Monk - Way of the Brewmaster

by Piggby

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Monastic Tradition

At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. Here is an option for that feature: the Way of the Brewmaster.

Way of the Brewmaster

To live by the work of your own hands and to provide for the poor through the fruits of your labor—it's an ancient doctrine adopted by many monks who would supply weary travelers at their doors with generous gifts of hospitality.

The Way of the Brewmaster was birthed from this holy principle. For ages, the sacred practice was refined within the walls of monastic breweries where ale flowed like water, until the product was fit for even the palate of the gods.

The brewmasters of this way are pioneers in this craft, blending secret recipes honed throughout generations and exotic ingredients to perfect their brews. Wherever they walk, red faces and drunken laughter are sure to follow.

Nomadic Distillery

3rd-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

You gain a colossal container used to ferment and store your signature brew, imbuing it with incredibly rich flavor. You determine its appearance, or generate it randomly by rolling on the Portable Brewery table. It is a monk weapon for you that you are proficient with, and it also counts as brewer's supplies. If your Portable Brewery is lost or destroyed, you can reconstruct it over the course of a long rest.

Additionally, you gain proficiency with brewer's supplies. If you are already proficient with them, you double your proficiency bonus for any ability check you make that uses this proficiency.

Portable Brewery
d10 Brewery Appearance
1 Keg
2 Tankard
3 Kettle
4 Gourd
5 Pitcher
6 Chalice
7 Cauldron
8 Drinking Horn
9 Teapot
10 Flagon

Consecrated Cocktail

3rd-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

Your experimental brews prove to be quite the potent draught, a formidable challenge for those without your enhanced tolerance. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to serve a shot from your Portable Brewery to a creature within 5 feet of you that is able to drink it, infusing it with your ki. These shots come with both a benefit and a drawback that last 1 minute (unless otherwise specified). You can choose either a specific benefit or drawback from the Cocktail Properties table, rolling for the other option instead. The target gains the benefit and must succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw (Brewmaster monks can forgo this roll) or also be affected by the drawback. The DC increases to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier for unwilling creatures.

You can expend additional ki points to increase the potency of your brew, choosing another option from the Cocktail Properties table and rolling for an option from the opposite column for each additional ki point you spend. If a creature gains an effect it already has, the remaining duration of the effect is extended by the effect's original duration.

Beergut Brawler

6th-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

You find that leftover stock is best spent drowning your enemies in a deluge of intoxicating brew. Whenever you make an attack with your Portable Brewery, you can instead smash it open on a point (creating a 15-foot square of flammable brew) or a creature (if your attack roll hits) within 15 feet. The brew lasts for 1 minute. If you hit a creature with this special attack, you roll a number of Martials Art die equal to your proficiency bonus for the damage. Additionally, the creature gains disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, has halved movement speed, and rolls for a number of drawbacks on the Cocktail Properties table equal to your proficiency bonus.

If the brew is ignited, any creature that enters or ends its turn in its area takes fire damage equal to a roll of your Martial Arts die. A creature covered in ignited brew takes this damage at the end of its turns. A creature can take this damage only once per turn.

Cocktail Properties
d6 Benefit Drawback
1 Liquid Courage. The creature cannot be frightened and gains resistance to psychic damage. Additionally, it can repeat the saving throw of one effect that afflicts it when it consumes the cocktail. Loose Lips. The creature's inhibitions are greatly relaxed, making it unable to lie as it spouts out the first thing that crosses its mind when prompted.
2 Refreshing Froth. The creature restores a number of hit points equal to a roll of your Martial Arts die at the start of its turn. Any extra hit points gained this way that would exceed the creature's maximum hit points are gained as temporary hit points. This effect lasts for a round. Alcoholic Amensia. The creature actively takes risks without worry. After the effect expires, the creature breaks out of the stupor without any memory of what occurred during its duration, likely wondering how it teleported from its original position.
3 Charisma in a Cup. The creature can add a roll of your Martial Arts die to a Charisma check. This can be used once per ki point expended. Tipsy Talk. The creature can not finish any sentence without interrupting it with an abrupt belch or hiccup, or without its slurred speech devolving into unintelligible gibberish.
4 Stubborn Spirits. The creature's speed increases by 10 feet and cannot be decreased under 20 feet. Drunkard's Humor. The creature bursts into uncontrollable laughter at just about anything, even cackling at macabre or grim phenomena.
5 A Pint of Power. The creature can replace the damage roll of their unarmed strikes with your Martial Arts die. Additionally, the creature's Strength modifier has a minimum equal to your proficiency bonus. Maudlin Monologue. The creature is stuck aimlessly rambling about some minor inconvenience or narrating an uneventful snippet from their lives. It may become overly emotional from the tale, reduced to a sniveling muddle of tears and sobs.
6 Firewater Fury. When the creature takes the Attack action, it can replace an attack with a spewed stream of fire in a line 20 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier). A creature takes fire damage equal to a roll of your Martial Arts die on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This can be used once per ki point expended. Drunken Temper. The creature is overcome with an overwhelming desire to be left alone, lashing out at others. Anyone who even slightly opposes them is met with a barrage of foul language fit for a sailor's mouth.


11th-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

You discover how to age alcohol to bring out its best qualities, mastering the ingredient of time. When you use Consecrated Cocktail to produce a beverage, you can instead store it in an individual container that can be kept and consumed by other creatures as a bonus action. Cocktails stored in this way can only have a maximum of 5 ki points expended on them and must lose a benefit or drawback (your choice) for each 24 hours that passes after their creation, making a perfect sweet spot when they should be consumed. For each effect lost, a cocktail gains a +1/+5 feet bonus to its remaining numerical effects, such as DC, range, or Martial Arts die. Remaining effects without any variables instead increase their duration by 1 minute for each effect lost. You can store a number of cocktails this way equal to your proficiency bonus.

Resovoir of Ambrosia

17th-level Way of the Brewmaster feature

Your dedication to the art yields the secret to crafting the divine drink of the gods. As an action, you can expend 5 ki points to serve the heavenly liquid to a creature within 5 feet of you. The target regains hit points equal to 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, for 30 seconds, it gains resistance to all nonmagical damage, the ability to succeed a saving throw it fails once, and its two highest ablity scores are doubled as fleeting godhood courses throughout its body.


Homebrew Designer - Piggby
Feedback - Wunderwafe

Art Credits

Monk with a wine - Eduard von Grützner
Brodag - Unknown Artist


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