Welcome to the second installment in my Plane Shift series, this time on the corrupt plane of New Phyrexia! Once called Mirrodin, this plane was odd even before the Phyrexians invaded.
Before it became known as New Phyrexia, it was a plane called Mirrodin. Mirrodin was a world of artifice, created by the silver golem Karn. All it landscape, objects, and even people are artificial. Then, Karn made the fatal mistake of returning to Mirrodin after he mingled with and helped exterminate the Phyrexians, a faction of unholy evil. The Phyrexians believed flesh is weak, and sought to replace it with a mix of machine and flesh from other creatures of their own design, in a way much less passive than the natural artifcat-i-ness of the Mirrans. Just when Karn thought they were dealt with, he brought a tiny fraction of Glistening Oil (see sidebar). That was enough. From a drop of the Oil, the Phyrexians arose again, on a new plane. They battled the Mirrans, and at the end, the Phyrexians won. There are still a few Mirrans, who called themselves the Mirran Resistance, hiding from the Phyrexians as they wonder how could they possibly defeat them.

Art Credits
Cover art is from "Furnace Layer", by Kekai Kotaki. This art is from "Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite", by Igor Kieryluk.
Glistening Oil
Also called Phyrexian Oil, Glistening Oil is a tar-like black liquid that corrodes metal and bone and, over time, phyrexianizes creatures it is applied to. It is produced as a side product of various phyrexian processes and experiments.
The Phyrexians
The Phyrexians are the faction that took over Mirrodin. They were once a terrible threat on a different plane, yet were exterminated. When Karn brought a drop of Glistening Oil, that drop was all they needed to rebuild. They Phyrexians corrupted, or according to them, "compleated" the already artificial landscape, eventually defeating the Mirrans. Once that happened, the Phyrexians split into 5 sects, each led by a praetor, based on different interpretations of the Phyrexian Scriptures, a codex written in the Phyrexians' original days. None of the present-day Phyrexians know what happened back then, yet simply accept the Scriptures as true.
The Machine Orthodoxy
The Machine Orthodoxy is tries to reach perfect, equal unity, and do so with religious fervor. They seek to balance everyone on a level playing field, so to say. It is by far the dominant sect, and is divided into three smaller groups. First, the Flesh Singularity tries to unite all beings into one, and do so quite literally by stitching creatures together in hopes of making one ultimate life-form. Second, the Porcelain Legion wants to adapt all into a phyrexian army, implanting white porcelain-like metal on their bodies. Lastly, the Apostles of Karn believe that New Phyrexia is like a body without a brain, a machine without a command. They try to glean the leadership from the dormant Karn, whispering calming words in the times he is awake to try an get the mind-wrecked, tormented golem to lead them.

Elesh Norn
The white-aligned praetor of unity, Elesh Norn guides all groups within her sect, knowing that she is the most powerful praetor as of now. The next logical step for her is to unite all other praetors under a single banner. Elesh Norn looks like a tall, roughly humanoid figure, covered in porcelain plating. Her faceless head bears two large, down-curving porcelain horns, yet she sees everything around her even without eyes. She has large, sweeping, silk-like curtains of harded, woven blood carried by her servants extending from the gaps between the porcelain plating.
Art Credit
Art is from "Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur", by Eric Deschamps.
The Progress Engine
The Progress Engine seeks to reach a higher term of perfection than other sects, which they call the Great Synthesis. They are far and beyond the most orginazined of Phyrexians, with at least ten known ranks in a well ordered hierarchy. The preform countless experiments, to create new, better, forms of both life and technology. They seek to accomplish perfection through trial and error, believing that the ultimate life-form is not unlocked easily.
The blue-aligned praetor of experimentation, Jin-Gitaxias is the head ressearcher of the Engine, believed to be closest to complete perfection. He has spies in every other sect and even the Mirrans, keeping him always informed of happening all over New Phyrexia. He looks like a hunched figure made if interwoven steel, a bestial head, and two long, clawed arms that, while deadly, can be more delicate that human ones when preforming particular experiments, His lower part is covered in dark cloth, from which his spiny, serpentine neck extends.

The Seven Steel Thanes
The Seven Steel Thanes are a group of powerful entities that rule their portion of New Phyrexia. Each one is constantly fighting for power, and the right to be called Father of the Machines, the title beared by Phyrexia's original leader. Despite their differences, the Thanes all believe enslavement and utter corruption are the means to achieve their fell goals. The Thanes, excluding the current praetor, are:
- Kraynox, the Deep Thane: He rules the corrupting Phyrexian Oil
- Roxith, Thane of Rot: He lords over the usage of flesh as a material
- Geth, Lord of the Vault: Self-described Thane of steel, his severed, undead head was given a necrotechnical body to work with in exchange for his servitude
- Azax-Azog, the Demon Thane: His domain is manipulation of others through fear
- Thrissik, the Writhing Thane: A demonic, Phyrexian snake, he believes in a perfect cycle of death and rebirth
- Vraan, Thane of Blood: A vampire compleated by the other Thanes, he leads bands of vampiric assasins
Artist Credit
Art is "Sheoldred, Whispering One", by Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss.
The black-aligned praetor of enslavment, Sheoldred is simply considered ruler since she has bested all other Thanes though cunning and ruthlessness, yet she nows it is only a matter of time until another Thane bests her. She looks like a graceful, humanoid figure with large black horns, her lower body connected to a monstrous creature with a fanged mouth but no face. It is believed Sheoldred can slither out of her monstrous host and attach to a new one.

