The Blade Dancer

by Zimek

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Blade Dancer

Some rogues choose to hone their skills with their blades so much that they become inseparable. That bond, accompanied by a certain lithe panache, makes their movement seem almost a dance - and so they have taken to calling themselves Blade Dancers. They flow gracefully from attack to attack, each strike leaving streaks of blood behind, not stopping until none stands but themselves. Blade Dancers can overwhelm even an accomplished opponent's defenses, setting them up for a devastating coup de grace.

Dance of Blades

At 3rd level, your skill with your blades has progressed to the point where you flow from one attack to the next in quick succession and with the utmost grace. As an action on your turn, you may make two Melee Weapon Attacks in rapid succession. When you take this action, you must alternate the weapons used in your attacks. You may attack different targets with each of these strikes if you wish, and you may move up to 5 feet between attacks if you have enough movement to do so. You may not use sneak attack with these strikes. You may only take this action if you are not wearing medium or heavy armor, and if you are wielding a melee weapon in each hand.

If you do take this action, you can treat it as a single attack for purposes of triggering two-weapon fighting. (If you choose to make an attack as a bonus action using two-weapon fighting, that attack may trigger your sneak attack ability, following all of the normal rules that would apply to it.)

Fighting Style

Also at 3rd level, you may select one of the following fighting styles. You can't select a fighting style more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Unbalancing Strikes

By 9th level, you learn how to place your strikes in order to keep your opponent off-balance. Whenever you hit a creature with a Melee Weapon Attack, it has disadvantage on the next Melee Weapon or Unarmed Attack it makes against you, until the end of its next turn.

Enhanced Dance of Blades

At 13th level, you can carry on the dance even longer. Instead of two, you can now make three Melee Weapon Attacks when you use your Dance of Blades. Again, you must alternate the weapon you use for each attack.

Feinting Attack

Also at 13th level, you gain the ability to make a Feinting Attack. Any time you could perform a Melee Weapon Attack, you may choose to replace it with a Feinting Attack. To do so, roll a d6. On a 1, you experience a mishap, and gain no benefit. Otherwise, you swing just wide, forcing your opponent to react, and expose themselves further to future attacks. You get advantage on the next Melee Weapon Attack you make against the same target this turn. If would already have advantage on that attack, each Feinting Attack gives you +4 to hit (that does stack with itself) the next time you perform a Melee Weapon Attack on the same target this turn.

Additionally, if the target of your Feinting Attack is concentrating on a spell, it must make a concentration check or lose concentration, with a DC equal to your passive Deception score.

Whirlwind of Blades

At 17th level, your blades are in constant motion, slicing here and there, but also catching opponents' attacks and turning them back before they can land. If you would be hit by a Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack, you may attempt to parry the blow. Make a weapon attack. If you are attempting to parry a Melee Weapon Attack, make your roll with advantage. You may use the attack roll in place of your Armor Class; if the new value would make the attack miss, it does so. This effect only lasts for the one single attack, and does not count as your reaction. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until the end of your next turn.

Cover art: 'Prince of Persia: Warrior Within'

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