Bard College: College of War

by FrostBladestorm

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College of War (Bard Subclass)

There are those who seek to empower their allies on the field of battle, rallying them to greater heights. Bards of the College of War understand the power rhythm and tales can have on their allies. The college teaches their members the glory, the valour, and the courage shown in conflict, but also the hatred, the fear, and the tragedy. Bards that follow this discipline learn that war is a great muse, but one that comes with a lot of sacrifice.

Throughout the world, these bards can often be found in organised armies and militia. Some take up the life of adventuring, choosing to expand their experience in conflict by working alongside others who revel in fighting. Some choose to rally their allies to avoid facing conflict themselves. No matter which plane they are found in, the College of War is always in the heat of battle.

College of War Features
Bard Level Feature
3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Warbanner
6th Battle March
14th Rally Cry

Bonus Proficiencies

When you join the College of War at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, and shields. In addition, you gain proficiency with horns. If you already have proficiency in this, you can choose one musical instrument instead.


At 3rd level, you have created a magical warbanner to inspire your allies to greater feats of strength. As an action, you can wave your banner with one of your free hands until the beginning of your next turn. When you use your action to wave the banner, you can instead choose to plant the banner in the ground, placing it in an empty space within 5 feet of you. After you wave or place the banner, it remains active for 1 minute, until you die, or you end the effect (no action required). If the banner is placed, you can pick it up on your turn if you have a free hand (no action required).

When you wave or plant your banner, you can expend any number of your Bardic Inspiration die and grant them to creatures other than you within 30 feet of the banner. A creature must be able to see the banner or hear you to gain a Bardic Inspiration die this way.

While a creature has one of your Bardic Inspiration die and they are within 15 feet of the banner, they can use one of the following effects:

Banner of Endurance. When a creature with your Bardic Inspiration die takes damage, they can use their reaction to reduce the damage the attack deals by the amount equal to your Bardic Inspiration die.

Banner of Glory. When a creature with your Bardic Inspiration die hits another creature, they can use their reaction to make one weapon attack, adding the Bardic Inspiration die to this attack roll.

Banner of Resolve. When a creature with your Bardic Inspiration die makes a saving throw, they can use their reaction to roll your Bardic Inspiration die twice, and
choose which one to add to the roll.

Battle March

When you reach 6th level, you can use your banner to rouse your allies while you march to your next destination. While traveling for an hour or more, you and your allies have advantage on Constitution saving throws made against suffering exhaustion.

In addition, when you and your group roll initiative, you can choose to blow your horn and make an audible noise out to 300 feet. When you do so, all allies within 30 feet of you can add your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) to their initiative.

Rally Cry

Starting at 14th level, when you wave or plant your Warbanner, you can choose to give a d6 to a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) instead of expending a Bardic Inspiration die. This d6 can only be used to activate one of your Warbanner options.

Version 1.1

Got any ideas or feedback? Message me here

Art: quardri

Complete Guide to Sanctum - u/FrostBladestorm

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