Lead Designer:
Inspired and Apapted from the works of:
/u/Zarieth click here for the original
/u/Oramac1968 click here for the original
/u/varansl click here for the original
/u/RW_Blackbird click here for the original
Art Direction:
Additional Graphic Design:
Jared Ondricek (/u/flamableconcrete)-Watercolor Stains
Blackthorn Theme
A theme for GM binder by /u/blckthorn
There is also a dark version.
The old version of the theme is still around.
Cover Illustrator:
Interior Illustrators:
Artist/Company | Link | Name | Page |
sirtiefling | deviantart.com | The Accursed Shadow | 4 |
Jacques GAIMARD | pixabay.com | Cats Eyes | 6-7 |
William Edward Frost | narrativepainting.net | The Witches | 8-9 |
Angeline 1 | pixabay.com | Spooky Graveyard | 10-11 |
wallpaperaccess.com | wallpaperaccess.com | Dark Witch | 12-13 |
brietolga | deviantart.com | Enchantress Helga | 14 |
anacorreal | deviantart.com | Safe Inside Myself II | 15 |
wallpaperflare.com | wallpaperflare.com | Witch | 19-20 |
wallpapercave.com | wallpapercave.com | Witchcraft | 22 |
Product Manager:
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
OGL Located on the Last Page
Additional Credits
Thanks to the Artists, Writers and Contributers in the TTRPG Fantasy community, you make working with this content a real pleasure. And thanks to WotC for making a great game.
A special thanks to:
- /u/Hillsy7 for reminding me to refine the action economy of the class;
- /u/xionon for reminding me to balance the whole class and not just the individual components
- /u/shantsui for general feedback regarding wording, mechanics and flavour etc.
Constructive feedback is key to helping content writers produce solid mechanics and so I am always very appreciative of the time people like this, and everyone else, puts into reading and reviewing my work.

Table of Contents

The Witch
With a frog in her pocket and a cat by her legs, a young, ostracized half-elf casts charms upon the vegetation of her 'haunted' grotto home.
A tattooed halfling with an unmistakable darkness in her eyes, passes a bag of hexes to a dark shadowy figure in exchange for coins.
A trio of humans dance and chant in unison over a bubbling and broiling cauldron under the light of a full moon.
A pale man's eyes roll back as he makes contact with the recently deceased. Loved ones look on with tears in their eyes in the hopes saying goodbye to one they have lost.
Witches are practitioners of hedge magic, a simple and traditional magic that predates the endeavors of the Wizardry Colleges. Their love for freedom and refusal to answer to any authority other than their own has earned them powerful enemies within the established order. These enemies hunt them, spread rumours about them, and even convince those who oft need a witches aid, to shun and fear them. Some witches are happy with a hermits solitude, helping those that truly need it, when the opportunity arises. Others hold the most terrible of grudges for their status as pariahs and seek to enact an often, horrifying revenge upon those who would banish them into the wild.
Free and Independent
A witch is defined by her need for independence and even when she joins a coven of like-minded witches, her freedom is still considered more important than her new chosen family. That said, many witches are still more than happy to aid others and find it in their nature to help those that treat them with respect. Of course, this respect is often shown in the form of some kind of price or favor, but it can be anything, really, provided that the witch deems it fitting.
Although history has been entirely re-written by those who seek to destroy the uncontrollable spirits of the witches, those of the covens all know the truth about their history. The witches were the first of the healers, apothecaries and miracle workers as far back as the times of pre-history. The magic they wield may be simple and unrefined but it holds as much potency in the right hands as any wizards formally trained magecraft does.
Despite the solitary life a witch is forced to lead, she is very seldom alone. She is often accompanied by one, two, three or sometimes more, small animals that seem eerily attached to her. These familiars not only follow the witches commands perfectly, but their presence also seems to empower and invigorate her. Woe be to the fool who harms a witches precious familiar for a witch is quick to anger and her scorn is all to often permanent.
Mercantile Hedge Mages
Living on the outskirts of society, the witch finds herself with few ways to earn money. More often than not, however, she has no shortage of poor villagers who seek her aid and as any intelligent and enterprising individual would, she is perfectly comfortable with extracting a simple 'offering' from those who would use her and her talents.
Payment to a witch can come in all manner of things and she will demand whatever it is that she desires no matter how odd or cruel the price may be to those in need. Witches are happy to help, but if society wishes to treat them as monsters, members of that society will certainly pay for the monsters kindness. That said, the witch will usually not ask anything from an individual that they cannot pay, and despite the sometimes abhorrent price, most are willing to pay it for what the desire. As far as the witch sees it,
'Who is more abhorrent? She who demands a child as payment, or those who give a child as payment.'
Creating a Witch
As you make your witch character, spend some time thinking about your background and the philosophy of how you conduct yourself when faced with those who shun you. Consider which Coven you will join to better understand who you are as a witch and what you plan to do with your talents. What led you to practice witchcraft? Were you raised as a witch, taken as a child by a witch or a coven of witches? Did you begin learning witchcraft as a means of empowering yourself enough to break the chains of servitude you always felt was unjust? Did you discover a hex book and start meddling with the simple magics contained within? Did you turn to a witch and implore her to teach you so that you might take revenge on one who had wronged you so egregiously?
Consider the nature with which you use your talent. Do you sell yourself as a healer or as a purveyor of charms and potions. Do you deal in the sordid matters of vengeance and sell hexes and delicious foods with horrifying side effects. How do you treat your familiars? Are they tools to be used in order to achieve your machinations or are they friends and companions whose company you couldn't do without.

The Witch
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Familiar Bonds | Features | Cantrips Known |
Max Ritual Level |
Hex Slots |
1st | +2 | - | Hedge Magic, Witches Hex | 3 | 1st | 2 |
2nd | +2 | 1 | Witch's Familiar | 3 | 1st | 3 |
3rd | +2 | 1 | Witch's Coven, Coven Casting | 3 | 2nd | 3 |
4th | +2 | 1 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 2nd | 4 |
5th | +3 | 1 | Re-occuring Hex, Athame | 4 | 3rd | 4 |
6th | +3 | 1 | The Quickening, Coven Feature | 4 | 3rd | 5 |
7th | +3 | 2 | Pariah's Thick Skin | 4 | 4th | 5 |
8th | +3 | 2 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 4th | 6 |
9th | +4 | 2 | Quickened Hex | 5 | 5th | 6 |
10th | +4 | 2 | Coven Feature | 5 | 5th | 7 |
11th | +4 | 2 | Creative Hexing | 5 | 6th | 7 |
12th | +4 | 2 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 | 6th | 8 |
13th | +5 | 3 | Blessing of Mother Night | 6 | 6th | 8 |
14th | +5 | 3 | Coven Feature | 6 | 6th | 9 |
15th | +5 | 3 | Twisted Broom | 6 | 6th | 9 |
16th | +5 | 3 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 6th | 10 |
17th | +6 | 3 | Persistent Hexing | 6 | 6th | 10 |
18th | +6 | 3 | Witches Hut | 6 | 6th | 11 |
19th | +6 | 3 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 6th | 11 |
20th | +6 | 4 | Hex Master | 6 | 6th | 12 |
Quick Build
You can make a witch quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution and Dexterity. Second, select the Hermit background. Third, select the chill touch, guidance, and light cantrips.
Class Features
As a Witch, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Witch level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Witch level after 1st
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, quarterstaffs, sickles, slings
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saving Throws: Constitution and Intelligence
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion, Religion, Slieght of Hand and Survival.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus or
(c) a druidic focus - (a) a priest's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
- Any simple weapon and two daggers

