Racial Traits
Your halfling character has the following traits.
Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century.
Size. Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small. To set your height and weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier:
- Size modifier = 2d4
- Height = 2 feet + 7 inches + your size modifier in inches
- Weight in pounds = 35 + your size modifier
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Lucky. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die. You must use the new result, even if it is a 1.
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Nimble. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling.
Subrace. Choose one of these subraces.
Lightfoot Halfling
The most common variety halfling.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
Terran Halfling
Often considered the more resilient halflings, ones who pilot star vessels or reside on starbases.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
Whisper Halfling
Halflings with slight psychic potential that manifests as a form of telepathy.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Lesser Telepathy. You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.

"This ship,... a bit too small isn't it?" remarked Dean the Guard. "Well it's a halfling ship, built to scale too!" did the Quartermaster of Sigus V reply.
Halflings in Biolance
The halflings of Biolance originate from massive worlds with high gravity, specifically their birth homeworld is Braea IV, otherwise called Braveheart.
The history of how halflings began to span across worlds, and appear as they are, even among halflings not from their homeworlds regards to an ancient historical record kept from some of Braveheart's oldest texts. They describe the existence of a halfling star-druid named Odysseus Heldstar, who used "Star-Lines" to chart course his people to travel across the stars on ships of ceru-wood.
The homeworld of Braveheart at that era suffered from droughts, famines, and a failing ecosystem. Plants and animals began going extinct, brought about by a horrendous influx of hungry halflings trying to revolutionize their agriculture techniques, failing at a tremendous cost. Odysseus pleaded to ancient Astra, who the halflings call the Starmaiden, to let his people live. Instead of Astra, Aethon the God of Water and Life replied, and gifted the halflings "Life-Vessels", ships of ceru-wood (a type of blue metallic wood which were grown on mineral-rich worlds) which Odysseus graciously gifted to halfling communities to be bound towards better worlds. In the meantime, Aethon guided Odysseus, and granted him a ship of mythic proportion called Yggdrasil, so he could chart worlds in his stead and catalogue their fruit and vegetable bounties so mortals could learn what riches the cold, lifeless cosmos held.
Catalogued in the Delicacies of One-Hundred Horizons, are all of the bounties Odysseus brought back to his homeworld of Braveheart, which he planted and allowed the world to flourish to a grander state of green fertility. To the completion of such an effort, Odysseus died at the ripe old age of 2,012 on the day when the tree with the most precious bounty bore fruit, which was said to grant whoever ate from it, immortality. It's name now coined the O'Deus Tree, and the halflings of Braveheart refuse to eat of it, merely collecting each fruit that grows and using it to plant new trees, lest they believe Braveheart would suffer if halflings disrespect nature's bounty.
Braveheart Halflings
The halflings who migrated to different, bountiful worlds across the Galaxy are as varied as the company they found on those worlds, adopting their dress, manners, and customs while having their own-born cultures. Their ancestors, and now cousins who remained on Braveheart, eagerly awaiting Odysseus once a decade while he traveled the Universe in search of what could fix the dying world, hardly appear more different. On their homeworld, they shook off ancient, almost radical barbaric customs that begets the need for survival on a dying world. Customs they adopted, practice of death rituals, survival techniques of the fittest, participating in cannibalistic rites, have almost evolved in a strange form of manner with Braveheart's return to a living world. Braveheart halflings continue to adorn themselves in garbs and trinkets comprised of their deceased family, wielding weapons formed from their defeated foes, and continue to respect the cycle of life.
If you make a Braveheart halfling, give some thought as to why your character left such a pristine gaia world. Perhaps you were recruited by the Mercenary Guilds and served as a scout or shaman for one of the many Galactic Wars, and you've remained with the comrades you met in the conflict. Maybe you hope to seek out members of your tribe from eons ago, the ones who boarded their gifted Life-Vessel and sought out the stars without your ancestors, spurring you to travel the Galaxy to reunite all halfling-kind. You might be guided by Aethon or Star-Spirits as Odysseus once had, sent visions that lead you to your adventures.