The Quiet Furnace
The Quiet Furnace is an underground system of caves filled with industrious furnaces and forges tended the by the Phyrexians. Matter of fact, red-aligned Phyrexians are far and few between, and, for the most part, live in harmony with the Mirrans that take refuge there and the other Phyrexians, as long as no side messes with the other. The few goals they have involve invention, creating greater and greater ideas.
The red-aligned praetor of freedom, Urabrask wants nothing more than being able to tend to his forge in peace. He doesn't want anything to do with the other praetors and their schemes; an arrangement that works for both as its rather easy to ignore someone dwelling in a cave. He looks like a large, clockwork beast with a curved snout and maw, and a long, lashing tail.
Art Credit
Art is from "Urabrask the Hidden", by Brad Rigney.
The Vicious Swarm
The Vicious Swarm, like all other Phyrexians, believes that flesh is weak, yet they think that Phyrexian progress should go about in a more natural fashion, like an extreme version of survival of the fittest. They enhance natural predators, making them more deadly and efficient, and those that got slaughtered by the others and harvested for machine and flesh parts to be used on other monsters.
The green-aligned praetor of predation, Vorinclex is a master at twisting nature to be more deadly, as he himself is such a beast. Vorinclex detests sentience, believing the perfect life-form is on freed from thinking shakles. Despite the fact the he is the praetor of the sect, a phyrexianized elf named Glissa is the one really in charge, serving as a capable leader. He looks like a like an enormous beast with powerful arms and claws, a fanged mouth flanked by bony plates, and is covered in a mix of coarse fur and rough steel.

Art Credits
Art is "Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger", by Karl Kopinski.
The Mirran Resistance
The Mirran Resistance is the collective name of the surviving Mirrans, who try their best to persist through the Phyrexians' assault and are constantly looking for ways to regain their plane. The Resistance is found in scattered encampments and hideways throughout the plane. The Largest and most notable of these is Urabrask's Caves, as the praetors doesn't care if the Mirrans take refuge there if they don't mess with him, even though they are found everywhere where it is safe, as they are always trying to find places the Phyrexians can't ruin.
New Phyrexia is inhabited by multiple playable races, listed here. All creatures native to New Phyrexia are part artifact, as in they have one body part or so that is artificial; yet this has no effect on their statistics.
You and the Phyrexians
Your character falls into one of three categories; either you were Phyrexianized (see template below), Are part of the Mirran Resistance, or are independent. Your character might get Phyrexianized over the course of your adventures, or you might join the Resistance to fight against the Phyrexians.
The humans are found virtually everywhere, both Phyrexianized and not. They are divided into five tribes; the Auriok, Neurok, Moriok, Vulshok, and Sylvok. These tribes have no effect on your traits, yet they vary wildly in both appearance and manner. Mirran Humans use the traits provided for Humans in the Player's Handbook.
Proud feline creatures, Leonin in particular hate the Phyrexians, and utilize their combat skills in the Resistance. Leonin on New Phyrexia have steel claws, which doesn't affect their traits, provided in Mythic Odysseys of Theros.

Studious, manipulative creatures, Vedalken on New Phyrexia are more alien than their counterparts on other planes with four arms. They hunger for information first and foremost, and can easily manipulate others to do their bidding. They use the traits provided for Vedalken in Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, with the following addition:
Four arms. You can wield weapons and shields as if you had four arms. For example, you can wield a shield, a two-handed weapon, and a one-handed weapon at the same time. Same goes for spellcasting. Spells with somatic components require only 2 hands, so you can use the other two for different things.
goblins on New Phyrexia are reckless, impulsive little creatures that are mutually annoying for both Mirrans and Phyrexians. They have a habit of making things go terrible wrong with stupid ideas and mismatched contraptions. Phyrexians use them as fodder for their tests, due to their inherent ignorance. They use the traits provided for goblins in Volo's Guide to Mosters.
Art Credit
Art is "Goblin Wardriver" by Chippy.
Elves in New Phyrexia have one of two opinions on their unnatural world: one group has accepted that this is just way things are, while the other seeks to preserve lore of the world beyond, hoping that one day, when the Phyrexians are defeated, Mirrodin can become a true, natural world. Only high and wood elves exist on New Phyrexia, with wood elves being warriors who accepted their world, and high elves keeping their forgotten lore. They use they traits provided in the Player's Handbook.

