Genesys Star Trek by karl_Jansky

by Jansky

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Star Trek Genesys

By Karl_Jansky

Star Trek Genesys

This document is meant to be a jumping off point for GM's and Players to jumpstart a Star Trek campaign or rulebook. This document utilizes the Genesys Core Rulebook, Expanded Player's guide, and the basic Duty rules from the Age of Rebellion SWRPG Core Rulebook. It also Adapts many of the concepts found in the Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook.

Inside this document you will find basic references to life paths, duty rules, vehicle rules, new species, new ships, new gear and items all from the Star Trek Universe.


Duty represents a charcter's rank and influence inside Starfleet. (if you are working for another faction, duty represents your relationship with that faction, if you are unafiliated then ignore the duty system.)

The Importance Of Duty In Star Trek

Player characters will more than likely never be bothered by having to keep track of currency due to the economic nature of Star Trek. Experience and Duty are the main forms of progression in this setting, rather than monetary gain. For your crew to get more resources in their travels, they must accumulate duty to prove their worth to Starfleet and ask for resources. (MIGHT BE GAINED THROUGH DIFFERENT MEANS???)

Starting Duty

Players are able to choose how much Duty they want to invest into character creation. The more duty a player has, the better they are seen in the federation. They can sacrifice duty points in character creation to gain additional xp or equipment.

Starting Duty Per Player
# of Players Starting duty
2 20
3 15
4 10
5 10
6+ 5
Duty Reductions
Bonus Cost
+5 starting xp -5 Duty
+10 starting xp -10 Duty
Types of Duty
d100 Duty Type
01-08 Victory in Combat
09-16 Military Intelligence
17-24 Scientific Breakthrough
25-32 Enforcement of Prime Directive
33-40 Extraordinary acts
41-48 Diplomatic relations
49-56 Honor Through Combat
57-64 Comprehend environment or culture
65-72 Taking care of others
73-80 Help those in need
81-88 Spread Idea/culture/etc
89-96 Legacy
97-00 reroll dice twice , character has two duties
Duty In Play

A chart will be made with every PC showing their duty, the list will go from most duty to least duty.

Example of Duty Chart
D100 Duty Character
01-15 Victory in Combat(15) John
16-26 Military Intelligence (10) Luke
27-30 Legacy (4) Skyler
31-32 Diplomatic relations (2) Walker

A d100 is rolled before each session. If the roll is greater than the total value of the Duty Chart then the session plays out normally, but if the roll is equal to or less than the total on the duty chart, then Duty is triggered.

Triggering Duty

Whoever was rolled on the chart is the character who's duty was triggered. This means that their duty will have a significant role for the session. GM's are free to choose extra bonuses such as more destiny points, added threshold points, etc. in case of triggering duty.

Duty Inside Starfleet

Duty can also be used as a threshold. The higher the duty of a group, the more respected they are by Starfleet and the more recognition they have. Once a group reaches a GM set Threshold (example, 100 Duty), they can be promoted and/or ask for new equipment from Starfleet.

Awarding Duty

Duty is awarded when players contribute to their type of Duty. Range ofpoints awarded are 1 - 7 depending on the severity, importance, and risk of their actions (More can be awarded at the GM's discretion). Duty can also be taken away if their actions are seen as unfavorable to either starfleet or their Duty type.


The following are species that can be commonly found inside Star Trek. These were taken from u/Anechois. They are here simply as a starting point for GM's to modify them as how they see fit. The link to u/Anechois thread can be found below. XP values are not balanced yet


3 2 2 2 1 2
  • Wound threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Strain threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting XP : 100
  • When making skill checks, Andorians may remove b
    imposed due to arid, cold, or hot environmental conditions.


2 2 2 2 2 1
  • Wound threshold: 12 + Brawn
  • Strain threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting XP: 100
  • Starting rank in computations


3 2 2 2 2 2
  • Wound threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Strain threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting XP: 100
  • Staring rank in Warfare


3 2 2 2 2 1
  • Wound threshold: 11 + Brawn
  • Strain threshold: 11 + Willpower
  • Starting XP: 85
  • Rank In Discipline
  • Add b
    to all social checks.


