 hours of progress is made, and you can mark your progress put it aside or continue to craft.
  • Once your completed progress on an item is equal to the crafting time listed, the item is complete.
  • You're done! Enjoy your shiny new item!

Item Tag Key

At some points on the tables that follow you will see some notification such as *. This represents an item that is not core to 5e.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Crafting Time

All items have a crafting time measured in hours. Crafting is completed in 2 hour chunk. Some branches of crafting must make all their checks consecutively (like Alchemy) while some do not (like Blacksmithing or Enchanting). A crafting roll is made every 2 hours. For each two hours, make a crafting roll.

On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours.

If you fail three times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Crafting During a Rest

During a long rest, you can make up to 2 hours of progress during a crafting project if you do nothing else during the long rest besides craft and sleep. During this time, you have disadvantage on any Wisdom (Perception) checks and a -5 to all Passive Perception checks as you are focused on your craft.

For most projects, this progress can be banked completing the project 2 hours at a time. For some types of crafting, like alchemy, you cannot make incremental progress, but you can continue for 2 additional hours of crafting before or after a long rest to get 4 hours (for example).

Crafting Rolls

Each profession lists the related ability modifier and tool used to calculate your crafting roll modifier. In many cases, attempting to craft without the applicable tool is impossible. Your DM may allow improvised tools, and in that case the check is made with disadvantage.

Beyond the tool, most branches of crafting require a heat source, and some require more infastructure. These are generally approached logically and are at the discretion of the DM.

Here is a list of some of the additional requirements by branch:

  • Blacksmithing can perform minor crafts with a simple heat source, but requires a forge and anvil to make new items.
  • Alchemy and Cooking almost always requires a heat source.
  • Tinkering, Jewelcrafting, and Poisoncraft sometimes require a heat source.
  • Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Woodworking, Wand Whittling, Poisoncraft, Leatherworking, Engineering, Runecarving rarely require anything besides the tools of the profession.

Features that grant tool expertise (the ability to add twice your proficiency bonus to ability checks made with a tool) are calculated into your crafting roll modifier, but do not add to an the calculated DC the effects of that item have.

Temporary Bonuses

A crafting roll is a special type of ability check and you cannot add temporary bonuses to your roll (such as Bardic Inspiration or the spell guidance) as the crafting roll represents the entire time you spend working the item.

You can gain can advantage if another player with proficiency in the related tool helps for the whole crafting time.

Taking 10

When you craft something, double the crafting period (from 2 hours to 4 hours per check) to "take a 10" on the crafting roll, meaning that your crafting checks are 10 + your related ability score + your related tool proficiency. This provides a floor level that you can always succeed on if you choose to take your time.

NPC Crafting

It should always be assumed that when NPCs are crafting, they take this option, and thus craft more slowly but reliably. The slap-dash speed crafting is largely the domain of the players, though at the DM's discretion the players may convince a NPC to craft faster assuming the risk of their materials.


When a character is spending all day working, they make 8 hours of progress, and cannot exceed 8 hours working on a crafting project during a day. Players will occasionally want to work longer than 8 hours, but this fails to account for the limitations of mortals - player characters still need to eat, sleep, and will eventually lose their focus and ability to work. This is primarily implemented for balance reasons, but also helps model how much productive time a character can spend - they are not just working 8 hours straight and idling for 8 hours, but rather a model of the natural flow of a day, taking breaks, etc.

A DM can choose to overrule this and allow extreme crafting days in special circumstances, but in almost all cases working over 8 hours on a crafting project would leave a character with one or more levels of Exhaustion.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Without materials, there is nothing to craft from. Crafting does not make things from thin air, it makes more useful things from less useful things. Gathering the materials will be the essential first step in any job. Materials are generally found in three ways.

Loot & Salvaging: Nothing is useless when you have a party of crafters. One of the main sources of materials will be the things you find - nothing is useless when you have an expert craftsman in the party.

Gathered & Harvesting: How something is gathered varies on the profession - in many cases, it can only be gathered when the opportunity arises. Dragon scales, for example, are a lot easier to gather when there is a dead dragon nearby. Be it harvesting rare herbs, monster parts, or minerals, gathering is an opportunity you won't want to pass up.

Purchasing: Rarely will everything you need to craft what you want fall into you hands without the assistance of the oldest and most powerful tool of any craftsman - money. When you don't have what you need, frequently you can buy it. For some professions, there will be a lot more materials that can be purchased, while others will rely more on the other routes.

Selling and Buying Materials

In general, the buying price of a material is it's listed value, and its selling price is usually half of that to an interested property.

Between negotiation, market fluctuation, and DM moods, you may get better or worse prices. Note that many materials are simply junk to a party that does not have a use for them, and will only sell to interested parties that can use or resell them.

Threatening to burn down a merchant's shop because they will not offer you the listed price may result in an Intimidation check, but does not change market realities and is typically not beneficial to your reputation - most merchants that have the gold to buy and sell expensive materials have dealt with adventurers before and are not easily intimidated.

The sources of materials are tied to the pillars of the game. Looting and Harvesting are tied into the combat pillar, Salvaging and Gathering are tied into the exploration pillar, and purchasing and rewards are tied into the social pillar. This provides a lot of routes to add these materials to your game based on what works best for your group.

Types of Materials


Reagents are huge range of things; most often they are plants that contain some magical essence, but almost as frequently they are harvested from various magically inclined monsters. The exact source of a reagent usually does not matter beyond defining its type, as the part of the reagent used is the fragment of magic contained within that is distilled out.

Reagents are the There are many different ways to make a potion. Consequently, the materials are sorted into categories. These categories include curative, reactive, and poisonous. These each come in the standard material rarities: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary.

Reagents cannot be salvaged once they have been combined into another form (such as potions, essences, or ink).

Optional: Interchangeable Reagents

All curative, reactive, and poisonous ingredients are interchangeable. This is intentional to drastically simplify the crafting process and tracking thereof. Individual names are included only to deepen the immersion of the finding and buying ingredients, and can be treated as interchangeable by their label if preferred.

Magical Ink

While ink has many uses, crafting is mostly concerned with magical ink which has the power to hold the arcane words of scrolls. This is synthesized by alchemists from the magical properties of reagents - as it is concerned with extracting their magical properties, the exact nature of the reagents used do not effect the final ink beyond its potency.

Magical ink is not typically found or harvested on its own, though it may be found as loot, and in some instances a DM could rule that some blood collected from a fiend, celestial or dragon could be counted as such. It is generally created from reagents or purchased from alchemists that create it from reagents.

Magical Ink cannot be salvaged once they have been combined into another form (such as potions, essences, or ink).


While reagents are substances that contain a glimmer of magical power that can be harnessed through refinement, Essences are more purified forms of magical power.

These come in three types: Arcane, Divine and Primal as well as in the five normal rarities (common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary). These essences are the pure stuff of magic that makes things work.

When an essence is introduced, new reaction start within the item, and this can have unforseen consequences, the exact nature of those consequences depending on the nature of the craft, and detailled in each crafting section later.

When an item use a catalyseur, any failed crafting roll result in unforseen consequences. Roll on the mishap table to know what happen.

Ch.13 | Crafting

You can get these by rendering down magical reagents, salvaging magic items, harvesting them from magical monsters, or through the hard work of spell casters. Or you can find them as loot from people that have already done one of those harder steps. The rules for rendering them down from materials are contained within each branch of crafting, while the rules for creating them yourself are under Enchanting, as it is their domain and skill set needed to do so.

While all branches occasionally use essences when extra magical power is needed, they are the primary material of Enchanters, and their pricing can be found in that section.

Essences can be found as loot during the courses of your adventures, but can also be harvested (from monsters), salvaged (from magical equipment), synthesized (from reagents), or created from the raw power of a spell caster, though the method is long and arduous.

Essences are flexible in their exact nature. There are many paths to each desired outcome, and this flexibility is represented in Essences. While the traditional way to make a Belt of Hill Giant Strength may call for a Hill Giant heart as its essence, and enchanting substituted a dragon heart as their primal essences may make a Belt of Dragon Strength that just has the same statistical effect.

Salvaging Essences

You also may be able to salvage magical essence from unwanted or broken magical items, though such a reclamation process can be difficult, and rarely results in more than a fraction of the essence infused into the original item. An item returns one essence equal to its rarity when harvested. The process takes 2 hours to complete, and does not work if the item is currently attuned to any creature. An essence can only be salvaged from permanent magic items; a permanent magic item is one that recharges or does not have a limitation on its charges or uses. A magic item with charges or uses can only be salvaged while it is at full charges or uses.

The item becomes nonmagical after the essence is salvaged from it. If it required magic to function or exist, it is destroyed.

Synthesizing Essences

In addition to harvesting essences from magical monsters fully intact, a more approachable and incremental way is to combine several reagents to get an essence. You have to combine three reagents of the same rarity to gain one essence of that rarity. You can combine essences in the following ways:

Essence Component Reagents
Arcane 1 curative, 1 poisonous, 1 reactive
Primal 3 reactive
Divine 2 curative, 1 reactive

This process takes 4 hours, and requires alchemy supplies and a heat source.

Making Essences

Another potential source of an Essence is being created by a spellcaster. This process is long and arduous, and typically only suited to downtime. A creature with the spell casting feature can create 1 essence during 1 workweek (5 days, 8 hours a day); this process cannot be completed faster and for the duration they are considered to have spent all of their spell slots.

the rarity of essenc created this way is determined by their crafter skill. For instance, a level 3 sorcerer can only create Common essence, a level 8 bard can create an uncommon essence. Legendary essences require special rituals requiring more casters and take far longer — they are exceedingly hard to make.

The type of essence produced depends on the source of the spell casting levels as per the table below:

Caster Essence Type
Artificer Arcane
Bard Arcane
Cleric Divine
Druid Primal
Monk Psionic
Paladin Divine
Ranger Primal
Sorcerer Varies*
Warlock Varies*
Sorcerer Varies*
Wizard Arcane
Special Cases Explained
  • Sorcerers produce a type based on their subclass; Dragon or Wild makes Primal, Divine Soul makes Divine, and Shadow makes Arcane.
  • Warlocks likewise produce a type based on their subclass; Archfey makes Primal, Celestial makes Divine, and all others make Arcane.

Half caster can only generate essence of a half of their proficiency rarity (rounded down), for instance a lvl 8 paladin can only create a common essence.

1/3 caster can only generate essence of a third of their proficiency rarity (rounded down).

Ch.13 | Crafting


Ingots are chunks of metal that can be used to craft things. They are assumed to be relatively pure weigh 2. The default ingot listed in all the crafting tables is an ingot of Steel. These cost 2 gp per ingot. There are cheaper metals (such as Iron); pure Iron cannot be used to craft weapons and armor, but can be used for other items, resulting in a cheaper item. On the other end of the spectrum, more advanced metals such as Mithral and Adamantine can be used conferring special properties, but being far more difficult to work with and costing more.

Salvaging Ingots

Metal items can be converted back to ingots quite efficiently, but require a forge to do so. With a forge and 2 hours per item, a metal item can be rendered down into its component ingots. Advanced metals may require special tools to smelt.

Hides & Leathers

Hides, scales, and carapaces all tend to be harvested from monsters. Leather is a product of hides that can be processed from what it is harvested from the monster.

The DM determines if a monster provides hide, scale, or carapace. Hides do not come in different sizes, rather larger creatures simply provide more hides, and monsters that are not large enough to produce one hide provide only hide scraps.

Scales are likewise abstracted - each increment is simply an arbitrary unit of scales that the unit of scales covers - scales can be much larger or small from different sized creatures.

The system does not attempt to say how many scales a creature provides or how many literal actual scales makes up scalemail, but rather provides a number that is then consistently used.

Processing Hides

The process of turning hide into leather takes quite awhile (as per the crafting table), and is often something adventurers can delegate to NPCs (delivering hides to be processed) or do during downtime. If you would like a more expeditated system, there is no balance reason for this, and you can short the leather crafting process to taking 2 hours, it just won't be exceedingly realistic.


The term "parts" is used to refer to gears, wires, springs, windy bits, screws, nails, and doodads. Parts can be either found or salvaged or forged from metal scraps (or even straight from ingots by a Blacksmith for those that really want to be industrial about it). The exact nature of each item making up this collection is left abstracted.

In addition, metal scraps are collections of salvaged material that generally fall into the category of things "too small to track" which can than be used for the creations of tinkerers. In addition to all of this, occasionally tinkers will use ingots... particularly ones of tin (which is their namesake, after all).

Like other crafting branches, there are also named components for more iconic pieces of gear - the stock of a crossbow, for example, or other items. The cost for these items can be found on the common component table, and are generally minor.

Lastly, Tinkerers use essences when constructing things that push beyond the mundane principles of plausibility, crafting magical properties into their inventions.

Named Components

In almost all cases, named components (such as a "wooden stock" for a crossbow) can be simply abstracted out in the a minor cost, but, as always, the level of abstraction is up to the DM.

Salvaging parts

The other main way to acquire parts is to salvage it. This can be determined by your DM what can be salvaged, but in general common items provide parts, uncommon or expensive items may provide fancy parts, and esoteric parts is found only from esoteric sources at your DMs discretion. Tools, vehicles, and complex items generally return 1d4 metal scraps and 1d4 parts for a small or smaller item, 2d6 metal scraps for medium sized item, and 3d8 metal scraps for large sized item. and more for larger items, though may return less of rare types of parts.


Commonly available in its lowest quality (firewood), higher quality woods are often found rather or in exotic locations. Wooden branches (including wood scraps) are assumed to be of a useful wood that can be worked, while firewood covers everything else, with more useful woods falling into categories such as "quality branches" or rarer options. Wooden scraps are assumed to be scraps of wooden branch quality wood, and consequently cannot be salvaged from firewood.


For the most part, wood cannot be easily salvaged. Wood carving is not necessarily a reversible process, and wood cannot be melted down.

You can render wooden crafted product into wooden scraps equal to 4 x the number of branches used to create it.

Quality Branch

A quality branch refers to one that can be made it use more precious objects, particularly bows. It is nonmagical in nature, but typically yew when dealing with bows, though ash, mulberry, elm, okay, hickory hazel, and maple can be used under broader definitions.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Purchasing Tables by Type

Animal Skins
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Hide Scraps Common Leatherworking 1 sp
Leather Scraps Common Leatherworking 1 sp
Boiled Leather Common Leatherworking 3 gp
Hide Common Leatherworking 2 gp
Rawhide Leather Common Leatherworking 2 gp
Scales Common Leatherworking 1 gp
Tanned Leather Common Leatherworking 3 gp
Medium Carapace Common Leatherworking 4 gp
Large Carapace Common Leatherworking 30 gp
Tough Leather Uncommon Leatherworking 600 gp
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Supplies (Salt, Staples, etc) Common Cooking 1 gp
Uncommon Supplies (Uncommon spices, oils, rare seeds, etc) Common Cooking 10 gp
Rare Supplies (Hard to luxury goods) Uncommon Cooking 100 gp
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Metal Scraps Common Tinkering, Blacksmithing 1 sp
Silver Scraps Common Jewelcrafting 1 sp
Gold Scraps Common Jewelcrafting 1 gp
Iron Ingot Common Blacksmthing 1 gp
Steel Chain (2 ft) Common Blacksmthing, Tinkering 1 gp
Steel Ingot Common Blacksmithing 2 gp
Mithril Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 30 gp
Adamant Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 40 gp
Adamantine Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 60 gp
Meteorite Ore Rare Blacksmithing 150 gp
Shadow Steel Ingot Very Rare Blacksmithing 600 gp
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Firewood Common Cooking, Wood Working 1 cp
Wood Scraps Common Tinkering, Wood Working 2 cp
Quality Branch Common Wand Whittling, Wood Working 2 gp
Wooden Branch Common Wand Whittling, Wood Working 1 sp
Wooden Stock Common Tinkering 5 sp
Short Haft Common Blacksmithing 1 sp
Branch Uncommon Wand Whittling 25 gp
Branch Rare Wand Whittling 80 gp
Branch Very Rare Wand Whittling 800 gp
Branch Legendary Wand Whittling 2,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Materials
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Reagent Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 15 gp
Glass Vial Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 1 gp
Glass Flask Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 1 gp
Crystal Vial Common Alchemy 10 gp
Ink (1 ounce bottle) Common 10 gp
Parchment Common Scroll Scribing 1 sp
Essence Common Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 45 gp
Magical Ink Common Scroll Scribing 15 gp
Reagent Uncommon Alchemy, Poisoncraft 40 gp
Essence Uncommon Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 150 gp
Magical Ink Uncommon Scroll Scribing 40 gp
Parchment Uncommon Scroll Scribing 40 gp
Reagent Rare Alchemy, Poisoncraft 200 gp
Essence Rare Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 700 gp
Magical Ink Rare Scroll Scribing 200 gp
Parchment Rare Scroll Scribing 200 gp
Reagent Very Rare Alchemy, Poisoncraft 2,000 gp
Essence Very Rare Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 7,000 gp
Magical Ink Very Rare Scroll Scribing 2,000 gp
Parchment Very Rare Scroll Scribing 2,000 gp
Reagent Legendary Alchemy, Poisoncraft 5,000 gp
Essence Legendary Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 25,000 gp
Magical Ink Legendary Scroll Scribing 5,000 gp
Parchment Legendary Scroll Scribing 5,000 gp
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Buckle Common Leatherworking 2 sp
Fletching Common Wood Working 5 cp
Length of String Common Wood Working 5 cp
Armor Pading Common Blacksmithing, Leatherworking 5 gp
Parts Common Tinkering 2 gp
Fancy Parts Common Tinkering 10 gp
Esoteric Parts Uncommon Tinkering 100 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting

Purchasing Table by Rarity

Materials Rarity Used For Price
Firewood Common Cooking, Wood Working 1 cp
Wood Scraps Common Tinkering, Wood Working 2 cp
Fletching Common Wood Working 5 cp
Length of String Common Wood Working 5 cp
Metal Scraps Common Tinkering, Blacksmithing 1 sp
Silver Scraps Common Jewelcrafting 1 sp
Hide Scraps Common Leatherworking 1 sp
Leather Scraps Common Leatherworking 1 sp
Buckle Common Leatherworking 2 sp
Supplies (Salt, Staples, etc) Common Cooking 1 gp
Wooden Branch Common Wand Whittling, Wood Working 1 sp
Short Haft Common Blacksmithing 1 sp
Wooden Stock Common Tinkering 5 sp
Glass Vial Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 1 gp
Glass Flask Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 1 gp
Parchment Common Scroll Scribing 1 sp
Scales Common Leatherworking 1 gp
Parts Common Tinkering 2 gp
Quality Branch Common Wand Whittling, Wood Working 2 gp
Gold Scraps Common Jewelcrafting 1 gp
Iron Ingot Common Blacksmthing 1 gp
Steel Chain (2 ft) Common Blacksmthing, Tinkering 1 gp
Steel Ingot Common Blacksmithing 2 gp
Hide Common Leatherworking 2 gp
Rawhide Leather Common Leatherworking 2 gp
Tanned Leather Common Leatherworking 3 gp
Boiled Leather Common Leatherworking 3 gp
Medium Carapace Common Leatherworking 4 gp
Armor Pading Common Blacksmithing, Leatherworking 5 gp
Ink (1 ounce bottle) Common 10 gp
Uncommon Supplies (Uncommon
spices, oils, rare seeds, etc)
Common Cooking 10 gp
Fancy Parts Common Tinkering 10 gp
Crystal Vial Common Alchemy 10 gp
Reagent Common Alchemy, Poisoncraft 15 gp
Magical Ink Common Scroll Scribing 15 gp
Large Carapace Common Leatherworking 30 gp
Essence Common Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 45 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Branch Uncommon Wand Whittling 25 gp
Mithril Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 30 gp
Reagent Uncommon Alchemy, Poisoncraft 40 gp
Magical Ink Uncommon Scroll Scribing 40 gp
Parchment Uncommon Scroll Scribing 40 gp
Adamant Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 40 gp
Adamantine Ingot Uncommon Blacksmithing 60 gp
Rare Supplies (Hard to luxury goods) Uncommon Cooking 100 gp
Esoteric Parts Uncommon Tinkering 100 gp
Essence Uncommon Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 150 gp
Tough Leather Uncommon Leatherworking 600 gp
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Meteorite-Ore Rare Blacksmithing 150 gp
Reagent Rare Alchemy, Poisoncraft 200 gp
Branch Rare Wand Whittling 80 gp
Magical Ink Rare Scroll Scribing 200 gp
Parchment Rare Scroll Scribing 200 gp
Essence Rare Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 700 gp
Very Rare
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Shadow Steel Ingot Very Rare Blacksmithing 600 gp
Branch Very Rare Wand Whittling 800 gp
Reagent Very Rare Alchemy, Poisoncraft 2,000 gp
Magical Ink Very Rare Scroll Scribing 2,000 gp
Parchment Very Rare Scroll Scribing 2,000 gp
Essence Very Rare Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 7,000 gp
Materials Rarity Used For Price
Reagent Legendary Alchemy, Poisoncraft 5,000 gp
Magical Ink Legendary Scroll Scribing 5,000 gp
Parchment Legendary Scroll Scribing 5,000 gp
Branch Legendary Wand Whittling 2,000 gp
Essence Legendary Alchemy, Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Wand Whittling 25,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting

Harvesting and Gathering

The various monsters plaguing the land of Toriel are, in addition to a constant threat, a great source of resources for the craftsmen, their thick skins making high quality leather, their feathers a valuable stuffing, their crushed bones used for various potions.

Adventurers who encounter monsters during their adventures can try to extract these materials, and thus recover them for later use.

The act of removing useful body parts from a creature is referred to as harvesting. In general, only creatures that have died may be harvested, but there may be some exceptions based on context.


"Half of a harvester's job is mental, rather than physical. It takes a keen eye, and an analytical mind to fully grasp the nuance of slicing open a fresh kill and reaping the bounty inside. Take your time to evaluate your prize before chopping into it; your wallet will thank me later."

—Darvik, Darvik's notes

Before a player begins hacking and butchering their hunt, they may instead choose to take a moment first and appraise the creature to be harvested. To do this, they must spend 1 minute examining the creature to be harvested and then roll an Intelligence check, adding their proficiency bonus if they are proficient in the skill corresponding to that creature (see table below). For example, when appraising a banderhobb (which is a monstrosity), the check would be an Intelligence (Nature) check, while appraising a meenlock (which is a fey) would require an Intelligence (Arcana) check.

The DC of the check is equal to

Harvesting DC = 8 + the Harvested Creature’s CR (treating any CR less than 1 as 0).

Success on this check grants the player full knowledge of any useful materials on the creature, the DC requirement to harvest those materials, any special requirements to harvest them, and any potential risks in doing so. In addition, any harvesting check made on that creature by that player is rolled at advantage. A character may only attempt one appraisal check per creature.

Monster Type Skill Check
Aberration Arcana
Beast Nature
Celestial Arcana
Construct Investigation
Dragon Nature
Elemental Arcana
Fey Arcana
Fiend Arcana
Giant Medicine
Humanoid Medicine
Monstrosity Nature
Ooze Investigation
Plant Nature
Undead Arcana

A Dangerous Task

After apprainsing a monster, you may be warned of danger involved with the harvesting. It is wise to find a way to protect yourself against those danger when harvesting part of a monster.

For instance, a giant toad as very poisonous and acidic insides that can still damage you even once killed, so it's wise to cure their corpse. This can be done by either dashing the corpse with a vial of antitoxin or blessing yourself with a quick protection from poison spell before getting to work.

With this kind of monster, if you skip this step any fail checks later down the line end up dealing damage associated with the monster you're working on. The damage depend on the CR of the monster you're working on and is equal to a number of d4 equal to half the creature's CR. For example, Failing to harvest an uncured Mimic adhesive will deal 1d4 acid damage.

Splitting up the responsibilities

Some party members may prefer to let one character handle the appraisal of materials, while another more dextrous character handles the actual harvesting. In this scenario, all benefits of appraising a creature are conferred to the player doing the harvesting, so long as the player that performed the appraising assists the harvesting player through the whole duration of the harvest.

Ch.13 | Crafting


"The thing we've all bought this book to learn: harvesting! Here you will learn the most noble of traditions, dating back to our roots as hunter-gatherers. Read this section well and commit it to memory, for harvesting is the true meat of this book (pardon the pun)."

—Darvik, Darvik's notes

Depending on the part to Harvest, a character may make a number of check. the nature of tose check depend on the part to harvest, and are at the Dungeon Master Discretion.

This check reflects a character’s ability to not only properly remove the intended item without damaging it, it also involves any ancillary requirements of the harvest such as proper preservation and storage techniques.

  • Harvesting sacks, adhesive, mucus and other similar substances require a Dexterity check, proficiency with Alchemist supplies or sleight of hand allow you to add your proficiency bonus to the roll.
  • Harvesting hide, skin, chitinous plate and other similar skin require a Strength check, proficiency with Leatherworker Tools allow you to add your proficiency bonus to the roll.
  • Harvesting stomach, tongue, muscles and other similar part require either a Dexterity or Strength check (your choice).
  • Gems require a Strength check and Jeweler's tool. Harvesting gem incrusted in a monster without this tool is impossible. Proficiency with Jeweler's tool allow you to add your proficiency bonus to the roll.
  • Plants, flowers, seed and other similar parts require a Dexterity check, proficiency with Herbalist Kit allow you to add your proficiency bonus to the roll.
  • Gear, pipe and other similar parts require a Strength check, proficiency with Tinkerer's Tool or Smith's Tools allow you to add your proficiency bonus to the roll.

Failing those check break the part you were trying to harvest. For instance, failing to harvest a poisonous sack might mean you pierced it. The DC to harvest the material is the harvesting DC.

Only one harvesting attempt may be made on a creature. Failure to meet a creature harvesting DC assume that the item that you were trying to harvest was made unsalvageable due to the harvester’s incompetence. Additionaly, if the body wasn't correctly cured, or if you weren't protected, failing to meet a creature harvesting DC may also result in damage.

For most creatures, the time it takes to harvest a material is counted in minutes and is equal to the DC of that material divided by 5 (minimum 1). For huge creatures however, it is equal in DC of that material, while for gargantuan creatures, it is equal to the DC of that material multiplied by 2.

Particularly violent deaths

"It is a shame, but quite understandable, that no one would want to buy a pelt ridden with slash wounds and burn marks. That is why lately, I have taken to wrestling my quarry with my bare hands. It makes for much more pristine carcasses, and much heartier exercise."

—Darvik, Darvik's notes

This guide assumes that most creatures you attempt to harvest died in direct combat and thus already accounts for the idea that you are harvesting creatures that are not in pristine condition. However, some deaths are more violent than others and can make harvesting useful materials either extremely difficult or downright impossible. Such examples include burning by fire, dissolving from acid, or being completely crushed under a pillar of stone. In these cases, raise the DC for harvesting any of that creature’s materials by 5. Alternatively, the DM may decide that well orchestrated hunts result in a carcass that is prime for harvesting, such as creatures killed mostly through psychic damage, or those killed in one clean attack. In these cases, the DM should lower the DC for harvesting any of that creature’s materials by 5.

Furthermore, the DM may adjudicate whether or not some of a creature’s individual materials have been made useless due to effects imposed by them in the course of their death. Examples may include blood being tainted from poisoning, or their pelt being worthless due to excessive slashing/piercing damage.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Carcass Degradation

This guide mostly assumes that harvesting takes place on a freshly killed corpse and that little to no decomposition has yet occurred. However, in some cases, a player may desire to harvest a creature that has been dead for quite a while. In these cases, the DM may declare that certain body parts have already withered away and become unharvestable or may decide to increase the DC’s of all harvestable materials as if the creature had died a particularly violent death. If corpse decomposition is too advanced, it is entirely within the DM’s right to deny harvesting the creature altogether.

As a quick guide, the following timeline may be observed to decide on decomposition levels:

  • 1 hour after death: The carcass’ hide has ruptured from bloating and has become useless.
  • 1 day after death: The carcass’ blood has become too tainted to be useful, and soft tissues like the eyes have putrefied.
  • 3 days after death: The carcass’ internal organs have decomposed
  • 7 days after death: The carcass has undergone extensive purification and none of its soft tissue remains harvestable.

Note: Harder materials like bones, teeth, claws, and hair do not generally undergo decomposition and will remain usable indefinitely.


Some creature leave behind no body on death, like Elementals, Celestials, or Fiends. Those creature leave behind Remnants.

Harvesting Table

In the follow pages, you'll find table listing material harvested from various monster kind depending on their CR. The reagent and catalyseur offered in those table serve in various crafting, and are a way to not have to bother with individual and specific monster part description.

