Alchemy, Herbalism and Poisoncraft

by thelittledarkone

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Alchemy, Herbalism
and Poisoncraft Guide


Lead Designer






Art Director


Product Manager:


Cover Illustrator:

Ray Lederer

Additional Graphic Design:

Jared Ondricek (/u/flamableconcrete)-Watercolor Stains

Blackthorn Theme

A theme for GM binder by /u/blckthorn

There is also a dark version.

The old version of the theme is still around.


This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

OGL Located on the Last Page

Additional Credits

Thanks to the Artists, Writers and Contributers in the TTRPG Fantasy community, you make working with this content a real pleasure. And thanks to WotC for making a great game.

Inspired and Apapted from the works of:
/u/Crumy_Taleteller click here for the original

Interior Illustrators & Photographers:

All Photographs edited by thelittledarkone using BeFunky Photo Editor

Picture Artist Company Name Pages
Photograph Nadine Doerlé Witchcraft 7, 11, 15, 53, 59, 65
Photograph Ancient Symbols Emerald Tablet of Thoth 13
Photograph Karolina Grabowska Urn 14
Photograph Emilija Randjelovic Skull and Candle 16, 21
Photograph Angelo Rosa Book 17
Photograph Gilberto Olimpio Blue Flower 18
Photograph Angelo Rosa Book, Pestle & Mortar 19
Photograph Angelo Rosa Two Books, Pestle & Mortar 20, 23
Photograph Petr Kratochvil Potion Bottles 24, 26-27, 31
Photograph Samiramay Witches Potion 32-33
Photograph Cotton Bro Alchemy Supplies 35
Photograph Petr Kratochvil Medieval Bottles 36, 38-39
Photograph Emilija Randjelovic Absinthe 37
Photograph Aleks Labuda Laertes' Poisoned Blade 40-41
Photograph Beketov Poison Knife 43
Photograph Jess Bailey Designs Rose 46-47
Photograph Ylanite Koppens Flower 48
Photograph Jess Bailey Designs Flower 49
Photograph Himerka Snake Creeps to Face 50-51
Photograph Samiramay Skull on Book 52
Photograph Graham Hobster Scotney Castle 54-55
Photograph StockSnap Alley 56-57
Photograph Erik Mclean Unnamed Witch 58
Painting Albert Bierstadt The Smithsonian Institution Among the Sierra Nevada, California 1868 60, 66-70
Painting Robin Tran Medieval Town 71
Drawing Rosanbandi Stones And Rocks - Drawing Crystal Mineral Quartz 72

Table of Contents

Part I

Alchemy and the
Alchemical Process


One of the oldest traditions among both those magically attuned and those seeking simple medicinal healing, alchemy has a place in every corner of the known world. Alchemy, as you may have discerned, is the act of mixing, boiling, and distilling various substances to obtain their chemo-magical properties and create potions and poisons.

Alchemical ingredients can include, but are not limited to, extracts from plants, animals, undead, and Demons. Prospective alchemists often need to experiment with ingredients to gauge what effects can be created, usually by eating samples of ingredients. This lovely practice known as wortcraft is one of the fundamental processes of alchemy. So I hope you are ravished because nothing quite satisfies like a bit of butterfly wing and trolls teeth.

The Art of Alchemy:

From the following guidelines one will gather the knowledge of how to construct the finest potions and deadliest of poisons. As you develop your notes of various ingredients keep track of similar effects in a journal. You will find that the process of discovery is often one walked alone, however, as with the wizard's pursuit of magical knowledge, the alchemist's pursuit of scientific knowledge can often be shared and passed from teacher to student.

The Alchemist's Journal

Much like a Wizards spell book is where spells and arcane knowledge is noted, the alchemist's journal is where the recipes and scientific experiments are noted. Any character that makes an attempt at learning the Art of Alchemy must have access to at least one (often more) journal in which he can write down his findings.

Types of Alchemical Substances

Alchemy is a broad subject that can be broken down into three categories: Alchemy, Poisoncraft and Herbalism. Within these categories, different types of alchemical substances can be made: Alchemy can make - Potions, Ambrosias and Alchemical Liquids; Poisoncraft can make - Poisons, Venoms and Bombs; Herbalism can make - Poultices and Pastes.

Different tools are required to create substances from the various categories and abilities that effect poisons, for example, don't necersarily have any effect on bombs or venom, despite being in the same alchemical category.

The Tools of the Alchemist

Alchemy requires many tools in order to be made effectively and efficiently. Many of these tools only speed up or cheapen the process and so are not essential. Ask your GM for guidelines surrounding how you might gain proficiency in a given tool, but remember, this is solely up to the GM and they will decide whether having multiple tool proficiencies is suitable for the campaign or not.

Alchemists Supplies - To even attempt Alchemy, you must have proficiency in the use of and possession of a set of alchemist's supplies. These are the tools you’ll be using when grinding together ingredients, boiling the powders, and making sure the potion is potent enough to reward the desired effects.

Alchemist's supplies include two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients, including salt, powdered iron, and purified water.

Alchemist's Suppies are used in the creation of all Potions, Ambrosias and Other Alchemical Substances all listed in their own sections below.

Poisoner's Kit - To even attempt Poisoncraft, you must have proficiency in the use of and possession of a poisoner's kit. These are the tools you’ll be using when grinding together ingredients, boiling the powders, and making sure the poison is potent enough to reward the desired effects.

A poisoner's kit includes glass vials, a mortar and pestle, chemicals, and a glass stirring rod.

Poisoner's Kit is used in the creation of all Poisons, Venoms and Bombs all listed in their own sections below.

Herbalist's Kit - Proficiency in the use of and possession of a herbalist's kit helps the Alchemist to harvest, store and prepare herbs and foliage from the wild. When harvesting from the wild as explained in the 'Foraging for Ingredients' section, you may add 1d4 specimens to your collection rather than one. This kit is not used when harvesting from mineral or organic sources in the wild as the below kits are used instead.

Additionally, Herbalist's Kit is also used in the creation of all Poultices and Pastes all listed in their own sections below.

New Tool - Butcher's Tools - Proficiency in the use of and possession of a hunter's kit helps the Alchemist to harvest, store and prepare animal parts from kills in the wild. When harvesting from an organic source in the wild as explained in the 'Harvesting a Kill' section, you may add 1d4 different parts of a single creature to your collection rather than one.

New Tool - Excavation Kit - Proficiency in the use of and possession of an excavation kit helps the Alchemist to harvest, store and prepare gems, minerals and rocks found in the wild. When harvesting from a mineral source in the wild as explained in the 'Foraging for Ingredients' section, you may add 1d4 usable specimens to your collection rather than one.

Glassblower's Tools - Proficiency in the use of and possession of glassblower's tools allows you to create your own glass vials. If you successfully pass the craft DC for the desired item, this reduces the cost of vials when creating potions or poisons by half.

Brewer's Supplies - Proficiency in the use of and possession of brewer's supplies allows you to create your own solvent out of water. If you successfully pass the craft DC for the desired item, this reduces the cost of the solvent when creating potions or poisons by half.

Cost of Production

The cost of a potion is entirely dependent on the cost of the vials used and the quality of the solvents. The listed price assumes that you are buying the glass vials and solvents from a vendor.

Vials Cost Craft DC
Tincture 10gp 10
Dram 20gp 15
Solution 30gp 20
Elixir 40gp 25
Solvent Cost Craft DC
Natural 50gp 10
Clear 150gp 15
Filtered 450gp 20
Purified 1,350gp 25


Potions and Poisons have four tiers of quality to them: Simple, greater, superior, and supreme. These different tiers are always available to craft if the ingredients, solvent and vials are available.

Each crafting of potions, poisons, or venoms requires 2-5 different ingredients (all ingredients must have different names), at least 1 vial of the correct size and some solvent of the correct quality, as shown in the table below:

Quality No. of Ingredients Vial Type Solvent Type
Simple Catalyst + 1 Tincture Natural
Greater Catalyst + 2 Dram Clear
Superior Catalyst + 2
+ Mineral
Solution Filtered
Supreme Catalyst + 2
+ Mineral + Special
Elixir Purified

Crafting Time

It almost always takes around an hour of time to experiment, test or create something using the various alchemy skills.


One Tincture weighs 1/2 pound, one Dram weighs 1 pound, one Solution weighs 2 pounds, and one Elixir weighs 3 pounds.

Expiry Times

Ingredients don't last forever and no matter how well they are stored, they still rot. Once an ingredient rots it becomes useless and can no longer be used in Alchemy. The typical rotting times for materials are as follows:

Ingredient Type Standard Rot
Any Terrain 1d20 Days
Any Organic 1d4 Days
Any Mineral Doesn't Rot
Any Special or
Legendary Ingredient
Doesn't Rot

The Process

Foraging for Ingredients:

As players travel between locations they can decided to move at a Slow Pace, searching for ingredients as they do so. When a player decides to search for ingredients have them make a Forage check. If they succeed on foraging, then they can add one ingredients of that terrain to their inventory. Roll a d20 to determine the results of the discovered ingredient.

If a fresh cadaver or mineral is discovered, the player then rolls on the organic or mineral table. Alternatively, if a special ingredient is discovered, the GM must choose the most appropriate ingredient for the character to find given the location.

Alternatively if a player is looking for a specific ingredient then they can decide to carouse various shops and vendors. The prices for which are listed next to each ingredient.

Harvesting a Kill:

After players kill a creature, or if they discover a fresh kill along their travels, a character may attempt a harvest check on the creature to attempt to harvest useful parts of the creature for later use in brewing alchemical supplies. If the check is passed the character can roll on the organic ingredient table to determine what part they were able to harvest.

If a special ingredient is rolled, the GM must choose the most appropriate special ingredient that the dead creature may yield (including a mineral if appropriate). If nothing is appropriate from the mineral or special ingredients list, the character should roll again twice on the organic table and ignore special.

Alternatively a character may keep small or tiny animal specimens in captivity within their workshops or laboratories in order to harvest the creatures parts as the need arises. Doing this eliminates the need for rolling on a harvest check but the GM decides how the character is able to come into possession of such creatures as well as keep such creatures in captivity.


The character can keep an eye out for ready sources of Food and Water, making a Wisdom (Survival) check when the DM calls for it. (The Dungeon Master’s Guide has rules for Foraging.)


The character can attempt to harvest a part of a recently deceased creature, making a Wisdom (Survival) check when the DM calls for it.

Discovering Effects:

When an ingredient has been acquired the player can decided to do a number of things with it to begin discovering it's effects. Each ingredient has one catalytic effect (always displayed as no.1 effect) and 3 different ingredient effects which can be discovered by attempting to brew a potion with two ingredients, by taking the time to properly investigate the effects of the specimen, or by 'eating' the ingredient, revealing the first ingredient effect only (not including the catalytic effect).

Alchemical Note - Cooking

Some Ingredients list 'Cooking' as the first effect. This means that they do not have catalytic properties and are instead used in cooking food as their primary purpose and not alchemy.

If you take the time to investigate the effects you can ascertain up to all four of the effects with an hour of investigation. This costs the ingredient and requires the use of either the Alchemist's Supplies or the Poisoner's Kit (along with proficiency in the chosen tool). You can roll an Investigation check to see how many effects you discover. You can make this roll with advantage if you have the herbalist's kit for plant matter, butcher's tools for animal matter or excavation kit for mineral matter. Use the table below to see the DC's:

Effect No. Investigation DC
1 8
2 12
3 18
4 22

If you fail to discover all of the effects on the first attempt, you may retry with another sample but the ingredient DCs do not change. The forth effects are usually more powerful and unique and so will always be harder to discover.

If you successfully brew a potion, blindly using two or more ingredients, then note down the effects as best as you can and continue to experiment. As well when exploring new towns and villages look to bargain with the local herbalists and alchemists for recipes on potions or poisons based on the local flora.

Attached to this supplement at the very end, is an alchemy sheet. Similar to a spell sheet this page is a basic guideline for helping understand and keeping track of your alchemical notes.

Alchemical Notes - Ingredient List

As a Dungeon Master I would recommend not letting your players read the effects of all the ingredients. Let them discover these as they adventure and reward the dedicated note taker who maps and builds potions from the various discoveries they have made. You can also supply mentors, tomes of recipes, or laboratories with specific ingredients thrown about to help develop your players lexicon of potions.


Before you can produce alchemical items reliably and efficiently, you must first test and experiment with ingredients in order to ascertain the correct recipe. To do this you must roll an Intelligence or Wisdom check against the discovery DC of the recipe you wish to discover, using the relevant tool (that you must be proficient with).

You must have discovered that the ingredients produce the necessary effects for the recipe in order to attempt to discover it. You may make blind attempts with ingredients that you do not know the effects of but a success only produces the single potion and does not result in the discovering of a stable recipe.

Alchemical Notes - Recipe List

As a Dungeon Master I would recommend insisting that the budding alchemist notes down any discovered recipes in the alchemy journal in the exact same way as a Wizard would note the spells in his spellbook. This helps the players to get used to looking at the alchemy side of the game as an important mechanic like spellcasting and will encourage more engagement between players during downtime.


Once you have a recipe, the relevant tools, the correct supplies and the ingredients, you are ready to produce an alchemical item in batches rather than singularly. During this time you will roll in the same way as with the experimentation stage except you will be against the brew DC and you will produce a number of draughts or doses equal to the number you beat the DC by.

Example: You score an 18 on a potion with a brewing DC of 15, so you create 18-15=3 potion draughts.

You must have enough of the relevant vials in order to store the draughts/doses. Any draught that cannot be stored in its own vial is lost.

Alchemical Notes - Bookkeeping

It is recommended that as a Dungeon Master you start enforcing a stricter book keeping approach to the game if you are going to allow production of potions during down time. Remember that, although one can brew thousands of healing potions, they still must acquire the necessary ingredients, vials and solvents which all have a cost (in time or money) as well as a weight.
Start enforcing encumbrance to stop characters carrying 50 potions each and insure that the alchemist accounts for how he is acquiring all of the materials to mass produce whatever he wishes to brew.

Part II

Alchemical Equipment

The Laboratory

If a character has access to a permanent residence with room enough for the equipment needed, Then they may set up a laboratory in order to aid in their alchemical pursuits. The areas of a lab include the Alchemical Altar, the Holding Cages, the Storage Cases and the Study Desk. This equipment is not taken with the adventurer as they travel and the Alchemist's Supplies or Poisoner's Kit is used when on the open road. Instead, this equipment remains in the characters home base or permanent residence for use during downtime between adventures.

Alchemical Altar: (200 GP)

For the practiced alchemist one might seek out an Alchemical Altar to help hone their skills and develop more advanced potions. Alchemical Altars are made up of a number of useful tools. The devices provided at an Alchemical Altar are the Alembic, Aludel, Athanor, Crucible, Cupels, Retort, and of course your common mortar & pestle.

Each device provides new alchemical methods that alter the process of either the discovery of new recipes or the mass brewing of multiple potions.


Additional Cost: 80GP
The alembic is an alchemical tool consisting of two vessels connected by a tube, used for distilling.

While using an Alembic at an Alchemical Altar you can produce more potions or poisons during each attempted brewing. The brewing DC is reduced by 2.


Additional Cost: 120GP
The Aludel, sometimes called the Hermetic Vase, is a subliming pot, used in alchemy, consisting of tubes and pots without bottoms fitted over each other which diminish as the device gets taller. The lowest pot is adapted into a small furnace, wherein the matter is sublimed. At the top is a head to retain the alchemical condensation, which ascends.

While using a Hermetic Vase at an Alchemical Altar you can determine the effects of ingredients more easily. The DC for discovering each ingredient effect is reduced by 2.


Additional Cost: 150GP
The athanor is a furnace used to provide a uniform and constant heat for alchemical digestion.

While using an Athanor at an Alchemical Altar you can more easily determine the correct way the create a new portion. The Discovery DC is lowered by 2 for any potion or poison.


Additional Cost: 50GP
The crucible is a large pot used for melting down various alchemical ingredients.

While using a Crucible at an Alchemical Altar you can use up to two ingredients with the same name to brew a potion or poison batch. The brewing DC increases by 5.


Additional Cost: 180GP
The cupels are delicate coned cups used for refining alchemical ingredients and separating their properties in a cupellation furnace.

While using a Cupel at an Alchemical Altar you can use one single ingredient in the brewing of two different potions or poisons. The brewing DC of both alchemical items is increased by 5.


Additional Cost: 200GP
The retort is an airtight vessel in which alchemical substances are heated producing gaseous products to be collected in droplets.

