5e Official Trinket Lists - 03/04/21

by MrFishy

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Player's Handbook Trinkets

1 - A mummified goblin hand
2 - A piece of crystal that faintly glows in the moonlight
3 - A gold coin minted in an unknown land
4 - A diary written in a language you don't know
5 - A brass ring that never tarnishes
6 - An old chess piece made from glass
7 - A pair of knucklebone dice, each with a skull symbol on the side that would normally show six pips
8 - A small idol depicting a nightmarish creature that gives you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it
9 - A rope necklace from which dangles four mummified elf fingers
10 - The deed for a parcel of land in a realm unknown to you
11 - A 1-ounce block made from an unknown material
12 - A small cloth doll skewered with needles
13 - A tooth from an unknown beast
14 - An enormous scale, perhaps from a dragon
15 - A bright green feather
16 - An old divination card bearing your likeness
17 - A glass orb filled with moving smoke
18 - A 1-pound egg with a bright red shell
19 - A pipe that blows bubbles
20 - A glass jar containing a weird bit of flesh floating in pickling fluid
21 - A tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a song you dimly remember from your childhood
22 - A small wooden statuette of a smug halfling
23 - A brass orb etched with strange runes
24 - A multicolored stone disk
25 - A tiny silver icon of a raven
26 - A bag containing forty-seven humanoid teeth, one of which is rotten
27 - A shard of obsidian that always feels warm to the touch
28 - A dragon's bony talon hanging from a plain leather necklace
29 - A pair of old socks
30 - A blank book whose pages refuse to hold ink, chalk, graphite, or any other substance or marking
31 - A silver badge in the shape of a five-pointed star
32 - A knife that belonged to a relative
33 - A glass vial filled with nail clippings
34 - A rectangular metal device with two tiny metal cups on one end that throws sparks when wet
35 - A white, sequined glove sized for a human
36 - A vest with one hundred tiny pockets
37 - A small, weightless stone block
38 - A tiny sketch portrait of a goblin
39 - An empty glass vial that smells of perfume when opened
40 - A gemstone that looks like a lump of coal when examined by anyone but you
41 - A scrap of cloth from an old banner
42 - A rank insignia from a lost legionnaire
43 - A tiny silver bell without a clapper
44 - A mechanical canary inside a gnomish lamp
45 - A tiny chest carved to look like it has numerous feet on the bottom
46 - A dead sprite inside a clear glass bottle
47 - A metal can that has no opening but sounds as if it is filled with liquid, sand, spiders, or broken glass (your choice)
48 - A glass orb filled with water, in which swims a clockwork goldfish
49 - A silver spoon with an 'M' engraved on the handle
50 - A whistle made from gold-colored wood

Player's Handbook Trinkets

51 - A dead scarab beetle the size of your hand
52 - Two toy soldiers, one with a missing head
53 - A small box filled with different-sized buttons
54 - A candle that can't be lit
55 - A tiny cage with no door
56 - An old key
57 - An indecipherable treasure map
58 - A hilt from a broken sword
59 - A rabbit's foot
60 - A glass eye
61 - A cameo carved in the likeness of a hideous person
62 - A silver skull the size of a coin
63 - An alabaster mask
64 - A pyramid of sticky black incense that smells very bad
65 - A nightcap that, when worn, gives you pleasant dreams
66 - A single caltrop made from bone
67 - A gold monocle frame without the lens
68 - A 1-inch cube, each side painted a different color
69 - A crystal knob from a door
70 - A small packet filled with pink dust
71 - A fragment of a beautiful song, written as musical notes on two pieces of parchment
72 - A silver teardrop earring made from a real teardrop
73 - The shell of an egg painted with scenes of human misery in disturbing detail
74 - A fan that, when unfolded, shows a sleeping cat
75 - A set of bone pipes
76 - A four-leaf clover pressed inside a book discussing manners and etiquette
77 - A sheet of parchment upon which is drawn a complex mechanical contraption
78 - An ornate scabbard that fits no blade you have found so far
79 - An invitation to a party where a murder happened
80 - A bronze pentacle with an etching of a rat's head in its center
81 - A purple handkerchief embroidered with the name of a powerful archmage
82 - Half of a floorplan for a temple, castle, or some other structure
83 - A bit of folded cloth that, when unfolded, turns into a stylish cap
84 - A receipt of deposit at a bank in a far-flung city
85 - A diary with seven missing pages
86 - An empty silver snuffbox bearing an inscription on the surface that says "dreams"
87 - An iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god
88 - A book that tells the story of a legendary hero's rise and fall, with the last chapter missing
89 - A vial of dragon blood
90 - An ancient arrow of elven design
91 - A needle that never bends
92 - An ornate brooch of dwarven design
93 - An empty wine bottle bearing a pretty label that says, "The Wizard of Wines Winery, Red Dragon Crush, 331422-W"
94 - A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface
95 - A petrified mouse
96 - A black pirate flag adorned with a dragon's skull and crossbones
97 - A tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves about when it's not being observed
98 - A glass jar containing lard with a label that reads, "Griffon Grease"
99 - A wooden box with a ceramic bottom that holds a living worm with a head on each end of its body
00 - A metal urn containing the ashes of a hero