But despite this general solution, some monster specific harvesting material may be aquired after a harvest at the DM's discretion.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Harvesting Table

Harvesting (CR 1-4)
Aberation Celestial Construct Dragon Elemental Fey
Reactive Reagent
Divine Essence
Parts Common
Reactive Reagent
Primal Essence
Arcane Essence
Harvesting (CR 1-4) cont
Fiend Giant Monstrosity Ooze Plant Undead
Arcane Essence
Primal Essence
Poisonous Reagent
Arcane Essence
Curative Reagent
Poisonous Reagent
Harvesting (CR 5-10)
Aberation Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Elemental
Reactive Reagent
Poisonnous Reagent
Divine Essence
Fancy Parts Uncommon
Reactive Reagent
Primal Essence
Harvesting (CR 5-10) cont
Fey Fiend Giant Monstrosity Ooze Plant Undead
Arcane Essence
Arcane Essence
Primal Essence
Poisonous Reagent
Arcane Essence
Curative Reagent
Poisonous Reagent
Harvesting (CR 11-16)
Aberation Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Elemental
Psionic Essence
Poisonnous Reagent
Divine Essence
Fancy Parts Rare
Primal Essence
Primal Essence
Harvesting (CR 11-16) cont
Fey Fiend Giant Monstrosity Ooze Plant Undead
Arcane Essence
Arcane Essence
Primal Essence
Reactive Reagent
Arcane Essence
Curative Reagent
Poisonous Reagent
Harvesting (CR 17-24)
Aberation Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Elemental
Very Rare
Psionic Essence
Poisonnous Reagent
Very Rare
Divine Essence
Very Rare
Arcane Essence
Very Rare
Primal Essence
Very Rare
Primal Essence
Harvesting (CR 17-24) cont
Fey Fiend Giant Monstrosity Ooze Plant Undead
Very Rare
Arcane Essence
Very Rare
Arcane Essence
Very Rare
Primal Essence
Very Rare
Reactive Reagent
Very Rare
Arcane Essence
Very Rare
Curative Reagent
Very Rare
Poisonous Reagent
Harvesting (25+)
Aberation Beast Celestial Construct Dragon Elemental
Psionic Essence
Very Rare
Poisonnous Reagent
Divine Essence
Arcane Essence
Primal Essence
Primal Essence
Harvesting (25+) cont
Fey Fiend Giant Monstrosity Ooze Plant Undead
Arcane Essence
Arcane Essence
Primal Essence
Reactive Reagent
Arcane Essence
Curative Reagent
Poisonous Reagent
Ch.13 | Crafting
Hide and Meat Harvesting (CR 0-10)
Creature Size Hide Meat
Tiny Nothing Nothing
Small 1d4 x hide scraps or
1 x small carapace or
1d4 x scales
Medium 1 x hide or
1 x large carapace or
2d6 x scales
1 common meat
Large 2 x hides or
2 x large carapaces or
3d6 x scales
1d4 common meat
Huge 3 x hides or
3 x large carapaces or
4d6 x scales
2d6 common meat
Gargantuan 4 x hides or
4 x large carapaces or
5d6 x scales
3d8 common meat

* Special materials can replace up to half of the materials harvested based on the qualifications of the monster.

Special Materials
Modifier Minimum CR Harvesting Difficulty Additional Requirements Effect
Tough Hide/Scales 8 +4 Harvested from a creature
with AC 16 or higher
Armor crafted has +1 AC
Resistant Hide/Scales 8 +5 Harvested from a creature with
resistance to an elemental damage type
Armor crafted has related elemental resistance
Dragon Scales 14 +8 Harvested from a Dragon. Armor crafted has +1 AC and
Resistance to related element.
Uncommon Meat 5 +3
Rare Meat 10 +5
Very Rare Meat 17 +7
Legendary Meat 21 +9
Ch.13 | Crafting

Gathering Tables

Many materials can simply be found growing in the wild, and can be gathered by someone that knows what to look for and spends the time doing just that. When traveling at a slow pace through wilderness for 8 hours or more (i.e. not urban land or farmland) you can make a gathering check, but have disadvantage on the check to harvest anything found.

If you dedicate 2 hours to gathering without traveling, you can make one checks (without disadvantage).

Gather Reagents

Reagents are harvested with making a Wisdom ability check. If have an Herbalism kit and are proficient with it, you can add your proficiency modifier to the roll.

Search for Materials

Materials can be harvested with your choice of a Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom ability check. If you have proficiency with Survival, you can add your proficiency modifier to the roll.

Hunt Game

Food can be gathered with with your choice of a Dexterity or Wisdom ability check. If you have proficiency with Survival, you can add your survival modifier to the roll.

Common Locations — CR 0-10

Gather Reagents
d100 DC Forest Desert Grasslands Marsh Mountains
11-30 10 common curative reagent common poisonous reagent
31-50 10 common curative reagent common reactive reagent common curative reagent common poisonous reagent common reactive reagent
51-60 10 common poisonous reagent common curative reagent common reactive reagent common curative reagent common curative reagent
61-70 10 common reactive reagent common poisonous reagent common poisonous reagent common reactive reagent common poisonous reagent
71-80 12 1d4 common curative reagents 1d2 common reactive reagents 1d2 common curative reagents 1d4 common reactive reagents 1d2 common reactive reagents
81-90 14 uncommon curative reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommon curative reagent uncommon poisonous reagent uncommon reactive reagent
91-95 14 uncommon poisonous ingredient uncommon poisonous ingredient uncommon reactive ingredient uncommon reactive ingredient common curative ingredient
96-00 14 common primal essence common arcane essence common divine essence common primal essence common primal essence
Gather Materials
d100 DC Forest Desert Grasslands Marsh Mountains
01-20 8 1d4 x 10 firewood -- 1d4 firewood 1d4 firewood 1d4 firewood
21-40 10 1d12 wooden branch 1d12 scales 1d12 wood scraps 1d12 wood scraps 1d12 fletching
41-60 10 1d4 quality branches 1d4 medium carapace uncommon supplies 1d4 quality branches adamant ore
61-80 10 uncommon branch large carapace 1d4 hides supplies mithril ore
80-95 12 1d2 uncommon branch rare supplies rare suppplies uncommon branch uncommon branch
96-00 14 common primal essence common arcane essence common divine essence common primal essence common primal essence
Ch.13 | Crafting
Hunt Game
d100 DC Forest Desert Grasslands Marsh Mountains
01-30 10 fresh ingredients -- fresh ingredients -- --
31-60 12 1d4 fresh ingredients fresh ingredients 1d4 fresh ingredients supplies supplies
61-90 12 1d4 fresh ingredients
1 hide
supplies 1d4 fresh ingredients
1d4 fresh ingredients 1d4 supplies
91-00 14 1d8 fresh ingredients
1d4 hides
1d6 fresh ingredients
1 large carapace
1d8 fresh ingredients
1d4 hides
1d4 fresh ingredients 1d6 fresh ingredients
1 large carapace

Uncommon Locations — CR 0-10

Gather Reagents
d100 DC Caves Underdark Graveyards Shore Tundra
01-10 -- -- -- -- -- --
11-30 10 common reactive reagent common poisonous reagent common curative reagent common curative reagent common reactive reagent
31-50 10 common poisonous reagent common reactive reagent common poisonous reagent common poisonous reagent common curative reagent
51-60 10 1d4 common reactive reagent 1d4 common poisonous reagents 1d4 common curative reagents 1d4 common curative reagents 1d4 common reactive reagents
61-70 12 uncommon reactive reagent uncommon poisonous reagent uncommon curative reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommon curative reagent
71-80 12 uncommon curative reagent uncommon curative reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommon reactive reagent
81-90 14 common primal essence common arcane essence common divine essence common primal essence common primal essence
91-95 14 uncommon poisonous reagent uncommon poisonous reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommmon reactive reagent
96-00 14 uncommon primal essence uncommon arcane essence uncommon divine essence uncommon primal essence uncommon primal essence
Gather Materials
d100 DC Caves Underdark Graveyards Shore Tundra
01-20 8
21-40 10
41-60 10
61-80 10
80-95 12
96-00 14
Hunt Game
d100 DC Caves Underdark Graveyards Shore Tundra
01-30 10
31-60 12
61-90 12
91-00 14
Ch.13 | Crafting

Exotic Locations — CR 0-10

Gather Reagents
d100 DC Feylands Shadowlands Elemental Plane Lower Plane Upper Plane Outer Plane
01-20 12 common curative reagent common poisonous reagent common reactive reagent common poisonous reagent common curative reagent common reactive reagent
21-40 14 common reactive reagent common reactive reagent common curative reagent common reactive reagent common reactive reagent common reactive reagent
41-60 14 1d4 common curative reagent 1d4 common poisonous reagent 1d4 common reactive reagent 1d4 common poisonous reagent 1d4 common curative reagent 1d4 common reactive reagent
61-80 14 uncommon curative reagent uncommon poisonous reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommon reactive reagent uncommon curative reagent uncommon reactive reagent
81-00 16 uncommon primal essence uncommon arcane essence uncommon primal essence uncommon arcane essence uncommon divine essence uncommon arcane essence
Ch.13 | Crafting


Alchemy is a crafting art that almost all adventures have some degree of interest in the results of. The source of the ever in demand Healing Potions, it is a versatile trade that fuels (sometimes quite literally) the adventuring life.

It doesn't take many experiences with the powers of potions for an adventure to consider if they can get away with simmering a healing potion next to the stew over that night's cooking fire... of course it's easier said than done for the result of such things to come away not poisonous.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a potion in its most basic form:

  • Select a potion that you would like to craft from the "Potions Crafting Table".
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that potion.
  • Use your Alchemy Supplies tool to craft the potion using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column. Alchemy items must be crafted in a single session.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Intelligence + your proficiency bonus with Alchemy Supplies. You can abort the craft after a bad crafting roll if you wish, this counts as a failure.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Tool of the craft

Alchemy works using Alchemy Supplies. Attempting to craft a potion without these will almost always be made with disadvantage, and proficiency with these allows you to add your proficiency to any alchemy crafting roll.

Alchemy uses your choice of your Intelligence.

Herbalist's Limited Alchemy

While herbalism is primarily used for gathering herbs, a creature with proficiency with Herbalism Kits has a limited proficiency in creating potions in addition to gathering herbs. You can use proficiency with an Herbalism Kit in place of Alchemy supplies when creating healing potions, antidotes, antitoxins, and potions of poison.

When crafting in this way, you use an Herbalism Kit and proficiency with it in place of Alchemy Supplies. This crafting otherwise works the same as using Alchemy Supplies.

When crafting this way, you use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Intelligence modifier.

Brewer's Limited Alchemy

While brewing is primarily used to create beverage, a creature with proficiency with Brewer's Supplies has a limited proficiency in creating potions in addition to beverage. You can use proficiency with an Brewer's Supplies in place of Alchemy supplies when creating beer, wine and similar drink with special effect.

When crafting in this way, you use your Brewer's Supplies and proficiency with it in place of Alchemy Supplies. This crafting otherwise works the same as using Alchemy Supplies.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Shelf Life & Expired Potions

A unique attribute to alchemy, potions once crafted have a shelf life of 1 year before coming expired. This shelf life is shortened to 1 month if the potion contains any reactive ingredient.

If an expired potion is used or consumed within double its shelf life, roll a d4. On a 1, you become poisoned for 1 minute. On a 2 or 3, the potion will work with reduced effect; it's duration will be halved if it had a duration, and damage or healing it dealt with by halved. On a 4, it works as expected.

Any potion that is older than twice its shelf life has no effect besides causing the imbiber to become poisoned for 1 minute.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together means that when you want to work on Alchemy, your crafting roll is as follows:

Alchemy Modifier = your Alchemy Supplies tool proficiency bonus + your Intelligence Modifier.

Success and Failure

For Alchemy, after you make the crafting roll and succeed marks your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Alchemy must be consecutive, meaning that if you wish to continue after a failed craft, you need to extend your crafting time.

Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage. If you fail three times, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Common Potions Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Acid (vial) 1 common reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 13 common 25 gp
Alchemist's Fire 2 common reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 13 common 50 gp
Alchemical Napalm* 3 common reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 14 common 70 gp
Antitoxin 2 common curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 common 50 gp
Bath Potion* 1 flask of alcohol
1 soap
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 12 common 10 gp
Bottled Wind* 2 common reactive reagents
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 14 common 40 gp
Perfume of Bewitching 1 common reactive reagents
1 common divine essence
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 14 common 75 gp
Potion of Climbing 1 common reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 14 common 30 gp
Healing Potion 2 common curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 common 50 gp
Uncommon Potions Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Aether Blood* 1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
DreamFlower Beer* 1 uncommon psionic essence
2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass vial
6 Hours 3 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Greater Healing Potion 2 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon divine essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Hunter's Mutagen* 1 uncommon divine essence
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 15 uncommon 260 gp
Normal Potion of Cruor* 2 uncommon curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 100 gold
Philter of love 1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 150 gp
Potion of Animal Friendship 1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 common primal essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 200 gp
Potion of Firebreath 2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon primal essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 350 gp
Potion of Growth 1 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon primal essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 300 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Uncommon Potions Crafting Table (Cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Potion of Hill
Giant Strength
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 15 uncommon 125 gp
Potion of Poison 2 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 500 gold
Potion of Dreamsight* 1 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 100 gold
Potion of Fireball* 2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 120 gold
Full Moon Extract* 1 common primal essence
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 200 gp
Swamp Potion* 2 uncommon divine essence
1 uncommon reactive reagent
2 common curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 uncommon 700 gold
Potion of Resistance 1 uncommon divine essence
1 uncommon reactive reagent
2 common curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 500 gp
Potion of Water Breathing 2 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon divine essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 uncommon 400 gp
Sticky Goo Potion* 1 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 140 gp
Rare Potions Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Bewitching Wine* 1 rare reactive reagents
1 rare poisonous reagents
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 glass flask
8 Hours 4 DC 14 Rare 1,000 gp
Bottled Abyss* 1 rare reactive reagents
2 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass flask
4 Hours 2 DC 15 Rare 800 gp
Draught of Damnation* 1 rare reactive reagent
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass flask
4 Hours 2 DC 16 Rare 680 gp
Elixir of health 2 rare curative reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 16 Rare 2,000 gp
Greater Potion of Cruor* 2 rare curative reagent
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 15 Rare 500 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Rare Potions Crafting Table (Cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Potion of Aqueous Form 1 rare curative reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 uncommon primal essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 16 Rare 1,000 gp
Potion of Clairvoyance 1 rare poisonous reagent
1 rare curative reagent
1 uncommon divine essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 16 Rare 900 gp
Potion of Gaseous Form 1 rare curative reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 rare primal essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 16 Rare 1,500 gp
Potion of Diminution 1 rare reactive reagent
1 rare curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 Rare 500 gp
Potion of Heroism 1 rare reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 15 Rare 800 gp.
Potion Invulnerability 1 rare curative reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 16 Rare 1,500 gp
Potion of Maximum Power 1 rare reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 rare arcane essence
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 16 Rare 2,000 gp
Potion of Mind Reading 2 rare curative reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 uncommon psionic essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 16 Rare 1,100 gp
Potion of Stone/Frost
Giant Strength
2 rare curative reagent
1 rare primal essence
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 17 Rare 1,300 gp
Superior Healing Potion 2 rare curative reagent
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 15 Rare 750 gp
Very Rare Potions Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Potion of Cloud
Giant Strength
2 rare curative reagent
1 rare primal essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 19 Very Rare 1,800 gp
Potion of Flying 1 very rare reactive reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 19 Very Rare 2,500 gp
Potion of Invisibility 2 rare reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 19 Very Rare 2,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Very Rare Potions Crafting Table (Cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Potion of Longevity 1 very rare reactive reagent
1 rare reactive reagent
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 20 Very Rare 3,000 gp
Potion of Possibility 2 rare reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 18 Very Rare 1,900 gp
Potion of Speed 2 rare reactive reagent
2 rare curative reagent
1 rare primal essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 20 Very Rare 2,000 gp
Potion of the Phoenix* 2 rare curative reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 18 Very Rare 1,800 gp
Potion of Vitality 4 rare curative reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 18 Very Rare 1,800 gp
Superior Potion of Cruor* 2 rare curative reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 18 Very Rare 1,200 gp
Supreme Healing Potion 3 rare curative reagent
1 rare divine essence
1 crystal vial
4 Hours 2 DC 18 Very Rare 1,500 gp
Legendary Potions Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Potion of Storm
Giant Strength
1 legendary reactive reagent
1 very rare curative reagent
1 crystal vial
8 Hours 4 DC 23 Legendary 8,000 gp

Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Blasting Powder 2 common reactive reagent 2 Hours 1 DC 14 Common 40 gp
Deep Lead Bomb 5 blasting powder
2 rare reactive reagent
1 uncomon arcane essence
4 Hours 2 DC 20 Rare 800 gp
Dwarven Alcohol 1 flask of alcohol
1 common reactive reagents
1 sturdy metal flask
8 Hours 4 DC 12 Common 20 gp
Explosive Seed 3 blasting powder
1 common reactive reagent
2 Hours 1 DC 15 Common 120 gp
Grenade, Smoke 2 common reactive regent 2 Hours 1 DC 15 Common 40 gp
Powder Keg 1 blasting powder
1 common reactive reagent
2 Hours 1 DC 15 Common 50 gp
Skull Bomb 4 blasting powder
2 uncommon reactive reagent
2 Hours 1 DC 17 Uncommon 275 gp
Tangler Grenade 2 blasting powder
1 rope
2 Hours 1 DC 15 Common 120 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Ink
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Magical Ink (x2) 2 common reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 10 Common 30 gp
Magical Ink (x2) 2 uncommon reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 12 Uncommon 80 gp
Magical Ink (x2) 2 rare reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 14 Rare 400 gp
Magical Ink (x2) 2 very rare reagent
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 DC 16 Very Rare 4,000 gp
Magical Ink (x2) 2 legendary reagent
1 glass vial
8 Hours 4 DC 18 Legendary 10,000 gp

Magical Dust
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Dust of Deliciousness 1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
1 common divine essence
4 Hours 2 14 150 gp
Dust of Disappearance 2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 common arcane essence
4 Hours 2 14 200 gp
Dust of Dryness 1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 uncommon primal essence
4 Hours 2 14 350 gp
Dust of Sneezing and Choking 1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 common arcane essence
4 Hours 2 14 150 gp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Burning Oil* 1 common reactive reagents
1 common primal essence
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 DC 13 common 75 gp
Frost Oil* 1 common reactive reagents
1 common primal essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 14 common 75 gp
Silver Oil* 4 2 silver scraps
1 common reactive reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 12 common 20 gp
Oil of Slipperiness 2 uncommon reactive reagents
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 16 uncommon 250 gp
Flametongue Oil* 1 uncommon reactive reagents
1 uncommon primal essence
1 glass flask
2 Hours 1 DC 16 uncommon 195 gp
Oil of Etherealness 2 rare curative reagent
2 rare reactive reagent
1 rare arcane essence
1 crystal vial
2 Hours 1 DC 17 Rare 2,000 gp
Oil of Sharpness 2 rare poisonous reagent
2 rare reactive reagent
1 rare primal essence
1 crystal vial
300 gold of precious metal flakes
4 Hours 2 DC 19 Very Rare 2,200 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Market Value
Sovereign Glue 3 rare curative reagent
1 very rare reactive reagent
1 rare arcane essence
14 Hours 7 DC 22 legendary 5,000 gp
Universal Solvent 3 rare curative reagent
1 very rare reactive reagent
1 rare arcane essence
14 Hours 7 DC 22 legendary 5,000 gp

Ch.13 | Crafting


Draught of Damnation

Potion, rare

This stick red liquid has a living viscosity to it, churning slow within the flask. When you drink this potion, you become a fiend (as if by shapechanged for 1 hour). The type of fiend you become is determined by your level. The new form is a random fiend with a Challenge Rating equal to your level, up to a maximum of 10. If there are multiple options at that Challenge Rating, roll to determine which option is selected).

When the effect ends and revert to your normal form, you take 1d6 necrotic damage equal to the CR of the fiend who's form you assumed as the toxins of pure evil attempt to destroy your body before relinquishing control of it. If this damage kills you, your soul is dragged to the realm of the fiends by malignant will of the fiend.

Dreamflower Beer

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this beer, you gain resistance to psychic damage and advantage on wisdom saving throws for 1d4 hours.

Bewitching Wine

Potion, rare

This wine, distilled from the blood of a night mother vampire, is usually kept in a superbly adorned decanter. If drank by a living creature, the creature instantly falls unconscious for 8 hours and age by 1d4 years. During its sleep the creature has the most vivid erotic dreams, more realistic than life and fulfilling all its darkest fantasies. When it wakes up, the creature remembers the dreams perfectly and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, gaining a level of exhaustion on failure.

Cursed. The dreams induced by the wine are so intense that reality pales to compare, letting the cursed creature eternally unsatisfied. Until the curse is removed the creature gains a form of indefinite madness "I'll do everything I can to relive these dreams again".

Potion of Cruor

Potion, uncommon/rare/very rare

You regain hit dice when ou drink this potion. The number of hit dice restored depends on the potion’s rarity, as shown in the Potions of Cruor table. The liquid appears as coagulated blood, thick and syrupy. Once consumed, further potions of cruor have no effect until you first finish a long rest.

Potion of Cruor
Quality Rarity Hit Dice Restored
Normal UnCommon 1
Greater Rare 2
Superior Very Rare 3

Potion of Dreamsight

Potion, uncommon

Prepared by a druid or leathdhia with the sacred water of a moonwell and poppy tears, this brew is generally used to receive a vision quest. It is also known to be strongly hallucinogenic. For 1 hour after you drink this potion, you can see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible, and you can see into the Ethereal Plane. When the effect ends, you must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or gain a random form of long-term madness (roll on the Long-Term Madness table on page 260 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). There is a 25 percent chance that you benefit from the spell commune while under the influence this madness.

Potion of Fireball

Potion, uncommon

The liquid in this vessel swirls and stirs violently, even when at rest. The glass feel almost too hot to the touch. The potion closely resembles a potion of firebreathing, to the point where it may cause some confusion in the heat of the battle.

When consumed, this potion cast the fireball at 3rd level, centered on the creature who drank it. Everyone within range must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw for half damage. The creature who drank the potion does not get a saving throw.

Bath Potion

Potion, common

This bubbly potion is frothy and smells like lavender. When you drink this potion, any dirt and grime on your body is magically rinsed away. Further, your breath, hair, and nails are suddenly cleaned, looking either polished and pristine or smelling of daisies and honey for the next 24 hours. Bubbles occasionally escape from your mouth while the potion is in effect.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Swamp Potion

Potion, uncommon

This concoction smells like dead bodies, left to rot in the swamp, the strange and nauseous green gas coming from the top when your open the potion isn't helping the overhaul bad look of this potion. If you drink it, you become immune to poison damage and you can't be poisoned, neither can you be frightened for the next hour.

Bottled Abyss

Potion, Very rare

This small vial has a single dose of a fuming, pitch-black poison inside of it. When a creature eats or drinks the poison, it takes 4d6 psychic damage and must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes blinded and unable to sleep. When an affected creature attempts to rest, their dreams are plagued with terrible nightmares, preventing them from benefiting from a long rest. The creature can reattempt the saving throw once every 24 hours.

The poison lasts until the affected creature succeeds on a saving throw or is cured by the greater restoration, heal, or wish spell.

Hunter's Mutagen

Potion, uncommon

This glowing green liquid sends a creature’s antibodies into a hyperactive state. When you drink this potion, you are immune to poison and disease for one hour You also cannot contract curses like lycanthropy or mummy rot for the duration. At the end of the hour, you gain one level of exhaustion.

Aether Blood

Potion, Very rare

The most extravagant rumours claim the blood of a unicorn is required to make this purple substance, available in liquid form only. Whether these mythical creatures exist or not, there’s no question that Aether Blood is highly magical in nature. Glowing in the dark, it is said to significantly improve the magical attunement of the body, hence its popularity among spellcasters. It allows users to cast spells faster and detect magical manifestations more easily, among other things. However, even the most experienced spellcasters can’t bear the exhausting effects of this attunement on the body, which suffers significant premature ageing from prolonged usage. Many spellcasters carry a small reserve of Aether Blood for the most dire situations.

After consuming Aether Blood, when a creature uses a spell slot, it counts as 1 spell level higher when determining the level the spell was cast at. If the spell has no additional effects when cast at a higher level, the Aether Blood has no effect. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

If a character consumes Aether Blood a number of times equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum of 1), they become addicted to it. So a creature with a Constitution score of 16 will become addicted after consuming it for the third time. An addicted creature must consume Aether Blood once every 24 hours or have disadvantage on Constitution ability checks and saving throws. The addiction lasts until the creature is targeted with a greater restoration spell, or after 30 days of not consuming Aether Blood.

Full Moon Extract

Potion, Very rare

Despite its poetic name, this extremely addictive powder is not produced from any component coming from the moon. According to the most common rumours, it is mostly made of dried werewolf organs. It is thus hardly surprising that its success relies on the surge of raw strength it provides to its users, making it a favored drug for many wrestlers, boxers, and soldiers. However, prolonged use is highly risky as it causes a strong addiction combined with an increasing inability to distinguish friend from foe. It is not known whether this side-effect exists by intent or not, but the fact remains that Full Moon users most often end up killed by their companions or local authorities when bloodlust overtakes them.

Upon consuming Full Moon Extract, a creature's Strength score becomes 19 (if it was not already higher). Additionally, the creature gains advantage on all Strength ability checks and saving throws. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

If a character consumes Full Moon Extract a number of times equal to their Constitution modifier plus 1 (minimum of 1), they become addicted to it. So a creature with a Constitution score of 16 will become addicted after consuming it for the fourth time. An addicted creature must consume Full Moon Extract every 24 hours or have disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks and saving throws. The addiction lasts until the creature is targeted with a greater restoration spell, or after 30 days of not consuming Full Moon Extract.

A character who uses full moon extract while addicted to it must succeed on a DC 6 Charisma saving throw or be overcome by violent urges. A character who fails the save is compelled to attack the nearest living creature they can see until the effects of the extract wear off.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Potion of the Phoenix

potion, very rare

This magical potion comes in a metallic flask decorated with a detailed carving of a majestic phoenix.

When you drink this potion, you become imbued with the latent energy of a phoenix for 1 year and 1 day or until the potion’s magic is used to revive you. If you die while affected by this potion, you spring back to life with a burst of radiant energy at the start of your next turn. You regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum and each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes 5d8 radiant damage and is blinded until the end of your turn.

The potion can also be administered to a creature that has died within the last minute as an action, immediately triggering its effect.


Alchemical Napalm

Concoction, common

A vicious sticky flammable substance. It deals 3d4 fire damage when poured on an object. Can be used as a simple ranged weapon with the thrown (20/60) property, dealing 3d4 fire damage on hit. You do not add your modifier to the damage roll.

On hit, the target creature or object continues to burn for one minute, taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of their turn (or at the start of your turn for an object without a turn) until a creature spends an action to put the flames out.

Bottled Wind

Concoction, common

As an action, you can open this casting gust without verbal or somatic components. Alternatively, you can breath from it, letting out only a little bit at a time, breathing directly from the bottle, but each time you must make a DC 5 athletics checks. On failure, you cast gust as above and all the air is lost. You can get 10 minutes of breathable air from one bottle.

Sticky Goo Potion

Concotion, common

When broken and exposed to air, it creates a very sticky rapidly expanding web like foam, with the effect of the spell web centered on where the flask breaks. You can reliably throw the flask to a target point within 30 feet, shattering it on impact.


Burning Oil

Oil, common

As an action, you can coat a weapon in this oil and ignite it. For 1 minute, the ignited weapon burns, dealing an additional 1d4 fire to attacks made with it, and providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Flametongue Oil

Oil, uncommon

As an action, you can coat a weapon in this oil and ignite it. For 1 minute, the ignited weapon burns, dealing an additional 2d6 fire to attacks made with it, and providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.


Blasting Powder

Explosive, common

This volatile alchemical powder comes in a small pouch. When ignited by an open flame or a fuse, the powder explodes. Each creature within 5 feet of the exploding pouch must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

A character can bind multiple pouches of blasting powder together so they explode at the same time. Each additional pouch increases the damage by 1d6 (maximum of 10d6) and the blast radius by 5 feet (maximum of 20 feet).

Explosive Seed

Explosive, Common

This acorn-sized sphere of brass contains a small amount of blasting powder and a clockwork trigger. An explosive seed can be thrown up to 30 feet as an action, detonating on impact. Each creature within 5 feet of the exploding seed must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Deep Lead Bomb

Explosive, rare

As an action, a character can throw a bomb at a point up to 30 feet away. Each creature within 10 feet of an exploding deep lead bomb must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each creature that takes any of this damage must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the creature can't maintain concentration on a spell or any other effect that requires concentration. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Dwarven Alcohol

Explosive, common

Only dwarves really know if the name of this liquid explosive is a joke or not, but must assume it is an acquired taste. An explosively flammable liquid that comes in a flask, this flask can be splashed across a 5 foot square within 5 feet. Once splashed, it can be ignited by 1 or more fire or lightning damage it explodes in a plume of fire, dealing 2d4 fire damage to all creatures within 5 feet of the container, or within a square that has been soaked with it.

