Race: Kharaban

by ZipperZapZap

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The dunes and oases of the Northeastern Leiran desert crawl with the thousand visages of the Kharaban. Their legs ever clicking forward in an endless rhythm, the claws at their waste in wait to take hold, and the stinger on their tail idly seeping venom, they have dominated the Northeastern Leiran and actively plot to expand further.

Arachnidae Uprising

For a thousand years, the Kharabans were a slave race under the heel of the Samar empire, whipped into line to serve the royalty. For a thousand years they waited and bid their time, waiting for the right time to strike.

Then finally, they rose up, overrunning the palace guards and slaughtering the nobility that had held them in slavery, even cutting the skin off the emperor's face and wearing it like a mask, proclaiming their new dawn. This custom has been immortalized in Kharaban culture, with each Kharaban owning a specially-crafted gold face-mask to cover up the insectoid features underneath.

New Day, Alabaster Sun

Kharabans are incredibly social creatures, and while they might not share what could be called a hivemind, they are almost telepathic in their communication, requiring only a few clicks and trills to commmunicate large concepts.

They work in harmony, excavating large chunks of alabaster and limestone with which to construct palaces, temples, and housing.

An Irhotep presides over the empire, observing and authorizing the building of temples, the waging of wars, and the worship of their four deities. When an Irhotep dies, their limbs are folded down, and their entire body is cast in gold, preserving them for millenia to come.

the Irhotep's eldest child is crowned the next ruler, and sworn in during a 3-day long festival celebrating the life of the last Irhotep and bidding the new one a prosperous rule.

Four Times Worshipped

As the Irhotep presides over the empire, four deities preside over the Irhotep and the people in Kharaban territory. The first is Almewata, the goddess of death, the dead, the afterlife, rivers, and reeds, who ordains over the afterlife on her throne crafted from the shells of a thousand Kharaban.

The second is Haset, god of stonework, alabaster, construction, and civilization, who guides the architechts and the workers in their projects. Finally Nahrani, the goddess of scorpions and other arachnids, the sun, and her wife Tepmun, goddess of insects, deserts, the moon, and night.

The Kharaban worship these gods, with the churches in the Kharaban empire divided into four sects; one for each deity. Together, they hope to bring together their brethren and foster an empire that will outlast the ages.

Kharaban Traits

The Kharaban have evolved to hunt across the desert, granting Your Kharaban character the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Dexterity or Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Kharabans live are built to live for around 300 years in total, their skin molting every 20 years or so.

Alignment. Building great alabaster cities and limestone monuments, the Kharabans work closely together to ensure their society prospers, forming a lawful alignment in almost all of them.

Size. The Kharabans are very large, reaching heights of 6 1/2 feet tall at the head and 7 feet tall at the tail. Their scorpion bodies average a length of 6-7 feet long from end to end, with a great set of clacking claws stemming from below their torso-waste.

Kharabans weigh an average of 300-350 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. You have a base walking speed of 40 feet.

Chitinous Skin. Your hardened, segmented skin is an excellent defense against threats. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.

Arachnid Build. Your large, toughened body allows you to carry much more weight. You count as one size larger when determining your carry weight and the weight you can push, drag, and lift.

Dexterous Barbs. The spiked ends of your legs are excellent moving implements. You have a climbing speed of 15 feet, but do not need to use your hands to climb.

Claws. Your great scorpion claws are natural weapons with which you can make unarmed strikes.

On a hit, you deal no damage, but the target becomes instantly grappled. While grappling a target in this way you still have your hands free for other tasks.

Stinger. The fearsome stinger dangling from the end of your tail is a natural weapon.

You can make an unarmed strike with it as an action against any creature within range or as a bonus action against a creature that you are currently grappling, is restrained, or is incapacitated. On a hit, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier and the target is forced to make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution) 2d4 poison damage as the venom leeches through the tip.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice.

Additionally, you can speak Sacti, a peculiiar language of clicks, trills, and soft buzzes used by insectoid creatures. Only you and other insectoid creatures (DM's discretion) can understand Sacti.


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