While using a Retort at an Alchemical Altar you can create extracts of ingredient properties. Choose 1d4 properties of an ingredient, each property is collected in a tincture vial and can be used for crafting potions later. The ingredient is destroyed in the process and the property must be stored in a tincture vial. Whilst stored this way the property can be kept indefinitely.

Mortar & Pestle:

Additional Cost: 20GP
The mortar and pestle are used to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing and grinding them into a fine paste or powder.

These pastes and powders are much easier to work with than raw ingredients and as such the discovery and brewing DC of all Potions and Poisons are reduced by 2.

Holding Cages (500 GP)

Here you can hold small animals for easy access to organic ingredients. Each animal must be of a size small or lower (unless the GM allows otherwise). An Alchemist has access to any organic material of the animals kept in the cages and each animal killed returns 1d6 different organic components. These animals never return special ingredients and it is up to the character to figure out a way to acquire fresh specimens to store in the cages.

Storage Cases (800 GP)

Similar to the holding cages, these storage cases are used to store and archive various flora biomatter. Ingredients found in the wilderness can be stored safely in these cases and any standard ingredient that would rot or lose it's potency, can be stored in these cases for ten times as long and still be usable in alchemical activities.

Study Desk (150 GP)

This area is where notes and recipes can be better written, filed and organized. An Alchemist that uses this desk during his experiments shortens each attempt to discover a potion or poison recipe by half. The study desk also has multiple draws and storage areas to store miscellaneous supplies, materials, books and papers.

Artifacts & Magic Items:

The history of alchemical artifacts is one of heretic prophecy, discovery, mystery and lost art. Many who understand alchemy withold these teachings for fear their apprentices might begin to wonder or indulge in the ventures of discovering such erroneous treasures.

"The necessity of concealing the Art is one of the chief anxieties of alchemists." Hermes-Thoth

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth:

Wonderous item, artifact (requires attunement) The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, or the Tabula Smaragdina are writings from the ancient deity Thoth. These teachings hold the secrets of all hermetic knowledge throughout alchemical history. However as the ancient lands vanished beneath the sands and crumbled into dust so too were the tablets broken, now only thirteen remnants of it's knowledge remain.

You may read the tablet for 1 minute, and gain the following knowledge for up to 1 hour or until you finish an alchemical experiment to discover a recipe. After the effect wears off, the magic ceases to function until you finish a long rest.

  • History of Thoth. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Minerals & Crystals category.

  • Halls of Amenti. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Cavernous category.

  • Key of Wisdom. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Grassland category.

  • Space Born. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Desert category.

  • Dweller of Unal. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Mountain category.

  • Key of Magic. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Hill category.

  • Seven Lords. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Urban category.

  • Key of Mysteries. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Coastal category.

  • Key of Freedom of Space. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Arctic category.

  • Key of Time. You can gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Forest category.

  • Key to Above and Below. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Underwater category.

  • Key of Prophecy. You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Grassland category.

  • Keys of Life and Death You gain the knowledge of all alchemical ingredients in the Organic category.


Wondrous item, very rare

Alkahest is a wondrous alchemical solvent capable of being used to create powerful potions and dissolve any substance.

When brewing batches of potion or poisons you may substitute any quality of solvent with Alkahest. Additionally, when brewing on the Alchemical Altar you do not need to roll against the brew DC to create potions and poisons. Instead you automatically succeed and create 1d6 of the potion or poison type.

The Pale Vial

Wondrous item, legendary

The Pale Vial is a legendary bottle forged in the days when the winters of the world were unending and ice had frozen the seas. The small tincture was made by a goddess of winter who infused the Vial with the first snow of a frozen world and gifted it to the greatest alchemist of a long forgotten kingdom. It is said that the vial will replenish whatever fluid is placed inside of it endlessly.

Any potion or poison crafted using The Pale Vial will refill over the course of 1 minute. The Pale Vial is considered a tincture.

Everfull Urn

Wondrous item, very rare

This ceramic urn appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 15 pounds. Peering into the urn you can see what appears to be an endless pool of water.

You can use an action and name one solvent from the table below to cause the urn to produce the chosen solvent. Afterward, you can produce a number of potions with the provided solvent. The maximum amount of solvent the urn can produce depends on the solvent you named.

Once the urn starts producing a solvent, it can't produce a different one, or more of one that has reached its maximum, until the next dawn.

Solvent Produced
Solvent Max Amount
Natural 5
Clear 3
Filtered 1

Alumentum & Nitor Powders

Wondrous item, Uncommon

Alumentum & Nitor powders can be mixed in with any potion or poison to create explosive or gaseous results when the glass is broken. You can choose to toss or throw these Concoctions at your opponents, in which case you treat the potion or poison as an improvised weapon with a range of 20/60 feet. These powders cannot be used to augment blade venoms, bombs, poultices or pastes in any way.

Alumentum: Each creature within 15ft of where the potion burst will need to make a dexterity saving throw or be subjected to the effects of the concoction.

Nitor: Within 20ft of where the potion or poison was released a thick alchemical sphere of fog appears. When a creature enters the fogs area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the creature is subjected to the effects of the concoction at it's lowest quality, on a success nothing happens. Creatures that hold their breath or don’t need to breathe are immune to this.

The alchemical fog lasts for the duration of the effects, or until all the maximum amount of the potion or poison is consumed. A wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

Alchemical Fog Durations & Amounts.

When determining the effect amounts an alchemical fog can produce take the maximum amount a potion can produce. For example take a Healing potion crafted at the superior quality using a Crucible. This would result in a potion that restores 4d4+4 hit points. The maximum for that potion would then be 20 hit points. Every time a creature is effected by the Alchemical Fog for this potion they would restore hit points at the effects lowest quality or in this case 1d4+1.

Once that character consume the 1d4+1 amount deduct it from the maximum the fog produced. Assuming they rolled a total of 3 then the fog can now still restore 17 hit points to the next effected creature.

If an effect has a duration listed anywhere in the effects description or quality then use the duration listed.

Part III

Alchemical Effects
and the Items they are used for


Potions are the most commonly created and used alchemical item. A skilled alchemist can make a tidy profit and a good living, brewing and selling potions in a shop and any character that chooses to engage in professional alchemy during their downtime can generate a good income for themselves.

Potions are stored in a vial; take a bonus action to drink; and offer a wide variety of effects.

Known Recipes - Potions from a known recipe can be crafted over the course of an hour of uninterrupted work. During this time, you roll against the potion's brewing DC and produce an amount of potion equal to the number you beat the DC by.

Experiments - Experimenting with ingredients can be done during a long rest or downtime, taking a minimum of one hour of time. This is done by using Alchemist's Supplies to combine two ingredients with similar effects together and add them to a solvent within a glass vial. You must roll against the discovery DC to see if you are successful, and if you are you may note your discovery down in your journal. A successful process always produces a single draught of potion.

Catalysts - Potions require one of four catalytic ingredients: Restorative for Restorative Potions, Ward for Ward Potions, Boost for Boost Potions or Spellwork for Spellwork Potions.

Restorative Sources

Ingredient Region
Arctic Poppy Arctic
Erigeron Arctic
Faerzress Stem Cavernous
Silver Hibiscus Carvernous
Apple Blossom Coastal
Lavender Sprig Coastal
Orcus Slime Coastal
Cactus Juice Desert
Violet Soldier Desert
Artamasco Lily Grasslands
Mullein Seeds Grassland
Ingredient Region
Arrow Root Forest
Bloodroot Forest
Verdent Nettle Forest
Beard-Moss Hill
Selfheal Hill
Dyers Broom Mountain
Mountain Iris Mountain
Bogbean Swamp
Musk Sedge Swamp
Algae Underwater
Barnacles Underwater
Kelp Underwater

Ward Sources

Ingredient Region
Bearberry Arctic
Globe Thistle Arctic
Northland Moss Arctic
Genko Brush Cavernous
Shrieker Carvernous
Amanita Cap Coastal
Hawthorn Coastal
Desert Thistle Desert
Olibanum Desert
Eyebright Grasslands
Mistflower Grassland
Ingredient Region
Blackberry Forest
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Azalea Hill
Linnaea Hill
Dwarf Clover Mountain
Krummholz Branches Mountain
Button Bush Swamp
Sea Lavender Swamp
Bladderwrack Underwater
Mermaid's Fan Underwater

Boost Sources

Ingredient Region
Cottongrass Arctic
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Violet Fungi Carvernous
Black Henbane Coastal
Sallowthorn Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Thurber's Gilia Desert
Bryony Root Grasslands
Meadow Saffron Grassland
Ingredient Region
Ironwood Heart Forest
Juniper Forest
Amaranth Hill
Birnam Wood Hill
Persimmon Hill
King's Crown Mountain
Queen's Crown Mountain
Horsetail Swamp
Skullcap Swamp
Elkhorn Underwater
Sea Shell Underwater

Spellwork Sources

Ingredient Region
Faerzress Stem Arctic
Water Yew Arctic
Barrelstalk Cavernous
Ripplebark Carvernous
Fairy Caps Coastal
Hyacinth Nectar Coastal
Mirabilis Desert
Sweet Alyssum Desert
Agrimony Grasslands
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Owl's Crown Grassland
Ingredient Region
Cat's Claw Forest
Harrada Leaf Forest
Butterfly Weed Hill
Shy Maidens Hill
Columbine Mountain
Miners Candle Mountain
Blue Lobelia Swamp
Manna Grass Swamp
Feather Stars Underwater
Peacock's Tail Underwater

Restorative Potions


This effect restores hit points to whoever consumes it.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4+1 10 8
Greater 2d4+2 15 12
Superior 4d4+4 20 18
Supreme 5d4+10 25 22
Ingredient Region
Boneflower Arctic
Emerald Bog Arctic
Pearlwort Arctic
Genko Brush Cavernous
Hyacinth Nectar Coastal
Arrow Root Forest
Cat's Claw Forest
Juniper Forest
Beardmoss Hills
Selfheal Hills
Columbine Mountain
Ingredient Region
Bottonbush Swamp
Barnacles Underwater
Mermaid's Fan Underwater
Famous Pie Urban
Mugwort Seeds Urban
Heart Organic
Mineral For What?
Silver Superior +
Special For What?
Red Butterfly


This effect grant temporary HP to the consumer for 1 day.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 10 10 8
Greater 20 15 12
Superior 40 20 18
Supreme 60 25 22
Ingredient Region
Bluecap Cavernous
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Russet Mold Cavernous
Apple Blossom Coastal
Blue Toadshade Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Violet Soldier Desert
Azalea Hill
Bogbean Swamp
Scamp Stool Swamp
Ingredient Region
Ginseng Urban
Pear Urban
Teeth Organic
Mineral For What?
Iron Superior +
Special For What?
Emperor's Moth


This effect restores 1 spell slot to whoever consumes it.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple Slot Level 1d4 15 12
Greater Slot Level 1d4 + 1 18 15
Superior Slot Level 1d4 + 2 25 20
Supreme Slot Level 1d4 + 4 28 25
Ingredient Region
Bluecap Cavernous
Orcus Slime Coastal
Hydrathistle Coastal
Olibanum Desert
Prickly Poppy Desert
Blackberry Forest
Butterfly Weed Hills
Purple Coneflower Hills
Columbine Mountain
Sea Lavender Swamp
Ingredient Region
Sea Anemone Underwater
Grapes Urban
Tobacco Urban
Watermelon Urban
Tongue Organic
Mineral For What?
Gold Superior +
Special For What?
Blubber Oil Supreme


This effect restores a number of hit dice to whoever consumes it.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 8
Greater 1d4 15 12
Superior 1d8 20 18
Supreme 1d12 25 22
Ingredient Region
Water Yew Coastal
Desert Thistle Desert
Ironwood Heart Forest
Amaranth Hills
Columbine Mountain
Algae Underwater
Sea Shell Underwater
Ingredient Region
Pear Urban
Fennel Seeds Urban
Flax Seeds Urban
Nose/Beak Organic
Mineral For What?
Platinum Superior +
Special For What?
Orange Dragonfly Supreme

Boost Potions


This effect grants whoever consumes it an increase to their strength modifier for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Queen Meadow Seeds Arctic
Blackthorn Coastal
Sallowthorn Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Figwort Forest
Verdant Nettle Forest
Mountain Iris Mountain
Ingredient Region
Garlic Urban
Leek Urban
Mineral For What?
Titanium Superior +
Special For What?
Honeycomb Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it an increase to their constitution modifier for 1 minute.

When this effect begins the extra health created is added to the character's current HP but when the effect ends, only the max HP is reduced and the current HP is left untouched (unless its higher than max HP).

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Cottongrass Arctic
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Barrelstalk Cavernous
Fiend's Ivy Cavernous
Obliviax Moss Cavernous
Orcus Slime Coastal
Ironwood Heart Forest
Ingredient Region
Brittlegill Swamp
Mineral For What?
Adamantium Superior +
Special For What?
Ancient Bone Meal Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it an increase to their dexterity modifier for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Erigeron Arctic
Amanita Cap Coastal
Moss Rose Coastal
Harrada Leaf Forest
Verdant Nettle Forest
Corn Urban
Ingredient Region
Garlic Urban
Mineral For What?
Mithral Superior +
Special For What?
Falcon Feathers Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it an increase to their intelligence modifier for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Northland Moss Arctic
Obliviax Moss Cavernous
Dyssodia Desert
Starflower Desert
Figwort Forest
Scarlet Poppy Grassland
Ingredient Region
Musk Sedge Swamp
Fennel Seeds Urban
Mineral For What?
Electrum Superior +
Special For What?
Rat Tail Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it an increase to their wisdom modifier for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Globe Thistle Arctic
Ripple Bark Cavernous
Shreiker Cavernous
Lavender Sprig Coastal
Dyssodia Desert
Mirabilis Desert
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Ingredient Region
Birnam Wood Hill
Mouse-Ear Hill
Mineral For What?
Copper Superior +
Special For What?
Hornet Larvae Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it an increase to their charisma modifier for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Bearberry Arctic
Cottongrass Arctic
Bluecap Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Violet Soldier Coastal
Bryony Root Grassland
Meadow Saffron Grassland
Flapwort Hill
Ingredient Region
Leek Urban
Dawn Sugar Urban
Mineral For What?
Tin Superior +
Special For What?
Peacock Feather Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it Advantage on all checks with any one skill or tool for a time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 1 Hour 20 20
Supreme 24 Hours 25 25
Ingredient Region
Erigeron Arctic
Rock Samphire Coastal
Blackberry Forest
Agrimony Grassland
Boneset Grassland
Eelgrass Underwater
Mermaid's Fan Underwater
Ingredient Region
Strawberry Urban
Famous Pie Urban
Mineral For What?
Limestone Superior +
Special For What?
Monkey Brains Supreme

Martial Skill

This effect grants whoever consumes it Advantage on all attacks made with any one weapon for a time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Hyacinth Nectar Coastal
Desert Thistle Desert
Juniper Forest
Boneset Grassland
Feather Stars Underwater
Cheese Urban
Mineral For What?
Flint Superior +
Special For What?
Boar Tusk Supreme

Magical Skill

This effect grants whoever consumes it Advantage on all spell attacks for a time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Hyacinth Nectar Coastal
Bloodroot Forest
Boneset Grassland
Bryony Root Grassland
Dyer's Broom Mountain
Carrot Urban
Mineral For What?
Salt Superior +
Special For What?
Raven Beak Supreme

Spellwork Potions


This effect grants feather fall to whoever consumes it. See the Feather Fall spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 10 10
Greater 10 Minutes 15 15
Superior 1 Hour 20 20
Supreme 8 Hours 25 25
Ingredient Region
Sweet Alyssum Desert
Glory-of-the-Snow Mountain
Gulf Weed Underwater
Flax Seeds Urban
Grapes Urban
Mineral For What?
Rose Quartz Superior +
Special For What?
Griffon Plume Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it or whatever object it is poured upon, the ability to levitate. See the Levitation spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 10 10
Greater 10 Minutes 15 15
Superior 1 Hour 20 20
Supreme 8 Hours 25 25
Ingredient Region
Arctic Poppy Arctic
Mother's Hair Arctic
Belladonna Coastal
Mistflower Grasslands
Figwort Forest
Tomato Urban
Mineral For What?
Sky Quartz Superior +
Special For What?
Fairy Wing Supreme