Powder Keg

Explosive, common

These small wooden barrels are filled with highly volatile gun powder, then magically sealed for easy transport. Setting fire to a keg requires one action and a lit torch, match, or similar magical effect. Once set on fire, a powder keg explodes at the end of the round it is lit, dealing 1d10 fire damage to creatures and objects within 10 feet of it. A successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw halves the damage.

Grenade, Smoke

Explosive, common

As an action, a character can throw a grenade at a point up to 60 feet away.

One round after a smoke grenade lands, it emits a cloud of smoke that creates a heavily obscured area in a 20-foot radius. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds; a strong wind (20 or more miles per hour) disperses it in 1 round.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Tangler Grenade

Explosive, common

A tangler grenade is an alchemical, nonmagical item with an ovoid resin shell that shatters on impact. An as action, a creature can throw a tangler grenade at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 10 feet of a shattered tangler grenade must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by sticky white webs. As an action, a creature can try to free itself or another creature within its reach from the webs, doing so with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. A gallon of alcohol dissolves the webs produced by a single tangler grenade. Otherwise, the webs dissolve on their own after 1 hour, freeing any creatures restrained by them.

Skull Bomb

Explosive, Uncommon

The Skull bomb can be thrown 20/60 feet range. After been thrown that way, green gas will start leaking from a hole in the back of the skull creating an effect similar to the fog cloud spell in a 10 feet radius. Every creature in the gas must succeed a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or become frightened. A frightened creature may attempt another saving throw at the start of each of his turn, a creature succeeding the saving throw become immune to the effect of the gas.


Magical Ink

Component, common/uncommon/rare/very rare/legendary

Magical ink that is used by Enchanters to create scrolls, made by rendering down magical alchemical ingredients.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Alchemy Modifiers

The following are alchemical modifiers that can applied to potion. All alchemical modifiers require approval from the DM if the modifier will work with a given potion or creation.

Modifier Difficulty Modifier Effect
Aerosol +8 Require two additional reactive reagents of equal rarity to the rarest reagent of the potion. Rather than drinking it, when uncorked or broken (as an action) it effects all creatures in a 5 foot radius as if they'd consumed it.
Celestial +3 Requires an uncommon catalyseur and an uncommon curative reagent. Adds the effect of lesser restoration to the potion.
Divine +6 Requires a rare catalyseur and a rare curative reagent. Adds the effect of greater restoration to the potion.
Expansive +5 Requires an additional reactive reagent of equal rarity to the rarest reagent of the potion. Expands the area of effect of any area of effect the potion has by 5 feet.
Insidious +3 The effect of the potions becomes shrouded from magic such as identify. You can make the potion appear as another potion of the same rarity. Another alchemist can indentify it by making an Alchemy Check against your Alchemy DC

Additional Materials

You can simply load more reagents into any potion, increasing its potency in different ways, though it increases the difficulty. You can make a "custom potion" simply by using these modifiers with no base potion. When you do so, the base DC is 8.

Additional Reagent Difficult Modifier Effect
Common Curative +2 The potion restores +1d4 hit points when consumed.
Common Reactive +2 The potion deals +1d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Common Poisonous +2 The potion deals +1d4 poison damage when consumed
Uncommon Curative +3 The potion restores +2d4 hit points when consumed.
Uncommon Reactive +3 The potion deals +2d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Uncommon Poisonous +3 The potion deals +2d4 poison damage when consumed
Rare Curative +4 The potion restores +3d4 hit points when consumed.
Rare Reactive +4 The potion deals +3d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Rare Poisonous +4 The potion deals +3d4 poison damage when consumed
Very Rare Curative +5 The potion restores +4d4 hit points when consumed.
Very Rare Reactive +5 The potion deals +4d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Very Rare Poisonous +5 The potion deals +4d4 poison damage when consumed
Legendary Curative +6 The potion restores +5d4 hit points when consumed.
Legendary Reactive +6 The potion deals +5d4 fire damage when shattered (or consumed).
Legendary Poisonous +6 The potion deals +5d4 poison damage when consumed
Ch.13 | Crafting


Blacksmithing is a popular professional interest of two sorts of adventurers: those that want to hit things with heavy metal objects, and those that want a heavy metal object between them and the thing hitting them.

While often relying on the town blacksmith to do their work for them is a fine option, rolling up your sleeves and doing the work yourself can allow you to express your creativity... and may save you a few coins in the process.

Blacksmithing is slow hard work, but has a higher tolerance for failure than most, and is more dependent on knowing your material, as the templates you work from tend to be common across many of them.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a blacksmith item in its most basic form:

  • Select the item that you would like to craft from any of the Blacksmithing Crafting Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Blacksmithing Tools tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus with a Blacksmithing Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is complete.
  • On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to smith an item, your crafting roll is as follows:

Blacksmithing Modifier = your Blacksmiths' Tools proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier

Ch.13 | Crafting
Success and Failure

For Blacksmithing, after you make the crafting roll and succeed marks your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Blacksmithing do not need to be immediately consecutive. Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage.

If you fail three times, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.

Blacksmithing Materials

Materials Rarity Price
Metal Scraps Common 1 sp
Silver Scraps Common 1 sp
Gold Scraps Common 1 gp
Iron Ingot Common 1 gp
Steel Chain (2 ft) Common 1 gp
Steel Ingot Common 2 gp
Mithril Ingot Uncommon 30 gp
Adamant Ingot Uncommon 40 gp
Adamantine Ingot Uncommon 60 gp
Meteorite-Ore Rare 150 gp
Shadow Steel Ingot Very Rare 600 gp

Valuable Gear

In some cases, you may want to make something that is more valuable. While selling more valuable gear may be quite difficult, as is often said, magic has expensive tastes. Many magic items that an Enchanter might want require items of a certain value.

The easiest way to increase the cost is to make the item of rarer materials, but there are other ways if that's not an option. Here are some additional modifiers you can apply to crafting blacksmithing items purely to make them more valuable. You can add one more of these modifiers, each modifier added increases difficult further.

Modifier Material DC modifier Value Added
Bejeweled Gemstones +2 per gem Value of Gem
Gilded 10 gold scaps +4 +20
Ornate +10 Doubled

Maintenance & Modifications

While the primary purpose of Blacksmithing is to forge armor and weapons from metal, for an adventurer such events are important milestones that generally will not occur everyday. The following are some tasks that require proficiency with Blacksmith's Tools that provide a more day-to-day utility to the proficiency, giving them minor ways to enhance or adapt their gear.

These are minor crafts can be completed in 2 hours with the expenditure of 5 gold worth of materials. They can be done as part of a long rest, but have limitations the normally crafted items do not (such as a maximum stockpile of minor crafts).

The following are "minor crafting options" for Blacksmiths:

Modify Armor

While the field crafting of armor is often not possible, you can make smaller adjustments on. Over the course of two hours, can turn a set of plate armor into a half plate or a breastplate, refit a set of heavy or medium armor to fit another user that is equal in size or smaller than the original user.

Modify Weapon

Every adventure has slightly different preferences in their gear, and your skills allow you make slight modifications to nonmagical weapons made of metal. These modifications take 2 hours, require a heat source, and require you to pass a DC 14 blacksmithing tool's check (on failure, the weapon is damaged and has -1 to it's attack rolls until fixed). You can perform on of the following modifications:

  • You can silver the weapon (requires 5 silver scraps, doubled for two handed weapons).
Repair Gear

Sometime in the course of adventuring, weapons or armor will become severely damaged, suffering a penalty to it's attack rolls or AC. Over the course of two hours you can repair this damage, though at the discretion of the DM you may need other materials to perform this task if it is heavily damaged. Weapons that are entirely broken (such as a snapped sword) are generally beyond simple repair.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Blacksmithing Crafting Table
Simple Weapons
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Dagger 1 ingot 2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 2 gp
Handaxe 1 ingots
1 short haft
2 hours 1 DC 11 Common 5 gp
5 x Javelin 2 ingot
5 short haft
2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 5 sp
Light Hammer 1 ingots
1 short haft
2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 2 gp
Mace 2 ingots
1 short haft
2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 5 gp
Sickle 1 ingot
1 short haft
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 1 gp
Spear 1 ingot
1 long haft
2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 1 gp
Martial Weapons
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Battleaxe 3 ingot
1 short haft
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 10 gp
Flail 2 ingots
1 short haft
1 short chain
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 10 gp
Glaive 4 ingot
1 long haft
4 hours 2 DC 13 Common 20 gp
Greataxe 8 ingots
1 short haft
4 hours 2 DC 13 Common 30 gp
Greatsword 10 ingots 4 hours 2 DC 15 Common 50 gp
Halberd 4 ingot
1 long haft
4 hours 2 DC 13 Common 20 gp
Longsword 4 ingot 4 hours 2 DC 14 Common 15 gp
Maul 4 ingots
1 short haft
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 10 gp
Morning Star 4 ingot
1 short haft
4 hours 2 DC 14 Common 15 gp
Pike 3 ingot
1 long haft
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 5 gp
Rapier 1 ingot 4 hours 2 DC 15 Common 25 gp
Scimitar 2 ingot 4 hours 2 DC 14 Common 25 gp
Shortsword 2 ingot 4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 10 gp
War Pick 2 ingot
1 short haft
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 5 gp
War Hammer 4 ingot
1 short haft
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 15 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Blacksmithing Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Chain Shirt 5 ingots 14 hours 7 DC 13 Common 50 gp
Scale Mail 8 ingots
armor padding
14 hours 7 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Breastplate 10 ingots 16 hours 8 DC 16 Common 400 gp
Half Plate 16 ingots
armor padding
28 hours 14 DC 17 Common 750 gp
Spiked Armor 10ingots
4 parts
16 hours 8 DC 17 Common 75 gp
Ring mail 4 ingots
armor padding
10 hours 5 DC 11 Common 30 gp
Chain mail 9 ingots
armor padding
14 7 DC 13 Common 75 gp
Splint 12 ingots
armor padding
28 hours 14 DC 14 Common 200 gp
Plate 30 ingots
armor padding
56 hours 28 DC 17 Common 1,500 gp
Defensive Items
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Shield 2 ingots 6 hours 3 DC 10 Common 10 gp
Tower Shield* 8 ingots 10 hours 5 DC 13 Common 50 gp
Spiked Shield* 8 ingots 8 hours 4 DC 14 Common 50 gp
Misc Gear
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Bell 2 metal scraps 2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 1 gp
Bucket 4 metal scraps 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 3 sp
Ring 1 ingot 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 2 gp
Horseshoe (4) 2 ingots 4 hours 2 DC 10 Common 5 gp
Chain (5 ft) 1 ingot 4 hours 2 DC 10 Common 3 gp
Caltrops 1 iron ingot 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 1 gp
Ball Bearings 1 iron ingot 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 1 gp
Iron Pot 1 iron ingot 2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 2 gp
20 x Pitons 1 iron ingot 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 1 gp
10 x Iron Spike 2 iron ingot 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 1 gp
Manacles 2 ingots
1 lock
1 chain (5 feet)
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 20 gp
Helmet* 2 ingots 8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 12 gp

* The effects of a helmet are included in armor, this entry is largely to allow for standalone helmet creation for enchanters.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Armor
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Armor of Gleaming common +75 gp
Cast off Armor common +50 gp
Smoldering Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of fog cloud
1 common arcane essence
10 hours 8 DC 15 common +75 gp
Adamantine Armor uncomon +500 gp
Mariner's Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of water breathing
12 hours
(1.5 days)
8 DC 16 uncommon +400 gp
+1 Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 16 rare +3,500 gp
Armor of Resistance 1 set of armor
1 scroll of protection
from energy

3 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare +3,000 gp
Armor of vulnerability rare 1,500 gp
Breastplate of the morning light rare
Dead man's plate rare
Elven chain rare 4,500 gp
Molten Bronze skin rare +1,300 gp
+2 Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 20 very rare +20,000 gp
Breastplate of Golden RetrieverDC 1 ornate breastplate worth at least 500 gp
1 very rare divine essence
1 scroll of warding bond
1 scroll of faithful hound
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 very rare 9,700 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Armor (Cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Demon Armor 1 plate armor
1 scroll of summon fiend
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2days) 8 DC 15 very rare 7,500 gp
Dwarven Plate 1 plate armor with the
dwarven modifier

1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 20 very rare 25,000 gp
Last Stand very rare 6,500 gp
Laviasoth Plate
Living armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of awakening
1 very rare psionic essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 20 very rare +9,500 gp
+3 Armor 1 set of armor worth at least 4,000gp
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
1 rare divine essence
48 hours
(6 days)
24 DC 22 legendary +51,000 gp
Armor of Invulnerability 1 set of plate armor worth at least 4,000 gp
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 scroll of stone skin
1 legendary divine essence
2 very rare arcane essence
48 hours (6 days) 24 DC 23 legendary 70,000 gp
Efreeti chain legendary 80,000 gp
Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate legendary 27,000 gp
Plate Armor of
1 set of plate armor
worth at least 1,500 gp

1 scroll of etherealness
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 legendary 60,000 gp
Plate of justice legendary
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Shields
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Shield of Expression common 50 gp
Shield +1 1 shield
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 450 gp
Sentinel Shield uncommon 300 gp
Shield +2 1 shield
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 scroll of glyph of warding
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 4,000 gp
1 shield
1 scroll of warding wind
2 rare primal essence
2 rare arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 17 Rare 4,500 gp
Banbaro's Wood Shield rare gp
Battering Shield rare 850 gp
Bazelgeuse Scale Shield rare gp
Dodogama Jaw Shield rare gp
Gem Shield 1 +1 Shield
1 scroll of firebolt
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 800 gp
Pariah's Shiled rare 1,500 gp
Shield of Missile
1 shield
1 scroll of warding wind
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 1,000 gp
Shield +3 1 shield worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of wall of stone
1 scroll of wall of force
1 scroll of wind wall
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
24 hours
3 days)
12 DC 20 very rare 22,000 gp
Animated shield 1 shield
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 6,000 gp
Spellguard Shield 1 shield worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of antimagic field
1 very rare divine essence
1 rare arcane essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 20 very rare 36,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Misc.
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Barge Helm uncommon
Gauntlets of Ogre Power 1 gauntlets worth 50 gp
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 common primal essence
(1.5 days)
6 DC 14 uncommon 450 gp
Helm of Comprehending Language 1 helm worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of comprhend languages
1 common arcane essence
1 common divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 14 uncommon 200 gp
Bracers of Defense 1 set of bracers worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
2 rare divine essence
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 4,000 gp
Dimensional Shackles 1 set of manacles
1 scroll of hold monster
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 2,800 gp
Gauntlet of Flamming Fury rare 2,000 gp
Helm of Teleportation 1 helm
1 scroll of teleport
1 rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 rare 4,250 gp
Helm of the
Ironscale Legionnaire
Horseshoes of Speed 4 horseshoes
4 scrolls of longstrider
4 rare arcane essences
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 16 rare 3,000 gp
Iron Bands of Binding 30 feet of chain
1 scroll of entangle
1 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare 2,600 gp
Arrow of Slaying 1 arrow
1 scroll of bestow curse
2 rare primal essence
2 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 4 DC 18 very rare 2500 gp
Ceratropper very rare
Helm of Devil Command very rare 21,500 gp
Horseshoes of a Zephyr 4 horseshoes worth 10 gp each
4 scrolls of levitate
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of longstrider
4 rare arcane essences
4 uncommon primal essences
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 6,000 gp
Watchful Helm very rare
Ch.13 | Crafting
Components and Materials
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Adamantine Ingot 1 steel ingot
1 adamant ingot
requires magical forge
2 hours 1 DC 15 Uncommon 60 gp
Parts 5 metal scraps 4 hours 2 DC 9 Common 2 gp
5 x Buckle 5 metal scrap 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 1 gp
Ingot 20 metal scraps 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 2 gp
20 x Metal Scraps 1 ingot 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 2 gp
Silver Ingot 20 silver scraps 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 2 gp
20 x Silver Scraps 1 silver ingot 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 2 gp
Gold Ingot 20 gold scraps 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 20 gp
20 x Gold Scraps 1 gold ingot 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 20 gp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Blacksmithing Tools 4 ingots
2 parts
8 hours 4 DC 11 Common 20 gp
Carpenter's Tools 2 ingots
1 parts
6 hours 3 DC 12 Common 8 gp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
20 x Firearm
2 lead ingots
1 packet of blasting powder
4 hours 2 DC 15 Uncommon 80 gp
Blackpowder Pistol* 3 ingots 4 parts
2 fancy parts
16 hours 8 DC 16 Uncommon 200 gp
BlunderBuss* 6 ingots
2 uncommon primal essence
2 uncommon reactive regeant
4 parts
2 fancy parts
1 esoteric part
20 hours 10 DC 17 Uncommon 750 gp
Firearms Propreties
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Blackpowder Pistol* 200 gp 2d4 piercing 4 lbs. Ammunition (range 25/100), Blackpowder, Loading, Light.
BlunderBuss* 750 gp 2d6 piercing 4 lbs. Ammunition (range 25/100), Blackpowder,
Cumbersome, Loading, Scatter (line 10), Two Handed.
Ch.13 | Crafting

Exotic Weapons

Simple Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Balanced Spear 100 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lbs. Finesse, Versatile (1d8).
Bolas* 2 gp 1d4 bludgoning 2 lbs. Finesse, Range(20/60).
Martial Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Bastard Sword 35 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lbs. Heavy.
Cavalry Hammer* 500 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lbs. Versatile (1d10), Momentum (1d12), Armour Piercing.
Claymore* 500 gp 2d6 slashing 6 lbs. Brutal, Heavy, Two Handed.
Cutlass 15 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lbs. Light.
Officer Broadsword 30 gp 2d4 piercing 2 lbs. Versatile (2d6).
Officer Rapier 30 gp 2d4 slashing 2 lbs. Finesse.
Sabre* 500 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lbs. Swift, Finesse.
Short Bastard Sword 35 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lbs. Finesse, Light, Versatile (1d8).
Spiked Chain* 25 gp 2d4 piercing 6 lbs. Two-Handed.
Dwarven Urgosh* 500 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lbs. Two Handed.

Exotic Weapon Crafting:

Simple Weapons
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Balanced Spear 1 ingot
1 long haft
2 hours 1 DC 16 Common 100 gp
Bolas 1 Rope
1 Part
2 hours 1 DC 16 Common 2 gp
Martial Weapons
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Bastard Sword 10 ingot 4 hours 2 16 common 35 gp
Cavalry Hammer* 4 ingot
1 short haft
4 hours 2 19 common 500 gp
Claymore* 10 ingot 4 hours 2 18 common 500 gp
Cutlass* 1 ingot 4 hours 2 16 common 15 gp
Officer Broadsword 4 ingot 4 hours 2 16 common 30 gp
Officer Rapier 1 ingot 4 hours 2 17 common 30 gp
Sabre* 2 ingot 4 hours 2 18 common 500 gp
Short Bastard Sword 3 ingot 4 hours 2 15 common 35 gp
Spiked Chain* 2 ingot 4 hours 2 14 common 25 gp
Dwarven Urgosh* 8 ingot
1 short haft
4 hours 2 19 common 500 gp

* Custom Weapons are a good bit more expensive than normal weapons. This is a reflection of their customization and greater difficulty to craft, is derived from their crafting Dc.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Magic Weapon Crafting:

Common Magic Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Moon-Touched Sword common +75 gp
Uncommon Magic Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
+1 Moon Sickle uncommon 1,500 gp
+1 Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon +500
Hellfire weapon uncommon 500 gp
Javelin of
1 javalin
1 scroll of witch bolt
2 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 350 gp
Sword of Vengeance uncommon 400 gp
Trident of
Fish Command
1 trident
1 scroll of beast bond
1 common primal essence
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Weapon of Warning uncommon 400 gp
Rare Magic Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
+2 Moon Sickle rare 4,000 gp
+2 Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare +2,500 gp
Acheron Blade rare 900 gp
Berserker Axe 1 axe
1 scroll of crown of madness
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 scroll of aid
2 rare primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 rare 2,000 gp
Corpse Slayer rare 1,300 gp
Dagger of
1 +1 weapon
1 assassin blood poison
1 scroll of ray of sickness
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 1,500 gp
Devotee's Censer rare 4,500 gp
Dragon Slayer 1 sword worth at least 1,000 gp
3 rare primal essence
1 scroll of bestow curse
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 4,800 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Rare Magic Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Flametongue Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of elemental weapon
1 flametongue oil
4 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 5,000 gp
Giant Slayer 1 weapon worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of magic weapon
3 rare primal essence
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare 4,600 gp
Mace of Disruption 1 mace
1 scroll of banishment
3 uncommon divine essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare 1,750 gp
Mace of Smiting 1 +1 mace
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 2,000 gp
Mace of Terror 1 mace
1 scroll of fear
3 rare arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 17 rare 3,500 gp
Needle of Mending rare 1,400 gp
Sun Blade 1 sword hilt
1 scroll of holy weapon
1 uncommon divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 17 rare 2,000 gp
Sunforger rare 4,600 gp
Sword of Life
1 sword
1 scroll of vampiric touch
1 rare arcane essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 17 rare 2,200 gp
Sword of
1 sword worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of ray of sickness
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 rare poisonous reagent
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 17 rare 1,200 gp
Weapon of
Certain Death
rare 1,500 gp
Vicious Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of holy weapon
3 rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 rare 4,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Very Rare Magic Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
+3 Moon Sickle very rare 16,500 gp
+3 Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 very rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
18 DC 18 very rare +15,000 gp
Bloodaxe very rare 27,000 gp
Dancing Sword 1 sword worth 100 gp
1 scroll of animate objects
1 very rare arcane essence
4 uncommon arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 19 very rare 10,000 gp
Duskcrucher very rare 8,500 gp
Dwarven Thrower 1 +3 warhammer
1 scroll of Whirling Blade*
1 very rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 very rare 25,000 gp
Frost Band 1 weapon
1 scroll of elemental weapon
1 very rare primal essence
3 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 19 very rare 11,000 gp
Nine Lives Stealer 1 sword worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of power word kill
1 scroll of magic jar
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 very rare 36,000 gp
Scimitar of Speed 1 scimitar worth 500 gp
1 scroll of haste
3 rare arcane essence
2 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 very rare 7,500 gp
Sword of he Paruns very rare 16,000 gp
Sword of Sharpness 1 sword worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of Mordenkainen's Sword
3 very rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 very rare 42,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Legendary Magic Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Blackrazor legendary
Dawnbringer legendary 57,000 gp
Defender 1 sword worth at least 1,000 gp
1 legendary divine essence
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 +3 shield
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 20 legendary 55,000 gp
Fane-Eater legendary 55,000 gp
Greater Silver Sword legendary
Hammer of Thunderbolts 1 maul worth at least 1,000 gp
1 legendary primal essence
2 very rare primal essence
1 scroll of thunderwave
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 20 legendary 51,000 gp
Hazirawn legendary 66,000 gp
Holy Avenger 1 weapon worth at least 10,000 gp
3 legendary divine essence
1 scroll of holy weapon
1 scroll of holy aura
1 scroll of magic weapon
3 very rare divine essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 22 legendary 158,000 gp
Luck Blade 1 +1 sword
1 legendary divine essence
2 scrolls of wish
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 20 legendary 100,000 gp
Matalok legendary 70,000 gp
Moonblade legendary
Nepenthe legendary
Rakdos Riteknife legendary 60,000 gp
Sword of Answering legendary 51,000 gp
Vorpal Sword legendary 75,000 gp
Wave legendary
Whelm legendary
Ch.13 | Crafting

Material Modifiers
Metal DC Modifier Weapon Effect Armor Effect
Meteorite Ore +6 A weapon with the heavy property forged from it loses the heavy property. If the weapon didn't have the heavy property, it gains the light property.
Adamantine +8 Melee weapons made of or coated with adamantine are unusually effective when used to break objects. Whenever an adamantine weapon hits an object, the hit is a critical hit. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.
Mithral +6 The DC of an Enchanter applying an Enchantment to it is reduced by 6, and it always counts has having 1 common essence of any type as part of the craft If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version of the armor doesn't. Easier for Enchanters to Enchant.
Shadow Steel +8 When weilding a weapon made of Shadow Steel, you have advantage on attack rolls made against any target wearing medium or heavy armour. A creature hit by a Shadow Steel Blade must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, becoming stunned until the end of its next turn on a failed save.
Silver +2 This weapon is considered silvered for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance.
Ch.13 | Crafting
Crafting Modifiers
Modifier DC Modifier Weapon Effect Armor Effect
Aerodynamic +5 The weapon gains the Thrown (10/30) property if it does not have the Thrown property. If it has the Thrown property, the range increases by 10/30 feet instead.
Dwarven +5 A weapon with the light property forged with this modifier loses the light property. If the weapon didn't have the light property, it gains the heavy property. If an Effect moves you against your will along the ground while wearing this armor, you can use your Reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet. The weight of the armor is increased by 50%
Elven +7 The weapon gains the Finesse property. You are considered proficient with this armor even if you lack proficiency
Masterwork +8 A Masterwork weapon gains +1 to attack rolls A Masterwork armor gains +1 AC
Segmented +5 The armor can be donned or doffed in half as much time
Slotted +2 This weapon can hold 1 magical gem This armor can hold 1 magical gem
Supplimental Modifiers
Modifier Materials DC Modifier Weapon Effect Armor Effect
Magical 2 common arcane essence
2 uncommon essence*
+10Magic Weapon adds +1 to attack and damage rolls. Armor AC is increased by +1.
Silvered 5+ silver scraps* +2 This weapon is considered silvered for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance.
  • Supplimental Materials are doubled for weapons with the two-handed property or armor.
  • Magic Magic: Difficulty modifier is reduced to +4 if combined with Adamantine, Meteore-Ore, Mithral or material modifiers.
Ch.13 | Crafting

Additional Items

Tower Shield

Armor(shield), Common

While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC.

Carrying around such a large shield reduces your movement speed by 5ft

Spiked Shield

Armor(shield), Common

Spiked shield is a rare type of shield made by some tribe of the green earth. It consists of a chitinous plaque covered with spikes that are usually made of monsters part.


Weapon, Common

Blunderbuss fire projectiles with ear-splitting noise, shredding armor with deadly force, they are heavy, and hard to manipulate, but can penetrate even adamantine.

When fired, the BlunderBuss emit a deafening crack audible 300 feet away. Unfortunately, the Blunderbuss becomes useless when wet. If the BlunderBuss is exposed to heavy rain, submerged, or drenched in water by a similar means, then it cannot fire. A character cannot use this weapon again until they complete a short rest in dry conditions.

When making an attack with this weapon, you must use your Strength modifier for both the attack and damage rolls.

When you take the attack action and successfully hit a creature with the blunderbuss, measure the weapon’s Scatter range from the square (or point of impact) that the target you hit occupies. All creatures other than the original target that fall within the weapon’s scatter range must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Scatter DC. Upon a failed save, they take damage equal to the ability score modifier you used to hit with the weapon (minimum of 1). Damage dealt this way is piercing.

Scatter Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Strength modifier.

Blackpowder Pistol

Weapon, common

When fired, the Pistol emit a deafening crack audible 300 feet away. Unfortunately, the Pistol becomes useless when wet. If the Pistol is exposed to heavy rain, submerged, or drenched in water by a similar means, then it cannot fire. A character cannot use this weapon again until they complete a short rest in dry conditions.


Weapon, common

When attacking with this weapon, you may not deal damage and attempt to trip your target instead. The target as to succeed on a Dexterity(acrobatics) or Strength(athletics) against your attack roll or be knocked prone.

Cavalry Hammer

Weapon, common

This hammer was designed to deliver devastating attacks as part of a charge. When you hit a creature with the hammer, and you have moved 20 feet or more in a straight line this turn, you can upgrade the damage dice to a d12.

In addition, when you roll to hit a creature with this hammer, if the target is wearing heavy armour or natural armour that exceeds 17, then you receive +2 on your attack roll to hit that target.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Weapon, common

This greatsword was designed to make the most harm. When you score a critical hit against a creature with this weapon, you can add an additional weapon damage die to the damage dealt.


Weapon, common

This type of sword are renowned for their utility in recovering from missed attacks. When you miss an attack with a Sabre, you gain advantage on the next attack roll you make with that weapon against the same target

Spiked Chain

Weapon, common

When attacking with this weapon, you may not deal damage and attempt to trip your target instead. The target as to succeed on a Dexterity(acrobatics) or Strength(athletics) against your attack roll or be knocked prone.

Dwarven Urgosh

Weapon, common

A dwarven urgrosh is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons. The urgrosh’s axe head is a slashing weapon that deals 1d8 points of damage. Its spear head is a piercing weapon that deals 1d6 points of damage.

Special. If you attack with a Urgrosh as part of the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action immediately after to make a melee attack with it. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage on a hit, instead of 1d8 slashing damage.

Beyond the System

While blacksmithing allows for a huge amount of custom creation, there will always be new things beyond the system.

The following is some guidelines for how to make something beyond the system.

