Welcome to the first part of what is hopefully a series, where i, Horror, take planes from MTG that don’t have one yet and give them a plane shift article. We’re starting off my favorite plane, Kamigawa! Kamigawa is MTG’s take on a plane inspired by japanese myth, a world with two halves: Kakuriyo, the spirit-world where the Kami dwell, and Utsushiyo, the mortals’ world. Together, the two make the world whole. Kakuriyo is sometimes called Reikai, yet the two terms are interchangeable. I’ll be calling it Reikai for this article since it’s easier to spell.
The kami
Minor gods or spirits of the world, the kami are, in essence, representations of particular aspects or things of the world. Even though the Kami have physical form, it is rarely seen, as the kami remain within Reikai nearly all of the time. It is impossible for a mortal to cross into Reikai, yet the can, if their means are sufficient, interact with it; as has happened in a catastrophic event known as the Kami War. When the Kami are seen, their forms are weirder than anything mortals can imagine; they defy the rules of Utsushiyo.
The supreme kami of all kami, O-Kagachi is the greatest and most powerful of the Kami. Unlike many others, O-Kagachi does have a defined physical form, that of a prismatic, multi-headed dragon serpent. The wrath of O-Kagachi is legendary, and can decimate almost an entire plane.
The Myojin
The Myojin are a group of five exceptionally powerful Kami, each corresponding to one of MTG’s five colors of mana. Only O-Kagachi can be said to have greater power than them. In a way, all Kami aligned with a particular color are just aspects of their Myojin. Each of the Myojin has a Honden, a kind of magical shrine, built in its honor. If kamigawa can be said to have gods, those gods will be the Myojin.
Other Kami
There are many other kinds of Kami that inhabit the plane. They include the Oni, evil demon-spirits that are worshipped by the Ogres, the five dragon Kami that watch over important locations, Zubera, faceless Kami of mortals that have somehow been pulled into Reikai, and countless more kinds of Kami.

Artist Credits
This art is from "Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai" by John Avon. Art for cover image is "Mikokoro, Center of the Sea", by John Avon.
Magic and the Kami
Due to the presence of the Kami, some spells act differently, notably divination spells. Instead of communicating with a god or god-like being as some of them allow you to, you communicate with a Kami. Spells that allow you to travel between planes do not allow you to enter Reikai, as no mortal ever can.
Like in many other planes, humans are the most unanimous and common race there. Most humans dwell within Towabara, yet they can be found almost everywhere else as well. Humans in kamigawa use the same traits as those from the Player’s Handbook.
Kitsune are wise, fox-like humanoids that dwell in the Jukai. They have an amount of tails that displays their power. Kitsune are born with one tail, gaining one whenever they accomplish a particular goal or advancement. Nine-tailed kitsune, the most powerful of their kind, are very rare and thought of as figures of legend.
Ability score increase. Your wisdom score increases by 2, and your dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Kitsune live significantly longer than humans, yet it is unknown exactly how much.
Alignment. Kitsune tend towards good alignments, considering evil an abhorrence. They are more likely to be chaotic than lawful, yet lawful Kitsune aren’t unheard of.
Size Kitsune are slighty shorter than humans. averaging 5 feet or so. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft..
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Tails. You begin with one tail; you gain an additional one, up to a maximum of nine, each time you complete a particular achievement or goal. Your DM decides when this happens. You can cast the following spells once per day each, and the amount available to you depends on the number of tails you have. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for all these spells, and you don’t need material components for any of them.
- One tail: Healing Word
- Two tails: Calm emotions
- Three tails: Remove Curse
- Four tails: Greater Invisibility
- Five tails: Commune
- Six tails: Heal
- Seven tails: Divine Word
- Eight tails: Mind Blank
- Nine tails: Foresight
languages. You can speak, read, and write common and Kitsune.

Artist Credit
Art is from "Eight-and-a-Half-Tails", by Daren Bader.
Soratami (Moonfolk)
Soratami, also called Moonfolk, are enigmatic, secretive beings that dwell in their cities in the sky. They tend to dislike company other than their own kind. Moonfolk look like pale, white-skinned humanoids with rabbit-like ears that drop down on their shoulders and swirling runes in place of eyebrows. All Moonfolk are magically capable of flight. Moonfolk consider themselves to be above other's positions and concerns, being aloof and distant.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your choice of your Wisdom score or your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Moonfolk reach maturity around age 20 and can live anywhere from 200-250 years.
Alignment. Most Moonfolk are commonly of lawful good or neutral alignments.
Size. Moonfolk average 5 to 6 feet in height. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to observation under the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Your ties to the moon make your darkvision unusual: everything you see in darkness is in a shade of blue.
Levitation. Using the gravitational magic of the moon, moonfolk naturally hover a few feet above the ground. You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this movement, you can't be higher than 5 feet off the ground.
As a reaction to falling you may reduce the fall damage taken by an amount equal to four times your level.
Arcane Studies. Choose a 1st-level spell with the ritual tag from the wizard spell list. You can cast this spell at-will but, only as a ritual.
You also know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Enlightenment. You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion or Religion.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak Common, Soratami, and one language of your choice.

