Imperial Titans

by Jackeyblob

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Vehicles of Warhammer

Imperial Titans

Masters of the Steel Sky, Lords of Ash and Smoke. The Titans walk again, like the myths of old, and none may bar their path.

Of Spite and Iron

God-slayer, Daemon-bane, the titles these monsters bear are many and accurate. Born from a different time, there is no hell whose fury can match that of the engine burnished, and sent to war.

The God-Engines of the Legion Titanicus are amongst the most terrible weapons the Imperium of Mankind can field. Towering engines of war and destruction, their arrival heralds annihilation in its purest form.

Pre-dating even the Unification of Terra, their history is storied, filled with ancient tradition, feuding politics and great battles that burned the very sky to ash. Sovereign unto themselves, their pride is legendary for few possess the will to master such a creature as an angel chained for war.

But even within such hallowed ranks, there is prestige between members, a hierarchy that can be difficult to comprehend when looking from the feet of such terrible machines. From the lowly Warhound to the towering Imperator, the Legions vie amongst themselves for honour and glory, battling to prove themselves of piloting a
Titan of Mars.

Such petty rivalry amongst gods and greater beings is
no small thing, for their arguments are to the sound of artillery and dying suns, their debates fuelled by bolter and powered fist. The hubris of such beings can break a world apart, and once before did many strike free of their oaths, and bind themselves to another.

Here we shall learn of those engines still loyal to the emperor, look upon those pilots mad enough to challenge them...

And Revel Upon Pride in its most Brutal Form.

The Crew

Those possessed of the will required to bring such engines to bear contain a madness of sorts. An ego strong enough to contend with the Machine Spirit within a Titan must have such confidence and certainty as to make mere hubris seem but a mild sin in comparison.

Known as a Princeps, these individuals are powerful members of the Cult Mechanicus, having proven themselves equal to the greatest beings in service to the Omnissiah. To reach such lofty heights requires not just mental fortitude, but also great skill and formidable courage, for every moment linked to a Titan is a battle not just against the foe, but against ones very self.

These pilots link directly with the engine, moving the Titans with their mind as intuitively as they would their own body. Whether it be the agile form of a Warhound or the heavy bulk of a Warlord in full panoply, their connection is akin to a second skin, every wound endured, every blow dealt through synaptic connection.

Below them are the Moderati, senior crew who have yet to prove themselves capable of interfacing directly with such a fearsome Machine-Spirit. Connected in a similar manner to Princeps, they aid in their battle, providing vital support functions to the weapons and auspices of the machine.

Those who survive their time in the machine will eventually receive their own Titan, but the danger does not end there. All Princeps fail eventually, it is but the way of things, for the constant pressure of the violent soul they merge with erodes at the sense of self. The thrill of connection, of controlling and being such a powerful creature is also addictive, and every time they disconnect, a piece of themselves is left behind, until only a hollow shell remains, wired directly into the Titan.

This is the fate of all those who dare leash the Titan, for no mere mortal could ever chain a God forever, no matter how potent their soul.

The Machine Spirit

As with all technological devices created by humanity, the Titans are possessed of a sentient force within, a spirit even that can direct the metal towards its own desires. None know the truth of these vestige thoughts within the wires, but it is of no surprise that those that dwell within the God-Engines are potent indeed.

More than capable of rudimentary emotion, they appear to possess an ingrained love of violence, though tempered by their own personal traits. It is this entity that one must contend with when attempting to pilot, and for those that fail there is only death, their mind devoured whole as their very identity is sundered and left in ruin.

So powerful are they in fact, that they may even take full control of themselves, needing no master nor guide to lend aim to their bullets and blades. It is rare that this occurs, and perhaps but only legend, for to accept it as truth is to recognise them as alive... And perhaps heresy to the cautious eyes of the Red Priests.

Still, if and when it does occur, there is little to do but pray. Without a pilot, the last weak link in the chain is removed, and only total destruction will bring the berserker to its end. This is the legacy of the Titans, no mere machine but monster of iron and steel...

A Daemon of War and War Alone.


The smallest class of
Imperial Titan, standing
at barely fifteen metres, the Warhound
is none-the-less a formidable engine of
war. Capable of deploying the
armoury of a small tank battalion, its agile frame
grants it a speed and manoeuvrability unequalled
amongst the God-Engines.

Frequently used for the purpose of scouting ahead for larger engines, or performing devastating ambush operations, the Machine-Spirits of these Titans are relentless and aggressive, forever pulling at the chain in search of greater prey. Even when faced with the most terrible odds, the fearsome soul of the Warhound cares little for caution, only for the storm of battle and glory of war.

To aid in such endeavours, the Warhound is capable of overloading its engine, jolting it forwards in a truly terrifying burst of speed, often necessary for closing the distance between itself and a more dangerous foe. They are also able to shut down completely, hiding from the sensors of their target, activating fully in mere seconds when it is too late to stop them, a vengeful ghost from the shadows of hell.

