Alternate Sorcerer

Sorcerer Expanded
In 5e, the Sorcerer class, while balanced, mechanically falls short of the class fantasy. For players that desire mechanics that align with the class fantasy, the Alternate Sorcerer class looks to do so with many mechanical changes. Included here are additional options for the Alternate Sorcerer class:
Additional Metamagics. The Metamagics included below might be more rare to manifest or require specific conditions to unlock. Only select a Metamagic from this document after discussing it with your DM and fellow players.
Sorcerous Feats. The feats included here allow all player characters to share in the abilities of the Alternate Sorcerer.
Additional Sorcerous Origins. Included here are nine Sorcerous Origins for Sorcerers to choose from at 1st level.
Below are the Metamagics available to Sorcerers. You can only apply one Metamagic effect to each spell that you cast, unless indicated otherwise in the Metamagic's description.
Adamant Spell
When you cast a spell, you can expend Sorcery Points equal to the spell's level and grant it immunity to anti-magic spells and effects like counterspell, dispel magic, or anti-magic field.
You can exceed your Spell Limit to apply this Metamagic.
Blinding Spell
When you cast a spell that deals fire or radiant damage, you can expend Sorcery Points and force one target of the spell per Sorcery Point spent to also make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are blinded for up to one minute.
They can repeat this Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns, ending the effect on a successful save.
Brutal Spell
When you cast a spell that deals damage, but before you roll the damage, you can expend 2 Sorcery Points to empower it. If you roll the highest number of any of its damage dice you
can roll that die again and add it to the total damage.
Concussive Spell
Whenever you cast a spell that deals bludgeoning or thunder damage, you can expend Sorcery Points to force one target of the spell per Sorcery Point expended to also make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they are knocked prone. Large and larger creatures have advantage on this saving throw.
Dynamic Presence
Choose either Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion. You gain proficiency in the chosen skill, and whenever you make an ability check using that skill, you can expend 1 Sorcery Point to add double your proficiency bonus to your roll. You must do so before you roll the d20.
You can select this Metamagic ability more than once, but you must select a different skill proficiency each time.
Empowered Cantrip
When you cast a Sorcerer Cantrip you can expend 1 Sorcery Point to increase the power of that Cantrip to its next level.
For example, a 3rd level Sorcerer can expend 1 Sorcery Point to cast firebolt as if they were a 5th level Sorcerer, and that firebolt will deal 2d10 fire damage in place of 1d10.
Imbuing Touch
As a bonus action, you can touch a nonmagical weapon and spend 1 Sorcery Point to imbue it with a spark of your magic. For the next minute, all attacks with that weapon deal force damage in place of that weapon's normal damage type.
Immutable Will
When you fail a saving throw, you can use a reaction to spend 3 Sorcery Points and re-roll the saving throw, with a bonus to your roll equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).
Linked Spell
When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point and touch a willing creature within 5 feet, expending one of its spell slots to cast the spell in place of your Sorcery Points.
Magical Guidance
Whenever you make an ability check,
you can use your reaction to expend 2
Sorcery Points to re-roll your d20. You
must use the new roll, potentially turning
a failure into a success.
Overcharged Spell
When you cast a spell with one target
that requires you to make a spell attack
roll, you can expend Sorcery Points to
increase your critical hit range for this
casting by 1 for each Sorcery Point.
For example, if you spent 3 Sorcery
Points, the spell would score a critical
hit on a roll of 17-20 on the d20.
Precise Spell
When you cast a spell that requires you
to make a spell attack roll, you can spend
1 Sorcery Point to ignore all sources of
disadvantage that would apply to that roll.
Recycled Spell
When you cast a spell and it fails, you can use
your action on your next turn to regain Sorcery
Points equal to half the Sorcery Points spent to
to cast it (rounded down), including Metamagic.
A spell is considered to have failed if it misses its
target, deals no damage, inflicts no conditions, or if it
otherwise fails to create its intended effect.
Savage Spell
When you cast a spell that deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to change the spell's damage type to another from the list above.
Siphoning Spell
When you deal damage to a creature with a spell, you can expend 2 Sorcery Points to gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt to one target of that spell. Temporary hit points from this Metamagic only last for 10 minutes.
Sorcerous Fortitude
As an action, you can expend Sorcery Points and gain 1d4 temporary hit points per Sorcery Point spent. Temporary hit points from this Metamagic only last for 10 minutes.
