City and Wild v3.0 - Reddit edition

by Draco

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Table of Contents


Designed by /u/AeronDrake
Made with "GMBinder", created by /u/iveld


Cover: "C.Greenwood 2015" by Michael Gauss.
Interior: "Market tutorial" by Neisbeis, "Armory" by 000Fesbra000, "Stronghold" by jordangrimmer, "Gryffindor Dorms" by jontorresart, "Gilead Weapon Storage gates" by Rusty001, "Adventuring Party" by Emortal982, "Quest Board Concepts 1" by Nhiv, "Troll Hunter" by Kerembeyit, "Campfire Argument' by Markus Stadlober, "Sandstorm" by KaiserFlames, "Shrine of Gods" by Nele-Diel, "Brokkr" by linhsiang, "Magic Scrolls" by Tsabo6, "Alchemist" by NinjArt1st, "Dwarf-Forge" by Graffiti-freak, "Alchemist's workshop" by mischeviouslittleelf, "Big Game" by pindurski.

Using This Book

To use this book you will need the three basic rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Monster Manual and Dungeon Master's Guide). Additionally, for a better game experience, it should be used with the Xanathar's Guide to Everything, specially with the downtime rules found in that book. For the harvesting part, you can expand the materials by using the other official books that gives new creatures, such as Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. Finally, there's some content that can be used with Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, such as combining patrons with the guild section, or use special materials for crafting the new magic items you can find in that book.

This is not a core rulebook, but I hope it will provide new ways to enjoy the game with rules for players and the Dungeon Master to improve their adventures, to make travels more interesting (and probably challenging), and for expanding more the crafting options you can find in the official books.

It's been a long way since the very first edition of this supplement (called "Wilderness Survival Guide"), and since that moment I tried to expand, improve and balance the rules you can find here.

Special thanks to all the people from /r/UnearthedArcana for their amazing feedback, comments, and ideas that helped me to improve this book as much as possible.

Disclaimer: Aeron Drake is not responsible for the consequences of trying to hunt down an ancient red dragon in the wild without proper equipment for finishing a local guild contract. Some side effects by creating a healing potion using exotic materials may include hallucinations, paranoia, sudden changes in behavior and glowing eyes.



The City

Chapter 1: Equipment and Stores

This chapter is divided in two sections. The first includes new equipment available for players and NPCs, and the second have new guidelines for stores, what items are for sale, and various stores ready to be used in the adventures.


In this section you will find new equipment and their properties, equipment from the Dungeon Master's Guide and some content from the other official books. All of these are included in the stores presented in the second section.


If you want more variants for the shields, you can introduce the two following options.

Buckler. This small metal shield is worn strapped to the forearm. You can wield a weapon in the same hand of the buckler, but you have a -1 penalty on attack rolls with the weapon in that hand.

Tower shield. A massive shield nearly as tall as a human. It provides the indicated bonus to your AC, and you can spend an action to use it as total cover until you make another action. The shield does not provide cover against targeted spells, and you can't use your shield hand for anything else. Due its weight, your speed is reduced by 10 feet. If you are also wearing heavy armor, you have a -2 on attack rolls.

Adventuring Gear

This section describes items that have special rules or require further explanation.

Alchemical ammunition. Each of these projectiles carries a load of some alchemical essence in its hollow shaft (the sling bullets are hollow glass bullets filled with the alchemical essence). When it hits a target, the projectile's shaft shatters, releasing the alchemical essence directly onto the target. When you hit a creature with an alchemical ammunition, you deal an extra 1d4 damage. The damage type depends on the type of the ammunition.

When you hit a fiend or undead creature with a holy ammunition deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage instead.

Barbed wire. This is a roll of barbed steel wire designed to keep things in or out. A creature trying to cross barbed wire must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10) or take 1d4 piercing damage and be restrained by the wire. A creature restrained by the barbed wire can use its action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against the DC. On a success, it frees itself, on a failure, it takes 1d4 piercing damage. For setting up the barbed wire, it comes with a pair of thick gloves and anchor posts.

Dictionary. Inside this book you have the list of words and translations from one standard language to common. When you're reading something in the dictionary's language, you can spend 10 minutes for each page of text to translate it.

Money belt. This cloth pouch is designed to be worn under clothing and can hold up to 50 coins. Any Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to steal the coins inside of the pouch is made with disadvantage.

Nutrients. A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains a number of temporary hit points for 1 hour. The number of temporary hit points depends on the Nutrient's quality, as shown in the Nutrients table. If you want to use another nutrient, you must wait until the effect of the previous one ends first.

Quality Temporary Hit Points
Normal 1d4 + 4
Greater 1d4 + 9
Superior 1d4 + 14
Supreme 1d4 + 19

Portal scroll. Using an action to read the scroll allows the reader to teleport to the linked permanent teleportation circle. You must be on the same plane of existence as the teleportation circle. The scroll is consumed and you instantly appear within 5 feet of the destination circle or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. In general, the portal scroll contains a brief description of where the teleportation circle is located (city, location) and if it's owned by a faction or an organization.

Purification kit. This kit is a leather pouch containing herbs and liquids. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to purify one pound of food or one gallon of drink, removing any poison and diseases.

Shield Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Buckler 8 gp +1 4 lb.
Tower shield 15 gp +3 Str 13 Disadvantage 30 lb.
New Adventuring Gear
Adventuring Gear Cost Weight
Alchemical ammunition
   Ammunition, acid (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb.
   Ammunition, cold (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb.
   Ammunition, fire (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb.
   Ammunition, holy (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb.
   Firearm bullet, acid (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb.
   Firearm bullet, cold (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb.
   Firearm bullet, fire (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb.
   Firearm bullet, holy (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb.
   Sling bullet, acid (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb.
   Sling bullet, cold (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb.
   Sling bullet, fire (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb.
   Sling bullet, holy (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Barbed wire (50 ft.) 75 gp 35 lb.
   Book, 50 pages 4 gp 1 lb.
   Book, 100 pages 8 gp 2 lb.
   Book, 200 pages 17 gp 4 lb.
   Book, 300 pages 25 gp 5 lb.
Dictionary 10 gp 2 lb.
Hammock 5 gp 1 lb.
Money belt 4 gp 1 lb.
Nutrients 10 gp 1 lb.
Nutrients, Greater 40 gp 1 lb.
Nutrients, Superior 90 gp 1 lb.
Nutrients, Supreme 160 gp 1 lb.
Portal scroll 350 gp
Purification kit 5 gp 3 lb.
Quiver scabbard 10 gp 2 lb.
Skis and poles 15 gp 6 lb.
Speed juice 10 gp 1/2 lb.
Tent, four-person 4 gp 40 lb.
Tent, pavilion 20 gp 200 lb.

Quiver scabbard. This quiver (for either arrows or bolts) has a hidden scabbard that can hold a small flat weapon, such a shortsword or dagger. A creature can use its action to inspect the quiver and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check to discover the scabbard (DC 12).

Skis and poles. While traveling, skis allow you to move across snow and icy surfaces without reducing your speed. It takes an action to don and to remove the skis.

Speed juice. When you drink this vial of liquid, your walking speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour.

Tent, pavilion. A huge open-air canopy, plus stakes, poles and ropes. It can comfortably fit twenty Medium-size humanoids underneath.

Firearms and Dragons

The firearm bullets listed in this section are intended for using alongside the rules of firearms found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Check with your Dungeon Master first to make sure if they're available in your current campaign or adventure.


New Magic Items

In this section you will find new magic items for your adventures. Some of these magic items were created using the modular magic items system you can find in the Part 3 of this book.

Alfan's Tinderbox

Wondrous Item, Rare

This small metallic box has a campfire image engraved and is warm to the touch. As an action, you can put the box on the ground and open it to create a magic campfire next to it. This fire is warm and magical, and you can to use an action to close the box and douse the campfire.

Arrow of Tracking

Weapon (Arrow), uncommon

This magical arrows are created for tracing and hunting down creatures. When you hit a creature with this arrow, you know the exact location of the creature and the direction of movement if it’s moving. The creature must be on the same plane of existence. The arrow effect last for eight hours.

Bag of Colding

Wondrous item, rare

This white leather bag is a variant of the Bag of Holding. The bag itself it’s imbued magically to keep everything inside refrigerated, maintaining perishable goods chilled and freshed. The bag can hold up to 250 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet.

Dragonbone Weapon

Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

When you hit with an attack using a dragonbone weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage. The damage type that is determined by the kind of dragon that provided the bones (see the table below).

Dragon Damage Type
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Brass Fire
Bronze Lightning
Copper Acid
Dragon Damage Type
Gold Fire
Green Poison
Red Fire
Silver Cold
White Cold

Dragonplate Armor

Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement)

A dragonplate armor is magically crafted with the bones of a dragon. While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, you have advantage on saving throws against the Frightful Presence and breath weapons of dragons, and you have resistance to one damage type that is determined by the kind of dragon that provided the bones, as shown in the following table.

Dragon Resistance
Black Acid
Blue Lightning
Brass Fire
Bronze Lightning
Copper Acid
Dragon Resistance
Gold Fire
Green Poison
Red Fire
Silver Cold
White Cold

Additionally, you can focus your senses as an action to magically discern the distance and direction to the closest dragon within 30 miles of you that is of the same type as the armor. This special action can't be used again until the next dawn.

Ebony Bow

Weapon (longbow), very rare (requires attunement)

An evony bow is made with wood that was magically shaped and reinforced using necrotic magic and vampire blood in a dark ritual.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, you deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage and you regain hit points equal to half the total damage dealt (minimum 1).

Curse. This bow is cursed, ad becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the bow, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear.

Every day you must drink at least a gallon of fresh humanoid blood. For each day you don't drink, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. Finishing a long rest after drinking one gallon of blood reduces your exhaustion level by 1. If you die because of exhaustion, you become a vampire spawn on the next moonlight.

Essence Extraction Device

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This device looks is a leather bracer with a small syringe on the side. It allows its wearer to extract a creature's essence and store it in an empty glass vial connected behind the syringe.

It has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. When you make a check for harvesting a creature, you can extract one unit of the creature's essence. Additionally, if you have a creature part, you can expend 1 charge to transform that part into one unit of the creature's essence.

Everlasting Quiver

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This brown and green leather quiver with a silvered brooch on the strap has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. You can use a bonus action to click the brooch and expend 1 charge to create a set of 20 pieces of non-magical ammunition (arrows or bolts) inside of the quiver. The quiver can hold up to 20 pieces of ammunition, and the arrows or bolts can only be used by the creature attuned to the quiver.


Ghost Weapon

Weapon (any weapon), uncommon (requires attunement)

These spectral weapons are created by ghosts, wraiths and other incorporeal undeads, and because of that, the weapon is destroyed when his undead bearer is finally put to the eternal rest, but some spellcasters discovered a way to unbind the weapon to the undead before that moment, allowing the living to use these weapons aswell.

The weapon weights only 1 pound, and can be only held by the creature attuned to it. A ghost weapon deals necrotic damage instead of its normal damage type, and you deal an additional 2d4 necrotic damage whenever you hit with a creature using this magic weapon.

Gloves of Crafting

Wondrous item, uncommon

These leather gloves have a hammer and an anvil embroidered on each palm, and allows it's owner to craft items faster. While you're wearing the gloves, you count as two characters when you craft an item, reducing the crafting time to half (rounded up).

Guardian Figurine

Wondrous item, uncommon

This stone figurine, small enough to fit on a pocket resembles a humanoid with a spyglass and a bell. When you place it on the ground and use a command word, you can cast the alarm spell on it. You must wait until the next dawn to use the figurine again.

Instant Watchtower

Wondrous item, uncommon

As an action, you can open the bag next to a tree to create a portable platform in one of the tree sides, giving a stable surface. When opened, the watchtower appears in the nearest unoccupied space. The platform is created up to 20 feet high, and the bag also creates a rope ladder to climb up and down. The surface has space for one medium sized creature, and when a creature use its action to close the bag, the ladder and the platform disappears until the bag is opened again.

Mask of the Medusa

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This carefully carved stone mask resembles the face and hair of a deadly medusa.

While wearing this mask, you can use an action and spend one of the charges to cast the flesh to stone spell (Save DC 13). You can cast the spell twice per day, and you regain any expended uses daily at dawn

Sunhallowed Spear

Weapon (spear), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of good alignment)

These white and golden spears are used by powerful angels and celestials in their battles against fiends, but in some cases they craft these weapons and give to good aligned mortal heroes that dedicate their lives to fight the evil without hesitation.

You gain a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. If you throw the spear, it flies back to your hand immediately after the attack. When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, you deal an additional 1d10 radiant damage. If the target is evil aligned, that creature takes an extra 1d10 radiant damage. In addition, the spear glows faintly when a fiend creature is within 120 feet of it.

An evil creature that tries to attune to this spear takes 10d6 radiant damage. This damage ignores resistance and immunity, and can't be reduced or avoided by any means. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage disappears in a blinding flash and is destroyed, leaving its possessions behind.

Potion of Mana

Potion, rarity varies

This blue liquid potion is created using the very essence of magic. When you drink this potion, you gain a number of points you can use to regain spell slots you already used. The number of points depends on the potion's rarity, as shown in the mana potions table.

Mana Potions
Potion of... Rarity Points
Mana Uncommon 1d4+1
Greater mana Rare 2d4 + 2
Superior mana Very Rare 3d4 + 4

When you use the potion, you must distribute the points immediately. You can recover any number of used spell slots if you have enough points to do so, and every point left is lost. You can only recover 5th-level or lower expended spell slots. Check the table below to see how many points you need to spend for recovering a spell slot.

Spell Slots per Points
Spell Slot Point Cost
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 5
4th 6
5th 7

Stores and Buildings

This section have several lists of buildings or stores that can be used by DMs during the adventures as a quick guideline of what items or services are for sale in a particular place. Stores are divided in two parts: size and type.

Store Size

The store size determines the number and rarity of items the store have, and they're divided in four categories:


Small stores are mostly vendor carts, traveling merchants, and so on. A small store have a very limited amount of each item for sale.


A basic store represents shops and merchant posts found in rural settlements and small towns. A basic store mostly have items that are daily used by the townsfolk and people nearby.


An urban store represents the most common shops. These stores can be found in towns and cities alike, the store have an average stock of common items, and sometimes it can have a limited stock of a few rarer items.


A premium store represents an exotic quality shop where the adventurers can find the rarest items. These stores are found only in the biggest cities, and they are only a few of them on each city. The stock of the rarest items sold in a premium store are limited to just a few units.

Store Type

In addition to the store size, each store is divided by its type, which determines what kind of goods the store sell. To randomly determine the store type, roll 1d100 and compare the result with the table below.

Store Types
d100 Store
1-10 Adventuring supplies
11-15 Alchemist/herbalist
16-25 Blacksmith/armory
26-35 General store
36-45 Hunting/leatherworker
46-50 Jeweler
51-55 Library/bookstore
56-60 Magic store
61-70 Stables/animal vendor
71-75 Tailor/clothing
76-85 Temple/faith supplies
86-90 Thieving supplies/black market vendor
91-100 Vehicles, transportation and other services

Stores by type

In the following pages you will find several tables organized by types of items, allowing DMs and players to quickly check what kind of products the adventurers can find in a store.

These tables also have columns with an estimated stock of each item per store type, which can help DMs to determine the amount of products a store have and what kind of store commonly have those items.

Item Availability and Restocking

Even though the tables allows DMs to randomly determine the number of each item a store have, it's up to the DM to decide if a particular item is currently available in the store.

As a general rule, the restocking occurs every week, but this could take longer for travelling merchants, rural or distant stores.

Selling Spell Components

Some stores might have spell components for sale. Still, not every store have the components for all spells. In order to simplify this, the store type determines the maximum level of spells, as shown below.

  • A small store can sell components for 1st level spells.
  • A basic store can sell components for 3rd level spells or lower.
  • An urban store can sell components for 5th level spells or lower.
  • A premium store can sell components for any spell.

The stock per store type determines the number of spell components available for each spell level. For example, a basic store can sell components for up to 1d4 x 2 spells of 3rd level or lower.

Optional Rule: Available Gold

Even though adventures might have several items that merchants can buy, these individuals doesn't necessarily have the money to pay for everything. Here are some estimates for each store type you can use to determine if a merchant have enough money for buying whatever the players are willing to sell. Remember, a merchant should buy an item cheaper than the base price (in general, they pay half the price).

Store Type Available Gold
Small 100 gp
Basic 200 gp
Urban 5,000 gp
Premium 10,000 gp

— Stock per Store Type —

Adventuring Supplies
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Light Armor
   Padded 5 gp 8 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Medium Armor
   Chain shirt 10 gp 20 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Heavy Armor
   Ring mail 30 gp 40 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
   Buckler 8 gp 3 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Shield 10 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
Simple Melee Weapons
   Dagger 2 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Handaxe 5 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Quarterstaff 2 sp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Spear 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Simple Ranged Weapons
   Shortbow 25 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Martial Melee Weapons
   Longsword 15 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Shortsword 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Martial Ranged Weapons
   Longbow 50 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Net 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Adventuring Gear
   Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Backpack 2 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Bedroll 1 gp 7 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Climber's kit 25 gp 12 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Clothes, traveler's 2 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Fishing tackle 1 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Flask or tankard 2 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Grappling hook 2 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Hammer 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Hammock 5 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Healer's kit 5 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Hunting trap 5 gp 25 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Lamp 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Lantern, bullseye 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Lantern, hooded 5 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Adventuring Supplies (Continuation)
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Mess kit 2 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Pick, miner's 2 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Piton 5 cp 1/4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Pole (10-foot) 5 cp 7 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Pot, iron 2 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Potion of healing 50 gp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Pouch 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Purification kit 5 gp 3 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Quiver 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Quiver scabbard 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
Rations (1 day) 5 sp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 1 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Rope, silk (50 feet) 10 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Sack 1 cp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Shovel 2 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Signal whistle 5 cp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Skis and poles 15 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
Tent, four-person 4 gp 40 lb CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Tent, two-person 2 gp 20 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4+ 3
Tent, pavilion 20 gp 200 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4
Tinderbox 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Torch 1 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Waterskin 2 sp 5 lb. (full) PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Whetstone 1 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Artisan's Tools
   Cartographer's tools 15 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Navigator's tools 25 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
Bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb.
   Saddle, riding 10 gp 25 lb.
Saddlebags 4 gp 8 lb.

— Stock per Store Type —

Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Acid (vial) 25 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 x 2 1d4 x 3 1d4 x 5
Alchemist's fire (flask) 50 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 x 2 1d4 x 5
Alchemical Ammunition
   Arrows/bolts, acid (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Arrows/bolts, cold (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Arrows/bolts, fire (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Firearm bullet, acid (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4
   Firearm bullet, cold (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4
   Firearm bullet, fire (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4
   Sling bullets, acid (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Sling bullets, cold (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Sling bullets, fire (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Bottle, glass 2 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Component pouch 25 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Flask or tankard 2 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Healer's kit 5 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3
Jug or pitcher 2 cp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Nutrients (vial) 10 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 -1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4
Nutrients, greater (vial) 40 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 -1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Nutrients, superior (vial) 160 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1
Nutrients, supreme (vial) 350 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4
Oil (flask) 1 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5
Perfume (vial) 5 gp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Poison, basic (vial) 100 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Potion of healing 50 gp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Purification kit 5 gp 3 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4
Speed juice (vial) 120 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 1
Vial 1 gp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Artisan's Tools
   Alchemist's supplies 50 gp 8 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Herbalism kit 5 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Alchemical reagents Varies Varies CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Spell components See spell Varies 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5

— Stock per Store Type —

Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Medium Armor
   Chain shirt 10 gp 20 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Scale mail 50 gp 45 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Breastplate 400 gp 20 lb. PHB 1d4 -1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Half plate 750 gp 40 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Heavy Armor
   Ring mail 30 gp 40 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Chain mail 75 gp 55 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Splint 200 gp 60 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Plate 1,500 gp 65 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
   Buckler 8 gp 3 lb. CAW 1d4 -1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Shield 10 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Tower shield 20 gp 30 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 1
Simple Melee Weapons
   Dagger 2 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Handaxe 5 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Javelin 5 sp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Light hammer 2 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Mace 5 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Sickle 1 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Spear 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Simple Ranged Weapons
   Crossbow, light 25 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Dart 5 cp 1/4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 x 3
Martial Melee Weapons
   Battleaxe 10 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Flail 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Glaive 20 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
   Greataxe 30 gp 7 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Greatsword 50 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Halberd 20 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Lance 10 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
   Longsword 15 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Maul 10 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Morningstar 15 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1

— Stock per Store Type —

Blacksmith/Armory (Continuation)
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Martial Melee Weapons
   Pike 5 gp 18 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
   Rapier 25 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1
   Scimitar 25 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Shortsword 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Trident 5 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   War pick 5 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Warhammer 15 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Martial Ranged Weapons
   Crossbow, hand 75 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1
   Crossbow, heavy 50 gp 18 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Musket 500 gp 10 lb. DMG 1d4
   Pistol 250 gp 3 lb. DMG 1d4
   Bomb 150 gp 1 lb. DMG 1d4
   Gunpowder, keg 250 gp 20 lb. DMG 1d4
   Gunpowder, powder horn 35 gp 2 lb. DMG 1d4 + 2
Adventuring Gear
   Bullets (10) 3 gp 2 lb. DMG 1d4 + 2
   Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp 1½ lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Barbed wire (50 ft.) 75 gp 35 lb. CAW 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Block and tackle 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3
Case, crossbow bolt 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5
Chain (10 feet) 5 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5
Hammer 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 +5
Hammer, sledge 2 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Lock 10 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5
Manacles 2 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5
Quiver scabbard 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Spikes, iron (10) 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3
Whetstone 1 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Artisan's Tools
   Smith's tools 20 gp 8 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Tinker's tools 50 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Special crafting materials* Varies Varies CAW 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2

* Minerals only.


— Stock per Store Type —

General Store
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Adventuring Gear
Abacus 2 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Barrel 2 gp 70 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Basket 4 sp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Bell 1 gp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Blanket 5 sp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Bottle, glass 2 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 +3 1d4 + 5
Bucket 5 cp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Candle 1 cp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Chest 5 gp 25 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Clothes, common 5 sp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Clothes, fine 15 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3
Flask or tankard 2 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 6
Hammer 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 +5
Hourglass 25 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Ink pen 2 cp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Jug or pitcher 2 cp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Ladder (10-foot) 1 sp 25 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Lamp 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Lantern, bullseye 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Lantern, hooded 5 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Lock 10 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Magnifying glass 100 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
Mess kit 2 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Mirror, steel 5 gp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Money belt 4 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4
Oil (flask) 1 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5
Paper (one sheet) 2 sp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Parchment (one sheet) 1 sp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Pick, miner's 2 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Pole (10-foot) 5 cp 7 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Pot, iron 2 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Pouch 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Robes 1 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 1 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Rope, silk (50 feet) 10 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Sack 1 cp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Scale, merchant's 5 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Sealing wax 5 sp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1

— Stock per Store Type —

General Store (Continuation)
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Shovel 2 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Soap 2 cp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Artisan's Tools
   Brewer's supplies 20 gp 8 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Carpenter's tools 8 gp 6 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Cobbler's tools 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Cook's utensils 1 gp 8 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Glassblower's tools 30 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Mason's tools 10 gp 8 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Painter's supplies 10 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Potter's tools 10 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Weaver's tools 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Woodcarver's tools 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Gaming Set
   Dice set 1 sp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Dragonchess set 1 gp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Playing card set 5 sp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Three-Dragon Ante set 1 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Musical instrument
   Bagpipes 30 gp 6 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Drum 6 gp 3 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Dulcimer 25 gp 10 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Flute 2 gp 1 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Lute 35 gp 2 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Lyre 30 gp 2 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Horn 3 gp 2 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Pan flute 12 gp 2 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Shawm 2 gp 1 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Viol 30 gp 1 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Trade goods
1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth 5 sp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Cinnamon 2 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Cloves 3 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Copper 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Flour 2 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Ginger 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Gold 50 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Iron 5 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Pepper 2 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Saffron 15 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Salt 5 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Silver 5 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Wheat 1 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5

— Stock per Store Type —

Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Light Armor
   Padded 5 gp 8 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Leather 10 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Studded leather 45 gp 13 lb. PHB 1d4 -1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Medium Armor
   Hide 10 gp 12 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Simple Melee Weapons
   Club 1 sp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Dagger 2 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Greatclub 2 sp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Handaxe 5 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Javelin 5 sp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Spear 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Simple Ranged Weapons
   Shortbow 25 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Sling 1 sp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 4
Martial Melee Weapons
   Longsword 15 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Shortsword 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Whip 2 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Martial Ranged Weapons
   Blowgun 10 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 4
   Longbow 50 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Net 1 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4
Adventuring Gear
   Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
   Blowgun needles (50) 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
   Sling bullets (20) 4 cp 1½ lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Hunting trap 5 gp 25 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Quiver 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Quiver scabbard 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2
Artisan's Tools
   Leatherworker's tools 5 gp 5 lb PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Woodcarver's tools 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Special crafting materials* Varies Varies CAW 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2

* Only creature parts such as bones, fangs, hides and skins.


— Stock per Store Type —

Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Adventuring Gear
Signet ring 5 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Artisan's Tools
   Jeweler's tools 25 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Trade goods
   Copper 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
   Gold 50 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Iron 5 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Platinum 500 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
   Silver 5 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   10 gp gemstone 10 gp 1/10 lb DMG 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 4
   50 gp gemstone 50 gp 1/10 lb DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   100 gp gemstone 100 gp 1/10 lb DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   500 gp gemstone 500 gp 1/10 lb DMG 1d4 1d4 + 1
   1,000 gp gemstone 1,000 gp 1/10 lb DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4
   5,000 gp gemstone 5,000 gp 1/10 lb DMG 1d4 - 1
Art Objects
   25 gp art object 25 gp varies DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   250 gp art object 250 gp varies DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   750 gp art object 750 gp varies DMG 1d4 1d4 + 1
   2,500 gp art object 2,500 gp varies DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4
   7,500 gp art object 7,500 gp varies DMG 1d4 - 1
Spell components* See spell PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Special crafting materials** Varies Varies CAW 1d4 - 3 1d4 - 2 1d4 1d4 + 1

* Gems, gem dust/powder, and jewels-like components only.

