Daily Activity Dashboard

by LonePaladin

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Dungeon Master's Dashboard

Daily Activities

Daily Checks

  • Check weather
  • Update calendar
  • Announce the time

Morning Routine

In Camp

  • Prepare food – update Quartermaster Log
  • Class-specific rituals/activities
  • Any special actions?
  • Discuss day's activities
  • Break camp

In Town

  • Buy/prepare food – update Quartermaster and Vaultmaster Logs
  • Change clothes – armed?
  • Class-specific rituals

Discuss Party Splits

  • Run social/professional arcs
  • Run personal/inter-party arcs
  • Group reunion at specified time and place
  • Discuss plans for day/week/month
  • Update Tablemaster Logs if necessary
Tablemaster Roles
Role Responsability
Vaultmaster Tracks shared party wealth. Pays the bills.
Quartermaster Tracks shared party supplies and gear.
Beastmaster Tracks all the party kills and trophies.
Journeymaster Keeps the adventure log and maps.

Marching Order

  • Dice encounters

Break For Lunch/Rituals

  • Any special actions?

Night Routine

In Camp

  • Make camp
  • Prepare food – update Quartermaster Log
  • Class-specific rituals/activities
  • Any special actions?
  • Discuss day's activities
  • Set watches

In Town

  • Buy/prepare food – update Quartermaster and Vaultmaster Logs
  • Change clothes – armed?
  • Class-specific rituals
  • Check location security/set watches

This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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