Finally, it can be helpful to decide on a couple of behavioral quirks that reflect your culture. The Halfling Quirks table can provide some inspiration:

Braveheart Halfling
Adorned in macabre regalia, and with an affinity for survival. These halflings were born and raised amongst those who lived on the Halfling Homeworld.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Affinity for the Living. You have proficiency with the Survival Skill. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check related to plantlife, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Brave Fury. When you damage a creature with an attack, you can cause the attack to deal extra damage to the creature. The extra damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Braveheart Halfling Quirks
1d10 | Quirk |
1 | You are what you eat, and you've eaten your parents. You mean that you're a halfling, not that you are your parents. |
2 | People can be so wasteful, but you tend to pick up the slack for them. |
3 | You wear a mask fashioned from the peeled bark of your household's tree. |
4 | Fire is foul, disgusting hunger without restraint. |
5 | You ascribe everything to the work of natural and supernatural spirits. |
6 | You are annoyed by all these "metal" people. They don't eat and you can't eat them. |
7 | You don't like when you are without gravity, it's enough to make you vomit. |
8 | You never forget an injury, and who or what gifted it to you. |
9 | Without your guidance, the Galaxy and its people risk destroying everything dear to them. |
10 | You love delicious meals above all. |
Halflings in the Galactic Community
Halflings remain one of the most populous races in the Galaxy, by notion that halfling communities and means of space travel makes them excellent pioneers or those who can survive in most fertile or urban worlds. What also accounts for something is their smaller, more vast and friendly adaptation to star vessels or worldly buildings. An apartment that rarely holds up to 100 medium or larger tenants could hold double or quadruple such an amount in halfling residents.
On a more particular note, across urban worlds, Halflings have begun to show a slight attunement with mastery over quintessence, a.k.a. Psionics. Halflings of particular note or empathy become Espers and Psions, and are offered lifepaths into becoming true masters of the Psionic Arts. Such halflings become part of the Graye Order, the Holy Order devoted to the Church of the Trinity.
The darker potential of quintessence brings some halflings down a more dread-taken path. Of note, halfling gangs bully for the protection or control of territory on Frontier or Urban worlds, ones who suffer and turn to this option when locale authorities fail to maintain order. This has lead to the rise of the halfling-run psionic ring called the Low-Wardens. The Low-Wardens are based in Shakkarr II, the Hive-City of Sahakre, though their influence stretches across the Frontier Sectors as they provide firepower or training in the mental arts. If you decide to play a halfling rogue or caster, or a character with a psionic lineage, consider (with your DM) whether you have a connection to the Low-Wardens.
Otherwise, halflings serve all manner of menial or hospitality jobs, most famously being chefs, servants, or general workers, but the more socially gifted have careers in entertainment. The most prominent halfling industry falls under the conglomerate Big Tum-Tumco, who deal in popular food items, restaurants, and entertaining groups. Big Tum-Tumco's CEO is one Duncan Tums, the 'face' of Big Tum-Tumco, of which acts as the seal of approval and brand.
Halflings and Religion
Halflings mostly follow the faith of Aethon God of Water and Life, who halflings call the River-Lord. A halfling is almost loath to waste or mistreat water, and a church to Aethon also doubles as a water-purification plant or green-house. Before each meal a halfling takes, they'll pray. Before each bath or shower, they'll pray. Before, taking a leak, they'll probably pray.
Halflings in Galactic War
Halflings in wars end up having the greatest morale in all fields of combat. The danger and cunning of ground-troops of smaller halflings abusing guerilla warfare is always a present danger with leading assaults on mainly-halfling worlds.
Halflings lead out in incredibly vicious swarms of fighter pilots, so much so that swarm skirmishes are just waves of incredibly small and agile halfling fighters acting like the sting of hundreds of laser needles.
The most prominent name amongst the halflings is the Legend of The Jon, the halfling menace of the Luvaran Wars. It is said that The Jon is a halfling psionic warrior, who was dangerously afflicted by a banishment spell that mis-casted, forcing The Jon to disappear from reality. He did not disappear permanently, and it is said whenever those of valor and bravery fight to their last standing man, The Jon will appear and reward such bravery by defeating your enemies and aiding your allies for you. It is said whenever he is not doing that, he fights against the Disciples of the Black Scroll, the Black Brotherhood across dimensions.