  • Trivial items should be composed of metal scraps, and have a DC in the range of 8-12. These represent things blacksmiths can easily make. Common items should require ingots, and have a DC of 12-18 depending if they are simple or exotic. Uncommon and rarer items should have uncommon and rarer materials matching their rarety.
  • Blacksmithing alone can make magical weapons only to the extent that magical components are used.
  • If you would like Blacksmithing alone to make fully magical swords, you can largely just take the materials from an equivalent enchanting recipe and add them to materials of the weapon, and than take the higher of the difficulty and crafting time of the projects.
Work Together and be Reasonable

The system is, by it's nature, extremely extensible. Great pains have been taken to make things as "balanced" as possible. But this doesn't mean the rules transcend common sense. As a player, tell your DM what you want to make and be open to adjustments to how it would work. As a DM, tell players how their projects will work from the start, and be open to the idea they can make cool things... these crafted items are part of their "loot" and don't need to be "power neutral" as long as they aren't breaking anything.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a potion in its most basic form:

  • Acquire a fresh ingredient by harvesting or finding it.
  • Review the Recipe Tables for Feasts, Snacks or Rations that ingredient would qualify for, and gather the other materials needed listed in the Materials column.
  • Use your Cooking Utensils tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less. Meals must be crafted in a single crafting session. All meals require a heat source (such as a campfire).
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus with Cooking Utensils. You can abort the craft after a bad crafting roll if you wish, this counts as a failure.
  • If the average of these checks is equal to or higher than the value listed in the Difficulty column for that potion, you succeed. If it is lower, you fail and lose all materials.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress is made. If you fail 3 times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.


The duration a meal remains edible depends on the type of meal made. A feast must be consumed within an hour, a snack lasts for 1 day, and ration lasts 1 month.


The material for cooking are fresh ingredients and supplies. A fresh ingredient is something you harvest that can increase the quality of your food and sometimes provide supernatural boosts beyond mere satiation. Staples include seasoning and spices, but also things like flour and turnips - food that lasts awhile and can cooked into perfectly fine meals, but have no benefits you wouldn't expect from eating a good meal.

Ch.13 | Crafting
General System, Specific Examples

Like with all aspects, this crafting system does not attempt to provide systematic specific examples (though they are provided in the appendix), but rather a system that allows you to know the outcome of anything you could cook. For example, a party could acquire 1 common fresh ingredient by harvesting a Hook Horror, and than combine that with 1 common supplies to cook either Hook Turkey Sandwiches or Murder Chicken Tenders, but the benefit from either example would still fall into a Monstrosity Meat Quality Meal category (one step above standard rations).

Ingredient Expiration

Normal Ingredients expire very quickly, and must be used within 24 hours of being harvested or they become unusable. Preserved rations would fall into the staples category and cannot typically be used to cook anything besides basic meals. The ability to gain any sort of magical benefit is linked its freshness; even will prepared preserved foods provide only the benefit of a Basic Meal (which is a satisfying and good tasting meal, but its benefits are not otherwise magical).

Unlike Fresh Ingredients, Staples last significantly longer and do not need to have their expiration tracked for the purposes of this system.


The magical benefits you get consuming rare and more magical foods cannot be gained again until 24 hours have passed any particular food. When combined with the ingredient expiration above, this typically means that any ingredient collected is only good for a single meal - this is intentionally; you can harvest more if you wish, but cooking by its natural is a profession of fleeting achievement and fickle opportunity.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to create a meal, your crafting roll is as follows:

Cooking Modifier = your Cooking Utensils tool proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Success and Failure

For Cooking, after you make the crafting roll and succeed marks your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Cooking must be consecutive, meaning that if you wish to continue after a failed craft, you need to extend your crafting time.

Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage. If you fail three times, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.

Basic Cooking

While the rules present a handful of ways to use cooking for more exotic ends, the most common application of cooking is just to produce an edible meal on during a long rest - something any adventuring group would welcome; this is called a Quality Meal, and provides greater benefit than rations, though the benefits it provides are not magical, and merely stem from it being a satisfying meals. You can do so by expending 1 fresh ingredient of any type and 1 common supplies for up to 5 people, or by spending common supplies per person being cooked for. These materials must have been purchased within the last week.

See Common Feast*

Purchasing Materials

Due the rules on ingredient freshness, typically speaking ingredients cannot be purchased in a way that is relevant for cooking recipes. You can purchase Supplies (of any type) that can be used to make Basic Meals.

Rarity Material Price
Supplies (Salt, Staples, etc) 1 gp
Uncommon Supplies (Uncommon
spices, oils, rare seeds, etc)
10 gp
Rare Supplies (Hard to
luxury goods)
100 gp

Harvesting Ingredients

Unlike other things you can harvest from monsters, there's little chance of failure in harvesting - there's generally more to harvest than be meaningfully used.

You can consume Monstrosity, Dragon, Beast and Plant Type creatures for magical benefits; your DM may allow other creature types as special delicacies at their discretion.

Monster CR Gathered Ingredients
1/4 to 4 Common
5-8 Uncommon
9-12 Rare
13-16 Very Rare
16-20 Legendary
Ch.13 | Crafting
Feast Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time checks DC Rarity Market Value
Common Feast* 1 common fresh ingredient
1 common supplies
1 hour 1 DC 8 common 3 gp
Dragon Turtle Bisque* 1 uncommon fresh meat
1 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
1 uncommon reagent (any)
2 hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 30 gp
Feast* 1 uncommon fresh ingredient
1 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
2 hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 15 gp
Meat Feast* 1 uncommon meat
1 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
2 hours 1 DC 14 uncommon 15 gp
Hearty Feast* 1 rare fresh ingredient
1 uncommon reagent (any)
1 rare supplies
1 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
2 hours 1 DC 16 rare 150 gp
Hearty Meat Feast* 1 rare meat
1 uncommon reagent (any)
1 rare supplies
1 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
2 hours 1 DC 16 rare 150 gp
Superb Feast* 1 very rare fresh ingredient
1 rare reagent (any)
2 rare supplies
2 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
4 hours 2 DC 18 very rare 300 gp
Superb Meat Feast* 1 very rare meat
1 rare reagent (any)
2 rare supplies
2 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
4 hours 2 DC 18 very rare 300 gp
Legendary Feast* 1 legendary fresh ingredient
1 very rare reagent (any)
3 rare supplies
3 uncommon supplies
1 common supplies
6 hours 3 DC 20 legendary 3000 gp
Legendary Meat Feast* 1 legendary meat
1 very rare reagent (any)
3 rare supplies
3 uncommon supplies
1 common supplies
6 hours 3 DC 20 legendary 3000 gp
Elementally Fortifying
1 rare meat from a creature with an
elemental resistance or immunity

2 uncommon reactive reagent
1 common primal essence
2 rare supplies
2 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
2 hours 1 DC 16 rare 325 gp
Seaworthy Bouillabaisse 1 uncommon meat from a creature
with a swim speed greater than its
walking speed.

2 uncommon supplies
2 common supplies
2 hours 1 DC 12 uncommon 25 gp
Heroes' Feast 5 rare curative reagent
4 rare supplies
4 supplies
4 hours 2 DC 18 rare 1,500
Ch.13 | Crafting
Snack Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time checks DC Rarity Market Value
Dryad Greens* 1 ingredient harvested from a

1 rare supplies
1 uncommon supplies
1 common supplies
6 hours 3 DC 16 uncommon 750 gp
Flame Breathing Jerky* x 5 1 uncommon or rarer meat from
a creature immune to fire damage

2 uncommon reactive reagents
1 rare supplies
6 hours 3 DC 15 uncommon 250 gp
Mint Chew* x 5 2 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon supplies
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 100 gp
Morph Cookies* x 5 1 ingredient harvested from a

1 rare supplies
1 uncommon supplies
1 common supplies
2 hours 2 DC 15 uncommon 125 gp
Seeing Sticks* x 5 1 ingredient from a creature
with blindsight or tremorsense

1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 rare supplies
1 common supplies (optional)
4 hours 2 DC 15 uncommon 150 gp
Ration Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time checks DC Rarity Market Value
Elvish Bread* x 10 1 uncommon curative reagent
1 uncommon supplies
1 common supplies
6 hours 3 DC 15 uncommon 60 gp
Rations x 10 2 common supplies 1 hour 1 DC 8 common 5 gp
Bead of Nourishment 1 common curative reagent
2 common supplies
1 hour 1 DC 8 common 25 gp
Bead of Refreshment 1 common curative reagent
2 common supplies
1 hour 1 DC 8 common 25 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting


Common Feast

Food, feast, common

Up to 5 creatures can consume this feast within an hour of it being prepared. After consuming this hearty meal, you become satiated for the next 24 hours. This is a hearty meal well surpassing the benefits of normal meals or rations, and each creature that consumes it regains an additional hit die during the next long rest.

If cooked by a creature with proficiency in Cooking Utensils, creatures that consume this feast regain additional hit dice equal to the cook's proficiency bonus during the next long rest instead.

Dragon Turtle Bisque

Food, feast, uncommon

Up to 5 creatures can consume this feast within an hour of it being prepared. After consuming this bisque, you become satiated for the next 24 hours. You gain the ability to breathe both air and water for the next 24 hours.


Food, feast, uncommon/rare/very rare/legendary

Up to 5 creatures can consume this feast within an hour of it being prepared. After consuming this hearty meal, you become satiated for the next 24 hours. You gain the benefits for a common feast, but can gain additional benefits by trading hit dice as part of your next long rest after consuming this meal - these hit dice are consumed after calculating how many you would have after the rest (including the benefits of the feast), but you can trade hit dice in this way you would normally lose if you have more than your maximum hit dice.

You can trade hit dice in this way up to a number equal to your proficiency bonus. The benefits scale based on the rarity on the feast.

Benefit [Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare/Legendary]
Roll a [d4/d6/d8/d12] per hit die traded and gain temporary hit points equal to the value rolled.
Trade three hit dice for an additional spell slot of [1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th] level
Gain a point point that can be expended like Inspiration by trading [5/4/3/2] hit dice per point.

Any benefit from a feast fades after 24 hours.

How Feast Spent Dice Work

If, for example, at level 4, if you start a rest with 2 hit dice, and consume a meal that would give an additional hit die, you would end the rest with 5, but your maximum is 4, so you would lose the 5th. This allows you to spend that extra fifth hit die for additional benefits. You could spend 3 hit dice on these benefits, but doing so would mean you only have 2 hit dice after the long rest.

Meat Feast

Food, feast, uncommon/rare/very rare/legendary

Up to 5 creatures can consume this feast within an hour of it being prepared. After consuming this hearty meal, you become satiated for the next 24 hours. Consuming the essence of a properly prepared creature of great power confers some of its power to you while satiated by the feast.

You can add +1/+2/+3/+4 to ability checks and saving throws of the prepared creatures highest stat (if multiple stats are tied, the cook chooses which when preparing the meal). Alternatively, the cook can bring forth exotic properties of the creature, conferring one trait of the cooked animal to those that consume it as per the following table (this replaces the benefit to ability checks and saves):

Quality Rarity Stat Bonus Alternative Creature Boon
Meat UnCommon +1 Hold Breath, Keen Senses, Pounce, Stone Camouflage
Hearthy Meat Rare +2 Amphibious/Water Breathing, Web Walker
Superb Meat Very Rare +3 Pack Tactics, Spider Climb
Legendary Meat Legendary +4 Magic Resistance, Regeneration, Shapechanger(Mimic)

The details from the creature boon can be found on the creature stat block. The cook must be aware of the creature's property to make the meal imbue that property, and the DM may adjust the property in cases where it would not work for players or be too powerful as written. At the DMs discretion, any of ability can be added to this list.

Elementally Fortifying Feast

Food, feast, rare

Up to 5 creatures can consume this feast within an hour of it being prepared. After consuming this hearty meal, you become satiated for the next 24 hours. The magical properties of the meal confer the following special benefits:

Element Benefit
Cold Advantage on saves against cold
climates and cold damage.
Fire Advantage on saves against hot
climates and fire damage.
Lightning Advantage on saves against being
stunned and lightning damage

These benefits fade after 24 hours. You cannot gain the benefits of another feats until these benefits fade and you are no longer satiated.

Seaworthy Bouillabaisse

Food, feast, uncommon

Up to 5 creatures can consume this feast within an hour of it being prepared. After consuming this hearty meal, you become satiated for the next 24 hours. The magical properties of the meal grant you immunity to sea sickness as well as advantage on Dexterity or Constitution saving throws involving the motion of sea vessels.

Additionally, if you do not have proficiency in Water Vehicles, you can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to any check involving them for the duration.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Heroes' Feast

Food, feast, rare

A magnificent spread of food. Cooking this has the effect of casting the spell heroe's feast, expect it's made of real food and not poofed by into existence strange magics.


Dryad Greens

A dryad's "hair" consists of lustruous leafy greens that make a vibrant improvised salad. Some common vinegar and flecks of meat can add sharpness and texture in a matter of minutes.

For the next 24 hours; you can communicate with beasts and plants as if you shared a language. The complexity of what you communicate might be limited by their intelligence.

Ettercap, Steamed

Though a favorite meal of tirumphant fey, softened ettercap spinnerets smell a tad too "rubbery" for other creatures. Pinch your nose and they're not much different from a giant spider, though.

For the next 10 minutes, whenever you are in contact with a web, rope or similar structure, you know the exact location of anyother creature in contact with that web.

Flame Breathing Jerky

Food, snack, uncommon

A tough jerky with exotic flavoring. Very spicy, uncomfortable so. After a creature consumes this snack as an action, they gain the following benefits for the next 10 minutes:

  • You cannot be put to sleep by magical means.
  • You have disadvantage on Wisdom ability checks.
  • You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell.
  • You can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 10 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

You can eat a number of pieces of this jerky equal to your Constitution modifier per long rest.

Mint Chew

Food, snack, uncommon

A chewy minty candy. You can pop one into your mouth as a bonus action. While being chewed (for up to 10 minutes), are energized and can ignore the effects of up to 3 levels Exhaustion for the duration, and cannot be put to sleep by magical means.

You can only gain this benefit once per long rest, after which consuming additional pieces of the candy has no effect.

Morph Cookies

Food, snack, uncommon

Consuming one of these has the effects of casting alter self, however you cannot change the adaption unless you consume another cookie. This effect does not require concentration to maintain, and can be extended by consuming an additional morph cookie.

If the ingredient came from a mimic, you can additional transform your appearance to creatures with a different basic shape than you, though you remain the same size.

Seeing Sticks

Food, snack, uncommon

A stick of hard tacky substance. You can pop one into your mouth as a bonus action. While being sucked (for up to 10 minutes), you gain expanded senses and have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, saving throws against a Illusion spells, and Intelligence (Investigation) checks to see through illusions, though because of the bad taste inherent to the formulation, continuing to suck on the seeing stick requires concentration, as if concentrating on a spell.

By adding the optional common supplies ingredient, they can be sweetened, giving concentration checks to keep from spitting them out advantage; this increases the DC of the recipe by 1.


Elvish Bread

Food, ration, uncommon

A creature can use its action to eat one bite of this bite (1 ration of it). Eating a piece restores 1 hit point, and the bread provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Enchanting is a hard and expensive profession, but one eagerly pursued by many all the same. The makers of miracles, the craftsmen of wonder, no other profession holds the fascination of adventurers quite like Enchanter, for their domain encompasses the large majority of magical items.

An item need not pass through an enchanter's hands to be magical, indeed many a blacksmith has forged a magical blade with the right materials, but the true wonder of enchantment is to turn the mundane magical. An enchanter can turn even the most base and commonplace item into something wonderful and powerful, and when given the head start of working with an already well crafted item can craft things of legend.

Many enchanters further specialize in subdomains such as Scroll Scribing or Wand Whittling for more specialized good that require more specialized tools, with many even pursuing such things as Jewelery Crafting in order to create the precious items that most easily enchant, but the general field of Enchanting still covers a large swath of the wondrous.

Scrolls are heavily featured as component of nearly all magical items forming the basis for the powerful enchantments that imbue them with their magic - templates of sort, and thus the ability to craft scrolls with Scroll Scribery is often the most desired of the subdomains for an Enchanter.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a magic item in its most basic form:

  • Select the magic item that you would like to craft from any of the Magic Item Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Arcana skill to infuse the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Intelligence modifier + your Arcana proficiency.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Materials: Essences & Components

The materials of enchanting are Essences and Components. Essences come in three different types - Arcane, Primal, and Divine, as well as five rarities - common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary. What an Essence is can vary greatly, as they are things of innate magic that is used to power the Enchanter's creations. They could be organs of magical monsters (such as the heart of a dragon which would be a rare primal essence) or they can be synthesized from magical reagents into a magical compound. Components are a broad category of items ranging from the base item you are enchanting to any extraneous bits needed to be added. One unique component that is present in many enchantments is a Spell Scroll of various types of spells that form the basis of the sort of the magic the item has.

Replacing Spell Scrolls

A crafter that is capable of casting magic can replace the spell scroll in an enchantment with the ability to cast that spell, but when doing so they must cast that spell for each crafting check they make on that item. This is an exhausting process, draining their magic far more deeply than normal casting, and confers a level of exhaustion each time this technique is used to replace a crafting check. If a magic item requires multiple scrolls, only one of them can be replaced in this way, though if an additional spell caster that can cast the necessary spell can assist you, they can replace a second scroll, though suffering the same penalty.

Exhausting & Difficult Method

This mechanic is intentionally quite difficult to use - even for casters that are capable of casting the spell, the typically process would be to make the scroll first to formalize their thoughts and process, laying down the patterns and templates for the magic item. It also removes a very costly gate in the process, so should not be easily bypassed.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to enchant an item, your crafting roll is as follows:

Enchanting Modifier = your Arcana proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Success and Failure

For Enchanting, after you make the crafting roll and succeed marks your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Enchanting do not need to be immediately consecutive. Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage.

If you fail three times in a row, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Wondrous Item Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Broom of Flying 1 broom
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of animate object
2 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 uncommon 1,050 gp
Portable Hole 1 large cloth
1 scroll of rope trick
1 scroll of passwall
1 scroll of dimension door
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours (1.5 days) 8 DC 18 Rare 5,000 gp
Sending Stones 1 set of the same kind of stones
1 scroll of sending
2 common arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 380 gp
Beads of Force 8 beads
8 scrolls of resilient sphere
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 2900 gp
Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals 1 brazier worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
2 rare reactive reagents
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals 1 bowl worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
2 rare curative reagents
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals 1 stone worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
2 rare poisonous reagent
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals 1 censer worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
1 rare reactive reagent
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Candle of Invocation* 1 candle worth 100 gp
4 rare divine essence
1 scroll of holy aura
1 scroll of gate
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare 65,000 gp
Carpet of Flying 1 fancy carpet worth 1000 gp
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of animate objects
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare primal essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare 20,000 gp
Chime of Opening 1 chime worth 50 gp
1 scroll of knock
10 common arcane essences
10 hours 5 DC 14 rare 666 gp

* Candle of Invocation matches the alignment of the creator.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Crystal Ball 1 crystal worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of scrying
1 very rare arcane essence
2 rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 12,600 gp
Crystal Ball of Mind Reading 1 very rare magical crystal ball
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 very rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 19 very rare 22,200 gp
Crystal Ball of Telepathy 1 very rare magical crystal ball
1 scroll of suggestion
1 very rare psionic essence
8 hours 4 DC 20 very rare 22,600 gp
Crystal Ball of True Seeing 1 very rare magical crystal ball
1 scroll of truesight
1 legendary arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 21 legendary 50,000 gp
Cube of Force 1 metal cube of mithril, admantite, or gold
1 scroll of wall of force
1 scroll of antilife shell
1 scroll of gaseous form
1 scroll of antimagic field
2 rare arcane essence
3 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 very rare 20,000 gp
Cubic Gate 1 3 inch cube worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of gate
1 scroll of planeshift
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 very rare 75,000 gp
Decanter of Endless Water 1 decanter
1 scroll of create or destroy water
1 uncommon primal essence
1 common divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 ucommon 300 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Deck of Illusions 34 cards
1 scroll of major image
1 scroll of silent image
34 common arcane essences
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 330 gp
Deck of Many Things 22 cards
1 tears of a dungeon master
22 hours 11 DC 100 legendary ???
Efreeti Bottle 1 brass bottle
1 scroll of conjure elemental
1 scroll of planar binding
2 very rare primal essences
3 rare primal essences
3 rare arcane essences
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 18 very rare 24,000 gp
Eversmoking Bottle 1 bottle
1 scroll of fog cloud
1 scroll of produce flame
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 13 uncommon 210 gp
Feather Token (Anchor) 1 fletching
1 scroll of entangle
1 scroll of web
1 scroll of binding curseK
1 uncommon arcane essence
6 hours 3 DC 15 rare 435 gp
Feather Token (Bird) 1 fletching
1 scroll of conjure animals
2 scrolls of enlarge reduce
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 17 rare 770 gp
Feather Token (Fan) 1 fletching
1 scroll of gust of wind
1 scroll of animate objectK
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 15 rare 525 gp
Feather Token (Swan Boat) 1 fletching
1 boat 50 feet long and 20 feet wide
1 scroll of dimension door
1 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare 4000 gp
Feather Token (Tree) 1 fletching
1 scroll of plant growth
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 15 rare 475 gp
Feather Token (Whip) 1 fletching
1 whip
1 scroll of animate objects
1 uncommon arcane essence
6 hours 3 DC 14 rare 275 gp
Hat of Disguise 1 hat
1 scroll of disguise self
1 scroll of minor illusion
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 340 gp
Well of Many Worlds 1 fine block cloth worth 100 gp
1 scroll of planeshift
1 scroll of demiplane
1 legendary divine essence
1 very rare arcane essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 20 legendary
Ch.13 | Crafting
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Helm of Telepathy 1 helm worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 scroll of suggestion
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 common arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 15 uncommon
Instant Fortress 1 admantine cube
100 adamantine ingots
1 scroll of magnificent mansion
2 very rare arcane essence
4 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 18 very rare
Iron Flask (Empty) 1 iron flask
1 scroll of imprisonment
1 scroll of planar blinding
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary
Mirror of Life Trapping 1 4 foot tall mirror worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of demiplane
1 scroll of banishment
1 very rare arcane essence
2 rare arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare
Rope of Climbing 1 60-foot long rope
1 scroll of awaken rope
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 common arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon
Rope of Entanglement 1 30-foot long rope
1 scroll of awaken ropeK
1 scroll of entangle
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 1,325 gp
Sphere of Annihilation 1 legendary arcane essence
1 scroll of disintegrate
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of demiplane
2 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 81,000 gp
Luckstone 1 polished agate worth 50 gp
1 scroll of imbue luckK
1 uncommon divine essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 415 gp
Ioun Stones
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Ioun Stone (Absorption)
Ioun Stone (Agility)
Ioun Stone (Awareness)
Ioun Stone (Fortitude)
Ioun Stone (Greater Absorption)
Ioun Stone (Insight)
Ioun Stone (Intellect)
Ioun Stone (Leadership)
Ioun Stone (Mastery)
Ioun Stone (Protection)
Ioun Stone (Regeneration)
Ioun Stone (Reserve)
Ioun Stone (Strength)
Ioun Stone (Sustenance)
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magic Armor Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
+1 Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 16 rare 3,000* gp
+2 Armor 1 set of armor worth at least 2,000 gp
1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 very rare 17,000 gp
+3 Armor 1 set of armor worth at least 4,000gp
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare divine essence
48 hours (6 days) 24 DC 22 legendary 100,000 gp
Shield +1 1 shield
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 500 gp
Shield +2 1 shield
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 scroll of glyph of warding
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3,200 gp
Shield +3 1 shield worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of wall of stone
1 scroll of wall of force
1 scroll of wind wall
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 20 very rare 24,000 gp
Breastplate of Golden RetrieverDC 1 ornate breastplate worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of warding bond
1 scroll of faithful hound
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 very rare 9,700 gp
Armor of Invulnerability 1 set of plate armor worth at least 4,000 gp
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 scroll of stone skin
1 legendary divine essence
2 very rare arcane essence
48 hours (6 days) 24 DC 23 legendary 125,000 gp

* Armor Prices do not include the base set of base armor type, as the cost of those varies considerably.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Rod Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Immovable Rod 1 rod worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of gravity surgeK
4 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 Uncommon 800 gp
Rod of the Pact
Keeper +1
1 rod worth at least 100 gp
(a) 1 entrapped humanoid soul or
(b) 3 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 Uncommon 650 gp
Rod of Rulership 1 rod worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of command
1 scroll of charm person
1 scroll of suggestion
1 scroll of charm monster
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 Rare 3,100 gp
Rod of the Pact
Keeper +2
1 rod worth at least 500 gp
(a) 3 entrapped humanoid
souls of CR/Level 5 or higher or
(b) 3 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 12 DC 17 Rare 3,300 gp
Tentacle Rod 1 rod worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of black tentacle
3 tentacles at least 5 feet long
2 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 Rare 2500 gp
Rod of Absorption 1 rod worth at least 3,000 gp
1 scroll of spelltrapK
1 scroll of counterspell
2 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 Very Rare 7500 gp
Rod of Alertness 1 rod worth at least 3,000 gp
1 scroll of alarm
1 scroll of detect evil and good
1 scroll of detect magic
1 scroll of detect poison and disease
1 scroll of see invisibility
3 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 Very Rare 6,400 gp
Rod of Security 1 rod worth at least 5,000 gp
1 scroll of demiplane
1 very rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 Very Rare 29,000 gp
Rod of the Pact
Keeper +3
1 rod worth at least 5,000 gp
(a) 1 entrapped soul of a devil or
demon CR 15 or higher

2 very rare arcane essence or
(b) 4 very rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 Very Rare 38,000 gp
Rod of Lordly Might 1 rod worth at least 10,000 gp
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 scroll of elemental weapon
1 scroll of fear
1 scroll of hold monster
1 scroll of vampiric touch
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
1 +3 weapon mace or battleaxe
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 22 Legendary 84,000 gp
Rod of Resurrection 1 rod worth at least 10,000 gp
1 scroll of revivify
1 scroll of raise dead
1 scroll of resurrection
1 scroll of true resurrection
1 very rare divine essence
1 legendary divine essence
80 hours (10 days) 40 DC 24 Legendary 120,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting

Breastplate of the Golden RetrieverDS

Armor (breastplate), very rare (requires attunement)

You have a +1 bonus to AC and advantage on saving throws to resist being frightened while wearing this armor.

This armor has 3 charges, which it regains daily at dawn. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to cast the warding bond spell or 2 charges to cast the faithful hound spell from the armor without requiring material components. When warding bond is cast in this way, a spectral golden retriever appears next to the creature you are bonded with and follows it dutifully. The golden retriever is incorporeal and it can shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet upon the bonded creature’s request (no action required).

Item created by Dungeon Strugglers

Ch.13 | Crafting


Quick Reference

The following is a quick reference to follow for each step of an engineering project:

  • Select the construction project you would like to begin.
  • Gather the required labor if necessary.
  • Ensure you have all materials for the construction project available.
  • Use your Carpentry Tools to begin work, taking a number of hours listed in the crafting time column. You can make progress in 2 hours increments.
  • For every 2 hour increments, make a crafting check of 1d20 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency with carpentry tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the construction project is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail three times, the construction project is a failure is a failure and all materials are lost.


Engineering uses materials in a larger bulker than most crafting branches. These are represnted in "Units" of materials. These can be directly harvested in bulk, or represent collections of similar individual materials.

Bulk Materials Table
Material Price
Unit of Lumber 1 gp
Unit of Stone 1 gp
Cement (Mortar) 1 sp
Harvesting Trees

You can convert trees that are at least 20 feet tall into units of lumber. A 20 foot tall tree will product 1 unit of lumber, and ad additional unit of lumber for each 10 feet of tree height. At your DM's discrection, some trees may not be suitable lumber. It takes 4 hours of work by a laborer to convert trees to units of lumber.

A unit of lumber can be converted to 10 wooden branches.

Quarrying Stone

Quarrying Stone is significantly harder and at the edge of the what this system attempts to define. As a rule of thumb, if quarry that can produce stone is available, 1 laborer can produce 1 unit of stone in 8 hours of hard labor (1 unit per day). A laborer with 18 strength or more can produce twice as much stone in the same time period.

Setting up quarry exceeds the scope of this system, but would take days or weeks.

Crafting Roll

Engineering Modifier = your Carpentry proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier


Unlike most crafting, Engineering can encompass large projects that require additional laborer. A laborer can be any creature with a Strength of 12 or higher that can understand you, lift and carry objects, and is willing to work for you for for the duration. You can be your own laborer if you fit the requirements. A creature with a Strength of 18 or more or proficiency in Carpentry tools can count as skilled laborer, and is worth two laborers. Two creatures of insufficient strength but with a strength 8 or more strength working together can be counted as single laborer, but only for 4 hours a day, after which more labor confers a level of exhaustion.