Art Credit
Art is "Greenhilt Trainee", by Chris Rahn.
Template: Phyrexianized
A Phyrexianized or Compleated creature uses the following template. It retains its former traits and abilities, with the following additions and changes:
Infectious. you gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Addionally, any natural weapons you have, including the one below, deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage (included in the ability below).
Phyrexian Claws. You gain a natural weapon attack. You are proficient with it and can use either strength or dexterity for it. On a hit, you deal 1d8 + the modifier of the ability score used slashing damage and 1d8 necrotic damage from the ability above.
Unnatural Resistance. You have resistance to the following damage types: acid, cold, necrotic, and fire.
Dominated Mind. Your mind is no longer your own. Your alignment changes to Neutral Evil. Addionally, you lose the ability to speak, yet still understand a weird language called Phyrexian, and any languages you knew before the Compleation. Your charisma score becomes 6.
Specifics. Depending on which Praetor Compleated you and for what purpose, the details presented here might be added to, removed, or changed. For example, Elesh Norn might give a Porcelain plating, giving you a natural bonus to AC.

Art Credit
Art is "Porcelain Legionnaire", by Eric Deschamps.
Note to DMs: Phyrexian Damage Types
These damage types are often associated with the Phyrexians. Acid, cold, necrotic, poison and fire. In addition, phyrexian creatures' attacks might also deal those damage in addition to the regular physical damage types. Not all instances of those damage types are phyrexian; a mirran that uses those damage types is perfectly viable.
Warlock Patron: The Praetor
You have been entitled to service by a Praetor, the leader of one of New Phyrexia's five sects. Most likely you are Compleated, or you might have willingly sought out the Praetors' boon and thus aren't Compleated yet.
Expanded Spell List
The Praetor lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. Choose which Praetor, of the five, has given you your gifts. You expanded list of spells is based on that. All Praetor warlocks gain access to the following spells at the appropriate levels, and another set of spells base on your Praetor.
Generic Spells:
Spell Level | Spells |
1 | False Life |
2 | Blindess/Deafness |
3 | Stinking Cloud |
4 | Polymorph |
5 | Contagion |
From left to right: Elesh Norn, Jin-Gitaxias
Spell Level | Spell |
1 | Command |
2 | Enhance Ability |
3 | Revivify |
4 | Death Ward |
5 | Hallow |
Spell Level | Spell |
1 | Identify |
2 | Detect Thoughts |
3 | Nondetection |
4 | Arcane Eye |
5 | Dominate Person |
From left to right: Sheoldred, Urabrask
Spell Level | Spell |
1 | Bane |
2 | Enlarge/Reduce |
3 | Bestow Curse |
4 | Black Tentacles |
5 | Cloudkill |
Spell Level | Spell |
1 | Expeditious Retreat |
2 | Heat Metal |
3 | Fireball |
4 | Fabricate |
5 | Flame Strike |
Spell Level | Spell |
1 | Hunter's Mark |
2 | Barkskin |
3 | Conjure Animals |
4 | Dominate Beast |
5 | Insect Plague |
Phyrexian Boon
Starting at first level when you select this subclass, you learn a special language called Phyrexian. Additionally, when you hit a creature with your Eldritch Blast, that creature must make a constitution save against you warlock spell save DC. on a fail, it becomes poisoned for one minute. At the start of its turn, it must repeat the save. On a success, it stops being poisoned.
Inevitable Demise
Starting at sixth level, acid, poison, and necrotic damage you deal with spells or abilites ignores resistance.
Herald of Perfection
Starting at tenth level, your form ascends to greater perfection. Choose three of the following changes. you gain them.
- Endurance: you have advantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration on warlock spells.
- speed: your speed is doubled.
- Viciousness: your attacks deal an extra 1d8 damage of the type they deal.
- Jump boost: your jump distance is doubled.
- Cunning: You have advantage on wisdom, intelligence and charisma checks made to decieve or manipulate.
- Stealth: you have advantage on stealth checks, and can take the hide action as a bonus action
Corrupting Strike
Starting at 14th level, your attacks have been infused with the ability to Compleate other creatures. When you hit a non-Phyrexian creature with a spell or weapon attack, you may opt to deal no damage. If you do, the creature becomes Compleated (see Phyrexianized template). This Compleated creature serves you, and you can give it verbal commands in Phyrexian, which it must obey. The creature is created on behalf of your Praetor, so additions and changes to the template might occur, depending on the Praetor's will.
- Made by HorrorSpirit, aka me
- Made with GM Binder
- All image credits listed at the appropriate places
- Inspired by WotC's Plane Shift series