This effect blesses whoever consumes it. See the Bless Spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Thimbleweed Arctic
Hawthorne Coastal
Holy Tea Leaves Desert
Smearwort Desert
Whitethorn Desert
Owl's Crown Grasslands
Starworts Grasslands
Ingredient Region
Catchfly Hills
Manna Grass Swamp
Mineral For What?
Silver Quartz Superior +
Special For What?
Angel Feather Supreme


This effect grants whoever consumes it or whatever object it is poured upon, invisibility. See the Invisibility spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 10 10
Greater 10 Minutes 15 15
Superior 1 Hour 20 20
Supreme 8 Hours 25 25
Ingredient Region
Erigeron Arctic
Scarlet Poppy Grassland
Catchfly Hills
Narcissus Mountains
Peacock's Tail Underwater
Strawberry Urban
Mineral For What?
Yellow Quartz Superior +
Special For What?
Imp Tail Supreme

Water Breathing

A creature subjected to this effect is granted the ability to breath water. See the Water Breathing spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 10 Minutes 10 10
Greater 1 Hour 15 15
Superior 8 Hours 20 20
Supreme 1 Day 25 25
Ingredient Region
Bogbean Swamp
Algae Underwater
Barnacles Underwater
Gulf Weed Underwater
Kelp Underwater
Onion Urban
Mineral For What?
Aqua Quartz Superior +
Special For What?
Aboleth Gill Supreme


This effect grants different ways to see for 10 minutes to whoever consumes it.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple Darkvision 60ft 10 10
Greater Blindsight 60ft 15 15
Superior Tremorsense 60ft 20 20
Supreme Truesight 60ft 25 25
Ingredient Region
Agrimony Grassland
Eyebright Grassland
Dwarf Clover Mountain
Blue Lobelia Swamp
Carrot Urban
Onion Urban
Tomato Urban
Mineral For What?
Black Quartz Superior +
Special For What?
Sphinx Mane Supreme

Ward Potions

Fire Ward

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to fire damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or vulnerability to fire damage, it positively raises that feature by one step instead of granting resistance.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Hawthorn Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Olibanum Desert
Whitethorn Desert
Juniper Forest
Mullein Seeds Glasslands
Dragonshead Mountain
Ingredient Region
Brittlegill Swamp
Cheese Urban
Marrow Organic
Mineral For What?
Ruby Superior +
Special For What?
Salamander Tail Supreme

Radiant Ward

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to radiant damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or vulnerability to radiant damage, it positively raises that feature by one step instead of granting resistance.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Cottongrass Arctic
Lavander Sprig Coastal
Cactus Juice Desert
Smearwort Desert
Manna Grass Swamp
Dawn Sugar Urban
Mineral For What?
Diamond Superior +
Special For What?
Thrice Blessed Incense Supreme

Cold Ward

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to cold damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or vulnerability to cold damage, it positively raises that feature by one step instead of granting resistance.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Arctic Poppy Arctic
Emerald Bog Arctic
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Northland Moss Arctic
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Fennel Silk Cavernous
Blackthorn Coastal
Sallowthorn Coastal
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Dwarf Clover Mountain
Ingredient Region
Elkhorn Coral Underwater
Milk Thistle Seeds Urban
Lungs Organic
Mineral For What?
Aquamarine Superior +
Special For What?
Yeti Claw Supreme

Lightning Ward

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to lightning damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or vulnerability to lightning damage, it positively raises that feature by one step instead of granting resistance.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Radiant Synthseed Cavernous
Amanita Cap Coastal
White Henbane Desert
Bryony Root Grassland
Meadow Saffron Grassland
Bladderwort Swamp
Scamp Stool Swamp
Elkhorn Coral Underwater
Ingredient Region
Corn Urban
Finger/Toe Organic
Mineral For What?
Sapphire Superior +
Special For What?
Thunderbird Beak Supreme

Poison Ward

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to poison damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or vulnerability to poison damage, it positively raises that feature by one step instead of granting resistance.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Barrelstalk Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Belladonna Coastal
Fairy Caps Coastal
Smearwort Desert
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Nightshade Berries Forest
Azalea Hill
Giant Hogweed Hill
Monkshood Mountain
Ingredient Region
Buttonbush Swamp
Spearwort Swamp
Bladderwrack Underwater
Gracilaria Underwater
Liver Organic
Mineral For What?
Emerald Superior +
Special For What?
Naga Fang Supreme

Acid Ward

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to acid damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or vulnerability to acid damage, it positively raises that feature by one step instead of granting resistance.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Liverwort Arctic
Funguswood Cavernous
Russet Mold Cavernous
Silver Hibiscus Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Nightshade Berries Forest
Bladderwort Swamp
Buttonbush Swamp
Ingredient Region
Scamp Stool Swamp
Sea Lavender Swamp
Sea Anemone Underwater
Pelt/Skin Organic
Mineral For What?
Peridot Superior +
Special For What?
Blue Ooze Supreme


This effect makes you reflect magic away from you, granting you advantage on saves against spells and similar effects.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Water Yew Coastal
Witches' Thimbles Coastal
Elderberry Forest
Agrimony Grassland
Feverfew Grassland
Glasswort Swamp
Ingredient Region
Strawberry Urban
Mineral For What?
Garnet Superior +
Special For What?
Grasshopper Supreme

Necrotic Ward

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to necrotic damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or vulnerability to necrotic damage, it positively raises that feature by one step instead of granting resistance.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Prickly Poppy Desert
Helen's Flower Swamp
Rose Mallow Swamp
Skullcap Swamp
Eye Organic
Mineral For What?
Amethyst Superior +
Special For What?
Mummy Dust Supreme


Poisons are made in much the same way as potions, and for many poisons, the ingredients are also the same as their potion counterparts. The difference between poisons and potions is that the Poisoner's Kit is designed to aid the brewer in bringing out the negative qualities of an ingredient. Like two sides of a coin, each ingredient's effect can be used for positive or negative consequences and an alchemist would typically consider a negative effect as a failure in the experiment. For this reason, the art of the poisoner is considered abhorrent to most alchemists and they tend to shun those they dub 'Apothecary'.

Poisons need to be consumed for their effects to take hold. They can be used to poison food which can then be eaten but to do so requires a successful DC 12 Poisoner's Kit check. All poison effects only happen if the consumer fails a constitution save.

Poisoner DC - The difficulty to resist your poisons or venoms is determined by your poisoner DC. This equals:
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (you choose).

Known Recipes - Poisons from a known recipe can be crafted over the course of an hour of uninterrupted work. During this time, you roll against the poison's brewing DC and produce an amount of poison equal to the number you beat the DC by.

Example: You score an 18 on a poison with a brewing DC of 15, so you create 18-15=3 poison doses.

You must have enough of the relevant vials in order to store the poison doses. Any dose that cannot be stored in its own vial is lost.

Experiments - Experimenting with ingredients can be done during a long rest or downtime, taking a minimum of one hour of time. This is done by using Poisoner's Kit to combine two ingredients with similar effects together and add them to a solvent within a glass vial. You must roll against the DC to see if you are successful, and if you are you may note your discovery down in your journal. A successful process always produces a single dose of poison.

Catalysts - Most poisons require one of the same four catalytic ingredients as potions: Restorative for Deterioration Poisons, Ward for Vulnerability Poisons, Boost for Bane Poisons or Spellwork for Spellwork Poisons. Some, however require the special Plague catalyst for Plague poisons.

Plague Sources

Ingredient Region
Mother's Hair Arctic
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Fiend's Ivy Cavernous
Fungus Wood Carvernous
Belladonna Coastal
Witches' Thimbles Coastal
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Smearwort Desert
White Henbane Desert
Boneset Grasslands
Fleabane Grassland
Ingredient Region
Elderberry Forest
Nightshade Berries Forest
Black Rose Hill
Purple Coneflower Hill
Chiming-bells Mountain
Monkshood Mountain
Glasswort Swamp
Rose Mallow Swamp
Glassweed Underwater
Laurencia Underwater

Deterioration Poisons

Deadly Poison

This effect deals poison damage to the consumer.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d6+1 10 8
Greater 2d6+2 15 12
Superior 4d6+4 20 18
Supreme 5d6+10 25 22
Ingredient Region
Boneflower Arctic
Emerald Bog Arctic
Pearlwort Arctic
Genko Brush Cavernous
Hyacinth Nectar Coastal
Arrow Root Forest
Cat's Claw Forest
Juniper Forest
Beardmoss Hills
Selfheal Hills
Columbine Mountain
Ingredient Region
Bottonbush Swamp
Barnacles Underwater
Mermaid's Fan Underwater
Famous Pie Urban
Mugwort Seeds Urban
Heart Organic
Mineral For What?
Silver Superior +
Special For What?
Blue Butterfly

Health Bane

This effect reduces the max hp of the consumer for 1 day.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 20 10 8
Greater 30 15 12
Superior 40 20 18
Supreme 50 25 22
Ingredient Region
Bluecap Cavernous
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Russet Mold Cavernous
Apple Blossom Coastal
Blue Toadshade Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Violet Soldier Desert
Azalea Hill
Selfheal Hill
Bogbean Swamp
Scamp Stool Swamp
Ingredient Region
Ginseng Urban
Pear Urban
Teeth Organic
Mineral For What?
Iron Superior +
Special For What?
Moon Moth


This effect reduces the spell slots of the consumer by 1d4 until its next long rest.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple Slot Level 1d4 15 12
Greater Slot Level 1d4 + 1 18 15
Superior Slot Level 1d4 + 2 25 20
Supreme Slot Level 1d4 + 4 28 25
Ingredient Region
Bluecap Cavernous
Orcus Slime Coastal
Hydrathistle Coastal
Olibanum Desert
Prickly Poppy Desert
Blackberry Forest
Butterfly Weed Hills
Purple Coneflower Hills
Columbine Mountain
Sea Lavender Swamp
Ingredient Region
Sea Anemone Underwater
Grapes Urban
Tobacco Urban
Watermelon Urban
Tongue Organic
Mineral For What?
Gold Superior +
Special For What?
Blubber Oil Supreme


This effect reduces the available hit dice of the consumer. The dice count as having been spent and return in the same way as other hit dice.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 8
Greater 1d4 15 12
Superior 1d8 20 18
Supreme 1d12 25 22
Ingredient Region
Water Yew Coastal
Desert Thistle Desert
Ironwood Heart Forest
Amaranth Hills
Columbine Mountain
Algae Underwater
Sea Shell Underwater
Ingredient Region
Pear Urban
Fennel Seeds Urban
Flax Seeds Urban
Nose/Beak Organic
Mineral For What?
Platinum Superior +
Special For What?
Green Dragonfly Supreme

Bane Poisons

Strength Bane

This effect lowers the strength modifier of whoever consumes it for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Queen Meadow Seeds Arctic
Blackthorn Coastal
Sallowthorn Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Figwort Forest
Verdant Nettle Forest
Mountain Iris Mountain
Ingredient Region
Garlic Urban
Leek Urban
Mineral For What?
Titanium Superior +
Special For What?
Queen Bee Supreme

Constitution Bane

This effect lowers the constitution modifier of whoever consumes it for 1 minute.

The consumer does not regain lost health when this effect ends.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Cottongrass Arctic
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Barrelstalk Cavernous
Fiend's Ivy Cavernous
Obliviax Moss Cavernous
Orcus Slime Coastal
Ironwood Heart Forest
Ingredient Region
Brittlegill Swamp
Mineral For What?
Adamantium Superior +
Special For What?
Wight Skin Supreme

Dexterity Bane

This effect lowers the dexterity modifier of whoever consumes it for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Erigeron Arctic
Amanita Cap Coastal
Moss Rose Coastal
Harrada Leaf Forest
Verdant Nettle Forest
Corn Urban
Ingredient Region
Garlic Urban
Mineral For What?
Mithral Superior +
Special For What?
Hawk Egg Supreme

Intelligence Bane

This effect lowers the intelligence modifier of whoever consumes it for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Northland Moss Arctic
Obliviax Moss Cavernous
Dyssodia Desert
Starflower Desert
Figwort Forest
Scarlet Poppy Grassland
Ingredient Region
Musk Sedge Swamp
Fennel Seeds Urban
Mineral For What?
Electrum Superior +
Special For What?
Rat Pelt Supreme

Wisdom Bane

This effect lowers the wisdom modifier of whoever consumes it for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Globe Thistle Arctic
Ripple Bark Cavernous
Shreiker Cavernous
Lavender Sprig Coastal
Dyssodia Desert
Mirabilis Desert
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Ingredient Region
Birnam Wood Hill
Mouse-Ear Hill
Mineral For What?
Copper Superior +
Special For What?
Hornet Sting Supreme

Magical Clumsiness

This effect inflicts whoever consumes it Disadvantage on all attacks with spells for a time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Hyacinth Nectar Coastal
Bloodroot Forest
Boneset Grassland
Bryony Root Grassland
Dyer's Broom Mountain

Ingredient Region
Carrot Urban
Mineral For What?
Salt Superior +
Special For What?
Raven Egg Supreme

Charisma Bane

This effect lowers the charisma modifier of whoever consumes it for 1 minute.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 10 10
Greater 2 15 15
Superior 3 20 20
Supreme 4 25 25
Ingredient Region
Bearberry Arctic
Cottongrass Arctic
Bluecap Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Violet Soldier Coastal
Bryony Root Grassland
Meadow Saffron Grassland
Flapwort Hill
Ingredient Region
Leek Urban
Dawn Sugar Urban
Wheat Urban
Mineral For What?
Tin Superior +
Special For What?
Peacock Beak Supreme

Martial Clumsiness

This effect inflicts whoever consumes it Disadvantage on all attacks made with any weapon for a time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Hyacinth Nectar Coastal
Desert Thistle Desert
Juniper Forest
Boneset Grassland
Feather Stars Underwater
Cheese Urban
Mineral For What?
Flint Superior +
Special For What?
Boar Tail Supreme


This effect inflicts whoever consumes it Disadvantage on all checks with skills or tools for a time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 1 Hour 20 20
Supreme 24 Hours 25 25
Ingredient Region
Erigeron Arctic
Rock Samphire Coastal
Blackberry Forest
Agrimony Grassland
Boneset Grassland
Eelgrass Underwater
Mermaid's Fan Underwater
Ingredient Region
Strawberry Urban
Famous Pie Urban
Mineral For What?
Limestone Superior +
Special For What?
Monkey Paw Supreme

Spellwork Poisons


This effect inflicts fear to whoever consumes it. See the Fear spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Boneflower Arctic
Shrieker Cavernous
Blue Toadshade Coastal
Black Rose Hill
Mouse-Ear Hill
Krummholz Branches Mountain
Queen's Crown Mountain

Ingredient Region
Spiderwort Swamp
Mineral For What?
Jade Superior +
Special For What?
Monstrous Spider Silk Supreme


This effect inflicts bane to whoever consumes it. See the Bane spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Wandering Slime Cavernous
Black Henbane Coastal
Water Yew Coastal
Fleabane Grassland
Stinging Nettle Hill
Helen's Flower Swamp
Mineral For What?
Obsidian Superior +
Special For What?
Fiend's Blood Supreme


This effect inflicts Confusion to whoever consumes it. See the Confusion spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Wandering Slime Cavernous
Cactus Juice Desert
Burnam Wood Hill
Catchfly Hill
Monkshood Mountain
Feather Stars Underwater
Hypnea Underwater
Mineral For What?
Agate Superior +
Special For What?
Otyugh Spores Supreme


This effect inflicts slow to whoever consumes it. See the Slow spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Globe Thistle Arctic
Ripple Bark Cavernous
Olibanum Desert
Blue Toadshade Forest
Pear Urban
Leek Urban
Mineral For What?
Turquoise Superior +
Special For What?
Giant Snail Slime Supreme


This effect inflicts suggest to whoever consumes it. The first person to whisper an instruction in the creature ear after it is effected is the instruction it will carry out. See the Suggest spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Mother's Hair Arctic
Thimble Weed Arctic
Feverfew Grassland
Black Rose Hill
Linnaea Hill
Dyer's Broom Mountain
Ingredient Region
Queen's Crown Mountain
Mineral For What?
Amber Superior +
Special For What?
Aberrant's Tentacle Supreme


Whoever consumes this potion is charmed by the first creature it sees. See the Charm Person / Charm Monster spells for details (Apply the appropriate spell effect).