Terrifying Spell
When you cast a spell that deals necrotic or psychic damage, you can spend Sorcery Points to force one target of the spell per Sorcery Point spent to also make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are frightened of you for one minute.
They can repeat this Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of their turns, ending the effect on a successful save.
Venomous Spell
When you cast a spell that deals acid or poison damage, you can spend Sorcery Points to force one target of the spell per Sorcery Point you spent to also make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are poisoned for up to one minute.
They can repeat this Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns, ending the effect on a successful save.
Sorcerous Feats
The feats here allow other characters to share the abilities of the Alternate Sorcerer. If your game uses Feats, these options can be selected in place of an Ability Score Improvement:
Alternate Metamagic Adept
Prerequisite: the ability to cast at least one spell
You have practiced and learned to manipulate your magic in strange and unique ways. You gain the benefits listed below:
- Increase one ability score that you use as a Spellcasting Ability by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- You learn a Metamagic of your choice from those available to the Alternate Sorcerer. You can use this Metamagic once (as if you had spent the minimum number of Sorcery Points) without spending Sorcery Points. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.
Sorcerous Spark
While you may not be a true Sorcerer, within you dwells a small spark of arcane power. You gain the benefits below:
- You learn two Cantrips and a single 1st-level spell of your choice from the Alternate Sorcerer spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for all three spells, unless you already have a spellcasting modifier, then you use it.
- You gain two Sorcery Points which you can expend to cast any spells that you know, as if you were a Sorcerer. If you already have Sorcery Points, these are added to your pool of Sorcery Points. You regain your Sorcery Points from this feature each time you finish a long rest.
Sorcerous Origins
The following Sorcerous Origins can be made available
to Sorcerers, along with those included in the base class:
Cosmic Sorcery | Fey Sorcery | Royal Sorcery |
Elder Sorcery | Infernal Sorcery | Vampiric Sorcery |
Entropic Sorcery | Iron Sorcery | Verdant Sorcery |
Cosmic Sorcery
Infused with the radiant power of starlight, Cosmic Sorcerers are light to their allies and searing radiance to their enemies. Whether your Sorcery was bestowed upon you by an ancient ritual or you asked the stars for guidance at a fateful moment, you are now a living avatar of their celestial radiance. How do you channel your power? Will you bring hope or vengeance?
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Cosmic Sorcery Spells, Radiant Soul |
6th | Blinding Defense, Searing Light |
14th | Celestial Ascension |
18th | Luminous Mastery |
Cosmic Sorcery Spells
1st-level Cosmic Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | guiding bolt, jump LL |
3rd | hold person, moonbeam |
5th | daylight, minute meteors XGE |
7th | fire shield, sickening radiance XGE |
9th | dawn, wall of light XGE |
Radiant Soul
1st-level Cosmic Sorcery feature
Your very soul has been infused with starlight. You learn the glitterbeam LL Cantrip, it is a Sorcerer Cantrip for you, but it does not count against your Cantrips Known. Moreover, you add your Charisma modifier to glitterbeam damage rolls.
As a bonus action, you can emit (or extinguish) bright light, which emanates out from your body to a 30-foot radius, and dim light another 30 feet beyond that. While you emit light in this way, shimmering stars and constellations appear on you.
Blinding Defense
6th-level Cosmic Sorcery feature
You can emit bursts of radiant light to distract foes. When you are hit by an attack and the attacker is within 30 feet, you can use your reaction to spend 2 Sorcery Points and emit a burst of light, forcing your attacker to make a Constitution saving throw against your Sorcerer Spell save DC.
On a failed save, it is blinded until the start of your next turn, and the triggering attack automatically misses you.
Searing Light
6th-level Cosmic Sorcery feature
Your sorcery carries the searing light of the stars. You learn the Blinding Spell Metamagic. It does not count against your total Metamagics Known, and it cannot be replaced.
You have a number of free uses of Blinding Spell equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of 1), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Celestial Ascension
14th-level Cosmic Sorcery feature
The stars in the sky above call to you. While you are emitting light from Radiant Soul, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed and you can hover.
In addition, creatures within the radius of bright light that you emit with Radiant Soul have disadvantage on all saving throws to resist the blinded condition.
Luminous Mastery
18th-level Cosmic Sorcery feature
Your soul burns with the intensity of a true star, creating new stars around you. You gain resistance to radiant damage, and you learn the crown of stars XGE spell. It doesn't count against your total Spells Known, and you cannot replace it.