Additional labor does not inherently speed a project up, though a DM may rule that it is possible in a case by case basis. Checks can be made with insufficient labor as long as you have half the labor pool needed, but each crafting check takes 4 hours in this case.

The number of laborers requires is based on the scale of the project, as per the following table:

Project Scale Laborers Needed
Small 0
Medium 0
Large 1
Huge 2
Gargantuan (30x30) 3
Colossal (40x40+) 4+

For colossal projects, you need one laborer for every additional 10 square feet of the project beyond 40 by 40. For example, to build a bridge that was 200 by 40 feet, you would be five times more laborers (20 laborers) to maintain a 2 hour crafting check.

Every laborer requires their own set of crafting tools, though they do not need proficiency with them. At a DMs discretion, Masonry Tools or Woodcarving Tools can replace Carpentry tools for laborers where appropriate.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Siege Weapons
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Ballista (Large) 2 unit of lumber
4 quality branches
10 parts
5 leather scraps
rope (20 ft)
8 hours 4 DC 16 Common 150 gp
Mangonel (Large) 4 unit of lumber
4 quality branches
20 parts
2 fancy parts
4 rawhide leather
rope (40 ft)
8 hours 4 DC 17 Common 300 gp
Ram (Large) 4 unit of lumber
10 rawhide leather
10 parts
2 ingots
rope (20 feet)
8 hours 4 DC 14 Common 65 gp
Trebuchet (Huge) 8 unit of lumber
20 parts
2 fancy parts
10 leather scraps
rope (60 feet)
16 hours 8 DC 16 Uncommon 750 gp
Siege Tower (Gargantuan) 10 unit of lumber
20 parts
10 rawhide leather
rope (60 feet)
8 hours 4 DC 16 Common 120 gp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Low Stone Wall (per 10 ft) 1 unit of stone
1 bucket of cement
8 hours 4 DC 10 Common 8 gp
Stone Battlements (per 10 ft) 5 units of stone
5 bucket of cement
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 14 Common 140 gp
Palisade (per 10 ft) 2 unit of lumber 2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 2 gp
Watch Tower 8 unit of lumber
5 parts
16 hours 8 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Wooden Battlement (per 10 ft) 5 unit of lumber
4 parts
4 metal scraps
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Narrow Wooden Bridge (per 10 ft) 1 unit of lumber
2 parts
4 hours 2 DC 14 Common 25 gp
Large Wooden Bridge (per 10 ft) 3 unit of lumber
6 parts
8 hours 4 DC 14 Common 55 gp
Huge Wooden Bridge (per 10 ft) 5 unit of lumber
10 parts
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 15 Common 165 gp
Narrow Stone Bridge (per 10 ft) 1 unit of stone
1 bucket of cement
8 hours 4 DC 15 Common 80 gp
Large Stone Bridge (per 10 ft) 3 units of stone
3 buckets of cement
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 15 Common 160 gp
Huge Stone Bridge (per 10 ft) 5 units of stone
5 buckets of cement
32 hours (3 days) 16 DC 16 Common 520 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Carriage (Large) 3 units of lumber
2 quality branch
1 tanned leather
5 parts
2 fancy parts
16 hours 8 DC 13 Common 100 gp
Cart (Large) 2 units of lumber
4 metal scraps
4 leather scraps
2 parts
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 15 gp
Chariot (Large) 2 units of lumber
2 quality branches
2 tanned leather
4 parts
2 fancy parts
20 hours 10 DC 14 Common 250 gp
Sled (Large) 2 units of lumber
2 wooden branches
2 parts
4 leather scraps
8 hours 4 DC 11 Common 20 gp
Wagon (Large) 3 units of lumber
2 quality branches
4 parts
4 leather scraps
10 hours 5 DC 12 Common 35 gp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Galley (Gargantuan) 100 units of lumber
20 quality branches
100 parts
10 fancy parts
Rope (600 ft)
160 hours (20 days)
With 10 laborers
80 DC 16 Common 30,000 gp
Keelboat (Gargantuan) 20 units of lumber
20 parts
5 fancy parts
10 rawhide leather
Rope (200 ft)
40 hours (5 days)
With 10 laborers
15 DC 14 Common 3,000 gp
Longship (Gargantuan) 40 units of lumber
10 quality branches
100 parts
5 fancy parts
Rope (500 ft)
80 hours (10 days)
With 10 laborers
40 DC 15 Common 10,000 gp
Rowboat (Large) 3 units of lumber
8 parts
8 hours 4 DC 13 Common 50 gp
Sailing Ship (Gargantuan) 60 units of lumber
10 quality branches
100 parts
10 fancy parts
Rope (2,000 ft)
80 hours (10 days)
With 10 laborers
40 DC 15 Common 10,000 gp
Warship (Gargantuan) 80 units of lumber
20 quality branch
100 parts
10 fancy parts
Rope (2,000)
80 hours (10 days)
With 10 laborers
40 DC 17 Common 25,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Apparatus of the Crab
Ch.13 | Crafting

Jewelry Crafting

Quick Reference

The following is a quick reference to follow for each step of refining a jewel.

  • Select a refinement or piece of jewelery you would like to make from the tables below.
  • Some refinements or jewelery require only a gem of certain value, while others require some additional or magical components; acquire the materials listed in the material column for the refinement you would like to make.
  • Use your Jeweler's tools to craft the option using the number of hours listed in the crafting time column. You can make progress in 2 hour increments.
  • For every 2 hour increment, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus with Jewelery tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of complicated time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail three times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Common Ring 3 silver scraps 8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 20 gp
Valuable Ring 3 gold scraps 12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 Common 200 gp
Masterwork Ring 3 mithril scraps 16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 Uncommon 420 gp
Socketed Ring 3 silver scraps 8 hours 4 DC 14 Common 45 gp
Common Amulet 3 gold scraps 8 hours 4 DC 15 Common 150 gp
Valuable Amulet 4 gold scraps
1 gem worth at least 50 gp
12 hours 6 DC 16 Common 250 gp
Masterwork Amulet 4 mithril scraps
1 gem worth at least 200 gp
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 Uncommon 650 gp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Basic Lenses (Glasses) 2 parts
1 metal scraps
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 10 gp
Crystal Lenses (Glasses) 2 fancy parts
1 silver scraps
6 hours 3 DC 14 Common 50 gp

Magical Gems
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Ruby of the War Mage 1 ruby worth at least 20 gp
1 common arcane essence
2 hours 1 DC 13 Common 100 gp
Elemental Gem
(Blue Sapphire)
1 sapphire worth at least 100 gp
1 common primal essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Elemental Gem
(Yellow Diamond)
1 diamond worth at least 100 gp
1 common primal essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Elemental Gem
(Red Corundum)
1 corundum worth at least 100 gp
1 common primal essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Elemental Gem
1 emerald worth at least 100 gp
1 common primal essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Gem of Brightness 1 diamond worth at least 100 gp
1 common arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Pearl of Power 1 pearl worth at least 100 gp
1 uncommon arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 15 Uncommon 400 gp
Psi Crystal 1 crystal worth at least 200 gp
1 uncommon psionic essence
4 hours 2 DC 15 Uncommon 500 gp
Gem of Seeing 1 Sapphire worth at least 3,000 gp
2 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 Rare 5,000 gp
Nightfall Pearl 1 pearl worth at least 100 gp
1 legendary arcane essence
1 legendary primal essence
16 hours 8 DC 20 Legendary 51,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Common Magical Rings Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Band of Loyalty 1 ring worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of toll the dead
1 common primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 11 common 90 gp
Merchant Watchdog
Uncommon Magical Rings Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
All-Father Eye
Arcane ring Component
Band of the Dryad 1 ring
1 scroll of healing word
1uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 13 uncommon 250 gp
Banshee's Veil
Guild Signet 1 ring worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of the associated spell
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 uncommon 350 gp
Ring of Communication 1 ring
1 scroll of sending
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 13 uncommon 450 gp
Ring of Jumping 1 ring worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of jump
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 uncommon 250 gp
Ring of Mind Shielding 1 ring worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of protection from
good and evil

1 scroll of detect good and evil
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 uncommon psionic essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 15 uncommon 450 gp
Ring of Obscuring 1 ring worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of fog cloud
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 uncommon 150 gp
Ring of Swimming 1 ring worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of alter self
1 common primal essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Ring of Warmth 1 ring woth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of protection from energy
1 common primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 14 uncommon 480 gp
Ring of Water Walking 1 ring worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of water walking
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 500 gp
Ring of Shared Suffering 1 ring worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of warding bond
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 250 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Rare Magical Rings Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Basco's Handy Bangle
Ring of Animal Influence 1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of animal friendship
1 scroll of fear
1 scroll of speak with animals
1 uncommon primal essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 15 rare 1,000 gp
Ring of Dragon Armor* 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of absorb elements
1 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 1,800 gp
Ring of Evasion 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of haste
1 rare arca,e essence
3 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 4,900 gp
Ring of Feather
1 ring worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of feather fall
1 scroll of levitate
1 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 rare 2,200 gp
Ring of Free
1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of freedom of movement
2 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 17 rare 4,500 gp
Ring of Mirrored Essence* 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of alter self
1 scroll of disguise self
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 3,000 gp
Ring of
1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of protection from energy
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of absorb elements
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 3,000 gp
Ring of
1 ring worth 200 gp
1 gem worth 50 gp
1 scroll of protection from energy
3 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare 3,500 gp
Ring of Spell Storing 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 empty wizard's spell book (50 gp)
4 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 3,600 gp
Ring of Temporal Salvation 1 ring worth 200 gp
1 gem worth 50 gp
1 scroll of death ward
1 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare 2,250 gp
Ring of the Blood Prince 1 ring worth 200 gp
3 rare arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 2,800 gp
Ring of the Ram 1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of summon beast
1 scroll of shatter
1 rare arcane essence
2 rare primal essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 15 rare 4,000 gp
Ring of the Shapeshifter 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of alter slef
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC16 rare 4,200 gp
Ring of X-Ray Vision 1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of true seeing
1 scroll of find traps
1 rare arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 3,500 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Very Rare Magical Rings Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Ring of Regeneration 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of regenerate
1 very rare divine essence
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 very rare 40,000 gp
Ring of Shooting Stars 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of melf's minute meteor
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 very rare 20,000 gp
Ring of Telekinesis 1 ringer worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of telekinesis
1 very rare arcane essence
2 very rare psionic essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 19 very rare 25,000 gp
Legendary Magical Rings Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Ring of Elemental Command 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of dominate monster
1 scroll of summon elemental
1 scroll of conjure elemental
4 legendary primal essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 22 legendary 200,000 gp
Ring of Invisibility 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of greater invisbility
1 scroll of etherealness
2 legendary arcane essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 22 legendary 75,000 gp
Ring of Spell Turning 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of antimagic field
1 scroll of counterspell
scroll of dispel magic
2 legendary arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 22 legendary 66,000 gp
Ring of Three Wishes 1 ring
3 scrolls of wish
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 legendary 97,950 gp
Ring of Djinni Summoning 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of gate
1 scroll of dominate monster
1 scroll of summon elemental
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 legendary primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 20 legendary 125,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Common Magical Jewelry Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Amulet of protection against Spiders* 1 amulet
1 scroll of sanctuary
1 primal common essence
8 hours 4 DC 11 Common 75 gp
Catnip Amulet* 1 amulet
1 primal common essence
8 hours 4 DC 11 Common 50 gp
Clockwork Amulet 1 amulet worth 20 gp
1 arcane common essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Dark Shard Amulet 1 amulet
1 arcane common essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Fertility Charm* 1 amulet
1 scroll of lesser restoration
8 hours 4 DC 13 Common 175 gp
Luck Charm* 1 amulet
1 divine common essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Planeswamler's Bulwark 8 hours 4 DC
Protection Charm* 1 amulet
1 scroll of protection from good and evil
8 hours 4 DC 11 Common 30 gp
Uncommon Magical Jewelry Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Amulet of the Drunkard 1 amulet
1 scroll of healing word
1 scroll of lesser restoration
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 500 gp
Amulet of the Devout, +1 1 holy symbol (amulet)
2 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 425 gp
Amulet of Equilibrium* 1 scroll of absorb element
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 375 gp
Amulet of Proof against
Detection and Location
1 amulet
1 scroll of nondetection
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 400 gp
Brooch of Kulu* 1 brooch or amulet worth 10 gp
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 13 uncommon 300 gp
Brooch of Shielding 1 brooch or amulet worth 10 gp
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of protection from energy
1 uncommon arcane essence
6 hours 3 DC 14 uncommon 375 gp
Circlet of Blasting circlet worth at least 25 gold
1 scroll of scorching ray
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 12 uncommon 350 gp
Circlet of the Huntsman’s Third Eye
Eyes of Charming 1 crystal lenses (glasses) worth 50 gp
1 scroll of charm person
1 uncommon arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 300 gp
Harkon's Bite
Headband of Intellect 1 handband worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 common divine essence
12 days (1.5 days) 6 DC 14 uncommon 450 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Uncommon Magical Jewelry Crafting Table (Cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Medallion of Thoughts 1 medallion worth 25 gold
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 common arcane essence
1 common psionic essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Necklace of Adaption 1 necklace worth at least 25 gold
1 scroll of protection from poison
2 uncommon divine essence
6 hours 3 DC 12 uncommon 450 gp
Periapt of Health 1 necklace worth 50 gold
1 scroll of purify food and drink
1 scroll of lesser restoration
2 common divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 uncommon 250 gp
Periapt of Wound Closure 1 scroll of cure wounds
1 scroll of healing word
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 375 gp
Rare Magical Jewelry Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Amulet of Heath 1 amulet worth 200 gp
2 rare divine essence
2 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 4,000 gp
Amulet of Life Blood 1 amulet
3 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 4,000 gp
Amulet of the Devout, +2 1 holy symbol (amulet)
4 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 4,250 gp
Avian Circlet
Brooch of Many Size* 1 brooch or amulet worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
1 rare arcane essence
2 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 4,250 gp
Gilded Necklace 1 necklace worth 500 gp
1 scroll of bless
1scroll of fortune's favor
1 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
16 hours
(1.5 days)
8 DC 16 rare 4,200 gp
Hairlock Charm* 1 necklace worth 50 gold
2 rare arcane essence
3 rare primal essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 4,250 gp
Necklace of Fearlessness* 1 necklace worth 50 gold
1 scroll of fearl
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 4,000 gp
Necklace of Fireballs 1 necklace worth 250 gold
1 scroll of fireball
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 4,350 gp
Necklace of Prayer Beads* 1 necklace worth 50 gold
6 gems worth 10 gold pieces each
1 scroll of planar ally
1 scroll of wind walk
1 scroll of branding smite
1 greater restoration
1 scroll of cure wounds
1 scroll of lesser restoration
1 scroll of bless
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 5,000 gp
Periapt of proof against poison 1 necklace worth 500 gold
1 scroll of protection from poison
4 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 4,700 gp
Shiled Guardian Amulet

* This version of Necklance of Prayer Beads has 6 beads, 1 of each option.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Very Rare Magical Jewelry Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Amulet of the Devout, +3 1 holy symbol (amulet)
4 rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 14,500 gp
Amulet of the life Blood 1 holy symbol (amulet)
4 rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 14,500 gp
Amulet of Planes 1 amulet worth 650 gp
1 scroll of plane shift
3 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 43,000 gp
Celestial Circlet 1 holy symbol
1 scroll of protection from good and evil
1 scroll of cure wounds
1 scroll of spirit guardians
3 very rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 43,000 gp
Helm of Brilliance* 1 helm worth at least 100 gp
5 diamonds worth 500 gp
10 rubies worth 200 gp
15 fire opals worth 100 gp
20 opals worth 100 gp
1 scroll of daylight
1 scroll of fireball
1 scroll of prismatic spray
1 wall of fire
1 very rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 32,000 gp

* Helm of Brilliance forged this way has 5 diamons, 10 rubies, 15 fire opals, and 20 opals. At your DMs discretion, one can be made with more gems.

Legendary Magical Jewelry Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Scarab of Protection 1 scarab shaped medallion
worth at least 5,000 gp

1 scroll of holy aura
1 legendary divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 19 legendary 58,000 gp
Talisman of Pure Good 1 talisman woth at least 10,000 gp
2 legendary divine essence
from a Good-aligned source

1 scroll of gravity fissure
1 scroll of gate
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 legendary 125,000 gp
Talisman of Ultimate Evil 1 talisman woth at least 10,000 gp
2 legendary divine essence
from an Evil-aligned source

1 scroll of gravity fissure
1 scroll of gate
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 legendary 125,000 gp
Talisman of the Sphere 1 talisman woth at least 10,000 gp
2 legendary arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 22 legendary 75,000 gp
Wreath of the Prism
Ch.13 | Crafting


Band of Mirrored Essence

ring, rare

This unassuming platinum ring is polished to a mirror finish. When you reduce a Small or larger hostile creature to 0 hit points while wearing the ring, you can use your reaction to absorb a portion of that creature’s essence into the ring. Looking into the ring shows the reflection of the creature whose essence is held inside. As an action, you can release the captured essence and assume either the creature’s appearance or one of its features.

If you take on the appearance of the creature, it must be a creature no more than one size larger or smaller than you. You do not physically change in size or shape, but your body is shrouded in a convincing illusion. Your voice changes to match the creature’s, and you can understand any of its known languages but can neither read nor speak any that you don’t already know. Another creature can see through the illusion by succeeding on a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Physical interaction with this illusory form reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. The illusion lasts for 8 hours or until you dismiss it as a bonus action or fall unconscious.

If you assume one of the creature’s features, your body or mind temporarily changes to accommodate the new ability. You can choose to gain 1 skill or saving throw proficiency, damage resistance, condition immunity, sense, or language that the creature had. If the creature could breathe underwater, you can choose to gain that feature instead. You retain this feature for 8 hours or until you dismiss it as a bonus action or fall unconscious.

Once you capture an essence with the ring, you can’t do so again for 1d8 hours. You can only have 1 essence at a time. If you capture an essence when you already have one, you replace the original.

Band of the Dryad

ring, uncommon

A simple wooden band that appears to be entwined by evergreen ivy vines. the top is decorated with a small rose petal, which remains bloomed and perfect until the ring's effect is used. Each day at dawn the petal blooms again.

This band has a single charge, which recharges each day at dawn. The power contained within the rose petal may be expended to heal a target the wearer can touch by 2d4+2 hit points. Once used, the rose petal wilts and falls off the ring, and this effect may not be used again until the next dawn.

Ring of Communication

ring, uncommon

A simple band of silver engraved with arcane runes that glow a dull silver blue when used.

This ring is part of a set that is magically linked together. While wearing this ring, you are able to sense if one or all of the other rings are being worn by another creature. You are not able to discern who the creature is or where they are located, only that the ring is being worn.

You are able to cast Sending at will from this ring while you wear it. When casting this spell from the ring, you can only target creatures that are wearing a ring linked to the set. The spell does not have a limitation on how many words are spoken through the spell, and it can target more than one creature at a time.

Ring of Dragon Armor

ring, rare

This metal ring is decorated as the type of dragon it is intended to protect the wearer from. A red ring protects the wearer from a red dragon's fire breath, a white ring protects a wearer from a white dragon's cold breath, etc. The ring is ornate, but the distinctive feature is the scales which immitate the hide of a dragon. While you are wearing the ring, the breath weapon damage that you take is reduced by 10.

Ring of the Blood Price

ring, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Crafted to resemble a band of woven thorns with small metal spikes along the inner side, this ring looks more like a torture device than a piece of jewelry. While wearing this ring, any time you cast a spell, you may choose to take damage to forego all material component requirements for that spell. The damage you take equals 1d6 necrotic damage per level of the spell. This damage cannot be reduced in any way.

Ring of the Shapeshifter

Ring, rare (requires attunement by a any humanoid creature)

This appears to be a simple looking band of silver. When worn and attuned, however, the ring can change form to appear like any other kind of ring the wearer wants.

While worn and attuned the ring grants the wearer the ability to cast Alter Self upon themselves at-will as a Bonus action and maintain the duration indefinitely - the duration becomes "until dispelled or dismissed". The spell can be dismissed as a Bonus Action. The spell Dispel Magic cast upon the wearer or ring against this effect will dispel the effect and surpress any future use of the ring for 1 hour.

Also while the ring is worn and attuned the wearer is considered a shapechanger and immune to spells that transform the body such as Polymorph, True Polymorph, etc.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Avian Circlet

Wondorous Item, rare

This ornate silver tiara grants you power over certain flying creatures. You can use an action to cast animal messenger or speak with animals at will using the circlet. Any creature affected by these spells must be a beast and have a flying speed.

In addition, you can touch a willing beast with a flying speed. For 1 minute, you can see through the creature’s eyes, sharing any of its special visual senses for the duration. You are blinded to your own surroundings while you share its vision in this way. You can end this effect early using an action to return to your normal senses. Once this property has been used, it can’t be used again until this next dawn.

Amulet of Equilibrium

Wondorous Item, uncommon

This spiraling pendant is made of three magic-sensitive panes of colorful crystal. Each piece of crystal is attuned to a different arcane element. If you can cast spells, you can use the amulet as a spellcasting focus while you’re attuned to it

The amulet has 4 charges and regains 2 expended charges daily at dawn. When you deal cold, fire, or lightning damage to a single creature while wearing the amulet, you can expend any number of its charges to reroll that many of the cold, fire, or lightning damage dice. You must use the new rolls.

Whenever you take cold, fire, or lightning damage from a hostile creature, the amulet regains 1 charge.

Amulet of Life Blood

Wondorous Item, rare

While wearing this amulet you heal the maximum amount of hit points per hit die during a short rest.

Amulet of Protection from Spiders

Wondorous Item, common

While wearing this amulet, a protective energy radiates from you in an aura with a 20-foot radius. The aura moves with you, centered on you. Tiny spiders caught in the area are frightened of you.

Also, as an action, you can cast a special version of the sanctuary spell centered on you that affects only Large or smaller spiders. The DC for this spell is your spellcasting DC or DC 13, whichever is higher). Once used, this property can never be used again.

Brooch of Kulu

Wondorous Item, uncommon

This bone brooch is ornated with the orange feather of a Kulu-Ya-Ku and can be used to secure a cape or adorn a piece of clothing. While wearing the brooch, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

In addition, you can gain advantage on strength check to push, drag, or lift. Once this property has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Brooch of Many Sizes

Wondorous Item, rare

This metal brooch features a rotatable dial and can be used to secure a cape or adorn a piece of clothing. While wearing the brooch, you can use an action to cast the enlarge/reduce spell, targeting only yourself, by turning the dial toward either the larger or smaller figure adorning the sides of the brooch. Once this property of the brooch has been used, it can’t be used again until the following dawn.

While under the effects of this spell, you can use a bonus action to overload the brooch by forcibly twisting the dial beyond its normal limits. When you do, your size changes by an additional category: growing either a second size larger if you had cast the enlarge spell or a second size smaller if you had cast the reduce spell. Your size can’t be larger than Huge or smaller than Tiny by overloading the brooch, and your damage and weight are increased or decreased as if you were affected by a second instance of the enlarge/reduce spell.

When you return to your original size after overloading the brooch, you can’t move or take actions until after your next turn. Once the brooch has been overloaded, it can’t be used again until 7 days have passed.

Catnip Amulet

Wondorous Item, common

This gold and jade amulet seems to draw domestic cats to it. While wearing the necklace, you have advantage on ability checks made to find or call Tiny domestic cats (if there are any) and on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks you make to interact with them.

Celestial Circlet

Wondorous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric of good alignment)

This golden circlet radiates holy energy. A thin halo hovers above your head while you wear it, emitting bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for another 20 feet. Small motes of holy light swirl around the apex of the circlet.

While you wear the circlet, you are always under the effects of the protection from evil and good spell. This effect only applies to one creature type: you can choose a new creature type (other than celestials) to be protected against daily at dawn.

The circlet has 7 charges. As an action while wearing the circlet, you can expend 1 or more of its charges to cast either cure wounds (1 charge per spell level, up to 4th) or spirit guardians (3 charges) from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability modifier. Immediately before or after you cast a spell from the circlet in this way, you can use your bonus action to fly up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. When you do, you are carried away on a pair of angelic wings.

The circlet regains 1d4 + 3 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the halo vanishes and the circlet becomes mundane and nonmagical.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Circlet of the Huntsman’s Third Eye

Wondorous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This barbed metal circlet features a grotesque yet ornately preserved eye hanging from its center. The eye rests on the forehead of the creature wearing it. While wearing the circlet, its latent cunning guides your hand, giving you advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks.

The circlet has 5 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dusk. While wearing the circlet, you can use a bonus action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the hunter’s mark spell from it. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on this spell. In addition,you can expend a 2nd charge when casting hunter’s mark in this way, or 1 charge as a bonus action on another turn, to gain truesight out to a range of 120 feet for 1 minute.

Curse. Attuning to the circlet curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. Removing the circlet fails to end the curse. While cursed, whenever you roll a 1 on an attack roll or ability check, you take 1d6 psychic damage as the eye’s intense frustration and scorn pierce your psyche.

Fertility Charm

Wondorous Item, common

This charm representing the symbol of Shiallia can be used as a holy symbol and is often gifted to young couples and at weddings. When you hold it in your hand, you can use an action to cast the lesser restoration spell once. After it is used, the charm loses all magic properties.

Hairlock Charm

Wondorous Item, rare

This charm made of intertwined leanan hairs carries the muse’s magic. When you hold it in your hand, you can use an action to gain a supernatural charm of the GM 's choice. See chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for more information on supernatural charms. After it is used, the charm loses all magic properties.

Gilded Necklace

Wondorous Item, rare (requires attunement)

A beautifull necklace made of gold, with a brilliant white diamond placed in the center. It seems to shine with a beautiful radiance with only the slightest amount of light. Legends say this necklace brings wealth to all who possess it, but casts its owner in misfortune.

Radiant beauty. Wearing this necklace, you gain +2 charisma score

Luck of the Devil. You are incredibly lucky when it comes to finding treasure. Whenever you find gold anywhere, roll a d20. If you get a 7 or a 20 you find double the amount of gold instead.

Curse of misfortune. Whenever you make a saving throw or skill check and you roll a 13, it counts as a critical failure.

Luck Charm

Wondorous Item, common

This charm representing the symbol of Shiallia can be used as a holy symbol and allows the wearer to be luckier. When you hold it in your hand, you can use an action to gain advantage on your next ability check roll. After it is used, the charm loses all magic properties.

Necklace of Fearlessness

Wondorous Item, rare

This necklace grants the wearer protection from a dragon's Frightful Presence. While wearing the necklace, they are immune to the effect. The necklace also grants advantage to saves against a dragon's fearful presence to anyone within 5 feet of the necklace.

Protection Charm

Wondorous Item, common

This charm representing the symbol of Helm can be use as a holy symbol and is often gifted to those who may need protection against the forces of evil, as it is said to repeal dark malicious been. When you hold it in your hand, you can use an action to cast the protection from evil and good spell once. After it is used, the charm loses all magic properties.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Leatherworking is often seen as something of the "light armor" equivaliant to a blacksmith, but it covers quite a bit more ground that. While it may be the unsung hero, an adventurers best friend is a study leather backpack. Backpacks, belts, waterskins, quivers and more all fall to these talented artisans to make, and can prove essential to every day life.

In addition to their more mundane wares, however, leather, hide, scales, and carapaces of monsters in the fantastical settings these craftsmen find themselves in often provide more opportunity than the basic components of mundane items. A leatherworker is essential if you wish to get the most mileage out of your harvested monsters.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to work items from leather.

  • Select the item that you would like to craft from any of the Leatherworking Crafting Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Leatherworking Tools tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Dexterity + your proficiency bonus with a Leatherworking Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time toward the total crafting time.
  • On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Materials: Leather & Hides

Leatherworking uses leather and hides, primarily harvested from monsters, however sometimes they work with heavy quited clothes, metal, carapaces, and sometimes even metal pieces.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to make an item, your crafting roll is as follows:

Leatherworking Modifier = your Leatherworking Tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier

Success and Failure

For Leatherworking, after you make the crafting roll and succeed, mark your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Leatherworking do not need to be immediately consecutive. Failure means that no progress is made during that time.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage. If you fail three times, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.


A specialized branch of Leatherworking is Cobbling. These are the folks that make shoes and boots. While it might not be obvious at first glance, these folks are what keeps an adventurer running... literally, you take their boots and most of them won't be going anywhere fast.

It shares all the rules and materials as leather working, but replaces any instance of Leatherworking Tools with Cobblering Tools, and may optionally use Wisdom in place of Dexterity, being a trade for the old practiced hands.

Any item found the "Cobbling Crafting Table" is part of the Cobbling subdomain of Leatherworking.

But what is the point?

The rules the game typically assume your player is already wearing boots. Making boots is generally something that is more related to a character's back story than their adventuring needs, but such things come up occasionally.

