The Speaking Tooth

by Karcharos

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The Speaking Tooth

This minor artifact is a large bear's canine that is either made of gold or completely covered in gold, and is engraved with runes in sylvan characters. It radiates powerful transmutation and abjuration magic.

Attuning to the speaking tooth

To attune, the holder must hold the tooth in his or her mouth for an hour. At the end of that time, their left canine will disintegrate and the speaking tooth will resize to better fit the attuned character's mouth and lodge itself into the cavity left behind. Despite resizing, the tooth will still be several millimetres longer than their natural tooth.

The final stage of this process is exceedingly painful: roll half your hit dice (without your Constitution modifier) and take that much unresistable psychic damage. If this damage takes you to 0 hit points, you immediately die, but can be raised by normal means.


Once attuned (and as long as the bearer remains attuned to the tooth), the bearer will gain the following benefits. If the bearer grows in power over time while attuned to the tooth, the tooth may grow in power as well.

  • The bearer learns the Sylvan language
  • +1 AC and saving throws
  • While shape-changed into a beast:
    • The bearer can speak normally, but not cast spells
    • The bearer gains +1 to attack and damage rolls with natural weapons
    • Once per day, the bearer may cast a spell while in beast form. The tooth regains this ability at sunrise.


So long as you are attuned to this minor artifact, you suffer the following drawbacks:

  • Animal's palate: Meat cooked past rare tastes awful to you, and you will be unable to swallow it unless you have gone more than 3 days without food.

  • Lethargy: You must sleep for 8 full hours to benefit from a long rest, and it takes you twice as long to recover from exhaustion.

Breaking attunement

The only way to unattune from it is to break or tear it out of your mouth. Doing so is excruciatingly painful. Roll all your hit dice (without your Constitution bonus) and take that much unresistable psychic damage.

If this damage takes you to 0 hit points, you immediately die, but can be raised by normal means. No spell short of wish, nor a prosthetic tooth, with be able to fill the gap.

Photo credit

Image taken from "Gold-FANG-er: Tiger who cracked her tooth chewing on toys is fitted with a golden replacement at an animal shelter in Germany" from dailymail(.)co(.)uk(/)news(/)article-7625529


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