Art is from "Soratami Savant", by Jim Nelson. The Moonfolk race was created by Wet Noodle. Big thanks to them for allowing me to use it here.
Orochi are reptilian, snake-like beings with four clawed arms. They are also known to have hair. Orochi live in large colonies in the east portion of the Jukai, preferring to mind their own business and go about their lives. When they do adventure, they usually are either on a personal quest or survivors of a destroyed colony. Despite their usually peaceful nature, Orochi can be devastating combatants, using their vemonous fangs and four arms to an utmost advantage. Still, they dislike unnecessary fighting.
Ability score increase. Your strength, dexterity, and constitution scores each increase by 1.
Age. Orochi live slightly shorter than humans, maturing at about 15 and living to around 60.
Alignment. Orochi are often neutral, wanting to just mind their own business without anything weird.
Size. Orochi are quite tall, averaging 6-7 feet, and their 4 arms make them seem even bigger. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 ft..
Venomous fangs. You have immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Additionally, you can bite a creature within 5 ft. of you instead of making a normal unarmed strike. Make an attack roll against that creature. You can use either strength or dexterity for this and are proficient with it. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 piercing damage and must make a constitution saving throw. The DC is equal 8+your proficiency bonus+the modifier of the ability you used for the attack roll. On a failed save, it takes an additional 1d6 poison damage and is poisoned for 1 minute. At the start of each of its turns, it can make a constitution saving throw against that same DC. On a succes, it stops being poisoned.
Four arms. You can wield shields and weapons as if you had four arms instead of two. For example, you can wield a two-handed weapon, a shield, and a one-handed weapon at the same time.
Orochi weapon training. You have proficiency with shortswords, longwords, shortbows, longbows, scimitars, and sickles.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write common and Orochi.

Artist Credit
Art is from "Seshiro the Anointed", by Daren Bader.
Nezumi are rat-like people that live in the Takenuma swamp. They owe their loyalty to no one, and are known to do things so horrendous no other thinking creature will consider for money. They are greedy and notorious, considered as filthy as the vermin they resemble by others. Nezumi often end up in service of whoever can provide them with the best rewards, whether that be a powerful samurai or a malicious oni, and even then they will betray their masters when a greater reward is offered. Ability score increase. Your dexterity score increases by 2, and your constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Nezumi’s own lifestyle causes them to not live that long, around 50 years at best.
Alignment. Nezumi tend towards evil, being selfish, greedy, and ruthless. Size. Your size is small.
Size. Nezumi are about 4 feet tall. Your size is small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 ft..
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Surprise attack. If you surprise a creature and hit it with a weapon attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage of the type the attack would deal.
Scavenging vermin. You are immune to poisoning that comes from things you eat, as well as non-magical diseases.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Nezumi-speak.
Artist Credit
Art is from "Marrow-Gnawer", by Wayne Reynolds.

Akki (Goblins)
Mischievous goblin-like creatures, Akki are known for the amount of trouble they cause. Akki, unlike other goblins, have a hard, lavaproof shell on their back similar to that of a turtle. Akki use the racial traits provided for goblins in Volo's Guide to Monsters, with the following addition:
Lava-proof shell. You have resistance to fire damage.

Artist Credit
Art is from "Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker" by Pete Venders.
There are several important locations on the plane of Kamigawa, and i am going to list some of them here for your viewing pleasure.
Called the Great Plain, Towabara is, true to its nickname, a massive plain. It is one of the largest regions on the plane, and most Humans live there. An odd quirk of Towabara is its giant moths, which can be and are ridden by Towabara's residents. The dragon Yosei, the morning star, watches over Towabara.
A blasted wasteland filled with craters from Kami attacks, Araba is like a wound on the otherwise healthy landscape of Towabara. Its destruction is caused by the facts that Eiganjo Castle is located there, and was sieged by Kami.
Eiganjo Castle
The strongest and largest stronghold of mortals during the Kami War, Eiganjo was also the site of the sin that began that very conflict. It is home to Konda, one of the greatest rulers of the plane, who reigned over much of Kamigawa from this fortress.
Minamo Academy
Minamo is a school of magic built upon the largest waterfall in Kamigawa, which does certainly give it an impressive appearance. It is run the Soratami, and its faculty often prays to them. Minamo also boasts a large archive of books both magical and not, which even people not from the school can access. It is guarded by the dragon Keiga, the tide star.
A large, fetid swampland, Takenuma is home to all sorts of filthy creatures such as the Nezumi and Oni. It is filled with rotten bamboo and its waters are poisonous, making it a very hostile place. A ruined, rotting city of decayed buildings called Numai lies deep within the swamp, and many criminal masterminds use it as a base of operations. Takenuma is watched over by the dragon Kokusho, the evening star.
A mountain range cutting through the landscape, Sokenzan is a dangerous place filled with slippery ice, random avalanches, and other natural hazards. Akki are masters at rigging the landscape to be even more deadly, installing lava traps, hidden pitfalls, and more against both intruders and friends. It is guarded by the dragon Ryusei, the falling star.
Tendo Peaks
The highest peaks of the Sokenzan and all of Kamigawa in general, the Tendo are always shrouded in mists above the clouds. Even the soratami dare not cross there.
A large forest home to the Orochi, Kitsune, and an extrodinarily large amount of Kami, the Jukai is thick with life. Its inhabitants seem more attuned to the Kami than others, perfaps because of the kami's unusually large presence there. It is composed of enourmous cedar trees, and is almost as large as the surrouding areas combined, sans Towabara. It is watched over by the dragon Jugan, the rising star.
The soratami's palace in the skies, Oboro is built on magically solidified clouds, warded from intruders by both magic and distance. Oboro is home to great scroll-towers of secret knowledge, for the Soratami aren't often willing to share their secrets.
A haunted wasteland cursed after exactly 891 samurai died there in a single battle. Only one lonely Kami, Shirei, watched over the lifeless waste, warding stray souls from leaving.
An isle in the center of the ocean, many mortals believe true enlightenment can be found within, yet none have journeyed there to find out.
- Made by HorrorSpirit, aka me
- Made with GM Binder
- All image credits listed at the appropriate places
- Inspired by WotC's Plane Shift series