Hedge Magic
Your arcane research and the magic learned in wild solitude have given you facility with a few ritual spells. See Spells Rules for the general rules of spellcasting and rituals and the Spells Listing for the witch spell list is detailed at the end of this class.
You know three cantrips of your choice from the witch spell list. You learn additional witch cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Witch table.
Ritual Casting
All Witch spells of 1st level or higher, on the witch spell list, are cast using the ritual tag, even if they wouldn't normally have it. For this reason, you do not gain spell slots as usual and you need not prepare spells in order to cast them.
When casting a ritual, you must have your Ritual Tome open and in front of you for the entire ritual and the spell effects only take effect at the end of the ritual.
Ritual Tome
Witches carry a tome of rituals that they have learned and discovered over their years of practicing hedge magic.
Your Ritual Tome starts off containing two 1st-level rituals of your choice from the witch spell list. You may add an additional ritual to your tome every time you gain a Witch level but the tome may only carry rituals up to a level equal to the Max Ritual Level column on the Witch table.
Copying a Ritual - You may copy additional rituals into your Ritual Tome from another Witches Ritual Tome. The process costs 2 hours and 50gp per spell level of the ritual being copied. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it.
Replacing the Tome - You may create a backup Ritual Tome by copying any rituals from your Ritual Tome to a new one at a cost of 1 hour and 10gp per spell level of the ritual being copied. If you lose your Ritual Tome, you would need to start again and create a new Ritual Tome. For this reason, many Witches create backup Ritual Tomes in a safe place, in case of emergency.
The Book’s Appearance - Your Ritual Tome is a unique compilation of rituals, with its own decorative flourishes and margin notes. It might be a plain, functional leather volume that you received as a gift from your teacher, a finely bound gilt-edged tome you found in a coven library, or even a loose collection of notes scrounged together after you lost your previous Ritual Tome in a mishap.
Spell Slots of 1st Level or Higher
As a witch, you do not have access to spell slots at all. The only way for you to cast spells of 1st level or higher is to cast them as a ritual.
Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your witch spells, so you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a witch spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane or druidic focus as a spellcasting focus for your witch spells.
Witch's Hex
As a Witch you have access to a selection of Hexes that can be used to hamper your foes efforts.
As an action, you can place a curse on a creature that you can see within 90ft of you. Select 2 hex effects from the Hexes section of this supplement, the target suffers from these effects until the hex ends.
You must concentrate on the hex as if concentrating on a spell and the duration of the Witches hex is up to 1 hour. At 9th level, the duration increases to 8 hours and at 13th level it increases to 24 hours. The hex ends early if all of its effects end or if removed with a Remove Curse, Greater Restoration or Wish spell.
You may do this a number of times as shown in the Hex Slots column of the class table, per long rest.
Hex slots can be used in the same way as spell slots for the purposes of racial or feat magic. Whenever a racial feature or feature states that the spells can be used with any spell slots that a creature has, you may use hex slots instead. The level of the Hex Slots are equal to one quarter your witch class level (rounded up).
More advanced hexes are available at later levels but may only be used a limited number of times per long rest and one of the effects chosen, must always be a basic hex effect:
- From 5th level, you may use Advanced hexes up to 4 times per Long Rest.
- From 9th level, you may use Greater Hexes up to 3 times per Long Rest.
- From 13th level, you may use Grand Hexes twice per Long Rest.
- From 17th level, you may use Master Hexes once per Long Rest.

Witch's Familiar
Also at 2nd level you can call the spirits of long dead witches to form a familiar to serve you. You may cast the Find Familiar spell once per long rest to call one familiar into your service. You do not need material components for this casting and it must be cast as a ritual spell. During this time, you speak the invocations required to summon the spirit of a witch forth and shape it into the form of an animal.
The familiar follows the same rules as in the Find Familiar spell except that it must be of creature type: celestial, fiend or fey and it's stat block changes in the following ways:
- Armor Class Gain a bonus to AC equal to your Int modifier
- Hit Points Gain a bonus to Hit Points equal to your witch levelx2
- Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened
- Languages understands the languages you speak
- Spirit Nature all witch familiars do not require food, drink, air or sleep.
- Always Near you cannot dismiss your familiar into a pocket dimension
The familiar grants a passive benefit to you provided that it is within 100ft of you and you haven't dismissed it into a pocket dimension. The nature of the passive benefit is listed below under the Familiar Spirits section. Later you may gain additional familiars as shown in the Familiar Bonds column of the Witch class table.
All bonded familiars must be of the same creature type (celestial, fiend or fey) which you may change for all familiars during a long rest for free.
DM Note - Familiars
Familiars are the spirits of long dead witches and it may be useful for the player (and the DM) to allow them to offer snippets of advice to the witch during a long rest.
This could be done in a similar way that the Aasimar communicates with its Angelic Guide. This is of course purely optional however.
Witch's Coven
From 3rd level, your power as a witch grows and is molded by your choice of coven. You can join any coven of your choice, but you must commit yourself to the spiritual philosophy of the coven and in return, the coven is responsible for keeping track of their members and sharing knowledge among each other.
Coven Casting
Also at 3rd level, Witches are used to aiding other spellcasters and casting spells in a group or circle. You may take the help action on your turn to help a spellcaster that you can see, within 30 ft of you attempt to cast a spell. Before the spellcaster casts a spell on its next turn, but after he has declared the spell he intends to cast, you may give one of the following benefits to the spell:
- The spellcaster gains advantage on the spells attack roll
- Increase the spell save DC by a number equal to your proficiency bonus / 2 (rounded up).
- Reduce a Ritual by a number of minutes equal to your proficiency bonus (must be coven casting for the entire ritual).
- At 11th level, add your Charisma modifier to any of the spell's damage rolls.
- At 11th level, the caster may use you as the casting point for the spell when determining range and line of sight.
- At 15th level, you may take concentration of the cast spell if the friendly caster allows you to take it. The spell remains in control of the original caster and whilst you are concentrating on that spell, you cannot use the Coven Casting feature again until you stop concentrating.
- At 15th level, you may allow the caster to roll an additional damage dice of the same size, each time they roll the maximum number on a damage dice when determining the next spell's damage.
- At 20th level, when the caster casts the spell, you may also cast the spell at the same spell level by using your reaction and a hex slot.
If multiple witches perform coven casting on the same spellcaster, they must each choose a different option from the list of help actions.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Re-occuring Hex
At 5th level, if a creature drops to 0 HP whilst under the effects of your Witches Hex, you can use a bonus action on your next subsequent turn to curse a new creature without expending another hex slot. You must use the same Hex effects on the new target and the new target takes any test applicable as normal.

Also at 5th level, you may enchant a dagger, turning it into an athame and imbuing it with the primal magics. The athame may be used as a spellcasting focus for your witch spells. Whenever you cast a witch cantrip through your athame and deal damage, you can replace the cantrip’s damage type with necrotic damage. If you choose to do so, you gain a bonus to the necrotic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
If you lose your athame, you can spend the course of a long rest enchanting a new dagger.
The Quickening
At 6th level, you gain the ability to enter a trance known as the witch’s quickening, letting you see beyond the borders of the material world. As an action you can enter this trance to see into the Ethereal Plane up to 60 feet. Additionally you also gain insight into the emotional energy surrounding you, you know if and what spirits are bound within 60 feet, and you gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
Whilst in this trance, your vision is warped and distorted by the emotions and presence of the spirits around you. You suffer disadvantage to all attacks you make as well as all Wisdom (Perception) checks whilst in this trance.
The trance lasts for 1 minute, or until you end it as an action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Pariah's Thick Skin
From 7th level, you gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws
Quickened Hex
From 9th level, you may use your Witches Hex feature by using a bonus action instead of an action. You may only ever use you Witches Hex feature once per turn.
Creative Hexing
From 11th level, you may add a third effect whenever you use the Witches Hex feature against a creature.
Blessing of Mother Night
From 13th level, you are shielded from divination magic as if you were under the protection of a Nondetection spell.
Twisted Broom
From 15th level, you gain the ability to transform an ordinary broom into a magical broom, growing gnarled and twisted as you do so. The broom has a flying speed of 30 feet, and is only large enough to seat you and your familiars.
While riding it, your twisted broom can be used as a spellcasting focus, and has all the benefits your athame would have.
Persistent Hexing
From 17th level, your Witches Hex can no longer be removed by the Remove Curse spell.
Witch's Hut
From 18th level, over the course of 10 minutes, you can animate a hut, tent, wagon, or similar object that is no greater than 15 feet on any side. This is as if you had cast the animate objects spell on the object, no concentration required. The hut gains the following statistics:
Size | HP | AC | Attack | Str | Dex |
Gargantuan | 100 | 10 | +9 to hit 2d12 + 5 damage | 20 | 6 |
In addition to the above statistics, the hut gains an additional number of hit points equal to your witch's level, additional armor class equal to your Intelligence modifier and it gains the ability to attack twice if it takes the Attack action.
This animated hut remains animated so long as you wish it to be and only ends early if the animated hut is reduced to 0 hit points or if you animate another hut using this ability. If the animated hut is reduced to 0 hit points, the hut is completely destroyed and can not be targeted by this ability again.
When you animate a hut, it grows a set of appropriate legs of your choice to allow it to walk around. This could be massive tree roots, chicken legs or undead skeletons that carry the hut. Any entrances to enter the hut are under the effects of an arcane lock spell while the hut is animated, you set the password when you use this ability.
Hex Master
From 20th level, you have fully mastered the art of hexing, you no longer need to concentrate on the the Witches Hex at all and the duration of your hexes are now permanent.