2 2 2 2 2 1
  • Wound threshold: 13 + Brawn
  • Strain threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Starting XP: 100
  • Have rank in Resilience and either Brawl or Melee


2 2 2 2 2 2
  • Wound threshold: 10 + Brawn
  • Strain threshold: 10 + Willpower
  • Staring XP: 115

Other Species

These species and others can be found in a document shared by u/Anechois in the following thread /r/genesysrpg/comments/91oc2k/species_from_star_trek/

Careers and lifepath

Players can freely select their career, but they can choose to use the lifepath either random or chosen to have a fleshed out and fully realized character. This will be a quick rundown on mechanics. Further explenation of lifepaths can be found in the Star Trek Adventures Core rulebook.

d6 Environment Effect
1 Homeworld Take rank in leadership or any knowledge skill
2 Busy Colony Take rank in any social skill or any combat skill
3 Isolated Colony Take rank in Perception or Coordination
4 Frontier Colony Take rank in Survival or any rank that relates to colony
5 Starship / Starbase Take Admin or any rank that relates to environment
6 Other Species' world Take rank that relates to environment

Characters cha either choose to accept or rebel against their upbringing. Once one is rolled or chosen, choose if your character accepts their upbringing.

d6 Upbringing Accepted Effect Rebelled Effect
1 Starfleet Rank in Cool and Athletics Rank in Resilience and Perception
2 Business / Trade Rank in Streetwise and Negotiation Rank in Discipline and Perception
3 Agriculture / Rural Rank in Athletics and Life Sciences rank in any knowledge and survival
4 Science / Technological Two ranks in any knowledge Rank in Resilience and any knowledge
5 Artistic / Creative Rank in Perception and any Knowledge Rank in athletics and resilience
6 Diplomatic / Politics any social rank and any knowledge rank Rank in athletics and discipline
Career Path
d6 Career Path
1-2 Command
3-4 Operations
5-6 Science


There are 3 main careers. Command, Operations, and Science. Each Career is used as a framework for your character, their lifepath will further develop their career path and attributes.


Officers who focus on command have an affinity for leadership and usually aspire to command their own starship in the future. Career skills include Charm, Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Leadership, Warfare, Negotiation, and Perception


Officers who focus on Operations confront the hard realities of space travel. Operations officer focus on either Security or Engineering tasks. Career skills include Athletics, Perception, (Player Chosen Knowledge), either Mechanics, skulduggery and Computers OR Gunnery, Melee and Ranged


officers who focus on Science are those who seek to further current knowledge or use said knowledge to help others. Science Officers consist of Nurses, Doctors, Scientists, and counselors. Career skills include Cool, Discipline, Life Sciences, Resilience, Coordination, and either medicine or sensors

*More career skills will be gained once your character is assigned a role within a starship.

d6 Experience Effect
1-2 Young Officer Choose any talent for free, but choose skill to have permanent setback
3-4 Experienced Officer Choose any rank to upgrade
5-6 Veteran Officer Added event and can either get +5 duty or choose role/rank before other players

Two or more events can be rolled, but players can only take up to two effects of the events. (For young officers, these events happened while at the academy)

Event Table
d20 Event Effect
1 Ship Destroyed Rank in Cool
2 Death of a Friend Rank in medicine
3 Lauded By Other Culture Rank in Prime Directive
4 Negotiated a Treaty Rank in Negotiation
5 Required to Take Command Rank in Leadership
6 Encountered something truly Alien Rank in Life Sciences or Space Sciences
7 Serious Injury Rank in Discipline
8 Conflict with a Hostile Creature Rank in any Combat
9 Mentored Any Rank
10 Transporter Accident Increase Either Mechanics or Computation
11 Dealt With a Plague Rank in Medicine
12 Betrayed Ideals of a Superior Rank in any Social
13 Called Out Superior Rank in either Cool or any Social
14 New Battle Strategy Rank in Warfare
15 Unique Language Rank in Social Sciences
16 Found an Artifact Rank in Social Sciences or Mechanics
17 Special commendation Rank in either Survival or Athletics
18 Fixed and Engineering Crisis Rank in either computation or mechanics
19 Breakthrough / Invention Rank in any knowledge, computation, mechanics, or medicine
20 First contact Rank in either Social Sciences, Life Sciences, or Prime Directive
Events Optional rules

Different events can also take place during the same time if wanted. Example: Death of a Friend occurred during Ship Destroyed. Depending on what a player describes as the events taken in the event, they can get approval from the GM to change the rank affected

Role and Rank

Different roles will provide extra career skills and responsibilities.


