CR Hunter

by Malthramaz

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Hunter Spells

You gain the following spells at the listed ranger levels. The spells are considered ranger spells for you. You always have them prepared, and they don't count against your number of spells prepared.

Ranger Level Spells
3 ensnaring strike, faerie fire
5 hold person, earthbind
9 slow, stinking cloud
13 locate creature, Otiluke's resilient sphere
17 hold monster, legend lore

Hunter's Quarry

3rd level

You have mastered the art of pursuit. As a bonus action, you can attempt to mark a creature as your quarry. The creature makes a WIS save against your spell save DC. The target gains additional modifiers to its WIS save based on how well you know the target and what physical trace of the target you have on hand:

Knowledge Save Modifier
Know target secondhand +4
Know target firsthand +0
Know target well -4
Target is your current quarry -6
Physical Trace Save Modifier
No trace +4
Tracks +0
Article of clothing -2
Treasured item -4
Body part -6

If the creature succeeds on its save, it gains a cumulative +2 bonus to any further saves it makes against this feature for the next week, or until it fails its save.

If the creature fails on its save, it is marked as your quarry for the next 2 days or until you use this feature on a different creature.

You may add your focus die to any ability check made to track, perceive, or otherwise find your quarry, if you aren't already receiving such a bonus. Additionally, you gain the following trigger for the additional damage of your Eye for Weakness Feature:

  • The target is marked as your quarry.

Additionally, you become aware of the general direction towards your quarry every 12 hours (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) while it is on the same plane of existence, but not within 1 mile of you.

At 7th level, you become aware of its direction every hour. At 11th level, you become aware of its direction and current plane of existence every turn.

You can use this feature once, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.

DM Tips: Quarry

The modifiers for the save against Hunter's Quarry are mostly a suggestion. If you want to add more factors that could alter the target's modifiers, feel free to do so. For example, you may rule that the target has advantage on the save (or automatically succeeds on it) if it is on a different plane of existence. You also might rule that it gets a +4 to its save if the trail has gone cold.

Hunter's Quarry is not designed to be a magical divination effect, so it bypasses magic that protects against that, but you could also rule that such magic offers additional bonuses to the save against it.

In regards to the terminology, knowing a target secondhand means you only know information on it, but have not actually seen or met it; if you don't even have secondhand knowledge of the target, you cannot attempt to mark it. Firsthand means you have met the target and either conversed with it, or fought it enough to get a good idea of its capabilities. Knowing a target well means that you have personal history with the target. No trace, as the name implies rather well, means you have no physical thing to study as you are attempting to mark your target (at DM discretion, you can use your memories of a physical trace, though they may have a lesser effect). Tracks refers to the physical trail the creature has left by moving through an area, usually in the form of footprints.

Slayer's Counter

7th level

Your heightened instincts have led to great defensive capabilities. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. Additionally, when a creature marked as your quarry forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction after rolling to add your focus die to the roll. You can do so after seeing the roll, but before you know the outcome.

Master of the Hunt

11th level

The duration for your Hunter's Quarry feature increases to 7 days. Also, when you choose a quarry, the next ranger spell you cast that targets only that creature doesn't cost a spell slot.


15th level

Your focus in combat has become legendary. You gain a bonus to all weapon attack and damage rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier.


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