The Soul Binder Expanded Options v0.6

by FragSauce

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Bond of the Merged

You have bound yourself to a strange creature that is able to shift its form and absorb matter to enhance itself.

Shifting Companion

At 1st level you have bound your soul to a companion able to shift its body in unnatural ways. You and your companion get the following benefits:

  • Your companions creature type is Aberration or Ooze.

  • Your companion gets the "Amorphous" or "Slimy Body" evolution, this doesn't count towards your companions maximum number of evolutions.

Benefit of the Bond: Arcane

As your soul is bound to a magical being, you gain access to more spells than usual. These spells are always prepared and don't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. They are Soul Binder spells for you.

Merged Bond Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st arms of hadar, entangle
2nd alter self, enlarge/reduce
3rd gaseous form, protection from energy
4th black tentacles, freedom of movement
5th contagion, enervation


Beginning at 3rd level, you can use an action to touch your companion and become absorbed, morphing together as a single unit for 1 minute. While you are merged with your companion, it gains the following benefits:

  • The reach of all its natural weapons increase by 5 feet.

  • Once per turn when it hits a creature with one of its natural weapons it deals an extra 1d6 of psychic or acid damage.

  • It gains temporary hit points equal to half your soul binder’s current hit points, but will lose them when the merge ends.

  • It increases its size by one category – from Medium to Large, for example

While you are morphed with your companion, you can't take actions or reactions except ending the merge as a bonus action and using your action or bonus action to command your companion (and potentially use an edict as part of that action), and cannot move unless specified. If you are concentrating on a spell while merged, you must make a concentration check when the companion is hit, using the companion's Constitution for the roll. The merge ends after 1 minute, when your companion is incapacitated, or if you choose to end it. When the merge ends, you emerge from your companion in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of it.

Once you have merged with your companion, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher to merge again.


Starting at 7th your companion can assimilate pieces of monsters you have slain and add it to it's body to grow stronger. As an action your companion can touch a dead organic creature within 5 feet of it, to consume the body add some of it to itself, your companion will get certain benefits depending on the type of the creature. Your companion can only have the part of one creature at a time and if it uses this feature again it will lose its old benefit, the different benefits are the following:

Type Benefit
Abberration It has resistance to psychic damage and advantage on saving throws to avoid being frightened or charmed.
Beast It gains an extra 10 feet movement speed and has advantage on all perception checks.
Celestial It has resistance to radiant damage, and it can cast "Detect Evil and Good" at will
Dragon Your companion becomes resistant to whatever damage type the dragon was immune to (if any) and it gains a flying speed of 30 feet.
Elemental Your companion can cast the "Protection from Energy" spell at will.
Fey After your companion takes damage it can use its reaction to teleport to a spot within 30 feet, also magic can't put it to sleep.
Fiend Your companion becomes resistant to fire and poison damage, it also gets 120 feet darkvision which can see through magical darkness.
Giant Your companions has advantage on all Strength checks and saving throws, the weight it can lift, push and carry is doubled.
Humanoid Your companion can speak any language you know, it can also cast the "Alter Self" spell at will, but only to change itself to look like the humanoid it absorbed
Monstrosity You can pick two extra evolutions to give your companion, these don't count towards its maximum evolutions
Ooze Whenever a creature hits your companion with a melee weapon attack the creature takes Acid damage equal to your proficiency modifier
Plant If your companion has less than half its hit points at the start of its turn, it gains temporary hit points equal to your proficiency modifier.
Undead It has immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, it also has advantage on death saving throws, and can treat a 18 and 19 as a 20 when rolling death saving throws

At the end of a long rest the assimilated body will decay and rot away and your companion will loose its current benefit, unless you spend one of your newly gained spell slots to keep the body fresh until the next long rest.

Edict of the One

Beginning at 11th level, you can command your companion to absorb more matter and becomes better. The following commands are added to your Edict options:

Consume. Whenever your companion hits a creature with an attack this turn, your companion is healed for an amount equal to the result of your edict die.

Digest. On this turn your companion can use its action to make a special grapple against a creature within range, your companion has advantage on its athletics check to initiate this grapple, while a creature is grappled by this feature it will take acid or psychic damage at the start of its turn equal to the result of your edict die when you used this edict.

Improved Merge

When you reach 15th level, your body has become more accepting of your companion, and you are much more potent at merging together. While merged with your companion you and it gains the following additional benefits:

  • While you are merged you can see through your companions's eyes.

  • You can now take the Cast a Spell action while morphed. When you do so, you cast the spell through your companion and it must use its reaction to deliver the spell.

  • As a reaction you can add your Charisma Modifier to the result of a saving throw your companion has to make (after it rolls but before you know if it fails) or you can add it to your companions AC against one attack (after you know the result of the attack roll)