In this document, roles are purely used for narrative purposes and group relationships. They have no solid mechanical rules. Characters can only take roles from their career. An Optional rule is for player's to choose one skill that applies to their role as a career skill. (Gm may increase amount of career skills)


Commanding Officer

An esteemed officer who is either a Captain or referred to as captain even if they do not hold rank of captain.

Executive Officer

The Second in Command. They take the responsibilities of Captain when the need to do so arises. If there is no executive Officer on board, then any other officer can be second in command.


Flight Controller

Not a typical job for senior officers, but Flight Controllers deal with piloting the ship and maintaining components that deal with propulsion.

Chief of Security

Oversees security inside the ship and in missions. Oversees the security of crew and visitors on board. They also take control of the tactical Station on the Bridge.


Ship Counselor

An Officer dedicated to the mental wellbeing of passengers and crew. They are used as advisors to the captain and often help with Alien Communication.

Chief Medical Officer

Referred to as the Ship's surgeon, this officer focuses on the physical well being of passengers and crew on the ship. They hold authority upon other officers when medicine is involved.

Chief Engineer

Ensures that she ship remains operational through the Engineering department.

Operations Manager

Manages and oversees all technical operations from the Bridge with the Operations station. Works alongside the chief engineer. On smaller ships, an Officer can take both the Operations manager and Chief Engineer roles.

Science Officer

Advises commanding officers on scientific matters. Science officers are not on every ship. The Operations Manager takes this role if there is no Science Officer on board.


Any character can be a communications officer, also a character may take part as an ordinary crew member or petty chief, these do not have added career ranks.


Players may now choose their rank within the ship.

  • Captain - Can only be taken by Commanding Officer
  • Commander - Lowest rank of a Commanding Officer
  • Lieutenant Commander - Lowest rank for Veteran Characters
  • Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant (Junior) - Lowest Rank for Executive officer or chief personnel. Highest rank for Young Officers
  • Ensign - Lowest rank

GM's might choose to have players be promoted after reaching a Duty Threshold or when it makes sense narratively.

Values, Beliefs, and Character

It is encouraged for players to look at their character's history and know what values and beliefs they could have held or developed over time.

Spend xp points

Characters now spend the remaining xp points they have on skills and talents

  • NOTE - These characters will more than likely be very fleshed out and "overpowered" It is advised to hand out xp alongside duty, at the end of an arc/mission, or award with ranks or talents once a duty threshold has been crossed.

Starting Equipment

Characters start out with their Uniforms, Communicator, Tricorder, Sidearm (Type-1 or type-2 for security and senior officers), and tools for their role.


Gear list
name dam / Skill crit range encum Special
Knife/Dagger +1 / melee 3 Engaged 1 N/A
Blade (Sword, Mek’leth, etc) +2 / melee 2 engaged 3 pierce 2, vicious 1, defensive 1
Heavy Blade (Bat’leth, Kar’takin, Lirpa) +3 / melee 2 engaged 3 pierce 2, vicious 1, defensive 1
Bludgeon +2 3 engaged 3 Defensive 1, disorient 3
Phaser Type-1 5 / ranged 4 medium 1 Stun setting
Phaser Type-2 6 / ranged 3 medium 1 stun setting
Phaser Type-3 (Phaser Rifle) 7 / ranged 3 medium 2 stun setting
Pulse Grenade 8 /ranged 4 short 1 blast 6, limited ammo 1
Andorian Plasma Rifle 9 / ranged 3 Long 4
Phase Pistol 6 /ranged 3 medium 2
Particle rifle 8 / ranged 3 medium 3
Disruptor rifle 8 / ranged 3 medium 3

Items Examples

  • Communicator - Is able to communicate with ships in orbit. They are worn as a small pin in an Officer's uniform
  • Tricorder - Senses Records and Analyzes data. There are science and medical versions of the Tricorder
  • Environment Suits - Helps characters survive on hazardous environments. Mechanical ramifications are decided by GM.