** Minerals only.


— Stock per Store Type —

Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Adventuring Gear
   Book (50 pages) 4 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7 1d4 + 9
   Book (100 pages) 8 gp 2 lb. CAW 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
   Book (200 pages) 17 gp 4 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
   Book (300 pages) 25 gp 5 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Candle 1 cp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Dictionary 10 gp 2 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 gp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Ink pen 2 cp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Paper (one sheet) 2 sp PHB 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7 1d4 + 9
Parchment (one sheet) 1 sp PHB 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7 1d4 + 9
Portal scroll 350 gp. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4
Spellbook 50 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4
Magic Items*
   Common (1d6 + 1) x 10 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 1 1d4
   Uncommon 1d6 x 100 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1
   Rare 2d10 x 1,000 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 3 1d4 - 2
   Very Rare (1d4 + 1) x 10,000 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 3

* Only magic scrolls and books. The price is halved for a consumable item like a potion or scroll. Source: Xanatar's Guide to Everything (p.126).


— Stock per Store Type —

Magic Store
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Adventuring Gear
Arcane Focus
   Crystal 10 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Orb 20 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Rod 10 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Staff 5 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Wand 10 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Book, arcane (50 pages) 4 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Book, arcane (100 pages) 8 gp 2 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Book, arcane (200 pages) 17 gp 4 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Book, arcane (300 pages) 25 gp 5 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4
Bottle, glass 2 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Case, map or scroll 1 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Component pouch 25 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Druidic Focus
   Sprig of mistletoe 1 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Totem 1 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Wooden staff 5 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Yew wand 10 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Flask or tankard 2 cp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Ink pen 2 cp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Paper (one sheet) 2 sp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Parchment (one sheet) 1 sp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 6
Potion of healing 50 gp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4
Portal scroll 350 gp. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4
Pouch 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Robes 1 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Spellbook 50 gp 3 lb. 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4
Vial 1 gp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Spell components See spell PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Spellcasting Services*
   Identify 20 gp PHB A A A A
   Divination 210 gp PHB A A

* The number of spells available to be cast as a service is limited to a maximum of three per day total, unless otherwise noted. The "A" under the Stock per Store Type determines which spells are available in each store type.


— Stock per Store Type —

Magic Store (Continuation)
Item Cost* Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Magic Items
   Common (1d6 + 1) x 10 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Uncommon 1d6 x 100 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Rare 2d10 x 1,000 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 2 1d4
   Very Rare (1d4 + 1) x 10,000 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 3 1d4 - 2
   Legendary 2d6 x 25,000 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 3

*The price is halved for a consumable item like a potion or scroll. Source: Xanatar's Guide to Everything (p.126).

Spell Scrolls
Spell Level Rarity
Cantrip Common
1st Common
2nd Uncommon
3rd Uncommon
4th Rare
Spell Level Rarity
5th Rare
6th Very rare
7th Very rare
8th Very rare
9th Legendary
Potion Rarity Source
Elixir of health Rare DMG
Oil of etherealness Rare DMG
Oil of sharpness Very rare DMG
Oil of slipperiness Uncommon DMG
Philter of love Uncommon DMG
Potion of animal friendship Uncommon DMG
Potion of clairvoyance Rare DMG
Potion of climbing Common DMG
Potion of diminution Rare DMG
Potion of fire breath Uncommon DMG
Potion of flying Very rare DMG
Potion of gaseous form Rare DMG
Potion of giant strength
   Hill giant Uncommon DMG
   Frost/stone giant Rare DMG
   Fire Rare DMG
   Cloud Very rare DMG
   Storm Legendary DMG
Potion of growth Uncommon DMG
Potion of healing
   Healing Common DMG
   Greater healing Uncommon DMG
   Superior healing Rare DMG
   Supreme healing Very rare DMG
Potions (Continuation)
Potion Rarity Source
Potion of heroism Rare DMG
Potion of invisibility Very rare DMG
Potion of invulnerability Rare DMG
Potion of longevity Very rare DMG
Potion of mana
   Mana Uncommon CAW
   Greater mana Rare CAW
   Superior mana Very rare CAW
Potion of mind reading Rare DMG
Potion of poison Uncommon DMG
Potion of resistance Uncommon DMG
Potion of speed Very rare DMG
Potion of vitality Very rare DMG
Potion of water breathing Uncommon DMG
Spellcasting Services Prices

Even though there are some spell examples in the Spellcasting Services section in these tables, as a Dungeon Master you can decide if other spells might be available (such as Scrying). To determine how much the spell will cost, check the following formula.

Square of the spell level multiplied by 10 gp, add double of the consumed material cost plus 10% of nonconsumed material cost.

For example, the group of adventurers are trying to find a thief that stole an item from them, and they decide to go to the magic store within the city and ask the wizard there if he can cast the Scrying spell to try to see where the thief is.

Because it's a 5th level spell and it requires a focus worth at least 1,000 gp which is not consumed, the formula will be (5)² × 10 + (0 × 2) + (1000 × 0.1), so the party must pay 350 gp to the wizard to cast the spell.


— Stock per Store Type —

Stables/Animals Vendor
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Mounts and Other Animals*
Camel 50 gp Varies PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Chicken 2 cp Varies PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Cow 10 gp Varies PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Donkey or mule 8 gp Varies PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Elephant 200 gp Varies PHB 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1
Goat 1 gp Varies PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Horse, draft 50 gp Varies PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Horse, riding 75 gp Varies PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Mastiff 25 gp Varies PHB 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Ox 15 gp Varies PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Pony 30 gp Varies PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Pig 3 gp Varies PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Sheep 2 gp Varies PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Tiny beast, common (e.g. cat, raven) 5 cp Varies Varies 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Tiny beast, exotic (e.g. parrot, monkey ) 5 gp Varies Varies 1d4 - 1 1d4
Warhorse 400 gp Varies PHB 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1
Tack, Harness
Barding x4 x2 PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Feed (per day) 5 cp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
   Exotic 60 gp 40 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1
   Military 20 gp 30 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Pack 5 gp 15 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
   Riding 10 gp 25 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4

*Some animals might be only available in particular regions or areas.


— Stock per Store Type —

Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Adventuring Gear
Clothes, common 5 sp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Clothes, costume 5 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Clothes, fine 15 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3
Clothes, traveler's 2 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Robes 1 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Artisan's Tools
   Cobbler's tools 5 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Weaver's tools 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Trade goods
1 sq. yd. of canvas 1 sp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth 5 sp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
1 sq. yd. of linen 5 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
1 sq. yd. of silk 10 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Special crafting materials* Varies Varies CAW 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2

*Only non-minerals, such as linen and textiles.


— Stock per Store Type —

Temple/Faith Supplies
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Adventuring Gear
Alchemical Amunition
   Arrows/bolts, holy (5) 2 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
   Firearm bullet, holy (5) 3 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4
   Sling bullets, holy (5) 1 gp 1/2 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 2
Bell 1 gp PHB
   Book, holy (50 pages) 4 gp 1 lb. CAW 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
   Book, holy (100 pages) 8 gp 2 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
   Book, holy (200 pages) 17 gp 4 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Book, holy (300 pages) 25 gp 5 lb. CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4
Candle 1 cp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Holy Symbol
   Amulet 5 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Emblem 5 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
   Reliquary 5 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Holy water (flask) 25 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Robes 1 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Artisan's Tools
   Calligrapher's tools 10 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Spell components See spell PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4 1d4 + 5
Spellcasting Services*
   Cure wounds (1st level) 10 gp PHB A A A A
   Lesser restoration 40 gp PHB A A A
   Prayer of healing (2nd level) 10 gp PHB A A A
   Remove curse 90 gp PHB A A
   Speak with dead 90 gp PHB A A
   Greater restoration 450 gp PHB A A
   Raise dead 1,250 gp PHB A

* The number of spells available to be cast as a service is limited to a maximum of three per day total, unless otherwise noted. The "A" under the Stock per Store Type determines which spells are available in each store type.


— Stock per Store Type —

Thieving Supplies/Black Market Vendor
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Adventuring Gear
Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
Ball bearings 1 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Caltrops (bag of 20) 1 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Climber's kit 25 gp 12 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Clothes, common* 5 sp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 5 1d4 + 7
Clothes, costume 5 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3
Crowbar 2 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Grappling hook 2 gp 4 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Manacles 2 gp 6 lb. PHB 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 5
Poison, basic (vial) 100 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Pouch 5 sp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Rope, hempen (50 feet) 1 gp 10 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 3
Sack 1 cp 1/2 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4+ 5
Spikes, iron (10) 1 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 3
Vial 1 gp PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2
Disguise kit 25 gp 3 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1
Forgery kit 15 gp 5 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Poisoner's kit 50 gp 2 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Thieves' tools 25 gp 1 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Assassin's blood 150 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Burnt othur fumes 500 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4
Crawler mucus 200 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Drow poison 200 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Essence of ether 300 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4
Malice 250 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4
Midnight tears 1,500 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1
Oil of taggit 400 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4
Pale tincture 250 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4
Purple worm poison 2,000 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1
Serpent venom 200 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Torpor 600 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4
Truth serum 150 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Wyvern poison 1,200 gp 1/2 lb. DMG 1d4 - 1
Alchemical reagents*** Varies Varies CAW 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2

*Only dark clothes with hoods.

**The value is for one dose.

**Only reagents used to craft poisons.


— Stock per Store Type —

Vehicles, Transportation and Other Services
Item Cost Weight Source Small Basic Urban Premium
Drawn Vehicles
Carriage 100 gp 600 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
Cart 15 gp 200 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 2
Chariot 250 gp 100 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1
   Exotic 60 gp 40 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1
   Military 20 gp 30 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1
   Pack 5 gp 15 lb. PHB 1d4 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3 1d4 + 5
   Riding 10 gp 25 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 1d4 + 2 1d4 + 4
Sled 20 gp 300 lb. PHB 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1
Wagon 35 gp 400 lb. PHB 1d4 - 1 1d4 + 1 1d4 + 3
Airborne and Waterborne Vehicles
Airship 20,000 gp DMG 1d4 - 3
Galley 30,000 gp DMG 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1
Keelboat 3,000 gp DMG 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4
Longship 10,000 gp DMG 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1
Rowboat 50 gp DMG 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1 1d4
Sailing ship 10,000 gp DMG 1d4 - 2 1d4 - 1
Warship 25,000 gp DMG 1d4 - 2
Coach cab
   Between towns 3 cp per mile PHB A A A A
   Within a city 1 cp PHB A A
Messenger 2 cp per mile PHB A A A
Ship's passage 1 sp per mile PHB A A

*The "A" under the Stock per Store Type determines which services are available in each store type.


Inns and Taverns

Since inns and taverns mostly sell food and rent rooms, the tables presented here have an expanded list of food and drinks separated by the inn or tavern quality. A higher quality taverns also have the food and drink from the lower quality ones.

Inn Stay (Per Day) Cost
Squalid 7 cp
Poor 1 sp
Modest 5 sp
Confortable 8 sp
Wealthy 2 gp
Aristocratic 4 gp
Other Services
Feed (per day) 5 cp
Stabling (per day) 5 sp
Item Cost
   Biscuits 2 cp
   Bread, loaf 2 cp
   Butter 1 cp
   Clam chowder 2 cp
   Crackers 1 cp
   Dried meat 3 cp
   Egg 1 cp
   Fruit 1 cp
   Vegetables, boiled 1 cp
   Vegetables, soup 2 cp
   Ale (mug) 4 cp
   Spirit (mug) 3 cp
   Water (cup) 1 cp
Inn/Tavern (Continuation)
Item Cost
   Chese, hunk 1 sp
   Fruit cake 1 sp
   Meat, chunk 3 sp
   Pickled sausage 2 sp
   Pie 1 sp
   Potatoes, baked 1 sp
   Rice, white 1 sp
   Stew, oyster and mushroom 4 sp
   Stew, beef 5 sp
   Vegetables, fresh 1 sp
   Cider, (mug) 6 cp
   Cofee (cup) 1 sp
   Fruit juice (cup) 3 cp
   Hot chocolate (cup) 1 sp
   Mead (mug) 8 cp
   Milk (pitcher) 1 sp
   Tea, (cup) 3 cp
   Wine, common (pitcher) 2 sp
   Cake 3 sp
   Meat, mixed 5 sp
   Meat, exotic 8 sp
   Potatoes, spiced 3 sp
   Rice, wild 3 sp
   Seafood 6 sp
   Vegetables, stir fry 3 sp
   Yogurt 2 sp
   Wine, fine (bottle) 10 gp
   Ale, dwarven (mug) 4 sp
   Distilled drink (bottle) 8 gp
   Tea, mixed (teapot) 6 gp

Chapter 2: Modular Structures

In the Dungeon Master's Guide you can find some guidelines for building a stronghold, but those rules doesn't allow many customization options. The following section gives characters and the Dungeon Master new options for building a completely new structure and for customizing it with several rooms and areas. This section was inspired on the 3rd edition book called Stronghold Builder's Guidebook, and it works great with the content from the Xantathar's Guide to Everything related to the artisan tools options and the new downtime activities.

Building a Structure

A character can spend time between adventures building a structure. Before work can begin, the character must acquire a plot of land. If the estate lies within a kingdom or similar domain, the character will need a royal charter (a legal document granting permission to oversee the estate in the name of the crown), a land grant (a legal document bequeathing custody of the land to the character for as long as he or she remains loyal to the crown), or a deed (a legal document that serves as proof of ownership). Land can also be acquired by inheritance or other means.

Royal charters and land grants are usually given by the crown as a reward for faithful service, although they can also be bought. Deeds can be bought or inherited. A small estate might sell for as little as 100 gp or mas much as 1,000 gp. A large estate might cost 5,000 gp or more, if it can be bought at all.

Building Space (BS)

When buying a plot of land, you need to make sure its large enough to fit all the rooms and components you want to build, but since structures aren't always the same, the building spaces is the way to estimate every structure size and how much the plot of land will cost. Each building space is equivalent to a 20-foot-by-20-foot room with a 10-foot-high ceiling and cost 100 gp. For example, if the party wants to buy a plot for building their home with 10 building spaces, they must pay 1,000 gp for the plot of land.

Structure Components

After determining the size of your building, you can use all building spaces to add rooms and other areas to your structure. Each component uses one or more building spaces, and you cannot exceed the building spaces the plot of land have.

Each structure you're constructing is considered a building with no more than two stories and no more than a single underground level. If you want to add more, you need to pay an extra 1,000 gp for each additional floor you want to add to your structure.

Expanding the Structure

If the Dungeon Master allows it, you can buy more land to add additional building spaces for your base or pay additional building spaces if you decide to expand your base up or down.

Building Time

Building a structure takes one workweek per 10,000 gp of the total price (2,000 gp per day). This can consider that the structure is already built and the characters just need to move in and buy all the room components.

If you think it's too fast, feel free to lower the gold pieces per day to make the building time longer.

Sample Structures

In this table you can find the structures found in the Dungeon Master's Guide and few others with an estimated number of building spaces they might have.

Structure Estimated Building Spaces
Abbey 6
Cottage 1
Guidhall 8
House 4
Keep or small castle 12
Large House 6
Mansion 12
Noble estate with manor 7
Outpost or fort 4
Palace or large castle 80
Temple 6
Tower, fortified 4
Trading post 2


Components List

The following section have an alphabetical list of all the rooms and other components you can add to a structure.

Alchemist's Lab, Basic

The room is filled with vials, flasks, burners, and other alchemical equipment. A small fireplace stands in one wall to heat the room and for providing the necessary fire for alchemical recipes created here. The floor is rough wood or stone, stained with chemicals, and there are shelves lined in the walls stocked with various alchemical reagents.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 700 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: An alchemist's supplies is always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with this tool, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

Alchemist's Lab, Fancy

An alchemist has every tool he or she might need. This includes everything from the basic alchemist's lab, plus more ingredients and a larger number of tools. The walls are covered with blackboards where all sorts of notes can be scrawled, and the floor is made of rough tile.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: One alchemist
Benefit: A total of four alchemist's supplies are always considered to be present in this room. A single character using this laboratory and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using the alchemist's supplies. Alternatively, up to four characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with an alchemist's supplies.

Armory, Basic

Racks of armor and weapons fill the room, ready for being used when its time to defend against an attack.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room has enough space to hold equipment for 25 soldiers, though the price doesn't include such gear.

If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

Armory, Fancy

Similar to the basic armory, this room provides armor and weapons to the defenders of the place, but it also have various murals and other artwork depicting the glories of war cover the walls of this armory.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefits:. As with the basic version, this area has sufficient armor and weapon racks to equip 25 soldiers, though the price doesn't include any such gear.

If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

Auditorium, Fancy

While any great hall can be used for performances, the auditorium is a space designed with acoustics and artistic appreciation in mind.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A character that is proficient with the Charisma (Performance) skill adds twice its proficiency bonus when making a check with that skill in this room.

Up to 30 people can fit in here for a service. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.

Auditorium, Luxury

A luxury auditorium offers plush and cushioned seating for the audience, and a stage that can be moved or adjusted as necessary for performance of theater, orchestra, or choir.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 10,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A character that is proficient with the Charisma (Performance) skill gains advantage when making a check with that skill in this room. Alternatively, up to four characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a Charisma (Performance) check.

Up to 30 people can fit in here for a service. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.


This room sits atop a gate or gatehouse, usually in an exterior wall. It features murder holes/arrow slits (included in the price) in the floor. The barbican requires two guards on duty at all times.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: Two guards per shift
Benefits: Guards can attack through the murder holes/arrow slits to the area below to defend the door or portcullis to enter the site.


This room contains up to ten simple wooden beds with straw mattresses. A footlocker sits at the end of each bed for personal belongings.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 400 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A barracks can hold ten people (usually guards or soldiers). If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

If you want a higher class of quarters for officers, purchase bedroom components instead.


Bath, Basic

This standard, sparsely furnished room contains a simple wooden or metal tub and a chamber pot or two, along with some rough wooden benches for seating.
Size: 0,5 bs
Cost: 400 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room has space for one character. When the character takes a short rest, the amount of hit points are doubled when it spend a hit dice to regain hit points.

Bath, Fancy

This bathroom comes complete with a large tub, a chamber pot under a chair, and a means of disposing of the contents of the chamber pot easily. This can take the form of a chute to an underground disposal area, an open window over a gutter, or whatever you like. A fireplace allows you to heat water for baths, a cabinet holds plenty of towels, and a dressing screen separates part of the room.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room has space for one character. When the character takes a short rest, the amount of hit points are doubled when it spend a hit dice to regain hit points. Additionally, that character gains 1d4 temporary hit points, which last until they're lost or when the character finishes a long rest.

Bath, Luxury

This room features a tub large enough for three people to bathe in, plus a large fireplace for heating both the room and the water necessary for a warm bath. Two chamber pots with padded and upholstered leather chairs are here. Servants empty these on a regular basis. A carved cabinet holds a variety of thick towels, and a wardrobe full of fine dressing gowns stands nearby. Fine stuffed chairs are scattered about the place.

The dressing table features three gilt-framed mirrors and the finest in grooming products, including aromatic perfumes, gilt-handled brushes, and so on. The walls are adorned with fine art.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 10,000 gp
Prerequisites: One servant to keep the luxury bath clean and one valet to assist the bathers
Benefit: This room has space for three characters. When the characters takes a short rest, the amount of hit points are doubled when it spend a hit dice to regain hit points. Additionally, each character gains 1d6 temporary hit points, which last until they're lost or when the character finishes a long rest.

Bedroom Suite, Basic

This master bedroom includes a walk-in closet and privy. The furnishings are rough, but they include a straw bed on a low frame, two chests of drawers and a mirror hanging on one wall. The bedclothes are made of rough cotton, wool, or even burlap, and the blanket is often a patchwork quilt made of whatever was available. A couple of rough benches form a sitting area next to a small table.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 800 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room has space for up to two characters. Characters that live here can keep a comfortable lifestyle without expending extra coin.

Bedroom Suite, Fancy

This master bedroom comes complete with a well appointed walk-in closet filled with fine clothing and a tastefully adorned privy. The bed rests on a handsome frame and includes a mattress made of cotton batting. The sheets are of fine cotton, and the blankets are wool. Two finely carved bureaus are here, in which are kept stylish clothes. A bell rests on each bed stand so that the occupants can easily call for the servants. The bedroom suite also includes a pair of upholstered benches and a small writing desk.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 5,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room has space for up to two characters. Characters that live here can keep a wealthy lifestyle without expending extra coin. In addition, when a character finishes a long rest while in this room, you can reduce the character's exhaustion level by 2, provided that the character has also ingested some food and drink.

Bedroom Suite, Luxury

The walk-in closet features rows of shelves for boots and shoes, plus handmade hangers for the finest in clothing. The walk-in garderobe allows two individuals to see to their privy needs in privacy and comfort. In the main room, there are two marble-topped bureaus filled with clothes. The four-poster bed is made of the finest wood hung with the wispiest of linens, and the mattress and the blankets are stuffed with feathers. The sheets are silk. A pair of stuffed chairs sits in one corner. In another, a finely polished and fully stocked writing desk waits to be used.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 25,000 gp
Prerequisites: One valet
Benefit: This room has space for up to two characters. Characters that live here can keep an aristocratic lifestyle without expending extra coin. In addition, when a character finishes a long rest while in this room, you can reduce the character's exhaustion level by 3, provided that the character has also ingested some food and drink.


Bedrooms, Basic

This area contains two smaller bedrooms, possibly with a connecting door. The furnishings in each room are rough, including a straw bed on a low frame, a single chest of drawers, and a mirror hanging on one wall. The bedclothes are made of rough cotton, wool, or even burlap, and the blanket is often a patchwork quilt made of whatever was available.

Each room also has a rough bench sitting in front of a small table. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the bedroom component itself.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 700 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This area have space for to two characters in separate rooms. Characters that live here can keep an modest lifestyle without expending extra coin.

Bedrooms, Fancy

This area contains two smaller bedrooms with a connecting door. Each room has a bed that rests on a handsome frame and includes a mattress made of cotton batting. The sheets are of fine cotton, and the blankets are wool.

Each room has a finely carved bureau and a handsome wardrobe. A bell rests on a bed stand next to each bed so that the occupants can easily call for the servants. In addition, there’s an upholstered bench and a small writing desk. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the bedroom component itself.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 4,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This area have space for up to to four characters in two separate rooms. Characters that live here can keep an comfortable lifestyle without expending extra coin.

Bedrooms, Luxury

This area contains two smaller bedrooms with a connecting door. Each room features a marble topped bureau and a gorgeous wardrobe. The fourposter bed is made of the finest wood hung with the wispiest of linens, and the mattress and the blankets are stuffed with feathers. The sheets are silk.

A stuffed chair sits in one corner. In another, a finely polished and fully stocked writing desk waits to be used. The walls are adorned with fine art, often of people in positions of repose. Sometimes they feature dreamy scenes filled with pleasant nymphs or other fantastic or heavenly scenes. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the bedroom component itself.

The luxuriousness of the room requires a single valet, who can be called with any of the bells positioned around the rooms.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 20,000 gp
Prerequisites: one valet
Benefit: This area have space for up to to four characters in two separate rooms. Characters that live here can keep an wealthy lifestyle without expending extra coin.

Chapel, Basic

This space is dedicated to the worship of the higher power of your choice. It includes a simple altar, some rough pews for the worshipers, and an icon of the power in question. There’s also a closet for keeping religious supplies and garb in. While you don't necessarily need a cleric around so that you can visit the place and pray in it, official services can only be run here by a person ordained by the higher power your character has chosen.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: If a character takes a short rest praying within this room, it can cast the divination spell for free, even if the character can't cast that spell, provided that the character is under the deity's favor. The spell can be used once per day.

Up to forty people can fit in here for a service. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.

Chapel, Fancy

This larger chapel features a polished stone altar, handsomely finished pews, and stained glass in the windows. There’s also a small dressing room for the cleric to prepare for services in, and in here there’s a wardrobe for keeping religious garb and supplies in. This place requires at least one acolyte to run properly
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 6,000 gp
Prerequisites: One acolyte
Benefit: This room is under the permanent effects of the hallow spell (the extra effect is chosen at the moment of building this room). If a character takes a short rest praying within this room, it can cast the divination spell for free, even if the character can't cast that spell, provided that the character is under the deity's favor. The spell can be used once per day.

Up to 60 people can fit in here for a service. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.

Chapel, Luxury

This enormous chapel features an altar set with gems and chased with precious metals, gilt-edged pews, and large stained-glass windows. Fine candelabra rest in separate prayer alcoves, and an elegant room with a wardrobe and large desk allows the presiding cleric to prepare for services in comfort. A supply closet holds extra prayer texts, altar cloths, candles, and other religious paraphernalia. This place requires at least two acolytes to run properly.
Size: 3 bs
Cost: 25,000 gp
Prerequisites: Two acolytes
Benefit: This room is under the permanent effects of the hallow spell (the extra effect is chosen at the moment of building this room). If a character takes a short rest praying within this room, it can cast the divination or the commune spell for free, even if the character can't cast that spell, provided that the character is under the deity's favor. Each spell can be used once per day.

Up to 60 people can fit in here for a service. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.


Common Area, Basic

This plain room features bare floors with a few benches and walls with uninspiring artwork or tapestries. It might serve as a waiting room, a general meeting area, or an all-purpose room. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger common area.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: None

Common Area, Fancy

This room features polished stone or wood floors with comfortable benches. The walls bear impressive murals and sound-dampening curtains. It might serve as a waiting room, a general meeting area, or an all-purpose room. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger common area.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: None

Courtyard, Basic

Sometimes called a bailey, this large open space is surfaced either with gravel or patches of grass. It has no roof. Some flowers might appear around the edges of the area. Paths are worn through the center by people walking around the place. A rough bench or two sits here too. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger courtyard.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: None

Courtyard, Fancy

This courtyard features some grass, but the paths are paved with cobblestones or bricks. Wrought-iron benches are placed strategically throughout the place, and a simple fountain sits in the center of the area, surrounded by paving stones as well. A bust or two stand on pedestals in strategic locations. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger courtyard.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 6,000 gp
Prerequisites: None

Courtyard, Luxury

This well-appointed courtyard is paved entirely with smoothly cut flagstones. A massive fountain forms the centerpiece, in which water pours endlessly from a masterfully carved statue dedicated to the higher power of the builder’s choice. Statuary is placed tastefully throughout the area, and cushioned benches (usually of iron or fine wood trimmed with gold) are scattered about the place. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger courtyard.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 30,000 gp
Prerequisites: One servant for handling the gardening and other upkeep

Dining Hall, Basic

Long, rough, rectangular tables and benches line this main hall, both at the edges and in the middle. A fireplace sits at one end of the place, providing warmth for all. The walls of such a place are often decorated with hanging weapons, animal heads, and the like. The floor is usually either made of worn wood or rough stone.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: Kitchen
Benefit: This seats 30 people comfortably. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger dining hall.

