Paladin - Oath of The Mystral Flame
There are a precious few who walk the path of the Paladin, but feel the call of the Goddess of the Weave herself. Even fewer still are those she deems worthy enough to bless in a way that modern knowledge label a fairy tale.
To those few, it is known as Spellfire, and it is a flame unlike any other, with the ability to wash away all pain in cleansing licks of the pyre, or the uplifting gust of cinder winds, or even the bulwark of brilliant white flames, protecting those beneath the flames.
For all it's wonders, it must be remembered that the weight of these boons are a heavy one.
For those that burn full-bright will soon burn away.
Oath of the Mystral Flame
Paladins who swear their oath of allegiance to Mystra receive boons from the Goddess herself. As they prove themselves, Mystra will reveal more and more to them, and in time, all.
Paladin Level | Features |
3rd | Oath Spells, Mystra's Champion |
7th | Spellshatter, Spellfire Deflection |
10th | Aura of Sanctity, Spellcrunch |
15th | Spellsteal |
18th | Spellfire Flight |
20th | Mystra's Avatar |
Tenets of the Mystral Flame
A paladin who takes up the mantle of Mystra's Flames must always follow along four major pillars.
Vigilance. There are many in the world who would use Mystra's Gifts for ill-gotten gains. Only use its power when there is a true need for it, and seek to punish those that use magic for nefarious reasons.
Humility. True power is what Mystra will offer, and thus, you must never let it take hold and corrupt you.
Repayment. A special gift has been bestowed upon you. It is your duty to see that you are not the only one who will benefit from it.
Goodness. While Mystra does not force her chosen to act in a certain way, she does wish for them to be as fair and caring in their life, to help those that need and to dispense justic to those that seek evil.
The Weave and Mystra
While many gods can hold sway over their respective domains, Mystra is uniquely tied to hers. Magic itself depends upon her to hold the very fabric of it's being in place. Once, in eons past, Mystra was killed, and in doing so, the entirety of magic ceased to function, an event that would later come to be known as the "Blue Breath of Change", or more commonly known as, the Spellplague.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below.
Paladin Level | Spells |
3rd | Detect Magic, Magic Missle |
5th | Magic Weapon, Nystul's Magic Aura |
9th | Counterspell, Magic Circle |
13th | Stoneskin, Polymorph |
17th | Wall of Force, Scrying |
19th | Permanency |
Mystra's Champion
Many of those blessed with Spellfire do become paladins of the Oath, but it is not a necessity for those that wish to take the Oath. In a ceremony it can be granted unto them upon their taking of the Oath. If the player character does not have the ability to channel Spellfire when they choose this path, they will gain the Mystra's Touch feat, and will forfeit an ability score increase or feat choice at level 4.
In addition, Paladins that walk this path gain two core additions. The first is the ability to wreath your weapon in spellfire, adding an additional 1d4+1 fire damage per spellfire point spent. The second ability to store more spellfire than normal, with the ability to use stage 1 at level 3, stage 2 at level 8, and stage 3 at level 14
- Base + 1 - Base x 2 : Stage 1 - The character's eyes glow a brilliant white, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the character causes 1 spellfire point to be discharged as a harmless blast of light. Once per day, the character must make a Constitution Check (DC 10) or take 1d6 as a point errupts in a blast of heat.
- Base x 2 + 1 - Base x 3 : Stage 2 -The character sheds light equal to a torch and feels a burning sensation within their body. This makes concentrating on any one thing extremely difficult, incurring a -5 to any such checks made. A touch will now release 1d6 spellfire points and cause damage equal to the full amount of spells released in this way. The character must now make the eruption Constitution checks at a higher difficulty (DC 16) each minute or take 4d6 fire damage as they lose that same number of spellfire points.
- Base x 3 + 1 - Base x 4 : Stage 3 -The character now radiates a strong heat up to 30 feet and is in constant pain, taking 1d4 piercing damage each minute. A touch expends 3d6 spellfire points and causes an equal amount of damage to the character as well affects anyone, including the character, within 20 feet with Blindness (Constitution Save DC 13). Each round, the character must make a Wisdom Save (DC 19), or be forced to make a maximum strength blast at a target, friendly or foe, within 30 feet.