The coven that a witch joins exemplifies the witch's personal philosophy. When entering a coven, the witch gains abilities which align with these core philosophies. Though witches of different covens can hold similar opinions on matters of spirits, hexes, charms and magic, it is important to think on how each coven's teachings shape your character's attitudes towards how they use their abilities.
Each Coven gains its own version of some of the witches core abilities and the following features are found in every coven listing.
Coven Laws
Although Witches value their freedom above all other things, this does not mean that they completely disregard laws. Covens often have a set of laws that its members must always adhere to in order to remain a part of the collective.
These laws must be followed by every witch and should they be disobeyed, severe consequences will follow from the witches coven.
Although the Laws may differ from coven to coven and branch to branch, the basic principles of each Law are as follows.
- Always Care For Your Sisters - If a witch of your own Coven is in need of shelter or aid, you are reasonably obliged to help her however you can.
- Always Show Respect to the Matriarch - When the Head of any Coven is in your presence, always show her the proper respect and reverence owed to her station.
- Respect the Craft - Childish abuse of witchcraft will not be tolerated and the power you wield must only be used when necessary to further your own or the covens goals.
- Respect the Crafter - Although you do not owe other witches from other covens your aid, you do owe them your respect and you will be civil and courteous to each other at all times.
- Protect the Coven - Do not do anything that directly or indirectly endangers the Coven or your Sisters. Infractions will be answers with swift wrath.
- Maintain Our Philosophy - Always adhere to the philosophies of the coven and try to ensure that your goals are synchronous with the Coven's.
- Keep Our Traditions - Where reasonable, you will always try to attend the Coven's festivals, join in with the rituals and play an active part in the Coven's community.
Coven Cantrips
When you take a Coven at 3rd level, each Coven grants you two additional cantrips these cantrips count as witch spells for you and cannot be switched out by any means.

Coven of Wiccans
Witches of the Coven of Wiccans are amongst the oldest practitioners of occult ritual of all the covens. They hold to there traditions vehemently and pride themselves on their practice of "old magic".
This old magic they refer to are the pentacle circles, powerful circles meant to either protect or harass those within them.
Coven of Wiccans Cantrips
You gain the Control Flames and Create Bonfire cantrips
Pentacle Circle
At 3rd level, you may use an action to create a magic pentacle circle on a point centered on yourself. The circle extends to a 15ft radius around the point of origin and lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Intelligence modifier or until you dismiss it as a bonus action, fall unconscious or die. You may use this feature a total number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
When you gain this feature, you know the Protection Pentacle. Other types of Pentacle are acquired as you gain levels in this class.
Protection Pentacle
- Any creature friendly to you, within this circle gains a +1 bonus to its AC.
- At 6th level, all friendly creatures within the circle gain advantage on all saving throws and the AC bonus increases to +2.
- At 14th level, the circle radius increases to 25ft and the AC bonus increases to +3.
Warding Pentacle
Beginning at 6th level, When using your Pentacle Circle you may lay a Warding Pentacle rather than a Protection Pentacle. The Warding Pentacle provides the following benefits:
- Any creature friendly to you, within this circle gains advantage on saves vs spells, and hostile spellcasters have disadvantage to hit with spell attacks.
- At 14th level, when this circle is laid, all non-permanent magic is canceled within this circle up to a maximum spell level equal to your proficiency bonus. Also all hostile creatures within the circle must make a save using their spellcasting ability against your spell save DC at the start of each of their turns. On a fail, they cannot cast spells for that turn.
Maddening Pentacle
Beginning at 10th level, When using your Pentacle Circle you may lay a Maddening Pentacle rather than a Protection Pentacle. The Maddening Pentacle provides the following benefits:
- Any creatures hostile to you, within this circle must pass an Charisma check at the beginning of each of their turns or suffer from a random short term madness until the circle ends. Creatures can only be inflicted with one short term madness from each circle.
- At 14th level, if they fail the Charisma check and they suffer from a short term madness, they must use their turn to move directly toward their nearest ally and make a full attack action on it.
Destabilizing Pentacle
Also at 10th level, When using your Pentacle Circle you may lay a Destabilizing Pentacle rather than a Protection Pentacle. The Destabilizing Pentacle provides the following benefits:
- Any creature hostile to you, within this circle has disadvantage on all of its attacks and have their movement speeds halved.
- At 14th level, the circle radius increases to 25ft and hostile creatures within the circle must pass a constitution test when the circle is laid. On a fail they are immediately expelled from the circle and suffer 1 level of exhaustion.
Revitalizing Pentacle
Beginning at 14th level, When using your Pentacle Circle you may lay a Revitalizing Pentacle rather than a Protection Pentacle. The Revitalizing Pentacle provides the following benefits:
- Any creature friendly to you, within this circle removes the poisoned status at the start of their turn and is immune to the poisoned status whilst they remain in the circle.
- All friendly creatures within the circle heal for 1d4 Hit Points every round that they are within the circle's radius
- When the Pentacle Circle ends, if the creature is still inside its radius, they are fully cured of all diseases affecting them.

Coven of Widows
The Coven of Widows subscribes to a philosophy that all spiritual entities are connected by a collective consciousness. They use this knowledge to surmount power over the spiritual realm itself. The Coven of Widows is perhaps more sympathetic to the spirits of witches bound as familiars. Witches of this coven tend to see familiars as allies instead of tools. They trust the spirits more than other covens and commune with them more deeply and thoroughly so as to learn from their ancient experience.
Coven of Widows Cantrips
You gain the Toll the Dead and Decompose (Critical Role Homebrew) cantrips
Undead Servants
All familiars in your service may take the undead type as their creature type although they will still use the stat blocks of small animals as noted in the find familiar spell.
Commune with Spirits
Beginning at 3rd level, you invoke the spirits of long dead witches during your long rest and gain expertise with any one skill of your choice, that requires Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom. You can invoke a different spirit over the course of a long rest to change the skill to another.
Lingering Bonds
At 6th level, your body and soul develop the ability to compel spirits to linger a little longer. When one of your familiars dies, you may have the spirit linger in the spot it died in a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. The spirit cannot move and you continue to gain its benefit as long as you are within 100ft of it.
Ethereal Home
At 10th level, you become so accustomed to the spirit world that you no longer feel the ill effects of peering into it. You no longer suffer from disadvantage to your attacks or Wisdom (Perception) checks whilst in the Quickening trance.
Additionally, you may have the trance last for up to a number of minutes equal to your proficiency bonus.
Pale Host
At 14th level, if you are reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright, you are not knocked unconscious and your body becomes possessed by one of your familiars while you have 0 hit points. You remain conscious and possessed in this way for a number of rounds equal to half the possessing familiar's remaining hit points (rounded down). The familiar dies as a result of taking possession of you. You still must make death saving throws, and you suffer the normal effects of taking damage or regaining hit points while at 0 hit points.
Onlookers notice a strangeness in your movements, eyes, and voice while you remain possessed. While possessed, you can use your action on your turn to summon spirits of angry or bitter witches from the ethereal plane to attack your enemies. You summon 1d6 specters each turn that are loyal to you and your allies and who act immediately after you, moving directly towards the nearest foe and attacking them relentlessly. At the start of each of your turns, the specters disappear and you must use an action on your turn to summon them again.
You may use this feature once per long rest.