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Belladonna Coastal
Bleeding Heart Forest
Mistletoe Forest
Verdant Nettle Forest
Starworts Grasslands
Dyer's Broom Mountain
King's Crown Mountain
Ingredient Region
Blue Lobelia Swamp
Musk Sedge Swamp
Mineral For What?
Pearl Superior +
Special For What?
Succubus Tongue Supreme


A creature subjected to this poison is petrified. See the Flesh to Stone spell for details on being petrified with the following exception. Instead of concentration the potions duration determines how long until they are petrified

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Genko Brush Cavernous
Fairy Caps Coastal
Rock Samphire Coastal
Fumitory Grasslands
Cedarwood Mountain
Queen's Crown Mountain
Glasswort Swamp
Ingredient Region
Barnacles Underwater
Glassweed Underwater
Mineral For What?
Fool's Gold Superior +
Special For What?
Gorgon Eye Supreme


This effect inflicts silence to whoever consumes it. See the Silence spell for details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Emerald Bog Arctic
Harrada Leaf Forest
Milkweed Grassland
Glory-of-the-Snow Mountain
Narcissus Mountain
Spearwort Swamp
Hypnea Underwater
Mineral For What?
Onyx Superior +
Special For What?
Displacer Beast Tendril Supreme

Vulnerability Poisons

Fire Vulnerability

This effect grants whoever consumes it vulnerability to fire damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to fire damage, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Hawthorn Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Olibanum Desert
Whitethorn Desert
Juniper Forest
Mullein Seeds Glasslands
Dragonshead Mountain
Ingredient Region
Brittlegill Swamp
Cheese Urban
Marrow Organic
Mineral For What?
Ruby Superior +
Special For What?
Salamander Tongue Supreme

Radiant Vulnerability

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to radiant damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to radiant damage, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Cottongrass Arctic
Lavander Sprig Coastal
Cactus Juice Desert
Smearwort Desert
Manna Grass Swamp
Dawn Sugar Urban
Mineral For What?
Diamond Superior +
Special For What?
Holy Oil Supreme

Cold Vulnerability

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to cold damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to cold damage, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Arctic Poppy Arctic
Emerald Bog Arctic
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Northland Moss Arctic
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Fennel Silk Cavernous
Blackthorn Coastal
Sallowthorn Coastal
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Dwarf Clover Mountain
Ingredient Region
Elkhorn Coral Underwater
Milk Thistle Seeds Urban
Lungs Organic
Mineral For What?
Aquamarine Superior +
Special For What?
Yeti Fur Supreme

Lightning Vulnerability

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to lightning damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to lightning damage, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Radiant Synthseed Cavernous
Amanita Cap Coastal
White Henbane Desert
Bryony Root Grassland
Meadow Saffron Grassland
Bladderwort Swamp
Scamp Stool Swamp
Elkhorn Coral Underwater
Ingredient Region
Corn Urban
Finger/Toe Organic
Mineral For What?
Sapphire Superior +
Special For What?
Thunderbird Feathers Supreme

Poison Vulnerability

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to poison damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to poison damage, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Barrelstalk Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Belladonna Coastal
Fairy Caps Coastal
Smearwort Desert
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Nightshade Berries Forest
Azalea Hill
Giant Hogweed Hill
Monkshood Mountain
Ingredient Region
Buttonbush Swamp
Spearwort Swamp
Bladderwrack Underwater
Gracilaria Underwater
Liver Organic
Mineral For What?
Emerald Superior +
Special For What?
Naga Eye Supreme

Acid Vulnerability

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to acid damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to acid damage, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Liverwort Arctic
Funguswood Cavernous
Russet Mold Cavernous
Silver Hibiscus Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Nightshade Berries Forest
Bladderwort Swamp
Buttonbush Swamp
Ingredient Region
Scamp Stool Swamp
Sea Lavender Swamp
Sea Anemone Underwater
Pelt/Skin Organic
Mineral For What?
Peridot Superior +
Special For What?
Yellow Ooze Supreme

Necrotic Vulnerability

This effect grants whoever consumes it resistance to necrotic damage for a time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to necrotic damage, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Prickly Poppy Desert
Helen's Flower Swamp
Rose Mallow Swamp
Skullcap Swamp
Eye Organic
Mineral For What?
Amethyst Superior +
Special For What?
Mummy Wraps Supreme

Magical Vulnerability

This effect makes you attract magical effects, imposing you disadvantage on saves against spells and similar effects.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 10 10
Greater 1 Minute 15 15
Superior 10 Minutes 20 20
Supreme 1 Hour 25 25
Ingredient Region
Water Yew Coastal
Witches' Thimbles Coastal
Elderberry Forest
Agrimony Grassland
Feverfew Grassland
Glasswort Swamp
Ingredient Region
Strawberry Urban
Mineral For What?
Garnet Superior +
Special For What?
Locust Supreme

Plague Poisons

Once consumed, these poisons inflict the creature with plagues. A creature is afflicted by a plague for a time and must take a constitution test every turn to see if it is effected by the plague.

Additionally, if another creature touches the afflicted creature, it too must begin taking tests every turn or be effected also. Once the plagues time is up, it ceases to be active and all effected creatures cease to be effected.

If a creature ends its turn within 5ft of an afflicted creature, it must pass a constitution test with advantage of become afflicted with the plague and start taking tests each turn.

Plague poisons can be thrown like contact venoms with a range 20/40. If you hit your target it must pass a constitution save with advantage or become inflicted with the plague and start taking tests each turn.


This effect inflicts one random disease upon the afflicted.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Liverwort Arctic
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Moss Rose Coastal
Arrow Root Forest
Black Cohosh Forest
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Arrowleaf Balsamroot Grassland
Scullcap Swamp
Ingredient Region
Kelp Underwater
Sea Colander Underwater
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


This effect confers the deafened status upon the afflicted.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Pearlwort Arctic
Fumitory Grassland
Chiming-Bells Mountain
Rattleweed Mountain
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


This effect confers the blind status upon the afflicted.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Butterfly Weed Hill
Shy Maiden Hill
Dwarf Clover Mountain
King's Crown Mountain
Mare's Tail Swamp
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


This effect confers the paralyzed status upon the afflicted.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Genko Brush Cavernous
Shreiker Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Blackberry Forest
Monkshood Mountain
Rattleweed Mountain
Mermaid's Fan Underwater
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


This effect confers the poisoned status upon the afflicted.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Liverwort Arctic
Pearlwort Arctic
Fiend's Ivy Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Black Henbane Coastal
White Henbane Desert
Arrow Root Forest
Black Cohosh Forest
Cat's Claw Forest
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Ingredient Region
Black Chokeberry Hill
Persimmon Hill
Fireweed Mountain
Helen's Flower Swamp
Laurencia Underwater
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


This effect confers the incapacitated status upon the afflicted.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Mirabilis Desert
Starflower Desert
Mistletoe Forest
Milkweed Grassland
Mullein Seeds Grassland
Owl's Crown Grassland
Black Chokeberry Hill
Mountain Iris Mountain
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


A creature subjected to this plague must make a Constitution saving throw or be have the perception that everything has become heavier. Add 100lb to the creature's total encumbrance. This effect can stack with multiple fails.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Amanita Cap Coastal
Pilewort Forest
Giant Hogweed Grassland
Persimmon Grassland
Bogbean Swamp
Feather Stars Underwater
Carrot Urban
Ginseng Urban
Tomato Urban
Watermelon Urban
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


A creature subjected to this plague must make a Constitution saving throw or gain a warped vision of how things are meant to be. Roll to determine which direction you move and how far you move (1d6 x 5). If you can't move anywhere you walk in place until your movement is used up.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Flapwort Hill
Horsetail Swamp
Hypnea Underwater
Peacock's Tail Underwater
Tobacco Urban
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme

Betrayer Madness

A creature subjected to this plague must make a Constitution saving throw or use their action to cast a spell that does damage on a random target or they must make an attack against a randomly determined creature within their reach. If there is no creature within reach or range, the consumer does nothing this turn

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Bearberry Arctic
Fennel Silk Cavernous
Fairy Caps Coastal
Dyssodia Desert
Shy Maiden Hill
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme


A creature subjected to this plague must make a Constitution saving throw or change shape. Roll on the Reincarnation Table to determine which race you transform into. If you are already under the effects of a transformation then you are changed back

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 10 Minutes 15 10
Greater 1 Hour 18 15
Superior 8 Hours 22 20
Supreme 1 Day 28 25
Ingredient Region
Reindeer Lichen Arctic
Obliviax Moss Cavernous
Violet Soldier Desert
Scarlet Poppy Grassland
Struikhei Mountain
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme

Brittle Bones

A creature subjected to this plague must make a Constitution saving throw or be subjected to brittle bones. Whenever they attempt an action they take damage equal to the size of their hit dice.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Flapwort Hill
Giant Hogweed Hill
Fireweed Mountain
Krummholz Branches Mountain
Miner's Candle Mountain
Bladderwort Swamp
Scullcap Swamp
Ingredient Region
Eelgrass Underwater
Seashell Underwater
Mineral For What?
Bloodstone Superior +
Special For What?
Plaguetouched Obsidian Supreme

Venoms & Bombs

Venoms are made in the exact same way as poisons but with the following additional rule:

Venom Risk - Where poisons must be ingested to take effect, venoms can be applied to weapons and in some cases only need contact with the skin to take effect. As such, venoms require an additional saving throw, against the poisoner DC when attempting to create them. Failure to pass this save, results in you immediately taking the effect of the venom upon yourself. If you fail to actually produce a working venom, then the effect of failing the poisoner DC is moot and causes you no harm.

Bombs are also made in the same way as other poisons and venoms but they don't require a Venom Risk save. Each brewing only yeild 1d4 bombs regardless of how much you beat the Brew DC by. More about bombs are listed in the bombs section

Poisoner DC - The difficulty to resist your poisons or venoms is determined by your poisoner DC. This equals:
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (you choose).

If a poison has multiple effects that require saving throws the creature only makes one saving throw for all the effects.

Catalyst - Venoms & Bombs require one of three catalytic ingredients: Corrosive for Contact Venoms, Toxic for Blade Venoms or Explosive for Bombs.

Corrosive Sources

Ingredient Region
Emerald Bog Arctic
Thimbleweed Arctic
Bluecap Cavernous
Russet Mold Carvernous
Wandering Ooze Carvernous
Blue Toadshade Coastal
Water Yew Coastal
Dyssodia Desert
Honeywort Desert
Milkweed Grasslands
Starworts Grassland
Ingredient Region
Black Cohosh Forest
Figwort Forest
Catchfly Hill
Mouse-Ear Hill
Glory-of-the-Snow Mountain
Struikhei Mountain
Mare's Tail Swamp
Scamp Stool Swamp
Gulf Weed Underwater
Sea Colander Underwater

Toxic Sources

Ingredient Region
Boneflower Arctic
Liverwort Arctic
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Fennel Silk Carvernous
Blackthorn Coastal
Moss Rose Coastal
Holy Tea Leaves Desert
Prickly Poppy Desert
Feverfew Grasslands
Scarlet Poppy Grassland
Ingredient Region
Bleeding Heart Forest
Mistletoe Forest
Flapwort Hill
Stinging Nettle Hill
Dragonshead Mountain
Rattleweed Mountain
Bladderwort Swamp
Helen's Flower Swamp
Spearwort Swamp
Hypnea Underwater
Sea Anemone Underwater

Explosive Sources

Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Reindeer Lichen Arctic
Obliviax Moss Cavernous
Radiant Synthseed Carvernous
Hydrathistle Coastal
Rock Samphire Coastal
Dried Ephedra Desert
Starflower Desert
Arrowleaf Balsamroot Grasslands
Fumitory Grassland
Ingredient Region
Blue Toadshade Forest
Pilewort Forest
Black Chokeberry Hill
Giant Hogweed Hill
Cedarwood Mountain
Fireweed Mountain
Narcissus Mountain
Brittlegill Swamp
Spiderwort Swamp
Eelgrass Underwater
Gracilaria Underwater

Contact Venoms

Contact Venoms can be used in a number of ways, each to devastating effect. Due to their nature, they are not resisted by a constitution save.

First they can be poured upon an object or surface, remaining effective for 10 minutes (unless otherwise noted) or until it is cleaned off with water. Any creature that touches the effected area suffer the venoms effects.

Second, the vial can be thrown at a creature, dousing it in the substance. The range is 20/40 and on a successful ranged attack, the creature and any other creature that touches it suffer the venoms effects each round. This lasts for 1 minute (unless otherwise noted) or until it is cleaned off with water.

Lastly, if a creature consumes the contact venom, it should be treated as a potion of poison (see DMG for details).


This effect makes whatever it touches glow beautiful colors. The target emits dim light and this continues to be emitted even if the creature turns invisible.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 10 10
Greater 10 Minutes 15 15
Superior 1 Hour 20 20
Supreme 8 Hours 25 25
Ingredient Region
Radiant Synthseed Cavernous
Holy Tea Leaves Desert
Blue Toadshade Forest
Pilewort Forest
Milkweed Grassland
Beard-Moss Hill
Linnaea Hill
Cedarwood Mountain
Miner's Candle Mountain
Ingredient Region
Milk Thistle Seeds Urban
Watermelon Urban
Mineral For What?
Mercury Superior +
Special For What?
Luminescent Biomatter Supreme

Monster Lure

Lures a random monster to the effected spot. The creature turns up in 1d20 x 5 minutes. Creatures require a successful Wisdom(Survival) or Intelligence(Nature) check in order to realize what the substance is and its effect ends if it is cleaned with water before he monster arrives.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple Up to CR 3 15 10
Greater Up to CR 8 18 15
Superior Up to CR 12 22 20
Supreme Anything 28 25
Ingredient Type
Any Organic Ingredient from
the relevant creature's creature type
Ingredient Region
Blackthorn Coastal
Moss Rose Coastal
Whitethorn Desert
Elderberry Forest
Famous Pie Urban
Mineral For What?
Sulphur Superior +
Special For What?
Purple Worm Blood Supreme

Black Pudding

This potion is a volatile acid that melts through almost anything it touches, corroding it. See the Black Pudding monster stat block for details on corroding wood and metal. The damage for Black Pudding is the same as Acid Splash except all damage is doubled.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple -1 Penalty 15 10
Greater -2 Penalty 18 15
Superior -3 Penalty 22 20
Supreme -5 Penalty 28 25
Ingredient Region
Black Henbane Coastal
Prickly Poppy Desert
Blue Toadshade Forest
Fumitory Grassland
Cheese Urban
Grapes Urban
Mineral For What?
Lead Superior +
Special For What?
Black Pudding

Fire Splash

Anytime something comes into contact with this liquid it takes Fire damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d4 + 2 10 10
Greater 4d4 + 4 15 15
Superior 8d4 + 8 20 20
Supreme 10d4 + 20 25 25
Ingredient Region
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Hawthorn Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Olibanum Desert
Whitethorn Desert
Juniper Forest
Mullein Seeds Glasslands
Dragonshead Mountain
Ingredient Region
Brittlegill Swamp
Cheese Urban
Marrow Organic
Mineral For What?
Ruby Superior +
Special For What?
Salamander Blood Supreme

Cold Splash

Anytime something comes into contact with this liquid it takes Cold damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d4 + 2 10 10
Greater 4d4 + 4 15 15
Superior 8d4 + 8 20 20
Supreme 10d4 + 20 25 25
Ingredient Region
Arctic Poppy Arctic
Emerald Bog Arctic
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Northland Moss Arctic
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Fennel Silk Cavernous
Blackthorn Coastal
Sallowthorn Coastal
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Dwarf Clover Mountain
Ingredient Region
Elkhorn Coral Underwater
Milk Thistle Seeds Urban
Lungs Organic
Mineral For What?
Aquamarine Superior +
Special For What?
Yeti Blood Supreme

Lightning Splash

Anytime something comes into contact with this liquid it takes Lightning damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d4 + 2 10 10
Greater 4d4 + 4 15 15
Superior 8d4 + 8 20 20
Supreme 10d4 + 20 25 25
Ingredient Region
Radiant Synthseed Cavernous
Amanita Cap Coastal
White Henbane Desert
Bryony Root Grassland
Meadow Saffron Grassland
Bladderwort Swamp
Scamp Stool Swamp
Elkhorn Coral Underwater
Ingredient Region
Corn Urban
Finger/Toe Organic
Mineral For What?
Sapphire Superior +
Special For What?
Thunderbird Blood Supreme

Acid Splash

Anytime something comes into contact with this liquid it takes Acid damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d4 + 2 10 10
Greater 4d4 + 4 15 15
Superior 8d4 + 8 20 20
Supreme 10d4 + 20 25 25
Ingredient Region
Liverwort Arctic
Funguswood Cavernous
Russet Mold Cavernous
Silver Hibiscus Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Nightshade Berries Forest
Bladderwort Swamp
Buttonbush Swamp
Ingredient Region
Scamp Stool Swamp
Sea Lavender Swamp
Sea Anemone Underwater
Pelt/Skin Organic
Mineral For What?
Peridot Superior +
Special For What?
Grey Ooze Supreme

Necrotic Splash

Anytime something comes into contact with this liquid it takes Necrotic damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d4 + 2 10 10
Greater 4d4 + 4 15 15
Superior 8d4 + 8 20 20
Supreme 10d4 + 20 25 25
Ingredient Region
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Prickly Poppy Desert
Helen's Flower Swamp
Rose Mallow Swamp
Skullcap Swamp
Eye Organic
Mineral For What?
Amethyst Superior +
Special For What?
Mummy's Withered Finger Supreme

Blade Venoms

Blade Venoms are applied to a weapon over the course of 1 minute and their potency lasts for a number of hits, dependent on the quality of the venom. Simple venoms last for 5 hits, Greater last for 10 hits, Superior for 20 hits and Supreme last for 40 hits. The hit is expended on a hit only (not a miss) and is expended even if the creature resists the effects with a successful constitution save.

