Blacksmithing - Standalone Preview

by KibblesTasty

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Blacksmithing is a popular professional interest of two sorts of adventurers: those that want to hit things with heavy metal objects, and those that want a heavy metal object between them and the thing hitting them.

While often relying on the town blacksmith to do your work for you is a fine option, rolling up your sleeves and doing the work yourself can allow you to express your creativity... and may save you a few coins in the process.

Blacksmithing is slow hard work, but has a higher tolerance for failure than most, and is more dependent on knowing your material, as the templates you work from tend to be common across many of them.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a blacksmith item in its most basic form:

  • Select the item that you would like to craft from any of the Blacksmithing Crafting Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Blacksmithing Tools tool to craft the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column.
  • If the item requires ingots, you will need an anvil and a forge in addition to your tools.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus with a Blacksmithing Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is complete.
  • On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Custom Weapon Guide

At first glance, it seems that the weapon selection in 5e D&D is quite limited, but with a little knowledge of the system, you can largely expose that template that builds those weapons, and from there, well, the opportunities are limitless! When you would like to craft an template weapon, just follow the steps below:

Weapon Creation Template

To create a weapon go through five steps to determine the final damage and properties of the weapon. Adding a d2 means increasing the die by one size (i.e a d6 + d2 = d8) and the converse for subtracting a d2.

Step 1: Select one of...
Property Base Damage Die Crafting Modifier Material Modifier Notes
Simple d6 12 Base DC 1 ingot --
Martial d8 15 Base DC 3 ingots Becomes a martial weapon.
Step 2: Select one of...
Property Weapon Modifier Crafting Modifier Material Modifier Notes
Light -d2 +1 Base DC -1 ingot --
None -- --
Versatile -- +1 Base DC +1 ingot +d2 when wielded with two hands.
Two-Handed +d2 -- 2x ingots
Step 3: Select all that apply...
Property Weapon Modifier Crafting Modifier Material Modifier Notes
Reach -d2 +2 Base DC -1 ingot + 1 long haft --
Finesse -d2 +3 Base DC -1 ingot No damage die cost if the weapon is Light or has no other properties.
Thrown -- +2 Base DC -- --
Heavy +d2 +1 Base DC +4 ingots Requires two-handed.
Step 4: Set Damage Die/Dice...

You can divide your damage die into smaller dice that equal the same total. For example, a d12 can become 2d6 or be reduced again to 3d4. Each time you do this, the crafting Base DC increases by +1.

Step 5: Select Damage Type
Type Effect
Slashing Deals Slashing Damage
Piercing Deals Piercing Damage
Bludgeoning Deals Bludgeoning Damage
Bonus Step: Modifiers and Materials

You can additionally add Material Modifiers and Crafting Modifiers to template weapons. These modifiers may add additional properties as listed by the modifier, and their difficult modifier is incorporated into the weapon.

  • Thrown can be ranged weapons instead of melee weapons (example: Dart)
  • The DM can waive the restriction on Heavy property requiring Two-Handed property but should be aware it opens the door to GWM + Shield builds.
  • Add one short haft for axes, maces or similar.
  • Weapons made of metal require a minimum of half an ingot (like a dagger), even if the table would reduce them zero.

Example Template Weapons

Simple Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Finesse Spear 3 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lbs. Finesse, Versatile (1d6).
Sturdy 10-Foot Pole 1 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 5 lbs. Reach, Two-handed.
Chain 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 10lbs. Reach.
Heavy Greatclub 3 gp 1d10 bludgeoning 15 lbs. Two-handed, Heavy.
Brass Knuckles 2 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lbs. Light
Martial Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
War Spear 5 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lbs. Versatile (1d10).
Long Chain Flail 15 gp 1d6 piercing 12 lbs. Reach.
Finesse Glaive 25 gp 1d4 slashing 5 lbs Versatile (1d6), Reach, Finesse.
Saber 15 gp 1d8 slashing 2 lbs. Finesse
Broadsword 8 gp 2d4 slashing 3 lbs. --
Katana 15 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lbs. Versatile (2d4), Finesse
Cestus 2 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 1 lb. Light

Example Template Weapon Crafting:

Simple Weapons
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Finesse Spear 1 ingot
1 long haft
2 hours 1 DC 14 Common 13 gp
Sturdy 10-Foot Pole 1 extra long haft 0 hours 0 DC 0 Common 1 sp
Chain 2 ingots 2 hours 1 DC 14 Common 5 gp
Heavy Greatclub 2 ingot
3 short hafts
2 hours 1 DC 13 Common 12 gp.
Brass Knuckles 1 ingot 2 hours 1 DC 13 Common 10 gp.
Martial Weapons
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
War Spear 4 ingots
long haft
4 hours 2 DC 17 Common 110 gp
Long Chain Flail 2 ingots
short haft
4 hours 2 DC 17 Common 110 gp
Finesse Glaive 1 ingot
1 long haft
4 hours 2 DC 20 Common 450 gp
Saber 2 ingot 4 hours 2 DC 18 Common 170 gp
Broadsword 3 ingots 4 hours 2 DC 15 Common 42 gp
Katana 3 ingots 4 hours 2 DC 19 Common 175 gp
Cestus 2 ingots 4 hours 2 DC 16 Common 70 gp.
  • Custom Weapons are a good bit more expensive than normal weapons. This is a reflection of their customization and greater difficulty to craft, is derived from their crafting Dc.