Coven of Hags
It could be that they seek revenge or that they want to fulfill some master plan but either way, witches of the Coven of Hags care nothing for the living and almost as little for the familiars they bind to servitude. They make great use of hexes to cause chaos among villages, sowing the seeds of destruction so that they may be easier prey for their diabolical schemes. By harnessing the raw power of the beyond, they can remove all manner of obstacles in varied and often humorous ways.
Coven of Hags Cantrips
You gain the Chill Touch and Prestigitation cantrips
Gaze of the Hag
From 3rd level, you can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 60 feet.
Additionally, you can cast Detect Magic at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.
Expendable Minions
At 6th level, you may use the Health of your familiars to power your hexes. You can sacrifice any of your familiars (killing it), that are within 100ft of you, to regain one hex spell slot.
Hag's Eye
At 10th level, you may cast Arcane Eye at will without the need of material components. Whilst the eye is active, one of your own eyes disappears. You immediately regain the missing eye once the spell ends.
Hex Bag
At 14th level, over the course of a short rest, you can create a hex bag. You may hide it in any location or send one of your familiars to place it somewhere for you. If one or more creatures spend 1 hour within 100ft of the hex bag, so long as you are within 10 miles of it, you can use an action to choose one of the curses, detailed below.
For each hour the creatures spend within 100ft of the hex bag, you may choose an additional curse. Creatures can only be effected by each curse once in a 24 hour period and all effects end early if the hex bag is destroyed.
All saving throws are made against your spell save DC. A creature that is immune to being charmed automatically succeeds on their saving throws.
- Sickness - Each creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 24 hours.
- Fatigue - Each creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or they are unable to gain the effects of a long rest and they suffer a level of exhaustion.
- Terror - Each creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of a number of creatures of your choice equal to your Intelligence modifier and is known to you and the target. If multiple creatures are affected by your hex bag, they are frightened of the same creatures. This effect lasts for 24 hours
- Love - Each creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or become charmed by you for 24 hours.
- Forgetfulness - Each creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or forget one important thing for 24 hours. This can be how to read, how to speak, what their best friend looks like etc. You choose what they forget.
- Harassment - Each creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or become randomly harassed by an invisible assailant that throws household items at it. It takes 4d12 bludgeoning damage and the contents of the room are thrown around in random directions. When you use this option, the creature gains advantage on all future Intelligence(Arcana) checks made to realize it is under the effects of a hex bag.
You can only have one hex bag at a time. A creature knows it is under the effects of a hex bag with a successful Intelligence(Arcana) check against your spell save DC and it may take this test once every 24 hours and may take this test each time you activate one of the hex bag effects.
A creature that knows it is under the effects of a hex bag can find and destroy the bag with a successful Wisdom(Perception) or Intelligence(Investigation) check against your spell save DC + 1d4 (roll once to determine the DC for all checks).
Coven of Crones
Witches of the Coven of Crones are well known to teeter on the precipice of the abyss of madness. They desire ruin and destruction above all else and seek to cause chaos everywhere they go. Most members of this Coven were subject to a truly horrifying ordeal at some point in their life and as such they have been left with very little but the tattered shreds of their sanity.
Some speculate that much of this is in fact an act and that the crones do actually have a plan to seize power in the midst of the chaos tat they cause. This theory has largely been dismissed as the desperate ramblings of those who would try to make sense of the madness and un bridled chaos that the Crones bring.
Coven of Crones Cantrips
You gain the Shocking Grasp and Message cantrips

At 3rd level, as a bonus action, you can cackle maddeningly and all creatures within 30 feet who can hear you take a 1d4 penalty on their saving throws against your hexes until the start of your next turn. If a creature can't hear you or is immune to being charmed, this feature has no effect on them.
You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest.
Madness Ever-Present
At 6th level, as a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of a target cursed by your Witches Hex. To teleport in this way, you must be able to see the cursed target.
Frightful Mania
At 10th level, a creature within 30 feet of you, who fails a saving throw against one of your hexes, becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
Additionally, you are immune to being frightened but suffer disadvantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
Purge Sanity
At 14th level, once per long rest you can attempt to complete destroy a creatures sanity. As an action, choose a target that you can see within 60ft. The target must pass an Intelligence save or take 5d6 psychic damage as their mind, body and soul are torn to shreds leaving them little more than a gibbering mess.
They are stunned until the end of your next turn in which case, you may use your action to have them retake the Intelligence save again. If they fail they take a further 5d6 psychic damage and are stunned until your next turn, when you may use your action to do this again.
If the creature ever passes the test or if you do not use your action to continue the effect. All effects end and the creature gains permanent immunity to this feature.

Coven of Maidens
Witches of the Coven of Maidens tap deep into the emotions which govern all creatures' behaviours. They use these emotions as signposts and guides to manipulate the desires and shape the aspirations of the living. They believe that benevolent guidance is key to helping individuals realize a fulfilling future. By harnessing the good will of those one helps, one can gain absolute control over the hearts and minds of those around them.
Coven of Maidens Cantrips
You gain the Guidance and Sapping Sting cantrips
Witches of the Coven of Maidens are famous for creating charms and favors that aid others. What is less known, is that these charms also allow the witch to keep tabs and better manipulate those around her.
Starting from 3rd level, you may perform a 10 minute ritual to turn a simple trinket into a charm. The charm has 1d4 charges on it and you may not benefit from the use of these charges. The number of charges increases to 1d6 at 10th level and 1d8 at 14th level. Once all charges are spent the charm reverts back to a simple trinket. The trinket still counts as one of your charms for the purposes of other features.
You may have a number equal to your Intelligence modifier of these charms bound to you at a time and if you create more, the oldest charm looses all potency.
You always know where your charms are within 10 miles of you and the creature carrying your charm has disadvantage on all contested skill tests or ability saves against you. It is aware that the charm is why it struggles to resist you but must use an action and pass a Wisdom save against your spell save DC to throw the charm away. This save cannot have disadvantage or advantage imposed on the roll and if the creature fails this test, it must wait another 24 hours in order to try again.
Lucky Charm
At 3rd level, a creature carrying your charm may expend a charge to use a Luck Point as if it had the Lucky feat (see the Lucky feat in PHB for more details).
Always a Friendly Face
From 6th Level, you gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills, if you already have proficiency in these skills, you may choose another skill to gain proficiency in instead.
Additionally, you can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot.
At 10th level, a creature carrying your charm may expend a charge, as a reaction to being hit with an attack, to gain resistance to one damage type until the end of the turn.
Charm of Good Health
At 14th level, whenever the creature carrying one of your charms is healed by a spell or class feature that restores hit points to the creature, it can expend a charge from the charm to empower the effect and maximize all of the healing dice.