These venoms may be applied to a number of pieces of ammunition equal to the hits. It may also be applied to multiple small, thrown weapons by dividing the number of hits equally among each weapon coated (excess hits are lost if the division leaves a remainder).

(Creature Type) Blade Oil

This venom deals extra poison damage to a specific creature type or a specific humanoid type.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 15 10
Greater 1d6 18 15
Superior 1d8 22 20
Supreme 1d12 28 25
Ingredient Type
Any Organic Ingredient from
the relevant creature type
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme

(Elemental) Blade Venom

This venom deals extra damage of a specific damage type from the elemental plane. The Plane of Fire deals Fire damage; Water deals Cold damage; Earth deals Acid damage; Air deals Lightning damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 15 10
Greater 1d6 18 15
Superior 1d8 22 20
Supreme 1d12 28 25
Ingredient Type
Any mineral ingredient from
the relevant elemental plane
The relevant gemstone for the damage type,
as shown in the Ward Potions
section required for the superior+
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme

Blinding Touch

A creature subjected to this venom must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for a certain amount of time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Butterfly Weed Hill
Shy Maiden Hill
Dwarf Clover Mountain
King's Crown Mountain
Mare's Tail Swamp
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme

Brittle Bones

A creature subjected to this venom must make a Constitution saving throw or be subjected to brittle bones. Whenever they attempt an action they take damage equal to the size of their hit dice.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Flapwort Hill
Giant Hogweed Hill
Fireweed Mountain
Krummholz Branches Mountain
Miner's Candle Mountain
Bladderwort Swamp
Scullcap Swamp
Ingredient Region
Eelgrass Underwater
Seashell Underwater
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme

Dead Legs

A creature subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed in their legs, giving them the Restrained condition for a certain amount of time

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Hydrathistle Coastal
Harrada Leaf Forest
Mare's Tail Swamp
Spiderwort Swamp
Laurencia Underwater
Sea Anemone Underwater
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for a certain amount of time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Round 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Genko Brush Cavernous
Shreiker Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Blackberry Forest
Monkshood Mountain
Rattleweed Mountain
Mermaid's Fan Underwater
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for a certain amount of time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Liverwort Arctic
Pearlwort Arctic
Fiend's Ivy Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Black Henbane Coastal
White Henbane Desert
Arrow Root Forest
Black Cohosh Forest
Cat's Claw Forest
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Ingredient Region
Black Chokeberry Hill
Persimmon Hill
Fireweed Mountain
Helen's Flower Swamp
Laurencia Underwater
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw or be unconscious for a certain amount of time They wake up if they takes any damage or if another creature uses its action to shake them awake.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Mirabilis Desert
Starflower Desert
Mistletoe Forest
Mullein Seeds Grassland
Owl's Crown Grassland
Black Chokeberry Hill
Mountain Iris Mountain
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme

Death's Mark

A creature subjected to this poison must make a Constitution saving throw or be made vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for a certain amount of time. If a creature has resistance or immunity to any of these damage types, it negatively lowers that feature by one step instead of inflicting vulnerability.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1 Minute 18 15
Superior 10 Minutes 22 20
Supreme 1 Hour 28 25
Ingredient Region
Black Cohosh Forest
Azalea Hill
Black Chokeberry Hill
Krummholz Branches Mountain
Mare's Tail Swamp
Spiderwort Swamp
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this venom must make a Constitution saving throw or be have the perception that everything has become heavier, increasing the weight of what they carry for 8 hours. Add the weight listed to the creatures total encumbrance and not to each items weight. This effect can stack with multiple hits.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 25lb 15 10
Greater 50lb 18 15
Superior 100lb 22 20
Supreme 500lb 28 25
Ingredient Region
Amanita Cap Coastal
Pilewort Forest
Giant Hogweed Grassland
Persimmon Grassland
Bogbean Swamp
Feather Stars Underwater
Ingredient Region
Carrot Urban
Ginseng Urban
Tomato Urban
Watermelon Urban
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this effect must make a Constitution saving throw or be subjected to the Wildmagic Surge table. Roll on the table to determine the effects for this potion.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple Roll Once 15 10
Greater Roll Twice 18 15
Superior Roll Thrice 22 20
Supreme Roll 4 Times 28 25
Ingredient Region
Thimbleweed Arctic
Fennel Silk Cavernous
Mirabilis Desert
Mistflower Grassland
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this effect must make a Constitution saving throw or be transformed into a CR 0 beast determined by the DM for a certain amount of time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Silver Hibiscus Cavernous
Witches' Thimbles Coastal
Starworts Grassland
Purple Coneflower Hill
Spearwort Swamp
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this effect must make a Constitution saving throw or be transformed into a monstrosity determined by the DM for a certain amount of time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Mother's Hair Arctic
Fiend's Ivy Cavernous
Wiches' Thimbles Coastal
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Cat's Claw Forest
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this effect must make a Constitution saving throw or be given unlucky points. When requested, the consumer must use an unlucky point and gain disadvantage on the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Unlucky Point 15 10
Greater 2 Unlucky Points 18 15
Superior 3 Unlucky Points 22 20
Supreme 4 Unlucky Points 28 25
Ingredient Region
Queen Meadow Seeds Arctic
Apple Blossom Coastal
Honeywort Desert
Nightshade Berries Forest
Meadow Saffron Grasslands
Black Rose Hills
Ingredient Region
Purple Coneflower Hills
Struikhei Mountain
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this effect must make a Constitution saving throw each turn or gain a warped vision of how things are meant to be. Roll to determine which direction you move and how far you move (1d6 x 5). If you can't move anywhere you walk in place until your movement is used up.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Flapwort Hill
Horsetail Swamp
Hypnea Underwater
Peacock's Tail Underwater
Tobacco Urban
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


A creature subjected to this effect must make a Constitution saving throw or change shape. Roll on the Reincarnation Table to determine which race you transform into. If you are already under the effects of a transformation then you are changed back

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 10 Minutes 15 10
Greater 1 Hour 18 15
Superior 8 Hours 22 20
Supreme 1 Day 28 25
Ingredient Region
Reindeer Lichen Arctic
Obliviax Moss Cavernous
Violet Soldier Desert
Scarlet Poppy Grassland
Struikhei Mountain
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme

Betrayer Madness

A creature subjected to this effect must make a Constitution saving throw each turn or use their action to cast a spell that does damage on a random target or they must make an attack against a randomly determined creature within their reach. If there is no creature within reach or range, the consumer does nothing this turn

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 15 10
Greater 10 Minutes 18 15
Superior 1 Hour 22 20
Supreme 8 Hours 28 25
Ingredient Region
Bearberry Arctic
Fennel Silk Cavernous
Fairy Caps Coastal
Dyssodia Desert
Shy Maiden Hill
Mineral For What?
Antimony Superior +
Special For What?
Hunter's Oil Supreme


Bombs can be thrown as an action to any point within the range of 40ft and explode on impact. Any creatures caught within the 15ft blast radius must pass either a dexterity save or a constitution save (noted in the bomb description) against your poisoner DC or suffer the full effects of the bomb.

Bombs weigh 3lb each and a successful brewing generates 1d4 bombs. They are stored in bomb shells and not vials but for the sake of simplicity, bomb shells follow the exact same rules as vials as detailed earlier in the supplement.


A creature caught in the blast radius of this bomb, must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer piercing damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d12 10 8
Greater 3d12 15 12
Superior 4d12 20 18
Supreme 6d12 25 22
Ingredient Region
Fleabane Grassland
Bleeding Heart Forest
Fennel Seeds Urban
Flax Seeds Urban
Milk Thistle Seeds Urban
Mugwort Seeds Urban
Ingredient Type
Shrapnel Mineral
Mineral For What?
Iron Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Moon Bomb

A creature caught in the blast radius of this bomb, must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer silvered piercing damage. Regardless of whether or not they take damage, they cannot transform into another shape (example: werewolves) for 1d6 turns.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d8 10 8
Greater 3d8 15 12
Superior 4d8 20 18
Supreme 6d8 25 22
Ingredient Region
White Henbane Desert
Bladderwrack Underwater
Garlic Urban
Ginseng Urban
Onion Urban
Ingredient Region
Shrapnel Mineral
Silver Mineral
Mineral For What?
Moonstone Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Smoke Bomb

Upon impact, this bomb releases a thick smoke cloud. This cloud lasts for a number of minutes and should be treated in the same way as a fog cloud. See the Fog Cloud spell in the PHB for more details.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1 Minute 10 8
Greater 1d4 Minutes 15 12
Superior 1d8 Minutes 20 18
Supreme 1d20 Minutes 25 22
Ingredient Region
Amaranth Hill
Corn Urban
Dawn Sugar Urban
Mugwort Seeds Urban
Tobacco Urban
Mineral For What?
Silver Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Reflect Bomb

A creature caught in the blast radius of this bomb, must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer 1d12 piercing damage. Additionally, all magic in the area is cancelled, shapeshifters show their true form and no magic can be cast from within the blast radius for a time.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1d6 Rounds 18 15
Superior 1d10 Rounds 22 20
Supreme 1d12 Rounds 28 25
Ingredient Region
Water Yew Coastal
Witches' Thimbles Coastal
Elderberry Forest
Agrimony Grassland
Feverfew Grassland
Glasswort Swamp
Ingredient Region
Strawberry Urban
Mineral For What?
Garnet Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Fire Bomb

A creature caught in the blast radius of this bomb, must make a Dexterity saving throw or suffer fire damage. Additionally, targets stay on fire for 1d4 turns, dealing 1d8 fire damage each turn.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d10 15 10
Greater 3d10 18 15
Superior 4d10 22 20
Supreme 6d10 28 25
Ingredient Region
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Hawthorn Coastal
Drakus Flower Desert
Olibanum Desert
Whitethorn Desert
Juniper Forest
Mullein Seeds Glasslands
Dragonshead Mountain
Ingredient Region
Brittlegill Swamp
Cheese Urban
Marrow Organic
Mineral For What?
Ruby Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Cold Bomb

A creature caught in the blast radius of this bomb, must make a Constitution saving throw or take cold damage and be coated in a thick ice and frozen for 1d4 turns (the creature is treated as being petrified but with a natural AC of 18. If anyone can score a hit that deals damage equal the half the creature max HP the creature is shattered and instantly killed). Magical fire can end the effect early.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 2d8 15 10
Greater 3d8 18 15
Superior 4d8 22 20
Supreme 6d8 28 25
Ingredient Region
Arctic Poppy Arctic
Emerald Bog Arctic
Filmy-Fern Arctic
Northland Moss Arctic
Purple Saxifrage Arctic
Fennel Silk Cavernous
Blackthorn Coastal
Sallowthorn Coastal
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Dwarf Clover Mountain
Ingredient Region
Elkhorn Coral Underwater
Milk Thistle Seeds Urban
Lungs Organic
Mineral For What?
Sapphire Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Radiant Bomb

A creature caught in the blast radius of this bomb, must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 radiant damage and be stunned for a time. An effected creature may repeat the save at the end of each of its turns to end the effect early.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1d6 Rounds 18 15
Superior 1d10 Rounds 22 20
Supreme 1d12 Rounds 28 25
Ingredient Region
Cottongrass Arctic
Lavander Sprig Coastal
Cactus Juice Desert
Smearwort Desert
Manna Grass Swamp
Dawn Sugar Urban
Mineral For What?
Diamond Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Poison Gas Bomb

Upon impact, this bomb releases a cloud of poison in a 20ft radius. This cloud lasts for for a number of rounds and forces all creatures entering the area or starting their turn inside the area to make a Constitution save. On a failure, creatures take 4d10 poison damage.

Quality Amount Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 1d4 Rounds 15 10
Greater 1d6 Rounds 18 15
Superior 1d10 Rounds 22 20
Supreme 1d12 Rounds 28 25
Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Barrelstalk Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Belladonna Coastal
Fairy Caps Coastal
Smearwort Desert
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Nightshade Berries Forest
Azalea Hill
Giant Hogweed Hill
Monkshood Mountain
Ingredient Region
Buttonbush Swamp
Spearwort Swamp
Bladderwrack Underwater
Gracilaria Underwater
Liver Organic
Mineral For What?
Emerald Superior +
Special For What?
Volatile Oil Supreme

Poultices and Pastes

Poultices and Pastes are produced by simply grinding ingredients together and either, applying to the skin (in the case of a poultice) or applying two fingers worth to the roof of the mouth (in the case of pastes).

Known Recipes - Poultices and Pastes from a known recipe can be crafted over the course of an hour of uninterrupted work. During this time, you create 1d4 uses of the poultice or paste, provided that you beat the brew DC as usual.

Experiments - Experimenting with ingredients can be done during a long rest or downtime, taking a minimum of one hour of time. This is done by using the Herbalist's Kit to combine two ingredients with similar effects together by grinding them up into a paste or poultice. You must roll against the discovery DC to see if you are successful, and if you are you may note your discovery down in your journal. A successful process always produces a single use of the poultice or paste.

Catalyst - Poultices and Pastes do not require catalyst ingredients, vials or solvent, but instead require an extra effect ingredient. Unlike other alchemical creations, you can use the same ingredient twice when creating a poultice or paste. Also, due to the simple nature of Poultices and Pastes, there is only one level of poultice that can be made, thus eliminating the need for mineral or special ingredients.

Curative Poultices

Curative Poultices are kept in a leaf wrap that holds all 1d4 uses of the poultice. Creatures that wish to use the poultice must use an action to apply the poultice to the skin of either themselves or another creature. A creature can only benefit from one curative poultice per day.


This effect restores 1d6 HP every turn for 1 minute.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Faerzress Stem Cavernous
Silver Hibiscus Cavernous
Cactus Juice Desert
Atamasco Lily Grassland
Mistflower Grassland
Ingredient Region
Linnaea Hill
Selfheal Hill
Mountain Iris Mountain
Algae Underwater


This effect grants temporary HP equal to 1d4 x the crafters CL for 1 hour.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Faerzress Stem Cavernous
Lavender Sprig Coastal
Elderberry Forest
Arrowleaf Balsamroot Grasslands
Ingredient Region
Mullein Seeds Grassland
Selfheal Hill
Chiming-Bells Mountain
Bladderwrack Underwater

Disease Immunity

This effect cures & grants immunity to disease for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Liverwort Arctic
Devil's Bloodleaf Cavernous
Moss Rose Coastal
Arrow Root Forest
Black Cohosh Forest
Ingredient Region
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Arrowleaf Balsamroot Grassland
Scullcap Swamp
Kelp Underwater
Sea Colander Underwater

Blind Immunity

This effect cures & grants immunity to being blinded for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Black Mourning Bride Desert
Butterfly Weed Hill
Shy Maiden Hill
Ingredient Region
Dwarf Clover Mountain
King's Crown Mountain
Mare's Tail Swamp

Deafen Immunity

This effect cures & grants immunity to being deafened for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Pearlwort Arctic
Fumitory Grassland
Ingredient Region
Chiming-Bells Mountain
Rattleweed Mountain

Petrify Immunity

This effect cures & grants immunity to being petrified for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Boneflower Arctic
Funguswood Cavernous
Thurber's Gilia Desert
Ingredient Region
Atamasco Lily Grassland
King's Crown Mountain
Horsetail Underwater

Paralyze Immunity

This effect cures & grants immunity to being paralyzed for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Genko Brush Cavernous
Shreiker Cavernous
Violet Fungi Cavernous
Blackberry Forest
Ingredient Region
Monkshood Mountain
Rattleweed Mountain
Mermaid's Fan Underwater

Poison Immunity

This effect cures & grants immunity to being poisoned for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Hellebore Arctic
Liverwort Arctic
Pearlwort Arctic
Fiend's Ivy Cavernous
Fire Lichen Cavernous
Black Henbane Coastal
White Henbane Desert
Arrow Root Forest
Black Cohosh Forest
Ingredient Region
Cat's Claw Forest
Miner's Lettuce Forest
Black Chokeberry Hill
Persimmon Hill
Fireweed Mountain
Helen's Flower Swamp
Laurencia Underwater

Sleep Immunity

This effect cures & grants immunity to being incapacitated for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Mirabilis Desert
Starflower Desert
Mistletoe Forest
Milkweed Grassland
Ingredient Region
Mullein Seeds Grassland
Owl's Crown Grassland
Black Chokeberry Hill
Mountain Iris Mountain

Boost Pastes

Boost Pastes are kept in a leaf wrap that holds all 1d4 uses of the paste. Creatures that wish to consume the paste must use a bonus action to take two fingers worth of paste a apply it to the roof of their mouth. A creature can only benefit from one boost paste per day.