However, in more immediately useful objectives, sometimes crafting things like boots makes sense as a prerequisite of enchanting them - some magic gear requires an expensive component item (for example, "boots worth 200 gp or more")... magic has expensive taste. So, occasionally, crafting branches like this can be useful for that, though it should generally be expected that Cobbling is not (nor intended to be) as useful as some of the more relevant branches of crafting for an adventurer.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Leatherworking Tables

Armor Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Leather Armor 3 rawhide leather
2 buckles
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 10 gp
Studded Leather
3 rawhide leather
6 metal scraps
2 buckles
6 hours 3 DC 14 Common 45 gp
Hide Armor 2 rawhide leather
1 hide
2 buckles
4 hours 2 DC 10 Common 10 gp
Scale Mail 25 scales
5 leather scraps
1 armor padding
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Tough Carapace
1 large tough carapace
2 leather (any)
2 buckles
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 Common 400 gp
Carapace Shield 1 medium carapace
1 leather piece
4 leather scraps
4 hours 2 DC 10 Common 10 gp
Weapons Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Whip 1 tanned leather 4 hours 2 DC 9 Common 2 gp
Cobbling Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Shoes* 8 scraps of leather
1 buckle
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 2 gp
Boots* 1 sheet of leather
1 buckle
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 5 gp
Fancy Boots* 1 sheet of leather
valuable materials worth 100 gp
8 hours 4 DC 16 Common 240 gp

* Uses the Cobbling subtype rules of Leatherworking

Ch.13 | Crafting
Miscellaneous Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Rawhide* 1 hide 8 hours 4 DC 6 Common 2 gp
Tanned Leather 1 hide or rawhide 16 hours (halved for rawhide) 8 DC 6 Common 3 gp
Boiled Leather 1 hide or rawhide 16 hours (halved for rawhide) 8 DC 6 Common 3 gp
20 x Leather Scraps 1 leather(any) 2 hours 1 DC 4 Common 2 gp
Hide 20 hide scraps 2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 2 gp
20 x Hide Scraps 1 hide 2 hours 1 DC 4 Common 2 gp
Belt 4 leather scraps
1 buckle
2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 1 gp
Quiver 5 leather scraps 2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 1 gp
Sheath 4 leather scraps 2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 6 sp
Holster 2 leather scraps 2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 5 sp
Waterskin 2 leather scraps 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 2 sp
Backpack 1 sheet of leather
4 leather scraps
2 buckles
2 hours 1 DC 14 Common 2 gp
Bag 10 leather scraps
1 buckles
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 2 gp
10 x Parchment 10 x leather scraps 2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 1 gp
Armor Padding 1 tanned leather
2 buckles
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 5 gp
Dice Bag 1 leather scraps 2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 1 gp
Saddle, Exotic 4 rawhide
4 tanned leather
2 parts
1 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 14 Common 60 gp
Saddle Military 2 rawhide
2 tanned leather
2 parts
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 20 gp
Saddle, Pack 1 tanned leather
2 leather scraps
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 5 gp
Saddle, Riding 2 tanned leather
1 parts
4 hours 2 DC 10 Common 10 gp
Saddlebag 1 tanned leather 2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 4 gp
Bit and Bridele 4 leather scraps
1 wood scraps
1 metal scraps
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 2 gp

* When making a sheet of leather in 8 hours, you can make up to 10 sheets of leather per crafter. If you would like the quicker creation of leather, you can make this take 2 hours without any balance consequence.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Armor Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Armor of Gleaming common +75 gp
Cast off Armor common +50 gp
Smoldering Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of fog cloud
1 common arcane essence
10 hours 8 DC 15 common +75 gp
Mariner's Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of water breathing
12 hours
(1.5 days)
8 DC 16 uncommon +400 gp
Nargacuga Leather* uncommon
Serpent Scale Armor uncommon
+1 Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 16 rare +3,500 gp
Armor of Resistance 1 set of armor
1 scroll of protection
from energy

3 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare +3,000 gp
Bone armor* rare
Captain's Coat* 1 fine longcoat worth 100 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of vicious mockery
1 scroll of swim
1 rare primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 1,400 gp
Couatl Herald Scale* rare
Dead man's Plate* rare
Glamoured Studded
1 +1 studded leather armor
1 scroll of disguise self
1 scroll of silent image
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 15 rare 4,800 gp
Paolumu Inflating Vest* rare
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Armor Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Savior's Hide* rare
Scale Mail of the Pandgolin* 1 set of scale mail
1 large carapace
1 scroll of move earth
1 rare primal essence
2 uncommon primal essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 16 rare 3,000 gp
Trusted Old Leather* rare
+2 Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 20 very rare +20,000 gp
Dagon's Scale very rare 15,000 gp
Dark Fathom Armor* 1 set of studded leather armor
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of black tentacles
1 very rare arcane essence
2 rare primal essence
1 scroll of water breathing
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 11,000 gp
Hunter's Coat very rare 5,000 gp
Last Stand very rare 6,500 gp
Living armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of awakening
1 very rare psionic essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 20 very rare +9,500 gp
Raiment of the Racoon* 1 set of studded leather
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of polymorph
1 very rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 very rare 9,350 gp
+3 Armor 1 set of armor worth at least 4,000gp
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
1 rare divine essence
48 hours
(6 days)
24 DC 22 legendary +51,000 gp
Hide of the Feral Guardian legendary
Turtle Shell Armor* legendary
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Whip, +1 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon +500 gp
whip of Warning uncommon +400 gp
Hellfire whip uncommon +500 gp
Whip, +2 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare +2,500 gp
Whip of Certain Death rare +1,500 gp
Corpse Slayer rare +1,300 gp
Vicious Whip 1 weapon
1 scroll of holy weapon
3 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare +4,000 gp
Dyrrn’s Tentacle Whip very rare 17,000 gp
Whip, +3 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 very rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare +15,000 gp
Magical Belt Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Belt of Returning Uncommon gp
Belt of the Raid Leader Uncommon gp
Belt of Dwarvenkind 1 belt worth at least 200 gp
200 gp worth of quality ale
3 rare primal essence
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of alter self
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 Rare 5,000 gp
Belt of Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
3 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 Rare 4,000 gp
Belt of Hidden Knives Very Rare gp
Belt of Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 very rare primal essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 20 Very Rare 12,000 gp
Belt of Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of tenser's transformation
1 very rare arcane essence
3 very rare primal essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 22 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Belt of Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of tenser's transformation
1 scroll of investiture of wind
1 legendary arcane essence
1 legendary primal essence
40 hours
(5 days)
16 DC 23 Legendary 66,000 gp
Belt of Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of tenser's transformation
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 legendary primal essence
48 hours
(6 days)
24 DC 25 Legendary 100,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Cobbler Magical Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Boots of False Tracks common 60 gp
Boots of Elvenkind 1 boots worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of silence
1 scroll of pass without a trace
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 400 gp
Boots of Striding and Springing 1 boot worth at least 50 gp
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
1 scroll of longstrider
1 scroll of jump
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommmon 200 gp
Boots of the Cloud Jumper uncommon gp
Boots of the Vigilant uncommon gp
Boots of Winterlands 1 boots worth at least 50 gp
1 uncommon primal essences
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Winged Boots boots worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of featherfall
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare primal essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 15 uncommon 5,000 gp
Boots of Levitation 1 boots worth at least 200 gp
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare primal essence
1 scroll of levitate
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 4,500 gp
Boots of Speed 1 boots worth at least 200 gp
1 rare primal essence
2 rare arcane essence
1 scroll of haste
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare 3,000 gp
Boots Swiftness rare gp
Boots of Dendallen very rare gp
Magical Arm and Gloves Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Bug Smasher* uncommon
Bracers of Archery 1 set of bracers
1 scroll of assisted aim*
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 15 uncommon 350 gp
Gloves of Missile Snaring 1 gloves
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 325 gp
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing 1 gloves
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 250 gp
Gloves of Thievery 1 gloves
1 scroll of invisibility
2 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Living Gloves uncommon 500 gp
Brachydios' Slime Gloves* 1 gloves
1 scroll of tasha's caustic brew
Seregios Sideglaive* rare
Wrestler's Wraps rare
Bracer of Flying Dagger rare 1,000 gp
Bracelet of Rock Magic very rare 9,000 gp
Illusionist's Bracers very rare 13,500 gp
Gloves of Soul Catching legendary
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Gear Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Hewar's Handy Spice Pouch common 100 gp
Bag of Bounty uncommon
Bag of Holding 1 bag
1 scroll of darvik's handy chest
2 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 uncommon 500 gp
Bag of Tricks 1 bag
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 scroll of summon beast
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 14 uncommon 350 gp
Efficient Quiver
(Quiver of Ehlonna)
1 quiver worth 25 gp
1 scroll of darvik's handy chest
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 250 gp
Saddle of the Cavalier uncommon 250 gp
Bag of Beans 1 bag of beans
3 rare primal essence
1 scroll of plant growth
1 scroll of conjure animals
48 hours
(6 days)
24 DC 15 rare 4,200 gp
Bag of Colding rare
Butcher's Bib rare 2,750 gp
Doppleganger Cowl rare
Handy Haversack 1 backpack
1 scroll of secret chest
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 18 rare 2,000 gp
Bag of Devouring 1 bag of holding
1 scroll of planeshift
1 scroll of hunger of hadar
1 very rare psionic essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 very rare 12,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Special Materials
Minimum CR Additional Requirements Modifier Harvesting Difficult
7 Harvested from a creature with AC 16 or higher Tough +4
7 Harvested from a creature with resistance to an
elemental damage type
Resistant +5

* If the difficult modifier is not meet, the material is harvested without the modifier, it's special property ruined during harvesting.

Modifier Effect DC Modifier
Tough If all materials for a piece of armor have this modifier, it gains +1 AC +4
Resistant If all materials have the same resistance property,
the armor grants resistance to that damage type
+ 5
Rare The material has increased value if it comes from a rare creature; this rarity is applied at the DMs discretion, but typically is due to the coloration, rarity, or CR (10+). Items crafted from this material are worth twice as much +5
Tanned Unsuited for armor. Increased the quality of other leather goods, required for some. N/A
Boiled Tougher than rawhide; can be used to make studded leather or hide armor without the non-leather components
Ch.13 | Crafting

Captain's Coat

Armor (studded leather), rare (requires attunement)

Functional and fashionable, this long pirate captain’s coat is reinforced for combat and draws the eyes to its ornate design. While wearing this coat, you have proficiency in navigator’s tools, vehicles (water) and you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Multiple pockets are hidden on the inside of the coat, able to conceal small objects. A creature attempting to search your person must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check in order to discover the hidden pockets.

Sailor's Mouth. Once per short or long rest, you can use a bonus action to cast the vicious mockery spell (save DC 15) while wearing the coat. When cast in this way, the target takes extra psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Dark Fathom Armor

Armor (studded leather), very rare (requires attunement)

This dark, sea-soaked suit of armor smells of brine and is covered in eldritch runes. You have a +1 bonus to AC and can breathe normally underwater while wearing this armor.

In addition, while wearing this armor, you can use an action to cast the black tentacles spell (save DC 15) from it. When cast in this way, the spell targets a 15-foot square centered on your location that does not follow you when you move. In addition, you do not need to concentrate on the spell and are immune to its effects when cast in this way. Once this property has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dusk.

Raiment of the Raccoon

Armor (studded leather), very rare (requires attunement by a rogue)

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. While wearing it, you are imbued with the hardiness of a raccoon. Your rogue feature Evasion now applies to Constitution saving throws as well.

Keen Sense of Touch. While wearing this armor you develop a hypersensitive tactile awareness. You can add your Wisdom modifier to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, thieves tools checks and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that use your sense of touch. You can reliably detect the surface details, such as engraved writing or material properties, of an object by touching it.

Curse. While attuned to this armor you become obsessively hygienic. You must spend at least 10 minutes washing your hands to benefit from a short or long rest and you prefer to dunk your food into water before eating it.

Scale Mail of the Pangolin

Armor (scale mail), rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this armor you gain a burrowing speed of 10 feet. You can use your burrowing speed to move through sand, loose earth, mud, or ice, not solid rock.

This armor can adjust itself to provide superior protection, allowing you to curl up into a ball as an action. Until you emerge (on your turn, no action required), you gain a +5 bonus to AC, and you have advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws. While curled up, you are prone, your speed is 0 and can't increase, you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you are incapacitated. Attack rolls made against you do not have advantage normally granted by the prone condition. Additionally, a creature can roll you along the ground in front of itself if it succeeds on a DC 10 Strength check (no action required).

Ch.13 | Crafting


A subdomain of alchemy, the profession of poisoncraft is often seen as the "dark side" of Alchemy. While Alchemy often deals in poisonous reagents, typically speaking they aim to tame the poison, channeling it into useful effects. While capable of making crudely poisonous potions, such things are generally considered failures to an alchemist. To a poisoner, they are considered the art itself.

Poisoncraft shares Shelf Life and Reagents with Alchemy; for details regarding those, see Alchemy.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a potion in its most basic form:

  • Select a poison that you would like to craft from the "Poison Crafting Table".
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that potion.
  • Use your Poisoner's Kit tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less. Poisoncraft items must be crafted in a single session.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus with a Poisoner's Kit. You can abort the craft after a bad crafting roll if you wish, this counts as a failure.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to create potion, your crafting roll is as follows:

Poisoncraft Modifier = your Poisoner's Kit proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Success and Failure

For Poisoncraft, after you make the crafting roll and succeed marks your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Poisoncraft do not need to be immediately consecutive. Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage.

If you fail three times, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Given their insidious and deadly nature, poisons are illegal in most societies but are a favorite tool among assassins, drow, and other evil creatures.

Poisons come in the following four types.

  • Contact. Contact poison can be smeared on an object and remains potent until it is touched or washed off. A creature that touches contact poison with exposed skin suffers its effects.
  • Ingested. A creature must swallow an entire dose of ingested poison to suffer its effects. The dose can be delivered in food or a liquid. You might decide that a partial dose has a reduced effect, such as allowing advantage on the saving throw or dealing only half damage on a failed save.
  • Inhaled. These poisons are powders or gases that take effect when inhaled. Blowing the powder or releasing the gas subjects creatures in a 5-foot cube to its effect. The resulting cloud dissipates immediately afterward. Holding one’s breath is ineffective against inhaled poisons, as they affect nasal membranes, tear ducts, and other parts of the body.
  • Injury. Injury poison can be applied to weapons, ammunition, trap components, and other objects that deal piercing or slashing damage. An injury poison typically lasts 1 minute on a weapon, and lasts for up to 5 hits. A creature that takes piercing or slashing damage from an object coated with the poison is exposed to its effects.
Ch.13 | Crafting
Poison Crafting Table
Name Type Ingredients Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Dizzying Touch Contact 1 common poisonous reagent
1 common arcane essence
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 DC 14 common 45 gp
Assassin’s blood Ingested 3 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 14 Uncommon 150 gp
Black Vein Poison Ingested or Injury 2 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 12 Uncommon 500 gold
Blood of the lycanthrope Injury 2 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 15 Uncommon 300 gp
Burning Wound Injury 1 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 uncommon reactive reagent
2 common reactive reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 16 Uncommon 150 gp
Breath of Beleth Injury 2 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 15 Uncommon 300 gp
Concoction of the Pallid Serpent Ingested 2 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 14 Uncommon 400 gp
Drow poison Injury 4 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 15 Uncommon 200 gp
Oil of taggit Contact 2 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 15 Uncommon 400 gp
Pale tincture Ingested 1 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Poison, Basic Injury 2 common poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hour 1 14 Uncommon 200 gp
Serpent venom Injury 1 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 14 Uncommon 200 gp
Thessaltoxin Ingested or Injury 2 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 15 Uncommon 400 gp
Truth serum Ingested 3 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 14 Uncommon 150 gp
Carrion crawler Mucus Contact 1 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 16 Uncommon 200 gp
Essence of Ether Inhaled 1 uncommon poisonous reagents
1 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 17 uncommon 300 gp
Malice Inhaled 1 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 16 Uncommon 250 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Poison Crafting Table (Cont)
Name Type Ingredients Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Mother’s Worry Ingested 3 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 hours 1 10 Uncommon 150 gp
Potion of Poison Ingested 3 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
2 Hours 1 13 Uncommon 500 gold
Burnt othur fumes Inhaled 2 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
4 hour 2 16 Rare 500 gp
Dust of the Mommy Inhaled 6 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 18 Rare 1,500 gp
Ivana's Whisper Inhaled 3 rare poisonous reagents
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 18 Rare 900 gp
Mage's Ruin* Ingested 1 uncommon reactive reagent
2 rare poisonous reagent
1 common arcane essence
1 glass vial
4 Hours 2 16 Rare 600 gp
Midnight Tears Ingested 6 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 16 Rare 1,500 gp
Purple worm poison Injury 1 very rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 18 Rare 2,000 gp
Torpor Ingested 2 rare poisonous reagent
2 uncommon poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 16 Rare 600 gp
Wyvern poison Injury 5 rare poisonous reagent
1 glass vial
4 hours 2 17 Rare 1,200 gp
Assassin’s Blood (Ingested).

Poison, uncommon

A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 6 (1d12) poison damage and is poisoned for 24 hours. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and isn’t poisoned.

Black Vein Poison (Ingested or Injury).

Poison, uncommon

Extracted from the seeds of a dark colored flower that grows from rotting organic matter, the poison has a highly noticeable visual effect upon the victim. The veins closest to the surface of the skin become visibly black, giving the toxin it’s disturbing name, as the poison begins working it’s way through a victim’s bloodstream, turning the blood and the vessels into a rotten black ichor.

A creature subject o the poison must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage, and the creature Constitution score is reduced by 1d4. The creature dies if this reduces its Constitution to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the creature finishes a short or long rest.

Blood of the Lycanthrope (Injury).

Poison, uncommon

This poison is created from blood harvested from a dead or incapacitated lycanthrope in its animal or hybrid form. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with lycanthropy (see the Monster Manual). The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or similar magic.

The type of lycanthropy depends on the lycanthrope used to create the poison. To determine the type of lycanthropy randomly, roll a d6:

d6 type of lycanthropy
1-3 Werecat
4-5 Werewolf
6 Wereboar
Burning Wound (Injury)

Poison, uncommon

Applied to a melee weapon or up to 5 pieces of ammunition. A creature subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to crafter's Poison DC.

On failure, the target becomes poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, a creature takes 1d6 fire damage at the end of each of its turns, and any hit points regained is reduced by half. At the end of each of their turns, they can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on success.

Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying, and wears off of a weapon after that weapon has delivered the effect 5 times.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Burnt Othur Fumes (Inhaled).

Poison, rare

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage, and must repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On each successive failed save, the character takes 3 (1d6) poison damage. After three successful saves, the poison ends.

Breath of Beleth (Injury).

Poison, uncommon

A creature subject to the poison must succeed at a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, the creature immediately becomes frightened of all hostile creatures it can see, and must take the Dash action and move away from them by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move.

Carrion Crawler Mucus (Contact).

Poison, uncommon

This poison can be harvested from a dead or incapacitated carrion crawler. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned creature is paralyzed. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Concoction of the Pallid Serpent (Ingested)

Poison, uncommon

Created from the paste made by grinding up leaves of the Cat’s Breath plant, and combined with the pungeant juice made from King’s Pear seeds, this milky substance has a rather intoxicating aroma that often is mistaken for cooked meat. The poison has a slightly bitter taste, yet it often goes unnoticed.

Upon ingestion, the victim begins experiencing terrible headaches and visual hallucinations. They often see things twisting and warping, with vile and hideous creatures seeking to cause them harm. A creatur subject to the poison must succeed at a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, the creature immediatly becomes frightened of all creatures it can see.

Dizzying Touch (Contact)

Poison, common

Applied to an object. The first creature that touches must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC 13. On failure, the creature becomes poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the must succeed a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns or fall prone.

Dust of the Mummy (Inhaled).

Poison, rare

This poison is created during a mummy’s embalming process, distilled from the dead creature’s removed organs. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed creature can’t regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6) for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the creature’s hit point maximum to 0, the creature dies, and its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or similar magic.

Drow Poison (Injury).

Poison, uncommon

This poison is typically made only by the drow, and only in a place far removed from sunlight. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.

Essence of Ether (Inhaled).

Poison, uncommon

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 8 hours. The poisoned creature is unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.

Ivana's Whiper (Inhaled).

Poison, rare

This poison bears a distinct scent and chemical message from Ivana Boritsi. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or experience the effects of a dream spell created by Ivana the next time they sleep. This poison is nonmagical, and Ivana doesn’t directly communicate with those affected during the dream. Rather, she creates the illusion of speaking with her intended target by alchemically crafting her message, predicting her target’s reactions, and chemically encoding in her responses. She wears this poison as a perfume or hides it within gift bouquets, allowing it to convey her message later.

Mage's Ruin (Ingested)

Poison, rare

A target subject to this poison must succeed a DC 13 Con save or become poisoned.

A creature poisoned in this way loses a spell slot at the start of each of their turns (as if the creature had cast a spell). This spell slot must be of the highest level currently available to the target.

The target repeats the saving throw after losing a spell slot in this way. If they succeed, the effects of the poison ends.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Malice (Inhaled).

Poison, uncommon

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature is blinded.

Midnight Tears (Ingested).

Poison, rare

A creature that ingests this poison suffers no effect until the stroke of midnight. If the poison has not been neutralized before then, the creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Mother’s Worry (Ingested)

Poison, uncommon

This toxin most visibly resembles milk, and comes from the stems of a plant that grows high on the side of hills. While local goats have learned to avoid eating the plants, people have learned that by harvesting the liquid and distilling it, they can create a mild toxin that can cause unconsciousness and even death. Those aff ected by the toxin begin breathing shallowly as their airways are slowly constricted.

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned creature start choking and cannot breath. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Oil of Taggit (Contact).

Poison, uncommon

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours. The poisoned creature is unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes damage.

Pale Tincture (Ingested).

Poison, uncommon

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and become poisoned. The poisoned creature must repeat the saving throw every 24 hours, taking 3 (1d6) poison damage on a failed save. Until this poison ends, the damage the poison deals can’t be healed by any means. After seven successful saving throws, the effect ends and the creature can heal normally.

Poison, Basic (Injury)

Poison, uncommon

You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying.

Potion of Poison (Ingested)

Poison, uncommon

This concoction looks, smells, and tastes like a potion of healing or other beneficial potion. However, it is actually poison masked by illusion magic. An identify spell reveals its true nature.

If you drink it, you take 3d6 poison damage, and you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. At the start of each of your turns while you are poisoned in this way, you take 3d6 poison damage. At the end of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends when the damage decreases to 0.

Purple Worm Poison (Injury).

Poison, rare

This poison can be harvested from a dead or incapacitated purple worm. A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Serpent Venom (Injury).

Poison, uncommon

This poison can be harvested from a dead or incapacitated giant poisonous snake. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Thessaltoxin (Ingested or Injury).

Poison, uncommon

This poison was first created using blood harvested from the artificer Thessalar. A creature subjected to the poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take on a new form as if affected by the polymorph spell. The creature’s new form is a random beast or a creature it has seen within the last 24 hours (as chosen by the DM). This transformation lasts until the end of the target’s next long rest. This effect is not subject to dispel magic or remove curse, but a greater restoration spell restores the creature to its original form.

Torpor (Ingested).

Poison, rare

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 4d6 hours. The poisoned creature is incapacitated.

Truth Serum (Ingested).

Poison, uncommon

A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature can’t knowingly speak a lie, as if under the effect of a zone of truth spell.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Wyvern Poison (Injury).

Poison, rare

This poison can be harvested from a dead or incapacitated wyvern. A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a scroll in its most basic form:

  • Select the a spell you know that you would like to craft from spells you are able to cast, or through Alternate Methods (see "Magic Formula").
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for a scroll of that level and type.
  • Use your Calligraphy Tools to write the scroll using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency with Calligraphy Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to enchant an item, your crafting roll is as follows:

Scrollcrafting Modifier = your Calligrapher's Tools proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Crafting Without Essence

A crafter that is capable of casting magic can replace the essence when crafting a spell scroll with the ability to cast that spell, but when doing so they must cast that spell for each crafting check they make on that item. This is an exhausting process, draining their magic far more deeply than normal casting, and confers a level of exhaustion for each crafting check made this way.

Magical Formula

To craft a spell scroll, you must know the Magic Formula of the spell you want to make a Spell Scroll of. The easiest way to do this is to be able to cast the spell. You always know the Magic Formula of a spell you know how to cast. Otherwise, you need to have deep knowledge of the spell to be able to make a scroll of it. The following are some ways you can gain that knowledge:

  • Have it in your spellbook as a Wizard.
  • Have it your ritual book as a ritual caster.
  • Have a spell scroll of it (DC +2)

Scroll Essence Type

The type of Essence is determined by the spell list the spell comes from; if it is on multiple spell lists, it is determined by how you have access to the spell. If you have access to the spell via multiple lists or the written form of the spell, you can pick which Essence to use for spells that have multiple options.

Essence Type Spell List
Arcane Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Divine Cleric, Paladin
Primal Druid, Ranger
Spell Scroll

Scroll, Varie

A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. You can read the scroll and cast its spell. Casting the spell by reading the scroll requires the spell’s normal casting time. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost.

If the spell is of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an arcana check to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.

The level of the spell on the scroll determines the spell’s saving throw DC and attack bonus, as well as the scroll’s rarity, as shown in the Spell Scroll table.

Spell Level Rarity Save DC Attack Bonus
Cantrip Common 13 +5
1st Common 13 +5
2nd Uncommon 13 +5
3rd Uncommon 15 +7
4th Rare 15 +7
5th Rare 17 +9
6th Very rare 17 +9
7th Very rare 18 +10
8th Very rare 18 +10
9th Legendary 19 +11

Ch.13 | Crafting
Spell Scroll Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Spell Scroll (Cantrip) 1 normal ink
1 common parchment
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 15 gp
Spell Scroll (1st Level) 1 common magical ink
1 common parchment
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 25 gp
Spell Scroll (2nd Level) 1 common essence
2 common magical ink
1 uncommon parchment
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 150 gp
Spell Scroll (3rd Level) 1 uncommon essence
2 uncommon magical ink
1 uncommon parchment
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 400 gp
Spell Scroll (4th Level) 1 uncommon essence
1 rare magical ink
1 rare parchment
6 hours 3 DC 14 Rare 800 gp
Spell Scroll (5th Level) 1 rare essence
1 rare magical ink
1 rare parchment
6 hours 3 DC 15 Rare 1,500 gp
Spell Scroll (6th Level) 2 rare essence
1 rare magical ink
1 rare parchment
8 hours 4 DC 16 Very Rare 2,000 gp
Spell Scroll (7th Level) 1 rare essence
1 very rare magical ink
1 rare parchment
8 hours 4 DC 17 Very Rare 3,500 gp
Spell Scroll (8th Level) 1 rare essence
1 very rare magical ink
1 very rare parchment
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 5,000 gp
Spell Scroll (9th Level) 1 very rare essence
1 legendary magical ink
1 legendary parchment
24 hours
(three days)
12 DC 20 Legendary 20,000 gp.
Scroll Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Scroll of Protection 3 rare essence
1 rare magical ink
1 rare parchment
6 hours 3 DC 15 Rare 3,500 gp
Scroll of Tarrasque Summoning 4 legendary essence
1 legendary ink
1 legendary parchment
24 hours
(three days)
12 DC 22 Legendary 150,000 gp.
Scroll of the Comet 6 legendary essence
1 legendary ink
1 legendary parchment
24 hours
(three days)
12 DC 24 Legendary 250,000 gp.
Nether Scroll of Azumar 4 legendary essence
1 legendary ink
1 legendary parchment
24 hours
(three days)
12 DC 22 Legendary 150,000 gp.
Ch.13 | Crafting
Book Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Enduring Spellbook 1 blank book worth 20 gp
3 Boiled Leather
2 metal scrap
1 scroll of swim*
8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 100 gp
Arcane Grimoire, +1 Uncommon 425 gp
Alchemical Compendium Rare 3,000 gp
Arcane Grimoire, +2 Rare 4,250 gp
Atlas of Endless Horizon Rare 3,750 gp
Duplicitous Manuscript Rare 3,000 gp
Fulminating Treatise Rare 4,000 gp
Libram of Souls and Flesh Rare 4,200 gp
Planecaller Codex Rare 3,500 gp
Arcane Grimoire, +3 Very Rare 14,500 gp
Manual of Bodily Health 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary divine essence
1 very rare primal essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Manual of Gainful Exercise 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary primal essence
1 very rare primal essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Manual of Golems 1 blank book worth 250 gp
1 scroll of awaken
1 scroll of scroll of animate objects
2 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 19 Very Rare 22,000 gp
Manual of Quickness of Actions 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Tome of Clear thought 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Tome of Leadership 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary divine essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Tome of Understanding 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary divine essence
1 very rare primal essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 DC 21 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Grimoire Infinitus Legendary
Tome of Stilled Tongue Legendary 60,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting


Tailor make incredible ves, dress and other clohes for every advenurers. Their crftmanship cover everything from fancy and feminine dress, to cloak full of pocket and hidden parts. When martial artist end to wear heavy duty armor, made of leather or metal, spellcaster and the like instead wear ne and light dress, buttoned top and fitting pants.

