The Phoenix Lords AIO

by Jackeyblob

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The Phoenix Lords


Legends define truth, define fiction, define our very being. Those from the past shall live eternal, and die a thousand times.

Chapter One


I was the first, but I shall not be the last. My blade against an end that has already been foretold, a ruin enamoured with my kind. The drums sound and I answer...

Vengeance will not be denied.

The First Step

I remember... No more potent nor tragic words can be said by a man who has lost it all. Empty and hollow, he fights for the dead, for that is all that is left, never stopping until he joins them in the grave. Until the dream stops, there is only the memory that remains.

Asurmen, first Lord of the Phoenix, master of the Dire Avengers and Herald of the Exodus, was and is a champion of the Craftworld Eldar. An embodiment of the purest violence, his is not an existence of peace, nor even permanency, for he has died and died again.

Possessing both nobility and brutality in equal measures, he perfected battle in all its different forms, spinning through conflict like a dervish born in bloodlust. This edge, so carefully walked, would be passed down onto those who followed his path, for such certainty was required to follow carnage in its purest form.

This was not always the case however, for it was in
the fires of doubt that he was formed, the fear of the unknown catharsis to one who'd never questioned the absolute. So potent was the choice he made that its echo would haunt his people's history forever, his soul tethered by a denial of what could have been.

So stands Asurmen, prince of an empire gone, a memory of balance surrounded by war. His is the hope of an entire race...

The Damnation Of Their Very Soul...


Born to the
name Iliathin
on the ancient
world Eidafaeron, Asurmen lived
a quiet life of placid normalcy
and careless boredom. No sign
of greatness was shown upon his face, nor the
legacy of war that he would become famed for.

Raised in the shadow of an empire destined to
fail, the souls who dwelt within it were too arrogant to believe their end was coming. As the preaching oracles spoke their words of desolation to come, Asurmen joined those whose faith in such prophecy was weak, whose pride bore only self destruction.

The Fall that was predicted was too great to be imagined, too total to be true, for theirs was a race that had conquered not just the space around them, but the lands that lie in-between. Their kingdom was manifest, cast beneath the shadow of stars none upon our world have ever seen, caged by power unmatched by even the gods.

As time passed however, more and more sang their song of ruin. As these voices filled the air, their choir promising horror beyond the mortal ken, some began to listen. Hoping to escape the catastrophe to come, these souls became the Exodites for they wished to flee farther than any had gone, to run beyond the apocalypse.

Though Asurmen cared not for such a journey, numb in vapid existence, his brother grew fearful and begged his kin to run. Asurmen could not be convinced however, and though Tethesis spoke with passion and clarity, death was too alien a concept for the Avenger, such warnings little more than parable and myth.

Unwilling to hide alone, Tethesis stayed upon Eidafaeron with his blood, and when the Fall claimed the heart of the Aeldari Empire, it was by blood such loyalty was paid. As the skies tore open with eldritch might, as a new god was birthed into existence, the grey malaise of their life was replaced with nightmarish spite.

Death had come like never before, and with little choice, the two brothers fought for their souls amidst the night.



Against the forces of unreality did they battle and wage war desperately. From hell itself did they claw their survival as the streets they had known for so long filled with their darkest hearts.

Such resolute denial of death would have earned them a thousand songs, borne them fully into the annals of legend. In this bleak galaxy however, such tales always end in woe.

Tethesis would not survive, claimed at last by She Who Thirsts, his soul devoured as the body became a puppet for desire. Bearing upon his face a mockery of their ancient love, the beast turned the hands of kin against Asurmen.

With no other choice, the Avenger cut down his brother, soul shattered by a thousand experiences new to a soul that had felt so little in so long. Knowing that alone he would not survive, he fled into a shattered temple of the Aeldari gods, perhaps seeking death in the shadow of those he had once believed in.

Abandoned and surrounded only by ruin, in this last refuge he found safety for the Daemons could not approach a place dedicated to the elder gods, their waning power still sufficient to bar entry to the filth that claimed their domain.

Sanctuary Against The Final Days.

These Ashes Left Behind

For years he remained within this relic of greater times, each day contemplating his new existence and the worth in its continuation. Solitary and alone, madness claimed him completely and grew feral within his blood.

Eventually, it was not hope that gave him cause to live, but a child. Alone and wild, Faraethil had somehow survived the barren waste alone, fending for herself amidst a world collapsed and devoured by sin.

Initially reluctant to spend time with her, for she was a reminder of what was lost, the arrival of more brutal kin forced a choice upon the hollow knight, a final light in a maze of self-loathing and regret.

The Drukhari they called themselves now, sadistic shadows of former glory dedicated to the very excess that had brought this destruction. Seeking immortality in pain, their escape had created monsters both callous and cruel, even by the standards of their former madness.

Reaving upon this abandoned world, they struck against Faraethil in glee as the Avenger stood once more alive. Discarding the name he had once known, he took upon himself the title of Asurmen, after the leader of those gods who had saved him. Drawing his weapon, he brought devastation in sublime grace against his cousins, leaving their bodies as broken as the souls that were once within.

Justice could not be found, redemption was far too late... There was only vengeance left to seek, and nothing would stand in his way.

Against the Storm

Chest heaving amidst the blood-stained wreckage of his sudden rage, Asurmen took upon himself a new path. Taking Faraethil as his disciple, he left Eidafaeron behind as he sailed into the stars.

As they journeyed, others joined them, survivors of the Fall whose souls sought war against the violence that had torn them apart. On a desolate world did they finally settle, naming it Asur as they devised amongst themselves a new way going forward.

Here on this planet was the Way of the Warrior divined, Asurmen creating the first Aspect Shrine in his image. Those who followed its path would be called Dire Avengers, and his followers learned much from his skill.

Faraethil would take the name Jain Zar, and the others, Baharroth, Fuegan, and Arhra, would all become Exarchs of his temple. Their purpose defined, a new future laid out before them, once more would they set out towards unknown shores.

For many years would they travel to the newly formed Craftworlds, teaching them the Way of the Warrior. In each of these realms would a Shrine be raised to honour his teachings, and soon the Dire Avengers were present upon all Eldar lands.

Eventually, those followers who had journeyed with him the longest devised their own techniques, founding new Shrines dedicated to battle in all its various forms. These Phoenix Lords, as they came to be known, were legends made manifest, and where they travelled they brought hope and annihilation in equal kind.

Slaanesh would not be denied forever, the Fall all-consuming in its wrath...

What Had Just Begun Already Faced Its End.

The First of Many

Asur, their fabled home, had come under assault by the Dark Goddess of Desire. The wrath of Daemon and mortal folly fell upon its rent surface with glee as all perished in its path. Here did Asurmen arrive to bring battle once more against the Great Foe, and here did he stand alone amidst the tides.

Days turned into weeks as with blade he matched the feral hordes of madness. Thousands fell before him, their twisted spirits seperated from reality with careless ease as through mayhem and destruction did he soar.

His end was inevitable however, for Chaos never tires, and legend demands sacrifice for its blessing. The saviour of the Eldar, he who had brought fire to their fading lives, Asurmen passed from existence at long last.

Or so it seemed... History, however, must repeat, stories both past and present eternal in their dance. Another found his armour and blade upon the shattered sands, and once more was the Avenger reborn. His soul survived within the plates and psychic edge of his armaments, and those who bore them wore his memories as well.

Immortality achieved in its most cryptic form, legacy given its most literal manifestation, Asurmen would defend the Eldar wherever they were threatened. Timeless was he, and so were his deaths, for his life was lost countless times in defence of his people.

Each time would he return however, greater than before, for each demise merely added to the history, enhanced the memory and skill within. Vengeance, after all, cannot be stopped... Asurmen now just a tool for its deliverance.

These Final Nights

As the universe grows dark however, even heroes stand small against the coming quiet. It is said that for many years, Asurmen had travelled the Warp, delving into the Eye of Terror in his path of destruction.

Chaos could not hide from him, could not escape his fell gaze, and one by one did its most powerful servants fall before him. No victory could save them, for success against the Avenger bought only time with which to run.