This effect grants whoever consumes it invisibility while not moving for 1 hour.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Blue Toadshade Coastal
Northland Moss Arctic
Ingredient Region
Birnam Wood Hills
Glassweed Underwater


This effect grants 1d4 luck points to whoever consumes it. See the Lucky feat details.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Queen Meadow Seeds Arctic
Apple Blossom Coastal
Honeywort Desert
Nightshade Berries Forest
Ingredient Region
Meadow Saffron Grasslands
Black Rose Hills
Purple Coneflower Hills
Struikhei Mountain


This effect grants whoever consumes it the dangerous ability of dealing a critical hit on every attack but every attack made against the consumer is also a critical hit. The effect lasts for 1d6 rounds.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Starflower Desert
Thurber's Gilia Desert
Dragonshead Mountain
Ingredient Region
Brittlegill Swamp
Glassweed Underwater


The consumer of this potion no longer feels the effects of potions or poisons for 8 hours. This also ends the effects of any ongoing potions or poisons.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Russet Mold Cavernous
Wandering Slime Cavernous
Bleeding Heart Forest
Ingredient Region
Stinging Nettle Hills
Glory-of-the-Snow Mountain
Narcissus Mountain
Sea Colander Underwater


This effect increases the walking speed of whoever consumes it for by 20ft for 10 minutes.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Arctic Poppy Arctic
Desert Thistle Desert
Pilewort Forest
Ingredient Region
Musk Sedge Hill
Kelp Underwater
Laurencia Underwater


This effect hardens a creatures skin, providing an unarmored AC of 13 for 1 hour.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Bloodroot Forest
Ironwood Heart Forest
Amaranth Hill
Ingredient Region
Shy Maiden Hill
Eelgrass Underwater
Elkhorn Coral Underwater


This effect cures all levels of exhaustion.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Reindeer Lichen Arctic
Barrelstalk Cavernous
Ripple Bark Cavernous
Apple Blossom Coastal
Orcus Slime Coastal
Ingredient Region
Sallowthorn Coastal
Honeywort Desert
Manna Grass Swamp
Gracilaria Underwater


This effect cures & grants immunity to being charmed for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Radiant Synthseed Cavernous
Sweet Alyssum Desert
Bloodroot Forest
Eyebright Grassland
Ingredient Region
Fleabane Hill
Mouse-Ear Hill
Chiming-Bells Mountain
Blue Lobelia Swamp


This effect cures & grants immunity to being frightened for 8 hours.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Bearberry Arctic
Globe Thistle Arctic
Sweet Alyssum Desert
Thurber's Gilia Desert
Ingredient Region
Eyebright Grassland
Sea Lavender Underwater


This effect restores one use of a spent class feature.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 15 10
Ingredient Region
Holy Tea Leaves Desert
Honeywort Desert
Butterfly Weed Hill
Stinging Nettle Hill
Dragonshead Mountain
Miner's Candle Mountain
Ingredient Region
Struikhei Mountain
Gracilaria Underwater
Sea Colander Underwater


Ambrosia Potions can be made using Alchemist's Supplies in the same way as other potions but require very specific ingredients to be created. Firstly they always require an Elixir vial and Purified solvent; secondly they always require an Ambrosia Root which acts as the catalyst for the potion; Third, they require an incredibly rare, Black Diamond as a mineral ingredient; Lastly, they require one specific ingredient of Legend, detailed below;

The Discovery DC of any of these Ambrosias is always set at 30 and it is advised that the alchemist finds the recipe for the formula by other means. This provides a perfect excuse for a side quest to find some great alchemists notebook or seek the advice of some semi omnipotent demi god.

The brewing is always set at 10 and will only ever produce one draught of the Ambrosia, remember the brewing will consume the ingredients and so a very low roll could still cause a bust and wasted effort even if you have done everything else right. Fate is a cruel and fickle creature sometimes so regardless of how high your PB and Ability is, a natural 1 will still fail.

These potions are incredibly powerful and alchemists have spent their entire lives searching for the ingredients to attempt to perfect a working recipe for these miraculous alchemical creations, and to no avail. It should be made clear that players will not simply stumble upon these potions and they must work very hard to earn a chance to create or acquire one.

Creature may only ever consume one Ambrosia in their lifetime due to its potent nature. If they consume another, both the current Ambrosia effect and the new one cease to function and instead the consuming creature becomes permanently subject to the poisoned status. Only a wish or greater restoration spell can end the poisoned condition and regardless of this, the creature will never benefit from another Ambrosia in its lifetime.

Ambrosia Root

This rare ingredient can be found in any part of the world, growing seemingly spontaneously. Creatures that forage should always have a 5% chance of finding one of these if they roll a special ingredient on the terrain tables. Unlike other terrain ingredients, Ambrosia Root doesn't rot ever.

Effects: Ambrosia Catalyst.

Black Diamond

This rare gem stone is greatly prized in the upper echelons of society due to its extreme rarity. You can find this diamond in the same way as finding other gemstones and further details can be found in the Gem table in the mineral section of Appendix A.

Effects: Ambrosia Mineral.

Ingredients of Legend:

Not all ingredients are found in the wilderness to be simply harvested by passing herbalists and alchemists alike. Some ingredients might perhaps require a quest, an expedition into the unknown or bargains with dragons. You never know who has what you're looking for, except Ambrosia Root, which seems to grow everywhere, whenever it feels like it.

It should be noted that, like special organic ingredients, these Ingredients of Legend never rot.

Ambrosia of Permanence

A creature that consumes this ambrosia, can extend the effect of any spell or potion to become permanent.

The Iastreaf Leaf is required to create the Ambrosia of Permanence.

Iastreaf Leaf:

The Iastreaf Leaf is an elusive and very magical ingredient. Harvested from the rare Iastreaf Tree of Elvish legends, the leaves are known to impose long lasting properties upon those that consume it.

Ambrosia of Sight

A creature that consumes this ambrosia, gains Truesight 60ft.

The Branch of Yggdrasil is required to create the Ambrosia of Sight.

The Branch of Yggdrasil:

Yggdrasil, the World Tree, is said to have existed since before the gods. It has seen all things and knows the truth of any lie. It's branches are said to give creatures the ability to see the truth that lies right in front of them.

Ambrosia of Flight

A creature that consumes this ambrosia, gains the Hover feature and a fly speed equal to twice its walking speed.

The Sky Lotus is required to create the Ambrosia of the Sanguine.

The Sky Lotus:

This legendary flower is said to only bloom on the floating isles and is the sole reason that the isles actually float in the sky. The lotus is heavily guarded by those that call the floating isle their home and a horrible death awaits those that would steal the holy plant from it's sacred grove.

Ambrosia of Horrors

A creature that consumes this ambrosia is twisted in some horrifying way that cause terror in all who behold him. Creatures who can see the consumer must pass a wisdom save DC 18 at the start of each of their turns or be frightened of the consumer until their next turn. A greater restoration or wish spell is required to remove this condition from the consumer.

The Screaming Mandragora Root is required to create the Ambrosia of Horrors.

The Screaming Mandragora Root:

It is said that the flower looks as unassuming as any other flora in the forest but once picked this plant screams with such intensity as to cause bleeding from the ears and to bring forth horrifying images in the minds of the unfortunate listeners. Few have ever even seen it but those who have are always terrified of every shadow and severely hard of hearing.

Ambrosia of Beauty

A creature that consumes this ambrosia becomes beautifully alluring. Creatures who can see the consumer must pass a charisma save DC 18 at the start of each of their turns or be charmed by the consumer until their next turn. A greater restoration or wish spell is required to remove this condition from the consumer.

The Beautiful Fern Flower is required to create the Ambrosia of Beauty.

The Beautiful Fern Flower:

This flower blooms for a very short time on the eve of the summer solstice, in a garden of such renowned beauty that the nymphs themselves long to call it home. The flower is said to grant the person who finds it unnatural beauty so that it may call the garden its home.

Ambrosia of Luck

A creature that consumes this ambrosia becomes extraordinarily lucky. It gains 6 luck points per day (see the Lucky feat for details) and can turn one failed attack, save or skill check into a success per long rest.

The Four Leaf Clover is required to create the Ambrosia of Luck.

The Four Leaf Clover:

This plant is so rare that people have denied its existence altogether. However, that doesn't stop children from combing clover patches on the lookout for one. The clover is said to grant the person who finds it unnatural good fortune for the rest of its days.

Ambrosia of the Sanguine

A creature that consumes this ambrosia becomes a Vampire.

The Vampire's Rose is required to create the Ambrosia of the Sanguine.

The Vampire's Rose:

It is said that in every rose you can still here the whispers of the ancient vampire it was grown from. The Vampire's Rose is a rare and powerful ingredient able to invoke the blood gift that the vampire offered mortals whilst it still walked the earth.

Ambrosia of Immortality

A creature that consumes this ambrosia stops aging, cannot die from old age, and becomes immune to the poisoned status, and all diseases.

The Philosopher's Stone is required to create the Ambrosia of Immortality.

The Philosopher's Stone:

The stone of legend whose elusive nature has driven the most determined of alchemists mad. The obsession of finding this stone a gaining immortality is ever present in the hearts and minds of all alchemists.

Alchemical Liquids

The following alchemical liquids can all be created with an Alchemist's Kit. There is only one level of quality for these simple effects and they require the Corrosive Catalyst in order to make. Otherwise they follow the same rules as other potions.


This effect turns up to 1d4 pounds of materials or objects it touches into solid gold. Does not work on organic material.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 10 10
Ingredient Region
Faerzress Stem Cavernous
Hawthorne Coastal
Cardinal Flower Grassland
Ingredient Region
Blue Lobelia Swamp
Gulf Weed Underwater


This effect converts any liquid it touches, except lava, to water. It can be used on up to 1 gallon of liquid. Does not work on organic material.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 10 10
Ingredient Region
Hydrathistle Coastal
Mistletoe Forest
Atamasco Lily Grassland
Mullein Seeds Grassland
Beard-Moss Hill
Cedarwood Mountain
Ingredient Region
Bogbean Swamp
Rose Mallow Swamp
Algae Underwater
Barnacles Underwater
Kelp Underwater
Onion Urban


This effect rusts and ruins up to 1d20 pounds of mundane materials or objects. Does not work on organic material.

Quality Discovery DC Brew DC
Simple 10 10
Ingredient Region
Funguswood Cavernous
Rock Samphire Coastal
Fireweed Mountain
Ingredient Region
Glasswort Swamp
Peacock's Tail Underwater

Part IV:

Alchemy Themed Subclasses

School of Alchemy

The School of Alchemy sacrifices some arcane studies in pursuit of Alchemical Sciences. As you focus on this tradition, you gain deeper insights into the secrets of alchemical formulae and understand better how to extract the necessary properties from specimens to maximum effect.

Most Wizards look down on Alchemists and regard them as those who are not cut out for arcane studies. Most people, however, flock to an alchemist's shop or business to benefit from cheap potions that reproduce spell effects. Mass production of alchemical items proves to be a far more efficient and cost effective means of getting magical effects to the mundane people of the world than casting the spell for them directly.

Alchemy Savant

When you take this school at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Alchemist's Supplies or expertise if you are already proficient. You also gain proficiency in one of your choice of Herbalist's Kit, Poisoner's Kit, Butcher's Tools, Glassblower's Tools, or Brewer's Supplies.

Detailed Alchemical Notes

Also at 2nd level, if you know all of the ingredient effects of at least one ingredient that you are using to make a potion, you gain advantage of all rolls against the Discovery DC or Brew DC of that potion.

Wizardly Alchemy

At 6th level, if you know the spell of a Spellwork Potion, you may use a spell slot of that spells level in place of a single, basic ingredient, when attempting to brew the potion. You still require the Catalyst, as well as the Mineral and Special ingredients at higher levels.

Efficient Production

At 10th level, you can produce up to 1d6 of any one simple level potion for which you know the recipe, each time you attempt to create or discover an alchemical item.

Expert Researcher

At 14th level, you create 1d4 potions each time you discover a recipe instead of the usual 1. Additionally, once you discover the recipe for the greater level of a potion, you know the same recipe for the superior and supreme levels automatically.

College of Botany

Bards of the College of Botany enjoy the beauty and serenity that can only be found in a well kept garden. These Bards pride themselves on creating beautiful works of art with flowers and trees and are often found reciting great works of poetry to adoring fans from within their beautiful living masterpieces.

The Botanist's gardens are unrivaled in all the world and monarchs pay heavily to commission them to design the royal grounds and make their homes look as beautiful as the enchanted gardens of legend. Wealthy merchants also pay great amounts to have a bouquet of flowers from the botanists gardens that bloom for an unnatural length of time and smell more fragrant than any other flowers in the natural world.


When you take this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Herbalist's Kit or expertise if you are already proficient. You also gain proficiency in two of your choice of Alchemist's Supplies, Poisoner's Kit, Glassblower's Tools, or Brewer's Supplies.

Green Fingers

Also at 3rd level, you may create a garden outside of your home base or permanent residence and fill it with plants that you discover as you travel. Any fresh specimens that you bring back (ie. not rotted), can be planted in your garden and after 1 week will begin producing 1d4 specimens of the same plant every month (4 weeks).

There is no limit to how many kinds of plants you can grow in your garden but the maximum number of plants that you can harvest from the same garden per month is limited to your character level + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Your garden cannot grow legendary plants.

Expert in Flora

At 6th level, when testing a plant by eating it, you discover one effect at random rather than the first ingredient effect. This can also reveal the catalytic effect. Testing by eating can never reveal an effect that you already know for that species of plant.

Additionally, you can recognize plants with similar effects by sight alone. For every effect you have discovered in another plant, you know one of those effects in the new plant. If the new plant has multiple effects that you have discovered, you only know one of them at random.

Master Botanist

At 14th level, any plant that you grow in your garden can be used in two alchemical practices (discovery or brewing) but the plant must be used the second time within a 48 hour period of the first and cannot benefit from being placed in the storage case in your laboratory after the first use.

Additionally, you know all of the effects of up to 15 plant species that you may choose from any of the terrain lists.

Apothecary (Roguish Archetype)

The Apothecary is the pariah of the alchemical community. His pursuit of utilizing harmful effects from ingredients is considered an abomination of the Art of Alchemy and those of the School of Alchemy actively treat Apothecaries with distain and distrust. Alchemist's often warn the good, well-bred people within their social circles to steer clear of the Apothecary and their snake-oil concoctions.

The continuous bad press that the Apothecary endures matters little in the end, as there are no shortage of 'good' people willing to employ his services to help remove a problem. The poisons created by the apothecary are reliable and deadly, unless used improperly.

Apothecaries are often employed by criminal organizations to act as the supplier of the poisons, venoms and toxins for assassins to use when plying their trade, but an apothecary could be just as easily found in a shop, masquerading as an alchemist. In fact, apothecaries often regard themselves as superior alchemists who are unshackled by the foolish restriction imposed by the so-called School of Alchemy.


When you take this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Poisoner's Kit or expertise if you are already proficient. You also gain proficiency in one of your choice of Alchemist's Supplies, Herbalist's Kit, Butcher's Tools, Glassblower's Tools, or Brewer's Supplies.