Dining Hall, Fancy

This upscale version of the standard dining hall includes finely made tables surrounded with chairs instead of benches. The fireplace usually dominates the center of the room, the smoke drawn into a stony hood that goes into the ceiling. This provides a more even distribution of heat (and more equitable comfort level) in the room. The mural-covered walls depict local legends or the pantheon of deities respected by the owner. The floor is made of fine flagstones or polished wood.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 12,000 gp
Prerequisites: Kitchen, one servant to bring food and removes empty dishes
Benefit: This seats 30 people comfortably. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger dining hall.

Dining Hall, Luxury

This well-appointed room is dedicated specifically for hosting large meals. In some cases, it features a long, polished wooden or marble-topped table stretching from one end of the place to another. An exquisitely carved chair at the head of the table traditionally faces the main entrance to the room, allowing the head of the household full view of the room.

Alternatively, you can furnish the hall with several smaller tables, either round or square, all of comparable quality to a larger one. The tables are covered with the finest linens, and the guests use the most treasured silverware to eat off the rarest china. Fine artwork lines the walls, and a beautiful chandelier provides plenty of light. Busts of prominent heroes throughout history sit near the serving tables that line the walls. The marble or parquet flooring provides additional beauty.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 50,000 gp
Prerequisites: Luxury Kitchen, two servants to bring food and remove empty dishes.
Benefit: This seats 16 people at a long table or 30 if smaller tables are used. Purchase this component multiple times if you want a larger hall.


Dock, Air

An air dock allows airships to load or unload people or cargo from or to the building. There are several elevators and cranes to rise or lower the cargo and a stairway connected to the central tower to allow passengers to move to the airship or to the building.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 20,000 gp
Prerequisites: Six Laborers
Benefit: This component can support up to three airships. Purchase this component multiple times to allow additional airships to moor at the structure's docks. Additionally, you repair 2 hit points of damage on each day and it cost 10 gp for materials and labor.

Dock, Basic

A dock allows ships to load or unload people or cargo from or to the building. It's common for storage spaces, shops, and taverns to be placed near the docks for the convenience of travelers and sailors. This structure is only appropriate for buildings that overlook a river, sea, or other body of water.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: Two Laborers
Benefit: This component can support up to two keelboats, longships, rowboats, or sailing ships, but not warships or galleys. Purchase this component multiple times to allow additional ships to moor at the structure's docks.

Dock, Extended

Similar to the basic dock, this larger and more complete structure can accommodate up to two of the largest of vessels.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: Four Laborers
Benefit: This component can support up to two galleys and warships, or four smaller craft. Purchase this component multiple times to allow additional ships to moor at the structure's docks.

Dock, Extended Dry

An extended dock fitted with a series of pulleys, lifts, and rigging, this extended dock not only allows for hasty unloading of cargo, but also for the lifting of vessels into the air to effect complete repairs, overhauls, or even construct new hulls.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 15,000 gp
Prerequisites: Six Laborers
Benefit: This component can support up to two galleys and warships, or four smaller craft. Additionally, you repair 2 hit points of damage on each day and it cost 10 gp for materials and labor. Purchase this component multiple times to allow additional ships to moor at the structure's docks.


This space usually serves as a primary entrance into the stronghold (or one of many entrances). As its name suggests, the gatehouse includes a gate (and a drawbridge, if stationed adjacent to a moat). Most gatehouses are fortified with a barbican (see above), guard post (see below), or both.
Size: 0,5 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: None

Guard Post

Commonly built on top of towers to keep watch upon the surrounding environs and near gatehouses to guard the structure entrance. If part of the exterior wall, it includes free arrow slits instead of a window.
Size: 0,5 bs
Cost: 300 gp
Prerequisites: One guard per shift (minimum; many use two per shift)
Benefit: This component allows guards to keep watch upon the surrounding environs. It may include an alarm bell or horn to inform of an invasion or attack by enemy forces.

Kitchen, Basic

This rudimentary stone- or wood-floored kitchen centers around a fireplace or stove. It includes a pantry, in which basic foodstuffs are stacked on shelves or hung from the ceiling. The kitchen includes pots and pans made of tin. A scullery provides storage for brooms and rags, along with a basin for washing dishes and laundry.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: One cook
Benefit: You can prepare meals for up to fifteen people in this space. In a pinch, you can avoid hiring a cook by preparing the meals yourself.

A cook's utensils is always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with this tool, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

Kitchen, Fancy

This well-appointed kitchen features an iron stove, complete with cooking griddle on top and oven beneath, and cast-iron cookware. The scullery keeps cleaning solutions in addition to other supplies. The flooring is often of polished wood or rough tile. Good food fills the well-stocked pantry.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 12,000 gp
Prerequisites: Two cooks
Benefit: Meals for up to 30 can be made in this place, but it requires a staff of at least two to run properly.

A total of two cook's utensils are always considered to be present in this room. A single character using this kitchen and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using the cook's utensils. Alternatively, up to four characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with a cook's utensils.


Kitchen, Luxury

This massive kitchen includes two full-sized stoves, each with a griddle, stovetop, and large oven. An open fireplace allows the roasting of foods of any kind, up to and including a full pig. The scullery has two marble basins. The flooring is of polished marble or tile. The pots and pans are made of hammered copper.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 50,000 gp
Prerequisites: Six cooks
Benefit: This place can handle meals for up to 100 people. It requires a staff of six to be run properly. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this kitchen multiple times.

A total of six cook's utensils are always considered to be present in this room. Two characters using this kitchen and having its resources all to themselves can roll with advantage when making a check using the cook's utensils. Alternatively, up to six characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with a cook's utensils.


Generally found only in dungeon strongholds, labyrinth components serve to confuse and bewilder foes, and perhaps trap them forever.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You must decide the shape of the labyrinth when you build it. It can include some connecting rooms and you can add traps to this room to make it deadlier (or even some creatures or monsters). For a larger maze, purchase this component multiple times.

Library, Basic

Plain wooden shelves of books fill this room, arranged in any manner you desire. One or two small tables allow people to read the books, and a single lectern allows you to read a book while standing.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This library can hold up to two different lots of books on specific subjects. For example, it could contain books on religion and arcana. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.

Book Lots

The library component isn't very useful unless books line the shelves. In general, a book lot gives information on specific subjects, such as arcana, religion or medicine.

Each book lot cost 1,000 gp and gives advantage on checks related to the lot subject.

Alternatively, a character can purchase a general book lot which costs 3,000 gp and provides a +2 bonus on checks related to investigation and research.

Bonuses from multiple book lots do not stack.

Library, Fancy

Fine polished shelves extend from this chamber’s tile or wooden floor to the ceiling above. Several ladders allow access to upper shelves. Several small tables scattered throughout the place allow researchers space to work.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This library can hold up to three different lots of books on specific subjects. For example, it could contain books on religion, general knowledge, and nature.

Additionally, when doing the research downtime activity, the gold spent is reduced to half. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.

Library, Luxury

Floor-to-ceiling glass-fronted cabinets with top-hinged doors keep the books here in pristine condition. The ladders slide along on wheels and rails for both safety and convenience. The marble floor has symbols inlaid that denote the section of the library in which you stand.

The library includes two private study carrels and a number of smaller tables. A single large table allows a researcher more space to spread out texts or large maps. A full-time librarian working near the entrance maintains a card catalog that indexes the entire library.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 15,000 gp
Prerequisites: One librarian
Benefit: This library can hold up to six different lots of books on specific subjects. For example, it could contain books on religion, general knowledge, nature, arcana, survival, and history.

Additionally, when doing the research downtime activity, the gold and time spent is reduced to half. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times.

Magic Laboratory, Basic

This simple wood- or stone-floored laboratory contains a small mystical library, a writing desk, and a lab table for various magical experiments. The crude furnishings are made of rough wood. A basin sits in one corner, next to an open barrel of water. A fireplace squats against another wall, ready to provide heat as well as any fire that may be necessary.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A character using this laboratory can craft a magic item. To complete a magic item, a character needs whatever tool proficiency is appropriate or proficiency in the Arcana skill.

Additionally, if a character is proficient with the Arcana skill, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check within this room.


Magic Laboratory, Fancy

Similar but superior to the basic magic laboratory, this room has every tool the aspiring meddler in magic might need at his ready disposal. The walls of this place are covered with blackboards upon which all sorts of arcane or obscure notes can be scrawled. The rough tile floor allows easy cleaning while also preventing slips and falls. Four basins are in the place, each of which has a barrel of water suspended over it, complete with a tap to permit easy access. An emergency barrel mounted on a hinged platform can be tilted to pour water over a person in case of an emergency.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: One apprentice
Benefit: A character using this laboratory can craft a magic item, and the time spent on crafting the item is reduced to half. To complete a magic item, a character needs whatever tool proficiency is appropriate or proficiency in the Arcana skill.

Additionally, a single character using this laboratory and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making an Arcana check within this room. Alternatively, up to four characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making an Arcana check within this room.

Prison Cell

This cell includes iron shackles on the walls and hay mattresses strewn about. The standard prison cell comes with six sets of manacles capable of binding a Medium-size creature.
Size: 0,5 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: One guard per shift
Benefit: You can shackle up to six Medium-size prisoners in a communal cell. Alternatively, you can replace the communal cell with independent jail cells. In this arrangement, each prison cell component includes two to four small cells each capable of holding one or two Medium-size creatures. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times. You can get by with a single guard per two adjoining prison cell components.

A Small creature takes up half the space in a prison cell as a Medium-size creature, Tiny and smaller creatures take up one-fourth the space, a Large creature takes up twice the space of a Medium-size creature, and a Huge creature four times the space. Generally, you can’t keep Gargantuan or larger creatures in a simple prison cell, though by buying enough components you could get a large enough space. They require specially made manacles, which cost 2,000 gp.

Servants' Quarters

These are basic, no-nonsense living quarters. Six slots exist in each such component, separated by thin walls that give the occupants some small semblance of privacy. Each slot has enough room for a bed, a chest of drawers with a small mirror atop it, a small table, and a chair. The furnishing and flooring are all rough but serviceable. Personal decorations

hang from the walls. This component includes a privy, though it need not be attached or adjacent to the servants’ quarters.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 400 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This area have space for up to six servants in four separated rooms or in one big room. If you need a greater capacity, purchase this component multiple times. For especially important servants such as a butler, it’s appropriate to put them in a basic bedroom or even a basic bedroom suite.

Shop, Basic

This small, cheap storefront comes complete with wooden sign hanging from a pole out front. The main area includes rough shelves and a sales counter, and a back room offers a small amount of storage space. This area allows the structure owners to sell or buy nonmagical items without need to spend time looking for a buyer or seller. This is specially helpful for buying materials or items that are hard to find in the region or when characters goes to an adventure for several days.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 400 gp
Prerequisites: One clerk
Benefit: The clerk can buy and sell a total of 6 items at the same time, and it takes 1 workweek to sell an item at half of its original price, or buy an item at its full price. Alternatively, the clerk can take 2 workweeks to sell an item at its original price or buy an item at it half of its original price.

Shop, Fancy

This shop has a large picture window in the front to draw the eyes of potential customers. The interior features polished wood floors, handsome shelves, and glass cases. The back room offers a small amount of storage. The shop requires two clean and well-dressed clerks. This room allows the structure owners to sell or buy nonmagical and magical items without need to spend time looking for a buyer or seller. This is specially helpful for buying materials or items that are hard to find in the region or when characters goes to an adventure for a long time.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 4,000 gp
Prerequisites: Two clerks
Benefit: The clerks can buy and sell a total of 12 items at the same time, and it takes 1 workweek to sell an item at half of its original price, or buy an item at its full price. Alternatively, the clerks can take 2 workweeks to sell an item at its original price or buy an item at it half of its original price.

For buying and selling magic items, follow the downtime rules found in the Xanathar's Guide to Everything for each magic item. The clerks of this room have a +2 bonus to the Charisma (Persuasion) checks it must make to buy or sell an item.


Shop, Luxury

This marble-floored shop speaks of wealth, both from your side of the counter and that of your customers. A large display window shows off special items, and inside, custom-built locked cases display your wares. Customers can sip from fine wines you offer them while shopping, or rest in stuffed leather chairs when they tire. You sell only the finest merchandise here, and your prices are as high as your stellar quality.

The shop requires a staff of four to operate, including two clerks and two full-time guards. The clerks wait on customers hand and foot—customer satisfaction remains their only reason for getting up in the morning.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 16,000 gp
Prerequisites: Two clerks, two guards per shift
Benefit: The clerks can buy and sell a total of 12 items at the same time, and it takes 1 workweek to sell an item at half of its original price, or buy an item at its full price. Alternatively, the clerks can take 2 workweeks to sell an item at its original price or buy an item at it half of its original price.

For buying and selling magic items, follow the downtime rules found in the Xanathar's Guide to Everything for each magic item. The clerks of this room have a +5 bonus to the Charisma (Persuasion) checks it must make to buy or sell an item.

Though the shop includes some storage, you may choose to abut this space with a larger storage area.

Alternatively, you can combine this component with a storage component to create a bank or moneychangers. Usually, these storage spaces are secured with fortified walls, locks, or traps.

Smithy, Basic

This basic smithy features a forge, an anvil, and a full set of metalworking tools. It has a barrel of water in which hot metal can be cooled. The stone walls and dirt or stone floors guard against accidental fires. This area requires the services of a smith.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: One smith
Benefit: A smith's tools are always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with this tool, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

Smithy, Fancy

Similar to the basic smithy, this area features a polished stone floor and marble-encased forge of the highest quality. This area requires the services of a smith.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: One smith
Benefit: A total of four smith's tools are always considered to be present in this room. A single character using this smithy and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using the smith's tools. Alternatively, up to four characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with an smith's tools.

Stable, Basic

This rough, wooden structure features stalls for up to six Large mounts, a wooden water trough, and hay covering the unfinished floor. Tack and saddles hang over the dividing walls between stalls. Because of the smell, you'll want to place the stable far from the main part of the stronghold. A stable requires the employment of a groom.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: One groom
Benefit: This area have space for up to six Large common mounts, such as horses, camels, or any other creature with the beast type. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times

Stable, Fancy

This stable has hay on the floor, but the ground is either wood or stone. The stables are lined with fresh hay, and each horse has access to its own water supply. The troughs are all made of stone, and there’s even a small fireplace in here to keep things warm in the winter. A stable requires the employment of a groom.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: One groom
Benefit: This place can hold up to six Large steeds at a time, each in their own stall. This stable is equipped to house uncommon mounts, such as griffins, pegasus, or any other creature with the monstrosity type. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

Stable, Luxury

This stable has polished floors, intricately carved and inlaid woodwork, and walls of finished wood or the finest plaster. Fresh hay fills the six stalls, which the grooms clean on an hourly basis. Each tack and saddle has its own custom-carved pedestal upon which to rest. The entire place is as clean as most people’s kitchens. Running this stable requires two grooms to keep it pristine.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 9,000 gp
Prerequisites: Two grooms
Benefit: This place can hold up to six Large steeds at a time, each in their own stall. This stable is equipped to house rare mounts, such as dragons, nightmares, or any other creature that can be mounted. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

Storage, Basic

This empty room has rough walls and an unfinished (possibly dirt) floor, and is used to keep crates, barrels and other items protected against the weather. Size: 1 bs
Cost: 250 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A typical storage component offers about 2,000 cubic feet of usable storage space. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

You can turn a storage space into a vault with the addition of safeguards such as watchmen, strong walls, traps, and locks.


Storage, Fancy

This room includes shelves of every variety and a finished floor. The superior organization allows more efficient use of space than a basic storage component.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This space has about 3,000 cubic feet of usable storage space. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

You can turn a storage space into a vault with the addition of safeguards such as watchmen, strong walls, traps, and locks.

Storage, Luxury

This marble-floored room includes well-built shelves and fine-quality cabinets. An overstuffed chair in the center allows you to sit in comfort while the clerk or other servants retrieve desired goods. The clerk here serves as a quartermaster and inventory manager.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: One clerk
Benefit: The area has about 4,000 cubic feet of usable storage space. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

You can turn a storage space into a vault with the addition of safeguards such as watchmen, strong walls, traps, and locks.

Study/Office, Basic

This space, also sometimes called a solar, comes complete with a desk, some shelves for books, a chair, and a closet for storage of things that should be close at hand, like paper, ink, and so on. The floor and furnishings are rough, but sturdy.
Size: 0,5 bs
Cost: 200 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This study have one of the following tools: a calligrapher's supplies, a cartographer's tools, or a forgery kit. The chosen tool is always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with this tool, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

Study/Office, Fancy

Much like the basic office/study, this room comes with furnishings of a higher quality. The floor is usually polished wood or smooth stone. The polished wood or stone-floored room includes a few upholstered chairs for visitors.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,500 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This study have two of the following tools: a calligrapher's supplies, a cartographer's tools, or a forgery kit. The chosen tools are always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with one of the tools, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

A single character using this room and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using one of the artisan tools. Alternatively, up to two characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with each artisan tool.

Study/Office, Luxury

This room represents the ultimate in office luxury. A well-appointed waiting room features an exquisite couch and a polished wooden desk, behind which sits a full-time clerk versed in making life as easy for the owner as possible.

The main office features another stuffed couch and a set of comfortable chairs arrayed around a marble topped desk. The walls are covered with fine art, including a portrait of the owner of the building and any family he might have.
Size: 1,5 bs
Cost: 15,000 gp
Prerequisites: One clerk
Benefit: This study have a calligrapher's supplies, a cartographer's tools, and a forgery kit. These tools are always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with one of the tools, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

A single character using this room and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using one of the artisan tools. Alternatively, up to three characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with each artisan tool.

Tavern, Basic

This a rough place serves rough drinks to rough people. A fireplace sits in one wall, and a bar stands opposite it. Benches and tables fill the remainder of the place. Two servants run the bar and serve meals. The cost of this component does not include any food or drink.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 900 gp
Prerequisites: Two servants
Benefit: This tavern can seat up to 20 people. Every week, the tavern generates an income of 1d10 gp and 1d4 gallons of ale. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. The tavern owners can drink and eat a modest meal for free.

A brewer's supplies is always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with this tool, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

Tavern, Fancy

This place serves wine as well as liquor and beer from its polished, marble-topped bar. It can call on the building’s kitchen for food; alternatively, you can attach an extra kitchen assigned purely to this component. The tables are round, with solid chairs, and there are a few booths lining the walls. Three servants run the bar and serve meals. The cost of this component does not include any food or drink.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 4,000 gp
Prerequisites: Three servants


Benefit: This tavern can seat up to 20 people. Every week, the tavern generates an income of 1d10 gp and 2d4 gallons of ale. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. The tavern owners can drink and eat a comfortable meal for free.

A total of two brewer's supplies and two gaming sets are always considered to be present in this room. A single character using any of these tools and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using the tools. Alternatively, up to four characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with any of the tools.

Tavern, Luxury

This breathtaking library of libations features the finest drinks of all sorts, and it even offers gourmet meals by way of the building’s kitchen—or one of its own if you care to attach it. It has a marble-topped bar, upholstered chairs, and tables covered with the finest linens and the best place settings. Gorgeous decorations festoon the walls, including art from the best known painters in the land. Three servants run the bar and serve meals. The cost of this component does not include any food or drink.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 20,000 gp
Prerequisites: Four servants
Benefit: This tavern can seat up to 20 people, and every week, the tavern generates an income of 1d10 gp, 2d4 gallons of ale and 1 bottle of wine. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times. The tavern owners can drink and eat a wealthy meal for free.

A total of three brewer's supplies and three gaming sets are always considered to be present in this room. A single character using any of these tools and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using the tools. Alternatively, up to four characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with any of the tools.

Throne Room, Basic

This plain but respectable chamber serves as the throne room or receiving room for a local lord, merchant prince, baron, or a even monarch on hard times. Colorful tapestries cover the walls, brightening the chamber. The padded throne itself sits on a raised wooden platform. Beside and below the throne, several chairs offer a place for advisers or noble-blooded relatives to sit in places of honor. A long carpet or collection of animal skins shows the path for petitioners seeking to beseech the throne’s good grace.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: Two servants
Benefit: When a character that owns the structure makes a Charisma (Persuasion) check, that character is considered proficient in the Persuasion skill and add double its proficiency bonus to the check, instead of its normal proficiency bonus.

This room holds up to twenty guests in addition to the throne’s occupant. Purchase this space multiple times for a larger area.

Throne Room, Fancy

This ornate hall serves as the seat of authority for a powerful duke, crime lord, or respectable king or queen. Lovely and ornate murals cover the walls and ceiling, embracing artistic styles both modern and classical. Stone steps lead the way the polished throne of stone or iron, and a discreet distance provides the royal seat with greater authority. A long carpet dyed in rich red or purple leads to the throne’s magnificent seat.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 12,000 gp
Prerequisites: Four servants
Benefit: When a character that owns the structure makes a Charisma (Persuasion) check, that character is considered proficient in the Persuasion skill and gains advantage when making the check.

This room holds up to twenty guests in addition to the throne’s occupant. Purchase this space multiple times for a larger area.

Throne Room, Luxury

Affordable only to the most puissant of emperors, queens, and absolute monarchs, this, the finest of assembly rooms, displays the ruler’s wealth, power, and dispensation for the sweet comforts in life. This chamber spares no expense in impressing the visitor, whether visiting ambassador, merchant with goods for sale, or the simplest commoner. The walls display a splash of colors that depict complementary themes of blue skies, splashing white-tipped and wave-filled oceans, white birds awing, and fish jumping into the air. Sparkling gems and precious metals adorn the enormous throne. Raised up on a dozen pink marble steps, the throne and its occupant gaze out on the chamber like an omnipotent ruler.
Size: 2 bs
Cost: 80,000 gp
Prerequisites: Six servants
Benefit: When a character that owns the structure makes a Charisma (Persuasion) check, that character is considered proficient in the Persuasion skill, it gains advantage when making the check, and it adds double its proficiency bonus to the check, instead of its normal proficiency bonus.

Torture Chamber

All sorts of pain-inducing devices fill this dark chamber, including an iron maiden, a rack, thumbscrews, vises, and so on. Wall-mounted shackles allow the torturer to dangle victims from chains, and a lockable cage in the center can hold a single Medium-size prisoner between sessions. A fireplace allows heating of brands, while a barrel of water stands nearby for extinguishing flames. This place requires at least one torturer and one guard to run properly.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 3,000 gp
Prerequisites: One torturer, one guard per shift
Benefit: A character that is proficient with the Charisma (Intimidation) skill adds twice its proficiency bonus when making a check with that skill in this room. Unlike most verbal threats and bluffs, use of a torture chamber allows retries on Intimidate checks every hour against restrained and helpless opponents.


Training Area, Combat

This open area allows guards and soldiers to train in the art of war. It has a rack of wooden weapons and padded armor, archery targets, and practice dummies.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A character that spend at least one hour training in this area gains advantage on initiative checks it makes until it finishes a short or long rest.

Up to eight people can train in such a place at once. If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

Training Area, Language or Tool

This room allows characters and others to learn a particular language or for using a specific tool. It includes various shelves and tables for placing all the tools and implements needed.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A character can take the training downtime activity to learn one language or for gaining proficiency with a tool at half the cost needed per workweek. For training in a tool, the character must have the specific tool and use it every day of training.

Trophy Hall, Basic

This glorified storage space allows you to display trophies won in your expeditions and adventures. Most trophies hang from the walls, while others line tables scattered throughout the room.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 1,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room have 10 slots for displaying trophies. Each Medium or smaller trophy uses 1 slot and each Large trophy uses 4 slots.

If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

Trophy Hall, Fancy (Museum)

More like a museum than a storage area, this polished wood- or stone-floored chamber holds its trophies in glass cases. Engravings detail each piece and its history. A guard stands watch over the valuables here at all times.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 6,000 gp
Prerequisites: One guard per shift
Benefit: This room have 20 slots for displaying trophies. Each Medium or smaller trophy uses 1 slot, each Large trophy uses 4 slots and each Huge trophy uses 9 slots.

If you need a greater capacity, you can purchase this component multiple times.

Workplace, Basic

Each workplace contains tools and equipment dedicated to a singular purpose, usually the application of a specific tool or profession.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 500 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room have one of the following tools: a carpenter's tools, a cobbler's tools, a disguise kit, a glassblower's tools, a jeweler's tools, a leatherworker's tools, a mason's tools, a painter's supplies, a poisoner's kit, a potter's tools, a tinker's tools, a weaver's tools, or a woodcarver's tools. The chosen tool is always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with this tool, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

Workplace, Fancy

This area resembles the basic workplace, but it has finer tools and equipment.
Size: 1 bs
Cost: 2,000 gp
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This room have two of the following tools: a carpenter's tools, a cobbler's tools, a disguise kit, a glassblower's tools, a jeweler's tools, a leatherworker's tools, a mason's tools, a painter's supplies, a poisoner's kit, a potter's tools, a tinker's tools, a weaver's tools, or a woodcarver's tools. Both tools must be the same, and the chosen tools are always considered to be present in this room. Additionally, if a character is proficient with this tool, it can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with it.

A single character using this room and having its resources all to himself can roll with advantage when making a check using one of the artisan tools. Alternatively, up to two characters can share this space at the same time, and each one of them can double its proficiency bonus when making a check with each artisan tool.



Some components requires one or more hirelings to maintain the room up and running, and each of these hirelings must be paid to retain their service.

Hireling Pay per Day Stats
Acolyte 2 gp Acolyte (MM P.342)
Alchemist 2 gp Alchemist (CaW)
Apprentice 2 gp Apprentice Wizard (VGtM P.209)
Bartender 2 gp Commoner (MM P.345)
Cook 2 gp Commoner (MM P.345)
Clerk 2 gp Commoner (MM P.345)
Groom 2 sp Commoner (MM P.345)
Guard 2 gp Guard (MM P.347)
Laborer 2 sp Commoner (MM P.345)
Librarian 2 gp Commoner (MM P.345)
Servant 2 sp Commoner (MM P.345)
Smith 2 gp Commoner (MM P.345)
Torturer 2 sp Guard (MM P.347)
Valet 2 sp Commoner (MM P.345)


Sometimes, builders construct walls after the structure is already in place, whether to guard against unwanted visitors or simply to add privacy. The wall sections are assumed to be 10 feet tall and 20 feet wide each. For towers, you can place a guard post above the walls and add a siege equipment, such as a ballista or a trebuchet.