Coven of Queens
Witches of the Coven of Queens know that everything living has a reflection in the otherworld, and everything dead must reciprocate. Their craft is full of risk and reward, and through reflections, they come to understand and manipulate those outcomes. The Witches of the Coven of Queens are by far the most successful of the covens, many having shaped the destiny of entire empires at one time or another.
Coven of Queens Cantrips
You gain the Vicious Mockery and Thaumaturgy cantrips
Looking Glass
At 3rd level you gain a Tiny trinket known as a Soul Mirror. As an action you can face the mirror at a creature you can see and capture its reflection. The reflection remains captured until you release it as a bonus action or use this feature again.
As an action while you have a reflection captured, you can speak the name of the target to create an invisible sensor within 10 feet of it. The soul mirror then shows the view from the sensor as if it were there, instead of a reflection. The sensor moves with the target, remaining within 10 feet of it until the target's reflection is released. A creature that can see invisible objects sees the sensor as a translucent disc the size of your soul mirror.
If you lose your Soul Mirror, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to summon a replacement. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous mirror. The mirror shatters when you die.
Symapthetic Magic
At 6th level, if you have captured a creatures reflection with your soul mirror, you may release that reflection and use it to cast one ritual from your coven ritual list or your Hex or Coven Hex spell on the target from anywhere on the same plane of existence. This may be done only once per day and the process releases the targets reflection from the soul mirror as part of the ritual. Creatures that are immune to divination magic, are immune to this feature.
If the ritual does not target a creature, you may still cast the spell but the target point will be within 5ft from the target creature. After you have cast the ritual, if it requires concentration, you may concentrate on it for the full duration and you may manipulate any ongoing effects as if you were there. Whilst concentrating on the ritual, you see the creature and sense it's emotional state as well as it's surroundings but you do not automatically comprehend it's location.
You are considered unconscious in the spot in which you cast the ritual for as long as you concentrate on it. You are aware of any damage you take but not aware of anything else that happens to you whilst you are unconscious. Once you end concentration on the spell, you immediately regain consciousness.
Soul Cloak
Beginning at 10th level, you can assume the form of the creature whose reflection you trapped in your soul mirror
as an action. When you do so, the reflection is released
and magically transforms into a disguise that appears on
you. You now look like the creature, but flipped horizontally like a reflection. This disguise lasts for 1 hour or until you
end it as a bonus action.
While you're in the disguise you can perfectly mimic
the mannerisms, speech patterns, accent, and other superficial qualities of the original creature. Another
creature can see through this disguise by succeeding
on a Wisdom (Insight) check with disadvantage against
your spell save DC. Once you use this feature, you can't
use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Dark Reflection
At 14th level, once per long rest, you can use your action to compel a creature you can see within 60 feet to look at a warped illusion of itself. The target sees you as a wretched, horrifying version of itself — a visage that manipulates it with its insecurities and plays on its fears. You cast Geas spell on the target for free without the need for material components. When cast in this way, the target is also frightened of you for the duration, and the duration of the spell is seven years.

Coven of Immortals
Witches of the Coven of Immortals exist for one single purpose, to evade death by any means necessary. Over the many centuries of collective study, they have created and refined numerous techniques for cheating death, the most incredible being soul transference.
The study of these most forbidden arts comes with a heavy price however, for the souls of the immortals may never pass into the afterlife and are doomed to nothingness should they fail in the pursuit of eternal life.
To this day none recorded have succeeded in living forever and many philosophers argue that the attempt itself is pure folly. The coven of immortals respectfully disagrees.
Coven of Immortals Cantrips
You gain the Ray of Frost and Spare the Dying cantrips
A Cruel Fate in Limbo
When you take this coven at 3rd level, your soul will never pass into the afterlife and you can never be revived by any means at all. If you die and no longer benefit from this feature, your spirit disappears and only returns many years later when summoned to become a familiar for another witch.
Immortal Vitality
Also at 3rd level, you may use a hex slot to cast the spell Cure Wounds on yourself. The spells level is equal to your proficiency bonus.
Death is a Choice
At 6th level, you have advantage on all death saving throws and three successes restore you to 1 health point automatically.
Body Snatch
From 10th level, you may also choose to possess the corpse of a creature that has been dead no longer than a week and is of size small or medium, using an hour long ritual. Your previous body crumbles to dust immediately after the ritual is complete and you lose your previous racial features and gain those of the new body.
Refuse Death by Any Means
At 14th level, your communion with spirits and dabbling in hedge magics has left an imprint on your soul, making your own spirit cling to life a little harder. If you are killed, your body decomposes to nothing in a matter of seconds but your soul will latch on to the closest inanimate object currently being worn or carried by another creature. You remain in the object and do not depart for the afterlife. While locked to this item, it becomes magical if it isn't already
You may telepathically speak to the user. This communication cannot be stopped in any way. You may return to life by possessing the corpse of a creature that has been dead no longer than a week and is of size small or medium. You lose your previous racial features and gain those of the new body.
You may use this feature once per full moon cycle (4 weeks).
Coven of Hermits
Witches of the Coven of Hermits are wild by nature and value freedom above all other things. They tend to live their lives in isolation and often form deep relationships with their familiars, however, during the lunar festivals, these witches gather in large numbers and celebrate the changing of the seasons together with parties that last for many days. They favor life giving magics and ply their trade largely as healers and doctors for those who make the journey into their enchanted grottos.
Coven of Hermits Cantrips
You gain the Primal Savagery and Druidcraft cantrips
Friends with Trees
All familiars in your service may take the plant type as their creature type although they will still use the stat blocks of small animals as noted in the find familiar spell.
Flora Familiar
At 3rd level, when you take this coven, you may call and bind spirits to mundane plants rather than calling normal familiars. The spirits keep mundane plants alive for as long as they are bound to them but the plant can sill be destroyed. If you plant a mundane plant with a spirit bound to it, it acts as a magical plant, grows at 10 times the normal rate and increases the range with which you can gain the passive ability from 100ft to a number of miles equal to your witch level. If the plant is destroyed you immediately know that it has been destroyed.
Green Speech
At 6th level, you can cast Speak with Plants at will, without expending a spell slot.
Enchanted Grotto
At 10th level, you can perform a ritual lasting 1 full week that brings to life every plant within a 5 mile radius from a central Monument that you create. The plants are all loyal to you and will remain alive, follow any of your orders that they can follow and attack any intruders until they are destroyed or the Monument is destroyed.
You can freely talk with and understand these plants and they can communicate simple concepts to you such as 'intruders', 'danger', 'pain' etc. They are all linked together and can freely and instantly pass a message to you from anywhere within the 5 mile radius.
Master of Nature
By 14th level, you have become one with nature. You are permanently under the effects of the Commune with Nature spell but you may only know the terrain and bodies of water; prevalent plants, minerals, animals, or peoples; and buildings facts.
Additionally, you may cast the Conjure Woodland Beings spell once per long rest, and you may choose to summon plants rather than fey.

Hexes are the main source of power for witches. Unlike the rituals which are learned and passed down from witch to witch, hexes appear to occur as natural gifts for a witch much like those of a sorcerer. Many sorcerers and wizards dispute this claim and regard most hexes as nothing more than mundane superstition. The truth of how these hexes are created are a very closely guarded secret that only those in the highest circles of a given Coven are privy to.
Below is a list of hex effects that can be chosen from each time you use the Witches Hex feature. All saves detailed in the descriptions are against your spell save DC. More advanced hexes may only be used a limited amount of times per day. Regardless of which hex effects you choose to use, you may only do so within the total limit for that level of hex.
It should be noted that a creature only knows it has been cursed with a special Hex effect if it passes an Intelligence(Arcana) check against your spell save DC.
You deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you deal damage to it.
Evil Eye
You choose one of the following features: Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, or Saving Throws.
The creature takes a penalty to the feature you chose equal to half your Proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Choose one ability. The target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability.
Inspire Impotence
A creature that is effected by this hex, must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is affected by debilitating thoughts. The next spell or magical effect that causes damage used by the creature deals minimum damage.
Inspire Madness
When a creature is targeted by this hex, they immediately see visions of madness floating before them. The creature must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is afflicted by one random short-term madness effect until the Hex spell ends. If the same creature is targeted by another hex of this kind, it has advantage on the saving throw to resist another short-term madness.
When a creature is targeted by this hex, they are cursed with a single mischief. You may use your reaction to activate the mischief once at anytime whilst the hex is in effect to cause any roll that the creature makes to automatically fail. Once you active the mischief it disappears and cannot be used again on the same creature.
Advanced Hexes
Prerequisites: 5th Level
Max Uses: 4 per Long Rest
The creature feels their muscles being weighed down with supernatural forces. They must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become encumbered and their speed decreases by 10 feet. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a failure, the creature is heavily encumbered and their speed is reduced by 20 feet and they have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws that use Strength or Dexterity.
Gut Feeling
A creature that is effected by this hex, immediately feels a twisting sensation in their innards. They must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become wracked with pain and suffer one level of exhaustion. On subsequent turns, you can use your action to twist their guts further and they must continue to make Constitution saving throws, suffering additional levels of exhaustion on a failed save.
On a successful save, the creature loses one level of exhaustion and if it ever has no levels of exhaustion, this effect ends early. If you did not use your action on this ability to further twist the creatures innards, it can repeat its saving throw at the end of its turn to reduce its exhaustion.
Why So Serious?
A creature that is effected by this hex, perceives everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits of laughter if it fails on a wisdom saving throw. It falls prone, becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration of the hex. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or less isn’t affected.
At the end of each of its turns, and each time it takes damage, the target can make another wisdom saving throw. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it’s triggered by damage. On a success, this effect ends early.
It's Love, Actually
This hex may only be used against a humanoid. A humanoid that is effected by this hex, must make a Wisdom saving throw, If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the hex ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it, ending this effect. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance.
Filth Fever
A creature that is effected by this hex, must pass a Constitution save or become inflicted with Filth Fever. A raging fever sweeps through the creature’s body. The creature has disadvantage on Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack rolls that use Strength.
The creature can make a Constitution save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect early. Any effect that removes a disease or otherwise ameliorates a disease’s effects end this effect. Creatures that are immune to disease, are immune to this effect.