Elemental Evil Trinkets

1 - A compass that always points to Mulmaster
2 - A paper fan that won't produce a breeze no matter how hard it's waved
3 - A petrified potato that resembles someone important to you
4 - A glass cup that can only be filled half way no matter how much liquid is poured into it
5 - A mirror that only shows the back of your head
6 - A small glass bird that when set down near water dips its head in as if to get a drink
7 - A lady's coin purse containing two sharp fangs
8 - A small sea conch with the words "From the beginning" on the lip
9 - A frost-covered silver locket that's frozen shut
10 - A seal which imprints a mysterious, unknown coat of arms into rock
11 - A small wooden doll that when held brings back fond memories
12 - A small handmirror which only reflects inanimate objects
13 - A glass eyeball that looks and rolls about of its own accordance
14 - A glass orb that replicates yesterday's weather inside itself
15 - A drinking cup, that randomly fills with fresh or salt water. Refilling once emptied
16 - A deep blue piece of flint, that when struck with steel produces not a spark but a drop of water
17 - A conch shell which is always damp and constantly drips saltwater
18 - A charred, half-melted pewter clasp that glows as if smoldering but releases no heat
19 - A clockwork finch that flaps its wings in the presence of a breeze
20 - An unbreakable sealed jar of glowing water that hums when shaken
21 - A small, finely polished geode whose crystals slowly fade between every color of the spectrum
22 - A rough stone eye pulled from a petrified creature
23 - A stone smoking pipe that never needs lighting
24 - A small whistle, that when blown, whispers a name of a person or place unknown to you, instead of the whistle sound
25 - A fist sized rock that "beats" like a heart
26 - A pair of bronze scissors in the shape of a pair of leaping dolphins
27 - A bronze oil lamp which is rumored to have once held a genie
28 - A single gauntlet inscribed with a fire motif and an unfamiliar name in Primordial
29 - A one-eyed little fish inside a spherical vial, much bigger than the vial's neck, He has a cunning look
30 - The skull of a rabbit, whispers scathing insults when nobody is looking
31 - A rag doll in the likeness of an owlbear
32 - The desiccated body of a small eight-legged black lizard
33 - A toy boat made with a walnut shell, toothpick, and piece of cloth
34 - A small pocket mirror that slowly fogs over while held
35 - Wind chimes that glow when the wind blows
36 - A small, clay square with an unknown rune etched into one side
37 - A tea kettle that heats itself when filled with water
38 - An old scratched monocle which shows an underwater landscape whenever someone looks through it
39 - A rose carved from coral
40 - A set of dice with elemental symbols and primordial runes instead of pips or numbers
41 - An amulet filled with liquid that churns, freezes, or boils to match it's wearer's mood
42 - A small silver bell that makes a sound like quiet, distant thunder when it's struck
43 - A small vial of black sand that glows slightly in the moonlight
44 - A small whale tooth with etched with an image of waves crashing upon a beach
45 - An hourglass in which the sands pour upward instead of downward
46 - A glass pendant with a hole in the center that a mild breeze always blows out of

