
by Artetsu

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"After conducting my routine inspection of all the races that are currently present in Arcadium, I can conclude that the Mausdillos are of no threat. King Solidor seems to dismiss them just by their appearance alone, claiming that their rodent-like appearances are ill-fitted for the nation he has 'envisioned'; but I am in the understanding that they are here to stay, they have deeply integrated into our society for centuries already. Besides, they have done no harm to our society, if anything, they have made our country the economic powerhouse that it is today. Many are already enlisting in droves for the upcoming campaign that is being advertised to avenge our fallen king. I am also in the opinion that some of them are quite cute."

— Jasni Glendart, State of the Economy Report pg. 14


Curiosity, ingenuity and survival, these three concepts drove the Mausdillos to where they are today. Seemingly ever-present in the nooks and crannies of civilization. Mausdillos are affable even though their large rodent-like appearance may be offputting to some.

A Mausdillo adventurer rarely travels alone. Their companions often become like family to them, and they are surprisingly adaptable and amenable to the needs of their party. Mausdillos make excellent companions, being very social creatures, despite a generally negative view of them from other races.

A Mausdillo Fighter

Versatile & Adaptive

Although not common, over time Mausdillos have been seen to extend their reaches beyond just that of crafts and artisans. Many Mausdillos were survivors at first, as such many have begun to infiltrate many other facets of society. Some join the local military or army to become knights if they are willing to do so. Others, albeit very rare, become wizards by practice if they possess any innate magical abilities. Others sate their curiosity by traveling as nomads again around the world.

Their fur comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including black, brown, red, and white. Sprouting from just above their hindquarters is a long, naked tail. Hands and feet are similarly devoid of fur, and have sharp claws sprouting from the tip of each digit. Despite their rotund appearance, they are exceptionally flexible and furtive, necessary adaptations to escape from the many threats Mausdillo used to face daily.

Renowned Merchants

Mausdillos often roam from one place to the other, gaining the eclectic habit of picking up on crafts wherever they end up at. Many of them end up settling down and specializing in a trade which can be sold for a profit or otherwise, so long as it’s something that they deeply enjoy doing.

Mausdillos take pride in their craft, often passing it down to their successors as they are mostly closely knit to one another. Their families generally tend to be large, so the parents often do not have time to pass down their craft to every last one of their children. Often their children part ways in order to fend for themselves and learn a new craft altogether, their communities throughout Talera have boomed as a result.

As of the 5th Era, most of their population has ended up in North Myr, specifically the country of Arcadium.

Mausdillo Traits

Your Mausdillo character has the following racial traits that is common among all other Mausdillos.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Age. Mausdillos mature slightly faster than their human contemporaries, but often live short lives. A Mausdillo is considered an adult by the age of 14 and rarely live past 50.

Alignment. Mausdillos are often known to be chaotic when driven by their desire to acquire interesting items as well as tinker with complex objects, not many are known to be warriors. Mausdillo communities are generally tightly knit amongst themselves and they have grown to appreciate the benefits of an orderly society, as such, they have integrated with plenty of societies in Talera.

Most Mausdillos are neutral.

Size. Mausdillos average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 60 pounds. Your size is Small.

Races of Talera | Mausdillo

     Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one additional language of your choice.

Subrace. There are two main kinds of Mausdillos, Piper & Jackal Mausdillos, differing mostly by facial features and abilities. Choose one of these subraces.

Piper Mausdillo

As a consequence of living within civilization for centuries, Pipers have evolved over time altering their build; your facial features are more elegant and welcoming to other humanoids, foregoing features that once defined your ancestors such as rats and appearing closer in looks to their familial cousin, chipmunks.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Fast Talker You gain expertise in either the Persuasion or Deception skills.

Natural Artisan. You gain proficiency in any artisan tool of your choice.

Market Dweller. Born to trade, you've lived your life among the market stalls of your home warren and nearby cities, and in the trade caravans that travel between. You have advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Deception) made to barter and sell goods.

Intuitive Defense You receive a +1 bonus to your base AC

   A brown-furred Piper Mausdillo

Jackal Mausdillo

Jackals are often depicted as being quite similar to their rodent counterparts, displaying many known features such as their protruding nasal features and larger whiskers. Jackals are also known to have a more powerful and slender build, many of them have a knack for becoming adventurers as they often don't do well in societies.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Hoarder You gain an additional 50 lb of total weight to your carrying capacity.

Natural Weapons. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage for an unarmed strike.

Plaguebearer If you succeed on a saving throw against a disease, you can choose to carry the disease for the intended purposes of spreading it. Any effects of the disease are neutralized, and you can choose to spread it through conventional transmission, such as contact. After a long rest, the player must make the same saving throw for each disease carried this way, upon failing the disease is expunged. This does not work for airborne diseases.

A brown-furred Jackal

Races of Talera | Mausdillo