Magical Girl

by KmiGio

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Magical Girl

The war drums echo off in the distance, signaling an attack on the front. The sound of clashing steel dominates the burning landscape. The weary and wounded gather in and around a medical tent, its space long since reached capacity. The tent's entrance flaps open; a small girl seemingly uninjured, but her head held as low as any dying soldier slowly makes her way out, holding the tattered remains of a soldier's garb in her hands. She looks up, revealing a pained grimace being chased away by a burning resolve. She wipes her eyes clear of tears, then sets them on the battlefield. First she walks, then she runs, building up to a charge at the front line. She breaks through the shield wall, screaming all of her pain and fury at the faceless enemies, and a blinding light consumes her. The war drums echo again.

A monstrous creature not of this world looms over the heroes. It very nearly does not offer them a passing glance with any of its uncountable eyes. None would dare attack such an unimaginable horror. But then it sees a shimmering light come from the party; where once stood an unimposing lithe figure, now stands a shining warrior bathed in radiant glory, a glowing shield poised to defend. The battlecry the small creature’s friends roar out as they charge only makes the light grow ever more unbearable, and for the first time in eons, the monster shudders. For the first time, it knows fear. Magical Girls are surprisingly, at their core, completely average people, whether male or female. Most anyone could become one given the right circumstances, but these are the lucky few. The one percent who gain the potent ability to Transform and become the dazzling warriors of light they are famous for being.

Creating a magical Girl

Keep these in mind when creating a Magical Girl. How did you encounter the Incubator? What was your wish? Was it wealth? Power? Is it to make someone in your debt? Or to help that someone? And What was your dream? to be a chef, an astronaut, a Famous athlete, etc.?

Class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Magical Girl level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution
modifier per Magical Girl level after 1st


Armor: Shields
Weapons: None
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
Skills: Choose Any 1 skill and choose another from Athletics, Acrobatics, Persuasion, Intimidation, or Deception

Magical Girl
Level Proficiency Bonus Dream Points Features
1st +2 40 Magic Amulet, Magical Form, Magical Promise
2nd +2 45 Dream Eater
3rd +2 50
4th +2 55 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 60 Fairy Wings
6th +3 65 Promise hability Improvement
7th +3 70 -
8th +3 75 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 80 Promise hability
10th +4 85 Fairy Wings improvement
11th +4 90 -
12th +4 95 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 100 Promise hability Improvement
14th +5 105 -
15th +5 110 Magical Form improvement
16th +5 115 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 120 Promise hability Improvement
18th +6 125 Fairy Wings improvement
19th +6 130 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 140 Wish Upon a Star

Magic Amulet

You've made your wish and now your soul resides within a special item we call a "Magic Amulet" This can take the shape of either a Necklace, a Ring, an Earring, or even nowhere at all and just hide it in your chest or wherever inside your body you want. This is how you utilize your Dream Powers. Because of this, however, you cannot attune to other Magical Weapons. Certain actions consume Dream Points; we'll abbreviate it as DP from here on out. Your magical amulet will start with 40 DP and gain an additional 5 each time you level up. These are used to fuel your various spells and abilities.

In the event that you're separated from your Magical Amulet, you can attempt a Wisdom save (DC15). Succeed and "your will goes beyond your Amulet even if for a short time". you gain no penalties for 1d4 hour(s) after which you gain the same penalties as failing the roll. Failing or choosing not to roll at all will give you disadvantage on any further rolls until you recover the amulet.

Magical Form

You aren't at your prime until you trigger your Magical Powers. As you roll initiative you can spend 1 DP, you can touch your Magical Amulet to activate your Magical Form. Your Magical Form allows you to be ready for combat and takes whatever shape you may want, be it full armor or a pretty little outfit and your Magical Weapon. In the event where you are caught by surprise or an effect doesn't allow you to transform as you roll initiative you can use a bonus action to Transform or Untransform if you want, your Armor Class becomes 11 + your Charisma Modifier + your Dexterity modifier and your spell caster modifier is charisma; your Spell Save DC becomes 8 + your Charisma Modifier + Your Proficiency Bonus. It will shimmer away when you're knocked unconscious or until you touch your Magical Amulet again, fading away instantaneously. If you are not in combat while in your Magical Form, you will have Disadvantage on all checks except performance, persuasion, and deception checks until you deactivate your Magical Outfit, the magical outfit will disappear automatically in 10 minutes after you summon it and you will have to wait at least 10 minutes to use it again.