A creature that is effected by this hex, must pass a Constitution save or become inflicted with Mindfire. The creature’s mind becomes feverish. The creature has disadvantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence saving throws, and the creature behaves as if under the effects of the confusion spell during combat.
The creature can make a Constitution save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect early. Any effect that removes a disease or otherwise ameliorates a disease’s effects end this effect. Creatures that are immune to disease, are immune to this effect.
A creature that is effected by this hex, must pass a Constitution save or become inflicted with Seizure. The creature is overcome with shaking. The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity checks, Dexterity saving throws, and attack rolls that use Dexterity.
The creature can make a Constitution save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect early. Any effect that removes a disease or otherwise ameliorates a disease’s effects end this effect. Creatures that are immune to disease, are immune to this effect.
Greater Hexes
Prerequisites: 9th Level
Max Uses: 3 per Long Rest
Chaos Link
A creature that is effected by this hex, may have its fate tied to yours. They must succeed on a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save when you take damage, you can use your reaction to take half damage and they take the remaining half damage. Each time the creature takes damage as a result of this effect, it may retake the test in order to end this effect early.
Flesh Rot
A creature that is effected by this hex, must pass a Constitution save or become inflicted with Flesh Rot. The creature’s flesh decays. The creature has disadvantage on Charisma checks and vulnerability to all damage.
The creature can make a Constitution save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect early. Any effect that removes a disease or otherwise ameliorates a disease’s effects end this effect. Creatures that are immune to disease, are immune to this effect.
A creature that is effected by this hex, must pass a Wisdom saving throw the moment the Hex ends or it forgets everything that has happened to it in the past 24 hours.
Blinding Sickness
A creature that is effected by this hex, must pass a Constitution save or become inflicted with Blinding Sickness. Pain grips the creature’s mind, and its eyes turn milky white. The creature has disadvantage on Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving throws and is blinded.
The creature can make a Constitution save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect early. Any effect that removes a disease or otherwise ameliorates a disease’s effects end this effect. Creatures that are immune to disease, are immune to this effect.
Betrayers and Spies
A creature that is effected by this hex, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration. While the target is charmed in this way and within 1 mile of you, a telepathic link is created between the two of you and you may look through the creatures eyes as you would with a familiar.
You may use your action to force the charmed target to use its action (before or after moving) to make a melee attack against a creature other than itself that you mentally choose. The target can act normally on its turn if you choose no creature or if none are within its reach.
Each time you have the target attack someone, it can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of its turn. On a success, this effect ends early.
Beauty and the Beast
A creature that is effected by this hex, must make a Wisdom saving throw, If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the hex ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it, ending the hex and all of its effects. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance.
Emerging Nightmares
A creature that is effected by this hex, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or drop whatever it is holding and become frightened for the duration. While frightened by this hex, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, this effect ends early.
Friend or Foe
A creature that is effected by this hex, must make an Intelligence saving throw. A creature automatically succeeds if it is immune to being frightened. On a failed save, the target loses the ability to distinguish friend from foe, regarding all creatures it can see as enemies until the hex ends. Each time the target takes damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.
Whenever the affected creature chooses another creature as a target, it must choose the target at random from among the creatures it can see within range of the attack, spell, or other ability it’s using. If an enemy provokes an opportunity attack from the affected creature, the creature must make that attack if it is able to.
Gorgon Glare
A creature that is effected by this hex, must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be petrified. At the end of each of its turns, it may retake the test using Wisdom to end this effect early.

Grand Hexes
Prerequisites: 13th Level
Max Uses: 2 per Long Rest
Things that Crawl
A creature that is effected by this hex, must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be transformed into a CR0, tiny, beast of your choice. On each subsequent turns, at the end of the creatures turns, it must retake the test to determine if it will be normal or transformed. On a successful save, the creature is normal (returning to normal or remaining normal as appropriate) on a failure it is transformed. A creature can turn back to normal and back into a tiny creature multiple times over the course of this hexes effect.
Slimy Doom
A creature that is effected by this hex, must pass a Constitution save or become inflicted with Slimy Doom. The creature begins to bleed uncontrollably. The creature has disadvantage on Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws. In addition, whenever the creature takes damage, it is stunned until the end of its next turn.
The creature can make a Constitution save at the end of each of its turns to end this effect early. Any effect that removes a disease or otherwise ameliorates a disease’s effects end this effect. Creatures that are immune to disease, are immune to this effect.
May I Suggest...
This hex must be performed against a target you are able to touch. You whisper a suggestion in the creatures ear and it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it pursues the course of action you described to the best of its ability until the hex ends. Creatures that can’t be charmed are immune to this effect.
The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action sound reasonable. Asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act will have no effect.
You can also specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. For example, you might suggest that a knight give her warhorse to the first beggar she meets. If the condition isn’t met before the effect expires, the activity isn’t performed.
If you or any of your companions damage the target, the effect ends. Otherwise, the effect ends when the target finishes performing the suggested act.
Sleeping Beauty
A creature that is effected by this hex, immediately feels a great sleep come over them. They must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or fall unconscious. This effect ends early if the creature is damaged in any way.
Weave Gentling
A creature that is effected by this hex, has its ability to cast magic disrupted. If the creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make a concentration check against your spell save DC or its spell fails and has no effect. If it passes the concentration check, this effect ends early.

Master Hexes
Prerequisites: 17th Level
Max Uses: 1 per Long Rest
Speak in Tongues
A creature that is effected by this hex, must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they speak in tongues and can no longer cast spells with verbal components or communicate verbally.
The Black Night
A creature that is effected by this hex, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become blind or deaf, your choice.
Curse of the Sleeper
A creature that is effected by this hex, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become subconsciously under your control. You may give it any one instruction from anywhere so long as you are on the same plane of existence. There is no time limit as to when you need to give this command and the creature is not aware that it is charmed by you. The curse remains even after the Hex spell ends and will remain attached to the victim until it completes your request.
There is no limit to what you can ask but you may only ask one thing and it cannot be changed after asking. As soon as you make your request, the creature will attempt to carry out your instruction to the best of its ability regardless of its own personal wellbeing.
Once the command is completed, the effect ends.
Baleful Polymorph
The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be transformed into a different creature or an object of your choice. Shapechangers aren't affected by this hex. When the target is transformed, its gear and everything it is carrying drops to the ground.
Creature into Creature: If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you choose whose Challenge Rating is equal to or less than the target's (or its level, if the target doesn't have a Challenge rating). The target's game Statistics, including mental Ability Scores and Hit Points, are replaced by the Statistics of the new form. It retains its Alignment and Personality.
The creature is limited in the Actions it can perform by the Nature of its new form, and it can't speak, cast Spells, or take any other action that requires hands or Speech unless its new form is capable of such Actions.
Creature into Object: If you turn a creature into an object, the creature's Statistics become those of the object, and the creature has no memory of time spent in this form, after the spell ends and it returns to its normal form.