Venomous Coating

Also at 3rd level, contact venoms you create last an additional number of minutes equal to your Intelligence modifier when poured on a surface. They last an additional number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus if used to douse a creature in the substance

Poisoner's Fortitude

At 9th level, you no longer need to test against the venoms risk when experimenting with or creating venoms.

In addition, the time it takes to coat weapons with blade venoms is reduced by a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier. If you reduce the coating time to zero rounds, then the time to coat a weapon is one action.

Effective Poisons

At 13th level, you add double your proficiency bonus to your poisoners DC instead of the usual proficiency bonus.

Toxic Nourishment

At 17th level, whenever you are subjected to poison damage, you take no damage and instead regain a number of hit points equal to the poison damage dealt. Additionally, you are immune to the poisoned condition.

Bombardier (Fighter Archetype)

The bombardier is a very specialized soldier, employed by certain armies to spread shock and awe on a battlefield. They specialize in the creation and use of bombs and are often regarded as some of the finest shock troops any army can have. Elite squads will often have at least one bombardier in their team who serves as both a superior crowd control combatant as well as an 'entrance maker', when breaking into enemy bases.

Although they lack the ingenuity of some other tinker types, a bombardier is still very intelligent and capable of making explosives out of just about anything they can get their hands on. Even the most numerous of enemies would be wise to proceed with caution or run like hell when they see the trail of sparks fill the air as the bombardier's bomb flies towards the horde.

Bomb Maker

When you take this archetype at 3rd level, you do not require proficiency in the poisoner's kit to research or make bombs. When you use the poisoner's kit to research or make bombs, you count as having expertise in the use of the Poisoner's Kit.

Additionally, you may craft bomb cases without the need for glassblower's tools and you may roll against the craft DC with proficiency.


Also at 3rd level, when you throw a bomb, the range for throwing bombs increases to 60ft.


At 7th level, when you make a melee attack with a light weapon or throw a bomb, if you have a bomb in your other hand, you may throw it as a bonus action.

Efficient Bombmaking

At 10th level, whenever you create bombs by rolling against the Brew DC, you create 1d6 bombs instead of 1d4.

Additionally, you create 1d4 Simple Grapeshot or Smoke Bombs for free when you finish a long rest.

Effective Bombing

At 15th level, the radius of all bombs you create increases to 25ft or 30ft for 'Cloud' based bombs.

Additionally, one bomb that you create per long rest can have all of its damage die maxed. You may only ever carry one maxed bomb at a time.

Master Bombardier

At 18th level, whenever you take an attack action, you may draw and throw a bomb in place of one attack in that action.

Additionally, you always create 6 bombs whenever you create bombs by rolling against the Brew DC, and making bombs takes half the normal time.

Other Classes

Martial Ranger

The Martial Ranger is an alternative class to the classic Ranger from 5e. thelittledarkone adapted the Martial Ranger class that was written by agenderarcee and below is an optional feature that would work as either a replacement of the feature with the same name in agenderarcee's Martial Ranger or as a optional extra feature in thelittledarkone's tweeked Martial Ranger.

Natural Healer

Optional Level 2 Feature,
Your experience surviving in the harsh wilderness has taught you how to identify and make use of medicinal plants. Starting at 2nd level, you have advantage on all Wisdom checks made against the discovery or brew DC whilst attempting to create poultices or pastes.

Additionally, at 11th level, you create 1d6 uses of each poultice or paste when beating the brew DC rather than 1d4. At level 17, this increases to 1d8.


The Witch class is a new class written by thelittledarkone and is available from

Witch's Brew

Optional Level 1 Feature,
In your study of the forbidden arts, you have discovered the power of potions, which you can brew and prepare with the use of a cauldron or iron cooking pot and an open fire. You do not need a Poisoner's Kit or Alchemist's Supplies to brew alchemical materials so long as you use your cauldron. You count as having proficiency when brewing potions and poisons, provided that you use your cauldron to do it.

You may purchase or acquire a huge cauldron (100 GP) that you may set up along with your other laboratory items in your home base or place of residence. Whilst brewing over your Home Cauldron, your brewing time is reduced by half and you have advantage on the checks against the Brew DC.

Additionally, you may choose to infuse food items with the poison or potion effects rather that putting the draught into a vial. You may do this only if you brewed the potion using a cauldron (travel or home).

Blood Hunter

The Blood Hunter class is a new class written by Critical Role's Matt Mercer and is readily available online.

Hunters Blade

Optional Level 1 Feature,
Your training includes the crafting of blade oils that better augment your crimson rites. You gain proficiency in the poisoner's kit and you have advantage on rolls against the discovery and brew DC of any (creature type) blade oil.

Additionally, when a (creature type) blade oil is applied, and a crimson rite is active on the same weapon, you may choose to have the (creature type) blade oil deal its damage as the crimson rite damage type rather than as poison damage.

Appendix A:

Terrain Tables
and where to find Ingredients

Terrain Ingredients:

Not all ingredients grow in the same place. From swamps to mountains different varieties of ingredients can be found throughout the world. Depending on the terrain your players are searching in here are the following ingredients they can discover.

d20 Arctic Ingredients Cost
1 Arctic Poppy 5 gp
2 Bearberry 3 gp
3 Boneflower 15 gp
4 Cottongrass 2 gp
5 Emerald Bog 10 gp
6 Erigeron 3 gp
7 Filmy-Fern 1 gp
8 Globe Thistle 2 gp
9 Hellebore 4 gp
10 Liverwort 3 gp
11 Queen Meadow Seeds 6 gp
12 Mothers Hair 3 gp
13 Northland Moss 2 gp
14 Pearlwort 4 gp
15 Purple Saxifrage 2 gp
16 Reindeer Lichen 3 gp
17 Thimbleweed 5 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Caverneous Ingredients Cost
1 Barrelstalk 2 gp
2 Bluecap 3 gp
3 Devil’s Bloodleaf 5 gp
4 Faerzress Stem 15 gp
5 Fennel Silk 6 gp
6 Fiend’s Ivy 5 gp
7 Fire Lichen 10 gp
8 Funguswood 8 gp
9 Genko Brush 3 gp
10 Obliviax Moss gp
11 Radiant Synthseed 5 gp
12 Ripple Barkp 4 gp
13 Russet Mold 7 gp
14 Silver Hibiscus 6 gp
15 Shreiker 7 gp
16 Violet Fungi 8 gp
17 Wandering Slime 12 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Coastal Ingredients Cost
1 Amanita Cap 5 gp
2 Apple Blossom 3 gp
3 Belladonna 13 gp
4 Blackthorn 6 gp
5 Blue Toadshade 7 gp
6 Orcus Slime 5 gp
7 Black Henbane 4 gp
8 Fairy Caps 15 gp
9 Hawthorn 2 gp
10 Hydrathistle 5 gp
11 Hyancinth Nectar 4 gp
12 Lavender Sprig 2 gp
13 Moss Rose 7 gp
14 Rock Samphire 6 gp
15 Sallowthorn 5 gp
16 Water Yew 8 gp
17 Witches' Thimbles 9 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Desert Cost
1 Black Mourning Bride 8 gp
2 Cactus Juice 4 gp
3 Desert Thistle 3 gp
4 Drakus Flower: 6 gp
5 Dyssodia 13 gp
6 Holy Tea Leaves 3 gp
7 Honeywort 2 gp
8 Mirabilis 6 gp
9 Olibanum 4 gp
10 Prickly Poppy 6 gp
11 Smearwort 7 gp
12 Starflower 9 gp
13 Sweet Alyssum 6 gp
14 Thurber’s Gilia 9 gp
15 Violet Soldier 10 gp
16 Whitethorn 4 gp
17 White Henbane 7 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Forest Cost
1 Arrow Root 1 gp
2 Black Cohosh 10 gp
3 Blackberry 2 gp
4 Bleeding Heart 3 gp
5 Bloodroot 10 gp
6 Blue Toadshade 15 gp
7 Cat’s Claw 5 gp
8 Elderberry 3 gp
9 Figwort 4 gp
10 Ironwood Heart 6 gp
11 Harrada Leaf 4 gp
12 Juniper 1 gp
13 Miner’s Lettuce 1 gp
14 Mistletoe 3 gp
15 Nightshade Berries 4 gp
16 Pilewort 6 gp
17 Verdent Nettle 4 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Grassland Ingredients Cost
1 Agrimony 5 gp
2 Arrowleaf Balsamroot 1 gp
3 Atamasco Lily 3 gp
4 Boneset 5 gp
5 Bryony Root 7 gp
6 Cardinal Flower 2 gp
7 Eyebright 6 gp
8 Feverfew 8 gp
9 Fumitory 3 gp
10 Fleabane 5 gp
11 Meadow Saffron 2 gp
12 Milkweed 1 gp
13 Mistflower 3 gp
14 Mullein Seeds 2 gp
15 Owl's Crown 10 gp
16 Scarlet Poppy 3 gp
17 Starworts gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Hill Ingredients Cost
1 Amaranth 5 gp
2 Azalea 15 gp
3 Black Chokeberry 4 gp
4 Black Rose 10 gp
5 Beard-moss 2 gp
6 Birnam Wood 3 gp
7 Butterfly Weed 2 gp
8 Catchfly 3 gp
9 Flapwort 2 gp
10 Giant Hogweed 4 gp
11 Linnaea 2 gp
12 Mouse-Ear 1 gp
13 Persimmon 3 gp
14 Purple Coneflower 4 gp
15 Selfheal 6 gp
16 Shy Maidens 2 gp
17 Stinging Nettle 3 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Mountain Ingredients Cost
1 Cedarwood 5 gp
2 Chiming-bells 6 gp
3 Columbine 10 gp
4 Dragonshead 8 gp
5 Dwarf Clover 3 gp
6 Dyer's Broom 5 gp
7 Fireweed 5 gp
8 Glory-of-the-Snow 4 gp
9 Krummholz Branches 3 gp
10 King’s Crown 4 gp
11 Miners Candle 2 gp
12 Monkshood 12 gp
13 Mountain Iris 7 gp
14 Narcissus 5 gp
15 Queen’s Crown 4 gp
16 Rattleweed gp
17 Struikhei 15 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Swamp Ingredients Cost
1 Bladderwort 5 gp
2 Blue Lobelia 7 gp
3 Bogbean 3 gp
4 Brittlegill 6 gp
5 Buttonbush gp
6 Glasswort 6 gp
7 Helen's Flower 10 gp
8 Horsetail 2 gp
9 Manna Grass 4 gp
10 Mare’s Tail 5 gp
11 Musk Sedge 2 gp
12 Rose Mallow 5 gp
13 Scamp Stool 4 gp
14 Sea Lavender 2 gp
15 Skullcap 6 gp
16 Spearwort 3 gp
17 Spiderwort 8 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Underwater Ingredients Cost
1 Algae 4 gp
2 Barnacles 9 gp
3 Bladderwrack 6 gp
4 Eelgrass 5 gp
5 Elkhorn 3 gp
6 Feather Stars 5 gp
7 Glassweed 8 gp
8 Gracilaria 7 gp
9 Gulf Weed 2 gp
10 Hypnea 4 gp
11 Kelp 4 gp
12 Laurencia 7 gp
13 Mermaid's Fan 6 gp
14 Peacock's Tail 10 gp
15 Sea Anemone 12 gp
16 Sea Colander 6 gp
17 Sea Shell 4 gp
18 Organic Varies
19 Mineral Varies
20 Special at least 50 gp
d20 Urban Ingredients Cost
1 Carrot 1 gp
2 Cheese 2 gp
3 Corn 2 gp
4 Dawn Sugar 5 gp
5 Fennel Seeds 1 gp
6 Flax Seeds 1 gp
7 Garlic 2 gp
8 Ginseng 3 gp
9 Grapes 3 gp
10 Leek 2 gp
11 Milk Thistle Seeds 1 gp
12 Mugwort Seeds 1 gp
13 Onion 2 gp
14 Pear 2 gp
15 Strawberry 1 gp
16 Tobacco 5 gp
17 Tomato 2 gp
18 Watermelon 2 gp
19 Famous Pie 30 gp
20 Special at least 50 gp

Harvest Ingredients:

Below is a list of ingredients that can be harvested from a kill. If you roll on a special ingredient, the GM picks th most appropriate from the special list. if none are appropriate, then roll on the table again twice (ignore special).

d12 Organic Ingredients Cost
1 Tongue 5 gp
2 Nose 3 gp
3 Eye 2 gp
4 Teeth 2 gp
5 Marrow 10 gp
6 Pelt/Skin 15 gp
7 Heart 1 gp
8 Liver 2 gp
9 Lungs 4 gp
10 Finger/Toe 3 gp
11 Special 30 gp
12 Special 30 gp

Mineral Ingredients:

Below is a ollection of tables detailing the lists of different Mineral ingredients. If you roll a mineral on any Terrain table then roll on the mineral type on the table below. Once you know the type, roll on its respective table to find out what mineral you have found.

d8 Mineral Type
1-4 Mineral
5-7 Metal
8 Gemstone
d20 Gemstone Cost
1-2 Ruby 1,000 gp
3-4 Aquamarine 200 gp
5-6 Diamond 2,000 gp
7-8 Sapphire 500 gp
9-10 Emerald 400 gp
11-12 Garnet 700 gp
13-14 Peridot 200 gp
15-16 Amethyst 300 gp
17-18 Moonstone 500 gp
19 Plaguetouched Obsidian 3,000 gp
20 Black Diamond 10,000 gp
d20 Mineral Cost
1 Aqua Quartz 100 gp
2 Flint 20 gp
3 Rocksalt 2 gp
4 Rose Quartz 50 gp
5 Agate 100 gp
6 Turquoise 100 gp
7 Yellow Quartz 200 gp
8 Limestone 3 gp
9 Amber 30 gp
10 Sulfur 2 gp
11 Jade 100 gp
12 Pearl 100 gp
13 Sky Quartz 200 gp
14 Onyx 20 gp
15 Silver Quartz 300 gp
16 Fool's Gold 5 sp
17 Obsidian 20 gp
18 Black Quartz 200 gp
19 Bloodstone 800 gp
20 Roll Twice
d20 Metal Cost
1 Silver 10 gp
2-3 Tin 2 gp
4 Mercury 2 gp
5 Platinum 50 gp
6 Titanium 200 gp
7 Platinum 100 gp
8-9 Copper 2 gp
10 Electrum 15 gp
11 Gold 30 gp
12 Antimony 600 gp
13-14 Lead 1 gp
15 Adamantium 600 gp
16 Iron 2 gp
17 Mithral 800 gp
18-19 Shrapnel 1 sp
20 Roll Twice

Appendix B:

Ingredient Effects:
a summary of the various
effects of each ingredient

Arctic Ingredients:

Arctic Poppy: Restorative, Levitation, Cold, Haste

Bearberry: Ward, Betrayer Madness, Charisma, Courage

Boneflower: Toxic, Petrify, Fear, Heal

Cottongrass: Boost, Radiant, Constitution, Charisma

Emerald Bog: Corrosive, Heal, Cold, Silence

Erigeron: Restorative, Talent, Dexterity, Invisibility

Filmy-Fern: Boost, Cold, Intelligence, Dead Legs

Globe Thistle: Ward, Wisdom, Courage, Slow

Hellebore: Explosive, Frogify, Poison, Poisoned

Liverwort: Toxic, Disease, Poisoned, Acidic

Queen Meadow Seeds: Spellwork, Strength, Lucky, Incapacitating

Mothers Hair: Plague, Monstrosity, Levitation, Suggestive

Northland Moss: Ward, Cold, Intelligence, Camouflage

Pearlwort: Spellwork, Heal, Deafened, Poisoned

Purple Saxifrage: Plague, Bless, Cold, Constitution

Reindeer Lichen: Explosive, Relentless, Mutation, Incapacitating

Thimbleweed: Corrosive, Chaos, Suggestive, Bless

Cavernous Ingredients:

Barrelstalk: Spellwork, Relentless, Constitution, Poison

Bluecap: Corrosive, Ether, Health, Charisma

Devil’s Bloodleaf: Toxic, Health, Fire, Disease

Faerzress Stem: Restorative, Regeneration, Fortitude, Midas

Fennel Silk: Toxic, Chaos, Cold, Betrayer Madness

Fiend’s Ivy: Plague, Constitution, Poisoned, Monstrosity

Fire Lichen: Boost, Fire, Poisoned, Charisma

Funguswood: Plague, Acidic, Petrify, Rust

Genko Brush: Ward, Heal, Stone, Paralyze

Obliviax Moss: Explosive, Intelligence, Constitution, Mutation

Radiant Synthseed: Explosive, Glow, Stoic, Lightning

Ripple Bark: Spellwork, Relentless, Slow, Wisdom

Russet Mold: Corrosive, Alchemy Immunity, Acidic, Health.