Material Modifiers

Metal Difficulty Modifier Weapon Effect Armor Effect
Bronze -3 Weapons forged from Bronze are inferior, having -1 to attack and damage rolls. Gains the Fragile property. Armor forged from Bronze is inferior, having -1 to its AC. Gains the Fragile property.
Cold Iron (Meteoric Iron) -2 Gains the Fragile property. Gains the Fragile property.
Adamantine +8 Gains the "Special: Critical Strikes with this weapon permanently damage nonmagical weapons, shields or armor of the defending creature that are not forged from Adamantine (reducing the attack roll of a weapon or the AC of armor by 2)". While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.
Mithral +6 A weapon with the heavy property forged from it loses the heavy property. If the weapon didn't have the heavy property, it gains the light property. The DC of an Enchanter applying an Enchantment to it is reduced by 6, and it always counts has having 1 common essence of any type as part of the craft If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version of the armor doesn't. Easier for Enchanters to Enchant.
Dark Steel +7 You have advantage on attack rolls while in darkness wielding Darksteel weapons. Perception checks relying on sight have disadvantage against you when you are in dim light or darkness while wearing this armor.
Ice Steel +7 A weapon forged from icesteel deals an additional 1d4 cold damage on hit. Wearing armor forged from icesteel grants resistance to Fire damage.
Fire Steel +7 A weapon forged from firesteel deals an additional 1d4 fire damage on hit. Wearing armor forged from firesteel grants resistance to Cold damage.
Improvised Materials* +1 Weapons forged from Improvised Materials are inferior, having -1 to attack and damage rolls. Armor forged from Improvised Materials is inferior, having -1 to its AC. Gains the Fragile property.
  • *Improvised materials can include other metals, shells, scales, carapaces, or other things substituted for one or mote ingots.

Crafting Modifiers

Modifier Difficulty Modifier Weapon Effect Armor Effect
Aerodynamic +5 The weapon gains the Thrown (10/30) property if it does not have the Thrown property. If it has the Thrown property, the range increases by 10/30 feet instead. Your falling speed increases to 520 feet per round while wearing this armor.
Double Bladed +10 The weapon's damage die is reduced be d2. Adds the "Special: You can use a bonus action immediately after to make a single melee attack with it. This attack deals 1d4 slashing damage on a hit" --
Weighted (Dwarven) +5 A weapon with the light property forged from it loses the light property. If the weapon didn't have the light property, it gains the heavy property. If an Effect moves you against your will along the ground while wearing this armor, you can use your Reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet. The weight of the armor is increased by 50%
Elven +7 The weapon gains the Finesse property. You are considered proficient with this armor even if you lack proficiency
Fragile N/A A Fragile weapon breaks on an attack roll of 1 against an armored target (a target wearing armor or with the natural armor property) if that armor does not have the Fragile property. A Fragile set of armor is destroyed when you take a critical strike from a creature wielding a weapon without the Fragile property.
Hardened +4 The weapon's Quality Die when maintained
becomes a d12
The armor's Quality Die when maintained becomes a d12.
Lance +2 Requires two-handed weapon with reach. The weapon becomes one handed and its base damage die increases by d2, but you have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted. --
Masterwork +8MW A Masterwork weapon gains +1 to attack rolls.
Removes the fragile property.
A set of Masterwork armor gains a
Damage ReductionDR value of 2. Removes the fragile property.
Segmented +5 -- The armor can be donned or doffed in half as much time
Slotted +2 This weapon can hold 1 magical gem crafted by an Enchanter This armor can hold 1 magical gem crafted by Jewelcrafter.
Spiked +4 If a weapon deals bludgeoning damage, it now deals piercing damage. Attackers that strike you with unarmed strikes or natural weapons take 1d4 piercing damage. A creature that ends its turn while grappling you takes 1d4 piercing damage.
  • MW Masterwork: Failing a crafting roll for Masterwork does not cause a failure, but the resulting weapon is only a Masterwork if all crafting roll successes pass the DC of Masterwork. An item is automatically masterwork if every roll qualified for a Masterwork version.
  • DR Damage Reduction: While you are wearing heavy armor, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from nonmagical weapons is reduced by the value of your Damage Reduction to a minimum of 1.

Supplimental Modifiers

Modifier Materials Needed Difficulty Modifier Weapon Effect Armor Effect
Magical 2 uncommon essence* +8Magic Weapon adds +1 to attack and damage rolls. Armor AC is increased by +1.
SilveredSI +5 silver scraps* +2 This weapon is considered silvered for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance. This armor is shiny
  • Supplimental Materials are doubled for weapons with the two-handed property or armor.
  • Magic Magic: Difficulty modifier is reduced to +2 if combined with Mithral or Adamantine material modifiers.

