Background: Arcane Detective

by CoffeeSorcerer69

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CoffeeSorcerer69 | Arcane Detective

Arcane Detective

At one point in your scholarly life you came into contact with some kind of knowledge or maybe it was a being that would've scared most if not all, but instead of being scared you were intrigued. In fact you were intrigued enough to start seeking all the knowledge you could on whatever you saw be it a devil a god or something incomprehensible almost eldritch nonetheless you studied and studied until no one recognized you not even yourself and in your greedy gluttonous voyage for knowledge you began to look outside of your world and explore the vast knowledge that everyone else may have. You were later found out by your colleagues and cast out for your study of the taboo, you finally realized what you've become, but it was far too late to turn back and so you continued on your study of whatever intrigued you so much.

Skill Proficencies: Choose two of Arcana, Investigation, Insight, or History

Tool Proficiences: Jewelers Tools, Calligrapher's Tools

Languages: Choose four languages, two of which are exotic (Abyssal, Celestial, Deep Speech, Draconic, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, or Undercommon)

Equipment: Scholars Pack, A set of spare clothes, a note of your wishes, weavers or jewelers tools

Feature: Arcane Obsession

Those who find themselves greedily consuming knowledge will always tend to make shortcuts for their arcane ability, these shortcuts would be carving arcane runes into their body to rid themselves of simple costs like extending their lifespan or taking themselves off the magical grid and making a grimoire of their favorite spells. People who look into your eyes will see obsession and greed and may abandon you in your time of need, only those who understand your obsession will be your true friends.

Arcane Grimoire: You've create an Arcane Grimoire that you can use to store your knowledge into. As an action, you can begin to investigate an item you've found that clearly contains some kind of history, or a creature clearly affected by a spell, through a divining ritual over the course of an hour, you choose one object that you must touch throughout the divining. If it is a magic item or some other magic-imbued object, you learn its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it.
If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it.

Upon completing the ritual you write all of your findings if any into your grimoire and can recall it's knowledge.

You store your grimore inside a demiplane adjacent to you in the ethereal plane and can summon and dismiss it as a bonus action. If your arcane grimoire is ever destroyed. You can make a new one over the course of a long rest, you recover all of your recent or most prominent pieces of knowledge in your grimoire equal to your Intelligence Ability Score.

Suggested Characteristic

Your character might look or give of the energy of a mad man.

d6 Personality Trait
1 I will act as I please, usually after I figure out the current situation.
2 I will always try to take advantage of any situation I'm in if it gets me what I want.
3 I see all situation I find myself in, as a moment a to learn and potentially help my research..
4 I do whatever I can to distract myself from my obsession.
5 I always have a plan for when things go wrong.
6 I... speak... slowly... when talking... to... idiots,... which... almost... everyone... is... compared... to... me.
d6 Ideal
1 Freedom. I will live my life of my own accord. (Chaotic)
2 Self Interest. I will do what I need to get what I want. (Evil)
3 Stewardship. Knowledge is all I seek be it in books or people. (Lawful)
4 Despair. I seek to cure myself of my cursed obsession. (Any)
5 Greater Good. My gifts and knowledge are meant to be shared with all, not just my own benefit. (Good)
6 Inquisitive. Everything new to me is meant to be learned, and I have the thirst to learn. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 Those with similar talents or those that gain my interest.
2 Those that can or will help me get what I want.
3 I've cut all ties with my former life, and work hard to find those of mutual ability and interest.
4 Those that take my mind from the obsession holding me prisoner.
5 There is power in knowledge, and I must keep mine safe until I've found someone who is trustworthy enough.
6 Everything has a purpose, all it takes is the will to discover it.
d6 Flaw
1 I tend to act out without saying anything which can leave me by myself at the worst time.
2 I can interact with wandering spirits which can distract me or make me distant at times.
3 I judge people harshly, and am slow to trust, or gain trust, because of it.
4 I constantly hear voices whispering too low for understanding, and see things that aren't there in the corner of my eyes.
5 I sometimes act alone without warning, for I have seen things that no one else should have to.
6 The knowledge that I seek makes me crave even more, which makes me impulsive when it leads nowhere.

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