This could not defend a dying race however, and the Avenger had long accepted his role as the final scream
of the already deceased. Such reaction then, as from
the depths of despair was born a new god, must have
been a sight like none other.

The Ynnari had come, their reaper faith bright
against the horror of countless atrocities suffered.
Change, not in the form of their slow collapse but in
the spirit of hope, was a strange friend to the Eldar, but
one Asurmen seized with joy.

Pledging himself to their cause, eager to pursue a goal
so similar to that which saved him from bleak
melancholy, he fought beneath the banner of one who had called him mentor long ago.

Jain Zar, rescued in ages past, now rescued him from despair. Battling the Thousand Sons and their lunatic Daemons throughout the Webway, the Avenger had been reborn. No hollow life in ancient mimicry of a legend ill-remembered, but a being of light, incandescent against the darkness.

Fate is uncertain however, and only one chance remains.

Salvation Must Be Paid In Blood.

Sword of Asur

The first of its kind, this diresword contains the soul of Asurmen's brother stored within. A legend amongst the Aeldari, its edge rends flesh and soul in equal measure.


An ingenious device of void-travelling capability, this vessel is ran by an enigmatic Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately, it is unpredictable, for the soul that powers it is in fact a piece of Asurmen's own bloodlust, ever eager to take its passenger to the next battle.

Chapter Two


He rides the winds of fury, tempest at his heel. Come the end, his storm will consume us all.

The Maelstrom

The winds may break before the eagle's wrath, but the storm follows the hawk. One brief moment of quiet as he arrives, then nothing. The end has long since passed.

Baharroth is a name that strikes fear in even the most depraved hearts of Chaos. Master of the Swooping Hawks, Phoenix of the Storm, his is a soul of sudden violence and lightning devastation.

A witness to The Fall, like all those of who share his title, the Hawk sought refuge in the fires of hate more than any other. Cataclysmic in his utter malice, Baharroth is an agent of total annihilation, a soul knowing full well the future of his demise as he marches towards it without care.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the Hawk is the most vibrant of the Phoenix Lords, brilliant in his
joy of life as he soars through a thousand skies. Little pleases him more than the feeling of wind across his
back, nor brings a smile like the thrill of battle and
its fickle fate.

Combined, this relentless fervour and prophetic doom have created a hero to the Aeldari, a being of myth whose shadow cast from on high brings hope with each beat of his wings. A symbol of victory, Baharroth stands as the final guardian against extinction, his survival the last step towards Rhana Dandra...

And The End Of The World.

The Hurricane Born

Raised amidst the Aeldari Empire, a vast dominion that crossed both space and dimension, Baharroth would be amongst those many born too late to escape the tragedy to come. The Fall they called it, a name that belied the true horror of what happened, for it was a death both terrible and alive.

For thousands of years had the Eldar lived lives of total debauchery, jaded longevity denied only by the rigorous and total exploration of sensation. Billions and then trillions of souls, craving excitement, dedicated to hedonism, would create something truly dark within the Warp.

Slaanesh it was called and long did it slumber, each day granting it further life as exultation screamed into the aether. As time passed, more and more of the Eldar, blessed and cursed with feral foresight, began to flee their homes, convinced in their hearts that the end had come.

No truer could they be, but we do not know whether Baharroth had joined their number. Lost as so much was, the histories of this Lord of War are unknown in their specifics, as existence itself was crippled by the divine.

One moment, one second, one last laugh amidst the cosmos and with a roar of delight perpetual did it awaken. Slaanesh unchained erupted into the Sea of Storms as the shockwave that followed devoured whole systems entirely.

The Aeldari Empire was consumed by malign darkness and twisted delight, the servants of disaster eager to reap from their creators such souls addictive in their taste. The passing of a single heartbeat and the Eldar were undone, driven to the brink of destruction by their own design...

An Irony Sweet Enough To Savour.

The Winds Renewed

Here, in the wreckage of greatness, did Asurmen take up the mantle of warrior. As he travelled the stars, many would follow him, and those greatest amongst them would become his finest students, killers each and peerless in their mastery of murder.

The Hawk would be one of them, from lands unknown, and this tutelage would hone his rage against Chaos into a weapon unparalleled. Brother to Maugan-Ra, the two would be raised as Exarchs of the Dire Avengers, their talents given in service to their master as he sought salvation against the apocalypse.

Compared to his kin, Baharroth was a being of golden light and divine vengeance, while the Harvester dwelt in shadow and fell horror. So different were they and yet bound by love, the two would stand fast against the forces of ruin across countless battlefields, each in perfect balance to the other.

Eventually, however, Asurmen would leave their home on Asur to spread his teachings to the fleeing craftworlds. Scattered throughout space in defence of a dying race, each of his pupils would further define their own strengths in conflict, raising in their image new shrines to their prowess.

Being the most talented student of the Avenger, Baharroth was amongst the first to achieve such status, and soon many followed his path of aerial rage. Such valour would be just the beginning however, for each hero born raises a villain to match his blades... Every Angel a Daemon in kind.

This Winter's Rage

One place in particular held importance to the Hawk, one land to which he felt connected beyond any other. It was where he had been raised, where his family now dwelt after their escape from the Fall, and his last tie to a mortality rapidly fading away.

Craftworld Anaen had become his bastion and fortress, and any egress against it was a crime against the Tempest Lord himself. Such horror then that befell this land would place darkness in the heart of any, stoke fires from embers into flame.

Rage had come, an anger unrefined in its totality and all too familiar to the Aeldari who had once sought such feeling without remorse. A vast incursion of World Eaters had carved through space in their bloodlust, eager to ravage without reason nor reprisal.

Upon the Eldar of this fabled land would they fall, depraved in their murder as axes flashed against ancient bone. Uncaring or unknowing of its legendary protector, they left only ash and ruin in their wake as memory was consigned to destruction.

It is unknown whether the Hawk stood as his family and home were put to the sword, but afterwards his rage against the Ruinous Powers knew no limit. No longer a defender of the Eldar, he was a weapon of bright hate and unfettered passion.

Sorrow followed the Hawk now, and no matter how fast he flew, he could not escape the flame...

Call of the Dead

Now an enemy of Chaos without equal, he hunted them wherever they went, stalking their champions across a thousand worlds before rending them apart. Wherever they threatened the Eldar, Baharroth would arrive, desperate to ensure no others could be claimed by their fell grasp.

Victory mattered above all else, for his failure was eternal and could never be redeemed. Each life lost was a crime against his kind, and only blood could pay back such folly and depravity.

Now, however, the game has changed. Old myths have once more awoken, signs of the final night burned into the sky as the Warp devours all once more. Ynnead, the God of Death, has awoken and his children rally now in hope of
salvation against the blight.

The Ynnari these followers are called, and to their banner has the Hawk now sworn his blade, for they represent the last chance of survival for the Eldar.
In their defence, deep within the Warp, did he fight
against the Thousand Sons and their lunatic Daemons. Against hell itself did he stand in defiance of the end and claim victory from the vile machinations of Ahriman.

Alas, such cannot be done without sacrifice, and none have seen him since. Vanishing during the battle as his blade took vengeance against insanity, many fear this spells the final breath of existence, for his death is foretold as the beginning of disaster and mortal demise.

But the Hawk will fly once more, his wings crescendo to the rising storm. Rhana Dandra comes closer every day, and only then will he pass. Chaos will not be unchallenged in their destiny, darkness will not transgress against the light....

The Tempest Will Not Cry Alone...

The Shining Blade

Forged in the fading fires of a supernova, it is said it contains within some remnant of its dying rage. Arcane in nature, those deemed impure by the blade are blinded by terrible reflections, their own souls etched forever into vision.

Baharroth's Tempest

A group of Swooping Hawks handpicked by the Phoenix Lord, these warriors prioritise speed above all else. Masters of the blinding strike, their presence elicits a primal fear from those who see only a streak of light descend upon them.

Chapter Three


Encarmine, do not fear...
It is not the blood that
shall claim you.

It will be the pyre that
takes its due.