By harnessing the divine connection between yourself and your god, you becomes able to rend magic assunder with blade alone. Once per day starting at 7th level, a paladin may choose to deliver a targeted greater dispel magic with a normal melee attack. The decision to use this ability must be made before the attack is rolled, and if the attack misses, the effect is wasted.
At 14th level, you gain an extra use of this feature.
Spellfire Deflection
Over time, the paladin will become more and more adept in the use of Mystra's gift, resulting in a plethora of useful abilities. One such example is the use of Spellfire to deflect attacks or projectiles.
Starting at 7th level, you may use your reaction to deflect or catch a missile or spell that has you as the target. Doing so will cost 3 points from your spellfire pool. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d8 + your Con modifier + half your paladin level.
Aura of Sanctity
At 10th level, you may choose to gain this feature, in place of one of your Aura abilities. Aura of Sanctity allows you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of to now longer be able to be can't be charmed or enchanted while you are concious.
At 18th level, the range of this aura becomes 30 feet.
Through the rigors of battle, you've finally mastered the art of using spellfire to drain magic from not only the weave, but items as well.
At 10th level, you may forego any damage from an attack, and instead choose to drain a magic item that a creature holds of its latent magical energy, rendering it useless for 24 hours, with the item rarity making it harder to drain. Sentient and Legendary items are, however, immune. To drain the item, the target must make a Wisdom Save (DC 18). On a failed check, the item is drained as stated above, and a number of spellpoints are restored, as per the chart below.
Rarity | Spellfire Restored | Save Bonus |
Common | 1 Point | 0 |
Uncommon | 2 Points | +1 |
Rare | 3 points | + 3 |
Very Rare | 5 Points | + 5 |
Legendary | 10 Points | + 10 |
As you work through your understanding of the weave and the things Mystra has let you see, you come to work out the means of capturing magic that is turned towards you, in a whole new way.
At 15th level, when absorbing a spell, you can choose to instead store the spell as a full spell rather than as spellfire levels. You may only have a single spell of each level stored at a time, and these stored spells count toward your stored spellfire energy level limit. You may use your action to release a spell, using your own level and stats to determine the needed elements of the spell.
If the character possesses any feats that affect spellfire, either the way in which it is absorbed or the manner in which it is used, they may be used in conjunction with this ability. Any cost or requirements are still needed to be paid or taken care of. An example would be absorbing a spell quickly with the Hasty Absorption feat after succeeding the check, or changing the type of damage from a fireball to partly acid after paying 2 spellfire pool points.
Spellfire Flight
The divine will of Mystra has guided you through many things, and now has blessed you with the knowledge of flight.
At 18th level, as long as you have at least a single point in your spellfire pool, you gain a fly speed equal to your current land speed.
Mystra's Avatar
By the divine will of Mystra, you are able to call upon her power and channel forth her destructive presence.
At 20th level, you gain the ability to wreath your hands, weapons and armor in a gleam of Silver Fire, that lasts for 1 minute. While affected by the Silver Fire, you gain the following.
- You emit a cool white light, brightly lighting the area in a 60-foot radius, and with a dim light for an additional 60 feet.
- Your weapon and armor are cloaked in Silver Fire, a substance many assumed to no longer exist. Your attacks deal an additional 1d8 fire damage, and 1d8 radiant damage, and any enemy that ends its turn in a square adjacent to you also takes 1d8 fire damage, and 1d8 radiant damage.
- When using the Divine Smite feature, and choosing to channel spellfire into your attack, your blade glows with the power of a Greater Goddess causing your attack to automatically hit, and expend spell levels, up to your Constitution score, adding 1d4 radiant damage for each point spent this way. No feature can be used to negate this, outside of divine-tier power levels. Your weapon must be of at least a +3 enchantment, or a rarity of Very Rare or higher, or be damaged to the point of unusability after such an attack.