The Spider - 5E Rogue Subclass Homebrew

by Nines

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The Spider - 5E Rogue Subclass Homebrew

by Nines, V1.1

"Look at me! I'm Spiderman!"

You spin a web of any size, catch thieves, eat those guys. All that good stuff that you expect a spider to do. Because spiders can definitely shoot web projectiles.


Starting at level 3, you learn to move with such subtlety that even a spider's web would not stick to you. Your movements are light enough that you only trigger weight-based objects and traps if you wish to. You automatically detect such objects and traps when you touch them. In addition, you gain proficiency in Weaver's Tools.

Web Spinner

Also starting at level 3, you become capable of producing web-like silk from your body. As a bonus action, you can create a 30 foot rope of silk, which attaches to a surface within 30 feet of your choice. Once per turn, you can climb these ropes without expending any movement. You may create a number of ropes equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain spent uses of this feature after a short rest.

Web Sling

Starting at 9th level, you can further weaponize your webs to restrain foes from a distance. As an action, you may force a Huge or smaller creature within 30 feet to make a Dex save with DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, the target is Restrained, and can use its action to make a strength save with DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier to end the condition. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain spent uses of this feature after a long rest.

Wall Walker

Most foes rarely expect attacks from above. Starting at 13th level, you can walk on walls and ceilings while keeping your hands free. While on a wall or ceiling, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Spider's Sense

Starting at 17th level, you become so attuned to your senses that your reflexes take over when the fighting starts. When initiative is rolled, you gain the benefits of a Dodge action and advantage on your attacks until the end of your first turn.

Closing Thoughts

  • A fairly simple, highly mobile rogue. Flavorful, effective features. Yeah, it's basically just Spider-Man.

  • Considered making Web Spinner and Web Sling both use the same resource, but that would encourage players to not use the cool mobility options in order to restrain people more often, and while that would make sense it would also be less fun to not be able to swing around everywhere. Kinda like the issue Monk has with ki.

  • The level 3 features almost, but not quite, step on Thief's toes. While you have more instant mobility with Web Spinner, you have a limited number of uses on it, compared to Thief's ability to climb whenever it wants. You also trade Quick Hands for Silktouch, which in the right campaign could be extremely effective but often is only a ribbon.

  • Web Sling is the real draw of the subclass here, setting yourself up for subsequent Sneak Attacks. A lot of enemies either have good Strength or good Dex, and Restrained is a very powerful status effect. Maybe a little less effective against spellcasters who can use save-spells instead of attack rolls, but hey, free advantage.

  • Wall Walker will almost always be able to give you advantage on stealth, and lets you move at full speed compared to Thief's Supreme Sneak. 4 levels later, though.

  • For one final combat feature, Spider's Sense lets you dive in early with minimal risk. Not too sure about it even then, though. Should the capstone be more powerful, more direct?

Changelog - v1.1

  • 17th level feature changed from Toxic Blow (when you Sneak Attack an enemy, you can poison them for a day if they fail a con save) to Spider's Sense. Poison at such a late level just seemed really ineffective.

Image Credit: Spider-Man Noir by ShawnDaley


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