With nothing left I remain penitent, broken and yet unbowed. In lyric there is my memory, in dream I am what's left. In war there stirs that fire burning, a choice I thought dismissed.

The Burning Lance, the End and Ire, Phoenix Lord of the Fire Dragons, Fuegan was a being rent from the apocalypse and given form. Possessed of a mastery over the flames, his was a temperament of finessed aggression and restrained destruction.

Herald of the End of Days, it is said that Fuegan will be the one to call together the Phoenix Lords in preparation for the final battle, his match that will set the galaxy ablaze. Fitting then, that he is a being of unmitigated disaster, unleashed and never contained.

Despite this, such total annihilation is not his only
sign, for he also possesses a great wisdom. An ardent believer in control through calamity, like the weapon
he wields so skillfully his devastation is wrought in the most precise manner, casualties of consequence a sin against his perfect balance.

Such is the binary life of the Burning Lance, his existence no different than the forest flame that brings life in the ash behind it. His war is not just against the end of his race, nor against the darkness wrought manifest in the stars...

It Is A War Against Himself.

The Flames Refined

Beginning his story at the end of another, Fuegan was but one soul caught up in the final nights of the Eldar Empire. As the skies erupted with eldritch fire, the voice of prophet proven true as their songs were silenced, the Aeldari crumbled into insanity.

Driven to excess by jaded boredom, their hedonistic pursuit of self-annihilation had produced a being of foul desire and unlimited excess. Slaanesh was its name, She Who Thirsts, and as its cries echoed throughout existence, the towering heights of Fuegan's people were brought to sunder by their own decadent bliss.

Propelled by terror, fleeing extinction given form, the Craftworlds erupted from the nightmare unleashed by their own hubris. Scattering throughout the stars, their survival seemed unlikely, such refuge found only prolonging an end inflicted by their own hand.

But one would rise amidst the ashes, driven forwards by decades of war against oblivion itself. Asurmen he was called, and to his banner did those possessed of similar endurance flock, their souls bright against the darkness ever growing.

Fuegan would be one of these, the Avenger his mentor as violence was taught to him amidst the ruins of his home. The land of Asur would be claimed, the first Aspect Shrine divined and raised upon its soil.

So were the Phoenix Lords born, and so begins our tale of the Burning Lance. War, terror and destruction would be the harbinger of his call, destruction the only sign of his passing. The Dragon had awoken, and not until the end of time would he once more rest his head.

Inferno was his Name

Eventually, as with all his kin, Fuegan would further refine his own style of war atop the lesson of the Avenger. Delighting in the hiss of flame, the ruin of total devastation, those who followed his path would be known as the Fire Dragons.

His philosophy was one of totality, abhorring the small measures as weak attempts to deny the end without resolution. Absolute destruction was his answer to war, no enemy left alive to later challenge nor threat left undiscovered to surprise.

This complete dedication to ruin was dangerous however, for it was a similar path walked by their forefathers before the end. In balance to its tempting depravity was a focussed and honed rage, a wisdom of
control amidst the carange.

He was not an inferno unleashed, but refined oblivion carefully selected. Annihilation with finesse as lunacy battled against self-preservation. These facets of his personal code would help keep his scions in check, and earned him great respect across the Craftworlds who saw reason in his words.

Alas, such victories earned would be faced with its greatest challenge, for the dark must ever hate the light. Betrayed by their own, surrendered to a capricious fate, the world of Asur would fall by the hand of the Great Enemy

Arriving to its embattled waste as his kin fought their final fight upon its surface, Fuegan would stand alone against the end...

The Dragon and the Final Flame.

The Fire Unquenched

Against a horde of Daemons would he fight to the last, even as others would run. Step by step, by ash and flame, Fuegan would bring annihilation to his foe, sparing nothing from his onslaught against insanity.

This was not enough, and Asur would be lost to the darkness. The Burning Lance would disappear along with its light, presumed dead upon its ravaged shores even as his legend of defiance lived on through a thousand songs.

Nothing more would be heard of him for many years, but no mere Daemon could bring low the Dragon. Throughout the Webway would he haunt his foe, appearing where breaches were made to unleash torrent flame and anger.

Within the Warp he would be known as a beast of unleashed violence, of pure carnage without pause nor celebration. Whispers of his passing would filter through the lips of the damned as forever they searched the shadows for his incandescent fury.

This would be the legacy of the flame, or so he thought. On the world of Haran would he appear once more to the Aeldari, spectacular in his cloak of cascading flame. Fighting beside his kind against a Warp Rift of terrible size, he once more invoked the fires within the Eldar heart as they sought to banish the denizens of its hellish domain.

Daemon Lords of ancient make, Princes of the Dark Demand, each fell before his balefire as their physical forms were ruptured and denied. Wading through the battlefield like a God of War forgotten, the Burning Lance speared straight towards the nightmare storm at the heart of the conflict, unending in his pursuit.

With Eldrad Ulthran by his side, he guarded the Farseer as he brought the abomination to heel, devastating a thousand bitter souls in waves of flame and rage. Finally, the battle was won and the rift was sealed. Though the cost had been great, a hero had once more returned to the Aeldari, and with it did their hearts soar in hope of salvation.

Chapter Four


Into the shadows I went, my fate eclipsed by history and its demand. My death, when it came, was just...

I fought for hope.

The few against this darkness eternal.


By the gods, you've never seen anything like it. Death from the shadows, hell come like lightning storm, the soul marvels as it is severed from the mortal coil. The Reaper catches all however, no matter how quiet, no matter how fast they run.

Irillyth the Shade of Twilight, Fae Son of Defiance and the Master of the Shadow Spectres, was a soul borne upon the wings of fate and victim to its endless craft. A guardian angel for a dying race, his dedication to the survival of his kind was unmatched even by those he called brother.

A creature of secrets, of mists and grey truth, Irillyth would hide himself away from the rest of the Eldar, battling the Great Enemy alone throughout the myriad paths of the Webway. Careful in his step, he would embody the shadow, the calm before the raging storm that, without mercy, would always answer his call.

So would he be forgotten, his children but remnants of a once great mind. Abandoned by prophecy, driven by possibility, he would surrender his existence to the
bleak song of what may come, to ensure the certainty
of those he had pledged to defend.

This is the tale of the Shade of Twilight, and perhaps all his eternal kin. No story truly ends however, no legend ever really fades, they merely grow beyond the reality until they become something greater than they once were.

So does the smallest candle cast the greatest shadow, and Irillyth has always slept within...

For The Light Grows Bright Indeed.

Cast From the Light

Born during a time of ruin, of utter collapse and depraved annihilation, Irillyth would well learn his love for the shadows as his people fled from the light that burned them down. Scattered throughout space, the end seemed imminent for the Eldar, oblivion merely delayed in its final success.

Until, that is, Asurmen arrived from the relic worlds they once claimed. Burdened from decades of brutal violence, focussed now only on war and its myriad tools, the Avenger brought hope and a last chance against the end.

Many would flock to his banner, eager to learn from this herald of war, and Irillyth would be amongst the first to join. A quick study and lethal with any weapon, the Shade of Twilight would soon become one of his most proficient students, revenant as he brought death from the fade.

Soon after would Asurmen leave to spread his knowledge across all the Craftworlds, and in his absence did those he taught perfect their own means of battle. For Irillyth, this led to a mastery of subterfuge, of a complete domination of those arts psychological and destructive.

Born again completely, he would found the Shrine of the Shadow Spectres, and though they would never spread far, the legend of both would be known to all Eldar who found deliverance come from the darkness.

At the Edge of Sight

When the fall of Asur came however, when the world upon which the Avenger had raised his shrine fell, Irillyth was not to be seen. Perhaps he fought from the shadows, as was his way, or perhaps he saw something else, something darker that drew his presence away from his kin.

For the Shade of Twilight was unique amongst the Phoenix Lords, possessed as he was of a second sight that glimpsed the future in all its terrible light. Witnessing the destruction of the Mymeara Craftworld at the hands of a race still new to existence, he set out in search of its elusive wake, vowing to allow no further Eldar to fall.

