College of the Yo-Yo

by Assasinine

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College of the Yo-Yo

A yo-yo is a toy consisting of an axle connected to two disks, and a string looped around the axle, similar to a spool. It is played by holding the free end of the string known as the handle, allowing gravity to spin the yo-yo and unwind the string. The player then allows the yo-yo to wind itself back to their hand, exploiting its spin.

But a yo-yo can be so much more than that. It is an art form, a tool of entertainment and skill. Many train for years and never make it past the most simple tricks. There are subtle nuances and many styles of play, requiring extreme focus and determination to handle.

Bards of the College of Yo-yoing travel far and wide, amazing all with extravagant binds, complicated combos, and hypnotizing looping techniques.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of the Yo-Yo at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in woodcarver's tools, smith's tools, and Performance. If you are already proficient in performance, you gain proficiency in another skill of your choice.


You have begun to learn the art of yoing. At 3rd level, during a long rest, you can use woodcarver's tools or smith's tools to craft a yo-yo and you are considered proficient in checks and attacks made with it. Your yo-yo is compatible with spells such as Booming Blade and Green Flame-Blade. You can use your Charisma in place of Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls made with your yo-yo.

You use your yo-yo to inspire people. When you do, the creature has to be able to see you instead of hear you.

When your yo-yo is made, it is specialized for one of the following styles of play:

Responsive. When making a melee weapon attack, your yo-yo deals 1d6 bludeoning damage and has the finesse, reach, and light properties.

After you attack with the yo-yo, you can make a melee weapon attack again as a bonus action on the same turn. The damage die of this bonus attack is 1d4, instead of 1d6.

Unresponsive. When making a melee weapon attack, your yo-yo deals 1d6 (1d8) bludeoning damage and has the finesse, reach, light, and versatile properties.

Off-String. When making a melee or ranged weapon attack, your yo-yo deals 1d6 bludeoning damage and has the finesse, range (15/30), and light properties.

After making a ranged attack with your yo-yo, you can magically return it to your hand (no action required).

Defensive Arcs

You can react to incoming danger, intercepting it with your yo-yo. Beginning at 3rd level, when you are hit with an attack roll and you are holding a yo-yo, you can use your reaction to spend one use of your Bardic Inspiration dice. When you do so, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your charisma modifier, potentially turning a hit into a miss.

You cannot spend your reaction in this way if you don't see the attack coming.

Repeater Combo

At 6th level you learn how to combine tricks into stunning displays of violence. Every time you make a successful attack with your Yo-Yo, you can make another attack against any target within range, but must take a -2 penalty to your roll. The penalty stacks with each consecutive hit until you miss an attack. After completing the repeater combo, you may inspire a creature that can see you within 60 ft, giving them one of your Bardic Inspiration dice. This does not cost a bonus action, but you may not inspire another creature until your next turn.

Yo-yo master

You can feel the power of those watching you, cheering you on and helping you to attack. Starting at 14th level, whenever you start a Repeater Combo, you gain a +2 to attack rolls for every creature that you've inspired within 60 feet of you.

Yo-yos IRL

Most, but not all yo-yos have ball bearings around the axls. When you put a responsive yo-yo to sleep (a fundamental trick where the yo-yo stays down and spins continually), you can bring it back to your hand with a simple flick of the wrist. This is something that cannot be done with an unresponsive yo-yo, where in order to return it to your hand, you need to preform a special trick called a bind. With off-string yo-yos, the yo-yo comes off the string and can be thrown about, and is returned to your hand by whipping the string into the yo-yo. The most common use for responsive yo-yos is looping, a technique where one rapidly sends the yo-yo in and out in a circular motion. Unresponsive yo-yos are used for string tricks, where one might sling the yo-yo around their finger and land it on the string, using it to manipulate the yo-yo. Looping, string tricks, and off-string can all be done with one or two yo-yos.

Homebrew 5e Subclass

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