  • Astrogation (Int) - Used to understand Star Maps and plot routes in interstellar travel.
  • Athletics (Ag) - The fitness of a character
  • Cool (Pr) - Maintaining composure during stressful events.
  • Computation (Int) - The knowledge of software, and computers
  • Coordination (Ag) - A character's ability to measure theirselves or other factors
  • Discipline (Will) - Mental fortitude
  • Driving (Ag) - The ability to drive ground vehicles
  • Mechanics (Int) - The knowledge to fix or operate hardware
  • Medicine (Int) - Knowledge of medical field
  • Perception (Cun) - Used to understand their environment
  • Piloting (Tactical) (Ag) - Maneuvering a starhip in stressful or tactical situations
  • Piloting (Ag) - General Piloting a starship or shuttle
  • Resilience (Br) - How hardened a character is. Resistance to pain, poison, etc.
  • Sensors (Cun) - A character's ability to use and interpret machines that deal with data.
  • Skulduggery (Cun) - Used to pick locks or other sleight of hand.
  • Stealth (Ag) - The character's ability to hide
  • Streetwise (Cun) - A character's ability to survive and understand hardened Urban areas.
  • Survival (Cun) - A character's ability to forage and survive in the unknown
  • Vigilance (Will) - A Character's immediate awareness of their surroundings


  • Brawl (Br) - General Unarmed Combat
  • Gunnery (Ag) - Operation of large weapons
  • Melee (Br) - physical Combat through weapons
  • Ranged (Ag) - combat through the use of ranged weapons such as phasers.


  • Charm (Pr) - Ability to be charismatic.
  • Coercion (Will) - Negotiation through darker means
  • Deception (Cun) - The ability to deceive
  • Leadership (Pr) - Leading others in various ways.
  • Negotiation (Pr) - Coming to a middle ground or trying to come to an understanding.


  • Admin (Int) - The ability to handle administration.
  • Education (Int) - The general knowledge that a character has
  • Life Sciences (Int) - Sciences that deal with how life operates
  • Language Sciences (Int) - The specific study of languages
  • Robotic Sciences (Int) - The specific knowledge of either robotic or android sciences
  • Physical Sciences (Int) - Chemistry, Electronics, Physics, etc
  • Social Sciences (Int) - Cultural study, can relate to language.
  • Space Sciences (Int) - Extreme Alien Xenology, Planetology
  • Warfare (Int) - The knowledge of war. Used to plan strategies or carry out military maneuvers.
  • Law / Prime Directive (Int) - The Knowledge of intergalactic law and the Prime Directive


Starships are the homes of officers in their journey across the stars. These Starships are built to have diverse functions such as tactical and research functions. (AS OF NOW, ALL STATS ARE A W.I.P)

Modifications to vehicle rules

Due to the constant use of vehicles in Star Trek, new vehicle components have been created. These stats act like handling. Meaning they an amount of boost equal to its rank when they are used.

There are departments within the ship such as Command, Security, Science, Conn, Engineering, Medicine These represent the facilities, tools, and functions inside the ship. Depending on your ships current modifications, it could provide boost die to your Character's actions as long as they justify the use of said departments.

Example. A character wants to scan an alien planet with the ships sensors. They would use their sensors skill and the boost given to them by their Science Departments


Shuttle Pod
2 4 2 0 1 5 5
Shuttle Craft
3 4 2 1 2 7 5
Basic Shuttle
3 3 2 1 1 8 6
Danube Class Runabout
4 4 1 4 5 15 12
Akira Class
7 4 -1 5 3 110 55


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 1
  • Science:
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 0
Constellation Class
6 3 -2 2 2 80 45


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 0
  • Science: 0
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 0
Constitution Class
6 3 -2 3 3 85 45


  • Command: 1
  • Security: 0
  • Science: 0
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 0
Defiant Class
5 4 -1 2 3 55 50


