Path of Acala

by Atelier

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Path of Acala

Not all martial arts are fit for the calm mediative mind and instead comes naturally to those with a fiery soul and passionated spirit. To them is open the 108 Paths of of Acala, The immovable protector of the Dharma. A variety of brutal and hard styles with powerful strikes brought about by a single-minded focus and explosive release of inner might. Paths that students of other styles might even dismiss as Barbaric. A sentiment the followers of the Path of Acala are happy to answer with their fist.

Fist of Acala

When you take this path at level 3, your unarmed attacks counts as melee weapon in which you have proficiency, if you wield no weapon or shield. You can choose at the beginning of your turn to either deal 1d12 + strength modifier bludgeon damage if you hit or deal 1d8 + strength modifier bludgeon damage and gain +2 AC and may change your choice at the beginning of each turn.

Inner Gate of Earth

Additionally, at level 3 you master techniques of the Gate of Earth. Choice two of the following techniques. Each of them may be used while you're raging, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses are regained on a short rest. The techniques require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Path of Acala save = DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier

  • Wolf's Strike: You may spend a bonus action to force a creature to make a strength save if you have hit it with an attack this turn. The creature is knocked prone if they fail their save.
  • Tiger's Blow: You may spend a bonus action to force a creature to make a wisdom save if you have hit it with an attack this turn. The creature senses only extends out to 5 feet, until the beginning of your next turn if they fail their save.
  • Mantis' Swipe: You may spend a bonus action to force a creature holding an object in it's hand like a weapon or a shield, to make a dexterity save if you have hit it with an attack this turn. The creature must drop an object it's holding of it's choice, if they fail their save.
  • Snake's Grasp: You may spend a bonus action to force a creature to take a constitution save if you have hit it with an attack this turn. The creature's movement speed drops to zero until the beginning of your next turn, if they fail their save.

Fist of Vidyā

From level 6 your unarmed attack now counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity.

In addition to that, You may as a reaction, when you perform a melee attack, choose to convey to the target of your attack either your alignment, your reason for fighting them, using no more than 3 words or your emotions toward them. The target always understand you and knows what you convey is truthful.

You may also as a reaction, when a creature attacks you with a melee attack, choose to learn their alignment, their reason for fighting you, using no more than 3 words or their emotions toward you.

Inner Gate of Heaven

At level 10, you learn one of the following technique of the Gate of Heaven, that you may use while you are raging, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses are regained on a short rest.

  • Wavebreaker Palm: You may as a reaction, when a creature within 5 feet of you hits you or another creature within 5 feet of you, reduce the damage by your barbarian level.
  • Iron Body: You may as a reaction, when you take damage from a source that allows Strength, Dexterity or Constitution Save, reduce the damage by your barbarian level.
  • Fiery Soul: You may as a reaction, when you are made to take a Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma Save, automatically succeed the save.

Inner Gate of Spirit

At level 14, you learn one of the following technique of the Gate of Spirit. Each of them may be used while you're raging, a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses are regained on a short rest.

  • Storming Boar: You may when you hit a creature as part of your attack action, push a creature back (costing no action) a number of feet equal to the damage your unarmed melee attacks have dealt to the target this turn. You may immediately move toward the target if you do so, to perform another unarmed melee attack.
  • Branding Palm: You may when you hit a creature as part of your attack action grant advantage (costing no action) on the next attack made toward the creature before the beginning of your next turn.
  • Merciful Fist: You may when you hit a creature as part of your attack action, force it to have disadvantage on it's attacks (costing no action), until the beginning of your next turn.

Art from Street Fighter by Capcom


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