At the end of each long rest, you gain the effect of crown of stars. This effect lasts until the end of your next long rest, and it only ends if you expend every mote or cast the spell again.
Elder Sorcery
Once you were an unknowable, all-powerful, far-reaching, 1st-level Elder Sorcery feature Also, while you sleep during a long rest, you can commune with the ancient knowledge you once had, focusing your mind on one person, place, or object you interacted with in the past 24 hours. Make a Charisma (History) check to learn one fact about the subject, often one forgotten by modern scholars. 1st-level Elder Sorcery feature Also, whenever you learn a Sorcerer spell, you can choose to learn that spell from the either Sorcerer or the Warlock spell list, and it becomes a Sorcerer spell for you. 1st-level Elder Sorcery feature
Sorcerer Level
Ancient Mind, Chained Power,
Elder Sorcery Spells
Inscrutable Mind
Otherworldly Step
Eldritch Revelation
Ancient Mind
You have access to lost knowledge from eons long dead. You gain proficiency in History, and you learn to speak, read, and write, two exotic languages of your choice. Talk with your DM about which languages are considered exotic in your setting.Chained Power
You remember horrifying magicks from strange epochs long forgotten. You learn a single Cantrip of your choice from the Warlock Class. It counts as a Sorcerer Cantrip for you, but it does not count against your Cantrips Known.Elder Sorcery Spells
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | arms of hadar, hideous laughter |
3rd | augury, crown of madness |
5th | clairvoyance, hunger of hadar LL |
7th | arcane eye, eldritch tentacles LL |
9th | contact other plane, dream |
Inscrutable Mind
6th-level Elder Sorcery feature
Your strange mind grants you advantage on saving throws to resist being charmed, frightened, or have your thoughts read.
Also, once per long rest when you are forced to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw to resist the effects of a spell, you can use your reaction to force a creature that you can see within 30 feet to become the spell's target in
your place. You cannot target the creature casting the spell.
Otherworldly Step
14th-level Elder Sorcery feature
You can draw on your eldritch power to move through cracks in reality. When you spend Sorcery Points, you can teleport a number of feet equal to 5 times the number of Sorcery Points spent, appearing in an unoccupied space within range.
Eldritch Revelation
18th-level Elder Sorcery feature
As an action, you can reveal the mind-shattering truth behind your power, forcing creatures of your choice within 60 feet of you that can see you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Sorcerer Spell save DC. On a failed save, they suffer the effects of hideous laughter and take 4d8 psychic damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
You do not need to concentrate on the effects produced by this feature, but the creatures repeat their save as normal.
You can do so once between each long rest at no cost, but to use this feature again you must expend 7 Sorcery Points.
Entropic Sorcery
Before the ancient gods formed the world, there was the Void. This formless, lightless, writhing chaos desires all creation to return to it. Sorcerers who channel the entropic power of the Void work to undo the very act of creation. They are nihilistic in view of life, resigned to the fact that everything will one day dissolve into the nothingness of the great primordial Void.
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Entropic Sorcery Spells, Entropic Touch, Null Magic |
6th | Negate Spell |
14th | Ray of Annihilation |
18th | Disciple of the Void |
Entropic Sorcery Spells
1st-level Entropic Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | inflict wounds, ray of sickness |
3rd | darkness, ray of enfeeblement |
5th | counterspell LL, dispel magic |
7th | blight, sickening radiance XGE |
9th | antilife shell, maelstrom XGE |
Entropic Touch
1st-level Entropic Sorcery feature
You can channel your sorcerous power to annihilate objects with a touch. As an action, you can expend 2 Sorcery Points and touch a Small or smaller non-magical object that is not being worn or carried, instantly reducing it to a pile of dust.
At certain Sorcerer levels, you are able to destroy
objects of greater size with an Entropic Touch:
at 6th level (Medium), at 14th level (Large),
and finally at 17th level (Huge).
Null Magic
1st-level Entropic Sorcery feature
Your spells begin to unmake the material fabric of your foes. Whenever you damage a creature with an Entropic Sorcery Spell, it cannot regain hit points or gain temporary hit points until the beginning of your next turn.
Negate Spell
6th-level Entropic Sorcery feature
You can draw upon your connection to the primordial Void to unmake magic. You can cast counterspell and dispel magic at 3rd-level without spending Sorcery Points a total number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all uses of this feature when you finish a long rest.