Familiar Spirits
The following is a list of different spirits you may bind to a familiar when you call one using Find Familiar. You may only have one spirit of any given name bound to you at any time.
In the presence of a spirit of Agony, your pain and anguish is used to fuel your rituals.
While Agony is bound, when you take damage from a spell or attack (from an NPC), Agony reduces the time needed for casting the next ritual by a number of minutes equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
This reduction stacks with further reductions from Agony, but not with reductions from Envy and only resets after you cast a ritual or take a short or long rest. Agony cannot reduce a ritual casting to less than its standard casting time.
The spirit of Communication opens the mind to all linguistic possibilities.
As long as Communication is bound to you, you are always under the effects of the comprehend languages spell.
Spirits of Desire impress upon you the possibilities of sacrificing yourself for power.
You may sacrifice your health in order to gain an extra use of your hex spells. You may reduce your maximum hit points by 15 HP to regain one Hex Slot and your hit point maximum does not and cannot return to normal until you finish a long rest.
Spirits of Empathy make it easier for you to read and manipulate creatures.
While Empathy is bound, and whilst you are in your Quickening state, you have advantage on all Persuasion, Intimidation and Deception tests made against a creature you can see.
Spirits of Envy take from others what they covet for themselves.
Whenever a hostile creature casts a spell within 100ft of Envy, you may reduce the time of your next ritual casting by a number of minutes equal to the level of the spell being cast by the hostile caster.
This reduction stacks with further reductions from Envy but not with reductions from Agony and only resets after you cast a ritual or take a short or long rest. Envy cannot reduce a ritual casting to less than its standard casting time.
Spirits of Fear allow you to see the horrors that lurk in the shadows.
While Fear is bound, and you are in your Quickening state, you can see any hidden and invisible creatures within 60ft of you and creatures cannot attempt to hide from you whilst they are within 60ft.
Spirits of Guilt cause your enemies hesitation in acts that would wrong you.
While Guilt is bound, when you are attacked you can use your reaction to gain a bonus to AC against that attack equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Spirits of Hunger take from the binder to sustain the binders magic.
Whenever you fail a concentration check, you may sacrifice Health equal to 2 x the level of the ritual being concentrated on to pass the test instead. The health is sacrificed by reducing your maximum hit points by the corresponding amount and your hit point maximum returns to normal when you finish a long rest.
Spirits of Serenity bring peace and clarity of thought to those who bind them.
You don't need to sleep. Instead, you can meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Additionally, if you or any friendly creatures who can see you regain hit points at the end of a short rest by spending one or more Hit Dice, each of those creatures regains a number of additional hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.
Spirits of Sloth inspire sluggishness and laziness of thought and action around you.
While Sloth is bound, the ground within 15 feet of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.
The failures of your enemies continue to haunt them in the presence of a spirit of Sorrow.
While Sorrow is bound to you, when a creature fails a saving throw against one of your hexes, it takes psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
While emboldened by a spirit of trust, you can more easily help your allies whilst using Coven Casting.
While Trust is bound, you may take the help action in order to use Coven Casting as a bonus action on your turn. You may still only use coven casting once per turn and only select one option from the list of actions.

Witch Spells
Cantrips (0 Level)
- Acid Splash
- Blade Ward
- Chill Touch
- Control Flames
- Create Bonfire
- Dancing Lights
- Friends
- Guidance
- Gust
- Infestation
- Light
- Mage Hand
- Magic Stone
- Mending
- Message
- Mind Sliver
- Minor Illusion
- Mold Earth
- Poison Spray
- Resistance
- Shape Water
- Thaumaturgy
- Toll the Dead
- True Strike
1st Level
- Animal Friendship
- Create or Destroy Water
- Cure Wounds
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison and Disease
- Disguise Self
- Identify
- Jump
- Longstrider
- Purify Food and Drink
- Speak with Animals
2nd Level
- Alter Self
- Augury
- Darkvision
- Enhance Ability
- Find Traps
- Lesser Restoration
- Locate Animals or Plants
- Locate Object
- Magic Mouth
- Silence
3rd Level
- Clairvoyance
- Dispel Magic
- Daylight
- Feign Death
- Magic Circle
- Meld into Stone
- Plant Growth
- Remove Curse
- Speak with Dead
- Tongues
- Water Breathing
- Water Walk
4th Level
- Dimension Door
- Divination
- Faithful Hound
- Freedom of Movement
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Locate Creature
5th Level
- Animate Objects
- Commune
- Contact Other Plane
- Creation
- Dream
- Greater Restoration
- Legend Lore
- Mass Cure Wounds
- Rary's Telepathic Bond
- Reincarnate
- Scrying
6th Level
- Arcane Gate
- Forbiddance
- Guards and Wards
- Instant Summons
- Magic Jar

Additional Options
thelittledarkone's Alchemy, Herbalism and Poisoncraft Guide
If you are using thelittledarkone's Alchemy, Herbalism and Poisoncraft Guide then you may wish to include this feature in the base class features of the Witch.
Witch's Brew
Optional Level 1 Feature,
In your study of the forbidden arts, you have discovered the power of potions, which you can brew and prepare with the use of a cauldron or iron cooking pot and an open fire. You do not need a Poisoner's Kit or Alchemist's Supplies to brew alchemical materials so long as you use your cauldron. You count as having proficiency when discovering recipes, brewing potions and poisons, or revealing ingredient effects provided that you use your cauldron to do it.
You may purchase or acquire a huge cauldron (100 GP) that you may set up along with your other laboratory items in your home base or place of residence. Whilst brewing over your Home Cauldron, your brewing time is reduced by half and you have advantage on the checks against the Brew DC.
Additionally, you may choose to infuse food items with the poison or potion effects rather that putting the draught into a vial. You may do this only if you brewed the potion using a cauldron (travel or home).

Alternative Witch as Subclasses
Circle of the Coven
Druid Circle
Credit to /u/RW_Blackbird for the idea
The circle of the coven is a collection of druids who seek to study nature in a way that others regard as dangerous or unnatural. They are often made into pariahs by those who live near to their circle grounds and are sometimes even hunted by those self-styled "witchfinders".
Contrary to this belief, the coven wants nothing more than peace and freedom to pursue their own unique worship of nature. They will defend themselves if threatened but are also willing to help those who come to them in peace.
Circle Spells
2nd-level Circle of the Coven feature
Your attunement to the occult grants you access to some spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Circle of the Coven Spells table.
Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the Druid Spell List, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Circle of the Coven Spells
Druid Level | Spells |
2 | Bane, Hex |
3 | Phantasmal Force, Ray of Enfeeblement |
5 | Bestow Curse, Clairvoyance |
7 | Compulsion, Shadow of Moil* |
9 | Danse Macabre*, Hallow |
Witch's Brew
2nd-level Circle of the Coven feature
In your study of the forbidden arts, you have discovered the power of potions, which you can brew and prepare with the use of a cauldron or iron cooking pot and an open fire. You do not need a Poisoner's Kit or Alchemist's Supplies to brew alchemical materials so long as you use your cauldron. You count as having proficiency when discovering recipes, brewing potions and poisons, or revealing ingredient effects provided that you use your cauldron to do it.
Additionally, you may choose to infuse food items with the poison or potion effects rather that putting the draught into a vial. You may do this only if you brewed the potion using a cauldron (travel or home).
Witch's Familiar
2nd-level Circle of the Coven Feature,
When you use the Animal Friendship druid feature from TGtE, the effect is permanent, until the familiar, or you, dies.
Twisted Wand
6th-level Circle of the Coven feature
You craft yourself a twisted wand, imbuing it with the primal forces of nature. This wand may be used as a spellcasting focus for your druid spells. Whenever you cast a druid cantrip through your twisted wand and deal damage, you can replace the cantrip’s damage type with necrotic damage. If you choose to do so, you gain a bonus to the necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
If you lose your twisted wand, you can spend the course of a long rest creating a new one, magically growing the twisted wood and carving eldritch runes into its bark.
Protective Guardian
10th-level Circle of the Coven feature
Your bond with your familiar allows it to ward off attackers. Whenever you are targeted by an attack or spell while your familiar is within 10 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. Additionally, while your familiar is within 10 feet of you, you have advantage on saving throws against spells.
Twisted Broom
14th-level Circle of the Coven feature
You gain the ability to transform your twisted wand into a magical broom. As a bonus action on your turn, you can touch your twisted wand, causing it to warp and expand into a gnarled broom. The broom has a flying speed of 30 feet, and is only large enough to seat you and your familiar.
While riding it, your broom can still be used as a spellcasting focus, and maintains all the benefits your twisted wand would have. Your twisted broom remains in this form until you choose to revert it to your twisted wand as a bonus action.