Each Magical Girl has a Magical Weapon, this weapon takes the form your dream power, as it is the form of your dreams only you can use this weapon, also it cannot be lost or destroyed and you always have proficiency with this weapon. You can use a bonus action and spend 1 DP to change the form of your magical weapon and each new change cost 1 DP more, you have to know how works composition of the weapon to be able to use that form on your magical weapon (for example if you want to do a swrod you have to know it is made by Carbon Steel).

Your Outfit and Weapon have 1 Magic Property Slot each one. By spending a Long Rest, you may transfer a single Magical Effect of your choice to your Outfit or Weapon, but it will consume the effect of the Armor or Weapon in the process, now it is a normal weapon. If the Item has Sentience, it will cost 25 DP, you wont be able to have more magic effects apart from the one has the original item, and the personality will be on you magical weapon or outfit, the Armor or Weapon. If you fuse an effect for a curse armor/weapon the curse will be transfered to your magical outfit/weapon. Removing an effect costs 25 DP and a Long Rest to complete, you can pass the effect to a normal weapon/armor, but you cannot add an effect to your Outfit or Weapon for 24 hours once it's removed.

Dream Eater

As a Magical Girl you need to keep you Magical Amulet filled of dreams and hope, After combat an intelligent creature (minimum 8 in intelligence) you can get a Dream fragment, this fragments allows you to recover your Dream power, you roll a Charisma Save (DC14), if you pass the save you can roll 1d6 and recover that number of Dream Points.

Fairy wings

Your magic powers give the option to fly, at 5th level you obtain your magical girl wings, this wings have the aspect and color you want.
This wings have a fly speed of 35 ft., at level 10th your fly speed is improved to 45 ft. and at level 18th your fly speed is improved to 55 ft, you can only fly for maximum 1 hour in total then you have to rest 30 minutes to use it again.

Magical Form improvement

at 15th level your knowledge of your powers is kinda complete, so you outfit and weapon have an extra slot for magic effects.

Wish upon a Star

When you reach level 20, you are a complete Magical Girl, with your lovely or destructive powers your charisma score increases by 4 when you use your magical outfit, also for 70 DP you can cast wish but you don't get the bad status of the spell.

you can't Wish again for 7 days.

Magical Promise

At 1st level you awaken latent magic within your soul and dreams, you can select one of different promises to explore the world of magical girls.

Dreaming Queen

You decide to study the dreams and hopes of people, choose Any spell from the Magical Dream Girl spell list, you can also add your charisma modifier (minimum one) to the effect (Heal or damage) made by your spells, Each spell cost 5 DP per level (level 3 = 15 DP).

You learn spells in the following order:

Spells Known
Level Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
3rd 3 4
4th 3 4 1
5th 3 4 2
6th 3 4 2 1
7th 3 4 2 1
8th 3 4 3 1 1
9th 3 4 3 2 1
10th 4 4 4 2 1
11th 4 4 4 2 1 1
12th 4 4 4 3 1 1
13th 4 4 4 3 2 1
14th 4 4 4 3 2 1 1
15th 4 4 4 3 3 1 1
16th 4 4 4 3 3 2 1
17th 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 1
18th 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1
19th 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1
20th 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
And you cannot cast spells from a higher level from the highest level that you know

Fairy dream

You have learn the power to enter on the dreams, at 6th level for 10 extra DP on a heal spell you heal an extra 1d8. As a reaction you can spend 10 DP and give 2 AC to a wealing creature in 50 ft of you, at 10th level you can spend 10 DP more to give 2 extra AC, and a level 15th you can spend another 20 DP to give 2 more extra AC, you can only use this 3 times per long rest.