Ray of Annihilation
14th-level Entropic Sorcery feature
The overwhelming power you draw from the Void allows you to unmake creation. You learn the disintegrate spell. It doesn't count against your Spells Known and it cannot be replaced.
You can cast disintegrate with Innate Arcanum spell slots as normal, but you can also expend 9 Sorcery Points to cast disintegrate additional times at 6th-level.
Disciple of the Void
18th-level Entropic Sorcery feature
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to partially discorporate until the end of your current turn. While you are in this state, you gain the following benefits:
- You can cause any spells you cast to deal force damage.
- You can move through solid objects and creatures as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn inside a solid object or creature you are instantly shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, taking 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet you were forced to travel.
- If you pass through a creature, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell save DC or take 1d10 force damage. A creature can only be forced to
make this Constitution saving throw once per turn.
Fey Sorcery
Every so often, mortals catch the attention of Archfey and are given fey power beyond that of other mortals. However, these mortal infatuations are usually brief, and the mortals are left to learn to use their power with little help. Whether you were chosen by a powerful Fey or are a child of such a relationship you are blessed with the whimsical power of the Feywild.
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Fey Sorcery Spells, Faeblood, Heartsight |
6th | Emotional Focus |
14th | Fleeting Step |
18th | Intoxicating Presence |
Fey Sorcery Spells
1st-level Fey Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | color spray, faerie fire |
3rd | calm emotions, misty step |
5th | blink, hypnotic pattern LL |
7th | compulsion, dominate beast |
9th | dominate person, seeming |
1st-level Fey Sorcery feature
Your whimsical gift grants you an affinity for enchantments of all kinds. You learn one Cantrip of your choice from the Bard Class. It counts as a Sorcerer Cantrip for you, but it does not count against your Cantrips Known.
Also, whenever you learn a Sorcerer spell, you can choose to learn that spell from the either Sorcerer or the Bard spell list, and it becomes a Sorcerer spell for you.
1st-level Fey Sorcery feature
Your sorcery grants you heightened empathic abilities. You gain proficiency in Insight, and add your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1) to your Wisdom (Insight) checks.
As an action you can touch a creature and attempt to read its current emotional state. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check against its CR. On a success, you learn its alignment and its most powerful surface emotion; such as fear, anger, or calm. Creatures are unaware you attempted to read their heart.
Emotional Focus
6th-level Fey Sorcery feature
At the end of each long rest, choose one emotion from the list below. Until the end of your next long rest you are resistant to its damage type, and immune to its associated condition:
Emotion | Damage Type | Condition |
Anger | Fire | Frightened |
Disgust | Acid | Charmed |
Envy | Poison | Poisoned |
Joy | Lightning | Frightened |
Sorrow | Cold | Charmed |
Fleeting Step
14th-level Fey Sorcery feature
You can slip into the Feywild when in danger. When you are forced to make a saving throw you can use your reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet, automatically succeeding on the saving throw in the process.
You can use this reaction once per long rest at no cost, but to use it again, you must expend 7 Sorcery Points.
Intoxicating Presence
18th-level Fey Sorcery feature
You exude the intoxicating presence of an Archfey. Whenever
you cast an Enchantment spell on a creature
who can see or hear you within 30 feet, it has
disadvantage on its initial saving throw.
Infernal Sorcery
There are many ways to gain infernal power; entering into
a pact with a sinister Archdevil, infected by the chaotic power of a Demon Lord, or being born into the line of a sinister cult leader. However you came by your vile sorcery, you now bear within you the dark power of the lower planes. Your sorcery drives you to commit evil acts, will you resist its dark call?
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Fiendish Lineage, Infernal Form, Infernal Sorcery Spells |
6th | Extra Attack |
14th | Fiendish Resistance |
18th | Sinister Apotheosis |
Fiendish Lineage
1st-level Infernal Sorcery feature
Your power corrupts your soul but grants you fiendish power. You gain proficiency in either Deception or Intimidation, and you learn to speak, read, and write Abyssal or Infernal.
Infernal Form
1st-level Infernal Sorcery feature
As a bonus action, you can unleash your infernal sorcery and transform into an Infernal Form. In this form, you resemble a hideous infernal creature, gaining the benefits listed below:
- Your hands become wicked claws. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 slashing damage, and you can use Charisma, in place of your Strength, for their attack and damage rolls.