As such, many Princeps begin their rank in vehicles such as these, for to tame such a creature is a valuable lesson for any who would stand above the Titans. Those few who remain veterans of the Warhounds begin to take on many of their characteristics however, and their reckless nature earns them condemnation and award in equal measure.

Due to their size, they are amongst the most common Titans deployed to any battlefield, and rarely does a conflict require greater force than the might these beasts bring to bear. When the scale of violence grows too large however, these Warhounds will often be deployed in teams of two or three, their role to hunt down priority targets and obliterate them in a storm of fire.

So stands the Warhound, a hunter, a killer, a beast of iron murder.

Wolf-Class Warhound

A variation on the typical Warhound deployed by the Collegia Titanicus, these Titans are designed to operate in pairs, hunting down their foes amidst the chaos and tearing them apart through a combination of team-work and frightening agility. Possessing heavier armour and over-charged weaponry, they are often able to take down far larger targets with brutal efficiency.

Mastiff-Class Warhound

A lightly armoured Titan, the Mastiff operates in the vanguard of distraction forces. Specialising in flanking manoeuvres, its greater speed and slimmer form grant it great advantage in the shock of a sudden assault.

Jackal-Class Warhound

Similar to the Mastiff-Class, the Jackal instead bears far heavier Void Shields, allowing it to close the gap into the thick of combat. Usually armed with brutal close-quarters weaponry, they are shock troops without equal, for the panic they cause and the destruction wrought have rare equal amongst the foes they face.


Larger than the Warhound yet smaller than those other Battle Titans that fill the legends of the Legio Titanicus,
the Reaver often serves as a fire-support bastion, a single point in which the tides of conflict break and shatter upon its hide.

At over twenty metres tall, the Reaver is a terrifying sight to behold, its brutal form lithe and gaunt. A fitting machine to bear such a name as it does, the blood spilled in battle by these cadaverous engines would satisfy any god of death or spirit of murder.

Though not as armoured as one would perhaps expect from such a paragon of war, it is possessed of a dizzying amount of firepower, bearing vast armaments capable of annihilating whole formations of troops with a single salvo.

The most dramatic alteration the Reaver possesses is the location of its Power Core. Whereas many Titans bear theirs in place of a heart, the Reaver houses their critical functions in its back. Though ideal for the open landscapes of battle, such placement leaves them critically vulnerable in the the tight confines of cities and other such obstructed terrain.

They are also possessed of a large missile array above their head, designed to carry explosive payloads capable of rendering vast swathes of the battlefield to dust. Those few who prove themselves truly worthy may also bear witness to the most terrible weapon in the Mechanicum's arsenal, a device of arcane destruction and total annihilation. Known as a Vortex Missile, few foes are so deadly as to warrant the use of such a weapon, and only in the greatest need are they deployed, for their use can sunder the very veil to hell itself.

As such, those pilots placed in charge of a Reaver are often more cautious than those still leading their scout brethren. Very aware of the weaknesses within the engine, they are efficient in their movements, calculating and almost cruel in their pin-point targeting of the enemies flaws.

This is the Reaver, watching carefully as all is turned to ash before it.

Vandal-Class Reaver

A short-ranged Titan, this Class of Reaver is designed for the brutality of close-quarters combat. Possessing enormous firepower and often a blade or chained fist,
their aid in shattering the opponent's strongholds
is invaluable.

Hun-Class Reaver

A versatile configuration, the Hun-Class is the most common variant of the Reaver Titan. Capable of being outfitted for short to mid-range combat, there are few scenarios this engine is ill-equipped to endure and few foes they cannot counter should the benefit of foresight be applied.

Goth-Class Reaver

Designed to operate as a mobile bastion, this Titan is armed with long-ranged weapons, capable of vast destruction from far across the field of battle. Used frequently to shatter fortifications before the main assault begins, their greatest weakness is countered by their distance from the frontlines.


The most numerous of the God-Engines, Warlord Titans are a terrifying sight to behold. Standing at nearly thirty-five metres tall, these machines are the mainstay of the Legio Titanicus, forming the mailed fist of Mars before which all enemies shall break.

Heavily armoured, guarded by multiple void shields and wielding a truly impressive amount of weaponry, the Warlord is near peerless in the arts of destruction. Capable of razing cities without much concern, their only weakness lies in the placement of their power core.

Nestled within their chest, a furnace of screaming plasma instead of a heart, this target is the surest way to bring down such a terrible fiend of metal. As such, they are often relegated to long-range fire support, annihilating the enemies bastions and turning to dust any target liable to pose a threat.

Despite this, even those able to take advantage of the Titan's ambling movements and restricted agility will find a hard time piercing the many protections given to such a being. Arrogance, however, is the sin of the dead, and many Warlord has moved ahead of his support, only to find the enemy waiting in ambush, ready to sacrifice their lives to destroy it.

