Barbarian Path of the Olympian

by Witchfire

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Barbarian Path of the Olympian
Witchfire Brews

Path of the Olympian

When a dragon looms overhead, casting its dreadful shadow upon the town, panic and chaos ensue. Peasants abandon their homes in haste, guards grasp their weapons with trembling hands, and even the most seasoned heroes of the town shiver with dread. However, the Olympian is the exception, harboring no fear within their heart. Instead, they are driven by an unwavering compulsion to confront the dragon that has dared to make its presence known.

The path of the Olympian empowers the barbarian to face creatures of myth and legend. Often misunderstood as reckless fools, drunken rabble-rousers, or lunatics courting death, Olympians view the formidable beings they challenge as stepping stones on their ascent to greatness. To these fearless individuals, common thugs are but minor nuisances, for they roam the land in relentless pursuit of titans, dragons, legendary beasts, and sometimes even gods.

Challenger of Titans 3rd level

As you follow this path, your rage is defined by an insatiable thirst for a formidable challenge. When you enter rage, you can mark one creature that is Medium or larger and within 30 feet of you as your next foe. You gain the following benefits until your rage ends:

  • Your rage damage bonus is doubled against the marked creature; or tripled if the creature is Huge or larger.
  • You always know the marked creature's precise location while it is within 30 feet of you.
  • If the marked creature forces you to make a Wisdom saving throw, you have advantage on the save.

If the marked creature drops to 0 hit points before your rage ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature (same restrictions apply).

Chronicler of Monsters 3rd level

The path of the Olympian is forged through tales of great monsters intertwined with your own personal experiences. You are proficient with all Intelligence checks related to dinosaurs, dragons, giants, and monstrosities, allowing you to add your proficiency bonus if you aren't already doing so.

Legend Seeking 6th level

The presence of a worthy opponent fills your senses with anticipation, tingling like a supernatural sixth sense.

As an action, you can focus in on this sense to detect if there are any creatures within one mile of you that (a) are size Huge or larger, or (b) have a challenge rating greater than or equal to your character level. You learn which criteria are met (potentially both), as well as the distance and direction to the nearest creature that meets either criteria. If there are multiple such creatures, the DM picks one for you.

You regain use of this feature when you finish a short or long rest.

Olympian Skin 10th level

Your relentless pursuit of formidable foes grants you extraordinary resilience. While raging, you resist all damage dealt by the marked creature.

Roar of the Ages 14th level

Your rage fuels your indomitable spirit, enabling you to face your opponent's most legendary powers.

If you fail a saving throw or Strength check while raging, you can use your reaction to gain a +10 bonus to the roll. At the same time, you unleash a legendary cry, the sound of which echoes 300 feet away. If the marked creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

After you use this feature, you can't do so again until you complete a long rest.


Author and Designer

This is free to use fan content by Alice Witchfire

Art Credits

Ed Laag — Colossus (cover)
mist XG — War Giant (footer)

Version 1.9