The cost for walls will depend on the material you use, and each material have its own statistics regarding hit points, AC and damage threshold, as shown in the table below. When a wall section reaches 0 hit points, it is destroyed. You can read more about siege equipment, materials and damage threshold in the Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Material AC Hit Points Damage Threshold Cost per Section
Adamantine 23 50 20 10,000 gp
Iron 19 30 10 4,000 gp
Mithral 21 40 15 6,000 gp
Stone 17 20 8 2,500 gp
Wood, bone 15 15 5 1,000 gp

To calculate the amount of gold pieces it will cost to enclosure the whole structure, multiply the structure size in building spaces by the material cost per section, considering only the building spaces that are in the same level as the wall. For example, a group wants to build a wall around their mansion. The structure have 8 building spaces in the first floor and 4 building spaces in the second floor. In this case, the characters decide to build a stone wall, so they need to spend a total of 20,000 gold pieces to enclosure the mansion (8 x 2,500 gp).


Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 12 (leather)
  • Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
  • Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

  • Skills Arcana +5, Nature +5
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Any one language (usually Common)
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Potion of Resistance (1/Day). As a bonus action, the alchemist can drink a potion to gain resistance against one damage type from the following list for 1 minute: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, cold, fire, or lightning.


Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Alchemical Bomb. The alchemist throws an alchemical bomb to one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 6 (2d6) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The damage type is determined by rolling a d4 (1: acid, 2: cold, 3: fire, 4: poison).

Siege Equipment Cost

There is a list of siege weapons and its statistics in the page 255 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Here are the estimated prices and building time for each siege weapon for building and adding them to the walls and towers of your structure.

Item Cost Building Time
Ballista 1,000 gp 2 workweeks
    Ballista bolt 10 gp 1 day
Cannon 2,000 gp 3 workweeks
    Cannon ball 20 gp 1 day
Cauldron, suspended 1,000 gp 2 workweeks
    Cauldron oil 10 gp 1 day
Mangonel 1,500 gp 2 workweeks
    Mangonel stone 15 gp 1 day
Ram 1,000 gp 2 workweeks
Siege Tower 3,000 gp 4 workweeks
Trebuchet 3,000 gp 4 workweeks
    Trebuchet stone 30 gp 1 day

Chapter 3: Guilds

A guild is an organization of individuals that practice their craft, trade or service in a particular area. Guilds appear in different forms, and they typically offer benefits to their members, such as financial support, access to their equipment, discounts and other services. In some cases, large and powerful guilds can control one or more aspects of a city, such as the minimum or maximum price of trading goods sold only by them.

Entering a guild

In order to be part of a guild, adventurers need to gain reputation points to be recognized as members of the guild. Reputation points can be gained by completing several guild contracts or bounties, and after they reach a certain amount of points, they can officially enter to the guild.

Other Requirements

Some guilds might have additional requisites to enter, such as being able to cast spells, paying an entry fee, or complete a special task to determine if you are able to enter the guild.

Guild Membership

When an individual reach the first rank of the guild, he or she must pay dues of 5 gp per month to the guild. Any guild member that miss payments must make up back dues to remain in the guild's good graces and maintain their rank benefits.

Guild Artisan Background

Characters with the guild artisan background are considered to be at least at the first rank of the guild, but it's up to the Dungeon Master to decide if those characters start at a higher rank. In addition, characters with this background can pay the monthly guild membership by working for the guild instead, following the downtime activities rules found in the Xanatar's Guide to Everyting.

Ranking Up

After entering a guild, the reputation points determine the level of each guild member, and by completing additional contracts or bounties, a member can be promoted to the next level if he or she meets the required reputation points, which generally give access to additional or better guild services and tools, new contracts and many other benefits.

In the table below you can see a basic rank list and the reputation points a character needs to achieve each rank. Other guilds might have more or different rank names and higher or lower requirement points. The only restriction is that guild members cannot gain more points than the required for the next level until they are promoted.

Guild Ranks
Rank Rank Level Required Rep. Points
Apprentice 1 50
Journeyman 2 100
Adept 3 200
Expert 4 500
Master/Mistress 5 1,000
Grandmaster/Grandmistress 6 2,000

Rank Benefits

Gaining ranks on a guild gives a series of benefits, such as better paid and challenging contracts, information, and equipment. In the table below you can find some examples of guild rewards organized by the character rank required and some details about the benefits.

Benefit Rank Needed
Contracts (basic) Apprentice
Healing and care Apprentice
Information (basic) Apprentice
Lodging and food (modest) Apprentice
Messaging (basic) Apprentice
Training Apprentice
Crafting Workshop Journeyman
Equipment (basic) Journeyman
Messaging (advanced) Journeyman
Contracts (advanced) Adept
Equipment (advanced) Adept
Information (advanced) Adept
Lodging and food (comfortable) Adept
Equipment (magical) Expert
Information (exclusive) Expert
Messaging (exclusive) Expert
Local Guildhall Master/Mistress
Lodging and food (wealthy) Master/Mistress
Own the guild Grandmaster/Grandmistress

Contracts (basic)

The easiest guild contracts, which generally includes simple tasks that every guild member should be able to complete.

Contracts (advanced)

This contracts can include long-term and challenging quests, which are taken only by the guild member veterans. These contracts have a better pay and give more reputation than basic contracts.


Crafting Workshop

Guild members are able to use the workshops in the guildhalls, where they can find one or more artisan's tools at their disposal for crafting. The number and type of artisan's tools are determined by the Dungeon Master (if any).

Equipment (basic)

This includes simple weapons, light armors and basic equipment (like rations and torches). Guild members can also ask for horses for temporary use (no more than 1 week).

Equipment (advanced)

This includes martial weapons, medium and heavy armors, probably some artisan tools and specialized adventuring kits. This also includes other services, such using one of the guild coach cabs, horses, or a ship passage to a near city.

Equipment (magical)

This includes giving potions, spell scrolls, and a magical items to the guild members. It could also include some spellcasting services, such as casting the Identify spell. Since magical items and services are rarer, it's up to the Dungeon Master to determine if the characters must pay a fee for using the guild magic items or for each time they want to use some of the guild spellcasting services.

Equipment Availability

The amount of equipment you can borrow is determined by the total gp of the items and it depends on your guild rank, as shown in the table below.

Rank Total GP of requisitioned items
Journeyman 150 gp
Adept 450 gp
Expert 600 gp
Master/Mistress 1,000 gp
Grandmaster/Grandmistress 1,500 gp

It's up to the DM to determine what type of equipment and how many the guild have. For example, a rural guild might only have light armor, simple weapons and 1d4 potions available for requisitioning.

Healing and care

You can be healed in the guildhalls owned by your guild. Once per day, you can roll a number of dices equal to your rank level to recover your health. The dice is determined by the character's class hit dice.

Information (basic)

You get one piece of useful lore about the contract or bounty you're doing. As a group, you can only request this kind of information once per contract or bounty.

Information (advanced)

Your rank now allows you to get two pieces of useful lore about the contract or quest you're doing, or one piece of useful lore about anything you need. If you ask for a piece of useful lore about other things than a guild contract or bounty, it takes at least 1d6 days for the guild to get you the information requested, and you can ask for this kind of information once per week.

Information (exclusive)

You get three pieces of useful lore about anything you're looking for. If you ask for a piece of useful lore about other things than a guild contract or bounty, it takes at least 1d4 days for the guild to get you the information requested.

Pieces of Useful Lore

Each piece of useful lore is the equivalent of one true statement about a person, place, or thing. Examples include knowledge of a creature’s resistances, the password needed to enter a sealed dungeon level, the spells commonly prepared by an order of wizards, and so on.

For a monster or an NPC, you can reveal elements of stats or personality. For a place, you can reveal secrets about it, such as a hidden entrance, the answer to a riddle, or the nature of a creature that guards the place.

Local guildhall

You are rewarded with owning and leading a local guildhall in a city or town.

Lodging and food

If you want, you can live in a local guildhall (your lifestyle expenses are covered by your membership).

Messaging (basic)

You can use some of the guild messengers to deliver cards and small objects to another city or town. You can send up to 1 pound in weight from one guildhall to another location of your choice.

Messaging (advanced)

You are now allowed to send bigger objects to another city or town. You can send up to 5 pounds in weight from one guildhall to another location of your choice.

Messaging (exclusive)

You can send large crates filled with objects to another city or town. You can send up to 50 pounds in weight from one guildhall to another location of your choice.


You can learn a new language or training in a set of tools with a guild member. When training at the guild, the prize or time is reduced by half (player's choice). For additional information of what tool training are available at the guild, check the guild types later in this part.

DM Note: Promoting Characters

It's up to the DM to determine if there are extra conditions to achieve each rank in a guild to avoid farming reputation points (and eventually getting a higher rank by doing low-level contracts).

One way to deal with this is by forcing players to make a special quest to rank up or set a minimum number of finished advanced contracts. Another way to avoid this is by creating only a few contracts and bounties (such as 1d4 contracts every 7 days).

Additionally, as a general rule, the Master/Mistress and Grandmaster/Grandmistress ranks are only obtainable under specific circumstances, such as when the guild gets a new guildhall and they need a new Master/Mistress for it, or when the current Grandmaster dies.

Creating a Guild

When creating a guild, you must decide the type or business of the guild. You can choose one from the table below or roll it randomly. You could choose more than one type for a guild (this might work for a bigger guild), but most of the guilds should have only 1 type.

d6 Guild Type
1 Adventurers
2 Arcane
3 Artisans
4 Criminal
5 Religious
6 Scholastic

Adventurers Guilds

These guilds are designed expressly for those who battle monsters, hunt treasure, and explore unknown lands.

Adventurers Guilds Contracts
d10 Contract Type
1-3 Exploration
4-6 Hunting
7-9 Object retrieval
10 Roll randomly in the contracts types table

Equipment and Tools

  • Equipment, Basic. Armor, weapons and adventuring gear that cost 10 gp or less each. Additionally, you can requisition a riding horse and a riding saddle.
  • Equipment, Advanced. Armor, weapons, adventuring gear, mounts and drawn vehicles.
  • Equipment, Magical. Common magic items and uncommon armor and weapons.
  • Tools. Leatherworker's tools, smith's tools and woodcarver's tools for creating and repairing armor or weapons.


You can train to gain proficiency with leatherworker's tools, smith's tools, or woodcarver's tools.

Arcane Guilds

These guilds consist primarily of arcane spellcasters, but occasionally boast noncasting members, such as experts who practice alchemy.

Arcane Guilds Contracts
d10 Contract Type
1-3 Acquiring materials
4-6 Delivery
7-9 Object retrieval
10 Roll randomly in the contracts types table

Equipment and Tools

  • Equipment, Basic. Simple melee weapons, adventuring gear that cost 10 gp or less each. Additionally, you can requisition a draft horse and a cart.
  • Equipment, Advanced. Simple weapons, adventuring gear, mounts and drawn vehicles.
  • Equipment, Magical. Common and uncommon magic items. In addition, the guild might have 1 or 2 rare magic items that can be borrowed until the contract is finished.
  • Tools. Alchemist's supplies and herbalism kit for creating potions and other alchemical items.


You can train to gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies, herbalism kit, or in a standard language.

Artisans Guilds

These guilds are the most common form of guild in most fantasy cities. Each is typically devoted to a single craft or profession, or at most a small group of closely related trades.

Artisans Guilds Contracts
d10 Contract Type
1-3 Acquiring materials
4-6 Defensive
7-9 Delivery
10 Roll randomly in the contracts types table

Equipment and Tools

  • Equipment, Basic. Simple melee weapons, adventuring gear that cost 10 gp or less each. Additionally, you can requisition a draft horse and a wagon.
  • Equipment, Advanced. Light armor, simple weapons, adventuring gear, mounts and drawn vehicles.
  • Equipment, Magical. Common magic items.
  • Tools. You can use the artisan tools available on the guild for crafting. You can choose the tool available from the following list or determine it by rolling randomly.
d20 Artisan Tools
1 Brewers
2 Calligraphers
3 Carpenters
4 Cartographers
5 Cobblers
6 Cooks
7 Glassblowers
8 Jewelers
9 Leatherworkers
d20 Artisan Tools
10 Masons
11 Painters
12 Potters
13 Smiths
14 Tinkers
15 Weavers
16 Woodcarvers
17-19 Roll twice
20 Roll three times


You can train to gain proficiency with the artisan tools the guild have.

Criminal Guilds

These guilds are (in general) considered illegal and highly secretive, except in particularly corrupt cities.

Criminal Guilds Contracts
d10 Contract Type
1-3 Exploration
4-6 Hunt
7-9 Object Retrieval
10 Roll randomly in the contracts types table

Equipment and Tools

  • Equipment, Basic. Light armor, simple weapons and adventuring gear that cost 10 gp or less each. Additionally, you can requisition a single vial of basic poison or thieves' tools.
  • Equipment, Advanced. Light and medium armor, weapons, adventuring gear, poisons, mounts and drawn vehicles.
  • Equipment, Magical. Common magic items and uncommon weapons.
  • Tools. Forgery kit and poisoner's kit for creating fake documents and poisons.


You can train to gain proficiency with the forgery kit or the poisoner's kit.

Religious Guilds

These guilds are associations of followers of the same faith. A religious guild is not the same thing as a sect or cult.

Religious Guilds Contracts
d10 Contract Type
1-3 Defensive
4-6 Delivery
7-9 Object retrieval
10 Roll randomly in the contracts types table

Equipment and Tools

  • Equipment, Basic. Light armor, simple weapons and adventuring gear that cost 10 gp or less each. Additionally, you can requisition a draft horse and a cart.
  • Equipment, Advanced. Light armor, weapons, adventuring gear, mounts and drawn vehicles.
  • Equipment, Magical. Common magic items and uncommon weapons.
  • Tools. You can use the jeweler's tools and smith's tools available on the guild.


You can train to gain proficiency with the jeweler's tools or the smith's tools.

Scholastic Guilds

These guilds are dedicated to studying a particular topic to further the knowledge and education of its members.

Scholastic Guilds Contracts
d10 Contract Type
1-3 Defensive
4-6 Exploration
7-9 Object retrieval
10 Roll randomly in the contracts types table

Equipment and Tools

  • Equipment, Basic. Simple melee weapons, adventuring gear that cost 10 gp or less each. Additionally, you can requisition a draft horse and a wagon.
  • Equipment, Advanced. Simple melee weapons, adventuring gear, mounts and drawn vehicles.
  • Equipment, Magical. Common magic items and uncommon wondrous items.
  • Tools. You can use the calligrapher's tools and tinker's tools available on the guild.


You can train to gain proficiency with calligrapher's tools, tinker's tools, or in one language (standard or exotic).

Variant: Expanded Training

A character can train in a guild to gain proficiency with an armor type, a weapon, or a particular skill. These proficiencies depends on the guild type.

  • Adventurers Guilds. Any armor type, any weapon or the following skills: Athletics and Survival.
  • Arcane Guilds. A simple weapon or the following skills: Arcana and History.
  • Artisans Guilds. The following skills: Insight and Persuasion.
  • Criminal Guilds. An armor type, any weapon or the following skills: Deception and Stealth.
  • Religious Guilds. Light armor, a simple weapon or the following skills: Insight and Religion.
  • Scholastic Guilds. The following skills: History, Investigation, and Nature.


Most of the guild works are contracts that involve some quests or missions, which includes a location, some basic information of the quest and obviously, a reward. The reputation points earned by finishing a contract are determined by the DM.

Contract Difficulty

Contracts are divided in basic or advanced, which determines the difficulty or how dangerous is the contract, and the reward they give upon finishing.

Basic contracts include simple and fairly easy quests which don't require much preparation or expensive equipment. On the other hand, advanced contracts are more complex and dangerous. These kind of contracts will probably require additional preparation, maybe the use of special or magic equipment.

DM Advice: Contract Difficulty & Encounters

It's difficult to determine what kind or how many encounters are fine for a basic or an advanced contract. A way to determine this is by estimating the number of days it will take for the characters to finish the contract and prepare several encounters based on that. In addition, a basic contract should only include easy and medium encounters, while an advanced contract should include at least one hard or deadly encounter.

Contract Types

Every contract have a specific contract type, which determines what kind of quest the players will face.

Contract Types
d6 Contract Type
1 Acquiring materials
2 Defensive
3 Delivery
4 Exploration
5 Hunting
6 Object retrieval

Acquiring Materials

These contracts involve collecting materials or any resource needed for further uses, such as collecting a particular herb for creating healing potions, mining minerals for creating special weapons and equipment, or buying materials directly from a merchant or artisan.

d4 The Quest
1 Gather herbs and plants
2 Collect a specific mineral
3 Harvest a creature part
4 Buy or trade resources
Collecting Materials and Harvesting

In the part 3 of this book you can find rules for harvesting parts from creatures, gathering plants and collecting other materials.



Defensive contracts are mostly for guarding, or escorting someone, such as protecting a noble while traveling from one city to another through the wild, being the bodyguard of an important individual during a diplomatic mission, and so on. Alternatively, this type of contracts can be also for defending a specific location, such as holding a fortified outpost against an imminent orc attack until reinforcements arrive, or guard an item and prevent someone steal it.

d4 The Quest
1 Escort someone from one point to another
2 Defend a place or location
3 Protect an individual at a location
4 Guard an object at a location


Delivery contracts are pretty straightforward. Collect one or various objects from one location and deliver them to a specific destination before the time runs out. These types of contracts are for transporting goods across two settlements or locations, but it can also be delivering various objects through several locations in a bigger city or town.

d4 The Quest
1 Deliver something within the settlement
2 Deliver something from the settlement to a close location (up to 3 days of travel)
3 Deliver something from the settlement to a far location (4 or more days of travel)
4 Roll twice and combine the results for a larger quest


Exploration contracts are used for mapping regions, such as islands, caves, an old dungeon or a forgotten jungle temple. The general objective of these contracts are to provide an accurate map of a location, creating safe routes, discovering a hidden entrance, gathering information about the creatures in the area, and so on.

d4 The Quest
1 Mapping a location
2 Find a location or structure
3 Land surveillance
4 Creature surveillance


Hunting contracts are mostly for finding a specific creature and then kill or capture it. The objective might be a roaming creature, a particular individual, or in some cases groups of these, such as kill a troll, capture a corrupt nobleman, or raid a cult location and kill any cultist you find.

d4 The Quest
1 Slay a monster
2 Assassinate an individual
3 Kill all members from a particular group
4 Capture a creature or individual

Object Retrieval

Object retrieval contracts are used for finding, recovering or stealing a particular item or object, such as finding a lost magic item hidden at a crypt, recover an amulet that was stolen after someone broke into the city museum, or find and steal a letter with the details of a conspiracy from a noble house in the city.

d4 The Quest
1 Find something at a dangerous location
2 Recover something that was stolen
3 Steal something from an individual or place
4 Roll again and add an additional item to the quest

Special Contract Conditions

If you want to give a twist to the contracts, here are some additional conditions examples you can add to a contract for making it different or harder.

  • Stealthily. You cannot be detected or raise the alarm while you are doing the contract.
  • No Kills. You must not kill anyone while doing the contract quest.
  • Specific Time and Place. You need to complete the task contract in a specific day or moment. For example, you must assassinate an individual when he is talking in front of a crowd of people in the town square.
  • Against Time. You have a limited time to do the contract. For example, another group is going to do the same contract at the same time, and the first group that finishes the contract gets the reward.
  • Local Resources. You can only use resources you can find in the location of your contract.
  • Limited Resources. You can only use some of your equipment. For example, you need to enter a party for gathering information, but you cannot enter wearing heavy armor or any type of weapons (but perhaps you can hide a dagger in your clothes).


After you have determined the contract type and special conditions (if any), you need to determine the location where the characters must go to complete the contract. The tables below have some examples you can use for determining the general and specific location for the contract.

General Location
d12 General Location
1 Arctic
2 Caves
3 Desert
4 Forest or jungle
5 Lake or river
6 Mountain
d12 General Location
7 Ocean
8 Plains
9 Swamp
10 Urban
11 Distant land*
12 Another plane*

*Roll again to determine the general location in these places. For example, the location might be a mountain in another continent or in The Elemental Plane of Earth.

Specific Location
d20 Specific Location
1 Ancient Ruins
2 Battlefield
3 Catacombs
4 Cliffs
5 Dungeon
6 Encampment
7 Fortress or castle
8 Mansion
9 Market
10 Oasis
d20 Specific Location
11 Palace
12 Prison
13 Sanctuary or Shrine
14 Sewers
15 Storehouse
16 Tavern
17 Temple
18 Tomb
19 Tower
20 Undercity

Contract Rewards

Whenever the characters successfully finish a contract, they must be rewarded for their job. In general, a finished contract will reward players with gold and reputation points. In some cases, guilds could reward players with items, materials, favors, and more.


Almost every contract has a gold reward. To determine the amount of gold the contract gives, calculate the party level (the average level of the characters in the party) when they took the contract, and then check the tables below to see how much gold each character should get for finishing the contract.

Reputation Points

Another way to reward the characters is by giving reputation points for doing the contract, allowing them to gain ranks in the guild and unlock more benefits. You can determine the amount of reward points per character using the following tables.

————— Basic Contracts ———————

———— Advanced Contracts ——————

Contract Rewards

Party Level Gold Reputation Points Gold Reputation Points
1st 10 gp 3 20 gp 5
2nd 20 gp 5 40 gp 10
3rd 30 gp 8 80 gp 20
4th 50 gp 13 100 gp 25
5th 100 gp 25 220 gp 55
6th 120 gp 30 280 gp 70
7th 150 gp 38 340 gp 85
8th 180 gp 45 420 gp 105
9th 220 gp 55 480 gp 120
10th 240 gp 60 560 gp 140
11th 320 gp 80 720 gp 180
12th 400 gp 100 900 gp 225
13th 440 gp 110 1,020 gp 255
14th 500 gp 125 1,140 gp 285
15th 560 gp 140 1,280 gp 320
16th 640 gp 160 1,440 gp 360
17th 780 gp 195 1,760 gp 440
18th 840 gp 210 1,900 gp 475
19th 980 gp 245 2,180 gp 545
20th 1,140 gp 285 2,540 gp 635


Bounties, also known as "hunt orders" are special guild missions that allow individuals to collect reputation points and gain ranks on the guild for killing certain creatures. In most of the cases, bounties requires that characters collect some specific parts of the creatures to prove they actually killed the target creatures. In other cases, some powerful guilds might be able to make the bounty magical, so the guild knows exactly how many creatures they've killed.

Bounties are composed by several parts: the target creatures, the location where the creatures are, the number of days the bounty will be active, and the reward.

Reward for Creature's Parts

If a guild decides to pay for creature's parts collected during the bounty, you can determine the prize following the rules found in the Collecting Materials section later in this supplement.

Example Bounty: Ankheg Bounty

In the last days, the number of ankhegs wandering near the town has greatly increased, making the farms outside the town a dangerous place, and the local adventurers’ guild created a hunt order to reduce the number of those creatures. The bounty will be active for only 3 days, and they must bring the ankheg mandibles to the guildhall to prove they killed them. For each ankheg mandible the adventurers bring, they will be rewarded with 4 reputation points and the guild will pay them 4 gold pieces and 5 silver pieces.

Bounty Rewards
CR Reputation Points per Creature Killed
0 - 1/2 1
1 2
2 4
3 7
4 11
5 18
6 23
7 29
8 39
9 50
10 59
11 72
12 84
13 100
14 115
15 130
16 150
17 180
18 200
19 220
20 250
21 330
22 410
23 500
24 620
25 750
26 900
27 1,050
28 1,200
29 1,350
30 1,550



The Wild

Chapter 4: Surviving in the Wild

In the wild, it’s obvious that manmade structures do not appear whenever characters are in need of shelter and warmth. While adventurers can plan a route through the wild to reach safe places for resting and avoid having to camp in dangerous lands, this doesn't always happen. When characters don't find a safe place for rest during the night, they can fashion some kind of structure or shelter using the available nature materials and anything they're carrying.

Basic Needs

While traveling through the wild, creatures and characters must have enough amounts of food and water to survive and protection against precipitation, wind, cold and heat.

Food and Water

Creatures that don't eat or drink suffers the effects of exhaustion. Exhaustion caused by lack of food or water can't be removed until the creature eats and drinks the full required amount. Water needs are doubled if the weather is hot.

Food and Water Needs
Creature Size Food per Day Water per Day
Tiny 1/4 pound 1/4 gallon
Small 1 pound 1 gallon
Medium 1 pound 1 gallon
Large 4 pounds 4 gallons
Huge 16 pounds 16 gallons
Gargantuan 64 pounds 64 gallons
  • A creature and can make food last longer by subsisting on half rations. Eating half a pound of food in a day counts as half a day without food.
  • A creature can go without food for a number of days equal to 3 + his or her Constitution modifier (minimum 1). At the end of each day beyond that limit, a creature automatically suffers one level of exhaustion. A normal day of eating resets the count of days without food to zero.
  • A creature that drinks only half that much water must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion at the end of the day. A creature with access to even less water automatically suffers one level of exhaustion at the end of the day. If the creature already has one or more levels of exhaustion, the creature takes two levels in either case.


Characters can gather food and water as the party travels at a normal or slow pace. A foraging character makes a Wisdom (Survival) check, with the DC determined by the abundance of food and water in the region.

Food and Water Availability DC
Abundant food and water sources 10
Limited food and water sources 15
Very little, if any, food and water sources 20

If multiple characters forage, each character makes a separate check. On a Successful check, roll 1d6 + the character's Wisdom modifier to determine how much food (in pounds) the character finds, then repeat the roll for water (in gallons).

Getting Meat (Foraging Variant)

While the characters can forage to survive on the wilderness, they also can hunt down and kill a creature to harvest the meat and use it as food. The meat they yield spoils after a single day if uneaten. Eating spoiled meat might require a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) to avoid throwing up the food or getting diseased.

A character can make a Wisdom (Survival) check to try to collect meat as food. The DC for the check is typically 15, but it’s up to the DM to modify the DC. The amount of meat harvested is determined by the creature size, as shown in the Creature Food Yield table below.