For many years would he travel through the Webway, imparting his knowledge upon those whose path he crossed. For many years he found no success in his hunt, but like a wraith did he haunt the tunnels within the Warp, besting countless Daemons as he purged all filth from its domain.

Finally, however, it appeared his end had come. A
terrible servant of Slaanesh had found entrance to
the Webway and sought to bring her minions through
to wreak havoc upon the Aeldari. Setting his ground
for this final fight, he rent apart damnation itself as the Warp screamed with rage.

The Darkness Could Not Hide From The Shadow.

Aspect Shrines

The Aspect Shrines are both physical structures and metaphysical concepts to the Aeldari being, simultaneously, a place of respite between the constant battles and a school of learning specific to its mastery. Each one teaches the skills of one particular Phoenix Lord, encouraging a complete dedication to what it offers in pursuance of the Craftworld Eldar's Path of the Warrior.

The Watchful Eye

Despite the odds arrayed against him, the endless tides of Chaos and its Prince of Sin, Irillyth would prove triumphant. Besting the Greater Daemon, banishing the beast and its servants from the hallowed halls of the Webway, he would stand alone, exhausted beyond understanding.

Passing off into slumber, the body incapable of function after such brutal conflict, his mind would be assailed by the whispers that lurked out of sight. The knowledge of what he sought would be granted to him, a final piece of strength imbued to allow him access to this most hidden portal.

With this sudden burst would he emerge on Mymeara, and it would be here that he would call home. Quickly accepted by those who dwelt in its soaring towers, the Shade of Twilight would set about training its warriors in mimicry of himself.

Eventually, however, he approached the Council of Seers that governed this world and told them truly of what he had seen. A terrible fate raced towards this world, and though fear took hold in their hearts, he promised to stand against whatever nightmare would come.

For many more days would he continue in his pledge, but the visions grew dark and feral in nature, plaguing him through waking day as well as the night. Seeing no other option, he marshalled a vast host of Eldar warriors from the Craftworld, fully half their army, and set off into the Webway to meet damnation head on.

Setting off into the Webway, through the very gate that had brought him here, he strode forth with a heavy heart. His visions had changed, the future of Mymeara no longer certain. One option stood before the Shade of Twilight, and with no other choice, he followed destinies decree.

Into the labyrinth they went and, Irillyth kept quiet a secret he now knew. None of them would survive, the safety of the Craftworld brought by their demise as they sought battle with destruction itself.

The future beyond that point was unknown, and the Shade of Twlight feared that such casulties would
doom the Craftworld anyway. Chance, however,
was better taken than certain destruction and
from this journey they would
never return.

Back home they waited
for many years, but soon
their memory
was lost, the
shadow claiming all
in the end.

The Dark Returns

But a myth cannot die, a legend cannot fall, and the Phoenix stood eternal in its fight. His soul was trapped within the plates of his armour, and though his dream soon vanished, his defiance would never fade.

To the world of Bethalmae had he travelled with his army, blades flashing against the reptilian race that dwelt there. Faced against such odds as to devour all, they succeeded in their task, even as the last of them fell to the foe.

Deep beneath the ice would he remain, his body and armour buried by time's ravaging touch. As his Shrines collapsed across the galaxy, one by one, it appeared the end for the Phoenix Lord...

But fortune favours the bold, and once more was his armour found. The last of his sons, in allegiance with a Farseer from Mymeara, found him lost beneath the tempest climate. Through arcane ritual and terrible battle they restored him once more to life, his wings burning again as the shadows answer his call.

No better time could this have happened, for the end has been signalled, the God of Dead stirring in the deep. His children answer the call to arms as the light begins to fade. The shadows are few but they must suffice. Rhana Dandra comes...

The Last Battle Before The End Of Time.

The Shadow Spectres

An Aspect Shrine dedicated to both stealth and overwhelming firepower, this Path has slowly faded from the memories of the Eldar. Utilising powerful lance weapons known as Prism Rifles, they also possessed a piece of equipment known as a Ghostlight, its function allowing them to combine their individual beams into a powerful blast of destruction.

Spear of Starlight

A beautifully crafted variant of his Aspect's Prism Blaster, this ancient device also incorporates a fell Power Glaive along its length. Designed to work well with the legendary Ghostlight, in the hands of the Phoenix Lord this weapon can destroy its foe at any range.

Chapter Five

Jain Zar

I am the hurried death, that feral fear and pain. I am the strike of lightning and the descent of storm, the wail of the banshee come once more.

The Rage Inside

Ah, such sorrow sweet prince, such despair and nothing else. Anger without focus turns upon the bearer, devours within until nothing is left. Follow then the words of the Banshee, and unleash that flame upon the world. Draw now only your rage for existence without end.

Jain Zar, the Storm of Silence, the Siren Demented, and the Phoenix Lord of the Howling Banshees, is a soul of cacophonous destruction and graceful demise. Wrought from her youth as a murderer of the highest calibre, such bloodlust knows no limits and is tempered only by the strict teachings of her mentor.

This passion for existence, the sheer "life" of her very being, pushes her to the brink of damnation, but a single step away from the tragedy of before. Such has also brought hope however, for one cannot dream without desire, and in Ynnead has Jain Zar been reborn once more.

Not just a guardian for the Eldar now, but a weapon against extinction, she wages war unending against the Great Enemy and those who would bring her people
low. A banner for those still willing to fight, the Storm
of Silence has led the Aeldari into battle a thousand
times, her wail resolute against disaster.

Now however, monsters awake to fight these legends, and the Siren has little strength left to give. The Tyrant Night comes forth once more and hope may not be enough to stave off its shadow. Regardless, her path will not end until the End of Days itself, blade drawn and blood burning...

The Banshee Cries Again.



Alive before the end
of all that she would know, Jain
Zar witnessed firsthand the
collapse of her entire race. Born on
the world Eidafaeron to the name of Faraethil,
she, more than any, was prepared for the nightmare
to come.

Raised as a Hekatarri, the Banshee had spent her orphaned youth in practice of violence, in perfection of that brutal skill that danced somewhere between murder and art. A gladiator, essentially, she spent many years slaughtering her way through beast and warrior alike, all for the pleasure of her lunatic kin.

When the Fall came, when those depraved joys of the Eldar brought ruin upon their very souls, Jain Zar would watch as the skies split open in Daemonic fury. As the screams of a new-born god filled the very air, little changed in her view, for the blood and slaughter that now stalked her race was but the life she had always known before.

Trapped still within the arena, little option nor desire to go elsewhere, her master and their enraptured allies continued to ply her with foes, feeding off the destruction she wrought even as destruction brought its toll upon them.

The Dark Eldar would be the title her captors would one day earn, the Drukhari who continued along the paths of old, but for now nothing changed. Even as Daemons sought carnage in the very streets she walked, her life was the blade and the dance of death she practiced every day amidst the ruin.

Eventually, however, that most feral enemy of the Eldar raised its ugly head. Boredom, apathy and jaded denial sought solace in her soul as she found herself less a warrior and more an executioner for those enemies of her master deemed too danger to live.

Faced with no greater challenge, nor hope for such to come, she fled into the darkness. Here would she eventually meet Asurmen, and though it meant little at first, such fated chance would define the very future of the Eldar.


At first, Asurmen appeared
nothing more than a weak soul, trapped within an
ancient temple belonging to gods she had never known. On the verge of suicide, her arrival and deceitful claims of innocence stayed his hand from such finality.

This solitary Eldar shunned her however, and with little reason to stay, she ventured off into the wilds of her world. Surrounded by Daemons and hunted by her former master, she barely survived in this nightmare made flesh.

Eventually, her past would catch up with her, located finally by those who once held her chain. With no other choice, she fled to that fane of forgotten gods, finding herself surprised to discover that Asurmen still lived within its halls.

The Hekatarri

Originally a gladiatorial society set up during the heights of the Eldar Empire, after the Fall they became further obsessed with bloodshed and spectacle. Known now as the Wych Cults, they are a group of female warriors dedicated to the most dizzying displays of martial skill and delightful violence, supplying the endless Drukhari need for anguish in exchange for slaves and wealth from their Kabal sponsors.