- While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class
is equal to 10 + your Dexterity and Charisma modifiers. - As a bonus action, you can grant yourself temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
- Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
This transformation lasts for 1 minute, but it ends early if you are incapacitated or you use a bonus action to end it.
You can transform into your Infernal Form a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
When you have no uses of this feature left, you can expend 3 Sorcery Points to transform into your Infernal Form again.
Sorcery Spells
1st-level Infernal Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | hellish rebuke, wrathful smite LL |
3rd | flame whip LL, scorching ray |
5th | bestow curse, blinding smite LL |
7th | shadow of moil XGE, staggering smite LL |
9th | insect plague, spiritual sundering LL |
Extra Attack
6th-level Infernal Sorcery feature
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, if you use your action to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action or to take the Dash action, you can make one melee attack as a bonus action.
In addition, your unarmed strikes in Infernal Form count as magical for overcoming resistances and immunities.
Fiendish Resistance
14th-level Infernal Sorcery feature
Your sinister power can shield you from harm. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to expend Sorcery Points and reduce that damage by 1d4 per Sorcery Point spent.
If you are in your Infernal Form when you use this reaction you roll 1d6 per Sorcery Point spent, instead of 1d4.
Sinister Apotheosis
18th-level Infernal Sorcery feature
You have mastered the fiendish power that dwells within you. Your Infernal Form lasts until you end it. Also, while you are in Infernal Form, you gain the following additional benefits:
- You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
- You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks.
- The damage of your unarmed strikes increases by 1d8.
Iron Sorcery
Born during times of war and strife, the Sorcerers known
as Ironmongers have an affinity for things forged for use in battle. They thrive in the midst of combat, channeling their
war magic on the front lines. They are formidable foes, and are sought after by captains and conquerers for their ability to turn the tide of any battle, no matter how hopeless.
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Blade of Strife, Ironmonger, Iron Sorcery Spells |
6th | Extra Attack, Iron Smite |
14th | Iron Aegis |
18th | Storm of Blades |
Blade of Strife
1st-level Iron Sorcery feature
You can conjure up the signature weapon of an Ironmonger Sorcerer, the Blade of Strife. As a bonus action, you conjure this mystical Blade at a point you can see within 60 feet. It lasts for 1 minute or until you conjure another Blade.
When you conjure this Blade, you can make a melee spell attack against a target within 10 feet of it. On hit, it takes 1d8 force damage. As a bonus action on each following turn, you can move the Blade up to 30 feet and repeat this attack.
You can conjure this Blade a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all of your expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Finally, when you have no uses of this feature left, you can expend 3 Sorcery Points to conjure the Blade again.
1st-level Iron Sorcery feature
Your sorcery grants you an affinity for the armaments of war. You gain proficiency with light armor, medium armor, shields, and all simple and martial weapons without the heavy or two-handed properties.
Your unique Sorcery also allows you to cast Sorcerer spells while you are wearing light or medium armor, or using shield.
Iron Sorcery Spells
1st-level Iron Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | command, compelled duel |
3rd | cloud of daggers, magic weapon LL |
5th | conjure volley LL, elemental weapon |
7th | fabricate XGE, summon construct (metal) TCE |
9th | animate objects, steel wind strike LL |
Extra Attack
6th-level Iron Sorcery feature
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. If you have a Blade of Strife, you can forgo one or both of these attacks to instead make spell
attacks with your Blade of Strife.
Iron Smite
6th-level Iron Sorcery feature
The sorcerous power of your Blade of Strife has grown. You add your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage of your Blade of Strife spell attacks.
Also, once per turn when you hit a Large or smaller target with your Blade of Strife, you can force it to make a Strength saving throw against your Spell save DC or fall prone.
Iron Aegis
14th-level Iron Sorcery feature
When a creature within 10 feet of your Blade of Strife is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to add your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1) to the target's Armor Class against that attack, potentially turning a hit into a miss.
Your Blade of Strife also deals a bonus 1d8 damage on hit.
Storm of Blades
18th-level Iron Sorcery feature
You have become a god of warfare and lay waste to your foes. When you cast steel wind strike, you can use a Blade of Strife as the material component. When you do, your Blade makes all the attacks independent of you, and you make melee spell attacks in place of melee weapon attacks.
You can cast steel wind strike this way without expending Sorcery Points a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier, and you regain all uses when you finish a long rest.