Getting meat does not count on the maximum harvest checks you can make to harvest a creature, but doing so might destroy other parts such as the creature hide and organs.

Creature Food Yield
Creature Size Food Gained
Tiny 1 lb.
Small 4 lb.
Medium 16 lb.
Large 32 lb.
Huge 64 lb.
Gargantuan 128 lb.

Drinking Blood

While characters can also collect blood in vials as resources, in other cases, the extreme need of water can drive someone to harvest a creature's blood and drink it to stay alive. When a character makes a Wisdom (Survival) check to collect meat as food, it can also collect a number of gallons of blood equal to half the amount of meat.

A character drinking blood must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) to avoid vomiting. On a failed save, the character throws up, the blood is wasted and the character don't gain the benefits of drinking.

Cooking and Purifying

Even though a character can eat raw meat or drink blood from any creature for nourishment, some of these goods might be poisonous, diseased or cause other special effects to the character if its not prepared or cooked correctly.



Some regions might require special gear or shelter that helps characters to maintain their personal temperature. Walking in the arctic, through a desert or even during heavy rain may force creature to find shelter or suffer the consequences. Up to the Dungeon Master, any character or creature that is not properly protected must make a saving throw against extreme cold or extreme heat at the end of the day or suffer a level of exhaustion (These two situations are described in the chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).

Camping and Shelters

Characters can carry a tent to protect themselves against wind and rain, but sometimes they don't have access to that kind of gear, and in these situations they can try to find a natural shelter or build one using materials they can gather. Natural shelters are divided in two types: basic and advanced.

Basic Shelter

Almost every natural shelter found in the wild is considered as a basic shelter. These shelters have enough space for up to 4 medium-sized creatures, and in general they're constructed from many small pieces of vegetation. Due to its simple design, a basic shelter protects against wind or precipitation (determined by the Dungeon Master).

Advanced Shelter

An advanced shelter have space for up to 8 medium-sized creatures and protects everyone inside against the wind, rain, snow and other environmental features. Additionally, an advanced shelter helps to maintain the personal temperature, and in some cases it also provides some defenses against wild creatures.

Natural Shelters by Terrain

Terrain and time are the mayor factors that determines the chance for adventurers to be able to locate a natural shelter or construct something out of materials they find in the area they are.


Arctic zones has no useful vegetation that adventurers can use for shelter, but characters can find crevasses and make improvised snow walls that can provide some protection against wind.


Desert zones has little to no vegetation that adventurers can use, but they can run across irregularities in the surface, such as large rocks and some dunes that can provide shelter on at least one side.


Forest zones are one of the easiest terrains to find natural shelter. Trees and large plants can give adventurers some protection from wind and rain. In a forest, boughs or branches can be cut from trees and laid across a grid of poles to give characters a roof over their heads and protection from wind.


Hills are full of irregular terrain that can serve as a simple windbreak. Additionally, thick vegetation is fairly abundant during most of the year, allowing adventurers to fashion a windbreak out of it.


Mountains, for this purpose, are considered to be rough, rocky areas with little or no vegetation. However, adventurers can come across some natural features, such as caves and alcoves that are large enough for the group.


Plains are generally flat, but not necessarily featureless. A small gully might help adventurers to get out of the wind. Additionally, if a plain has some vegetation, characters may be able to gather enough branches and greenery for a windbreak.


Swamps commonly have vegetation that can be scavenged and used as shelter, and characters can come across a fallen tree or similar feature that can help as a shelter.

Finding a Shelter

Characters can make a Wisdom (Survival) check to try to find a natural shelter in the area. The difficulty and time to find an appropriate shelter varies depending on the terrain, as shown in the following table.

Terrain DC Time Needed
Arctic 25 30 minutes
Desert 25 30 minutes
Forest 10 10 minutes
Hills 10 10 minutes
Mountains 20 20 minutes
Plains 20 20 minutes
Swamps 15 15 minutes

In general, this check should be made whenever characters are actively looking for shelter. On a successful check, they find a basic shelter or an advanced shelter if the check succeeds by 5 or more. On a failure, they can make a new check after 10 minutes if they keep moving.

Additional Conditions

The DC and time can vary when finding shelter under special conditions, such as during the night or while its heavy raining.

  • Rain, fog and low visibility areas. Increase the DC by 3 and add half the base time.
  • Storm, snowfall and no visibility areas. Increase the DC by 5 and it takes twice the base time.

It’s up to the Dungeon Master to determine the properties of the shelter they find. For example, A large rock can be used as a basic shelter because it protects against the wind, but it doesn't protect against rain or snow, while a cave in the face of a mountain can be considered an advanced shelter, because it protects against wind, rain and snow.


Survival Materials

Characters can gather branches and vegetation lying in the area, cut down a tree to collect wood, mine a big rock to collect stones, and so on. Since the materials they can use can vary a lot by region, all of them are grouped as survival material units.

A character can spend 30 minutes for gathering materials and then making an Wisdom (Survival) check. The DC is determined by the materials availability in the area, as shown in the table below.

Collecting Materials
Materials Availability DC
Abundant materials in the area 10
Limited number of materials in the area 15
Very little, if any, number of materials in the area 20

To represent that natural materials are limited, every time a character succeed on the check, increase the DC of all subsequent checks by 1.

On a success, compare the result of the check with the following table to determine how many units of the material the character get (minimum 1 unit).

Survival Check Result Units Collected
Succeeded by 4 or less 2d4 + Constitution modifier
Succeeded by 5 or more 2d6 + Constitution modifier
Succeeded by 10 or more 2d8 + Constitution modifier

Upgrading a Shelter

While characters can stay in a natural shelter, they can also gather materials to upgrade a basic shelter into an advanced one, which allows them to add extra features, such as an elevated platform, a palisade wall, or even some primitive tools and weapons.


For upgrading a shelter, A character must use a number of survival material units depending on which feature he or she wants to build, as shown in the table below. Multiple characters can combine their efforts toward upgrading the shelter, reducing the time by ten times its Constitution modifier for each character working on the upgrade to a minimum of 10 minutes. For example, a character with a Constitution modifier of +2 will reduce the time it takes to finish a shelter feature by 20 minutes.

Upgrading a Shelter
Feature Units Required Time
General Upgrades
   1st level materials shelter 10 2 hours
   2nd level materials shelter 15 4 hours
Defensive Upgrades
   Spike barrier 5 30 minutes
   Wall, Basic 6 1 hour
   Wall, Advanced 8 2 hours
Upgrading a Shelter (Continuation)
Feature Units Required Time
Miscellaneous Upgrades
   Bonfire 4 30 minutes
   Dryer 2 30 minutes
   Platform 8 2 hours
   Primitive hunting trap 1 30 minutes
   Storage box 2 30 minutes

Some of these upgrades might not available to build in certain terrains due the type of materials needed. For example, a spike barrier might be hard or impossible to craft in a desert since it requires wood or large bones.

General Upgrades

When upgrading a basic shelter with any general upgrade is considered that characters build a 20-foot-by-20-foot shelter with a 10-foot-high ceiling, which allows up to 8 medium-sized creatures to enter and protect themselves. Additionally, if there's enough space in the area, characters can upgrade the shelter multiple times to increase the size of it.

  • 1st level materials shelter. A 1st level materials shelter includes a simple roofing and walls made from thatch, branches, hardened dirt or any similar material. A shelter made with with these materials protects from wind and rain, but not against extreme weather, such as heavy rain, a sandstorm, and so on. Any 20-ft.-by-20-ft. section walls and roofing made with these materials have an AC of 12 and 5 hit points.
  • 2nd level materials shelter. A 2nd level materials shelter includes roofing and walls made with wood, stone, adobe, brick-and-mortar, or any similar material. A shelter made with with these materials protects from wind, rain, and extreme weather such as heavy rain, a sandstorm, and so on. Any 20-ft.-by-20-ft. section walls and roofing made with these materials have an AC of 15, 15 hit points and a damage threshold of 10. A character can upgrade a 1st level materials shelter to this tier spending only 5 units and 2 hours to improve the shelter.

Defensive Upgrades

  • Spike barrier. A 10-feet long barrier with many wooden or bone spikes. The area covered by the barrier is considered difficult terrain. Any creature that moves through the spike wall must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10) or take 1d4 piercing damage. The barrier has an AC 15, 15 hit points and a damage threshold of 5.
  • Wall, Basic. This 20 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick fence or wall is made from wooden stakes, tree trunks, adobe, bones, or any other similar materials. Each 10 feet of wall has an AC 15, 15 hit points and a damage threshold of 5.
  • Wall, Advanced. This 20 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick wall made from brick-and-mortar, stone or other hardened materials. These are used as a defensive structure or enclosure. Each 10 feet of wall has an AC 17, 30 hit points and a damage threshold of 10.

Miscellaneous Upgrades

  • Bonfire. Built of large pieces of wood, bonfires give off more light and heat than a simple campfire, which can be an advantage if the priority is to remain warm, or a disadvantage if the priority is to remain hidden. A bonfire casts bright light in a 30-foot radius and a dim light for an additional 30 feet. Once lit, it burns for 6 hours, and every time a character throws 1 unit of wood to the bonfire, increase the duration of the bonfire for an extra hour.
  • Dryer. This simple but specialized rack is helpful for drying meat and preserve it. Raw meat placed on the dryer is considered dried after 4 hours, and any dried meat spoils after 5 days if uneaten.
  • Platform. This 10-foot square wooden platform is attached on a large tree, or raised on piles over the soil, enabling to build on it. The platform can be built up to 10 feet high and includes a simple staircase to access the platform.
  • Primitive hunting trap. This upgrade is a basic snare, a deadfall trap, a tension trap, a fish trap, or anything similar, which can be used by characters to catch small animals. A primitive hunting trap must be set, and after each day passed, the Dungeon Master rolls a d20. On a 11 or higher, a tiny creature is captured in the trap. After that, the trap must be set up again unless is broken for any reason.
  • Storage box. This box is made from simple materials and it allows to storage excess items and materials. A storage box have a capacity of 12 cubic feet or 300 pounds of gear.
More Features

While the upgrading features gives you some examples and basic upgrades, you can incorporate new options, such as a clay oven, primitive working tables, wooden furniture and more for creating a survival-themed campaign.


Primitive Gear

While characters might generally have a miner's pick, an axe or a metal longsword, sometimes they don't have access to their equipment for some reason, and in order to survive the wild, they need to improvise and create their own tools using the materials they find.

Any gear is considered primitive if the character crafted it by using materials they can find while in the wild (like bones, wood, or stone) and without using the adequate tools or locations for crafting it. Because of this, primitive gear doesn't deal as much damage, tools have less durability, and armors don't protect as much as a properly crafted piece of armor.

Primitive armor and weapons use the same proficiencies as the non-primitive gear, so a character needs to be proficient with the gear they are going to craft to use them effectively.

Crafting Primitive Gear

When characters collect materials for surviving, they can use these for crafting armor and weapons for their survival. A character needs 3 units of survival materials for crafting a medium-sized armor, 2 units of survival materials for weapons, shields, or 10 pieces of ammunition. Large or bigger creatures needs twice the amount of materials used for each size increment bigger than medium, while small or tiny creatures requires half the material units.

A character takes 2 hours to craft a primitive armor and 1 hour to craft primitive weapons, shields, or 10 pieces of ammunition. Multiple characters can combine their efforts dividing the time needed to craft a primitive item by the number of characters working on it to a minimum of 10 minutes.

Primitive Armor

Armors generally use tanned leather or iron, so it's difficult to replicate these armors using simple or raw materials. Because of this, in the Primitive Armor table you can find new armor types that can be crafted using survival material units.

Primitive Weapons

Primitive weapons are crafted with stone, bone, wood, or a combination of these, and a character can craft any type of primitive weapon if they're proficient with it. When using a primitive weapon, use the same stats as the normal weapon, but due the material quality of these weapons, all attack rolls and damage are reduced by 2.

On the other hand, every simple primitive weapon have 1 durability point, and all martial primitive weapons have 2 durability points.

Primitive Gear Durability

All primitive armors and weapons have a specific durability. If these points are reduced to 0, the piece of equipment is broken and it must be repaired to use it again.

Durability points are reduced in the following events:

  • When you miss an attack roll with a primitive weapon by 5 or more, the durability of the weapon is reduced by 1 point.
  • When you make an attack with a primitive weapon and you roll a 1, the durability of the weapon is reduced by 2 points.
  • When an enemy hits you by 5 or more, the durability of your primitive armor is reduced by 1 point.
  • When you take a critical hit from an opponent, it reduce your primitive armor durability points by 2.

Each reduced durability point also reduces the attack bonus and damage dealt for weapons and the AC for armors.

Repairing Primitive Gear

If characters wants to repair a piece of primitive gear, they must have units of survival materials to do so. Armors requires 2 units of survival materials, while weapons, shields or tools requires 1 unit of survival materials.

Then, a character must make a Wisdom (Survival) check with a DC equal to 10 plus the number of durability points lost. On a success, the primitive gear is repaired, recovering all the durability points. On a failure, the units used are lost and the primitive gear remains unrepaired until the character makes a new check after a short or long rest. If the character fails the check by 5 or more, the primitive gear is completely broken and cannot be repaired.

Primitive Armor
Armor Armor Class (AC) Durability Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
   Primitive Rawhide 10 + Dex modifier 2 12 lb.
Medium Armor
   Primitive Bonemail 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) 2 Disadvantage 20 lb.
Heavy Armor
   Primitive Wood plate 16 3 Str 13 Disadvantage 40 lb.
   Primitive shield +1 3 6 lb.

Chapter 5: Dangers of the Wild

While exploring or wandering through the wild, characters can encounter dangerous creatures and forgotten ruins, but they can also face hazards and other natural dangers. The following part expand those presented in the Dungeon Masters Guide.

Environmental Hazards

In this section you will find new environmental hazards, both natural and magical, which use similar rules as traps or lair actions.

All hazards are separated in three categories that determines the DC of the check characters must make to avoid or resist the hazard and the damage they will take if they fail the check.

Hazards Save DCs and Attack Bonuses
Hazard Danger Level Save DC
Setback 10-11
Dangerous 12-15
Deadly 16-20
Damage Severity by Level
Character Level Setback Dangerous Deadly
1st-4th 1d10 2d10 4d10
5th-10th 2d10 4d10 10d10
11th-16th 4d10 10d10 18d10
17th-20th 10d10 18d10 24d10


Here are several new hazards ready to be used. Some hazards might have one or more danger levels, and it's up to the Dungeon Master to determine which level the hazard is.

Avalanches, Rockfalls and Mudslides

Any Level of Hazard

Any character in the area where the hazard occurs must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes bludgeoning damage and is buried by the hazard (or half as much damage on a successful one). The area where this hazard happened is now filled with snow, rubble or mud and becomes difficult terrain.

Any buried creature begin to suffocate and it can dig through to free itself. To do so, the creature must succeed a number of Strength (Athletics) checks, as shown in the following table.

Hazard Level Number of Checks
Setback 2
Dangerous 3
Deadly 4

You can read more about suffocating rules in the chapter 8 of the Player's Handbook.


Setback Hazard

The area affected by a blizzard is considered difficult terrain. When a creature without proper shelter is in the area affected by the blizzard for one hour, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking cold damage on a failed save (or half as much damage on a successful one). If a creature is wearing warm clothing, it has advantage on the saving throw.


Any Level of Hazard

A tremor shakes the area; each creature on the ground in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

The hazard level is determined by the proximity to the epicenter or the intensity of the earth tremor:

  • Setback. Far from the epicenter or light earthquake.
  • Dangerous. Near the epicenter or moderate earthquake.
  • Deadly. Very close to the epicenter or severe earthquake.

Elemental Cloud

Any Level of Hazard

These clouds are created in a area touched with an elemental essence. When a creature enters the cloud, it must make an appropriate saving throw, taking damage on a failed save (or half as much damage on a successful one). A creature that ends its turn in the cloud must roll another saving throw.

Cloud Color Damage Type Saving Throw
Black Necrotic Constitution
Cyan Cold Constitution
Gray and Yellow Lightning Constitution
Light Green Acid Constitution
Purple Psychic Wisdom
Red Fire Constitution
White Force Wisdom


Dangerous Hazard

Similar to a blizzard, the terrain affected by the hailstorm is considered difficult terrain. When a creature without proper shelter is in the area affected by the hailstorm for one hour, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking cold damage on a failed save (or half as much damage on a successful one).


Insect Swarm

Setback Hazard

A cloud of swarming insects fills a 20-foot-radius sphere, and the swarm can move 20 feet on each round. When a creature enters in the same area as the insect swarm, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes piercing damage (or half as much on a successful one). A creature that ends its turn within the insect swarm must roll another saving throw. A creature cannot be damaged by the insect swarm if it's wielding a torch or if it is at least 5 feet from a fire.


Deadly Hazard

The lava is considered difficult terrain. Any creature that enters the lava takes fire damage. A creature that ends its turn in the lava takes fire damage.

Lightning Storms

Dangerous or Deadly Hazard

The DM rolls a d100 to determine if any creature is hit by a lightning. This check can be made at the beginning of each turn during a combat or in any time while the party is not in combat.

d100 Number of Creatures
1-50 0
51-70 1d4
71-80 1d6
81-90 1d8
91-100 1d10

The creatures hit by a lightning are determined by the Dungeon Master, and any creature in the area under total cover from above cannot take damage.

Magma Eruptions

Dangerous Hazard

Magma erupts from a point on the ground, creating a 20-foot-high, 5-foot-radius geyser. Each creature in the geyser's area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking fire damage on a failed save (or half as much on a successful one).

Poison Clouds and Spores

Setback Hazard

When a creature enters the cloud, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking poison damage on a failed save (or half as much damage on a successful one). A creature that ends its turn in the cloud must make another saving throw to try to resist the poison damage.


Setback Hazard

The area where the rapids are is considered difficult terrain. When a Large or smaller creature enters the rapids, it must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 30 feet away in the direction of the water flow. In addition, a creature that failed the save cannot move by its own and takes bludgeoning damage at the beginning on each turn.

Once per turn, a creature caught by the rapids can make a Strenght (Athletics) check. On a success, that creature can move again by its own to try to swim out the rapids.

Rogue Wave

Dangerous Hazard

A large and unexpected wave that can be extremely dangerous to ships across the ocean. The area where the rogue wave is located is considered difficult terrain.

When a creature is hit by the rogue wave, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take bludgeoning damage (or half as much damage on a successful save). A creature that failed the save is considered caught by the wave and it cannot move by its own unless it succeed a Strength (Athletics) check.

On an initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) the rogue wave, along with any creatures in it, moves in a straight line at a speed of 50 feet per turn, and any Huge or smaller creature inside the wave must make a Strength saving throw or take bludgeoning damage. The wave damage is reduced by 1d10 on each subsequent round, and when the damage is reduced to 0, the wave ends.


Dangerous Hazard

Any creature that end its turn in the sandstorm must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the sandstorm ends. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature cannot be blinded by the sandstorm if it's wearing goggles or something that protects its eyes.

Any check that relies on sight or hearing is made with disadvantage for the duration of the sandstorm.

Unsteady Ground

Setback Hazard

The area where the unsteady ground is located is considered difficult terrain. Any creature standing in the area of this hazard that moves at least 1 foot on its turn must succeed on a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone. If a creature uses a Dash action while standing in the unsteady ground, it must make the check again.


Dangerous Terrains

In the following section you can find survival considerations and hazards for various terrain groups. You can combine different terrains to create a more dynamic (and probably more deadly) environment.


  • Cold and Extreme Cold. The temperatures in this environment are lower than other places, and you need proper gear for resisting this temperatures. Whenever the temperature is at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, you must follow the rules of extreme cold found in the Dungeon Masters Guide.
  • Food Scarcity. It's hard to find food like creatures or edible plants due the low temperatures. All the checks for foraging and hunting have are made with disadvantage.
  • Shelter. In general, the arctic areas are vast frozen plains with big glaciers and rocks, making it difficult to find a natural shelter.
Environmental Hazards
Hazard Source           Notes
Avalanches CAW, P.54 Only near mountains
Blizzard CAW, P.54
Elemental Cloud CAW. 54 Cyan clouds only
Frigid Water DMG, P.110
Hailstorm CAW, P.54
Chasms and Ice Cracks DMG, P.122 Use the pits trap
Slippery Ice DMG, P.110
Thin Ice DMG, P.111


  • Darkness and Light. Most of the natural caves don't have light sources, so anyone who enters must bring their sources of light and fire for warmth, cooking, and in some cases, defense. A caves might have some light sources like groups of fluorescent fungus or other dangerous light sources like lava.
  • Orientation and tracking. Inside a cave it's almost impossible to determine where's the North, being more difficult to traveling through or to draw an accurate map.
  • Flooding. Some parts of the caves might be close to a water source or any other liquid that can quickly fill a room and potentially drown any creature inside.
Environmental Hazards
Hazard Source Notes
Earthquakes CAW, P.54 Might cause rockfalls
Elemental Cloud CAW, P.54
Lava CAW, P.55
Pits DMG, P.122
Rockfalls CAW, P.54
Unsteady Ground CAW, P.55


  • Heat and Extreme Heat. The opposite of the arctic terrain, temperatures in this environment are higher than other places, and creatures need additional water for resisting the heat. Whenever the temperature is at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, you must follow the rules of extreme heat found in the Dungeon Masters Guide.
  • Shelter. In general, the desert areas are just sand and rocks (in some areas they might be some scattered shrubs), making it difficult to find a safe campsite.
  • Strong Wind. A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind must land at the end of its turn or fall. A strong wind in a desert can also create a sandstorm that imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
  • Water Scarcity. Finding water in a desert is extremely difficult, unless you're near an Oasis. All checks made for getting water are made with disadvantage.
Environmental Hazards
Hazard Source Notes
Earthquakes CAW, P.54
Elemental Cloud CAW, P.54 Mostly red clouds
Lightning Storms CAW, P.55
Sandstorms CAW, P.55


Forests and Jungles

  • Density. Sometimes is hard to walk through a forest due the great number of plants, trees and vegetation. In most of the cases, a creature can't walk in a straight line through the forest, making travels take additional hours or days.
  • Orientation and tracking. Inside a forest, trees can cover the sky and block the light, making it hard to determine where's North, and depending the density of the forest it might be harder to keep walking on a straight direction.
  • Sight and hearing. It might be more difficult to see or hear the surroundings due the density of the forest, the tree shadows, obstacles (such a fallen tree) and the noise caused by trees and vegetation moving with the wind.
Environmental Hazards
Hazard Source Notes
Earthquakes CAW, P.54 Might cause trees to fall
Elemental Cloud CAW, P.54
Insect Swarms CAW, P.55
Lightning Storms CAW, P.55 Might cause a forest fire
Poison Clouds
and Spores
CAW, P.55
Razorvine DMG, P.110

Lakes, rivers and oceans

  • Orientation and tracking. It's difficult to determine the cardinal points without the proper tools while in the middle of the ocean or under a storm.
  • Shipwrecks. In the ocean, lakes and rivers are rocks, icebergs, and other dangers that can damage or destroy a ship or boat.
  • Water streams. The water streams can change drastically depending on the terrain around the rivers, like the terrain elevation, inclination and waterfalls, and in case of the ocean, because of a whirlpool, a rogue wave or even a big sea creature.
Environmental Hazards
Hazard Source Notes
Elemental Cloud CAW, P.54
Hailstorm CAW, P.54 Only near arctic zones
Frigid Water DMG, P.110 Ocean only
Lightning Storms CAW, P.55
Rapids CAW, P.55 Rivers only
Rogue Wave CAW, P.55 Ocean only


  • Altitude. When you're traveling at altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea level, you must follow the high altitude rules found in the Dungeon Masters Guide.
  • Strong wind. A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind must land at the end of its turn or fall. A strong wind in a desert can create a sandstorm that imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Environmental Hazards
Hazard Source Notes
Avalanches, rockfalls
and mudslides
CAW, P.54
Blizzard CAW, P.54
Hailstorm CAW, P.54
Lava CAW, P.55 Near volcanoes
Lightning Storms CAW, P.55
Magma Eruptions CAW, P.55 Near Volcanoes
Unsteady Ground CAW, P.55


  • Clean water. Swamps are characterized by having slow-moving and stagnant waters, being harder to find drinkable water. All checks made for getting water are made with disadvantage. Drinking stagnant water might cause diseases.
  • Warmth. The swamps are wet and soggy, so finding dry resources for making a fire it's almost impossible.
  • Low visibility. Mist, fog and lowlands are common in this terrain, and they reduces the visibility of any creature.
Environmental Hazards
Hazard Source Notes
Elemental Cloud CAW, P.54
Insect Swarms CAW, P.55
Mudslides CAW, P.55
Poison Clouds and Spores CAW, P.55
Quicksand DMG, P.110
Razorvine DMG, P.110
Unsteady Ground CAW, P.55

Special Terrains

In the wild, there're places that have been touched by ancient magic, divine forces, or energies for centuries, creating a persistent effect on these lands. Here are some ideas for special terrains you can use to flesh a particular zone with strange or alien environmental effects. These terrains have an immediate effect to anyone who enter the region, and some of them have a long-term effect for any creature that stay in that area for longer periods of time.

Blood Rock

This area might be the result of an old and forgotten ceremonial sacrifice, a massive battle between armies that fought for centuries, or the place where a powerful otherworldly creature was slain. The area is covered by stones with a red tone, bones covered by dirt, mud and dry blood. Any creature standing in this area can score a critical hit on a 19 or 20.

Long-Term Effect: For each hour a creature stays in this area, it must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must use its actions to attack the nearest creature it sees. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make a new Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on a success and becoming immune to this effect for the next hour.

Death Circle Ruins

This area surrounded by dark stone pillars is infused with necrotic energy. Any healing effect, such as a cure wounds spell only heals half the total amount in this area.

Long-Term Effect: After each hour, any living creature within this area must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, its hit point maximum is reduced by 1d6. To recover the reduced hit points, the creature must stay outside the area covered by the death circle ruins for 1 hour.

Defiled Ground

The dark energy fills this area, attracting undead creatures to this area. Any undead creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls while standing in the defiled ground. Additionally, when an undead is reduced to 0 hit points, roll a d20. On a

10 or higher, the undead creature rises with 1 hit point on its next turn. If an undead is reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage, it cannot roll for rising again.

Long-Term Effect: At the end of each hour, any living creature must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 5 necrotic damage.