Elemental Evil Trinkets

47 - A soft feather that falls like a stone when dropped
48 - A large transparent gem that, when gripped tightly, whispers in Terran
49 - A small crystal snowglobe that, when shaken, seems to form silhouettes of dancing forms
50 - Half of a palm-sized geode that pulses dimly with purple light
51 - A book filled with writing that only appears when the book is held underwater
52 - A sealed envelope made of red leather that you haven't been able to open. It smells of campfire
53 - A locket of hair that is rumored to have come from a famed fire genasi
54 - Flint and steel, when starting a fire, creates a random colored flame
55 - A blank piece of wet parchment that never seems to dry
56 - A small puzzle box made of brass, that is slightly warm to the touch
57 - A cloudy chunk of glass that is said to hold a spark of breath from a blue dragon
58 - A crude chalice made of coal
59 - A miniature brass horn, silent when played, but fills the air with the scent of warm and exotic spices
60 - An eye-sized blue pearl that floats in salt water
61 - A tuning fork made from a dark metal which glows with a pale, white light during thunderstorms
62 - A small vial that is always filled with the smell of autumn wind
63 - A clear marble that rolls toward the nearest source of running water
64 - A small collapsible silver cup that perspires constantly when opened
65 - An hourglass that tells time with falling mist instead of sand
66 - An ornate razor, which only cuts in freezing cold temperature
67 - A shark tooth covered in tiny etched words from a lost language
68 - A large brass coin with no markings or images on it
69 - A small wooden box filled with a strange red clay
70 - A necklace with a small, rusted iron anchor
71 - A small brass flute adorned with silver wire that is always faintly sounding
72 - A red and black Aarakocra feather
73 - A palm-sized stone with a hole in it, through which can be heard a constantly whispering wind
74 - A small conch shell covered in black crystal
75 - A small music box made of brass. It features a pair of tiny automatons that resemble Azer working at a forge
76 - A glass jar containing the preserved corpse of an unfamiliar aquatic creature
77 - A piece of petrified wood carved into the shape of a seashell
78 - A wooden puzzle cube covered in elemental symbols
79 - A stone cube that acts as a magnet when placed against another stone
80 - A ring made of a white metal. On the inside is a name etched in Auran
81 - A bracelet made of silvered fish hooks
82 - A journal filled with poetry hand-written in Primordial
83 - A yellow gemstone that glows dimly when a storm is nearby
84 - A charred chisel with an unfamiliar symbol stamped into its base
85 - A canteen filled with a foul smelling orange mud
86 - A faceless doll made of driftwood
87 - A heavy iron key bearing the name of a ship long lost to the sea
88 - A small jewelry box made from the shell of a turtle
89 - A chess piece fashioned to look like fire myrmidon
90 - A spinning top with an image of one of the four elements on each side
91 - A single hoop earring made of a porous red stone
92 - An arrowhead carved from seasalt
93 - A small comb made of blue coral
94 - Seven small beads of sandstone on a string, all different colors
95 - A romance novel in Undercommon titled "Just one Layer of Grey"
96 - A tiny, broken clockwork Harpy
97 - An ivory whale statuette
98 - A fist-sized cog, covered in barnacles
99 - An eyepatch made of obsidian and a black leather cord
00 - A glass bottle with a tiny ship of unfamiliar design inside