Royal Sorcery
Once in a generation, a divinely chosen ruler is born amongst the people. Some cults and countries seek out these blessed rulers, trusting the gods to select their leader. However, the existence of these chosen Sorcerers poses a threat to those currently in power. While some willingly step down for divine will, others look to eliminate this threat to their power.
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Royal Sorcery Spells, Royal Bearing, Words of Authority |
6th | Inspiring Sorcery |
14th | Regal Presence |
18th | Divine Command |
Royal Sorcery Spells
1st-level Royal Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | command, heroism |
3rd | find steed LL, zone of truth |
5th | conjure volley LL, tiny servant XGE |
7th | compulsion, guardian of faith |
9th | dominate person, geas |
Royal Bearing
1st-level Royal Sorcery feature
Your Sorcery infuses you with supernatural bearing.
Choose Deception, Persuasion, or Intimidation. You
gain proficiency in that skill, and you add double your proficiency bonus to ability checks
you make with the
chosen skill.
Inspiring Sorcery
6th-level Royal Sorcery feature
You can lace your words with sorcerous power to uplift your allies. As a bonus action, you can expend Sorcery Points and choose a number of creatures who can see or hear you within 30 feet equal to the Sorcery Points expended. Creatures gain temporary hit points equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier.
Regal Presence
14th-level Royal Sorcery feature
Your presence inspires heroic confidence in your followers. Creatures of your choice that can see or hear you within 30 feet are considered to be proficient in all saving throws.
Also, the range of Words of Authority becomes 30 feet.
Divine Command
18th-level Royal Sorcery feature
You have become a legendary figure, and have been infused with increased divine power. You learn divine word. It counts as a Sorcerer spell for you, but it does not count against your
total Spells Known, and you cannot replace it.
Once between each long rest, you can cast divine word
without expending your Sorcery Points or one of
your Innate Arcanum spell slots.
Vampiric Sorcery
The dark magic of undeath is a path to great power for those willing to pay the price. Many powerful undead creatures will grant their followers a portion of their dark sorcery in return for their service. Evil vampires, long-dead mummy lords, and sinister liches have all been known to curse their most loyal followers with the powers of Vampiric Sorcery.
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Vampiric Sorcery Spells, Blood Magic |
6th | Undead Resilience |
14th | Misty Escape |
18th | Vampiric Mastery |
Blood Magic
1st-level Vampiric Sorcery feature
You can sacrifice your very life force to fuel your dark sorcery. Whenever you would expend Sorcery Points, you can choose to spend your hit points instead. When you do so, reduce both your current and maximum hit points by 2 for each Sorcery Point you would have spent. All reductions to your maximum hit points are restored at the end of your next long rest.
Also, whenever you slay a creature with a Sorcerer spell of 1st-level or higher, you gain temporary hit points equal to the level of that spell. Temporary hit points from this feature can be used in place of your current hit points (but not maximum hit points) as fuel for your Blood Magic Spellcasting.
Vampiric Sorcery Spells
1st-level Vampiric Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | command, inflict wounds |
3rd | suggestion, spider climb |
5th | gaseous form, vampiric touch |
7th | blight, greater invisibility |
9th | dominate person, enervation XGE |
Optional Rule: True Vampirism
To play as a true vampire, you gain all the features below as part of your Vampiric Sorcery:
Creature Type. You gain the undead creature type, but healing spells still work on you as normal.
Deathless Nature. You no longer need to breathe, eat, or drink in order to survive.
Spider Climb. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. You can use this speed to walk up walls and on ceilings while your hands are free.
Superior Darkvision. You gain darkvision out to a 120-foot radius, unless your darkvision was further.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. You are vulnerable to radiant damage, and have disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks while in direct sunlight.
Undead Resilience
6th-level Vampiric Sorcery feature
You gain resistance to both necrotic and poison damage, and you are immune to the Poisoned condition.
Also, when you have temporary hit points from your Blood Magic feature, you are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical, non-silvered, attacks.
Misty Escape
14th-level Vampiric Sorcery feature
As a reaction to when you are reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright, you can turn into a cloud of mist, reappearing with 1 hit point in an unoccupied space within 30 feet.
Once you use this reaction you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. When you have no uses left, you can spend 5 Sorcery Points to use this reaction again.