Grab Grass

This thick, tough grass grows in areas constantly touched by Feywild magic that clings to characters and creatures that falls prone. An area covered by grab grass is considered difficult terrain, and any creature that falls prone in this area must make a Strength (Athletics) check to stand up (DC 10).

Life Circle Ruins

This area surrounded by white stone pillars is infused with pure life energy. Every minute, any living creature that begins its turn within this area regains 2 hit points.

Long-Term Effect: Any living creature that stays in this area for 1 hour can end one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed or poisoned.


Due to planar energy, a powerful artifact, or some otherworldly influence, this terrain boosts certain types of energy related to one plane. Pick one damage type from the following list: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Psychic or Radiant. Any attack that deals the chosen damage type deals an extra 1d6 damage of that type.

Sacred Shrine

A sacred shrine is dedicated to a particular deity, infusing with divine energy the area nearby. A creature that shares the deity's morality (good, evil, or neutral) gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls while standing within this area.

Long-Term Effect: A creature that has a different morality to the deity's alignment must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each hour. On a failed save, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures that shares the deity's morality. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make a new Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on a success and becoming immune to this effect for the next hour.



Complete Crafting

Chapter 6: Collecting Materials

When adventuring, it's possible to find common and exotic materials which are used to craft new objects and gear. In this section you will find new rules for collecting materials, which can be used for crafting new weapons, armor, clothing, and other kind of gear. This document expands the crafting rules found in the downtime revisited section of the Xanatar's Guide to Everything to focus on the process of collecting new materials for crafting new items.

Material Sources

When characters are camping in a forest, exploring an abandoned mine, diving in the ocean, or surviving in a dungeon, they can also search and gather raw materials that can be used for crafting special gear. These materials can be found by mining a mineral vein, gathering plants and herbs for potions and other concoctions, and harvesting or collecting creature parts for later use.

Materials are divided in creature parts like bones and scales, minerals, such as orichalcum and obisidan, or plants and herbs, like darkwood.


Creature parts are commonly used as materials for creating armor and weapons, some use these parts for concoctions, and others take some of the creature parts as trophies and decorations for their armor and houses.

When characters hunt down or finds a dead creature they can attempt to harvest some parts for crafting and surviving. Since creatures and monsters varies in type and rarity, the characters must make a specific ability check.

The Extracting Creature Parts table shows which ability check a character must make to extract some parts from a creature. The DC for harvesting a part equals to 12 plus half the creature challenge rating (creatures with a challenge rating lower than 2 don't add it to the DC).

Extracting Creature Parts
Creature Type Ability Check
Aberration, construct, dragon,
elemental, ooze
Beast, giant, humanoid,
monstrosity, plant
Celestial, fey, fiend, undead Religion
  • The number of checks a character can make depends of the size of the creature.
  • Every harvest check takes 1 hour to complete, even if the character fails the check.
  • Each successful check gives the character a number of units which can be used for crafting new pieces of equipment, objects, and other kind of gear. On the other side, a failure destroys the part.

The Dungeon Master determines the number of checks the party can make for each part they want to harvest. He also decides the amount of units a character get, but the number of units cannot exceed the maximum shown in the following table.

Maximum Units
per Check
Tiny 1 1/4 unit
Small 2 1/2 unit
Medium 2 1 unit
Large 3 2 units
Huge 4 3 units
Gargantuan 5 4 units

For example, a group of characters can make multiple checks for harvesting various units of scales from a large red dragon, but they can make only one check for harvesting the heart (which gives only 1 unit instead of two).

Creature Essence

All creatures are divided by type, and characters can extract a unit of that essence using an essence extraction device. You can read more about that magic item in the New Magic Items section in this book.

Keeping Parts Chilled

If characters wants to keep some creature parts for later use, they need to maintain the parts in a chilled place to avoid decomposition, such as using a Bag of Colding, which can be found in the New Magic Items section of this book.

Minerals & Non-Minerals

Minerals are earthen materials used for making armor, weapons, gemstones and jewelry, and when using exotic materials, those pieces of gear might gain special qualities. To extract minerals, a character must have a miner's pick or any other similar tool.

On the other hand, there are other materials like wood, ice, and coral that can be also used to craft weapons, armor, and other kind of items and gear. The tool required depends on the type of material and is determined by the Dungeon Master (an axe for cutting wood, a pick for collecting ice, and so on).

The time used for extracting minerals and non-mineral materials equals to 1 day of downtime activity. This represents all the time the character uses to find, extract, and transport the materials.


Extracting Materials

A character must make an Intelligence (Nature) check first to find the location in the area where the material is. The DC for finding the material is determined by the amount of materials located in the area, as shown in the table below.

Finding materials
Amount of materials DC
Abundant materials in the area 10
Limited number of materials in the area 15
Very little, if any, number of materials in the area 20

To represent that materials are limited per zone, every time a character succeed on the check, increase the DC of all subsequent checks a character makes to find the same material in that area by 2.

On a success, a character can make a Strength (Athletics) check. To determine how many units of the material the character get, compare the result of this check with the finding materials DC, as shown in the next table.

Materials extracted
Athletics Check Units Collected*
DC succeeded by 4 or less 1d4 + Constitution modifier
DC succeeded by 5 or more 1d6 + Constitution modifier
DC succeeded by 10 or more     1d8 + Constitution modifier

* Minimum 1 unit.

Plants and Herbs

Plants are mostly used for creating alchemical mixtures, cooking, and in some cases for creating dyes for painting.

To gather plants, herbs and other similar resources the character must success an Intelligence (Nature) check. The DC for finding the material is determined by the amount of materials located in the area, as shown in the table below.

Finding Plants and Herbs
Amount of plants and herbs DC
Abundant plants and herbs in the area 10
Limited number of plants and herbs in the area 15
Very little, if any, number of plants and herbs in the area 20

To represent that materials are limited per zone, every time a character succeed on the check, increase the DC of all subsequent checks a character makes to find plants and herbs in that area by 2.

On a success, compare the result of the check with the following table to determine how many units of the material the character get (minimum 1 unit).

Intelligence Check Result Units Collected
Succeeded by 4 or less 1d4 + Intelligence modifier
Succeeded by 5 or more 1d6 + Intelligence modifier
Succeeded by 10 or more 1d8 + Intelligence modifier

The time used for gathering plants and herbs equals to 1 hour for each check, and a character can make a number of checks per day equal to their Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).

Extracting Materials Example

Altis, a dragonborn warrior, wants to collect some darksteel for crafting a new weapon. He heard there are some darksteel veins in the area, but he doesn't know exactly where, so he must make an Intelligence (Nature) check first to find a vein. Since it's an area with limited number of darksteel veins, the base DC is 15.

After that, Altis makes an Strength (Athletics) check to mine the vein he just found. The result of this check is 16, so he is able to collect a number of darksteel units equal to 1d6 plus his Constitution modifier (minimum 1 unit).

If Altis or anyone in his party wants to collect darksteel again in that area, they need to make the Intelligence (Nature) check again, but in this case the DC will be 17 instead because Altis successfully collected some units of that material with the previous check.

Buying and Selling

It's up to the Dungeon Master to decide if any of the materials collected by the party can be sold, or if the party can buy special materials from a local vendor.

The value of each material unit depends of the material. You can find more information about special materials and their values in the material description section later in this section.

Creature Parts Values

The value of each harvested unit goes from 1% to 50% of the experience of the creature. The harvested parts of common creatures have a value of 1% of the creature's experience, while the rarer creature's parts value is close to 50% of the creature's experience. You can determine the values of each extracted part with the following table.

Units Value
CR Creature rarity Unit value
3 or less Common 1% of the creature exp.
4-8 Uncommon 5% of the creature exp.
9-12 Rare 10% of the creature exp.
13-18 Very Rare 25% of the creature exp.
19+ Legendary 50% of the creature exp.

As examples, if a character harvest one unit of feathers from a hippogriff (CR 1), the value of the feather unit will be 1% of the base experience (200 exp), which is 2 gp. A unit of pseudodragon's scales is worth 5 sp (CR 1/4), and a unit of an adult blue dragon's scales is worth 3,750 gp (CR 16).


Plants and Herbs by Areas

Plants and herbs may vary a lot because not every plant can grow on a certain environment. The following tables show different regions and the plants you can find. When a character succeeds a roll for gathering plants and herbs, the Dungeon Master can choose one or more plants from that region or roll to randomly determine which plants players collect. You can read more details about each plant in the material description section later in this book.

Arctic/Cold areas
1d8 Name
1 Aniseed sap
2 Ghostly snowdrop
3-4 Kreet paste
5 Spineflower berries
6 White poppy
7 Winter turtlehead
8 Yeti's Parsley
1d6 Name
1 Abyss flower
2 Banshee's lament
3 Ebrium fungus
4 Glowing duscle
5 Nightshade
6 Viper thistle
Arid/Desert areas
1d6 Name
1 Crimson brittlebush
2 Dried ephedra
3 Ellond shrub
4 Iron thistle
5 Twilight wormwood
6 Wizard's clover
1d6 Name
1 Ash chives
2 Blue cress
3 Drojos ivy
4 Kasuni juice
5 Olina petals
6 Thunderleaf
Lakes, rivers and ocean
1d6 Name
1 Blue seaweed
2 Chromatic mud
3 Golden coneflower
4 Healer's boon
5 Mermaid braid
6 Slime thimbleberry
1d8 Name
1 Angel flower
2 Golden hibiscus
3 Lunar nectar
4-5 Storm daisy
6 Sugar hibiscus berries
7 Tempest flower
8 Wolf hair
1d8 Name
1 Blood herb
2 Dragontongue petals
3 Dusk itchweed
4 Gray gilliflower
5 Mandrake root
6 Raven silkweed
7-8 Ucre bramble
1d6 Name
1 Blackleaf rose
2 Bone garlic
3 Ecire laurel
4 Frenn moss
5 Goblin mud
6 Wisp stems

Chapter 7: Modular Crafting

While characters can craft a specific item (nonmagical and magical), they can also craft their own gear using special materials they collect during their adventures depending on what they want. To create an object with special materials, a character needs an amount of material units for crafting it.

A character needs 3 units of the same material for crafting a medium-sized creature armor or clothing, and 2 units of the same material for weapons, shields, and 10 units of ammunition. Bigger creatures needs twice the amount of materials used for each size increment, and for smaller creatures, the character needs only half materials per each size smaller than medium.

Some items are more complex or have unique features, specially magic items. Up to the Dungeon Master, a character might require additional units of the same material or even different ones to craft these items.

Unless materials are used for crafting magic items, a piece of gear crafted with any of these materials is considered non-magical.

Material Description

In the following section you can find a list of materials organized by source, their unit value and properties. The Dungeon Master can decide if some of these materials might have other special features on certain types of equipment, such as an armor made with dragon bones could grant its wearer resistance to the dragon's breath weapon damage type.


There are a lot of different creatures in Dungeons and Dragons, and because of that, this section have some general creature parts that can be used for crafting. The Dungeon Master can add specific creature parts or material which can be used for crafting a particular item, such as using units of aboleth tail for crafting a magical whip.

Any non-magical armor or weapon crafted with creature parts might gain additional benefits that depends on the Challenge Rating of the creature that provided the parts, as shown in the table below.

Non-Magical Armor and Weapons Bonus
Creature CR Armor Class Weapons (attack and damage)
6 or less none none
7-12 none +1
13-18 +1 +2
19-24 +2 +3
25+ +3 +4


Using the correct tools, several bones joined together can be used to craft an armor, while bigger bones can be used to craft various kinds of weapons. These equipment is commonly used by shamans and wildlings.

Unit value: Determined by the creature's CR.

Armor: Replaces the metal. A non-magical armor made with bones grants you a +3 bonus to Charisma (Intimidation) checks you make if the target can see you.

Weapon: Replaces the metal and wood.


These flexible shells of chitinous creatures such as giant crabs or a remorhaz are used to craft armors that are lighter than metallic armors.

Unit value: Determined by the creature's CR.

Armor: Replaces the metal. While wearing a medium armor (non hide) made with chitin, the armor's dexterity bonus increases by 1, and heavy armors made with chitin reduce the Strength requirement by 1.

Creature Essence

All creatures are different, but they're grouped up in types which determines their fundamental nature and essence, which can be used for crafting magic gear that is related in some way to the creature type.

Unit value: Determined by the creature's CR.

Weapon: Can be used to craft specific slaying weapons such as an arrow of dragon slaying.

Other: Can be used to craft specific potions, alchemical concoctions, and magic items such as a brazier of commanding fire elementals.

Ellond Hide

This thick brown-orange hide is harvested from various big (and dangerous) creatures that live in deserts and dry regions.

Unit value: Determined by the creature's CR.

Armor: A non-magical hide armor made with ellond hide reduces the fire damage you take by 3. It's also used to craft a hide armor of fire resistance.

Monster Feathers

Hippogriffs, Rocs, giant eagles and a great number of flying creatures have feathered wings they use to move through the sky and to show their majesty. Feathers can come in multiple sizes and colors based on the creature and the region that creature lives.

Unit value: Determined by the creature's CR.

Armor: A non-magical armor made with monster feathers grants you a +3 bonus to Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks you make against other flying creatures.

Other: Harvested monster feathers from a CR 9 or higher creature can be used to craft a Quaal's feather token.


Monster Scales

The scales harvested from creatures like snakes, lizards and even dragons are used to craft armors and shields. Similar to feathers, scales can vary in colors, shapes and sizes depending on the creatures and the geographical region.

Unit value: Determined by the creature's CR.

Armor: Replaces the metal. Used to craft a scale mail armor or shields.

Other: Harvested monster scales from a CR 13 or higher dragon can be used to craft a dragon scale mail.


This black, semi-transparent silk is carefully made by giant underground spiders, silkworms, and some spider-like creatures.

Unit value: Determined by the creature's CR.

Armor: A non-magical armor made with shadowsilk grants you a +3 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide in lightly obscured areas (such as tree shadows). Harvested shadowsilk from a CR 13 or higher creature can be used to craft a cloak of arachnida.


Most of the weapons and armor are crafted using iron or steel, but there are other uncommon and exotic materials which experienced blacksmiths can use for making high quality gear with special properties.


A shiny black metal, known as one of the hardest substances in existence.

Unit value: 250 gp.

Armor: Used to craft the adamantine armor.

Weapon: When you hit an object with an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition, the hit is a critical hit.


A light blue, glass-like crystal known for creating light and precise weapons.

Unit value: 500 gp

Weapon: You can use your Dexterity modifier for attacks and damage made with an aerocrystal weapon.


Mostly used by sea and waterborne creatures to create their weapons and armors.

Unit value: 100 gp

Armor: Replaces the metal. While wearing a medium or heavy armor (non hide) made with aquastone, swimming doesn't cost you extra movement, and your speed while swimming increases by 10 feet.

Weapons: Any melee weapon made with aquastone doesn't have disadvantage on the attacks rolls while underwater.

Asmoroch Steel

A black scorched-like metal which is cold to touch.

Unit value: 500 gp

Armor: A non-magical armor made with asmoroch steel reduces the necrotic damage you take by 3. It's also used to craft an armor of necrotic resistance (metallic armor only)

Weapon: A non-magical weapon made with asmoroch steel deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. It's also used to craft necrotic damage dealing magic weapons, such as the sword of life stealing.

Cold Iron

This iron is worked entirely while cold, known for its effectiveness against fey and fiendish creatures.

Unit value: 100 gp

Weapons: When you hit a fey or a fiend with a cold iron weapon, you can roll the damage again and use either result.


When a thunderstorms form, there is a small chance that rocks in that area can be struck by a lightning, but instead of destroying it, the rock captures the lightning inside of it, changing its color to a dark blue and shining metal.

Unit value: 250 gp.

Armor: A non-magical armor made with darksteel reduces the lightning damage you take by 3. It's also used to craft an armor of lightning resistance (metallic armor only).

Weapons: A non-magical weapon made with darksteel deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage. It's also used to craft lightning damage dealing magic weapons, such as the javelin of lightning.

Other: Used to craft lightning damage dealing magic items, such as the wand of lightning bolt.


This marble-like ore is used by dwarves to create their ceremonial armor for the defenders of their cities, even though is heavier and bulkier than other metallic armors.

Unit value: 500 gp

Armor: Used to craft a dwarven plate.


This black and semi-translucent stone have some bright red, glowing parts that resembles lava flowing inside of it. This stone can be found near volcanoes, magma pools and lava rivers.

Unit value: 500 gp

Weapon: A non-magical weapon made with ignum deals an additional 1d4 fire damage. It's also used to craft fire damage dealing magic weapons, such as the flame tongue.

Other: Used to craft fire damage dealing magic items, such as the staff of fire.

Infernal Steel

A blood red metal that can be collected in the lower planes or in regions that has been touched by fiendish energies. Devils use this metal to craft their fiendish gear to fight their enemies, specially angels and other celestials.

Unit value: 750 gp

Armor: A non-magical armor made with infernal steel reduces the fire damage you take by 3. It's also used to craft an armor of fire resistance (metallic armor only) or a demon armor.

Weapon: When you hit a celestial or any good-aligned creature with an infernal steel weapon, you can roll the damage again and use either result.



This white-silver metal is lighter and flexible than common steel, very valued by blacksmiths and warriors alike.

Unit value: 250 gp

Armor: Used to craft the mithral armor.

Weapon: Two handed weapons made with mithral lose the heavy property and all the other weapons gain the light feature.


This black to deep purple glass-like stone is known to be very sharp.

Unit value: 250 gp

Armor: While wearing a non-magical medium or heavy armor (non hide) made with obsidian, when an enemy grapples you, it takes 1d4 slashing damage.

Weapons: A non-magical weapon made with obsidian deals an additional 1d4 slashing damage. It's also used for crafting the sword of sharpness.


This bronze orange metal is used to absorb the essence of magic, which makes it very valuable for mage hunters and for protecting individuals against magic effects.

Unit value: 500 gp

Armor: A non-magical armor made with orichalcum reduces the force damage you take by 3. It's also used to craft an armor of force resistance (metallic armor only).

Weapons: A non-magical weapon made with orichalcum deals an additional 1d4 force damage.

Other: Used to craft anti-magic items, such as the ring of mind shielding.


This ancient mossy-like metal have small spores floating around it.

Unit value: 250 gp

Weapon: A non-magical weapon made with plaguesteel deals an additional 1d4 poison damage. It's also used to craft poison damage dealing magic weapons, such as the dagger of venom.

Other: Used to craft poison damage dealing magic items, such as the staff of the adder.

Stellar Iron

A white bright metal that can be found on meteorites and the upper planes. It's soft on touch but very resistant, known for being used by celestial beings for crafting their gear.

Unit value: 750 gp

Armor: A non-magical armor made with stellar iron reduces the radiant damage you take by 3. It's also used to craft an armor of radiant resistance (metallic armor only).

Weapon: When you hit a fiend or an undead with a stellar iron weapon, you can roll the damage again and use either result. It's also used to craft radiant damage dealing weapons, such as the sun blade.


In addition to minerals, some master blacksmiths managed to use special non-mineral materials for crafting new pieces of exotic gear that are very valued by adventurers.


This piece of wood is as hard as normal wood but very light.

Unit value: 100 gp

Armor: Replaces the metal of any medium or heavy armor without losing their defensive properties.

Eternal Ice

With a special process and tools, this cold white-blue block of ice can resist very high temperatures and it cannot be melted in normal conditions, making it possible to craft some equipment with it.

Unit value: 500 gp

Weapon: A non-magical weapon made with eternal ice deals an additional 1d4 cold damage. It's also used to craft cold damage dealing magic weapons, such as the frost brand.

Other: Used to craft cold damage dealing magic items, such as the staff of frost.

Infernal Leather

Although its known as leather because it looks like a reddish leather, its actually crafted by mixing resin and bark from trees that grow in the lower planes or trees corrupted by fiendish energy.

Unit value: 750 gp

Armor: A non-magical armor made with infernal leather reduces the fire damage you take by 3 and grants you a +3 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) checks when talking with fiends. It's also used to craft an armor of fire resistance (leather or studded leather).


Alchemically processed leaves that are hard as leather and commonly used by elves for camouflage.

Unit value: 100 gp

Other: Used to craft the boots of elvenkind and the cloak of elvenkind.

Shadowfell Linen

A dark and purple linen found in the Shadowfell or areas touched by this plane.

Unit value: 750 gp

Armor: A non-magical armor made with shadowfell linen reduces the psychic damage you take by 3. It's also used to craft an armor of psychic resistance (leather or studded leater).

Spiritual wood

This cyan-like wood can be collected from trees that grow deep in old forests that have a natural connection with the magic.

Unit value: 250 gp

Armor: Replaces the metal of any medium or heavy armor. While wearing an spiritual wood armor, you gain a +3 bonus to concentration checks to maintain a spell.


Plants and Herbs

A lot of plants and herbs are used by herbalists and alchemists to create potions, oils and other medicinal concoctions, while assassins and criminals might use these to craft deadly poisons.

Abyss Flower

  • Description. A dark pink flower with a thorny stem.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (poison)
  • Poison effect: Condition (unconscious)
  • Potion effect:

Angel Flower

  • Description. A tiny white yellow flower found in mountains near rocks and stones.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Blinding
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Fortify (Wisdom)

Aniseed Sap

  • Description. A thick amber-like fluid extracted from an Aniseed tree which can be found in cold regions.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (acid)
  • Potion effect: Resistance (cold)

Ash Chives

  • Description. A plant that grows in clumps from underground bulbs and produce round, hollow gray leaves.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (fire)
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (fire)
  • Potion effect:

Banshee's Lament

  • Description. A plant with leaf rosettes and bright, vibrant colours, with either blooms or inflorescence being produced on a stalk. The color varies between blue and pink.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (psychic)
  • Poison effect: Condition (deafened)
  • Potion effect:

Blackleaf Rose

  • Description. A blood red rose with a black stem and small reddish thorns.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (poison)
  • Poison effect: Harm
  • Potion effect:

Blood Herb

  • Description. A dark red poisonous herb with a similar shape to the Healer's boon herb, which can be found in forests.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (poison)
  • Poison effect: Harm
  • Potion effect:

Blue Cress

  • Description. A plant with long stems topped with loose heads of blue, four-petalled flowers.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Intensify
  • Potion effect: Movement

Blue Seaweed

  • Description. A bright blue seaweed that appears as a fuzzy patch of tubular fingers that hang down from rocks nearby water.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (cold)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Water breathing

Bone Garlic

  • Description. A bulbous plant that grows up to 3 feet in height. While it produces a beautiful white rounded flower, the bulb is the only part used in alchemy.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (necrotic)
  • Poison effect: Harm
  • Potion effect:

Chromatic Mud

  • Description. A strange mud that reflects the light from any light source, glowing faintly, which can be found near oceans, rivers and lakes.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (acid)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Resistance (acid)

Crimson Brittlebush

  • Description. A shrub that grows up to 30 inches tall, with fragrant leaves and a capitula with red-yellow ray florets and crimson disc florets.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (psychic)
  • Potion effect: Restoration

Dragontongue Petals

  • Description. A plant with golden petals which are spicy and when eaten, they give a similar sensation as if you were drinking firewater.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (fire)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Resistance (fire)

Dried Ephedra

  • Description. A brown shrub found in warm arid regions which has tiny scale-like leaves.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Fog
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Fortify (Constitution)

Drojos Ivy

  • Description. A purple climbing or ground-creeping woody plant used by small animals as natural ropes in jungles and forests.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (necrotic)
  • Potion effect: Fortify (Dexterity)

Dusk Itchweed

  • Description. A plant that grows up to 6 feet tall with a solid green stem and numerous orange flowers. The leaves are spirally arranged, long and broad.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Fog
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (force)
  • Potion effect:

Ebrium Fungus

  • Description. A brown fungus which is known by its strong odor and potent poison when dried and grinded.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (poison)
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Strength)
  • Potion effect:

Ecire Laurel

  • Description. An aromatic evergreen shrub with green, glabrous leaves that grows in swamps.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (thunder)
  • Potion effect: Restoration

Ellond Shrub

  • Description. A dried-looking woody plant with has several main stems arising at or near the ground.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (fire)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Healing

Frenn Moss

  • Description. A blue gray moss that grows in swamps and marshes.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (poison)
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (poison)
  • Potion effect:

Ghostly Snowdrop

  • Description. A tiny plant with two linear leaves and a single small semi-translucent white drooping bell shaped flower with blue markings.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (necrotic)
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (necrotic)
  • Potion effect:

Goblin Mud

  • Description. A bright green thick and dense mud that appears under the rocks in swamps and marshes.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (acid)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Resistance (poison)

Glowing Duscle

  • Description. An herb that reaches a height of nearly 50 inches, with long, ovate leaves. The flowers have whitish petals and yellow dots.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Intelligence)
  • Potion effect: Resistance (psychic)

Golden Coneflower

  • Description. A plant that grows up to 4 feet tall with erect stems and leaves arranged alternately. The leaves are normaly hairy with a rough texture, and the yellow flowers are collected together into single rounded heads.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Condition (deafened)
  • Potion effect: Fortify (Charisma)

Golden Hibiscus

  • Description. A plant with lanceolate leaves with a toothed margin and a large, trumpet-shaped yellow flower with five petals.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Slipperiness
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Intelligence)
  • Potion effect:

Gray Gilliflower

  • Description. A plant that grows up to 30 inches tall, with glaucous, slender leaves. The silver-gray flowers are produced singly or up to five together in a cyme.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (lightning)
  • Poison effect: Condition (frightened)
  • Potion effect:

Healer's Boon

  • Description. A medicinal red herb that grows near water sources like rivers and lakes.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (radiant)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Healing

Iron Thistle

  • Description. A silver flowering plant characterized by leaves with sharp prickles on the stem and flat parts of leaves.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (force)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Melee

Kasuni Juice

  • Description. A white dense liquid extracted from the spherical fruit of a Kasuni tree.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Wisdom)
  • Potion effect: Fortify (Intelligence)

Kreet Paste

  • Description. A thick viscous fluid extracted from a Kreet mushroom, found in humid cold places.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Slipperiness
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Dexterity)
  • Potion effect:

Lunar Nectar

  • Description. The nectar from the silver tiny flower named Lunar Dust, which can only be harvested under moonlight.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (psychic)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Movement

Mandrake Root

  • Description. The roots from a Mandrake plant are known for having small air bags on its interior, and when squished, the compressed air faintly sounds like screams.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (psychic)
  • Potion effect: Resistance (psychic)