Gothic Trinkets

01-02 - A picture you drew as a child of your imaginary friend
03-04 - A lock that opens when blood is dripped in its keyhole
05-06 - Clothes stolen from a scarecrow
07-08 - A spinning top carved with four faces: happy, sad, wrathful, and dead
09-10 - The necklace of a sibling who died on the day you were born
11-12 - A wig from someone executed by beheading
13-14 - The unopened letter to you from your dying father
15-16 - A pocket watch that runs backward for an hour every midnight
17-18 - A winter coat stolen from a dying soldier
19-20 - A bottle of invisible ink that can only be read at sunset
21-22 - A wineskin that refills when interred with a dead person for a night
23-24 - A set of silverware used by a king for his last meal
25-26 - A spyglass that always shows the world suffering a terrible storm
27-28 - A cameo with the profile's face scratched away
29-30 - A lantern with a black candle that never runs out and that burns with green flame
31-32 - A teacup from a child's tea set, stained with blood
33-34 - A little black book that records your dreams, and yours alone, when you sleep
35-36 - A necklace formed of the interlinked holy symbols of a dozen deities
37-38 - A hangman's noose that feels heavier than it should
39-40 - A birdcage into which small birds fly but once inside never eat or leave
41-42 - A lepidopterist's box filled dead moths with skulllike patterns on their wings
43-44 - A jar of pickled ghouls' tongues
45-46 - The wooden hand of a notorious pirate
47-48 - An urn with the ashes of a dead relative
49-50 - A hand mirror backed with a bronze depiction of a medusa
51-52 - Pallid leather gloves crafted with ivory fingernails
53-54 - Dice made from the knuckles of a notorious charlatan
55-56 - A ring of keys for forgotten locks
57-58 - Nails from the coffin of a murderer
59-60 - A key to the family crypt
61-62 - A bouquet of funerary flowers that always looks and smells fresh
63-64 - A switch used to discipline you as a child
65-66 - A music box that plays by itself whenever someone holding it dances
67-68 - A walking cane with an iron ferrule that strikes sparks on stone
69-70 - A flag from a ship lost at sea
71-72 - Porcelain doll's head that always seems to be looking at you
73-74 - A wolf's head wrought in silver that is also a whistle
75-76 - A small mirror that shows a much older version of the viewer
77-78 - Small, worn book of children's nursery rhymes
79-80 - A mummified raven claw
81-82 - A broken pendent of a silver dragon that's always cold to the touch
83-84 - A small locked box that quietly hums a lovely melody at night but you always forget it in the morning
85-86 - An inkwell that makes one a little nauseous when staring at it
87-88 - An old little doll made from a dark, dense wood and missing a hand and a foot
89-90 - A black executioner's hood
91-92 - A pouch made of flesh, with a sinew drawstring
93-94 - A tiny spool of black thread that never runs out
95-96 - A tiny clockwork figurine of a dancer that's missing a gear and doesn't work
97-98 - A black wooden pipe that creates puffs of smoke that look like skulls
99-00 - A vial of perfume, the scent of which only certain creatures can detect

Giant's Bag Trinkets

1-2 - Handaxe blade (used as a hand chopper)
3-4 - Dented metal helm (used as a bowl)
5-6 - Moldy and stinky wheel of cheese
7-8 - Giant-sized shabby cloak (wool or hide)
9-10 - Giant-sized bone comb
11-12 - Iron cooking pot
13-14 - Giant-sized drinking horn
15-16 - Giant-sized skinning knife
17-18 - Haunch of meat
19-20 - Mangy fur pelt
21-22 - Small bag of salt
23-24 - Giant-sized pair of old sandals
25-26 - Giant-sized waterskin (full)
27-28 - Cask of ale (half empty)
29-30 - Giant-sized necklace made of bones (hill), stone beads (stone), dragon fangs (frost), iron ingots (fire), feathers (cloud), or starfish (storm)
31-32 - 5-foot length of chain
33-34 - 1d6 humanoid skulls
35-36 - Bag of dried mushrooms
37-38 - 50-foot coil of hempen rope
39-40 - 3-foot-tall idol depicting Grolantor (hill), Skoraeus Stonebones (stone), Thrym (frost), Surtur (fire), Memnor (cloud), or Stronmaus (storm)
41-42 - 1d6 dead trout
43-44 - Dented steel shield
45-46 - Wooden oar
47-48 - Empty wooden barrel
49-50 - 30-foot-long hempen rope tied to a wooden bucket
51-52 - Bundled-up tent
53-54 - Riding saddle
55-56 - Stuffed animal
57-58 - Live animal (chicken, goat, pig, or sheep)
59-60 - 1d6 moldy loaves of bread
61-62 - 6-foot-long wooden fence post
63-64 - Wooden door with twisted iron hinges
65-66 - Empty wooden chest (unlocked)
67-68 - Rocking chair
69-70 - Painted rocking horse or wooden toboggan
71-72 - 1d6 dragon scales
73-74 - Carved stone statue of a dwarf or human
75-76 - Wooden mannequin or target dummy
77-78 - Coffin or small casket
79-80 - Cauldron or giant-sized kettle
81-82 - Giant-sized smoking pipe
83-84 - Bronze gong
85-86 - Iron bell (with or without its clapper)
87-88 - Beehive
89-90 - Giant-sized drum
91-92 - Carved wooden statue of an elf or halfling
93-94 - Uprooted shrub or berry bush
95-96 - 10-foot-long hempen rope tied to a rowboat anchor
97-98 - Wagon wheel
99-00 - Tombstone