Lovely Area

You want to protect the dreams and future of your friends, at 9th level for 30 DP as an action you can concentrate your energy to create a 30 ft radius sphere, each wealing creature that starts the turn on this area reduce an exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following effects: One effect that charmed or petrified the creature, Any reduction of ability scores or one effect that reduce the maximum hit points, this sphere disappear in 1 minute or when you lose concentration you can use this feature 1 time per long rest, at level 13th you can use this 2 time per long rest and at level 17th 3 times per long rest.

Sleepy Time

Now you can control the sleep time of creatures, at 13th level for one action you can choose a point you see, in a circle of 20 ft. radius you create a pink fog, every creature that start or finish his turn in this fog have to succeed a wisdom saving trow, if the creature fail the save they will be drowsy and have disadvantage on every roll for 1 minute, you can only use this feature two times per long rest.

Quintett Feuer

As your magical powers grown, you now can use it to defeat all the evil in the world, at 17th level you can as an action spend 60DP and target up to six creatures you can see, for 1 minute they will have +3 extra AC, 20 temporary hit points and if they connect an attack add 2d6 to the damage, you can only use this feature two times per long rest.

Nightmare Queen

You decide to be everything people frightened, you are now the nightmare in combat, Choose any spell from the Magical Nightmare Girl spell list and you learn spells in this order:

Spells Known
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 1
2nd 1
3rd 1
4th 1 1
5th 2 1
6th 2 1
7th 2 1 1
8th 2 1 1
9th 2 2 1
10th 2 2 1 1
11th 2 2 1 1
12th 3 2 1 1
13th 3 2 2 1
14th 3 2 2 1 1
15th 3 2 2 1 1
16th 3 3 2 2 1 1
17th 4 3 2 2 1 1
18th 4 3 3 2 2 1
19th 4 3 3 2 2 2
20th 4 3 3 3 2 2

Each spell cost 5 DP per level (Level 3 = 15 DP), and you cannot cast spells from a higher level from the highest level that you know

Night Fighting style

Thanks to the nightmares power you can absorb the power of your enemies, when an enemies melee attack connect as a reaction you can spend 15 DP to protect yourself for this attack, and in the next attack you connect you can add an extra 1d6 to the damage roll, at 10th in case you will be hit by a range attack you can roll a charisma save (DC 15) if you pass it you will avoid the damage and gain the extra 1d6 in to the next damage roll, you can use this reaction 3 times per long rest.

Also you gain extra attack at level 5th

Demon Dream

You have learn to materialize the power of nightmares, at 6th level for 35 DP as an action or bonus action you can create a nightmare sphere in 30 ft. radius around you, every hostile creature in the zone when you cast it or start the turn on the zone must make a wisdom saving throw, in a failed save the creature is frightened, and you have advantage on attacks on this creature, this zone stays for 1 minute, and as a free action you can instantly teleport to every place in this zone one time per turn (you have to be on the zone to use this) you cant spend 10 DP to move the area with you. If you leaves the zone it disappear. You can use this feature two times per short/long rest.

Night power

You want to feel the fear of your enemies, at 9th level for 10 DP as a Bonus action you can insert the nightmares power on your Magical Weapon, doing an extra 1d8 psychic damage for 10 minutes, also the enemy has to pass a wisdom save or be frightened for 1 minute.

Double of the Void

You now can create the greatest fear of your enemies, another you, at 13th level for 50 DP as a bonus action you can create a shadow double of you, this double have the same stats but 4 hit points per magical girl level and can move up to 30 ft as a free action once per turn.

  • As a bonus action, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your shadow
  • You can make one additional melee attack from the shadow position.
  • When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the shadow's space. You make this choice for each attack.
  • When a creature that you can see within 5 feet of your double moves at least 5 feet away from it, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as if you were in the shadow space.

Melody of Eternal Fear

You now can use the nightmares to be more powerful, at 17th level for 50 DP as a bonus action you can storage the fears and tears of your enemies inside you, this effect gives you:

  • 50 temporary Hit Points
  • Advantage on every attack roll you made (including the attacks made from your double of the void)
  • every attack you connect make an extra 2d10 psychic damage
  • You have proficiency in Strength and Constitution saving throws

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