Vampiric Mastery
18th-level Vampiric Sorcery feature
You have mastered the sinister power of your Sorcery. When you deal necrotic damage to a creature with a Sorcerer spell of 1st-level or higher, you can gain temporary hit points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt.
These temporary hit points can also be used for your Blood Magic Spellcasting in place of your current hit points.
Verdant Sorcery
There are many reclusive sages who learn to wield the magic of nature, but a rare few are born with an innate connection to that magic. Known as Greensingers, these wild Sorcerers are able to magically manipulate plants, and can even sprout vines from their flesh in order to move about the world.
Sorcerer Level | Feature |
1st | Greensinger, Overgrowth, Verdant Sorcery Spells |
6th | Grasping Growth |
14th | Sapping Grip |
18th | Greensong |
1st-level Verdant Sorcery feature
Your sorcerous gift grants you an affinity for the magic of the natural world. You learn the thorn whip Cantrip. It counts as a Sorcerer Cantrip for you, but it does not count against your total Cantrips Known, and it cannot be replaced.
Also, whenever you learn a Sorcerer spell, you can choose to learn that spell from either the Sorcerer or the Druid spell
list. These Druid spells become Sorcerer spells for you.
1st-level Verdant Sorcery feature
Your sorcery can cause spontaneous verdant growths. When you hit with thorn whip, you can cast ensnaring strike on the
target instead of moving it closer to you. When cast in
this way, ensnaring strike does not require your
concentration to maintain its effect.
You can cast ensnaring strike at no cost a number
of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of
once), and you regain all uses when you finish a long rest.
In addition, as an action, you can extrude a thin vine, up to 15 feet in length, which can be used to perform one simple task before it disappears. It cannot perform tasks that require fine skills, like using tools, wielding weapons, or grappling.
Verdant Sorcery Spells
1st-level Verdant Sorcery feature
You learn certain spells at the Sorcerer levels shown below. They are Sorcerer spells for you, they do not count against your number of Spells Known, and they cannot be replaced:
Sorcerer Level | Spell |
1st | ensnaring strike LL, entangle |
3rd | earthbind XGE, spike growth |
5th | plant growth, speak with plants |
7th | grasping vine, guardian of nature XGE |
9th | tree stride, wrath of nature XGE |
Grasping Growth
6th-level Verdant Sorcery feature
The range of your thorn whip and Overgrowth vines increase to 30 feet, and the damage dice of thorn whip become d10s.
Also, you can use a bonus action to extrude an Overgrowth vine and force a creature in range to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, it is grappled and rooted to the ground in place by the vine. The creature can escape with a successful Strength (Athletics) check against your Spell save DC.
Sapping Grip
14th-level Verdant Sorcery feature
Your growths drain the life-force of your foes. At the start of each of your turns, any creatures grappled or restrained by any Verdant Sorcery features or Verdant Sorcery Spells take 1d10 necrotic damage. You then gain temporary hit points equal to the total necrotic damage dealt to all creatures.
18th-level Verdant Sorcery feature
As a bonus action, you can enter the Greensong, a state of pure harmony with the natural world. For 1 minute, or until you are incapacitated, you gain the benefits listed below:
- You immediately cast plant growth, centered on yourself, without expending Sorcery Points.
- The range of thorn whip and Overgrowth vines double.
- You can cast entangle as a bonus action on each of your turns without expending Sorcery Points. When cast this way, it does not require your concentration.
Once you enter the Greensong you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again. When you have no uses, you can spend 5 Sorcery Points to use this feature again.

A multitude of additional options for the Alternate Sorcerer class! Includes eighteen Metamagics, two new and alternate Sorcerous Feats, and nine additional Sorcerous Origins!
Version 4.0.1 - Created by /u/laserllama
Last Updated: October 1st, 2024
Artist Credits:
Covers - Ryan Yee - Counterspell Variant
Page 1 - Dominik Mayer - Shock
Page 2 - Paul Canavan - Force of Negation
Page 3 - Jason Rainville - Eidolon of Obstruction
Page 4 - Daarken - Rogue Shadowmage
Page 5 - Karl Kopinski - Calculated Dismissal
Page 6 - Johannes Voss - Eskia, God of the Tree
Page 7 - Andrew Mar - Dreadfest Demon
Page 8 - Martal Nael - Forged in Fury
Page 9 - Julia Metzger - Royal Treatment
Page 10 - Jason Chan - Bloodline Keeper
Page 11 - Johaness Voss - Tyvar Kell