Barrier Peaks Trinkets

01-02 - A handheld device containing a glowing green gem that darkens when no oxygen is present
03-04 - A foot-long, egg-shaped object made from stitched leather
05-06 - A black metal cylinder that dictates the history of an unknown plant or animal species when held
07-08 - A cylindrical jar containing a pickled crustacean of unknown origin
09-10 - A small thumb-button storage cylinder that releases a useless iron key when pressed
11-12 - An unusual heraldic cloak pin that emits a short musical fanfare when tapped
13-14 - A handheld tube that sucks in dust when squeezed and captures it in a detachable compartment
15-16 - A scintillating disk of unknown material
17-18 - A dial that can be twisted to slowly click back to its origin, whereupon it emits a loud ringing noise
19-20 - A hovering, apple-sized orb of metal that follows you around
21-22 - The petrified cocoon of an unknown insect
23-24 - A bronze gauntlet set with many slots, and which violently expels any object pressed into those slots
25-26 - A box that plays an illusory message in an unknown language when opened
27-28 - A rod that causes you to forget the last five minutes when you press a button near its tip
29-30 - A palm-sized cylinder that emits a harmless ray of glowing blue light when squeezed
31-32 - A bead that suppresses your hearing when secreted inside either ear, causing you to be deafened
33-34 - An amulet that displays your current health as a green bar above your head, with the bar retracting as your hit point total decreases
35-36 - A casket containing one hundred tasteless blue pills that produce no discernible effect when swallowed
37-38 - A metal mechanical puzzle with no apparent solution
39-40 - A metal spinning top that never tips over when spun
41-42 - Two strips of cloth-like material, each coated with a soft, hair-like fuzz on one side
43-44 - A simple wire pyramid that preserves any foodstuffs it is placed over
45-46 - A star chart labeled in an unknown script
47-48 - A rectangle of black glass that displays indecipherable arcane runes when you swipe your finger across it
49-50 - A schematic that shows the inner workings of an impossibly complex device

Barrier Peaks Trinkets

51-52 - An odd pair of comfortable shoes made from supple, multicolored material
53-54 - A mirror that makes you appear more beautiful when you tap your reflection
55-56 - A mechanical metal puppy that playfully follows you around when activated
57-58 - A talking bracelet that speaks only to correct your grammar
59-60 - A bar of soap that can remove any stain
61-62 - A journal in Common, written by someone in a world similar to but not quite the same as your own
63-64 - A tub containing one serving of disgusting but nutritious goop that refills itself slowly over the course of one week
65-66 - An instruction manual for activating a mysterious, world-destroying device
67-68 - A small supple disk that displays weird moving symbols when placed over either eye
69-70 - A tiny desk set with large, colorful buttons, each of which plays a discordant musical fanfare when pressed
71-72 - A pair of tinted spectacles that reduce the glare of the sun when worn
73-74 - An inflatable bedroll made from an unknown material, and which slowly deflates when used
75-76 - A rod tipped with a blunt metal pincer whose grip can be adjusted by turning a screw
77-78 - A battered helmet with a transparent orange visor that flips into place when donned
79-80 - An animated map of a mysterious city that appears to be tracking the movements of five creatures
81-82 - A cylinder of mist that holds your hair perfectly in shape when sprayed onto your head
83-84 - A talking wand that tells you the name of any plant you point it at
85-86 - A metal bracelet that displays the number of steps you've taken since your last long rest
87-88 - A tiny handheld device that projects a glowing dot onto whatever you point it at
89-90 - A rectangular piece of glass that displays a twelve-digit countdown on its surface
91-92 - A wall chart of mysterious formulae arranged into a color-coded grid
93-94 - A handheld device that solves any math problem you input using its buttons
95-96 - A ball of speckled brown fur that appears to be alive
97-98 - A complicated crystal board game that you don't know how to play
99-00 - A large glass rectangle that displays a storm of black and white patterns when you press a button on its underside