Sweet Does the Siren Sing

Her back against the wall, her demise imminent in the face of such riotous violence, Jain Zar brought forth her finest performance. Even this would not be enough however, and only the arrival of Asurmen from within his halls brought victory against the forces of malice.

Bonded through murder, Asurmen took Jain Zar under his wing, realising that her wanton rage and homicidal focus would only doom her in the end. Granting upon her the name she now bears, the two took to the stars in search of solace and redemption.

Here would she practice, refining that berserk edge that had served her so well... and almost ended her life before it had begun. Over time she became a peerless swordsmen, and as more joined their voyage, her skill became renowned throughout the lands they travelled.

Eventually would they come to a barren moon. Naming it Asur, they settled here and further honed their craft, creating in principle the first of the Aspect Shrines that would later dominate the Eldar way of war.

Asurmen would eventually leave this world to spread the knowledge he had learned, and in their solitude would each of his most talented students devise their own Aspects. Jain Zar would create the Howling Banshees, and in her travels would she spread such lore far and wide.

For Her Cry Would Be Heard A Thousand Times.

Of Sorrow's Song

The hope of Asur would not last forever however, and eventually would its land know the baleful touch of Chaos. Many died in its destruction, and though the Phoenix Lords came as they could, there is no mention of the Banshee in its terrible collapse.

With her home gone however, Jain Zar would double her efforts against the darkness, fighting constantly across a thousand worlds. More so than any of her kin, the Siren would lead the Eldar into battle, her daughters lunatic in endless fury as their blades wept blood and pain.

On the Maiden World of Killiak would she be seen, leading a force of a hundred Banshees against the Imperials who dared despoil its surface. Slaughtering her way through the foe, none would survive her passing as she left desolation in her wake.

Such conflict and glorious success would be common in her legend, her wail commanding strength from those who fought beside her. The most terrible battles fought however, are dark things indeed, but reminders of how close her species stands to extinction.

It would be against the Night Lords that she would face a foe unlike any other, for these madling lords knew fear as well as she. Prophecy had been made however, a Seer from amongst their damned ranks would unite the Sons of Spite and bring ruin to the world of Ulthwé.

On the world of Tsagualsa would they meet, a land of legend and memory to the Haunter's Children. Butchering those Imperial Citizens who had come to colonise its surface, the Night Lords quickly found themselves under assault by a host of Banshee's and their revenant queen.

Casulties on both sides were terrible, and Jain Zar faced the end against the witch, blades drawn amidst the carnage. Though she would prove successful in her hunt, so too would he, for her body lay as broken and rent as his.

Dread Incarnate

Amidst the rain-soaked surface had they clashed for many hours, ancient rage from different suns playing out in full amidst the music of blade and bullet. Wounds on both to slay a lesser soul, the Seer would accept his fate at the very end.

Talos was his name, and with a sword through the heart would he detonate his grenades, claiming both of them in the fury of flame and engineered destruction. Such mattered little to Jain Zar however, for death was inevitable and life had been restored to the lands of Ulthwé, damnation delayed for now.

The Banshee would eventually be restored, such sacrifice simple for a being that lived on memory and not flesh. Her armour was recovered and once more did another take up the role she had held.

Annihilation, however, waits always at the edge of sight, watching for that moment to strike. Each year that passed grew closer to the end and when Biel-Tan came under assault from the blades of Dark Gods, once more did she march towards war.

Against the Masque of Slaanesh and Skarbrand himself did she dance into battle, each step laden with promise as tortured souls were split before her. Such carnage would once have been wrought into song, but the night had grown dark, and such torments and danger had become common in the blighted lands around them.

Victory would be hers, but such cost paid could never be recovered. Resplendent in her prowess, she realised that one soul cannot stand against the end alone.

The Howling Banshees

An Aspect Shrine dedicated to the madness of close-quarter combat and to terrible fear, this path is one of the most common amongst the Eldar Craftworlds. Relying on acrobatic grace over heavy armour, their fell blades have become iconic, as have the masks that unleash such sound as to drive terror into the sternest hearts.

The Dead Awaken

With the birth of Ynnead however, there came a new chance for the Aeldari. A weapon against the Great Enemy, a strength to stand and fight one last time, Jain Zar saw little choice for her people but to kneel before this divine darkness and swear fealty.

Desperation perhaps, obsession driven to the point of no other option, it mattered not. Accepting of his power, zealous in her belief, Jain Zar would be reborn once more, a true avatar of her deities will. Manifest now in form, she championed the cause of the Ynnari across a hundred worlds and more as she sought to make her people ready for the end.

Recognising the danger this new god presented, or merely spiteful that another would take dominion within the Warp, the Chaos Gods would not rest easy against his ascent. The force of Ynnari who sought refuge in the Webway came under assault by Ahriman, Sorcerer-Lord of the Thousand Sons.

Facing destruction, salvation against their oldest myth came from the legends they had hailed for so very long. The Phoenix Lords emerged into the labyrinth, weapons drawn and eager for battle.

Banshee howl and sibilant death would be her message to this ancient foe, murder a companion since she had been born. With speed and grace she held strong against the tides of madness, and through her rage did the Eldar escape once more into the shadows of their home.

Alas, it appeared that such would be the end for Jain Zar, for she had disappeared alongside her kin. The tunnels in which they had fought had devoured the Phoenix Lords, and removed one more light from the galaxy...

Or So It Seemed.

What Could Have Been

Vanished without a trace, the Eldar continued on their fight without her, their battles quiet now without the Banshee's cry. When Saim-Hann was attacked however, when the Ynnari once more faced destruction at the hands of their twisted brothers, Jain Zar returned to the fray.

Out of a forgotten Webway Gate held in the heart of the world, Drazhar emerged at the head of a host of warriors. Death was their only goal, the murder of Yvraine at the behest of the fell Archon who ruled in Commorragh, and with the fabled skill for which he was known, he set about his task without pause.

The edge of his blade span endless through the air, its aim upon his target. Quicker than lightning, faster than thought, the glaive descended towards Yvraine's neck...

As it clashed against metal as ancient as he. Jain Zar had come, and they began a dance unlike any other, each step one of lethality, each strike measured and precise.

Faced with a Phoenix Lord of old, Drazhar began his retreat through the Webway, followed and harassed by the Banshee wherever he went. Across the span of the Eldar Empire did they travel, every breath measured by the beat of blade against blade.

Finally would they face in the ruined city of Aelindrach, a broken realm within Commorragh once home to the mighty Shaa-Dom. Here in its Daemonic filth did the Drukhari ambush Jain Zar, matching her fabled skill with ease as he split in her twain.

Cut down within these haunted towers, Drazhar believed her truly dead, for her soul could not leave its barren walls. Death, however, was ruled by another now, and Ynnead would not see his champion slain so easily.

Bringing her back from the twilight void, he imbued within the Banshee a portion of his own power and a call for death against the Incubi Champion who had brought her low. Such challenge would not wait long, for Drazhar could not abide his victim's escape from darkness, and hunted the Siren down to finish what he had begun.

Once more did the two meet, once more did battle take place as motion matched grace without pause. Unable to best the Drukari in skill, such blessings by the God of Death had brought her power unmatched by her kind.

For the first time in his life, the Incubi was
defeated, and without celebration nor applause did
his soul flee his broken form, the dread master
slain at last...

This Final Night

This would not be the last battle of the Phoenix
Lord however, for the enemies of the Ynnari were
legion. Chaos, Eldar, Imperial and Xenos, all wished
darkness upon their journey and the greatest
champions of their foes strode forth to meet them.

Slaanesh hungers eternal for their soul, desires and demands their total destruction. On the world of Iathglas were they assaulted again by Shalaxi Helbane, and this figment illusion proved almost too much to bear for the Swords of the Dead.

What hope then is there, against the darkness that comes? None perhaps, but fight on they will, for too long have they fled. The Eldar will once more claim their glory, once more remind all that their power cannot be ignored.

They Will Burn Bright In This Final Night.