Coven Legacy Bloodline
Sorcerous Origin
A collective of witches is known as a coven and from it, spellcasters are able to draw power from a collective source to fuel their spells and powers.
The coven is often very particular in who it allows as a member of the group with one exception. Those born to coven members are always welcome within the collective. Known as Legacies, these members often show the greatest aptitude for the ways of the occult and are generally fast-tracked to higher levels within the coven hierarchy.
A coven is never far from a Legacy, whether the legacy wants them there or not. And most coven members feel it is their duty to bring these legacies into the fold for everyones benefit.
Bloodline Spells
1st-level Coven Legacy Bloodline feature
Your attunement to the occult grants you access to some spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Coven Legacy Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Coven Legacy Spells
Sorcerer Level | Spells |
1 | Bane, Hex |
3 | Phantasmal Force, Ray of Enfeeblement |
5 | Bestow Curse, Clairvoyance |
7 | Compulsion, Shadow of Moil* |
9 | Danse Macabre*, Hallow |
Tome of the Occult
1st-level Coven Legacy Bloodline feature
You gain a special tome, where you can detail occult rituals and potion recipes. This tome contains the Find Familiar spell and you may add any other ritual, that you find in spellbooks, to the tome in the same way that a wizard adds spells to its spellbook.
Flexable Hexing
6th-level Coven Legacy Bloodline feature
Whenever you cast the hex spell, you may spend 1 sorcery point to replace one of the two effects of the hex with one from the options below:
Evil Eye - You choose one of the following features: Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, or Saving Throws. The creature takes a penalty to the feature you chose equal to half your Proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Inspire Impotence - A creature that is effected by this hex, must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is affected by debilitating thoughts. The next spell or magical effect that causes damage used by the creature deals minimum damage.
Inspire Madness - When a creature is targeted by this hex, they immediately see visions of madness floating before them. The creature must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is afflicted by one random short-term madness effect until the Hex spell ends. If the same creature is targeted by another hex of this kind, it has advantage on the saving throw to resist another short-term madness.
Mischief - When a creature is targeted by this hex, they are cursed with a single mischief. You may use your reaction to activate the mischief once at anytime whilst the hex is in effect to cause any roll that the creature makes to automatically fail. Once you active the mischief it disappears and cannot be used again on the same creature.
Blessing of Mother Night
14th-level Coven Legacy Bloodline feature
You are shielded from divination magic as if you were under the protection of a Nondetection spell.
Witch's Hut
18th-level Coven Legacy Bloodline feature
Over the course of 10 minutes, you can animate a hut, tent, wagon, or similar object that is no greater than 15 feet on any side. This is as if you had cast the animate objects spell on the object, no concentration required. The hut gains the following statistics:
Size | HP | AC | Attack | Str | Dex |
Gargantuan | 100 | 10 | +9 to hit 2d12 + 5 damage | 20 | 6 |
In addition to the above statistics, the hut gains an additional number of hit points equal to your sorcerer level, additional armor class equal to your Charisma modifier and it gains the ability to attack twice if it takes the Attack action.
This animated hut remains animated so long as you wish it to be and only ends early if the animated hut is reduced to 0 hit points or if you animate another hut using this ability. If the animated hut is reduced to 0 hit points, the hut is completely destroyed and can not be targeted by this ability again.
When you animate a hut, it grows a set of appropriate legs of your choice to allow it to walk around. This could be massive tree roots, chicken legs or undead skeletons that carry the hut. Any entrances to enter the hut are under the effects of an arcane lock spell while the hut is animated, you set the password when you use this ability.

The Coven
Otherwordly Patron
Your patron is not one creature but rather a collective of other witches and warlocks. This collective is known as a coven and from it, warlocks are able to draw power from a collective source to fuel their spells and invocations.
The coven is absolute law in the mind of their members and all follow the strict rules, rituals and traditions set out by the coven elders. Failure to abide by these rules doesn't always mean a simple expulsion, but also death at the hands of the warlocks former family.
Patron Spells
1st-level The Coven feature
The Coven lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Coven Spells
Spell Level | Spells |
1 | Bane, Disguise Self |
2 | Lesser Restoration, Phantasmal Force |
3 | Bestow Curse, Clairvoyance |
4 | Compulsion, Locate Creature |
5 | Danse Macabre, Greater Restoration |
Coven Casting
1st-level The Coven feature
Coven Warlocks are used to aiding other spellcasters and casting spells in a group or circle. You may take the help action on your turn to help a spellcaster that you can see, within 30 ft of you attempt to cast a spell. Before the spellcaster casts a spell on its next turn, but after he has declared the spell he intends to cast, you may give one of the following benefits to the spell:
- The spellcaster gains advantage on the spells attack roll
- Increase the spell save DC by a number equal to your proficiency bonus / 2 (rounded up).
- Reduce a Ritual by a number of minutes equal to your proficiency bonus (must be coven casting for the entire ritual).
- At 10th level, add your Charisma modifier to any of the spell's damage rolls.
- At 10th level, the caster may use you as the casting point for the spell when determining range and line of sight.
If multiple creatures perform coven casting on the same spellcaster, they must each choose a different option from the list of help actions.
The Quickening
6th-level The Coven feature
You gain the ability to enter a trance known as the witch’s quickening, letting you see beyond the borders of the material world. As an action you can enter this trance to see into the Ethereal Plane up to 60 feet. Additionally you also gain insight into the emotional energy surrounding you, you know if and what spirits are bound within 60 feet, and you gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
Whilst in this trance, your vision is warped and distorted by the emotions and presence of the spirits around you. You suffer disadvantage to all attacks you make as well as all Wisdom (Perception) checks whilst in this trance.
The trance lasts for 1 minute, or until you end it as an action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Empowered Familiar
10th-level The Coven feature
When using the Pact of the Chain pact boon, your familiar's stat block changes in the following ways:
- Armor Class Gain a bonus to AC equal to your Cha modifier
- Hit Points Gain a bonus to Hit Points equal to your warlock levelx2
- Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened
- Languages understands the languages you speak
- Spirit Nature your familiar does not require food, drink, air or sleep.
- Always Near you cannot dismiss your familiar into a pocket dimension
Mastery of Hexing
14th-level The Coven feature
You gain the Hex spell if you don't have it already and this spell doesn't count against the number of spells known. If you already have the Hex spell, you may choose any other warlock spell to gain instead.
Your Hex spell can no longer be removed by the Remove Curse spell but can be removed by a Greater Restoration or Wish spell. Also your hex no longer requires concentration and it's duration is permanent.

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A Latest Witch In Town
This was inspired by the fantastic works of /u/Zarieth /u/Oramac1968 and /u/varansl.
Feel free to use any of this material for your campaigns (within the confines of WotC's terms and conditions, the OGL and OGC of course) and edit it as you like.
You can contact me if you'd like to give any feedback at all regarding balancing, wording or flavour.
Adapted by: thelittledarkone
Cover Art: Yana B.
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