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# Gene-Warrior
Gene Banks filter and curate available genomes for deployment in soldiers. Nucleotide purification techniques allow for the isolation and refinement of particularly desirable genetic traits.
This one's a classic trope of sci-fi stuff. Your body is chemically enhanced, a true pioneer of new age bio-soldiers deployed for use by the Galactic Community and its varying nations. The Gene-Warrior Characteristics table suggests details of your life or origins. Additionally, you gain the following traits: **Superior Resilience.** When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. **Hard to Kill.** When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. **Literally Pack Tactics.** You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. **Strength in Numbers.** You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws while within 5 feet of an ally and the ally isn't incapacitated. **Super-Soldier Training.** You are proficient with Light and Medium Armor. You are also proficient with simple, martial, renaissance, industrial, and futuristic weapons. **Gene Seed Flaw.** Your genetic make-up makes you a superior warrior. However, that doesn't mean every part of your DNA was perfectly crafted by mother nature herself. You have a brutal penalty, the GM may require you to roll for your flaw to enforce the randomness of your genetic lottery, or you could select a flaw and work in tandem with the GM to better immerse your character into their campaign by creating a flaw of your own imagining. #### Gene Seed Flaw | d10 or Choose | Flaw | |:-:|:-| | 1 | **Fleeting Lifespan.** The brightest lights burn out the quickest. You live only up to 50 years, and die of age immediately if you're even an hour older than 50. | | 2 | **Psychic Break.** Whenever you're beneath Half-Health and take psychic damage, you must make a Wisdom saving throw to stay sane. The DC equals 15 or half the damage you take, whichever number is higher. On a failed save, you go berserk and use your action on your next turn to attack the nearest creature closest to you with whatever spell or weapon attacks you have at your disposal. |
| | | |:-:|:-| | 3 | **Mental Instability.** Whenever you roll a saving throw against madness, you roll at disadvantage. When you're afflicted with madness, you have disadvantage on all ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls. | | 4 | **Pack Mentality.** You have trouble fighting without allies. You have disadvantage on attack rolls against a creature if no allies are within 5 feet of the creature. | | 5 | **Savage Origin.** You have a different flaw, roll a d10 to determine which one, rerolling this one. The difference here is, your gene's origin with creatures of bloodlust can be satiated if you eat a living creature at least once a day, or feast on your fallen non-construct enemies. A tough diet to maintain if all of your foods are processed foods. | | 6 | **Monstrous Mutation.** Your genes bring you more in line with monstrosities. Your creature type counts as both a monstrosity, but your Intelligence and Charisma score drop by 2. If you don't like that concept you stats monkey, you instead just have disadvantage on all Charisma checks except with Performance. | | 7 | **Gene-Father Psychosis.** Whenever you are frightened or fail a Wisdom saving throw, you are haunted by profound visions of a PTSD-like state regarding memories of the being who your fellow gene-warriors owe their strand to. During this time, you are also blinded and deafened until the end of your next turn or are no longer frightened. | | 8 | **Lack of Self Preservation.** Either you were born without a survival instinct or your fate was destined to die on the front lines. Whenever you fall below a Quarter of your HP, at the start of your turns you cannot willingly move further away or break line of sight with a creature you still designate as hostile or an enemy. | | 9 | **Psi-Weakness.** The trade-off for being genetically modified is apparently being weak to the strength of the quintessence. You have disadvantage on all Intelligence saving throws against psionics. | | 10 | **Virulent Susceptibility.** You have disadvantage on saving throws against being poisoned or diseased. You also are vulnerable to poison damage. | | | |:-:|:-| | 11 | Fluff Flaw: **Synthetic Desire.** The most insane gene-warriors don't want to make the best use of their bio-modified flesh. They want to replace their body with mechanical augmentations and prosthetics. This is probably the flaw with the least issues, except that you probably are replacing all of your gene-warrior traits with android traits. |