In addition to those mundane clothes, tailor are often comissioned by nobles and bourge to create custom, fancy clothes for special situation, imbuing some of those rare dress with magic.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to work items from silk and fabircs.

  • Select the item that you would like to craft from any of the Tailoring Crafting Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Weaver's Tools tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Wisdom + your proficiency bonus with a Weaver's Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time toward the total crafting time.
  • On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Tailoring Tables

Clothes Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Cloak 1 rope, silk 4 hours 2 11 Common 1 gp
Clothes, Common 6 hours 3 11 Common 5 sp
Clothes, Costume 6 hours 3 12 Common 5 gp
Clothes, Fine 1 rope, silk 8 hous 4 13 Common 15 gp
Clothes, Traveler's 6 hours 3 12 Common 2 gp
Pride Silk Outfit 5 rope, silk
3 pride silk
6 hours 3 14 Common 500 gp
Vestement 1 holy symbol (emblem) 6 hours 3 11 Common 2 sp
Magical Clothes Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Clothes of Mending 1 clothes, fine
1 scroll of mending
8 hours 4 14 Common 50 gp
Glammerweave 1 rope, silk
1 scroll of prestidigitation
8 hours 4 14 Common 50 gp
Shiftweave 1 clothes,fine
2 rope, silk
1 clothes, fine
8 hours 4 14 Common 100 gp
Charlantan's Wardrobe* Uncommon
Glammerweave 1 pride silk
1 scroll of prestidigitation
8 hours 4 15 Uncommon 150 gp
Robe of useful items 1 robe
100 gold pieces
1 potions of healing
1 1st level spell scroll
1 uncommon arcane essences
8 hours 4 14 Uncommon 400 gp
Robe of eyes 1 robe worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of darkvision
1 scroll of see invisibility
1 scroll of arcane eye
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare psionic essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 17 Rare 5,000 gp
Kirin's Robe* Very Rare
Robe of scintillating colors 1 robe worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of daylight
1 scroll of prismatic spray
1 scroll of wall of light
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 18 Very Rare 27,000 gp
Robe of stars 1 black or blue robe worth 200 gp
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of etherealness
1 scroll of blink
2 very rare arcane essence
2 very rare divine essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 19 Very Rare 45,000 gp
Witch's robes Very Rare
Robe of the Archmagi 1 white, gray, or black robe worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of antimagic field
1 legendary arcane essence
5 very rare arcane essence
1 pride silk
40 days
(5 days)
20 21 Legendary 75,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Cloak Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Cloak of Billowing Common 100 gp
Cloak of Many Fashions Common 90 gp
Cloak of Elvenkind 1 cloak
1 scroll of pass without a trace
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Cloak of Protection 1 cloak
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of protection from energy
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of absorb elements
1 uncommon divine essence
24 hours
(2 days)
12 16 Uncommon 400 gp
Cloak of Shadow Protection* Uncommon
Cloak of the Manta Ray 1 cloak
1 scroll of water breathing
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 14 Uncommon 350 gp
Couatl Herald's Mantle* Uncommon
Nature's Mantle Uncommon 325 gp
Piwafi (cloack of elvenkind) 1 cloak
1 scroll of pass without a trace
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 13 Uncommon 200 gp
Cape of the mountebank 1 cape worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of dimension door
1 scroll of pyrotechnics
3 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 18 Rare 3,900 gp
Cloak of displacement 1 cloak worth 200 gp
1 scroll of mirror image
3 rare arcane essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 15 Rare 3,600 gp
Cloak of the Agnaktor* Rare
Cloak of the Bat 1 cloak worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of darkness
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of polymorph
2 rare primal essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 15 Rare 4,600 gp
Cloak of the boundless spirit* Rare
Dread CLoak* Rare
Mantle of spell resistance 1 mantle
1 scroll of dispel magic
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(1.5 days)
8 17 Rare 1,200 gp
Wings of Flying 1 cloak worth 50 gp
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of polymorph
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 17 Rare 3,600 gp
Cloak of Arachnida 1 cloak worth 200 gp
1 scroll of web
1 scroll of spiderclimb
1 scroll of protection from poison
1 very rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 Very Rare 14,000 gp
Cloak of the dragon* Very Rare
Kushala Mantle* Very Rare
Cloak of Invisibility Legendary 54,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Others Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Cap of Water Breathing 1 cap
1 scroll of water breathing
8 hours 4 DC 14 Uncommon 350 gp
Slippers of Spider Climbing 1 slippers
1 scroll of spider climbing
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 Uncommon 500 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting


Charlatan’s Wardrobe

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This set of plain clothes is exceptionally comfortable and easy to wear. They are always clean and smell freshly washed and lightly perfumed. You can change the appearance of the outfit as an action by twirling in place and speaking the clothes’ command word. The outfit’s appearance is illusory. Physical interaction with the clothes reveals their appearance to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the clothes can determine that it is an illusion with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Regardless of their appearance, the clothes offer no additional protection from the elements, and can only appear to be clothes.

Kirin's Robe

Wondrous Item, very rare

Kirin, due to their celestial nature, and their physical resemblance with unicorns are often mistaken with those creatures, therefore, it is generally not well seen to have such a robe. Robe made from kirin uses a braid of the prominence that the beast has around the neck, braiding the threads in order to obtain the voluptuous and luxurious dress is a very long process, and those robes are great marks of wealth.

While wearing this robe, you have a +1 bonus to AC and you have resistance to lightning damage. In addition, non-magical lightning, storm, strong wind, and heavy rain do not hit you or affect you.

Witch's Robes

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

The robes has 3 charges for the following properties. It regains expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the robes lose its properties and become a nonmagical robe.

Cloud of mist. You can use a reaction to expend 1 of the Robes charges to burst apart into a cloud of mist and reform up to 15ft away in an unoccupied space. The could of mist can be any color you like and can look like or include shape of animals such as ravens, bats or cats.


Cloak of Shadow Protection

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Crafted from the scales of a shadow drake, this shimmering cloak retains some of the drakes ability to blend into shadows. While in areas of dim light or darkness, you have half cover (+2 AC and Dex Saves)

Couatl Herald’s Mantle

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement by a creature of good alignment)

This magic cloak is given to those deemed kind-hearted and responsible by a celestial. While wearing the mantle, you have advantage on saving throws to resist becoming poisoned or diseased. In addition, you are immune to any effect that would sense your emotions.

Flight of the Couatls. While you’re attuned to 3 items with this property, you gain a flying speed of 30 feet. If you already have a flying speed, your flying speed increases by 30 feet instead.

Cloak of the Agnaktor

Wondrous Item, rare

While wearing this cloak with its hood up, you can breathe in lava, have invulnerability to fire damage caused by nonmagical lava and magma and you have a swimming speed of 60 feet in lava and magma. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action.

Cloak of the Boundless Spirit

Wondrous Item, rare

This swirling, translucent cloak bolsters the fighting spirit of friendly nearby creatures. The cloak has 3 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn. When an ally you can see within 15 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge and reduce that damage by 2d6.

In addition, friendly creatures within 15 feet of you regain consciousness on a roll of 19 or 20 on death saving throws. When a creature within range regains consciousness in this way, you can use a reaction to expend 1 charge to grant them 2d6 temporary hit points. Once a creature regains consciousness by rolling a 19 on a death saving throw in this way, it can’t do so again until it finishes a long rest.

Dread Cloak

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This long black cape is torn and ripped in many places.

As an action you can command the cloak to flutter up in the shape of a skull and fill everyone around with dreadful fear. Any enemy within 60 ft. of you who can see you must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the enemy becomes frightened. You can use this ability once per long rest. This ability activates automatically if you fall unconscious and did not already use it.

Cloak of the Dragon

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

While wearing this cloak, you reduce the damage of any dragon's breath weapon attack by 10 HP each time you are hit. If you are reduced to 0 hit points by a dragon's breath weapon attack, you immediately are brought to 1 HP instead. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and all saving throws as well.

Kushala Cloak

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) This cloak, made from the membrane of a Kushala Daora, retains some of the magical properties of the dragon to control the wind.

While wearing this cloak, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. The cloak has 3 charges, you can expend a number of its charges to cast the following spells, using your spellcasting ability modifier and spell save DC: Gust of Wind (1 charge), Wind Wall (2 charges), Control Winds (3 charges).

The cloak regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Tattoo Artist

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a tatoo in its most basic form:

  • Select the tattoo that you would like to craft from the table below.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for a tattoo.
  • Use your Painter's Supplies to create the tattoo using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency with Painter's Supplies.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Magical Formula for Spellwrought Tattoo

To craft a spellwrought tattoo, you must know the Magic Formula of the spell you want to make a spellwrought tattoo of. The easiest way to do this is to be able to cast the spell. You always know the Magic Formula of a spell you know how to cast. Otherwise, you need to have deep knowledge of the spell to be able to make a scroll of it. The following are some ways you can gain that knowledge:

  • Have it in your spellbook as a Wizard.
  • Have it your ritual book as a ritual caster.
  • Have a spell scroll of it (DC +2)

Spellwrought Tattoo Essence Type

The type of Essence is determined by the spell list the spell comes from; if it is on multiple spell lists, it is determined by how you have access to the spell. If you have access to the spell via multiple lists or the written form of the spell, you can pick which Essence to use for spells that have multiple options.

Essence Type Spell List
Arcane Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Divine Cleric, Paladin
Primal Druid, Ranger
Spellwrought Tattoo Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Spellwrought Tattoo
1 normal ink 2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 15 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(1st Level)
1 common magical ink 2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 25 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(2nd Level)
1 common essence
3 common magical ink
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 150 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(3rd Level)
1 uncommon essence
3 uncommon magical ink
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 400 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(4th Level)
1 uncommon essence
2 rare magical ink
6 hours 3 DC 14 Rare 800 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(5th Level)
1 rare essence
2 rare magical ink
6 hours 3 DC 15 Rare 1,500 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(6th Level)
2 rare essence
2 rare magical ink
8 hours 4 DC 16 Very Rare 2,000 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(7th Level)
1 rare essence
1 very rare magical ink
1 rare magical ink
8 hours 4 DC 17 Very Rare 3,500 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(8th Level)
1 rare essence
2 very rare magical ink
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 5,000 gp
Spellwrought Tattoo
(9th Level)
1 very rare essence
2 legendary magical ink
24 hours
(three days)
12 DC 20 Legendary 20,000 gp.
Ch.13 | Crafting
Tattoo Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Illuminator's Tattoo 1 common magical ink
1 spellwrought of illusiory script
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 65 gp
Masquerade Tattoo 1 common magical ink
1 spellwrought of disguise self
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 75 gp
Barrier Tattoo 1 uncommon magical ink
1 uncommon divine essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 200 gp
Colling Grasp Tattoo 1 uncommon magical ink
2 uncommon primal essence
1 spellwrought of entangle
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 500 gp
Eldritch Claw Tattoo 2 uncommon magical ink
2 uncommon arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 500 gp
Barrier Tattoo 1 rare magical ink
1 rare divine essence
6 hours 3 DC 14 Rare 1,500 gp
Shadowfell Brand Tattoo 1 rare magical ink
1 spellwrought of dimension door
6 hours 3 DC 14 Rare 1,100 gp
Ability Tattoo 3 very rare magical ink
2 very rare divine essence
1 spellwrought of enhance ability
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 30,000 gp
Absorbing Tattoo 3 very rare magical ink
1 spellwrought of absorb elements
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 8,000 gp
Barrier Tattoo 2 very rare magical ink
2 rare divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 6,000 gp
Ghost Step Tattoo 1 very rare magical ink
1 spellwrought of etherealness
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 9,000 gp
Lifewell Tattoo 1 very rare magical ink
1 spellwrought of death ward
1 potion of resistance
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 5,100 gp
Blood Furry Tattoo 1 legendary magical ink
2 legendary primal essence
24 hours
(three days)
12 DC 20 Legendary 32,000 gp.
Ch.13 | Crafting


Tinkering is applying creativity to junk to make new things. Sometimes even useful new things. Ranging from the humble crafts to complex contraptions, tinkering is a broad category that any adventuring party can benefit from.

Oft the purview of peddlers and wanderers, they have a broad skill set and tend to excel at working with limited resources and their wit rather than expensive shopping lists of materials, though many will say they have a bad habit of collecting too much junk with the idea that things can be handy when you would least expect it...

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to tinker up an item in its most basic form:

  • Select the item that you would like to craft from any of the Tinkering Crafting Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Tinkering Tools tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Intelligence + your proficiency bonus with a Tinkering Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.
Named Components

In almost all cases, named components (such as a "wooden stock" for a crossbow) can be simply abstracted out in the a minor cost, but, as always, the level of abstraction is up to the DM.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to smith an item, your crafting roll is as follows:

Tinkering Modifier = your Tinkering Tools proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Success and Failure

For Tinkering, after you make the crafting roll and succeed, mark your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Tinkering do not need to be immediately consecutive. Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage.

If you fail three times, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.

Tinkering Saving Throw

Some gadgets a Tinkerer creates require a saving throw, the following is the formula for calculating the saving throw. The saving throw is calculated at the time of creation based on the creators attributes and proficiency, and does not change once it is created. A saving throw does not include any expertise or other bonuses a crafter has to the crafting roll.

Tinkering DC = 8 + your Tinkering Tools proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Ch.13 | Crafting
Adventuring Gear Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Lantern (Bullseye) 3 metal scraps
2 parts
1 glass flask
4 hours 2 DC 11 Common 10 gp
Lantern (Hooded) 3 metal scraps
1 parts
1 glass flask
4 hours 2 DC 9 Common 5 gp
Lamp 2 metal scraps 4 hours 2 DC 10 Common 5 sp
Lock 2 metal scraps
3 parts
8 hours 4 DC 17 Common 10 gp
Grappling Hook 1 rope
2 metal scraps
1 parts
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 7 gp
Climber's Kit 10 pitons
50 feet rope
4 parts
1 fancy parts
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 25 gp
Merchant's Scale 1 metal scraps
2 parts
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 5 gp
Tinderbox 1 metal scraps
1 parts
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 2 gp
Spyglass 2 metal scraps
2 fancy parts
5 esoteric parts
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 18 Common 1,000 gp
Hunting Trap 4 metal scraps
2 parts
2 hours 1 DC 13 Common 5 gp
Miscellaneous Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Miscellaneous parts 5 metal scraps 4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 2 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Tools & Instruments Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Alchemy Supplies 4 metal scraps
2 fancy parts
8 hours 4 DC 14 Common 50 gp
Brewery Supplies 4 metal scraps
2 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 10 Common 20 gp
Cartography Tools 2 metal scraps
1 parts
1 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 13 Common 15 gp
Cobbling Tools 3 metal scraps
1 parts
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 5 gp
Cooking Utensils 5 metal scraps 4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 1 gp
Glassblowing Tools 3 metal scraps
2 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 12 Common 30 gp
Jewelry Tools 2 metal scraps
2 fancy parts
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 25 gp
Leatherworking Tools 4 metal scraps
1 parts
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 5 gp
Masonry Tools 5 metal scraps
2 parts
6 hours 3 DC 10 Common 10 gp
Tinkering Tools 5 metal scraps
3 fancy parts
8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 50 gp
Weaving Tools 4 metal scraps 4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 1 gp
Woodcarvers Tools 4 metal scraps 4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 1 gp
Navigator's Tools 3 metal scraps
2 parts
1 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 12 Common 25 gp
Thieves Tools 4 metal scraps
2 parts
1 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 12 Common 25 gp
Herbalism Kit 4 metal scraps
1 parts
4 hours 2 DC 12 Common 5 gp
Bagpipes 1 tanned leather
2 metal scraps
1 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 13 Common 30 gp
Horn 4 metal scraps
1 parts
4 hours 2 DC 10 Common 4 gp
Weapons Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Armblade 1 weapon
3 fancy parts
8 metal scraps
1 tanned leather
8 hours 4 DC 16 common +100 gp
Light Crossbow 1 wooden stock
4 metal scraps
6 parts
4 hours 2 DC 13 Common 25 gp
Hand Crossbow 1 wooden stock
4 metal scraps
2 parts
3 fancy parts
8 hours 4 DC 16 Common 75 gp
Heavy Crossbow 1 wooden stock
8 metal scraps
6 parts
2 fancy parts
6 hours 3 DC 13 Common 50 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magic Item Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Ear Horn of Earing Common 75 gp
Ersatz Eye Common 75 gp
Everbirght Lantern Common 100 gp
Lantern of Tracking Common 75 gp
Lock of Trickery Common 50 gp
Wand Sheath Common 75 gp
Prostetic Limb 6 metal scraps
4 parts
2 fancy parts
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 Common 100 gp
Spyglass og Clairvoyance Common gp
Eye of the Eagle 1 crystal lenses
1 scroll of elevated sight*
2 uncommon primal essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 400 gp
Eyes of Minute Seeing 1 crystal lenses (glasses) worth 50 gp
1 scroll of identify
1 common arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 Uncommon 150 gp
Finders Goggles Uncommon 500 gp
Goggles of Object Reading Uncommon 350 gp
Goggles of Night 1 pair of goggles
1 scroll of darkvision
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 13 Uncommon 300 gp
Lantern of Revealing 1 lantern
1 scroll of light
1 scroll of see invisible
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 Uncommon 500 gp
Mizzium Appartus Uncommon 500 gp
Folding Boat 1 boatnot inluded in cost
10 parts
3 esoteric parts
2 uncommon primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 Rare 4,750 gp
Ghost Lantern Rare 1,750 gp
Hook of Fisher's Delight Rare gp
Mizzium Armor Rare 1,500 gp
Mizzium Mortar Rare 2,100 gp
Arcane Propulsion Arm Very Rare 5,100 gp
Danoth's Visor Legendary gp
Appartus of the Crab
(Appartus of Kwalish)
Legendary 90,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magic Weapon Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Ordinary Walking Stick* 1 hand crossbow
1 quarterstaff
3 parts
6 hours 3 DC 13 common 150 gp
Crossbow, +1 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon +500 gp
Crossbow of Warning uncommon +400 gp
Hellfire Crossbow uncommon +500 gp
Assassin's Crossbow* rare gp
Crossbow, +2 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare +2,500 gp
Crossbow of Certain Death rare +1,500 gp
Corpse Slayer rare +1,300 gp
Trollslayer* rare gp
Vicious Crossbow 1 weapon
1 scroll of holy weapon
3 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare +4,000 gp
Bolt* very rare gp
Crossbow, +3 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 very rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare +15,000 gp
Rapid Fire Crossbow* 1 +2 heavy crossbow
2 esoteric parts
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare 5,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting

Rapidfire Heavy Crossbow

Weapon (crossbow, heavy), very rare (requires attunement)

This lever-action heavy crossbow is auto-drawing and magazine-fed. A revolving cylinder ringed with magnetic chambers grabs and nocks bolts from the magazine to be fired in rapid succession.

This crossbow lacks the loading property and is fitted with a cartridge that can hold up to twenty crossbow bolts. It automatically reloads after firing until the cartridge runs out of ammunition. Reloading the cartridge takes 1 minute.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you use the Attack action with this crossbow, you can use a bonus action to attack again with it.

Karl Paperweight, inventor extraordinaire, had two Rapidfire Heavy Crossbows mounted to the top of his carriage for excursions out of town, successfully extending the life expectancy of his personal guard by two whole months!

Ordinary Walking Stick

Weapon (quarterstaff/light crossbow), common

You can use a bonus action to twist the shaft of this quarterstaff and deploy or retract the limbs of a light crossbow built into its head. It is indistinguishable from a walking stick while the limbs are retracted. It functions as a quarterstaff in either mode, however it only functions as a crossbow when the limbs are deployed. This crossbow lacks the loading property and is fitted with an internal magazine that can hold up to six crossbow bolts. It automatically reloads after firing until the magazine runs out of ammunition. Reloading the magazine takes an action. You are proficient with this magical weapon if you are proficient in either light crossbows or quarterstaffs.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Wand and Staff Whittling

Unlike many magic items that are crafted and than enchanted with magic, a wand is purpose built for to store the magic it will continue, worked from wood and infused with magic as a single process, with different intricacies based on the type of magic it will wield.

Wands are very valuable to adventurers, and the power the wield should never be underestimated, as they can save precious resources.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a wand in its most basic form:

  • Select a wand or staff from the Wand Table or Staff Table you would like to make.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for a Wand or Staff from the appropriate table.
  • Use your Woodcarver’s tools to create the wand or Staff using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency with Woodcarver’s tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the wand is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row , the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Materials: Wood & Essence

The Materials for Wand Whittling are wood and essences. The wood used in wands is typically purchased, and below are the table prices. Low level wands can use common woods that are not magically attuned, but more powerful magic will cause such mundane wood to instantly splinter or catch fire, requiring the use of rare and exotic woods.

Essences are varied in nature, but are what power wands.

What Are Rare Woods?

The most common examples would be from trees in exotic locations - wood from the feywild or from the outer planes. The exact nature of the wands can match the spell for flavor, but the details beyond rarity are not considered by default for the system. Some examples are provided at the end of this section.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Purchasing Wooden Branches

Like with many materials, one popular method of acquisition is to simply spend gold. A piece of wood here is typically a branch about 2-3 feet long and moderately narrow, suitable for a wand with some whittling.

Rarity Essence Price
Common Branch 1 cp
Uncommon Branch 25 gp
Rare Branch 80 gp
Very Rare Branch 800 gp
Legendary Branch 2,000 gp

Crafting Roll

Wand Whittling Crafting Modifier = your Woodcarver’s tools proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.

Success and Failure

For Wand Whittling, after you make the crafting roll and succeed, mark your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Wand Whillting do not need to be immediately consecutive. Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Failing three times in a row results in the crafting project being a failure, and all materials are lost.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Common Wand Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Borboss' Joyous
Wand of Colour*
1 scroll of prestidigitation
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 14 Common 65 gp
Imbued Wood Focus 1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 14 Common 75 gp
Goodberry Dispenser* 1 scroll of Goodberry
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 15 Common 90 gp
Magician's Wand* 1 scroll of minor illusion
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 14 Common 75 gp
Wand of Chores* 1 scroll of prestidigitation
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 14 Common 65 gp
Wand of
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 15 Common 90 gp
Wand of
1 scroll of prestidigitation
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 15 Common 65 gp
Wand of Scowls 1 scroll of friends
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 15 Common 60 gp
Wand of Smiles 1 scroll of friends
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 15 Common 60 gp
Wand of Wondrous Sounds* 1 scroll of prestidigitation
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 15 Common 60 gp
Uncommon Wand Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Trick Wand* 1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon branch
12 hours 6 16 Uncommon 300 gp
Wand of the
War Mage, +1
2 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon branch
1 gem worth 50 gp
12 hours 6 16 Uncommon 400 gp
Wand of Magic
1 scroll of detect magic
1 common arcane essence
1 uncommon branch
12 hours 6 15 Uncommon 150 gp
Wand of Magic
1 scroll of magic missile
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon branch
1 gem worth 50 gp
12 hours 6 17 Uncommon 300 gp
Wand of Secrets 2 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon branch
12 hours 6 15 Uncommon 125 gp
Wand of Web 1 scroll of web
1 uncommon branch
12 hours 6 16 Uncommon 250 gp
Rare Wand Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Failed Expriment
1 scroll of fireball
1 scroll of Lightning bolt
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 17 Rare 4,200 gp
Wand of the
War Mage, +2
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
1 gem worth 500 gp
24 hours (3days) 12 19 Rare 4,000 gp
Wand of Binding 1 scroll of hold person
1 scroll of hold monster
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 17 Rare 2,500 gp
Wand of
Enemy Detection
1 scroll of see invisbility
1 scroll of true seeing
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 17 Rare 3,750 gp
Wand of Fear 1 scroll of fear
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 18 Rare 3,250 gp
Wand of Fireballs 1 scroll of fireball
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 18 Rare 4,800 gp
Wand of
Lightning Bolts
1 scroll of Lightning bolt
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 18 Rare 4,800 gp
Wand of Paralysis 1 wand of binding
9 rare arcane essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 17 Rare 4,250 gp
Wand of Winter 1 scroll of ray of frost
1 scroll of sleet storm
1 scroll of ice storm
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 18 Rare 4,100 gp
Wand of Wonder 1 scroll of prestidigitation
1 scroll of faerie fire
1 scroll of stinking cloud
1 scroll of darkness
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
1 scroll of invisibility
1 scroll of lightning bolt
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare branch
24 hours (3days) 12 18 Rare 2,250 gp
Very Rare Wand Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Wand of the War Mage, +3 1 scroll of polymorph
2 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare branch
48 hours (6days) 24 24 Very Rare 14,000 gp
Wand of Polymoprh 1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare branch
1 gem worth 5000 gp
48 hours (6days) 24 18 Very Rare 21,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Common Staff Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Staff of Adornment 1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 12 50 gp
Staff of Birdcalls 1 scroll of minor illusion
1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 12 70 gp
Staff of Flowers 1 common arcane essence
1 common branch
8 hours 4 12 50 gp
Uncommon Staff Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Braided QuaterStaff* 1 rope
1 scroll of rope trick
1 uncommon branch
12 hours 6 14 Uncommon 300 gp
Skyblinder Staff 1 uncommon branch
1 scroll of earthbind
1 uncommon primal essence
12 hours 6 15 Uncommon 375 gp
Staff of the Adder 1 uncommon branch
1 scroll of animal messenger
1 uncommon primal essence
12 hours 6 15 Uncommon 350 gp
Staff of the Python 1 uncommon branch
1 scroll of speak with animals
1 uncommon primal essence
12 hours 6 14 Uncommon 250 gp
Rare Staff Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Staff of Apocrypha* 1 scroll of Black Tentacle
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare branch
12 hours 6 16 rare 1,800 gp
Staff of Charming 1 scroll of command
1 scroll of comprehend language
1 scroll of charm person
2 rare divine essence
2 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
16 hours
8 18 rare 3,750 gp
Staff of Healing 1 scroll of mass cure wounds
1 scroll of cure wounds
1 scroll of lesser restoration
1 rare divine essence
1 rare branch
12 hours 6 17 rare 4,800 gp
Staff of Swarming Insect 1 scroll of giant insect
1 scroll of insect plague
1 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
16 hours
8 18 rare 4,500 gp
Staff of the Ivory Claw 1 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
12 hours 6 16 rare 1,000 gp
Staff of the Woodlands 1 scroll of animal friendship
1 scroll of awaken
1 scroll of barkskin
1 scroll of locate animals and plants
1 scroll of speak with animals
1 scroll of wall of thorns
1 uncommon primal essence
1 rare branch
16 hours
8 18 rare 4,500 gp
Staff of Withering 1 scroll of blight
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare branch
12 hours 6 16 rare 2,100 gp
Staff of Zinogre* 1 scroll of spirit guardian
3 rare primal essence
1 rare branch
16 hours
8 18 rare 3,750 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Very Rare Staff Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks DC Rarity Value
Arcanist's Bowstaff* 1 scroll of magic missile
1 very rare arcane essence
1 +2 quaterstaff
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 15,000 gp
Dragon Staff* 1 scroll of dragon's breath
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 12,000 gp
Staff of Dunamancy 1 scroll of fortune's favor
1 scroll of pulse wave
1 scroll of gravity sinkhole
2 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 27,000 gp
Staff of Fate 1 scroll of guidance
1 very rare divine essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 10,500 gp
Staff of Fire 1 scroll of burning hands
1 scroll of fireball
1 scroll of wall of fire
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 18,000 gp
Staff of Frost 1 scroll of cone of cold
1 scroll of fog cloud
1 scroll of ice storm
1 scroll of wall of ice
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 18,000 gp
Staff of the Leshen* 1 scroll of entangle
1 scroll of spike growth
1 scroll of plant growth
1 scroll of speak with plants
1 scroll of grasping vine
1 scroll of insect plague
1 scroll of wall of thorns
2 very rare primal essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 27,000 gp
Staff of Power 1 scroll of cone of cold
1 scroll of fireball
1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of hold monster
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of lightning bolt
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of ray of enfeeblement
1 scroll of wall of force
3 very rare arcane essence
1 +2 quaterstaff
32 hours
8 20 Very Rare 46,000 gp
Staff of Striking 3 very rare primal essence
1 +3 quaterstaff
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 36,000 gp
Staff of Thunder and lightning 1 scroll of lightning bolt
1 scroll of thunderclap
1 very rare primal essence
2 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 16 Very Rare 30,000 gp
Voyager Staff 1 scroll of banishment
1 scroll of blink
1 scroll of misty step
1 scroll of passwall
1 scroll of teleport
1 rare arcane essence
1 very rare branch
16 hours
8 19 Very Rare 10,500 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Legendary Staff Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Staff of the Magi 1 legendary branch
2 legendary arcane essence
1 Wizard's spellbook containing all the spells of a staff of magi
40 hours
20 DC 22 Legendary 98,000 gp
Staff of the Sorcerer King* 3 legendary arcane essence
1 +2 Spear
40 hours
20 DC 22 Legendary 85,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting


Borboss’ Joyous Wand of Color

Wand, common

This crystalline, prismatic wand can channel the illustrative intent of its wielder. While holding the wand, you can magically create a stroke of color in the air, allowing you to draw in midair or on any surface the wand touches. The effect is illusory, visibly magical, radiates dim light out to 5 feet, and dissipates after 1 hour.