Acquisitions Incorporated Trinkets

1 - A perfect skipping stone
2 - Three weighted dice that always roll low
3 - A locket with a picture of Jim Darkmagic
4 - A tiny anvil and smith's hammer
5 - A nonfunctional immovable rod
6 - A DIY acupuncture kit
7 - A stuffed owlbear toy
8 - A diagram for a new war lute
9 - A declaration of war against a nation no one has ever heard of
10 - A pipe that emits green smoke
11 - A glass eye
12 - The centerpiece of a priceless chandelier
13 - A fine cane with a secret compartment
14 - A letter written by Rosie Beestinger
15 - A coin that always lands on its edge
16 - The deed and title to an abandoned windmill and three acres of tillable land that you've never been able to find
17 - A menu from Big Daddy Donaar's Yum Yum Hut
18 - A small purse that screams loudly when opened
19 - A deep-crow-feather quill
20 - A pair of breeches that always smells faintly of honey
21 - A one-armed Viari doll (Apocalypse Dagger accessory missing)
22 - A leather pouch filled with various finger bones of unknown provenance
23 - The collar of your childhood pet, Nutmeg
24 - A seashell that, when pressed to the ear, speaks in flowing rhymes
25 - A recipe book for cooking with mushrooms
26 - One expired coupon for "A Free Cornerstone"
27 - A portable beehive
28 - Goggles that literally tint everything rose colored
29 - A wand of wonder that allows you to cast only mending
30 - A bracelet woven from mistletoe
31 - A curved claw from an unknown beast that small children are always frightened of
32 - A longsword that can be folded down in 1 minute and hidden in your pocket
33 - A living graft of what you believe to be the World Tree
34 - A tattered scarf with the Acquisitions Incorporated logo
35 - A box containing a torn-up letter
36 - An old contract marked "Void"
37 - A small pigeon in a cage
38 - An Acquisitions Incorporated "Green Flame" foam finger
39 - A "C" Team lunchbox
40 - A potted plant that grows different fruit on every branch
41 - A book of adventures for children
42 - An Omin action figure with detachable maul and holy symbol
43 - A pint glass engraved with a picture of a keg robot
44 - A giant hockey puck
45 - A miniature cannon that actually fires
46 - A very fancy red scarf and matching handkerchief
47 - An arrow once shot by Môrgæn
48 - A purple worm toy
49 - A burned doll whose eyes follow you around the room
50 - An infinite inkwell

Acquisitions Incorporated Trinkets

51 - A band embroidered with the symbol of the Six
52 - A squishy cactus
53 - A velvet blindfold
54 - A dirty figurine of a triceratops that can't be cleaned
55 - A used (and thus nonmagical) noble knife from the Noble Knife
56 - A quill that rotates through all the colors of the rainbow
57 - A twenty-sided die that only rolls the number 4
58 - A pointed hat that glows in the dark
59 - A cup that hums when filled with water
60 - A mug fashioned from the skull of someone else's enemy
61 - A small glass jar containing an immortal firefly
62 - A fake mustache made from gnome facial hair
63 - A petrified troll finger
64 - Half of a map
65 - The other half of a map
66 - An unreasonable amount of pocket lint
67 - A dozen flyers for a local gnome food place
68 - Omin Dran's business card
69 - A lock of hair from a changeling
70 - A marble that rolls uphill
71 - A piece of parchment listing a command word for a powerful magic item
72 - A book titled Conversational Giant
73 - A user's manual for an apparatus of Kwalish
74 - A signed headshot of famous bard Spice Caraway
75 - The eye of a basilisk in a crystal box
76 - A postcard from Ravnica
77 - A stamp collection
78 - A small piece of solidified smoke
79 - A six-sided die that sometimes rolls a seven
80 - A left-hand gauntlet
81 - A music box that plays nursery rhymes
82 - A locket that's bigger on the outside than the inside
83 - A potted plant that grows hair instead of leaves
84 - A collection of teeth
85 - A coin whose minting date always shows three years in the future
86 - A green drinking horn taken from a very large bull
87 - A small book containing pressed and dried botanical samples
88 - A hatched chimera egg
89 - A slightly used red bandit mask
90 - A tiny stirge encased in amber
91 - A large bottle of Red Larch Ale that can't be opened
92 - A cane topped with a stylized golden bulldog
93 - A note in your own hand that you don't remember writing
94 - A sprig of herbs from your family's garden
95 - A tankard stolen from the Dran & Courtier
96 - A small, severed tentacle preserved in alcohol
97 - A walnut with a face drawn on it
98 - A small flask of liquid from the Lake of Radiant Mists
99 - An ice cube that never melts
00 - An expertly carved sword hilt with the blade snapped cleanly off