Mermaid Braid

  • Description. A gold-brown seaweed that grows up to 30 feet long from its holdfast, found under the ocean and lakes.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Charisma)
  • Potion effect: Water breathing


  • Description. A deep dark blue flower with 4 soft, long and pointy petals and a gray, dried-looking stem.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (necrotic)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Darkvision

Olina Petals

  • Description. These pink petals from an Olina flower have small bright red dots, known for its venomous properties.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (cold)
  • Poison effect: Harm
  • Potion effect:

Raven Silkweed

  • Description. A plant that grows up to 5 feet tall with simple and opposite leaves that are up to 1 feet long. The highly fragrant star-shaped flowers vary from black through purplish.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (necrotic)
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Dexterity)
  • Potion effect:

Slime Thimbleberry

  • Description. A dense shrub up to 8 feet tall with several canes growing in large clumps. This shrub produces a green fruit filled with a thick paste which is used in alchemy.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Weakness (Charisma)
  • Potion effect: Movement

Storm Daisy

  • Description. A plant with rosettes of small rounded leaves that grow flat to the ground with a silver and spiker flower.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Blinding
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Fortify (Dexterity)

Spineflower Berries

  • Description. These tiny purple brown berries grows in the center of the Spineflower, a rare plant with sharp petals and a stem filled with spines.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Condition (paralyzed)
  • Potion effect: Fortify (Charisma)

Sugar Hibiscus Berries

  • Description. A plant with simple leaves on purplish stems and a large white taproot. The flowers are also white, followed by purple black berries which are used for poisons.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (fire)
  • Poison effect: Intensify
  • Potion effect:

Tempest Flower

  • Description. A plant that grows up to 10 feet tall, with simple or branched stems. The leaves are spirally arranged and the flowers are produced in daisy-like inflorescences, with yellow and orange florets arranged in a prominent, cone-shaped head.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (thunder)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Resistance (lightning)


  • Description. These yellow leaves are soft to touch and known for never fell from a Thundertree because of wind.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (thunder)
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Resistance (thunder)

Twilight Wormwood

  • Description. A purple gray fibrous plant with straight stems, growing up to 3 feet tall. The leaves are spirally arranged, and they're known for their poisonous properties.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (psychic)
  • Poison effect: Condition (blinded)
  • Potion effect:

Ucre Bramble

  • Description. A white rough tangled prickly shrub with thorny stems that grows in almost every terrain.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Blinding
  • Poison effect: Condition (blinded)
  • Potion effect:

Viper Thistle

  • Description. A flowering poisonous plant characterized by leaves with sharp prickles on the stem and flat parts of leaves. The flowerhead have a bright red-purple colour.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (poison)
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (poison)
  • Potion effect:

White Poppy

  • Description. A beautiful white flower that grows up to 4 feet tall and it have 5 petals, giving it a small star shape.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Fog
  • Poison effect:
  • Potion effect: Resistance (necrotic)

Winter Turtlehead

  • Description. A plant with opposite, simple leaves, on stout, upright stems. The flower are white and formed by two-lipped petals, which gives them a snapping beak appearance.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (cold)
  • Potion effect: Water breathing

Wisp Stems

  • Description. This tiny flower looks like a bright blue dandelion seed head. Even though it looks pretty, the stem is the only usable part for alchemical concoctions.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (poison)
  • Poison effect: Harm
  • Potion effect:

Wizard's Clover

  • Description. A small evergreen plant with three leaves (rarely four) and heads or dense spikes of small red and yellow flowers.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (force)
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (force)
  • Potion effect:

Wolf Hair

  • Description. A pale gray moss that looks like fur, which grows in trees and rocks.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect:
  • Poison effect: Vulnerability (thunder)
  • Potion effect: Melee

Yeti's Parsley

  • Description. A bright glue-gray plant with a flowering stem with sparser leaves and flat-topped umbels with numerous cyanish flowers, which can be found in cold climates.
  • Unit value: 10 gp
  • Bomb effect: Bomb (cold)
  • Poison effect: Condition (frightened)
  • Potion effect:


Optional Rule: Material Resistance

Every non-magical armor or weapon made with special materials have a number of durability points. If the points are reduced to 0, the piece of equipment is broken and the character must to repair it to use it again.

Durability points are reduced in the following events:

  • When you miss an attack roll with a weapon by 5 or more, the durability of the weapon is reduced by 1 point.
  • When you make an attack with a weapon and you roll a 1, the durability of the weapon is reduced by 2 points.
  • When an enemy hits you by 5 or more, the durability of your armor is reduced by 1 point.
  • When you take a critical hit from an opponent, it reduce your armor durability points by 2.

Each reduced durability point also reduces the attack bonus and damage dealt for weapons and the AC for armors.

The number of durability points depends on the material value. In the following table you can see how many durability points a piece of gear will have. A material that replaces any of the materials mentioned in the table uses the resistance of the replaced material (for example, a coral plate armor uses the metal durability points).

Durability Points by Value
Material Value Clothing, non-metallic Wood Metal
100 or less 2 3 4
101 - 500 3 4 5
501 - 1.000 4 5 6
1.001 or more 5 6 7

Repairing Equipment

If you want to repair a piece of equipment made with a special material, you need to make a tools check using the required artisan tools. The DC equals to 8 + total amount of reduced durability points.

Depending on what you're trying to repair, you need to use a number of units of the same material, as shown in the following table.

Equipment type Number of Material Units
Armor 2 units
Weapon 1 unit

On a successful check, the equipment is repaired completely, regaining all of its durability points. On a failure, the units used are lost and the gear remains unrepaired until the character makes a new check after a short or long rest.

Common Items Resistance

The Dungeon Master can apply these rules to common materials like iron and wood. Determine the durability points using the market value of the items, and for repairing them you will need units of iron, wood, or any other common material.


Chapter 8: Modular Alchemy

Characters can use some of the materials they collect during their adventures to craft new pieces of gear, magic weapons and armor, but they can also use them for creating various alchemical concoctions, such as healing potions, custom poisons and alchemical bombs.

Concoction Types

Concoctions are grouped in bombs, poisons and potions.


This category includes any thrown mixture which can damage or cause other dangerous effects on an area. As an action, a character can throw a bomb up to 30 feet to a location it can see. The mixture shatters when it reach the location, releasing its content, and any creature within the area of explosion must make a Dexterity saving throw or take damage. A successful save reduces the damage in half.

The concoction rarity determines save DC and the area of explosion of the bomb.

Concoction Rarity Save DC Area of Explosion
Common 10 5-foot radius
Uncommon 13 10-foot radius
Rare 15 15-foot radius
Very rare 17 20-foot radius


When creating a poison, the character must choose the poison type, which can be contact, ingested, inhaled or injury. You can read more about the poison types in the Dungeon Masters Guide.

The concoction rarity determines the Constitution save DC a creature must make to try to resist the poison.

Concoction Rarity Save DC
Common 10
Uncommon 13
Rare 15
Very rare 17

If the creature fails the check, is considered poisoned for the duration of the poison. Then, and any other effects the concoction have occurs. The poisoned condition last for the duration of the poison. If the poison imposes any other effect or condition, the creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending any additional effects on itself on a success.


Potions are mixtures created to give benefits to anyone who drinks it. The effect depends on the potion used.

A creature can only be under the effects of one potion that has a duration, and drinking a new potion will replace the previous effect.

Creating a Concoction

Due the complexity of some mixtures, only the most experienced characters can create certain concoctions. The character level determines the maximum rarity of the concoction it can create, as shown in the table below.

Character Level Maximum Concoction Rarity
1st Common
3rd Uncommon
7th Rare
10th Very Rare

For creating a concoction, the character must be proficient and use a particular tool: alchemist's supplies for bombs, a poisoner's kit for poisons, or an herbalism kit for potions. In addition, an empty vial is required for storing the created mixture at the end of the process.

A character can combine up to four reagents to create a mixture, which determines the time required for crafting and the gold cost for covering other materials and tools.

The base cost can be reduced to a minimum of 10 gp by subtracting the total value of the reagents used.

Creating a Concoction
Concoction Type Time to Craft Base Cost
   1 Reagent 1 day 25 gp
   2 Reagents 3 days 80 gp
   3 Reagents 1 workweek 250 gp
   4 Reagents 2 workweeks 500 gp
   1 Reagent 1 day 25 gp
   2 Reagents 3 days 100 gp
   3 Reagents 1 workweek 500 gp
   4 Reagents 2 workweeks 1,000 gp
   1 Reagent 1 day 25 gp
   2 Reagents 1 workweek 100 gp
   3 Reagents 3 workweeks 1,000 gp
   4 Reagents 4 workweeks 10,000 gp

Multiple characters can combine their efforts. Divide the time needed to create a concoction by the number of characters working on it. As a general rule, the number of characters that can work on the same concoction cannot exceed the number of reagents used. Still, the DM have the last word when deciding how many characters can work on each concoction.


Concoction Rarity

The concoction rarity is determined by highest level of the effects it have. In addition, the concoction rarity determines how long the mixture effects last (only for effects that have a duration).

Maximum Effect Level Concoction Rarity Effects Duration
I Common 1 minute
II Uncommon 10 minutes
III Rare 1 hour
IV Very rare 5 hours

For example, a concoction created using reagents with a maximum effect level I is a common concoction, and any effect with a duration will last for 1 minute, and a mixture created using reagents with a maximum effect level III is a rare concoction, and the effects with a duration will last for 1 hour.


A reagent is the material used in alchemy that grants a base effect for any concoction. Each reagent grant a number of levels of the effect they produce. Most of the reagents will grant 1 level of effect, but rarer reagents might grant 2 or more levels of an effect.

When using reagents with the same effect, you combine the levels of that effect, but a mixture cannot exceed the maximum level of the effects, and any additional levels the reagents gives are lost. For example, using a Harm I reagent and a Harm III will result in a mixture with the Harm IV effect, and using a Harm II and a Harm III will also result in a mixture with the Harm IV effect.

A character can also combine reagents with different effects to create special concoctions. On the other hand, a character cannot combine effects from different concoction types, such as combining the Blinding (a bomb effect) with the Weakness (a poison effect) in the same mixture.

Combination Examples

  • Using two Healing I reagents will result in a Healing II concoction.
  • Using an Archery I and a Resistance (fire) I reagents will result in a Archery I, Resistance I (fire) concoction.
  • Using two Weakness (Wisdom) I and a Vulnerability (fire) II reagents will result in a Weakness II (Wisdom), Vulnerability II (fire) concoction.
  • Using a Bomb (fire) I, a Bomb (fire) III and a Bomb (force) reagents will result in a Bomb IV (fire), Bomb I (force) concoction.

Reagent List

There are a lot of materials that can be used as reagents for concoctions, and listing each one of these might be an endless task. The Reagent List table includes several of these materials with their effects on each concoction type.

Since there are hundreds of different creatures, the creature parts have been grouped by types, and the effect level depends on the creature Challenge Rating.

Creature CR Effect Level
3 or less I
4-8 II
9-12 III
13+ IV
Reagent List
Reagent Bomb Effect Poison Effect Potion Effect
Aberration Creature Parts
   Brain Bomb (psychic) Vulnerability (psychic)
   Creature Essence Bomb (force) Intensify Resistance (psychic)
   Tentacles Slipperiness Condition (paralyzed)
Beast Creature Parts
   Blood Weakness (intelligence) Movement
   Claw Bomb (slashing) Melee
   Creature Essence Bomb (poison) Fortify (Constitution)
   Eye Darkvision
   Fang Bomb (piercing)
Celestial Creature Parts
   Blood Vulnerability (radiant) Resistance (radiant)
   Creature Essence Bomb (radiant) Fortify (Wisdom)
   Feathers Blinding Fortify (Dexterity)
   Heart Healing
Construct Creature Parts
   Creature Essence Bomb (force) Resistance (slashing)
Reagent List (Continuation)
Reagent Bomb Effect Poison Effect Potion Effect
Dragon Creature Parts*
   Blood Melee
   Creature Essence Bomb (varies) Vulnerability (varies)
   Heart Archery
   Scales Resistance (varies)
Elemental Creature Parts**
   Creature Essence Bomb (varies) Vulnerability (varies) Resistance (varies)
Fey Creature Parts
   Blood Bomb (force) Movement
   Creature Essence Darkvision
Fiend Creature Parts
   Blood Bomb (fire) Resistance (fire)
   Claw Harm Melee
   Creature Essence Fog Intensify Movement
   Heart Bomb (necrotic) Condition (unconscious) Resistance (necrotic)
   Horn Bomb (piercing) Harm Archery
Giant Creature Parts***
   Blood Bomb (varies) Melee
   Creature Essence Weakness (Constitution) Fortify (Constitution)
   Eye Weakness (Strength)
Humanoid Creature Parts
   Creature Essence Intensify Restoration
   Heart Bomb (force) Condition (unconscious)
Monstrosity Creature Parts
   Blood Weakness (Charisma) Fortify (Strength)
   Claw Bomb (slashing) Movement
   Creature Essence Harm Darkvision
   Fur Weakness (fire) Resistance (cold)
Ooze Creature Parts
   Creature Essence Bomb (acid) Harm Resistance (acid)
   Slime Slipperiness Weakness (Dexterity)
Plant Creature Parts
   Creature Essence Bomb (poison) Harm
   Spores Fog Vulnerability (poison)
Undead Creature Parts
   Blood Weakness (Constitution)
   Creature Essence Bomb (necrotic) Vulnerability (necrotic)
   Ectoplasm Fog Weakness (Constitution)
Plants and Herbs
   Abyss flower Bomb (poison) Condition (unconscious)
   Angel flower Blinding Fortify (Wisdom)
   Aniseed sap Vulnerability (acid) Resistance (cold)

*The damage type depends on the dragon that provided the part: Black/Copper: acid; Blue/Bronze: lightning; Brass/Gold/red: Fire; Green: Poison; Silver/White: Cold.

**The damage type depends on the elemental that provided the part: Air: lightning; Fire: fire; Earth: bludgeoning; Water: Cold.

***The damage type depends on the giant that provided the part: Cloud: lightning; Fire: fire; Frost: cold; Hill: bludgeoning; Storm: thunder.

Reagent List (Continuation)
Reagent Bomb Effect Poison Effect Potion Effect
Plants and Herbs
   Ash chives Bomb (fire) Vulnerability (fire)
   Banshee's lament Bomb (psychic) Condition (deafened)
   Blackleaf rose Bomb (poison) Harm
   Blood herb Bomb (poison) Harm
   Blue cress Intensify Movement
   Blue seaweed Bomb (cold) Water breathing
   Bone garlic Bomb (necrotic) Harm
   Chromatic mud Bomb (acid) Resistance (acid)
   Crimson brittlebush Vulnerability (psychic) Restoration
   Dragontongue petals Bomb (fire) Resistance (fire)
   Dried ephedra Fog Fortify (Constitution)
   Drojos ivy Vulnerability (necrotic) Fortify (Dexterity)
   Dusk Itchweed Fog Vulnerability (force)
   Ebrium fungus Bomb (poison) Weakness (Strength)
   Ecire laurel Vulnerability (thunder) Restoration
   Ellond shrub Bomb (fire) Healing
   Frenn moss Bomb (poison) Vulnerability (poison)
   Ghostly snowdrop Bomb (necrotic) Vulnerability (necrotic)
   Goblin mud Bomb (acid) Resistance (poison)
   Glowing duscle Weakness (Intelligence) Resistance (psychic)
   Golden coneflower Condition (deafened) Fortify (Charisma)
   Golden hibiscus Slipperiness Weakness (Intelligence)
   Gray gilliflower Bomb (lightning) Condition (frightened)
   Healer's boon Bomb (radiant) Healing
   Iron thistle Bomb (force) Melee
   Kasuni juice Weakness (Wisdom) Fortify (Intelligence)
   Kreet paste Slipperiness Weakness (Dexterity)
   Lunar nectar Bomb (psychic) Movement
   Mandrake root Vulnerability (psychic) Resistance (psychic)
   Mermaid braid Weakness (Charisma) Water breathing
   Nightshade Bomb (necrotic) Darkvision
   Olina petals Bomb (cold) Harm
   Raven silkweed Bomb (necrotic) Weakness (Dexterity)
   Slime thimbleberry Weakness (Charisma) Movement
   Storm daisy Blinding Fortify (Dexterity)
   Spineflower berries Condition (paralyzed) Fortify (Charisma)
   Sugar hibiscus berries Bomb (fire) Intensify
   Tempest flower Bomb (thunder) Resistance (lightning)
   Thunderleaf Bomb (lightning) Resistance (thunder)
   Twilight wormwood Bomb (psychic) Condition (blinded)
   Ucre bramble Blinding Condition (blinded)
Reagent List (Continuation)
Reagent Bomb Effect Poison Effect Potion Effect
Plants and Herbs
   Viper thistle Bomb (poison) Vulnerability (poison)
   White poppy Fog Resistance (necrotic)
   Winter turtlehead Vulnerability (cold) Water breathing
   Wisp stems Bomb (poison) Harm
   Wizard's clover Bomb (force) Vulnerability (force)
   Wolf hair Vulnerability (thunder) Melee
   Yeti's parsley Bomb (cold) Condition (frightened)

Reagent Effects (Bombs)
Effect Description Rarity
   Blinding I A bright light explosion is released when the bomb explodes. Any creature
that fails the saving throw is blinded for 1 round
   Blinding II A bright light explosion is released when the bomb explodes. Any creature
that fails the saving throw is blinded for 1d4 rounds
   Bomb I Every creature in the bomb area must make a saving throw or take 1d6 damage.
A successful saving throw halves the damage
   Bomb II Every creature in the bomb area must make a saving throw or take 3d6 damage.
A successful saving throw halves the damage
   Bomb III Every creature in the bomb area must make a saving throw or take 5d6 damage.
A successful saving throw halves the damage
   Bomb IV Every creature in the bomb area must make a saving throw or take 7d6 damage.
A successful saving throw halves the damage
Very rare
   Fog I A dense fog appears in the area, blocking the vision for 1d4 rounds Common
   Fog II A dense fog appears in the area, blocking the vision for 1d4 + 1 rounds Uncommon
Slipperiness Slippery oil is released on the ground in the bomb area. Any creature that start
its turn in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone

*The damage type is determined by the reagent used.

Reagent Effects (Poisons)
Effect                     Description Rarity
Condition* The target is under the effect of one condition Common
   Harm I The target takes 1d6 poison damage or half as much on a successful save Common
   Harm II The target takes 2d6 poison damage or half as much on a successful save Uncommon
   Harm III The target takes 5d6 poison damage or half as much on a successful save Rare
   Harm IV The target takes 6d6 poison damage or half as much on a successful save Very rare
   Intensify I The target must succeed two saving throws to end any other effect caused by the poison Common
   Intensify II The target must succeed three saving throws to end any other effect caused by the poison Uncommon
   Intensify III The target must succeed five saving throws to end any other effect caused by the poison Rare
   Vulnerability I Damage that the target take from one damage type is increased by 3 (minimum 1) Common
   Vulnerability II The target has vulnerability against one damage type Rare
   Weakness I When the target makes a saving throw, it have a -1 penalty on that roll Common
   Weakness II When the target makes a saving throw, it must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled
to that roll
   Weakness III The target have disadvantage whenever it makes a saving throw Rare

*The condition is determined by the reagent used.

**The damage type is determined by the reagent used.

***The base ability is determined by the reagent used.

Reagent Effects (Potions)
Effect                            Description Rarity
   Archery I When you make a ranged attack roll, you have a +1 bonus on that roll Common
   Archery II When you make a ranged attack roll, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled
to that roll
   Archery III When you make a ranged attack roll, you can roll with advantage Rare
   Darkvision I You gain darkvision out to a range of 30 feet Common
   Darkvision II You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet Uncommon
   Fortify I When you make a skill check or saving throw, you have a +1 bonus on that roll Common
   Fortify II When you make a skill check or saving throw, you can roll a d4 and add the
number rolled to that roll
   Fortify III When you make a skill check or saving throw, you can roll with advantage Rare
   Healing I When you drink this mixture, you regain 2d4 + 2 hit points Common
   Healing II When you drink this mixture, you regain 4d4 + 4 hit points Uncommon
   Healing III When you drink this mixture, you regain 8d4 + 8 hit points Rare
   Healing IV When you drink this mixture, you regain 10d4 + 20 hit points Very rare
   Melee I When you make a melee attack roll, you have a +1 bonus on that roll Common
   Melee II When you make a melee attack roll, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled
to that roll
   Melee III When you make a melee attack roll, you can roll with advantage Rare
   Resistance I Damage that you take from one damage type is reduced by 3 (minimum 1) Common
   Resistance II You gain resistance against one damage type Uncommon
   Restoration I You are cured from one disease afflicting you Common
   Restoration II You are cured from any disease afflicting you and one of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned Uncommon
   Restoration III You are cured from any disease afflicting you and any of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned Rare
   Movement I Your walking speed increases by 10 feet Common
   Movement II Your walking speed increases by 15 feet Uncommon
   Movement III You gain a flying speed equal to half your base walking speed and you can hover Rare
   Movement IV You gain a flying speed equal to your base walking speed and you can hover Very Rare
Water Breathing
   Water Breathing I You can breathe underwater Common
   Water Breathing II You can breathe underwater and swimming doesn't cost extra movement Uncommon

*The base ability is determined by the reagent used.

**The damage type is determined by the reagent used.


Chapter 9: Modular Magic Items

Every magic item have special properties which can go from dealing additional damage, giving resistance to a particular damage type, allowing a character to cast spells, increase his attributes and more. This section gives both players and the Dungeon Master some guidelines to create custom magic items, which can also be crafted using the previous rules.

The character level determines the recommended levels a character should have to gain access to a specific tier. For example, a 3rd level character should have a tier 1 item, while a 9th level character can have a tier 3 item or lower.

Character Level Item Tier Properties' Rarity
1st-4th Tier 1 Minor
5th-8th Tier 2 Uncommon
9th-12th Tier 3 Rare
13th-16th Tier 4 Very Rare
17th-20th Tier 5 Legendary

Item Tiers

Any magic item created using these rules have an item tier, which determines the number and rarity of properties for that item. For more information about uncommon and rarer properties, see the "Item Properties" section, below.

A tier 1 item only have a minor property, and tier 2 and higher items can also have one minor property that gives a simple feature or effect to it for free. You can choose this property from the What Minor Property Does It Have? table found in the page 143 of the Dungeon's Master Guide.

The following table shows the properties rarity for magic items for every tier.

Properties Rarity per Tier
Tier Property 1 Property 2 Property 3
Tier 1 Minor - -
Tier 2 Uncommon Uncommon -
Tier 3 Rare Rare -
Tier 4 Very Rare Rare Uncommon
Tier 5 Legendary Very Rare Rare

Item Properties

In the following tables you can find various magical properties divided by type. It's up to the Dungeon Master to determine if an item can have the same property multiple times and if its possible to add a property to a particular item. For example, a character cannot add the Armor I property twice to a tier 3 magic armor, and that character should not add the Weapon II or Vampiric II properties since an armor isn't made for dealing damage.

Spells and Charges

If an item have the charges or spell properties, the creator must decide which spell wants to add when creating the item. The character must have proficiency in the Arcana skill and must provide any material components required for the casting of the spell. Moreover, the character must have the spell prepared, or it must be among the character's known spells in order to add that spell to the item.

For items with the Spell property, a character can choose only one spell to add. The spell level is determined by the property rarity. For example, an item that have the Spell III property with the lightning bolt spell, that spell will be casted as a 7th-level spell every time a character uses it.

For items with charges, a character can choose to add various spells. The number of spells and the spell level is determined by the rarity of the property, as shown in the following table.

Property Number of Spells Maximum Spell Level
Charges I 1 1st
Charges II 2 3rd
Charges III 3 5th
Charges IV 4 6th

Each charge equals to 1 spell slot level. For example, expending 1 charge allows the character to cast a 1st-level spell the item have, and expending 5 charges allows the character to cast a 5th-level spell the item have.

Uncommon Properties
Property        Description
Ability Increase I Increase an Ability Score to 16
Charges I The item has 3 charges (DC 11). It regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn
Damage I The item deals an extra 1d4 damage
Light I The item shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet
Movement I The item grants a climbing or swimming speed equal to the walking speed
Permaspell I You can cast one cantrip at will (DC 11)
Skill I The item grants a +5 bonus to one skill
Slayer I The item deals an extra 2d6 damage against a specific creature type
Spell I You can cast a spell at 3rd level once per long rest (DC 11)
Vampiric I On a critical hit, you regain 1 hitpoint
Weapon I You gain a +1 bonus on attacks and damage rolls
Rare Properties
Property          Description
Ability Increase II Increase an Ability Score to 18
Armor I The item grants you +1 AC
Charges II The item has 5 charges (DC 13). It regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn
Damage II The item deals an extra 1d6 damage
Defense I Damage that you take from one damage type is reduced by 3 (minimum 1)
Light II The item shed bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet
Permaspell II You can cast one 1st-level spell at will (DC 13)
Returning The item has the thrown property (20/60) and it flies to your hand after attacking
Sentinel II The item glows faintly when a creature of a specific type is near (240 feet or less)
Skill II The item grants advantage to one skill check
Slayer II The item deals an extra 3d6 damage against a specific creature type
Spell II You can cast a spell at 6th level once per long rest (DC 13)
Vampiric II On a critical hit, you regain hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt (minimum 1)
Weapon II You gain a +2 bonus on attacks and damage rolls
Very Rare Properties
Property          Description
Ability Increase III Increase an Ability Score to 20
Armor II The item grants you +2 AC
Charges III The item has 7 charges (DC 15). It regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn
Damage III The item deals an extra 1d8 damage
Defense II You gain resistance against one damage type
Light III The item shed bright light in a 80-foot radius and dim light for an additional 80 feet
Permaspell II You can cast one 2nd-level spell at will (DC 15)
Spell III You can cast a spell at 7th level once per long rest (DC 15)
Vampiric III On a hit, you regain hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt (minimum 1)
Weapon III You gain a +3 bonus on attacks and damage rolls
Legendary Properties
Property            Description
Ability Increase IV Increase an Ability Score to 22
Armor III The item grants you +3 AC
Charges IV The item has 9 charges (DC 17). It regains
1d6+2 expended charges daily at dawn
Damage IV The item deals an extra 1d10 damage
Defense III You gain immunity against one damage type
Permaspell III You can cast one 3rd-level spell at will (DC 17)
Spell IV You can cast a spell at 8th level once per long rest (DC 17)
Crafting Modular Magic Items

If the DM allows it, a character can craft these items. To do so, determine the item rarity first, then, follow the downtime rules found in the Xanathar's Guide to Everything to set the CR range, workweeks and gold cost for each item.