As such, the Princeps of a Warlord must be a patient soul, capable of restraining themselves in the heat of battle from reckless charge and conflict. The souls of these engines are potent however, and though they themselves are cautious creatures, the delight of battle can overwhelm a less-experienced pilot, and devour his identity whole.

In order to aid with taming such a engine, the crews of the Warlord Titan are usually larger. While a single Princeps still maintains control, there are often
several Moderati employed to aid with the
various functions required to
operate such a large vehicle.

For no one soul can leash the
Dragons of Mars.

Eclipse-Class Warlord

A stop-gap Titan for all intents and purposes, the Eclipse is a rare model used to fulfill the needs of armies that require more firepower than a Reaver, but who lack the availability of a larger Warlord chassis.

Death Bringer-Class Warlord

A versatile weapons platform, the Death Bringer is the most "traditional" Warlord, designed to adapt to whatever conditions they face. It is upon these engines that most experiments are performed, their tolerances well known and perfect for the testing of new technology.

Nightgaunt-Class Warlord

A Destroyer variant of the typical Warlord, the Nightgaunt is designed purely for the purpose of hunting down other Titans within the maelstrom. Slightly smaller and considerably faster, they leverage their speed to great effect, bringing numerous close-combat weapons to bear.

Sinestro-Class Warlord

A fell device from the shadows of the Great Crusade, these Titans contain the trapped remnants of many psykers. Wielding fearsome psychic weaponry capable of tearing holes in reality, the powers within are
also enhanced, allowing psychic
projection on a truly vast scale.


Standing at a towering fifty-five metres, the Emperor Titan is a marvel of engineering and killing power. Perhaps the largest mobile platform ever constructed by the Imperium of Man, its shadow foretells death and doom, for even fate bows before such a monstrosity of iron.

Armoured unlike anything else, this Titan bears protection more akin to that of a planetary fortification, capable of withstanding the most punishing assault without so much as a scratch. They are not just bastions of strength however, for each also bears upon it huge towers and minarets in dedication to the Emperor. Such is an uplifiting sight to those cast in their shadow, and a damning sign of the end to those who would see his throne usurped.

The only weakness such an engine possesses is one due to its power, for their rarity is beyond measure. No weapon of man, no craft of Daemon or shattered spell of the alien could lay one low with ease, but for everyone that falls, there is a shadow cast upon the future of humanity.

As such, only the most experienced and veteran Princeps would ever dare set foot within the hallowed halls of these magnificent creatures, for their spirits are old indeed. True gods of the machine they are, and their souls burn with the knowledge and enmity of a thousand centuries, their legacy of battle earned faster than could ever be retold.

So is told of the Deux Ex Machina, for they truly are the Gods of the Machine.

Imperator-Class Emperor

The "Mainstay" classification of the Emperor Titan, if such an esoteric device could ever have a common application, the Imperator is a behemoth of battle unequalled. Capable of being equipped with a versatile array of weapons for any occasion, it serves most commonly near the thick of the fighting, reducing all opposition to ash and dust.

Warmonger-Class Emperor

A similar engine to the Imperator, the Warmonger is none-the-less designed for a difference in role. Usually armed with long-reaching weapons capable of rendering the horizon to flame, they are peerless siege-engines which no wall could ever hope to best.

Apocalypse-Class Emperor

A fabled engine from the age of old, the Apocalypse Titan is perhaps not an Emperor Titan at all. So vast is it said to be however, that such classification suits it well, for little else is known about the engine other than the power it is said to bear. No records exist however, of their use in modern years and we must only speculate as to their existence and to the dangers they have faced.

Titan Variants

While the previous pages discuss the most famous Titan Variants, there are others rarely mentioned within the annals of history.


The smallest form of Titan ever seen, they operate much akin to Warhounds. Scouting ahead for their larger cousins, they are perfect for rapid strikes and reconnaissance.


A tripod variant of the Imperial Titan, the Punisher is well-designed to serve as a stationary turret, rotating round to cover every angle with its devastating firepower.

Warbringer Nemesis

Armed with a vast cannon on its back, the Warbringer is
a dedicated Titan-Hunter used originally to tackle those Xenos engines mighty enough to match the Legio Titanicus.


A veritable moving gun, the Warmaster is designed to destroy and nothing else. Larger even than a Warlord, few conflicts require the attention of such an engine as this.


1: Open Engine War Cover
2: Castigator-Class Concept by hammk
3: Unknown
4: Unknown
5: Reaver Titan by Mikhail Savier
6: The Horus Heresy Book Five: Reaver Cover
7: Unknown
8: Adeptus Titanicus Titandeath


I hope you all enjoyed this installment of the Warhammer Vehicle's Lore by Jackeyblob. If you have any feedback or criticism, please don't hesitate to let me know. The next post will be about Malcador the Sigillite, so I look forward to hearing from you then.