Additional Items

Tower Shield


This is a massive unwieldy shield. While carrying it, your movement speed is reduced by 10 feet. At the end of each of your turns, pick a direction . You have half cover from attacks in a cone that direction. Alternatively, you can pick a single target, tracking the movement. You have half cover against attacks from that target (and only that target).

Spiked Shield


Your shield is considered a martial melee weapon, dealing 1d4 damage on hit.



This has no default statistical modifier, but can be enchanted or slotted for additional benefits. May look pretty.



While wearing bracers, as a reaction to being hit by an attack, you can attempt to parry the attack with your bracer, adding gaining +1 AC bonus AC against the triggering attack.

Adamantine Bracers


Adds +2 AC against the triggering attack. If this causes your AC to be exactly equal to the attack roll and the attacking weapon is made of a common metal, the attacking weapon is destroyed.

Thunder Cannon

Requires attunement

The principle weapon of a Thundersmith. Deals 1d12 piercing damage, and has the Ammunition (60/180), Two-Handed, Loud, and Stormcharged properties.

  • Stormcharged. When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a Stormcharged Weapon, you can make only one Attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make. If you could otherwise make additional attacks with that action, the weapon deals an additional 3d6 lightning or thunder damage per attack that was foregone.
  • Loud: Your weapon rings with thunder that is audible within 300 feet of you whenever it makes an attack.

Beyond the System

While blacksmithing allows for a huge amount of custom creation, there will always be new things beyond the system.

The following is some guidelines for how to make something beyond the system.

  • Trivial items should be composed of metal scraps, and have a DC in the range of 8-12. These represent things blacksmiths can easily make. Common items should require ingots, and have a DC of 12-18 depending if they are simple or exotic. Uncommon and rarer items should have uncommon and rarer materials matching their rarety.
  • Blacksmithing alone can make magical weapons only to the extent that magical components are used.
  • If you would like Blacksmithing alone to make fully magical swords, you can largely just take the materials from an equivalent enchanting recipe and add them to materials of the weapon, and than take the higher of the difficulty and crafting time of the projects.
Work Together and be Reasonable

The system is, by it's nature, extremely extensible. Great pains have been taken to make things as "balanced" as possible. But this doesn't mean the rules transcend common sense. As a player, tell your DM what you want to make and be open to adjustments to how it would work. As a DM, tell players how their projects will work from the start, and be open to the idea they can make cool things... these crafted items are part of their "loot" and don't need to be "power neutral" as long as they are breaking anything.

Crafting Magic

Forge Fire

1st-level transmutation (ritual)

  • Classes: Artificer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 15 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours

A medium sized fire within range, such as a campfire, burns with unnatural heat within it's embers for the duration. It gives off intense heat, dealing twice as much damage to any creature that takes damage from it and consumes materials twice as fast as normal. For the duration, it can serve as a forge to smelt nonmagical metals, and counts as a forge for the purposes of blacksmithing.

Crafting Items

Blacksmith's Bellows

Wonderous Item, Uncommon

These are a small set of portable bellows. Can be used to cast forge fire without expending a spell slot. Once used, they cannot be used again until dawn.

Supported By

Creation is made possible by generous patrons:

  • Abeezy
  • Abyssal Knight
  • Amara
  • Andrew Keenan Richardson
  • Andrew Valenti
  • AndrewRP8023
  • Angel Gomez
  • Austin Fox
  • Bailey Halsall
  • BenPriebe
  • Bigbird
  • Billy Greene
  • Brandon Emory Lake
  • Braekin
  • Brendan
  • C. Dobb
  • CovertMuffin
  • Dallas blanch
  • David Santistevan
  • Dr. Arielpro
  • Drowrin
  • Elijah McGowan
  • Ethan Hart
  • Fencing Bucket
  • FS-1414
  • Garion Pankievich
  • Garrí K
  • Glacirus
  • Glider Onair
  • GMBinder
  • herdsheep
  • Ihileath
  • Issac Dyne
  • Jake Sine
  • Jason Lasica
  • Johannes Wieland
  • Kainoa Pacrro
  • Kybernetes
  • Larry Eger
  • lastnamefirst
  • Micheal Molik
  • Mitchell Baltosser
  • Nannette Groft
  • Natal Takashima
  • Nicholas Sherman
  • OrionSquared
  • Patrick Hart
  • Peter Steil
  • Prussi Antique
  • Robert White
  • Rory Collier
  • Sam B Spivey
  • Seffykun
  • Seranata
  • SlippyGate
  • Solarfed
  • SonOfSofaman
  • SpectreCreations
  • Suliman Adel
  • TheSpaniard
  • Thortron
  • Tony Bucher
  • Verixa Okblek
  • Witasmott
  • WitchDoctorXera
  • Wraithkin
  • Zaubern

...and many more!

Want to support KibblesTasty in keeping this updated and creating more homebrew like this? You can join them here on Patreon.

Thank you!

Additional Credits:

Art Credits

All art is commissioned artwork for this document, copyright KibblesTasty.

  • Dwarven Blacksmith by Trung Tin Shinji
  • Blacksmith Shop by Alifka Hammam
  • Swords and Daggers by Liza Alykova
  • Metal Samples by Alex Gavrilas

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  15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.



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