Mask of Jain Zar

The original device worn by the Howling Banshees, this piece amplifies the wearers cry into a sonic assault capable of slaying those who hear it. Those lucky enough to survive know fear however, for death has come for them at last.

Zhai Morenn

Known also as "The Blade of Destruction", this
long-hafted weapon is amongst the most potent Eldar
blade to exist. Forged long ago, its power remains still,
and with debilitating speed can it rend armour and flesh alike.

Jainas Mor

Known as "The Silent Death", this unusual throwing weapon was forged in the strange fires of the Warp, tempered by science not real or understood. Black rage dances endless along its edge as each throw returns it to its bearers hands.

Chapter Six


Within the darkness we linger, lost and never found. One single moment passes, and then nothing...

Our blades leave nought behind.

Of Shadow Made

Raised in the crucible of war, tutored by shadow and sin. What more could we expect from our scorpion, than that he would turn upon his own. Watch now, and wait, for he was poisoned the first time he stepped forth to do battle against the night.

Karandras, the Shadow Hunter, the Ever-Venom, and the Master of the Striking Scorpions, is the darkness behind much of the Eldar's might. Grim and relentless, his history is plagued with doubt and tragedy, wrought with kin-strife and rebellion.

Forced to battle with his aspect's rage and need for violence, Karandras is a figure caught between damnation and salvation, promising hope even as he teaches the very hell they seek to escape. Such has earned him a fell reputation, salvaged only by his loyalty to Asurmen, but one that is forever examined for fear the student does not stray far from the master.

Such dichotomy perhaps best reflects the dangers of the Eldar's existence, for though feared for his talents, none would ever turn his help away. A legendary killer, a
ruthless assassin, from the dark does he arrive without celebration or love, only to vanish once the war is over.

Such is the life of the Scorpion, betwixt murder and survival, hope and destruction. A necessary evil perhaps, a monster called upon for the darkest of days.

Or perhaps he is the end of a dying race...

A Venom for the Soul.

From Whence They Came

The origins of Karandras are murky at best, containing mostly myth and legend rather than fact, perhaps unsurprising for the Prince of a Shrine devoted to shadows and their work. Raised during the Fall of the Eldar, that grim time when their once galaxy-spanning empire fell upon itself in a glut of sensation and self-destruction, the Scorpion emerged from a Craftworld unknown, lost now perhaps or hidden far from the eyes of the enemy.

He joined Asurmen later than most, serving beneath a figure most terrible. Ahrha he was called, founder of the Striking Scorpions, and even during this terrible time was he considered a bleak soul, dark and destructive in nature.

Here did Karandras learn the art of stealth and murder, proving himself an exemplary student in the feral works of battle. An Exarch in short order, his skill was sublime but not unusual amongst his kind, and though destiny had chosen him, no sign could be seen that he would rise above all others and claim the throne of his father.

Time would pass however, and though it seemed like the Aeldari would be safe from extinction, at least for now, the Striking Scorpions began to sink further into the very lunacy they sought to escape. Murderous rage and all-consuming violence began to devour the Shrine, as Ahrha furthered his path into madness and annihilation.

Eventually, as the stories say, the curtains opened and the Dark Father would reveal himself. The Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions turned upon his brethren, summoning forth a vast army of Daemons to bring ruin to the Aeldari, sundering the First Shrine so carefully constructed by Asurmen.

Though the battle was terrible, and many legends were made, the sickness thick within the Striking Scorpions proved too strong to resist, and their work shattered the legacy of the Phoenix Lords. Ahrhra himself disappeared however, vanishing into the Webway with his followers, leaving only the ashes of a once singular hope behind.

Shattered they Stand

Few of those benighted Aspect Warriors remained, who had once pledged loyalty to the Fallen Phoenix. Amongst them was Karandras, and though he was not the most skilled in battle, nor the most talented in the arts of stealth, he arose as a new leader for the broken Shrine.

Espousing restraint and discipline amidst the carnage, desperately trying to cleave back control from the inferno, he rebuilt the Striking Scorpions from the ground up, diverging from the brutal path lay down by his forefather.

Across the Craftworlds would he travel, bringing warning of the shadow, standing as a living symbol of the darkness that still waited to claim the refugees amidst the stars. Temple by temple, Shrine by Shrine, Karandras brought revelation and sanctuary to those battling the sickness in their hearts, undoing the harm caused by one who had fallen further than any.

Recognised for his work, though still feared for the legacy of his kind, Karandras was named the new Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions, for the Path he taught was far different than the lessons of old. Though named hero and saviour by a dying race, the damage had already been done. No longer would the shadows bring comfort to the Eldar, no longer would the darkness be free of the terrors of old.

As the Night Calls

Time would pass however, and so would Karandras earn his title. Battle after battle, war after war, the Striking Scorpions would appear as though mist, leaving behind only bloody murder and brutal death in their wake.

Quiet and restrained, a thousand years, and a thousand more, silently would they watch from the night. History, however, is often want to repeat, and as the galaxy spiralled towards its own annihilation, so too would the Aeldari find themselves on the precipice once more.

Amidst the ruins of an ancient Craftworld named Zandros would Arhra finally emerge. Hunted down by those he had abandoned, a terrible battle ensued between the Fallen Phoenix and Karandras, their blades clashing amidst a world forgotten and abandoned.

No pitched war was this, no grand conflict of gleaming armour and swirling pennant, but instead a brutal and violent struggle, dancing between ambush and murder. No crevice could be ignored, no doorway dismissed, as the two faces of destruction sought the others end without mercy.

Darkness is often strongest, however, with nothing to lose. The Striking Scorpions were skilled, their master legendary, but the prowess of the Incubi and their father was without equal. Each body dropped, each tear of blood spilt, and their rage grew onwards like a furnace flame fed.

Realising success would not be his, Karandras turned instead to those tactics that had earned him fame. Ordering his soldiers to depart, he baited Ahrha into chasing him, leading him onwards for seventeen day and seventeen nights.

Frustrated at every turn by this master of shadow, Ahrha followed relentlessly, falling further into madness each step that he took. Finally, however, he cornered his former apprentice, and struck out a killing blow to end this rivalry forevermore.

And yet, there was nothing, no sound, no feeling, just metal against dying bone. Melting into the shadows, Karandras escaped the clutches of his foe, a final taunt that drove the fallen Phoenix into madness. There had been only silence on Zandros for so very long, and once more would their be silence again, as Ahrha turned on his followers in frenzy beyond control or restraint.

The Foe Within

So successful, one would perhaps be safe to assume
that the Striking Scorpions had at long last paid for
their crimes. The darkness talks however, the night
stirs... A God of the Dead has come forth into life, and
the Aeldari now face a new struggle... One from within.

Pledging himself to the newly formed Ynnari, Karandras would disappear along with his kin, battling against She Who Thirsts within the Webway for one final chance at salvation. The darkness fades fast, the shadows retreat as a new dawn approaches.

None know now where the Scorpion rests, but at this final hour amidst the end of days, it is certain he will return. The Great Foe marshalls its strength once more, never looking behind it in certainty that it shall succeed. Such ego, however, is how the greatest shall fall, such ignorance where the truth can be found... Without knowing do they tread towards the Scorpion...

Without Knowing they Tread Towards their Doom.

Scorpion's Bite

The pinnacle of the designs creation, the Scorpion's Bite is to a Mandiblaster what a Power Sword is to a knife. Capable of rending even Terminator Armour, it is a fearsome tool of devastating and sudden death.

Chapter Seven

Maugan Ra

Laugh friend, the storm cares
not for your tears.

The Danse Macabre

ear... That lingering doubt so often accompanied by the silence before war. No sound but the heartbeat, no movement but the nervous stare. You wait, and wait, and wait, but there is no warning... The scream the last thing you hear.

The Harvester of Souls he is called, and well earned is this name, for Maugan Ra is the fell shadow of the Eldar's spite. A mocking figure of merciless death, the Reaper stalks the Webway without caution, bringing annihilation to those who do not see his shadow pass.

