ooze sorceror

by jack1spade

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Sorcerous Origin: Ooze Blooded Sorceror

Slimes, Oozes, and Jellies!

One thing that most people don’t know about Incipere is that all that magic has to go somewhere. Lights, crystals, vehicles, items. They all need magic and materials and many of these reagents are expended in the creation and maintenance of this metropolis.

This magical ooze is highly potent but difficult to work with and highly hazardous. Finding places to stash or store or control this magical ooze is an industry in and of itself. This ooze collects in vast reservoirs and spawn green slimes, grey oozes, ochre jelly, gelatinous cubes and many more magical oozes and slimes.

A creature that comes into contact with this potent concoction usually dies. But in rare cases, the ooze seeps into their body, joins with their flesh and blood and infuses them with powerful magical. This is how Ooze Blooded sorcerors are born.

Origin Features

Ooze Spells

Starting at 1st level, you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Ooze Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Ooze Spells

Level Spells
1st Grease, Ray of Sickness
3rd Acid Arrow, Enlarge/Reduce
5th Erupting Earth, Water Breathing
7th Black Tentacles, Vitriolic Sphere
9th Contagion, Transmute Rock

Ooze Body

Starting at level 1 when you select this origin, you learn to control your strange and mutable anatomy. When you finish a Long Rest, select one of the following benefits. You gain the chosen benefit until you complete a long rest. You may switch benefits by spending 1 sorcery point. This may be done on your turn using no action.

  • Compact: You become smaller and more compact and bouncy. You gain resistance to falling damage and are small sized. You have disadvantage on athletics checks while this is active.

  • Stretchy: Your body is wider, flatter, and graceful. You gain advantage on Athletics checks to jump and your jump distance is tripled. You have disadvantage on stealth while this is active.

  • Caustic: Your body becomes dripping and acidic. Enemies that strike you with a natural weapon take d4+your charisma modifier damage. You have disadvantage on charisma based skill checks while this is active.

  • Copying: You shift your features to look like someone else. You gain the benefits of the Disguise Self spell. However, this form is hard to maintain. This disguise self is a concentration effect.

  • Malleable: Your body is loose and easily molded. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You also gain vulnerability to one of the two damage types you did not select.


Starting at level 6, you are able to wrap your body around a creature or object and dissolve them, much like a gelatinous cube. As an action, you may spend 3 sordery points to attempt to wrap yourself around a creature or object. Unattended objects of your size or smaller are automatically engulfed. If you target a creature, they must make an athletics or acrobatics check against your Spell Save DC.

If they fail, they are moved into your square. If they are your size or smaller, they are completely covered by you. If they are larger than you, your body wraps around them as best it can. They are restrained while they are within you and they may not speak. Your body blocks line of sight and effect into and out of your space if they werwe small enough to be contained by you. At the start of their turn, they will take 1d10+your charisma modifier acid damage.

They may attempt to escape on their turn as an action. If you have someone engulfed, you may use your action to deal your Engulf damage to them again or gain d10 temporary hit points.

The damage of your engulf goes up by d10 at level 12 and again at level 18. The size of creature you can engulf also goes up to Large and Huge accordingly

Slime Form

Starting at level 14, your body becomes even more malleable, even able to appear as a liquid You may fit through openings 1 inch wide, treating anything less than 6 inches as difficult terrain.

Any items that you choose to bring with you when doing this, are able to become liquid and are not harmed by this effect.

As an action, you may turn into a puddle of slime to corrode metal, allowing you to destroy a 12 foot wide portion of metal or stone that is one inch thick each round if you choose.

Tentacular Explosion

Starting at level 18, you are able to extend your oozelike body in all directions, even drawing extra material from the paraelemental plane of ooze. This forms into massive slime tentacles that thrash and slam into your enemies.

You create up to 6 tentacles on the ground that attack your enemies. They may be placed at any location you can see within 90 feet of you. Enemies that start their turn within 5 feet of a tentacle must make Dexterity Save with a DC equal to your spell DC or take 4d10 Acid damage and be grappled by the tentacle.

Tentacles have an AC of 13 and disappear if they take 20 points of damage. An enemy that starts adjacent to more than one takes an additional d10 damage for each tentacle past the first, but does not make more than one saving throw.

Once this ability is used it may not be used until you finish a long rest unless you spend 6 sorcery points to regain it.

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I do not own the images contained in this document. I did a google search for slimes and these are what came up. Thanks to GM Binder.

art credits

Gobbling Ooze MtG Art from Return to Ravnica by Johann Bodin Ooze Token art by Marco Nelor Mimic Slime by Svetlin Velinov

Sorcerous Origin: Ooze Sorceror is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.”


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