Yawning Portal Curios

1 - A key carved from bone
2 - A small box with no apparent way to open it
3 - A mummified troglodyte's hand
4 - Half of an iron symbol of Bane
5 - A small burlap pouch filled with various teeth
6 - Burnt fragments of a scroll
7 - A lute missing its strings
8 - A bloodstained map
9 - An iron gauntlet that is hot to the touch
10 - A gold coin stamped with a worn, hawk-wing helm crest
11 - A troll finger, still wriggling
12 - A silver coin that makes no noise when dropped
13 - An empty jar
14 - A clockwork owl
15 - A blue, glowing crystal shard
16 - A statuette of a panther, wooden and painted black
17 - A piece of parchment, listing fourteen magical pools and their effects when touched
18 - A vial filled with a dark, fizzy liquid that is sealed and cannot be opened
19 - A feeler taken from a slain rust monster
20 - A wooden pipe marked with Elminster's sigil

Mordenkainen's Elven Trinkets

1 - A small notebook that causes anything written in it to disappear after 1 hour
2 - A crystal lens made of ivory and gold that causes anything observed through it to appear to be surrounded by motes of multicolored light
3 - A small golden pyramid inscribed with elven symbols and about the size of a walnut
4 - A cloak pin made from enamel in the shape of a butterfly; when you take the pin off, it turns into a real butterfly, and returns when you are ready to put your cloak back on again
5 - A golden compass that points toward the nearest portal to the Feywild within 10 miles
6 - A small silver spinning top that, when spun, endlessly spins until interrupted
7 - A small songbird made of enamel, gold wire, and precious stone; uttering the songbird's name in Elvish causes the trinket to emit that bird's birdsong
8 - A small enamel flower that, when put in one's hair, animates, tying back the wearer's hair with a living vine with flowers; plucking a single flower from this vine returns it to its inanimate form

Avernus Trinkets

1 - A 5-inch long duck carved out of wood. A message on the underside reads, "For Mildred, my plucky duckling." If the word 'Mildred' is spoken within 100 feet of the duck, it quacks.
2 - A slender steel cylinder with a sheet of parchment inside that reads, "Like a lobster in a pot, you think you're safe, but you are not / Because the water you are in, is all your greed and all your sin."
3 - A human skill that constantly mutters and complains.
4 - A thin bone whistle. If blown in the Nine Hells, it has a 50% chance of summoning a bone devil.
5 - A vulpine doll's head that whispers ways you're going to die.
6 - A 2-foot long feather. A character who succeeds at a successful DC 20 Arcana check can identify it as having come from an erinyes.
7 - A silver locket containing an image of a beautiful person. Whoever looks at the image4 must succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom save or become obsessed with finding this person. The spell can be broken by remove curse.
8 - A withered human hand. The hand has a symbol of Torm tattooed on it.
9 - An ashtray made from an imp skull.
10 - A small toboggan with the name "Rosebud" painted on it.

Icewind Dale Trinkets

01-04 - A small wooden figurine of a yawning walrus, painted in red and black
05-08 - A pair of scrimshaw cufflinks with an image of a fisherman on a boat engraved on them
09-12 - A small iron key with a frayed blue and gold cord tied to it
13-16 - A small illustrated book of Northlander myths that has pages missing
17-20 - A damaged scrimshaw cameo depicting a merfolk
21-24 - A stone from a burial cairn with a tiny Dwarvish rune carved into it
25-28 - A ripped cloth sail with a symbol you don't recognize
29-32 - An Ulu knife with a scrimshaw handle
33-36 - A jar containing an unidentifiable, sweet, sticky substance
37-40 - A delicate glass ball painted with snowflakes, capped by a metal loop with a tiny hook attached to it
41-44 - An expedition log with missing pages and a pressed flower used as a bookmark
45-48 - An owl figurine carved from whalebone
49-52 - A sewing box that smells of old wood and has three spools of blue thread inside
53-56 - A scrimshaw-handled ink pen with black runic designs along its length
57-60 - A brooch made from a small insect encased in amber
61-64 - A scrimshaw pepper shaker etched with the letter W
65-68 - An old, wooden-handled ice pick stained with blood that won't wash off
69-72 - A fabric doll bearing an angry expression
73-76 - A set of wind chimes made from seashells
77-80 - A beautiful silver tin that, when opened, emits the smell of rotting fish
81-84 - A bloodstained dreamcatcher made from fishing line, gold wire, and snowy owlbear feathers
85-88 - A figurine of a polar bear made of ice that never melts
89-92 - A snow globe that doesn't need to be shaken
93-96 - A piece of sea glass shaped like a unicorn's horn
97-00 - A dark blue scarf that gets lighter in shade the higher the altitude of the wearer

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