Always an outsider, Maugan Ra would teach those who followed his path the art of murder from afar. Bewitched by the occult, enchanted by designs of a terrible nature, he was the mirror darkly to the noble knights of Asurmen, a revenant reflection of their hopeful ideals cast in terror and blood.

His bleak mien hides a loyalty to the Eldar beyond reproach however, for though he wears malice as another would wear a cloak, he has stood against the darkest of foes without concern for his soul. The brother of Baharroth, the Cry of the Wind, these two have held the line against extinction time and time again.

No thanks are needed by the Reaper, no adulation or worship. He arrives to the storm of battle, relishing each crack of fire, every scream of pain, an incarnate figure of destruction without equal. As soon as the silence falls however, so too does Maugan Ra depart, once more into the Webway in search of the thunder he craves eternal.

So Walks Tragedy, Content to be Alone.


Like many of
the Phoenix
Lords, Maugan Ra
bore witness to the Fall of the
Eldar, saw with his own eyes the
collapse that would herald the very end of
his people. Fortunate enough to have escaped
the stars that would devour themselves in a blitz of
chaotic rage, the Reaper would begin his new life upon the Craftworld Altansar, though fortune would not describe the future his path would take.

Cast astray amidst the uncaring void, the Eldar despaired, for all that they had sought to create had come undone. Hunted through the night by Daemons of their own creation, their survival seemed fleeting, their last attempt to escape but a mere obstacle against extinction.

It was the arrival of Asurmen, however, that brought hope to a hopeless world. Raising high the banner of defiance, he sought out those who would fight against the end, and trained them in those arts of battle he had mastered.

Amongst the many who flocked to his side were Maugan Ra and his brother, Baharroth. Both proved themselves worthy in the eyes of their lord, both as different from one another as night and day. Already succumbing to the melancholic humour, the Reaper proved adept at destruction from afar, raining down punishing volleys of fire with a thousand different weapons and more.

Such eclectic disdain for the beauty of the martial form saw Maugan Ra distance himself from the others, his delight at the various cruel devices designed to kill from a distance sinister to those Eldar recently escaped from their sadistic past.

Such did not concern the Reaper however, for his way was always to walk alone. His training completed, his duty done, he returned home once more to Altansar, to watch over his family as an Exarch of Asurmen's will.

Our story could not end there, not in the bliss of peaceful vigilance. A glitch in the void and the Eye of Terror reached out, devouring Altansar without care nor concern.

A Gallows


As the storm devoured his home of old, Maugan Ra would not retreat. Against damnation, against the tides of Chaos and the laughter of a thousand darkest thoughts would he hold the line. None can say how far the Reaper fell into the frenzy, how many he slew in a hopeless war against their great mistake, but eventually would he step back.

Retreating from his world, consigned as it was to death, Maugan Ra disappeared into the tunnels beneath the Warp, lacking any tether to sanity or caution. Appearing without reason across a hundred worlds, he began to teach those he found of the Arts Macabre.

For fear was weapon, as potent as any blade, and with Asurmen's demise at the hands of Daemon and treachery, many were willing to turn to the tools of the enemy in order to survive. The Dark Reapers they were named, and their legacy was one of shadow and debauched bloodshed.

So named the Maugetar, this discipline would prove effective in a galaxy torn apart by war. Armed with an eclectic array of powerful weapons, steadfast in their devotion to destruction, the Dark Reapers and their master would safeguard the future of the Eldar...

Would Sing Destruction into Form.

The Smiling Knight

Maugan Ra would proceed to appear in all manner of conflicts throughout the years, even those that bore little relevance to the Eldar race. On Stormvald would he arrive, holding off the combined force of Hive Fleet Leviathan as he brought calamity to the Tyranid threat. For what reason he appeared is unknown, perhaps prophecy or mere delight in the slaughter, but his actions brought salvation against the enemy, their corpses piled high before the unending hail of devastation he so casually wrought.

Later still would the Reaper clash against the Tyranids, defending Craftworld Iyanden from the Devourer as he fought amidst the shade-haunted towers of the Wraith-World. To the tune and shrieks of the haunted dead, Maugan Ra appeared and vanished amidst the sweeping halls, decimating those caught in his eldritch sight, leaving only a smiling mask as memory to his work.

Relentless was he, and Iyanden was saved, as were countless others by his bloody craft. All that fought beneath his gaze however, did so at a bloody cost, none free from the tragedy that was the Reaper's past.

Even Alaitoc, one of the most powerful Craftworlds, was not free from the horror he brought. Besieged by the Imperium of Mankind, blamed for the actions of their dark kin in Commorragh, the Craftworld struggled beneath a storm of retributive fire.

Once more haunting the arcane lands of his people, Maugan Ra would prove to be a devastating force of nature, obliterating those who dared step into the open, rending vehicle and marine apart with gleeful ease.

Such violence could not be the answer however, for the Eldar were a dying race and though led by the Phoenix Lords into a glut of frenzy and delightful battle, humanity knew no end nor regret in its search of war.

Though the Reaper took his toll upon the foe, eventually it was words that eased this violent outbreak, leaving both sides ruined beyond repair, both sides broken before the spectre of death.

A Shadowed Return

Hope, however, is a fickle thing, as eager to lure the hollow as break the virtuous. So long alone and abandoned, Maugan Ra had never once turned from his search for his home. When the Eye of Terror awoke, when the Warmaster marshalled the armies of Chaos to battle once more, the Reaper saw his chance. To the clarion calls of the 13th Black Crusade, Maugan Ra dived into the Eye of Terror, vacant now as it was before the war unending before it.

It cannot be known how long he spent wandering the endless depths of madness, how many battles he fought against ancient beasts and lingering insanity. Countless adventures were had as the galaxy burned in flames, all in search of solace, of an end to a grief held for a thousand years and more.

Eventually he would find it, the cradle of his birth, the remnant of his past long abandoned into the sickening womb of creation. Their survival, however, was not to be expected, for somehow they had endured within the halls of these terrible gods, endured and prospered amidst storms of primordial might.

Plunging their Craftworld out of the storm, he led them into battle once more, tearing into the forces of Chaos and securing victory for the Eldar of Ulthwé.

A Homecoming Eclipsed

As Chaos wrought havoc upon the material plane, the return of Altansar was met not with joy as some would expect, but with concern and doubt. Though instrumental in the plight of the Aeldari against the Great Enemy, there was much about these survivors that could not be explained.

The Seer Councils met and talked, their debate echoing back and forth without change. They were different, they saw, hollow hearted and armoured, never once removing their helmets even outside of battle. Every word they spoke was whispered, a quite murmur that sent shivers down the spine, and they spoke of strange things from stranger times.

None, the Council argued, could spend so long within the darkness and return unscathed. Such complaints fell on deaf ears however, for Maugan Ra was not one to be denied. His people had returned once more to the living,
his home resurrected from the myths of time.

With his hope restored, Maugan Ra continued
the battle against Chaos, aided now by his
grim family who stalk from the shadows in
silence, relentless in their implacable

The Final Sigh

But such delight would be short-lived. From the midst of such brutal bloodletting would be born a god of nought and nothing, a master of death above even the Reaper himself. Sworn to him would be the Ynnari, and to them would Maugan Ra lend his aid, seeing at last a single light for a race hollow from suffering.

Into the Webway would he vanish, along with many of his kin, battling against Slaanesh to buy but a moments time for one last chance at salvation. Dead he cannot be however...

For Death Catches Not The


A titanic Shruiken Cannon designed carefully with a powerful blade along its barrel, its legacy is one of death. Forged by Kaeleth-Tul after a terrible battle with a Keeper of Secrets, it is an engine of destruction capable of rending flesh, armour and machine with equal ease.

Chapter Eight


...Screamed out the flames of Chaos, devouring all yet never him. Master of the eldritch storm, abandoned of himself...

A Shade to Eyes

So sweet, the sorrow drawn like blades of battle. No rust to mark the metal, no mar to harm the steel, each step like music before the last. I saw him truly however, coiled deep beneath the skin. A serpent screaming without rhyme nor reason, a master of the end alone.