Silver Hibiscus: Restorative, Acidic, Frogify, Regeneration

Shreiker: Ward, Wisdom, Fear, Paralyze.

Violet Fungi: Boost, Acidic, Poison, Paralyze

Wandering Slime: Corrosive, Alchemy Immunity, Confusion, Bane Spell.

Coastal Ingredients:

Amanita Cap: Ward, Dexterity, Laden, Lightning

Apple Blossom: Restorative, Relentless, Lucky, Health

Belladonna: Plague, Poison, Love, Levitation

Blackthorn: Toxic, Cold, Strength, Lure

Blue Toadshade: Corrosive, Fear, Health, Camouflage

Orcus Slime: Restorative, Ether, Constitution, Relentless

Black Henbane: Boost, Poisoned, Bane, Black Pudding

Fairy Caps: Spellwork, Poison, Stone, Betrayer Madness

Hawthorn: Ward, Bless, Midas, Fire

Hydrathistle: Explosive, Water, Ether, Dead Legs

Hyacinth Nectar: Spellwork, Heal, Magical Skill, Martial Skill

Lavender Sprig: Restorative, Radiant, Wisdom, Fortitude

Moss Rose: Toxic, Dexterity, Disease, Lure

Rock Samphire: Explosive, Talent, Stone, Rust

Sallowthorn: Boost, Cold, Relentless, Strength

Water Yew: Corrosive, Recovery, Bane, Reflect

Witches' Thimbles: Plague, Reflect, Frogify, Monstrosity

Desert Ingredients:

Black Mourning Bride: Plague, Necrotic, Blind, Monstrosity

Cactus Juice: Restorative, Confusion, Regeneration, Radiant

Desert Thistle: Ward, Recovery, Martial Skill, Haste

Drakus Flower: Boost, Fire, Health, Strength

Dyssodia: Corrosive, Intelligence, Wisdom, Betrayer Madness

Holy Tea Leaves: Toxic, Bless, Glow, Pseudorest

Honeywort: Corrosive, Relentless, Lucky, Pseudorest

Mirabilis: Spellwork, Sleep, Chaos, Wisdom

Olibanum: Ward, Fire, Ether, Slow

Prickly Poppy: Toxic, Ether, Black Pudding , Necrotic

Smearwort: Plague, Poison, Radiant, Bless

Starflower: Explosive, Sleep, Intelligence, Frenzy

Sweet Alyssum: Spellwork, Stoic, Courage, Feather Fall

Thurber’s Gilia: Boost, Petrify, Courage, Frenzy

Violet Soldier: Restorative, Charisma, Health, Mutation

Whitethorn: Explosive, Bless, Fire, Lure

White Henbane: Plague, Poisoned, Moon, Lightning

Forest Ingredients:

Arrow Root: Restorative, Heal, Disease, Poisoned

Black Cohosh: Corrosive, Disease, Poisoned, Death’s Mark

Blackberry: Ward, Paralyze, Talent, Ether

Bleeding Heart: Toxic, Love, Alchemy Immunity, Grapeshot

Bloodroot: Restorative, Stoneskin, Magical Skill, Stoic

Blue Toadshade: Explosive, Glow, Slow, Black Pudding

Cat’s Claw: Spellwork, Heal, Poisoned, Monstrosity

Elderberry: Plague, Reflect, Fortitude, Lure

Figwort: Corrosive, Strength, Intelligence, Levitation

Ironwood Heart: Boost, Stoneskin, Constitution, Recovery

Harrada Leaf: Spellwork, Dead Legs, Dexterity, Silence

Juniper: Boost, Heal, Fire, Martial Skill

Miner’s Lettuce: Ward, Disease, Poisoned, Poison

Mistletoe: Toxic, Sleep, Love, Water

Nightshade Berries: Plague, Acidic, Poison, Lucky

Pilewort: Explosive, Haste, Glow, Laden

Verdant Nettle: Restorative, Love, Strength, Dexterity

Grassland Ingredients:

Agrimony: Spellwork, Talent, Sight, Reflect

Arrowleaf Balsamroot: Explosive, Disease, Fortitude, Incapacitated

Atamasco Lily: Restorative, Water, Petrify, Regeneration

Boneset: Plague, Magical Skill, Martial Skill, Talent

Bryony Root: Boost, Lightning, Charisma, Magical Skill

Cardinal Flower: Spellwork, Cold, Wisdom, Midas

Eyebright: Ward, Sight, Courage, Stoic

Feverfew: Toxic, Suggestive, Reflect, Incapacitated

Fumitory: Explosive, Deafened, Black Pudding, Stone

Fleabane: Plague, Bane, Stoic, Grapeshot

Meadow Saffron: Boost, Lucky, Lightning, Charisma

Milkweed: Corrosive, Sleep, Glow, Silence

Mistflower: Ward, Regeneration, Levitation, Chaos

Mullein Seeds: Restorative, Fortitude, Water, Sleep

Owl's Crown: Spellwork, Bless, Sleep, Fire

Scarlet Poppy: Toxic, Invisibility, Mutation, Intelligence

Starworts: Corrosive, Bless, Love, Frogify

Hill Ingredients:

Amaranth: Boost, Recovery, Stoneskin, Smoke

Azalea: Ward, Death’s Mark, Health, Poison

Birnam Wood: Boost, Camouflage, Wisdom, Confusion

Beard-moss: Restorative, Glow, Water, Heal

Black Chokeberry: Explosive, Poisoned, Sleep, Death’s Mark

Black Rose: Plague, Lucky, Fear, Suggestive

Butterfly Weed: Spellwork, Pseudorest, Blind, Ether

Catchfly: Corrosive, Invisibility, Bless, Confusion

Flapwort: Toxic, Psychedelic, Brittle Bone, Charisma

Giant Hogweed: Explosive, Brittle Bone, Poison, Laden

Linnaea: Ward, Suggestive, Regeneration, Glow

Mouse-Ear: Corrosive, Wisdom, Fear, Stoic

Persimmon: Boost, Heal, Poisoned, Laden

Purple Coneflower: Plague, Frogify, Lucky, Ether

Selfheal: Restorative, Fortitude, Heal, Regeneration

Shy Maiden: Spellwork, Stoneskin, Blind, Betrayer Madness

Stinging Nettle: Toxic, Bane Spell, Pseudorest Recovery, Alchemy Immunity

Mountain Ingredients:

Cedarwood: Explosive, Glow, Stone, Water

Chiming-bells: Plague, Fortitude, Stoic, Deafened

Columbine: Spellwork, Heal, Ether, Recovery

Dragonshead: Toxic, Fire, Frenzy, Pseudorest Recovery

Dwarf Clover: Ward, Sight, Blind, Cold

Dyer's Broom: Restorative, Magical Skill, Suggestive, Love

Fireweed: Explosive, Rust, Brittle Bone, Poisoned

Glory-of-the-Snow: Corrosive, Alchemy Immunity, Silence, Feather Fall

Krummholz Branches: Ward, Fear, Brittle Bone, Death’s Mark

King’s Crown: Boost, Blind, Love, Petrify

Miners Candle: Spellwork, Glow, Brittle Bone, Pseudorest Recovery

Monkshood: Plague, Poison, Paralyze, Confusion

Mountain Iris: Restorative, Strength, Regeneration, Sleep

Narcissus: Explosive, Silence, Invisibility, Alchemy Immunity

Queen’s Crown: Boost, Fear, Suggestive, Stone

Rattleweed: Toxic, Incapacitated, Paralyze, Deafened.

Struikhei: Corrosive, Mutation, Pseudorest Recovery, Lucky

Swamp Ingredients:

Bladderwort: Toxic, Brittle Bone, Lightning, Acidic

Blue Lobelia: Spellwork, Sight, Midas, Love

Bogbean: Restorative, Laden, Water Breathing, Health

Brittlegill: Explosive, Fire, Frenzy, Constitution

Buttonbush: Ward, Heal, Acidic, Poison

Glasswort: Plague, Reflect, Stone, Rust

Helen's Flower: Toxic, Poisoned, Bane Spell, Necrotic

Horsetail: Boost, Heal, Petrify, Psychedelic

Manna Grass: Spellwork, Bless, Relentless, Radiant

Mare’s Tail: Corrosive, Blind, Death’s Mark, Dead Legs

Musk Sedge: Restorative, Intelligence, Haste, Love

Rose Mallow: Plague, Stoic, Water, Necrotic

Scamp Stool: Corrosive, Lightning, Acidic, Health

Sea Lavender: Ward, Acidic, Ether, Courage

Skullcap: Boost, Necrotic, Brittle Bone, Disease

Spearwort: Toxic, Poison, Silence, Frogify

Spiderwort: Explosive, Dead Legs, Death’s Mark, Fear

Underwater Ingredients:

Algae: Restorative, Water Breathing, Regeneration, Recovery

Barnacles: Restorative, Water Breathing, Heal, Stone

Bladderwrack: Ward, Moon, Poison, Fortitude

Eelgrass: Explosive, Stoneskin, Talent, Brittle Bone

Elkhorn Coral: Boost, Lightning, Cold, Stoneskin

Feather Stars: Spellwork, Martial Skill, Confusion, Laden

Glassweed: Plague, Camouflage, Frenzy, Stone

Gracilaria: Explosive, Pseudorest Recovery, Relentless, Poison

Gulf Weed: Corrosive, Feather Fall, Water Breathing, Midas

Hypnea: Toxic, Confusion, Silence, Psychedelic

Kelp: Restorative, Haste, Water Breathing, Disease

Laurencia: Plague, Poisoned, Haste, Dead Legs

Mermaid’s Fan: Ward, Heal, Talent, Paralyze

Peacock's Tail: Spellwork, Psychedelic, Invisibility, Rust

Sea Anemone: Toxic, Acidic, Dead Legs, Ether

Sea Colander: Corrosive, Disease, Pseudorest Recovery, Alchemy Immunity

Sea Shell: Boost, Poison, Recovery, Brittle Bone

Urban Ingredients:

Carrot: Cooking, Sight, Magical, Laden

Cheese: Cooking, Fire, Martial, Black Pudding

Corn: Cooking, Dexterity, Lightning, Smoke

Dawn Sugar: Cooking, Charisma, Smoke, Radiant

Famous Pie: Cooking, Heal, Talent, Lure

Fennel Seeds: Cooking, Intelligence, Recovery, Grapeshot

Flax Seeds: Cooking, Recovery, Feather Fall, Grapeshot

Garlic: Cooking, Dexterity, Moon, Strength

Ginseng: Cooking, Moon, Laden, Health

Grapes: Cooking, Feather Fall, Ether, Black Pudding

Leek: Cooking, Charisma, Strength, Slow

Milk Thistle Seeds: Cooking, Glow, Cold, Grapeshot

Mugwort Seeds: Cooking, Heal, Grapeshot, Smoke

Onion: Cooking, Water Breathing, Sight, Moon

Pear: Cooking, Health, Recovery, Slow

Strawberry: Cooking, Talent, Reflect, Invisibility

Tobacco: Cooking, Ether, Smoke, Psychedelic

Tomato: Cooking, Sight, Laden, Levitation

Watermelon: Cooking, Ether, Glow, Laden


Aqua Quartz: Water Breathing

Flint: Martial

Rocksalt: Magical

Rose Quartz: Feather

Agate: Confusion

Turquoise: Slow

Yellow Quartz: Invisibility

Limestone: Talent

Amber: Suggestive

Sulfur: Lure

Jade: Fear

Pearl: Love

Sky Quartz: Levitation

Onyx: Silence

Silver Quartz: Bless

Fool's Gold: Stone

Obsidian: Bane

Black Quartz: Sight

Bloodstone: All Plague Poisons


Silver: Heal, Moon, Smoke

Tin: Charisma

Mercury: Glow

Platinum: Recovery

Titanium: Strength

Platinum: Recovery

Electrum: Intelligence

Gold: Ether

Copper: Wisdom

Lead: Black Pudding

Adamantium: Constitution

Iron: Health, Grapeshot

Mithral: Dexterity

Shrapnel: Grapeshot, Moon

Antimony: All Blade Venoms


Ruby: Fire

Aquamarine: Cold

Diamond: Radiant

Sapphire: Lightning

Emerald: Poison

Garnet: Reflect

Peridot: Acid

Amethyst: Necrotic

Moonstone: Moon

Plaguetouched Obsidian: All Plague Potions

Black Diamond: Ambrosia

Typical Organic Ingredients:

Tongue: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Ether

Nose/Beak: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Recovery

Eye: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Necrotic

Teeth: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Health

Marrow: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Fire

Pelt/Skin: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Acidic

Heart: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Heal

Liver: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Poison

Lungs: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Cold

Finger/Toe: Cooking, Blade Oil, Lure, Lightning

Special Organic Ingredients:

Creepy Crawlies:

  • Red Butterfly Wings - Heal
  • Blue Butterfly Wing - Deadly Poison
  • Emperor Moth Wings - Health
  • Moon Moth Wing - Health Bane
  • Orange Dragonfly - Recovery
  • Green Dragonfly - Deterioration
  • Honeycomb - Strength Boost
  • Queen Bee - Strength Bane
  • Hornet Larvae - Wisdom Boost
  • Hornet Sting - Wisdom Bane
  • Grasshopper - Reflect
  • Locust - Magical Vulnerability

Oozes & Oils:

  • Blubber Oil - Ether, Nether
  • Holy Oil - Radiant Vulnerability
  • Hunter's Oil - All Blade Venoms
  • Volitile Oil - All Bombs
  • Blue Ooze - Acid Ward
  • Grey Ooze - Acid Splash
  • Yellow Ooze - Acid Vulnerability
  • Black Pudding Goo - Black Pudding


  • Ancient Bone Meal - Constitution Boost
  • Wight Skin - Constitution Bane
  • Mummy Dust - Necrotic Ward
  • Mummy Wraps - Necrotic Vulnerability
  • Mummy's Withered Finger - Necrotic Splash


  • Falcon Feathers - Dexterity Boost
  • Hawk Egg - Dexterity Bane
  • Rat Tail - Intelligence Boost
  • Rat Pelt - Intelligence Bane
  • Peacock Feather - Charisma Boost
  • Peacock Beak - Charisma Bane
  • Monkey Brains - Talent
  • Monkey Paw - Inability
  • Boar Tusk - Martial Skill
  • Boar Tail - Martial Clumsiness
  • Raven Beak - Magical Skill
  • Raven Egg - Magical Clumsiness


  • Salamander Tail - Fire Ward
  • Salamander Tongue - Fire Vulnerability
  • Salamander Blood - Fire Splash
  • Yeti Claw - Cold Ward
  • Yeti Fur - Cold Vulnerability
  • Yeti Blood - Cold Blood
  • Thunderbird Beak - Lightning Ward
  • Thunderbird Feathers - Lightning Vulnerability
  • Thunderbird Blood - Lightning Blood
  • Naga Fang - Poison Ward
  • Naga Eye - Poison Vulnerability
  • Griffon Plume - Feather
  • Angel Feather - Bless
  • Fairy Wing - Levitate
  • Imp Tail - Invisibility
  • Aboleth Gill - Water Breathing
  • Sphinx Mane - Sight
  • Monstrous Spider Silk - Fear
  • Succubus Tongue - Love
  • Giant Snail Slime - Slow
  • Displacer Beast Tendril - Silence
  • Otyugh Spores - Confusion
  • Fiend's Blood - Bane
  • Gorgon Eye - Stone
  • Aberrant's Tentacle - Suggestive
  • Purple Worm Blood - Lure


  • Thrice Blessed Incense - Radiant Ward
  • Luminescent Biomatter - Glow

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.

  1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement.

  2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

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    Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

The Only Guide to Alchemy You'll Ever Need

This was inspired by the fantastic works of Connor Weston /u/Crumy_Taleteller.

Enjoy the new Mechanic for brewing potions and poisons in the world’s greatest role-playing game.

This is Book 1 of thelittledarkone's Advanced Rulebook for 5e collection. Keep your eye's open for the upcoming Book 2: Crafting, Tinkering and Blacksmithing.

Adapted by: thelittledarkone

Cover Art: Ray Lederer

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