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 1
  • Science:
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 0
Excelsior Class
7 3 -2 3 5 90 55


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 0
  • Science: 0
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 1
  • Medicine: 0
Galaxy Class
8 3 -3 5 5 110 60


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 1
  • Science:
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 1
  • Medicine: 0
Intrepid Class
6 4 0 2 3 85 45


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 0
  • Science: 2
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 0
Miranda Class
6 3 -2 2 3 75 60


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 0
  • Science: 0
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 0
Nova Class
5 3 -1 3 5 75 85


  • Command: 0
  • Security: 1
  • Science:
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 0

Starship Customization and Modules

Every starship can be customized to a specific role. Player characters can choose to customize their ship, and can refit it in the future. These values are added to your ships departments.

Strategic and Diplomatic Operations

  • Command: 2
  • Security: 1
  • Science: 1
  • Conn: 0
  • Engineering: 1
  • Medicine: 1

Pathfinder and Reconnaissance Operations

  • Command: 1
  • Security: 1
  • Science: 1
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 1
  • Medicine: 0

Technical test-bed

  • Command: 0
  • Security: 1
  • Science: 1
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 2
  • Medicine: 1


  • Command: 1
  • Security: 2
  • Science: 0
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 1
  • Medicine: 1

Scientific and Survey Operations

  • Command: 1
  • Security: 0
  • Science: 2
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 2
  • Medicine: 1

Crisis and Emergency

  • Command: 1
  • Security: 1
  • Science: 1
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 0
  • Medicine: 2

Multi-role Explorer

  • Command: 1
  • Security: 1
  • Science: 1
  • Conn: 1
  • Engineering: 1
  • Medicine: 1

Actions in Ship

Reroute Power

A captain can choose to divert power from one system to another. The system that's getting the extra power gains a boost dice while all others get a setback die. The higher the Engineering stat, the more boost (and setback) die you can give. Example - a ship with a 0 tech bonus only has one boost whilst one with a 3 Engineering bonus can have 4.

You can split your diverted power. Two systems can have power diverted to them, but all other systems have setback equal to the amount of boost used. Example - you split 4 boost die into two system, so both systems have 2 boosts, all other systems get 4 setback dice.

Travel Around Ship

It takes three turns to move from one end of the ship to the other if a Character utilizes all their transportation tools to their advantage. Traveling to adjacent rooms takes a full turn and moving from a bridge station to another might take a maneuver.


Beaming requires a normal check that can be upgraded depending on the destination.

This is similar to the hazardous terrain chart in pg 227 in the Genesys Core Rule Book

Social Encounters

Star trek is mostly about the interactions between characters, the discussion of ideas, dilemmas, morals, and ethics.

Boardroom Meetings

To fully immerse your players in the setting and adventure, the Captain must remember to hold Meetings, short or long, on how to deal with their current situation. Each character should voice their concerns and give an opinion on how they should tackle the current problem. These meetings could also hold NPC characters. These characters should most of the time voice concerns that are not immediately obvious to the players or should present contrasting perspectives. Optional rule If a meeting happened, all characters now have a bonus b on any roll dealing with executing a plan that was agreed upon in the meeting. If there was no real agreement during the meeting then every player has a b due to a lack of coordination or feeling disheartened from the outcome of the meeting.

Enemy Ships

Enemy ships can be easily created as a simple stat block from the classes seen in the Starship section. These are more specific examples that could be used in a game. (NEEDS TO BE FINISHED)

1 3 2 4 5 55 66
1 3 2 4 5 55 66
1 3 2 4 5 55 66
1 3 2 4 5 55 66
1 3 2 4 5 55 66
1 3 2 4 5 55 66

Additional Resources

Genesys Traveller


Gensys PSI

Age of republic SWRPG

Star Trek Advendtures CoreRuleBook

Star Trek Species Thread by u/Anechois




  • Age of Rebellion Core Rule Book
  • Star Trek Adventures Core Rule Book
  • Genesys Core rule Book
  • Genesys Expanded Player's Guide
  • Genesys Traveller
  • Genesys Traveller Life Paths
  • Genesys Star Trek Species by u/Anechois
  • Genesys Skill Adventures



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