
by qorinthian

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Weapon (shortbow), rare (requires attunement)

This troublesome bow is the spawn of many legends and folk tales. While it was in the possession of tyrants, it was used to great effect when establishing marriages and alliances.

You have +1 to damage and attack rolls made with this magic weapon.

Looking For Love. This shortbow has 2 charges, and it regains 1 expended charge daily at dawn. As an action, you may choose to expend a charge and fire a spectral arrow at a target. If the arrow hits, the target takes no damage, does not know it has been hit, and is charmed by another creature of your choice within 30 feet of it. This lasts for 1 hour or until the target takes any damage.

While a target is charmed, it is infatuated with the chosen creature, though it doesn't need to express those feelings if it normally wouldn't. If a target is charmed this way by the same creature every day for a month, it becomes permanently charmed by that creature.


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