Evolving Items

You can use the modular magic item rules for creating an item that will evolve with a specific character. First, make sure to give something to the item so it makes the character the only one to use it, such as adding a class prerequisite for attuning to the item. You can also link it with the character's story and important events, like being the weapon his father used when he was an adventurer.

Evolving Requirements

To evolve an item to a tier, the character must be at least at the minimum level required for each tier to evolve the item. For example, a 7th level character cannot evolve his or her magic item to tier 3 until reaching 9th level.

Additionally, even if a character has level to evolve the item to the next tier, it's up to the Dungeon Master to determine an additional task or a triggering event to allow the item to evolve. This requirement gives some background to the item, and also allows the Dungeon Master to create some special quests to discover the item's hidden features. Here are some sample requirements you can use:

  • The character must slay a number of creatures with the weapon.
  • The item must be placed on the altar found at the top of an abandoned wizard tower.
  • The character must gain a deity's favor.
  • The character must defeat an old enemy of the weapon maker.
  • The item evolves after saving a group of innocents from a dark ritual.
  • The character must execute a light or dark ritual.
  • The item evolves when the character makes a big sacrifice for a personal cause.

Item Tiers and Evolving Items

Whenever an item evolves into a new tier, you can upgrade the properties to a rarer level following the same table from the Item Tiers section.

Tier 2. When it evolves to this tier, you can add two uncommon special properties to the item.

Tier 3. When it evolves to this tier, you can upgrade the uncommon special properties to rare special properties.

Tier 4. When it evolves to this tier, the item gains an extra uncommon special property and you can upgrade one rare special property to a very rare special property.

Tier 5. When it evolves to this tier, you can upgrade one uncommon special property to a rare special property, one rare special property to a very rare special property, and one very rare special property to a Legendary property.

Taking and Replacing Properties

Since this rules are based on evolving the weapon properties instead of changing them to other, it's not recommended replacing one property with another at higher tiers, but it's up to the Dungeon Master to do so, such as replacing the Damage II property with the Vampiric III property when evolving an item to tier 4.

A reason for replacing properties could be related with the item background story or a very particular event, such as discovering that the item contains the soul of an evil creature, replacing some or all properties when the soul is awakened, like replacing the Light I property to a Damage I (necrotic) property for a weapon.

Alternatively, you can avoid taking one property at the beginning rarity, and then take a rarer property at higher tiers. For example, when creating an armor, you only choose the Ability Increase I property and left the second property empty at tier 2. Then, when the armor evolves to tier 3, you upgrade the Ability Increase to II and you also pick the Armor I for the second property.

Triggering Event Example

A 3rd level character is rewarded with Igni, a longsword used by his family for generations to defend the city against evil.

  • Since he is a 3rd level character, the weapon is at tier 1, so it's just a basic longsword with a nice name, a background history, and the Guardian minor property (for now).

The character continues its adventures using the longsword, and after some adventures he reaches level 5. In this moment, his father tells him that the longsword has special abilities, and the character needs to prove himself worthy to unleash those abilities. For this, he must destroy an old fire elemental that attacked the city years ago.

  • In this case, the character have the first requirement completed (reach level 5 to evolve the weapon to tier 2), but the weapon will not evolve until the character kills the fire elemental mentioned by his father.

After reaching 6th level, the character decides to enter the elemental lair and fight the creature, and when he destroys the elemental, the essence of the creature is drained by the longsword, and with that the weapon evolves to tier 2, giving the weapon a +1 to attack and damage and an extra 1d4 fire damage on a hit.

Evolving Weapon Example

Igni (Tier 1)

Weapon (longsword), common (requires attunement)

Same stats as the longsword found in the Player's Handbook, plus the guardian minor property (+2 on initiative rolls if the bearer isn't incapacitated).

Igni (Tier 2)

Weapon (longsword), uncommon (requires attunement)

When a character evolves Igni to this tier, apply the following changes to the item's traits:

  • You gain a +1 on attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. Additionally, when you hit with an attack using this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d4 fire damage.

Igni (Tier 3)

Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)

When a character evolves Igni to this tier, apply the following changes to the item's traits:

  • Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to a +2
  • The fire damage dealt by attacks with this weapon increases to 1d6.

Igni (Tier 4)

Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)

When a character evolves Igni to this tier, apply the following changes to the item's traits:

  • The fire damage dealt by attacks with this weapon increases to 1d8.
  • As an action, you can cast the fireball spell at 3rd level (DC 11). After using this ability, you need to finish a long rest.

Igni, Soul of the Fire (Tier 5)

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

When a character evolves Igni to this tier, apply the following changes to the item's traits:

  • Increase the bonus to attack and damage rolls to a +3
  • The fire damage dealt by attacks with this weapon increases to 1d10.
  • As an action, you can now cast the fireball spell at 6th level (DC 13). After using this ability, you need to finish a long rest.

Appendix A: Parts by Creature

In the following section you will find some example materials a character can get from creatures. This list doesn't includes weapons, armor, or any kind of gear the creature is wearing. Instead, the list can help players and the Dungeon Master to determine what they can harvest from each creature. Remember that every creature have 1 unit of the creature type essence that can be extracted using a essence extraction device.

The list also includes an estimated total amount of each part a character can harvest. This list doesn't consider bones, meat, blood, or common organs. Some creatures have particular organs listed because they grant benefits or features to the creature, such as the essential organ that gives a dragon its breath weapon.


  • 1 unit of aarakockra feathers


  • 1 unit of aboleth brain
  • 4 units of aboleth hide
  • 1 unit of aboleth mucous
  • 1 unit of aboleth tail
  • 1d4 units of aboleth teeth
  • 3 units of aboleth tentacles



  • 1 unit of deva feathers


  • 4 units of planetar feathers


  • 4 units of solar feathers


  • 1 unit of ankheg acid
  • 4 units of ankheg carapace
  • 2 units of ankheg claws
  • 1 unit of ankheg mandibles


  • 1 unit of azer heart


  • 1 unit of banshee ectoplasm
  • 1 unit of banshee dust


  • 2 units of basilisk eyes
  • 2 units of basilisk hide
  • 1d4 units of basilisk teeth


  • 4d4 units of behir claws
  • 1 unit of behir essential organ
  • 9 units of behir hide



  • 1 unit of central beholder eye
  • 2 units of small beholder eyes

Death Tyrant

  • 3 units of death tyrant ectoplasm


  • 1 unit of central spectator eye
  • 1 unit of small spectator eyes


Needle Blight

  • 1 unit of needle blight roots

Twig Blight

  • 1 unit of twig blight roots

Vine Blight

  • 1 unit of vine blight roots


  • 2 units of bulette claws
  • 2 units of bulette scales


  • 1 unit of cambion wings
  • 1 unit of fiend heart

Carrion Crawler

  • 2 units of carrion crawler tentacles
  • 1 unit of carrion crawler mucus


  • 2 units of chimera claws
  • 1 unit of young red dragon essential organ
  • 1 unit of young red dragon scales
  • 4 units of young red dragon wings


  • 2 units of chuul carapace
  • 1 unit of chuul tentacles
  • 2 units of chuul pincers


  • 1 unit of cloaker eyes
  • 2 units of cloaker hide


  • 1 unit of cockatrice hide


  • 1 unit of couatl feathers
  • 1 unit of couatl hide
  • 1 unit of couatl venom sac


  • 1 unit of cyclops eye
  • 2d4 units of cyclops toes


  • 1 unit of darkmantle hide
  • 1 unit of darkmantle tentacles

Death Knight

  • 1 unit of death knight heart


  • 1/4 units of demilich ectoplasm



  • 2 units of barlgura hide


  • 2 units of chasme carapace
  • 2 units of chasme wings


  • 1 unit of dretch fetid cloud sac


  • 2 units of glabrezu carapace
  • 2 units of glabrezu claws


  • 6 units of goristro hide
  • 2 units of goristro horns


  • 2 units of hezrou claws
  • 1 unit of hezrou essential organ (stench)


  • 2 units of marilith snake tail


  • 2 units of nalfeshnee tusks
  • 2 units of nalfeshnee wings

Shadow Demon

  • 1 unit of shadow demon dust


  • 4 units of vrock hide
  • 1 unit of vrock spores
  • 2 units of vrock wings


  • 1 unit of yochlol eye
  • 1 unit of yochlol slime


Barbed Devil

  • 1 unit of barbed devil hide

Bearded Devil

  • 1 unit of bearded devil beard

Bone Devil

  • 1 unit of bone devil poison


  • 2 units of erinyes feathers

Horned Devil

  • 2 units of horned devil horns
  • 2 units of horned devil wings

Ice Devil

  • 4 units of ice devil carapace
  • 1 unit of ice devil mandibles


  • 1/4 units of imp wings

Pit Fiend

  • 4 units of pit fiend hide
  • 2 units of pit fiend horns
  • 2 units of pit fiend wings

Spined Devil

  • 1 unit of spined devil hide
  • 2 units of spined devil wings



  • 2 units of allosaurus claws
  • 4 units of allosaurus hide


  • 6 units of ankylosaurus hide


  • 4 units of plesiosaurus hide


  • 6 units of triceratops hide
  • 3 units of triceratops horns


  • 2 units of pteranodon wings

Tyrannosaurus Rex

  • 6 units of tyrannosaurus rex hide
  • 4d4 units of tyrannosaurus rex teeth

Displacer Beast

  • 4 unit of displacer beast hide
  • 2 units of displacer beast tentacles


  • 1 unit of doppelganger brain
  • 2 units of doppelganger flesh


Dracolich, Adult

An adult dracolich has the same materials as the base dragon with the following parts and modifications

  • It only have 1d6 units of adult dragon scales

Dracolich, Ancient

An ancient dracolich has the same materials as the base dragon with the following parts and modifications

  • It only have 1d8 units of ancient dragon scales

Dragon, Shadow

A shadow dragon has the same materials as the base dragon, plus the following parts and modifications

  • 1 unit of shadow dragon dust
  • The dragon essential organ is replaced by a shadow dragon essential organ
  • The dragon scales are renamed as shadow dragon scales (do the same for claws, horns, teeth, wings, and so on)


All dragons share the same base parts a character can harvest, and the only way to differentiate them is by the dragon kin (black, blue, brass, bronze, copper, gold, green, red, silver, and white). Feel free to add special or unique parts to each dragon type.

Ancient Dragon

  • 4d4 units of ancient dragon claws
  • 1 unit of ancient dragon essential organ
  • 2 units of ancient dragon horns
  • 8 units of ancient dragon scales
  • 4d4 units of ancient dragon teeth
  • 8 units of ancient dragon wings

Adult Dragon

  • 4d4 units of adult dragon claws
  • 1 unit of adult dragon essential organ
  • 2 units of adult dragon horns
  • 6 units of adult dragon scales
  • 4d4 units of adult dragon teeth
  • 6 units of adult dragon wings

Young Dragon

  • 1d4 units of young dragon claws
  • 1 unit of young dragon essential organ
  • 2 units of young dragon horns
  • 4 units of young dragon scales
  • 2d4 units of young dragon teeth
  • 4 units of young dragon wings

Dragon Wyrmling

  • 2 units of dragon wyrmling claws
  • 1 unit of dragon wyrmling essential organ
  • 2 units of dragon wyrmling horns
  • 2 units of dragon wyrmling scales
  • 1d4 units of dragon wyrmling teeth
  • 2 units of dragon wyrmling wings

Dragon Turtle

  • 6d6 units of dragon turtle claws
  • 12 units of dragon turtle hide
  • 12 units of dragon turtle shell fragments


  • 1d8 drider legs
  • 1 unit of drider web sac


  • 1 unit of dryad heart


Air Elemental

  • 1 unit of elemental dust

Earth Elemental

  • 1 unit of elemental rock shards

Fire Elemental

  • 1 unit of elemental molten core

Water Elemental

  • 1 unit of elemental water


  • 1 unit of empyrean heart


  • 1 unit of ettercap claws
  • 1 unit of ettercap poison
  • 1 unit of ettercap silk gland


  • 2 units of ettin tusk
  • 2d4 units of ettin toes

Faerie Dragon

All faerie dragons share the same parts a character can harvest, and the only way to differentiate them is by the faerie dragon's scales color, which are divided in two groups: the younger ones (red, orange, and yellow), and the old ones (green, blue, indigo, and violet). Feel free to add special or unique parts to each faerie dragon type.

  • 1/4 units of faerie dragon essential organ
  • 1/4 unit of faerie dragon scales


  • 1 unit of flumph foul-smelling liquid
  • 1 unit of flumph tendrils


  • 1 unit of fomorian evil eye
  • 2d4 units of fomorian fingers


Gas Spore

  • 2 units of gass spore poisonous gas

Violet Fungus

  • 1 unit of violet fungus stalks

Galeb Duhr

  • 1 unit of galeb duhr rocky skin


  • 1 unit of gargolye rocky skin


  • 1 unit of ghost ectoplasm



  • 1 unit of ghast claws
  • 1 unit of ghast stench


  • 1 unit of ghoul claws


All giants share the same base parts a character can harvest, and the only way to differentiate them is by the giant race (cloud, fire, frost, hill, stone, and storm). Feel free to add special or unique parts to each giant race.


  • 1 unit of giant heart
  • 2d4 units of giant toes

Gibbering Mouther

  • 1 unit of gibbering mouther eyes
  • 1 unit of gibbering mouther spittle gland


  • 2 units of gorgon hide
  • 2 units of gorgon horns
  • 1 unit of gorgon petrifying gas sac


  • 1 unit of grell beak
  • 1d4 units of grell tentacles



  • 1 unit of grick beak
  • 1 unit of grick hide
  • 1d4 units of grick tentacles

Grick Alpha

  • 1 unit of grick alpha beak
  • 2 units of grick alpha hide
  • 1d4 units of grick alpha tentacles


  • 2 units of griffon claws
  • 2 units of griffon feathers


All hags share the same base parts a character can harvest, and the only way to differentiate them is by the hag type (green, night, and sea). Feel free to add special or unique parts to each hag type.

  • 1 unit of hag claws
  • 1 unit of hag heart


  • 1 unit of harpy feathers

Hell Hound

  • 1 unit of hell hound essential organ
  • 1 unit of hell hound hide
  • 1 unit of hell hound teeth


  • 2 units of hippogriff claws
  • 2 units of hippogriff feathers

Hook Horror

  • 2 units of hook horror carapace
  • 2 units of hook horror hooks


  • 9 units of hydra scales
  • 4d4 units of hydra teeth

Intellect Devourer

  • 1 unit of intellect devourer brain matter
  • 1 unit of intellect devourer claws


  • 1 unit of kenku feathers


  • 15 units of kraken hide
  • 4 units of kraken ink sac
  • 15 units of kraken scales
  • 6d4 units of kraken teeth
  • 2d4 units of kraken tentacles


  • 2 units of lamia claws
  • 1 unit of lamia heart


  • 1 unit of lich ectoplasm


  • 1 unit of magmin molten skin


  • 1 unit of maticore tail spike
  • 2 units of manticore teeth
  • 2 units of manticore wings


  • 1 unit of medusa head


All mephits share the same base parts a character can harvest, and the only way to differentiate them is by their type (dust, ice, magma, mud, smoke, and steam). Feel free to add special or unique parts to each mephit.


  • 1 unit of mephit core


  • 1 unit of merfolk hide


  • 2 units of merrow hide

Mind Flayer

  • 1 unit of mind flayer brain
  • 1 unit of mind flayer tentacles


  • 2 units of minotaur horns



  • 1 unit of mummy heart
  • 2 units of mummy wrappings

Mummy Lord

  • 2 units of mummy lord dust
  • 2 units of mummy lord wrappings


Myconid Sprout

  • 1 unit of myconid sprout spores

Myconid Adult

  • 1 unit of myconid adult spores

Myconid Sovereign

  • 2 units of myconid sovereign spores


Bone Naga

  • 2d4 units of bone naga fangs

Guardian Naga

  • 2d4 units of guardian naga fangs
  • 2 units of guardian naga scales
  • 1 unit of guardian naga poison gland

Spirit Naga

  • 2d4 units of spirit naga fangs
  • 2 units of spirit naga scales


  • 1 unit of nightmare hooves


  • 1 unit of nothic claws
  • 1 unit of nothic eye



  • 2d4 units of ogre toes


  • 1d4 units of half ogre toes


  • 1 unit of oni claws
  • 1 unit of oni ivory horns
  • 2d4 units of oni toes


Black Pudding

  • 2 units of black pudding goo

Gelatinous Cube

  • 2 units of gelatinous cube gel

Gray Ooze

  • 1 unit of gray ooze slime

Ochre Jelly

  • 2 units of ochre jelly slime


  • 2 units of otyugh teeth
  • 2 units of otyugh tentacles


  • 1 unit of owlbear claws
  • 2 units of owlbear feathers
  • 1 unit of owlbear hide


  • 2 units of pegasus feathers
  • 1 unit of pegasus hooves


  • 1 unit of peryton antlers
  • 1 unit of peryton feathers
  • 1 unit of peryton talons


  • 1 unit of piercer hide


  • 1/4 units of pixie dust


  • 1/4 units of pseudodragon scales
  • 1/4 units of pseudodragon venom

Purple Worm

  • 8 units of purple worm hide
  • 4d4 units of purple worm teeth
  • 2d4 units of purple worm venom


  • 1 unit of quaggoth claws
  • 1 unit of quaggoth hide


Young Remorhaz

  • 2 units of young remorhaz carapace
  • 1 unit of young remorhaz heat organ
  • 2d4 units of young remorhaz legs


  • 4 units of remorhaz carapace
  • 1 unit of remorhaz heat organ
  • 3d4 units of remorhaz legs



  • 8 units of roc feathers
  • 2d4 units of roc talons


  • 2 units of roper hide
  • 1d6 units of roper tendrils
  • 1d4 units of roper teeth

Rust Monster

  • 1 unit of rust monster antennae
  • 1 unit of rust monster carapace


Fire Snake

  • 1 unit of fire snake scales


  • 2 units of salamander scales


  • 1 unit of shadow ectoplasm
  • 1 unit of shadow dust

Shambling Mound

  • 1 unit of shambling mound root-stem
  • 2 units of shambling mound vines


Note: A slaad only have a control gem if it was born from the Spawning Stone in Limbo.

Red Slaad

  • 1 unit of red slaad claws
  • 1 unit of red slaad control gem
  • 1d4 units of slaad eggs
  • 1 unit of red slaad hide

Blue Slaad

  • 1 unit of blue slaad claws
  • 1 unit of blue slaad control gem
  • 2 units of blue slaad hide

Green Slaad

  • 1 unit of green slaad claws
  • 1 unit of green slaad control gem
  • 2 units of green slaad hide

Gray Slaad

  • 1 unit of gray slaad claws
  • 1 unit of gray slaad control gem
  • 1 unit of gray slaad hide

Death Slaad

  • 1 unit of death slaad claws
  • 1 unit of death slaad control gem
  • 1 unit of death slaad hide


  • 1 unit of specter ectoplasm
  • 1 unit of specter dust



  • 2 units of androsphinx feathers
  • 2 units of androsphinx hide


  • 2 units of gynosphinx feathers
  • 2 units of gynosphinx hide


  • 1/4 units of sprite dust


  • 1 unit of succubus/incubus claws
  • 1 unit of succubus/incubus wings


  • 15 units of tarrasque carapace
  • 15 units of tarrasque hide
  • 6d4 units of tarrasque teeth
  • 6d4 units of tarrasque horns


  • 1 unit of thri-kreen carapace
  • 1 unit of thri-kreen venom


  • 6 units of treant bark
  • 4d4 units of treant branches
  • 4d4 units of treant roots

Umber Hulk

  • 3 units of umber hulk carapace
  • 2 units of umber hulk mandibles


  • 1 unit of unicorn hooves
  • 1 unit of unicorn horn



  • 1 unit of vampire dust
  • 1 unit of vampire fangs
  • 1 unit of vampire heart

Vampire Spawn

  • 1 unit of vampire spawn dust
  • 1 unit of vampire spawn fangs
  • 1 unit of vampire spawn heart


  • 1/4 unit of will-o'-whisp dust
  • 1/4 unit of will-o'-whisp ectoplasm


  • 1 unit of wraith dust
  • 1 unit of wraith ectoplasm


  • 2 units of wyvern scales
  • 1 unit of wyvern stinger
  • 1 unit of wyvern teeth
  • 2 units of wyvern venom
  • 2 units of wyvern wings


  • 1 unit of xorn rocky hide
  • 1d4 units of xorn teeth



  • 2 units of yeti hide
  • 2 units of yeti horns
  • 2 units of yeti eyes

Abominable Yeti

  • 3 units of yeti hide
  • 2 units of yeti horns
  • 2 units of yeti eyes


Yuan-Ti Abomination

  • 2 units of yuan-ti abomination scales
  • 1 unit of yuan-ti abomination fangs
  • 1 unit of yuan-ti abomination venom

Yuan-Ti Malison

  • 1 unit of yuan-ti malison scales
  • 1 unit of yuan-ti malison venom

Miscelaneous Creatures


  • 1 unit of ape hide

Awakened Shrub

  • 1/2 unit of awakened shrub twigs

Awakened Tree

  • 3 units of wood

Axe Beak

  • 2 units of axe beak feathers


  • 1/2 unit of baboon hide


  • 1/4 units of badger pelt


  • 1/4 units of bat wings

Black Bear

  • 1 unit of black bear hide

Blood Hawk

  • 1/2 units of blood hawk feathers


  • 1 unit of boar hide
  • 1 unit of boar tusks

Brown Bear

  • 2 units of brown bear hide


  • 2 units of camel hide


  • 1/4 unit of cat pelt

Constrictor Snake

  • 2 units of constrictor snake skin


  • 1/4 unit of crab carapace


  • 2 units of crocodile hide
  • 2 units of crocodile teeth

Death Dog

  • 1 unit of death dog pelt


  • 1 unit of deer hide

Dire Wolf

  • 2 units of dire wolf pelt

Draft Horse

  • 1 unit of draft horse hooves


  • 1/2 units of eagle feathers


  • 6 units of elephant hide
  • 2 units of elephant tusks


  • 1 unit of elk antlers
  • 2 units of elk hide

Flying Snake

  • 1/4 units of flying snake feathers
  • 1/4 units of flying snake hide

Giant Ape

  • 3 units of giant ape hide

Giant Badger

  • 1 unit of giant badger hide

Giant Bat

  • 2 units of giant bat hide
  • 2 units of giant bat wings

Giant Boar

  • 2 units of giant boar hide
  • 2 units of giant boar tusks

Giant Centipede

  • 1/2 units of giant centipede poison

Giant Constrictor Snake

  • 4 units of giant constrictor snake skin

Giant Crab

  • 1 unit of giant crab carapace

Giant Crocodile

  • 4 units of giant crocodile hide
  • 3 units of giant crocodile teeth

Giant Eagle

  • 2 units of giant eagle feathers

Giant Elk

  • 1 unit of giant elk antlers
  • 4 units of giant elk hide

Giant Fire Beetle

  • 1 unit of giant fire beetle carapace
  • 1 unit of giant fire beetle glowing glands

Giant Frog

  • 1 unit of giant frog skin
  • 1 unit of giant frog tongue

Giant Goat

  • 2 units of giant goat pelt
  • 1 unit of giant goat horns

Giant Hyena

  • 2 units of giant hyena pelt

Giant Lizard

  • 2 units of giant lizard scales

Giant Octopus

  • 3 units of giant octopus tentacles
  • 1 unit of giant octopus ink sac

Giant Owl

  • 2 units of giant owl feathers

Giant Poisonous Snake

  • 1 unit of giant poisonous snake skin
  • 1 unit of giant poisonous snake poison

Giant Rat

  • 1/2 units of giant rat hide

Giant Scorpion

  • 2 units of giant scorpion carapace
  • 2 units of giant scorpion claws
  • 1 unit of giant scorpion sting
  • 1 unit of giant scorpion venom sac

Giant Sea Horse

  • 2 units of giant sea horse hide

Giant Shark

  • 4 units of giant shark skin

Giant Spider

  • 1 unit of giant spider venom
  • 1 unit of giant spider web sac

Giant Toad

  • 1 unit of giant toad tongue
  • 2 units of giant toad skin

Giant Vulture

  • 2 units of giant vulture feathers

Giant Wasp

  • 1 unit of giant wasp stinger

Giant Weasel

  • 1 unit of giant weasel hide

Giant Wolf Spider

  • 1 unit of giant wolf spider venom
  • 1 unit of giant wolf spider web sac


  • 1 unit of goat pelt


  • 1/4 units of hawk feathers

Hunter Shark

  • 2 units of hunter shark skin


  • 1 unit of hyena pelt


  • 1 unit of jackal pelt

Killer Whale

  • 4 units of killer whale skin


  • 2 units of lion hide


  • 1/4 units of lizard scales


  • 4 units of mammoth hide
  • 2 units of mammoth tusks


  • 1 unit of mastiff hide


  • 1 unit of mule hide


  • 1 unit of octopus tentacles
  • 1/2 unit of octopus ink sac


  • 1/4 units of owl feathers


  • 1 unit of panther hide

Phase Spider

  • 1 unit of phase spider venom
  • 1 unit of phase spider web sac

Poisonous Snake

  • 1/4 units of poisonous snake skin
  • 1/4 unit of poisonous snake poison

Polar Bear

  • 2 units of polar bear hide


  • 1 unit of pony hooves


  • 1/4 units of rat pelt


  • 1/4 units of raven feathers

Reef Shark

  • 1 unit of reef shark skin


  • 2 units of rhinoceros hide
  • 2 units of rhinoceros horns

Riding Horse

  • 1 unit of riding horse hooves

Saber-Toothed Tiger

  • 2 units of saber-toothed tiger hide
  • 1 unit of saber-toothed tiger fangs


  • 1/4 units of scorpion venom


  • 1/4 units of spider venom


  • 2 units of tiger hide


  • 1 unit of vulture feathers


  • 1 unit of warhorse hooves


  • 1/4 units of weasel pelt

Winter Wolf

  • 2 units of winter wolf hide


  • 1 unit of wolf hide


  • 2 units of worg hide