The Fallen Phoenix of Disregard, the Drought of Hope, the Master of Blades, each and all a title worn by a single being, hated and pitied in equal measure. Arhra, Phoenix Lord of the Striking Scorpions and bearer of the Dark Flame of Chaos.

Once one of a bare few who stood between the Aeldari and total ruination, his is a legend of betrayal and treason, though of whom, and what, only the gods truly know. A hero in the eyes of the bleak scions of murder and spite, a bastard foe to those clinging to their desperate path of control, all that remains is the battle, and few can claim equal to this warrior born.

Described only in the most sinister light, Arhra stood between the dawn and dusk, holding court with both discipline and the wild violence running thick through
his veins. Desperate times however, called for desperate measures, and as the tides of extinction pulled close upon this ancient race, few would deny help, even from this most fell of friends.

Such could not remain however, and arguments kept quiet would scream to the fore. Rejecting of the cynical path his kindred would take, Ahrha clove to unity through destruction and allegiance through war. His path was one of totality, to live as one needed to live, to survive no matter the cost...

To Die in Ruin and Ash.

Follows Disaster...

The world ended, the skies filled with ash and smoke, the very coils of existence unravelled. The Fall of the Eldar was one of sudden momentum and riotous applause, as the universe itself collapsed inwards in a scream of anguish and torment, the compiled sins of a single race imploded upon them with fury and rage.

Those few who escaped upon the errant Craftworlds soared free into a galaxy uncaring of their being, hunted down by their creation through the tides of madness and laughter. Their Doom, fast as it approached, appeared inevitable, and despair clung heavy to each breath taken.

This was not to be, however, for one would rise to the challenge. Asurmen he was called, and from his teachings did the Eldar learn a new way to wage war, to ensure the survival of their physical form without sacrificing their soul.

Many flocked to his banner, sat in tutelage before him, and learned all that they could from his ways. Such was the beginning of the Aspect Warriors, and those amongst them who proved greatest would go on to found their own Shrines, each a master of battle in their particular way.

These became known as the Asurya, and each became known as a legend. Perhaps greatest amongst their number was Ahrha, The Father of Scorpions, whose skill with the blade was near unmatched, and whose arts of stealth and cunning subterfuge were peerless amidst the lightless worlds that surrounded them.

Alas, to spend so long in the shadow is to eventually fear the light, and Ahrha became bitter. A broken soul of sinister tastes, his brutality escalated with each battle fought, the joy of murder exciting far past the need to kill. It would not be long, it seemed, before he fell too far.

Between Life and Death

This sickness slowly infesting the Fallen Phoenix soon began to infect those he taught. The Striking Scorpions as they were known soon became relentless in their search for battle, delighting in the mayhem caused by their bloody work.

Many began to see parallels between the Dark Father and the Aeldari of old, those whose actions had led to the Fall and whose needless search for ever crueller sensation had doomed them all. Known to those on the Craftworlds as the "Path of Damnation", his continuance towards such nihilistic bliss began to cause greater and greater concern.

Eventually, spurned too long, despised for his nature and loathed for his views, Ahrha turned upon his family. Aided by his followers, he called upon a great storm in the Warp and pulled forth those Daemons who had hounded them for centuries.

Unleashed in full, he launched an invasion against the First Shrine, that bastion of Asurmen that stood as a testament to survival against the end of their line. Here he did battle with the Phoenix Lords and their servants, rent blade and broken heart in conflict unending upon the last hope of a dying race.

None could stand before him, a pinnacle of murderous art whose strength grew with each corpse added to the blood-slick ground. Elegant in form, a dancer amidst his ruined stage, the brutality unleashed could not be chained and the First Shrine was devoured by Chaos, the Aeldari shattered and forced to flee from their mirror darkly. So victorious, Arhra fled into the Webway, The Fallen Phoenix of Chaos, a champion of darkness unequalled...

Or So They Say.

An Honourable Treason

The Eldar of the Fallen City, the Drukhari, scions of Commorragh, have a very different story to tell. They speak of one who saw danger in the path Asurmen tread, his blind view of how things should be, his willingness to abandon those who did not agree with his path, nothing but treachery and ignorance destined to doom them further.

They claim that Arhra sought an alliance between the various Aeldari, demanded a balance between the disciplined nature of the Crafworlds and the excess emblazoned within the hearts of their fell cousins.

Such words of caution were ill-met by his kin however, his advice shunned and himself banished from their sight. So scorned, he began to teach his followers the true path, one of self-control, but not of denial. He allowed only the strongest to serve him, revelling in the riot of battle while never losing himself to the rage within.

Balance he called it, traitor they called him, and when the stars of Chaos awoke once more, he strode to battle alone and abandoned. Chaos, he saw, was collapse, and no greater foe against the Laughing Gods had there ever been.

For days he fought the Daemons, wrought havoc against them as each day he lost ground before their advance. A poet in motion, an avatar of war, hell itself broke against his blade a thousand times and a thousand times again.

The battle, however, had only one result. No heroes came to aid him, no allies stood beside the Fallen Phoenix, and each wound suffered merely hastened the end inevitable. The First Shrine fell, Arhra wounded beyond repair, his body aflame with the light of Chaos that sought to devour him. With no other choice, he fled into the Webway, turning his back upon those he had once called family.

Arriving in Commorragh, he founded the Incubi and taught them all he could, never once removing the mask that hid his ever-burning gaze. He became the first Hierarch of the Temple of Blades, and when his children had learned all that they could, he bid they prove their worth.

In battle he fought them, and in the callous conflict did many fall, but eventually Arhra was slain, his soul shattered and absorbed by those who remained. A last sacrifice, so that his lessons would never be forgotten.

A Truth Unknown

It is difficult to parse the truth from fiction, for so long ago did it occur that none may ever know. Those few who bore witness to the day of reckoning remain tight-lipped and silent, their judgement kept to themselves alone.

But all is not as it seems, for many claim Arhra still lives. Some whisper that the Dark Father was never slain, that he leads still the Incubi Temples from the shadows as the Hierarch above all.

Others talk still of a silent warrior who emerged from the shadows. Drazhar is his name, a blade without match, who slew all who challenged him without pause nor break of sweat. His title but a lie, his origin unknown, he appears relaxed in his role, an executioner of the highest order, content to kill and kill without mercy or respite.

Like all Phoenix Lords his legacy remains intact however, his story incomplete until they exist no more. The God of the Dead calls now to all who would serve him...

And Perhaps his Shadow Answers.


1: Unknown
2: Unknown
3: Asurmen: Hand of Asuryan Cover
4: Dire Avenger Exarch by Alexandr Elichev
5: Unknown
6: Harlequin Cover
7: Unknown
8: Iron Hands Space Marines vs Alaitoc Eldar by Jose Daniel Cabrera Peña
9: Unknown
10: Unknown
11: Unknown
12: Unknown
13: Swooping Hawks Fanart by MarekDolata
14: Unknown
15: Eldar Fire Dragon by David AP
16: Unknown
17: Fire Dragons by SLIMEfaces
18: Unknown
19: Shadow Spectres by Vincent Devault
20: Unknown
21: Eldar Iybraesil Shadow Specter Exarch by Nictanova
22: Unknown
23: Eldar Shadow Spectres by Arhicks
24: Unknown
25: Blood of the Phoenix Cover
26: Jain Zar vs Succubus by Alex Cristi
27: Storm of Silence Cover
28: Eldar by Maewix
29: Banshee by OptionalTypo
30: Unknown
31: Unknown
32: Eldar Codex (5th Edition) by Games Workshop
33: Striking Scorpion by Jorge Momparler
34: Stalking the Prey by RazydaArt
35: Striking Scorpion by Mikhail Savier
36: Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra by DarkCrusader40
37: Unknown
38: Unknown
39: Unknown
40: Unknown
41: Eldar Faction Splash by DiegoGisbertLlorens
42: Incubi 2 by Beckjann
43: Unknown
44: Unknown
45: Unknown


Please enjoy this complete installment of the Phoenix Lord Lore Posts by Jackeyblob. If you have any suggestions on where to go next, please don't hesitate to message me your idea.