If you attempt to draw on an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid it.

Goodberry Dispenser

Wand, Common

This wand has 10 charges. While holding it as an an action you can tap the tip to your palm and expend 1 of its charges to cast to create a single berry as if from the goodberry spell in your hand.

The wand regains 1d10 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, producing a splattering burst of sticky and sour juice.

Magician's Wand

Wand, Common

This wand has has 6 charges. While holding, you can use an action to expend 1 of its characters to cast minor illusion. When you cast minor illusion using this wand, you have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks involving tricks or illusions until the end of your turn.

The wand regains 1d4 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand breaks, dumping the last 10 instances of filth it has cleaned up.

Trick Wand

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)

This wand has 7 charges. It looks very similar to a wand of polymorph. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charge to cast polymorph from it on yourself. You can only transform into a beast with a challenge rating of 1/8 or lower and that has no flying speed. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Curse. This wand is cursed, and becoming attuned extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the wand, keeping it within reach at all times. When you use the wand to cast polymorph on yourself, there is a 20% chance that the wand transforms you into a small, inanimate plush version of the chosen beast. You transform along with whatever you are carrying into that form. Your statistics become those of the plush animal (AC 10, 3 hp, vulnerability to fire). While in this form, you are incapacitated. The transformation lasts for 1 hour, or until you revert to your normal form as a result of dropping to 0 hit points. You have no memory of the time spent while in plush form.

Wand of Chores

Wand, Common

This wand has 6 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast prestidigitation.

The wand regains 1d4 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand breaks.

Wand of Wondrous Sounds Wand, Common

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and choose a point in space within 60 feet of you. Roll a 2d12 and consult the following table to discover which sound is created at that location. Duration is 1 minute unless otherwise specified.

The wand regains 1d6+1 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, rol a d20. On a 1, the wand lets out a dying gasp and crumbles to dust.

Wondrous Sounds
2d12 Sound Duration
2 DM's choice (or a crying baby)
3 A barking or growling dog
4 A chirping bird
5 Rain or a waterfall
6 A meowing cat
7 A trotting horse
8 A creaking floorboard or footsteps
9 Ominous whispers
10 Wind
11 A giggling or laughing male or female
12 Lovers kissing
13 A cackling hag or other sinister laugh
14 A howling wolf
15 A hooting owl
16 War drums
17 An upbeat (50%) or sad (50%) tune
18 A hissing or rattling snake
19 A whistle call Instantaneous
20 A door slam Instantaneous
21 A shattering object Instantaneous
22 A voice that shouts: "Here!" Instantaneous
23 The last sentence wielder spoke Instantaneous
24 Thunderclap: each creature within 5 feet of the chosen point in space takes 1 thunder damage. On a successful DC 10 Constitution save, a creature takes no damage. Instantaneous
Ch.13 | Crafting


Arcanist’s Bowstaff

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a creature with an Intelligence of 17 or higher)

When you attune to this quarterstaff, it remains solid in your grip but feels pliable within your mind. You can choose to use your Intelligence modifier for the attack and damage rolls made with this weapon instead of Strength. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.

When you make an attack with this magic weapon, you can choose to make the attack at range. When you do, you use your mind to telekinetically curve the quarterstaff into the form of a longbow. The bow is magically strung with an arcane energy that arcs between the rings on either end of the weapon. A glowing, magical arrow is formed whenever the arcing energy is drawn back. The arrow disappears after it hits a target. When you make a ranged attack with the quarterstaff in this way, the weapon is treated as if it were a magical longbow. This longbow can only use the ammunition that it generates and does not have the heavy property. While holding this weapon, you’re proficient with this longbow when using it in this way.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

In addition, this quarterstaff has 8 charges and regains 1d6 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. When you take the Attack action with this weapon, you can expend 1 of its charges to cast the magic missile spell from the quarterstaff as a bonus action, instead of its normal casting time. When you do, the missiles are fired from either the bow or the quarterstaff ’s embossed faces.

Braided Quaterstaff

Staff, uncommon

This magical quarterstaff is made of a tightly knit length of braided rope. As a bonus action, you can speak the weapon’s command word to release its knotted form and loosen it into a 50-foot length of hempen rope. Speaking the command word again causes the rope to tighten back up into the quarterstaff. If a creature is restrained by the rope when you speak its command word, the rope tightens around the creature but does not crush it. Once tightened in this way, the restrained creature or an adjacent ally can use an action to escape following a successful DC 15 Strength or Dexterity check (their choice).

Tying an object no larger than six inches on a side to the end of the rope does not prevent it from reforming into the quarterstaff. The rope can only be broken by magical means. If broken, the rope cannot be transformed back into a quarterstaff.

Dragon Staff

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This ornate item has a floating dragon head with its mouth open at the top of the staff. As an action, you can cause the head to rotates and make a breath weapon attack, selecting one of the breath weapons listed below. You can use this property 3 times per long rest.

Each attack deals 8d10 damage of the chosen type.

  • Acid. 45-foot line, 5 feet wide. DC 17 Dexterity saving throw for half damage.
  • Cold. 45-foot cone. DC 17 Dexterity saving throw for half damage.
  • Fire. 45-foot cone. DC 17 Dexterity saving throw for half damage.
  • Lightning. 60-foot line, 5 feet wide. DC 17 Dexterity save for half damage.
  • Poison. 45-foot cone. DC 17 Constitution saving throw for half damage.
Staff of Apocrypha

Staff, rare

The staff has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: black tentacles. The staff regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff turn into ooze and is destroyed.

Curse. This staff is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, your hit points maximum are reduced by 5 each day at dawn as the staff suck on your life energy to regain its charges. This reduction last until a remove curse spell is used on you. You die if this effect reduces your hit point maximum to 0.

Staff of the Leshen

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a Druid)

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs.

The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff harnesses the darkness and evil spirits around in an attempt to regrow the former Leshen. A Leshen appears in a 120 feet radius as the staff disappears.


You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC:

  • Entangle (1 charge)
  • Spike Growth (2 charges)
  • Plant Growth (3 charges)
  • Speak with Plants (3 charges)
  • Grasping Vine (4 charges)
  • Insect Plague (5 charges)
  • Wall of Thorns (6 charges)

Flock of Crows. When holding the staff, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to turn into a flock of crows and teleport, along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.

Ch.13 | Crafting
Staff of the Sorcerer King

Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This ebony staff bears a bronze spear tip and additional blades carved to depict a winged scarab. The staff can be wielded as a magic spear that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. You are considered proficient with this weapon while you are attuned to it, even if you aren’t proficient with spears. While you hold it, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.

Cull Subjects. Humanoids roll at disadvantage to save against spells you cast while attuned to the staff.

Spell Shield. While attuned to this staff, you have advantage on saving throws against any spell that targets only you.

Cursed. This staff is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. Until the curse is broken with remove curse or similar magic, you are unwilling to part with the staff, keeping it within reach at all times. In addition, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons other than this one.

While you are attuned to the staff, once a day at midnight, you must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, your maximum hit points are reduced by 10 unless you are undead. These hit points can only be restored by means of a wish spell. If your maximum hit points are reduced to 0 in this way, you die and immediately rise as a wight.

Staff of the Zinogre

Staff, rare (require attunement)

You have resistance to lightning damage while you hold this staff.

The staff has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 its charges to cast spirit guardians (save DC 15), which deals lightning damage instead of its normal damage type. When the spell ends, every creature, excluding creatures unaffected by the spell within 15 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked back 10 feet and fall prone.

The staff regains 1d2 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface. The staff is destroyed and lightning burst out in an explosion that expands to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it. Every creature in the area must make a DC 16 Strength saving throw, or be knocked back 10 feet, be paralyzed until the end of your next turn, and take 11d6 lightning damage on a failed saving throw or half as much damage on a successful save and isn't paralyzed.

Ch.13 | Crafting


Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to work items from leather.

  • Select the item that you would like to craft from any of the Woodcarving Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Woodcarving Tools tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Dexterity + your proficiency bonus with a Woodworking Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.
Weapons Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Shortbow 1 quality branch
1 leather scraps
1 length of string
12 hours 6 DC 12 Common 25 gp
Longbow 1 quality branch
1 leather scraps
1 length of string
14 hours 7 DC 13 Common 50 gp
Quarterstaff 1 wooden branch 2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 2 sp
Armor Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Wooden Shield 4 wooden branches
1 metal scraps
1 leather scraps
8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 10 gp
Musical Instruments Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Flute 1 quality branch 8 hours 4 DC 9 Common 4 gp
Harp 3 quality branches
4 lengths of string
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 12 Common 35 gp
Lute 2 quality branches
2 lengths of string
1 fancy parts
(2 days)
8 DC 13 Common 35 gp
Drum 4 wooden branches
1 rawhide leather
1 parts
8 hours 4 DC 8 Common 6 gp
Dulcimer 2 quality branches
2 lengths of string
1 fancy parts
8 hours 4 DC 11 Common 25 gp
Lyre 2 quality branches
2 lengths of string
1 fancy parts
10 hours 5 DC 12 Common 35 gp
Pan Flute 1 quality branch 8 hours 4 DC 11 Common 12 gp
Shawm 1 quality branch 8 hours 4 DC 8 Common 2 gp
Viol 3 quality branches
2 lengths of string
1 fancy parts
8 hours 4 DC 12 Common 30 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Weapons Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Battlement Bow* uncommon gp
Bow, +1 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon +500 gp
Bow of Warning uncommon +400 gp
Hellfire Bow uncommon +500 gp
Infinity Bow* uncommon gp
Bow, +2 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare +2,500 gp
Bow of Mind Thievery* rare gp
Bow of Certain Death rare +1,500 gp
Corpse Slayer rare +1,300 gp
Couatl Herald Reach* rare gp
Nightingale Bow* rare gp
Vicious Bow 1 weapon
1 scroll of holy weapon
3 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare +4,000 gp
Bow, +3 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 very rare arcane essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 18 very rare +15,000 gp
Bow of Four* very rare gp
Bow of Magic
1 bow (short or long)
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of magic weapon
3 rare arcane essence
1 very rare arcane essence
16 hours (1.5 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 10,000 gp
Ebony Bow* very rare gp
OathBow 1 longbow worth 500 gp
4 very rare primal essences
1 scroll of true strike
1 scroll of hunter's mark
1 scroll of hex
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 13,000 gp
Wintouched Bow* very rare gp
Aruiel's Bow* legendary gp
Bow of Thousand Arrow* legendary gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Musical Instruments Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Horn of Silent Alarm 8 hour 4 DC 13 common 85 gp
Instrument of Illusions 12 hour
(1.5 days)
6 DC 14 common 100 gp
Instrument of Scribing 12 hour
(1.5 days)
6 DC 14 common 80 gp
Instrument of the Bards
(Doss Lute)
20 hour
(2.5 days)
8 DC 16 uncommon 250 gp
Instrument of the Bards
(Fochulan Bandore)
14 hour
(1.5 days)
7 DC 15 uncommon 350 gp
Instrument of the Bards
(Mac-Fuirmidh Cittern)
14 hour
(1.5 days)
7 DC 15 uncommon 450 gp
Instrument of the performer, +1* 14 hour
(1.5 days)
7 DC 15 uncommon
Pipes of Haunting 1 pipes worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of cause fear
1 uncommon arcane essence
8 hour 4 DC 15 uncommon 300 gp
Pipes of the Sewers 1 pipes worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of animal friendship
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 150 gp
Horn of Blasting 1 horn worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of thunderwave
1 rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 17 Rare 2,500 gp
Horn of Valhalla
1 brass horn worth at least 50 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of guardian of faith
1 rare primal essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 17 Rare 5,000 gp
Horn of Valhalla
1 silver horn worth at least 50 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of guardian of faith
1 rare primal essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours
(3 days)
12 DC 17 Rare 5,000 gp
Instrument of the Bards
(Canaith Mandolin)
16 hour
(2 days)
8 DC 17 Rare 3,750 gp
Instrument of the Bards
(Cli Lyre)
18 hour
(2 days)
9 DC 17 Rare 4,250 gp
Lyre of Building 18 hour
(2 days)
9 DC 17 Rare 4,750 gp
Siren Song Lyre 18 hour
(2 days)
9 DC 17 Rare 650 gp
Horn of Valhalla
1 bronze horn worth at least 100 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of guardian of faith
1 scroll of conjure celestial
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare divine essence
32 hours
(4 days)
16 DC 19 Very Rare 20,000 gp
Instrument of the Bards
(Anstruth Harp)
24 hour
(3 days)
12 DC 18 Very Rare 17,500 gp
Horn of Valhalla
1 iron horn worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of conjure celestial
1 very rare primal essence
1 legendary divine essence
40 hours
(5 days)
20 hours DC 20 Legendary 50,000 gp
Instrument of the Bards
(Ollamh Harp)
32 hour
(4 days)
12 DC 20 Legendary 51,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Magical Misc. Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Pipe of Smoke
Pole of Angling
Pole of Collapsing
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Silver Raven)
1 figurine of a raven worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of find familiar
1 scroll of animal messanger
1 common primal essence
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 13 uncommon 380 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Brozne Griffon)
1 figurine of a griffon worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of summon greater steed
2 rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 rare 3,600 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Ebony Fly)
1 figurine of a fly worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of giant insect
2 rare primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 3,600 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Golden Lions)
2 figurines of a lion worth at least 20 gp
2 scroll of conjure animals
2 rare primal essence
2 rare divine essence
12 hours
(1.5 days)
6 DC 15 rare 5,000 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Ivory Goats)
3 figurines of a goat worth at least 20 gp
3 scroll of conjure animals
3 rare arcane essence
3 uncommon divine essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 16 rare 5,000 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Marble Elephant)
1 figurine of an elephant worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of conjure animals
1 scroll of enlarge reduce
3 rare primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 5,000 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Onyx Dog)
1 figurine of a dog worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of conjure animals
2 rare primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 3,200 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Serpentine Owl)
1 figurine of an owl worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of find familiar
1 scroll of enlarge reduce
2 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare 3,000 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Obsidian Steed)
1 figurine of a horse worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of summon greater steed
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
16 hours
(2 days)
8 DC 17 very rare 28,500 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
10 x Arrow 1 wooden branch
1 metal scraps
1 fletching
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 5 sp
10 x Bolt 1 wooden branch
1 metal scraps
1 fletching
2 hours 1 DC 10 Common 5 sp
10 x Dart 2 x wooden scrap
1 metal scraps
1 fletching
2 hours 1 DC 11 Common 5 sp
10 x Blowgun
2 x wooden scraps
1 fletching
2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 1 sp
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Short Haft 1 wooden branch 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 1 sp
Long Haft 1 wooden branch 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 2 sp
Wooden Stock 1 wooden branch 2 hours 1 DC 9 Common 5 sp
10 Foot Pole 1 wooden branch 2 hours 1 DC 8 Common 3 sp
Fishing Pole 1 quality wooden branch
1 parts
3 lengths of string
4 hours 2 DC 8 Common 5 gp
Carved Figurine 1 wood scraps 8 hours 4 DC 8 Common 4 sp
Quality Figurine 1 quality branch 8 hours 4 DC 14 common 50 gp
Superb Figurine 1 rare branch 8 hours 4 DC 18 common 400 gp
5 x Wooden Scraps 1 wood branch 2 hours 1 DC 5 Common 1 sp
Carved Branches
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks DC Rarity Value
Quality Branch Wooden Branch 4 hours 2 DC 9 common 2 gp
Uncommon Branch Quality Branch 4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 25 gp
Rare Branch Uncommon Branch 6 hours 3 DC 15 rare 70 gp
Very Rare Branch Rare Branch 12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 19 very rare 800 gp
Legendary Branch Very Rare Branch 12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 20 legendary 2,000 gp
  • The material used cannot be the result of carving a branch of a lower quality.
Exotic Wood
Modifier Effect DC Modifier
Resonant Instruments made from these special types of wood provide +1 Spell Save DC
when used as a casting focus.
Featherlight This unique light but sturdy wood reduces the weight of things made of it by half. Ammunition does not have disadvantage when attacking at long range +4
Ch.13 | Crafting
Bow of Magic Missiles

Weapon (any bow), very rare (requires attunement by a creature that is proficient with shortbows or longbows)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, it has 5 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action and draw the bowstring, causing two gleaming arrows of magical force to materialize. You immediately fire each arrow at a creature that you can see within 600 feet. You can direct the arrows at one creature or multiple, and each arrow automatically hits its target, striking simultaneously. You can choose to expend additional charges as part of the same action to fire one extra arrow per charge expended. Each arrow deals force damage equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus. The bow regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the bow’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the bow retains its +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls but loses all other properties.

Ch.13 | Crafting

Appendix B: Optional Specific Gathering Results

Artic Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Purchase Price
Cold Snaps Common Frozen berries that burst violently when broken. Reactive (Icy) 20 gp
Ice Bamboo Common Bamboo formed entirely out of ice, does not melt. Curative 15 gp
Snake Tracks Common A dead looking weed found beneath layers of snow and ice. Poisonous 15 gp
Blizzard Bones Common Bones that have been through three blizzards. Curative 15 gp
Yeti Droppings Common Particularly potent yeti droppings. Poisonous 15 gp
Snowmelt Flower Uncommon A strange flower that grows up through the snow melting a patch of it Reactive 40 gp
Unicorn Fur Rare Glistening pure white stalks that grow in sheltered spots Curative 200 gp
White Lotus Rare A glistening white flower Curative, Poisonous 300 gp
Desert Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Purchase Price
Waterdrop Cactus Common A tiny cactus containing a single drop of water. Curative 15 gp
Lighting Sand Common Glassy sand struck by lightning. Reactive 15 gp
Dry Cough Common A gnarled point that looks inedible. Poisonous 15 gp
Morninglord Uncommon A cactus that produces little white flowers in the dawn's light Curative 40 gp
Oasis Bane Uncommon A small root sucks up water and looks edible. Poisonous 40 gp
Blacksand Uncommon A strange black sand, particularly find grains with an odd smell Reactive 40 gp
Forest Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Purchase Price
Elfmarks Common Small twisting vines with pale flowers. Curative 15 gp
Fairy Steps Common Tiny white flowers in the shape of fairy wings. Curative 15 gp
King's Salvation Common A golden brown root. Curative 15 gp
King's Damnation Common A reddish brown root. Poisonous 15 gp
Catfern Common Green cattail fern. Exotic 15 gp
Silverscale Uncommon Silvery tree bark with a scale like texture. Curative 40 gp
Sweetpetal Uncommon Rose-like flower petals found on the forest floor Poisonous 40 gp
Dyradtears Rare Small blue flowers that grow near dead trees. Curative 200 gp
Divine Laurel Very Rare Golden leaves that glimmer as if gilded. Curative 2,000 gp
Mountains/Caves Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Purchase Price
Goldbane Common Clumpy yellow powder. Reactive 15 gp
Rare Earth Powders Common Dirt with traces of rare vitamins. Curative 15 gp
Dragongrass Uncommon Red leafy grass. Reactive, Exotic 40 gp
Minebane Uncommon Long black roots that give off smoke. Reactive 40 gp
Crystal Spider Webbing Uncommon Crystalline Webs Poisonous 40 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Plains Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Purchase Price
Lightning Roots Common Still living roots from a tree hit by lightning Reactive 15 gp
Hoof Thistle Common Small snaring weeds with an unpleasant thistle Curative 15 gp
Humming Berries Common Small red berries the hum slightly when held Reactive 15 gp
Dried Tar Common Black flakes of sludge like substance Reactive 15 gp
Goldshine Grass Uncommon Strange grass that looks like it is gilded Poisonous 40 gp
Centaur Droppings Uncommon Strange foul smelling mud. Curative 40 gp
Burned Belladonna Uncommon A strange plant that looks like it is burned. Reactive, Poisonous 60 gp
Swamps Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Purchase Price
Drooping Death Common Drooping dead looking ferns. Curative 15 gp
Wartflower Common A sickly yellow flower with strange growths Curative 15 gp
Swamp Oil Common A rainbow sheened oily substance Reactive 15 gp
Hag Trail Uncommon Wilted plants that grow on corpses Poisonous 40 gp
Sad Salvation Uncommon A brilliantly blue flower that grows in decay Curative 40 gp
Burning Sludge Uncommon Watery sludge that seems is burning hot and slightly smokes Reactive 40 gp
Hag Fruit Rare A pleasantly apple looking fruit that grows on gnarled trees Poisonous 200 gp
Shambling Seedling Rare A seedling that sprouted on a shambling mound. Curative 200 gp
Fetid Gas Rare Rare swap gas that smells of sulfur. Reactive, Poisonous 300 gp
Coastal Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Purchase Price
Merweed Common Always damp blue leaves. Curative 15 gold
Rotweed Common Seaweed like weeds that give off an unpleasant smell. Poisonous 15 gold.
Oyster Flowers Uncommon Oyster shaped white and blue flowers with an odd smell. Curative 15 gold.
Exotic Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties Gathering Locale Purchase Price
Elemental Earth Rare Loose soil Poisonous Plane of Earth 200 gold
Elemental Fire Rare Ever burning fire Reactive Plane of Fire 200 gold
Elemental Water Rare Water Curative Plane of Water 200 gold
Apple of Arborea Legendary A golden apple. Curative, Exotic Arborea 5,000 gold
Spider Queen's Steps Legendary Dark purple flowers. Poisonous Underdark 5,000 gold
Ch.13 | Crafting

Optional Specific Harvesting Results

Monster Rarity Organ Description Properties Purchase Price
Ankheg Common Ankheg Acid Gland Squishy brown organ prone to leaking green stuff Poisonous, Reactive 15 gp
Basilisk Uncommon Basilisk Eye Beedy and hard, almost rocklike in texture. Exotic 40 gp
Behir Rare Pristine Behir Scale Humming with static charge, grinding it can be a hazardous process. Reactive 200 gp.
Bulette Uncommon Bulette Liver Fat A giggling gelatin like substance with a grey hue. Curative 40 gp
Chimera Uncommon Ram Horn Marrow Scrapped from the inside of the ram's horn. Curative 40 gp
Cockatrice Common Cockatrice Tongue A hideous worm-like thing that is very tough Exotic 15 gp
Darkmantle Common Darkmantle Pigment Sac A small gland that changes color to whatever surface it is on. Exotic 15 gp.
Death Dog Common Unbroken fang Jagged foul smelling fangs. Poisonous 15 gp
Ettercap Common Webbing Mass A sticky white substance that must be carefully handled. Special 10 gp
Gorgon Uncommon Metalized Gorgon Heart A heart that has started to turn metallic with iron shot through it Curative 40 gp
Grick Common Grick Beak Incredibly hard surface; shiny when polished. Poisonous 15 gp.
Harpy Common Harpy Claws Sort of like very large chicken feet. Poisonous 15 gp.
Hydra Uncommon Hydra Blood Syrupy black liquid with a swamp gas smell Curative, Poisonous 40 gp.
Kraken Legendary Astral Grey Matter A slimy material with strange properties. Reactive 5,000 gp.
Manticore Common Pristine Tail Spike A long vicious looking thing that must be carefully ground Poisonous 10 gp
Medusa Uncommon Hair snake fangs Tiny fangs from the snakes of a medusa's hair. Poisonous 40 gp
Mimic Common Mimic's "Heart" An odd organ that keeps changing shape. Exotic 15 gp.
Purple Worm Poison Very Rare Fang Venom Poison extracted from a Purple Worm's maw Poisonous 2,000 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Monster Rarity Organ Description Properties Purchase Price
Mud Mephit Common Foul Dust The crusty dried remains of it's head Poisonous 15 gp
Smoke Mephit Common Swirling Soot Little flecks of ash that never quite settle. Reactive 15 gp
Stream Mephit Common Steaming Droplets Droplets of water that are never quite cool. Reactive 15 gp
Stream Mephit Common Frozen Droplets Droplets of water that never quite thaw. Curative 15 gp
Magma Mephit Common Burning Rocks Small rock chips that are painfully hot to the touch. Reactive 15 gp
Magmin Common Magmin Charcoal Small pieces of ever warm charcoal. Reactive 15 gp
Fire Snake Common Fire Snake Scales Small red scales that are warm to the touch. Reactive 15 gp
Azer Common Flaming Beard Hairs Small beard hairs made of fire. Smells faintly like burning hair. Reactive 15 gp
Gargoyle Common Gargoyle's Stone Heart A gem like heart. Exotic 15 gp
Water Weird Common Essence of Tainted Water Brackish water with high surface tension. Poisonous 15 gp
Air Element Uncommon Uncommon Primal Essence An eddy of every swirling wind magic. Primal Essence 40 gp
Earth Element Uncommon Uncommon Primal Essence An unremarkable looking stone. Primal Essence 40 gp
Fire Element Uncommon Uncommon Primal Essence Small sourceless fires. Primal Essence 40 gp
Water Element Uncommon Uncommon Primal Essence A cup of water that never dries. Essence 40 gp
Salamander Uncommon Salamander's Tongue A long leathery tongue. Exotic 40 gp
Xorn Uncommon Xorn's Stomach Acid A burbling very acidic substance. Reactive, Poisonous 40 gp
Galeb Duhr Uncommon Duhrian Heart A strange rock with veins of crystal throughout. Curative 40 gp
Invisible Stalker Uncommon Uncommon Primal Essence An eddy of wind that always swirls toward you. Primal Essence 40 gp
Dao Rare Heart A heart shaped stone with dark veins. Primal Essence 200 gp
Djinni Rare Heart A floating blue heart that slowly spins. Primal Essence 200 gp
Efreeti Rare Heart An ever burning coal the size of a fist. Primal Essence 200 gp
Marid Rare Heart A flabby heart that never stops oozing. Primal Essence 200 gp
Ch.13 | Crafting
Monster Rarity Organ Description Properties Purchase Price
Pseudodragon Common Pseudodragon Stringer A small sharp barb Poisonous 15 gp
Wyrmling Common Wyrmling Heart A heart in the color of the wyrmling Reactive, Essence 30 gp
Faerie Dragon Common Faerie Dragon Heart A small sparkling liver. Poisonous 15 gp
Wyvern Uncommon Wyvern Stinger Pieces of the wyvern's tail singer. Poisonous 40 gp
Young Dragon Rare Dragon Heart A large heart flaring with elemental power Reactive, Primal Essence 300 gp
Shadow Dragon Heart Rare Shadow Dragon Heart An ethereal heart that casts a pitch black shadow. Arcane Essence 200 gp
Adult Dragon Very Rare Dragon Heart A huge heart flaring with elemental power Reactive, Primal Essence 3,000 gp
Dragon Turtle Very Rare Dragon Turtle Lungs The rubbery flesh from the lung tubes Curative 2,000 gp
Ancient Dragon Legendary Dragon Heart A massive heart flaring with elemental power Reactive, Primal Essence 7,500 gp
Specific Meal Table
Creature Example Meal Type
Ape Should We Eat This? Sliced Roast Meat Feast
Beholder Eyestock Unagi Shushi Risky Aberration Snack
Crocodile Spicy Croc Gumbo Common Feast
Kraken Sea Aged Unagi Legendary Meat Feast
Kraken Titan Tri tip Legendary Meat Feast
Roc Roc Drumstick Gyros Superb Meat Dish
Tyrannosaurus Rex Primeval Pot Pie Meat Feast
Tyrannosaurus Rex Giant's Chicken Breast Meat Feast
Young Hook Horror Hook Turkey Sandwiches Common Feast
Young Hook Horror Murder Chicken Tenders Common Feast
Young Red Dragon Dragon Steak Tartare Elementally Fortifying Feast
Wyvern Purple Poison Curry Meat Feast

Appendix C: Variant Rules

More Common Magic

Not just for enchanters

While magical items is generally thought of as the domain of enchanters, a skilled crafter with the correct knowledge may be able to craft certain magic items with this variant rule. If you have proficiency in Arcana, you can use your crafting skill to craft items from certain enchanting tables as per the table below. When making items this way, you can only make items of types you can normally make.

If another creature proficient in arcana assists for the full duration of the craft, they can serve as a replacement for proficiency in arcana.

Crafting Branch Enchanting Table
Blacksmithing Magical Armor (Metal), Magical Weapons
Leatherworking Magical Armor (Leather)
Jewelering Magical Rings, Magical Jewelry
Woodworking Magical Weapons (Bows)
Ch.13 | Crafting


you for


It took quite a lot of time to make this book, and even if this version can be considered done, the project ain't over, I plan to continue this compendium, adding the various element of lore we come up as a group, player and game master!